W ; J. 3> Jl Jt '( f GLUME 26. _7~ x • " ■-T^: Bp &jje Centre gcntocrai. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BY J.S.&J-J-BRISBIN. I- Office in the Arcade Building, Second Floor. r t * TERMS. $1,50 if p.-vid in advance or within six * jwk'jnonths after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invuri f ~'s Aoly be charged. No subscriptions received for Y?S shorter period than six months and none d:s --" j&Qontinued, unless at the option, oi the editor, until 'Wyall arrearages are paid. > BUSINESS CARDS. T !' : TV!'AEEiSTEII & BEAVER A -\_LYL AiYORNx-Yo-A'l LAW, insLLneo.-r . , a Office on Allegheny Street. ico. 10 00 17 M. BRANCH ARB™ tttorxf.Y _IN. - AT- Lo W, Bt.'.K.ST. Psss LU.ee iorinrly occupied by the lien. James Burnside. Jan. 19, VO.-If. * ur W BROWN- TTTORNEY-AT- D , LAW FoNTK, Pksna. Will attend to ail legal business entrusted to him, wi-h prompt- May, o '*'9. f} -LAW Bki.lk x; k PA , vi'l promptly nh tend to all legal business entrusted to him ffice three doors North of the diamond. jau.l2'6o T? J. HOCK.MAN, SURVEYOR and JLJ, CONVEYANCER, Übllbpoxtb, PA., will V aitencPto and correctly execute all busines. en ! trusted te him. [June 14,—'60, — tf. • G CYRUS ALEXANDER, i.. V A TTOKNEY-Al'-LAW, B v.lbfistb, Penna, i", . i n will faithfully attond to 1 1 business en'.rus < ' ed to him. Offiee on Northwest comtr' f iha l);a saend. Apr. 12,'60,U. IRAC. MITCHELL, >!?? A TTOBNBF-AT-LAW, Birtsroxra P:*:.v.v. ; ti. Will faithfully attend to a A business t t trust- 1 y" to hiia. ■Office in ihß Arca/ie. jan 5 CO. " CrfiLL 1.. PO'a-Tsin, ISI. D. vi* * /"OFFICE ou High street, (old office.) Jiellofonte \ J pa. Will attend to" professional calls as T heretofore, and respcctfu'.y oflars bis profits.-ional 9 ,ai vices his friends and the public. Oct.do 5j fl i. rA'KI AYR, V. r> .' ts. A. BOBBINS. M. D • F£JKZ.fkIK3 Et BOBBINS. DTI. FAIR LAMB has associated wi: . him Bit J. 11. DOBBINS, in the practice of medicine xffiee as heretofore-"v- 1 ?' 1 -- • r..- •. . ri_" - P r ,. , r ai , ' , -t- - -ni.it.lch 1:■ Oi*. >• ■** will. .REISER, SURGEON "and ' FXdlfeiC'iAN, having permanently located offers hu Professional services to the citizens of Pine Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully osl'.oits a liberal portion of the public palronaio. „ . [Feb. 16, 'oo. ly. J. IaTNGIaE. Operative /Fx and jJJecbaniriil Dentist, wiii prnr- IRYTT? tice all thevarious*branches of l.is profession in the most approved manner. Office and residence ou Spring St.Bellefonte' Pa. [Mar, f. 'fin, tf. TAMES RIDDLE, attorn ey-AT • / LAW, bELLepoM'K FA. Will actten i to all business entrusted to bim with care and prornpt- T n.-s. F.ct'or to Gov. Polloch, Milton "-• ' | li. n. A. O. Curtin, Bcfierunte Pa. Office with John 11 Stover - Jan. 5, '6O. T R. -M(JFFLY, agekt FOR th O , W i.sr 4 BnAXCH iNSUUAMCB COMPANY. I'lT i sons wishing to secure themselves from losses by Src, will do Well to call upon him at the store of J. .R. Muffiy !i Co., N. E. corner of the Diamond, / three doors above Ailegheny strto , I'eilei'onte, Centre co , Pa. Mar. 15, '6O. ly. A XT VY. WHITE, DENTIST, has per- V J s muiientiy located in Bonlsbnrg, Centre County Pa. Office on main St.. next, door to the rtore of Jchnston & Keller, where he purposes practising his professior in the most scientific manner and at moderate charges. mar. L^'6o CONVEY AM€Z?IS. TNEEds BONDS. "MORTGAGES, AND ar istment of Book Accounts, and accounts and Executors prepared for tiling, c'xt door to tiie Post Office. Kh/afVxs- Wl33.9t o KESIuIJA T L) ENTItsT. Office and residence on the North S corner of the Public Square, near the je found at his office, except two wacks in inth, commencing on the first Monday of snthi, when he will be filling professional ELLEFGNTE, PA.', vviii practice his pro in the several "Courts of Centre county. — iuess entrusted to him wilt be carefully at td. Collections made and all monies ly remitted. Office, on High St. formerly il by Judge Burnside, and 1). C. Boal, Esq. Ie can be consulted both in the Eng.tab and gerrDac language. Slay 6, 'oii—22 ly. . (Minus. TV. P. uacmaxd J: & W52. P. riACOTANDS. 'OUNEY'S-AT-LAW, BULl.efonte, PA., ffice in the rooms formerly occupied bv Wilson, Allegheny street, .las. Mactnanf tssociated With W. P. Macmar.us, Esq., in ctice of law.. Professional business inti us their care will receive prompt attontioift i ill attehd the several Courts in the Couujr Centre, Cliutoa and Clearfield. LF7i?7 ViOY- ATTORN-EY^J L*V, will attend pro nptly to all tedto their care. Oiii'o in the baild9^| y occupied by Hon, J is. T. Ilalo. rs. Hale & Hoy will attend lo my my absence in L ogress, and will <9H| iy as in the trial of all causes cutruj^jß CURTIN & BLA3VCHAKP. | 71 ORNi£Y'S-AT-LAW,BBLfiKFonTB,P^^B he undersigned having, associated ti the practise of Law, will all professional biisioess-cntvn. ted tH| re, Oliution and Clearfield oris paced in their binds, will romt Office hi gon Aliiej(Jieny street. yr • d. HAl't)lN(l EashioS..EUß HAIR DKK.S&UX, Biillekoxtb, P. i Earl >,r Shop one door : b >ve the iso. w!. re no can be found at all t: la, ; ' ten :nd siiarp. kept Hair L'-essin Nlampooning, Ac , in the nost workman Bite iy strict attention to business to share of 1 public patronage. JSp! efonte. J me 2H, IB6o'—lf. UW&tJYG UO USE vwk WM. 1.. REYNOLDS & CO. M HEFON.'E, CENTRE CO ; , PENN'^B Exchange and Notes disccfiiated ; i-tde and lands promptly remitted. id on -Sp* ial Deposits, LxjsJmiige i eitiea cons istiy ou band ana for U received.. Aqvu 7 >S % jfamilj scto papa* —to politics, fogemtt, fifevaturc, Sticita, ®|e &rte, SBttiiaiilts. Kk Mariitis, JfnitlKgtntl' tft„ CttN IRE COUNTY AGRICUL TURAL FAIR, j Regulations and List of Premiums j to be worded at the Seventh Annual Fair or the I Cent r CVunty Agricultural Society, to be held , at On I W >d, near Bellefonte. on Tuesday, Wed nesday tad Thursday, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days of October next. : RULES AND REGULATIONS. All menii'crs of the Society whose dues ure paid j ■ and ail who shall be some members at the fair, will be furnished with badges of membership, i : which shah admi the person and ladies of his family and minor children to the exhibition at all times alter tie grounds are thrown open, during tlie continuation of the fair. Tickets may be ob i tained at the Treasurer's office, at the entrance of the Fair Grounds. Membership fee $ 1,00. Tick ets of admission for three days, 50 cents, bingle L adrais.uou, 2a cents. No one, whether a member or not, will allow ed to enter the Fair Grounds except at the gate • ri or bars Members will be allowed to enter the | groutds ii cari'u.ges, with their families hut no ; hacks or other public carriages will b permitted to enter, cor wi 1 any one beallowo 1 to ffsteu hor - I scs eiil.tr inside or uutside of the Fair Grounds. j A H exhibitors at tbe Fair mustbecome members 0 of the Society, ai d have their animals cr articles . entered ?.l the business ( Sice, with tho Secretary, ; before ti king them to the field, and all who intend ■ - ! to comp. to ILr premiums at the Fair, must have j P , their at'inn's or .'rticies on the ground, without ; fail, on he first day of the F.ir, so they may be j a arratio* < and in readiness for t xamiuation by i Judge's it the proper time. T his regulation must 1 be ttrii :y adhered to, otherwise the Society will 1 1 not be responsible fir the omission of any article t ' or aiiiq.il from Ihe list. ! No a imal ar ariitlo et.'ered for exhibition can ' ho takt i away before tiro close of the Fair, except ' ; by perr.ission of the President. No p.emiums wi'l be pi id on articles or ani rials • ' , withdi a vn iu violation of .his rule. No person, not a member of the Examining I Comrai . ee, will ba alh wed to touch or handle any ! ')■ t'ao f ails on exhibition, and any one who may ! i." dele ted in taking or pilfering any article from j the tab es, will he prosecuted for each and every j j inch cranes by the Society. All exhibitors of | .r ; cits aie txorssslj* snj-iiiial not to bestow or i : :ove fi in the tables any articles which they m-iy j hove placed there, until the close of the Fair. | Animals cr articles intended for exhibition must , | have ctrds attached, ivith the Number as entered a | at the business office, and exhibitors should, in all j ; cases, obtain the cards, previous to placing their j stock or articles in the field. To prevent confusion, the Executive C mmiUee ' ) j will ba constantly in aitonunoce to inform the ex- | | hibitor: wl ere to pi ice their animals or articles. | ; ! Applicants for premiums are particularly re- j e I oucsted io pay attention to the directions attached c ' r.itr tf - r Cat'Jc. She p. Field j C.Butter, Cfcceae, Ac ■ Ac., the statemcuts rc- j quired of exhibitors for their article-, must be 1 j lodged with the Femerary at the exhibition. I Ou Thursday afternoon, immediately after'the I I F<, ' '■#' ■ an sucyu^ arim • J -' n | who UaiMtrem pJe.", V&TvT < > }*!' Y.i : oad I | The JiWgc IW their respective duties at J o'clock on IVednesday morning, (the secniv* day of the Fair,) arid tba , I nwi avrnr Is must be haa.ie ij >th • ! ..-:. v a-J I five Committee the snme eve- : ■Seulgis on j | animals v ill have regard ft the symmetry, early ; ! maturity r I general ri; litios ch.ii-ictoristic of i j rho breed. They v ill Ynake due allowance for l rge, feeding, and oilier circumstances connected i with the ebrr .cter and condition of the aniii'i!.— i They will pive no eneoarayeinent for overfed ani ! nials. Tbrv will not awa-d premiums for hulls, ] cows or l lftrs which ••hail appear to here been , fattened f>r the rurci er—'.he oliject being to hive | good animals of this description for breeding.— The Judges on etoek, ii'not satiged as to ;he rug- j | ularity nf ibe entries in their respective classes, j ! will apply to the Secretary for inforiuu'i >n, and i . ' should'.here he any do bta, after examinaiion of ■ their coining within the regulations, or if tiny an i imal is of rush a character as not to be eutilled to exhibition in competition they may repoit se the , Executive Committee, 'hat such a course may he | adoptid as the case may r< quire. 1 Tilt fudges are expected in all cares, in waking ; their'reports, to give the reason of their derision, . ' (cspqei'illy in 'ho ease of i rituals,) embr i ciug the I desir fie end valuable qualities ot the amma's or i articles to whiru premiums xro awarded. This I : rcqu sition is earnestly urged upon tho atter lioa j of tli i Judges. Vifien any article is exhibited to the Judges i , wbith they may deem meritorious, but to which ' it i Yeyond theirpower to reward a pre ilium, they ; will furnish a note of the same to ti-a Committee j I on l i.cretionary Premiums, for their eonsidt-ru- , tioo and action. No animal or article can take '' mote than one premium. All productions placed j ! in (ouipeti'ion tor premiums ma.-t be the growth | i of ibe competitor. When there is but one exhibit toi, although he may show several animals in a ; c'sss or subdivision of a e'ass. only one premium l 1 will be awarded—that to the first or otherwise p. ' ■ the merit of the animal or article may be adjudged i and a premium v iil not he awarded whe 'ho an- j imal cr article is not worthy, although there bo j no competition. LIST OF PREMIUMS. The Society appeals to every husbandman with . in call, without regard to county lines, to coino ! ■ forwari in i-id'of the odject of the imstitutmn— | the promotion of Agriculture. The Society offers ' the widest field (or competition, and proposes to i award cor.tpicuous merit upon the competitors be comi.ig weuihers, from whatever county they limy i come. ' CATfLE—SHORT IIOItNS & HEREFORD 3. i Judge?.—Jac. Struble, Wm. Beard, Geo. Durst, j ' Jac, Moyer, J.is. AiexSud. r. I:o years old and upwards, $4 00 j do H 01! , cen two and threo years old, 3 t'i' do 2 0 ; ' do 3 0') ' ecu one and two years old, 100 : sm os. Huston, Peter I-affet. llusser, Win. Ifiird. v ,j a years old and upwards, een two and throe years old, 3 00 ■ do 2 00 I een one and two year 3 old, 200 j iween two and three years old, 3 00 | hn Rishcl. John H. Mitchell,Bavi d i aily, S - S. Lyon. ♦ o years old or upwards, v $4 00 j eon twe and three years old, 4 00 I eea one and two years old, 3 Oil c years old and upwards, 400 J tween twe and threeyears old, 3 00 tweea oue and two years eld, 3 00 I ttaaiiuaoMMHMSlMOlt ["W£ 5 J"AND UPON THE IMMUTA3LE PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE -'-flO EARTHLY POWER SHALL &RIVE US FKOivl OUR POSITION. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, SEP., 20, iB6O ! Bos: Heifer Calf, • 2 00 2d, do 1 00 [The age of all the stock shall bo g'ven to th ■ Judges, and it is particularly requested that tho exast age of young cattle no given.] MILCH CO',VS. Judges.—A. S. Valentine, Adam Hosterman, ; Jno. M'Ca mont, Saml. He', s. Geo. Musser, (Fer guson township.) . ■ Best AiikCow after 1 month from calving. $t 00 do 8 do 3 00 [Thi class is to be judgel by the quantity of butter, the oows to bo kept op. gras3 only, during the triai and for ten days privious thcrelo. Applicants for this premium must exhibit spec imens if butter at tbo accompanying the same with a statement of lie quantity of each day's milk, with the time andluanner of mi'kiig. Satisfaciory proof must be furnished tho Judges j as to the statement.] WORKING OXEN FAT CATTLE 4 SHEEP. Judges —Wm. Marshall, Iletry Witmcr. Rich ard Connelly, David Spencer, Geo TV. Meek. Best Yoke of Oxen, $3 00 Bast Yoke of fetters under 4 yeats old, 3 00 PAT CiriLK. Bo?t pair of Fat Steers, §4 00 Best Fat Cow, 3 oo ; Host Fat Heifer, 2 oo | [Applicants for Premiums ruu.-t furnish state j meats of the manner of feeding. The Ju wiii give particular attention to thevaimai offered tor examination.] DAIRY AND HONt'Y. Judges.—Rev. J. hn T'onuer, V. O. Duncan, Jas. Dunlap, J- 1. Harris. N. J. Utitchell. Best specimens of Fresh Butter not less than five pounds, $2 01 21, do 1 it) 3d, do 1 00 Best Cheefo*nt less than ten poutds, 1 50 ; 2d. do 1 00 Best ten pounds of Hanoy, 2 00 i 2d, "do 1 o*s I [The honey to he taken without c- stroying the \ bees; the kin-l of hives and the management to be sta.ed by competitor.--; also the methods af making the butter an l cheese.] FRUIT. Judg c s—Dr. B. J. Berry, Wm. Kdlsr, Daniel Hess, TV in. Put's, j-'. 8., h. M. Valentine. Best collection ani most hand.—-me ipeci mens ol named varieties of Fail Apples, $i 00 | 2d, do 50 | Best Fall Apph m-t les than twelve, 50 I Best Winter Apples, do 50 I Best sweet but'.r Apples for C-'dcr, 75 do do for boiling inrCider", 75 | Best Apple Bu it >r made from Apples on'y, with i-reined specimens of the varie ties of fruit used, 1 00 ; Best collection of Fears named, 1 00 I 2d, do 50 rui iTfTleflffvi^ f j Best Watermelons, ! 2d do 50 | Best display of Mut*melons, 75 • do Turnips, 1 50 ; do pock Onions, 50 ■ do half bushel seeding Potitoes, 50 ' do do Sweet Putants, 50 i di Sweet Pumpkins, three it number, 50 : ! do Half dozen Winter SquaAcs, 50 . ' do Scmplo of Beans, 5a . Ido do Peas, s^^ do do Tomatoes, 50 do do Celery, 50 j HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. ! J' d^So3 —•' Irwin Gregg, RoU. Valentino, F. S. i I Wilson, and three ladies. Best Quilt §1 00 ! do Counterpane 100 do HearlU-ltug, 1 (to do Pair of Honjo-made Blankets, 100 : do llome-mlide Carpet, 100 do Made Shirt, 100 ' do Undersuiit, 100 do Fine Yurii Hose, 100 2d do 50 Best Coarse Y am Hose, ' 1 o.') 2d du 50 ; Best Home-made 1 Soap. 1 00 : do do \Breml, 1 00 do do P.mnd Cake, I 00 do Specimen of Pickles, 100 i do Fruit Jelly, X 0u ! a Preserved Sfbne Fruit of any kind, XOO • 2d do do 50 Best Made Bonnet, X 00 ! do Fancy Cap, . 50 : ■mmm mmm FLOYi'ERS. Judges—Dr. James Wilsuu. James P. Coburn, ; A. S. Valentine. Jr , John V. Foster, J-mos A. ; Beaver, and three I ndies Best Floral Display in pots, $1 00 2d do 50 Best display of cut flowers, in baskets or vasts 1 00 I 2d do 50 [The above Committee aretofe'eot three Inures j from those attending the Fair ti assi.ua3 Judges. ] FLOUR, j ' Judges—John Foster, Wm. Fißeynolds, R U. ' ! Duncau, John L >ve, Fred. KauJ I Note. —The Flour may be iiiimrrelsor sacks. For the best barrel of Extra jj-'upmline Fami'y j Flour, made from tho least quantity >f 1 Wheat, ; $3 to ! ! 2d do do 2 t') ! 1 3d do do 1 0i j Best barrel of Rye Flour, { 2 On \ 2d do X 0v : 1 Best half barrel Buckwheat Flur, 1 00 j ! 2d do I 50 | j [Compel itors to r.jauue to fc Judges a certifi- 1 ! cate fr n, _; • ,^-Miller. stating t exact quantity of j Wueat taken to manufacture Ith barrel of Wheat j Flour, and also to state the elct. weight of I and bran left from each bixrrg j^gp '<• CjSi 0 leasFquantity of grain. The same rule to bo ob- i 0 served wifh respect to Ryo and Buckwheat Floor., j The name and character cf tho grain to be also j stated.] # MECHANICAL IMPLEMENTS AND MANU- ! FAOTURKS. I Judges—Hon. Wm. Burohfield. Peter Wilson,' 1 P. JB Waddle, William Harris, Andrew Gregg. Best pair of Horse shoes, $0 50 do made Piowhand.os. not les3 than three 50 do do Heat vessel, 00 j J do Cooking Stove, 100 ■ f do Parlor btove, 1 00 j do Washing Machine, 50 , do Set of Farming Harness, 1 00 | do do Single ' do 1 00 1 do Pair of Boots, 1 00 ! do do Shoes, % 50 j 1 do Side of Sole Leather, 100 ( do Kip t.nd Calf Skin. 1 00 1 ido Side of Harness and Upper, 1 00 do Piece of Satinett, 1 00 do do Overcoating, 1 00 do do Cassimere, 1 09 do do Kentucky Joan, 1 00 do do Figured Carpeting, 100 , do do Ingrain do I 00 ; , do Specimen of Marble Work, 1 00 do do Earthen a . i stone Ware, I 00 do Gate for Barn or Field use, I CO do SLingle Machine, 1 00 do Stave Machine, 1 00 j do Saddle and Bridle, I 00 do Two-horse Carriage, 2 00 i do Buggy, 2 00 i do Lot of Cabinet Ware, 2 00 do Specimen of Wood ac! Tron Fenco, I 00 | do and greatest variety _o; Tin Ware 1 00 :do do Copper Ware, 100 PLOWING MATCH. i Judges—Prof. David Wilson, F. S , John Noff, Wm. Forsler, Alex. Sample, Reuben Valentino, i i Best Plow and Plowman as shown by the actual j i work performed, SI 00 i 2d do do 300 I 31 do do 2 00 i 4th do do 1 00 i [The Plow-teams and Plowmen must be on the ground on the third morning at 10 o'clock, ready to take the place assigned them by tjjje Judges.] | DISCRETIONARY PREMIUMS. Judges—Samuel Gillilnnd, Samuel Vantries, Joseph Green. Hon. Geo. l'aal, Jus C. Williams ] To awari premiums to such articles brought to I the Fair, and noi enumerated in the list as may I be found worthy of receiving a premium. PREMIUM ANIMALS. Judges—Hon. Henry Barnbart, 11. N. McAUis- ! tor, Thomas Hutchinson, Roland Cartin, Bond . Valentine. Awards cf Piendums to be made at the discre- j ticn of the Judges. SHELP. ! Best slaughtered Mutton, $2 00 j Best lot of Live Mutton, not lea than three, 200 FINE WOOLED AND KIDDLB WOODED. Best Buck, 00 i cst pen of Ewe Lambs, not less than f.-sr, 200 1 21 do 1 00 J The fallowing scale is adopted by the Society, i for the guidance of Judges The different breeds j of long wooled Sheep, separate in their purity.— Ihe mix i ure of one thorough-bred long woo led 1 breed with another thorough long v 1 oreed, is mixed long wools. The different kin is of short wooied sheep generate in thoir purity. The mix ture ofene thorough bred . hut wooied breed wilh I another t orongh-bicd short wooied breed, is mix !ed short wools. The mixture of any imported ; ■ breed wilh natives are part 'treed and grades. SWINE. Judges—Henry Roller. John P. Packer, Matbow Riddle, Robert Glenn, J,.taes a. Foster. Best Bohr over four years old, $3 99 | 2 i do 2 09 ' Best Boar over ono rear old, 3 CO 2d do * 2 00 Best Boer over 6 months and nrider one year, 3 00 2d do 2 CO Best Breeding Sow over two vcars old, 3 (10 24 do 2 09 i Best Sow of one year, 3 00 2d cto 2 00 ! Best lot of pigs, not less than 5, under 10 rcu's. 3 00 ! 2d do 2 U0 . Best Sow over six monchs'aad under 1 year, 3CO 2J d > 2 00 1 | The foregoing list includes Chester, Eeiks'aire, I I Leicester and their grades. HORSES. i Judge"—R. D. Cummiugs Joseph Shirt, John | Irvin. Hugh Larimer, John Wolf. ! Best Stallion, heavy draft, over 4years old, $5 00 : 2d do 4 00 Best Stallion from two to four years, 4 00 '2d do 2 00 Best Stallion, quick draft, over 4 years old. 500 j 2d do 4 00 . nest Brood Mare over 4 yeais old, 4 09 p< 21 do " 3 00 ! Best Stallion from two to four years old, 4 03 21 do 3 00 ; | Best Stallion for saddle over 4 years old, 5 00 1 ; 2d do * 4 00 ' Best Brood Mare, 4 &t) ! I 2d do ,J 00 | Best pair Match Horses, 4 CO j : 24 do 3 &,> ; j Best Saddle Horse. Mart) or Gelding, 3 00 ! Best pair of Draft Horses, 3 00 , Best three year old Coit or Filly, 3 00 i 2d do 200 | I Best two year old Colt or Filly. 2 00 2d do 1 00 Best ono year old Colt or Gliding, *2 00 ' 2d do I 1 00 j Best Sucking Colt under out year old, 1 CO 2d do 50 [Some of the progeny of tile Brood Mares must be exhibited.] TRIALS OF SPEED. (ON WEDNESDAY.) * j Judges—Hon. A. G Curtin, Jos. Shirk, P. B. Wiison, Henry A. Weaver. Jas. Dunlap. ; For the best Maro or Gelding in harness, $5 00 2 i best do 3 00 For fastest trotting or racking Maro or G eld j only j gait than these will be alloyed 0:1 the grounds. I MULES AND JACKS. Judgs—Dr. J. M. McCoy, John Adams, Con- ! stance Curtin, Samuel Stiver, Moses Thompson. ! Best Jack, £3 00 I 21 do 200 ! Best Jennet, 3 00 ' 2d do 200 1 Best pair of Mules, 3 00 i Best pair of Mules trained for the Plow, 3 00 | ' POULTRY. Judges—Robert Goheen, Wm. Humc3, Georgo ! i Dale. David Kimport. John Meyer Best pair White Shanghaies, $1 00 I do Cochin China, JOO ! do Red Shaughaies, 100 do Yellow do 100 do Grey Chittagongs, " 100 do Reu do XOO do Rantams, 59^— do Jersey Blues, do Common Dorkings. do White Common MuSOOvy. do I Best and greatest variety of fowls of all kinds, 1 00 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS. Judges—James Gordon, John Hosterman. John : Goodheart, Francis Alexander, Jacob Fishburn,Sr. For the best Five Acres of White Wheat, 35 00 do Ono Acre do 2.09 do Five Acres Red Wheat, 400 do One Aero do 1 50 do Five Acres Indian Ccrn, 5 00 do Ono Acre do 2 00 do three acres of Rye. 3 00 do do Barley, 3 00 do da Oats,' 3 00 | do do Euehwheat, 3 00 do do Timothy, 3 00 do do Clovc-r. 3 09 do quarter acre of Irish Potatoes 200 do do Carrots, 2 00 do do * Sugar Beets, 200 | do do Ruta Baga, 200 do do Mangel Wurzel, 2 00 do do Turnips, 2 00 For the best, samples of Whiio Wheat, not less than one bushel, 1 00 I do Red do 75 For the best samples of Corn in the ear, 50 1 do Rye, 50 do Oats, 50 do Barley, 50 do Irish Potatoes 50 Awards will be made at the meeting in Novom- ( beron Wheat, Rye, Oats. Barley. Buckwheat, Tim othy and Clover, on all other 3 on tho bids, at the annual meeting in January next, when the product shall be reported. Competitors for Premiums for Agricultural Pro- ! 1 d notions must produce a full mode of cultivation, and accompany the | j tificates of two respectable men as measurinent of the grounds. sample of the crops at the ExhibilßlgßßKiPS^i AGRICULTURAL IMrnHfii, | Judges—Christian Da Iff. Keller. Robert Itoss, James GiilrrHMg . , LL-'.i.) Best Barsbear Plow, ' 14'' du Metal do do Subsoil do 100 : ; do Sideliill do 100 : I do Cultivator, 100 do Harrow, 100 do Holier. 1 00 j do Corn Planter, 1 00 | do Mowing and Reaping Machine, 400 • do Drill for Grain and Grass Seeds, 300 do Corn and Cob Crusher, 200 do Cornstalk Crusher and Cutter, 200 j do Corn Plow. 100 do llorserake, 1 00 do Set of wagon harness, 100 | do G rain Cradle, 200 I do Wagon for farm use, 100 , do Horse Cart, 1 00 ! do Set of Cart Gears, 1 00 : do Sweep Horse Power, 300 do Railway do 300 1 do Threshing Mochine, >OO j ' do Separater and Straw Carrier, 100 do Hay and Straw Cutter for hand power, 100 lion thereof, 4 00 I | 2d do 2 00 [Competitors to be the makers ot the articles competed for. "In addition to the superior claims ef every implement as to its mechanical principles, | ; the Judges will be equally well satisfied, as to the strength and ability of tho iron and woodwork of the same, and any deficiency in this respect, shall be a cause of its rejection or denial of a premiums. I —C I II I 111 Till 11 I —— ■■III! —W BELIEFONTE FOUNDRY, j S. H. 4 UPT. Jr., i. CO., I) ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centre county, that they keep sons'antly on ! hand, and warranted, Peir Points Patent Shaker i and ritraw Carrier, the same thst was formerly msnufactu-ed at Miilheim, also Threshing Ma- \ chines <£ Horse Poweis made on an improved \ pian. Farmers are particularly invited to call and j examine these articles before purchasing else- I where. Grain Drills, Clover Iluilots, and all kind* of Machines and Powers repaired ou short , notice. Gum Baiting tor Machines, for sale Clover liuilers, Iron Fencing, Verandas, : Cart .spindles, Mill Gearing, j Side Hill Ploughs, Paw-Mill Gearing, | Wortz's ■' Furnace " ; Rich's Iron Beam " Rolling Mill " ; Iron Ketties, New W'ld cook stove j . Bells, Hathaway " Miilheim and Hublersburg Shears, Tin Shoot- : Iron Ware, together with the usual variety of ar ticles iu the Foundry line, kept constantly on ' hand or made to order. Having in our employ experienced meohan'o? j iu tne various branches of our business, we flat- I tcr our.,elves in being üblo to do up work to t'ue I : Mtirfuct.iuu of all who will favor U3 with then j custom. Our terms and prices are'reasonable. ! Beliefonte luly 2G,-ISGO. —ly. E, B. CLEMENTS IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE j i HE undersigned beg leave to inform the peo- ; x i,le, especially tbo ladies of Centie county j I that ,hey have purchased tie right, and ara now manufacturing | E. b. CLEMENTS IMPROVED WASHING ! MACHINE. This machine is far superior to anything of the ! kind ever introduced into this county. It is sim ple of construction, and therefore durable. It raves labor, as any ordinary women can do a ; days washing, on this machine in less than three 1 hours. No family should be without it. W) j have already disposed of a large number of ma ! chines and are pleased to learn, that they have 1 1 proved to be even better than they were reecom ; mended. V/e would refer the citizens of Centre ; ! county t) the following porsons who have used I I tbemachino and have found it to ie a great la- I I and h:alth saving institution. Mrs. Wolf, j . Hillibish Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Kealsh of i ef'oute, and Messrs. C. & *J. Curtin, Eagle j l works. erous wishing machines will do well to send be ir orders soon, Address, or call on the un j DANIEL McGINLEY, j I CYRUS STRICKLAND, j Sept. fi-GO-35—tf. Beliefonte Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE, EY Virtue of an order of th<- Orphans Court of j Centre county, will be exposed to public sale ; | ou the premises, on ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19fi, 1860, the undivided half of a certain Farm of tract of | Land, situate in Worth tp., Centre county, about ' : two milos west of Martha Furnace, on tb plank [ Road, being tho real estate of Juseph Williams ; dee'd, bounded ou the North by lanX known as 1 Ilarland Morrison's improvement, on the east by lai-d of William Kelley, on the syjjkh by land ofv ■ TeZftgjjpr- coutaiaf 1' 1 3DITORS & PROPRIETORS. ' ' : NUMBER N VIGILANCE COMMITTCES^^^B^S . Banner township. /BIT Office ' JOHN , BeliefoDte P W'T M. HHHL^ J W J. P. O. Ira Fisher, 4.'" ''-sfiny- JAS. Cull, ,R "', ■ ■' J Bvrr.sids tu 1 Jas. K. Boftk, Geo. Michaels, Jas. Askev, ■_■*;■. John B. Newcomer, J. 11. BALIS, " Curtin township. A. S. Tipton, Howard P. 0. Thofl. Adams, *' Job Packer, " Jacob V. Knoll, " John J, Packer, " Ferguson township. | FL. A, McGonigal, , Pine Grove Mills P. 0, Thofl. F. Patton, . I Conrad Strufclc, " | John Bailey, Bock Springs P. '■>. Gregg township. R, 11. Duncan, Spring Mills P, 0. FC^hnßtiinefcart. cock o. JOJ^NBIOS-F, MS.*'. 11a i n77^HBV James Ccburu. Maj. G. 11. Stover, Micliael Dougherty, J* C. MO'z, P. 0. Thos Hostermao, • Harris . Geo- Jack, P. 0. .MC Far land, IV. Potrer, P. 0. 0. SBPBI : John I. Thompson, " John .Richard*. •' Liberty to tins hip. I BENJ. uigget, / Beeoh Creek, P. 0 ! Dauiel Khuns, " Arthur Fcresmaa; " Samuel Bechtle, " , D-aiiel Pleteher, j " Miiesbhrg Borough. | C G. Rymao, Mil&sburg P. D. j A. S. Davidson, " ! H. 11. Kinne, " I U. P, Triziyulny, " •John Like, " Miles township. John 11. Burnerc, PETERSBURG P. 0. | Col. John 3. Faust, '• I Daniel Miller, " ; Col. R. Stroheekrr, " ; Levi SNOOT, " Marion township. WM. 11. Swaiizj, Walker P. 0. ; Nathan Beck, J " i S'cwart McCalieont, " i J. B. Johnson, ( " I W. 11. SRNY th, " Pcdton township. ' Jeremiah Mays Butfalo Run, P. 0. i P. B. Wad die, " ; Geo. Behis, * John U. WAS son, " James Chambers, " Ihinn township. chivirg NcvembeF Every ed for the Our exchanges of all sorts, Republican cause, are fiilled with of the certain defeat of Lincoln Some propose to do it in one way in another : in short, the means made entirely subservient to the end. enough that Lincola'shall be beaten. Put they never tell us who is to be olected. With all the gasconade and blustering that fills the air, tbote is not ona word of hope for the friendtof the respective opposing caodidittN. I No Douglas man—no Breckinridge man— no Bell man claim, with any seri ousness, the election of his favorite by the people. Defeat Lincoln I is the aum and substance of their storv, ar;d when that is v * v said their mouths arc ebsed. It roust be i matter of some consequence to those who ar.; expected to help [Lincoln to kouw what is coming next. Is the contest to b • fought over again after Lincoln is defeated !* Unless light is thrown upon this[subject pre - ty soon, inany who now inclined t. support Lincoln, will prefer to vote for him iu preference to throwing The oountry into a state of civil commotion compared to which the present exciting campaign is.but a sum mer's breeze. Tho .intelligent man ofthio country expect[to know, and they will know or whom their votes.6hall be counted. AWOTQER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE or THB STUMP. —John 4 C. Breckinridge, the slave code candidate for the Presidency, delivered a long speech at Ashland, near Lexington, Kentucky, on Wednesday last, entering into a lull discussion cf ihequestion o involved i> the Presidential caDvass. The telegraph ro ports that the meeting was very[[large and that the speaker droceeded to review tho manner of his nomination for President, and also that of.Mr. Douglas, arguing that the latter nomination was irregular, ani in no way binding upon the Demacratic party of tho oountry. The Convention which uominatc.l him, (BreckiuridgeJ.was the true expenens of Democratic principles. The>peech bears - hard upon DouglaH, and etronglydenounitf his favorite doctrine, squatter There is evidently no love these rival, Dcmccra'icj^^^^^^^B^^B in;- oihe'r. out cof'.e