FPEDK. MALONE, F. A. PROUDFOOT. CABINET EMPORIUM.—MILES "BURG, CENTRE COUNRY, PENN'A.— The undersigned take this method of informing their friends and the public generally that they have opened a Cabinet Wareroom in the house formerly occupied by C. C. Price as a Carriage manufactory, where they design keeping on hand at all times and seasons the most extensive assortment of furniture ever exhibited east of the Alleghentes. Their stock will consist of every variety of fur niture, such as Fancy and common Dress Bu reaus, Sideboards, Centre, Pier, Card, Breakfast and Dining Tables, Fancy, Cottage and common Bedsteads, Doughtrays, Stands, &e., ibc. Also, Chairs of every description and of the very best quality. Undertaking executed with neatness and despatch. Come one, come all and examine their stock and prices and if they fail to please let the anathemas of their customers rest upon their heads. N. B. —House carpentering done up in the short est notice and in the most improved style of archi tecture. Sash of all kinds constantly on hand. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange, even cash not refused MALONE & PROUDFOOT. , Milesburg, April 27,1354. 29 DR. J. M. BLAIR offers his profes sional fervices to tbe citizen s of Union and adjoining Townships. When not professionally engaged he will be found at his office in Unionville. April 27, 1554: 29 3m. T^TOTICE. —Letters of administration on JL al the estate of Henry Miiler, of Walker town - ship, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber '-residing m said township, who requests all persons indebted fo eaiii tp ecme f<rwnrd aird make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. PETER TRANSUE, April 27, 13-54. 29 6t. Adm'r. I&XOTICE —Letter? testamentary on '.Lsl the estate of David Piles, dee'd, late of Fer guson township, have Leei granted to the subgcri bers residing in said tovynship, who requests all persons indtbted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present-them duly authenticated lor settlement. JOHN THOMPSON, SAMUEL H PILES, Apri! 27, 1564 29 tf. F.xr's T^TOTICE. —Letters of administration on the estate of James Smith of Ferguson township, dece-'sud, have been granted to th£ sub scriber residing in said township, who requests all person* indebted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them dulv authenticated for set tlement. CHARLES SMITH. April 27, 1854. Adm'r. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SIS TP. —The partnership heretofore existing between John B. Thomas and Samuel McKean in the Tannery and Currying business at Unionville, Centre County, was on the I2ih of April dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. All business of said firm will be sett dd by J. 13. Thomas. J.B. THOMAS, S. MCKEAN. Unionville, April 27, 1854 rgIAKE NOTICE—That I John H. Ja. Smith of Worth township, Centre county, signed a due bill or note purporting to be a settle tlement with William B. Henderson and my Mill account for grain, anu due bitu thirty three bushels and one [.eel: of wheat, which is uutrua. The note or bill was obtained from me by Wm B. Hender son by mistake or fraud without my receiving val ue for said note. This is to notify a'i to whom said note or bill may be offered not to take said note or bill from W. B. Henderson, or any other person as 1 never will pay the same unless com pel led'by law. ' JOHin H. SMITH, April 15,1354. 29 SPE<"SAL~ivOTI<'E. — Oltr Platfbri*.—Hence -kiTili; Jg'iaflj a*, '.V-L colitioi the-ccrinmris of the Centre Democrat, we shall require all communications recommending candidates for office, which are intended to be of per sonal benefit, to be paid for the same as advertisements, at the rate of FIFTY CENTS per squafe of seventeen lines. Communications of this nature must cither he paid for at the time they arc inserted or be accompanied with the signature of a u substantial" man. The above rule" will be uniformly ob served hereafter, without respect to per sons. THE EDITOR. April 13, 1851. WEYV CLOTHING STORE, BLLO i/t KEIRHOFF'SROW. OPPOSITE THE CON RAD HOUSE, bELLEFONTE PENN'A.—NOW FOR BARGAINS !—TREMENDOUS STOCK OF CLOTHING!—SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS I—Tfce undersigned announces to the j citizens of Centre couniy that he is just opening at i his Store room, in the Borough of Bellefonte, the largest, best and most fashionable stock of Heady-Made Clothing which has ever been brought to thjs place. His as sortment embraces black, blue and fancy Broad cloth and Linen dress, frock and Sack Coats. Cloth, Cassimere and Linen Pantaloons, Cloth, Satin, Silk Marseilles and fancy ' ' • Vests, together with almost every other kind of COATS, PANTS and VESTS which can be mentionod. Having been engaged in the tailoring business for a number of years, he feels no hesitancy in say ing that he is a competent judge of the different - '"dtinds of goods, and thus possesses a decided advan ... lage overall other dealers in thi3 place in,selecting Ready-made Clothing. He therefore, can recom mend his stock as regards the quality of material, and neatness, durability and fashion of manufacture to be superior to any offered ia this town. His Slock throughout has been purchased with the greatest care and he flatters himself t hat he has not only the LARGEST assortment, but the NEAT EST, BEST and most FASHIONABLE READY MADE CLOTHING any whereto be found in this section of country. Having bought entirely for cash and from ihe best houses in Philadelphia he feels confident that for CHEAPNESS he cannot be surpassed. Gentlemen wishing to secure a first rate suit of clothing, on the most reasonable terms, would do well to call and examine his stock, he is deter mined to.seli forCASfl or approved country PRO DUCE on the most reasonable terms. ** with the Clothing Store he would - -rolso anncmruß-iU&lsold customers that he still con tinues to keep "onnutld a large and well-selected assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Veslrngs, &c , fce., and that-he is prepared to make clothing to ordir on the shortest notice and most t.pproved * tyleß ' WM. McCLELLAN. Bellefo'niC; April 13, 1854 27 tf. ILLIAM W. BROWN—Attorney and Counsellor-ai-Law, will attend to all business entrnstetl to him in the several courts of Centre, Clearfield, Clinton ar.d Mifflin counties. Revolutionary, invalid and Halfpay Pensions ob tained, also, Bounty Land for services in ail the wars in which the United States have been enga ged. Collections and legal business attended to with promptness and despatch. Office on the north 6ide of the Diamond, one door east of the Post Of fice. J3f Land Warants purchased at reasonable pri ces. < - BelftiUte, April 13,1854.-27 READ THIS, WILL YOU ?—THE undersigned is now opening at his store in the borough of Bellefonte, a very large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of Lawns from 6 1-4 to 37 1-2 cents, Bereges, solid and figured, Berege De La ins as low as 121-2 cents. Muslin De Lains as low as 12 1-2 cents, Fancy Ginghams, Black Gro De Rhine Silks, Chameleon Silks. Kid and Silk Gloves of every variety, Alpacas, Queens cloth, Camleteen, Mus. De Beges, Linen Lustres, Madonna Cloths, Undersleeves as low as 37 1-2 cents, Cbimezettes of every variety, Tamboon and Needle Work Collars. ALSO, An extensive variety of Straw Goods embracing Bonnets from 37 1-2 ceDts to 3.oo—Hats from 12 1-2 cents for Palm Leaf, up to 0.00 for the latest Pana ma Press Hat, including Canada and Braid hats of various qualities and styles. ALSO, A large stock of gentlemen's furnish ng, such as Hosiery, Kid, Linen, Silk. Linen and Silk, Si k Kid linish and Thread Gloves. Spring Stocks and Stocks with buckles, Shirt Collars, Napoleon Ties, Italian, Silk, Linen. Silk and Linen, Gingham, Lawn and Gingham lawn cravats and Shirts. ALSO, A beautiful assortment of Ready-made clothing, material and make according to the styles and tashions of the season, such as French black cloth, black, olive and brown habit cloth, tweed, Ken tucky jean, cottouade, green and farmer's linen coats, —Bufl, white and fancy marseilles, linen and black satin Vests,—black ana fancy cassiinere, sum mer cassimere, linen drilling, cottonade and far mer's linen pants —boys linen coats, &c. ALSO. Gents calf and morocco boots, Kip and calf mon roes, French calf gaiters, congress boots, with-pa tent leather tips, shoes and slippers—boys monroes —ladies black and fancy fisting gaiters, Kid pump buskins, New Haven and Jenny Lind ties, Kid, slippers and boots of various kinds—a large stock of misses and gaiters, boots and shoes ol good quality. ALSO, Shoe findings, such as lasts, awls, awl hafts, heel ball, shoe thread, pegs, awl blades, cast and steel hammers, Freneh Morocco, Brush Kid, Roans, Bronze Morocco and Pink Linings. ALSO, corn husk Matresses, sacking bottoms, red wooden hames, wagon whips, fly nets, carpet chain, well ropes, &c. Together with a large assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Drugs, Tobacco Mackerel, Herring, &c., &c., all of which he will sell at his usual low prices for c-ash or country produce. Call and examine styles and prices. No charge for shewing goods. JOHN TONNER. Bellefonte, April 6,1854. ZINC PAINTS.—O NE T HIRD CHEAPER THAN WHITE LEAD, AND FLEE FROM ALL POISONOUS QUALITIES. —Tbe NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY having greatly enlarged their works, and improved the quality of their pri'lucts, are prepared to execute orders for their SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted packages of from2s to £OO pounds ; also DRV in barrels, 200 pounds each. Their white Zinc, which is sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted PURE and unsurpassed FOR BO DY AND UNIFORM WHITENESS. A method of preparation has recently been dis covered, which enables the Company to warrant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs anv reasonable time. In this respect their paints wiil be superior to any other in the market. Their BROWN ZINC PAIN f, which is sold at a low price, andean only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known for its projective qualities when applied to iron or other metal'ic surfaces,' Their STONE COLOR PAINT possesses all the properties of the Brown, end is of an agreea ble color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-build ings, Bridges, iYc. Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their Agents. FRENCH & RICHARDS, Who'e=ale Paint Dealers and Importers, N. W.'cor, 10th A: Market Sis., Philada. April G, 1851. 2G 6mo. ||~ IST OL LETTERS, remaining in R A tbe Post Office at Walker, April Ist. 1854. E W Monfourt Esq John A Stover John S Warren Henry Ruckert Edward IteifiA-r Persons calling for any ol the above letters will please say they are advertised. _ WM. ALLISON Jr. P. M. April 13, 1854. 27. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD RAIL ROAD COMPANY—The Commissioners named ia llie Act of Assembly chartering this com pany will attend for the purpose of receiving sub scriptions to the capital stock of said company at the Court House in the Borough of Belletonle, on the 25:h, 26;h, and 27ih days of May, in the town of Phtlipsburg on the Ist, 2, 1 and 3d days of June, and at Tyrone city on the sih, Gth, ana '/in, an, r. of June. Charles R. Foster, John M. Hale, A G. C-irtin, John C Montgomery, * A. K Wright, Jas. T Hale. John T. Hoover, -Josiab W. Smith, Kilis Irwin, William Powel, Henry Lorain, William Irvin, D I. Primer, J. Boynton. J. B. Patton. Jas. R. Graham. J. J. Lingle. Gen. Jas trvin. Commissioners and others. April 13,1854 27 W~~ TLLIAM D. PARRO'IT Watchmaker and Jeweller, North East corner of the Diamond, Bel!efonte,Pa. jjk —has just returned from Philadelphia withssSiSi a new and choice lot of Clocks, Watches and Jew elry of every descripfon. Revolving and Dotlble- Barrelled Pistols, Knives and Notions, which he will sell lower than has ever been sold in this coun ty. Give him a call—no charge for looking. May sth, 1853 10 TFTTEW SADDLE AND "HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Allegheny st., Belle fonte,'Pa.—WM. ROTHIIOCK would inform his lriends and the public generally that he is manu facturing SADDLES, BRIDLES and HARNESS in a neat and substantial mannner, and asks tnat those wishing artitles in his line to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Prices moderate. To two or three good journeymen constant em ployment and liberal wages will be given. Bellefone, June 30,1553. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration on the Estate of Evan Williams, dec'd., late of Harris township, have been granted to the subscriber resi ding in said township, who requests all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. April 6, 1854. 26 JOS. BAKER. RAVELLEIIS HOME.—MiII-|ssjf heim, Centre county Pa., by J. M .iL'M JOHNSON—The subscriber having rented the New Brick House, one door west of D. A. Rul's Store, in Millheiin he is prepared to entertain STRANGERS ai d TRAVELLERS in the best manner. His table is furnished with the best the market affords and no pains spared to render those comfortable who may extend to him their patron age. Itfs strictly a Temperance House. There is goodstabling connected with the house and atten tive hostlers are always in altendance. He solicits a share of public patronage, fully confident that he is prepared to render general satisfaction. J. M. JOHNSON. Millheiin, April 13,1554. 27 SPECTACLES SUITED to aii AGES, FOR sale by WM. J. STEIN AS. H. RANKIN-—ATTORNEY AT-LAW—Be! lefonte, Pa. Office two doors above the Franklin House and immediately opposite the Register's office. April 13,2554. 27 BLANK REGISTRATION MARRIAGE REO ords neatlj printed and for sale at this offioe. RE-OPENED. —MRS. E. FOLLMER, Takes this method of announcing to her friends and the public generally, that she has again opened her Store at the old Stand, in the Arcade, next door to the Franklin House, Belle fonte. She also returns thanks for the liberal patronage she has received, and hopes for a continuation of the same,—and now informs her friends and cus tomers, that she is opening the best, cheapest, and most carefully selected stock of MILLINe-RY AND FANCY GOODS, that she has ever had. New Style of Lawn Bonnets for Spring. Straw, Braid, Gimp, and Fancy Bonnets, of ev ery description. A large and beautiful ass ortment of Bonnet Rib bons, from 121 to 62-2 cents. Muslin and Lace Collars, and Undersleeves to match, of every variety. An elegant assortment Embroidered Spencets, Worked and Dimity Ruffles. Swiss Edgings and Insertings. Cambric do. do. Revere Inserting, Maltese Lace, Thread Lace. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs —Gloves. Embroidered and Plain While and Unbleached Hose. A large assortment of Hats, Flats, and Bonnets for Children. Buttons and Dress Trimmings. Also—A Superior. Lot of Mourning Collars, Un dersleeves, and Spencers. All the above will be offered at the, lowest Cash prices. Bellefonte, March 23, 1854 24 j AS TINGS.-The undersigtied having leased the LOGAN FOUNDRY, in the Bor ough of Bellefonte, together with all its patterns, notifies his friends and the publie in general, that he is prepared to make all kinds of GR'.ST, SAW MILL, FORGE, FURNACE and ROLLING MILL CASTINGS, as well as any other kind of Machinery Castings. He is also making a largo variety of STOVES & PLOWS. including the Wortz Plow, the Wortz improved Plow and several others of the most approved styles, and at the lowest rates for cash or prompt pay; or at fair rates for trade of all kinds. Being himself a practical workman he flatters himself that his work will give entire satisfaction. He has now on hand COOKING STOVES snitable for either coal or wood, which he will sell on reasonable terms according to size and style: also nine plate, Air-Tight, egg and other Coal Stoves, at reduced rates. He would call at tention to a neat pattern of COA L STOVES, ex clusively of cast iron which he is now making and for .neatness and durability cannot be excelled. He has also on hand every size and kind of Sled and Sleigh Soles, wagon boxes, kettles,Briceand Durkee wheels, ic. He is also prepared to make IRON RAILING of any and every description, also WATER and BLAST PIPE of every size from a half inch bore to whatever size desired. All orders from a distance will be promptly at tended to as heretofore, and he hopes byeareand a desire to please to keep this, what it now is, the leading establishment in the county . ' A. RINK Bellefonte, Mar 23. 1554 24 W EAD AND ZINC, IRON PAINT, jELji OIL AND COLORS, manufactured by FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO , REPRESENTED BY LEWIS. JAMES & CO, 133 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.-Orders thankful ly received —punctually attended to, guarranteed to give satisfaction, and oifered for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please address as above. January 19,1524—15—3.n LNGLES.—A large supply ofShin- KCTgles—joint and Lap—constantly on hand and for sale at the store <>t J. 11. LIPTON. Milesburg, April 28,1853 —29 P~~ ENNSYLVANIA HOTEL— (formerly occupied by Henry L. S. West corner of the diamond, Bellefonte, Centre co., Pa -This large and conveniently located House having been completely remodeled, repaired and improved, is now opened for the accominocatton of the public. The proprietor of this establishment respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has spared neither pains or expense, to render it a desirable retreat to ail who may favor him with a call, as he is determined to do all in his pow er to promole their comfort and couvenience. His Table will always be supplied with the best that the country wil 1 afford. His Bar will be stocked with the choicest liquors and nothing left undone to please and gratify the most fastidtons. The Rooms are large and well ventillated. The Stablingfoonneeted with the establishment is large and excellent and in charge of careful and experienced hostlers. He also h '.s erected sheds for the use of carriages lincroifft. -Stages are arriving and dcpartingdaily. Ia short nothing shall be neglected to give satis faction to those favoring him with a call. R. D- CUMMINGS. Bellefonte, Jnly 15. 1852 . 40 FAIRVIEW FEMALE SEMINARY, JACKSONVLLE, CENTER COUNTY, Pa. —The summer session of this institution will com mence on the first Wednesday of May next and continue 21 weeks. The course ot instruction is thorough embracing ail the branches of solid and accomplished TERMS—Tuition, board furnished rooms, light, drc. $45.00 EX I'RAS—lnstructions on the piano inclu ding use of instrument, 14.00 Instructions on Zither, f 00 Vocal Music in classes, 2 00 Drawing and water coior painting, 8.00 Fancy Needle-work, 3.00 Ancient end Modern Languages, 8 00 The session bills to be paid $'25.00 in advance and the balance at tne end of the session and be fore the pupil is removed. For further particulars circulars may be obtain ed by addressing the undersigned. J. RHOADS, M. D. Principal. April 6. 1554. 26. 4t. W~TLL PAPERS! WALL PA PERS ! !—The subscribers have now in store their complete Fall Stock of Paper Hangings Curtains, &c. which they offer at very low prices, wholesale and Retail. Our assortment is very complete, comprising all the qualities, both French and American. We mgnutacture a large proportion of our goods and can sell at the lowest rates. JUT" Paper Hanging done m the Country at prices. PARISH & HOUGH, No. 4 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. March 23, 1554. 2t. HOMESTEAD. EVERY MAN HIS OWN HOME.—The subscriber wishes to dispose of TWELVE VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, situate in the borough of Bellefonte. ALSO—One other Lot, situate in said borough, with a house thereon erected. The above lots will be sold together or seperutely to suit purchasers, upon easy terms. Application should be qjade im mediately. For particulars inquire of - , BERNARD McCLAIN. Bellefonte, Sept. 29. 1853 Cmo. KOSSUTH CLOCKS just received and for sale at No. 4 Brckerhoff's Row, by May 26, 1853. Wrn. J. Stein. FARBANK'S PATENT 6jC ALES. Sold at their ITPT'V WAREHOUSE, No. 240 /|J * Market Street, Phtla'd. / Bailroad, Hay, Coal and / FARMER'S SCALES, set in any part of the country, bv ' 1 experienced workmen, and at short notice. April 6 1854. 26 6aic. THE subscriber received by last night's express •' another" lot of Gold Pa'ent Lever Hunter, and Gold Lepine Watches which will ba sold cheaper than the cheapest. WM. D. PARROTT. June 9. 1853-35. House, Bellefonte, PENN'A.—The undersigned would respet fully announce to his old friends and the publie generally, that he has just removed tothe large and commodious new Stone House, near the Diamond. Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. The building having been erected expressly, for the purpose, and according tothe plan of the most elegant and approved hotels in the eastern part of the State he feels confident that it is much better calculated tor comfort and convenience than any other in this country. He has also furnished it in the best man ner ;—sparing neither pains nor cost to render it comfortable and agreeable to those favoring him With their custom. The Stabling connected with the establishment .is large and convenient with an excellent carriage house. By strict attention to bis duties, long experience, and a determination not to be excelled by any house in this sect ion, he hopes to merit the favor and custom of the public. Persons visiting Bellefonte on business or pleas ure. will find the "Conrad House" a pleasant and cheerful stopping place. JOHN H.MORRISON. Bellefonte, Nov. 10, 1853. 5 Proprietor. DISSOLUTION.— NE wFIR M . The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned and John Tonner under the firm of E. C. HUMES & Co., was dissolved by the withdrawal of the latter on the 19th inst. It is de sirable that the business of the late firm should be closed as speedily as possible, and hence all those having unsettled accounts are respectfully request ed to call and settle the same at their earliest con venience. The books of account are in the hands, and will be settled by the undersigned to whom payment of all claims will be made. The business in future, will be conducted at the old stand, by E. C. Humes and W. H. Humes, un der the style of E. C. HUMES & BRO. And, as they are particularly desirous of accom- Hiodaifug the old and highly valued customers of this establishment, they confidently look for a re newal of their patronage, promising to use their best endeavors to sell goods at as low rates, at .leastas the same quality are sold in this country, and at the same time satisfy them in all other re spect s. They will continue to purchase grain oi tall kinds for cash. H. HUMES, E.C.HUMES. Bellefonte, July 28,1853—tf. A "GOOD MILL SITE FOR SALE.— Any one desiring an investment in a property oi this kind may find it greatly to their advantage to make an examination of the premises. It is very pleasantly situated in Nittany Valley about three and a quarter miles East of Bellefonte on a never fr.illng stream of Limestone Water and so neat its fountain as not to be affected by the ice during the wintar, and in a place that defies opposition from i any other quarter than those now in existanco ; — i Bellefonte is the nearest on the West, the Bald Ea- I gle (3£ miles) on the North, Hoys (7 miies) on the feast, and Gordon's (7 miles) on the South—connea | ted with some of the best farm land in the county, ] and in a neighborhood that fully warrants the eon ! station of a small Store with the Mill ; and there lit no serous obstruction to almost any amount ef (power with an overshot wheel. These, together ! with other advantages that might be ennteratcd, ! certainly make it a desirable site for any one pre j pared to enjoy a home of this description. . For further information apply at this Office. ] Dec. 2, 1852. T~ HE YOUNG AMERICAN'S LI BRARY—A Useful and Attractive series of j Books lor Young People, Embracing Events con nected with the Early History of our Country and I Lives of Distinguished Men", written with much I care and in an entertaining manner, with illustra tions of Important Events and beautifully illumin j ated Title Pages. i Containing the life of Daniel Webster, the groat American statesman, with numerous anecdotes, il lustrative of his character, and the following illus trations; Youug Daniel in the Saw Mill. Webster Fishing at Fryburg. Webster Declining tha Clerk ship. Webster Expounding the Constitution. The Bunker Hill celebration. JVlarshfield, the residence of Webster. Webster on his larm. The Life of Henry Clay, the Mill Boy of the Slashes, nine illustrations. The Life ol Benjamin Franklin,nine illustrlions. , .The I life of Gen Washington, nine-illustratlnus. The Life of Marion, nine illustrations. The Life of Lafayette, nine illustrations. The Life of Wm. Penn, nine illustrations. The' Life of Gen Taylor, nine illustrations. The Life of Andrew Jackson, nine illustrations. The Lie of Napoleon Bonaparte, nine do The Old Bell of Independence or Philadelphia in 1776, nine illustrations. The Yankee Tea Party and other stories of the Revolution, nine illustrations. Containing in all over 100 illustrations. Each volume is well written, possessing a high moral tone, aird can safely be placed in tiie hands of young people; they contain numerous anec dotes, illustrative of the early history ol our coun try and are well adapted for larnily or school Libra ries. Price per set, handsomely bound in cloth, gilt backs, and neatly put in boxes, $6,75. Price per volume neatly bound, cloth gilt,sG cts. Colporteurs, Agents or School Libraries will be supplied at a liberal discount. Copies will be sent by Mail postage free, upon the receipt of the price of the set, or any volume. LINDSAY & J3LAKISTON, Publishers, 25 South 6th St. Pliilad. February 2d, 1854. 3mo "A, * IGHT Day and 30 hour alarm clocks, jCj a most excellent article for sound sleepers or those who would wish t-o rise early, just received and for sale by Wm. J. STEIN. Bellefonte, May 'g% NEW ARRIVAL.—Just received and for sale at the Bellefonte Bookstore-a large and splendid assortment of standard and miscella neous books. Also, music and School books, Schools, Academies, and Seminaries supplied on verv liberal terms by GEO. LIVINGSTON. Nov. 24, 1&53. 7. RAGS I RAGS I I RAGS I ; I—TOBO TONS OF RAGS WANTED in large or small quantities, for which the highest market price in cash will be paid by F. A. SERVER & CO. 16 Commerce St. Philadelphia. March 23,1854-24—3 m. LOOK HERE ! —Just received at the Bellefonte BookStore a very large assortment ot Blank Dav Books, Ledgers, Justices, Dockets' &e., of a superior quality of paper. For sale at very Jaw prices bv GEO. LIVINGSTON. Teb 10.1853. W~ M.J. STEIN—WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELY ] No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Bellefonte, Pa.— Repairing promptly attended to, and all work war anted. Goods sold warrranted precisely as repre sented. [May 26, 1803. "BROCKET DIARIES for 1854 ; also very handsome Port-folios for sale by Jan. 5, '54, GEORGE LIVINGSTON. WARE.—An extensive as- sortment just received and for sale bv WM. J. STEIN. CASH! CASH! GASH! HIDES*! HIDES! HIDES ! —The highest market price paid in Cash for all kinds of hides and skins at the Tannery of T. EURNSIDE. Bellefoqte, Jan. 5, '53. 13 LAW ! LAW !! LAW ! !!—The new Editi on of Puidon's Digest of the Laws of ,'-*jnsyivan ia, Binn's Justice, Graydon's Forms, and Roberts Digest, just received, and lor sale by GEO. LIVINGSTON. Belief onte, Jan. 26, tSs4—l6. W~ MT J7 STEIN would inform his old customers and the public generally that he has just returned from the city with a very large and superior assoitment of Clocks Watches I and Jewelry, at reduced prices. | Bellefonte Sept. 2 1852. NEW FIRM. LOW PRICES AND NEW GOODS! The Greatest Place lor Bargains in Town, WILLIAM J. KEALSH & CO. HAVE just opened at the old stand of Jacob Rothrock & Co., Arcade building, Bellefonte Pa., a very large and varied assortment of WINTER GOODS, which forexrellence of quality and cheapness cannot be surpassed in any section of country. The stock having beenseleo ed with great care by Mr. Kealsh, who for a number of years past has been engaged in the mercantile business in Philadelphia, tliey feel confident that for variety, style and quality they cannot be outdone Their assortment is immensely large, embracing every thing ever kept in country stores, consisting in part as follows : Gentlemen's Goods. —Black, blue, green and invisible Cloths, Cassimeres of every color, price-and quality ; velvet, satin, silk, and fancy vestings ; handkerchiefs cra vats, robes, &c., &c. Ladies Goods. —Black and figured dres3 silks, rncrinoes, mous-de-laines, plain and figured ; cashmeres ; American and Persian cloths ; cloaks and fancy alpacas ; sack flannels ; zepher scarfs and hoods, kid, silk and thread gloves, &c.; ginghams and calicoes ; silk and gimp trimmings ; ladies collars, victorincs and under-sleeves linen handkerchiefs ; mull edgings and insertings, thread edgings, &c. Calicoes, muslins, brown and bleached, shirtings, Irish Linen, &c,, very cheap, Hats. —A large and excellent assortment of Hats, silk, moleskin, Kossuth, &. Boots and Slioes. —Ladies kid slippers, gaiters, misses fancy ditto, gentcemen's heavy calf and brogan boots, calf and brogan shoes, boys and childrens dittolc large variety. Ready Made Clothing. —A large and well selected stock of ready-made clothing, consisting of overcoats, sack coats, vests, plain, silk and fancy, pants of every imagi nable color and of the latest fashion. Hardioare. —Comprising in that line, such as shovels, spades, hoes, fork, axes, chains, Knives and forks, carvers, spoons, pocket and pen knives, hinges, screws, Saws, Nails, Spikes Sec., Sec. _ Groceries and Quecnesware, and an endless variety of Fancy Goods anil other articles that is unnecessary to talk about in an advertisement. Our motto is u Quick Sales and Small Profits Tho goods need no commenda tion but to be examined. Business will be done exclusively upon, the cash principle or its equivalent. |CY* All kinds of country produce and lumber wanted for which the highest mar ket price will be paid in goods. EF* Pedlars furnished with goods at wholesale prices. By strict attention to business they expect to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Bellefonte, January 19, 1854—15. H BRIDGE'S Star Dagtier • REAN GALLERY, Brokerhoft's Row, Second Floor, next door to the one formerly oocu pied as the Centre Democrat Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Nature has triumphed, and ingenious art May to <ach chain an added grace impart, Control the rays that mellow from the skies And bid the image from the chemic plate arise. This Gallery of art has a reputation for finished pictures firmly established without the foreign aid of imported " heads" or native hnmbug. We in vite the test of examination. Good judgment and correct we feel assured wii l not require the incentives of a high sounding boast to direct a choice of Pictures intended to perpetuate the image of those we love. We do not rest our claim upon the vaunted popularity of a name, which, before real worth is destined to pass away "Like the baseless fabrics of a vision." Price of Pictures varying from 75 cents to $lO. Likenesses taken in cloudy as wellas fair weath er. JJhtldren and deceased persons also taken. EjP The subscriber has on hand and for sale a first rate Apparatus and all necessary fixtures which he will dispose ot on reasonable terms. February 2, 1854. 17 Tllinery and MAN'I'UAMA KER.—MISS H. A. GREEN, would re spectfully announce to the ladies of this place and vicinity that she hits commenced the MILLINERY and MANTUA MAKING business in the house formerly occupied by John H. Morrison as the Franklin Hotel, Bishop Street Bellefonte. Having given her whoie attention to the business for a n urn be" of years she feels no hesitancy in saying that general satisfaction will be rendered 10 all who may favor her with their custom. She solicits a generons share of patronage. BeffeUSite. October 20, 1553. 2 FOR SALE OR RENT, —The under signed wishes to rent or sell on reasona ble terms, the following described property situate in Sinking Valley, Tyrone township, Biair county only four miles distant from the Pennsylvania R. R : Fifty acre 3 of good land, with an excellent frame House, Barn and other out-buildings thereon erected, thirty-five acres of which are cleared and under cultivation and the remainder v ell timbered. Said property has the advantage of an excellent orchard of all kinds of fruit with an abundance of water convenient to the buildings. Persons desi rous of renting or purchasing said premises (or the purpose of farming, can obtain auy quantity of good farm land close by to cultivate on the shares. For further particulars enquire of BERNARD McCLAIN , Bellefonte, Pa. Jan. 26, 1854—15—tf. II 'SSBI 'S3 -oa a 'SjnqsaiM •oj papuaiie Xjiitnoid SJopJO 'ssatnsnq JO out] Jtaqj ut gniqi Ai9A3 ISO m[is qqtvi jaqjaSoi 'sipois puß 'sajp 'sdai 's.wajps sA-ipuuoj UOJJ pan 'sdous s,qHuis3[oß|q JOJ tsuii.3 'sdaind ooio) pus qons 'AJSii.qoßjq pim -Atng pue istJO os[n 'suc[d paAOiddß lsoin pun isai •B| aqi uo sadiairq lunaicr japjo oi apiaaxa oi paasd -aid aju Aaqi mqi [ciauos ut at[qnd aqi pun spuatJj jtaqi ui.ojut' pjno/A ssaatsnq SupjßUi arnqoum aqi uo SiitAiJßO jo asodind aqi JOJ diqsjaujind-oo .oy -ut paiajua SaiAßq pauSis-opim aqx—'AK3M C 4 "IH3VJM dNV S3NION3 IVV3XW 11. BRESLER, J* TlST—Returns his thanks his friends for the very liberal TIT ronage they have favored him with, and would solicit a continuance ol the same. He hopes by strict attention to his profession, eleven years expe rience, and a determination to do his work in the best manner, to merit the confidence of all who may intrust him with their patronage. In consequence of his numerous engagements per sons living at a distance to secure attention should make engagements by letter or otherwise' Tooth Wash and Dentrifice always on hand wholesale or retail- The highest price paid for old gold plate. Residence in Spring Street two doors from Bishop Street. Bellefonte May 21st 1851 All BERING ANDtlAlll DRES SING.—Adam Cox would respectfully inform his old customers and the public generrally that he still continues his Barberingcnd Hair Dressing Es- \ tablishmect at his old stand, in the basement story of Mr. Turner's Brick House, Allegheny Street.— He is prepared to cut Ilair and shave in the most fashionable and genteel manner. Bellefonte, March 24th 1653—24 YE STCTyES ! O YES i—MARTIN STONE respectfully informs the citizens of Bellefonte and surrounding Townships, that he wil l hold himself in readiness, at all limes, to cry sales I ol all kinds, on the most reasonable terms. Per sons from a distance wishing to employ him will please address him at his Dry Good Store, Al legheny Street, Bellefonte, Centre County, Pa. March 7lh 1853—26—1y LOCK, WAT OH and JEW-£S>~ ELRY STORE.-Wm. D.PARROTT North Corner of the Diamond, Bellefonte, Pa., has just received from the East a very large i assortment of all articles in his line and he will be j pleased to wait npon his old customers in the way J of selling Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Music Box- j es, Accordeons, &c. An assortment of the above mentioned articles always on on hand and for sate cheaper han any other place in town. Remem ber Curtins stone Corner. The most strict and careful attention given to the repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Bellefonte, May 26, 1853. 33 PURE Cod Liver Oil, a Medicine so famous for all Coaral Pulmonary diseases, tor sr.'.e by Jacob Rothroek. Hardware.— TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH, Hoffman's, the Store for Blacksmiths : Hoflman's the Store for Carpenters, Hodman's the Store for Saddlers, Hodman's the Store for Shoemakers, Hodman's the Store for Coachmakers, Hodman's the Store for Cabinetmakers, Hoffman's the Store for Farmers, Hodman's the Store for Builders, Hodman's the Store for Housekeepers, and don't forget if you want Pump Chain and Fix tures, Cedarware, Oilcloths, Ropes and Cordage, Nails, Steel, and Iron, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, Oil, Glass, Varnishes, and Paints, go to Hodman's Mammoth Hardware Store and you can be accom modated. F. J. HOFFMAN, Lawistown, Feb. 9,1554.—22 —ly. |pl ROUERIEST GROCERIES! SLJS F. J. HOFFMAN'S is the place to buy Gro ceries, too. Multitudes have already decided with great unanimity, that for qualify,- quantity, aad low prices, he stands unvalled. Prime Rio Coffee, 12i cents. Best Loaf Sugars, 9 to 11 cents. Levering Molasses, 60 cts. per gallon. Beans, Cherries, Peaches, Teas, Tobacco, tic. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewistowu, Feb. 9, 1854.—22. f IGHT! LIGHTI-HEAD QUAR. _M_/1 TERS for Alcohol and Burn ing Fluid. We are Wholesale AgeiWs for the sale of E, E. Locke & Co.'s Alcohol. We can always furnish Dealer# for Cash at Philadelphia Wholesale Cash prices.— Consumers will also find it to their advantage to ! buy at Hoffman's. ! " Ff J. HOFFMAN Lewistown, Feb. 9,1854. —22. ONFE 0 TION ARlES.—Always on hand, a large assortment of Fresh Candies, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, <Stc. &c. Assorted Stick Candy 14 cents per lb. Other Confectionaries proportionably low. Also; Sugar, Family, and Water Crackers,at very low prices. F.J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, March 9, 1554. —22. D~ RUGS! DRUGS!!— This branch of our business closely attended to. Our large stock of Drugs are fresh, and pure, and relia ble. Physicians will find it to their advantage to purchase at Hoffman's. F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewisiown, March 9, 1854.—22. \W[ALL PAPER I WALLPAPER! ™yr —We have now on hand much the largest stock of Wail Paper ever offered in this section of country. Remember that in the expenditure of a few dollars for Wall Paper, you add more than 100 dollars to the appearance of your rooms. Re member too, that we have paper to suit ail tastes. Good unglazed, 11 to 12-2 cts. per piece. . !*>■ Glazed, 20 cts —such as are retailed in the eastern cities at 25 cents. A 'arge stock of Extra quality equally low. F.J. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, March 9,1854. —22. WANTED— To Borrow SBOO, secur ed by Mortgage on unencumbered Real Estate. For further particulars inquire of W. W. BROWN, Esq. Bellefonte, February 23, 1854. SALE—Two VALUABLE HOUSES • and Lots pleasantly situated in the Borough of Bellefonte. The houses are frame and recently built. In short they are in the most desir able portion of the town. T -cms, One third in hand and the balance in three equal annual payments, — If sold soon possession will be given on the Ist of April. For further particulars inquire of v W. W. BROWN, Esq. February 23, 1854 KAUX€EY HIILBERTi WITH WAIN WRIGHT, HUNTINGTON & FLOYD, Importers and Whelesale Dealars in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 152 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, 1554. Jan. 26, 1854.-16 _ . ISS OL UTION 'OF PAR TNER SHIP.—The-Partnership heretofore exisling between Lambert & Kuip is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm will pay the same to Osburn Lambert, and all hav ing claims against said firm will present them for settlement&c., to O. Lambert. OSBURN LAMBERT, HENRY KULP. tradiug under the firm of Lambert & Kulp. Bellefonte, December 31,1853. NEW FIRM. The undersigned have formed themselves into a Co-partne,sliip under the name ot C. W. LAM BERT & BROTHER, in the Plastering, Stocka Work, Rough Casting, &c., and will be ready at all times to accommodate all that may wish to employ them. From their long experience in business they hope to be able to render satisfaction and respect fully soiieit a share of public patronage. C. W. LAMBERT, O LAMBERT. ( Bellefonte, February 8, 1554. 19 A GOOD assortment of Boots and Shoes from the smalles Children's size to No. 14,*" men's size for sale low by Wagner & Thomass. DE WEES' Norve and Bone Liniment and Zook'a Horse Liniment tor sale by Jacob Rothrock & Co. BRANDAETIIS, Wrights, Moffatt's and Sugar Coated Pills for sale bv Jacob Rothrock <£* co.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers