THE DEMOCRAT. ( 1 1 J 11 N A ~uT7. WEAVlilt, Editor- & Proprietor. TBELLEFOJITE, Venn., April 27* 1851. IS OA! IN A 'HONS. ' - GOVERNOR, WILLIAM BIGLER, of Clearfield County. SUPREME JUDGE, JER EMI AII S. BLA CK, of Somerset County. CANAL COMMISSIONER, HEAR V S. MOTT, of Pike .County. Wanted I Soldiers' Land Warrants, for which a fair price will be paid in Cash. For further particulars inquire at this office. April 13, 1854. SC7* The Legislature have agreed to adjourn, on Tuesday the 2d day of May, proximo. XT The ''Gadsden Treaty," was, on the 17th inst., finally rejected, by the United States Senate. The Democracy of the consolidated City of Philadelphia have nominated Rich ard" Vaux, for Mayor, and Wm. L. Hirst, for Solicitor. The Whigs and Natives nominated Robert C. Conrad, for Mayor, Election next June. SALE OF PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC WORKS. —The bill to sell the State's interest in the main line of the public works for §lO,- G30,000 has finally passed the Legisla ture, and been sent to the Governor for . liis signature. " ' ADMITTED TO PRACTICE. —On Tuesday last, on motion of Samuel Linn, Esq., Mr. Jas. Montgomery Hunter was admitted to practice law in the several Courts of this county. Mr. H. is a young man of talent, industry and energy. We understand he intends remaining in this place and we predict he will make his mark. rV By reference to our advertising col umns it will bo perceived that our ener getic young friends, Messrs. Malone & Proudfoct, have opened a Cabinet Ware Room in Milesburg, for the purpose of fjipplyi>ig the public wijh every variety of Furniture. They are deserving of pa tronage. Give-them a call. In another column will be found tho report of the engineer on the proposed route of fhc Milton, Brush Valley and Ty rone Railroad. This is a new proposition to us, and as to its practicability we know nothing beyond what we learn from the survey. The report was handed us for publication and we cheerfully give it an insertion, CoL Fremont's Expedition. There are several contradictory state ments -as to the number of men lost by Col. Fremoni in consequ -u.ce of cold and hun ger on the trip across the Plains during the past winter. Some of the California papers put the number at 10, and others at 1, but the New York Gun of Tuesday last, says; We ha e been shown a letter received in this .city, written by Mr. Carvalh to his j wife, dated at "Parawan, Little Salt Lake, I Mormon Settlement, Feb. 9th." Mr. Oar valho states that Col. Fremont and party I arrived there 011 the previous day, Febru-1 ary St'i, in great distress, having been 48 I hours without food, and having suffered every hardship. They had lest one man, but the rest were then in safety and well taken care of. For fifty days they had subsisted 011 horse and mule meat. Mr. Cai valbo was one of Col. Fremont's par ty. Another letter from the same place, da __ted.Frto tho New York Tribune, makes r.o mention of any deaths. It says : ■ Col. Fremont arrived here with his par te today. They were mn. starving con dition, having subsisted for the last two months upon horseflesh, having killed and eaten twenty-six since leaving Bent's fort. He has travelled in a straight line across the plains, and entered this valley about 17 miles noith of where Maj. Beale came into it last spring on the Spanish trail.— His report is highly favorable; the more so, as lie waited until winter set in to cross thejinountains, in order test the depth of the snow in the passes, and in the worst and most elevated pass, (which he crossed some time in December,) he lound the snow only four inches deep in the shade on the summit. The purpose of Col. Fremont in this expedition was to test the practicability of 1 he northern routa for the Pacific railroad. He therefore chose the worst season of the year to make it in. SUFREMS COURT SESSIONS. —On Wed nesday, sih inst.,the Senate, by a vote of 17 to 16, refused to pass the bill making the sessions of the Supreme Court per manent at Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE.—Harris burg, April 22.—The Committee of con ference on the bill to prohibit the traffic in intoxictiang liquors, submitted a report j recommending the adoption of a resolution to submit an abstract of the proposed law to a vote of the peeple. The plan proposed is the same as that submtted by Mr. Quiggle at the last ses sion of the Legislature. The question being on the adoption of the report, it Was postponed until Tues day, For the Democrat. MR. EDITOR: —WiII you let a Demo crat of " Old Potter" say a word through the columns of your paper. The candi dates, Legislative and Sheriff, have already began to engage the minds of some of tho Democracy, particularly the shoulder car riers of the County politics, of and near Bellefonte. Old Potter has for years of fered the Democracy candidates, Ihey were always defeated—by what means I don't say. The candidates next fall By acknowledged right and claim of the De mocracy, belong to this side of the moun tain. And all Potter township asks is, for the Democracy this side of the mountain to settle the candidates for themselves without the interference of the Solomon politicians of and near Bellefonte. A DEMOCRAT. > The Milton, Brush Valley & Tyrone Rail Road* To the Committee, &c., Thomas Wolf, George Royer, John Rule, Henry Moyer, George Bear, Samuel Strohecker, James Stover, Daniel Dubs, George Shaffer and Daniel Kremer. GENTLEMEN :—Having completed the survey of the Milton and Brush Valley route, from Milton to Spring Creek, I hereby submit the following REPORT. Commencing at the Milton bridge, we found the distance to Spruce Run to be 5* miles and the rise 118 feet, giving a grade of 20.0 feet per mile. By constructing a bridge some 35 or 40 feet high a regular grade caß bo had from there to Beck's (within three miles of the Summit.) The distance is la miles, the rise 864.5 feet, giving a grade of 75.1 feet per mile.— This grade cannot be materially reduced. From Beck's to the Summit (3 miles) the grade is 43 feet per mile. From the Summit a regular grade can be had to Centre Hall (24s .miles) by following along the mountain and thereby avoid the 3 j miles of 88 feet grade reported by Mr. Sheafel. The down grade from the Summit to Centre Hall is 24.9 feet per mile. The whole distance from Milton to Spring Creek is 525 miles ; from thence to Ty rone 25 miles, making the whole distance 775 miles. The only obstacle to making a cheap and durable road we met with was the high grade from Spruce Run to Beck's. Yours very respectfully, J. HOLDEN ORVIS. ' [Centre Berichte'r, Logansville Demo crat, Lewisburg, Milton, Huntingdon and HoUidaysburg papers will please copy. Leiters received at Washington from a distinguished seamen, states that the En glish fleet, at the moment of its departure for the Baltic, was in fine condition and full of fight; and that the Russians were selling their merchant ships us fast as pos sible, and the Authorities were causing the ice to be broken up to enable theni to get their ships-of-war further up, under the protection of their fortresses. THE NEW RUSSIAN MINISTER. —The Washington Star says that intimations have been received from St. Petersburg, that a member of the Council of State, Count de Meden, will be the new Envoy Extraordinary and Minister plenipotlnti ary from Russia to Washington and that the Legarion will be one of more than usual importance, and the corps of persons attached to it will be increased. The State Administration. Gov. fsigler, says the Democratic Union, stands before the public invulnerable to all the assaults ot the opposition. He is "an Israelite, indeed, in whem there is no guile." The measures of his administra tion thus far have met the approbation of the people, and he enters upon a fresh contest with clean hands and alight heart. The evidences of his increasing popular ity are multiplying daily, and the signs of the times indicate that he will not only receive the undevided democratic vote of the State, but a large support from the op position ranks. To Judge Black there will be but a nominal opposition, allpar ! ties concurring in the uflftuufc is eminently qualified for the office of Chief Justice. Col. Mott will carry a storming vote in the " tenth legion," and receive the democratic vote entire in every other section cf the state. Thus we have every reason to be sanguine of a great and glo rious triumph at the State election. Wm. Mathiot, Esq., a prominent mem ber of the Lancaster Bar, died suddenly in Lancaster, on Saturday night, the 18th ult. Afraid of the People. We can well understand why the abo litionists assail the doctrine of popular sov ereignty—it is that tribunal which has never yet hesitated to reyect their most abhorent doctrines—but that men who know the temper of the American masses, North and South, should halt before the i amplest recognition of such a principle that of leaving the people to manage their , own affairs, under the constitution of flfS"" country, passes our comprehension.— That they-should allgw themselves to be deceived, too, in regard to this principle, by a class of men whose interest it is to oppose and to misrepresent it, is another cause for honest surprise. It cannot be too often repeated that in all parts of the American Union popular sovereignty is ir resistible. No man can breast the current of people's will. He must go with it, or go down, The South, as we said a few days ago, has fully and practically assert ed this doctrine, in nearly every one of their State organizations. A few years ago the judiciary was regarded as a class sacred from inovation, and net to be touch ed by the influence of the people. Now the door is thrown wide open, and the | ballot-box places upon the bench the first jurist in the civilized world. So too, in reference to elections for all other offices. The feeling extends over the who UaSMfc' The question recurs, in view of this pros pect, why deny to ail the Territories the blessings of that principle you are so ea ger to apply in all the States ? Does it not show either an absurd fear of the in telligence of the masses, or, what is equal ly unjust, a disposition to distinguish be tween the citizens of Stales and the citi zens of Territories?— Washington Union. Re-opening of the Crystal Palace. N. YORK, April 16. —Mr. Barnum, the Prest. of the Crystal Palace Association, has prepared the programme of ceremo nies that are to take place on the re-open ing of the Crystal Palace. There is to be a new inauguration this time by the peo ple, and a grand coronation of Labor and the arts, together with other ceremonies. These are to come ofl on the 4th of. May next. In the mean time a great many new and attractive features will be added to the exhibition. The Association intend to offer two prizes of one hundred dollars each, for the two best odes in honor of Art and Industry, which shall be received be fore the 25th inst. The odes are to be set to music, and sung at the inauguration,— Barnum's message to the Directors sets it in a very flattering light JC7* ADMIRAL NAPIER, who commands the British fleet in the Baltic, figured in the war against the United States, in 1512, and not very creditable, as he was joined with Cochrane and Cockburn in making war upon the farin-houses and hen-roosts of the Virginia farms. One of his letters, Ingersoll's History mentions taken during Jha,war, dated June 24, 1814, says: . "Here I am in "Lynnhaveh bayT *rJb clippers sailing every day ,and losing them for want of fast sailors. I have petitioned the Prince Regent in behalf of the whole of us for a good slice of prize money.— Excuse this hasty scrawl. I am in a d—d bad humour, having just returned from an unsuccessful chase." We hope he will find the Baltic service calculated to put him in a better humor. Ledger. MAGNITUDE OF RUSSlA.—Russia is the greatest unbroken empire, for extent ever existed, occupying vast regions of Europe and Asia, and nearly one sixth of the in habitable gloke. It is forty-one times the size of France, and one hundred and thir ty-eight times that of England. Yet it was too small for the ambition of Alexan der, who is reported to have said, upon having the Baltic to shake the Caspian for a bathing place, the Black Sea a wash-hand basin, and North Pacific Ocean as a fish pond." He "encroached on Tartary for a pasture, on Persia and Georgia for a vineyard, on Turkey for a garden, on Poland for a farm, on Finland and Lapland for huntingground, and took part of North America as a place of ban ishment ibr offenders." FRENCH SOLDIERS.—-It is said of the three hundred thousand conscripts who composed the French army class oi ,'?sl, but 50 out of every 100 knew how to read and write, The average height of the men were but 5 feet 5 inches—or about the same as the class of the preceeding year. This is probably a less height than would be obtained in any other civilized tion. Toe French army is remarks oy ail strangers to be composed of small men. But they generally possess a wiry, sinewy frame, are encumbered with no extra flesh, and capable of enduring great fatigue. STABBING CASE. —On Thursday after noon, a difficulty occurred between a man named Gans and George King, which resulted in the infliction of several stabs with a knife in the side of the first named, though not of a mortal character. The trouble, it is said, arose from some atten tions which Gans. was paying to the wife of King. The parties were committed to jail.— Lewistown Gaz., 20 th inst. PROHIBITORY STATE CONVENTION,— The Prohibitory State Central Committee of Pennsylvania, have issued a call for a State Convention to be held at Harrisburg. on Wednesday, the 7th of June, for-Aa purpose of nominating a State ticket, vided the candidates of the two political parties refuse to commit themselves in fa vor of a Prohibitory Law. ty Large numbers of emigrants are daily passing through St, Louis for Wis consin and lowa. The Coming Contest, That the Democracy of Pennsylvania have it in their power to acheive a bril liant victory at the coming October elec tion, no sane man will attempt to deny— Our candidates, Gov. Bigler, Judge Black and Col. Mott, are men whose characters, moral and political, are unimpeached and unimpeachable. They are tried men, who have served the people faithfully, ' honestly and well, in various.public sta tions. For proof ol their capacity, we can point to their official acts with feelings of just pride, and challenge the closest scru tiny. We repeat, then, with such can didates we must be successful—aye, more than successful, we must annihilate Feder alism. That our political opponents are already making active preperations for the con test, must be evident to every observer of political events. Their papers are send ing forth long, earnest and impassioned appeals to their Federal readers to orga nize for the fight; and if we may judge fromjthe earnestness of their tcne, we must conclude that the next election will be spirited and well contested. The Fed eralists are yearning for power and place and to obtain them, they will resort to all sorts of fair and foul means, without re- to consequences. Both before and since the re-nomination of Gov. Bigler, they have maligned and viilified that pure and honest man with hyena ferocity,— But yet, notwithstanding all their malig nity toward the Governor, they have, thus far, failed to prove anything against his official conduct, s He may, for the time being, serve as a target for them to shoot at, but their poisoned arrows will fall harmless at his feet, to be trampled in the dust. He invulnerable to their puny assaults as is the sturdy oak to the blast, and can confront his political opponents and bid defiance. The people—the hon est yeomanry of our broad valleys and majestic hills—know and appreciate him. They have watched his course and read his messages, and are ready to exclaim •'well done, good and faithful servant."— We have said in thej first sentence of , that the Democracy can, if I they will, acheive a brilliant victory on the second Tuesnay of October, All that is necessary to secure this desirable result is union, harinoy, and energy of | action. Thus far the Democratic papers !of the State have not manifested the zeal : displayed by the Federal press, and we | think it our duty to call attention to this fact. Let us not permit our adversaries to obtain advantage over us in that respect. We must go to work and exhibit zeal e quai to our enemies—we should be pre pared to hurl back their falsehoods as fast as their scribblers and stump-speak ers promulgate them, and thus meet them fair and square, and administer blow for blow. We hope to see an early meeting of tne Democratic? State Central Committee, vvjiose it is to issue addresses to ths people, containing such facts as are deem ed necessary to enlighten them on State affairs. It is meet we should have an early and efficient organization if we de sire to gain a triumphaut victory. The State Central Committee,.as the organ of the party, can effect much good by a pro per observance of the objects for which it is appointed, and can infuse into the par ty zeal and activity, which is the leaven to the triumph.— American Volunteer. The Pittsburg Chronicle, an Independ ent paper says : At the present writing we are in posses sion of nothing in relation to the proceed ings of the late Whig Convention,ffurther than the fact of the nomi nation of Mr. Pol lock, of Northumberland, as candidate for Governor. Connected with this are flying rumors of foul play towards General Lar imer. The whig party never had much wit, and it but required this crowning act of stupidity to endorse its claims as the brainless party. Mr. Pollock, may in the course of time he something, but if he lives to be as old as Methuselah he can never be Governor. "Larimer and Lib ert}'," would have made a rallying cry and given the masses something to fight for, but the leaders of the late whig party may screech until their throats are sore on the anti-Nebraska Platform, it will surely I break down with Pollock astride of it.— The Whigs deserve what they are certain to reCCjve the most essential drubbing that they ever got 1.1 this Stat£. Were we a betting character we should PQt mmd going a suit of sable on Bigler, and give fifteen thousand in the game. Cause of the Receut Storm. The Herald says, learned men skilled in the misteries of currents, tides and gulf streams of the great deep, tell us that from the Antarctic ocean a mighty volume of ice "water cornes pouring along up the western flank of South America— that this cold stream, flowing through the body of the ocean off the coast of Chili, Peru and Equador, gives rise under the burning sun of.those latitudes, to tremen dous fogs, which, floating off in vast mas ses of clouds to the summits of the Andes, are there discharged in rain, and hence the Amazon and the other mighty rivers which sweep the breadth of the continent to the Atlantic ocean, upon this tbeoiy we may account for the rece it four days of wind, snow, hail, rain and slush, — There has been a grand southward move ment amongjhe ice-bergs from Baffin's Bay, and coming down in contact with the warm Gulf stream from the West In dies, the same effect has followed, modi fied by a colder atmosphere, as that per petual phenomenon of the west coast of South America. EP* See new advertisements. Tlie Treaty. Mr. Buchanan has again given us cause to rejoice, that he accepted the responsi ble position ofMinister to England. The character of Mr. Buchanan is such, says the Pittsburg Union, that he can be pla ced in no position where he will not leave the mark of a vigorous intellect. In the Senate of the United Stales he was long an honor to his own State, and a valuable chief in the Democratic party. In the Cabinet bis thorough acquaintance with foreign affairs, with the law of nations, and with the history of modern diplomacy, made him an invaluable member of a for mer democratic administration, It is probable, however, that no event of his public career will prove more useful to the country, or more gratifying to his friends, than the accomplishment of a treaty with England which realizes, if we may rely upon the first glimpse of its fea tures, the most sanguine wishes of our country, in relation to the security of her commerce, in the convulsions about to shake the European continent. It will ef fectually put an end to all apprehensions of the United States becoming involved in the coming struggle, and insure safety to American seamen and respect tothe Amer ican flag. The New York Herald , by no means friendly to President Pierce's administra tion, thus alludes to the treaty : ''We learn that either Ihe Hermann, from Southampton, or the Ameiica from Liverpool—the next steamers due—will bring the draft of a convention concluded between Mr, Buchanan and Lord Aber deen, on behalf of their respective govern ments, by which England admits, in the approaching European war, the doctrine that the flag covers both ship and cargo, and that free ships make free goods ; also renouncing the right of search for the im pressment of seamen so far as American vessels are concerned, and conceding the restrictions as to the law of blockade. •' In return, the United Slates is pledged to strict neutrality and non-interference in the coming contest between the Western Powers and Russia. "This is a most important convention, and has been negotiated by Mr, Buchan an without instruction from Washingion. It is important as it affects our rights and commerce, and places us in the position that we should have occupied years ago. It secures our neutrality without any trea ty stipulations, as it removes the cause of war, and at once enables us to become the great Carrier on the seas of the world." Democratic State Central Committee. The President of the Jate Democratic State Convention has appointed the fol lowing State Central Committee. Nine members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, after usual notice, of the time and place for the first meeting, and until otherwise ordered by the Committee: J. ELLIS BONHAM, of Cumberland, chair man. William L. Hirst, Philadelphia. E. G. Webb, do. Geo, Williams, do. Jas, F. Johnson, do. Daniel Barr, do. Geo. H. Martin, do. Edward Wartman, do. R. A. Lamberton, Dauphin. John Beck, do, Hamilton Alricks, do. John C, M'Allister, do. John S. Hamilton, do. E. M. Clymer, Berks. Benj. Tyson, do. James L. Reynolds, Lancaster. Geo. W, Brewer, Franklin. John YVeidman, Lebanon. Judge Strickland, Chester, Stokes L. Roberts, Bucks. John utchinson, Northampton. George Scott, Columbia. S. D. Patterson, Schuylkill. John C. Smith, Montgomely. Gen. Jacob Stable, York. F. N. Crane, Wayne. Joel B. Danner, Adams, Geo. C. Welker, Northumberland. E. B. Chase, Susquehanna. John Cessna, Bedford. Hon. James Thompson, Erie. R, White, do. Arnold Plumer, Venango. D. L. Sherwood, Tioga, James C. Clarke, Westmoreland. Alex. M'Kinney, do, Chester Thomas, Bradford. John P.Anderson, Hunti*gdon. V/, T f H. Pauiy, Greene. Oliver Watson, Lycoming. John N. Purviance, Butler. John T. Hoover, Centre. YVm. A. Wallace, Clearfield. Jnmes Bailly, Indiana. David Barclay, Jefferson. A. J. lihey, Cambria. A. H. Coflroth, Somerset. Thos. Umbstatter, Pittsburg. John C. Dunn, do. Geo, F. Gilmore, do. Thos. J. Keenan, do. ESCAPING FROM THE RAILROAD TRAINS. Two persons, in the custody of the sheriff" of Troy, and both shackled together, rnada their escape a day or two ago from the railroad cars by springing from them while they were in rapid motion. Before the train could be stopped, they had broken off"their shackles and escaped. OLD FASHIONS REVIVED. —While Ex- President Fillmore was in Louisville, he attended a ladies' fair, and was regaled with kisses from the damsels—genuine Kentucky smacks. It is said that the la dies ot Louisville literally obey the Di vine injunction—''Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so shall ye do unto them." SINGULAR. —The Greensburg Press tells of a farmer, named Hise, living in Deca tur county, Indiana, who sold his farm a short time since for $1,190 in gold, which he put in a carpet-sack, and hung it upon his bed-post, and then retired to rest. In the morning the sack and mon ey were gone—all he had in the world. To add to his misfortune, too, he had con tracted for another farm and was to pay for it the next day. During the day the carpet sack was found in a hollow poplar stump, near his barn, with the pocket book in it, but no money there—the thief had secured what he wanted. On Friday night, Mrs. Hise was awakened by her husband getting out of bed. She arose and watched him. He went to the barn, and after searching a little came out with the money in his hand, and went to the stump where the carpet-bag had been put. She now awoke him. when to his to great joy, he found that all was not lost. He had, doubtless, while in his sleep, become uneasy about his money on the first night# and got up and hid it; the second night fearing it was not secure where it was he was removing it to a more secret place.— Fortunately for him, his wife deteced him in his somnambulistic wanderings and saved their all. The Madrid Journal states that the number of nunneries in Spain is the number of nuns in them 30,513. THE MARKETS. Philadelphia, April 24. The Flour market is very quiet, but holders are firm in their demands, as the receipts continue imprecedently small, and the stock is rapidly becoming re duced. The sales for shipment and homo consumption, during the past week, ex ceed the inspections by about 7000 bar rels. Sales of 1000 barrels at $8,50 per barrel, but holders are indifferent about realizing at this figure. The r e is a mod. erate demand lor city consumption at SB,- 50a9 for common and extra brands, and fancy lots at higher rates. In Rye Flour and Corn Meal there is nothing doing— we quote the former at 85,87s and the lat ter at $3,75 per barrel. Grain—The market is nearly bare of Wheat and prices are steady at $2 per bushel lor red, and $2,05 for white. 200 bushels Pennsylvania Rye sold at 95 cts. Corn is in good demand, and 5a6 'OO bush els Southern yellow sold at 82 cents and 500 bushels white at 80 cents afloat.— Oats are scarce and wanted—ssi cents per bushel was offered and refused for a cargo of Jersey. MARRIED.— On Thursday the 13th inst., by Rev, A. Brittain, Mr JAS. FISH EB of Patterson, Junnta county, and Miss KESIAH LONCABAL'GK of Potter's Bank, this county. DIED. —In Harris township, this coun ty, on tlfrfeytfrcTSllT itnf., H. MAOWIK, tldest child of John and Susan Mutter, aged 7 years, 5 months and 29 day*. The deceased was attacked by the measles more than a year since, which settled on her lungs, and greatly impaired her general, health and constitution. She continued growing worse until her disease which was attended by a severe cough, expectoration, and great weakness, was supposed to be Pulmonary consumption. She suffered much throughout the winter season, being confined to her bed a great part of the time. Being under the care of a skiliul physician her health was evident ly improving towards the approach of Spring, and strong hopes were sustained by her friends of her recovery, but, alas ! how vain, how transitory are human hopes. About a weekjbefore her decease, she was seized by the catarrh fever, which her feeble health was unable to oppose,— Hor illness which was rapidly progressing was attended by intense pain and suffer ing, until relieved by death when her spir it took its flight to the regions of eternal day. She expressed a desire to depart and be with Christ. She was sensible to the last, and was esteemed by all who knew her. Maggie's brief career was marked with obedience to her parents, kindness to her little brother and sisters, and polite de portment towards all. She was, remark able for industry, having ever been enga ged at something even during her illness. She was also endowed with an unusual degree of understanding and was natural ly refined and elegant in her manners, which rendered her society pleasant and agreeable. Maggie was a member of lbs Oak Hall Sabbath school, and attended regularly while in health. Her remains were interred in the Rock Hill burying ground. AitiiC'Jgh her fond parents, broth er, and sisters, and a large concourse of friends, and relatives regain to regret her departure, they mourn not as iiiGSO with out hope, for the lover of children hath de clared that of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. FFAL . [ ,p g We are authorized to announce the name of Col. James Cunger, of Fergu son township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, 29. rgIURNPIKE NOTICE.—The Stock holders of the Kishacoquillas Turn pike Company are hereby notified that a dividend of six per cent, on the capital stock of said company has this day been declared, payable at the office of the Treas urer on the Ist day of may next. JOHN HEWES, Treasurer. Potter township, Apr. 24, 1864. 99