Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 27, 1854, Image 1

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DENTIST— Can be consulted at his rooms.
! the Pennsylvania ttoiei, lor a few weeks.
Bellefonte, April 20,1854 28
FOR SALE.— One top Buggy and one
two horse Carriage — bo(h new and well got
up. For particulars inquire of
Bellefonte, April 20,1854—28—tf:
-HENRY BONEWITZ & SON respectfully
inform the citizens of Belletonte and vicinity that
they are xbout commencing their second quarter
of instructions in Instrumental music. They are
prepared to give lessons-upon the Piano, Melodeon,
Guitar, Flute, ClaroneUe, Violin, Viohncello, Bu
gle, Cornopean, Trumpet, and a number of other
instruments. Persons residing in Milesburg can
receive 'egsons at their residences twice a week.
TERMS.— For the Violin, 24 lessons SIO,OO
For Piano and all other instruments CO les
sons for 10.00
Residence one door east of the dwelling house
ofDr Potter M the building formerly occupied as a
Drug Store.
April 20 1554 28
OTICF..— AII PERSONS knowing them-
RF selves indebted to the undersigned, by book
account or otherwise, are hereby requested to call
I.nd settle the same immediately. By attending to
the above notice trouble and costs will be saved.
Bellefonte, April 20, 1854 28 *
NOTICE. —The partnership hereto
fore existing between Drs WJ&J P Wil
son was this dav dissolved by W J Wilson retiring
from practice. The books are in the hands of J
P Wilson for settlement Ail persons .SdeDted will
please call and settle without delay, those having
claims will present them for payment.
March 11th 1854 J P WILSON,
Dr J P Wilson informs his friends that he has as
sociated with him in practice Dr W J McKim
(late of Blairsvtlle Pa) Dr Wilson may be con
sulted at his Office at Centre Hall, and DR McKim
at the office lately occupied by Drs Wilsons at Pot
ters Mills. When desired Dr W J Wiison will at
tend with Wilson & McKim without exl a charge.
April 20 1854 28 3M
Att'y-at Law. Gen'L Ageat.
Dealers in Real Estate, No. 72 Third Street above
Walnu*. neany opposite the Exchange, Phiadel
phia. General Asency for (he collection of Navy,
Marine and other Claims, &c. Bounty Land War
rants and pensions procured. Charges moderate,
and no charges until claim is procured. Pension
and Bounty Land procured for heirs of Revolution
ary Soldiers. Highest cash price paid for Bounty
Land Warrants and Land Patents.
IE7" The Rolls of over 10,000 SoWier9 can be
found at this Office.
I2F* FOR SALE —A tract of 433 acres and 163
perches of land known as the "Thomas Greaves"
survey on Beach Creek, LIE ward Township, Cen
ter County— title guaranteed. Appl/ as above.
April 6,1854. 26 lino
tract of land described above in the named
Thomas Greaves, I give notice that the title is in
me, and I caution all persons from perchasing the
same irom Jackson & Ford,
Bellefonte, April 20,1554 23
b-Tlv . Jif*tm'Ta'ixTtvr know
when they want goods at uniform prices ar.D as
LOW as can be bought in the s'ate, they go to J
B. AWL, because every man. woman ai d child in
the six counties TW this time knows that no on#
can sell lower ARID live. He has brought up A. large
lot ot NEW SPRING GOODS. The-egroods were
all selected with an eye to BEAUTY, FINENESS
and DURABILITY, and bought at prices waich
throw 30 per gent men into the s hades of oblivion.
He therefore inviiesal! his oid customers and about
call, and if lie doift please ninety-nine out of eve
ry bundled, in BEAUTY, QUA LI I Y and PRICE,
there L.Tger anv virtue in CHEAP and ELE
GANT GOODS. There is no need of recapitula
ing vhat be has either in the DRY GOODS,
GROCERY or any o'.ber LINE, as it is weli
known ibat he has everything anybody else has,
and a considerable sprinkling of useful and pretty
matters which OTHERS HAVE NOT. So "lei
there be no delay among those who want the first
Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange
for goods at the highest market price.
Bellefonte, April 13 1854. 27
TO THE PEOPLE.— General notice of
Dr. JA.ME3 MCCLIN TOCR'S Celebrated Fami IV
Medicines. —PECTORAL SYRUP.— This invalu
able Syrnp which is entirely vegetab'e in its com
poAiion, ha? been employed with wonderful suc
cess for many vears in the cure of diseases of the
AIR PASSAGE and the LUNCS. The most
common diseases of ihese organs are I-ritation
and lnflammati NOL the Mucous Membrane which
lines the air tubes of the throat, windpipes and
lungs. For any of these forms of disease, wheth
er allowing themselves as C nigh, Tickling of the
'Throat, Sense of Tightness of the Throat, Spitting
cf Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness or
Loss of Voice, and Hectic Fever, its use will be
attended with the nappicst results. It is recom
mended as one o'' the best and safest medicines
for all forms ol BRONCHITIS and CONSUMP
IP" No Laudanum or preparation of Opium, in
MV shape in this Syrup.
PRICE (in pint bottles) sl.
Cold and Cough Mixiure Dyspeptic Elixer.
For recent Coughs For Indigestion, Heart
and Colds, burn, Dizziness,
Price 25 cents.
Asthma and Whooping Price SIP-'r bottle.
Cough Remedy. Rheumatic Lioeunent.
Price 50 els. per bottle. For Rheumatic and Neu-
Diarrhiea Remedy and ra'gic pait.s.
Cholera Preventive. Price 50 cts. per bottle, j
Price 25 and 50 cts. Rheumatic Mixture j
Tonic Alterative For internal use in Kheu-
Syrup. niatism, Goui, Neural - j
For Purifying the Blood. gin, &c.
Price $L per bottle. Price 50 els. per bottle. 1
Vegetable and Purgative Anodyne Mixture.
Pills. For instantly removing
For Costiveness, Head- Toothache ami all pain
ache, &c. wherever found.
.Price 25 cts. per box. Price 50 cts. per bottle.
Pills. Fever and Ague Speei-
FOR LL^-Uo mplaints, fid*. J
Disordered STRNWRTFR* For Ague, or Intermit-
Lhe Bowels, Ate. tent Fevers in all for ms.
Price 25 cents Price $1 per bottle.
TO be bad of H H IC ELLIOTT, Agent for
Pennsylvania, wholesale and retail, and at the N
W corner of NINTH and FILBERT Street, Phila.
G. H. Keyser, Pittsburg; E. P. Miller, York;
D R Jor.es & Co H Bergner, Harrisburg; H A
Roohafisld, Lancaster; Smith 5C Eider Columbia;
and respectable Druggists and storek eepers gener
ally. *
GI MILES sole Agent for Bell efonte.
£ K brtl 20, 1854 28
PETROLEUM or Rock Oil, a medicine ob
tained from a well 400 feet deep, near Pitts
burgh, posst si ng wonderful curative powers, as
testified By see tof our mostre: pectabie citizens,
for sale alike store of' _
best cider Vinegar just
UMNLF vrrsceived and for sale by
Office in BroJeerhoff's Row, Third Floor.
TERMS.—SI,SO if paid in advance or within six
months after subscribing, Otherwise $2 will invaria
bly be charged. No subscriptions received for a
shorter period than six months and none discontin
ued, unless at the option of the editor, until all ar
rearages are paid.
Ail communications must be free of postage.
[The following lines from u Household
Words," are full of wholesome advice as
well as beautiful imagery. They convey to
the youthful dreamer a lesson which it
would be well for him to ponder.]
Arise ! for the day* is passing
While you lie dreaming on ;
Year brothers arc cased in a; .nor,
And forth to the light are gone ;
Your place in the ranks awaits you ;
Each man has a part to play ;
The past and the future are nothing
In the face of the stern to-day.
Arise from your dreams of the future—
Of gaining a hard fought field,
Of storming the airy fortress,
Of bidding the giant yield ;
Your future has deeds of glory,
Of honor; (God grant it may !)
But your arm will never be stronger,
Or needed as now—to-day.
Arise ! if the post detain you,
Her sunshine and storms forget;
No chains so unworthy to hold you
As those of a vain regret;
Sad or bright, she is lifeless ever ;
Cast her phantom arms away,
Nor look back, save to learn the lesson
Of a noble strife to-day.
Arise ! for the.hour is passing ;
The sound that you dimly hear,
Is your enetny marching to battle !
Rise ! rise ! for the foe is near 1
Stay not to brighten ytur weapons,
Or the hour will strike at last,
And front dreams of a coming battle,
You will waken, and find it past.
The bad Latin and French displayed in
Goiigrtss, nas passed mto a proverb; ant!
many a man who might have held a re
spectable position in the House of Repre
sentatives and Senate, has been ruined by
the display of his pedantry. The late
Timothy Fuller, of Massachusetts, who
was especially addicted to quotations, ma
ny years ago covered himself with confu
sion by concluding a speech with a long
extract from Homer, which not a dozen
men in the house could understand. The
moment hej-esumed his seat, old George
Kramer of Pennsylvania, rose : and by
way of lydicious contrast and punishment
let off a volley of low Pennsylvania Dutch,
to the amusement of every one, and to the
chagrin and lasting mortification of the
gentlemen from Massachusetts. *
Mr. William Halstead, of New Jersey,
who, at one time represented his native
Sta'e in the American Repre
sentatives, and who, everybody will ad
mit, is a man of ability, who might ac
quire eminence in any deliberative assem
bly in the world, compratively fell from a
really respectable position as a statesman,
by interlarding his "first great speech,"
with Latin enough to filba good sized com
mon place book. When he had conclu
ded, old Ratliff Boone, of Indiana, imita
ting the example of George Kramer
of other days, deluged him with an ora
tion in the Pottowottomie dialect.
The best, the purest, and the most elo
quent of all English writers, Junius was
content with the language of his country.
In no instance throughout his voluminous
and unequalled letters, can there be found
an instance of his quoting Latin or French,
unless compelled 10 it by technicalities ;
and, even then, he evidently sought to
avoid the folly. Doctor Johnson, Hume,
Goldsmith, Gibbon, of other days, very
rarely resorted to them, and Macauley,
| and most of the abler literary men of the
! present day, give them the go by.
One of the purest writers of this coun
try, who, as an editor, until he retired
' fiom the press altogether, held a most en
j viable position as a literary man, not only
| eschewed learned quotations but it was
; his boast that the English language was
j the only one he employed ; and that it
was capable of subserving all the practical
I purposes of editorial duty he aimed at.—
Cabbett.thoughan accomplished Latin and
< French scholar, obtained a good degree of
emmence heachieved,by thesimplicity and
purity of his English. The London Times
a gazette which is certainly conducted
j with an ability equal to that displayed by
I any paper in the world, is rarely disfigur
' ed by quotations from foreign tongues, —
The example is worthy imitation by all
who would achieve editorial eminence.—
iV. Y. Atlas.
| JQ™ An elopement took place the oth
er day which caused some consternation.
iA dog ran away with a new married
man's rib—of beef.
i'arrot Talk.
The Division of Time.
Many ages must have elapsed after the
creation of the world before any method of
computing Time, or of dating evenu, was
brought into established use. At a very
early period, time was measured by the
revolutions of the moon, the seasons suc
cessive returns of labor and rest; but so
late as the age of Homer a formal calendar
seems to have beeh unknown to history,
or a register of events.
The division of days into weeks is the
most ancient way of making time, proba
bly took place at the Creation. The next
division was that of months, which appear
ed to have been in use before the Flood.
The months were marked by the revolu
tion of the moon, consequently were cal
led lur.ar months.
The highest natural division of ime is
into years. At first a year consisted *>f on
ly wfr<- <ir months. It is supjfrDsrcf
that this method of reckoning was in use
as early as the Deluge, and that it contin
ued for many ages after. But this was a
very imperfect mode of computing time,
for a lunar year was nearly eleven days
shorter than a solar year; hence the
months could not very long correspond
with the season, Even in the space of 17
years the winter months would have
changed places with those of summer.
The Calendar which is now generally
adopted in the Christian world was insti
tuted by Romulus. His year began on
the Ist of March and continued only ten
months, or about 301 days, hence was ve
ry imperfect. Numa give the year 355
days, added two months, and transferred
the beginning of the year to the LA of Jan
uary. But this way was still making the
year too short.
When Julius Cresar obtained th l *o-•"!,-
eigntv of Rome, he found the months had
changed from the seasons, ar.d in order :)
bring them forward to their places, he for
med a long year of 15 months or 4 15 days.
This has been called the year of confusion.
It ended January Ist, forty-five years be
fore Christ. From this period the Julian
year of 365 days and 6 hours commenced.
The common years contained 305 days,
but once ever four years the six hours
amounted to another day, and this was ad
ded to the 23th of February, or the sixth
calends of March, which was to be reck
oned twice, hence this year was styled
Bissextile, or Leap Year.
The Julian year, however, was still im
perfect, for the earth performs its annual
circuit round the sun in three hundred
and sixty-five days, five hours and forty
.• . .t
cuds; hence the solar year was shorter
than the Julian, or civil year, by eleven
minutes, and fourteen and a half seconds,
which in two hundred and thirty years
amounted to a day.
In the coursj of time this inconvenience
becoming too considerable to be unnoticed,
Pope Gregory, XIII. substituted a new
calendar, called the Gregorian Calendar or
new style. It was published in March,
A. D. 1552. Ten days luid now been
gained by the old made of reckoning, and
these were struck out of the month of Oc
tober following, by reckoning the fifth day
of that month the fifteenth.
And in order to prevent the occurrence
of a similar variation in time to come, he
ordained that one day should be added to
every fourth year before, and that from
the year 1659 every fourth centenial y-f** 4 *
should be reckoned ns a leap year, and
the other three centenial vearsas common
ones. Thus the years 1709, 18 )3, 1999,
2100, 2500, etc. are to be reckoned as com
mon ones, and 1099, 2003, etc. as leap
years. Even this correction is n>t auso
lutely exact, yet the eiror is so small as to
hardly vary one day in over a thousand
The mode of computing time as estab
lished by Gregory is called New Style,
and that by Julius Caesar, Old Style, The
new style was adopted by Spain, Portugal 1
and part of Italy on the same day as Rome
and in France on the tenth of December
following which was reckoned the 29th
But in Great Britain this change was
not adopted until September, 1752, when
170 years had elapsed since the Gregori
an alterations, consequently a little mor< *
than another day had been gained. It
was therefore enacted by Parliament that'
eleven days instead of ten should be
stricken out of the month of September !
1752. On the second day of that month
the Old Style ceased, and the third day
was reckoned the fourteenth. By '.he
same act Great Britain changed the be
ginning of the year from the 25th ol March
to the first of January.
The time for commencing the year has
usually been determined, among different;
nations, by-the date of some memorable
event, such as the Deluge, the Incarnation
of Christ, etc. The Egyptians began the
year with the autumnal equinox. The
Jewish eclesiastic year began in the
Spring, but in civil affairs they retained
the epoch of the Egyptians. The ancient
Stveedish year began about the time o r
the winter solstice. The Turks and Aratr*
commence their year ahout the middia of
When Romulus began the year in
March, he named the four last months ac
cording to their position. The names,
September, October, November and De-i
cember, designated their order; seventh, [
eighth, ninth and tenth. But Numa
changed the beginning of the year to the
first cf January without altering the names
of the months ; hence they do not corres
pond to their order in the calendar.
Owing to these changes in the mode of
reckoning time, if we wish to ascertain to
what date in Old Stylo would a certain
day in New Style correspond, or what
date in New Style any day of Old Style
would represent, we must observe the fol
lowing rule:
If the event happened before the first of
March 1700, add ten days to the Old Style
and you will have it corrected for the
New ; if it happened between the fast day
of Februarys, 1703, and the Ist of March
1800, adl eleven days, if between the
same dates in ISOO and 1900, add twelve
days; and If between 1900, and 2100,
add thirteen Jays.. If you wish to ascer
tain the OH Style from the-New, substracc
stem !4-e New ins addAig to The
f l ' r -
The Tests of Character,
i Human character is tested and devel
oped in a variety of forms, and in little
things as well as great. There are cer
tain individuals who render themselves
cpntemptibie. if not odious, in the estima
tion of the manly and generous, by PETTY
MEANNESS if we may be allowed to employ
such a phrase. They are constantly en
gaged in sneaking, unworthy and discred
itable actions, and are either gratified in
tbus indulging a miserable species of dis
honesty, or deceived into the belief that
they escape observation. They appear to
take delight in small matters, and will la
bor for hours and days to accomplish some
comparatively insignificant object, and this
rr.jU'. iibout the decencies arid proprieties
of life. They forgetthat the eyes ot others
are upon them, or they become so devo
ted to this system by habit, that they can
not help its indulgence.
There are some men so mean that they
are absolutely dishonest. They disregard
consience, violate honor, perpetrale false
hood, and all in a sordid and mercenary
spirit, and under the hollow pretence
that such a system is sanctioned by busi
ness, by competition, by rivalry in trade,
and by the laudable desire to obtain an
independence. They appear to think
that they may do anything within the
low, provided it brings them gain. Self is
the idol of their worship, and in offering
up ii.cense before the altars of-Mammon,
they sacrifice all the purer, higher and
holier principles and impulses, that are so
P ♦iWb.u'Cs~t3> J:gt if v'a f-J aool'n tFumah
; n ure. The end almost invariably is,
'that the mean man is discovered, exposed,
despised and condemned. Ho thus pas
se.-- through thu world with the finger of
[scorn pointed at him; and descends into
Che " silent valley" without one grateful
rt collection of his conduct, without a sin
gle tear of love shed above his grave, or a
s■:•! tury truthful tribute of friendship paid
t- m's memory!— Pennsylvania Inquirer.
Finger Marks.
A mason was employed to thin whiten
the walls of a chamber. The fluid was
colorless till dried. Being alone in the
room, he opened a drawer, examined a
p .cket-book, and handled the papers, but
find rig no money, placed all things as
th ~y were, forgetting that 12 hours' dry-
*®>breru!(Lshotv th marks of his wet fin
g vs. But the tell tale finger marks,
w.,ich he little thought anyone would ev
er see, exposed his guilt.
Children, beware of evil thoughts and
deeds ! —They have ail finger • marks,
which will be revealed at some time. If
you disobej your parents or tell a false
hood, or take what is not yourmvn, you'll
make sad finger marks on your character.
And so it is with any arid all sin. It de
files the character. It betrays those who
engage in it by the marks it makes on
them. The marks may be almost if not
quite colorless at first. But even if they
should not be seen during any of your
days on earth—which is not at all likely
—yet there is a day coming in which all
finger marks or sin stains on the charac
ter will be manifest.
Never suppose that you can do what is j
VTT.Ig, without having a stain upon your
character. It is impossible. If you in
jure another, you, by that very deed, in
jure your own self. If you disregard the
Ltv of God, the injury is sadly your own.
Think of it, ever bear it in mind,children,
ti.at every sin you commit, leaves a mark
upon yourselves.
Your character should be a coating of
pure truth. Let cheerfulness ever be man
ifest.- Beware of sin—"and be sure your
sin will find you out," for it makes finger
marks which, even should they not be
seen by those around you on earth, will
L* seen by your commendation at the bar'
of God."
Judge Porter of Northampton county,
when applications for tavern licenses aro
before him, makes it a point before grant
is. j license in every case, to ascertain that
sells only good liquor. The
mmee is a judge, as is a judge.
'£ls™ The General Conference of the
.Methodist Church South, will meet in
Columbus, Georgia, in May next, and
; among the most important business will
[be to locate the Methodist Book Estab
' lishment.
Henry Ward Beecher, the best specimen
of Young America to be found in the
Ministry, in a recent discourse delivered
in Washin-gten city, held forth as fol
lows :
A true ministe must know no fear.
He must be a warrior. He must not
preach to please the Justice of the peace or
the Senate. He must go forth and attack j
wrong wherever he finds it. Does he
say that is perilious? Why,it is perilous
to live. When preachers shall do their
duty faithfully, there will be less dogs to
bark. They are told to mind their own
business and not to be medlers, But the
minister who never creates any agitation,
is like the husbandman who never plows,
; becauseJie may rip up some old roots.—
it is a peculiarity of the Gospel that it
don't mind its own business. It is aggres
sive, It don't wait for man to come to it
for relief, but it goes out to find man,
wherever he is. A Church may have all
truth in its creed, but if it sits on its egg
less nest and never incubates, it is just hs
dead as its opposite neighbor, whobeliewes
in all manner of error,
Preaching is substance in life. A bullet
must have power behind it, or it is dead
matter. If men ceeded only argument,
analysis, and deductions, then the Bible
would be enough. But the object of
preaching is not to build up a creed or a
system, but to repress sin and evil. The
churches of the present day disputing
about the correctness and tendency of dif
ferent articles of faith, reminded him of a
number of workmen assembled to erect a
! building. They begin to compare their
sands, disputing which has the sharpest—
their chisels, contending which has the
best temper —and their axes, boasting of
the skill and fame of the makers—but
never strike a blow or make a tenon tow
ards the erection of the edifice,
The ministers of these churches think
it so sweet and genteel to attack sin indi
rectly. But the Gospel is direct and Rev
olutionary. 1 here was a meaning in the
I declaration of Jesus that he came to send
! a sword and not peace. Ihe Savior wants
| stout, and brave men, not gentle men, in
silk stockings and kid gloves. Their
preaching must be bold and applicatory.
The Gospel it is true, is very inconvenient
to sinners, but it must be preached, so that
-J /uiiUar'u, stingy, and'crabbed souls, un
just men, and oppressors, will feel that it
is after them,
Sometimes the men in fhe pews are im
pelled to speak out against wrong, but
their pastor tells them it is not prudent.—
If I (said Mr, B.) had a Gospel like that,
I would throw it overboard. 1 would nev
er preach to please the pews. There are
congregations of men who build splendid
edifices, with (j|ch pulpits, handsomely
carpeted aisles,well cushioned pews, splen
did organ, and have very respectable
choirs—but don't call such Churches of
Christ—call them Odd Fellows—Mutual
Insurance Companies—anything respecta
ble but churches.
that the s-cret o( Napoleon's greatness
lay more in his judicious choice ol assis
tance than in what he did himself, and
this was a remarkable feature in the char
acter and success of the renowned mer
chant, Samuel Budget. In fact, it is only
a part of any considerable business that a
man can do with his own hands and eyes,
and it is of great importance that the other
parts should be well done. To choose
assistants, therefore, and treat them well
both in point of salary and personal inter
course, is, I think, the part of true wis
dom. We read of one who was prosper
ed in everything that he had for his ser
vcyit's sake ; and a good assistant in
business, one who will think and plan,
and execute for the good of the business,
is not to be lightly esteemed. The sooner
however, you get rid of clerks and fore
men who frequent saloons and theatres,
and ride out on Sabbath days, the better
for your own interest. A word to the wise
should be enough on this heaaT
letter from Mosul, in the New York Tri
bune, states tnat a new palace has been
uncovered in the ruins of Nineveh, a pal
ace whose beauty excels any yet found in
Assyria. The letter thus describes the
new discovery.
•'Huge monsters—compounds of the
lion, man and eagle—guard the entrance.
The slabs are in fine preservation, repre
senting the King and his officers at a li
on hunt, a war scene and a victory, a state
cfflMi l| ts#WtgTn : awri by men, with altars
'and priests and griffins; in fine a picture
i of Assyrian manners and religion as they
were three thousand years ago. The
workmanship is most exquisite. The
slabs are to adorn the walls of the British
A Mr. Wilson, from Concord, Franklin
county, was killed on the railroad below
Lancaster, one" night a short time since,
by a rail breaking and running up through
the car.
VOL. 20—NO. 29.
Farmers High School of Pennsylva-
The committee on educatiou in the HOIK®
of Representatives has reported an act au
thorising the establishment of an institu
tion for the Education of youth in various
branches of science, learning and practi
cal agriculture, as they are connected
with each other. The institution is to b®
governed by thirteen trustees, the Gover
nor, Secretary ofthe Commowealth, Pres
ident of the State Agricultural Society,
and the Principal of the institution, being
ex officio trustees, and Dr. Elwyn, Alger
non S. Roberts and James Gowen, of Phil
adelphia; H. N. McAllister, of Centre; R.
C. Walker, of Allegheny; James Miles, of
Erie; John Strohm.of Lancaster; A. O.
Reister, Dauphin; Wm. Jessup, of Sus
quehana; and Rovve, of Franklin, are to
constitute, the first
be divided into three classes, and one-third
of the Board to be elected annualy, by the
life members of the Pennsylvania Stat®
Agricultural Society, and three Represen
tatives from each County Agricultural
Society. The Trutees are to meet next
June, select a site, choose a scientific prac
tical farmer as principal, as well as teach
ers to impart to pupils a knowledge ot th®
English language, grammar, geography,
history, mathematics, chemistry and such
other branches of the natural and exact
science as will conduce to the proper ed
ucation of a farmer; the pupils shall at
such times and seasons as may be pre
scribed by the trustees, perform all the la
bor necessary in the cultivation of the farm,
and thus be instructed and taught all things
necessary to be known by a farmer, it be
ing the design and intention of the law to
be an institution in which youth may b®
educated as to fit them for the occupation
of a farmer,
The Board of trustees, through their
treasurer, will make an annual report of
receipts and disbursements, to the Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Society, which
it shall embody in the annual report that
by law the society is bound to make to the
Legislature every year. The Pennsyl
vania State Agricultural Society is author
ised to appropriate out of their funds to
the objects of this school ten thousand
dollars, if required, and to make such ap
propriation annually, out of their lunds, a#
will aid in the prosecution of this object;
to enable the irsttituiion to go into opera
tion and sustain it, there is appropriated
the sum of thirty thousand dollara, to be
paid in annual instalments of ten thousand
dollars, out of any money in the treasury
mot otherwise appropriated.
A Virtuous organist once played apiece
in so masterly a style, that all the listeners
stood in silent admiration, When it was
finished, the bellows blower jumped up,
rubbed his hands, and exclaimed, "Wo
did that capitally!" "Hush!" said the or
ganist, "1 must be the only performer
here." A new piece was commenced, but
in the midst of one of the finest passages,
the irusic ceased. The performer looked
at the organ in astonishment. The bel
lows boy put out his head from the node
where he labored, and "if you are
the only performer, why don't you go
No PRINTERS THEA. —The report of
the Inspectors of State Prisons in N. York,
discloses the very gratifying fact, that of
the large number cP convicts now ltr
tbe prisons of that Stale, there is not a sin
gle printer. This is a fact honorable to
the craft, and affording evidence of tho
general good character of those engaged
in it.
SUICIDE. —The Paulding ( Mis.) Clari
on, says that Wm. Dawson, son of the
late Judge Dawson, committed suicide at
Quitman, by cutting his throat with a ra
zor from ear to ear, The cause assigned
for the act was grief for the death of hi*
father, and suspected insanity for some
E3 5 * Take the hand of the friendless.—
Smile on the sad and dejected. Sympa
thise with those in trouble. Strive every
where to diffuse around you sunshine and
joy. If you do this you will be sure to be
beloved. ~
t3P t( My son, what would you do if
your dear father should be suddenly taken
away from you ?"
•'Swear and chaw tobacker."
CJF" " What's whiskey bringing?" in
quired a dealer in that article- "Bringing
men to the poor-house, penitentiary, and
the gallows," was the instant reply.
A man who lived much in society said
that his acquaintances would fill a cathe
dral, but that the pulpit would hold his
When our desires are fulfill to the very
letter, we always find some mistake
which renders them anything but what
we expected.
The epaulets worn by Prince Albert,
when in full costume, are worth the
trifling sum of two hundred thousand
Dr. Franklin in speaking of education
says : 'lf a man empties his purse into
his head, no one can take it from him."