Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 26, 1851, Image 3

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    TnN Per.LoA^A§to'Adeoustra have been I
examined and pcssad, 'arid lain - tall filed of
record in this pfrice for the '''iOpettitin of
Heirs, Legtit4es,'Cretlitoi*,lndiall others
in any way interested ; end 'Will be lite- 1 -
sented to the next Orphtin't 'Cotta of
Centre comity. 'tole 'held at Btliefarite,
on l'hurskr,"the Irst day OrMay., next.
for a llo v ance,nnii•confirmation. ,
the Administration account Of Yona-,
t h a n M' Williams and 14lamliankin, 'Ex;
ecutors &c. of William 'Rankin, late of
Ferguson townshirfaee'd.
'2,The Administration account of Mar
tin .Grove, surviving Executor ,&c. of
Mange Grove, • late of Harris Township
.dec'd. ,
The Administintion atcomit of'ft. G.
Wurham Administrator of Jacob Bower
ildte of Iduniolph county, State of 'lndiana,
- I.' The Guardianship It - ending
'Creamer, Guardian not "Whim Kers-
Ittter, otte of the minor Children cif Leen
nia 'Kerstetter, late of Haines Township
det'd. • -
15 The Guardianship Accoatit of George
Bracht, Guardian of Benjamin Kerstetter,
, ene.of the
.mittorthildren of Leonard,Ker
-atteter, late of Haines Township 'deed.
6.- The AdministratiOti Aecoanr of Ja
,eob _Dakar, Adminisetrotor of 'Willie:km Tip
-4011, late of 4-loward Township, dec'd.
7. The Administration account of Adam
`Waldenberger, -Administrator of Salome
Waldenberger, lam .of Summit county,
, Ohio ' dec'd.
S. The Administration •account of Ad
am Hoy and JacobStruble, Administrators
'of Albert Hoy, 'late of •Spring Township
9 The Guardianship Account of Hen
s.), Fidler and Frederick Heckman, Gnar
•dians of IVlalinda, William; `Catharine,
-Philip and Jacob iZreider, minor qybildren
et Philip Kreider, - late of Penn Township
10. The Adm inistration account of Act-
Ithany C. Geary and David M'Calmont,
LExecutors of Henry W. 141'Ca 4 mont, 'late
.42f Walker Township dec'd.
'tl.-The Administratioq account of Wil
4iam,Kerr, Administrator of Robt. Hughes
date tif , Potter Township dec'd.
The.final Administration account
rof<JacobLeathers=end Christian Bechtol,
IBreinitoralm. oflac-ili Leathers, late of
Howard TowriShip.dec:ld. •
• -18. The Guardianship Account of Pe
trel. -Mumbovier, - Guardian of Susanna
4`wattz. , a wiinarchild of David Swartz,
late of Township
14. - The Admiministration iiecount of
-3ohn M. and William W. Furey,
istrators of Jeremiah Furey; late of Spring
Towns'hip deC'd.
• .115. The Administration Account of
Robert Ailmitignaior of Adam
ICrumrine,flate ef;Penn Township
16. The fin-al Adminitctration Account
of John Turner, Yl.anraistrator of-Silas B.
Turner, late of Huston Township dec'd.
fl 7 The Guardianshtp Acccrt tit of ?on
,atitan Kroainer, Guardian! of Lydia A.
Strohm, a -rniro child of:John Strohm,
late oft Potter TownshirrdeC'd.
S. T. SNUG' ERT," Dep my Reg.
-Registers (Ace
March 2 1 1, 1851.'5
Orphans' Court Sale.
JN pursuance of an orbersaf the' rphans' Court of
Centre County bearing date the 26th day of No;
trember A. U. TB5O, and whieh ortl-r war continuo]
'by said Court 26:h lanuarylVd, onpetition
exposedlo .public sale on the premises on the 'loth
flay of April net:, the following real estate lace the
property - of !Joseph ntomas 'deceased, to\•_wit :
All that eertein-pece or parcel °flag! with the
-a ppurtenan des - sin:me in el-iarris Township, Centre
County : Beginning at a atone, thence .N 37, W .73
to a stone, thence N 53 deg E 58 peeohes4oa stone
thence 937 deg. E 73 perches to a gone thenee'S
59 derVir 38 perches to the place of beginning, it
beingipart of a larger tract of land tilde/tams set.
aparyeind , divided".byfrocee.dings had in partition in
Colift-dfUolatnon Pleas _mid coellrmed by gal
Court 27th 23d4.1845, midis/deli said ilbove desert
'bedpan or. fifth was set epart for Sarah P. Thomas,
SamerD. Thomas,.. Th
osophine dtrias miner
'children of isisalth _Tbomes Heard. 'who have for
their-guardian Sohn amnion •
Terms of Sale.--Onehalf of the ptirtlhase money
eanconfutnation, residue in_ one year thereafter with
,Interest, to besmeared by bondrand mortgage.
.7011151 IiASSON,
March 19th 1851_
CM.fik SHAFFER respectfully inform the M
ullet! of Bellefonte and the surrounding country
that they have•entesedintu i pstutershipfor the tar
pon of cturyinton the-Plastering businesepla all its
various branches. Beingboth - practiml mechanics
, themselves and employing none but ;the best of
twcatmen they are prepared'to do all work entrus
ted to them in the mast,workutanlike manner. Or
mamental work done up,to order. By their strict
• attention to business . and the manner in which they
intend doing their work they hopeto merit and re
eeivea liberal share of public patronage.
Bellefonte March ..1 ( 1th 1851.
• . 'NOTICE.
'The tmderaig. ned Auditors apointed by-the-Conn
'of Common Pleas of Centre .county, to • audit and
4 1 4.s t he t c nt e*s a o i l a e Mir e r ''‘X G® ra
*calms os tbeir4ppoisttrientat,tlaVrothonotary's
ratßee in Bellefonte on th e 2.8111 day of March 1851,
*hen end whereell pemoniainteiested 'nay anew!.
• E. , Ci• HUMES,
ZeUefoine March 190141351.-
Application for ,License,
111 . 110 the Honorable Judtres of -tlielCourt.
-in- of Quaner.Sesaions of the Peaee ;for_
'Centre County.' .
Irv/57meg= °Mahn tlesvevor-flieriownshiror
Spotter in the County of Ceptrereednetfully
:That he intends keersig n r lXibliiliouse of en:"
at at die Old*Purtim she, house now aeon
'fie ppt by Robert Gilliland in•milittosruthip.
thereferwsyys your Roams togratit-a license,
Ito heeptypublie house at the plate aferesalitfor
eneeinnungsear. , A4...beever_prlty eud.,
were, subseribere °Wart:3,36o4 toWnship of
Pe in the County ofGentre recomtnend the a
hove petitioner and certify that the 4eti l 'el 'Tavern
mentioned is oiseessarrto-aceommodato thetpublie
end etruistabs strangsreaad trii4mlters4oid that the
petitioneris welt provided with turuserocen ander,
suunmedatlen of strangers and travellers, quid that
Iteuxeditioner is of good repute for tamesty and tent
Micbsef Stretun,
.John 13eibel,.
Peter Wolf jr.
Hugh Tonne?,
" Alexander Davis,
.Pairder &raw Hanger.
aellefontepilt+olo 15.5. •
- Li AVE just re ived torery large an well select•
sated mock of ,
, American,l Mach and English
ttemicals i
ectr goods areteetedwith great *caret acid - willfbe
warranted as re ted.
Bellefonte . W 46.1658.
1 get - -
Joseph ;Tiller,
John ISI, {McCoy,
Urish Sleek sr.
f a
ow& 80arehgree,
iv 1
1 ;0 0 0 f 01 e1 51, L 4 1 , 11 171 4) lT l 2 l i c n ili cti s b B :l l t7g el l
e nd 21 4 inch plph, poplar piank, boards, scantling,
acc., for sale at tie e;ore of LILT:US& WILSON,
Walkersv ilia.
•- • - - -
AS'IrROLOG tS I 7 I , ' • •-• ApPlilitliiillit. License:
HE CELEBRATED '.DR: C.' . ROBACK. MO the Hortorable - Judges of - the Court.:
.J. Prbfeasor of Astrohigy,',Aationem'it.'Phrenollooy
and GedlnaaoYooftlhilvtd,With-COMURATION, JII- of Quarter SesSions of the Peace for
f ro th Siiegekt, alliee Nti..ll:Locatit !Street, Philo- I Centre County..
- ,
del die offers his seevititit to thek citizens of •
BELLEFONTE at.ll of the tUrreendinteenutry. The petitimt of 4 Geore62llYorr Zit ' the township '
of Union in the County of Centre respectfully 'thew
He has been consulted by all the erbtvife:theads 'of eth : That he Occupies 11 , hentri hi: rha - said tciwn-
Europe and enjoys a higher reputation ' he .an As- ship which has beretoftite
and cceupied
trologer rtete,terorie living. Nativitteb'Cideulated
to b oomon , y _4,,,d test x t . oe t t y letttvo $5, .as a public bouie of entertalartent. and-is desirous
Persons at h dithanee eon have
iof continuing to keep a public baize therein. He
theirnativiiies drawn
by sending, the dale of the day of their ("birth. Au r, therefore prays your honors to , gran) Win a &erne
letters containing the above fee will receive irrime. to keep a public house at the . place afamiaid 6r
diate-tatention anilnatteities sent to any 'part Ofthe the ensuing year. And he will ever pray &c.
world a/MIMI an'Uumb:e paper; and hetis -preps. GEOIWI TAYLOR.
red to.itmke - dse of his .power on the following .tep.. . We the subscribers, citizens of the Township or.
ica : Courtship; advicwgiven for the snetlettstalac., Union inllie County M Centre, recoMnfeird 'thehi
campifsbnient of a 'wealthy'marriage • 'he has the. bove-peritioaer, tin certify that the above Inn or
power'th redeem each as ardgiven to the free use Tavern is dee - esaay - to acedmmodatethe public -TM
of the bottle; and Tor all cases of hazard:d' the-pur and for entertain strangers-and travellers, and that thepe
the recovery Of etolen or titgproperty, ati
tithiner is well provided with liaise room 'attcl ea.
commodation fur straneers and traVellers. and that
chasing of lottery tickets. Thousan& oft ke above he is of gedd repine for honesty and temperance.
named cases havy,lteen'alitiain this' city ana, its vi- Wine A. Mason, John Thompson,
entity, atid in the Drilled States, to the full Smisfac
don of all, 10,000 NatiVities or Horosco peshave R'''S'"iddin°' Joseph Bing,
been cast during thilast filer years white here. Jhn k0 5...4..t.r . Calh i a o tti ; 'George Hoover.
Letters will answer evet:yParpose and will 'do as John ---'''''''''''' Joseph Ammerman,
DavidSpotts, Moses J. Thompson,
wellsts to call in person,lMl the mail is 'now so Dennis Sutherland, • W illiam
, McGia es,
Safe that persons need not fair to - trust money through
thetoteollice. Dr.-Loback receives from 500 to Unionville March 19th 1551.
1000 letters monthly, tind'hasniVerinuW one.
All letters kvill'be religiously atfedded to, if pre
paid. For (Oilier particulars call at the office of
the "Oetitre Democrat" Bellefonte Rs. iindgetlM
Astrtilizogical Almanac gratis.
'C. W. ROBACK, 71 Locust Et. aboveii .
10 4 1Ete particular to mention the Post Olbee t nnun
ty add state. All communications kgpt religiottsly
secret. , (March 19,'51, 1 y.)
=Enure SALE.
1)Y virtue oth Avritof Levari Facies issued out of
the Conn. of Common Piece and to me direoted.
'wilt bo ezikreed tolhtblib sale on the premises on
the 14111 day of April next at 2 o'cloek fr. M. the fol
loutilig;deicrlbed property to wit: All that certain
tract of Ldi& bituate inYergiison ToWttsbip 'boun
ded as follows : 41eittniiiii? at ti poit near a pine,
thence north 54 deg. ease% perches by laud ot Wm
'Laird ton stone, thence north '36 deg. west 206
perches to a post by land, of John'Golduitin tot:l'volt
thence'by a part of the same south 54 west 861:era.
es. thence sou& 37 deg. east 206 perches by lantl'of
IlenjaminCornerto the place of beginnirg.
"Sefted, taken into execution and to be sold as the
property of John McCurdy.
March 19th 1851.
.144)Henan for License.
WO the Honorable Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace lar
Centre 'Cot] My. •
The petilicut of John On of the township of Val
ker in the'conaty df Centre, respectfully sheweth :
That he occupies a•lieuse in said township, which
has here•ofore been 'used and occupied as a public
house et martini email, and is desirous of continu
ing to keep a public 'house therein. He therefore
!Pray* your Honors to-grinit 'him a license to keep a
;public house at the.place aforesaid for the ensuing
year. And he will ever pray dt:o.
subscribers, citizens .of the township of
Walker i n the county of Centre recommend the a
bove-petitioner and certify that the inn .or tavern a
, hove mentioned is imeesisai3-no accommodate the
pabke and entertain strangers and travellers, and
that the: etitioner is well.provided souse room
afid accommodation for strangers and traiellers and
that the above petitioner is of good repute for . hon- -
ftity and tetapecance.
Ira D Canfield, ' Walter,
Michael Shaft* r McKee,
Wm Smyth jr. Henry Winkleman,
John Swartz Samuel Petit,
Levi 'Oruit4 , , Michael -Shaffer,
Thomas Me.llitrn, n'v3olumon 'Candy,
John Bet k, •Sosaph Sweyers,
Isaac B. Segner. Peter Saydik,
George Bartholomew, Jacob Reber.
March 19th 1&51.
Application for Iteenso.
WO the Honorable lakes of the Court
of Quartec Sessions of the Neste for
Centre County.
ll'ne petition of David roplin 'respecthirly thew
etb : Thai s-oe,- pettt,os,.. aevrerecttogon ;addi
tion totbis house situated, on the summit ofsthe.., Alle
ghturmoutuain on the new 'Turnpike read from .
Spruce'creek to Philipsburg in the township of
?Rush, and when said addition is -completed which
theentectftekhaveslone.early in the Spring, will be
tivell ralgulated for a public hoarse of entertainment
and from its neighborhood and satiation. (there be
ing no public house from tWarritremark•to
bow en said tunipike road a distance of 113
tend this being near eqi-distant) is suitable as well
as very necessary for the accommodation of the
public-v.lld theenterta in ra ertt.cf strangers tea true-
Clem; Thatte is well provided with sts.hittig for
horses and all Conveniences necessary for the en
tertainment of strangers and travellers. Ha there
foreprays.your Honors to grant him a license to
keep an Molar yttbifethouse of•entertainment there
And your petitioner will - eaer'pruir.
trift ihevrilersfgmed ci t &ens of the Township 'of
Rush start:Said, being personally acquainted with
David Coplin the above named petitioner, and rase
having a knowledge of the house for which theli
tense iS prayed, do hereltv'ccrtify, that sash house
ismeesarrto•ancotereroeuste the ptiblic and enter
tain strangers or travellers that he is a person of
good repute for honesty and temperanoe.and thatthe
will be when Jas . -house is completed-well prcivided
with hou.setoomaind conveniences for lodging and
trecommodating strangers and .4travyners. We
'therefore beg leave to recomnimil him for a License
agreeably to his petition.
John Motley, Robert Lowe
Samuel Morrison, Igraghban,
S. 'G. tinik, 'Harlan Glasby,
James Dale, John -Burnet,
John Brad:n, William Johnson,
Tames McLellan, John R Herd,
Rush Township March 10th 1.861,
Valeabh3 Real ,Estate for Sale.
'THE etibacilher wilt sell the "following Rea
Estate, vit
No. 1. Containing about THREE HUNDRED
AND TEN acres of limestone land, situate on-Buf
falo Ran inSpring Township,five miles ,westof
Bellefonte, above twoltundred acres in a bighstate
of eußtratitiir, +well timbered and watered. This
tract will divide into two or three farms with ad
vantage-, as may suit purchasers.
N0."2. Situate_ on the Bald-Eaee, Patten Town.
ship, aboutten lutes west of Bellefonte, containing
DNE HUNDRED AND Si TY acres, about sev
eitty acres cleared. • Ovthis tract is a thriving OR
'CHARD of good fruit. One hundred acres of this
tract Es' n bottom e b land suited for.grain co:Oats, The
' tiMirlitivalkt i roattruAtAaalgtaV:
No. 3. The undMded half part of THREE
HUNDRED AND SEVEN acres and allowances,
situate in Spring Township, on Muncy Mountain,
five miles west of-Bellefonte, about sixty acres
cleared, there is a young ORCHARD on this Itirm,
bearing fruit, also several springs, and abounding
with good timber.
ply The lentts Will i be made easy to purch aseAßMOß rs. Ap
to 7AMBIi- ,
- January 10, 1 1.
0 near Bellefonte.
Tbe largest, c hea pest , and handsomest assort:neat
of - WALL PAPER, that has ever been offered for
Sale in ;Bellefonte.
Npplicatiot tot !License,
IVO the Honorable Judges of the Court
AL of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for
Centre 'County.
The petition of John H. Morrison of Bellefonte itt
the County cifeentre, respectfully' sheweth : That
he occupies a house in said 'Borough, which has here
tofore been used and occupied as a public house of
entertainment, clad fa desirous of continuing to keep
a public house therein. Ile therefore prays your
Honors to grant hima license to keep a public house
at theplaee_ aforesaid for the ensuing year. And
he will ever pray. MO. 11. MORRISON.
Wethe subseribers citizens of the Borough of
Bellefonte in the County of Centre repo:Whew:l the
aboveiietitioner, undbertify that the lin'or
above mentioned is rieemaary to accouttnentite the
•public and entertain strangers and travellera,"b.nd
that the petitioner is well proirided with hcluSe
room and accommodation for strangers and travel
lers, aucl . thatite is of good repute tbr Honesty and
Silas Keedh, A 5, Myers,
B. Rush Petrikin, Wm. Furey, jr.
H. Brokerhoff, George Lonberger,
T. Caldwell,
J. W. Barker, J W. Bissler,
Barnard McClain, Win Bar&
March 10th 1851.
IL A s I jve l r V en A te S t i l l t l h N e G Forn TO N ace rn a O n ' r wills tt t r K t S it
immediately, high prim - and a liberal proportip of
Cash will be paid for chopping wood, Colliers, Fur
nace bands, and Laborers. Call nod see how well
yon can do. WJIARTON MORRIS.
March 19th 1851.-30 tf.
DR. CANFIELD having associated with him in
in the practice of Medicine DB— pp° u I S for
merly of Jersey Shore, and a graduate of Pennsyl
vania Medical College, who has also had the 'ex
perience of five years practice, -would respetufally
inform the public that they wOuldte happy to at
tend to all calls in their profession.
Nittany Hall March Ist 18 l.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's'Court of Centre County to distribute the
funds in the hands of John Hahn and laeob Nee
Admr's of Jacob Price dec'd. to end aching , tlase
entitled' ereto, will atteild to the duties of'his ap
pointment at the Prothonotary's Office...in Bellefonte
on Friday-the 4th day of April A. D. 1851., when
and where all - persons mterepted may anew&
Bellefonte February 27, I&il—tit.
The undeisigned an Andircir trAoidted - by the
Orphan's'Odurt of Centre C amty, to distribute the
funds in the bands of Weld bale and Darid Etters.
Admr's off. ohn tdrie dec'd will attend to the du
ties of his' appointment on the 26th day of April
next, at his Tice in Bellefonte, when add whete.all
may attend , Who are interested.
B. RUSIJ A'aditor.
Bellefonte -March 5, 1551.-4t,'
The undersignetlan Auditor appointed 16y the Or
phan's Court. of Centre County to distribute the bal
ance in the hands of PhilipSheueberger
of Augustus Wolf, late df Zanies townsb.ip,-deces
red, to and among those entitled thereto, tinsT,ppoin
ted Friday the 4 ith4ay of April next, at 2 clock ?.
M. of said day, at the Registers Chti , e in •Bellefonte
when and wherethe will attend to the duties vflis
HUMES & SON beg leolt to announce to
• their frienda and the public generally, that they
have associated wittethemsetves in the metcanti'e
business, Mr. 31J`;LN TONNER, The business will
hereafter be conducted at their old stand in the bor
ough of Bellefonte in ilia name of E. C. Heinen
Co. They would avail theruselves,of this-o&ortu
nity of tendering to their old friends and.eastomers
their sincere thadke for_ the ;patronage. heretofore
given them, and would respectfully solicit a contin
uance of the sameunder the new cohnection ; it be
ing their determination to make every issonable
effort to give satisfaction to all who ratty fit or them,
with a call.
'Bellefonte March 12th 181.
The undersigned Auditors appointed by the Court
of Common PI ms df Centre L.ounty, to audit the
account of Andrew G. Curtin, assignee of John
Henderson will attetld to the duties of their appoint
merit at the Prothonotary's Office in. the Borough
of.Bellefonte on Saturday the 22d day of March A.
D.. 1661, when and where all persons interested may
attend. WM. P. WILSON, 1
D. C, BOAL, Audi's.
Bellefonte Feb. 26, Ibsl—lt.
The undersigned an Auditor .qppoirited lw the
Orphan's Court of Centre County, to distribpiethe
fuadsin•the hands of George Blount arid Williams
`cr- Ovei ur Ifeary ntoOrntree'd. to and
among those entitled thereto, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at the Register's Office in
the Borough of Bellefonte on Friday A the2Bth day 'of
March 1851, when and where all l ipersonsijaterested
imty attend. . P. , 1,732807/
_Bellefonte Feb. 213, 1851 —4l. Autrr.
1 - UTTERS of AAlministration on tt4 estate of
..I.‘ Martin Micas dec'd late of... Spring Tp. have
been granted to the subscribers .reading i'A said
township, wha requests all pc:sr/As:indebted to come.
forward antllAdite immediate settrentem, and those
have claimsnrainst said estate are requested to
present their accounts properlA Atithenticated for
settlement. 'LEWIS lESS)
~,, , Asrch 12th 1E31.--29
- • Strays •
Came to the rasidenee of the subseriber 'residing
in Ferguson Township sheet the fast of - November.
last, a BRINDLE STEER, about three -years old,
and has a sturnpy.tall.. .The owner is requested to:
coureforarartl, prove property, pay charges, and
take him away. otketillbe he wiU;he, disposed:of
the law'direltin. , •
• '
February 12th IM. GEC :BLOOM.
TlT — er received .
.and for sale Maw bushels: of
.d . C.ittannts, by 3.,W..I3ARRER.
T . AIRES DRESS GOol)3.—tarege, •DeLaines
.L 1 isitiWllS and Silks 'of all colors, Cambric?) and Jac
°netts, Muslins, Mantillas tollring,. Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery &e. just recevedriand for bile byy
Bellefonte Nev. k, 'SO) JOHN B
. AWL.
re ther Mirk and &gni Representatives of Johti
l'restleroatidee'd, Liberty Tp. Centre
E 65, &t en 04hari's Court Eird'itt tette
" font° hi add - forth*, County of Centre on the
Mak day ofianilttry;_ltol ' on the _petition - of John
Nestleroad Heir-at. Law of the . saM he Coprt
awarded ari Inquest of pnriltfon,o, :valuation op the
Real Estate of John Nestreimi'd deed. foetid among
the Representatives at law or the isafd de'eease'd in
themanner and form as directed by-th laws of this
:Notice is hereby given to the said heiraltUA tegil
resmtatives of the said dec'd. and all Persons
that I will attend on the premises ott
rheAth day of April next, at 10 o'clock ID the fore
noon ofialailatr, nhd will commence and continue
hti hold an Inquest on the said, real estate until the
whole thereofts parted and divided or appraised
and valued according to law, at which time and
place, as well the,said heirs and reps esentatives as
also all .persons Intermted are hereby notified to at
tend if they see proper.
Sheriff's office, 13ellefoute March sth 1551.
To the Heirs end Legal Representatives of George
Zinerick dec'd, late of Potter Tp. Centre County.
WHEREWHEREAS, nten'Orphati 2 s Coonheld at Belle
in end forte COupty . OrCeritre, 'fhe
29th day of liilittifryA.ip, nal. on 'the petition of
John Smerickjleir-at-Law of the said deceased,
the Court awnrded an Inquest of partition or valu
ation on the Real Estate of George Emerick dec'd.
to and among theeps( sentatives- at law of said
dec'iTin the nthditer ihad 'Com es directed by the
laws of this‘Cdminonwealth,
Notice is hereby given to'stie said Heirs and le
el representatives ofeaid deceased, and all persons
interested, that 1 wilt attend at the house of John
Emeriek, on the premises, on the 10th day of Aprii
next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day , end
ivillponwrience and conlintre-to hold an 'lnquest on
this ow real testate ihritiribe whole thereof is parted
and'hivided dr appraised and valued according to
law, at which' time and place, as well tke said heirs
and representatives as alto itllTersons interested
are hereby notified to attend if the nee proper.
'L. MISER. Sheriff:
Sberift'd'ollice,'Rellefudte March sth 1851.
Venetian Blinds, & Bedstettas,
VrADE of good'snateriats in the best manner and
LIJ latestltyle, now on hand, and also-made to
order at the establishment on High Street the near
M. E Church, Beiletontej'a.
MP' Also—Old- work repaired.
,Bellefonte Jnne 12th 1850.--45
Ilitieteipits and rallen'aitures•
War. Fonnv, Treasurer Dr.
To cash received from Collectors as
1847 J...D. Turner, 13ellefonte $ 1,44
1848 David Campbell 102,62
1819' Henry Vandyke 116,00
18`10George Lon berger - 149,20
18119 Henry Bush, Boggs Tp. 148 1 00
1850 :Jacob Peters 76,00
4849 John Glenn, Ferguson Tp. 163,20
1850 John Weaver 877,60
4848 Wm. Burgess, GYRE Tp. 12,00,
1849 Dankd Livingston 235,60'
1850 John Riehel - 196,40.
-1848 Scott Williams, Huston Tp. 29,00 .
4849 William Turner 64,86
4819, 3clatil4csterman Haines ilp. 127,35
1850 Thomas Cronimiller 522,40
1846 John Thompson Harris Tp. 404,41
4.850 John EL Mitchell 162,00,
1849 J. Pousgro've Halfmoon Tp. 119,92'
1850 William Wilson 84,00
1849 David Brickley Howard tp 173,06
1850 Matthew Adams 84,40
1849 Henry Smull, Miles TIP '279,13
4850 Adam -Shakier . 098,72,
IgB rihn Verger, Marion Tp, 27,00
1849 4obeil Holmes '230,60,
1859 John Ruble 56,001
1849 David Gilliland Potter Tp,
18$0 Seth Benner - 8 . 9,00
.1847 Jacob Harter Penn Tp4 IA3B
1848 Henry Alex.ander 119,00
1849 , George S ir ar t 2
34 Q,40.
185 D Jesse .- W re 422,10
184 t `Peter B. ray, Patten 'T.p. 17,40,
1818 George Till.ams 18,00,
1840 P. B. Waddle 399,60•.
1850 James NlCartne7 .58,00
1848 B. C. Bowmans Rush Tp. 40,00
1849 John Hudson 10,19
18110 David Johnsion 30,00'
1848 Wm. Riddle, Spring Tp. 30,80,
1819 John Irvin 303,38
1850 John No i' jr. 65;88
1 . 847 Daniel B chtal Snowshoe Tp. 6,20.
18rjp ;Sohn Mc ormick
Md'lsilopar4 lerqman Tay10r1P.26,52
1850 Samuel loore 26,00
1849 - Simon Lingle, Liberty Tp. 515,02
1 1859 John Brickley 16,00
1848 John Pownell, Milesburg 37,52
4850 Jonathan; Bullock 52,80,
1848 John Cok, Worth Tp. 17 ; 08`
1849 James Aideiy 18,04
1 . 850 Michael - Brown 9,00
1847 t hos. McKean, Walker Tp. 52,15
1848 Henry 134 ck 265,96
1849,C. Strobl e 127,20
1850 John PkTell 332,80
Cash fro - th James Gilliland
' Lite! Treasurer.: .500,60
'Cash on liJ nseated lands 383,88
" OP' Esttays sold 2,72
" on 1 andaold by Com
' intssiOnen • 107,58
Whole amount received from col
; s .leetors 1.401,70
Profit late Treasures. 500,66
WSI . Fettnit, Tneastrasß, :Cr.
Cash paid W,m, P 4 Wilson form'er
_ Clerk 'to Commissioners 58,70
Wm. H. Blair 16 316,30
:County printing 43,00
Blank Assess 'Bodin 88,20
_Delivering Election pavers 5,00
4 14 Assess tioolta ;32,50
Printing Assessors notices 19,00
Pub, vroola citation . 21,00
'Premium an .FOX ,scalps 129,20
Constables Making.remrn &e. 160,51
T. M.. Hall late Sheriff; fees 42,00
- Wm. L, Musser, suthtuoning
jurors, boarding prisoners
.acrd con veyArg touVicts4sc 390,77_
ounty Auditors 36,00
Zuperxtrurt of Tp. roadd'
TAX OA Unseated lands 579,12
Paid Jurors 1,697,71
Btankißooks and 'stationery 62,23
- 465,19
Ingivisitiotls on dead, bodies 123 04 ,
A. White Court crier • At (
Tax refunded • 211,011
Fuel for Cam House & offices 125,001
John Toriner, Reg. ifi. • Recor;
'der, for docket and . fees • 24,62
John T.lloover, Prpth'y and
Clerk of Sessions ' ..- 131,80
N. J. Mitchell, Commissioner 141,00
Robert Smith ' Ai 140,50'
Samuel Hess " 105,00
John - Rishel " 9,00
Lyman ,arid Tacker, building
- bridge 300,00
Rethin Judges '24203
Election ezpeives . 329.13
f t ytornipg Co. Mti, In. Co. 20.00
Postap _ 2,98
Road Tietrers';B2 00#
- Lot of grountl for jail stable :100,00
Acknowledging deeds 4,12
John Blanchard's estate irtt. 102,00
L. Kurtz, printing 77,75,
J. K. Shoemaker i , 'a: ;!?0, l
Costs Corn.- prosecutions 214,861
-IN, Hillibish, conveying water
into jail yard &a . ' 69,62
- 'Stable for Jail 135,50
Repairs of Court House 18,90
Laying ant State 'Roads and '
Union township lines 95,03'
Penna. kloapitallor A. M'Clar
it'y 249,83
" • ..Elldn Savage 141,64
John McAllister, nietchanise 1,00
Delivering duplicates
error in favor of Treasurer IS,:i4
. . '7,439,t5 I
Amount due from the fcillOwing borongh.
and township collectors siibiect to ex
bonortnions and per tentage.
1848 Pavid Campbell, Bellefonte § 8;88
1849 Henry Vandyke 290,71
1850 George toriberger 338,65
1847 Thomas 'Drools, Milesburg, 89058
1848 John ,Pownell 28,91
1849 john Juin •121,62
1850 Jonrititin Bulloclt 64,48
1847 Wm. Iddings, Beggs 1 1'p. 237,52
1850 Jacob Peters • -,-, .362,37
1818 G, W. Meek Fergusen'Tp. 68,46
1849 Bolan 'Glenn -293,84
1850 John 'Wea'ver 0 1 16,83
1848 John 13nrgess 'Gregg Tp. 110,38
1819 Daniel Livingston -264,90
1850 John RiStel 656;06
1850 Win. Wilson, tialftbuvuTp atio7
1849 Joint,Thompsort, Harris ;1'p•3 1 68,34
1850 John 14. IViiiehell 7134;o1
1850 Ths. cronitiiiller Haines Tp J 77,91
1848 Scott 'Williams, Huston Tp StOS
1850 John B. g,edi r .,_ moo
1849 D. 13rielley, Howard Tp. 41,10
1850 MattheW Adams 8113,51
1848 Jal:Gunsallus, ;Liberty Tp 79,97
1849 Simon Lingle ' 21,26
1850 Ott Brickley 142,30
1848 John verger, Marion Tp. 218,44
1849 Robert Holines 31,40
1850 John Rublq 525,30
1850 Adam ,Shaffer, Miles Tp. 249,60,
1849 Dairid•Gilliland, Patten. 1 1 p. la7o
1850 'Stith Preimer 971;58
1848 Henry Alexander, Penn Tp 100,95
1849 Geor g e -Swartz ..Z-0,42
1850 Jesse Wore 276,62
1847 P. B. gray, Patton T . p. 22,18
1849 Pr - B. Waddle , ' 38,64
1850 Jame's McCartney 127,67
1848 Wm. Riddle, Spring Tp. 680,94
1849 to 'T•rvin • '657,15
1850 John Hoyjr 1691,48
1847 Daniel neclitOl Stowable ,00
1848 Austin Hinton 33,19
1849 'John B. Walls 31,02
1850 John McCormick - '70,60
18-17 Clement Beckwith, fiery for 162,22
1849 Leonard Merryman 6,76
1850 sainuel Moore
1849 JarneS /Wary, Worth Tp. 33,42
1850 Michael Brown,
.. 63, 4 / 6
1849 Conrad Ikrable Walker clip. 2e9,67
1850 John *eil 309,10
1847 Win. McClelland Rush Tp 4,05
1848 B, C. gOtvtnan . - 6;87
18-19 John Hudson 27,47
1850 David Johnston
00.1misa.ges , icouß2r, &fir&
N pisrsOance of an order of the Orphans's Court
of CerPre , Cotinty bearing date the 31st day of
January 1851, will be es r to publichile at the
Court House in the Boro hof Bellefonte on the
27th day of March 1831, ; e REAL ES
TATE the property of George Hastings and Enoch
Hastings, minor.children of Daniel Hastings, dec'd
The undivided half part of SIX certain LOTS
OF GROUND situate in the borough of Bellefonte
one thereof situate on the west side of SPringatreet
in said borough, fronting. t3O feet on said street,
bounded on the nortli.by lot 130 and on the south
by . lot. No. g, Awl Ithatin and designated us lot No
1 in the general .ptan of said borctigh. One other
thereof 'adjoining the last mentione&lot fronting art.
Spring street 60 feet and knovra..and designated aa
Lot Pio. 2 in the general plan ofiliaid borough. One.
Otherthereof situate on Spriagyttmet in ,said' bor
ough bounded on the south by lot No. 1, and on the
north by lot No. 131 andlnown and designa:ed as
lot No. 130 in the generatipluti: of_mild .borough.
One other situate the west side f. Spring street
boundetron the north by lot No. 132 arid on the
south by lot L3Cland linown and designated as Itot
No. 131 in Said boil:As/h. 'One Other 'ihereof.sitis.
ate on the east aide of Allegheny Street bounded on
the no by lot No. 154 and on the.sooth by lot No
152 and knotma and designated.es lot 1 4 16 153 lathe
said borough aild Ittp,ollfer ItencOf situate on the
east side of Allegheny Street 'botinded on the north
by lolVo;355 and on the south by,lot No. 153 and
known and riesignated as lot No. 154 in said bor
ough; subject to interest of ilia 'widow of said
Daniel Hastings.dee'd under the intestate laws of
'this Commonwealth.
TERMS.—i:Onelliird et the purchase mtiney on
confirmation, residue in 'wampum! imyinents there
after with inastest, to be secured by bondeand4nort
g a ge • Byvaer ofthe Orphans' Court, -
D._ Y. PRUNER, 9ttardiaa
Belicfonte February 26th 1&51
• *6EIO ,`
THE : partnership heretofore eahitirtg under the
flan of Steward and Co. la "Ow dissolved' he
sulreriberis authorized to setile,the same.. •
, Bellefonte' ebruary 13t h 101. •
•-' Notko • •2-
IS hereby - g iven, that. he Books of J. P. Gray, are.
, !eftin the hands of J. Pronner, E; q„ for Cu ! . lection, Those wishing to save costs will please
call and settle immediately. •
Bellefonte, Feb. P 5,1551 , ". B. D. GRAY..
ilt.l Blue:add. 15iive Cloth
Blaekand SUM :tuCaimsfaieres,. Sean,Tweed
Linen and Cotton Go oda for -Wye and Children'
ciethingash Stoceived and for Dale at J... 13 AWL'S
Cheap C3ali , •ra, I ,l l .lrarhinutna Place. .•;
Bell soia:ay Irt Ititl).
, .
JVi. BARKER- hasiust_lneeived -from Phila.
• delphis at his Stoic. an Bellefonte)! opposite:oNi
'Temperance Hotel! a full and.-well isalected stock'
of FALL AND WINTER GOODS; -`-• The stack
consists part of- the follewing, vie • ABDO •
CLOTHS, blaciceit:d..othet. colors, at from Slier y
a yard. CASlMP.S;,lllatitltrid, canes styles ire=.
ry low. SATlNETTsatidKenhabittle'erututiStre •
rq quality and price: PLA'NNEITS,
Ci ng tonsiqe,LlCOES, a law assortniem from' 6-.2 . /
'to 12/ •%ents" a
.. I., L rittdiespzeisestCA SHi gr
and plain, svriza Muslin, Cambrieb, .)blui ng eon' 1
Cotton Laps, SI.I4W.L.Si LADIES' M FF4 Edit ;
Sh vs, Mena and I.h..ys Boots and Shoes, torralise 4
with an assortment JIAHLINITARE deVIEEPISI
WARE-, _
The above eaods are ofre:qd to his eristotheis 'ail 1
the public wish* assurance that tbeyjWill be sold it
very low, 'either for , ortsh or Cinlntly Produce. For I d
the latter the Ligtiest -
.r co Will be allowed. eo
please call.
Bellefonte Dec. 25tq 1160. .
XEITA Pill :- •
• .
offat Pbiladclpb ale a
elves as _partners in ihe'Mereanttle Business, tider
the ogled - LEIB St *TR.A.171.3,. will contiatiewoo..
cupy the *tote hOuse forairly occupied by nigh
rock and Leib whoo p itoc's'i!wy have purchased . .., I
In edition to tio •old sicbli they •have added'h,"
large 'tea° (reshi'G.exls e iaelu'diti ever r variety
and GROCER4F% ef which ilex will
more rc•ascMttplelenrittlrantooattlittve' been Bold , . •
in 13ellefornekerdofore. - _ -
The public are desired to give them a
test the since:ley oflthe,aboVe'declttiatiow" ••
' • • ,la STRAUB.:
Bellefonte, July- iith 16.50. . • • ,
CLIN Q 111'
iI`FFICE on the Southeast corner of Oftunottif .
bellefoate February 19th 1f01: *:
Hargivirei '
jtrar received from-Pittsburg, hive turgerttttelut
of acior 'Knobs, Handles,- and Lexite. , vilach Will
be sold ttheap for cast or country produce.
THE moat Itried Atatirttnenrif . -Te,cater afteedt
to t h e rieer4e) WhiChsteteista of 230M8 fifteen
fereat kinds, come try a qteirger l _ teat and" taste far
yourself.—Prite from 50 (asl ‘'Neetr , '
BL • KDI • • ONDS„:
THE subscriber informs the ;consigners •of ..attrite .
Coal and Coke, that:he : 4s tibandantunpplV ,
of both, ready-for delivery at the shaft s at the diatom
ary price, for grain or ether•produce.Aft untettled
accounts due in cash on thelaseof !duel -
Snowshoe Shaft, Sept.27th ]B5O. • %
D Y virtue and in pursuance Matt order oft he
...I.A.Court of Common Pleas ofCetitre County bear
ing date the first day of F`ebrintry,lEGl, wilibu ex
posed to publiceale at-the Court Rowse Mthe bor
ough of Bellefonte on the 27th day .1851,
the following Real Estate being ,th'euprverty
Mary Hastings - 4i !amide) 16-tvitA.;' , TREO 111)1M,
VIDEO 114,1P , P41.T.1*-1,14TZ NOS:4A :IX;
131 153 - iuttl;ls4, in the...Boroni. h, of liallefente. - •
Term.s of Sale,—One third pfthe purchase money _
in band
,M the cognac -On Site,' and the
balance in tiro equal annual paytdefiTs thereafter,
to beSecured by bonds and Mortgage.
NOTE,—As the other undivided half parts of:this
said lots will also be offered for sale at Mestizo
time and place by vtrme of a'g order of the Orphatt's
Court, purchasers will tam an.opiartunity of buy
ing the title to the 'Whfile, subject to the interest
of the Widow of DartelHastingsdee'd under the in
testate taw in the Miler undivided half •
DAVID I, PRUNER., izCo zei
pellefontijytbruary 26th 11531.
irtaxinnoat. *EA - vimit
Northwest cortie'rQl- 1 4 ,
T_TAVING associated theinselv* in Ilushfercantile
buSiness. feel conlldenkithey-can corer lower in •
price, and am cis geed Itents t ras any other estah•
•tatliihment the-canary. They are now receiving '
Mid °Parting a - general assortment of goods, and
would in, v i te their friends and the community In - •
gerieral to :tall Mittesdnillie their steel,' comprising
the following ttifidlis. • . . , -
Black. Green Gave, Brown and,.Drib 'Cloths; •
Plain-and fancy Green,
Cassinetialirall - kinds
and colours. dnd brill prices; FaneyVest Patterns; •
Ready made Clothing-Coats, Pal:Oda Vests Alm
picas, Ladies 'Cloths Casjimerds,
of all colours: Bleached and . o.llldieleMl
'FLANNELS, Lindsy's Ctitgeitidg, - Oil 'Cloth .
Gloves of all kinds; Cotton and. Vt.dollen ~,
'PICKINGS Ste; GROCKRdES; Stigari of all Untie
TEAS ; COFFEE, Best Eteani; Honey, dttil Near
'Orleans Molassetl , d,:c; itrEIIENSWARE . AND
STONEWARE, with a (aril assartaldni cir
ArL - DViraltlk -Ourtrpg
dle sticks; Knives and-Forks, Dirk and rert•unres t
Horse Cards, Curry,Oombs, Augurs, Qttryierite '
§Pirit Levels,: Gauges, Door 'Larches. Spittoons,
Nails, AIL[:L bAWS, 'Crosscut Saws, Hand Sawsi,
CLOCKS, Gold millPilver TWO;
Bellefonte, Jan., 3, 151.
eg.~;est e 2
- - • a' • .
'ttnderaigneil :Comfaittee appointee 47
T R C E o urt'oreonmidtt Pleas of Centre County, on
the person and estate of William. Lee, 'retane.sts 1411 -
persMis indebted to write. ,forwant tktl make !t n.:
meliaM payment; and these,having' clean apnea,
said estate to present thddt
lernettlement. - • .
Miteibarg February 19th 1,01. . • :
. .
_ .
T. R. REYNOLDS .4 CO. : .: ~.. : tr.
CALL the suention4 ihe.,eninmtiaily to:iher - ''•
large lnd well selected stook of Good!! ernhr-,
clog every kind 'Luta quality, We call Ineailettuz,
.otthe Ladies, particularly to oar. large
ofSiJks, Cashroteres,Ttelaines; •ThibetCl - o f i
tisk and French Lhtlerinps, Alpacaa,' , ,Bikiti v ldiaVP_ '
Tarleton, Barred and zl(lPeti 1 4.4 811 1 3 5 t KUDI".!
hilerino,jditile thretorthd'icotteti Voves Hi ~ 1
Hosiery and VelVet trmliaiinri, Combs ii.c.. -!•'''''"''''
And to the ggtlemett 'We wonldsayvie have the
iaiceoand Pest wisortment .of Crit r THS; Car
rtkEllßS, BATINETS and vEstiNps Mai m
found in town, also, At latrw,liti - ,:nritits. edit •
COATS,MESTS.andllittil% -11 00TS I 4 OPl'V"'' .
HATS and CAPS, L; i rti:i i. dfici'Giedieusm s Aitte
IdECHATiIr6, "yrill"do well IctAltil ail d fixlllo2,
our lot ofir,e4dwatte before purchasing: eliteivhonli ;•
as Or s ', twi ll nail'it the befkassotifient iniiiiiii: : - ••
We here efso a largelot of CA I 4I,COM.GINGi r
HAMS bleiched'and unbleached !K ugel% :Saluted
Linen 1 ./audherchiefe,FlannelesViiiiketa ' Crimea ;
Woolen Comforts..Nluifs, Shawluldilt- . - Hand •
Saws Pieties, Augers flatchept.Sjeigh. Bel j Meta
Co ^ Ce,Sugar, Tea, IdolaktiMpertn bal . ,. ish Oily
Fhtzeeed uill'an. 4l a 14,tge,, psfonment -of Queen; '
ware, and 'everylhiiv , Mat as_totto found iumountrat
- ," ,'"
stores. .. ,
.... s=
t 4, 4 -•,,.., ~.., s -1 :
Give ea, n01f4 31- m`e pprehaiingcli
.-cMaxor:P.a3 rill
will fiusi our nioek she Destand enCape4.itstowm, i- .
Bellefonte Dent:miler lth 1630. - - ~, , - .'r -
. . , ..
i,e'licrs of Tcataraemary od ititate44,Trot V9ll
of Poi ter Towashiß c •ha rtl beef)" graded tbl at an •
acribora •caidino m Tcm'lntabip, who
ya peraoqk to come fotailla end make MP •
mediate alottjement.
Drictl Peaches and Apple". (iv ,ale at the 51(77"-c1:;
1 - 11j1111:4 & WILtiON, Walkcrbvint:.
, I .,i , LatestiAo!.o.from . :':' - : .