II - ' ' ' =From tha:Vitlifoititaltiaree Times. 0 AND,...1411C . s.EsTas."--What it delightful thatight it isithat here, in this 1 :let and-enlightened country one can act tits:fancy prompts and feel not the tramels lOfeenventiorial opinions! Why should it liethat we must conform to the prim; staid contracted form? framed by the Lew I . — Now gambling•infall its beauty and variety, with ttsmany joyeand blandtsluneuts we fume, and it delights the varied many.— Vfien 4nte wigs, the joy is extitic, and *hen one Icssetoo.heteniplars of the cards" take ones tlioney withao much grace, void la affection that one given to poetising *night exclaim to his passintouncet—' In patting with them I feet alumna, loved, A pleasing pain beyond when weglid-meet. Money alone itself imparts no pleasure gives no gladening feeling--'tis in its use :the pleasure la brought. ltlen are may of the .pataing, hour, and may att at mind on ,pieasure bent, Liu* happy mo -ments while playing the: gentle roulette, the calculating venture and the changing Inoute Gold in itself has no charm I why ahould we not then exchange our gold for -pleasurable 'excitement, bunyed up by the bright hope that we may make heavy our Tune to add again rto our pleasuaes, and 'the sweereacitenient of enticing gaming. There is a. pleasing pain in losing—a joy that's real in winning-^a Climax of all when ottinaps the bank' carries the insti lution.' and leave§ the saloon" the hero of she night—the observed of all. The finer chant smiles when his traffic leads to ppfit —the doctor is elated when his nostrums - cure, not kill—the lawyer is in ecstacie's when his eloquence gains his case—the banker flushed when stocks are up= -writers happy when their name is in Trint,;--editors ,vain when leaders are ex tolled—actors high up in dreams of bliss when, the loud applauses strike willing ear —but the lucky gamer has a charm apart beyond, paramount-; he wins and he is . more than happy, he rises etherial flings —he gamed—he won ; there is eloquence beautitude in the thought. To the young mind just gliding into stern life to the boy budding into mandood gaming is a ,nourished, pleasure, a cher ished excitement, tocause young blood to grow,, to glide, to rush most merrily, and he lives beyond his years—his end leaps beyond his time, and he is for a moment a man amongst many. A. time ago I saw a child just verging into girlhood. Men were gaming about. and she bad seen the game before, and her ming was fraught with its mysteries.— The game progressed and her eye was Won it. A miner with great and heavy beard with apperel course and poor was about lying his purse on a card. The . 1 / 4 a balfo is a bet," she gently said, and he laid his purse upon the ..zaballo" and it won. He looked upon the child' and thohght of one, who, like her was at home and of his daughter and of this child so like her, and of gaming ; he left the table and went, his way, and the memory of that child haunts him now, and he will never grame—never— Gaming, l love thee not_ That man with his silence taught me a lesson I shall ne'er forget. Gaming I love thee not, and I shall press thee to my heart never. Yours, X. col. William-Bigler. We have this week raised-to our mast head the name of Col. Wuzlca Bonsai of Clearfield county, as our choice for the next Gubernatorial nomination—and not only oar's; but. wribelieve also the choice of a large majority of the Democratic par ty in Lancaster county. In doing so we are titillated by hostility to no other gen tleman who has been named in connection With the office—on the contrary, we could sender either of them a 'host cheerful and willing support., But, circumstances have made Col. Bonen by far the most promi nent as well as the'most available candi date, and the nomination of any other at this time would cause the heart burning": and distrust in the minds of the people, and again -endangerthe State and the N ation. With this impression strong upon our mind, and with the knowledge that he is a sound and reliable Democrat, posses sing talents of a high order, and in all re- , apects well qualified to fill the important station with credit to himself and advan tage to the Commonwealth—and with 'the certainty that we are but following the course of an almost unbroken public opin ion throughout the State—we unfurl our flag to the breeze, and shall keep it flying until Col. - Bigler is elected Governor of the Commonwealth—or until the State Convention shall have determined upon another candidate, a circumstance scarce ly within the range of probability. -In thusurowingour preference for Col.. .lumm,-ve-clo-not—thevelay-exchado. the Mends ofether candidates from presenting the"claints of their favorites through our columns: Previous to a nomination by the State Convention, every Democrat has aright to his preference—after the nomi nation tat:node, all ought to submit with ;lota manner, and cheerfully sustain the _nominee of the party .. . - That the unsuc cessful candidates wd i do so, we have not aparticle of doubt--and that tilt, will labor to promote the election of their suc cessful competitor is , nothing more than might be expected from gentleman who have so long enjoyed the confidence of the party.—Lancaster Inteingencer. • Pus imps; Pui.—Strunge, Moores and Wright, the notorious punsters, .were on a certain occasion, dining together when l'iloore observed.-- , HThere is but one knave among tie, and Vas STRANGE." • "Oh no," said . Wright, there is one Noon." . said)S!tairig. e, WntonT.'. Whetwtherrase 13 . 51 T Thenput the - . C EtITRE I)EMOCRAT WM. H. BLAIR, ZDITOS Asti railtant:roa J. J. BLotIR, Mintier: - Bellefonte, Ventre Count,' Pay ILO ';26h I¢r t. FOR GOVERN= , tot. William Bigler, Oubjeettotbe decision of the Size Convernion Tam °film Democrat. Lir The Clears Democrat is published at 51,50 per annum-0' provided payment be mude strictly within the year.„E3 otherwise 52,00 willAiovaria tily be chargO. - No tadisestption discontinued until ail arrearti gas are diecharied olden at the option ed the ed •itOT. Country (*educe takeil in isayt "restage on the Democrat. The New Postage Law takes effect on the first of July next. Under its provi sions, the DExtocass will be carried in the mails, rats ortros:raee, to any part of Centre county ; to any distance out of the county, not exceeding fifty miles, FIVE CENTS per quarter ; and for any distance over fifty and not exoeding three hundred miles, ran essrs per quarter. We hope our Demoiratic friends—espe cially in this county—will exert them selves to swell our subscription list, now that the postage is so soon to be taken oft A highly important political campaign is rapidly approaching, and the more gener al diffusion of intelligence among the people will tell with marked effect on the day of the election. An increased' circulation of the paper will benefit the party and the publisher in d corresponding ratio. The advantages are reciprocal, and it therefore should be considered a duty coevery Dem ocrat in the County to aid in enlarging the influence of a journal devoted to their cause. idaThe'House of 'Representatives on Monday fixed upon the 15th of April as the da3 of final adjournment. No'busi ness of a public character has yet been transacted. The - communication signed 'Pao BONUS PUBLICO,' comes without the real signature of the author, and is therefore respectfully declined. Candidates jot Supretae Judges. From present indications, one of the chief objections that was urged to the elec tion of Judges, will be eflectually obviated, and instead of the Judges that are to be (so far as the Supreme bench is concern ed, at least) being composed of FIMPRATE LAWYERS," and incompetent, they likely to be selected from the most eminent and able men of the State, and will ford► a Bench as powerful and as distinguished for legal abilities as the present Bench,— high and distinguished as they are admit ted to be. Among the number, from whom a selection 'of the five candidates will most likely be selected by the Demo cratic Convention, arc Hon.- Ellis of Lancaster ; Judge Lowrie, of Pittsburg; Judges Campbell, Petit,and King of Phila. W. A. Stokes, of Westmoreland ;J. W. Maynard, of Lycoming, Judge Bell, of Chester; Judge Thompson, of Erie; Hon. H. D. Foster, of Westmoreland, and sev eral others whose names we do not now recollect. Judge Woodward and Judge Black, would no - doubt both be nominated with signal unanimity ; but they have both signified theirdetemtination notto be can didates. Tha Judicial e_kinvention. too,which will select these candidates, will he composed a class of men,- pre-eminently qualified to select candidates for Judicial stations—and which is another omen of goad results from an elective Judiciary. It Cvill be compos ed,, as a-matter , of course, chiefly of law yers ; and mostly of the most distinguish ed lawyers in the State. Take the Alle gheny delegation for example viz : the Hon. Wm. Wilkins, S. W. Black, R. Rid- I , die Roberts, Andr - ew Burke, &c., &c. PRICES OF FLOUR AND GRAIN• The following are Thu - prices of Plain Wheat, Coin and Oats, at the gevera points named. • Flour Wheat Corn Oats Philadelphia 450 1' 08 61 45 *New York 456 104 651 50 Buffalo 400 81 50 29 Cleaveland 380 78 5O 28 Wilmington, Del. 500 168 :03 37 Richmond, Va. 481 1 05 1 58 41 Cincinatti 365 75 62 40 St. Louis 385 75 ' 62 - 34 Baltimore 456 105 50 35 Albany 631 104 09 43 Boston $ 31 New Orleans 450 70 31 57 Pittsburgh •3 75 75 49 34 Louisvifla 370 72 40 40 fleebester 557 132 55 30 Alilwaukie 3 75: ,63. , 31 45 • ' --.! 4,- • eounty,haa. fas . trneteli ,her delegates to the State Convention in, favor efCol ai r men: W. Ewa for Governor, and Gcn. Sziu CLovEn for Canal Conimis• coffer. • . thisis f the , age . of imPrOvenleA 4. SteaMboat to ply On the, upp er 'West Branclt b is the last step. Now, down with -your mill-dams, say we, and all removable obstructions, and let the steamboat pass. We will endeavorio be prepared for her first arrival. it will be a glorious daQqr ail contemed in the enterprise, and the projector, whoever he may be, wilt the memory of our citizens as long.zas wa ter rolls or grass grows green. We get our information from the following par agraph :—Clearfield Republican.. Steamboating on the West Branch. Ryan advertisement in our paper it will be seen that Mr. Jabez Stone contem plates running a steamboat on our river next summer. Mr. Stone is now engaged in building se-venal small crafts to be used as freight-boats 'attached to the Steamer. The experiment of a steamboat en out riV er was tried a number of years ago, but did not succeed, Mr. Stone has been en gaged in running a boat on . the N. Wench -for a number of years end be thinks the project as practicable here as there, it is his attention to ply between-Lock Haven and Clearfield, ,carrying passengers, store goods, flour &c., in his upward trip and bringing back coal, boards, &c. He Is ac quainted with all the shoals and ripples on the river above this place and r.l , :ards thein as no great hinderance to his designs, as he thinks, drat-with but little expense they can be made passible in the driest months in the summer. So our friends up the river can keep a sharp look-out for the Steamboat.—Clinton Democrat. - NE tv HA/OVUM—TiIe result ofthe re cent election in this State is still in doubt as far as the legislature is concerned, but it is certain that Dismore .the Democratic candidate for Governor will lack several thousand of a majority. In that case the election of Governor will devolve on the House, and in that view of the question the result of the contest for members of the Legislature becomes the more inipifitatit and interesting. One_thing is certain, the the regular Democrats of the Old Granite State deserves all praise for 'the manful manner in which they acted in the whole affair. Utterly refusing all alliances with free-soil, they repudiated a candidate who would not place himself fairly on the plat form of the Union, and with this disativanH tage they nobly marched on to the sr ght. i If they have been beaten, they haVe_been so with their colors flying, on which T was' inscribed the great principles of the party and upon which no traitor had ever laid his poluted hands. Our New Hampshire friends, have but to persevere-sit the path of Democratic policy they have marked out, regardless of temporary detente and, success must attend them. She,"ttas,..keen bred in.the Jefferson school of politics, and is non.° be daunted at the first tire of the enemy. Some years since a similar event took place, which resulted in the election of John P: Hale to the Senate. but the de feat was a brief one, and she soon resumed her place in the republican line._ And so it will be now, the next election and.the unconquerable sons of the North will sweep the State like a torrent from their mountain In the mean time let therm be cer tain that the democratic party of the Un ion look with pride and satisfaction to the gallant struggle for principles which has just terminated in New Hampshire. A Wontu's Flue. IN 1852,—We are of I have a World's Fair, on Governoes.Lsland lin 1852. The matter is in good bias, and is quietly, but none the less surely. walking towards completion. The Astor House has subscribed $5,000 towards the expense of rt, the Irving' House $5,000, the New York - Hotel $5,000, and other hotels in proportion to their ;leans.. A number of our wealthy merchants Dave already subscribed, or have signified their willingness to subscribe, wheneveoAhe money is absolutely wanted.—N. Y. tiin. day Mercury. Lir The _Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, lately in session at Winchester, Va., has among others, made the following appointments : HlN'ittriciDaN DESTRICT—T.f!: W. Lewistown Station—J. R. Bro,wn. Lewistown Cireut./. Ewen. P. E. Waters Huntingdon—Wm. R. Mills, A. W Gibson. Birminghath—t S. McMurray. Warrior's Mark—A. Brittian, D. C. Wortz. Bald Eagle—W. ‘A. McKee. Perrnsvalley—Wesley Howe, EL A. Pattison. • Bellefonte--G. Guyer, W. J. Maclay. Clearfield—G. Berkstesser, one to be supplied. . New Washington—H. Hoffman. Sinernahouing—A. Hockenbury, one to be sniped. 69 44 Karthau;—W. Champion. McCollum, one to tigk sup plied. Pletvport-O. Ege. J. Beatty. llotaaburg—J. W. tioughawout. This TrOrressivii Agi; Morciun, P. E. euberiatorial• It is noW - evident that JowlsToit is tioAle the federal citadidete for Govern or to run against Col. BIGLER. 'The tie morlti4, says the Bedford GazErn, ask ' nothing, better than this. His' two great est weapons in the contest thatelected him by the skin of his teeth, were uncondition al opposition to the veto and pardoning power ! Having become a convert to these hitherto .Whig scare-crows,' it will require all his lime to 'refute his fanner position, which will render him the con tempt cf the who - le community. When Governor Shunk was for re-election, Old Bill run the "one term" humbug right in to the ground. Here too, we will have to make a somerset I In three short years he has changed from all the questions he contended against in the last campaign ! His next •hobby" will no doubt'be based upon the B'Hoursu hit exhibited in Bed ford at the time he roosted upon two chairs in a bar-room after being treated With utter contempt by his political friends at the springs. He can read-his fate in the two last elections for Canal Commissioner and members of the Legislature! I ' HON. Geo. W. Woonwmtu.—This dis tinguished gentleman declines being a candidate for the Supreme Bench. In a letter in reply , to certain ctizens of Clinton county asking him to allow his name to be used - in this connection, he says •, Ido not wish to be understood as unwil ling to make &sacrifice of personal preferen ces for the benefit of the public, - On the contrary, I. hesitate not to say that my rea•, sons for declining ,judicial stations, if ten times stonger than they are, should be cheerfully sacrificed, if I believed it were necessary for the attainment of any great public good. Personal interests and dq: • mestic consideraiions Mast, when real necessity exits, give way to public de tnands, But this is nut such an occasion. There are many gentlemen more compe tent and worthy than myself, who are wil ling and anxious to fill the places on the Supreme Bench, and whose circumstan ces oppose no obstacle to their devoting their tune and. attention to judicial labors. Indeed, according estimation of my quali fications for that station as compared with those of some other men, I feel that I am promoting the public interests, by decli ning a nomination and . giving place to them. TIM BANK OF PENNSVILVANIA.—A mas terly reply to the memorial• of the Bank of Pennsylvania; asking to be relieved from the payment of the tax on dividends. provided` by law, has been sent to -the Speaker of ' the Senate by Auditor General Purviance and State Treasur er Bickle, in - which they show ..that the. claim of the Dank ;* not foam:lca :inittotioe and that so far as services to thti State are concerned, it has certainly not entitled it self on the account to the consideration of the State, and especially not to the exem tion from taxation which it asks for, Thi. paper is fortified by many strong argu• ments, which cannot fail to weigh strongly with the Legislature. The fact stated in the following paragraph is known to many of our citizens: Had the Rank of Pennsylvania manifes ted the same disposition to aid the State Treasurer in his laudable efforts to pay the interest on the funded debt in specie funds as another institution has seve.ral times done, some thousands of dollars paid for discount on uncurrent funds might have been saved to the Commonwealth.— It is a fact that' for the last two years the interest on our public debt has bee n promptly met in specie funds, without a single dollar having been paid , for dis count.—Pennsylvanian. $. WILLIAM ,BIGLER.—This gentleman, who will no doubt be the next Democratic candidate for Governor, came -"down the the river on a rafi" on Tuesday last. He remained here over night—during which time he received the grntulations of his nu merous friends—and next morning pass ed on with his lumber to its place of des tination.—Columbia Spy.- fa - Generals Quitman and Henderson, charged with participating in the Cuban Invasion, have been discharged from ar rest, st New Orlectno,--A. 110aZda re 000wr l having been entered. This, we presume, ' ends the farce. Village Aristocracy. Many are the follies and weaknesses of human nature. But none are more con temptible than those actedout by the SCRUB ARLSTOCRACY 'Of 'our towns and villages...- Those are to be - found in all the relation's of life. A young man, whine father was. a hard working mechanic, either has a moderate fortune left him, or he marries a few thousand dollars—and forthwith he puts on airs, and assumes - in iinportatice, perfectly disgusting to those who are ac quainted with the circumstances of his rise and progress in the world. Such young men regard as beneath their dignity, the vocations of their parents. and frequently avoid letting it be known that they sprung from sUch sources. We have even met, with some %Om have looked upon the hum bie vocations of ii mechanic, as beneath the dignity 01 a gentleman, forgetting in the meanwhil&that the taint of the lather attaches to the. son! Pricier)l this hind r 7- On Tnpsday March 18th by the - Luther E. Albert, Mr.-Jacob Lilly to Miss. Elizabeth A. Bart►n, both of this place. On the Ilth inst. by the Rev. William R. Yearick. Mr. DAVID KAUFMAN of Brush Valley, and Miss REBECCA BEST of Clinton Co. On, the 13th inst. by the same. Mr, CONRAD FRIEDLEAF. of 'Walker Tp. and PLEILIMNA Lacuna: of Spring Tr. On the same, by the same. Mr. JOSZPII KUHN of Spring , Tp. and Mrs.. NANCY Boren, of Walker Tro; Prom the Lewisburg Democrat. Died.—At Potters Mills, after a lin gering illness, Andrew Gregg, fatherly of this place, aged about,2o years. It is with deep-sorrow that we record the above death, for we knew him well. Of him it may be truly said : “None knew hiin but to love him, None named him but to praise." At a special meeting of the Theta Alpha Society of the University at Lewisburg, held in their hall on Monday the 17th inst., the followin g preamble and reso lutions, presented byMr. C.C. Bitting, relative to the decease of the late An. drew W. Gregg, were unanimously • adopted. WHEREAS, A recent dispensation of Providence has called us to lament the death of Mr. ANDREW W. Gnuou, lately a .member of our institution, and one im mediately connected with the early organ ization of our Society, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That our sympathies be ten dered to the friends of the deceased, the remembrance of whose gentlemanly de portment, scholarship, energy, benevo lence, and goodness of character we cher isti with pleasure, but whose early death whilst humbly submitting to the mourn ful dispensation of Omniscience we la ment ; and whilst we rejoice in the hope that his freed spirit has soared to the bo som of its God, we "weep with those who weep." RESOLVED, That in testimony of our ap preciation of the character of the deceased we wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. RESOLVED, That these proceedings be published in the Liewiebure that a copy to be forwarded to the friends of the deceased. UNIVERSITY AT LENVIEBERG, March, 17, 1851. At a meeting of the Sophomore Class, called to express their sense, of sorrow at the decease of Mr. ANDREW W. thiteao, recently one of Th eir number, the follow ing res olutions presented by Mr. I. P. Trustin, and seconded by Mr. C. C. Bit ting, were unanimously adopted. Resolved, that in the removal, by the hand of Death, of a class-mate of distin guished talents and good moral charater, we sustain a loss that we cannot too deep ly feel. Resolved, that with the afflicted family and friends we unite in heartfelt condo lence, in the loss of the deceased. Resolved, that we wear the Usual badge of mourning thirty days. • Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the - family of the deceased, and also published-in the - 4 , l4ewisburg Demo crat; and Bellefonte papas.' • A. KELLY,Sze. =I . ~. • . ( never finds a rigitiriep . lar;,e ' Save:lnn weak rip . o.2piii.i.fiacitralibnie„ ra iu r a t i !e: i i_t eii '. brain, and Mattijests • itself ik - a perverse iternper , :-,., :I -- i ~ '', l ; . i•I. ..°!' or A.tiarter.Seesions . of the , Peac e' ours I - . There aremitriy,Mlngnidniti our towns Ceni I'C 'l'-' • , -' • e .. 01- re. .ountY. • - , , ' and villages, (and some- yoUng ladies, tool) The iletilion.ot Antheartiirar ofthe ;gril sl :l. who secin to be' proud of the Wealth of 8 0 1:01e.rVine conaty : .of g,entre, f : — ll. their families, while their own,repinations, ,thir, l Tl7i c hl i t r ia t i tZuPleti k _lh .... ,nse Wino toww. would be soiled by associating with the as ii public house Ofe n Q t Ce 7" met 7r a rj a ii ° , e 3 :P rn ied sons of mechanics. Ili their strange infat r l' i l i . e e re orinulng 1 : keel) it pnbie house therein; Ile a ' station it never occurs -to them, their 'fathi• to keeps pu re tilic y lZu r se i TTkr i bi gr: h a i r omm a eze ile id erl fc : t fi tit NTHOZ , IV CNER.. era made all their property by downright the ensuing year. And he wilt e‘ - r pray - stealing cheating.' tying—Wl:tile-their We the subieribers, grondfathera were sold at publiC auction Walker in the county., orA l u s trl, tke I°*n emt a b i P ih l . above petitionr and : bendy that the IniTc-7j---a to pay their passage mesa the ocean f— •l'lmainnecestnniegeYrsioanadectcramnivertlerandThetti)itheerarajei'... See. the number of young men in our coup try, who , not endowed with common sense is well provided with house ream undo ---, Ri a d% f f o o r r s h tr o a n tria ir a i n d d t travellers and is or g „, dle . and no sort of love for genuine republican ism, retort to the study of the learned pro henry Winicbgan, rneir &Zia, lobs mint,. feisions, such as law and medicine, while Jwaes McCormick, l Jo hn Smarts , Salta 'McKee - every man about them declares, in - terms • • lo o ti tn a A. g li to ° V — er, Jo hn a No11; 1 ' , ' Peter LlArer", that cannot be misunderstood , that God of G eorge &warm, Win. Candy. Weary' Miller,' nature intended thin korbriCklayers, house . Daniel Sw artz , Wendie Bartholomew. . .:. carpenters and blacksmiths? M Mard i 2Gth 185 t. any of these ought now to abandon their profes sions for the more profitable and - equally honorable 'fields of labor where their fedi ers made Money enough to educate them, and thus elevate their to stations where they never can move with ease or grace.— God deliver us from the bastard aristocracyof our little villages, and codfish aristoc racy of cm r large "towns"! Among these hateful rinvistiscs on society, respectability is based upon the nature of e:mon'e -voca tion instead of the manner in which his duties are performed. The only sentiment which well regulated society recognises, is that sound maxim : "Act well thy [Jan— there all the honor lies."—Parson Brown low, R:PT he Massachtzsetts House of Rep resentatives, on- Monday, by a very large vote, passed a resolution ofleting ten thou sand dollars to any one who will - discover a remedy for the potato rot ; the discovery' to be tested by a practice of five years. the 18th inst. by the Rev. John Tonner, Mr. DAVID Otworticit, and Miss Catharine Fisher, all of Spring Township. On the 20th inst. by the same Mr. huts A. BELL, and Miss RACHAEL M'CItACREN all of Huntingdon County. • ! • Application ftir License. • PT( 0 the Honorable Judges of the CoUrt - 11 -. of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Centre COunty. The petition of James NoMistets of the Towns ship of Snowshoe in the Qiunty of Centre, respect. fully stieweth ; That he occupies a house in said township, which has heretofore been used and cc ' copied as a public house of entertainment, sad is desirous di pontinuing4 to keep a public house then in. He therefore prays your Honors tetrad him a license to keep a public honest thu placeafore• staid for the eh - suing year: - And ntrwilrover' R pnry, JES MC,-; We the subscribers citiz AM ens of the WA tow STE nship of Snowshoe in the County of Centre recommend the above petitioner, and certify that ttic..inti or tavern above mentioned, is necessary to• accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that the petitioner is of good repute for hon esty and temperonce. Thomas Askey, David Askey, John Flack, Jona Roop . John Askey, Thomas Askey, Richard C Hughes Wca. Stewart, John S. Miller, James Askey, Jacob Mingle, James Luc" Wm. Stevens, • Daniel Cushier, Geo. Grahap jr Mara 26, Mt. Application for .License. ripo the Honorable Judges, of the Court JIL of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Centre County. • • • The petition ut C. B. Callahan of the township of - Walker in Ale County of Centre respectfully alley. , eth : That ita occupies a house in said township which has heretofore been used and occupied as a public House of entertainment, and is desirous of continuing to teep a public house therein. lie therefore prays your lactoota-to tieertro to keep a pub lc house at the place aforesaid forthe ensuing year. And he will ever pray,.Bt.e.' C. B. CALLAHArt. We, the subscribers cititens •or the towp of Walker, in the county of-Centre recommend t he above petitioner nod certify that the inn or..taVern above mentioned,i, ,pecessary. to accommodate the. public and entertain strangers and travellers and thin the petitioner towel! provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that the petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance. S.unuel McKee,, Jacob Candy, Michael Flesh, Wm. Smyttrjr. David Emriek, John SnevelY, John Losh, , • Wm. Carter, Rifles Sumer, John Farrows, Wm. McCormick, Levi Candy. Henry Wail/lemon. March 'Nub lasl. .pplication for License. filo t h ee Honorable ludges of the Court - 11 - of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Centre County. • The petition of James McCulley of Marion Waits ship, village of Jacksonville, respectfully sheweth That your pentioner bath providi.d himself. with• materials fit the accomtmdation of travellers gad others at his dwelling house in the county Owe said. and prays ittaS your tlia.iurir may be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public hutise of entertainment. And your petitioner as in• duty bound will ever pray d% JAMES MCCULLEY. We the subscribers citizens of Marion Township do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is wed ppivided with-hoirso room and conveniences for the accom modation of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is much nixded, Peter Haines, John Verger sr. Wm. Harding; John Howder, Henry Hoy O. Jacob Hoy. Joseph Moray, Simon Best, Henry Hoy sr. Jacob Harter, dward Moor Joseph Gerbrielt Jacob airbericki • March 26th 1851. • 11.771745,.. . . FIRE INSURANCE CORIPANT. HARRISBURG PENNA. ' Guarantee capital over $lOO . OOO Surplus cash 26,060 T HIS _Company has been doing business about tea months, and has accumulated an earned capital of over 5.125,000 above all losses and expenses with a surplus cash of over $25,000 on hand- Me com The preany.mium w s are as lo assay good resPonsi• p The directors confine themselves to she safest ciliar of property, and no risk to exceed $2,500 in one lo cality, (with few exceptions.) The profits are whol ly divided with the members, which ()Mrs owners of safe property inducements over most companies in the state. DIRECTORS, John P. Rutherford, Jolm B. Packer, A. J, Gillett, P. 0, Sedgwick, S. T. Jones, A. A. Carrier, ' Robert Klotz: • - JOHN P. RUTHEB.FORD, A. J. Gilleti; Sectfy. Prest: The directors have the liberty to , refer to ;. lowizig_gentlemen : Hon. A, L. Russell--Secretary of the Corn. ::' Hon, Tohtt - LOorte—Surveyor Genera James A. Weir Esq--Cashier Harrisburg Hatik - .‘ . R J. Ross, Esq. - Cash. Dauphin Deposit Bank: John M. Bickel Eq. —State Treasurer.' A. . A. J. Jones &of—P. M. Harrisburg, m Iszl Painter Esq.—Canal Coramisslonor. - Messrs Jno. Wallower dp Son—Commission Met chants, Harrisburg. John.H. Brant, Esq.—Commission Merchant. Harrisburg. - orromattarnlxt, or traumata, riati i Agent of the above Company, and will . attend. promptly to persons desiring to be insured. tars addressed whim on the subject will receive, immediate attention. Marsh 28th 1851. • Notice. Ths partnership heretofore. existing between Amos and Urim Stover in the thrmidir business was deeolved by ti mutual consent on Tuesday the ithlt ay othdare 1851 March the 251851 RitaiiSTERAWk The subecriber respectfully informs his 'friends' and the public that he has not relinquished As , old: - business, as has been circulated by designing„ per,, sons, but that he will be prepared during tbeettiming season to undertake and do' inn workmanlike, man.... ner, and w:tli eipeditioo, nll . jobs, entrusted to him* None but the most experienced workmen be, employed. , Thankful for paslfavons, be 'respectful. ly solicits a continuance of ;hesitate. Ornamental work:ojelL_kindoknit'in tbs,, best Manner. — a W. , I.OI.IWERT. Bellefonte /throb 29th 2E451.-30 2m. TANTED I—A good girl, between the affinsof 18 and 18 to assist in doing.tlouse work, For particulars apply at this Olfloe. Bellefonte'blarch 12th 1851. TATANTED !—At tbisVffiee a few loads of oxml, V Wood v ie payment of subscription, job-worn or advertising. AMOS STOVER, ARIAS STOVER,