Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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tt Htq-
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hr H
M'M ;
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n a. 1 "
i 1" i .
fat 'BVEMlNffi Pflt-.. in l.bnnpn
W fc - v vui4iv MJUJLJ JxJi
crnua it. k. pi'iitih. I,...,,,... ..
Jehn C. Martin, r Pi-phIiIpm enfl Tiranner,
iiV J'..' i," -,vB,' "Hies if. i till im
&,?, VrJ'W', i'""'L' WlMi.iin-. tl.OT
r. Oeldnmlth. Unvlil U .smller. Dlrwter.
PAvin n bmii.kv . tt.mer
JOHN C. MAliTlV Oni-rnl Wines Mannaer
I'uMlnlteJ dmly nt Pcnur I.rpein lliUMins
In.li'p. ti Inu-e Snuare l'lilla.leliihlii
ATLANTIC) Cut rrr.iymieit Hull litis
w ion ;!K MhIimm. Ah
CT1ieit T"l Turd Hull ling
T. I.eris 01.1 tllohf-ltimecrnt U'llMli g
Owoaeo mes mimiie UulMIng
m:vh ntrtrACs
J? I S'r fnnU.tn i Am. ntul Itth PI
Nrtv Ieuk Tn inter ih,. ., ituc ll, c
Iiomje.n lluetr . rrnfaigm lluiMing
MTlprntl'TION- THinis
The UirMMi l'i hi n I tis.ru i n-nnl te a
erll ti In Phllaiidi I l.i and fui re'inil'nsr imm
t the rniu of (,, . tui icnt mr week p.u.ii.,,
the furri'i
Ujr mall te reint. out.l.le of rhllaillphln It
the I'nitrd ttn i .ina.l i . r I'nitu i t( ..
atrslena, pe.tnpn free fifty (-.ni c,.nt p.r month.
ilK (Jill ilelliir. pi I irii t i ilif in mil am
Tii all fore mi i mn e-lts . 1 11 1 .1 ,1 ,,- m !i
.SetIi I. Huterrt'rrM wishing elli-i. i-hareed
Btutt iiti il r , -II ., i v a ! ir!
rt.t.JM0 MIM T MWOr. M1N Idel
&T .Iditri ir n'l yM i. ti a ... t.... - tt.. t. -
J tan i I ''"t"r ' i i" i"- " - (' ; a(. j'iI.i.
rll'l''i' fe Member et tiie Associated Press
lire'? f im: .ife uitn mis ,- c;. j ,
tWitf 'Ullul in Hi i-- ' i , , . ..,
Hjjjf, tdlsi'ntclifs i I il i t if .."1 in . . ,.t ,
fVlflll I r t f "!' K
In this 11111 r
'- i'.b"is)t,',i
"jfiClTtn II, r,
in 1 ml
r 1 1M1 r . i . ti
-.itliril.lv. lliirmlr -, l'i
:. .Mil lt. b announce mi nt t'uttlie
tapitl 1' anit ( en'iii' wu d nuiie
an agreement te upeinV tut Hn.il'rect
ubway if it i tv'tii e . te e.re. ase'iue,
but that a . I -way t ii i -.g .it Hunting
Park a en t wt.ildhe inpi i'.tal-ie. 1 .it
be ceiiMde'td ii 1 ul; tn ' 1 !' ' 1 '
commits tt'f n"'.h)i.
Mr. .Mitten - .u iV'Tt1. u . fe :tt-"
He is fami.a v i:' t 1 fn-u'4 a 1
futuic pesihil.i.es of MMlip'iu t.-aiVu.
He is under eb'ig.tt.fii te h - t the'a!tr
te refiain from 1 ngagenieti's winch de
net show a icasenable- ptesj ect e'" y.e'.d-
inS a profit.
If the high--pttd ' nt- te n . .t by
the eity tle let show u p',t;-. : w.l! he
impossible '" m.lu. e
operate them T' . r.
tien between tr.e . .:
' Trans
)l 6 ,.
sit t emi .11.
The advantages t ' i 1! .
a ' ' 1 "
'at rer
i 1 i.
r. . .
1 eO.'i
1 fie'.r he
pr ..
' 1.1 . -
- P '.
hiBh-specd line eten.:rg a
as Olney e "st ;.'e ....i .:
one who leeks ., ; . ,ri i '
Express tran 1 1 n 1.1. .
te Market tieet vv..a' -.. t
time that people 'iv g v t . f
avenue terminus we .;.. tM'if' ,
uiface l.in.s te t'-e -al'a: ..
business for tr : em :r, --., t.
of surface K i. .ei"erge a' '
whereas i.e ;..Kh ei ..,. .
Hunting Pa avc j.
Then, tee, ,f eei-tr'.et'.. . )t. i
at the northern end en' the u''-a wit ,
it would be pi's luv te we:.; ;.' . P'
cut, theie weu.J be a . ti- .1 -.1 c
iaving of menev. fei as .!,, a ,,, ,, Vtl
nd of the line 'wis hj:lt, tl-e rn '.
Would be tht nn s expen-ivt., a's , i.i
begin te run at mM.
iheie are great pi act c... a . . .
in the vigiie-riei's v-' M- m
Whether tl 1 v are ;ipi .1 .- :
Mayer and t'te I1 re ' " T-an-
net vet appeal
TUDGi; JOHNsi.X , k .
Court; , i-.is i, M', e '
Wishes of t' no- m'- D 1 . . H
refusing si, , n 1 it , , . , ,
Dre.d II ' s a re- . . . ,
much chai m. Tn. .-,!,
saloon in n c t n . :
stimulat.ng in v ag. N v
but near birr ma'- I s ,; 1 , ,
no mere t ma at g t",. . . .
sold ever the s, tl , .-, . a ,
' a1 "
store, it is tuft'.u't t 1
ny one Jhu'ild -e v .1 -..
It cannot be a--n'u ti a
would he u-cl r a f
ging epciat'u'--
Judge Jehns.it- , ,
with h.s tied n .; .;
where tin 1 ti p ,f
bbject. 'this ., . , . ,
is keeping - , .
Delawai. ( u' ,
city ' t e
JERSKVS nil "1 If TR I'.n
rpileLi.ll ia , .
llClsl I '.'
open and u 1
public el' 1 .1 - -i 1 .
hysteria :u.
dent is lene '11 . j
1 drastic toad law- -.
lecerd ' a ,. ,
cquamnut .
Inlnn I tow - ,. ,
part of tl 1 Mat.
forces for i ,ip j, .
ties Ceir.ii is- . . 1 ,, t y
railroad .. 1 p. '..t 1
KatCS at al na- ,:, . . ,
rail lines an ' iiiui. r ..
nient will -. , ,, . ,, .,
familiar m nh tin- ,( L- ,
tices of rnuiann. i.n
grade ci ii--n g l .1 1 , , 1
since the 1 ' .lav s
'i 1
1 w t
OTKUULLINi, t., 1 -..,p, ,,, . ,, ttt
that it has . t.,t, 1 1, ,. ar rt '( ,,
mat 11 mis. tat, . 1, liii..,u ,,,
,,.. -i'i,
deeper. Ih.ie .... -it - 01 ,,.,. ..,
Atlain. Hum it 1. .,i.. in,, , ti,.,t , x.
tensive 1 1 fei 111- .tie 1 etiti tnplut. d ithm
,: erdei and that -eitaiian pujj.iuc is
tri lie tint :i-iili. Thi K! , ,1.. i...
" . ' ' " "" ""-"'.
are told, will be .1, .heated s, y t,, ,
the cause of white -upu n.acy "tn.r nil '
the weild." ' '
i An "inteu.sive tainpa,g!i f..r niciiilKM
A stfip" will be stalled at oiwe in Europe!
ItjF Europe will read this news with a sigh
of amazement and unbelief 'Ihe pre.
pesul of I''Mepi.in Ku M i v,nge--t-
n sweet prospect for peoples who learned
lenp npe that the luimnne and wise ml-
ustnient et iac.nl diiTercMices rather
han continued suppre.Men in region,
uihabited by about two-thuds of the
earth's notnlntien. i! ihciii.:iiv te urn
vent an eploMen that some day iniirht
tend the ueild in two.
It Is a Demestic Nsuc in Procedure
Kather Than a World Problem That
I Is Cleared Up in Ilis Letter
OO MANY intcrptetatiens of Ameiican
foreign polity have lately been de
pendent upon the taste and fancy of the
interpreter that it is a udief te find Mr.
Untiling engaged 1,1 applying u spec fie
remedy te a jpceilic i-ue. His U Hit te
Senater Ledge contains no panacea for
world lll.s. His theme, notwithstanding
a buckgreum! of international problems,
is i.rinianh dume.stie, 1 tablisbing a
eentsut ith administmtie pietiens
. that must he maintained it' the lievern-
I nn nt of the United Stati- i te function.
In tKmc the pewt-rs of the Senate the
Constitution created what were designed
. I1.1 ..!,inM l.i.l . ii,h tli. Vvin'ilt ivn
III IH. ..llll.ll l MVI HI V. ''lt HI! k. Iltu.l-b
ami h.s 1Uial tnff. The machinery was
fa-lm it .1 a-a limitation upon at-eiuti?iu.
The tluii". wa admirable, ami there ate.
ndeid. jn 1 .ou- historical instances
' pniving that cireetic pelu.e hnve been
b -n e' --n! between these two se.iite's
j e,' auth '.
The p iii ' j m he-.! bad 1 e.i-t - m
wh c!i the I'm- ,e 1 t h.i !"t paity 1011-
' r, ' if 1
f ( ig.-i.". 1,ie mt.-t (...:.-.s
t is, . ' . aisi, jiiiiMili-d ii tie
t ;l .inillps lre.it" nn.I thn
1 ,t
w:ei. f tl Niir-aille Treaty and the
lean, e ( f Nat r-. Despite some hene-t
opposition, the.-e irtnunent weie de-
' fe.itcd t" lnherent'y part --an mounds.
) Under somewhat ana'.egeus circum-
' sta"Cts Jay'.- treat;, w.th (ireat Hrtiain,
sp"r"n.l b Waslrneten. baiel. escaped
11" tin ' "( than a eer.tury age.
H.r v.'u'e c t'U' iief..; and tluv arc
' 1 '.."n: . tertaii". . g. the legu
of picj icci, if iui vtili .indi'ilies the
wag.nge. pai'v vv.ufatc.
P.; - ' s.t atl"" ' vvi t . 1' ll.i'i.-
i.s 1 ' uti! vva- essvinia 4- ., S..IV.;.!'
.r "'' . 1 .at s, mm , "eei'i te
licr.11 ;i-r"gten . r W.-ouievv
M. H..r.l ",g's naitv 1- ..ci-
. e n " ' of 1 ! of the present
1 -! -- 1' v. in !. lKt 'efere, l-:.- e bfen
". 1 1 . 'it fartastie a'.siirditv irr -lip
' ,-tiate te IM'i s.i'.iiiii;,) te
.' ' as en of his aathentv ceneeived
" ..' ' Ui'Kl'l.
V . TJ ..", u 'a.'...'.' 1 : t il te the
I eft at . .ir.pe-s. '"i e t"r me United
S i'. - .. 'a.li i'-ti e'n ' e affairs
i f '' s j pitt. i'.iv In ir.e' ed b' the
1 : - r1' .' 1 - sii . r '. ,.f a'le i
ei '"
n p 1
K- . i ; . liit-: "ret a 1 I
- 1 r
i r.s ill n fie th 3
' 1 . ce ' t ' i 1 , among
..' ' 1 " 1 '" a L.'i UatK'n of i
, 1
r. . !!'. v I . e.V . H It 111-
" whe' a in 1 in i.'Iectien
tl 1 1 1 ' 1,1 e 1. "..IV 1
1 at
in .,.
i t . ' (
!'- TM
e . M.
i 1. is;
'at, . '.
' . . ' 1- v
1 " -'t .
" .m t-.i
- ' t. .!
'I is ,'-
. 1(1" ' 1
' .'.- t'S-
1! n
r. v
'i.i' 1
II -
! ' p.
f ar
1- fi
' r.i .'
' t t i
1 : 1
, .'lb.
Ill p'
'i e
i .. ,.t
I If
1 I
-l.i- ,
'! II
t t-..
n (
ii r.,r
T - a- ttl.e ' , 1 'a' . 1 u ,,.,!,
Ml , I . ,,.a ,, 1
' 1 1 1 - ii ' s,( -.a-.! - a" .
- . ' . 1 . . ,
I ' '..".' p r s . I , , ,t, r,
: .a m 1 11 - ' u ' r 1 m.i tl ,
Ti.. cer m .' 1,'.' ' t , M . f nr, ,, as
'...!' it ' 1 . a pi 'a' ' ' f nt f..
ni i' c -t 1 1 -. p - u p.. . ,,- 1 1. i , .
' '"" i ' a p., t ' ,. in, , j.
.,t p- . -r . , , .,. , ,.
.' l ' -.!'. 1 1.1 ., ; j, ,, , ,.
1 t i' i e. '1 ' ' 1 a r 11 u 're--
UM, ,,KS ,, ,. ,,, , ,. , .
)K()(iltrs1, , ,,, r), ,,,,., i, v..,t
X 'Ml' .01 -.a 'ai', .it. 1, st tr, ,,. ,
........ , . ,. . x
p nan . 1 mi -i d ng 111 1 i 1 -, .,,rv 1
,.. Mil'ville. N .1 , from its pi-e-en' '
1 ,V 11 in il ll 'I'P "I" It- (inplf.M.
The factei' vv.tn its gee, -vs 1 JJ ,s Wli,j
. , u ;,,.e,. ... . ,
te nc "",.. :.,.,....,.. i, ,- 10 tie taK, ,;
"w'1' l,y llu' M1l'!e'f"' v"i. aie te pav
fiir it out of the profits of its operation
They aie 'e icceive a lean of Wij.uet
;ls vv eiking capital, and Mr. Di h te
give te the new owners the benefit of
Ins advice
It might '. sn .I 'hii tin- is a shrewd
' "("tf
plan of nn old man te protect the value
f his estate for hi heir, bv nrianKinK
,,, Rl,t n ()f , te n te .
I fei. lc fncl ,,at R , U()rt as
. :,., . , , , . .. ,, .
J COIIHr t'ntliiiitll M'hilrt lirt is cfill nll'it Hllf
Mr. DK insists that his purpe.se is
entirely different. He thinks the men
who June insisted 111 building up
business bhetild be allowed te shaie in
its profits, and his plan was conceived
with that end in view. It will weik Mic-
1 eessfully if the men te manage the bttsl
1 lie1-.-, have in some degree the finalities
of initiative and aggressiveness that
enabled Mr. Dix te build up a large
nMIK Oiand Jury piesentment en con-
ditiens at the Helnieshuig and Moya Meya
niensing )irisens is a calm and unimpas unimpas
siened justification of the charges made
thieugh this newspaper.
It finds that tlieie are dark cell- in
which piiseners aie confined for twenty-
four hour-, beciu.se they have ielated
the rules against smoking. The same
punishment i inflicted for meie serious
breaches of discipline.
It then says; "Perhap.- some men re
gard the use of daik cells unusual and
cruel: if se, their use ought te be aban
doned." This is putting it mildly. Dr. Ilaldy,
of the Public Welfare Depaitnunt, has
c mdentned this form of punishment.
The til and Jurv also it-commends that
,1, ,,,! . . 11 1 .t r
the uiles against talking and the ue of
wuncee p,. ipiaeei; 11, at at rangemeiits
e made te gie imp.- . eiise te the
priscneis, and that workshop, be built
te trivc . n'.n!e mnnt 1,1 tin. men mm-
I. ,. I . 1
'p mate te !ri mule 1 vei'i mi r.i tlin
te give einplevnient te the men new
fel.'ed te be idle.
It ;ile eendemns the treatment in
Meynnieiising of per-ens aw ailing trial
or held as essential witnesses, and
lecemmends that a Heuse of Detention
be bu It for the confinement of witnesses
and t'it nieued awaiting trial These
pci-etis are new subjected te sUh,i;in.
tu.lly the s.tnie tientnunt as the eon-
Mets. Tee;, aie-cenfined n cells and tnev
1 .-
l.v 1 1 n prison tare.
th. ec-mmcndatiens wili he .ubm.tu.l
te tit nrenci authorities I'ora.tien. 'Ihe-
lay ru,u i will have te appivpuate
lvem v ii , tne Heue of I'clentien and
for the woikshep.s at Helmeebuig if it
. .. (,... ii.siM.irn i- v-i .v c ruiiv " 11111-,
Tl e Heard of Prison It spcetuis will have
te inedifv tile ru'es pet nutting punish
lrcnt in d.ul; etlis, and if it dot- net
make this a,-,l the ,-the. ebange-- in the
legiii.tiiMi tnu nead of tin- Mate 1 e-
purtnunt of Ptibl.t Welfare will he under
a mrrnl "biigatirn te call the attention
of the D'stnct Attorney te this derclic
t en n .laty.
A me'v nv.nvr'e an 1 .ntedigeiit tieat-
n.,r.,.f in",H'- ",,chl u !C-u!t :,t
1 li, t I l.i I ' -11 '.It 'L'tl.
OIL ...ii.'ss-.,. m f.tu-ien t,.,,..,-,
1 .
ra'e Ifi t"e sicn t nine 1
,. . ,i, . , .., 1. .,...,..
ti u.iiic an 1 the
of -O 1 I U( ll (I'pld-
1 ,at . . et'en 'i' tl .s le.'irit'y anl ii'iieal
u.riner it.-nt M-ai - tl at Vine rv.in, .,,,.
:en 'i' ti .s , v.'irit y and .'.'neal
, , . .
! ..,., ,.. "... '. ,. . , U .. , ....... ...f ........
" " I" "l" ' .' "' "' -'l-"a
(.11 tl
r' , - 1 1 ,1 ;m r large e -
tf! -I'
f Anur.esm .Taie-ii 111 Mesi-
1 ai " '.' ' ..
B .t. :' . e
a-i - -'. m
N.i tin in
'am .
s'l 1
h 1 a iii 1 n a 01 kniL- 1
! v ' ,,, 1, y tei, j
.!'' tl -patch, s, tn. ifwt-i teat w
;""-" ""-' -- rr te lv th
bt.inn ( a new and better e'n of
vvl.tt m g 1 if talku eemmereial politics
at.' a ia,-. te.aul f'm .!! ,,f lhtf
1 reblem ''at di la; - met.can iecogni - iecegni -
t or c " pic tn M. uan (.eveinm.-nt
1 . 1, ,
urd t't.en'i- 'i" t. ir I-.. i.,tinn:il en.
' .
('pfiatleli ; lie t'vu le.itne-.
Tee sii'ti.ant ir g sib-lit the run-('--in
grnrted te In- Angtle- capital-.--
- that i 1- 1 iad rier tr.e teim- of
" '" WVII of fpe r . l'i.a: ( 011-
, s'it i' JV". rNat - that ti.e preple .
j 1 " M( x.i'e, ti'i-Di.i-h 1 aguii .v nf their
1 1 ivr 1 jinii 'ii, v ill dp p.i . ipa'i pan
1 i-s -. ti;. few ( .i't p'i-e ii'.n (ntitlt'i
I ' g'a.ilitte.i prin ag,- 1 " ti 1 jirellti
I 1 f t v e vcell- s 11 ty Ip opened i"
j a' "'i-ely i.'i It - th'i tl
. .. . ' it WVII a i' 1 01 je-t i -..
ii .Miaii-' I-' Ar nail!- ali'K.y
' 1 ' . ' I a- . ' n 1 il,:, is in Mi .,
V,i ' njt n fils( mivelle'l tn 1 !.f.
, ' g! .'..en s. uu' by Preside! (1 , M
' aid ' s (jiAPrr.'. it. 'Ihe teim- . " the 1
j ft.M ii- i.ic Chile.! 1 it I1-1 ateiy. I
I T e JKvni'i ' ""gross hr.'d-, mi the
. , ., . . 1
(t .i" innd. Ta in. nilge ji 1 .1
i ma'ii ('. v "1 ar bv foreign . mn,
ard -iif .McvHiii. pitre'cni depn-i's
' n' e an'erg ti.p udi-t kne'v , -l.e na'ien
I 1 r. a .gi.t t . 011,1 shiire 1 r -i.e c ealth
' ! at t .e '.ard gr c up.
' In r.i.-wi ' 1 hi- .t mav - , , t,,v
b fei t 1 gy ar.. at.
I '. 1 1 ignis , in eu'd lie i ystfli at ,e
I r. pi. .!','.. '. i'c 1 'epnie.' i " Mtan
! p' t. eleum lic.ds. Still, t . !c X.WI!
-'a''' iM '!'' fntl-tltJtl' Jt vn-
ia--e.l a''.r stjirrlrng u . 1 , ,01 in th
; lexun 1 ergn s- nnn .,p . p, , t,(.
lnaii s 17.1 eme I e .1 . l'i tab li. ills
! jiiefit ta',i i fiein son 1 1 il,- i,ii ,i.l..
I sj.g(.t that old-e-'iii t.cil 1 linl in r
ild pu. "hat they a.l a eonli-c.iiei v !
tas a- d -tel pie-p.r Lrtatlv. It is a
,. ,., . , .,,,, , ir, lf. t c,u. ., ,
ta have left a trai ! rxticnuly mi.
..u.. ii . .....
i",-.'-"" , i"..ii.s-. - -11. ,-s ia inn.
i-.i-niw ,.......-. - ..-ii.,-- (ii ini.'i.
1 Mpm.'j ns well a in the United I
It is irt"iesting te en-e.r-w tnat, Pie-i-detit
(Jlnegen liinis. f npparei.tiv had
something te de . ith arianging for the
huge eoneesisien. en, of the biggrst t(..
made. Should tht opt rating company
be successful it veil, appear f,s a mattei
of course that the principle embodied in
Aiticle XXVII can he made te work
without undue hanM-ip tn eK . r,i
f ;
r ciii
Death of the Man Who Killed the
Hey's Abductor Recalls a World-
Famous Kidnapping Mystery of
His Fate Never Fully Solved
his '
. H.v CKOIU.i: N(iX MrCAtN
A l.f,i:iT VAN ItlH'NTdird in Hioekl.Mi
-fy en Wilm.(i) , hjkmI rievcit.vene yours.
Ills dnii li (itiuicted only a pnriiKinplile
notice in the incirepiililan dailies, yel lie
was (in. ciiiinpctliii: linli lu a tiiiRedy whose
stei.v will nctcr die.
It was tliieticli 11 uell-dlreeled sliet of
Air. 1111 liruiit f'eriv-iilit .i-irs iike tlint
Hie nijtcr.t of nniriif Itess' iiliiliKtfen was
seu eil m- nt least Ih'IicumI te have been
The nlidui'iien of Cluirlie Wess still re
mnlns ih,. most .Bcnsnilnniil imident In tie
annuls nf Anicrlean criim'.
Air. Vim P.nint wns n-Mrrd farmer nlicn
Me clfril.
, NVuilv nil. if net nil. tlie ether piinclpnls
in Hie licnil-liienlslnu' Kess inTalr linvc also
passed nway.
I'liiNimir K. Kess. (,e f,tl of Charlie
toss, died tens iibe after sp'itdiiii; hl c
tue ienium rinitilii!.- tlmvn il.ies
le the elder icsideiits ,11 (Intnntitewn.
despite nil li'tcliiliniie nn, thee.it -. tile flltO
el ( 1. 11 in l.'.wu iu .1111 ;, .. : t. ...1
,.,. " " '" llll , llllli ,('! f I -
1 Mere is tin iv littln (f ..... .1.,..!.. ,1,., . .f
cnnl (if (1iKiitiP4 for ii t-rn t lewanl scaled
He lute of ihe little (icriiiniiiewn liev.
ON .11 IA 1. 1S71. Clmrlie 11,, a linn.l
sMiiii'. em l.v-haired. leiir-MJr-nM !. .
was plajlin; with Ms elder Im.flnT Waller
in lie ill et their Imme e,, ;.S, ,,Vn-liiiiclnn
lane, (iciiiciiitiinti. when two mm in a llirhl
spilng wasmi cniiip al"iig.
'I'liesi. vllllui ,..n, I....I ... I .1... .... I.
- ' " "nn I'd-si-n i(,;it i lie-
1 fore mid had giwn ihe (we hets ,,me .,n,v
mid a rule.
Plus time ciinillc nsl.ed for n i
. "" """i-O'l tin-Ill (linili nl si,,,,,
J tin. 1.1, K..,s ,,,.,. ,,j Jt te (Il ,, "(f
i lie Mien iitetiiKi.i t hum 1
. '"" ""MUff I" tin Kip I ll I...'- . 1
im.1,1 1... 1. .. ., ' ' .. .
I im,t tl. ,,',i) le",t i',',.,, ','1,,.", '!., ',"' ,",,,',
I ''" ,U"J'' Ki'ice take t Iumm in
1 ''tVY?,' ,'' .V 'liii.-il lii-s.nii;iep.
". "" " "in'ii in" siiiniaiis t..!ii iin-iii
VV llf'e leiilliiL' Ih.i I... 1, ..,,,.1. ,1 ..
w.is dinen lapidl.v tewmd Kelisinst,tii
Alter a while Chiirlin besan uviij
liepceil i . .,.Pn 1(,iCi
Ar Palmer and Itiihmnnd streefe Walter
was sjv.'ii n nmirler and d I reefed te set
semi, fireworks it, . ,.jenr s(clpi
U I en he returned the vvacen w
men mid l,,- litrlc Inether had dNappeup,
TT ' PPACOCK. 11 friend of ,f ,
J--U 1 nun, .,s .,ion.- tin..,, altiait.,1 !
till 1 I It's inn I I,.. 11 r.t W ,1..,. II...
1 ,. ' '""'' .,',"" '".his- i-.tn-iiis,' Immc-Mis.
. I 1 1 11 I vliss.
1 '""."" '" i" .Miiinlle (in ;,t tl,,, ,:,,..
, , 1 ,, , ; "' , n 1 iii 1 up 111 11
.Hid thde Ilie M, t.. Mated al.te ,u.Ie pI (,
iKillt flic I11IV.
,...!,' !filX& li f, ' H: t
' ,ni"' '" vmimis pprnn..
N-IT.",''' ,'''; ",i" r- help!,.
' ' N '" 1 hie wi- ii'itaim i until in',
' ' 'hiee d,,, nfier.
''!' ,'!"'', ''i1 "' ','""1 i'"MwMm.. m ,nm..
.. . 1 . 1 - 11,1 ri IP 1(0",
sp.':i.,l "' ' 'Ul"' "'d s.'idlv tnls.
.mi''1!' '.;rr","- ,,,rv. t!,icl "'''d be r
'""" . ''' '"Her n. .,;,! ,!,,, ,., ,r
...'.r."1,nsd,,e"1,,,.1" f'V ",'" "" """" "" Pl"1
! . "'.'"inii'. a nwird of s.'inn i,.i,i h,r r.
'"'I '" tl- lltlltll ' t. '.,. ,, ..,.'
il,r..fr,.i.. ' hreaihasr nniieu,,, J5
T.,., , mer spfend i,., .r fm ,,
ill "lis ,. 'v tp( p tf ,
I ' 'V il Miiinliil 11 rnMn'n ,,. - 'tinnti
I rfe'.iN ,11 M,. j;,, ,,,..,,,,,. :..,..., ,
ii 1 nt , ...... .., ,,,, ,..,,
: ., ';:,:,i,,,r' .V;:: ""'"; "'"-' - "nd mm,
. , 1 ns ' 1 11,1 , lx(
1 1 .!.. .i.', ,1., ... . .. ..
",1'!,;,"','1','" 7""': "'' '-n.? tie' nrhW'!
I'1' pes'ii. n of sf ii.Jii,,, c"n ilen . . .1 ' 's' ',"
1 1,-i's :., n, , ', ,, ."1 7 . '"' ''n,r-
I 1..,. i, 2..',' " ' ''"'" ':- would
I I '.ve I r. 11 le(,,,,
-- -
'r"NI"l'" ' m...,1, H. , .,,.,,
-s'i 11 1 ill .1 t ., 1 ,
' . . . 1 .1 1 1',
' II." si, it tl,, ,..,. .,,,,,,, ,,,.,.
' ' ' ' "
n . it ni 11... 1 1, ....
() .'.'".,' """ l!"v-" .i. 1 1. -..nn.ihlv
lie' 1 .1 inn . .
1,1 ' ' I" ' .1 I Ii.-.ii. . . .i,l
' Lis ' ill,'. I. ,. ...., . 1 .
1 11 nr , ,f .
I ' -I11111 ei
1 (.1 riiif ni.. mi ,ni
'" -" -'"' ' 111 ,., I.'.i.s ,,..
V'' "' v vt. ,i ',n,i, i, 1 .. .. ....
1 ' "H" n".i iiM.s,ii,n; ,,,,. ll( t)iii
! '""'- " '.v,..:r;,:ri:,r , ,
1 ''"
, "'"""N .1 ,..luiit..i wnt,:,,,) ,,, .,,,,
'"v1.'"' ",l1'1- "" "" "' - h-'hl , , ,,-
i i ''" ,,',w,""'s ' '""i ml !. nliin,i n,,)
""!, i',"-, l",,,"," "'.",1"'"1- l'i.tiw-
iniM. 1. ii 1- -.nd tlm , !,,. ininds , 1 Mn .
e . i i...... , .:..' . ."""" ' sp .
--..-... 1 , .- ,. 1 null .
. . ' ... , , '"""'' 'I I'V He miif.
.1 iv 11 i.f i,,i ;, ,
tdiipm.ii.K 11
ti :i . inns.
j T" ' ' ' Ky id ti,. lettn, ,,
I ' ""' ' ''s. 'l'lllns-,,1 , ,),, v ( ,.
I I.'' s. ,, , . , I ,',, ,,,! , ,,. , , !,,. '.
1 1'" i.'l 1. mil 1 j.
'"I ' ' ' -'" '' 1'"" her 1 I. Is;-, ,,
l-l.ll- III 1." III.) III.. 1,1 ,-,. ,,l .1,. , , .
II' ' ' l!u I! 'U'. I...I Ul.,,,,1 "
I I' lln 111..- V 11, !i, ,,,, V, ,
'" ' ".'s a " un 1 .in ,, UM
I '."d " ih 1 is hti,, ,,, ., , ,
1 ' '. 1 k 'n il..,. nt In- ,,, !,
'II" IH .' I.' '! 1 I,,,.. ,,. .,!.,, ,,,
t h. 1 ,11 il -i ,1 , , w , , -i,,,,..,,,
.111 I'.i 1 1 - ,v .1 i,,.,,, j,,,
1 -,.- ,.,, . :,, , -,, !, ,,.1(1
I ' l.yrflai- ,. 11 ....i,,, , ,i
'I Wl'a ' Mn 111 ., ,,,,,
1 d r.n. i 1 .,. I .- ..tn. ,., l'i,, 1,.
u ' ' ' ' ' 'I 'I .'I "tis mn,,
1 in.'., ,i .lu. in ;i a,, 1 - i)U,.,
. .".' ll1' v .. Hi,,'. ,1.
,I'I-' W, ,,t l. ll, I K , Llir.f ,,1 ,
W .1 I'W IlnllL-l.l--. ill., I ,
-i 1.,
.- I .-
I s .
" lis
'I ' i.e '1 .11 h i.IiIim in,.
I ''.I
I 11 1,1
- Il-S
'I I
' II
' id
, - ,1 - 1 . . -i 11 iii-pin. n ,i,i -I,,,,,
; .. ,. i-,..'i - tl it I.. i,lainii,i
'l'i M ,' lln I .III ,.,l, Cli.uiip u,,
I l'' ' ' 1' stn , I, - I, ,(,, ,
I V isp'd
, I . . ....... ...
' - ' " " Hitf 1. 11V .VIiisIk 1
" ' i Hi' IT -s I ., , ia.u .,
V ll" I 1 - !(, ,1 !,.,! Mvl, ,
'I ' J. I. - - ..I
1 ''I I I ' fi . 1- w 1, rind 1
' I" 'I ! " .11 I. r- .11,. d ,n f,.,, ,j,
i l'i' ' "' 11.11 IJn-s t'fis n.-rer ii'Iiim
' n i.i: . ui-.ii,;
ilis .'.'I Ih", lii.s m,
a ll I "' hib I : - I., mi ii,npf,,
li s
it . ii
I 'i. .. .in hiii .11 1 1. d iIip l
1 . ri l ' i' I" i N" ,'. nrj,. t, ,
l'i i' ." i I'1.'.-' I'"iit ..r lln.,
1 t il e i 'nl i I tin t , in.- ,. , nl,, , ,
I il. . i- ..in .Jin -- In 'le. I nnil i
'.I .f
'I ' III
I fit
' lid
I ii,t, nr ii-i ,.,',. i. 1,1,, ,i,t,., ,,.,
. -I., r 'n i, i nun i it nf il,,. ,UM
I I , lu.ih . f n Ii . I.I in, i nnliiti- i
;.i-- ,, , ,i . .,, i ,i d In, i the f,u ,
ih.i iiii'MHh it
, lin-s, ,i- tniiiiiH, pnni.. ii. , .p.
"i'i"i"''d ''"" Vv id. n .,f PL,'.,,, .ihsi
win i, n -i I' KtmipiJ iinlil his 71. ..ti, .,,,.
,ll U'l-s, I i- I'd l hi n crini. ,iu i
, i ni - a.
l,l,l tl" llli.iM li.ilhillg VlilK it,,. ,) s-
. ,n ,i d tl, it iii liiiiti 1 1 -nhi the nit i. n ,,f
tl." ! nlii i.p.ii-' nf I ii lie lJ-isx.
leul'li C. . ,, .
I.nst l.ilc (, live Ih mid ii, I, ,(l
1 1 tf- Ilivver iln tl,, wui,
nf II tttlll s, In lllllll' .. ft! 1 1 Iv (Mil, liinui,.
sl.llie wlll-k' llisle id (if KIIMilllil I'enr
l.iie' I In- is but nn iii till, ml i.iii.r,;
SI i '11 km. -i "id i.ie iiiui when il. v t u rr
li - di M. iiivlii'i we wonder If that
dtieetive is (enlesfciiiK nr hrngeilij,'.
&$$ - t "- av -'BW4 J
f-feiiJ H'M T 1 1 !, ;- r4- H ' !i J '
-rrlWr!trV? liTt.T.v,--- "Hi-:i" vT- ! ' i' ((. I ! II f
l.'l if,.
.. . .V .
3 -- iti- ? li'-
jfWjFj, l-ts, '- i " t..f .vnjIir'ViJt rtrt U llfflMM5i&4mmLll
j jr-. j iv kr&ji.nr t i.- .riiMi 1 irtT tv 11 jni.ii r .j .u -ra fTrtTv-rnM-i-ii" iii ! t. . rww s"
Daily Talks It tilt Thinking Pliilailvlphians en Subjects 7 hey
Knew Uvsi
On the Wurk el Philadelphia I'nciuls
in Vienna
rpili; Pt.einl- of the Philadelphia disti.et
are dnnis all that ttey n,s-ilil, r,,n tn
reliiwe th" sjniaii.m in Viiiuni, v I n h "s
"ijc of the whim in nil lan.ipe. aeeenlnn; In
Mr- Mmi'i ('. Spiutcrseml. el ihe l'i icrnl-'
St-rv Ciiniiiutlee. AI i . St tit ti i smul hns
i' in l.v ipfiuii.'tl l'i eni tihinad, wIicip -I,,.
has hi i ' eiiyiiyed ill this veil,.
'"'Ihe situation in Yiriitn.'' s.mi Mis.
Si ntli ii nil, "i- ir.ill, that the ,mli. n,t.
I.'iii hns .iii,iiint1v dii'pi'.d n'lt nl iiiin'i
.(Jul llii'ie is iii.n i leill, nothing l.-fi. '1 ! i
a . "iitial 1 1 cist n iiiniiitiiiiii.il. hit it i
lint .ilW'MS i,, i, (,,,( ., mine- of till"
i m-t di'sei ', iei snns, Th . Militated mid
dle i las- pinple suffer the yientesi hiirislni-,
bit llev .lie Ihe ter, out's who will lint
in ike nipli. atimi f..i teli.-f. putiiinii; la
siiffi i than in :n 1 1 pt helfv.
Hew .VI, in, nf 'I hem I. he
III" Ais'iimi inline, i- wmin pun
l ii ailt ii. ah i iu. and th" s.iI.h ,, - p.ml m l,ns
l'e an' i hllil. Mill in., nttirl, iniideipliite
In lln i I III. ir iM"ls..s eteii In pimiiri tlie
Ii.iii-I lie t -sill, s. Mini, ill lln iii h.ue
li'iuntmn.il lite ' -,.) mtj tin tr imm. nml
tin eiiis nt ni' wlinh tin, riininiilat.il
in ih. ir pinspei..is d.its, ,nii ilnu eendi-
i. nn new is pin, ii ii.. j
"Ih" Jilmi .if liiisiiiK .saliiil.'s wiili i he
ilepu'i'iiilinii of tlie hi. nn j Mm ilmd has
bun in i MMenti. tnr .pule a I. ii i ir ( t m c lull
ill" III. liases yn .-ll dn lint l.ei p inn e Willi
tin I in1 ill the ii lies, (spei mil, i.f fund,
wliieli l.av" In . ii iiiiiiiliniile. Ker, time
Ihe s.ilrtl li-t is lai-eil tin puns i.f Innd
j.'ii sil Jiiitli.r. -e thai thi-p penple .up
Kail" win's.' nil thill, hefine e.nl, lee
"Tli.ijiiin.isti, .a iii the ( in et Nifini'i
Is lei ulilTi. I lilt . f Ihe I! (Hill. (Mill piipiilmn.n
of Austiiii. tt,. ii nie new ahniii 'J.iiihi.imhi
In tip. .11,. in. i ih" iiniiirnl us. ilt i- ili.u
Iti'l 1 1 nl III" -Imp, ill,' ilnsnu ilnun
icuii.i Nf tllcinrnl Wnil,
' III" i.'Ii'i.i Si ttlelliellt. wh.ili 1,,'is ilm.
splendid wml iii ihe p.i-i i- . iii a
i i ileal I'm. in. i il . innlitinii mi. I I'm M.tl.l--iiiii.l
Iiipmiiiii.t ha- mil, .ill. .nt i.iii.ilin 1
i. the miinilllt neies-.ii, te lin.iiii" its pi,,.
I .lln for lln pliM'lll Wllitei. 'I In let. ie.
,1 beilline liii--al. In IiiIuii l'i" ininiliei
nf i .is, s whi. li this depiii linent j.i iii.i- -.1
tn In Ip under tin tiiiinin -i In nm Mid hi. k
in -s ii Inf. nn.I for the in i lun iiinntlis ,i
. HI Hike nlllv "(111 of the 10011 t til I lllllH I ,i s, ,
ill il 10(1 of the L'OII l iises uf llllli --
' I'he M 1 1 1 1 1 1- : 1 1 1 1 1 In pmlini iii i- the mi,
whnh I.il.is ..iin of the pr,.fnsv,,-, jiiiiau,
iiiii-n i'lie . imi'Iiiis nml inll.Miiiil pdrmis
i,. in mil, . ,iiinii ih" peisiiiih who me
I eiiU looked nfli r bv l h its ilep.ii tini'iit rue
nm " who nie inii-i iniil.innlh km, w n in mi
..mi iiiiisieal iiH'les, -mil as .l.i.i f I,,,;,,,",
n tauieiis niuiiiiisi, new ( iglil ,,em- ..l
me mid iiitut'lv blind, who, wiih In-- sistei ,
t,e teats nldir limn huii-ell. I- einlieh
ii n inli'iil upon outside lis-isiam ,., n .,11
l in i lie, laid .0 i iiiiiiiliilnl was -v.pt nun,
,n ih" win k.
i.,lliM is llmuimi lilllllll 111 I . well
known as a . i inpesi 1 He , ,is i, temhei
nt flam, in lli" V n nun l 'iiiiseM.itni , In.
I. ae lln war ntnl is new sinent, -I'llit vein
nf a--e I. In I iili'ible In Wink sn,,,. ,,. n.u
Still nl he's in ' Unbelt I'liehs, I'lieildi h
I del K.u I .! h I tmil ilescf Ileilei Itnhei'
I' l. lis w us lniiiierlv ills., ii teni'lu i efiheei,
ni lie 1 1 , 1 1 -1 i rt t 1 1 v . nml Itiilii I' n inlii-
lin- f onus ler men's veiies. wlm m,.
I nm, ii rll en(I Ihe world. All of lln
huh', i ill iv sil r.i men ale liv ing in ttiiju
l M.I
MelpillR 10 llflp Tliriiisehfs
(if i.n.l-i'. we lealli Ihlll we inn nlih
,,,, I i Ip lllllll hiillle lllelllis Is -1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 , I n
ili.ilil" 111" puipl" t" r t en lln II led litliiui,
Inn i bis is a dillieiilt lie-li, for s,, inuel,
ji.is hiin ml.' ii fiein limn that Iheie is
j.i ii r u.'iilli lielhiliir left,
'I lie (Inn nillielll VCils te pile the us.,
i.f ihe I ind and fiiinis ami build Ihe hulls.
nml ihe leiiiiiils weie te pa. Inn li In th. u
i.wii Inh'ii I'er 'iiinldini; inat.rinl thij use
n 1 1 iiihiiiiitinii (' ci ml" I -. i elm nt nml . nu
ll. 1.. iiiui.' in ilm form of Inhks whlih aie
di ii il in Ihe mr for two wnks ami Itie
wild led lluee times ihlllc
"All I lint tll(se pfeple (lellllllld s ehlHK e
in eimi ihcir own Ihliu- mid the iinlil In
wnlk. The (inceillllieilt hlllisidli- .uveied
old, n pun of the gi fill nod mid the nd nd
tleis llieini-elvis worked IiiiiiI all summer en
the bind mid at rnliMrilclln-' Ihe hiiihlimjH
The did 'his weik outside of t licit- ickiiI ir
eeeiifmtluns ami denied (lipiiMes eier.t iee.
I ration mill even some of the neeensllles nf
life te be able le contribute the iiciehsur
30, 1922
subscriptions te the building mid fnnn
societies. Then the (Jmeriiiiietit found that
i,i was una hie tn assume jS slum, of tile
fiiiniKim; ami the whole, plan is new In
(irrnt Distiess 'I his Winter
( '"I'he distress (Ids winfe,. will , fnl.
."'.Muni ihe if sum i cs of mi,, iclipf uipnn
Uiitmii. 'l'i,,. in, im einpha.sis siu,i i, ,.jM.n
t Ih" w.nk which will he of pci inanent
eeiisiiiietiv,. nliip, i,,.,t js, nciieuitural,
siuh a- t.,. piiielias,. f pews am i0.Mir ler
the supply f fip-i, iik ami nhu te ihe
Illllil setlleiuetifs,
"'I'he aim of the friends is te rruilinue
th" help which was ,,, .,st winter. Hi"
(iistnbntmn ,.f fres, ,ic ,,... i,is ,n ln,t
"cede ei the (hlldren help,.! Inst ,,.,,,. )
Ihe ilepnts and ih,, seleeiim, ,,' , k0 , , t.
Vllllelstnml IMiet ,eiK leslneted te the
iiuiii'.eis mid. a far as aihis.,ble. i t.
iietniil .asps helped iasi w Intei. It s im.
pi.rl.illt inn. H,.,t ,lp , ,.,,, ,-,
nn (hildien mi institutions nml f,. t,0
"I1,1 1' "f 'I'" Willi!.' .ent.'is and luhei-
i illnsi- i speis,lr,.s
"A p.utliiii f the .i,..Ke i as,.- and nl!
ti.iiuii.;: nisi- aie Inlpid'hi tick. Is te th th
"eminniiil dinneis. nl ,. ,im,- .M I
Ihe ilisiiilnitien of Innd pn. keis me still bpini.
ciiiicil mi as far ns pes.ihlp. Tlieie me
also in nn iideptinii ,,ises lieim; pii,u.(,l ,
ImliMiliials nn, I j.j i.iiinyniis.
I'he ll.nv-Malfiial itpstien
"Ausiua te, I- ih.it ., eli. Slet akin lian
l.iad.i.i'lv i'ei.viliiuK that Austiiii needs
in the win lit inw limit rials nml llinl Aus.
nm iis.it , sriUid,,, , ,, ,ii,ii,, (lf (,
de-eii It has i, tie ,;ieat iiatinal i.'suipp
in ll" D.iinibc. which jutsents alim,.
lllllll, .in, p.,ssj,ljps ),,,. il,.,.!,-!,. j,,,,
ether kiims .,f power.
"11 i it is impassible in Set trnnspiut. in,,,
Mir ihur, piediiefs ft, ,m i rijski'ln
("UlilM liiiciitieli limn the Dllllilbe wmild
de nn, h in leliete this sit,tj,, f , ,.
H'''1 Im H '.III lltleifs, , would e.imbiliP i ii I
lake up tl is miittm, wmild wink a Kiea
heiulii i.r nil cnin . metl,
"Tin n me muni dipn-ns ,,, Snnn, ,m
is Hum ,..,.. miciii.ill, ii tit I r Ituluin eiiiiliul
and ni" i.. held I e. Miimes. t,M .,,,, ,
no lalm 1., Austiiii. ',i. pns.nt 1irp
ImvwMci - I., rf,. thiel, K, ,e pM.s,.,t wimer
and in sn. Vustiui viii help as nm pi,,,!,!,,
hi r In a', i ii I.e., inn. splf.M, s,Ki ,tlll (
this great tmil. the I'm mis ,.ie ,nini; t !-!
What De Yeu Knew?
' "l".,'i V X'TVi '..! 1.BI.1I..I hale
'"" ' ' "'em of Ihe Cimt-.i M.n.s
-' Hew ,11,1 ,1. , i r Pans K,t ,h a)c .
:: What is , .
i What l- i, i.i a ,,.,. f ,ia,,em .
-, Value in., t ,,,,.. us l,.:s nf m.,,1.1.. ,. a
in ue in,., t i..inpu of aiKi.ni crme
., ,.,,, ." .,. Millie ni iiai.iuKi n, i.,ii,.,ii
7 Who Wili ' .,. ,., iifsiiniu i ,i... ,,.... I
of Siiti.nl and wlun ...... i ....-.:' ...' I
It fliUl'.ll'
- irii as i
V What is ll. ,r,s m I - i.i. of lie - ,. ,
of Oeul.t in Kinil" '"w !
'. What N win, i ,,,,i, i, , ,
..f .. uiti'H t; crzr:;iz
lien, . , " "K" "'f' K'"11' "" Hen,
1 ' U 'jael.'.i '-'' 'Jf "" """"" ,s ""' I'l'luiii;
n.weis lu YesU'rdnv's ijmV
I Th' i ll'. t Is Hi,, ,, Vil
izv: " " '"" '---' Hfe,1
" ,'I,,".,'.T """ "lf "J"rlh l:'l'"or of
.!. The Ai I. in ,,. i sninctmis known ,u,
r!;',1:,5,, '" """- '- .. W,V,
1 The Him mini, of I'.mifu, .... .
0. The Miii.l, Am,,,,!,,,,.,,",' ieMi , l-'n.i l
him.- t onsii.uiien KU.ir. ices !, '
iiis'i.i ,,r mill i jinv. "'"1U-"'S the
fi. I lie , M.liimg l!n,, i , u f
nm ,..,lm, I'.emi, pss . ,, ,r 'f
Nniiln.iniern Asia -'"" '"
7 '' ol'T'enVillio' l"" """ "".nier
S. Tlie Iiieilnr of ,,,ef,u, .,.. ..,
iii" ildiuharnals of , ' ' ;
and diiiKhl.r of th, laiii,i," i '
, I'll a- I'.v h.r Mis! .,! ' " J"h"
... Ue ami i y .,,. ril',' a,,,,,,,,,,
10. IMviiuil Kiri, tlf l:,1Kllllill
im-.. I te l.i.v., !,... muitienu ,,f ,.7,'
'" 111, or Ids am run a, ii,, '(,.:
"t ljiiden in U8:i lower
-igSSeSSSk i i.HBHK' .,1K',.S
. t-T ." .Er'lrn.llnli a' 'b . WIS .dJIFit -'I.!. i.ii
- m.- .er.MirrAv.ij.c-t;, IV 'c 2aMHHnkiiBM'i,-'i"'
u 1" 'ift''is 'i'-r'r w-wsi - S.il jV's'HlfeMHLtif
r ' I' '' .1 -" " n , iBt . iu.1 ." xrz. .'
4. "
'?-! -. -'.J'-!."
1 ,
"-? -r.'.-fi- .
Jin r i.
(.niuiiipis of the Heuse 'ie all working
meinbpis of the Oeiiimlit- Inieriur An An An
piopilafieiis. Peiah will nut kiIpvc ever the defeat nf
his amendment. It v. ill enable him te hrenli
out in a new plate.
Heek publisher sn.v.s lenders link en
thiislnsiii. Wieiig. 'j'(,v hnve il. Inn it
hasn't been stirred.
Pre-eiit weather leiuinds u Mini n .1.
I'rei sk-nip is ppiinissiblc wheie a .1. liar liar
.le.icern eiip is taboo.
"Ships Combed in lletgdell Se.irdi"
.Material heie for n litn?h with the tunny
nml hairbreadth cstapr.
Hiicter el AniPiicaii IJelief in i;i,ss
snis I... nine is m,r M, ,h,ek as h. i p.untrd,
Subjei l iiKepled an ed.
New Yerk's Trnllie Cmni lias liainPnl
.".O.fiilii dis.s ihi. ipar. Thnt's enengli '0
l.eep a li.itii legge'f fniil.v Inisj ,
IV.iluies of ,p ptohihitieu law mn.
Il'slid b, "wets" aild "(Ills" keep til
(nulls nl the count i plaj im; seesaw.
It 111:11 well he tlint u1.au il. s;.,..n,-
.sin) line things te Wondievv Wilsen iim
of Ihe m.mbeis ha.) their IIiirims eiessCd,
Chinese siiiilem sa,s ihe lenseii Cliini
is slew in lieinj; inedei iii,.,1 Is that her Ian.
riiiirc (iiniuit be indeed, Ie speaks the
"Celd ns the dei'il ibis mni nine,' -thI
I 'n nk. "Perhaps .1011 me lifjlu." nsneil
P.hish. "If he weie net cold he wouldn't
need se big a file."
Yiibllde pleasuiPs ai,. (.Iiert-lned Se'ii
New e,ii lesoliitietis will iHeessitatp tlie
ills, nrdhig el thp piKl.ei flasks KcrlK.I .is
ClltlStlllilS 1 IS. s
"The elder we KH'W I lip meiP we 1 1, ih. B
thill life is worth lln IhlllK." s;iis Cliiiiiiner
M. Ilepew. ('eiieiss will new pieteeil vi ilh
(lieu ih, I hinii- . hmil,
'1 hose who ileplnie the tlm.. spent In
spiiuhiiij; fei drover lieipdnll sheulil . on en
suler the time nnil eueiftv s,ent , I'jis.
li in- ill Inekiii!; Inr Ihe hidiophebia ciim
Ilnri.inl piefessnr sins the (ii.iml
Canjeii is iIip rpsiilt el (insieii and t it
lesion will M.'iiiuall,, destiei u. I.pe!
Tluie's ailelher Ihini; we've get I" wen'
l.lieut :
'I Im Italian Ambassador In Wftsluin."
Ien in his ndiiie te Iiiilliin iiiiiiiiKi.ini'
p.unphrases Hernie dipele.i : "de Wei.
.ion man. nml help j't.iu' die leuuti.v
S.iuiler li hnlseu. et Neindii. srek
i iiintiusNleii In estii , s, the nine et s her
iiiiil im rease its i-cmiti! ii-iiim. siienrtltini:
..r !... i ;..a ...... ,..,... i :.. .1 i.is ..f
" iM.i.i i....,i nn,,- in-i-ii in im- liinui- "
tlinse win, liuiiglit lnp.pei kef flnsks t"i
( hi Istinas.
Theie nie m pieseut sevtn CJuceii In
l.ouileii: Mm, ami Alexiimliia of lhE
land, I llsn el dieeie, Mnude nf NerwiiT,
AuRiiMn Vk im in of Spuin. Ainelin of Poiin Peiin
Kill mill ill.' 1 low .liter I'liipiess of Illl"il
Louden seiieii's fnieiite snine iniiM 1"
pilim hie, with n dniible drl,
A (ii el i iliin has .nine le pass'
Aneiit sin li Min ii deiiliifs;
Asiioiieiikis in ainbriditp, Mns
IIiivp hint our fuipst feeluiK.
A ,iear nK we, wemlerlllK. saw
A (,'imii led Niur winkiiiK:
Put unw 'lis said Idee! This Is taw 'I
Thin lle'eliitii'se In hln Inking 1
lluw lluilled we wpu when tirt-l we luiin'd
That si IciiiiNts Imd measuied
IIIn walsl. Iliilliiislii-in bullied
And eveiv In, t up tienhllied
lie. as n iniiiiiler, had no tales
1 or (iitiiii.' or for driukinc
We iliniiitlit : "Ilm mder luuip (oes' '
Hill Itetelginse Is sluliikim:'
llui fat 111 is tolled, IIpip s a KUi
We fam Inl was ii in ii,
lush ml uf which, ,,'e diui'l knew win
Tile bnub s en ., i,, ;
Send ler the dnilel, ipuil, ii. iUlil.l
The fait then, is idinklni:.
I or i liiuii s Mnr linarder'H sick I
A.v, HclclKiiese Is shrinliiiig 1 fi. A.