Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. Wilsen s Advice LONDON STRING QUARTET s T
Jer doming Y ear TO GIVE CnNCFVT Timsn A V i
-"- V - k' JkmM. m. JL X V- JLrflXy .4 JL JL
AvJBKDjrG (PUBLIC LliJDGER-PHlEADEIiPHlA: SATURDAY; DECMBEft 0.' 1922 ' ' , ' ' " ' "Ttl
Discard Wern-Out I J tonsils,
Fellow e Woehly Srhoilule
ami Plan te Save, Small
Amount Regularly
Cnvurieht. IOI1.lv .Wrt. .If. A. IHMeri. .til
1 i(fHf rricri'cit
If HI Entertain Matinec Musical Club and Its Friends in lieL
tinilrrtoec1. New rIiii-c- lie Jmd become
reconciled, even nttnrlicnl, te M14 yetinjj
wife, It upemt niitiirnl flint lie Mould
win,! te rciiiPitihi-r her In lih will, tlmt
TUa r7. i 1 mynlnttn ! "pc-encIlrl, even nttiiclipd, te tli yetinjj
1 MtluaUiYU(UUlb wife, it Fteemt niitiirnl Hint lie would
I'roHiredncss Paid
Ity (.'enin.'i HciiiIiikIeii.
flint you plrp me (lint will of the Intc
Kbenczcjr TlietiiRM Hint jeu were vend
ing mIicm vvp tnnip In,"
tend funeral, Tuen . 8 SO A M. from hl I IIATf.P On pee 2'. DANtKh, hamnHrffl
lain realdcncy. State ami fmilnn reatle nf Hi lulu HrlclfH llayra Inn Ftephttiar,' h'H
linnr'l'li .-,(llt"II..I l..piT-li lima HI CV IIHUVrB ail.l infill., Hia.F HWt "M' ""V
U'VUO Club Ne.WS and Gessin "T AM filiselniel.v convinced tlmt there
vvns n Inter vv
jhl, 1011. fiv'.lfrt. .If. A. 11'llin
i(fnr rr crrrrl
NOW. nt tlie i'Ie'p f Hie dyliiR jenr,
llip Iiniievv Ifc slimild sit down, find
will, imtrl.oel, nnd pencil oulllne her
pi. Iii ir- fur the mining jenr. Tnl;p
tncl, of jour lieiiM-hnlcl pqulpinpnl, nnd
dip inieiinl of irpnlt nnd replenish
ninit t lint "III he rrnnlml In tlu Heme
f,- iln (einlns jenr. nnd (hen plnn
te illil.ribnle this exer n fpiIph of
111011111". c Hint no (Trent entlnv will
he iipresiiiv te hecp the home iii In
It minimi eflieienej .
The Mlehen. mine thnii nnv ether
pnit of the lieip-e. shiiiild he Kiven elese
pirvmnl iitti'iitlin. (IKeanllliK nt once
nil worn-out. tiii'les utensil" nnd pliin
nine te IM' Iheke In Meck.
The fend elmpper flinuld he looked
nfier. nnd If the parli nic worn or
1..! hheultl he replnrejj nt etire ; tin
enliilidi'r nnd nieeM next mIhiiiIiI irceUe
ntlPiitieii. then the Ki-nter. (lie mlxliiR
l.ewls nnd l;nie. If jolt ni- iifIiir
(hipped or i nicked initiiis howls, jeil
rntinet )ieiiihlly le.illre the diiiiBrr, else
um would hnie dKenideil Iheni nt
Mend.ij I'll I the house In elder, curl
elethliij: ier IiiiiihIm. de i-pnlii'iB. This
um best he done mi ihNdm. ewipr te
tin- f.e't t lint left ever feed run be
uliliid i" the ineiin en Menihij. Se.iU
ilelhlnir for l.tundrj .
'I'ne-ihn An enilj 'tnrl en fln nnv
. tin es.ir, if " 1 1 me te get jour
ilnthes mil te di cm H . The modern
jmiiscwifi'. Mho h.'is the model n lltenslla,
ran Him out :i l'nii-sc wnsh with but
iitiln elrn tienhle.
WrdneMluy IieiiIiik nnd pnttinj;
nwiiv the i-letbiiiK. lennlnic the
Ulelien. This, of feiu-e. will depend
neon hew- nineh lnnndrv nnd Irenint;.
Thursdnv Str.'ilKhtciilns lip the
hinie nnd iesi of d:iy fiee.
I'rhbij Cli'iinlnc dn. : ile. in eme
Kiminiiii'lllPs. n.iirkelinj; in I he iifttr iifttr iifttr
iioen or elilly evenlnc.
Siilnriln Mnrki tmp nnd hnUine nnd
piiltinc the final touches te la-t - inlnnle
piepnt'ltieiiM for SnndiH
The enet time reipined for Ihe de
tmled work will depend crenllv iih)H
the ie of the fninilj. mid nhii If help
be hreiiuht in en Mierlnl dn. Wheie
theie me chihlli'ii in the fnmlh , it Is
"cl for Ihe i-bdillPii te be iespent.hle
for eei linn duties A led from eight
miiis in fifteen 'ems inn diM. p:ne
jioMtees, piepnre M Ketilblev, mnil.el for
lnph nrlieh"'. wii"h nisnes. eienn ntn ntn
.lews, ill, in c ll.i i -. put out the ,'ivhes.
kei p the newspnpei s in neet hn miles nnd
tied with the wnste slriiiB. mid where
theie me no little ilniichter. the Inddie
ran m'I the tnble, help with Ihe dishes
nnd it nny ether little tusks. These
msks e:iu be -n pl.inneil I lint lhe will
teipiiie but mi hour n di, nnd If the
'niither insists upeii this It will be bet
ter for both Ihe he nnd lier-elf
l'lmi te h.'ive en" iiicht in the weeX
for ;i lenl finnllv niyht This evening
enn be tirrmiRPil if theie ere smnll
rhlldien tlmt it will net mleifere with
In ir si hoelinc Let them invite it piny-
i i. te or filend le dinner mid expect nMflh . I'enntninii. The receptien1
them te de their imrt lewmcl hcdpini; te! w l)t? , ..harce of Mih. llenn I . ,
nnl.e the iwenini; n renl sneeeen. I .lump.
A pound of Iheii. will mnke tlilm Tnesdnv iiieiiiiiiK' at lOiJiO the int
I. -cniK in ii Inrae pnn of Micl.j lnii:i ;,, public -peukinj; will meet with Mniv
nun hii'l or Blnser lire.id or bit ' Kese Cellins,
batch of cookies, nnd it Ihe cost he1 tx e .; Wurwids .l.imts 'ii(e will
i..ili.Mih cstlnmted ;i lollews ,,ii pan . K,V(. ,i fourth leelim "Keine As.
Ill mnde, nnd If I
'''" '-"nlen Shin, ,,., , KU ellJ ,.WM ,UI ,,, (1 ,.,.,. suI,lpi,r "; fl'l J f-l rlnh. my ellent
.,i....,....-,ii- i. i-i ii." . nciiim ee eener (iii ny ii Koen many
$x ll'euiind delhiVK." ,
And if you could prove xoutchew
theie whn mielher will, nnd lhen
KniHhed ,,,. ,. ,,. w, ,., A (., Wh.leu'.eunlen will he held . "j"' ',' '"' l,,,a'" '"" T'" ,,",,"''f 'J
ii (eiicerl In the hnllMmm f M. Hdl, . nt the KciisiilenMtnineh, 171 West
Mie-Ktrntferd Tni.wf,,,. ,.i .., , i AlIeBhenj iiveiiiie. en Tnemlni. Kir
nnd their fi lends. Ite-bles these distln- ' lender. I . ,
elude cteiips of semks bv Mlhlied .Ieiips i "' the KeiiNinKten Hrnneh nt 7 o'clock! kUp ll "Vi umiM ,mll n w,",,', ,,)l
Sehnehler. .soprano with leiethi Kerl !'" Wc,,ll,,,,,'" fellnwliiu n UIi? Kicter ' mere money, wouldn't you, deersp?"
"t the piano, nnd l.lllimi' ll..ln..ir '"rC.ln ... . ,,, ,i , ,. "V,1HI mer"7'nr-v llt,,,,, "irl''" ,nl"!"',
JW. contmlte. wljh Itny Daniels ,' ?." l", Xn&VF ":i XTl, ' ' T,,,,,r''- """!'"' W ,7
denes nl t. ,,,. ' '.NVpIj. will tueeint ,e j't? Y. W. C ' rn,l":. ""''' "'',L" " -'oe. hit
i urntneiH turned ttie nne e us , Hern- i,r i.ima i-nurrn nnrm wnim 10 ciny ami euirr 'r.ctim or wnirn na wu n. am
is tJueut!li .liui, or course,, nnd he lie- , rnnl nnd nheweil his li.itleti -i.il A M tnl.. I'flvntf 'uininelllp will inpet noint.er, nre lnMte.1 te fiinwil. en W '
Ileves end I de ten ibnt Kill ti.mv in kiiewmi ii h Millien. .n.i n, ,jVI,H.I u..v Mmtlm. envlnin clny n 7 3d A M lerlrienif, BT.1S Apr rnr- ,-
. . i . . .', llmt,V" l ,V ' v" 'IhemiiM, neeint; that he v ns (nipped, iinutlUK Termlnnl fhiu.n n.lnn, s i , .m . M'efn me feletnii nun of icniilcm nt th JB
setnelliiinf nlinul nnether will. Hut n ' hninled eier the niuieie without n word '""' "" '"" p ""-'" f '-' "i. He- I'lmrrh "f the .Mcmi niceed Hft-rnnint t t ' V
I h milliritlly ilcainsl his jntereflt lc. , ,,., ' ', inulnn nm h- , cd Mn utter P Jl. a M lntrmi.t llc.lv Crefa ( mterr. fe
clve it i win Iii.'n ki-i. n It leefi Unit evunnic iim fhe two levers a( lu i Ml W.rKli IV. in i.e.-; i.tjneV. ur.Yf.. t)". a fOI'IIIB (I. (I...W if
close I II .',.. Iw,l . i,,,l ,lt ,' " i" trunt of Ihe lll-e mid lead the Will . m of Chart.. i.n.l tin , I llurkha.l. r fur firr) Vi,2."Ii,lf"f.0nr?''f?i.,,y."'iv ln.nlJil.!l S
bhiek Mieep, nllhel.Kh no one could con- I ,',",M' "' I,,M ln "dmirnlien ',r i'reMcl.n, " m' "k ' VimIAi, unliN'un,";" Ifjr," vt,Wjr ' i'-i-Ms V".1," tSl M
Nlneehlsfntherlhllt he could de wrens. I , "Veu're spl Wonderful, (leerse. Hct.oel. ""J ,:ril'r,,,i;,V,r;r ,",', C' s ",' f ?':, Vnn'nVAM' Jr' ' l ' "'h " '.-fll
It wine Impossible- Hill wan Mill, then- I dear." hhc declined eer um! ecr nctiln. ' fni niumnuh-rln, " Jiel.T. ll.eO!l Dec . i!fl. AMEf.tA -
fore it was all riht whatever he did." "And te think tlmt jour client will K'-t , ijlix.liv.--.f UuMinuieii. N l u-r. .'"' TJ 1m.S;ViVi T mhVr.n muiSh' S
"Vhnt de ,,, tl.li.fe ..bout it? In ever S1.T0.0.MI! Hut I did..', knew I i "i'rVt.li'.r ftW.f-', 'eViSi'r'S I VWi'W
you think he s honest' tlml jeu were connected with the city , Hutiinnteti N J . Hnt . a ii I let nn j 0,,lr l,!S."'i,,r ' .' 1 ,' iuthtr ril- 7
dm I don't like, (tern cmeli.us, here "Neither ill. I," iiiik bed tieorse i te i f M ' V,v. ,r ,, . ., n .,.,. J I
t is nfler (t o'clock nnd !.. been i "These plus cost fifty cents npleee-, , rAHf.--lp. M. t:t.I. U.irrn t ah t. ,"",' " i'en-ri "r"rLKliw ' mt' & 1
keeping ou her., nil fhl time. Won't nny one' cm, buy 'en,. And they're , f-, Wfri'.n'C.t ',V.,rfltlV f,,!: Si 'ranferiet'fZT.Ju.VM ij
jeu let me walk home with you? 1 very linpiesslve MitnellliieH. Tlmt re- i MTiifm. Hu,i . 'J V. M . nt narl..r, c,f Mr '.WW? ft' JE' ) ..L" AiJiT.i " I
hnven't my .ar. hut 1 think ifneulil I velvcr v!.....'t leaded, either." ll,'n7,K'AnJrr.d. rim' ' ien ; men'n "b!.r"..ih. ft'.K nVmU 08.r,I."(1't, !
be fun (e mil;, We eon hi talk en .,.- ,inPfi ffn,i v, wi, 5m w nien-n my .nil ii,,waki -Murtdfn Dec as JO)l J .;
the win" i "","'""' rfU' f1"' "M .''": '"V-A'tHeVTW IR nil 1,1AM A. In..-I ,r sen of Je,n Ii T ..! Ann. llenrrt.
., " , , , , lis certainly WOf-e Ibnil jour liltP.' , 'y i, (thnrln r-.ren (ie ,fr.C. ",. JMnli.w. nmt fn...s nisei Waihlnclnn
1 hej locked the efliee nnd went out I huiKhetl Illeise. Iicrnl w rMcc Sun. ! P M. ntn resldene ,'"nl, 0 "" ' " u "f A "" Invllcnt J
Inln ll.n vli...... II....I...I.I ...... iw.iirl, 1 .. me. V .'-11,1 Int IVr.iuT.iul (m llnmn.r,.. ' tn nttcn.) f.incnl rM'S. "JUffl. 2.30 F.
(he plesinin will be; (liuirlel ill It .' 0,l"'p ..'. ''ins will be made for Miss, .,,; ....i.. . ,, ,, ,,,,.,,,. ..,,.. ,, i ,,- ,,, lu l,lll,,;i 'n"1 Pneetiie. i.m 11 admit. , h Muea ...!. V li'f r-l.li.rc .1 ( ilfinn n" I'ellln-
l-l... v i- ,. . ... Muicarel ShitprH IpcIiiics beLdnulnif " ...'" .'" '. "" "'""J ,m0 M"p , ' "" ,""'1 lumps lillliktil V,.r ; dpclmed the ciil warn. . riiruciIMAN -cm n.p 50. it. ..imp l'n Kri.nu . rail Mun ei. Int.
Ini.Ne. 1.. .IV.ers.dlH..,,). Menrt. . .lin,7. 1S ihi i hi tXl .vn. snj -we-like .1.,,.." she d,l ,i. lweaklye.it ,,l them tl.r...iKli the n.ilf ,nr J.,;; ',, '', '" ,?' '," . ' riiAlll.ijs ! .'lltjir IIMAN, Ve.i 41 .r. t-rl..!- ,..
I. AUckie iitu,(. s,M. '. Menuetlu. ' ibl Church. IHead and And. -t.eels ' ' '. ,"',,'; "' ! nn-ii'l I Ki rii';i?i .. p. aii nt i i M "''. m, KiiViSifAw iu7.YnB.ief Miry a "kwiliiw "
lilodeinle. :, AiIhrIe !, Allecre There will be nil i.Nsoeintien pin l nl 'I'hle imiri led et. I.lelse. deesn t make "Kee. thai' Hill ThemiiVj etlicc IN Mt;M0KIM ut. rMlrt.iur nn wv.ceirn t HMin fart cr lining ). nptniupj rii-I friend. . el f tb
i.sshI, .,Pllen Kti inn gum let. Soprune, Ko'eleek nt the Kenslimleii Hian.h. ".v d ITeieiiee. ,. wi I he m.eii and I up there," Mild druthers Mopping Ml jl.n -h, imi,,t r,,,ml.r.n-, f ' "r,V.i;tNPV- n.r ;s Mfnv AOVKs" inf. u.i fie7a THl'l" u N-n'0'!'. "V'a "h'ilfl i
Miiy. the Mnbleii, iilpenler; I.ndv (llrl Heeues lndnMrlnl clulis mid u, Hl" ,,p ''ener if I find old '1 helnns in front of n Kill hulldllii;. "See tlu.t ?''" "ler l.lll,ti: K SM'ieii win, .li.l ,f .Ml.hnrl (. r. 1 1 1 h (.. Itrdrnnnd) P.ItiIv nd nit cilin ergiinl7Htlnn. of which t,
iers"'M'- Mn! '!'"' UZ !'?' '"-" w""",77" V P-...nn.ef d.inelnu' ''..rho'weuh "lie' net te have If it l. 'i'" W" ".T'' U'"";!"r r"" "'" "r '"kut " HAtTKK. .,.r';':.r:r,r?)ett1,',,MVVr,d;r'h,i ffJ? V'tt,,!1' V'jV i 'M' & ' fe f
ilej;eis, libhcd .lone; behtieider. nnd Rame. Iefiehmeni are ln ihntce .,,,:; "" "'unci lie npl le ime if it lie he h lining thetc .' Ii way nfler elhee '',, ,,t i'.l s .ii,riti. r. sm.mt. ir de.re el hi .en ir, m willinm it. P.nnfljl f
t.'untlel In . Ne. S (Hlscav), .1. Ii. of Mi Aline Adanm assisted In Mih llil1'.. - . , hours." ,. . of JM-jlem t t Miruref. tt-urri, ' i wi N ll.irtet. .t iv .nil may ill en rrll-
McKwen medicated ,., Londen HMi,, llnrr (Wr,l , iiairnmn -!f , l. ....-" , "' "' ,' ' ,'' K, U'M J!'- b-yn, dp- I "Ue , knew bin,, nnd does he 7&iltU$ ' "! ?.V "h-V K' li'AWiV T,. ISZ-JXSStfS0 " l M "rt"Nj
Juiiitrl). I. Le l'hiile. AIIOKI'O (lle- ' lilitlpe. Mrj r,. bill if it cer renll ...xictcd mid knew his brother bus , nKiiRcd n law - Ji-ilUJS f l'i;i ,...'" n,n'i Vn.l fVt"- -l ; , . ,1"'v"1 " "" "" '- "22- r.OBEKVr
nun, '. l.e Kunes. Andante Ieste " " nils net liecn dcMrejcd Hill rr'i'' ai.ams .... jec 's in-. vn r um v mnj te sttMie fun-r.i Tu "e a m '!'''",i' "1 "r 'r'" Cooper Klnr enLi
!!. Ln Iteclnise, lliimerescpic. VImicl'. IJren nine Society Themns, m client's brother, prebnh'c "Ves, I'm. met him. bur of course adamh .s-rn,. or. iu..u1 m-rilm .,t f,r'V".,hu'l,a"1 ",.. l"",,M,-e' '.'.TT'"-'' '"1 ' t Zn,.r. iV.J ... '!!!f .JllV, n alS'll.
ont.i.l.e, Rese l'l!lveA iClenalllPH; The follewin, ,,.,, will he ,..-, Ims it. Yc.u see. I,', ,1,!, ,,!, : rne we're we.ki,,,-"i,, ti.e ,1a, '.. If .Mir ' mftt I1,. XtiltiXt'li WMerft, V?wl'hU Te 'aM. 'K' urdTy'".?..''!..' 'o'-'clerkV ' h'lS ?l-
'V.'".1"1"' K"tbe Hacker fliendahl; vented nt the meet inc of the scietv '',"VK" "11'1 ' ''""T", ,l'"1 ,liK h"' 'Um- sunpiclims are mrrect nnd he Kei onto I 'metcr fflfif'iySr , r, ....., flniVr'n frimlce"r'. "JJITn mv.i$lll ." 1
Till Jliuden, W. I'eloisen-Heriter: 1.11- , , . 7, . , , ..', n'.v client, had a friKhtf.il low abeu d the fuel that we'ie tinc te catch I n.VKKU. Dee. n tea.' hi:.vuv tt tutf wif??f rnmi,'.".0 im?h a r i. '' y "dV,'v.
Ilmi llelmstraud I'mser. (rtet in 0. ""-Mhiy rn..,i; nl Se clock in he chill,,, wanted Je mm. j nnd mm.i,. ,.e him, he'd b,. surC le d.'stnfv ihe l .IJJ uVr f tnWMnli ST'tn'!: , KliKMLn -u.ii...I, I an wn.MA.Af. .
ftp. .!l. Ne. :t: I. Introdiiiene. n,,-' New (Vnttiry Draw inc Roem: "Shake- would ninrrx. The lather first threat- preidluir it exists. I Inte ' " ' """ " int "ri ? ,2 3" I' M . i.t br ridn-. , 4'2 s l.ui,n.i ,t f ..... n,. ur . m hi. STt
ilui.re ...ii .nole. Allwe Nivaee. 'J. peare nnd America :" readlnK. 'M.... i1 '" 7'' ''"'T ,1''11 p 'Num A moment later the, landed en the ' i, v.nmkiia - i- e .. t?2 m s", n.MV Li)vTn'l.xM"KxAnmlVi'Srl 171 Vr,,VrX7 Xf.
McnurliS Tri'"" 'Shakespeare,. bl I , J" ; V' '. ffi'nft.uriP.r "'' ThenmsC 'i W' gM S-rf ?.' J'';V K.K'ip7 i, -.-.? ?,, 'r.7rt0?r ! l
w ..ctafc- 'tewaq SaV-Md f
.rerarSr; , x:::Z,WW H";!aAw-:: I
Kiveu by Mrs. Willlmu l-Vll K.iketi ' RieejAnel . is Kathai j t. Hi,. - ...iibuisf Tl.ntw.b I him M.mcun.ii im,,l ,, r L N. ,,,' 1,,"T., f m'erj, V, .,! a 'V.' I ,, V ,'"h' ' '"""' '"! ' ...iVi. -Vd ..V n"r.. V"r ."V,"'d.f ",l;'n"V"JJun'",ArrOvlr'' ?" f I
Wednrla, , :, ,.,,,,.,.. a. Chn-I "a P-n.'" ...... Mr. Kamnel nn.l c hemd any me.e ,,l , k ZtZt S ' ' "' ?" 'V 1?""'- ,;-- 'se'ruV r'e '"'nclScV' ,..-I,,1,1t' ft". """.I .ou'.?" r.;".:.."",;!''' J
L'hil, eh 1'ailsh Meuse. .McCalliini hired McDowell. wmilniK le kill .llm. but flint xei , "Oh " be "-ined n s.e.uid later "I ,..', L', iiIuiJ ! Tm ,n.'ral",rf?: nwntnr. ,, , .ifid. .rv ..ml Tl h, '1
HlH.'T.,l,W,eekN,. Meun. Alrj l.l.eiary Club n.sht. fenr,nK he miKh, die he ,,,,,,,. ,, (linllKm' Z, Z,L jV.ml.r ' ' ?"""" " " "" ""' ""n"'n ,SI .iVIfv,, J';,V ' -'C.'.f uid, .ii, l'Me,.1,: I
Hathaway Sha.u.peaie C , SeI1ra. (ll ,,', s" will be UZ" Hill.""" ,C I , Mll" .,"m:, 'S'ltr I V' fi' "'"V -"5f.f.S3rn;?f KVUS:.'", ''V,' WS1 S W IV"" ,5K?r-,1"nTi::.He"a-r "'".nttffla 1
Dr. II.Miiy I,. Hriutliulck. nt tin Hm iiluVrt if iltnfun nt the fluhi eir. timi mxmi.s t,. .ni.. Miftrm.il iiU. ?. 1 -' ...lfl!1 , P'""inK n .- Ii i ii,- Mieell-; "w HM, sni rrMfU j ,i ,0 ,t . !ii . pr, . ti-. S-ibmUn i . e .r. miH te attend fu- L
i- , . .ri c .... ii . .. .t " .. im i.. ti -..hi ... i . . . im'i in i iinmiiN iii'ihi. ' " n " ii'ii i'J ii 'r rpj, mjh ij ;m t lit J'MII.ijk up is i')2 ihiiv ,i rni r;.. mi jinn J r ii from Int a 1
idiinwdi i imi'Kr in wiiuiin, win ip.mi iui.miiiu nil i iiiii fiuy. iiiii'M i mi n i. r no no iinir iriiuv i i.. . i.... i .. . .. r .1 i l' a hi Hi ir dn e uf n ...n.
l ,. .!.... .1 .. .. . . r .1 i
Ulchnid 111" nt the club ineellmr en, lead In Mrs. IMwln Hnnil. Jr. Miss, fend of .liii.'s wile l.m "liie.l I., l,l ' " """ ' "J 1"""1" ' N11 I. n -,7i -i, ji.ec-rttint aas m. j m
i'l.i... .. t.-iri ..!....!. M..I...I i k.i.i. M.u 'I' ll ll.,,,,.,,,.- ii ..... i. ..fu:. ..... ..... . J mt i mm owl l.eni
,......,.,.. I ,.ii. ., .in. iv. .... ...i x. ...-,. ..-., .. ... i .....iiiiri , iiiput nil lini um .rail i.L 1111 MM, iulll,'-
The Pbllemtihlaii t'lub
A New Year's tcccptien te in.
of the club and their rupsih will he jjlten
from le ft o'clock en Monday. Theie
will nlse be an nrl exlilbilien. The
exhihitim; mtlsts will receive with the
president of the club.
Monday ewniiij: at S :!() ibe . lul.
mi inhers will r!c a New Year's .lanee
A icipihii' meeliiiK will be held mi
Tuesdav at "Ifi, after which Mi Julia
W. Williamson, diiecler of the fiirl
Kceuts of I'hilnclelphla, will speak en
the work of that orfcnnlnitieii. Khe will
talk at :t ::iti.
The current events class will hear'
Warwick .lames I'rice spink en "A
T.ittle of Kterj thln." Wedue-ilaf
mniniiiR. nt 11 o'clock.
Thursday, nt S o'clock, William 1"
Hughes will Rive an illustial. d lecture
en ".l Kiiminer In the Seuth Ken
Islands." The slides which will he used
weie made fiem photemaphs taken b
Mr IIiiKhes Memheis mid friend;) of'
club members nie itnited.
The i, chanced classes m public speak
Inc will miei en Thiiis.Jav. from (l i..
11:1." and from 1 1 :.'.() te lL':l.r.. The!
l.eKinners' c la-s will nipel in the .ilter .ilter .ilter
uoen li i.m " te .".!." o'clock.
New Cent urj Club
A New Y pat's i re option will he given
f i out ! te ti o'clock en Meudn The
guests of honor will be the pie-blent of
Kwaithnieie ('eIlcKcVnud Mrs. AMlclelie
mil the piec.s et the ( niveisln, if
'Mrs. William Milncs nnd Mis. Waller, the day he died !, tried te stv miiiic-
H. t'llffe. A intisicnl piejrrnm will he Ihiiiff te Jim about, a will, but' be was (
inkers chen bj Mis. Wnlter It. Cliffe. .se weak he could net make himselt l c
r.lH CATinVAI.
Ilc.lli Snr.
h Ik II llecl husbmel c,r rf)"Olh Fpi i.h.li.r rp'lden 11) Illillei inn Mhartm Hill 1.
titc.i-i ?rj r.O sun- it. 'tlrs nr.d film.,, i .r , 'i nd.i n.u c u! Sui r e lrc Mt Zlen
HI M K On Ijo ii. ID'.'J. J VMi:b, h.l- ' Invited te lutjr..! tli lur.e.cl eivtrps I.I ON' Villi Ir 'S I't'MO.ND J en nf
late rt.lclenr. 2'.'r7
peels of .Medel II I. Hemline lie will i
discus- "li. Hie Pox. ' I.J Itleh.ird
llntdliiK Davis, mid "Thefiiej Hec. in,"
ej Kilen l'hllpetts.
A -laled meet Hi); will be held mi
Weilncsd.n al which repents et ll.e
Miiiiluill liu.imeu will i;ivc their 1"-
pelts. Ml-., I1. Jtroeke I'liilis will cue
i i.'peil el (Ii.- hi w .luuier Keitieii of
fiiikli decicie fin- (iiMin. u is n rem
e. iiliemv le mnke these tlllllRs f,,. 1(.
fnndlj .
One pound of limn, fne cents,
Sill, b.ikintf pevvdei mid Ihiver. live
. in-.
Mm. i teniiiK and sugar, ten cent-,
W'atei for liiind.
ISnIsiiii or melluscs. i. nts
"jnncl t.itnl et tvvetilv-live cent- for i. , nl, jv s Lillian fluvten will
.. pound-, el snivel in. ml. .....I.ie. erlspiak en " eiiien'- Weik nl ihe I'hll-
t. kv .Inn.inien buns. idelphni vieiier.il lli.spit.il."
Tc.l will be helved Jilt. I the meet
. . ,. . , ., ii W with Mrs. D.iniel . llnipir .nnl
UlVOnllirei a I'ursO W- t'lnb It I'milm (he ten table
"T'M Bind that's ev. . " I've . Thui-.l.-v ,,c auction hrl.lpe . I.,
I , , , willmiei at U I.i The pianii (iimtetie
A hem IllS people s..,v eve, since ,,.,, ,(( ,,, AIm ,. . (.lt vv ,l pl.iv
" hiislliiiih Dav. huppv le be ndl.'Ve.l , the meilllll. .11 Hi: I.-.
"I the uece-Miv of .hoesliiK pie-elits.
I' is a piehlem. I knew, bin s.,me of i- Weni.in's Club of Hnl.i-Cjiiw.vd
knew home ,.... with. i biithd.iv in. Innu- ,, ,-,, Iti-hmd-. of the
;rv and that ...iupli.nl.- n.att.is. , wiIIuimi I'ciiii lliji Kchoel lei f.'ln-.
I here s .,,,- lv.,i,ta(,'e. ll,..u!h. be.ni.se ,u ,.nU ..r,.K,. Aiuiisemenls nnd
Ih?.p I ','" '.I ' I ." I "" " n l'l'""i' f "i" l.ll.l" a. till,
li.eeil an, the ..,,,. bt.cl M.iue .e.illv ,,,,,. .I,,,,,,,,,, ;. , ,!,,.
i-nnikable value-. De.c.ih.v - l.iitlidav v, , ,, scKclie.is vv.ll he nlvcn bv M.s
- ...mniK se,,,, and leuuil a bund- i:,hu,i,l L.-e,., f i(,-,.
Hie niBlm,. wl 1, I. let -.1 c.llbleuleM ,, , . ,,.,, ,..,, , ,,
. he f,en. inilbew- ,.t pink nbl.i.n lU )pflls vh,r .1. Whilake,,1
cieeiKt,. .,.!. ll.eie me several ,.,mi.llul ()f , Hl ,,,, Vl,n j ,,,,.,
eterns in ll.e sire and all e p.ci.j ,, , , (1 ,)-1.ll,(.,v M,!vlWi
mi clnilltj. land repelts ,,ftl p..Mliien,s
. . . . . ' The lending ceiannicni of be club
pslPiclav I m,,s wan. Ieii' nl... nf , ,M , t lit- heii f Mi... Chir-
""" ""Hied into I these .pieer. , ,.,.,. Cariliier I'u.lnv m L'..'Kl Mies
ml iik streets wind, nie In . c.iniiiu- s,. , ,,, .Inniiev of Ilivu Miivm, will'
I'epu'nr. nnd found n new little shop. sm. tllI mierpiefiiiive leadiiu tiem
no simplj c.ui't keep irilik of llli'lil I Hiewiihu
''I they aie like the i,.ivehlal llUI-h- ,
'"nils. ipniiKliiu- up ever niuhl nd spree Ii-Ki.uIIiik Club
eh new !,,, j, fasci..iK and lill.-l ., ,. ll.Klllill. ,,,,,,.. , , , ,0
it, IhluRs one would like le l.nv Tin- ,,,,, , .I,- TMhM wtll be
-Hep i,h home powder beves te unit V(.,v Vl,.M'w ,11U , ulIl ,, in eIl(ir .
'. a handhai: which li'ive the advantage , j.s u,.i iis-mcI bv ,.8 M.
' heinc just a little dlileiuit 'llicv I j.,,,,,, .,, M, i s
no In, ml painted in old lese, ji vei v ,
i ile lavender and a su Kl.,n (i ,u. (.leni.hleli Club
' I of the I...N Kia, etui sill ties, . i.e. ',-,lnv evciinu , ptieu will be
"in:. ll h.is ,..vv.e, and i ih.w in . ,.h, , h , , ,, aiheis of .
11 -'"PPcd pull I is enlv M isi.-ii Nei llth .lioel .nnl lb- Cl.n-
, el.lell I'llbl, Kchoel
.or names of sl.eim n.lilr..-- Wun. tin's I'ure
iliier in- i. In, in- v. iiiiiiu iinnn ur Miln I8.ll Collece Club
nwrcn tin. hours of U mill Jl "' ',
i A New e.ii's leieptien and iliin..
",,', ... ',.,.'ll I ,.,,.,,, M,.lZT , "'" '"' -'lu'" Meiulin from 1 in II
I i 16 1 OU U LOVe tO Make ' , , , T1(, unileimadiiates of both
"" men's and welnen'- ...lleaes nie espe.
Inllv ll.VIIe.l
Y. . C. .
Tin ln, ih i N iihliiiiifieii t'luh of i,e
Yellow Cab Ce.
Did Net Gouge
A rmy-Navy
Under such captions as
"Gouging Charges May Cost Phila
delphia Army - Navy Game,'' cer
tain Philadelphia Newspapers have
printed the charges made by Lieutenant-Colonel
Kechler, Athletic
Director at West Point.
Colonel Keehler was quoted
as follews: "I knew that taxicab
companies had a flat rate of $5 for
a ride between Bread St. Station
and Franklin Field."
YELLOW CAB CO. does net
operate a stand at Bread St. Station : but
our Company did carry thousands of
visitors, from our Central City stands te
Franklin Field.
YELLOW CAB CO. wishes te
K0 en record as stating it did net rain- i(s
ici". for the Army-Navy Game.
Every passenger was carried at
our regular rates, which are the Lewest
Rates in Philadelphia.
YELLOW CAB CO. wishes te
say for iu, Men and its Management that
we were all proud te have the opportunity
te conduct safely thousands of cadets,
midshipmen and their friends te Franklin
Field. We were proud te have the Army
Navy Game here. Ve want it back next
year and every year thereafter: and, se
far as this Company is concerned, there
need be no fear that visitors te Philadel
phia will be gouged en Army-Navy Day
next year or any ether year.
STDAVPR'S 807 Che.tntit Street
, , j The Best Uuilnm Bcliiel at Mt M- rlnh rcmtrv
i-oiiiiens juarantpen. enter newi city or Mem
Fhllii. DihIumi Cnllc 1710 Mrket Ht
t.vis una f.lenJi ari lr.vltd te On, nrMci. .s Jai nt. IMcm-nt t.rHate. i'rlrn.Jn Mul li It..'mnn. an.) filmda invited te
.lennai nnerii'iun. m ,... e CIOCK ftt his may ci.ii aienrcay vicing runeral iuaa.
lntrrr.nt . -"ft.1.;' ,.,'v,. .,Jn 'tj
lllckrt at
het.l uf llie !i, I"r.itic. J l!Rrl Rata- TueaCltty. 3 P. M it l.la mt reaMfnca "J.-.K I tt,a it ratr-k an'l I. Man i.aunnrcl (na
' an. I rilatma invited te
S .1(1 A .M. from hi.
.".. inev l.iethr ...Miup J.ilm ., LrenanV yaaa
PAVED, htlahar.cl of th.H letM Ta Ita1f....r.ni ' N T.a ranr,. nt Itmh rantttan, mm. at Rf
HltI..N'NA.V- l-c L7 inn t t ptrra "PIL1V' .""" """ nre raipectfully Invita.l i-aaru a 'nurrn icj si uraclselr. Ii)-
..T, ,. .. .v..-j ,..r.;T. t.f.va'l l.uibar.l of f'Ura A 1.7; V'. "'",'1':.. ,"' ".",? ..nt .,u 1 rrem . -r."r"'. '"' ' ru-a i "ni'iar-
I "S ""S" S.". lS, "u: "??,? E,'.".0""' ItMrt.sc, an.l filend. .,!, Mr.,.t a Tn, m- -" ...... ... VJ:... )"""r..fL. '-0.. '"'' ..."'Vjl' A"'.0..-' '"-" "V "AN '' .?'
II N 'J1.'. K f C l.r. Invlln.l (rt -. .'. . . .""'"'-"i air.cil rnm "i urHtgn ,, I.-WI. w.a nmiin' UCMatlvaa
inline Mrn i.n.l llnta
ret wi
ifi A C.Itl.Vr III'I'OKTI MTV S3
K Ainta Hi" m m . I... la i i.. ani
8 aar , oil ei' t'OOnli't explaining In
Si .lat ii m a iniiji" unc cc,.Hr'
B; PepUr 8231 Muritnt S131 Si
vmm i it iiieiir
mi .writ ir. n .i
M Ilirrcllr lie Oaenn Frent c
The American I'lan Hrtcl pp.r.eTcellenc S
H of the Atlintlc Cent. I
I Brick Garnsra en WAL7f.lt J l,U7.r.T. 5
hatal preiertr Uxj.r ind It.ntj.r fl
FremXew YorkJnn.ZOeuulFeb.ZO
"pKOSE who took the "Empa of Britain
Crula laat winter old thay war
da!lhtfiU.?efreral50Xi. Aw"
R. C. CUjrten. City Pnuengpr Agt.,
Leetut St, at IStli, Phllat'e'j hin
I a. rt rlTama Ava rlea le lira It and
Pln-ll'tr Alun.'njrn CafArit ("CO
l'riat- la.lh rute ir k "at rinaifl.ii) rinaifl.ii)
renr . Wa hnvt pi.nty of r..l Wrlta for
rp.'lal a. ...r rata- Alb rl 11 1 rrn il
kpfy lit Chir TI. near Xlcirdwi'.t'. K.
tf medelad Bun water Priv hithi
Vij1 Cap. 200, hpee winter rrtac. New
i town lint EcheetithtH-Vlrt-chnftf
Alw . . k . p. n jlirtiy.
. i.l I rui muKrjt4.
M VV Vf ! til M AN
M VV '
h Hele! Boscobel !i,,",l"'!,i ',.',r' 'W
jj T.t.kh i, i ' n ll- M.vl.HA
..l i i. i. In,: iv.it r s. .. imi print Int
Wetiniri'.ipr .1 ntu.y Atp baecl.
"WUHUlelLrn, , r , (rt , ,,rT
tal'n. rim itater V V KOI'P nun . l'rep.
New Cl."?ion '"nt. ! " J -t "I
MaMSli jTajaWw ,nr "f- u-tyLgr. .Miii el
r iailllin.eiitlllll 'll'ttV. ill) )a!rlfCfIw .!U.A3aaTlllBa
I i Jjj Vn-2MmimiaMim
sa3?Jfiifirwffii:ijj w -.---- -rrr j
impress Hetel,
Victeria. B.C..
t ,'i'i'.i,'''i',A
IUJ ' ' 7ffl.
tnrvlaa a.it 1 I .M latu raaldenrr. H3!
r. .impia in e .'.lr. no r.i n ! N' j int.
i prtvitu frlanda niav call Krl 7 te ti P. M
i I.ir 'I I...... ,- .'. l.l.lZAHirril,
M.le uf i.rnal.un l.'ttt" Ilaind n ami
'.. ...' ..Mt'.l t. fin-ral en I'u aiiij nt
7 1i) A M fr ,.n I'HUI N ZStli l .Ma
'f r".,ulatn .i t .rim lirlnt , . Injrrh at It
A I TtiterniTt j.r'xata.
vm NAMAItV l.r .'s MATniKW eon
rf iln Int- ll.phanl ami n.ia MmN'tmin
'ran . li r"' Ilalnluav Mnl f 1 1 nn Hla
a.imlra ctf J 1' lrAaar t C i. Invttad te
f.rr.rni -l u-iln. Mill ii , from hla lata
ramO-pm 11 "7 ..rl'n t Sn. nr. inquirm
.if" al I'l" Aaau . iitlun H Jt I'hurch
Ii. A I In'ainia.it fi.l.a.lrl tv.n.tarv
daiteht.r uf th Itielit It anil Mra, Paul
MiittlH-XH t m l.ulv. ll'i-pltal. S
V .. k . ' i.n K.l'la Ijar M acetl 17.
NetUT rf filt.Mral latP-
Jt. fjcifti.M.T. i). j7 le;.- At.nKnT
I l.-.ith. . ..f Ian Vlr I.IIZ.IaMh J Keg-lf.
1 let 1 ut.x.ai nt 'j I' M fr.mi pnrlern t
Mn. ii.l.bv 4 Mr 41V7 r.iinKferd ay.
Int prlata
M MM I.V cn .a L". JCIIV a nn
I tha ma .iqniaa ind Mether. ne MrKlnley,
'"fi v f 14 1,1 P. mii at Italatlvea and
' ail- i.l th" Tualflh di.trlrt inlica,
I' I ' n '. . ..f Pil.l.i n frt nnd Police
, i' . Aaa.ciaiien ara In Ha. te fu.
jfr , i.ei , ff yn luef.lav i t J I VI pra-
a I . 1,.. ra.rlai,e .Iar.il Frank
Inter am iir V.rnun c amaiery.
V I. ' i K .VI llill . anitiB
MII I.I.I! en l.-.c .'! Jhlll A wlf.. of
V m II Mt.l.T T'l. ia.nl mi r.la.ilav. 1
I .VI fr mii har 'ata rahnle. . .'."Vtl .lnrnaa.
' ' I! vl.ernui; i Iitarniet pilvatt.
I . i '- .. ,v .all .V r.la. awn n
M'.NI'leMLIlV At VVIttiil.iK.nn I)a nrl
I .i t il "urv r . en u idji l)(.c .11 at .
.. I.m I, nt th laatdan. a nf har napllfw, c,
c Meil's, in. i 111', Daliware ma 'll-111.11.-1.
n I la'
vii .en .. r.ar 's n,"".. MMtmirr.
m "li,v .f M.ii ..v .vf".e"r Uciuiurf ami
treiirt- r.ir ii M.r.l tn tna rvp nn Tl
''I" af tan ".en nt J .. In. k nt tha .ail
"I.ikp .,r I r iiuihte- M, r- nihiln,
t.l.t " ...in i. -' Iniaiiii.nr ,.t rernvteivl
. hi .. ! . iaii.j ma nil Menlav cva-
, Me-.-
( ..' i I'll , P r n. an
.'I m I" 1 mi . I v... phi, ,
i.vKi.vvenn n .1.
I;,,. . .rtT". ...... .. lc riM
IhreuK iuur Kan jjs
car ii i.u '-I u.j
'.e hit n.(vlr
ci l rut Hun-
n lioekiet.
rnm MM i;. i i i.
W Zr H
&3bs$te$&B&F- PA! TJ17frriIL?TA
Ge or Return
Via the North Pacific Coast
Visit Victeria and Vancouver en the Trans-continental Reute
through th'.' wonderful Canadian Pacific Reckif-s Fairyland
500 miles et unintertupted scenic grardeur.
V1CTOKIA B C, Carada's Gurden Citv and Gsitrway e the itv'Uc
Orit'rt, int 'tes v u'i te its wnrn one , rltnute, ijcif drives sper'.b ar.d tl,
ve-tlial nelinm." r.f the sumpt .3us Finprets Het.-l.
VANCOUVKR. H. C. rflers rs bustlirfj wester-i life us cla'mur of
t.- n,"ta s, i.4-,vi.. 3 and l,,i; irrss, n.l ll e liespi.c.llv il Vninetiter
lv. ..) I' i.'i.'i ru . j I'-n
li. IIUIIIV lilt l'ii".eni;..r Vet . I tint M nt l.'.lli l'lillmleliilil i
I l(l(. (.in. bi , l'.iHarncrr Drpt Mu.lla.in if , nt 11(1, M. s,. 'V nrh
n-' . ti'.'j vv n.i t vv ii
.'I 7 I ...'il ..mlix Jrun..
-.'! ' ' "ir Hi roll V Vln.a
isjn -i i, .,, it priva- M ... Mnrleh
t:.M. V .l'.larl' r .7 NVltAll.
"' ' I ae, . Vaai iii..a llajani T me'ral.
In 1.." li I. ,'.M and frin.) - 'n.,ta1.
- " .e '..nl u i i, la r"""iin.iir.
"..I'ainn n.n- of recnilarn
i" t. l in- uely
l ml.
l.'.ie '-hi.
."bu-"' . f
C T.1 Cam
i M..i i i. . :'.
et .".l'l II 'niar at
M i . Vlll III t
Iruili'"! .if (ha lata
' ' Itala
i. iti"i f'ia.a .,-.. intwl i,, at pn, fu.
'I " s 'I" M funn ."..il-nce of
.1 ...ii-'li ,.".) M .r. -i Imil
anu ir t . i . ii, 1, ,r e,- I a,lv 0f
I'.'v in , i. n - j .a , I ani
MM V lun, mi . ,.r i:iai-
l- ' '. If 1 .' niir -, n it l' ' I .r
I... ... .. I, Hit . I I M I - i v. .
...AVV":''-.-..- .-i 9k Round the World
J)A1().A ..EACH H(JTi;j, 11 Third ' T ' ar-i
ji g -, jic-.nr latuia run iri.t .CtPirrinie. crefi-r J, .up- w
j;J QrtllSC ' " .""" t nli e 4U' .rn loin i- v. ' in r ur trVt
Vjfl r . . , i uk irimi, t'ueitnp mi . the urea: .tear .t "Imr"..! 'A
VViljS efl-.r r ipa 'l inr'vfd ter r e pertv Ktci 1W ipmii e.an ri f
tWV t . In I" ' t,"tl pildr., a i trci m St
t3 Tren, .c .ul. Jjn. :: 102 V rrnm i"n I ranciivi-. Vtb 10.1021 V 1
1 i , a M
PVItKI.i: t" l-'J" tliinl"n.
- '".j" v ,
, I'm... . am ' .1... Int.. V.-hiir and
' ' t- 1 .1 i i p. a n . ant f ml. arc
ii t. 1 t. tin a-rv i- jn t-Ji .la .'."! "hmiii.
' - ' ,' ',- " " ii iv n.dt..
"-' ' .1 Jl nt Ii !' rm.Tit nt ,ip
I l VVTI 1 tu,i ., . i. h i c.ilan.a
' ' I, ... I r I Pi n i pep 'ii,,
l'..'. MVPV H'V-t' I. i Ifr n' .Ian.,, 1
P .. tr ,'"v.. ant ,. .., , ,. , v (,.,
1,. aa Iit ii . tir'ln I'-iirmen at 1
I a' -t ,"h. s l.urt ii i ii ,1 !,,
1 1 . ' ' "l t . ' r
I""-- I" -' I' f;i ,,;. cjenOAH
rtj'-- run in "l -. it lu- rerl.lenc.
i" i ii i
I "1 I.'.'".
". a"' -
P.-e.i.l verHiifi.,
VI" d rn. i uN na '
Jtl I rr J. Vlie rt
ll'.ll I', f .! t lirnti
vi.'ii. i Kilt" j.i r.ti u
I tl. I
I I ill, II, V I X-.I 1 II V-.I
V ' "Ililli. I I i.-t 1. 1,11. ' . t ." i v.a
nj V or f . t I..I. ,i i ." '"it
V III 1 I, M I PHI H.PHIi..." X
.i. "n' W it - i , h ,
. ' I i i.t k. t
iirif.it nv
The Idrtil Winter Resort
.. t . , i Vli.v I li r. tu n t l r
V .it. I..t I" ".r . , , ,
b'. iiiiiu I '' 1 ' ' I i - V i itn i , .
i in.-, in . ' i. f xvoneT.n co
CW a.d'ren- V 'cata He in i,i H LI. ri
l.i i I It. -' ..... f I th ., lit In i ,
It ii I I I M i I n. tn I'll li I I'll
S mil r H t I AiMtiw.u,l I.en'j Matt
it. i im.'-i- 4Bari .in
, ,. '',." '- 'I'Mted te rail
u. 1 ll i ui.' Pniarafurnl.
. ."t..- ti it 1 1 , nletica
''-" 'll Mil r
1 a" 'i .. ti... nf Ipaa
-' ' ' ' ' t . . !
- - " f I IpI ' r. ., ,
',. V , , ' "", ' ""!"
...NT- ll . I limit,
' I ' . .1 . i i ,. rail
m ctrk II Mediterranean
M'fii lf-uyMij-fi Mil c r.c r iti. . 11 u( f.
'f i r t f irvi c vth f if ff ( h ip t T v j.t i
t i iv n- ' i A k "'f i t iu v rr-( r i t. up
ILVlsuMJ'HiaI.V M. hite. J , - -i i t. f, n
f te , iJh Jnc. ter Step c r f i I r ie
A I . - ,li v - i .iuu K; r (- jta -
Vest In . t Ctuli il ui Suu'h AiiitirtcR
United Print Company
Pju-n? T-il!.. Dejit 17 L'"",- rui- N" r
Mvi.Ilterient.lll M nv 0 e- m; i , . t . .
Sumner t rtiirc '.' I "J '" l '. ' '"' ' 'ta- ' .-..
Hi Ifn i v' l. ' K - .lf' --, . '," .
tai'.r- I iMcrkltvhmi:riKn v J 1 1 .c ,' e.l teri t t. r i i.Jc i -r
itas w . . rt-,
FRANK C. CLARK, Times bi., n.y
BAKlLhU TOURS CO.. 200 Se 13th St Phtli V
, AL - ' ' K
"!.-. I- A. i
"V W","U,.
II Ml, I I
i.iiiMitn ki . .'...j-jftar-'ii
T JST3r,l!Sif'7i
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