Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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w&rw m &? Af5!
!'" iSSiiJThjfl
S'tfVllWf-KW VS''
V ,
t '
Hughes Reparations Plan
Up te Allies for Action
Next Move en Proposal for Independent Com
mission Must Come Frem Premiers.
Speech Cabled Abroad
in Mint rflfpet wrts contained in ft enble
sriini recently received from the (Je
mini Im ustrle-l ti'IIniKllcMiic. mi
itiitiizntien of (Sermnn imlimtrliil lend
no, te the C'hnmber of Omiiiiprir et
tlie fnlteil Htntes, whose eflleliils linve
lind the proposal for n cmiimlfHien nn-
drr (li'iMiHsien with the suite Uepim
ineiit for neveral week.
Advlci'M from I'nrin thnt the t'nltc.l
I Stiitex will ii"t be reprem'iiteil nt the i
i lTi'iiuers ineeliiiK ne week were nf
fir ally iMiillrnied nt the Stnte Depart
merit. Ne invitation for thN C.evtrn-
' ment te be rrpleentcd eltlier by nil
eberer or etlierwice hns been teeelved.
nv M wnir.l ;v,. ti.", their public opinion the rtlaeticle , (.".., .J,., JJx.nne Tetv
t'n,lilnrinn iw "i - Hi- le-mre In u Iii h they mint fiu-P. It I- devoutly te CflllJlHil L' I yVt I U.V
SrXihi: 'ml; :i :"sL r'tfMXi ?.?','; en Manufacture
Haven let nlnht f iln linveriiineiit'-i ,.,,.,,, ..i. meeting nt I'nrH will find a se-
belief thnt mi ilite.-niltieiuil ...mini-.- hiti.m. ( entlnur.1 from I'ncr ()nr
men of tinnn.-lnw. itv'tnlini; .meri- . "I 11 11 11 mw. ". ;"".,: '"'".. Il ,i ., - ,,,.. ., ,!,. f r
Man Wlie Tells Bedtime Steries
Gives Christmas Party
te Youngsters
All llic little bevi and rIvIm who lime
been ent te bed with T'nele Wip's
leiltime Merlr-i ever tlie radio every
Alex Wr ay Dies
in Aute Crash
C'enllmnil from I'lite One
Wrny nlierlly lifter 8 e'elni'1; and n
linlf hour laler started for Woodbury
in Hrinnier's sedan.
The car made geed lime exer the
Minwcruwtcil llloueector l'ike until
llread ntreet, Weridhury. wiih reached.
Tlint thoroughfare is belli;; repaired
between l'nrk avenue and l'dllli street
and a detour Is necessary.
Many tnoterWls cres at l'dllli street.
In order te reach the pll.e iiRaln, ill ill
tbeiiKh It rcnnlri's u sharp tuin only
I a few yards from the railroad tracks.
llrunner took this snerter route unil
uiin uietind te the crossing nn the
northbound train diew near.
I'he bodies of the men were taken
William Phillips, Germantown Man,
Is Slightly Injured
William 1'hlllliH. of .TJX Cast Price
street, lernuintev.ii. whs cut about I lie
head and body nt 1(1 o'clock (hH morn mern
ini when run down by an iiuloiuebile
truck at (jernmntiiwn and Clielleti ur-
hups. .
Witnesses said be stepped from lie
bind one automobile into the path of
tlie truck. The truck was driven by
Nicholas P. Adams, of Wj iidmeiir, I'n..
who was arrested. Phillips win treated
at the (iermuntnwu Hospital.
erai'w'iiM New Year s pwiw
Dinner,$1.25,$l.S0,$2 1
Srd Run. ft Men.. Ili30 te IT. M H
Vet evr hurtie: fiveriithlnil Included S
Vy.n'11 T"..Ia. TM TUHnM" KI
M n,eVmr Mre7irr B
Q UUlnlCUlLLCO Crtrii (U
Siriiiireiini'iiiiiiipiiiiriiue b. ieth st ijiiwiiiniwiw
AT THE . mmwmm
17 Seuth 16th Strcet
Dinner d Line StrveJ
l'r-em lls30 'til Cleslnc
,1usti SmtvcHirn nier.
SS.CO Per Tenen (Ne Cevnr Charfte)
nu .ninl.t ,...11 I, 11. ..I II I.. V..IMII1I. H"H"' I W II I UM Mai I " " , . . , l
'". "'""" ' "' .. ., . ,-eS te obtain reparations Is net an at- are Hems r-iiuerii ami -- !"'". ., . . . . . . , .,, from the hesiilal te the Wco.ll.ue
jnenu a inn mm ei scnieimii' u.r i .- tnirM,,. no, y,, nne urn foretell the tl .iinties permanenth le-e Mil- ; nft0,.M() ), i-n,,,, vii cave hi- ' n "riie this lnerulng. They were viewed
ri-pnrntieim crlli. nppareniU leaic the ,,r,,M f ,ll(. .erieus een-eifieni es which unMp u.Ml, orepertv. ipartv at (litnbels. The je.nl he tea room h Corener Weed, who mM it is net
next cenMr'ntlw- i.ne in tin- iuiii.c mint nnu" iron- s m ....... -r"- 'Therefore, for every ceu-uv 111 1 nI; restaurnnt of the (iimbel Stere , '' '"' "ii-i ."'" '"" -
nf the allied Premier' fr," l"':"'-'11 e-ults 1 be heye tlmt ,,,,., , ,., ,nv ..p.ntes. the Stnte ,,,.,, tllrm(1 VI,P ,-,. t, t.tertnintnent. I Clarence A. Arn. father of one et r
in ui nimii '"'' , fn opinion of e-perti is that "iic-li sh,ll) ,,reide th.it the ceinnv shall ,,.i, ( , ,.rem,. ,,t It o'clock. Mie dead jn.ttlii. wag tee crlef-vtriekei ,
The lintel states, hewexer. ..;.... ;,., Vill, llnt produce reparation rJ nt "cist one-fourth te enchulf Th.Te wnV a biC ("hrl-lnnw tree. ' 'in te diseu-s the accident.
B pnible nvenue b-n-lum te i .e-e ,m. nt. but mipht tend te destroy tlie ,,, tm. tnx, the county, of course, pay- .. ,,. . ........j,,,,,,- , ".My 'en and llrunner were clove ,
formal n.gotmiien-. rejnrdins tl.e ,...,. h-ii. of th. - pnmenf hi-h must be proportionate share e the e.N. ""' """ 'nils in un. in.i .e fi(,lls.. ,, sni ..,,U v tt ,, , ,
, , , ,,,,,.,, n,n(r found in e.onetiii- recu;erntu,n i,"nse i.f the .ellectl.m thereof." receive thanks for the poe,l thitiRS he neeluted In athletics. I understniid . ;
mission prep.ival vlny when the State , ' '" " ' '" ..,,,.,,, ' breuKht : nl, a Punch and .ludy show, p.nmner left the rnlvrii.lt In hN l
Department -aided ... Atiieic",n Am- What I an IW Dene. TnirUs Inj.lre Hlglmajs , i.e.l.ni.iii J ear. ,
bnssader, md Minister, nbfcid tl.e full "If. l.ewevr. st.iie :n n cannot asree .. we,ll(, nNe Mnt thnt the meter u '"'r- ",l '"'"'' " "Aleiuulcr plned three cnrs en the
..f f th.t r...rlien nf Mr ll.iclie.- ntl.l sueu .111 intermit.. .- 1- riiceu. w mu jivtlS(, f0rs of the State be inere.-l-eil at "i im- e. ami x ei.-i iwi.-mi. .......... p,.,,,, ,. mi a- nWe en the trcsli- I -- -
ftf',f . .." . ? ,.M" .!. ,. ii.. !e.!..t.e" I, tbetv net another wiij ' . .-,,. ,.nc!l n.etcv M-l-iele and that fa her 1 reK and ethers trem 1 nele fnr ,m.. II(, mn,,0 .
Ullilll".-. .-iii.ii -i-" ' "l ... i n.. t .. .n,....nn iHiliilltti.ll IS tint . 1 t -.., ..l.t vi.1.!,.lnc 11 111 S StOCH'S rtlllli- te IIC ler Hie 1 le.. .....1 .. f.u ii l.niiil.ii.i- !
,! n.,r....,il.. .in. iti.m nil. . iii- . i. , - ; i,. Iie oil irui'nn iiimi .!.... '. I . - , ,.. .
IMiVJ e. ,V M ib e 1'ie .i-i, in '" "'N 'nt.'.il '" '""' ""' WPT" "r l. inrreavd ( iiro...itieti te their paiiy. i.ieie was n;e cream iir cmt. v
dlil , it.. r .'.re,e, I,.!. ,. ' .'' the ,(l.e,t.n. .. nn hW,i,..:ih.- one. must .Vh.-I . bUuse the truck, as Your Kx- bedj . and ,.n.-li child receiyj.d prize
Zr,n,l W. r.s.,li;B . -.- Mr.1.,1 . ... . ,X J;. ,. kll,. (U. mere harm te P;W- . l 'r -hil. re , 1 e. c
esiTmnf ,... 1-n.t.'.. Stn'.n b.Iw.I . !.m .-rni.;. i.i n-' I no... imi jaem- , h,B,lwI, t.f ,hl. Stale than any ,' a am i.Mrmni ,.r e reee,, r.
. . . , . ... .1 . ii... t... i ,.a .n :i lMi ill1 'CH HI'- reiiui- ... . , ,,..r,.. Iiriivs lid' nril'l-1 iun-lllinili..- luiinih" n ,.l,,..(.l fi-,,,,, ll.n mm nnni-lm. w w WV " ifr . -
r;r;rH ,;..lnii;....h.tl- . at l.:..rt ,nl,.. -:'T, ":;,';: r inerenveil levenne , the mail. (el 1 ... " Drild... roeaCh.,tfl Sur- -J1 'Ql .
inthe.t.-J p.MW.. -.. ; .." '"inlr; w'- ' '."' f Ha.u.-! 1,. tlrea.ly b-en brought j M,' , l,'1 7 W, ay was n substitute line- Undln. MI.r.i. Prlc.. , JlhzJb I
The text of Mr. Hushe-- ,!,.eiii.n pn.w.I m ! f-" he "" ''' .;,,.' t.. veur attention. ' Tnniallt'S Radie PrOaratllS mnn. o-.nslenally lelievins bis brother, Narp Soles from the igS
of cMiieinic i-roblenii fnl'..M ,., pin: r-pr-enr tl-n .'.f "',. " ,rl' " ' V'" "Th- ninnner of - elb.-tlnc the case- ( ,UN1Hllla "uuiw i i uij. amej m,.. Wr, , ,vl() , ,u, ri,slllnr 0(1. I pi0rfcfp,a Orchestra
-The .iionemle ..nut - n I'm- '"""' ' r""' V'V.?'?1 litV ,,, .l,.," ' line t.n should be chnnce.l nnd the e- i.im.M.ri 1-111 srIION (HID ter. "Alex" Wr.iy i.lese played tackle i .'vrj Wrh,rlr mu) Ri.'tmfni CS 1' it
rope .ve , the tr,,;,. . i.-ern' -- ' ; Z ' ' ' ' 'AT VZ'i ' "'n'"!.'. and Bunn!. 1 0r ,w Yr Dav
ennEUinrnu'Mi 'i i " .v i-u...i-.j.i ; .1 im ........ ', , ,, ' , . Il.fcb,. v"n l,u l " V " "" ' " ' '. vri lll'W DM! MHl'.li Un ! 1'OllH MUM' Win will' mm il?lllll ns MK Haf' "HW
il p nir i" -ui k ... - ,. un iiimi i."i i'" - ...... .. .in,H.. ...in in m,. line ci i rtmipr. f n i un d ii;i t hilt i ms . wr
e . i . ii t in in ' t ii . i.ii." i .iii. . .- ... .--. r ---- ,-
i . .n rrt-ni i.i u ii i..ii " '" ,...' . i-... i. ..n i .i.. .... i.i.. .....i .i t. :.. i i
OTijc Clti Publuciscr
Will Be Open en Saturday
Open New Year's Morning
5 o'Cleck
Come te Breakfast Before Seeing
the "Mummer's'' Parade
jrjrjpjP' jrrr .r.rr.r.y.y
thr,;rx" Wrny , vnrMt, eeiiter I flC 0001 M S
en the I'enn foetbnll team in lJtl.S. This I (. v 'Tea HOUSQ WrZWr I
wus the jenr of the S. A. T. . team. I n Qn.iVKramaC S.tr W I
New Year's Dinner
Frem Noen 'Til 8 P. M.
Ne Parking Restrictions
A Welcome te All Very Beat of
Feed and Service
53 1 7 Germantown Ave.
Phene: aermantewn ioeo
tere.fe.l in thie "! ''' n. fm w- nre
deplv intte'e. frr-tn tin re..n m-i" ;i.-. ,
Ktntidpeint. i- "'" d.t :ui 1 i iii..- n4 m
nre Ininlv.'.l. u' I f-.en .1 bi. : ". in.in j ',i
Htntl'tp"! '.. .t 'lie li'trt nt the Vmeri
can pt"i'e pee n".f te thi'" w'ii are
In ill?tre.. We I'Rti'ief ii,-n.i. of
these pre'i'nm bv 'illms thtr. l'ure.
prnn. for he n'-e Mnrbl ppibl.-m nn.l
we ennnet eenpe the ini'ir1' ! ono eno one
quences ii - f:i.',i'e t" et th.-'u
Kurnpe lli.ldi the lej
"Thev ire, hnuever Pnnnn pro pre
lms In the '"".e that . .- .."imii- be
solved Mltbeit the ."'Keri of 1'iiro 1'iire
penn Cieveriiment'. We 'innet eon
sent for them the key te t1.. ittt
ment i n their band"., net n ir.
"The eni-c .f the I'lirnp. 111 !'!
tien li' i'i the ett ineiit "i nr.i- 1 ,..t t r
tien T1!. re w. " ' e nl nev
of ether nei -, h .'V....T pre..n.'. -.ntil
a detinite .un! nn.jifl bus fm '!i
iileliari' f r-i.'ii .it ..ii eln"'- has
been tii-d. I" . fu. e t nt .-:ii.: te
reet ntn en.- .line ' et .-- m 1'. irnye
until tie fe.i.lni."i 1- '"'.
"11 nv .nn :i I r e 1 St:e 1 .-in !n
thi matter'' We ir- - '. rep rep
nrntien. We nr. '1'ee!. 'il:ii for
the rei:n' :r-i'r et:' ..f '.! .-. of ., :
armv of e-e' pati"ti : nr 1. '!. , mil
reaMin. for we lave 111 i.n-...i.f. .. ir
army in Knmpe nt the re.'i-t the
Allie" iml of 'Jemnrv n il 1 er i"
Sieelnel't tl'-l ' - '-'- "' '. i-'i'
.oft vlie !. 1 In- T t.'- ira ' I'e'i
the aniein's p'nd b '! mnv ii'Mr
have been ; :iiil .i'nl v hil nr't LevU
. i.-h
, ,,, ,i:,.....s .f fee.li-111 .. ...,..,. f,.,.,l O1011I1I liecieiu.il 111 I Id
nieire 1 1 'OH 'ii-.'iiil'te,l eniv , . f. ,( ,,,,.,. llMtN 0l, , .,.,,! J- i-m.:iu enan i.tu.i.
' I' ' ii'i'l '"!-' mi"'. 1 ,.rr;.in i.mimj., te . moil-is set nele 4 Hiimii'-.iiuv
I 1..... .... .I,.i.lir tl.r.i ...,insillihe.l r...t ..f tin' lnoler lillu viiflli'ieut In lal.e llin t irlim I'an
i.iuil.l tie wtllii.i! t 1 -erve
Ami . mi
,. 1 1. . a . ... ni- ..")
,.. t : te ri-i". t tl e r
... .M .. I11..I1 . .1 Ii n tun i
"' '.' " ." ' .' , ' .1 1 ' .. , . .
v e.l.l ..' irie 'e no ". '"Hi nie ..ii'.i'i 1 rnw money 10 me niueuni et uie le
. ne !'. .iilv.intase nf u-ipartlel ndvlre ,,,.,uen i'verj m. e.ir-. or the pro pre
md of nti . nlislitene.l puMi. opinion. , ( ,,,.,; thereof, mid nt the same time
we.ii.i tv inienn-ii. i"" m'""'- treiili ter mere mn
..... .... ....I.I.. .....I n I T.-u I..
"in i'i- , JVIll ill i;iii-e iJiii. niie..'. ...r.'lll II. I
..'...' .hni'tn t'.HS, he never was eeiiiiidered n repu- 1
t-'i 1 mi i-is . In r, although he started several bl '
Km liin.UHiii.ir ..,. ,
liiiilinu 1 K-"'0 . ...... , .
uri-K AitneiiKii ii'" ueiensive pia.wnc Mas
' " . V . .!.,.. -.,.1 lit.
- 1. . . 1. iii. .i nr tf 111, i. nn. .111.11. ------ - .1..1 .. ..
ill I nv HMiii'v ' vi.-f, i"imii - - w i., ij tlit Ii II.. I . . llftrUI 1 ontiuirl.iee.l tu.l nil tn en n....
.lommendutie..,,,,,. ,,,.., f mte.evt. Tl.W xeul.l it,';::,, ;',-:'" '.. M.. J"hn I. Ljfia L0"
nsree.l. the ,, ;ut tl,,. state te nutmiintl.'tlly bur-
I.uil" Wrnv plnved center en the
Kjeruiin I 1 rniiKieru proieieiuu leani nils tan, 1
the .IT!..-
TlO'l .iii lie le-iii.Ml 110:11 i -t-i nn. me pievni snni rue ,-inie I , , 1
ml ...in:. .... 'ft 1.. 11 Mil. I the preMelll .. .,.,,, ,.,. ..ml,. 1 1 1 1 ti.ii. n it ..vnrv ' .
p. u en it- V..11 !e eluthni 'dollar of the State-- nienej and leave "J!T,, " ,'',' ' "'rip"'"
,, 1 ,r-.l l'....f..r. ..... no luihls I" I'eJ I ue lllierei in in.., (I)l ! m ,!-Tliru
1 v. n Hin.ii 1 .. ill s m:
ii It nt n 1 ireniTi
.11 1 ... V .....
-1 ..dr. .. a,". . .... ....' .....a
. i i.ji-m aii Artmt.i- 1 anil 111 .:'." a tut in.'i was center en
UI.l ln-.ll I'.-.K S..PB I ,.,, (Iii.,).,.,. I !) . i.i..i. " lev" Wrnv
rmtr.ir Hill (il c "N uneiu -i lei-t 1.111 uiiii wt'i;ueii
! ,.'i Unpin.- nlietlt J..' pntlliiis.
...:: . 1," Disabled Liner
II lllie-. ... nerill i ii.iirn . ' ----- ,.., . , , .... . 1 1 ..11 ....
, f.nteil pelM'-l '111.1 inei.ev iieiaiM r.u.i -.' ...."..".. ; . . , -. r 1' ci
I .!.. r..t I...1.W Hint urn nei..l , 'in , ,.,...,.., , , ,v.n.meii- -.l;. ', ',':.. V'.n- at ilCI'C Ol SeUS
. .. r... . ... . ,. ...il. 1 .ni.iviii. tl.,. ii.irn..i . . ......... ... . . ..... , "
l" I' ' " ' - ' ' ' - , . ' ., ! I, . -'I- Ii '. ' .HI 1 ..I' I I I
' . tl.a anv pellti.'.-il
.... il ! tii'ii.ih a re.ilt
v . premier-, tind it l'lipuNibie '"
,..,. l'.ut. I .... believe that a tl.e''
;i,. Slvi'i proper fie. iL'1.1 el a'tluil.
ve'li b.i .I'.'e -0011 te iliMi.e a proper
;. ! It W..I.M !) f.Il 1 II H'.sll 'e e'l--:d"f
for .!'' i.ien-'in-. if'e:' mi Ii .in
. ; ,, !. v la! I een l.ail"ted.
Si ' 1 l. iv would le t nnlv be 1 t
; . .; fi .. udlv . It wn,i!.l 110' lie
;,.v; !';v:,;;.:i:.:;:!i;':"I,;;lj:n;:,;i::iv v MEETS OPPOSITION
: . .'... I .ite' - ate tl.e If Un. In .1
-it . 1 ..-i u'.i.'i imi nrej 111 alienee "f
I . " . 11 1 'imn n'.tv frmn . nt.-r
.. . ,1 . 1 .1 . 1 1 in
- . -I 1
,,..,,, .,:,; ., ,. v i,,t it..,-iv m Away Capital Frem Invest
1 1 'in a. nrnh 1 in
"II" ,11.1V be nitli.ein e.. . lute
.isaint the Ail'nini-'.r.ilieii. I'm1 I it tintial
or piirtNin ai.v.i'itnte. .. di. t,.it t'n
A 1 1. ter iien r.il. . r te 1 ell. . t up. '1 tie
.11 ' i'i 1 ..v.. 1 ''Si-. 11 ..' Ii' inn
s ,ia she 1 1 net hi .11 tl.e pevvti of
.1! v ..iFii ' 1
I-,. Hie I
M 1 1 i-'uhii
paid I .I" 1 tilt.'., '..te i.-iv t.ie me-'
"Il'lt VM" " Het secK.lU je'ierli ; - -1 . 1 . v :id l!l..illteVte. illmi III
reparation- We nre be-ir.ns ' .r own ' 1 1 1 1 r .md wi.-he. te nul 111 any
burden ai.il thre ih e'ir lean- .1 'jra iini.'. il...-"av. I'e.t i' 1- ' lie le mnl.H
pnrt of 1'ure '- I .id 'i 111 a. It hoi . i.-.-. -i..,i.i mi
V.tv trelil ,'iier- , . iai'ii m
,v i,..n Manufacturers Say It Will Drive
:apital Frem
"1112: in State
r vir i-,,-' viik lll H'k
I. .1 I ii ., ..( Aliil.ll.lIU
; Mli II. il.'l .. II ii";
I lluvi- 1 . en fi 011. I in II . .'
1 !a 1
- M- A. '1 v.' ,i,.if ,'t s ;lg
7 hi -V .. 1 I,. leret In
T I' -I'i,. V ii 1. ill i' - f . ..ii I
t I
J i. I . P..- .' I' I-rit in l nv. 1 1 v
. I. .. , K I 1 ' 'I 11- -I a 111 '1. I. .. u.in.
. Hfe will In. , irn.iil 'r. a .i!.l l,.nd ..'i.s
u .1 I 1 I .1.1. ..It ' II 111 u l I!. I
Pit. 1. ti- 1. v i ..ti i--.ki.im 1. v vvlilshv. Her papers showed she was
.Vm''i .". i iV"a1.-v 'v""''r,i".",n"-.'i'..i''."'H!i1',','1 bound' from St. l'l-ire. Miiiuelen. i.
ti. .1 ih ..iti w ''h.i. S!ittpin? etl'u'Pis lirri find In m
,yi,'huW'u.' ' " ''' I"" V""K Ynr,:- HIifux and ethor pets n.
, , ' ,. inmlNirdiMl with wirelv ii.racs fie4i
I UUTUPlpIlill 71 mini I 1) UUI
iUn II "tjithn (UH 'lrlti
,1.1 1-ir.jiui- . , , . .
ions .'il 1 . ...s.'!.-r f....it the tft-I lln- weather lllev linve elliolll ellielll
nnl in.-- J -t ,' Kn leieil 111 the North Atlllllti.' Illlll i.Hl-' 1
( vintlnun. frnm I' me (.nr
M'tiilini; her eiew of i-l asheie in a
bieeehes bue.
fat'se nf WhMi.v Wrrdieil
SeenM of Cape Ce.l folic last nishf
waited en the -bore in hope of Milvaciii'j
Iiart of her cargo The m homier, it was
reported, had en uenr.i t.ui. eases of
liners report ine deln.vs caused by mid
winter stm ins.
Ships that leached li.ls pert tl, -iiieinins
showed ph'liilv the (.fleet- of
Absolutely Unsurpassed
Table d'Hete
75c, $1.10 and $1.25
1232 Martin St.
020 Market St
I 62.1 tt MerkU S 1
1221 Oi tn.it Et
1705 Ches'nut St,
UJ2 Walnut St.
1 .XSW
J 'Vi .. .. I '.; e
scm tf- xvaj a
y. HI 'Y-'sTTf&l A s
M' W.tt:I,,
esr.'A. iil,lz s- vviriii..
liQ22 mm
Chinese and American
1023-25 Market St.
A'e Need te Reserve Your Table!
Thera's room enough for everybody In Philadelphia's
lamest ana melt reavliuui urieniai ncivaurant,
New Year's Eve Celebration
Orchestra and Vecal Concert
Commence! at 10 F. M. Sunday
Singing and Dancing at 12:01 A.M. Sharp 1
' JKiV Seuvenln for All
Y2,. il.00 nor rerien. Including Dinner Srlc itarta at
v. -- ... n .. , . !..... .A.n
1U L el. nni. v.ut.viiiii vw viva.iiK.
I' l if 1 1. Il
llll - Hii-a'i...
. '.- !'" !'
tl..- I. e l.
.am. : ..' ''
Ne ileuninl- i f "i.i s i, 'i : v i.v
of a proper set '.'..'.. :i'..r.i-tien-
Ne I'eaiius nn Debts
"Of ni'i'-e. we he,! sa'.eii
of Ki.n.peaii ijev-riiiiiei.'-. n1. 1 it.ere
lms been in i 'i iI.m im in ,i h'Hii ..'id
here With iep.. te tie I. Til Te 1..1"
been a ji"i.-'eii' ,i"."..p' i.-r .iaee
the in in i-1. t i 11 lv ii t ! '- i .tu
te our lii'un.'ii"" " ' . r- ..r i'n '..
With Jir.l.f't- i! ' lleell.lt T! '1
tempt ...s iim-ii'ii .ii a 'ei m.ii. .
inanner under the funne: A.l u.ii-:i:i
tien aiul m.der 'he u.'en; Adui.ii.s Adui.ii.s
trat'en. "The matter w l.i.n " . .'. ''i"'ii ir
Ktandpeint The .-ipaetv -f (..-ruianv
te pin 1, nit a .1): 1' i i .1 'r ut.v . ,i .
Indebfilii -vi , i ir ..I t ,. ,i .. . t i . ' j
us. Till :n I' .'i.il. s 'lee- tin' .il.1 Hi -.. I.. en' !
Geim.in. '..pi'.'' iii i 'iii.'.'.i'
iveilld 'ii r ' .. i- ' i . 'i i ' v I!' i-'i
"l'er Niii.i.l . .: r iii . .i I .'!'. I'. '.i
nble te ti-. ii.,. ! ! i . . . i
without l.en iw.n' n .i ! f .1 i i- ' a'
in, bv tn,r ..ii ii. m '.I'll! I . ui-.
the pi. I. .eia ,. u ',! i ,. i'i , ' ;
pay we'.'i! ' . ... . .' M -ever,
-e t .1 is i . .ii i ....
Stat.., ., ,...,'
H'ttie.l i i, i' l.a .1, . . . i .1 . '
tien an. I . ip ie. ' . , ' .
proper! v .! ' r.i .i. .1 ..
that i'i,n l.e i ,..., : -
for ii ...ii. . '- I i- .
( ensi - Mum I .tt..- ('.iiui
"Tie VI ,.', '
Mer I '..'. i
thnt i ' :
v lin !i ' ! ' - t
Willi '. i -
prev ' -.. - v
m:i i . :
of tl i- - tt i
' I i
illsle . .
lien i i ,
cini. ' '
lllU'M I.'. '
Uliee .' ' . ' .
ha-" i'
th" t". .
Tlilini: .. . .
"It. i - .
the ; .' i- i ' .i -
fls l I I 'l.f . ' -
f s ere i i l
tin . ' - 1 i '
me nb i. - '
". i ,'. ,
reli. M"l ' '
war .''' ' "i - "' l
repni .r . n
nEKi'i. ' 'I
desir.- nil .
of 'her . .- . il -
' I 111 ' .'..'' III .il. ! '
te vfi' II pr ..... I i . i
be II 'i,l. .i i l I '
llilb-s le 1 1 i. in ' 'I
TV ill lie I... '. ....--
jiunne it -t I II I - ' ' I I
mu-t 1" le p. ' i '
prOll.l-" , f I 'V.'ll ' I I"
sre.peim V. . ''i ' -
fnv.ir i .1 -i. - v i . . .
diu'iiu , ir ..ti i - ." i ' ti
lleesll'l .tut I s Vilulir
"Silllli' of e I own pellp'e 'ii.. . 2
SPHed I 'It the 1 'I i 1 ''1'' - -"ll
ItRUIIle il'. 1 i'. i f ' I' 1' I i" ' , el!
(Ulflli'ieni in-v.er '" l' - i. SB' "' .'" .t 'Li
that is lli'H I'1 hue let I.e. n a-'.- I t.
anteime tlie re . of .ii'niei 'II. i . . . it
be nn -U' ' .ubiir.i i . i i ii' i i hit.
invlteil .ml I' ""ii i I ,..',..
dlnni.v iin'l "I I""' "' ' ' I " ' '
te at.1. .ei - 'i ii '" i'1 ' "'" '
de i "' i Inn', i ii.'' ' ie ihl . ii
denver le ml.' 'n i nil1' ii m i.sm.n.
nlbillH W. l..ne . .lie i ini'iyli i.t ,..,'i ,..,'i
Wltlieui ilinw Hh' " " r-elvi-s ,,ll i'i
lll-fi'eli'i: i h wen 'I renit I ein ill
t i ei t . nti." hind
p. I, i 1 r-e.i'i aw n .e i l opt
I niiilnii. 1'-.
. M -'
. ', e I'll..
II i -'h J .III
,1 .... ,.,
.hit .,r , l 'i.ii
1 . .
i -
.1 i. I .-.. i . pi- ..!. ..f ii... M.in ;
aii.'i-e I'aUe hopes ',.. . . : i.t ' i'i.,1.. when .nfeiin... ...i.iv
ible 'U.i' tie v uiii- ,, w...... Tri...i.i.r Sniilei". iiinin ...!
f.i ia. tic ,1 Li lli.ti.nOd in the n.
"mi iimIv t.v 1'ie.iuv. of ,i man .f..' ' n
' i; '.. Mild t1 State li.i.i i.e ii . i.i!
I .ei ' '.tl li'V V -l.' It I b I'ili II
'Ihi'eiisl " I' I'eim-.v Ivuiii.i I i.'.iii
a.- snij "will lie i'ii'iii.1 n .r'inn-i' that
li.ttl'. fit' tiirillK ll'i ild net be t,...l. It
,. th.- tundnn.eiital r-a-en for tne .i.a.
, 1 .,f . he State fi he l.etlie el
. .i.iiH'i'v Mill mi- et ! iilnr- of capital
lave I. evil limuiMii li'-l beinut of tl.t
.n in. . there wel.id be lln llllllllll'll'
!.::u t ix, iiud re '.ii" liit- an. i.-n!
n.'iit lew te ereak tl.a' prmnl-.
riill.el.li.lil . i. ul. ui iv 1 1
I rniilc l.n.ilifr- CIliO Vl...ri
f veli.ntiii . ni'tlen I
i- vv i.imi; te t ke a i-
Vt'il i II v l!..- 1- ili'.ie.
l.ier.i nil ne'pl . lie.),
I, i II I epe! .! .
Aineni; tin steiimei- w hleh deilve.l
; '...v,i . j rr.,- in- rrnl.rl.k It ii" teil.iv .11. il which pi ...,l tliHUICh the
-i.i' i. w.i. i. . hi. . M. i.i ivi. i.f ..Hi ,.,,vuiii'thii Wei Haven, frmn II. in,
i -'r u' 1. 1 v 'i .. I.i. i l - 'i. r . , . . . . ... , , ,. .
, . v " '- ... i p. .....' lin-. Iii'lei.lui; te tlie lilac!, l.iiiuiniil
VI.C ( ..n-.ti.i Kt.i .ei ii, Sh .iiii-hm Ceiimaiiv : the .M.iheii.n .
li A .1 I nt livl irn il 1 ' ,11,1' vv ! I
rn k 1
mm u n ei ld (.i r
p. ii
".i. - . i: a I'
J'.i ' i- I I V V ' ' i'i."
'.:.'!." of tin ' .1
1 II W II.' ! tlie 1! -Il
' ilIlle! V e.'. : ii i in
I z a l'l'el 1 l.'l
. ' ...I III ! 'Ii- ! )
. ,. ,( ' II" J JO
I l".'f. '
Je.ll.'ll' l..l' - II 'I-
1 'I -
. 'I ne
, . .t
tlinln si . i lun miilli
Hie ili.i.i' I iiiislltiiil.iii iinil MiUm-i
't'eninl i..iuli'r.l llnirl
n . r. M...I -t-
1 1. 1 lu 7 i .. . i I - Hi i P .il.. i
. r i -.!. . f ' .
... 1. . 1 1 ' i - I tw vi.ril ar..l !'
- i.i nt-i it us. i ... I i II in . VI j
. - l.jrltw .
s.ew.ul. st..i,.ii i win;)
I. IV ml rrc-r . i n.
i 1(M Vpt,r.i
i.i a ..:.
...v i. i ;
v t .'
I II 1. . I II 1. 1 I II ,. I
It' '.-
I i- 1 II . I
., ".Hi l I eiwi'ii. v c'e pie-inein ei Tj, Mi tl i i.urie e ,eir..
t..e lMu.-vlviii.ia Maii'iui.'turer- A-; l.i,..u st .il.m -l. W,
...i-lllllell. .ivertv.1 it was I.i. ..ell.:. V. , .Unci,.,,, .e
I. spite tl.i MlSKe-tl.ltl. of the Mate ( m v,..,.( ,,r.,l -,,.,lr, I,,,,,,
I v.- i"... -hat Mi.-h in wi. ild ii... I,.- . , , k ,. lv ,, ,,v ,.,,,,,, ,lirr&in
...ipe.Hi, H i I i- . r IViir I B i '. W'Knt It IM i Ml
''e'i..iit; in'd I.)' weie for 1 1 ' ' ' v.l' M n. t'i I , "impin-i i;v.
. . . i ., .in IV" "t'li ii .I"! r 'i Mi- 1 1 .. 1 U
."-tatt. l.e Miu 1 1 iib-iii f a j..;.,, , ,,uni
. .in ' t .r.ii" i. in I'ei.n.j iviti.ia i . .. . .. ,, , ,
. ., T. ... .. ........ ..!,,-.... . Nrwall. .1 illi.u l.li
lie ,.i.. ".it'll in ii iii.ii. .1...,-.,. -
it i. S' ii" I! .rd. ii :. 'iiiufa. tin ii c w.'..
'.l ..f 'I'I .'I 'I I ud tllf S'.l'e w , 1 ' . v. .
.... t.'l" I.I' I- tlllll l t'lllll. - .. f i.ii
( l.e.lei V Mil'. Iissl.tailt I" .li.sepil ' s I'i I'i'
U- i.dv i '.'-.' lei ' of ,. I'ei.'i.vl- . .) . .,, ,
i ,i Mn if:', "mr- As.ocin'ie'i. sa i . '.j. e
. , Me ali-.ii i ' M liruii'h t'.n' l
, , , . t.v v ,. i tlii'.'ie indn-ii v .no i ,
i r.tllinliinlse
R MlPl
-'lii'l V...r.i
ui e 1 v t'
I ..'
' r,
. I .' v
i I"
. I I. .1
. bv
.I)1.. I.f I'i I1I..V .
. I ' in,.. hi' ..I'M- 1 -
.!, i t 'i -.tir . Iii'. .' r w ii
. . . i;. -. ,, m .-. .... i
. ' , lv I t .J ' II - ' V .''
Dr. Baldij le Force
Prison Rule Changes
l ,ii i ii.m.l tr i ti r ice One
I- . et
. sn . .
. ' ih, -'
1 1. I
I .p.
' I 1
1. ui
i.i - I. '.
I .rv
i t 1
. ! .1
. . e r"l
- .I.i - V 'III
" 1 1.1 I. 'I
. . II'
. ttl
jr mi ie'.
IS . Ilett
! . t.r.iiid
I ' IV 1.(1
.Ill' tni' the
I .
J.I. l
,.li. list. ill I'
II i
,1 I ' ...
rt :
,t... I', i i
I . Adc i
i ' ,1
' I e 1 I l.el . I .
.,. 'II oil W ii I, 'e I ' il tl '
,i . . iti . d I l.e if i . rt Tl
i. t'e ri'.'...i of ! si i.i,rri. '
, ii.'."' ' ll"'i ! Ii irs: a'
,,. . - '..' I'i - i 'lie i:v i .
vi I'i ..I ii I.i ' i A i iifdi'iu e
i- I' ' M Keevis. .
,.;.,.. . . . . i, ii Hear, I i '
'r - I -pi t. f v II lie I-
I '. e IHS" ! '"l -I '" for I1
i ,, ui.' Ilii ' I ., . e . Ii i ii ' le i.
I - inn ih i e i i d iv .1 .:
A . .ei ! ibnt I V! ' - V lU '
i, , J i ,;. . ii IS .e,.- N'.elit i '
P. i i 'i e.ti " unil ! a" '" ' .ti 1' . (
New Ifl.e I"' s,lei ... tie ' ..lllllllt .1 e '
' ..1 Ii". . I i'i II he I'.i.R-i, of .1 I'U'IS e' 'i
. . .. M'.t k e v lie if VI" oil 'l.e irepi.. i '
i,. i.i, i-h ii piise'i tarm At .in '
,, ...I - f.i .. -i I pri.eller., .. e.t these i i
.rt. :t i, f.i i i idItiu'I ei ei murder, I.
I . 1 r i a I
,, , .1' .1.' Wiliia.n (' It.vnn. I'n . v
',..I.. .I'l'l!!.' 't flu l'll"'H of llUl'ks ' un,
I , Roe .II.M l'"lil I" WO .11. l-lipp.lll II .
..lilll I'I'" '''I ""I I'i... I W.'ll'll IM I
Uieiiien. vui l'.n.ieii. and the Span, b
tiiij;hler .Mar .leihtei rauen, bound tl um
Aluniia. and under ee..sunnie..i in tie
Iludsitii Sl.ip.i.ii- i'eni.an.v.
Several slllllllel' cell. I v.'.s... i
li'.n 'i.-.I i heir dm Ivs leiiiij, j i ii 1 1 . . i i , .
thi: weii tin inn.! tr.vuii: in ..n
The teiit-ma.ii'il m'Iioeiii r i... i ..
Mnv I'.'ue, in liitiKint; t the I. A. S. !
('iiiipanv, of Mobile, i at In i 1
with the head of the leleuill-' sn, t
The ve-sel iiriivi-d from Haiti ... u .1
:u no of woeil and eiii'eiinti reli 1 .
in., .terni off I'npe llater.is.
Ceiistliii; Vessels Maul Hit
Mi w aril Jenes described the h.ew as,
"si.iiietiiiiiK te be lenieinbered."
"1: wniibln't have been mi bad," le
raid, "if the beat had been lii"er. IJ'ii
ti.lll a little liixlMeu sclioeli.'i' loe-e in
s.ieli a sale and iiintliiiix 11111 hupt 1.
in llin . Wi wile kI'I'I l" K't into Jim 1
,,ri believe 111."
Tlie .'.ai.ier Mai- .Me.litenaii. e
lei.cllid ill l Veil d.IVs eVPnln"
' About iiinlwai bet wee. 1 Alseciras i.inl
v , ,. I'liihiirelplii.i she K'et wm it li.v winii winii
ef the ternlii sier.n. tlmt were r.m .
' "' ",r ' in the iim'ii' rn 10 ites across the Atiiiu
,j m 1 1.- and sin i.iii'il as far smith as ins
table. Tl ! leiiBtliene.l her MIlll'U
'' '" schedule te s nli nil extent that bin' 1:111
11-1.1111.. short et nn! and was fejeed le put in
in It., ni'dn for a suppl.v She w.i-
r. lic.liili'l '" ln.i'.i" the imp in twi'i'i
ilnv.. Ii .' r tool. In i' lie. illy tweii'v
tevcl'. According in the Wiaiher l'.'ii'i.
1 .i w.iibl 1 .' il " Neitli Atlanti .i'
is new ev.i en-! it 1. innlviii'i ii. ...
ion llieast w ml tewaid Neva Si "I u
Tl.e I'le-i 11.' iria, I.earli.K Aiiib.'i.ider
Haivey Li"', te Vii.hini;.en fi
Londen. e'ie of tlie vessels held up
due 111 N erl ye-terd.iv. She h-
1 . . , L . - . . .1 ... ..tC .1.,
pnl'll'd MH .' .1 WHS ill Mill"-. -. , !,-
, , . ,, . ...nt and c t net I'Mtect te arrive unt.l
Seattle Police Say Dead Veteran ';;,;;;,.;!,',' , ,,,
Had Brether and Sister He-c y.'.iv.s .. . , v,,.r.. lashui" tin- 1-,!.
' . i.i" I ii"'... .-.stiii I.. -1 11. h ,e t,,. ,. Maie-tic, cnrryiltz I .e
f. -. iptl'i .I. I 11 I' I'.iii., Iti-uirh ti'.. 1 1 ll inisNier. te the t'liitnl
1 . -' in ai old. vi. -i.i 0 1 ti. ..lates. ...I I'n. i!e ('...ie. jiiopenei.r .,f
1 a .... .' 1 I . si. id. iv .1 n,i,).hii"' .'.en. bound hide for u be-
S nn.' loin
-i 1 -j 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 I 0 ie e s, 1 I
I', 1 1- - ' '.- . 1 1', 1 1 I -in- ii I r-.t'ni . , .
. , .,-.,, ... I',, ipi.in 1 , .10... Ne EZ.idcncc te Sustain Charge
in .'i-mvuI e" lis 11 1- it I, us ) ,.. 1 1 I'lei.b. . ' , "i- and Paul I'm d 01
..-..nil. I. 1 i.n.iniitiii ale w " h these ,,,,, vvn . ...id .h..iei with li..'-
-.'.- 1 1 nv of ' ' .i.i; 11.1111 ii"' liiibu icu hl.ep
Pen 1 1 1' ' n 11 hi l .I'M in it 111 - 1 , p uf 1(1 i 1 , 1 ( " 1 1 T.ivi' .ill "e 11 1 p... '
1 e -, -., .. ,,,,,, -.n I),, ,.,,, ,1. . ,,1 ij .IlliUe Aildeiirie.l
- .11 tiui" 10 Cnrti et" . ! in. j.nnv ! 'vn' "f bnbea. ...ipu
'I 1" I .1 i m! lit imi 1 1. ,n 11 1,. k.'u " ' 1 1 ir In null'. 1 1n. ev nb in i
1 nr"' 1' 'i" 1, im.1 I 1 -pitn! 1 liil- ,,'f tin- w ' lei lie pi 1. -1 1 iilnm in.'
... I i' r. 1 v.. nr.. 'n. it. 1 11. 1 .1 . iitr -nth .1 In sustain ill" 1 In. 1 i.
BBjMBMHBBjIwijpf n .' BBfpiBSsSBBtlBlfi
KBsT!u rTnlirjy ! 1 an imBjJ
KTl HiiiiTlTn:Wj
wnWi'iiifV 1 iiii V'ii'TlMiiirMBWiilf'V'iii
S'JEt 2J&
lifti, CMness-American jpn
1 fir Restaurant flft.
erved from 13 o'clock 7-1 ,ZB
(neon) te
0 , V 1
evvsNvr' , rixs.N
? . ' 'Wj
Celebrate at
SUPPER Including
I' 'lie ,haw and Her Wonderful 11)215 llcaux
Arts Review
Ml SIC l.y Jee Termini's Orchestra
I'liene Poplar 2."iir for Reservation!
l!i'iiu rt.-i in Atlantic City Will Alse
j Celehrntc Appropriately
i ..I i
1 -- vr.
, it ,. VV -.. ' h.r
- il l.)..., i i
I'lll.l ui :h .1 m MH. i
i V i.tl li 1 .ii.. .Ifill V I e I r j
in If" ' 'i ' ', Irvti
It ' ' ' '
i . i i . i '
ll .1
ie Im
I. nlern'i'il'
e , i.i-,, i., ' i .en. riu'v -i.itilt.iij, . nni ui fiv..i
,' "'' UV ."",' of the ...fiHii-hnetif e llie pi ...., f,,,,,,
" "" '; ' ' i "' H.....I " ..ml .liiilce rtvnn. anl 1 vs,.,,lil
..- '... .f til- ,l,..ir.. Un fi, (j fnl .,ip ,,,., ,,
' ' A '',r'"" '""b at , , ..I I'I. lad. Il.. i . hhv
.id I n. p. in r. , itj , ,,, .,,. , ,!, ,,n, , , MO
' ' II 'i il me I il ...ii l..i. iij i.i. ill .lller tile nilir. ,s
' I'll''1 I , , ),, wjueii 1 liave l W I'i rived
ll.iie w I- iie'luiiil l.'l'e tni' iv le in- fit. iv itnt.i.ii "
.uie il.nt He .in'. hi. i.i'iii iinei,' Muili Pre"! lent iliidjrp Wit I u . Mule,
,, it niev 'i. ii" lid le taki in- ...her and .V,s.,i. mie .I'nli. .1 lunik '..
..i ... ....... ... .. ........, ...r . r V ... . i'.... in). n t ......
Hllllllltlie.l ll.i'.i" "ll I a .1 I... inenr V, llj ll nnllllllV" men ." .t.i.'-. "inn. iian-". "i i..--i n.--)- n. iri-.
was i we.l 11. fii'.d 1 ion n.'tii.ns bv .is Mr IIi.kI.' 1 bun h a waj m 1 lit no 1 n . evre. n reF'.,nl li.
thiH I'euutiv. whirl, ni t li.- Mime time U vvimh lb" '' I'l'"'"!. t! eniKelvi . a 1H""'H f.u.n m i'ln-fr (.. i-.tv 'ri.
ill..lUllidiliK'i he IMI ' 1 f 1's .Mils. 1. 'j hi '" I'd et " e. . mat. r whs diseii-sed Lv .1... l.,,i,
.... 1 , 1 ii.. ,.i 1 . H i.h in 1 t iii,- I. .imp.. I 'mi.. 1 -eini'-i .1 t.v 1.1.1 1
"1 .1," s.'im . 11 .1.'". ... ler ., ' ' :!i( (i M(j uiii ,,,,. ,,,,, , was , ,,.
cttleuii'iii "i '- "1. nr- t ni , t()fni ,.,,., ,, ,,,, ,.,, lht.
eemliti.ni ..c n sii f. i.jrv M.tti.w.. in , ,j le .i',,,,,,,,, , or u lirand Jury
Hint the uurminti kIi -ii'.iI be laken out of ", ... i,i. , n, , .un,.,,,,.,,!
IHilitlc.. iStntcsme.t liave their diUivul- t- " e-u'l',i''l " " ' ""lUinu.L
We Wish Yeu
Health, Happiness and
During the New Year
Avcept our thanks fnr faur received tlur
in 1922
S. Kind & Sens, nm chestnut si.
U.A.M'i.l. Ml '.I'llA .Trf- JiaVKliKltS .siLVnUSMITUS
wa fiW!!:
?BM "
t5 f
w3 fi Dancing Frem Midnight Till Cleamg
y k q ; ;
f 53 .Sn"inl Dinnpf fifrviH Sffc ner i
fl ' '" ' NEW YEAR'S DAY, 5 te 8 P. M. L cover j
w-sf "vtv"v3 jT3CKH3Einjini! iijTnT-1ii i ii...-t initie, hiijixs
i giE
SP ' i j I, X e k a-vrk ,i 5
American and lf(SSrf J Chinese ResUurantNS
1207-09 rJy Market St. g
j L
1221-1223 Chestnut St.
New Year's Eve
Music Dancinu
2 Orchestra-
C.rand Cenc't,
5 10 le Y2
Danrir.t. 1 Z te 2 i
. )Cn Ve rlll.lie
0 "" "Vrilnnl S!'H
Kit ks EKi gc fvifi im m nr
g-" -
Midnight Celebration
Dinner de Luxe $4.00 Per cover
The Ideal Night
Fer Oriental Delight
Dinner de Luxe Served Frem 10 P. M. Till Closing
Dancing Frem Midnight Till Closing
New Yemw
le Philadelphiam
Yeung and Old
Conic Mm- te Sec
the Old 'it'iii Out
and ilii New Year In
'l lie Brvt Plate in Tnun In r.at
Belore tl,e Vatait and Aittr!
I I -w III (is it n i. it
ii i'n. . r m. i.ii
s..ei ui I'liiM. r lllii.ii.r villi.
I. ..I.I. n 1. 1. . ( ,i,., ;,,
IM -li-r- Iii I v i-rv . v ti
lli.lf si.. II IV. i , ,..,.
llin ... .1 I r.. I. f..r ...i
i i a i
Dance and Dine the Old Year Out en
Special Dinner, $0.50
Kent of Entertainment and Mimic. Cabaret
Souvenirs for Every Guest
New Year's Eve Dinner served Sunday from
0 P. M. until closing.
Celebration starts Sunday nlKlil.
New Year's Day DinnerServed Frem
Vi oTIeck Until Closing
VT Never CledlJi