PfF'V ""' - . at'a " ' . fT'T!''t'''''"1'"''7w5p - r-ww ' rwr-T - - - -wiii""1 ' " "" "-" - Jlpili" nil ? I ' i I . i , i 10) MUMMERS RiPADY FOR PARADE New Year's Day Turnout te Set New Recerd for Slze and Brilliancy HOPE FOR WARM WEATHER "thousand Mummri-q aarch mi Urnml street New Ycar'.i pay tfie tlKP'.it, gaudiest, lnrrilrH turnout In rnr. Tin is tin- effirint in fl id Ien of II. jjnrt McHnsli. who for twenty-two wan hn represented f'lly Council In ilrcrtli'S tlN annual pageant, wlitr-h in Pliihuielphlu's own way of giccting tlu wW.Kini twelvemonth. "Dinger niul better tluin evpr," is JfcHiisli'H ptemisp. 'I'd jihivp what hi lars, llC1 l",m,'! "ut tn!lt lasl J,nr "1Prt' we're luit font teen dubs in line; tliis wear there will lie twenty-one, ninl te help tlie iiiprrymiikets Htci along nt their lhelieHt there will lie music liy ferty-tliri'C organizations, including the tt popular mid rolerful Hiring bunds, for many months the eltibs hnve heen working in the secrccv of their houses n new mul unusually elaborate cos ces tunici, guaranteed te "knock 'cm jeaj" when flip pnmdp prances up Breml fitrect Monday morning. Last ear wns n hnnncr yeer for elenks that were n riot of coler: this year tin- eluh cnptiiins say tlieir cloaks mil miits will surpass even these they -crc n yenr age. The entire pelipp force will lip en duty Memlny morning wIipii tin mum men' pnrmlc nKscnieks, Suppilntcndent jllhs announced today. Iireail street will be cleared from curb te curb for the grotesque but colorful precession. .Should the cold net prove fi miflicipnt spur te keep tlm paraders en the march, tliu pelipe have been instructed te order from the line any oiganizatlens which idievv n ten dency te lag. Automobiles or ether ve hicle will be l;ept from Ureiul street, and eresH streets will nlwe b( cleared bv the iiolice between Thirteenth and Fifteenth street.s. The panniers will be restricted te the street, nnd the crowds will be held en the rddevvnlks by ieics te be put up by th j police. Vendert) of boxes, crates, barrels or Other convenient perches from which te -lew tlie precession will be ruled out br the police as u nuisance, who have also been Instructed te place under ban the throwing of pnper or ether articles from the windows of buildings or by the crowds en the tttreet. Market Street Train- Kulcs The only persons te be permitted through the police lines will be these cnring the efhViiil badge of City Council, which will be inscribed 'Tliil' aiMphiu New Year Celebration lli2e, City Council." Ite-routing of traffic en Market street bas been erdercil by Supeilntendent Mills te prevent congestion nt City Hall. Vehicles going eii"-t mi Muikut itreit desiring te turn south will be diverted nt Seventeenth street durlii',' the pmiiile. Fustbeimd traffic desiring te go north will be turned at Sixteenth ttrcet. Likewise traffic westbound en Mar ket will be tin ned north ami south :il Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Spruce, Walnut, 1'ilbert, Cherry anil Ituce meets will b" Usui by mall trucks, e-prei-s trin Its, and ether vehicles which niustnes'i Uiead street. Thousands of dollars have been ex pi'lideil en the costume, one of which, belonging te the Klein Club, and a con sistent prize winner for the last seven ye.irs, involves a cape which fully 1") rages will help te carry. A seventy pound costume hi.iiIp cntiicly of peails, will be denned for the occasion by IMwinl I Inn Is, '0S Onnes street. The I.ihcit Club jilans te have 'JUDO wen In line, with five hands twenty -tvve brigades and eighteen lleats. If the mcmhiMs (urn (illl ,, fut tbis proh preh nblv will lie tlie kuge-t turnout In the ramie The Klein Club will have mi Bsregmien of line men, four bands ml tluee brigades. Siher Crown First in Line The Silver Crown, founded twenty years ige, the eldest club In the illy. Kill Im ghei fir-t place in line, and plain te tuni out with ."(10 men and three hands. The l.eb-ters, a fancy rhib, ts slated for (WO men, three bands and one brigade. The 1 lanlel II. (U--ilil Club, according t.i its captain. Jill he repipscnted by ll'.OO men, four n.iinls, nine brlgadi'H and ten special iratures. The l..agii0 Island Club will have 7-i' in ii. three baiulx. seven lleiils, twelve fi.ntuies and eight brigades Ihe C linden Clewi.s will contribute J'(I0 men. three bands, eleven lleats ml fifteen brigades. The IViinlc Col Cel l'"s Club will hne sOO men, three bind-, nine brigade- ami seven float". I' i the iiiiimnici nre hnf l en raged In petfeetlug their cii-tumes Tlid drilling lu the arleus clublinuses To Te To nieirou the liiiNblng teinlns will be mlded te pvci j thing tlmt will go into the leaking of "tlie blgg-st parade ever " Tin nn,. nwanli will be disttibuted fellow s ; l'ai.iv flibs - I'list itl7c. SI001: "pond, ,s(Hi: tbitd. ?(i.-(i. Cuptaln'.s rnsrnme - y, pil.e. S.'l,"0 ; scciiinl. W.'n, th'nl, Sl.'ni. I'm- ibc u,ndeniest inne ni-tiimp. SlTiO. Ilpst-iliesP(l ehiwii Hi,,, ii,.sfilie-.(., liuli vlil'isl clown- I'll s pilc. SI, "(I ; second, jh'O, tbl,,, S7.-,; f.,,,,.,1,. tr,e; fifth, 'i0; sitb, S'J,". ! gleup, Meil licst-dresscl Imkn. sl.'.O !e,t flli nl ine;e till), S00. Ilest - tl ImillPiI nilt Tancj pn,,, si.'iU; Mcend J5 1 00 ; third, .s;.", , fourth. S."t) : liftb. jJeO; JiMh, .sL'.-i !ei-iliessc,I , pic, S."0. Il't Jleilb- I'list piic, SJ.'i; -e.ellll, ;-" Ci.ll.lclr t til'-. -J'll-t i.'le, 51'JH; s, nnd. ST."; third. Tlieiv ",v" wi.l . i!n,. hist :i,iris in S.0 eneli t i ciitinnt-, who win spis'lul iiicn tlmi four second piles of .'J'.1.") each. Conn 1,,!.' I'ii, 1,1 ie. S 1 1 101 1 ,ei "ml, N7.ii . third, Slim I : feuiili. 51(111: nfrh 'L',Vl. .ivt'i. ir,il: ...i..ili. ."Hill: 'Igl.'l,. S.MI- nliiTli. S.-.O. Mii-l comic '.i" nn I'll -I prie Sl'UI). , ml. l."l. il i d, Sien. Mrt comic ibar ii'tci, !T."i 1 1. -1 gieup, Sl.'O Me -i m.iui, ,.,,,n, ., miiii. M,,.t enuiiml ilcira. icf. Slim Most eil.'iuul ', tnne, St." Met original neielM. Si., ..,-t hniiioteiis jiiMMile. SI'.". P'i" , mint hoi I'i-,t pi ie, ,'"i0; vec mill ,'jr, lleiiv I "ir-i puc, l."ll; seiund, "l-"i tluiil SUru , I'euitli, ST."., littb, Stl'i, -hih, .(iii. s,lni.' I,, mis I'lifl in le. Mi.'ll; m.s n'l, -','i( I, Hill. I, -, . fitl, Milt); llllh, ST.",. i'ligule- l'ir-t pllc, sl.'.ll; s, i mul, "J,"" lluid, Sinn I'liurlh, S7."i; littll, 'iii, M'.tb, ,,"e si-M-mb, ,sl'.". Spunl menu, n in all chi-ses will be nwindnl Hi t prie, ST,",; second, "'. tl'inl, Sit,",; fourth, ,'.'e; ilfih. SU'.". tciiimj Tiir. 'iimimi'iii' i'.itni: 'I lit u .,) . i,f t,f N w Ynr h iiir.i.len JfiiMiM, lu, ii,. I, neil t of tnic" lu n m Pii,iiiiu- ,ii, i line pn nn ml niieet luiu'iry ; A llil'.irul ilescilMInn r,r u II uvnt tlmt s ni.1 1 PiliAiipin fiimeiis ter New V iV'f ..".'imlay I'l'BLlu I.IUUI.J. "Hake It FIRST REAL SNOW BRINGS OUT SLEDS win vv -2vfiAp5sft-?!', :mtwimm&m&ssk. jm&VMikmm i (hit In the suburbs every our who their hearts' content. The camera Order of March in Mummers' Parade The MumniPrs' Vnrade will begin at Ilread and 1'erter strpets at 8 :."() Mftffday morning. Frem there tlie shooters will tnececd up Ilread Mreet te City Hall, where they will pass the reviewing stand. After swinging around City Hall they will march up I'rnml stiret te (ilrard avenue. There the parade will end efliclnlly, but the Mum ncrs will eei.tlnup In order te com pete for the SKKM) in effcrcil iiy the Columbia Avenue Ilu.slncss Men's Association. After reaching Columbia nvenue they will march cast te Tenth street, thence south te Oxford. In the aft ernoon many of tlie Miimnieis will go te Camden te compete for prizes offered there. CAMDEN MUMMERS PLAN BIG PARADE Clubs of County Will Compete for Cash Prizes A New Year's parade mere elnberife than anj ever before staged in that Hpctien is being planned by membeis of the Camden County fancy ilrcs clubs. This j cur's demonstration in Camden will be it i enl parade. The event has been increasing in interest each jcur since its institution, and te add te the ptitluislasiu this j ear Ciundeii Council lms voted S.'OO te be distributed in prices. line i bib alone the Cnnulen Clown Club will have a thousand men, eight een brigades, lifteen lleats, two bands and lifteen special-mention featuie lu ihe Hue. Tlie lileucctcr Saurkratit Club and the l'ast Side Club will be among the ether ergauizatlnin taking pail. A nuinlier of the Philadelphia clubs arc also expected te compete. The judges will be Jehn II. Carrell. I'ledeiiik Ven Neida, Jeseph O'Cotinei and a reprceiitatiie of each of the Camden newspapeis. BLAGG HEARING WEDNESDAY Twe Charges Pending Against Physician Dr. J. I'mmett lllugg, .(. Cutler stieet. who is i barged by Geerge J). Htemle, son of James A. ltiemley, textile ' manufacturer. with havitu1 pointed n roTehcr at him, will be ghen another bearing befete Magistrate Koei.ey Wednesday. A S.'O.IHIO damage suit for alienation of Mrs. Ilremle.v'-i aflectlens Is also l.iiling ngtiinst Dr. Illagg. Charles II. Dennis, a private deteit ivc. who arrested Di. Itlngg. denteil today t Itn t Dr. Ill.igg had made any i bargee against him in lennectlnu with the arrest. Mr. s;ii,l also there wan no truth in the statement that Mag istrate Hoeiiey had withheld, until January .'I, decision in imv Pase against him invelviiiR lr. Itlagg. LEASE BALTIMORE DOCKS H. E. Creek Company Anticipates Renewed Shipping Activity Anticipating renewed nelhity In shipping, the H. K. Cnml; Ceinpany. ' Kliiiiliullders, et Italtiiiiere, lime leased tlie tirj -decking and repair facilities of the r'nien Shipbuilding Cempiiny, of tlmt city. . , , , , , i This step is calculated te stimulate i shipping through the peit of Italtimerc , t .!... . nunl. .. ,11 In. a.lili. i.ii tnc reason um, ..--r.-,, ,,,. u,- .,,,, te lenil ami uisciuu uisciuu lindergeing icpalrc. in eurgeesi while -'SUCKER" IS SOUGHT M'Goed Talker" Gets Geed Coin With! Bad Paper nelice today suit The nelice today si ul out a tiler, asking ler tlie hi rest el n young man vvlm is described as a "geed talker" nod who "makes his living appaiently by passing bad chiMts ''ci,., iiii'ei iiiatteu was bi eadi list fd- t,.,lT,ir ilm lashitii: et a worthless ciici r!i for S bv a Kensington physician The man Is desciibed lis twenty -tlm i vcars old. live fi ct six inches lull 'weighs 1 10 pounds! and dark com. plexieiied. POLICE REUNITE HUSBAND AND HOMELESS GIRL-WIFE Mrs. Marie Mareshy, Penniless and Shirering in Street After Eviction, Finds liefitpe and Help at City Hall Mm In Maresky. yeun't wife whose hu'bund disappeared u month age, ami who for a week was compelled te de pend upon tin- mercy of filemU for f i mid shelter, last night, when I ,,.,! into the street, took refuge tri.m tln cold tu a City Mall cclhoein. Today nil'' will 'Jlli l,,,r l,'wl",',- llmiiks te the diligent (.earcli made early il, is morning by the nelice. Airs. MnieHky had been staving with r..:..,,,!., in a iiiiimi oil .Xllisclier M.-eei near Columbia avenue Mul last nWit ti... nuaiicli'd Willi thi'tii and was Penniless and cold Mie nippfiled nt the Luiikenuti llespilal for .i place te ay for the night. Hospital iiuthnn tlcs directed lier tn the police at Mno- EVIiiaTO PUBLIC LBDdEKr-PHIIiADELPHJA: SATURDAY, pyw KSSKilHffiBSS ' - ' "r ii, n " iH iTiWiirrTr nfi rniilil, took advantage of ypstpnla ' snow, caught Itctty Calahati. Mice Klley and lump en their sleds HOPE OF AVERTING F. Fuel Commission Official Calls l Washington Advices Unnec essarily Pessimistic SHOULD USE SUBSTITUTES Vn"!!!!!' authorities in Washington are declaring Philadelphia householders , mint cither burn substitutes this winter or freeze, local men in close touch with ' the situation are net se pessimistic. The view in Washington is that tlie present coal shortage is se great It , , can never be hoped te be made, up. I'dgnr C. IVlteti. hewpM-r, who is chairman of tlie Fair Price Committee i of the Pennsylvania Fuel Commission, ' insists with a little care and the, 'use of substituted wherewr possible the people will keep warm, and the strin- I geney will be nicely tided ever. I ' Mr. I'elteti believes tlie outlook te he emeuragiug, points out all coal brought In is at once absorbed nnd sn.s coal is te continue te be bieught lu, and is, .turning in, In fad, 10 per cent faster, than had been expected. ! Mines and railroads, working at J highest elliciencj, can't pessiblj mine and ilel'uer enough atilhiaeite te sup- ply Philadelphia, New Yerk and ether! liig Kastcrn consuming centers for the icmaindcr of the winter, according te I tlie Washington authorities. An accumulated shortage of .10,000,- 000 tens of iinthiaciie u n ported for the calendar jear 10--. As Til per cent of anthracite production is devoted te domestic sies, tbls means there i, a shortage for I lie jear of J,(IUU,0U0 tens of domestic tuel. Such investigations as have been made uie said te show clearU thai the shortage is due eutlreh te Ibe strike, which made it Impossible for millions of useis te lny in their winter's supplj dining the s,ring, suiniiier ami early fall. As a ti'sult, they ate all crowd ing into the market new, and the eal Is in the ground. Nine uiithiiicitP railroads arc giving the mine. Kid pi r cut itir supply , and the mines are mining uml leading coal, iin lu. ling tin1 usual piopeition of domestic sie.s, as tapldly as their l.i iilitles pi'iinit. it is (ieclared. "They are operating lis batd and as fast as tjicj cm." an ediclal of tlie Geological Sunev asserted. "The only interruptions te pioiluctieii are due te holidays. The pioiluctieii for the last ten il.i.vs of I Ii.' will net npus! that of the pi mIiiiu' ten ihljs because of the ii.ten em Imi of and New Year D.iv." , DRIVER HURT IN CRASH 1 Realty Man Takes Him te Heupitnl After Aute Hits Milk Wagen F. Alb ii l'nrrv, leal estate breki r. .living nt M "i Pellinm te. ui, while me- i tering fieni town eaily tednv, inllid,. I with m mult wagon dtiveii by Walter McNeill, t went l -seven years old, L't I'J I Ceiily n rn ul. McNeill, who is tin cm- , plove nt Abbett's dairy, was driving 'along W i-s'ihii ken nvenue near rsi hunt 'lane win n the Collision Declined The a ilk wagon was damaged and .the driver thrown te tin lead. His was cut and be was bruisul, Harry dime McVi ill in St. Luke's Ifns- lii till .ind later appeared hi fore Mngis. jtrate Dmii ut tlie Twentv -second stitet (lllil liuuiiug i nit avenue Minion. lie was iili.'Hed mi his own i egtii'.au e, as Mi . Si ill was net seriously iuiuivd. Il'iirv s,rvcil en the jurv In the esi..r trial." TAX DELINQUENTS NAMED 'I I , n nnes of almost a seme ei prom prem iimi l iisideiits of lltidgeperi, i barged u ill, Ii n-li.l.v mi III n f l.ixi s 1 v 'I :i I ,.'- led ' I. urn's Mitlvey. Icne been tinned lf ever ' Magi-nate 1 inn!; i huh, and w..n th; .. I,,.,,, give, , cmsuimv Pati . McDcrmett. teenth wns pi te I'll' She baud I dtleet in d (Meid st ts. There she ..'..I in a patrol wagon and lakni II ill t, .1 Detective Ml-deir her hm. ,el 1, ft their home at IMI 1 Nnlen a iii'.iilh age. ii ml lieu, unable til pV t'l, lellt, I si V. I siie was put out i,f her he.iie ' i She sail -he had searched evervwheui for her hi baud, but without avail. Ter the last well i-1 1 1 had been cared for in Ilie no u ' ei menus, viiwit ,v a r .. l , .. ...I. . I,,. ..I...IY ...1.1 ., .. nier.v , i ,ei. ii i u i.imiieii ii, i, i in,, pullpe of all c le leek for her niK-im,' huhbnud Twe I ur later Meiuskv was tumid in a helil vvlierc be had ibtaiiu.l iin iin pleymi'llt an U clief. He prnmlsi-d the pollce tlmt he would peme te City Hull und take his wife te his home. 1NE N AL AND GdLOSHES sledding, roasting anil skiing te llttle Ainirlle (liesten out for n NEW ROAD OPEN IN MARCUS HOOK TODAY Parade, Featuring Floats of Indus trial Plants, Will Christen Highway OpMiirc of the new Mnrcus Heek read ("day wa.i marked bv a civic celebra ,1)01101111 pniade In which residents of Maicus Heek, I.inwoed nnd I'.oetbwjn took tmrt. 1 The purndp started from Marcus I leek nt 1 :"0 o'clock this nfternoen and pteceeded along tlie new lead te nearby towns. A feature of n parade was a scries of lleats of iudustiial plants. Patriotic nnd fraternal organisatiens will be in the line of mnrch, tegetlier witli local lite fempanies nnd many au tomobiles. Houses along the route of Ihe jiarade were decorated for the occasion. The new read, which takes the plnrc of the old rend, is of concrete and embraces all the latest featuics in highway construction. It is eighteen feet w ide. 1922 BANNER BUILDING YEAR IN CITY'S HISTORY Official Figures Shew Operations Nearly Thrice These of 1921 The year ID'Jll has been I lie banner building year In Philadelphia's history. Figures issued today by the Buieau of Iluililitig Inspcitien for the year com ing le its close show the estimated value of the weik begun in l!il!, is neatly three times as great as that of 1111 . The bureau has issued 1 t.-ID'J per mits covering Li'J,.":!'-' building opeia epeia opeia tieus, with nn estimated value when lempleteil of 11 1, iiii 1,11(1. In IDIII the buieau issued l'J,(!(l penults covering 1l,(',."il operations, valued nt S-!.'!.7!i(l,7S(). It luw been estimated that this year's figure include th" construction of nt least Minn new iwe-stnrv houses in various parts of Philadelphia. Many new ell'n e buildings, ihunhes and sev eral tlieuties aic iniliideil in the new work BISHOP BERRY ASKS FOR GREAT REVIVAL Aoeeals for Natlen-Wlde Move at Watch-Night Services TiNhup Jeseph F. I'erry. senior I?i-he) of Aineiicnii Methodism, has called iiiieii I,0i).(l0() Methodists I throiighe it the ce'intiy te start a great I revival at the .",0,001) watch -night serv I ices whuli will be conducted bv Meth I edisr iinrcRiitieiis tomorrow night te Web oil!,' I'l'il. "Should our iiesis for seu's be les, ' re.ile'is than our ipu-st for dollars'" I'.lsliep It. rry asks in his appeal te the 'Methodists, He tells clergiuen and . ay men that there "is great need of u genuine levival of religion." In Ins pie i for a great spuitual awake'ii'ig as the chinches enter i pen the tu w vear. the Itishep snvs: "Metll ' edist sue -ess in putting ever Its tin. in- elal linib't takings has been imiivi ions. i We imi rne-ner ill luateiiiil tlutms and ' I... l.......l..ul i. Itn .l. ...... I 1,1 kttl.llM'll lie liepelcssiy .... ll.l.UJ'k ... -,.... .... I ossessiens. URGES AID TO WRITERS i Dr. Canby Asls Mere Cordiality Frem Literature Teachers I Teachets of llicraiuic in eui Aiiht- ii u ii insiiiutieus of learning .tie let keeping up with the eoiitempetnn puk- ith of lilei.ituie in America, m the opinion of Henry S. Canby. eli'er of the Literal Review, who gave d. le- I gales te the convention of the Modern ' Language Assoein'ieti of Aniern i , les- I ing today nt the Fnlvcrsity of I'eiin- 'sylvnnii, many pertinent notions te take buck te tin If jcspective n sritu -tlens of learning A wide drench exists between in ti ers of llteiatuie ami centini ran writers, Dr. ( aiiliv h.iIiI, anil .t a a i hi em II which he dcpl.iieiL Id- uigeil a sympathetic nttitile t wind these new w i iters; nnd wbc'iir iliev "be ns-cs or geniuses," he i i'i iiuiteil tbit thev. Ill least, nre 11 the iiinlsi ,, the veiv activity wlinli gnis hie and glow lb le htei.iturc in n er i. KIDNAPPERS RETURN GIRL I Detroit Banker's Daughter, Held for, $20,000. Well Cared Ter I Dctieit. D".'. "I'd - (My A P - ' Fitiii -v enr-ebl M it v ( lieviiiin"i'g' Ii. kld'i m i"'il i igdi ihn age and l.i ' for I 'i. a r in-niii of U' I mul, w,i ii'ti.i i , I, or dome tl is iiieiuing, less than i leurs nftei dec fatliei, Nicola (in. i.angi'll. L.i-1 side d inker, had .' In r ilKiii c iriuice te (lie police The , liild was , ought le witlii'i ' ,i block el her lien e. Theic i lielpeil In r liem an automel i," direct eil her te hunv benie ami n u afraid of 'dc dink. She bad liei a well cnrid for, , was feted en Clirlsti ts Day, hIic s. i . I I.. Take Invalids Frem Burning Heuse Witll.iui .1 1 ft I'd and Tlmniah .1 i ' - Mm. tive Negreix, were sick In V " a 1 eanlliig In. use evviiiil by Mrs. Sn ih .lcffries. iv.'s; lllngMld htn-t't, wl,u tile bieke mil lu the beuse this mm u i liir 'I'U' Mis 1 ell lie. niKlieil Inte the street and i-heuteii nu alarm, Whet. Iireuicn tre'.n I'ligine Company Ne "7, Twenty -s, i en, street and felinnh..i an line, ! icded the seen,, tiiev can id ihe two sick men in Mfety. They were given teinpeiiiiv shelter by neighbor. TIip dnnitiBe te the house was about Solid. I PHILA. GIRL IN NEAR EAST SEES HOPE IN LAUSANNE PARLEY i1iA'.s Elizabeth Lmvis, Teacher in Constantinople, Describes, Conditions in Turks' Capital in Letter te Her Mether ' Press Muzzled by Censorship, Says Fermer Y. IF. C. A. Worker Here, iew Filling Pest in Levant A letter describing conditions in Constantinople wns leccived vestciilav I'J Mrs. FHie M .,. is, of Norris Nerris Norris tevii, from her dau'.iiter. M.s F!i.n belli Lewis, of I'liilniii Iplnn, te.icln r in 'ii,. (ii'ilik I'.isha Sdioel lu ( o'i e'i stiintiiniple. Mis Lewis is well knev u in I'lubi deipliia, having ben intnelv rsseuinid will, the local Y. W. C. A. f, . smiriil M-ar. She was called te Ml a pest in tlie Levant Inst August with Miss .Marian Flsier, who lunl I n ceu- nectfil with the physical cuituie (e- i P.irtment of the V. W. C. A. lure. Miss Lewis is a giaduatc of Die.xel I Institute. Shortly after the burning of Smyrna Mjsslywis was sent te Constantinople. While net professing te be tholeughlv nciualnleil with the political situation In the Near Fast, Miss Lewis ex pressed confidence in the tlmil outcome of tlie Lausatiue eotitcrence, but pie diets that the V. M. C. A. ami the Y. W. C. A. will be feried te b.ue Constjiiitineplp seen, itegnrding the gpnernl conditions Miss Lewis writes in u letter I u t I November -! : "The press has been taken ever by TtnkMi censeislup. and of course anything net fuvernble te their Idenn is net publishisl. We be lieve, however, thnt tlie conference at Liiiisanne Is going smoothly se far, but what the outcome will be no one seems , te be able te predict. "Last week the Friends' Mission Scheel, which is just n few block. from our school, was closed, nnd they L Assemblymen Visit Offices at Harrisburg te Inquire About Seats G00DN0UGH ON HAND ll.ii risbiirg. Die. i'.O. Caucus calls for legislators te meet Monday night weie posted en 1'upitel Mill today and men who will sit In the'.tieneral As- i setnbly commencing Monday weie visit- lug the offices of tlie clerks te lti(Ulte nbeut tlieir seats nnd arranging te hive lulls completed at the l.egiln tive Uefcrence ISurcaii. , The Itepublicaii calls weie i-siied bv i State Chairman W. Many tlie Republican members of Maker for till' IP Ills. t meet at , n clei'i; Meml.iv liuut ami the Kepubllean Scnateis at tl, while Democratic State Chan man Austin F. McColleilgh called the Deinecntie members of the two btancbes te hi gin their meetings, at :.'',() .Meml.iv nmlit. 'i'he Kepiiblb ails being mm b in the m.ijeritv , will have the niuui- looms, while the Democrats have been asu;ne, the Wavs and Means and iidiuiilng iiiiiiiuittee rooms in the cintral wing. Ilcpiesentative C .1, lioeilmiugli. of C.'iliieleli, will) Is unopposed ter the lte piibllcau ion for Speaker of ihe Ileil-e, was at the Capttei today gieet ing incoming iiieiiibers. Mroeks llab'tt, Venango, and Themas 1'. Sliambn, ii. Slivder, weie the fir-t of the iiieiubi'ls et the Meuse te artive TWO MEN FALL DEAD IN CAMDEN HOMES One Is Stricken at Dinner. Other Upen Retiring While eating limner at tie leine of bis daughter. Mis. Millie (,.,ldbei g, T.Vi Ferry avenue, Camden, Ins! night, Jacob Welt, sixty-two veins oil !i."l Neith Randelph stieet, Pluludelt lua. fell Ireni bis ch.ilr and died lu a tew minutes. Welt was appaiently in t'e b. t of health when he called at the tielibeig home yesterday altei neon. Me v as a l etired fruit dealer and is -m-vived by a widow and live clubln'ii. .lehn Winfelder, blxtv-tive v. i's ,,!. .",17 Mu'hle street, Camden. . ' I ,. s I at his home last night as he i- :ii,.,i i te ret II e. Meiiibi rs of ll.e null . lieind bim fall find found dead , u t'u licd lie leaves a widow tin I three children. THIEVES RAID DRUG STORE Steal $220 Werth of Alcohol and Nothing Else I.liUnr thieves nre siisp, ted of div ing hiekin into 'he ding steie of ,loc I I'erry, Kill) I nr, bwe,l iiveiiuc, i.ulv this 'nun lung and stolen SJ.u vveith of alcohol. Feiry told puliie of lh. liftv -fifth I ami riiie stieeis sT.iiinii mi' miming lse of value was tiiKeii. CAUCUSES GALLED EILATORS qvly monev has here j earned this -- liberal rate fertile past two years West End Tmust Company BROAD-STRELiT-AT-SOUTH PF.NN SQUARE Capital 6 Surplus ?,4,000,v')00 I DECEMBER 30. 1922 fx e3K .MISS KMZAIIICTH I.KWIS liave tnl en all the e.iulpmpiit te the . 1st, mil ,.; Cui-fii. Tlc-v ihnrterc 11 tmat , ninl were allowed te take 100 of the weikrrs with ihi'iu Neeules, te s.iy. the i losing of the w, wbiill lms hi en hen- liearh twi-ntv-Pl.e yi.irs, caused a great of excitement niuen? tlie natives. , "The next exilteiiient was the closing of tlie American si Imel arie-s tlie Ilos Iles Ilos periis en tlie Aiiiii side It is epi r iiteil bv tin- An, ,. i lean beard. "Last week we bud a p.irtv for the voting married couples and Mtigle people of the neighborhood. We pluved 'liv ing nlph'ibet,' 'clumps' and 'blight idea,' and I am sure tlmt I enieyeil it as iniicli us tlnv illd. The games were all new t., them and most of them speak very little Fngllsh (except the college buys and girls). Yeu would never L' tlmf some of them wen their families the nexr dav and were lleeing te Greece for safety." E T E Action of Will Hays in Remov ing Ban Emphatically Dis approved by Convention SUPPORT PLEDGED FINEGAN .... ,' It nntfh te 771", . 7 1'itb' l.rt'ti'f licthlehcm. I'ii,. Dec .'10. In resolu tions presented last night before the State IMiicatiiuial Association (enveu- tien tin' teniliPis expressed their cm -pimtic disappieval of the a'tieu of Will Mays in permitting Ilmeen Arbu, hie te again enter the tilm service The le-olutietis s.n in , irt : "We reitcta'e ellf ctplcs-i, ,,C (nil- 1'idence in our educational liiider. Dr. t Themas F. Fitiegan, nnd our faith in I the cdiu uiietml program of the Stale. ' "We ing. the State Legislature tot pinvide levenue ler si Imel distriit-l .idiipl.lte te lliect riip.lietllellls en tlie pi.sent bisis nt iippeitiiiiimeiit, and te provide sTJ, , iidditieiial lauds iir ma iie iieci'ssaiv te adjust ineipi.ilities and te eiiciiur.ig.i th" tuilher il"M',,pnii nt of eiiiicitienal I.nllltles 1,, tie. St lie "W iiiineiid the Mate .sli atuuinl ailtllel'ltli s III their eflerts te'1 lllltiricy nnd te provide among th" Mate's alien pupiil'itinii attitudes ,,f se, ial ami pelilieil siahility. "We an,, g, i I indnis, mrji ,,f il,,. j preposition of a leen ler tlie election of , m hoel buildings in feiirtli-i lass di-. , trieis of the Coiniuenw. ulili I "We loeli wlili strong .ipprnvnl upon I lie genet i i inn tiiicut ,,t mere laws, in the State, lespm'tilig si.rv cilin 'itieii. "W'f assert our I" In f in tl e pie of ), u-eliadle teliui,. for il gaged In id" teaching preti-s i elliliielid te tile consider ll'i.ll l.egisbitui e t! , lull prepared .Iciiir Ceiiiii .ii , en Ti-iii re !H-5 Wafc E jJl 'jrj- i TEACHERS HOSTIL 0 ARBUCKL FILMS itTei i emp ll- prl'i.'i , ,. , n .mi and of the by th, WGL0K ANNEX 1604 CHESTNlfT a J JGM b.rA frif s!,1rl,l k 1 . .. ...., r:.. -......-. ve il UII1- ue you L Alt? en stand. nrI of Feed, Service nnd Cooking. ci t . vuecie irem j Uinners. One nt $1.50 quite elaborate. A Chicken nnd Wnffle one at SI. 25 a simpler but quite satisfying one, SI A la Carte, if you prefer n-v.-v.-r rji-xr-n r J -flSMim ESrtMif TfcJ Jit IM l.WT I Wr iM9 HI W I Unless He Cet3 Thern He Will Seek Repeal of Construc tion Ordinance WILL NOT RUSH MAYOR; Fnlcss Mayer Moere nnd Director of Transit Twining ;;lve definite detail' be has di m.indeil concerning the N'udi ISrii'id street subwav before u meiilng I if Ibc Transportation t'nmnwMee ,t ('mincll said Cellliclmaii Vi!1 Tnget leitnv, lie will nindy pics an ,id nance tc ruling Ibe etitililiug tot in' ' lut- pesHible the subway celisli ucliuu "1 want te give the M.iver nnrl the D'reitir opfertunity n nptienr bef,tc 'tb's committee first," -riiI Mr Yeu iTagen. "If they decline, I will In- 'truiliie the ordinance in its linti, nt Thur-dny ' meeting." I'nlitli'iil iiisi'li'tm around Citv Ms '. however, refusi. te take Ven T ;' -threat seilelislv, ns be reprccii's ihe district that Will be betlellted n e-t h .i . ...,i ....i .i. i..... . , , ,., 1,1 , ,, ",.- ,1,1, .,,), ,,,,,,,'-,,, , ". ' , Oliw.iv lint: Lnrie r,ii,l I iefliiuntftW n '1.. kill the subway pru'ei t would i.i' I . political deatbknell. thev sav. 'etisider.lble ilelnv 111 star''i,g North Proud strrit subway N r ; , unless the controversy started y.sir til. 1 1 between Mayer Mneie and Ci an, l't in" 'eti Tu gun is ended without lutliii bickering Suppeit of sin h n repealer was prom- S'tplHIlt of si,i a repe'llec V im ..ii- Iscd Hvliiv by C.iiiticlimnn II'ill Councilman Ven Tugen ami the Mayer clashed yestenlav nt a public transit meeting in Citv Mall when Mr Moere declined te give il, tails con- i periling plans of the Citv Transit Le j partmeiit fei th" piopesed tube. 1 Tliere were mdii atoms tednv that ; Ceitticilineii were beginning te take i sides in the matter, which augurs an- ether prolengerl poniievcrsv unless peace Is quickly established between lie Mayer and theie. who are opposed te his ultitude. A few davs age Mayer Moere nn- ! neunced he favored n tube which would end at Hunting Park nvenue nnd asked the views of 'he P R. T. en the matfr The company utiweici thnt a subwav of that comparatively short 1. ngth would be impractical and It prope-ed that tlie line extend te Olney nvetiui, where connection with eros-itewn liiin could be made. He Wants te Live New William Farrell. who nftemptcl mh eide yesterday bv di inking lerilnc. nt bis dome .'ill'O Division sir,.,t, Fis of Scliuv 'kill, vvns irnigii' ' i l n Magistrate Ilornjednv, fter leti lug the man. the Magistral,. di, h irged blui. Whet. Fairell, who Is rvvenv five yenr; oil', drank the poison he n , taken te the Samiritaii II..-piil where prompt action sjv, d his lif, VON HEN WANTS SUBWAY DETAILS DIAMDND ENGAGEMENT RINGS Ne ;xv Peiintinq& Exclusive Designs Su Wtytc (gifts for t&r King, Si Cljnstmas Dagcnnt I ' IIS. Xs, Pi '1, i "'.C , ' ,' ' r , , h 11 )u- I rhalh V r th- I ,"l f . , ' , , i "uuuijh I!13 i ' -I : I .-1 . I I' ! .s' h Sundiiy, December 31st, 19J2, 7.1.". V NEW BEREAN Fifty-ninth 1 "ur S HYIi'il'i 11 On New Year's Day we begin our third year in the payment of te our depositors First Penny Savings Bank Jchn IFancniH'cer, Feundir 1343 Chestnut Stret't 21st & Bainbridgre Streutn tMM-"tt--i-Pi-7-Mf--f-.-Il- wi,-cu cw - j. - tf.Mto" - fi - gwr cw - j. - tf.Mte" - fi - gwr sV,l '?' y twimimtKmmtKimrmcn tii n n-w-ffum-n-M-i-i-.-- j-'..m-n-i ..-- - - B w srx r t r- r . X -arCN ItJW XNJs, Cpi- Ci fi-n Ilet "A Treat When Yeu Eat at Any of Our Places'" ll nelcv v n -pe THIS 1527 1302-4 and 1310-14 Diury St. -- ' .- a 'j i a l t'i '. " i I ', I Community Meet at Qwynedd Tliere will be n ceiiiiuuiilly meeting In tin- Gwyneinl Priccls' Meeting Heuse this evening. .). Clmuiicey Sliertledge, principal of the Maplewood Scheel for Heys, will give mi illustrated lectiire en 'Tli sent-Dnj l'reljein niul tlie Iti'hmeml ( etifercnce." The liiPPtlnjf will be open te tlie public. ..UMur-naxN nern-AlM All tmvni. 4 i Ii ini'fs le lrnrrl. AltTIII II .1 lit rei.l), ltrnlter Ilfllli.t llllllllltig I'ilK Ulr.tllllt Ml., Mil In. Audubon .V .1. (dim. Oritur, Hlutlen) -r-v- The Locemobile Company 2.'i.0 Market Slreet hrtft tin tipnln-r for n lilffh fratl in hi hi tliflr HiNrfl ilrtmrtinrnt -sSTAMMERERSssi Tl ir"!) Dr. 'Jet Yeir ir . eeiirvs In hikjp. , .rr.rt 'n Ar3iiir mera rtll ' I ..nt a fref li.m of extr! Jein Ihn 'Infrntrv Club, the I erum vt tl rt tnn n r ,' r, I I I! I rf tl'e 1lt 1092 'Ill :i: MtM.i:Y i'ii(VN "Me-f Tlan a SthneV IX 121 "i WflTW lc . Ciiticsira Seap Is Ideal for The Complexion Eed fi'nimenf T!e:rft ' r whrr- rQfi"mjl ddrcai CaUtflr Lbct- ilt litit Z.UaJin itajnp jtmnwMnuaA-mMimMmxnmnm Here Is a Superb New Year's Day Dinner for P mC3XXSXWU -JW M SeneJ from 12 Noen te S P. M. le .1. r c nn. , i ' k T .rtli ml M.,1 r,.i r. lery Ollifi 1! n,' I .k, l SI T. rl , -- I 1 ' I s1M. C i I I - ,. I ,' t i' '1 i r , I' ,is I,ctt -I s, ,i i; ,.. in liresiins I' 1 IIS 1 Il.itter M.'i . !'.. r I i 'im l , -, .. Illnner In Mi, In Dnilni; llumii It tn 8 P .XI. 5.3.(10 dine RnsTAurtANT & cerrne shop 19H-8 Chestnut Sts. Original Productions Bailey Standard S premaey 1 l r i; M. BAPTIST CHURCH and Pine Streets r. -r , "' r i i:th s- iittkWi - u - iMrr - r - 't - - i - f - f trru amr Wm$$$tfkm& i52-src)iestnvr5t. J NEW YEAR DAY DINNER 11 3d , M - n .1 ir.u S ! II s'P. M.i ( .,( Uill or I, I.. T, r-Ii- or i ii-1 a , ( I , . s i M, jhroemi i i ir-rv (1 ,r -n (jliv. eieig Vh ,,iun' I ,w ,ie , lirfn'irrry Srtdie Svit I'alKlri lm,fiil, llinirl Surauts u, H,i it 1 rmli-rlren ,1 lln-l, Ijrilr-cl v. ill, Ainxrirn ' ,il ,i I, Kg )r, n, Nfni-ell in lc I r,,,i rtiid . .ki I Aliiue, I'e eeinn I' N' i iiifi.p I' r ,Fll Ii n. etllfjll . ,vii . uu n r ii,, DINNER SERVFD ONIY Af CH tr- r t.2 TiIUT STREET 29 S. 15th Si. 12 N. 12th St.