-I,... i. n, . . .. , 11L- I, i miMB J I' "HI 4Br fl 1 i;I EVENING JM - -- 'I ! I, fcf Subconscious Courtship A medtrn wenwn'i xtraenttnary eAm (e keep eaitert from inttrfkf tng wtth her life It told in thii faiclnatlng nevt By BERT A RUCK Auther of "The Wrong Mr. Wright," "The Arrant never," Mtt. Copyright, tttt, DedU, Mead d Ce- The Tension Lifted i ND ee te the Inst bang of nil, nnd Atlielast "set"; the fiery oiitllne thnt jrc,v Itself ns n young fnce mammoth ,,( under tbe gigantic guard's enp ! "A n n ehl" jnilanil's Idel flamed in fire against the tltht. Vh. flume died down nt last, nnd the tut of tbe shouting. The tension lifted. IT. h massed mints wen n movement ,s of n swarm thnt starts te rcasscra- MVew we're for Itl" muttered Car michael, as bunds wrr laid en .their Mint, ami """' " -i'i- "- -" t forward, Ilcnty, nnd hang en. This f. .in he muin Jam." ,r; r-fhe voices "Mind ye.it flngrw! ! fLoek out there, plcase Thnnk you Carefully mere, sir - - - nanus, fc.ndi! Yeu can't go quicker than fhfl rest of us Loek out there, if teu please, b r ' ' I fT. it is im- X te'we anything in this ""Frightfully terry: it is the people behind !" a volce would apologize ns tbe Sew of the punt climbing the counter f n craft nhead took somebody In the Jlhew or the back. Forty ynrds awny, i tlngle launch, with portholes glowing mil a banjo strumming "Aviilen," Mined n lleratlus keeping Henley Uritlge nguinst a whele river army of tbe night. An,i killl ther enme. the punts; still jfiiey came nnd pressed. ThIS Was IIIC IIJUllKIlk mill mew eim iwldenly nt thnt Instant te Harry Cur mlchnel. "(!ed help anybody If they managed te fnll overboard in that wc1.'" for be knew I here wouldn't be a d"s's chance for nny en te whom thnt awful thing should happen. .Tttst ns the lie ilecx oleso ever the hrnd of the 'iloeiucil swimmer who gees tliriiugb, exactly se would these punf) clee aboe tbe bend of nny ene in the nitnr. Net n ileg'H cliance. Itn .nffiinirlv :iftcr thnt thought lind struck Mm. mine llie ecnt "f which (but thought niny huxc been the cast shadow. I'ririnielmel. slttltis nft nnd busily .fenilinir off tliis punt, or thnt. felt his win craft dip a little by tbe ntern. iip.ivitv Imleii ns she wns with the para- iiiiernn'liii of three men. she could net. nfferil te take in water. Her skipper turned and called out te the punt that mounted them from bcuimi: "'iiti Steady !" he bheuted. Tint Ids warning wns left In a mere Trll'iing cr,v . i 11,1 iimi. iiuum, i'i te tlicir feet in the surrounding punts. ii though suddenly u human hedge hed ipning up in nu Instant. 'Hint cry rang eut: "Mop, neuimi there! Don't push! Step, for (.Sed's; f,ikn &omeledy' oxerbenid !" "flood Lord." exclaimed Carmirhnel, en hit feet with the rest, "where?" he ibnuted. Twe punts nwny, en his starboard quarter, came shrill cries for help. The tide of the punt was heard te crack llke a child's te. Ulack ngninst the clear Inir sky loomed the figure of n power fully built man xshe set his feet against It nutl thrust for all he wns worth. In ileml nlnrm a xolce cried: "Don't have 'A uk nil In!" unrry armienaei nerer neani inai kit cry, for iu the punt where all the commotion wns somebody hnd called out a iinmc, n name he knew. "Clecr!- It Is Clever!" And, while tho-e In front struggled te stem that prs, these behind maintained their rflentlfss udvancc. Clever! This was bow he was te find her, wns it There wns net n deg'n chance. The punts would rlose ever her! Oicr Clever! New Harry Cnrmicbacl femetimes thought se quickly that be didn't knew h" was thinking nt nil. In that one Instant of time he knew whnt was minted te be done te step this threaten ing horror. He wanted space. And as be knew this, te be Knew x hat te de. ' Stand by, you fellows." be called te " llrten and Heiity. "Loek out ler jenr.lve ! I am going te unk u-. And with bw arm and tbeulder thrust under the bow of the punt that bad eer-rIddci them be nt his own Inden punt nicking "Readv there, te tnke the water! Qulehl I" be Minuted toward the scene of tlic accident. "I 11111 coming nbeard eii, nr," te the MrntiBcr in llie tnter X'ning punt "Loek out, mer.bedy. New'" There xmih ri. mighty heaving , in the pack of punts, a rucking nnd' (UlglillR. I 'I hen, hcre the campera' punt had! been, thcie una 11 npnee of axirllng voter in which the serpentine lellec- ner.x of the InntcriiH knped nnd curled, 1 111 uhlrh fitinnil mi riiilRl rnti.liril nrm I appealed. Mlek, before, the) 're en us ngnin!" lei Ilnrry Cnrmichnel. "Quick, 'una pa .,s en the siuee! Parr it en He siirnnt: across tlie tr.'lllcer' mint te uhere the leuming liguie of Jim lielt "as nnxlng. "Het her?" gasped C'armlchnel. "I think- - Heic. t'lner, haven't j en get " Let me come. L t me -" line the slewlx widcnins. inn iiie sup uf cle.ired water ('uriiiichiiel tin ut t bli arm, )i8tiii); it l)cncatli tlu arm 1 of the franileallv Mrugullng girl iu the rlrr. Anether arm, 11 Mrnngrr'H arm ppenrid from heinewlierc, A quurter f 11 minute, iiud, diippin; nud gnhpiug, I'luxcr lay across th platform of two .jiuuih, iiKe a (iiuwniiig melli Iu Her Ben n V. i,V- i ' h 'h?,?. " L1,".?",-...... , ..... -.... n 1 i ' "".' ' '"; iiw...i sunwalc ngiun. Once meie the plinth k'.fiiii(d one solid raft between the water nnu nu niKht sky. "nly one punt, xith roeking stove, krttles, blaiikctti nnd camp eijiiipineiit eeillpli'te, ,iy 111 the bottom of the liner Tliaines, At the bottom of the Thames, tee, ultli lli.it punt, lay the whole of lilVn Jj'btenlny nu it concerned Ma ler llnrrv armiehael. Meantime, that with which he had te cope was net yet life's tomorrow, but thin evening. . lie inn de up bin mind nbeut thnt dur ing the journey te the Holts' houseboat, n Journey that became swifter nnd T nkier the further nwnv thej drew from lie bridge. Cnrmichnel wiih sitting nft ijh some people who tlie?e were he neither knew nor cared. Hiej had put CIewt ferwnrd, mutlled up in riiKs and wraps. 1 win puss ever the talk iu the punt. He chut of bow Clever had overbalanced iniseii, suddenly rising when nobedj t ' '"i 11, 10 ioek at hOiiiPining. ' niiuicluiPl lirard neiie of tliene thiiigH, was conseieiiH of nope of tlm gentle fusing, nnj. ff tmt 8ew of lrfl, , "ie ncari At Inst, at Inn emiiiK nKbt. hiH things wcie Mere, serpeutiiiiiu; down ill l'ie water iwere til, e(. 1 (.(lectiens of n liuil.stliimt. IlKhtrd up f le enme te hlnifelf te icnlie tlmt the nity w, nppreiieliiiig the Holts' .liousebeiit, Clevrr'H houseboat. There - 11 uiikiie et, dibcmbuiklug. lie steed A Country Meuse in Gay, Wicked Londen la it any wonder te vein, un trained Jean's head teat turnedt That ha courted the ditappreval of her handteme young guardian, Rotin O'Ncll, by contorting with the fortune-hunting Oavin, or the gambling fiend, Hymentt Or that ehe risked love ittclf at the gaming table? Begin te read this romance of tangled love and society intrigue RUUY AYRES' 'A Man of His Werd TUESDAY ON THIS PAGE On the llttle Inmllne-stBie. after the women bad hurried in toward bed and blankets the bewrnpped Clever, be atiU Steed nnlrln. Ifn truii-lipd !TnH' ni-m. "I'll say goed-nlght," he told him. Ne. thanks awfully. I am net cemlna In." "Net coming in?" echoed thi loud nnd scandalized voice of the Eternal Tim. "Man alive! nren't you going te step for half n second te see Clever?" And Uescmary's lever stared through the summer darknesi tewnrd Cnrmi chnel, thin weird fellow who get mar ried te girls and then left them te Ute by ihemselvea! Tite Bacheler Goed-nlght "Ne. She xvlll understand," he rn turned firmly nnd finally. "Loek here, you tell her I'm: get two fellows I'm putting up in that punt of mine. I've get te cellrct them nt the Red Lien and leek after them " "My dear cbnp! Of course! Bring them here tee!" "Ne, thanks awfully, I won't de that. Pleusc tell (.'loter for me that I get her letter nnd thnt I shall be round te re her bright nnd early, the first thing iu the iT.ernlng. Hnve veu get that?" Tim Ktcrnnl .Tim hnd get that. "Slie'll understand." Mild Cnrmichnel again quietly. "I j;et her letter nil right, nnd I thnll come tirtt thing In the morning. (Soed-nlght Jim." He turned quickly about and pre pared te walk back the towpath into Henley. Behind him came pattering footstep. A girl's volce gasped. "Ilnrrvl Harry"" j ie turned. v Sandal put a hand en his sleeve. "She doesn't knew tbev don't knew. T rushed out after you. I had te come," came breathlessly freu. tbe flaneur. "Wanted te tell you." "What?" She took a breath and went en: "In ense xeu didn't knew ! In ense you came round se 'bright nnd cnrlv' tnnt nene of us nre up. It's the Inst one down stream. (,'leu-r'H window, I menn." f'nrniiehacl took the child's hnnds nnd gripped them warmly. "I say, that's nw fully sweet of you-." He gave a llt llt teo Inugh In the darkness. ''The first time I nav you. Rnndal. I thought you were the n.est most detestable little Dally .Mirror enrtoen minx I'd cx-er struck. Hut you've a wen.an, (Soed-nlgbl, my denr." "Geed-night, nttrnctlve Duck."' Through the cool dark he trod" back beside the river te the lamps and the curtalttn of the "Red Lien." Here were Hcnty and O'Brien; here, tee, was Peter: who. lest again, hnd been run te earth in the sitrnelman's box. Here were the goed-nigbt pipes enu wnisKies in tne lounge. and the talk of his bachelor friends ever the event of that day. Net Carmlchael's event at all. but the news item that had plunged the entire British Empire fas well as the xxtiole tne 1-rencn KepuDiic) into gloom. The just-Hnneunced defeat of Geerges Cerpentler! "Anyhow, nobody can sny he didn't put up a ipngnltieient tight for it." Car mirhnel broke into the discussion, nu though nothing cite of note bad occurred lnce lunch time ' 1'hey talked of i In, lit.lit fni kiii n minittpa hnferA tO'i;n..i nkpd politely if Mrs. Cnr- mlchnel were nil ricbt. "1'erfeetly, tlinnlt 011," snid her bus bntid, that Ilrlten fe typically Rritlsb, nf tlmt rprn 1 1t ii r lives its life in Mich tr1inblv water-tight cempnrtmaitii Through bin nuMiner new there lenkd out nothing nt nil of nil that seethed in mother part of him miii'l. let tli cur rent of amity flowing between bim and O'Hrlen told the younger man that all nn, new, perfectly right wltb bin friend. itheut n glance or a word the message tame back thai O'Brien e dashed glad Caru.H'hnel continued aleud: "But I say, I'm most frightfully sorry about landing jour kltbigs nnd gear te the bottom of the river! Dlrn't tve ,'uil else there was te be done " "M dear fellow, 1 should think net- " "V( eucht te be able te get the.M bnel In some iert of tnte, exen If the limit 1 Irirdlv worth troubling nbeut." Chei ns ef: "Ob. that's quite nil right." "Then . "Weil, I think I'm going te 111 n 111 nw, Cnrmichnel." Knocking out of piprs against hcirth stene.i. "Thanks for 11 most enjoyable Yen rather! See j oil In town some tine during the week, I suppose." "Si-s, or 11 bit later, I'll ilng 3011 up us neon n1) we're back," Caimlchael said with the faintest possible stress ilie pronoun, "(ioed-niglit, Hcnt.v ililniseit tlic Heur tun very early hour! -"! which he wished 10 awaken: nnd ,e fel inie a deep nml imimcw .seep, 1 ' ' Aubadn Hix-lificpii next morning found bim again en the ner. The Nticiiin was lil;e a sheet of dim med ghi" Hardly the tiny splnsb of a xe'e rame tlireugh the thinning haze. I'ar-eiT there was 11 faint crewing of cocks Cleso te Carmlchael, nothing i but ibe sound of bin ears, their glitter nml sett nipping, unci tne iinuiiiating silver of IiIh wake. Net a sign of llf from tlm ether cnmplng-nunts that he passed by the islands i nobody stirring! Probably exerjhedv hud been up Inte the night before nt dunces, or imprexlsed smoking concerts, at the roundabouts, ut "rags" of every iwt. They were therefore tnking it ensy this morning and would sleep Inte. But it wns Unrry Carmichael'n wed ding morning. Ills wedding morning! lie iiieiignt et nneuier "wen 1 dim;" merning: that en February the feiiittent?) of this same, thin unhcllev nhle tour, jle theuclit of that recen lien. He alie thought of thnt hotel iu I'm is. lie laughed! I'resintly, glniicing exer bis shoulder, im siiu (lint houseboat, loekinir like a giant long drawn iu chalk en a plant's hluie of palest gray. I She was there. ! Last iiiglit. nn be strode along the 1 1... .11111I1 under the stars, he had re membered countless tblngi he was going te say te her. CONTINUED MONDAY PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA? SATURDAY, THE GUMPS It Leeks Like a Big Night A,. .. ... TX i vm.T? VOU 60NC IWG. MlfcOHS Wt ( sr.0, ec ME OVT XO rVN GON& TO SPWt SOMEBODY'S STENOGFer Her Tongue Dearie , I ew'r Set ever hew AJICE VOU VAJEPETO MB OA CHRISTMAS. THAT WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL BAR PI Al HOU GAVE. Mf ITHfAIKUfee A DARUWS! The Yeung Lady Acres the Way The young lady acrese the way Bays her father believes In giving her a liberal rduentien and ?hc guesses she has ns lnrge nn allow ance an nny girl In her class or in the whele school, for that matter. m- ,HYl HBS yp 5 r ' " flute.. - t PETEYHew Provoking! Me-a-RolxjTTemTopuit I -ha ha-ha J I tferTYiwG Sere -ioe s KUew, KlMee T5tTP(s j ?d GASOLINE ALLEY Back te Babulnnd TIME TO CO TO BED UTTLE FELLA, ANO tVE COT A NEW FOR VOU TO SLEEP TDNtCMT J ma V i had the hasevt HMfc PIAJDIAJ6 IT A(ISS. SCRATCH - Seim Glad: Hau'ffE SUCH A PEALtRlEWO. VHy. THE LITTLE SC0RP10SS' h N . XmA "te- ik1 has tnKtt. nvx PfeW TfM S'fW thMtO A6AIMST Jjlf r AMO 1 DON'T GRAMMA'S WHEN YOU WALT 00 PLACE 0 i Or fk 'V -Ct-J1 Nes- Nev) sAHn re S?Mt WVX WICiWT 'M COMCEsyfc - VOU kVUOVY -IM AlOTSUF?PRlSED THE BOSS' Beeb seu is sohz:eh iss e'flagg . She. kakdws hew Te play Tna ame AULRSHT. t?EWEMBER THAT BROKER VHO USED TO BE ACROSS THE: WAV ? SI-fE VWEAiT OUT WITH Him A FEW TIMES AAJD THE.M SPORTED A AfEW FUR COAT. CLUB if MH.5miTH MAD KsleWH AB00T THt ecweT urtpen&otme PASSAGftWAV , W001.0 Mavc Had Te cemc oet AccempasIV His PArtfi.rtTV$. HeMB-. Ue He -Tee - VHV TWESKi UeeOHKY-' caustw ? I JUVr IHeUCHT OF HA-HA emfThimc FUnwV Y KNOW WHAT GOING TO DO AND UNCLE AWAY t mk'inm li 1 mi f -JSi Sgx.Y CjOOONIOHT IU IM& V --3 CVWB xt9, M,rv . Mkx ,w iu u -' 3 v . .. j--- -is : JLV" 'ey i 'J ( J x K 7s WeMk SV N f if '1 5 R Ll) Wf w s1: S2ZL. DECEMBER 30, 1922 GOING OUT VUMfc NOV) Mt. "Wl HWMm e-. t. inch tcxrt W OUST BECtverl. s "TV lQVXrHV-Hi OVtT'em THHOxK)tS- r Bit FOSTAINE FOX SCHOOL JiMMY U Cf Ok 1 tuns sjy tsX'vxvk jJlW. It E" 7 I A b i W Wry 1 L iV.BE op ceuwe I deat kjew- Birr its niAtMv . J ISAfT IT I AV1ISS OlLAGE WEH" OFF EARLY f ..... D,.J TE5TERDAT ALL PlGGED UP FOR A MOTOR - i, J WHO - WHO MOT I RIDE. VWELLIDAJ'TV&U HEAR THE BOSS rVl IHV THAT OM M t I . 6iuiAi6 Hi6 sSea4The razz Fer beiaig out liy ! ntsk'. I ( TILL THREC S 30fcHNG ? OljOj BK ' A - OW DfAR-MA-HA,. - OH faTZ. .AKB Mo-He ' -VrVfUl U V Te KID I ( ifm 1 Mejrj re BB Vx,-, ' 1 ;JfcaitJ-ig4P-tBa.uii. ' jpmj-ii y'aKEEZIX IN BED, glllfgj J W-Sik WALTER. COME ANO pll yKEEZIX IN BEfcTlllpllllplil fs&l WALTER. COME ANO lgglsfl gAV JOOONIOMT TO MijSzz- &--? . HIM . , yl . ' -: rf? mew seK twe ME 3tM OTHtfl WGHTS M THt tKH- VJWM OVX ?CV TH OHt vmvxu a tme AMmvt kz out evwt BJETMTHNG COSTS TVJC HiKW KS Anm (ttwWs, hvemt- Kwe Ti, stance OWV.H V4lKJ-i M OOO-- tt HWt TO GO Ofc. f-vw.-v. ,v wwww &amiuv -wa uir . . -m M. . . ,X, fV TSfclkHT- CP siwtw nttrwJ U. 8. PUnt DAYS - vg5m -yfliaS lAftWAl OP A tAPtf 3fcr.".' . fj0g"V? "TRATbEVAV iOODWE5J. VAIll (00 HA-HA- START- Te 1?Ck OKI A GUY OH AS- V Fitter Here TkWr jfcMsatiammsm3F' Lm j 1 IF? L wj!z !e 1 ( VERY OTSe veu l g l V'JSEO TO SLEEP A lrr Sifflffi J TO Jpy Sidney Smith - tvec WfcVX, SU??OT:E 5HVV.V. GO. MOVVNG nnv i ww rcuv a & . u wtwr . Xt . ff- '-3, lteiWss. By Hay ward Offly Bti QWIG By C. A. Voight HA- OH VOMEW Naeel iie 'Weu ha-ha- Twiwv MEMsi V4HAT AM HE SAD -OH M4- r2 n- ((( !llLHLJ3Hir By King J&, tl V-'-'UV7 ( NICiHTlE A V7 lit Hi III JT m .MBa TJ W i.ir, t r "' , V -.V,ti,. tJL i.ti.xk&k