in f 4fc m j,"i Ml It t W H j "i IfiAJ WJ'l Wm$mH& mwmwv vW Igggfl i SW3W' . $?r?W u i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHITJADELPBXA; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30. r-wnvm "w 1922 te'tfs ifjrt "-'vrtt? 'N.'i 1SB ENDED WITH VIGOROUS MARKET Year-End Adjustments Made Up Large Part of Week's Operations New mli. liv ISO Tin -tecU m kct cnini' little .hnrt of i letiiK I'"1 ' yrnr Iti lutln ' short, sosvieu in n hliue of sler. Thern wre !soreii-! dftnoiistriitietm en the ennH'Uf i j alile (lurinj lli ai ' inrt of the Uiul- j Ins, liftttiK a iiiiinlirr of tinlutiinl Micrialtic", te new foal; irtr'. t the : finif tlttte Milistnutial kiiIiii ven- minlr lv most nil of fli Mii-eulniivf fanr- , ltfit- or. nt lciit mi the. xte.'K' lun - j lne lu'lci the limelight for e Ien?. A te ine i'al tiietlvi'. opinions ili' frrcil rei-nlpf!iblj . AcvertlttiK te th liilerprnt.Tinn" of some tin' mhntfe ; wero larprU due 1 , m.'i int. e:' pie -hurt lntereit, u Uie liiUinc of piiitits en tlitit ( account no deliveries can he ninde i until neli profits vvvild net' liptire in tin' nii'etin ta rc'urnx t h'f ' rnr. (thei i-i i 10 I no d p'i "f MreiiKlli was n hip ral -''i iein ' te ro re inarkuble iihsnrpi.mi powers displayed by the inBi-kef rir'ii in fh week when ' It whs rnlhil up mi te iilis.vrli the hu.-is efffl'lilps i en ,ni f i in s.ii'" te es'.ihl.-'u losses for nifi'iii" t.i r turns and the luiunlaii'Mi uluni im ilemul te the end of the j eat. Hesrudless of t' e throne, the year Hound iii wi'l, leiiioiitr.iiieiis of a ticit ami strength, an 'iti'iua'i ltv idem in Wall Street lu'.rj an I .1 ioqi ieqi plete "iitrpri-e te -ie. ul'itire element Kittle istntiunee , te l attaclie.l t.-. the ursoless drift of -lie market it the week of iv''i. In the rirst nlare. the 'r.idine elimru' had ptiiitiealh emplete control an. I the hulk et the epi ration-. "r.iiu i'.m: (reiii this -e 1-i.e represented ndjuv irents letnninn te the vo'ivend Hidden tal te the mi onto ia letunis te be made Inter en. In all eMtits 'he week s movement threw a little lul t en the p.i-ibiUt;"-. 1 of the ne 11 ti.t ire ine,.ir u tiie tear- ! ket was . .nienitd. 'i result, there it 11 1 urieU". In.t s-tiiUm, division of opinion as te the iiuiii 'ili.tte tntel or ei'iiritj nines In Keine u tarter h reiilident heiief et rt I'm 1 11 - 1 btnntia! ferw.n I Ille,nlell i in tne innkiiiR (Hlier claim, after th" pto pte erlnal .Tim u- r -e rut its ieur-e. prices will .ridua'l -eek lower levels. Ill mere 1 , ( in le ciuitm Ufd irteaularit) in looked for and no ettlrd mmeuient i nn'e ip.ited unti both fen-isii "'id ileiin'itti reach a iiier- t.iirtnii' eipulihri mil Ilu mediate Inture me ementa of the mar ket, it i peit ted e it wul depend larjelv mien de Mepiueni in the for fer -itii..ti u. Ne a.-eifr.i e meanire- UlMlts e' tile iletuetlc O'lMoek Wl'l he ebtiiiiiHcle until the ievis,.iii is riue heu 8s te tit time ei t 1 luetmu el 'he new t eucn s. It t if preblt ni mi the fereici it't.i tlen 1 '1 he iitif.n en!" iie'ied ..if III! IndliiS an areeuient eier thelieruian up.'ir.'i'iens ts utid a -"' meui ir" the economic ptle, there is ,1 bitf chance of .1 lus bull market develepi'i; A Nlllta ter ttlemeli' of tun pef- pIeMtis feretsn itin'i".'i we.ld un question. iu re-ni' i'i ' it!" elierf ! ! boom ter n'l ti.e Atneiicnn i' i irnes. It i ndtuitte.l en nP sue. K'irope 1? katllj in need of manv or ..'ir (ireduefs ml our pieillie .lie l'keui-e MIIMe 4 te lind an outlet. While mi rreem. n It times -eem- f .1 r off. II IS receCllle! en the oilier hand, each iceedins week in bfiiiEin eine fort of .1 e't,e:;nt ' np.irer ill hnnd. The peMbl" l'"'i' 'v of 'he new Cniiuiv-" te nrpnrare in'i'uv. has te preiit evten- h. en mastiiiied. t lea-' It has often piemsI the tl .tiss rnst drendeil in th s connection .it" never realized. The e-i.iled radical ma" give ellt te then" erif Up feeljnffs b liberal does of luff, b.' when it enii right down te real a ten. r w mil ret be at nil nrpr.itiK if the hark proved mere duiisermi"" than tic lute. i n!J events, it we .Id seem te ,e time eneiu'i te worry eer this side : the si'natien tvlieil they cef together for action. . the ineiuent i is still ven uncertnin the firM se-i.,i, wf, , en lie.'. Chances nt the nielli tit pnit e t le reuu'ai- ffiied ti"t Ieeemher. The M';ir i 'esed m , .n.r.ig" I" vs will i aint.t.i e.. and shenbl th" 1. mi b nepeliileli" oil li"s.,es , ...1i-',tu ,, rent-trui tive nrtrude would he well r.s- tlfied. I spe ,jll .! "lew ,,f (he l,r ' prespic-s for the ear v mouths nf ''S,' The ipies- . i lin.vcr, wr n be an fcwein! s wi.etlif ii.- mark, 112 of ;!,. during l'llll1 u; ,c i'is, . .-. n Of the ltiipMlemept t:ien etpe, -.ft new being realized. DROP IN BANK EARNINGS Leis In Entire Courtry 22.5 P. C. Compared With Last Week Bank !eiinrg a end.r.; 1 .:ies e' the I "tilted '.i-es '1 ' e we en'li'ijt December Js ., .. c!li, eli, n -. ported t" Mr i.s 11. s , ,,., 1 --z'' flltc ti nti j j 7 1 ,, lM,s , . . "rip, tent from h in, 1 11 t gain 1 :: per ceiii ,., t, w ,,1K ,. ,,. ( Mir of '. -i; -we , , ,e, ,. . j only en" v p. r's h de ns. 1 ; ic-i -, renerrs ;, g , .' : . ,,..- ,, , ., . rtelplii.i .'. 1 1 T-i- en 1'. tei .",'! r-r inn , nnmi 1 t 1 1 ., Frnni isc... d s , ,.r , , f'l.'l per et,f 1 1. Les Angeles. "Jii j ."ill I pf eel ' 1 f ent New I It 'c'i'i A t la 11 f 11 U7 . p. r e.' s;., "cke'ne'! It! pe , 'i ' l liimnpi ' nuat 'It', ' t . S '1 per . h ' GRAIN MARKET Jtll" Uhf lltr Mm Jul fRlt JIh" Juu 1' '. a f. , -v , U Partnership Cnangei t 1 , ' i 1. 1 1 1 nneun"e u efflse at II nil 1'. I: nf j-'u I iiu. Disun J Off ' u 1 V kv h ni -lUrl.v ..' 1 lllnKli.i'n e t H' mere, wilt 1 h khlli .net II I llll'e t 1 . II Smith A L'lnlllii- Tlajni.'ii'l tlvt Jiiiiiut', 1 J i .11 I I'. ' (Ulen I' s rftlre tiei 1 1 Pe. ttiul -'! hhrrwoeil " ' In llm tli in J t im ..IIII ! I I'J. 'It r 11 . . ll ll s ni, I v I ir 1 i tut 1 rleu OITn ' u m. ' ' m 11 vt 'In' K I"" n A nll J ll U lliinen .tl n. I 1 Coeke -U l'4e I .en .eiiunitsl ti th "ru tit I'liarU'it " IU11 r .1 i". m tit Ijiiu r A' Anneuntn'fi iclmnj it1 A. Sfk .11 .ib A th. Ptiltnilrlnli 1 "" iiulrfil bj w ' '" '" Teilt. wtm tur- mi; 1 1 intit or Ihe miilf or II i.e Tht l"'1 "" " wl Itreiul et in In 1.. MIeik. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Onty Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Lilt Today sales Ywtrrilay's sales .. TnlaN for (I1I1 vreeU, , . r7S,r00 Miarcs , . n; 1,(100 shares , .4,83H,300 shnt'fs st- 400 100 1200 2800 500 10.) 100 200 ' 50 '500 2-100 tee 600 tee 800 100 100 BOO 100 101 200 1030 1200 100 510 eOO 1000 100 130 )0O 300 53 100O tee 800 iOO 200 4600 1030 en ;.:oe n tee tee J00 200 J00 430 P000 J! 30 '33 '.030 '00 :oe: 101 5-00 103 00 '03 100 500 1700 100 -3-3 -03 100 00 :oe 133 :'00 100 8-J00 30 '03 noe 00 4033 -00 600 :ie tee 'CO .030 4"03 teOO 100 ICO HOO 03 '00 00 '-03 1430 oe 3:00 :oe 1i30 2:33 30 '00 ;oe '"30 "'33 .330 :oe 4 coo t200 -303 6r30 100 .-JOO MOO 1500 00 103 tee 21 00 1430 700 30 J 30 '700 530 ;00 500 -,30 ?30 2.33 ..3) 30 . :e i'j'jJ '50 .00 7 33 'e00 .03 :30 r,e 30 30 30 '.'CO ; 30 ;-03 t33 153 30 Y, 33 t'i, 33 ..00 "30 iOO c30 .03 '33 00 -00 -30 100 00 j i0 eflO 00 103 00 tee r00 iOO oe '00 400 '0 5 '00 11J00 tee .-"WO 1900 .'00 100 200 !.i00 tee DtT. 'n I PTOCK tlttti Artvinefl riutnelv .. I3ii Air Induction .... SB '4 AJat Tlnhber ... . ' ' Allied Chem Dve 80 Allls-nntnlri .. - 5 ' s Am Auric Chnm. . ' ' Am Anrle ("hem pf. sS? .. Am Beet Sitsar.. . 37 'i de odd lets 38'i .. Am Rosch Mnnnete. 42 4 8 Ant ran ?3 U 7 Am far A Fdy pf ,21 .. Am Cotten oil .... '8 . Am Cotten Olt pf . -j S Am repress 1401 j Am Hide .t Leath pf i'i 7 Am le 105 .. Am tnterest Cerp.. 27 1 Am f.1 Frnne Kne " 'i Am l.'Tlseed ?0 . . A p. f.inseed p ... 51 ' ! Am Loeemotlvn ...U0' S Am Metil '--2' 4 Am Had iter . . .115 U Am Sifetv Razor.. 7'a . . Am Shlt Cem. .. 20 '1 Am Smelt -67 7 n Sir elt pf 93 'i 3 Am Hlefll Ketindrlea 37 , . Am s!Knr nef . .7?', . Am .lmatra . . . 28'i 5 f, Tel .C- Cable . i? 9 Am Tel ft Tel 1'3'i 12 An Teba.'CO 154 12 Am Tohncve T! 151' 7 m Woolen ""i'i Wrl Paper pf '7, . Anncenit 1 Copper 50 1 A(i pry Ooedi . '': e Oil 1 17 '2 A'.'i Tep fr San Fe 102' , 6 Aid Tep .t P F pf "05 7 At'ant'c Cea.t Uriel 14 "i . At' i-'.c .ui' c'fi 1 's J t 1: tmlnt; '11 . At'as Tick ("erp 15'2 .. At Hjlf ft V 1 S S .'1 i Aus-'n Nichols .... 34' 7 HaUlw-'n Locomotive I 39 . Ba or. A Ohie .'t ll.i'M & O'-'e p.' .. '"I't T!ai i''. i".iii . ' 1 . Harnsda!'. Class D . 20 10 !t. ec'ir 1' Pickliir . ': R tl. t!i el.. -1 s!V,t ., bt S Be tli Steel B . . b-"ai 7 BetK pf,.,! ( tien... 45 S Bell -steel " pf 1 09 j Beeth Fisheties . r" Brl I'm Ptee' l' S Bre'k'n I! 1 son . ' 1 " 3 .. Bk''. n FUiT' d Transit 16 't l'k mi K T O'f-. . . 1 ' B'l'ns B-os . ,:'-B'l-ns Bres B .... 4? Burn Bres f . '0', But'e Cep i Jlnc. . 1 0 B ." ' A -sip Cjp. . . r,i "l-n.i racking . 1 i' fernta retro! .. C.i'fcrna Tet c . T5 Ca. Z'nc and Lead. "0'an f'ae'rie 144, -? i 1 p'ew ' Cen'-n' Lea-' e- . Jl, Cen 1 e l-'i. r p t8 ' Ce"--o-i1c-ra',ce K t Cl-an i'ei' Mo'.e-i l" Chesapeake & Ovte. .' 'i t'h'-age A A'ten 2 , 1 ''ll A K II' . . :t I't-lcnge A 1 West 4'4 CM A n- Wie'. pf . 1 i M.' A St P. . . . ,15a M A St P pf . ' 5 A Xerth-vejitern A Northwest T:.. i Teel. . B I & Pac. r. 1 A IV G-i K 1 A IV 7"c St P M A O Cnppr ... vrr . 10 10 Chi C I c . Ch C! c Ch le CM'i 6' Bfll" . fu; . :-2 4 pf 81 pr ei-3 6". 1"' ;e't-Peabe Ceca -Coin Cel Fiei A Iren . C'elun A Illee Cn'.u-i i;-ip!"ophen Ce, Ornp' ophene p' 'e- ,t Ta 1 f:"c Ce- si i-iga -T ?r .1 ,.- 1 f',.1 Cen Ciis of V Y w ! 1 "en '!3 'ts Co-e T."C'!'es Ce t''.ena'i c (n Ce-"nenta: Metera. C -1 I'rcd Kef Cen n A Ca . ... C. -Un A Ce af Cru." ' le S'eel . . Cut,an m P iar . Cubn '"ere Sugar pf t.i ar.n c frr.ical Pl Ln-k A Went Im . . Se S .i A pf Lm Pell' iE H Ce. . Eastman Kodak 1" SteraK- Bat . t;;: Hern Ceal Ct-,-. n-P .i-'lm; Et 1 ..ctt-Je' n-en . I"r:e Lrl 1st pf T". 'a Z'l r.' Far-e.ii I'I? vers Fifth A' e U Pec n-rer Beiy . F'?. P. itbe Fre. nor' Te.rj ;- . Tank. O" 'i Titnk a One-al sphalt . Gen riectne ' (cij As:,l,a!t pf i.erii 5f General Meters . Gen Meters deb f, ", (.en Muters deb 7 t.lmhel Bres .... Gltnbe. Brei p; .. i , .Jdn 11. . . f;e"'l'v-n P'ctjres . . (Je. 4- cii B F a a:ib..- Mln rg ... tj'a, 1 I'iUd , G"eat urti.ern pf . irt ."'erth Ore ctf 1; ir.t.itiam . Sjgar ,U r M'l..e & N pf (.11 ' s; tt. s Ste! . . V i'er. Oil .... H idsen ,M"'e' (.ur. H I'll Mc'OI Car -0 -7 2 1C6 , 4", t' '-0 5.7 .. 1 ' - . 1r .. ''S L. P2!.3 wl '0 V, , ,:c ". .. m, 8 : ic. , . "". 1: 14', 84 . 97 40', 97 10 . 4 i SB ', : 1 . 0 te '.. 1 .-ritral Ii .1 a1 ema lief i-i-r, iiit'en Ce-. , ! Cep 3'j .. un ferp. .. n r .rp pf . r i,'' d Ti in . tfllc pf Mer Mdr'n Mer Mar.n Ef Nicke1 eliel h' ' Patr Inter . Ii.t lr.. , . !'" . . !.-. - 3 lr.' r . In;e 0 ! ter Internat'en.t er Pf. : 1 ';. . '"" Ir v'r.c.ti'e fill Cern. 14 I Uian.l ('I. re 1 P'i ' 1. ' '. veel 1 . t .'ewe T1 , f .linn Pr-is T-a 7 ,lone A Leigh p; w . , KBn i"itv ft s?(n.'f. . i Kan ' ' ' A s'e pf K.insj . A 'itllf Kei er i, t'e rew K!-ev . el KV ' . Spl Cfleul . . f l i Si g '!" fc . I ? a K' ic 1 e't 'epn . . IC.-- .-e TAB T 1 ;i -'.!.. :r.(fSt Ijl.te l.i e A West C I . I el' g.i a. e.' 1 l.l'na I.i'en.u'.in c 1. " DIVIDENDS DECLARED , he I.tjlrs rmbii Jitt j .' 4r te M'ei -i j- n 1 t ew 13'. 58 '5 IP's .91 44 "s ?1' h8 ' n7'i 38 1', 41 i 73 123 17'i "6 138 35 105 10 51 K7 51 '3 115 20 15 58 "1 17', 79 V .8'2 5 122'i 154 150', b5 48 S t5 1l7i 102 89 U 1141, 1'4 '7 15'; '1 ' :-i'4 138 4 ", ffi-'j 20 bl , ' s f, '0s)', 5 e 111. 15S 12T, UV; 4.'t; '05 'I O". f ' ..t'2 S4", 9's 1.-4 1, 1 "s te .- "' 4 9". 4.1 j 13 , '8 4 4 - 4 0 1. Fn4 8' &' '2 -0 1- 1 '' 4 'Ir 100'i 4 , 139 19 IB", r ' 94 ; 10 45, 1 SI'. :co , 19 j 101 '.f'l IP. J 80 11 1, 14 1, 84', 5b I4 40 i '' 0', 4-. 35 , 4'. '2 4 -4 ,0 0 44 - 1 -9, 'I'i I') 4' I'S Ml. IK 1, 4. ', 10? ! -' , 8 , 8r '-'lt '.9 61 2't 95 10 1 5 u " UA 16'4 1 ',44'j 4?14 105's 10 31 'i fil 18 95 '0 1 44 1, .1 ::s ra'4 45'4 67 71 ',, - .-"!l 4 '4 84 I'i- 34 t. 80 117 ei 32 '4 PI 91 ; -0 27 4 !C6'i 7'. -0 8'j '1 1' 4 ' 15 10-, 132. 14 100' j 701. i5 19-, 1 - 1 1 i'i '4 I'i Tedny'ii Nt flew Chr 13'i ' ' 58'4 - "4 13 ! 1 79'i t- H Ti's ' ''s 'I'd EH', 37'J 38'i 42 71'i 123 1(1 ''G 140'i cr 105 -6'i 11 Ji 30 53 'i 127M 51 lj 115 71. 20'i 56 ' 911 tj 3-" 79 f, 28 '3 59 121 tM 151 'i 95' j 27 50 H b'j'i 117'j 102 4 80S. 114'j i'i 119 I5'i 21 'j 31 'i t:9 42 H i 20 4 e" 4 1 lj ; '' .3 .. 1C7 1, ' " ' 10 I 4 9 !0.i 2 'I' 14' '1 '.) 14 t I ' i ! 1 1 4 - 1 S 12- 1 'i 4-h 111 3 89 ' 3, 57 t; 1- 'j 19 4 ' b'a- ". S4 , ' ' II ' ", 'S . 1 1 i ' 9''i "J ' -, ;c94 - 1 n4 1 ? -8 - ! 'C"i . '3 j I", P0 1 " 4 ' '-'4 14 , i, fe4'i- 1, 5u4 - 4 40', 96', - , IC .. 4' - , or . s -1 t l 4 4, , 1 - - ' ' 1, 10 J4 . " - s 44 0 , : 3 i i - 1 Rnl.s 3700 100 1400 200 tee 400 200 100 tee 700 5700 1700 100 200 1200 300 200 100 400 400 300 200 2700 500 300 200 ni,'. in t STOCK Ulih i.eews ine 19'4 Left Candy 1 1 '$ Mack TnicV 57 Ti Mack Truck 1st pf. 92 Macy A Ce fil 'i Manilla Copper .... M'j Mntihnt Meet Sitpp. 50 Manhnt i:iev Cluar. 47 ' Mnnhnt i:iev ctfs.. . 39S4 Mnnhat Shirt 46', Mnlllnsen Ce "Of, Mnrland Oil ?94 .Market St Tlwv. ... 9 .Market St Itwv pf.. 41 Mar Pt Ttwy pr pf . . 70 14 Mar St Itw-y 2d pf . . 26 Mnrtin I'atry Cerp. 29 Math Alkali 48 Max Meters CiasS A 50 4 Max Moter Cass D I5'j M.iv Oept Stores... CB' Mclnt're Mln'tiR .. 18 Mex Seaboard . ... 17'i M"i Senbenrd Oil ct 1 6 Ji Miami Cenner Mncy A Ce pf. 11400 I2f Middle States Cerp, 4100 300 100 MOO .100 1800 200 603 200 703 1400 200 100 4 500 100 1700 100 400 700 eOO 100 1930 500 !CO 100 200 '000 1800 U03 ' 100 1400 100 98" 8300 300 7003 4200 8003 03 1 ''OO 2603 400 100 003 03 130 1 0 00 700 .'00 43C0 "400 100 O500 iH TOO 300 17C0 700 6'03 100 -00 1900 200 !930 .030 700 4030 1730 100 1 13 j 00 i00 210J tee ;ir' ..'730 -3 1-00 10) iT'-ce '1.33 "00 .''03 100 71 3J 26030 100 100 4 30 163.3 '200 930 31930 630 30 1000 1000 -tee 6200 "03 00 .90.3 00 233 V00 .'00 rsoe 100 1070 103 1000 1200 100 100 '00 30 200 2 30 .00 200 4 '30 603 93 T30 i'C'j . 1)1 1930 00 '103 130 00 10103 13J (.03 -.00 400 O'J 31 J) . 'J "33 30 P00 130 100 400 101 . CO 400 ' 'jQu .'0 , rtOO . 100 . tee UO 400 tee 400 .-00 :eq .Mldvale Steel Mln A St Lnuln.... Me Kan A Texas. . Me Kan A Tex (wll Me Kan A T (wl) p" Mlrsenrl 1'aeinc .. 'lseurl raclflc pf. MotitRemcry Ward. "Mentana Peiver .. Mien Moter Car 7'4 112 11', s8'j 6 11 141, 39 16'4 41-, ?21. 68 IB'i Mether Ixde Mlnlnir 1 1 ' 10 Nnsli Meters 70 . National Acme .... 11 '. " Nat Biscuit wl 28 . . Nat ( en A Obit 1 .. ', 6 Nat i:n A Stamp. . 67 , . Vi' It It of M 1st pf Nat P. It of M"2d Pf ?'i . . Nev Cen Copper. ... 1 6 . . V Y Air Brake 7i, N Y Air Brake A... 47 6 .V Y Central S4's. i Ne.v Yek Deck . . 22 . New Yerk .N II A II 21 4 2 New Yerk Ont A IV 20', . Norfolk A Southern 12 7 Norfolk A Vestei-n112-4 6 North American ...106'4 3 North Am-r pf 45' 4 6 North raclflc 75 . Ok'a Tied A Bef. .. 1 . Otln Steel B . 1 i'i- si-tei ,. ... 8 Packard Moter .... 11 ', Boe Oas A Llec ... 81 3 Pacific Oil 16 '2 S Pan A mer Tetrel .. f2 S Pan Airer U ? ", . Parrlsh A Blncham 14 . Z Pennsvlvanla It K.. 46a, .. JV1111 Seabeat-d Steel 2'. i Peeples Oas Ch'cace. 9i ?6li 41 47 13', A Vi ' 1, 7 fd 40 81 z 50 1 B Q1'4 1C6 130, 48', :' a ll (17, 1"i 7i', 80 . U4 4 U 22 48 I, r2 19 J1 30 T5-, 88 7-s 124 -5 93 's 393, 89 14 " 4 41 21', 66 21 '2 41 . 'and Oil of N J pflia s-1-; Til- pf C5i4 Stei 1 nt; Products .. (.2H P'i rllns Pred rtj,.. 2t. Stewart Warner SuJ 79 Pere Marotiette S Phllad. lphla Ce . . . 2 Phil lps Pet . . Pterce-Arrew Moter Pie" en Oil d" edd 1 .t ' . . . . PI. rce Oil pf i Pikc v WlRt'v Stere 1 PCs' urc't Ceat . . . Pitts A W V.i. .. 1 H: I'ei 1 Creek Ceal . . .. Pressed Steel Car.. Preduie-s A Tlef... S Pub Ser of X J . 8 Pub Ser of N .1 pf. 8 Pullman Ce . . I'unta A'legre Susar ; rure en (i P-ire OH pf .. Rav Cen Copper... Bend.nit 'if in T' p. . ;i pr . . Ileplnglc Steel . . . B. pub lre-i A pieel. e ields pprmes . . 3 Be'-tiellg Tel) B 1.1 Be'..l Putclt N V . 1 ! Jes. p I..., I . . Si Le-i-.s p.n I ran .. M l.e 1. s Sell'hWest. C St I. Se itbw. .-:. pf . Sr ais-Iteebt:ck ... . Seneca Copper . . . .. St ell L'ni"ii Oil 2 P ni'a'- Cnnsel . . . i Sl',1- air Cen pf . . . . .. Ske'lv Oil s.ris.Sl'effle; .... 6 Southern Parltlc . . Se .'ne-n Rail . . . Se l"oie Ii -e P ..gar .. 5M' er M.'s ilard M:'l . . . 4 St Oil of Call fi Stri'ii'aifl OH of N J S"en I r-K Carb 10 S'i.d ' ik or . . . . . . P..b Bea' Cerp . . Su erler Oil . . Swc'f t- Ce of Amur. . . Ttnn Ce; A Chern . 3 'lexas Ce 0 Texis Gulf S.lph ir .. Ttxas A Pat. tic . .. ''i ' rf.s 1 Tex A Pae C A O.. . Tn '1 A. '1 '. water O J lln ken It' Br . . . T01 acce iTedticts . 7 Toh.trce Pred A .. 'te' P I, A W pf.. . .. Trnnscen'!' oil 6 1 1 .en Jl.iK A I'aptr . . 1 '.ion 111 JO 1 tuen Pa Me 4 Vrun Pae'Hi: pf. , 7 f en Tr . far - !' ' 1 Ai.e Steel., . 1 n te'i I'r'ii; 2'... 1 ; -e p. lS ist vy i F' ite-J Fr 1". . . .. t'u.'eij 1'ivy It vest. V- ' P.v y Jr.lest Jlf 2 I'n 'eil Sterei C6', 117 7 4 5 '8 2 10', 49 61 ', ; t 0 4 21 ' . I-1', 1 2 t ' -11'4 57 " 84 57 'i 14 66 ', ', 138S 75'a 85 J4 79', 47 115 I'', 74 7"4 t1 08 14 88', 0.' i '-e I' S C I I1 A Fdv I S c 1 P A Fdy pf I' P fnal p-eflucts I' - ' .Midi S I..J Alcohol . .. S' I'.i a ly A Imp . r . I .f rf '!! i Uibber S JUbb'-r !s' of 09 ' . .s 1.. i' I! A .t pf 47 j I.' H Steel 101, I" a fct.-el pf 121 8 L'lan fipper -5'4 Vanadliiir Cerp ... ?r, 4 '.ii. Ita.i t-i ... 01' h 'a-Cur c'lem'cul .. 24 ', ''lietn nf . . . 6? U-f'ar ( I im ti... 17 Vlvaude'i Inc 1'jI, Wab.isli 8i4 Wabae.. if ?U4 Wi .is 1 1 t. j l.xp . "1 Western Mujland 1''a W Maiyhuid 2d p 4 Wbt rti )',i Ific ... 1 5S Wrete- l"i jflc nf. .5 Wstrr. 1 ,, en Tid HI', WestlnR'.e is A JJ. 111 -it Hill ... fiO' Whcelms A 1. !;. . Whe.., 1 t & I, u Whll. I hie Oil.. Win'.. M"ler Wii"- 0 I Cerp.. V 1 s (nor and . . Wilt; s ! rlaml uf WIL'O'i A co ' W - 1 a. ( e pf. . oe't rth F W. Wf-.-.i I'ir.p A M ft 17', 49 ', U' 423, . 'lb'; . 87 .2193; . J2r4 . J'J4 1-nn 19 11 '5 56?, 92 villi 11 'i 50 47 Ji 38 M 46'i 38 9'i 9 40 h9 24 14 20 tt 48 50'4 1 5H tB 17Vi 16S 15ti -Vi 112 ;n 6 11 1 4 a; 38'j 16 43 14 22 tt 68 18 34 11 70 11', ;6', r, lb', 7 2', 15'i 25 4 47 '2 94 '4 21 20', 19'$ 17. 112 104 ' 45 74' ' 34 8 8 1034 84 3, 46 t1 "', 13i4 4G'3 2 2 CI ?'., 41 46', 1 1 1' 1', "1 6', 60 11', 'A 'I 81 'i 49ti 91 1C6 130 48 27', 93", !4i4 79t0 78 24 t'Q 21 i 47', 52 1 18'i '1 t, 10 55', C6 7", 12H 4 93', 9 , 3934 f 24 34 41 re; fc6 119 3,, 39', 118 85 U s-2'4 2', 74 34 63 -4 115', 7 5 ' ' lOc 48', 60 re?, s-0 4 21 1.4 i P-3tJ 57'; 13', 66 K, ' 118 75', 85 34 79 , .'.7 1, 154 3, IH4 :; 4'., -1 1, 1 ", iO 1.8 H7 , 02 55 4 ' 9 47', lC6t, 121 ', C4 4 -4 1 I 1 1 ; 15 1, fc4 24 , 91 11 , s" 1 i 111 ', 1 r,a i4 59' . 9 4 1 n , 26 t 48 1, '!', 42 lb 87 219 J", 31 4 li 1 i tt tt H 2 3J 2'4 3 'i Trtflny's Net Cl03 Chs. 19 - '', 1 1 tt -57Ji 92 6Hi 31 ti 50 47 i 3934 46 'a 39 :93S 9 41 704 26 78 !5 48 50S I ! !4 68 in 17 tt GH 27 U 112 II Ti ran ( 11 14s 38'i 16'i 41', 72'fi 68 18'i 11 'i 70 11'i 38 f6 3; 7 15-, :? 47 'i r'.l ' 2 'sT'i 20 tt -17 112 105 45', 74 ' 1, 8 8 10', 85 45 91 H3, 14'5 40 t4 2a 91 16 34 41 47 11. 1 3'. :e GO 15 39 t4 81 'j r0 91 1C6 130 48 29', 99', 14', 79', 80 24 4ri's 1 I 47', !.7.34 1" 21 ii 1.3 53, 86 t i ' 39 i4 r-ei-i .-5'4 41 .0',, 06 121 41 3 ltd 80 , v-3 4 2' 79 C6'i 117 7'4 1 10'i 48', 61 0's 20 4 21 151, 1 24 ' ; -3'; t'4 7'4 14 66 'i 138 751, 65 M 79 , 47 1, 155 113, 76 .'91, 71 "4 1 , 1 h8'', I 02' 4 5f. ' , bQ "Tl Kb ', 121 ', b5 5 I.J 24 1 4 b2 1 7 ' H'4 1''4 SI 1 1, . 4 1'a r r 111' 1113 ' 17', 49 A. 'in 87 2'9 34 ' ' ,4. YEAR ENDED WITH Ll FIRM 3CAL MARKET A Much Encouragement Found in Pennsylvania Railroad Sys tem Earning Statement 1 i'i 'i i'i There was nn unusually lively ses. sien In the local market for n Satur day. I'liileuhtrilly jear-entl adjust ments nci'etitiled for some of the mete striking; price cIiiiiikcs, otherwise 1 hey would he (lillli'tilt te explnin. It was, heweicr, Inrcely nniniiK the inactive storks the wider variations occurred. The,, nevertheless. Imparted 11 degree et niiim.'Hlnti te the dealings lucking for some time. The mure striking fluctuations oc curred in American Hallways issues, ivith the common meuntiiiK a ' point while (he preferred run up H points. Brill nKe made a .'1-peltit pilii. Amert ni 11 Stores in the early dcnliiiKs nl 1111ced n point mi tlie top of yesterday's "-point ilse, hut later Mil-rendered the impieu'ini'iit. Keystone 'LVleplmtir en odd let effrrincs jielded n point. In 1 lie active list. I. It. T. re mained the lender, m'ui'Iiik 11 further advance 10 .'11 -V. tin evernicht cain of Lake CURB OILS END YEAR AT TOP QUOTATIONS Prairie Pipe Line Sells at 340. Standard of Indiana Moves Above 60 e Superior nlt-0 cm and its rise te iV'i, time in ter nttent'iiii and its rise te ,',, or n I point nhee the low level nf the vear. 1 appareuiU represented relm.i inc lij i these lin took ie-ses n month or se New Yerk, Dec. .10. Oil stocks were the feature In tniiling en the curl) today, tunny of tin- Stntulanl Oil Issues lieinc in (leinanil en n large scale, ntitl moving up te the highest prices touched in recent trading. Prnlric 1'ipe Tilne rose from .'lU." te M0. nnd Prnirie Oil utid (!tis ndvanced from 0-." t Oil.". Stnniinrd of Indiana rose te above (ill uiul New Yerk was in special denmnd. ranging nheie HI. Vacuum OH. after its advance yesterday, mntlc a further gain today. , , In the independent oil Meeki, Cities Service was it feature, selling at Ji.i te 1V7. Miiiiiiimlli was heavily treilcil In. iidviinclng from 41 te 47 ns. Iiidustrliil issues also sluiMed pro nounced strength. Dttrnnt Meters mov ing up mere tlmii 1 point, te 72, and there was nclive trading again In Southern Ceal nnd Irf.n. with tleninnd coming from important Interests, (.'nil tiueiitnl Can. when is.sited, was also stretic. mere Ihnn (101)11 spares ciinng- lug hiinds en nn ndvnme irem d-"! nlmve -lit. INIH'STKlAl.s II ill te tiw Last H I ll 134 :. h 2 . lu most oilier plnccs ( iinngcs were ' frai'tieniil. l'eniisjliani-i Uail-eiul. 1'. ;H. 1., I'hlladelphin Klectric issue.s and illleeiili' Sler.ige Iluttvry all s-lieMing lirniness. j Despite nn Increase In cress revenue I of S7.i;:i0..".tM. the reiinsjhiinin Itnil I toad s'.vstem showed n decrease of ! ! ,tl."(l.(iiis in tin. net operating income I for Nei ember. Thhi was due te u I S7. l.'ili.Ul'ii increase m operating ex penses, coupled with niiicasisl taxes and rents. Fer the eleven months of the cal ender j ear the net operating income UIIU J5!!'1 r7s. -,7" nini,. lliflll itl tl.rt em responding period of last year. This was iicceniplislied h nn increase In ifif"" of .L,;,..'i:!l!.'.)'J."i, nud ti (lecrenHC I nl Slti,ll!.7(!1 in epi'iiitlug c.pci)ses. During the elmcii mouths' period" wa, spent fur maintenance of nil) nnd stiuiiiirc, an Increase of S:i.l!C,.:t' ever I'r.'l, while . l.,!..l(. -."ill.' was spent for maintenance of etiiipincnt. nn imicise et S'2.011 l.St-1 I ner the tirevimis jenr. This is highly 1 enceiiriigiug from n twofold standpoint. 1'ii-st. It gives ceuMlieing proof of t 111 I management's sueiess in overcoming ; the hiitdoiiseni" evethead iets con cen 'friinting the entire transportation in dustry in 1 !)( I and l!-l. Seielldly. it shows ever, cllert lia, heeii ni'ide ' te ltring the piepertv te the smtiil i nrl prevailing hefme the war, and that Ii hetli ifiiidwaj and i-iiii'pineiir is being rapidly placed in high-class londitien te handle the net muus Ir.iHic that Is seemingly ahead for the leiinlrj's car- t-iei's. i l'e'' a gieat many jears. In fact, i dating hack te the ";citing dins of I Aiiinlgaiiinted upper, there ha, ,' . been :i wide mteret ill the copper ill 'ilusirv en in- p. nt of I'liiliidi-lphia I market interests. .'i irdinul.'i , niin ii ' (inieiist 1s it.nteicd in the piopesiil or I furtlii. lining iiieigei of i he An.'ueiiila ,'iinl Chile i upper i iilnp.'inii's. . few' da, , ii-;,, some iri'cspensihle iiimei-; . ninimer ciri ulate.l a leperi intiinntitig ' i i he nnialgaiiintiiill would net he ef-fe.-ted. Advices from iisunll lell.-ihie iiii-i-s, en i tit- etner ii.itui, indicate the working tinaiH.nj the s.itisfacteril, . ! s understood tiei of Chile tssi-.e, whl'-li mm' of the merger lire Whl.e let the ,ii I ,se Will he lii'ide Will le pieiuilient Ne' erk I llel'llls fel plfigres.iug eflii'i.'ll. It if the con- ' b, a blind iimlrrw ritten , I .inking -nicies, , I'.JOII f'l .. I eill . .. ' V, n'S in hi A' nin I'nikniK :l- -:'' "ic, iniiAmnl Lrnllirr . l"'t ,,'.', ,,'' le A 11 Light . . .13'', tJe ';? eiie A:n Uilt I'.iiiet- -' -' ,,-; te Am Tip.- l''eunili. fil. "I , nun Itu.lilv I'uilfl . '" r, ' Itni) ChlriiKn Nlpp'e .a H 3 lllllll Cellltlll'l.l e 4uc 40e MlilCenlun ItlbltUI . '-"' "' -e'l I il.lne Cent nn ', 1 11', -!' -t-l", tlen i'e .i i n ill Sttire 'i ' ,, ion I'ulnin I'eiii Stic .. '14 " ' .1" I' I. ,t W Ceal ... SJ'i S2'i 8-1, JUU lie II Mntei . . " " 'I , 2.1IHI pnii'ii i i' a it. . . 134 ',l4 .';, linn Moter . 7Jl, il .-Jt ltien llurant .Met tif 1ml '."', -" -"' tee l.i i tlner Moter . .. 1" ,n "' tmiC.lcn ALlen foal . Ml t'1 5'1, ine Tire .. I'. I"4 '! t Jdll ilenilyear Tlie m ' I ""'? -'s'4 - ' loe 't llnnna pief HU 1"-. I'1-'., leiiii ll.iif. Wheel .is", iis' "s1, 110 lln, u Villi, y . '.' .'-' ,'r, inn Hudsen Man . 1 1 '-a 1", 11 4 1110 lmp.-tliil 17'j 17'j 1 1 ' 4 li'.nn lut.'i Itutbei- l' .T It L"fui I,. .M.-.V A I. it'-j "'i "4 1 CO t ur. .Mln . 7 7 Tim MaiImi fit, Amw 't l' 4J :,0(i .Mer er Met ' - t '.'4 Tun M. n ei llm v t c Vx '."4 '-', inn lren .. t- 1'-" '- t '.'(10 Nat Meiers . . '"a ' 'j '' Mill V V Trnnn . -s "JtP, '.'K nun Sew fiellun Pill ll't LV4 1.1 , 7110 Vnt Sunpl, "'" "''I Ml VI S V IM fret lull. Mil', 11" , 1 ine cs,.,i in I?.'. i-"t ta'. TllO l'e. le Metui s'j T7 77', lull I'.itl.'ii T,1M",M il " .'(HI I'i in .1 linilln .1 t I .ssuii it.i.i n emu a'. al4 a "HO Hen Mut 'I lllrlt 1 I Ill's 1 I 111(10 Km I in- Hub M I'I 1" llmui Southern (.' A I a le Hie .'11- liill sllll -. Me tn 17 IT', IT'. '.en Swiff tiiiermil L'O', I'is t'"', L'llil r'-rhnlriil I're.l .. T '.', T : e Telmeeti Preil . . .. I! ' loe lu 1'ief Shnr nn- .1. r.N '-'-t 1TOO In 1! i f'.irnlv . .'', "' " t tee f s Ulstrlhutliiit nn .".t :i" Line I' s t.luhf 1 i't 1' ' ,' 1HU1 m v no I'nnl . '.'7-t ' -"t nui W 11, I'urp 1st i. T'i T T i, ! ni Wm'her .Met !i ' '''- s.lAMIltI) OILS 4un Arc'.n V:u (111 . . IS 1T is lgl lllli l,ev I' I. . Sslj sT'j sT'j III I r, nent I' I. . in 4ii in in i.iIum SUnul .IT', IT .17 lle Illitm s 1' I. lill I'HI air, liuii oil f.iti.ula 111 lt.t'j 11.1 .-.f.nil linen ni'iiinl l''t i-'J -l's -- in M.iKiinlm I'n lill Kis inn inn S' ii T-ntw .'!' -'I'i -'''i .in (Hi,. i ill Vs.".', L'sri1, "s.1'4 1 ir. i" .nrie i a 1 1 urn t.'Ji me 1:11 I'r.iu ie j'u". at". a.'i ai-t L'.ln s,,iinh I'nin im I'll' I'll I'I"1 le .s.miiii I' I. . us lis 'IS J'lile stau.l (I. 1 'a I 1 ('.I'n ''"'j Iiuiii M"ii ml K.111 1 411 H-j HI ."1(1 M.lll I HI K.lll 111 l-1'l I"' I''1! 4n.i ,st ,, (ill Kv Ijsl, 1 1! I.'st, laifill si 1 ,n. 11 ' nil It .'''i. Ill T.'Hiil in nil V 1 w I . 4'i 1 4't I'l'a ' tin ni nun (HI w ' IT M 't IT IMIKIT.MH.NT Oll.s Tini.i P. ,s ,.ii in'nrf 1 1 ' c ' l.itl 1' ir Ii 1 1 ' "'' ,j ;-, 1 i,4 .s',,ire ITT l"i 1... P? 11R00O Ilunlep T (9 II Ta. SOntlOHlr Jlelit 7.. . . anoeiiuif 011 7 I'uie (luif en r, . ..i)7 r.oen Ilersl Itulilier 7n toe'4 ltienninter It T 8s 7 tene Inter It T te, elf... H0'4 12000 Kan City , A V Cia tie4 0000 Irfielerle Oaii Tn...lUti lnoe I.lhby .MeN & I. 7 im'4 301)00 Iiu Q it lit 0.. Ot'i t'OOn .Merris Cn 7'in lnil'a 2000 Nt cloak & S bB.iriV I!00n Nut lynther Rs..,10l!i lienni'uti Herv N J 7n.lfi2,,4 100O H O N Y In. '2fl..lfl 100(1 H O N V 7. Vjl!(1.104'i ni t'OOO H .11 V V 7. '-JH. liOOO H O N Y I1H (I . . . jeuu nun un Tr 1 ni, lnrtV4 0T11 in 100 II" 111154 110, let, neji 10RV 10IJ1 1n,t, tot 4 liiii',i 107 102 107 107 in:." XUsi IIHlJi ltm'4 117 Inn 117 IMHi U04 let nu'l 01 Kill' 4 10M4' tot's lea'i 101 10114 107 107 10; 4foemvift tk Ce Tn. Mt.ieas ins, iea ToneHwift & cn ns. '25. na'4 tia na 100(1 TIJnl llsacn MOO Vn Oil 1'rctt 8s.. let . I O'J 14 .lint B0OOU'Hyn Cenl (Is.. 734 ieni:i(iN iieNnsi 20O0O Argentine 7 ....len'i a 7 s "i Crt'i, in 40 11 iis'4 l"4 :t'4 1II0O ftmch flnvl r, OtlOOO KltiB of NfJth 0s 000O .Mexico (leit lis.. fiOOO Melce llevt r.n 20000 MrMce ClnM 4s rimm Mexico Omt .In., 400(1 Men et l'eru Un.. TiOOO Huttlnn (I'jn cttn. 2000 Sul3 (leu n'4s ..10 102'j 100'i 7.T4 100 iisH (1(14 111 mi '4 11 "I4 103' lll.lfc lenVS 73'5 100 r.7 tis'i mi', 111 ii)i 11 10.Tr LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS C'ldroKe. Dee. .10. II0O3 Ileeelpts, SOOO .Mnikct 10c te 1.1c hlnhert llctltrr weight up most; hulk. 22.1 tu ,100 tieutula butchers, $R 40; hull,, IBO (e 210-pound aver nse. $s HOWS B5: top. JR. CIS: tiulh pncklnp; raw, $7.le3,7 7B: detli able pIkh me.ttly S7.7fiWS, enllmiiteil holdover, SUOO liend: heavy hega, JS 2.1f S 40: medium, SR.nS't) S.flOj light, $a,.10if S.IJ.1, llBht lUlits, JS.sri X",3; necking rnvva. mnoeth, J7.(l(HfSi picking- antra, reueh,": kllllni? pigs. 7.nO(VN 2.1 CATTI.K- rtecelpts. M0 head. Cemparei, with wrck age. lleet ateeis InrKely B0c te Jl lower, medium nnd Reed irrndca ihow ihew luff meat tleellne. extreme lop iTiatureit aleera, Jit HO, jcarllnes aearre; lient yeunit ateert. M0 RO; beef ram nnd hclfera lnrgelv OOe hlRher; luilla, air tn dOe htahcr: lenl calves, Jlcrt (10 lilchrr, nrrkcri, nml feeders, alendy te 2.1c lower; plnlnly bred lleht hind retlectlnij decline. Week's bulk lulcea fol fel lniv. Iteef steeiK, S7.7i1(ll 2.1, ateeliera 11111I feedra, 5.1 (11 (if II 7.1 butcher she stock. 71 40r,rfi (in, e.inncri nnd (.ultem, $3Ti3,10, ve.-il elves, jincni. SIIKi:i' ltrcelpta, 2000 head Mirket reiiH'.ireil with week nirn Kat ttoelrsl lambs, weil, te 1, le lower, heavy kind off nimn hamlv ahum efTerlinjs, largely ntemly, ex treme fop woeled l.imb". SIT, 00 te t tly bulili. ers; paikni- top. JIB. ID, clealnK top woeled Ininh". $,".ilO te HhlimrrH, $1.1 tn paekeri, alinin l.imha numerous, bulk, 112 7n(i'13 1.1 fed vearllnifn rleshiK unevenly lower; best .vearllnB. I3: fat alieep l.irKelv 2.1e le "lie hlKlier, best nsed weihers. Jti 3,"i fed ewea mm. ml 10 Js (15 feislins lambs acarce, ateailv, mostly 113.73111 14 Se. few lets. JU.G1. I'lttslinrcli. Drc. 3i . 1IOOS Tteeelpts, EfiOl) head. Lewer. sleave.s. $9iiTn 1,1. heavy uiul Ileht Jerkcrs and plgi. ;,7StT 0 f.1. MMir.P AND I.AMnSs Itecelpta. BOO head. Sternly. Sheep. SR 7.1. lamb. l,1.7.i. CALVES HeccliHs, ICO head. Ftcady. Tep. SI t. mt llnsl lltifTaln. pee aO CATTI.T". - Ilr eelpia. 2,1 head Stead, I'.tlvca, tecelpta. 700 b,.nil rne hlnher. J.llfir, .10. IICKIS Keteliita. I. ine be.ul. Steadv te 10e higher Heavv, Jpjve 10, lulled. S!) lore li'J.'i. yerker. .'i.2.l Unlit terKers nnd pic". Jl) i!.V,nf)..1.1. ltiiiKha, J7 B0W7.7.1. ai isf. SI .".OfflS B'l BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New- Yerk. P"e no HCTTrill utiaeltle.l Heeelpts (lull tub, ('rennierv. htirlier than etra, .11 ff.1l 'jt-- creamery extra, lij score ,"i3'e de flrts, SS te 01 jcum. 17W .12' 1 1 LtH.S ateadt llereluls. 11 Mill eases Put tile Cnnei Jhi(e. Ilrtts te extl,t. nrla ..i 'it a mei ui,,ie"s uniiiaiie.i Clll i:L Meaip Itetripta ICPJ tiexe.s. OinlelHiiiM "in, h.,)ikf. il ! ..... a ' n . NtW TOHK KANIf CTiTCiir..-' 5 Large Increase In Leans and De posits Reserve Position Stronesr' Year end ntljnstment figured eon Klilcueiisly In teday'f, New Yerk half atntement. Thin rhewC,l lean, ,2 discounts of the Clearing Hetiw ",, ttttlens IncrcaBctl .$1-10,452,000 fhi, week. Tlicre wns also r jumn 0. $l7, 000,000 In demand deiwslts Th i erensed llnbllllle(. however JLhe '2' wt by I he $20,075,00() gain Rj' credit nt tTie Federal ftcwr'S!!? An a irniiii, iiim rirrta -... tcserve, itanki ivti "teLffi-'S.-i!?! ,0 s.eTaS -f;viuii IUI1UW AVKHAOB Kxreaw reserve . Aumegjitft reav Leans, rte Cnah In li1(a and member banlci, tleaer In mem ber banks nnd reserve banke. neserve. In Htain banks nnd trust rempanla.ii . . Ueserve In StRte banks nnd truat company drpeal. tnrles Net (lemand de peaita de Circulation tT. f). dopealla deducted ""1, Ir.hJ wk t.aat 68,581,0011 B20,tl7,000 i 8,389,000 0.310,000 noe '.t:8,)(n 11". wt P.tOl na en ..... ni. 034:cioe aS'ilX'"?? Kxeeas reserve,, ARgteanle res , f,eitns. etc Cnah In vaults & mnmber banks Iteaervn In mem ber btnks nnd reaerve banka . llrerve In Slate li.inka nnd trust ct mpanlea .... Itetrrve In Stale bmks and trust eon pany depnal-lurles Net demand tie O34t0()O 210.786,000 Ai'Tl'AI. 't'hlB Vee 124,1143,130 riii4,8nijvoei) l.S.12'.102,000 B8, 042, 01)0 Bt7.373.000 8. 130.000 32.M0.0ne ''tD.OOJ T.asl Wmu ''J M.07a 5?n.2:ijoie ill.7IO,eiii f'7.4M,00i) 1.:!)?,O0 S.3.,1,0,14 9.387,000 P.fle.1 Ml PO'lts ...... '4 042.719.000 3, RU, nt, ... Time ilepeslts .. 41.1,R3.1,(ai) Jln'SMffi itlen . 30.137 000 .Vi'.'Jja'e m I . S. dei'eHliH tei in (ine iltx'urled ai WO-OOO 230.3TB.IOO BANK CLEARINGS llitik clearlna tndiy, compared with . aiiendlne day Ust two jeara. I 11)22 f2t rtilla . sio'.'.eon.nno J7.(ioe,ono N V'k 1.1P2.OO0.0O0 Iieslen . fil.non.eno n2.oecl.un4 1030 Baldwin Receives $1,000,000 Order Jlaldwln Locomotive Wnri,. ,... .. a-n cider for elshtfen Inrometivea .e ts-pe tmm th t'nlnn Psclfli fin .tut The eetved the San In. T'e Value of order I.s about It. 000.000 Republic of Cuba Request of lJids for a Lean of $50,000,000, in (.old Cur- , rency of the United States of America. Philadelphia Stocks j, .t 1 t if ll ttfs l.d II git ltwvs l.i". I'n i(7 Am ',() de pr. ' Un Am Mis HKlvAtl Cult. , '.11 Ill-ill .Ml. '.'iiii.CI 1 (it V I.", C..11 'Ira. N .1 . . "JIM KI-- M.' In (i. 11 Aspli in K v '1 1 11 piet' .. i Hill I.k MtP ' (i:i..'h ' . lmi .- Mill .1 ' .V. I Pel! (I Ci-i' I.IKlit ;T1 ilu lis, J'llllll "e Clllll pl.t r,e piiii'i .:'ei ,iii de pn f 7(1 !'h Ii- W J'.Ci P It. T . .".11 Tone lb . Urn 'ruiiii Mi'i s.", r i; 1 juu! r s m.v .n;i - 'Ji's . -tn i'. is ."7 ! I'M. 7(1 I-'. ilt j n;.: Ji', 1:1 I's I", -7 ' , Hi's I'll' . .-, ' ". 711 "si.. Net Cle.e chili. I.'ilj s. J , (ir, :: ic:: -, 1 JPs - ', 111 ' :i I's - ', 1-s 4 1, :.7 r ;i-t!"s-f : L'i'i' . ---''I -r 7tl 'Jsl I't IIP . .TJ 111'', .',11 ::p, 1'ls J's r.uL. M7 s t . C' ;cj :ti-', .Ml "i. ."11 1117 12'.-- :u ".. ni'i; Mi --.iiKi-r W- 'J's .Ml'..4- lt)7-'i,-.- 1 Shi v rem 1 i.'.ii 1.11. s 11 " . ole sin I lil'lll Liu:t(ief r-t Pt-t . l-.-s ,n '..tifti,i (i 1 iiln I'enaUiul II da. I. Hi 1 hi. soil I Ilenrn , ( "I iie.iduir im i'i ani'll l. .-tn It tri ' lOn Kirln I'. .' 1 leu 1 ii. m Ama. Mill 1 IV3liKtt 11 JN t '.mi I. .111 (ill II 11 1 I. M r s I'i 1 lt)7'"i .Mtitllllir th , .Id" Mnr e 111I..1 (i I 1 1 in .t 11 nn I ,1ex . a 1 in tti-'i en linn vel r ' Mi. In. i I . Kits ;hii Mien I'i. 1 4'L. en lulll.i! OU .110 N i I I V I Uf 1 ' ,",ine 11 Seble i '., 'J. 1111. (II11.1 I. 1 Ki I' MHO I lill, I ll. .1 I'. I tl. II .(1 II (CM, II I nits , . 111. ill Sill' ' I I'll J tie) S 1 I'll I I I., f Still -.-.. bn , I 1 avid siiiiiiii r. t lu ujii S.nhti I' .. Jt IIIHI Sllttlll .st,.!-,! I 1'iilnO 'ItJtan 0 .v- 1. I.ii'l 'lVx i; 1 .tat tllHi Lllil'l llrnx I "Jl innn w uotiieii 1, . . r.nn Wen.iit, 1(MH V ll I Ml N INI. - n, I 1 J 1 . 1 H Ijv 1 ' 1 j .1 H -.1 '! 1J. sh tn .:i I'lllKVIII.I.I'ltt 1 IIOMW ,"iilft() Kh'i 'l People's I. J(H'III l.dlisll N IV mils I I .si , II I lir Ml VV til In-1 Kxel'ariK'l. i i, . ..ri.lnireil , tb 11. js fir !,: I s I -. inn Ai .-nn t 1 nun III ,. Hi linin, U14 '-nil 1 111- 1. . mm I ,.s- M, I. nn ( .tl el., 1 Its" . Til tn. . 1 A ;.u -':'.' '-' , C.I... lill, I'll !i4 . 4"'j i:t'. . a', ,-"" . i'i 1 ii!'. .1 1 . ii '." i.iJ I Illy' , ..Ti' . I.Oe . l'l , 0 1 li. I I' :. i i. IC d. .hi 1't S.l IT I.", a 1 s, I'll III IT', I.". Ill1, P.i'tdtl Phl'-l iu.iii rtin.i Hitill Piiiln luti'l Phi Jmki Phil. IlltiCI I 'Clllll 1 I l.i I lni.i I 1 tn . trie ti-u 'ii . . trti . tri l-t Isl l-t .-, ' .: l'l !. Ill I til Jl'.t 4 .74 I'.IU l'.7'i IM 1 Ill's !l!). 10(1 I O'J' i 104", i 1D1', ' 1 nl ."PleT 1- .) 1 np J. l I. . I up M'11 . I 11 h .M n s M 1 A'h I Lvi i l-.ies'i"i 1 ', 1 1 'a 1' 1. I i,f 1 . vi I . t. I ' 't 1 I.V 1" inps.1 -rl I l German Bank Statement Itf-rlln. ti"1 1' 1 " s .merti 0f ,. 1. !J4!.. ' ' 11 us I.' Jje, 11 fa tr.. f ti.ici 1 ;m 111 n m 1 I (, 1 .1 1 1 .im. ,1 1 r.ul ijiid Reserve Banks' Discount Rates riff . ui era. It. -ri ie.N 1141 l ..ten 1, , tie itve, ,g J' ij. FOREIGN Nt-W " if! I'll- fel I'lJill te..n . with elliillSff. VV.', llulliii tut. Ii.t -li" 1 1 .ite ( ha nn ni -4 diirins 1 Mill, ,irt 11 1: im. in el' 11 Ii upon lui -i tl' Sterling 1 1 .",", . fi 7 :u , : P.. 1! 7.'.' 1 ; In" s. VI , .rl 1 .1 ' I 1 -ela Old' luiii-h mi. Norway 1 Swedish 1 'I KUlhlei 1 .lb llllllk-t ll'l I '1 lit I It I I legnlur. ll ,."S; Sellu 1 ( '(St'i'lm-S ' . 1 .27: P.. -1 Austrian "! I ' VKSI Kl'l' EXCHANGE l. .'in - Tin- nun kef ..niiyi" 1 lte.i',1 irri culnr ' ' kiiii ml ijikIi rtiuic , 11 ilfi 1 ,1 1 pi inn nl' tir- im I ( 11 1 1 , in, . id" 1 '1 - I ii'lvaui'i-t of 11 iiied- Tlu . -1 11 utt ei .iisi- . -I.el-I H'ssleu VVIIs l'l v it iii'inv ttiider! were lu '. iiiihmI Ih, 111 insistent vv IM e'. 1 fil. I. s .", ll I". !.", l.",.7s.. -i ic. I" VI, J7(C. ::n 112. 7.::::1 .. s il. 71. .he. I.s , i.te1 -i-Iii-i Ut I l.i 1 I s 1 hcekn I 1,1'lks ( lie. ks deiniiiid i-!,i.i I. . check", "i 'in'." ; 1 " 1.1.7(1; 211 .17 ; l4" S; 27 imi : .'i't .17. 1 t j. K 'I 1. 1 I I lu HI'i.K V- 1 fil" 1 ' . - l"- , ,.,., , ,.. . ,r ,,! s.mrfr hi in. 1.'' f ' IOP4I.- n- , , . ,,,,,, 1 I 4rt'l 17', 1.1 tt, 11 7 .' It 'ti. l.i" .1.4 Jaj .Ar , , ' , ',, ;,,;,, SB 1.1 e',.. K Oi f- ii-..-. ...,. ..,,-.....111 lt.iifrrw 1411uln ' ,r n 1 empuny, quar- , .,,,1 ,r.,,. , ,: . ,, ,,., ,,m lrl,' I. l-r ... ".. ..fft.rre.t. pavuble sj,, ,e f.On ..IvntilU lie fea.ed ' l..,.JH l!."l Hell Cmr IT ,.. f r. ,..k"Ihq,i. quar- 'Z'n' ,l?4, ' ,H een ,,n..." ", ,"" leriv a'. ,en,. r i.e.e ituiu.e i m -lusu i , ui.,tien iii'immil inc, TnT.TD!) m , is inn lie the un K 1 ill nt f II I' Hit. ntiMli I et. ii. "I eli i lie.-enber II .- e- nt h la I ee. t . of We i-'tl e, n I v, ill l !ii hin4ii A iiuei he men- of ieiei.1 J.inuai l.'i tin reua'd Km 140 117 i lllf-ri.4effl 'i 4 ! I .'IS 0 0 I en i bin 'Oi .0 illlie II.IUI I leitf.4114 Ili'ifin S-. In., . I'i, ill. In U. j. . ev. i. U ll finenJ M ,11' , 4 ur, I re i ttf I I I ll U I ,M r niipuiiN ktttia m i. ity I . 4 4 't 4 -. I', I'j 4 ; a 4' 4 fel 1 1 I .ii. lieridn, I I 1 I'i 4 , 4'a i'i l t 4' 4'i I Puitr, I I litis UL , . I 4 I'i l'l 4'' 4 n 4'i I 4', I u.mniiil ( ablea. I O I A V Ii.tnint.1 i abli- i ma ni! tble perm , , h.lllltes were ir- .iti.iii .7'!' Ituiiiaiii.ui, I lis. (ileek. 1.11): iii .' 12 .lueslnv i ii ii . iid.17 ; I iiiiuili, 2 .12; 1 1 tltii-'.l fl.i ll . (IfNUU. ;,i!-i'ii evi (irA rids's ' s J 1 '.lle lluli'lnr iii'l T '.'T r, ei an im i (it . .-s : n 1 1, :m us i t'l.MSil Wl ill V I in.NN . I I .ii -, I If.. (Ii.lliler I L.I . T '!.!', .', OHi-4 'I'l.-.'J I ' .' . 7 'I I f. OH .11) j; l'.., l) nl'ATION'H ..CV I'm nea Lire fluililen, f,r 7ai nn ,11.17 1 1.( T ti.Hi r, nn i.j .pi ,t RAR SILVER k' U4 , ll.(.- M'41l a .t ' i ,l)J li .'lie 4' 'll ak 31 J l.t uJun 10 J. 31 IMll Sll(li:! lAII'I.OV 1l(,ISl' C'ninplli'lnn of llnlutr- i-ti,ri4 slimv a Cotten and Coffee Exchanges Closed farM-i k-u . m en pn m-e Tie i. iiee . w nuin who 'Mn't Ue.i p iHie.1 mi bu .'(if ia sett iiirk iiie . t i - . i condition! , nene jl nttutrt I u pnicne le i nnee a nu - ii.. i , j . s..rt r... i ,s. Hi,4,n,., fi. tin,, nf tli nriMn lUKiity. . LKir.u. "Aiaka Jt a, lUWU" Jiitv. Advance Price of Crude Oil I'ltlKlmrali. li. CO the prlie ,,f p, , .. nfiin , .. nil a.t itUv'Hii. e, ; , 1 .', i i . ..' Ii llm pun liiieina; .t-.-Via I" '' ih' ' i-enlne of .).. ,.,,i,i ,,:,in . ml au "f . I,,,, i ,l Cat" 12 1 1 stiiu'fraf 'in i , ei.etl.1shl 12 15 '"'"", 5' -'i and lui.e i .1111 I (11)11 I ;,i,u i .'i i 1 r. i mi ' .li.n i ,.ie 7 .e I i esh.,1 SHU I Mi, It . .'l.lllll Dili !' aiue i n j jf .'.lind III S .sin ii iii-i u X,i HO l'..t M .i(.n ui M.i j lldfll (ie'.l l"l'l .MM I ftu'flflei t ."." I I 11.1 1 1 t I ' ' Mum lln- I sv, i . . H.irt .i" 'i . een lb . '. Mti i II. ur' i i ei Hill 'l. e N i. . 11(1 i u -i f HI lln - e " Ul'l -.'TOlle l"tl.pen.l l.e-,.1 amid I-fin P . '. tn ll.llii I ei 't, Id ill M VI Hb M"t 1lii i Mi Nut If i ( .i ;i no N-it'e" it ' 'i l,lil Vf'V I ' 'I - 'I mm N.i ! u n ... ii. ' , ". i.iiii !( , 1. ' i " in. . ll , l " - ( . ii Hi ne 'li "I uf.ll s ,1 ilH - f . I . ' I llii l . f VI II l I lllllll III" l . I UdOll s r ei s , ., 3..II ,, i . . I' ( I -.niin s.p, ,u i ,-l I',. . ;,iimi s.i s-i .... .im 'e. it 1 1" is' " . t..,,e I etiiliil'-ililli I. . -no 'I i t.t finh ' "b no 'I'm. ..pih i.i 7,n 'I u.i.pat M t .nn '1 nurir.,11 ' liiTen I'liliesl I' n-i in innn 1 S i . . . it "ii Win l'l ll il. i I 1 1 ine V. i-t I . ' i ' i innn i wi l.n.1 L ... Ii.iiOii Wi I mt. jiiOn'SVh le ( m iiesiis I V II "ll 1' ikllt S' 'I (in Alii I'.. I'm n im. 1 ii.iill m (1 a f. I.I Hi .III. il Am Hi ! '-"'I' '" Mind .Mil .Sinti.l il 11 lit innn Amu "(.. I , 7a '.'li Inlid Ali.ieiinil i '" TllO'l Alliieut' 4 ' 7 lllllll) IVitll .it'll .1 sunn lieih Mi el Hieu ('nn S,t ii llii lean ('nn., I'i. tit . JIKI0 IV I I H ' I - -..iinn i 'nl ( . I Minn ( ..i.ei I I n(i i ( 'J ' 7 . Iline t i'l l I nun I 1 illlt. Ilfi I'll, iunu Utiia.1 Ll ti .'I'i '.I. r. ii l!'.. I a'i ;ii. i ji. le "ii.-IM-4. I'i .'le I i .. nt. 14 1. V ! ". I'i I It 1. .;i. i.'. l'e 'J'i I'll. ". l.i I I I I. I I 11 li '.'' r. HI 4 l ."I .( I ConRreys of the Republic of Cuba , having by lawful k'islativc cn;ct-! ment duly autliori'.ed the President of the Republic te issue and fell ( External Lean Geld Bends of the Republic in an amount net te ex ceed ?e0,000.000. , Pursuant te such authority notice ' is hereby riven that sealed bids -will ; be received by the Secretary of the Treasury of the Republic, at his Office, in the city of Havana, en the PJlli day of .lanuary, 11)211, from ! le 10 A. M, for the purchase of these bends. A brief description of the secur ity, .sinking fund, maturity, and ether previsions le be contained in the contract te be made by the suc cessful bidder with the Republic, is set forth in an Executive Order of the undersigned, copies of which I may be obtained nt. the Treasury ' ' Department nt Havana, Cuba, or at , the Cuban Consulate? in the cities I of New Yerk. Ilosten, Chicago, Philadelphia. Baltimore, San Fran- .isce and New Orleans, U. S. A. I Ne bids will be considered unless enclosed in a sealed envelope ail I dressed 1 1 the Secretary of Treai Jury, Havana, Cuba, accompanied , by a certified check in the amount i of .$."011,000, drawn en Hunk or Tru-t 'Company, of Culm or of the United ' States, with geed credit. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will lie returnrd forthwith te the lespective bidders. Havana, Cuba, December 18th. 1 1022. ALFREDO ZAYAS, President. M. Uetpaignr, Sectetary of the Treasury. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD ISSUES GENERAL MORTGAGE ti MAY 1, 2003 PRICE, 822 AND INTEREST, TO NET 4.86 r GENERAL MORTGAGE 4',i MAY 1. S003 PRICE, 91'2 AND INTEREST, TO NET 4.94 PENNSYLVANIA & NEW YORK CANAL & RAILROAD CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE 4 APRIL 1. 1939 PRICE 89 AND INTEREST, TO NET 3 REILLY, BROCK & CO. 306 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Pf WHOLESALERS Bankers and investment house are Invited te uie our service when deilring te buy or tell any Govern ment Lene. "A Natien-Mil Matktl" COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Rracrr Stittat City Hall Square i . i- i. C. S. PATTON & CO. Ill & CIIKSTM'T HH, BANKERS Kiiri'i'fciiprN tn HAII.KIL ft hTKYKN'fln nenrtM ii nil tn'U netisht and utll. "iiirn Mrniltr l'MI K.i h ing Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart &Ce.In LaaWTkUMafc. Tlnt If Ti (r Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1061 HFAI. ISTATi: TRUST JUDO, luvi .iiuiii" uiul nillijst ieri.iiutluii mil imrlmrslilp m . mil-, unJ urepiira lnccniu Tux UctiirDi. Nw lurk S'nclf V. lnne lieuif "f Innn siBii'll'm flssirn If, drop len.-v ("1 i l'lilla0.'li.hU mi tirlvata vvlr J Hnitlmei" CiminunicHileni will I" ir.i''l vvlili nulrt ionllrlent "ej Hi Iierciniia rvmi Cempam. 4 Brea tiltft. New lull. A t l.i. I l. . . . 1 '. IV l .V . l", ' ' l."4 v.. an a .! . . .,? n :i , '. :.'. '..- r.." :.i ;ti si-- i -.' a r. i r . ri', , ... .".T- .''He r C' i'i pi i i . i . i" '.' i' i f -i i l'l Is. n . i . :n :!". :" ii .t , :, i i n ;.- 'i- i , 1 .. Is i - s, s'. . ' tt k ' S 7 . i'.Ti" 7 ' a , :t', ". . a -' , - i . ll. I.O 'I i '4 ii. nil', !: M', Ill4 liill'. KU'j I".'.', Id I', l(IJ' i in mi . kit (If I.I l'l , '.". !':! , f I fnl (khj 7 lel 10114 If)!"! 3f. is,. .1'. I l'.r u.. 1", --'J ll, l7', )'l HI '4 1IH' nil I) lllSs, ini'H l'IV! 1 1 'i IMl'i 1(17 L'l lll'J'', Kid", HOlJ 111 UII, 102Vi Wc are pleased te announce the opening of our main office in Philadelphia, Pa., at 1524 Walnut Street, en January 2d, 1923. This office will he in charge of Mr. W. L. McClure. Our business eut.iide of Philadelphia will be conducted by district offices or representative!) located in AI.I. KNTON N. I'S. I.TOONA. I'N. HI.OOMSItritC. I'N. ( I'M l.ttlll., NND, Ml) 1)1 Hf)IS. I'.N. JAMIXIONNN, N. N. K NNIO. PA. LOCK HAVKN. SOMKHSirr, PA SI NllliRV, PA. W NUUKN. P.N. OIL CITY. PA. PA. WII.UN.MKPOUT, PA. McCLURE, SMITH & CO., Inc. l.i. ! IMP, Ii7 , I.') 'I', lill ', I'M'., l'l i, I'M', I".", II 'l !!'-'' i lill I'll',,, III I'll 101 i jus , 'jVTOTKJK is herehy tfiven that the linn of !,KlYy & COMPANY, M28 Walnut Street, rliiludi'lphia, and IS Hread Street, New Yerk, has been dissolved as of December 31, 1022, by the mutual consent of the partners. The busi ness will be liquidated bv Fit. Kuroiie Dixen as liquidating partner. ERVIN & COMPANY. rw smw .trjt ', 4) fer; Hiif