m,,hnjiffpffiip'r',"w'w'mr&rx "Tr" " I i I BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP Was the Banquet Made for Plight of "The Guilty Ones" Authers Twe Revues M OIUJ thrills mere mystery , mere .pneklncs wl ,, ,inni1c-(1 footlights le rlillndelpliln lliontru-eeGiw nnvi 1, t... mm. . .. 1 . II... If.. I liegtns "II riiji'vtii'-in til nil il llllllll tjr,t.Sf "Te the Lndic" hititl for that W fnmnui Iniifj'uet cenr or mi thr hanqttet scene huilt for "Te thr l.ailie"t That question IM hound le nrrur te many eC these who see tills little Rem of n' comedy nt flip Onrrlrk. Net that It makes liny difference, In eiic'h ability te enjoy the pcrfeininncc, for It 'doesn't; tint we've been wondering whether (Jcnrge Kiiiifmnn nnd Mine rennelly. the nuthers, were struck hj the chance for satire In etir modern medern dny hniifliiett nnd derided te write n plnv using some Hindi entire, or whether they weie writing n dnv nhnnt n .voting wife who wns responsible for her meie nr less inenpabie husband's success and built UP HIP- naiiquci .lciig uner nicy KAs n "matter of fnet, we're quite willing te admit that "Te the Ladles ' Is net e reherent ns "Dulcy," hut it urelticd aheut fid degrees mero ntuus lttg "Merten of the Movies," poed an It was, must he lpft out of the discus ion, since it is n hit hard te figure where Hnrrv T.cen Wil'nn. the nuther, Ht off and Knufnian nnd .entielly, the rd.ipli'rs. began. We liked "Te the l.ndlrs" se much that we miw it n second time lit n Wednesday matinee, when the ii vet tug which was supposed te disturb the ntbee In thp last act receives a builv echo in enlitv fiem u budding sk) scraper near the tlieatie. and when the honk of tat rnhs and touring cars in the lirst net was livnlcd by real cars outside in llu ""'Hip firH act was delightful because of its Jiuiiian domestic touches, its do de do luieus and iiiite iimihected lnvemuMiig mid 1 raged v of the piano which the jiisinllment men camp te lake nwny. The second act was, of course, ttie best of all because of the noted linn ..lief, aided largely bv the ccellcnt reine.lv scene of our e d fiicnd. Leuis MutiNen. us the politician who brought .. -t .1 t.. .. "em-tnlll A tniii en pianos uiuiiii.i ... ., " party in WashiiiKten am P't up anil left as seen an he tinlshcd because he 'had anetlier upeecb te make uptown. The thlid act had moments of cxac cxac cerntien, hut it also had Mime of tn.p meM Biibtlp satire of the play when it cored nteiind te the business of wives , etitii.il nifr their buslmndfl' liiihinesH. q was hinted in the review of thin i.nv. the authors' attack, or perhaps it would he better te Miy satire, is two twe two feil.ed. One prone Micks ineme cut males who claim te undvrbtnnd their lniMiiess, but rely en their wives, and the ether niinn at foibles of banqueting. In fact, Kaufman and ennelly I. . l...l.l.l!.. Af.it In n M't'ineq ie nu fe uuuiiuhs ...... ... .. ...illridil vein that tliev took random liets nt ether Hiibjectg, tee. 'I lice formed detached (anil often ebtruiliiiK) factors in the play's netien and cae ivldencc of containing whele themes for ether plajs, tniieh as Jeseph Cenrad s nnvelH (Olitaln extraneous bits nnd frag mentary characters that bcem te beg for furlher exploitation. Kmifmnn nnd Connelly Beemed often en the vergp of iiayinc their respects te ether little bti'-iness and1 marital ldie--Micrasies. There was n brief men tion of an inellieient efficiencv depart ment In the InM. net which had nothing t.i de with the main action, hut brought a hush, and every new and then the .nulier. showed their acqualntance with newspapers by clever touches. It may lie admitted quitcyreadily that i tie of "the lcasmw for 'repressing a pieferencp te "Te the hnilies" as op ep op lieed le "Uulc.v" rests in the much Ml pcimr ading of thu play new in the citv. Outside of Lynn I'entqnne. "Hulcv" was rather Minhbily portrayed lieir. whereas "Te the I.ttdies has, in ii billion te the unusually talented and magnetic Helen Hayes, almost perfect calicos liv Harrison, Isabel Irving and Cail Antheny, who -eemed te Improve en u second viewing of the pl.iy. :. MWU. .,! add one of h j i'i iuatii,t dun actrri;atieni te thr rpriteiir of hit pnsrnt i iiqaprmint iuTt Ihuildaif nuiht, irlu n he inll pre- vri, "Louii XI." .1' that lirnt and i meled mnnanh, irai prd both in heiln (i nd tin. I nnd sin h I. nil A marring the In the lirst net. i;nst haraeter is enrefullv fibulatcd and described the husband, a returned soldier who lias learned during a fill leugh of frantic in i sciiient seeking, nnd the wife du U'stnl at his stelidit.v, especiillv as she I'm. mbeis the iifnic-meiit toned week of p'ci-iue. The thud point et the triangle is supplied hv auethir e-'l'em...v. -i v etim of gassing, wlih whom the wife is 'iiir.vlng nu an affair which she evv Is phitnulc, but which has entered the i in hi fill stage. The husband, fiii.illj ddci inineiMe fid a situatleii vvbiili has bi conic in- ' '''able, tlueati us the etln r man, ainl, s (Ie i in tain falls, shows utimist il.al.le ki.s el an intention t i id himself of ' s rival. In the second in t he mteis. mm h ii siritighl lis the novels have It. and I ilv admits killing the friend of his i fe In nn Inst. ml all her sviupalbies i it no. iiid te her biisbaiiil and she d. Ii iiiiti.i d te piett i t bun. New In r wn.'lj seli, iludc is all virv ( . 11 but thete t I tl be ei.v pit Ie sMiipatbv for this i iihl-bloeded -ln.'i. His . c.il was avmveillv plauuiil lu ad iiim i, net done in a iiiemeiit of fmv '1 i leg a ipiarnl. Then wcie two i i Hi. ate epeunms for the . elll "'' of the hi. iiiii p i lake. One would allow the 'III (' et (lie III 11 1 1 I.M I r I llllellgll Ills In IVi- Wife', .'Hurts), but that would be net enlv t a it lie... in iv. but i undone " brut il i time ami would h.irilli pi. .is. evin th.se most insistent en "h.ipp.v Millings The ether would be te him ie ih .erved iustiie, but ing The (.'il.lv ( )no" (citainlv wasn't built lb ' kind of a denouement. It is, nv for elid ler ( " 'ion, siinplv a in i huh. nn, i huilf 1 ii" i t.iiiinii'ut pin poses am id bells litl "'U' U le llle or t ('.lilt N . Tiie anllieis had e , lining that thein was hnle or no Puiiing the i.speiisihllliv of " the sheiildi'l s of nuelhei tl" I i. nl, :c i usi d man en (rim. just about te sheet il maltias 1 1. -nice et the crime von knew scene of or si.ib-- ".I'l Ii lilv mvsl. i ieii dalk liu'llie up-pliihi-lie, ,im iln, s bkietlv tb til hiniselt ii" used man sHuhs avvav heiiilied' 'I he link eliding of "The liitlltv Oiii" was thill uhellt the enlv ienise '' " and leilld have been l.uetebl bv '" "lie who took the tlellble te aualve ' HI Ililll III till' Hist t Ml III I- W" ' 'i'l hound In the vim ii i.iiic i.i i ' i u in Ii.n s,b nt en l he i N.i. t ' " i.f ilini cud. but a tin k it ..'I inmiv wa- and lit. justiiu atieu- iicu -- HI) ' It lilli:hl bn ti. ,'.... .1 tlii. tliL miii.il .1 twlM nt the pim win the gcncsiK of ' no, "". '" 'T'r; ,..,, en,,-. .rte,ir:r,1t,iaI(i (It II1U il.ici...i. ...use, in .Mill-, III HIP (jnr HOjlTt II. Mnntcll Ill rnnnr. !S,r1'''e.,";;!;te - ;WAfs. i- ! ei... ,,ii.irM.if .M1II''". ."'i.r ., nmnH . .. the i .imiieii i. - , -" -. 'Uagi.er dm int the comiiesitionosn.ii,. " h'v ,l "M",', '"" 'n '" ' hlevci. ' ukm '-'.-. . " ' . "..'. '; - ' .".V "- , ... than iM thr linmp-lxt, hr,t l.miinn -11 "" , their own lauu e.. ." V" "' i i1 of Ills gieatest weiks-hut neve the- "1 ",: . - ., V. . .. M . ' ' ' """'i "'" in.- K,m "I't.iiml ," te ..;.. iu. -m Mae Ies,ed h;,s selected the f , 1 is losing each ear .. the Held in which , fc ' " ; ; '- he ,tu1,;h.v ,.,,. ,,ave ,., , n.X'-V' v m..V s 'V n ,t "i'.'" ..'-.,' 1, .- ; ' ';,,, " ,' - ' ,,.,, ci thvliut .i.;A( Am enaanr. I w.n I'.eds with whi-l, . , web ,e be most desln d lejv. C u , ,, ( iU ,, ()f . ' ":",;. "' "n"n ,' .7 U , , , 'u -. ' ',','' ' '--Kl :-::; "be,7;;s-::!,,r'rh!,!::.:;lWAc;N.;n ,,,...,.., r.,, ..,,. c ,-,,,:,. ::r!i;;r;hV:i:it:;s,!f,;'!;:'- iB-Pii- ?'-.. -?. i .;:, y '-"' - milH pits H...L Pl..)w rights fen.e.lmes v k beginning w h s, cal n.at.t I W of all these who both conducted a (J ' " J" ' tu '" " I!p ,. he , .V ') ', T h "lir' V,"!"'i ifX: m" '"" " ' ' " ' " 1.11, for themselves are both curious Kndav a.tcrm,,,, this bWn, ,,,,,,. ,,.,, nll. win. 'XT , . X,X tt ia" l,,!;' U l,t ih " M esitams ,.f XJ Me ? "" l " ""' ""' i.. .,,.., . .,.,., : , ,,, dlh. ut of escape. .Micnaei .moheii . .... ... ....- .....-. r iiiaiinecs-- , llf Ml0 ), i-:in ,. i.m n ......i . - .... the two latter . -lie far better kne.vn as l'11'1' "ussic musters !,.., tll i. ',"' " itK m ,.'...e m.is1. .1 . u. it..mi' ., ,,u f . , .",, , ' ,'" ' "" Peter Tia.ll put themselves m lust I (..-.., y. Thui-dav and S.iti.i.l,,,. This ..,.,! that Wagner can sci.reelv be J1,.lf,irllP,,t,' ' ." .'"' ' A ;.,'''' 'W,'.s mated at their tu.e ver.h. , , i ,1 elin M,.....4 ,.,.. ...... ...-i : . ."i'. fr ?',," ','m, V T ' ,!'. ".'f"r '.'." a hole when they wrote 1 lie . iv is ey .vi nrpn .-t .Miiie ii mi alishurv called an .ir-t.ume.i...1. .. as ,,- ,,,., .. .,,, , ,,, ...., ,., pc leinunce was about all il,a, '! r'? .r.! "ii i . J nV's.n , '' . . " '.? ''" '. -r.1"- t.v One." , ' , i . ""- T" V ",'1I ,1' '"' instrui.ieiu.veii eueugu ev.-! ... ..- , , , ,M f , conductor with S'1"-"" w .''' "M' t. d by an audience -"inne uni I.;. i . . H m.si..ii.fl rr.- - ,..;' ,,, 4 "-.-..' W1. r .. " r.'mr, , husband nnd wife whose happy , I .elder aid the cist contains Leuis., pear as a soloist nt(.ntlen flf Mll-ceediiiL' the elder -N"w 'll,unl1"" cenectness of perform, w.n" '!' wl upb ..:."';. f ".'.'"'' ' ,N , ' - Ms-.... u .i.ii.Ta.it.- ' ringe is mi the icrge of splitting en Sanieid, .SumtuT Nichols. Del-'errest Uavdi, und S.hubert wcie nlse in- I)nmievh .' ..'.J" l1 ' ,,, ,' ? '.-- '. Ii-1 before the real li ,3''? .l',i'lr "i' i '' l"'u'i 'fwiU utM- .lnmesii.. Vnrl.s. .ire nrevented te us JMwipy, liettv danle, llern.ie Cal a- different nerfermers, in no tur an puuiic i,i.,i, ..!.... ,.n0 i... ..... .....' i et orchestral rehearsals imn. I ',,.;;.? m i ,.u r. s a i "Te the Ladies" or Vice Versa? ever the ' " """ "vn ilin c .Monster" Shows That Are Coming te Philadelphia Soen .Iniuiiirv 8 "The Torch Hearers." ., '""W Kelly comedy, riarrlck. Ilin l'erfect Keel," with Kd W vnn. Ferrest. "SlirriecJc Helme," with William fllllettc, Hi nad. .tiiniiiir.i I.", -"SprlnBlImn of Youth," with Oeeigu .MacKarlnne, Shu bert liinmiry 30 "The llevfr ltnnil," with f'lmrles cherry, Walnut, 'the Cat nnd the 1'anary," Ailelplil. lVliriiury r "Shere Leave," with I'lance.H .Starr, Tlreait. the whole pbiv (n fact net imprehalile. but this would he te confese, effhntld. that ' Ihc !ullt One" wa t Intended fei a hybrid and would make the talkl- ' ...r.- ... in.- nrei aci. in wnicli mere wn eviiienic el an attempt te present n domestic piehlem, nil the mere culpa ble. ' In Mjmc wnje. "The Cuiltv One" Is I an added example f n,(, nBthsi te i1"'1' Ida wrlghts of tednv will go in order te .,1 (u. ,,,idiences. Fer. a it all. and despite the splendid nct rLT l,!,1,nlt r I-iitillii,. J'rcderick, i " dill iv ,,,... Js ,,.,., lnp1. v. ;V,l!'.",'1 "'""""I' Mlggestlens of i-edelj (liaiu.i. iiiiiii.in hi,,. ,.,. i,... iicn.lv ', ,"'.','' ""'5' ' tli.y icmaln merely KiiggcMlens. A1 n'11 rc'iiiirMng that there is pre Vicious little difference in icvues newadajs it i;, . n(,i,.(i ,l(lt ,,, ,' T ",ll,(,s "camlals" and "The I i'iihs nt Shew i.f i!i'" ... ....'. familiar pattern. IVr.-ennlly. we mucii preferred the termcr. which iiimk,..! ,,..", "eance ever tin WJiile's series. I ii ... ... ...!.. . .--....... ethers J here ;(. ijeni nml unnttractivc ' of the settings, cumbersome Mich as tlie rnnnimi Canal scene of "Scandals." The "Patent Leather 1 rest. the ".Seas" and the Argen last jeni-H 'or- dance hull ri'pti 1 1 in. arc all lioiisenlH. ... , ;L ;,...i I.V Magcd. and the L'heslh' iiMi..... of girls in the "Cup of Tea" number iu neatly handled. The "Ciiidetbitive" number, introducing heroines from re cent musical comedies using that theme was also geed. Only the cemedv is still lacking with W. C. Piclds Mill using 7iiuch e d material albeit often fiinnv) and Uini.ie Lighluer m flier explosive m her hiugh-getting metiieds. I he sooner revues discard these al legorical nnd biblical pmlegues which xeelc te Miggct a jil.it of some kind (witness the Adam and Hve s.enc in the "Scandals" this ,entO 'he better it will lie. Iteviies are revues and noth neth mg meie connecting links arc incie lift ft wheels. "The 1'iussing Shew has mere humor but tar Ics geed taste. The ir..u..,..iu arefunnv in their liabltual manner and ones eiijewiicut et tnL. av lmst lrv as one's leiidms f((. these two tonie tenie ilinns. An original and amusing unto is introduced by Pred Allen, who gives nil hit monologues licfoie the curtain and never mingles with the oilier char acters. The se-called "Ilallet l.es Con Cen cpiciants" with its Oriental seltli... s'!uV''" T Z'X' Is tint n overdone and suggestive "d'inciiig show" with the i coin rk'n hie l.okieiiis, wiie, even with familiar mate- Mill, arc ii seuice of delight, and the j acielMtlc Mackwe.vs. linn, Jehn . loll, liceisn Cnrlvle Una Davis. Sam C. Milhr and the ether iiieinhi i's f.f the leinpany Jn con cen K.nl.il teles. in addition te thee Miss Vii .'iiim I'liiifix, who pla.v pi the pari of s-Kin ra Menti, in the eiiginal pi.iiliicti.iii lop ii.iip vears, bus hvjiii i ngagi d te lul f Ii.it idle In ic Credits Gmndmether With Success Millien llai ', i lie nf the most pupu lar sing, is in vaudeville jjucs the i icdlt te lid .I'anilmetber I'm ma. b .f her stage sun i ss Mis'. Hauls will In h. udliner it Keith's in ( we. k en the big -w t -ir .liibil.c iue.'i.iiu Her pell ii, line Is .Man Hlleii Haiilsen. She ...Hies fi.iiu llelldel-eli, KelltlK kv . Iter gi inil.iie.l.i r was a eiitliiin gen gen llevviuiinii el the old s, hoel Seeing little M.IIV HH. II pesllij,' ,'IUll Jil unpin;; iii lie.it et th.- pn r l.iss prepataterv in lining te a i hildien's pirti, the obi lid' gave her a little p,ed advice. Mnrv Lib ii," -he -aid, "it ue. want evcrvbedv .if that p.utv le like jeu, nev.r iiiiml pulling that hair Jibheti iui meie, and smoethiiig out .veur ruf lbs. ,lu. i v.iu ij. te tint p.utv and be V. UP l" II s. If. mid like the lllll. -J1 (li. (lieu ,lli. I lllll ic gei' I,, ilv(. villi." That is Mis linns' sfi-.,. niolte. Trocadero's New Shew 'The (lav Masqueiaileis" will be the atlt, nlieii at In1 midnight show, which stalls piempll.v at !":(:.' tomorrow night at the I im .ult in I iie.it i. and will uiu, itu all w. el,. I. mle .ll.il.le I'd Id .1.111. I' f. nl in e Willi wil The he the big (lay Mas- iflrl ,1'U'I s, Chic l'.iuntiiiii. Int.' of musical com cem iilv and vaudeville, is puma deuim of th i.pan.i, while Sam Ha. hem and Al Turp.f aie the cetui ili.uiM. (In Chic Itatt.n is the "sli.iljjht" mini with Italic (iiilhii as ingenue and Anna (It. tut as sp(i mil) seiibtelte. Travesties at Dutnent's Stilling with it laidaighl pel fiina a'nt In ginning one minute after 1'J to te to iii'inevv night, the lltamelt Welch Miu Mi el i will n-lii r in the New cap with a vailed I'tegiam. "When Knlghll.oed was a Cuulitli'iver" bis In en ictaiiteil fop a si. nnd vvnk Willish, the Juggler, i .1 b.i"' iien s i unts ami I ami l.e Mai will nn nu h" Ken in "A Lclter l'in m Heinc," I. -otabliiatleu of fun u I pathos llcumc I'latikliu and It.ihv Until I'vctlv will piCM'iit elil-lituc songs, und Huiiiicti Welch will sing new inilliidH i Tin: iwhrMf, ,,M ,au ,r nll '""" I off t uhirl, shv could nlnu te' braimultu that it ,,rrm, X"n te ii emul . 11 nw ,,!, hvttrr she tceii.Z fit 'ie ty ,,c ,, VMi 7,a ,,";' Win ,..! I i ' ' "iiinru 1 I lie .li" of i, hut hair l,r,n .ywKrn of it, I'ini, elr,r uhirh i;ae ,,-. iliuiil into hh cm In r phiyi! I Kl N EVENING PUBLIC stars of the THE CRITIC TALKS rw aT. iffrrnv v x -w r w- r r4 I ' iu muaiu buy aits Ky SAMIKL Ii. L.VC1AR THI appearnnce next week of (.cerses I'nesce, potentially and perhaps actually one of thu world's greatest violinists, an guest conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, brings up the subject of great Instrumentalists who have also been great conductors. There are relatively few of them who have I achieved distinction in betli fields, just as there nie few composers of high rank who hnve been either great instru mentalists or great conductets. In eiuh of these- great fields of the musical art the chosen branch appears te be n jealous mitiees nnu wie person who would .iRcecd iu tiny one must give liN whole time and attention te it. There hnve been exceptions, of course; Ilneh was the greatest organist of his time and one of tlie greatest in musical histeid, and Meart was the best pian ist of Ilia day and could have been the best violinist as well had lie cared te devote the time te it. Mendelssohn was a line planint, as was Chepin, and Wagner was equally great as composer nnd conductor it, if this erettv neiul.v exhausts the iu, nf the L'leat talents who divided I .r .. I ... .. -.T li,f.. ,ni. - .. INT ISUIIUIIX, Ullll r,tu ... i... s,. .. ,,. delssehn am he njyme " ' .i i k,'""u.1 .f . . ii iv . h Kre their tnierprctiit. u jints. h" s rep ",a ""'',,, ,, rsl, 1 vs h h fi n... iih a ' tlme Mill '" mUe ; '"''.i. nchl compose.. "7 '"-, ,,"" ..-. ,,.,,.ii .,.,...., iinees urn concerned ami r( nu iniinn had te relinquish his dream of being a piano virtuoso after lie Injured his hand tin injuty which worked great i.n.,.1 fee the music of the World. Hec iiim e,. was u line piani.st, but llllO piaill.st. but RliyP'. Hub. ntKlltliill le peiler.nai. - in his , ycnl for composition, und Ilerlte, u line conduiter. never pia.ved an.v liistriiiueut enpl the guitar. Tims the liisterv of the art "'"'V tli-ir . niiilucters de net hue m b ."."- , i,i i r....,A ..ii nn,- Instrument litlhn icll iei,ui.....n i.ii,. ' l" til. l lllllSl llllll' I suiini i.-i- in, -n. nil ...-.j I.l It ..... ".' " of all Instriiminis et the nivhcsti.i a inii-f as well us must the t eiiipnsei'. 'PI ' I cutnlii.tep must '.new tl.e ch.uai tcr et tnne nt eveiv ii.strui.ie.it ul our its nuslerer h-will net knew wheth.r the t .. ( .ir.i. Iicltll' Mil. llest ...lenti pi.sslmV wilh the music, inn ...... . - ...s .n j -el'T th, 1 JD gieal I'T the qualities which go te make a i (inductor aie nnu.' t.ir- rem lung than even tin1 niasicrv el an 1 lin-lruinent , or pet haps it might he meie neural.' te s.ij that it i a diffeiint Mud of talent. '1 ileiuands i ie pevviri et grasping the real meaning et u line composition and that undcliucd ah.l itv te give life te music belongs te all Ki.at i (inductors and iutei ictets alike SMITTY ' HjBKVJ"SCAfieALSy ijHk32- 5HUBERT LVR.1C: I v. -. . jlt' ' ," s&m ', nHF Wr" IM BKUi THE MONSTtR" ''CHESTNUT 5TKEET ,. , M ,..1,'! OPEtw Houat SaxilmeEreaeiicK. AwMf- intf - wf TO' B-F KEITHS t. ,? I canaries "SjfciareM, W fc' THE CUILTV ONE" y : t? JT ADELPHI Vk vjt 7..i-ocv.e,i,A I i t -, .... rir wyLf S -. J vncrs ccs sav-'irsi I - ' ' ) lri r 'vW s , ) -sJfW f rMru v v r-i- ( WIOTHATT SLEIGH, y ', SLED-IWAMT 1 1 - TfWS) I85TMYNEW j K1D ? J "H -l O it! j- U y' V s "J V A RfrCBR. r- ' I LEWE ME . v- , LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, stage coming here next week m. ,rt m im. . i tw w$m HT M TV a ,0 TMa vi ii w,uiiu inn mere is senip ililterem e, also Hide- nniiiue. ny wiiuii it docs net loilevv that i pianist vvhe can i e this Mnc- with. s.'i.v, the Tsehalkewskv nuicviti) could gue nu cpiall.v geed leading of one of the symphonies of tlie same m.istei. Indeed the weight of the evidelne of the vears is that he could net de it. Thetet'ere It does net matter much what instiiiment a conductor studl-d in his eailier da.vs. or, for that matter, whether he studied an ; this will net have any ( fleet upon his cendiRtlug. If there have been mete pianists tli.it. viellniats who became line conductors it was a cin uiiistance and net u icasen. And, lu this connection, it Is worth n I'm i il ii ir i niir ion I. in.. !.. ....... : uiltl 1" IHU n till UlCitll-sl mentioning ,,,,, I,,,. ,.11,.,l1, ;, I " II... I "" liM' l'':'- tl. " Tre i d. . nm W1,v- "Um ''"! Sirau-s. tl.e father nf u.,iri, St,llH. . ri.llt(.t .,... ,,r tl.ut liiMrui.i..it of his Ii Of coii.-e Hi.hter bed the inestiuiahle ad- Mintage et lielui-as.sec .it. d clesel Mr. Stol.evski, ns Is well known, is a une irganist, an instrument fiem which relatively few conductors en.pt Sir Hem j Weed have giaduatcd Of the nt lui ni unlit ft nt t Mi. 1 .,,i i ,, ..., ,m,l Mr Sl.'n.l V.V ". ... ,. ...." ,,.,.,., ,,.i.,i?.' ,,'... .' .h organUatien under Theodere 'Humms and assistant conductor un'il he siie lle.lth 1 1 1 de t te tlie iMtuu himself en ill.. of Mr. Themas'. .iini'iiK .niii-r ii niniiN l uni .. . . . . , . " vuiiiui; eiii.-p laineus ...niii.cters who iral,. ,l..ll L.l.i,... I.. .1.1. arc well Known in tills cmiiitii ... en Il.ilew was a iu.' iiian s. .lie nf lb,. gieatest u Ins geneiatien, and Hustav M.,1.1,,.. nn,. t'lml l,.ii- I.... I. ...' ..1. ... cte,l in this ceuntrv. wcie also pmnists of m,,,,. than eidinarv aid liv. Sa.nl - Sae.is. who also did u.ucli en- .- iiiitiiiin e i ins iiwu vveilvs nml tJiese el iither lompeseis ns well, was an an eth. p splendid pianist, and was almost equ.tllj well known as an organist. Mengelberg is also u pianist Of cillllft' generations, IVtlcr, .Men delssohn, Itublnsteui, L ,,1,1! Mettl aie among the meat uindii. ters who wcie pianists. While niueiu1 the violin plnvirs who hue became t, munis as cenductnis well' Spehr, lli'linesbemei , .N'iklsi h, Thendeie 'I'heuias and Hicb aid Strauss, allliiiiigli the latter Is new, J!5WBHBPaROAD V y ' i ALOMP ( . , . MY SLED l y and has for many jenrs. devoted mere time te the piano thnn te the violin. Davidoff und Tescanini were cellists. T, ns has been ciid. the art of c 'OndtlPtilll!. While it h.na .ni... ,f .. r': - ' "j " hip same reipiirements as that el In -I teipretatlen. lias some salient differ. enccs, nnd it does net fellow that lie- v.ii.-u u i.i.iii .an oe one mat lie can i ill. tl... ...I...H .... .. -.11 .. . telv we T I.. , .,. . "", '" .r" i iiieij wen. ine powers et interpret.'!- i i tlen of u conductor have increased (lt'"1P"(leus in the last few decades,!""11 niiKi'iy uecausc et the Immense v in. creased virluesitj of tiie modern ei -ehe.tia. which enables; the plavers te give exactly what the i .inductor de mands, but mere because the art of . eiiiincimu mis neen madi the subject of intensive studv 1 AI'Tltft, n.Ts..ii , , Mill H NIMht II ..me said: "It is ver.v easy te conduct. Yeu s,. pl.v pick up the baton und make the (euiiucting lias lieen madi the ....cssiiry niouens. it jeu cm, jeu inn. und if jeu can't, veti can't " While this is a rather htead statement, there is censideiablv mere than a gni'u of truth iu it. It. due. d te its lowest common denominator, it means thu. ( I the pci son has the ie.il ft for ,.. i ilucting he uiu de it, and if in- hasn't, ii ii.iiei ee learned. ( This same thing is true te a ceitain extent of ev.rv one of the Kt,.!i:. blanches ei tl,.. urt of music. Anv one -with s,nh. lent t.atiencc and dlligen, ,. can learn te piv insininien. .,,i IIIU one .. i ., .. "in. win rip ie neeeen. .. tin et time ami studv te it iau leant the rule's .. .loins ,. ,u yvr ,,.w (,n , III.. ivieisier or (oiuiiese hi,. li,iu Ill the illli tin,, lined same wa.v the tecliiil.jue ,,f ,..' : ii.ni be 1. hi ned, but the nnd,. nnd,. semething whicn a,., ,, .,.. T, I II, .nl.i.l. ...... . 1. . I . . . "".' 7; """ """I ee auueii ie th.. stu, "111. the advent of later masters especially Wagner, lierlbv. and ISnihuiM. nnd still inter. Strauss De buss.v. Stinwlukv und Retheis. 'when new idioms wcie p,,.,., b. f.pc tb,' plavers and te hnical .litlieni .. i,..f... I . , - , - i'i"it ii.iiii-.iiil ei uppeiueii en every li n-. .'eveluptnent et both iirihpsli'a nu, dm ters lie reasi'd veiv lapnlli. tin '11 Danced as Scheel Girl I Ilurtress Deltch, the little sole .lamer in ' P.losseni Time," the Ciatu Si-lni- b.rt operetta at (the Lvuc, ,,n. e de- iOsid a little dance which she dinned belere bet- faih. r. I p te that te she had net been nbl,. i,, cenviu.v bun thai he ought te let hei iu.,k a inner et illllli'llu' Kilt the iliuiee wen him ev.r That was m alter .Miss linii.i. It ft s. Iitl.ll in W.n ten, Pa,, where she was born dailies, all named nne Who Lest which was Having ee Ii Itch set i Ml.' Used te devise little of which reld stones, ,s,,. "1 he Dance of the Dell.v Her Kv.'h," and another called "Her I'nst I'aitv.'1 nviiuiil In r lathir. Mm ,.n ...... x-.... - . I . . . n in i ,ii' in IK VV1III ler metlier. l lie. I slle .iinliiil ev. t.v kind the i l.issn 1,1 I . f iliiiH inc. nu lu.liii j nut tt h he mn iiii eppuituti.lv Winter i linden. t" (I. nice at the DECEMBER ALFRED CORTOT SOLOIST AT THEHOUDAY CONCERT Plays 8alnt-Saens' C Miner Con certo Beethoven Symphony Alse Tirn ntoeitAM firmpheny In A major, Ne 1 . . lleMheven Concorte Ne, 4, rer piano and errtMstrn Hdlnt Snenn . Alfred fnrtet Tens Peem, "Den Junn" Strnuu Alfred Cortet was the (soloist nt the holiday concert nf the Philadelphia Or chestra nt the Academy csterday after after 'neon, nml tlie gieat 1 rcncli pianist achieved nnether triumph in his lendl j tlen of tlie C miner toneeite of S.iint Hnena. While the concerto is net the I most musical of the five of the com J poser, still it Is admirably adapted te , show the special stjle of .Mr. Cortet, with tlie crispness of teui Ii whiih it de mands and which Is one of his leading elinracterlHtics as a pianist, its gieat I technical rcquiieincntH and the variety of teny witll whiill lie Iiim steel It. The concerto departs nniiKedlv from roncerte form, tlie opening being ety lil:e n theme and flee wiiintiens for piano and orchestra. Threughicit the whole work .Mr. Cortet showed that liu is one of the best pianists en the on en cert platform today, the linale being taken nt n tcrrille tempo and placed1 'with great eMtitiien.s and dearness. It does net give much oppeitu'nilj for in terpretative alulitj, but It is t.ipiinlly Trench in fermandinuHlc.il content nml ' Mr. Cortet'f) perfeiiiiame nliewed the , work te the b"t jiosslble ndvantage. l'hp scliere-lllve movement w.is epe- , cinlly well pi'ifeiined p Tlie concert opined with the beautiful A major h.Miiphnti of llentheven Ne 7, with ItH jeeh allegiefte, one of the , fincM eh bestial meMMiicnts in the fijinplieiiie repertetire, ntid in It the ,,r eliiMrn did some of the finest plnjing in tnue c intilil y and Minding that It Iin- (lone tins M'twin. Hie work el tlie strings was especcilh geed. In tbelile of the veherze. .Mr. Stokewski tried th" somewhat iMuhtful experiinent et doubling the ttuinpet pans, with the re-ult that the --ustMinul tone of Hi" four Instruments everlmlanced tin i done tins season. Tlie work el tl lias pluvcii it with tlie riillliarni'iiiu and the New Yerk S,vmplieu.v Secietj lias announced it for Us net concert, it is the nii.-t melodious of tlie Strauss tone poems, and was yiven u splendid reading liv Mr. Stokevvski. Tonight's conceit will lie the last conducted b.v Mx. S'tokewski until the lii st iiincert In l'eliruar.v as lie is going abroad te (endect m Paris and Heme. At jr terdaj 's com ert he asked i.t a cenlin! leccptien of the gin st fonduiteis, Lurs.e and Milhaiui, and leijuisted .he audience te pi cue them with open minds, lie said that he would tell the Paris nnd H.uii.in nude'iiecs .ibeut tl.e ones in I'lilladeliihia. "but net nil about jeu." be added. - - - Waldren Made Debut Here I "pen tlie stage of the (liand Opera In re n hristin.is D.iv. I ' us. Chniles Waldien made his tn-st ,ipp. ,ir nnce as a iirnlessien.il plajei ; the m ir upon this e cis.in was Divnl Hi4lii, anil tlie pla.v was "Kiiluiipped." He cnate.l llie leading i.itt iu "D.i.l.lv '""" V "K '," , " ,""" "e. iiim Australia and plave.l In that n.iiii.l.v 'for nuirl live ve.us. His pet . mice lu "The Wariens of ir.'Miu " nnder the It. In anner. w ,s ther f bis eniiv suec.ss.s. ,.,. tin u lie has appear, d with KNie l'eigu-.a. and ellg Legs in .New elK. Lell. loll fill. in many el the hailing metropolitan successes, bis last app. .iiauc. lure v .is in support of Allan p.dle. k in -A Hill of Divet. . lueiit." His leturn with Pauline i'redeii. I, in The Ciii'tv iiin" at the Adelphl 'I he.itre sinili.s .he tvventj -sixth aniiivi is.ii j .,t' his st ig.. lehllt. MUSIC i-Xt V n leiltl I Ii rts f.f th- iv III I .' ilir. I I i i. I. I.M i . mi.ev i wl.l t.e ).. . , n.lui 'i ii I ' ir.l In i . tin... is p.pn I . n tl. n.'-r . till . H tl. IIS 111. Hum . in. I 'i N . 'J In I uiu' i i h II .t V.J. I s. , SUv tli I" lllll"1 ' trill uif .n i-mime Hunt nu. lt.ih I I The I.'ehihnun ' hurus of 11" vnlee" -i 'whiih Stenl.i MJ I I'nr I " eendu. ! 1 n'll slnp It ml I ' '' r" ' ' ' -V v. ih .I. Jnrium '1 la ''' I.l"h'l '. ' '-' t.i hli.li iiinui- 1 1 ."' I- s nr, I i Mele s II is r Bill -J-i-n.k l'-I - i i it. .it., i:' ( i i - i. ' i' J ii VJHEfCr melodic parts. it c.inled out In ' ( Itiy.-n. "If ion IJelieve It. It s Mi. :, """' I'-iii hi, at thr Capitel. Fay't frrti'slme the Mistnlned note ., tlie Matislnughtir, I he Man Who Saw ', '. '",'; '''""f"'i nitrrrittn, fr at urn wellns at the beginning of the tun, Tomeirnw " and the pic-i nt vehicle. .'""' ' thr llrscrt Call," a but did te with iinuxiial vehemence . .".'.' ",',""' e"''T nt thr errr-pepular The whole Mdiere wa-, plavcl witli -fTTi; Wi'.Iti: -a. ing lnt week that the ''.'' '' "d fiatunn,; Vielrt Iteming, 'W&r was Str JZ- J V ""'' "Den duan." which Pll,,elphia ,. - ' - ZJtt iZ Zil a" htn'" 'Zd Znt " " "' """"' vl Tli : v. r.. sin, ii ii i . 'i i i nt i - ... . ' . -s . is hj i jvlur rj-.j i ,r .. I is '. - " .. i I l r t i i ' -' vv , i- .,, , . -i, , In i it in ' i 1' "I ' .- ' s , s i. i tie IMIIII ' ''I ' ,' ' '"s 'l '' " ' ', ",., ' ' - --lt. ;. , ll.sh fv s I s M - . I' s ! -s . - . '..,'- 'Il S , 1 f.l.'ll II I ' " '-'. ' '" ' ! ,. ..." I"'' ' ''l ''! - Vili'.n .M 1- -' I" T ' ," . I ' S.-l ...i,'. T'. n. I'l. i. a 1 Mil 'l 111 1 'U s i . . " . . l I . i t I lifteu-iir f iru.rv I. ... V.l . I.L N , , , ' ('H . ' "' , . ' s I n ,.s rum i 1" i" 1 -I, 1W. , i .',- .,,. , .i , i u i. , , .. u- -i f. Irii.ni lu i . - -. - .'s f, , .K K I".- - " ' - : . - 1 i i , .... t OIIH , ,- , - " ' ' ""' h lr tun i 'i . '."''.',.' '" ' ' - ' tl,. ,".n lwf-.'C . J liiil I 1 ,, ., . 'J ,,,'," I 'i h.i ii ' ii . .- 1 1 i .-t -i vv - i-' " , . " ' i ' i . r. 1 J it il M -II Js. V .11 1 -i , , t. r " ,'"," ." , ' " s, i i .j -.si. ,k i . i . i . ,,, , , ,, . . ; , ,s. l,J ' .H ' I ' . I I i. i. .1 I l , " ' I mi, II P Hi1. II ' t al" t " I , . i , ... i , ' ' s. i f M i I ! - . -i ! . , i ami r ' - h ' - i- ' P ' . ' i ' I v . , I i i h. in I - . is- I - 'i i i l ' i . . l ii ns l' il I ' .'. s . j , . - ' i .,, , ,, l( 1 J i1 n 11 1' ll I'. ' tl . V 1 , ' ' ! ' ' - -'.ii M " ' W ' 1 ' ' i r ' .. v s" .",,',, . i i i. i . i - , , r i . ii . . -t it M ' l ' li i i, i . Il . '. ' Iii i " .J rlui-i t s i ii v . . . ",,.'' i ' 'Mu . s I. I ii I -m ,. .,,.'. " l -i i;n ( SL D SVi.TTV ? 30, 1922 ' v15 '41 , fiM MOVIEGRAMS Themas Meitftan in Ade Story at Stanley Rcid at Twe Thea tres Twelve Rest Films of Year Listed Other News THOMAS MKKJFIAX peemp te he nssumltte the role of holiday fuverltP, mieh ' as .Maude Adams was mi long identified witli en the ntnge. When the cur rent .icnr was ushered In tlie Slanley Tlieatie exhibited "A Prince There Wan" with the popular Mcighan, and next week the nime theatre will nIiew his "lJttcif Heme nnd Mieltc." n (Jenrge Ade Mnr. Other interestlni; Him openings include "The Dangerous Age," with LewlK Stene, nt the Kurlten ; "Thirty Hn.s," u new coined), wltii 'Wnllnee Held, at tiiu Arcadia and 1'nlace, nml "Jlie .ecrei or rails," nt Hie Victeria, THIS Is the (-ciend tune that Geerge Ade has written dlnctlv for the vredi. The lloesji-r liumeii't's first effort wns "Our I.eadir. Citizen," which appeared during the summer nnd nttrmted favorable comment. "I'.fiel; Heme and P.reke" fells of a chap in a miuiII town who is saddled with his late fntber's debts and, be cause of them, is siiulibed hv nil his for mer ftiends. He ipnts ids job in th" 1 'i il facterv . gees West and innlcs Iim fortune, but when he letiirns, in pur "iinncp of a I'iri'fully laid plan of ie enge, be pritinds te be "b.uk home nnd broke," except le the one litth girl who hud remained faithful te him. Supporting Meighuii iu "P.ink Heme riudliieKi" nri. I'leib i ii 1 IJurteii. M.ig" and H'leen ihai. liter man: I'lercnce l)ion, I.iln I.e." I who appears in mere pictures th. in probably an ether lead ing la'h of the f.f rceii). Cjril Itlng (re centlv t-efi in heveial Charlette (Jreen (Jreen (Jreen woed huieeset. Cert Hide Qulnlan (nl'e a "l age light I. Chat les Abbe (who apiie.ned witli Mcjghitu m "Cappv Itieks"), Uichatd Cnrljle (nn old matinee Idel l and Lawrence Wheat (who in bis sew nil appearances wilhf Meighnn, lni- maikcd binisclt as a vclein persini'ilitv of IP'lI fort el steadllv and persistently ( piesent lanfullv tlieuglit-mu and often bnlliant pelteim.iui es. Jn ,"'! he D.ingeieus Age" lie is seen as a man inairied long enough te have passed lieth tin and crjutil aniiiversiiiM s and pcrhniw tlie china one. but net long eiieugh I" have setllid down with (emplet nteiit. On a trip te New Yuk Ii" Imds biiiis. If eiiineslied in nu ".itT.nr ' whuli comes d.se te li'iving w neus results. Huth Cliff.. id. r.dlih Heb. it", CI-,, Madisen. II. U n I.vi.ch and Mvrtle, Steadi i.m i..pr-ent the femn.in ion ien tiiigeut in "The D'ingi ruis Agi "' and mieii tic ii.u in the cast aie Itu hnril Tin ki r. Lincoln m..h1imiii. .I.iiues Mor Mer iis.ui inn old 'iljisrnpli st.it whittle siives t" be stalled nvjl.t lllelll! i and1 JMuiird I.urus. . jr -l in: pi and ii u : m: n ami flar v tin inn np- imnr often than Mnahnn, thai v(,i ,i ll'.i.;. . l!i ill. and nllu a latft i "Ihiili llaiii.' ii huh ! ill In' "lien ii at leth itudm nnd l'alinr Ihiatni hi it ii rl . 7im m tali n ! i i,m n tn,ie fane nf ahnut .r 1'iari ; -.. , - . '.' 1 hemm nnd ,.ii,len Hum- iltnn. 1 1 en-r, n, ih ndi . ntui . i of a '" '' ""'""' "'"' " '"'. """" "tin i neunh. - .,. ... h th, I .,,.. . . . .. te ,a,l "'""'" linn Im n II" Imdina ld,i, and ''"."' I'lullip-, Kalla I'mhn and Ih.vh.ll Uauall. I.M; SI i;'S wcll-l.uewn novel. -Lj -ii,. Mvst cries of l'a i is." with tl ll.'U II IIII. nt "4ll'' s,ii".ts of I'll - It tl 1 Wl in Will I. the 1. n tni i.i Tins 111 I!' uaett. Il..s Ulte lllielnpl I . Ililll. m.nle lis II l.'llg " list of NOTES I It' " OTHt i.. - u h Is t-ri n I . '. v 1 1 II 'iS ., v . Ii . .t!i II r J vt M.- Tl. Mis in.- Jr wil Thrt I'TlSfrtt I h,.tr Ilrtitv !ncrs ehi A Mititnni in ti-r il it I r. imi in . t N . i in -i. n i..j- .ii ,r t-B i r. i.ri ,i n ,i- t .- vrt V iien nn N r. ', 1 I1 M m th. r. i II'! n f In I 'tu . . jr m f ..tl t p. -. ' te i h la i ?! (-. S He's Se Generous VUR iSSElVPX.VET YD POOR I tj soy T-ii,T GOT S.0-VI si' Pi"C i'jO s-i... c- --- v-vj I I LET HIM TAKE.- MY SLED' - - !' T -cieiii perseii'iurv ei icu iurf'. ........,, ,,j , r f,,,lri,, "i 0f(j If tlietc has been anv film tar who I y,".''n"r '' "" Mem, ami 1'Aith UebcrU has made mure appearancei dining the ,, '.'.'"''"""' "old ei rr fratiirri includt lai cir than .Meiglian we cannot plaiei .' ," " '"'ihtheiit IT,, ( fleurr" in Inn In addition te ' A Prince There. ,, '"'f.'"' at thr Stanten, "Trifl'mi Wn," (l.ist helid'iv true,, tlnue were " """ " '" f irrend u rrk at thr At- "The I!.u heler D.id.lv ." "ur Leading1';1",' "',"' 'Hrr On, W, ,,,,' n Xermr, . Ill 1 1 VI 1 ") lllllllll 11 1KI Mil 1 UIM lllll- '1 . OF THE WEEK Twelve Jest Films of Passing Year "All for n Weman ' Hern! Itev " m i "Klcrnal Klaine " "Cnter Madame Urnndm.i'H Hnv ' l.ep of i'i irneh ' 'Hie (Ilorleiis n.ij ' ' Uulliif,- I'asslen " "h. rleek Ilelinis' "Smllln' Thriuiffh." "Tel.il.l.. Onld " fauiriles Including l.ew Only, ni the ptince; Montagu I.eve, as the pchbol pchbel mastcr: (Jlmlvg lTnl..ti.. Af..n.... . f . ,, , , '-, ....1 J 111. HIT t Hese ( eghlan, as tl. Owl: Kllie Shnn , non ,,s .Muie. IVi mind: Doleres Cns , -Inelli, ,ls j.,,),,. j,11H(r r,)1Ilpr I ,,;'"';'" : ' I - Sherri, ns the Clllllircll,,,- hrn S!,.flw.n .... .!.- I.I. ...I .... '.. un iiiu ...il. iiii; U'libaik. and Wnlim. In,... n .l. i, stranger. This. Ils ,?, of " f . ... . i .". r'"""nrp mid Utrlilcr of thu underworld of Iris. Tin: i:rn,, a Vl hatl a ;iirfirp nm 7..""enra. ,,,. ,, 'ead untttn I,,, friii,' . Parker I.. Vncknrd iu,r or ,r II,,,, ..I Man") and dude m tiling til lf irrnml .. .! n tl, At- 'Hrr (lni,, If,,,," Vn. IT. V Vl' ...i . j-j '" iiiiiisieii tiieugii in m tt ri',,,,Pr sk,,,,,y fashion the mib jert of the screen nr t iri of t,e jenr, 1 popular indoei sport" of cheesing an I'i'm ''"" '"' 1,ist "f "'" Vc,lr'a I5est In mnnv cases. (10v will be found te weeUl0n "'" h" ,M tmblishcd two hfci, .'" i"f "'" l,:" ,iIm Irtraynl which ,s enlv naiural since n-allv flne ,!f ;ifB'""'ll goads the actors tuklnj pint into iinusu.il efTert Last j ear. our list of (he twelve best in I . i, , M ,'" P"'K twelve than ten) mm In. ., t. ..lievvMig- "Laithheund," I "ililit. ! H Pnradtae," ...1.?"r,.HVr.".''mi'11 "' 'he ApecahnHe." Hie Ki.l Kismet." -LnHc fiord I'assloe." "!..... ri.k.i.. I'auntleniv , son, ' 'Sentimental Temmy." "SIKn en Ule 1 loe and Thp Three Mus- 1.. teer- Ccnerullv S1,eaki,le. it can be said I ". ''" ?rr"M "." ''" lu-oducedne .. ..,. iMiisuuuiing films. t nny in. .hut uiree or f, our certainties, this - ..-, UH v er.v nine i harder te .bees. ,;,n, ,.rmn -,nbl e D-ii i.l "Lnv.-s f Plmreah " Itulinir In sien," "( ie i JlrillIs n ... 7, ,!? Ilt.ini.I I'l ,." ,u,,. was lirtl,. nr J , ijue-tien. but after that ,f , .1 trJ , leient mutt. r. s !l """ .1 .ii s nst wns OMn; following may be given ns - J ear's Hener List , ninis.. just "ii Hi nor List of uetii,,; was given 1 the an weel.s age en two T. srne . nriqur incr ' Mnr. , Who Plajed fji.l" J i-nal I"!me" I'rt. nc- of 7,mif iMIver TivlHt" -In I'l... ,l ' Th Henil IIev'' Hiirric-itu m (lnl' "l-"fi of Pharaoh Niin..'.lt i.f tlie Nerth1 ' ' C in m ' M'lim Kiiluht'ioeil wii Ie Pmvver" I hi, 1 '.,,. rntl'rur v..n.n HI. ..i.l nnil Sanil'' I nu. In Hie l'x" fit. ' 'i Pi 'l. .rl c il. T' M.r, M tinri ' It i i J il ' 'I 1 r I I U- . P "r 'II sl- III ll-i Ii .t 1'iv l"n'. i Mil in -let ... II . ili-.n '! 1 I' npni; .hesen twelve will hu found listed X l alphabet!, allv. le save eurselvea 'le'lblei in ,, Imv. I,,,,,,. ,,,s .nluinn. Hetlble This .He this . idiimn. ll"l take ".III. illi s e nt.".. nun int.. . iiiisideratien s ort subjects. Of be mad.- of the two. r. . I c tbese, m. sp . mini si ri. 'il.setit.il bv Itllslar IN'. II. "II. 'I it ii I'.'Ur .si is, .ns ' 'l.e (bit of th" ellll.lkllbh' llnveltv . "Th the I", liv cirtoeus and Inkwell novelties. Ir inuh1 riot be amiss ... teniiiilf ttmfr ..,.. ... ...r.iti pi. tines ,,re cntniiieil i i lu I... iu. i list. ,, ,h.lr both of them n r. als,, iniludcil , ,. ),.t ,f tWt, lest It tiui als., . net.-.l that nine "f the :l. rtv-twe listed an- cestum lilnis repris. nun- b.v gene davs, wliU two inni.. i.ui be teimed 'modem cos ces tunic pictmes siv arc out-and-out erne. les. two , an be classed w jn a '"lliedv villi foul nr. i1nllnlt.il.. .....1 .... I . ... r . dramas, North." able ait and one, "Naiienk nf th is an trv "ituui.il of remark "Torch Bearers" Here Soen 'J'., the C. nu. k eiiimcucing Mend "ii ii.-. .lanuaiv will ,,,. t;,.nrB0 ( itlllt'UA I 1 IMlIlttMIP fi. fi.ru nM,. l'er. li It, an rs int. ii In i aii- I Inn. l'hiladelphia Jms a ...--.. ( i -i, iin plop, t tv it. ai . i s' K. Ilv Ih C Kehl Hi 'I In T.ircli Us author, Ceergp I" l brother of Welter. the irgnn i ludge" of tint 1 .... -.1 iv nml ( hi i. pn i li mil uni 'I'l' it. t ... 'lie . li hu K.-llv. the 1 llli't '( the vveibl. lie )... lie ,, ,, ,,V jg ilii.lti Uls-uivc tin ir seileim I" re it i, tin dt'ii :. --ii the M-lk-e nt I im III ulturill il.i'l. "ii i-u. r ..f III the . n, ,,t , I'li'inl ami Spruce." ' Teii'h Hi llleis" will l'" Mi II, an. u In ( 'an. p. ,li ,in tl'1 I. .1... rs .it il,, v.'llll.'et set here ml a i.i.imi'n m nn itibi.t- ,,t . I... te ... i n . , '".' " - n i i . .i- i in inv it, iti m amateur git. si ai-u-i. -Hi.. , .st include! ii . '!,"" , ''"" Mipvierth, Hi-liti Lew. 'I and Aithur M,aw. ' "Bowery Durlesquers' it Casine .loe lining s k,; 'et lllll les(ilicrn, w rl . mi., ie tin ISIIIO Till. nlr.. .,... Wiek lllllv Cost, r nml I'nniii w -. iir-t .... I '. , "" .'"'. 'i ill inn show with " ei (I. pn s. Mini; He 'ie, I her 11 'HI I V" I l w 111 re The two l.lniililil ill in.,.,.. I'lnt celleertt , - linn iiieir ( eiiiedr HI 1 i tillil. fr .. .."'.I .....inns nnu iiieir (OiiU'dy tr.iin tn.-i n i. t Snaln. I'l ill- W II l.e '" -i i in;.. Chei us. Illlcntp,! "llleilv llltei lllile - i. in I -I IT IU III lis, i iiliieih -I -.(";- Mm, S.u.,..,. Mut H pen. ,,,',". ' V "",.,1 ' '" l.ibbi,. Hart Wl, lie linn n t'Ttn hi ineie piiiiuiiietit en- Photeplaiw te lie Seen en Lecal Screens Soen iltiliiiiirv H I'. 's i,c tin. S'lnrrn ' niiitrj, sit. ml. mill .M.iry J'l.Kferd. Let ti i .i en. K' ennn. I ii linn with l'rank ' Jlv I'l lend the Iievll with 1 ' irl h liclllri.m VI, t,.,u J-K'II.IIK M arllllth ti iKJie Stanten. 'Vn -- m 11 & i "V"S "'.l I s- ri ! .. 2J I " ppw" ' "" ' L 1 1 l-) A t., . i. p . ifltfi