Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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W ' i .
: Hi
Thrill of a. Royal Adventure Is Only Prize for Duke
Leinster, Distinguished Sportsman, and William Wallace
Nutting, Doughty Yankee Skipper, JVhe Will Tempt Fate
by Voyage in Frail Beats Net Much Bigger Than Saucers
milK Kitifj of IiclaucI that is, tlie hereditai y
- upon an Amciiean.
Is his visit for a confeienco upon matters of state, politics or .society?
Ne, indeed. He has come te arianp,e for a sailboat lace aciess the
The Duke of Leinster, who is the premier Duke, Marquis and Earl of
It eland, whose ancesteis for hundreds of vears were I 'intra nf Tri-lnnd
. ., ... , ... ........ , . . .. . .'and
the body is pulled apart," he nn nn
weted very quietly and quickly.
This hit of witchiiiff histeiy
reined mythical as he 1 elated it,
while prosperous fur-wrapped Amer
icans strolled thieiiKh the hotel
lobby. I
The Duke nf l.eiiister i- Hit? ttwiitt-i
i ' Miih i:.nl of Kildnie tinil i ib"1
otelith In held lli-t piest'llt llllt'. IHl- t
liis; tin1 win- In
iiliMnl v llli
f'Klilltlg Ill :h
IWlUlllll'll fM
r. n-iered mil nf the -eivue In1 li hi Hits
Innl. l 1 iflll it.llit . He llieli i'Mileil the
I Si ite mint iiinh'r Cellins in '
III' S.llll
pt'.H flu
i "in,
li. ieii
il.i- hit
IH .1
Has Hunted liif (lame
in Wilds of Africa
i"i Mum li" n-uined hi- liuiiuiii
lOllllllil-. Itl'ltli' .111(1 llllOI' I III' mil
hunted tin; Kiiiiii' in Afin.i II
nni'L ik.ii l,viiiin
llifnie tin' It lish I'm. Stall- i. inn' lulu
fXistHIIK till- i 111!,. II Mini I'JO.IMMI lll'll'S
of an ("tiiin nt Ciiitiin. near Imbliu.
'J''nl.iv In' Ii.ih luit r',(MH neies. Hie
remainder hnuiug been liikeu mw ''.
tii(' I lish I. and ('ennuis-iun nml villi
' .In t ii few thousand ncies left
"maud mill tiistle." (iilih'il '.iliiln
Unlri as the Puke i'lnti'il I he stei'v ut
Un vmiusculieu uf the hiiul.
Although the youthful peer he is
about thirty new hits the farieein
te call it'll iiiiniiipr. Mi ihicsii "nshaw. will be sat sfacteiv te inc. I will agtee l,?,, -.-"'"mHHHHH'
r '.-r'-vi yamiHIBBB.
le any preposition se lone ns tne mc f ' ' ''- BHHIHMHRRHI-.
Mr. Nutting hnr S'HHMBHHHHIHtek
In ttiA hnntrf '?rTHHHHlTC&ttHlHHHftl
le In It'iiRtli j 4jBjjjltKmL
.K'-HfSwHHPifSc'' . t JM':':-'TWIBKiW mrJr Uilham Wallace Nuttinu, he
HiRBHIHHP"' ' '-ivi ' J' '4tfKm&y $WS hs accepted the Duke's dial-
13 I HI 3eBHk,lk. HVHH iSL JPKMkIHMK ' ':&2aMte yh - M
1 The Duke til J.cinstcr, in America "jHBII ' f If- Sr ' BjB 'B ""!S,, K?- H8J H 'i ll M
iirriincini; for the race across the viMH I - -., i3K, lflKB 1 nTl V ? !BH3Mk4m Hik V''", V?5 y"
-us llmr hi' I" liiiieli unpresu'il by the !'""' ''mIKpS'0'' . ' -tH4m 'JtttffEJJWKMKuttKT li
Aiiieiii-an lu'iipl.'. Hi- thc ''''' ,,lk"'' 'lSMHHtK E 98 '!HraSJSeHillH li -J
f H'" V jf ' "'" ' " "" ' " i
J -,' m aiZ3ZI!IIIII
j 'W - S. - ' 'I
$ 1 " ;?' . 1 Nuttinu at the wheel of the little ketrh, 'The Tjphoen"
J.ui'ilii! tin- ner 9' 't!f, '""- "
M ...C .S. ill i. . i . . .. i ...r...l.i.. Ikit.. l V r . ...
, '' ,''', fc f ' 'ML III, li' Willi. li! U.1I.I ,,, 'll
' '' "' " ' c,' ' " "" "" xw" "",l ' ,l"' ' ,1"r l'"1-'' " l'"" ' ''"ir. ""' ''"i" hii. maii'li ilifii' -tri'iixih, limn in in,iu, in
''"' - ( .'"'Jj -' I'-T-i.n tl. I,,,,), u,ii '. ,,.,, I ,,nl, r0 -.,. i. ir Hi - -...I k-.-ntl. ni.mts II.' u u. u.leiful ..inlt'si A -r,i t.n .. whleb
' ; t "V li 'i i illi. i ('t'x'liiii innli . w.il .11 r uiuti'il ..ii int- a , I iiiM-ti, iipmi hi'ii- thiill- i. in- pcniitul In ml lu'e anil tlit
I ( ' ;' ' ., . . !. ' '""ill Mippls nf mil. ihi' lint' will ills; in- p'M nil in . ii'ii A pie it f.'l- lii" 'I the b t p a ml tin- ImlesuliK
I ' ' il M bt trlii tnini' i in,,, m .1 mi., hi .liilj . the 1". I" '" lhii ii i- -i i.tlieitUit iiiri "C hpurt-nifn's atheuniie,
j ,'. HI '' U, I.Hiil.Ii-- ilai i Hill In Uiu. ii-'.iun i li thi
' I ;V' II' 'Ik !:;;X7rwll;i;,,,,,,,,,B,,, A Gwan-te-Bed Story : -by j. p. Mccver
jj' , t 'V , if i lit '''" I'1''1' -t ''it Mipiie il.'ii' lu-t I With nniliKiir te Joining (iikiHi I
1$bt m Mx'eam&g0t$fci ll -.'.i--; JS ' hint in I "nsl ni.i tint I,., mm i,.,. I he I iilinj Utile Dilwr .mil the,:-' m nnir wa m mum imhi lit ill
Majf JtJM" mmumSSm i i j TlmlMg lm m-' I,., ui'l U at nml mi m. i r,,M" l-i"'' "U "'""' l"i'i' I'"'1 'I'"" ''I till
lrifllH k X-2arr i m i- fumu rm.. . ..i.
inH i iHn I--BPV. ' "" "" '' : i-h.t f. Mm .tii-i
S atU'HH"BHr V. km e.ll t.n.' mie I ,il .- t-l l,- l-.i- w i nun ut i h- uiitei w i- sniiu' u--i ,i ,.i,,.,, ,,,,,,
Ifei heiMi't ii Ini-l.fli.dUiiitr Rm. ii. il) .me in KiiKluii.l -.vlth tnenkey-, lBglT PnAJMa "' n"'"' ' - -i-mii-i "'IM.. ;,' ;',';" ' V.t tMmliiiV-' " '. i'n.i. liith """,'1 ,'"1'' '''"'"'
I 'l'tie Dttl.e is iiiiMiitiit ti ut ,,i. m (imi nf mrnkg-jjtmiaimmmmmm I
Ln II I -rill J III iiit. in mi
r i n i n n il v
. ,, dHRPr. " ( oiiipuiiien mm i
.3HBa''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'"l.1 v ,.,i .. .., , '""" ' "" "" ' '" " L'" little ilinu -tentiei
.. :rtc.HaiK v ' "' .'- "I" tin.'- Mill nn, i i . ,,,.,. i ,.,,, .
,11 llinil .11 'in' ' '"'.ii' " "- - i ... . ..'H'-itim iii ;
it'll maimer. Me iluesu'l. :i. "n-hnn."
by jeve" ittul "Channlc." ns all ISilt-
, ls-li 'etitli'iiit'ii ate -.iippe-ril te sny; am
he (leen'l wear -ikiIh! He is eiittn
taken by Aineiiian slanir. liaitlctilnrly
"f'nn j en beat ilV
He was loath te talk about hitm-clf,
believes in the nmity of men and nations through a love for the simple I nn" n,sls,eu uim l"s tlnilllap eTpen-
elements of life. ,i-iires Pre nm h.uar.lei.t. His two
i. m i i i ..i .t 1 . i ... iiRliih i tiinpiiiiidnx eernslennllv vneke
His jienleus tleeds in battle, en the. hunting gieunds and en the sea , flll. , ,.', , ,,. ' ", ""' p" '
. . it- i . ., -I. i ... . ., . '"' "Ha. "Hi in.. jiiiKe mls'cil net n
me legion. His exploits en the social stage and in politics are nothing. 1( ,(,v snj,
The noble visitor is the most re- 1
niantic iignre in Ireland today. He
is n descendant of Lord Edward
''itzgcrnhl, who, in ll'.n, led the
Itish against England, was captured
and tlietl as a martyr for Ireland.
The Duke of Leinster is w ithiped
us the nnmesake of this saint and
martyr. He is rensideicd te have
the same personal magnetism and
daring spirit that his ancestor pos
sessed. lie will ince against an Amer
ican who beasts nnd bespeaks the
heritage of the sturdy struggle of
Middle West American pioneer life.
Theio will be no prize for the
w inner, except perhaps n cup.
The American is in the race for
the fun of the thing. Se, tee, is
the Duke.
In fact, the Duke would have
Failed across the Atlantic alone in
stead of racing some one else aciess.
That had been his eriginnl intention.
Last July, in Londen, he said he in
tended te sail across in a ketch.
William Wallace Xutting, of New ,
Yerk, 'oemmodoie of the Cruising
Club of America and editor of Moter
lleat, rend an account of the Duke's
intention. Mr. Nutting had sailed
m re'-s the Atlantic in 1920 in his
ketch Typhoon. He wrote the Duke
mid challenged him te a race.
And se the Duke, goetl scout and
leal sportsman that he is, has come'
tu Ameiica te confer with Mr.
Nutting and te arrange for that
j ace.
This K the Duke's iir.-t visit te
America. Instead of rushing aieund
te get a view of all the gay places
nnd ea-xerly engaging in the social
tu'iits nf the elite, or presenting
the piima facte evidence of "what
the wt'll-diessed young man should
wcar"--as me'-t of our distinguished
foreign vi.-iteis de he is busy nt
tunling te the arrangements of the
nice and te the iclectien of his beat.
"It bi a thrill that I have always
v ant til and am going te hnvc," saitl
tne Irish sportsman, in "peaking of
the pnipesetl race.
Thrill of Air planing
In Yd in lie Felt
I'lie one adventuie he has net bad,
he -aid, was riding in an airplane,
lie tines net. want te l ide in a tea
plane until he can pilot his own beat.
1'ir.tt, he wants te sail across the
Atlantic and then fly across it.
" ml tlien swim nciess," added his
companion, Captain A. V. Celes.
wth a twinkle and a bit" of humei,
ns lie poured some tea for a few
callers at the Duke's hotel.
The Duke seemed te take his
friend's remark seriously, for evi
dently there is no hazard he would
net like le take. Atlantic in a ketch
He comes from a family of
fighters. Five of his ancesteis, he
aid, had been drnwn and quartered i ,Ui(k ( ,(n ,, V(.v tlw( nuk(ls ,.
en Tower Hill in Londen. pictine him atop mountains looking out
"What's drawn nnd quartered?" vri. ,, u,lley when- his mstles Ktnud.
mnie one in the party asked. j mifl altlieiuh bis f.me is nnhlv fiem Hie
"The arms are tied te a pair of winds nml the time- ui 'en -terin-t,
hnr.-e carts and the legs are tied tetheie is about hi- i'n tin' tleluMi-y of
-mother pair. Then the carts are fail tomplei.m. nt fine leatm
turned in different directions and
A Duke. Coining ever te see me. Te
it range for the raie "
Mr. XutiitiR is net a bit viirue nbeut
the tonus of ocean lneintr. lie can use,
from Ieiir experience, enough nautical
terms in ordinary i omersatlen te nf-e-itnte
n glessnrv. Then he tlrnwt
.ill sorts of pictutes of sails and rigs
and ffhneners. wlileb eentiliee ou Hint
he hnettx, nt llrM luiml, nil about whnt
he )h tnlking. Ami the f-ru stories he.
ttrltis niiike anv het ' hair stand en
Previous Trips Reb iXcw
Voyage of lis Terrors
In Kli;t. N'tiliiiig sailed singlt
inimnl. In tl titter Neiels, from New
Yeik te Nettfeiiinliaiiil, anil then detui
thedusf of New feiinillainl te Miiplclen..
He i reuspi the Atlantti' t w ire, In
J'.i'Jd, in the Kef eh T'pliemi.
"A ket-jb." rxplniueil Mi. Nutting,
"is the oppe-ite of a schoeiier. It it ,
a twe-nia"! ves-il with th" smaller
m8t aff. Tim the -ail area is belter
distributed for n small eiew, A jawl
Iids a bigger mainsail, it has the lltt 1
mil nft. ' '
Mr. Nutting sj a-'live in helping
erganise the ('nii-ing I'lub of Ainerlen.
f If it he snid :
"The Aiiieiiian f'linsin? 'ltlb is
patterned after tin- It-i.wil Criii-ing Cluh
of I'nghiud, vtliiili hat done remarkable
tnrk In Keeping nine the spirit of the
en. and of real a liting. The Hnglisli
t lub puts our a win boek: giws prises
for the most notewei tliv amateur voy vey
ages: tterks tiih tin- Aflniiinlty .in
planning irmses. It gate wilunble serv
ire during the war. a- its members
Knew the iioeKs along the eeasl with
uhlrh the naty twit nut familiar."
"Here in Aiueriia ne!it i luhs have,
te l,e jolted into real r-.liling." be coll cell coll
fniieil brisl.lv. "Tbe hate become
iuff eeunti - lub- We must hove
real sailing and re.il beat".
"We want tti get tin- Kid- into this
sort of thing.
"We haw le-t a whole generation t.
the automobile. We v mil te get them
linik te the watei Seninaiii-hip makes
for fearles", stimU manhood In the
automobile, there is ii-iuill. mere ti-k
te the ether fellow On tilt! sea, the
sailor lights his own li-k."
"Here in America, ' he as-eited. with
vim, "we have traditions --traditions
from the dntt of the clipper ships. We
have bet'n getting away lrem the water.
It's great spurt and geed training. We
don't want our he.is te miss it,"
Reviewing hi-tnii-e en the Typhoon.
Mi. Nutting -aid that w el was built
necerdlng te his own ideas of what a
ngeing ,tii rh l should be. "ami wh
sailed her ucres the Atlaiitie and back
for the fun of the tiling "
"We feel." he continued, "that the
pnrt of iiieking jour 11 a v across great
, .stietelies of water, bv lour own newly
neqtiiied skill with the sextant, fecl-
I lug jnur mij with the headline through
the fog and d.tiKtn-4 into strange plncee
are worth the time, the cost, the ener
gy ics, nnd eien fhe in-k and bard
shin that aie bound 10 be ,i part if
-neb nu uridert.iKing."
Se the IiiiKe et Leinster and Air.
Nutting will pi' then -Kill against the
anil 01
eie hum
He 1- 'i -ix-liiniei , tall nnd ten
slunlei ilhilltf "I the inhll-l ill lli
I'lllbl. Ill M'pe-i he ha- tin- gl.ue of the
hi. 1 11 p i.tlciiuni Al Ins -llghte-l gi--lilie
till 1 le III, lilt' te ihlllK of lh
jlil.l-e. "Sttill 11- .ill .mew." Yeu 11111
pil'lllie llllll ill I he jungles of AflSH
1 i.iping twih Ihe -1 lint; -if a p.inthei
Hum lieu e :t 1 1 i 111 .t
In di-i us-ing 111 -Kill ax a li'uluu'i
uitir and light' 1 ili" has boxed will
refused 11 diinnii'sieii inn. .j,,,,,,,,,, Wilde, lit weight I'luuiipn'ii -'
the llish (ilinitls III thi',!,, n,d -Mill li.is I'ligiigeil ill -efii-.il
sn'ilh nf r.uii'lie he t.is iim.,(l,. nailing hiiiitsj, aieuiheis 01
titniH. When he .isl ,1,1. ... in i'i 111 sing Club said . "Ill-
'.ill must be in speed and aleptne--,
fei lie isn't a lui-Kt loeKuig gin.
The I lake is nuweuit te lit ne lio.il lie.il
inu in Ihl- iniiiilit He ihiiil.s ii mils'
I e "It'll I spill I
The sut wni 1 1111 go
Duke Thinks Americans
Are Very W arm-Hearted
Net Klnd-heaifed, warni-heiiitn,'
1 ei li il the in or
'The Unl.e," eeiiiiniii'd Captain
le. "hi- a tendue-s for iiienKei'."
"I'lir all tuilmaW." wu'ii'ited the
1 l.'Ivf
l.-piiinllt Inr inuiiKc.is," pd-lstcd
( iplaiu ( 'eh'v
' A lute ler all aulimiN, p.11 Urill.illj
liiiillkfj," the Ullke 1 until llli'il, sltis.
tag the ".ill."
His l'i'Hilli-s ler inuuKes he e
I I. lined hi the jael that 111(1 wsits .tge
a pel iiiiuiKey saied one of his nn
1 1 -tin- I10111 being buriiiil te denth.
Sniie then inniiKe.t s have alwn.is been
pel- of Ihe l.eniHler fannl), which 1-
ih il) tme 111 Iniglauil with tneiiKeys
01. i,-i (eal of aims.
lf tlte lt't IllellI.eJH I'.'ll.tllllv lll.ldc
n 11. 1 of things in m, he'el rooms In
wait iiiib'i, LuihIeii broke ti windows ami furiu-
nmr in ihe b be.it" " he It'lii.llKed
, His Secial Diversion
Is Centered in Opera
When .i-lli'd Mhal ether Miltlliilll
1 llieiil he wauled I" seek ibllliu lu-
month's Mat lure le' .iiHtteu'd
1 ' ( Ipeia.
'"Iluit's hilling' " tli't'lnred en
tii.lb'is. ' lint mi should likt
I .l... 11 ten 1. II" se lllllih I'm'
spoils' "
..,, ,t i.n'i he ausMi'ied 1111
tun ' said the ptesenl I'ltger.ihl wif
his flanging smile. His entitles Imw in
them iii.iii wild iiiiimiils which am, I
liiitwwr, iiselul. '
As ,1 liiiiiter he Is te Iieluinl wliai I
Id 1 i wh was ,10 Aiueiii'ii. He docs
net, liiittew r, heliett. in -hooting ant
1111111 ids whb li are 11-s.liil
"Tlieie is no spett in h,-htiiu ttnl- (
mills wlilt-h me bariiih s," he said, 1
"The elephant and the tiger sue aul
mills whlih me dangereiis te people and
tO (Hip- "
piesisiwlt . an '""' ,vlln '"os ''"' "" I'fl-' rst ns llu- Mihirt-t I10 was
iniiiniliillls' nml Hie sea iilse lutes iniisie. I anMeiis te tonttniie (list usmiir.
is alt the tame R.cnt ihjtl.m et the " ,?"" "V 1 V' " ""
.liiJL, 'i MtfJautle blngle-hnndcd," he snld. "But
Till- Irish nnbmn hoi 111 unurect- I
of his
-. ,V i r
"l 1
uan 'J rT'r'sMWwrtJ.&'-ft "rt4ij r.i a i m nniii
ib. ""-Mia 'n-i n jm '"r'Miiliiii itfi "Viiin
., .,'l"l,. t " A "' SJaOTV -&a K .A. .F'
,vyh Wv' J'
J V) V"
'ft.1,' ' , '
e - ', .,-)s
si .- ;;" t-
s,sat s " "
- y
iilautic b
iMr. Nt
Nuttjnj wnnts a eompitnlen, It
"The Typhoon," in which Mr. Nutting has already crossed the
Atlantic, however, net in competition
Hi nil Will Take Along
a "Seasoned" Companion
Mr N nng Wl.l tnl.e wi'h hn.i 1
W 1 1 i-(i"l Ittildttm ranndini.
.iiieht-m.iii who tresed the Atlantic
with him In '.Mi.
A iniage .lere-- t'ie Ail.iuti. 111 a
.small beat is net a new lent .lodging
trem Sim 1 ir lejnges, n should take,
neniinllt. twenty tu thlrtj dajs
A few iMi age Themas l'h tiling
Ihiv iTus-1,1 twice in a -mall crntt
oil' e In In- ',vwi ,wil with two emu.
luiiileiis and iiginn In a peiwr beat.
cruise thai ' iiiied at lVtrugiad
Silhetli III il ltf.linst the dehe.ite .i.i
till' el the ! 1I.0 el I 1 in-l. .11,. tin
large ivgul.ii '"II ft.t'utes r iluam
Wallace NtiU'iiR Mr Nutting ha
.1 lirnn
linn 1
1 "in. r
ell.l fi.
it'le 11
II' Me I t li I I
I llllll 1 II,.' ill Itei
III He. flllillt llllli ill 11. 1 '11. i ihe
fiiuni lmle top. "wLen me teii Lik
ing "our 1 111111 little -ell ih - luniit
Utile mm ulng '
"I'm geliu I" Hit I unit Iilile of
fm " -mil the tuiilii li1 tl" di it 1 1 'Ami
whin aie .wu yeiiig ' de in tour I1111111
little n ill 1 e ,iiil the lu.nii little eep
'I'm g'ing 10 de a h'l 11' liiiiut Hub
business," -mil the iwiiii.t lmle tit 11 r.
"le nuiKe 11 let of
te but fiiiitit little
flllillt little t.u 1 -familt
in nn luniit
I'lllllt little III. ,111 V
inn K - 1 1 1 - te fit'il
11 1 In tuiiin 1 1 1I1
l.iil. 1 1 . 1 1 . '
iiuu nusuy nutiti 01 an .vmcricnn ntint'iic ifjeiu nupr your tunnv llii
nere, nmt ceineu from rurilue. ' he'll hnml you a funny Tttle summon.
n 'nt 1 1
I 1 ''1 1 op h .11. 1, 1 go 'en
or 1 II send it funin I file 1110I01
pr your tunny little lllitef niul
'"ii ' nun lit-
I. itle ini ' -aid th"1
nod oft he went,
"ii step dm nig funny
li.ilu'ss liinnv littlH
11 re imikiiig ten iiniili noise.)
f iiiuv little di n 1 1 sti'iipei
11 ill'' l'uiiit lmle gas nml off h
Item d.'ttli the fiinnv little Mieel. ami
.ill' I linn III Kill -pill, piilleli put i'lllllt
11 Ilium iittleiopeii 11 finnit little mo me
li, 1. tele
'Mop w.iir finint lmle II iwr, funny
mill' ui itei . sin. 1 i in- t it ti 11 h
11 tint is 1111. 1 inniit utile tun 1
Hie luuiii little di Itl 1 told linn f
lliies a luniit 1 II t If selium, as fei
wni 1011111 lilt!
I linn little 1 op
III II flllillt llllll I
I I'll.1 I - '0111 '
flllillt llttll II1' III
I I I' 111 I I
U 1111 h is 1
million I' 1.1
were ni'iie funny ll.lli
tn tin- tunny little co
tile (0 ',
ieV" al, '
liiwi " -aid
1 mi lite lii apt
1 nnd a funny lltll'
il win tv 1 nt) -Hv
11. -I In nun put jeii
1 im ihuit funny
"bat happened,
Mill Wish llll'lf
' J111I14'- llk tUt
uirV rjwaa Ui
lit-1 . 4
ieai l m
. .1
- jt-.u.u .-a'