Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    ra,'iv.j,r;.A!! vsrtr' " ' iK.frrn3, --!r
II,Mif' ..y -'" ",- -" " '"iw '
IB. A'AJ .'.'! l
' 17
r.('r r"
n n a
Thru l,evv
V. S. Ainbattsader te I lain
;ther nt thf Vrlvt Mack." i:ic.
i npvnglit, V., 1'. tuition d Ce.
a a a '
What Becomes
of Her
cXUw Daily Mevie Magazine
p:'iir ,Y'VW,fflffytfF.'i iy'nvv.-'';M,.-)-,w
) i!
rur !:
'.' V I SL'I.COfi.S. n bcnutiliil ic-
nunc, iinun in l.iiiilninl, of .Imencnu
mrtii. inn nrrri; una insn nienii. .ii(
iiuiitfifiitii tiMfiii iiireiap in i , . hand.
fnr Ive writ u-lin have levnl i rr I "Ah well," said the doctor, "it
rrntlc hmutii ntnl fnirhiatiiip prren- was well te knew urli n man. Yen
nlilji hair ih-minrly vmii.ilinl. Nir ( must lm brave a K"'d KM. "Ii'' Your
r.rciri Ihr intrrrt ami mUnliulinu of i father mn.v have- been l,ill'l in answer
CU'TMV I'l'.lVIl ',' WOl.Vi:, niilte his prajniw. One i'ii ii net urnp" !"
I ii i" rii ! ii iiiinlni. trim en ilrmntiHi- waj in front of n meling train."
.nlinn ilrinii hniiti'.nniiia In frinl
mil lln iniiimn. He hnt ntlim i ,
Ihr i ein'tii I ir frrliint nf
Ml III! I. l!i:llU. n ht,iUn,.ir.
li llllli innlr. tllllirrll l.'ll'll'll pill, illiri
I! ri'im' fiirin), hut imir rmblttrml. (
i m.nw.i. i: i:miih iinxn i ).
lnfirl' hfuthrr mnl n irniHim I
Irirml nt I'rlii'. ,
T1' I l'. 'I'll li.ive a .i.nu'lit.M." iini
! Uri'nn S'lii"-.. "I v i'l newr nllc
tier te Iiiivp this (iniici-reus Ii a in of n
I'riiup I'li.iriiuni:. 1' is ini' ounuiien
finiliiliitlen ui'i'ii "lii'li j; t Is tliinu
soiisilile j iilsnii'ii' !e i l.e l"tt" vnnl
(III I I I1H te i'l. Ill ,l! IIUIII.IMIts U.ll.ul.t ..
tlieiiKliI el lite ll"Win ji.it ? ri'.il !':'
litcii itr" " i oine Ii tn.al ' I. ui'
wreknil iiu' "lien I :i sevrntivrt
Wlill llruiii w,w seM'iitci n, 'iiiIpi'ii,
many l.imlni.iik. ii.el horn "et up tn lirr
iloelopincnt. I Iir iifithi-f hml !iel
quletly i'l 1'imI 'ii ti'lf t'l'foie v ithnt.t
n can "t mrt'i'ic, itin",t a niuritin: . i
utii!" r pen 1 1 1 eh .Hums p
llren.i liml been iilep ri i he no
room, nnil IVme'ti"., limine ene ''
lii spells of "iiemti a. .sat almost nil
nislit bins en t he poreli of their cot.
tnje in Iiiilln. Tens. in a mi'lcr which
fqiirsW a hrtle us Ins bulk mevM.
Mr liml rnme tip nf ilnwu te find hi"
vife. with tlie lirst i.iys of summer
sun thrown fhreitch tln ,-li'itters and
etitu the liappy. bfole.-j tik.nre in bars
of sold. It sh imnii'ted "ii h"r lorely
linlr: in all the wl.geM iii,t. thore
wfl.s net oiie s:riiti, nf sin' .
" i lii i il.e t . tii" t"i' Creat eali.i
he hed cai'i ' r-re-n. a he weke her
with his jiurit- hand ipen hop shenl
der. "The ii'.. 1HS Snne fretn vmir
mother's hen tit if nl beih . niv ilniifliter
iiu'i'l i -it ii'-t "ill'iil-
l.el .lin ,,'ill l!l ,i tit ni'b n !tl, it. l,Ann , ..!.
'"" " ,i......-- - ,.....,,--
tite lit. i utt't ii.lmr i tul i it lui.i.
.miles . I ml onfme.1 ihe elvlU f li.t- ,
lerness an, wliu-e amis hn'l -,illea
ihe restlo.siiei. behii'.il hi greit dark
slewing oe. Ife worn ..ii in win tin tin
I'liiingeil. but in detilu nuik.ig new jr.
t''ii,pt te reaeh '.'.e.s the cba.in
i Inch separated him trnin th" yearn-
iij ne.irt "t Ms itiiusi'ier.
These a', "inpt- were tail lies l!e..i
ech iilher. w in mi h" n, li'iir.e. th'' i
rere ns i,ers',ns m nne : the one remitl'.-
. ent. living iu a past, where gre it ngupe.
..f lnsii.rv .talke.1 niaje.n.'.V.l) : 1:1"
,ther ..vpoeta''. with the ores of ;,ei!i
turned .iwiu t'r.'in tin- shadows and
inward th" g1 'it nt th- fnure.
I'er three .,r nioie rears before M.i'i
Vniighii .s, , . ... had ,i;..,l si,, had be",
.ilarnieil b; a new 1 1,'ifncier'st'c , her
Ijl-bcinl. I" 1 .i ;.i - when be. who rn.-e
had ktew ii tl.e iHiig ! gpp'ii ieeic
nne in a settie j
' .nne out tliP"iig
, i.llllliell e'ei I Pli
ururba'i i" e' .i
. 1 rein.in'i.' gra'n, ei;p.
Ill,, het vtpe.'fs ,,11 .1
up n ii' J w ilki'd 'ip 11
W l'l l heap h 'Ill
.ales in,. I "- plinnnsraphs.
's lawn
lnlnklei's tr; .'ig I" rune t'.e -'ir-I'.il.ed
sr:i s- ,'r.,iii 'i.e ilea'!. 'i.
1 ,11, pile si.e i!ks. Itrena's imthe- had
nine,! a 1,,,.'k in Ins exes ,' a hvni'i z
' "'
"1 wonder vh,if "i:'d be. ,.ire , " "
'iirl I'rei .1 i- an, tiling I 'ipi""i. d
1 10." he '.id -.lid 'tl epla'ini,,'
"Ni.tlrng '' '!' Iiflp mi t
liPl'll.l s liinllnP I'.ll. 1 gH' , 1 . .. . . !
I '.UllO III"., ll.e l.'"Se I''e S. I ,. '..il,'
, -he" X" .."
' Tn sh.ev in,'''"
" 1 II ll,lpH !.''.e .," ., " ' 1 -
ellt .ill p.l '.P ' ' i'' I ' ' ..I'
Nothing w ill happen '" " ,
Hl,t til"' I'M!" was ' ri'Ti ' pe'l ,
niinte anee ,.-.'pir :n i . ,..
.1 tracing ..iteii rep'.i'.'d Il t '.
te his Wife ,,. nil.' 01 I'.'lseni. V' . . 1
this fear i i,ev . N". ileal-".' . I e.i e
arrleil it :'. mi- ti.p nun . man
l.llllg ai'iP I ' I' ll'.nlile ..I'l I"' "
I'.iena luni s.-en t ha- '""U 1'. ; "
I Itiier". el ,'.
"Perhaps l
hi pIic v r
' ail ..ml te i r
( Ippni 1 11 ii.'
.iM.ii'l ,,e v
: ...1 ,p.iu
1 ai i ,ni".
..'i ''a. ,.
'II tlln.e Oil'. ',. .i-it .1 he". ell'
hilil gi.He he) nn ., ,' s.-li. in' tl.i
llOt null in 1'1'n ; ' de' . e in '.
ing ' neveitln I, s. -I .. t' a. ed a '
II leneh . .O'l-ll . 1" , , 1 ' he ,
if Ili'P I Ipel 1 1 1 i. " .,' ', .
father's ansti'i',! i a 1 nit ,'. pe."
shyness uiaile :,. p. . open. 1
'IVmiii ne.ghliMi . .i', -t 1 g. .
1. r i
I I is
pI'I'SIIIIS IO H" I . -,. . e s',.,.1
And her faiin r . 1 - u. 1 ,0
100, men in he: e i. ,n .p,ie
giant ilo.i'e i'..' '.",,!'" ' . --. 11
trange and ,., e , , ., ,,. -a
. as il. 1, en:., 1 t .1 :., ,.
Perhaps iiu. sjijj,..,!. ,
1 lli'li I llll.elri .- 1 In '.'i'l .".
1 rneti, al. Iho I,, mi 11 ! 1,,.
exiled geiitli ma' "f -' 1" -ill
from of a l,.,e r,g r.i , ,.n
as l,e w.is tn , ' 1 .. 1
Hi ".1
ii :.i -
ini. .:.;.. i
1 el nig
s, rii ' .
union tan Mirn'ign t no ia:a
and then h, staPlllg p j' the s,v. i.
hair and heard hrulin I .is f he
faced n teinpisi
It Vls Hie dei ',,r nt,, , "',ed tlie
news in Uriel lie s'n... .ide the
I'lisriiving ni ihe "r,,p. 1 1 si m it. Irnric
hallefcl wi'l. nam ,i, !,in; aid nn
pni'kiugs and 1, un h.'iiging- and vn
ineinlk and .111.1 hiiiirn !n il,,. 1.,,'
tiiias nf trunk'
"Ynil l,i I ,-' "ee,'" lie ,,',irer
"Nn " Mie! llretia '"'iking it him
with her ,n in lied taee
The decin 'las a 1 1 1 1 1 diieil np
Southerner l main, 01 straddled
bt'twein his Ken',;,'l,i biiilirichi and
the Prussian mediiKil sehenli "here he
hnd iieiiiiri', hi. eiii' at mi,
' lie was a 'nilile man ' he .aid
"lie was a lui'iiited man 11 well."
Ilretia said unfiling
' If he hud lived another six inniilliS.
lie would h.ne been tntnlU blind Inly
I knew I In I lie would tel 110 one.
And whit wmld haie supported miii
beih then, ih' The public funds. I
The woman who 1,1,1 still a llild.
' lie was snicI, tempted - join
fttllier." said lb Oregnr) . "He had
Insured Ins life and he wm. Id lone
killed tt 1 ltl ell In plntiile f.n Mill. i'.
thai was ln.s plan. lie .i-ked me almui
l. Such a man' Hesiilating fn blew
his briiliih out because of w. bni 7 Hener
Net te defraud a soulless corporation
ti? Net doing it. either Toe vlr
iw. nn.n lilil.' '111,1 loll. ler .nil! nlil.l, , . . . , II , . I'WM IHICKOI s. I III' (111 gOll II S roil 11 O I HI.I1I.. II II U I IlinilClill, I' Ol'tllllOS . Jireil'llll I .IS lltssi'. ..,,.,1 .......... ,. y, nlll--We . Ip et CIOI'O' 1 , l "
"r?.':'.:'.-''1"1 ,P"'r '" wl1"-" Protect vu reni. lancer. He .ii-ln ,.,,. ,. , Ir.ui,en. ,'.. ,,ins ,,.;.,,,. ve, ir 0II,. , ,.,, .Vrn. v ...I ' mnlerlal I would Inn e for my compesi- I ,...,,. , ' , 1 "'".l )'1" niinute- , that
l,e .aid -ift.i .1- t..r:.e bi.iMii- h s .... ' . i , , , She ri-n.inibers ,:,:il ,v a .m in- "',' '' ""''" '- playing mi ever cmw- f ' " ''" ',"",-s "Thai nigh, I liml a strange dream, the round liiiiles at our sedy establi..!,- I . . ' ,,...' ,.!,.,.."" " "
..nt in tin,. In the ilea'h of the Irish ".... .'. tin :ie"ln." i n lui-te. .he h.,,1 unw n .lim llonuepin ... I exa. lie bad been Iletore Meels nwol.e. ,,sn t tl ... an 0.1.1 umun. ilme(.(),lt ,,.ni(1,)ri ls1't itV Mv beic photographed. IW turns lis
girl l,e I,.,., adered .? ..,n;,!o.e;, J1'" IJaZlJu. "' i--, ". Vm,' ?-n-"V. ''",:":r,UL:':?!U. nV:r':lilt't.',y..rT;..,' ""I!::?" ""I"! - L!!air " ,h t"nnW " "'" "' )f ?;,i VtZJUlZ " Vr h... n tlmnirrn,,k slower, net faster.. In ,,i Way
in uiiniii fciiii"v no n.iii usti'Tinn i u .--. - ..... ... ... . i iii i:il' i'l' ' tn' ! mm i ! in'iiii;sv '. uuii i'm mj ii"i 11 iii w iiii- lm ii-ii "iinn n - ann u in i ii I im-iinef ii, i.mii,. ..,i... no iii'iliw iitr lit. t'tr iirii
' ..in !
Toe just: SnlendliK Mnnnlll
Llke hi own forehead nnhli'
rlnnsie :
urena covered her face Willi
"I'id he 1 j without a word
N", I "as Keine i.i -pe.i's ''i'ii," SHf s If J A
If be b.iil lived ainilliii sis nuiiit lis he would li.ne luen totally hllud.
w Unix I Itnew that
..'ii,J (ii'";,'H. liettii barde! ! i'mm' I
'-n hw exor-ineson: t.llipi, ,.. "II"
I was .'onscieus ini- a time ,,'i"e eon-
sri.'is. He .-aid tent ,mhi iihit knew I local teniler ani.mc the persons slie
I nnw '""''n "" 'oveii you sw iiwk-
Uvarrines.. he s.,iil. nroventeil. lie nskeil
, .i il
.. .,, ., . ...li tl
n,, IO re v,i-i i .nmet.'iiiiir ui'i. '
"""'isn b" .il.lt.'t ll the ,'!'
"tne honest tn t.iKe n n iiiiiwihk 111-
lirnin i"it - a none mini tl.e tunl'ei-s
01 a niniie iviP'.iu I ri I ' ii"sii'iiig iii'rei-
. , , . . 1 . , 1 .. ..
if life's sea '."
He wa prmid of that pbr.i.e
1 ii,i.,b , ,' i,.i .i,', M...
1 ,.". . . , ,,,.. ,,.., .-,.-.
i,kie i,n tne ,'omer wni take .m i , i
fnr a while." lie s'lgge-ted
w ill lind work.
v. ..
1 .. Hrena uvei .1 iini, wnr;r lie
granddaughter :' the proud and in-
'olleeiiial 'I mil Vaughn, the .l.i'ichvr
of the man who :u Americ.i callid luni-
self DeMe'ri'l. i-:. ,.... ,,.),. the tea, ..ei
,,f chemistry in the National Instituted
of Ore.s.e. ii.i bad the right te h.mp
reval de.nraf.nti and who Imre en h s
mv the marks of battles for lihert) ,
..he wa imw ini-re'i a girl al.eie in tl.i
nor.e 'i"!i,ci' lr;.r,N. n..,ne). Ien 1, .
gi'Mllid. trait. ng. e poneiioe. A g". -.t
'IHOi W' 1 h.l I lee'e, Ili'P pnksesseil
in'' .,:'", . , -ni'" 1 il ',ea 1 .,' fr ,'t
Mlll.'lg ' ' - I'l' ' ' ' ' . ' ,'
Hi ', I i 1 1- I iill I il Jit ' I ('" ,"' I id (I i,'ii- i
rfri-T"- "" r?T'i V " "' " - Z
When Santa ( la, is lame te lliieulle be liieuglil ,1 .lull) little M.tier
with lliiil. Ibis M.llei was u eh nun il b the little Dun Hill., lie ilnihul
up nil the window sills niilside anil 1 mil oil the panes el glass in iiimhiw s
ami doers with inll) little Hew its, iiieer liltle stars and fnun) llltle mrlv
iiirs. .bub Frest was I he isitnr and new the grniiiid Is emend with .1
gTrat wllite hhinhel nf snow.
Tin' streams are frozen out nnw the little Due DniN are rnjeiing ihe
Mrs! sl.atlng li.ti't) of tin season. It Is New Year's hie, the miian has .jtM
mine iii err tbe bill and it Is almost as light as d.i) . M). what a unri
j-ait) II Is!
There Is Old Niibi'l.is Null 111 bis ijiii r instiuiie anil I ill) with .1 Iiiiiii)
little rai mi bis bead and a great iiiulller tied ainilliii bis lliieal. 1 ills .
li.illiiK 11 gleriniis lime ami is gliing Deelor s.ntiuiiies a gliirliuis rule as lie
seenls bini along at a lirealinnh pun'. Nicholas and Hie llllle Den Dads.
li.uiKlnc onto Ilm inm (li.nt Is fastened Iu Tln.v's (ail. are Inning Just as
linii'lj fun as Doeter Jawbones
kT.r imwi
'ire II. r
.i':n ii, os and
n iw
i's i ;, h s,lpl,v ..f n a.leinic l-arnins
. , . .
w.re net ciirren. wbi.-li passed n-
ivmiiii une. tier miner, wue nan
'snul that lie nlmiM, met lit'e nnnre-
.ii ttill
1 ...... it ..ll.l .1... ,.11,111,1
rarei . miz ir wen i.ave aoneii inai u
tr.iei, stnrohn'ise i. the pii'ure of ihis
woman . ai'.lll'liv uia.l I'.'.'llil. uu-rii
. . . . ., ..11. ...' ...1. ..!.:..,.
wmi III tint ta :ie,l ri niie spnt'e-
iwoeii her t.it cliees inn ier tat chin,
. ... . . ,
1,111 tnnve, aimtit, ti,i"ii'ing in 1
' and tir-t here m,: ih n ilnre. I1K0 a
new pun, -hed nnti-e. It r."er f"Uii
s,, iiii.,le..,tii 11. when sic was talk-
. ...
in.- 111 lier nii'i -trv. iii r re,ittes v im
Im. I ......nt tt..li,i mi,, lw.i. Ini.l.iiiil's
": - '.
iiijiistne nml ln'titalitv in uialting nep
..n' up ssiei
Hep husband I. id
siven up In r '. : In- lied gore tn
1 arrs nnkn.'e n. Slie brooded upon her
f'i'-'i '!"iT ',,p ''"iilil lime been a kind
of i).. wager gf.ii',loe it .b,. hail In en
b-rn under :i lnei, i.-f -tar or had re-
j" ''! Sam ilkie.
She w,eib unt hne been of miv
par'ie .I.ir 1 .ipi. nance .11 the life nf
ti eoe.. In,, I 11 11. il been for t'"
1 .t- 1 n e ..f t"i;i vn. that. laeliin
t!..T ill. tin. t inns, she
'f g'x I'lg n ' ige at .,,
h I"" 1, 'ii -.iid l
ill hae ihat
en,, b and si,
,'d i" r we"
g , , it r
D00 DADS A New
.te?,.. .. '
' i v. s xfi!gfffm u
imFTM - i
"is ihe half-sister of tin- niotlier of
Ini! Iteii'iepin of Virsinia.
Jim Hennepin, wfie liked tn attach
ie his liatue the word" "nf Yirginla."
, wa the last of a line which had been
brought te American soil by n refugee
Huguenot lentiected dir'.antl.v with the
crcit eplnrer nf the headwaters of the
Mi-sis-ippi. Thore are these who re re
iitei.iber biniin his escapades in Jaiiville,
' and felt relief when his father, who had
i iini...ii' .ii.siiinieil th.. sum II vemnin.w
"f "ie Hennepiii wealth and tobacco
V.'.1".'" "".Ih' 1l,,,,,1""" tlireuglt n
W isuiictin broker, said te .Inn: "ieti
,, ,-... ,.. i,...v tI
"it " 'i ,'" 'n i hii'imii n rtfin
ltl Tens. She will nut iiii ui) and J
naie u jnn an reauj ntr you witn a
!'"""" 1'U.Mnc and cetnilil-sinn house ill
tilt ii" ..
Tliere is nothing left iii my
i 17.0 111 his bookkeeping. In fact, it
1...1 i..;.... ..r ......: i.:..i. ..... ..
',.in , ,,.uni,'. i k'-inus it ini-11 M'lii'"
times niiiKe nmiKhreping net en,) a com
lofeni. Lilt a ilali;:ei, liwnirntinn nt
1 :. II -. : tl!
inis:ni'. 1 n'linenm was a nsenii a'liii-
lien tn 1 'nniplnii l'armaloe's small taff.
He lira' k at the 1 Inb. but with a med-
erat.i.t .ideriiic his ro.istnneo t the
, ollcei nt aicniini. 11c was u lmpiuar
.....,,,,. .
inline man in I, alias, and the f.ici that
: : . .
1 s.
like new stra'a ,11 11
I'legical period,
deny that .lim
It would be iintrni
ll-miepin v.,, an nttractiie ligure. It
h,. l,,,, j craft and 1, inii.iiess. as .mite
I aid Ii" had it w.i. Uli.d , the
lb 'no. in . ile an iiniunc smile, in-
I g 1 1 ,. , 1 . i 1 nt the 1 urn 1 1 1 li,,e a
1 1 '. I ' . I . en ,ire he w .11
, 11,, , , - ,
' ' M ,rM" " '"
I. . .11 ..1. . t ii . ... .....I i1, , t ... , i i it.. t I.,.. '.let, ,it , .... .... . ...... ii nil, till in k-iiiiii. nniiiiMii.tc ,., ........ .
1 many meii m unit ieus .it) naie -"."- ."" "". iiiiiaiinii skiiis sent wue a nne ih-mh." V. " ? 1 smihi an.l ,. elnin.v ,.., 1',... .... "ere. in just a few lines, js ,i i0B
new f.irc.ften that the) oer heard v " "'- ".'i' anna out nun unions skins I her. written ami signeu ey nuns.'.. ,, . , , ' , ' ,' ,.':." .,;,", thanks te all the Letter l! fnmiW
.. ., . .... :. ...... . uiih the miiini nut vel .... ..!.. i i.. : ,. ....... ,,,imiii i h in- tee In ill , ' """ ni ell cniiH'l) oaptiviitei Iii , ... . .... . . .. "'""'.'
01 ini. Miiiin is eniy a 1 111111110111110 ' - ...vii mi, us iii.nii.iii n ''.' -. ... v,,..,,,. ... .,,,1, .1,.. ,..,. ii,. .,. ,.,, ' ' wue sem in nr st nas am -ev lMt
upon the null, that the impressions I ' "'.1" n,".J f "Tsbnr; , -Ucl, as pet,,,,, , te de. I .lliln't cell knw 1, r-wl j Jf S "j'V n 1 1 . Mn , ""'"'"! " "'" "W Kr'""'l' who ,0
nes, of s make ,e net 010,1 line peabngs with the potato ,,t. and most ; modest little ,,,,. . W mm ' '" ! ' I' - Ii t llllPlH ,,,, ,.,,. T ;illM't . ,w ,hfr
. , ..... . 1. . 1 1 nt the e us de et a cainlelone !,.,,. ..,,,. ltuss e I ! s nriLMiial letter. fn- 1 "' ' "J . woeni) itinie will, s,j,., a 1 r I f . I .... , . ," . " ,' . '
. ran nes wnen nines neier n.ts ias.eii 1 1 :"" ' " , , r .i...,i,. 1 ..,0 ... , ,,. .. .. prnneii se inaiij earns. ,nu if m
.11 r twi.e emt men's meiiieri and v, .... ,, ,, ,, ' be sent Hie .photograph te me entiulj j Oh. s a cruel world r. u. parliciilarly nice see Imw uinm fim-i
led.n has beenme ... uiueli mere it.,- Sli""' N'""-. Leddy erf, s icperis unsolicited. g'; n gi-eund nuts en b,s sundae Mislead ,,cln.led The I.ady Win, tines i ,
linr.an, t'lat, ,...,..,-.,,i ami that which " r' , f Vi" V, ' -7S .'.'.', f i'," ,'" 1"0"ms I , ,(" " ,,'U '"'"'V '.V , 1 , I " ,, ,"' f""1 ?,,,i's ''' "."'! '"' Movies With Me. Mes, .emarknl.l',
... .:..!.. " .1... ..i.:..i sattislied en aeieunt of nllway ha veir hannv I ttle girl when she get the pie- onjejcil dispensing. And didn't even il.i.,,. t,. il,i ,..ci.... e.....
Year's Eve Skating Party
l.eiih a I these liltle ilinps lushing down the hillside nn the telinggau.
One little lelluu was piisln il nil .mil Is being left behind, lint he will laud iu
ihr soft sunn and juini up read) for aniiibc' turn.
l.eiih al the old tiniiiilpu Dun Dad nil tin lie He is sliding along lihe a
he) of twelve with a liltle Den Dad luiuclui; 'ds mat tail. He inn) net be
having a geed lime, bill he is smiling Just tin same
Old I lauiielfeet, with Mrs. I'lanilflfrH anil little Hur.v in tin- slflch,
is raring liii) and the) all seem bapp). Tuly, tbe wise litte rascal, hreiighi
bis iiiiiluella and (be wind is .cinitlUK him almig ahead nf all tbr res,. Thin
nisi 1 lil lie wa hi'lilnd, l.'ul). who lias put a harness oil Old .iriiulrr. is
1 n,i .ling along without ueiil ler tailing a slush' siinln-.
Siiila ( laus. when he lsltril Doevllle, must haw left a holiday message
as well as well filled stmhiiie.s, fnr erry little Hen Hail senns te he bnvlnK
a perfrill) daiid) time anil none nf 1 1, rm Ii in mischief,
in KiiRlish I'ollcge clfilit. lip was mere
like the bail son of tin carl tlinn n book beok boek
kroprr. nml iipi-feiir often iniiulred who
he wnn. csiicclally before they liml henrd
him speak In bin cure-free modern
American slnnc llsure.", nml were unr
prised te find that be was elder than lie
looked, hud fought Ills education for
several wasted jears nt the I'nlverslty
of Ylrgiuin and was earnltiR forty ferty
ihree dellarH a week and spending llfty llfty
nine when he wax ever thirty.
The lir.t tliue he ever snw llrenn
Seleess was one merninc when be had
oenio back from a vacation of several
"I'ek.M at Mime ranch among the peenn
ttees In Coleinan. HIm vacations had
become a mystery te ether young men,
wim were empleyed: all that appeared
necessary was for .Jim te go te I'otnp I'etnp I'otnp
ten l'armalee and tell him when he
jiveiilil be back. It wa ascribed te his
magic (tinlit of persuasion. Sonic said
Ihat if Ilennepiu smiled and asked In
hi Inviting, breathless manner there
would be no surprise te liml that the
I'resident of the I'nlted Slates had al
lowed him te take the whole of Alaska
under the Homestead act.
And yet. though no imp in Dallas
t ion I new nt it. tliw . .... it t
, ' .,...-. I.,,- iiiiiii ui
lllll'lll', kl'll Willi lllllfll It !,. I,,,.1 l.r...!....
-.... , ,.(.. I,, 11, llttlll-ll
a train ci ndiicter almost lileles in the
llalllinere station and had killed his
riding horse with a sti.tie held In bis
strong young lmtid.
Coutlniied'eii Monday
Little Benny's
Nete Boek
By Lee Pape
The Park Ave. News.
Weather Medium.
Spnarts. The members of the Died
naught football teem hnd te wait n
i ! !..., l...... ,
""l" "" "1,lr "i'in.v practice last
Sattiday en account of Sam Cresses
baby sister J'deeti having his feet ball
and Sam net being allowed te take eny
thliig nway fnun ber because if .she
once slarts crying nobody can tell wen
she'll step.
Of eiibiily I ever met
if,. ii....n ...... .: :.. ...
inn in. 1.--' 1. in- 1 iiui' n ai IIV Incrsev
iiu, nuns wen 1 get it -nckinc wet
O..I I 1. . : .
.. nn. ,11111 1 in ,'iu i"ii-. in a seres
of tiorimeiits iiiade in Prnf. Puds
' Sitnkins..s luti-lien last Weiluesday en
I tbe cooks da) off Prof. Siinkiiis' ami
"" iniin.i 1 mi.-, uisinvereii mat iei-.
li..f 11 I,.... .11. ... ...
tell loeils 0.1 nt lie ate. s.itih a. ,.,.
.1.11. .. i.i. .1 . .-
1110 iiii,i ji.ii.ii.s Mini me Minrpest
points 01 ell) pony in tile elass
.. St'5n"K,.; '''"'.. HrrearinB hi i.terv,:,
..Vr ..rnr,r;"i VandinS" iVt'VftS
-Ht 1 in"- r-r l"Jr hu1 Hhr tm-
1 iiehi jiri'nin nn nrtin ini tif n.
.' . .. il. .?.,, 2I?.l' V,C.,!,lr.."'
.."?" ,' ,; '"' ""' .iiiiie i
' u'1
This leeks like a "get-together meeting." ljvidcntly tbe story Walter Hiers is telling Is being hugely enjoyed
by Cenrad N'agel. Kichnril L)i- and De lteehe hlniself. De Ueche. .ou knew, is the man who is expected in
till jlodelph Yalentine's iilace in the hearts of the fans
Curiosity writes: "I'm writing tins
letter Ie show you the effect jeii and I
Jtessle (!. bad en tbe destiny of a peer!
girl. This is bow it all came about. i
"Last night I was sitting at n table ,
with n pencil trying f get an inspira-
tien. (We have" te hand in a compos!-
tint, ..,.i!i..,l "t.t V i,i1,ei's Shoes.' 1
Menda.v.l I was 'siribbling' mi the'
lCvi:.'tNi I'l itl.ie l.i in. I. u when I saw
the name llessie J. I read en.
"Suddenly an idea pepped' into my1
head. I would go te tbe nllice and;
Ieiil' before 1 reached my ih'stimilinii,
Have you green i-y-''; Nearl) all the
clexer iind witty satirists I knew bnve."
(Ne; mj eyes are a faded blue. Si
1 that pnoes I'm net 1 leier or wilt) or 11
1 The ion! Itossje li. did ennie (n my
1 emcc. .1111 1 nan unmeji i"i " n
. . 1 t 1 . 1 .:.:.... ..... !... ..
' tine 11I nit eulii till of Iimly that he lull
... ; ..,..: .1..
(Ie en null! De J, oil 7 I
"(Md-Tlinrr" writis: gaiber that
you are fnr Wall) PHI pep con', and
yen t.reii t 11I0110 111 )e,ir ilecisien 10
! be.ts. liim If -li. 1- xsilll.iK t.. iimke tt
i-niiwi iirk . ur iim u "iiu "i(
tl emil'ic f.iii.. I'm .iirt.
' !., ., telle,. I Ul-nle Mill I lis W "ok .
' , 1
I said: Itath.r mttiii about mir inn-
tiini trienii. imiii). .urn 1 .'" ..n.i".
jeu thought I uiciint lie was i.uteii.
'If se. eim. .inn re all wrong. I
mean, '111,1011 luck, and liml tin ulea
nf being erili'itl. Win sh,,uld I w'heii
h" has in) deepest s input Ii) and mii mii
eere admiration for h.iwuc oien-ngo
eneiigb 1 II his faulls and -...iv a
light ngaiiist sin-h a cembiiiiilinii nt
"1 think we should nil ren iber.
in a case like ilii.. the :iduieiiiii"n :
l.el him wlin ,- without sin rii-' ihe
lirst sioiie.' and I 11111 sure if we all
did heed that saving net one stoic 1,11 ' ai HAMRDA l-'1', M Mnltltlt.
the idle would be disturbed. Wli:it,rtLnrtl"'jrrt ..,,-. 7 A. i j. m.
famil) is there that luisn't the .same
iragellv nr hard luck come te tu"in7
Net main. I feel sure, and the. nil
want and epect sunpntli). Se let
llielll pill themselves in I lie eth"P t I
Inw's plae" ami give what the, "n.iln
hope te leieive wi,e the sitlllllieli i 11 e
"And while mi I he subject, lei s -.')'
a little ipnei pra)er that he will w ni
'out and nunc back and lake his pirn
1 again.
"Anether ihing. I think his wife I. .is
shown herself a regular fellow and a
real woman ler sticking te her husband
when he needed her lllnsl. Lets ,m
when things nie ins). Inn n's the ion I
folks that siiel; when tilings go wrong
Se if ,i,u g", the wimig impression from
in, letter, change il iiisianler, Yiiiisi
It's all wrong, and I'd hate tn lese 11ur
legnril !"
1 Ail ligl' . ll.e iiiipiessmn is eliiingiil
Milt Miu'd hllM" te de snniethlllg 11 whole I,' A M5Ifl I!T .'iltll .ill'liii.lM -Iii,
wnis'li Ihlll le bi.e m li'gard for ' rtHMVlUUH I MATIMM. HAII
ni, (Id-Tinier
J. T, N. wiites: "'rhoie was a ! -
ter ,11 )niir inlniiiii ilisappiin ing nf the
puhliei,) whleli has been i;ie, the ease
nf pour Wall) Iteid. I dun', 111 all
agree with this, ter, while I think iielh.
ing Im, sMupnthi and pit) should be
loll ler the mini who i. t lie victim, I
' also bolieio theie innniii he tee much
1 pilhlicit) and .mm due, 'led at the state
'of affairs that makes such things pus-
utile. 'I'll Hie ri.illi iiillipal'llliiel)
, few .Met ion. .iiiieng ii.. ami most nf us
are apt 10 take ever) ihing we heai
willi n grain if s.i:,, ispoejally sine
1 his last ) ea 1 '- nni nf Hull) w mnl scan
diiN. Se 11 lij iini h.iie the plain truth
jiilirnii our Ini in ins ami la) the blaiue
.where it is due, Mislead nf being miiie
I or less skeptical nf eer) mieV
"It seems te me 1I1111 the general al
titude of the finis has Im'i'm very liiii
'te. Wall). w'i' nil feel surprised -'ii 1
mir) ilia, siieh a miiig!) wholesome
ami eomnieii-soiise persuu shuuhl Irnvr
, lieeellie the lietilll of llll.Mhing se lm
1 rible.' It's haul te belieie, for even
ilnise of us who have niwer partiiii-
Inily admired him him- foil tlin, m
I least iiieie ".is le'iuiug nun 01 iiMap,
ahull! HUH.
! "Hui. n )ou sal. he ih sen 1 a lul,.
'ing liiiuil new. and I think most INr.
lilllKleil pinpie "ii en 11 nui 10
M Ii. H.. Ilo.s.en. Mais, writ,.
"l" should like in shake iniir hand im
jnlir altitude tnwaiil Millaee Ueiil
never Ilki'd "Hi HiD.s ,, mu, ii .,.,
when he said Iteid should hale sv m .
path) and 'in)ers rather limn ren-ii,-,.
Ami I in iui J"'! 'in in" wii) 11, i.,
Imurit all III hi- lilK liht. If he
win Ihreuitl, and I liiivn I'nllh Ihat
he will, if lie lives Mirely 'weakness'
I. jhe Ian word th.t will he nypl.eah,,.
Such suffering, courageously endured,
should go far toward atonement.
"Itut it will need nil our sanity and
sympathy te counteract the effect of
the sens-atinii-eraviiig yellow press, and
the bigoted blue reformers, who would
de well te consult their llihles as te
Mho sinner who roiietitcth '
"I'lea'c let Wally knew hew we feel,
wnen jeu can.
i,0 .....he,,: "Tbe winirv l.l.isis
have come te Peaceful Vallev fsnb-
is as dumb as be is rich, slarted
complaining te his friends about sin I)
lotion pictures as ' I lie Eternal Ilaiue.'
t'uiih. iiit nt tien. ieti sUi
"Oh. hew il hurt. After I had liiedl'" Mxm'" "times, or separate .
two hours in another age. in a colorful l,,esm','!'' " --lJI. rhis. then, slieni
laud of'i'.itiinneo. had lasted ihe bitter !'"' ""J" 'lll,l"inT twenty feet a seoenj
and sweet of in hinc and love- "ls."'i"1. "f ,pt. ' ether words, it
1 tern heari. alter I had fnrcntlen for
Cot 111) rni-e.
"And sii the earth revolves, as Cicere
used te sny.
"Hack tn my job with me and lisieu
,,, . t f 1 U alimn When Knichl
10(M Was i l-lnwer- will, Marlmi
, is i.hlii ti., t win .. ..t. r,,
;.. in.i.wl ... i.'....i...
' "V...! I.... I ...'. . M
' "'" ' '" ' ii''iwii'ii nnr iiiiiiiiv. re-
i,,,,,,,!,,,,. ,,,. ,;,.., jnw of ,his ,', .
pi, .lures.. ui, i,,. terrible work still
j 1M, in,,,,,,,,-) 1 giic her all the mere
.. !... lit e willle 1 111 1 was 1,111 a uu 11
'..'... ..,.. . "I w w
." " ". ...."...,,, K'""l ..,n,,.s,,,Jll,.IIlllll
The following theatres obtain their pictures through
the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee
of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the
theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the
Stanley Company of America.
APDI I O 5-lJ TIlmi,isij.s i-Tsj,
ARDMORE x" fxll$rvs.
AQTnR i I'iirni a niu.Miii am:
rtJ ' vl MAIINKK li.MIV
BLUEBIRD ,'r,''Hl -"-' """"
1Jl-s-'I-',-"'- I'eniaii n i. j uniii 11
COLONiAL ,,,n "":f;;;.v, ,V;;
sATH sT iiii:ai iti: n..ie sm ,
JUII1 Ol, i vriNi;,; uu.V
IMI'LKIAL '"AV..V'i.Vri.
MA-nnr tiA n 'FTVj 11 ir'M-g
I IRI.RTY id.'isn im , miu w
1,1IJII 11 IIUIMI. i. 1
WIMI-iN 1 mini. 1. umi ,
Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt
I -M-IV1 Miiniis srin 1 i-
Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt
RPrrMT M.W'K'T sr n
REGENT MM"VV(. '.V.T ,.,TT,"
iaji-i in , i t ji p. j
Rl'Xl TO '''vn'kwn sm:mi:
ISI.-M-.1V-' M TMI'i 1101 1.IA sr.
eawav i.'ii maii.nI 1 sriiii.i
, Ji " v KJ ' k 1 ,1 , si,i
, "caj.veR'I h vyii.Ltv
.100 u ABLTT srin cttiii-atie.
333IV1AKKEI i. V m ,. 1 11 V '
' TaSS
credlt for what hard work and epplU
catien have done for her. Uecaute b)
is certainly 100 per cent bptter. JIere'
luck te her.
"And if you could only hear th
phrases about new art in movies, 'tim
visual beauty,' te be exact, you would
unite with me in being clad that th
arts are being called te the silent
drama. With you I am heiiing fnr ,
replacement of the near-sightrd eapi
tnlists by men whose aialiitien U in
create beauty and art instead of wealth.
1 !.. i... t ....,, ...
tmd then maybe I can Kct a real jeh.
Anxious writes: "When ymi tt
tliese exceptionally fast parts in piilnrej
(mostly comedies) you knew what
mean, in mine comitues 1110 y
i v bile a man is runuinc ten feet, when
normal cranking would make sixteen
, exposures. 'Iho f I tit is run throne 1 the
projecting innoiiine at tin- normal rt
'fit LirteilH ' (!! til 11U J-. n 1 i.tt.t r t ., .
I n"ll,H " uetlen taster ,.n the screen,)
alums! nil tin. fmw u-illi iilimn I 1,.tn
fiiinht ilm hanlesi nml .n.i.re.i iu
most vielenll). (lush '. it almost makes
me ashamed te tight and disagree mi?
' mom. Ma) lie I wen t. l'.ut then nnybe
f will. 1 wender:
('. II. I.. -Mr. Itelands i. nn, eon.
Iieellil with Itetzwoed new. ei Ml,
reach Ii i in In. mlilressing iienrce K.
K.dniiiN. .aie nf IMward Siniill. 149!
Itreadwtn. New Yerk.
Baltimore 'iir..1 .tmrvrf
Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven
BELMONT "lru,t"JuT
"Leve Is An Awful Thing"
CED, ,R """ ,.
i:ijaii .WENUB
il a 7 .ml 9
COLISEUM M",Ki,;)ut "', J. "1
JUIMDU ,i.,, j,,,,, i r , -a "L"
in TiiE OHOST Jill I AKF.K
I FADRR ,s 'AS-x"'1" ;u'
l-.L.rAI-'Ciix.' en i .- in, 1; an 1 . 1 1 1' It.
I HP! XT '"- s" !.'" si snirsrj
I-sJVUJl )u I in A .1 I it n tell
1 Alie Mirletif Dau- n "Prl'lK il Filen'.ir"
Il Ml M V It I. I I -TS.
1,1 1 111 ml '
Rivni 1 '-'" sNk""
ISl VV7l.,l , . , .,. ,. 4 , I, ., H.
Alie Jel'ii'v Illim In "SURE I'tfll ri.INT
SHERWOOD ",'1"i,,A "".T-m
69TH ST. T,'0,,", ,Z I A Til.
! CTTJ A Mn i.erniii'i".ii A - ,.i nil
I V a . . r ;'," '
in "CI.ARr.VCF
0 '
vj'VIAI I UWiN "-' i ," 1 wii-'
ri I 'l 1 tUnAlpni rai.i . .....(
HR AMT "-- eiitAiln ami ,ha
VjIMIM 1 MqI. T111U) hill. T