.,... .,.,.,,.. , ...Hi. i ."I.. ---- j .i'iijj-i....'.i i unw wlWB MaMmtagMMMfflMnrflfiHBH vvvy"w''jpMffliH,,f sr ttt EVENING PTJBLIO LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA: SATUBDAY, CECEMBEB 30, 1923 gnow-Cevered Fields Cause Postponement of Allied Le?rue Soccer Games en Today's Schedule -, Ne-Run Games in Independent Ranks WEST BRANCH Y. JVL C. A. BOXING DIVISION Hew I Made My Start in the Boxing Game a ii .J trl 7JVb NEW YEAR'S RACE fi 'Cockerell and Gallagher ( Pitched Twe Perfect Con Cen ) tests During Season; Many ' One-Bingle Tilts J KEPNER SETS RECORD- By BILIi DALUVS MANY wonderful pitching fonts were recorded in tin annals of the semi semi pre baseball tnssers durlni: the Inst IM50H. On seven occasions Raines were played In which the u limine Inrlcr blanked the opposition without bit or run nnd two pitchers were l wire credited with ne-hlt performances. The outstanding Imrler in tills respect U I'hll ('eekrcll, the tunc of Kd Hoi Hei jrn's Jlllhlnh staff. Twin- he repulsed opponents Alt" no hits. tiiriiliiK tin rick nsnlnnt the Vntorsen Sllk Sex nd the Hiicnitn (Hants, of fbic-ipi, , both en mien win. .,,,. Hill tinllaither. nnether rhiladclphiii product, twice turned the (rid; in n Jincle week. He entered the Hull of Fame en .liny -- " "' "?",,r11 Croenweod 1'est nnd en Ba? for the Accei. Iinrlcil I'lgin soieun. allowed only n f ingle hit nnd did net Issue one pnsi. lie was taken out In he eighth for n piiifli hitter and weh relieved by I-efty Yerk. The latter walked three men nnd fn lined two in the one inning. Plt-weii, wlie pitched for Chehter, held Arcn te two lilts, fanned thirteen, walked eight, but the Jerk team wiih unabli te cere and Chester wen t-- . , . ,. , , This same T.efty Aerk also ligureil hi inethev ldti'hing feat. On August 22 AtiiTican Chain was hcliediileil te piny Baltimore lllaek Sex 11 double -lieiuler Yerk was ihe pitcher seloitien of 1 rank t)rt.au in th opener nnd nil h" did Mas te blank the lllnck Sex without u bit or run. He than went In mid Bitched the second game mid again shut put the Il.iltimoreans, but they secured two scratch hits off his delivery. ruain ... JVe-lilt (ianics The lirst m-hlt game of the M-at-ou ns en June 2,"i. Phil CeeUiell. of ....,.. !..,. .-,..,. Mill.- Wi-iv. ,,,,,, v ; . :,ry-- , , "'":..."' V'"-' -: A'WV.. '..,:. liny -ii re- tented nKiiinst i.iuiiuer- cm,.... What prehnbly was the Greatest II til cninc nun ni ' """'' "' ,, I Verlt, I'a.. Heplomber VI In ( lass H f( lliiiinntien came f the Phi adelphla . V I B ichall Association liciweell ainencnii ja p ,i.. ..ml Chester, redder, pilelilim ' WU Belltll I tills, Sll'll Olll IIUliee i 11.1. I "" !...(,. .. .-.-i.i.n,,, ii if te 0. and then following the two notable, news te both Seutliern and the writer, performances of Kill (iallagher. of St. I Seiitheni nnd (Jirard, whlrh meet an an an bnlToed Pos.'n'lre-. lZ Jul.v '""" " "- .nnnM, of the ,or C() tilumphrd i,er Khiuder-Weblen, of , institution, presented a biisl,ethnll game JcnMutewn, - ie n. Cnckivli scored Ills seoelnl ne-lill triumph en llllblale's WeMern trip. I'hll wen ever tin Chicago (ilnnt. .", te 0. Left erk. of Amerirau Chnln. en AiiRiist 22 wei.- ever Knit inline Klm-k iei -l te 0, and en Sepiemlier II Zeplil. Of the Se-llll Pllils. entered I lie H'leel clafs acniiist Piiulsbem. the Seuth I'lilN Mnning, 2 te II. In .-ill tin lm-hll nmes the lo.er.s weie unable te score. There ere u number of notable no Ht iierformance. mill thee nenrl alj SPMllted In shutouts also. On Mn 27 .cfty Vnnii. of the Seuth Plilladelplnii Iebfew.-. blanked Viscose, I te (. On Jlllv 1 Kill Iloekeuhurv of 1'TeMier. pamleil Sleneliurst a I of wlilte- aili. ." te (i. and epe weel. later, en Jiilv s, KImiii. of Shiinaban. shut out the' lugersiill-ltlllid (Tub. of l'lilllip turg, ti te (I. Keur ether nne-hit performances wen toi'euM during the season in cases Ahere tlic recenK weie .ivallabb. 'u Aucust 7 "Pud" I'lournev . of Hilhiab-, Irfe.ilnd llin S!i,!'.... 7 lull On AllgC't AUK' L'J Leslie, of P.rldesburg. whitewashed . iMIilwoed, of 1 raiiKlerd. i e Fedder, of Americiu Chain, gme Che - .. . t .. ..ii i ...II ..I..... ... er one Mil, w ineu was iiii"inii i'i Iris Lord's aggregation te score n 1- n.() triumph, and en September II llill Plei'Min, of Chester, wen ever Jlrldesbnrg, - te 1. Aeeerilini? te tlie figure of the (eulil Alie held pitchers for all gieat length I rf tune, Ita.v Kepner, of Itriileslnng. Vds the best, with an average of .s:',::. Hii'l Itay Sleinader, el ine .eriii i-iuis. finished with .S-M. Ilelh an- sclieduleil in go ie ine lie league.-, mis win,, Hteinnder returning te Plttt-hurgh, vhere he pitched some few years age. MrKenty li Itest Pitchers come and pitchers go, ami the fans rave ever their perfei malices ff.r fl .cniln I. Ml l.lLllli, , 111! ,il.llll IIS whole Willie McKetiiv. of Fldshei . ass the bes. m .be independent ranks. lie had a i.ercentiige of Cms in foil n,r,i I nU n lir, -Lr f.rk,Vsecen,l wiU, ..ll.- in l.'rt -o-.e lainii St.el has been signed ,v llranch Itickev. of llie Cards, and wi go Seuth with them in the -.pting Uaj Kepner, of Ilrldesbuig. M'erdl the largest number of consecutive wins, with fifteen te his credit, and n ham ham hi.'ite, Lefty Slid, followed with tlili- ecu. The Ililldale Club pl.ied in mere fames thnn anv team outside of the tniijert,. Inning participated In Hi- con in lug participated In MrJ con- ring IHW Hint ugiiinst ti:!l for i"Ms, scer their ennnnents. giving tile Dailivilcj n im-ruge of live per game. rrtrn-liining contests weie few. (In Mil II Lit liretliers and Dub-mii b.Utleil for fourteen Innings, the hieie be.vs winning, Ci te 1. Champien hurled for l.its ami (Jransbach for Dobsen. (in June i Ardniere wen from Stenton J'b'Id Club. S te 5, in iiglitceu innings, Mitchell bulling for the wiuuer, and tirllhn for the losers, The ricisher Yiiiiicih purtlcipnted in the two ether eurn-inning oei.ioMs. On July 7 they played a ihiiteeu-inning "e with Wilmington. Median hurling ler thn lmals and Nbhels for the I tela wnreans. Twe da.vs later, eti .lul lb Helsher defeated l.ansdale. ! te (l. in "pliteen soBsiens, Meehati being the winner ever l.nisen ami Allen. Following are the records of hurlers fue participated in twenty games or nern ter one club : Krppn. B. I H a. an V is tl 12 11 1 1 pi'' iifie ' an 1 1 .r.i" fiSn . nil' n.is fl'.'i nmtrii. h l it. a '.". J,nn. ;,. p. n a ... i!7 ("ftn. 8 P H A . VI J ni". a. p u a 'leKrnty. Vfl)irr 10 Urlebhb'r, )'lfi,lir Ifl llerlcnbiir. PlcVhn il Jlnbhue.., North I'lilli SO 1.1 II 10 a 1 10 is in 11 1 1 20 IT 21 17 I'll 1.1 21 10 in 1 s.l ' .de ' i.ts Tie lllll' ' l.si '-'inn,r North 1'hllii 1l r.rr.urr jrl(lrbiiri. jrl(lrbiiri. jrl(lrbiiri. ot!le, llrlili-hhuru ftltlv IlrnlenburK 2il 2S II 2:1 .11 111 ;n 'iivrin il UMii, lourney, ll ll,lah 11 a 12 12 "-njen in mi.iuu '"ek'rrll. IHlltlaU blllrppje, Hip, n, nis .i.'.i Here nre the reei.nls of a few of the leading teums wlileh have kepi tlieii fecerd-i in t,iib shape Hint the Ih-uiis "re avniiniue nrli,tirr ;n)."rlcn fhahi I'lilla Turnilnal t'1,"tb. I'lilla ,Mlher JlllllaU North 1-hlU , riHUr , 1 12.1 IAI 117 I'jsj 1 n.'i 1112 121 ,1011 .12s , as , U2 W. !, 7 s as n 1 411 a an 70 is 71 M I el .'i7 111 47 r.7 4 4 n.l ;.s an m 35 na r 7 11 s te 11 I II 7 n t ATI .C7I , 1112 ' r.ss r.RM . ,11:111 ' .nsii ! Heavy Scoring Marks 1922 Independent Games Ilenvy senrltii; featured numerous Independent games in 1!'J''. Here lire n few of the onntestH in which the winning trmn registered twenty runs or mere : Jlny 7 St. Agatha, of Hroeklyn, N Y.. defeiited Klelpher. 'JO te 1. Mny 14 Fleisher ilcfcutc.il West llerlin, IM te i(. Mny -." Sliuiinliau defentcd II. A. Mackey, 2." te .'!. Mil r.O T. N. Harber, of Tron Tren Tron ten. defentcd Mndisen Stars, LTi te 1!!. June 12 Stenton ilefeated I'o.vlcstewn, of the Montgomery League, 20 te I I. .fune 21 North Phils defeated St. Celinnbn, 2(1 in S. .Tune 2." -.1. X. llarber defeated Ardniere, 22 te 11. .Inly 12 - North 1'hils defeated Iigan. 20 te (I. July 1 1 Stenton defeated I.lt llretliei-i. 21! te I. , July :t0 North l'hlls ran up the highest score of the season when they defeated Ardmerc, 2S te 0. AtiRiiut n Cnmden City defeated Wi'stiiiglieus-c, 20 te 1. KED IRARD T Downtewners Within Narrow Margin of Defeat Befere Collegians Weaken TENTH STRAIGHT VICTORY i:.v iwu, ri.Ki QOITHKHN HKill SCHOOL basket- ball team was almost toppled off its throne hk an undefeated rjtlintet jen tenia nfternoen. If there has been any team of iln ten pin cm b, Seutliern thK car I hat Ims hmred the downtown ," into meic fear of defeat thnn .n.l f:in.i ,-..ii .. ....! ,. " v.nt, worm going miles te sne. S"eiitliern wen. but net until after l he Lirdesi ,, id of a struggle. The final count, which rent ;;i.:;e. does mil beln te reveiil the closeness 0 h, unflli-t. Tin' mcImc, wliiili was the tetilh lensecnlivc one ler Cum I, Midler's i preteges, lini-hed the W2 so.isen for i Southern and eipinbd the record made ! by the same team in P.rJl. However, ii was ,,nv ihe ,rlI1l f fate which nllewed Seni'liern ie remnln ' undefeated. Hunning up a lead of nine points in tlie lirs t half, llie loam w.ip ciiinpletdj eulplajed b n.- opponents In the s,.i fTnd session, and was ieall luck in smilch away a ilelmy. Shut out wilheul a Held coal in the "Hiiro lii-st iwenl miiniles of play, the Collegians hliewed the fight whicli nl was prevails, no matter what the odds. The rose te their gtenieM heights ami literati ran wild with Seutliern High in the final frame. Ten Itapid Field (j'eals 'cn In Id goals vere soul spinning iiireiigli the net bv the liiriirdiiinu. and 1 ' ... ... .' ..'....... , . . .1 iwnn eni live iniiiiiies iei ie play ill i the second period iliey held a two-point bad. This itself is ,i feat that no team , during the ,i-t season has lieen utile te perform against the downtewners. Tin t,.( .'..lli .... .... ... inn mi-i lllllll ' minute, like two titans. .Inwiiig Inn. ilk t , ' l , T I .. III . I . I i In.. ....... el , ,, nnether I'ii-m the one team, I ,1(, ,10 (,ii1(.r j,M. rimill.v Southern, r hrfiiiRti the splenditl c.ve of "Curlv" , ,.la ehiained a two-point adMtntiige ..,..,, .. ininu c ie ere he em . Imiueilialei tlie iree.ing game was it-led te. Se anxious were the tli i:ird pla.vcrs te noure the ball and drive il toward the basket thnt they UTHERN SHOCI BYG OSSERS feuleil. and thus emiljled lieldblatt tel.sjv.tli Ward, 'add the extra two points te the margin I house will' i '" " "", :. .. , . ... ,, I '' ",ls K." '' " u ' '," "' 'V?1'1 , '""l ' one liew ever, that stave, off ,e- lfel1 for the dou-nlewners. Tl.ii ,..ing j - "' n-l,,,,! I ,,, seven , the twelve i y . - ,'".',.,.'' .,;" two li if these euiue In the second. virtually dei ided the issue. in.-., Basketball Statistics iia.sti'iin i.i:.mi'i: w i l' i iv. r. p.e Tren'en i.- :i s.i.i n en,.. 7 a . 11 I .770 .Taiper . ."i t.' Jm ( on.ien u i .,' ui s pi Ml He.KlliiB .1 1 1 .176 j-vst nuimt's ni:st i.ts ramrin Iawui Trenten. 87 II. ail.ne. 11, I'llh. Inil .'-. I'lifcsnn. OeUlli-li i lllnil., I'nthcliiil Seceni). .10 Hely Name C. "., " m jnnieH nt KliutsniiilMr. "n Jimlftta, ;n. r.t J.uiien .Si renil il . .Itililiilii SWhkI, 10. North I'hllnileliililii Church Irf'ai.'ua Cnl- v ,'iv H. f i il 4 1 ll. ri.ilintewii Hi -.till en go. u.my I'resl'itirl.m '-'-' Olivary in. 1 ,i I iiiikiI. -W. Wnt I'lilliiil'-iiniia, IB, M ARiiili.v. :t0. AriliMsliiip Itjiiii. 21 s, .i.vin.'s .tunlii. -s fiilm ir. 11 I-.lumliii ll.iciniel I 'lull, in. l.Jen Meth- nlLV Uue',! ".' ei,. I H I.clninr, II. ii i Jil, 'liileinaeli 10, l I.Uke. .1.1 .Villi wnie. -u St l.uki sinu.i.l, a.-. Suminerfield, 13, HAROLD TEEN BIRiHBBB i B Br ijatStJlBB lT B r jfipuflB Itexlng Is inrludrd an part of training at the Wctt I'lillndelpliln g.imniislum under the stipenislen of Leuis Voecb Veecb ler, athletic director. Members of the glove, class, shown abee, are, left te right: Frent row Charley Con Cen rad, 100 pounds; )rk Stockton, 100 pound"; Kreil Gilbert. I(!0 pounds. Hack row Ii. ilnffe, coach; tancelet ICvans, 118; Jack Feuse, liis; Kmmett Lyens, II.; Park lpcnshade, 15; II. Mctiratli, coach HOLIDAY SOCCER BY PBO TEAMS Northeast and Southeast Sec tions of Second Allied Divi sion Meet en New Year's PLAY ON DISSTON FIELD A number of bercer ca'nes ere en the schedule for New Year's Hay and one of the most impertniil is the puniest te be played between two picked teams of llic Second Olvisien of the Allied League, representing the Northeast and Southeast sections. The contest will be decided at Mission Kail Park, at State read and I'nruli street, at ." P. M. Kdwnrd Pcnrsnll, manager and player of the DcPniil Club, has been selected te lend the eloen which will represent the Northeast section, while PJiner Sclireeder. manager of the Lighthouse Heys' Club, will direct the team repre senting the Southeast section. The Northeast section has n strong defense and nil unusually biilliaiit of fense. A glance tit the forward line shows thnt the defense of their op ponents will hae te exhibit their best form te break tin Northeast combina tion. Prank Sunderland, of Wissineminc at outside right, is without question the outstanding plnjcr at his position of the whole Second Illusion. He is speed, drlbblen the ball well, mid hu.s a powerful shot which lie can lontrel mid ii te te iidvnntiiee from nnv ceini'i' f li's lerrilerj . Dnnaliue Capable. Partner Hn.Miieiid Denahue. of 1'ePaul. will niake a geed side p.irtncr. lie does net idn.v en Individual game, is a geed passer and hns a fiurly accurate shot. .Mlue .MCMiisier, ei ri. i.ee. in ceiiicr forward, has nlwas lieen classed as a dangerous man for his opponents. Miiiiii. 'of' DcPhuI.' will 'form the left Will Net Complete Deal wing of Ibis utiin-iuil offensiM Hue. New 'Verlt. Pec :;n Prcsbb in .lebn In Aleiris Iiulcher. of Si, Lee, tlie A. Ile.idliT. of the National L"iigie, N'erlheast i-oiiibinntlen has one of the has added bis voice te tli,. c uiti'eversv best fullbacks in Philadelphia. t!eorgeover the re-outrun f I'm In r Iliibe Ilium, of Wiss'uieiniug, is likewise a Llenlen in the major league.s. ver.v strung back ami one of the out- In a cr.vptic i-tatenient lie mtiiii'iicd standing defensive men in the Second that the senior league will net tolerate Hlvisien. Henton's return te Hun iiigauiatien JJiey slieiiid act iiue u stone wan against Cm in. t lie aiiacKing lorce or ine 1,0111110.0-1 MMii'iii. i in- iiuiiuiii-u iiur i- net ipiite as strong aH tin ether two depiirliuents of the team. Hubert Me- Carthv ami Hugh Waseu, of Wildwoeil, tegeilier wnu .mini i-iiiiiki-ii. ei i,c- Paul, will constitute the linlfback line : s r for tue r',re" t,'a,n Seutlienst Alse Streng Likewise, the miiii beast team is a Gibraltar of sirength. It imlssesscs a .owerfiil defeiislve combination and uu ( I nlert forward line which will inclui some of the innt accurate .shots in the game. ' ljlward Mctiiuley nnd Clarence (iiiswiild. the former from the Thirty- mil the latter e Light Light ceiislllute the fullback line. . MoCSInle has shown himself man ,lm8 ever te lie one of the best backs j the second dnislen. Ile bn.s been n pill(, ,,.,rt . of the clever defense of I ",p. . l"" J :M " l".1 ' ..'" " ... ,r T" ivvnill. seiecicu ler ine iiu-?ei.iiini in- vision team of last season, has net ' played much this year. There is no doubt hi the minds of his manager and associates that he will mensuiu up te hU former pia.Mtig anility. lllll (iiiinnre, who will captain the eutlieiisl team and play center half back, haiK f i em the I.iKhthoin-e eleven and is one et the most capuble center halfbacks in Philadelphia. Assisted by lieerge Harrison, of Lighthouse, and Jim .MeCnbe. of Sun shine, the hnllback line will play .1 gieat 1. art in tin contest. The forward line, with James fill fill mere, of Lighthouse, or Kranl: Vocel Vecel iiian, of Clever, plujlng center for ward, Chris Kill, of Thirty-sixth Wind, at inside right, Hendersen at inside left, who hulls from the T'hirtv silh Ward Club, Merris, of Clever, phi) i lie at outside left and Winifred Orr, of Sunshine, as the right wim; man, should show itself te be du v 7 7 Usu VauG. BJAli Buck- " n. --M ifii'i - 1 . ' 1 urn ii 1 1 n n. .in. 1 1 , 1 .. M ..1 r. ) I . . 1 . . ' f. I j Tedau's Soccer Games And Where Played vMinntCAN I.KAOUB rhll.tilHiililn K I v S. w Yr.rU r ' it I'lllln,!..ihl.i II. ill P.irli. l.rii.mli i.n.l II. ml lnilen n're'ts Itrferee. iimri." I ..i i 1 A V I1!., - ( i, I'm Itilr. r r st PHWIuil.nt. h I p. frri . IMw nit p iii- bTtnn ll'lhlehem t' C. riie.iHlvn Wmleren nt n-thieifin, p.i. rtcfi-rce. Jelui II. i.n i.n tentei cntfKK.r ct.fii t.i:AUL'i: Klr-t Division Mrlen "W'hllfB" vn. (iennantewri flrv cl.'vn t ItHverfenl. .itrlen "Marnenn" . Moerrsinun fliit leen hi Hacrfnril. T'hllarteli.hl.i Cre(pt I'lub Whims" p. ,.nlirr"'!y "' ri-nnmhanl.i ecceimI il"rn nt &t. Martins J'tillndrlplila e. C. "Itr,!!,1 Mrrw .i l f. 5ieeii.l IXvlxlen -UTien Illui." xt jtoercfi ., e.i t ttmerfiifl .hi.r,"""i"n" r'"1' " hlliiil"!'! tllllil elr-n, ,,l M MnillnK ..iJ;?r"l1!""vl" 'iieiiil clucn froenil i.. : ' Merleni tMiiliiii.iii Mnt. he, t,i;hth.iii. iWiirnnUI hi front, street .... . r.i .- .iiriiue. IIfr.ree. I. liitnn .i.i. ,"?r' .''""'. H WeMIHKlinUK- el Slxlv all.ihan. It-I- r'e, W. greatest ,ffrni,. rombnintieii evel i-.ieeii together ,,- , soeoml e.hibtiieii. . islel! .Seilh-jju j. s.,,,,111.-., . . 1 1. .it ".ll'.V'ten. K"' isT,',1''" "K,v .-iKtiiruiii "jftVm . . I.... i ,I""",I"K'. . 'lhiti.i-vi, vr,i) lnuh, r left fulltwrlt Hrliw.iM (St. I.ee) ( l.lL-tlthnlMel ",rA ,. "Kht '""' 'sk. . ! M. ".l,e IWiMweu'l) i.-liiiinhiiie) I'liinkrlt . .r. nter liniriml, liiinmre (lie 1'niil) ll.lh-liihnu,-) '".'!, .. '"" I'-tJfl -T-It . Iliilll-Oll IW . Wi.ikII i l .-i..i . uiinT-i ,,. I,,, . IH lrliiuinliiKl Dennhii-' . . M! P..III) McAIIIMe, . (St. Isn) Thonipeti (I'lHKtenl i-.i . . ... '"-' 'i-'-' ' ,..,.,..', innilenslu imu iTiuriv itii uiy) ' i --i Mil Wrtltl u Indliln left .twihilji'i-i1 i:m"rnin ITI.I ... . i- .1 ui. . . rnnn P 1'aul) SllhXIllilpu . .tlUI'. If fl . i iiiii i i-iiiin vi ji rn i . -. .- ' Merris II -liner I lllll) Mariin T'clln t iri,i i ha,. Kltimi'P. l.lLliih.Mi.i. IhemiiH 1 1 imliei I Ullllleil- ii ri I I'lrm-r The n.is li.imh Jehn W.ili mile BENTON'S RETURN IS nPPn?Fn RY HPYni PR - - - - I National League Head Sure Reds mm preuieis tnat wiien tlie ( immmiii t inn. which mis nncnas-ci lis ieea. Hum ei. mn, n-.iiii-i ni iiii ,'iuiiuiie of the ether club owners il will call off I the deal. Here is the ellicinl utterance of Ilevd- icr ; 'As fur as I knew the Cincinnati club with the for the release of Pitcher Ileum., bn.s 1 ,,'lll,ll OILS' feel ceiiliilent net lieen closed, nnd I fed coiilident that it will net be consummated if the i Cincinuati Club is advised that a inn- jrltj of Iho Ieague clubs d n,,t favor seiiten s return te the .National eagtie. ' " NATIVITY VS. IMMACULATE Uptown Rivals Clash In Cage Cem- bat en Fermer's Fleer A neighborhood basketball nit will hi decided tonight m the hall -t the Nativity Cathi'lie Club, at Milbr and Alleghenv avenue, when the i. icun meets Immaculate Conception in llie lirst of a seiies of live games. Tim Limn, tennis hiitil,..! f in ..-,.' town championship last season and Nn- tiviti came off u winner, 'i'l... i hin-ch. men also have nnether lirn-il i-ime nn the home court en Monday wh n the) meet Hely Nnme, uu even cles-r in U'h- ber. Nntivitv has an enviable ice r,l feri inn muiie iiner iiiis season mil au'er llilk'hes predicts llie team w.ll go through the season unbeaten. A boll bell day dance will fellow the gutne en .New Year's la. Wilsen Wins Junier Gelf Title I'l.irhnrkt. N, C.. I'ee an. roil , mn of Wor. . aler. Mi-h airisl tw,- , ilfurc'i T Dunlun, Jr ,f Mi.nni.' hkiiI thlite'Mi. mn In .In. fliuil et ! hurt Juiil"! ihainpientun ienrn..ini ' euiip Wlla in vvun ih.i inatrli bv 1 1. ih n.'l of .1 finely pi i. I par 4 en 11 heln WIIheii illHpili.il of the nln.. I !') Imnlnp hint 11 If Ven. iw Iivr 1 Ink! tin rinliural Junier Uilo for l ' I . '1111 1.1 I ith l.mt s 111 I .i.l .rail I All Three Merien Fields Will Be in Use Today, De spite Snow SQUASH ON AT 0VERBR00K Tlie mew . covered fields ill net in terfere w-itli the legulai- gnme of the Intel eluli Soccer League selieduleil for this nfternoen. Sit mntphes nit en the day's card and all should be closely contested. All three of the Morien Crii'l.et Club'H i lields will be in use ami all the contests listed leek geed-mi paper. The league league leading Morien ' Whites" will tackle the Oerinrmtewii lirst dot en. while Moerr-Mtown's first combination lakes en the Moileu "Mtnoens." Then in the second dlil.sinn the Mer Mer eon "Klues" will oppeso the Moores Meores Moeres to.wn second squnil. tlie leaders of their group, nliii at Haveri'enl. ,.V f,',''lsj of H. I'hiladelphin C rleket ( lub t St. Martins will like wise lie the .scene of much soccer activ ity Tlie Philndelnhm ' i' "Wliit.-u" wi piny llie l nlvcrsie of Peiniivl- inula s eend tenm. while the Phln- ,",l,ll" '.' '"'d eleven is entertnin- ?. .,l'" I'rincole,, Olnb. Alie .iiorlen rieket Club l?"ull,nPVr1riniJn'0"n "l team will battle at Manlielm. reens i. . Wntilrl. T..... a -. . .. . .-in.,nu iiMeney al mcniroelf t lull A round-robin squash racquets tour-in- Is in progre-,, nt u. Overhroek t.elf t lull which, it is hoped, will be wound up lieu week. The conteslnnts are divided into four lasjes with right enirics III e.icii. W 1 llfirrity. runner-up te Stnnle.v ii i ,. ... i .. . ......".I,, ,u,' muienni cnampien. in. the last Peiii.svlvania Stale tournev. ' itnrts .-neb ga.ne at minus 7 in Cla'fs A. but all the ethers plav en even tonus I Several of the be.v s who made such a geed showing in tin, junior jenst ,r, M Ovei brook earlier in the season are' competing in th0 round-robin event ' I here K n greai ,,..-il of dnb npirlt nt (Uei brook and much interest hns been' evnleiiieil tins vear in tennis, golf nd ' bowling n- well ar in sipmsh. I Tile entries in the snnnal, ln.n... fellow lu.jitirj 'lass A W. P. llarrilv ( minus mi me eiuer.s scralch i It Ater-f,n.. t I!. Pierpnlnt. V. P. Newbern- l' s' liel.eMc. H. P. i'lirring'tnii y ' Vinr' ns, l'riniU Itielh ' ' i lass n . j p. .Sehnfer V S Feeht SIX MA HE IN INTERCLUB SOCCER ic deal of the Paul I-Ming. Sam Allen, Ce'org'e Ilnu St. Paul Club son. ,1. It. Peters. A. C. Wntsen, H. It i Mein. .'it'lil. Class C -.Tncl; lilnml 'l'...i i- i.,i Class C , If. I'm ks. H. .Tolmseii K rsherl ,'k p .lelui-mi. V. Stevens ,ir Tnhii I Craig. ' t 'lass f )- .1. Hroeks. T. Ketterer W ' Mael'iii'laml, C. Prilz. L. Smith, I.'. V Kebe . A pn.e will ie awarded te the winner III en eh division bv the cnnrrntl,. e,wl progressive Sipiasb Cemmlttei of the iiverbroek Club. Kan-net Club Heath Tigrr (iruds Kin Newhtill's Hanpiet Club '-;i" beat the Pi'lneeien Club's "A" ..uttlt bv four inatclies In two Ihm week though the lirst published acceut.ts of the dash had it down ns an eien tplit Tin- mistake was made in si-erin-- the slriigg e bel'veen W . II ltntitnu ,.t ii.n I'rlncelen Club, and II. M. riynaven, ' "' A1'" Hncquet Club. lirst report's had Patties the vioier "ImI ns a mailer of fact Domn von .me en, en ,,, bv thr,.,, ,,. , ,, " the 1 ores being l-lii. I-.-!,-,, ,-,. ''. I ''''' It was n cleu- contest all tliel..- r, m rinne..n v.ituin Mnn.ia. Willi Ilonaveii Inning iust enoie-li ii" power 111 the lunches te grab the honors. Thai was an awful jolt the Morien Cinket Club's "11" team banded the I'nupiei Club "A" combination nt Ilnv Ilnv erterd in llus week's league squash grapples. Sianlej Pearson naturally be.it llill Mitchell, Ted lMwards downed AI Mills i.nil th Itacquet Club was nice!) off 111 front. Mut Cli.'irlcv Wetter upset the dope by nosing 0111 "Mean" Wheeler after ii despeiiitely fought live-set struggle, III-1.". e- U-iri, l.'i-ll. 181-1. HASJ23ENTRIES Enterprise Cress-Country Will Start Frem St. Vincent's Hall at 10:30 A. M. GRAY-RITTLER ON SCRATCH ONi: IirNDRKO AN11 TWLNTY TWLNTY three entries have been roeelrod for thp first nr.uunj cress. country run under the nu&plres of the lCnterprls" CVithelIc Yeung Men's Association en New Year's morning at 10:'lfi. The start will be mnde from St. Vin cent's Hall, 10!) Last Price street, t!er t!er mantewn. The distance of tlie race the miles and will be run ever the fol fel fol fewlng ceurse: Starting from St. Vincent's Hill east en Price street te Morten street, south en Morten te Chellen nonue, east en Chelteti f.venile te Chew street, north eri CIil-w street te Washington hme, west en Wabhlngter. lane te Oermantewn avenue, south en (!eniiantewn avenue te Price stree. cast en Price street te St. Vincent's Hall and repeat tin jam,. Ue (he finish. I Iho rntrles amJ linndlcari follev I OO 1 P. Itlnekle. PI. Jean of Are, 2 15. Them. St. Jean rf Arc 3 T. 1 Murphy. Si Jn.ni of A"- 4 J Cnmri'll. NatiMty. B It. Dirvln, Phannhan. n -.inn " nrK)n',, S'i Jean ef " 7 Jehn Hhr Si Jean t Ar. s -V Zltn niitrprlii !i 11 ei.iif. K-r.nclniti'..i r 10 1 l"nrrlih letilnten A ( 11 T. i p..i. K'"nlnten A ' 12 F. I'nrrnn. KnFlnaten A. C 1313 e .Will. Kntrrprl-e rrt-TBUN' pi:i-es-iip It M Turner. Kiilncten A. . IS- II I'redi.. Knilngten A '. 1C--A iVinril, Ht. Jean of Arc 17 W. Chamrwrv. ft. Jean of Arc. Is W. OenrlAvime, Nativity. 1(1 .larnn Meliaile, Pi Jeun of rc. 10 Janei Gaftncv, Knterprltn. rltnTT BKfuNTW II Theman Wllnn. Nalllt i:i Jarn'.s Murphx " Jean of ,M . lf.1 ri Mt?.nr Kensincmn it H. J. Ainbii. Hli; Kibben i'.- -It Mill- ah, v 1 - ItlM-i . jil Jnckien Henri Urrstncten C7 A IJubuii. i J.jiin of An UJ- Jehn e'.N'elll. l.mriirls reiiTY-nvi: pncuNns IS -K Iwllarten Pt. Jean of Are. I'D M. Itarruiffien. '.-.' Jean of An. hi, I. I'ujare. St Jear of Arc. 8111. Kerbs. lnlnyten. n2 M Keli i;ntrprln 3a J. Mcllhenrii. Hlii' Hlbben , sivrr .iErexD.j St -O S'-v.eliii i:ntrprla 3.1 William N"1n. Hiiierpil" ail Kririk SUnca r.nternrH" i!7 I' .1 I.iirenl inun ItlWioe. its 1' Uenai... .Natilt.v. enm: miniti: tp.n si;c'iMi- ?I1 I. hnlth Knaln;tnn 40-11 Slurk'y. Si J. nil of i. 41- Jehn I.ven. I.ntrirli' 41 J Kane. Mee.lowlireol.. a J. llueti"s. niu-i UIM-in. ONE MINl'TE TWENTY SKfi iMi.1 4fi - .Inhn Pti-rieii. mattehil. 4H Eil !)"imer KenflnKieh 47 Jaines SI Olnlr. Nailvln 4S II A Itaei Men-lnvv brook 4fi J (ira-r. Ht J,an of Ar' 00 jfterrf Itoenr.v. Ht Je.ni el A' ONE MINVTE TIltRTT Mfiu.NU.s 111 Waller Hmlth Nativity. .'.2- Jehn rli3. Natlvlli r.3- 1 Mulllii .sbimahan. P4 A. Krbrlik. Si. Jean of An f,5 Uetia. Enti rrrtf" em: mini'te fertv Fi: - NH'' T.- E1 Urk r.nn-rprlfe ST c 1 ri'lervi ie-I shanaliK" r Jehn Ne an. 1 uiri.irl ..0 E. ( enwa- Miamhaii HO M. i'oeI Natl-lty 01 U. iJtJenl, (Shan than ONE .MINI'Tl. KIFTV sl.i'i.M's 621" .rMckillen, Natlvif . na IT TV Mirnin Shaiiilin 04 Ir Klnln Na'lvitv. c;. (, .-ild. shanahn iiH--V: hH. Emrrrl" TV. ' i MINfTi: 7 t. r MerKJ'i. !linalini us- .1 ll.Min Sli-niah.in. nd It. Kitnntln Hlur.tH"i 70- I.e s.-hliialr. NntlMts 71- Jiuims shark's St Jen or Vn 121 rrinU TUvl- Tfrnple I'tihuH' TWu MlNl'TES TEN SEi'U.Nfy 75 W liehu. k. Menlnvliriek 73 -W I. rami. unattai-h"t. 74 .1 .1 vintr, shanahan. 7,'i- Eranrln ltno.e . St .le.,n of Ai . 70 E. Hra.lle). Illu million TWO MtNlTES THIRTV sEi"MH ;7 w Vls Mi-adnnb-oell 7R K. riren Natlvltv. 7fi I.. Martin Natlvltv Su n all'fti. EntcTirl 81 Walter lllttlfr, Mpiiionbre".. TWO MIMTEP l'MKTV-riVE FECONHS S'J -J. Kan. Nativity si- (i. Wilen. "hanahan SI . Ceatf St Jean of Arr - J. ileuuhan Shmal.an Si)J. Mer.taau"- WaahltiKinn. Ii i THREE MINUTES ; 1, Pavis Na'ivnv sa I W Hruti Mai1ohrnek s!i- Iiirn-s Ki-rin shahahnii liO -I Oe, fi"eri. Vaiivm i,l J fteanlniaii. Mr.i iebrne,( p; T Vniid'He t.-n lowhreoii fl It Prertl'. NatUOv TllllEE MINTTEs rilTFKN SE' 4 ir IWnnriln Entrjrle li'. W Nnrrl". l-lMn.ban (ill- S. Hhivv. Mr i.lrinbrneW W-.p Wright -t .Inm of -lis. I. lllll. M'fieu..' . I l.t Jehn M- ' r .N.n vi'. THREE MINfTrS Tlllltn -! ft t iiiBllare. Enterpfn" 'NH. left II Rarpel'l. is'nsinsiei' inir iimdle- si innhan h" M' Detivmh. Nanv.n nmEE MtNi'xn.s iCir.TV-nvi ' ni.iil iM.tUi . shnhihsn - i-.'J !.' ..." ' "' ,: ...,.,. 1 .n. ,, l.'.nli.i I Mi,1rtovli-enl. - !n"" 1-J 'Z I'OVR M1NLTE i.i -i r-anr. n Ma.1 iwhroeK 1 A(i 11 Se IP-' -Wa JowuieoK I r.-ii'R Mist ri: rii-n ev s-e, -'ns I tin- I) Dark se Jmn of Are 1 111 .1 Mullii n Me idiiw brook 11J .1 E Williams Mnl 'hroek 11,", Wll lam Mer. unattaeh"'! ri 'I'll MIM'TEK E-iRTr .-Kl'cni s 1H-Jitn Mnrr'a Nutlvny IK. r lirne. Sharavnn llil r Wor' hinK'en MfiiilowbrenU nun, mi.nei'e.s- niTT-nE m:cu. 117 i.turre Rani-fi Mra-levs hr 10k US- V Mulei reth M-.'i J 'Hhre'.k rP'K MIM'lEs! riVE ,SI-i USPS tin ' 1'ani miller. Meartowbreok J 20 1 'ci lira). Enterprise, Buck, the Blende Sheik "Sunny Jim" Coffrelh Je. came Promoter en Coast in J 90 1, After Spert Was Killed in i'cw Yerk II ELDTITLE BOUTS1 Hy ,l.Mi;s V. COKFKO'III JIM KI:NM;I)V. hnewn as tlm prince of sport-, trod te be n boring tire, meter In tin- old Ilnrlen law dais in .New- lerk. He was my friend, nnd whenever I came IJn.il we were usuall together a li d hobnobbed about our repei t he biisincp" nffiiiiw. Always being a lever of sports, boxing wen fawr with me as n emig man, nnd as Kennedy made s'ire thnt I hud n soul right up there at the ringside tn trips te New )erI were made mere J. W. fOKI'l'.OTH intercfiting by Kennedy's Inmti.. Aupist of 1'idti found i ie in the big eit, and wl i I was sippi..i, i,, re turn te CalifiTiiin (In lliird ueik of that month, nnxietv te s,.,. .luinc j. Corbett nnd Kid Mi f'e bev en the ."if'th forced me tn veiai.in. They were M-berliilcl te go twenty five rounds nnd. iiii'identnll. It w.ih the lust bout under the llorten rule, per mtttiiig benis of that duration. Cor bett knocked out McCoy in the fifth round that night. After tlie siw Kennedy nppenred de pressed, lie h'ul no idea what lie was going te de. "Wbcre can I put ever boxing F'iei'1's-.fuiij ';" he wimtvd te knew. "Wli net trv the (lelden Slope." I nnsweri-d, grmningly. "Ile you think Wi; r-.in innke tin- i"nne go out tlieriV" was his net (piestmn. And before I Itnrw what it was nil about. I feiiuil ui self tnlhing husiuesi with Kennedy .'ihmit Iki tug in t'nlifeniin. 'I hat "we." mm crs.it inn of .Urn's went a long w:j in deciding a, promoting career for myself. 'Well, (ini w.iv, the I bei mil" iissei l.'iled following .l.inuarv with KenneiU in liexitig, and w ted San I'raiici-ce i ni tin- place ter seems ei our heuis. Mini- lirst nt tract ion was u tilt between iJeorge p.ibew. McKiidilei.. of New "erk I i Itv and Oil Hawkins et I-ris.e. ..."'"..' - , e.c.i.'.i . .'1,1,111.. -. lliOI. Mel adden v.inuing en it foul in the seventh round. l'er Ihe lli'M two ie.'irs Kelinedv mid 1 vveni iilens nicelv, putting en occa sional shows ami thev went rug. Ho He inc was cleeil in New Voik and in most of the States in the l'libm. .n that a let or" funs Hocked out In the CyuM Peer .Inn died in 1HU", and for the next twelve vents I went oil in til--Clime alone. Thov started te call me i 'Suutiv Jim ' along about tpfll! or I t'.M7 because of the luekv lueaks I had 'had in went her , oiulitiens. i Uu several show dntes when I had open -air bouts scheduled it r. lined all tiiglil and through the merpini; until neon, then Old Sel came out. dried 'tilings up iin elv ntnl the limits went en i ; s planned. I Most of lb--- championship-, during tli" fourteen v.iis m wlibb 1 was ioii ieii 1 neeied with boxing were ,, ulcl In and around I't-isi e. where 1 was the man 1 behind the bankroll When boxing linall.v began te Hep In alifernia and thou "as hilled en tirely ler a while. I turned te raei'ic and at picsent ;,in asseriatul with the Ti.i Ju. ma .let l,ev ( lull. nl''H)v .i.-' i MOW I M M'l 1' I ;v,, i, i in i . r i nm, i' in ." ' srt;7 t Till R'V- t .,!.. i . ' Ti i: I '", I ". IPHILA. F. C. PLAYS GOTHAM BOOTERS Reorganized Eleven Will Meet New Yerk at Phillies Park Tin Phila.le'plii 1 s.i.ccr Club will plav i's list ".inn uiiilt r ihe in w 1 ni.'in.igeiiieiit this at'ertioeii at the Phil lies' It.ill Park ai I'lftientli .ui-L I luiit , uicd'iu streets i The opponent- ,.f ihe locals will l.e I the New iil. 1 ! 'd i'lub, whi'h has I 111 ns 1 in- up -.ni. pln.vers Hs Andv H'lllieii. P.iri Melihee ,ind I'ei'cv lllnrdv. .1! ktewti t" b-til f"ll"wers et , soccer. Ill tin- l lllh'l'l III flevr'l lie l'n , I face their ! ugliest I sen. ui. Tic v in ' pee,l, wbli ll Wis 1 i w hen Ibev 1 '1 1,111 lie : - -tg! 1 ei ' .-t 1 he t . 1 v 1 1 1 j III top ' . ii in I 1st s. , ,j n l,f lliUh, 1 1 in in, Nnti euil i'l ilieng te 1. 1 Meld- 'ine re . "stpO'l, no n's ni ' .' all pain, s In ti ,t 1 11 . 'i'I'I ..f In fourth round f tb- 1 'up cempf 1 it 1 n 'J 'I'lie snow 1 snlterl in I e In t 1 , Allied League nd I ol'galiH-'itlen iv Pres .. v I ,1.,Hl 1 M.,Wi.. - J-atm i i . . CAlIi:. i Come Have New Years Dinner SUNDAY and MONDAY iENEHAN'S CAFE 62D AND WALNUT STS. IB mjp'r llm I, iv, a ilvstrra 1 II tlf sU(laini I -I-tj Ollvra s(M I" I renin of (lit'tsen ,, i, Neiiwtli- snapper it la, llmlalra Heist ,e.ing erii.ei.i lurke.v -"liirrril C ranlirrrv Jellr rii 1 ih.i r.enrKla sPrt i'i,mtu Mnaliril hit Petate s.perlnl liliilni Itnkril Viitntu i aulilliMv 9r ( rnni suiire Craeri Teaa llutti. II, .111a r.ic riant . sm n lleiiils of I rltnrc lluMa.i tlrrl.i II' t lll.ee I'l,- Ipple I'l lie t renin Irrucli I'uitry P L A T T E R S ' BROILED FRESH FLORIDA SHAD $1.00 ROAST YOUNG VERMONT TURKEY 1.50 ROAST CELERY FED DUCKLING 1.50 ROAST YOUNG CHICKEN STUFFED 1.50 ROAST PORK, APPLE SAUCE 1.00 Special Supper New Year's Eve 62d and WALNUT STREETS FFivntu Tnhttann Jr.. in I Referee Paris Beut I'niHi. Iec. 30. Fer the flret tlm In the history of French boxing n American referee, Hiram Jehnien, Jr., of California, will be thn third man in the ring when Frank iferin and Mured Nlllrs met today te ! tie the henry weight championship el France. The title is claimed by Nllle. Meran has been training faith fully for the bout. He tips the CtUi at Hi- pounds, or seven peijndl lighter thnn when be met Jack .Tohu .Tehu .Tohu sen here In I1H t. Nllles weighs 182. The winner will be matched against Jim Ileckett. MIXEDBOUT OH Strangler Says Only Few De tail Are te Be Worked Out. Date Net Announced WRESTLER SEES VICTORY .saii Frnnclscn, Dee. 30. Ed "Strangler" Lewis, world's champion heavyweight wrejitler, announced tedty that arrniiRements had been cempltl for a mited match between Jack Demp-sev-. heavyweight pugilistic tltleheltler. nnd himself. Lewiv produced signed irticlei cnveriiiK the match which wer drawn nt Wichita, Knn.. nnd carried thr signatuie of Jack Kearns, manager for Dempse.v. Tlie artiole. n sporting writer ob served, "centnined one million rulelt. r.8 tu hew- the two nre te behave them- -'Ires." I.evvis snid : "We have made this match. Theri an- only u few details te be worked. out. '"ieu can think what you want about it. hut when I meet the champion t tlie world in tlie fistic ime he will iltl i e,,rn (, j, meeting the champion of tin world in n stle nf combat that dee.sn't call for putting en gloves. I i de net wnnt te beast, but If I am thrown ncainst the Urine line with the world's champion pujrilist, the people , like sports will S't the Fame shoe thev reoened when Siki whipped Cur pent ier." Tlie date and place of the match were net iiiiueunei'd PITT IS FAVORED TO BEATSTANFORD Panthers Shew Ne III Effect! of Trans-Continental Journey r.ii 3.anfer4 W.rnW . Shlpk Cravtnn . PaOrnet . rvlll .TnhnaMa I.avvtan Woedwr (. Inavgianit Duhtv C'uJdtbaak SVJ,--ifli ir ,i i laik IIO'var Sack . . i iA'iri.i W 'l'lim I. V. in-rl'tirn V lelrcni' F i nan n 11" I ft iH Vft tekl left Kuaril . r.tar rltthl ruanl rliht taekl rtaht f-n-l . . quarterback . vfl halfbai'l rtht halfnack fullbank 11. U rr -in-, rare 'arn S'l t'rnplr Tem Ti.nrpr. llal lin"man - Walt I.- i Juic harl M'l'nrt) i:ckvrall. Manfenl l'nlcr..lty. Calif.. Dec. .TO. Tlie I'nlverMt.v of Pittsburgh football tiam will meet the Stanford CnrdlimM heic tixlav In what premises te be a hard fought, low -score game. I l.bii.sed obseivers expect the Hast Hast "nieri in win. but Stanford fans hope t'u-i- team will wear down the Pan ther, whe.e strength may have been 1 w, akened bv tlieir t rans-cnntlnental tun. I.-i practice, however, the Pitt men 1 iv,- ilisiiiaveil no ill effects from their change from the cold of Plttaburj-n te the warmth of California. Art Wilcox, the ke.Mnan ir. the Sinn ford effeii'i- sjtem, will lie kept out b jniury. GOLF SCHOOL I pe-t inf irll.u hr tli follewlnf 11. Ku n pr fp.lonelf. m. r. CONWAY JAS. SOUTAR JAS. EDMUNDSON JOE SEKA DAVID KIRKALDY Court nin from 8:S0 A, M te B18O . 1 i all or phone for ftPiKilntimeta. Mitchell & Ness 1223 Arch St. Phene Spruce lOOfi PIlllH., l'. Pf r Pe rssn n - - ,ww. DEMPSEY-LEWIS 'J, . - ,.111 1 .n.'l .42t fpnta J'ebi)n , ttnitin it; m ww i i 11 ipn ly iyil-lti -r-p-p ) if.yi j,t