w trt . rfTw- v -.,- - .-".iVTOra; . j,'-pkuix"' 'i")1 y-v'-ej'snwwv' rv,r'. fr R' '- .-.AiViM 1jV r f ' - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,. 1022 -. c 1 1 . . . - . Ra?1 F' ft 4 . wat' I Penn Has Furnished Camp With Mere Class for All -American Teams Than Other Colleges inU. S. W771 .UJJJL J ilSS"- '"IIPI i j m )? n t !f-' "M ;c rf h ' m l PENN SELECTIONS ON CAMP ELEVENS WOULD MAKE WHALE OF TEAM " imagine Hare, Wharten, Draper, Thurman, Scarlett, Miller. Over field, Stevenson, Knipe, McCrackcn and Hellenhaek All Playing Together en the Gridireti! Hy xTONKY JleMNN W1IAT a w hale of a football leu in ceiilil be lnul if ir with yele, ted from Petin.vlvniii.i pln.vcr wlie lmvi' appeared mi Walter Camp's All-American elevens' Approaching this matter without fmr or prejudice. It 1 devlared hl-rc nnil new t lint no ether college In the hind can show such gridiron class s tint whidi from tunc te tunc merited selection by the dean of the "All" pickers. I lrt liaM a ioek at me giinrus. Who was T Trnxtnn Mure'- superior as was tin- hie cog in the machine, for thev The bad mere of,,,, than the p,aers i We watched l'eiin ba'tl" the Indian in kicked a sensatlenall) dltlieult field goal here of our bnvhend football reiolleetloti. rind another guard In tin1 entire hlsterj of the pert who wa the e.iual of T. Truxtuu Hare! lie was ("amp's choice four -t i tilsli t .vear I'm k Whin ten. new a ph.vii-iiii attached te the phvicnl department at Peniis.vlvnnia, would make a plendid running mate for Hare In the guards back plav . He win en the Al.-Atiieri. nn teams in l.p,-, ami lsini. And tit that we are passing up Midi brilli.n.t linemen as Finnk Piekurkt aii'i (ins iZlegler, athletes whom we saw and who made guard play tanil out pre eminent en rranklin I'lehl. At tackle what mere een.d one ask titan te find Pexter Hraper. of the 1017 teari, and .lehn Tli'irmfln, f the Uf.'L' team, awaiting the opening txn of the lefcree's whHtle' With Hunter Sarlett. of 1!his i ,,d Heine Miller, of lll!t, pla.Mtig 'lids a enlv the Knew hew te de it, bnlll:ititl and Mills Mills fncteriH . and l'ete iivertie d. world-l'ameiis center or l'.es and 1 !!. te nap the ball and "-top charges directed nt his position, we h.n . . empleted ,i for ward line that weiiid rink" the lu-arr if a eiii'h bubble eev with ,ej . Our quarterback would be the marvelous Vin.e Siexetisen. who was se lfCted by Camp in IP04 Onl the ether dav we i sieued te a di' us-lmi of field generals by a lempnnv of wie ui..ti nf the gridiron, and It w.i tleir unanimous' opinion, after c etisjrl. rln, the gteat qiiarter ( the la-i twemj. five yeari". that l'enn' wirard had no superior. If nn eipial. iliTTH A'Yf7.'. ' l:'-i. and .tnhtt MrCrarhrti, nf LW. kvi.M iHl be hilfbi''ks rTtnjnfhtiai-y- lie did nut 'fe Knipi ;Wrt, hut lie ilite iciitn7 In riecr) the ireril e' old- timfrs for it that br irn 't tcenJrr. TliJ HnUrnbnrk. nt ."fl,, iceuld nit our fullhnrK ainqiimint although ice hare nrent re;ir.-f for thr tihilitv of Jehn Mind'. Imlv Smith nnd liny Merrr, fullbii',hi rc did m inv, and II. ('. Thniir cud Gcerqr 11. li'-oele, about irheri tee hare raid nnd Vitrurd 'e Still in 0 fi!c. Select (i Superior All-Star Team'. THIS tH all mythical sm:T bur s, ,s the -eie. tien ,,' anj All- Amerii-an mih Therefore we nk the wet Id te b'ek this team nnr and tell u w hieli n.l ttge could furnish a better one Knil", Scarlett and Miller- m. kiej Hrnper and Tluitiun'i guards. Whnrten and Hare: qunrterbti k tevens,,u , Lalfbin k. Knipe ainl Mti'racken: fullback. Hnllenbad:. Ne fault will be found w.th Wul'er 'aiup H'-- a'.l s; u ,.;. n Mull. r. California end. and Knipe. Midngan bin k. we did 'i"t see. but f.mthall men re unanimous in their praie of these plajers Muller. partieuhirl. sfr),i out as one nf the exi eptienal n'l.b'.'s who played "he dilhcult end j..sit it iti this forward piss era With pardonable pride menuen ' made ,.f 'he fa. t that the ' v nt. nnw hilng pin died ground out the names ,.f Tuib.", N.m , n.t : Tlniliai '. Penn. nnd Treat, 1'rlncefeti. tackles, .s.-hwab, l.tifae"e. gua;l : Kaw. ' 't nell, and Jehn Thnnini, riiicng". back", as the !iiilr m 'heir piisitt.,tm m the 1!)2'.' season Thej all were I 'amp selection Hubbard. Hararii cuard. nd Lecke, Iowa back, were stars-, ii" qii's'ien about ; Thr. fore Mn- "All ' Hies of the recent campaign ninv new be dosed Wh.r w.e.Id srv fi'etb.il! isen be without it , 1 ROOY x in 'lined ''i win v eh 1'. ''jie;. ,t r . ,. ., .. , triifci f'icif n 'cr.'fif Ac;e(jetiTMi of i I'et- !-m 'mihtt1! trnm m "Spirit a ,1try, ddshimi, nverichi Imii'H ''eWideiit i ihn' oil.- e r thing ije." And in thu jjerien f npinen ein .e n., n.nf '( mA. i player from nidi nt flu en ellenn te 'ind tha' ei t ' a tmie l'r it, ion had the all reentiat rhniurtri nfi nnv tn it i one. cAr.e i i . i icinify nf ?T. per "nt et the nee,j.jri inii'irii n mti (lamp Had liezdvh Puffins Like Porpeixe THIS appear te be nn aprep" t.t.ie till a 'e'v 'ii eriurig Walt.-r i i.,i; one that pr""i hi nctiviti. s are .. ..tinned '.i Ins l.eitig u ipe. t.u..r at foeball game nnd "!.en j.i. knu an All Am-r:. nn c-ee'ii T" s'-i' th.s right it might b tiietiMeaed that ,t i peeulinr t-i the Inn , an ri" thi a in-in Uiuall. want te be il.unz that wh.eh he ,s t,,,r d"ing. A piiperhauger t sure h w.iuid be a svwil be -tb-gger m . .ev i- ,r -t.u'e. wenileri- why he : net presuen' 'he M-k I"diarig Vi.d ,e nml that a least two of the i euntrj s fnremnst f """bail c en. h beli.ve iuit an' I i, k nf time for prieti, e prevent iiet'. l'mtu .-cui.' i'ig '!. bmi' d i'nir,..,s , n , Walter Hagen iimI tieiie Snnir.-n in golf- fh. pair lii' n; H :go I !.-,-ci. k ,f Penn State, and (iilrue'ir I iebi' !' ("..rni'il. lledek never iui-e -m ..jip .r'jnitv ' ji!n- "i-1 . ,:. ub.-i.-v.. . may be, and when hi Nr'atu I mns plave.j -he Nimj .:i Wh-Iluc. n tin- mh Hugn was inviiecl te de eighteen hdes ..;.(.. -ed ' "nmi N"W 'he s.u;,. .' matter foetballie . - well, ny tw ' v.nrs n.cier 'hun l'eiin m,t. coach, whii-h means jai' .w v-ars H-:go. ,.. Is'e wn 'ip i w ''i u . beyh in pr.tetice dr-i's nnd h.ke- unci prides hn if nil b'.ug .i. Al c n'.ij ,,n 11 the time. I.et hun t"l. t!.e t'.rj from 'his p ,!.'. i. . "Never 111 I.lV Whole iif, was I il a-lutl.ei) d IllVsi.t ,s .,-, Ifi-i' d.i,!, when I tried te lien- Walter I'a'r.p en the golf links I 1 1 I ij.a h.'nu s,, much that he wen rh" grafer minuter of h. les he .lav- a g ml g.i'ue in .1 I had the usual nlile in mv own m'ml f.r losing the mat lj. it i- ri a with which he fellow id 'lit ball for e'2lit' en holes made . I ...k ' .. ,i . : ;, e AUT hul ii ild I 'ail ! knp ;. ' Ai"i "Hi ;...''i,.; hi, ., T tuttmr irtn had uit niihni l in . ii7'C n hi n nr ,e,i ., d 'I,. eithtirntli h'd' li. ' amp. en thf ttinr hand. tra M f h i; rhup who had ualkrd aei.n a " " ''",' remn nd tn 'I" ' that it pant iij-tu Icum i aqr' ! ha e a K"i ri, , .;, . nli,r I'mii. as an athlete ' Colfer Trudge I00U Mile.-, in a .cumhi GOI.I' -.se ., t.e ret-rn d ' n- "i --d i u. - gain" ' ler'.ij, some folks " no (b J" ' k'leV W l.al tl.i'V lire , I, littering -(..' 4I1W n m-'er in e,r 'eg v.i, i-.a- I" '.iri sij i . ..s.-..,.. ! ,. ., winger it wiml ,cmJ .mi H.i...... ' n." 'i a fi'l i-en-eii Je" K ik I vv 1 . plaj'd .i.eh . ili.b.' n g 'f .'i l'.CJ :,g.:-e -hn' u K'O maiehe ne vialki'd T" nn!' I!.' le h a pr .fess ..t, ,' ,i i,( i.anug' . in keep his ball pr. Mv ueil straight down 'in i.,t"-. Imng.ue i,m 'nair id'ii id'ii tien.il mile we duff' r r'.dge a w . tait'-r J. vv n vard of tlu yr-is , ,j for a ball that w-i s ,'m! Invarmbl' ". we at. plavmg with .ha.r.- who ioek or hit "ii ti,e fan-win w"h u l.'e a- ti ie'i ue. .s a we de U t.. u yn ire net liMikitgf.'i ve-ii ..wn l-i'i ve, are i . I ng a n.unii. r of rl.e f n,. te leek for In Jim Mac kie .' i.rie'i Ij'e -i.i- iniee- n s' eiv '! s.jhj. t n.,, ,nk that mil . 1 n lu.ri l-a. i 'i h a ri g'.f bii ' out . i'v ... it lik' , . .. two additional mile m piav ng ugu'm-ii i i... We k'nev a telleu v '.., n,,,.i have tiav'-rsid one tnird 'f a in " tollevv.iig h - .n ' i rns i ' .. u, .., in.j back again v..i. i u im-v i i w her a reti . ,., r s,.ni t,, . ,. . ,. pesl. little white th ng tin- pn p. r 'ap vvnn ir ap "mn hir.g dei-k 'n ' ni', ),, iiblick icevard a gn n n.in i.i - a ('.' en three -n. and a te , l i' (,n ), fourth. 'Hie golf enh,i,ll v.!' av te 1. wei'K, or nn .-lit', i line i"ii.i. l'r nil 'We wi-ks I - gn.r'.ug kr is a nnv n . and a- i. round mean nj pi exrnateiy . and .it,, n.df ,u,i, v , f pedal iniilv, g-v.s h in a p dt'n,in infill f-a i vear t mere t'nu PiO'l n e- Tlll'le si, s i genuine n't I IH't mr .11 go f ll. i-ll .se n , ,iver I i ' iget hew tninv i. ie I in' ..ill v walk- If M..- w:f" asked j mi ' , H, rv n i'hri inas package three mile ie n panel .e' station what .. ioe' "iier.- -i.,, i ''Me walk 'hie. miles lanv fha' 1..-T "f i-andv, and then -vi.'k bni k uenm ' Order a fan' would be rh.. .,, And if. en .1:. unary 1 v .-,r phj-ir.nti j.re lerihed for jmi ihKi nub's of leid work in P.iL'n m nulei mat 1 1 ii'ght n te n npe old ag. ye'i would su 'lib d.u-, nil mv folk" d.ed earl- ; whi' the odd?'' ... BV'l ail en a in'f '. r,,,, nitluul i radda te hiar i and a hall de;i n ni'i nhiti p rn in 'lit u ilh mitplneed rnn ihetn, pn irill nalk sir and i,i e hah imlin a dan and ffji far rnen' In, e,. firm iihi ii ill lun'i the I ill- nt a ipnrtu . mieir no . at 'he Pnrrr llali Fiai.kteid ai I ii I'll 'ni iii'i . ; tn ' 0..7 . for ",e millionth feni In it irniiil.nl. I11 a iii(i' 01 neild' DEMPSEY MAY BOX ABROAD "-""-'-it ai'-. w .M r.. ceded fin offer of illf.n'Ki sterling Offered Big Sum for Beut in Europe guaranteed and ISV. per mn nf the by Londen Promoter ''"',' r '',,s ''"' " '""" ''"'n Hen..- New Nnrk. He, liu PiM,... 1 m -v end Hie vv inner ,,f ,1... H'ek Sm.tn Jack Deinp-iv world h.nivw.-ight ''"" l!"K"M ,:"" "'" "'Kbl H'l. chatnpien. bung .-.., .,1 an n......r 1 1 "'iW l,Wh "'".'" ,'"1'1 K""" Uils seiiseii an lai disappearing. Tex ' '.e idler mine Irein Churl.- Ite-e. Itlcknrd, Madien Npi.ire iiindeii pre- miiniiger of the t'i vi ,1 Piiim e, Londen ineter, who i-utert.iiued h.eii' of rmi- for a lout tn be held there during In-rl.v tlllctlliK a lnatih 111 winch the tillehehler Week in .Ma) would defend his Iioiiein. leclav deeluied mat lie had pra.tn-iiH.v decided te f go r.ilhert te Marane rjenv.r Ttemiihei bout 01. ill ihe siiminer tjiiDeri te iviapage uenver - . ' . . ll.ii.iikLi.ii .. I..... I... .mini ...i i.inii 1 little mere than a week from new will find himself confronted with n brand hrv, offer for bout ... Kurepe Dun .Mi-Ketrii'k, the titleholder .1111.... . ...no " ..,... ..... um ever nn ritu.eie wear i-iente.i Mines a lineman? And in hi- dn a guard pl.i.ved guard b,. k. and Mine . arried hi, hnck.lehl. We nK, remember when the late nineties that the giant Hare ftutn idaeement, w tiii-li made him the st. i, , bv !! If .f e i iimv ii, ' a mi, in Hti average f nf' fi,ti" hnlf 1 vv V -..I I I . J 1 .I.,,. I ......il ll..e e, J I.l, VI rit I ui n. i'l- , ', ,,,, ,, , ,. , i . , ,. i, , .. '. mm. m- ; in- ;-t i ut. if v " - . Wry'lV: ...- .'r.'","".".-. ' l., k-ui.. for i.u. vv, i , nj me. TILDEN HAS LOST STRENGTH OF GRIP Operation en Tenuis Champ's ! Finger Causes Racquet te I Turn in His Hand ' ' HIS VOLLEY NOT UP TO PAR Hy (l!l. FIMUF.K I'hll iilrlplil.i Ul.trlel unit Middle fltntu ' Irani ( li iinplnn. B1I.1, Tll.DKN, nutienal lawn tennis champion, is eiici' mere wielding a rai-.piet. 'I'll.- inl'i'i tleti of his light I"'"!" "","' "low , up... vvni.li led te a ! ''"' ,,,f ;iTntlen. and the less of j j tJ"1 ,. i,.,m. , n,,ws ,)lt -w ) j1lH hand muiic months ng.i, which led te a retained much iicrhan all of tli kill and veratilit.v which has made htm the gre.itet tennis player of all time. The brand of lentils winch Tihlen diplacd againt "Sandv" Wiener, Id .veiithful pietege, and mjself. In Mr. Uafette's indoor oeuri at Chel tenham several ilujs age would open liny one's e,es. IVihaps the cliainpieti was net (! skillful, u, accurate, ns fat. a steitii.v n firnierlj, but I will net be the em te venture sueii a state ment. Tildeti. theitgh net overly optimistic perhaps ,e fivls tint it l wi--r net te be admitted he could grip hi tm cpiet far innie tirmly mid make In sjini with mere ne. iir.'ii j and p i CIleu tlinn lie h.'l.l hoped I "I llml that 1 itin pl.ij fur beti.r that! I ever eMieeled." lie' snl.l "III 'course, it will lake vine time ter un to deteimine just .vrietlv hew niiieh .flit injury will aiTi'c t .tnv cniiie. but I am c'ltainlv meie than titistid at tlti time. "Mv main dlth'Miltv." saicl Tihlen, "i te keep, n, y racquet from turning in tnv hand when I make n hef. My grip i net v.t siidic lentlv tiriit," The tlllirer is sltll liilllil'lei.tl 'Pbe en. ' inev.il nf the bandage should allew1 . iiim better snppiiig p..wer ami inmv'New Yerk and Arena Commis- I'leti'.n in the last joint of hL middle, fia.-r Kven if tin digit sui, , siens te Collaborate in De- reg.iin it former irengih, the ether , vvmihl e..ii ...inpeiiMite for the .is el ClsiOIIS and RllUngS 'ever.niae this slight dlMidv.inlnfti. by' ; ,r?v?l, ';:;, ;:;,!v:Vh;;:';,:;:;!;;r! ELL and muldoen confer 1 nig ii ii dangi r ..I sfiifta's m wlmt ie- mains .a ,i,,. nngei. . he ei.. t all ,, ,,.,,, lr ..,.,.,. bur the lat imut and a half. . " ''"' ,s " ,,AHh T.lden tried ...it ail hi h"U '..n k- A ,sS' ANV'K of co-eperatl..n be- I'nti.l aid t..r.-haiid drive. Iiaekh in I aiuf;-- tween the ,,.w - nrk State Alhletic i forehand .Imp tr.,R... .Imp shot. mi. . 1 Commissi,,,, ,,,! ,, minisien of t!. I'w.st. .'I'll i'II'iIiiiii-IiiiII erlii-, lob' . , ,. . , , , ,, laud mab. hnlf-v..:iev, Mu-le vel;.. vnnd 'u,,"- "f """ '". '- ""'" following I t..i ..I i tt 1 I .. . i i t, l I. . ..w.., 11 Ilit't till" 1ltf M t'f'll flit ft.MtM't lit I'll'IIV. ' T . .11 nt hls"v'nllev. e.'llie,i ),... . just. .'e.iira'e. de.-ptive. .'.. pen.hible as be- !'' hi linstirlui.e. Th -n. ti,r I,., v. .lie. ... I..a .,, Tel- ' r.n.li'v ..Mil mi...; 'riesi ..r ..li a' firm gri-. i- al-n! ij. I;. ,,. .-.-ssai-v '. :;lt,:L'd piiivin,- n -. it.-i! i.l"- His slmrp-angle . i '.n - ,tiA h'.tii t .. Ijh . I ..if t fit it li i. U have a gfit ileiil e'' biu'ksp'.ll. are i-cn- iiii't -i .--- - e nr i 're.led bv I l.'g t. Tin mgli v.- n .t war and let n 'dl. I f""I I.' i even m.is a nf '1 M i like .,! be i".'ii!i id 'v the iiiasle.7 I'.il. wi i !.: mere self-eori.cieus .,,,,. ,i i t i. n 1 ,. 1, ii t.. umir', ln. irpi"l He teiiiii jmblie w.eibl I. it I -Im .'. ! .d-nlv l.'.ive lali U" iha' r.q.i... flirt t" . ,e- ,, . .,11,, ,i. gee I .I. a Illall'. iei''w'..v.'r.'de:', ' ,; se. i . !,u u. ,-,,. .. i s-a'.-.l pin.i.;.' wiii.ii I. ., dive.! en th.. beard are mi siunrj. nun we iii...,,Mftl ,j.tit nnd was never in serieu .um. u mere is i no lininecllate ic ii .i-.-.c- '... ,., ,.'... v. !- I... s-ie.e.s doing our dutiis for tie pur- interest ,,-,, !,,, h,. ,.,, ,, timl im answ.-r. niediling. It ought te be espeuded in , ,. f f u. it'ei v.ivt'ing, miking .. eii'.gv ,11'Iiimi.'. (..-is nnd. bv ,. q, ,- I'. ii'g .. I. epiM.iient's Scraps AUOlil Scrappers I'.tl Vrni . 1 1 , Willi llll' l alu I. .i M s s , , I.-I1..S. I ' . l.jrM . Hi- j,., , . .r . ! , - , n . I i s.rirml Hi mli(i M ., I -J M V . T . ' ' s" I. . . , . t J I'll liens, r. . ! '1 .-I ii, r. ! . l i ' J 1 i .,.';;;.'. 1. t. I .(...-hip I lirl. .' e " M . 1 - .1 . f I 1 -. a'--- J . a- ' .(. M.f. 1 I..IIII. I r I . f. 1 s I . '- He i I .. M .m i , 1 " , - i-: "V. I 1 r n- I' I- . . ., . .' ie ' l -1 . t I'.-. 11 '.i r l.eerue i.mlfrie t It : - 1 -. - 1 t.n t. l'i i-i tn 1 1 hi 1 rti.m - 1 - , .lull, vim ariht 11 1 t h ii" -s D.' (. ' I si.. I 1 - f In 1. ' . '" V. I '! l l.e 1 II .. IM I . I . i '1I..I J d flii-ri- ire lelnr- 1 ivr'r-. '1.. air ft- A mateur Sports Thr Mlllrtli II ( . .. 1 ' mi t- i i- ' f or ..j ,, ' If' II sulllil. -I i-i j-rr. r f Inli r ml J lik- ,'ns lh. i 'n . ' . j iT'i- t r'..u. ...... The l. i-tievn It. ivs ,- !r t - ' I' li J I'll,' It Mill . . . . l no- , ,. 'rv.. ': r7,',r:. :; " '-it. .' I - ,i i ri r..M,t..., ri..- Milln- I. I '.. , r ,f - ft . r , - ' .'Jl I .;.. . i.i. .!...... .. - Ill' "" """'I ipiiiii-iiuiiii ii- . T' 1 If Vi''"' .-: ".'. '' " ' V-" ,, ?' ,'' ' l I I l.'l.'s, . "s I - -' , f ll rlie iHMtll. ," , - , , , , , . h' .' , V'"' . '- i. ; ,:;,;, .,;,? ,,,.,,,, .'" .,ra..ri ,:'.' ;,,'.rl II.. iur l ' , . . . . 1 . '..vn II. , s, ,'. , I 71 .. I Sl'l'l 11 iel II f ......... f Hi,. Hi In. 'ire I' ( M . I ',,, ' "" ' Tlir DutiUlrl. 1 I . Is e.n fir Siind.r - .nSrV:.; -,', " f.I T,, , ''Vf. umu. MAW LANDS WITH (s0W LOOK WlATtfJuveTOME ff X JJ A f f MBit MJUt) Ve Yeu GeT tTeME OP A rtlE9t? 'BctMCr (PLOVE5 FCfi JMMV'S ClRiSlwAS ' A (, ,i AeJDTrE1vYOO'Pur,EA ON WITil THE'GlllL-D TP 1 A V SHeWmEWORLDUrtATA RO.VvVBRAve aku ' WM A 1 VoeareO 44UH W )) Veu OUGHt e 'Be ASMAMED OP VecffiSeLF, 1. 'a BOXING BOARDS WILL CO ATE ,,1011 . f the two beMllg bodies. i ff..-,.. rili. f the Arena beard, has , ,. . ' . ... .. ,. ......... , relic"!"!! irein .M'w icirs w ner.e lie wn ' cln-iied for several Imiirs with William MnMe,,,. and the l'hiliideltihian s,n an -M ' hearings would be given case pel-fain- iit t it Mint tftra in fit lilM I'll V. mi, -- ...... s . p - ...... ..... ' Wliil.. In N'ew Yerk i:i!i straight- I , . ...., te ,.,., i-.n... ' '"' ifaet li .ii of Mulde, ,u an 1 him''lf . and ;,, ii,,. future the retieciive cliairu)"n i .t , ,.t, , l,.,,-mev te. , , , Keiher whenever anv th.ng nep up be- iHCdi Philadelphia and New Yerk in the event a heum.g i nei-es-arv. ...... . .. ,..,. i.i'l ..nun- 1 111 ar.'llit ...niiin-e... ... . .....-. te be a a' joke or an. thing like that." said Lllis t..,!av "Nene of u- win. ate we have in lean sport. "Like unelf. t'b.urmaii Muldn-ii held, an honorary pesLtnm without pay. He lllipi'. .sill Uie Willi lien.i; Hill I I 111! , ruling ".tuii; VJT ,:,s.- where a reg I'atieu has I n lifn-.l for the beiietit of the game., tin' fans nm Wilkr w.U make hi s.'-niid nppear- Miee a the Hew W elterW -igllt (111 tutor Miee a the Hew w elterW "Igllt lllc llllef iii.iiin.i .lehni'V llr.fil'li. twelve leillld. nnd ilreb's opponent will be Captain Pell I!e'."I. tell lelllld- 1'he illa-Miirriiv at -te VUI II ,.,. ,he ,.. um or sev... . . ..., . . ..rM., Iliini-in he.n MnlH'-ev siuai. ,.r "n.i ''V1"'' 1"1 1'.'" ,, ,. ,,. te make Phi ad. 'phet 1.. mi ... n 1 fit ue. ha. the g 1. un.l nn n- , ,,.,,. te love it I m gi t 11 . liaiiee . ,,7,.,'',:...,,r;;,.w,,.,i:;:. v. m,,l... Meible .feiinu ti ,1 . . 1 I I. "" V7n ".:: " """,n " TRENTON ADVANCES el ncCD Tfl PunllMAfMI OLUOr.ll I u i v-.vj.nM.il . Tigers Have an Easy Time in Trouncing the Heading Bears 7. ,, ... i kJTi'XK:r '"m,"! t ,. ' ' , tie rena ai il .lersev lJ"J" rl i..,..i ...re ' .i- ,n 11 A ... i ..i i ...,.. . eMTs I i. Ill erill'll. OV V Ill.-l, W.l UOI IIIIinihi in .".' '"',... ., . . ' , ' "'.." " mi 'l.-in. ...,,. .,,, ,,.1,1 ,,,.,, nvflei'leil lei com- . .,.. ,.,, ,,,. struggle, a iav tin vvc.ighe.ivveii iii.c.v..vig in ent ii,,. Ul,maii s team ""'..' .., "...i,,,! , ,i. as Amateur and Becomes '-, iniri- iu...i. -. t1(, lmj, ,,,- tIl .im.jnn His vveigiu ".'';"' """ "' i imiKieiplii.'i tup. Ini peie. anu.-n.- --- . '".' Ill Action New Year's Day Wljl n.-i, pounds nguitiM 111 for VilLi. M'ghl, division of .ompelilleti fm r Pennsvlvaiiia Hitllread I'lub. Aveiida!e 1 g2 Balklilie Pre Tl,r hampiet.s ...,e w, bears the Villa, who ha done met of In jr"1;.""-,. ', . 'l I'lnit. ay .'hamp'ei, : , j Wilmington. ,-,, v of world' tiilehcfldei-wll, tUI.ti.iB out -f h.s , s "";''' X'p, ;. f '',' " , M,mu'11 imI I The biggest holiday si,t of the new " i1 t'TVlu-ineu-iMv: ' ' ":"f ,'lr ;.m pep,,,,,,- LJpVni be found at ,he p. it. . PLAYED SPECTACULARLY Ji:;iltit ii "r -'illt'Il mlehelde,. -Iho Wr'r,,Ur T,,U V",,1; """'' ' Kds SevenD-siMhstrec. nnd HulM ; ' w;!;;v .S;t ' ;is. t; -Mri;..0!! $ A rxr.t ! -f- Til VSuZlrn - - . Aiuenean '"'t.1'" ;, 'ikl,t k,n- "'' ' uncing al.l.tv. appanuilv im pav.-l I '" I one of ,,e largest .-eiuiugents ' "l '-w-i.t t the Philaddphia I . a .- ,oss-eevered. s.,-,.elvpM "I , f',. lis in. ii seh, dub. I feat it hob! ng both tl weight and "'.,, ume.s mr. ,,. silIm! nighl . H ,,. Vretarv W. 1'.. Itobiiisen, of the, i.iim i eeriiary ry i.ess. I(,ruiiT ..- I!','"': .:.'.'. 7. ''. .. I.., ,1, . M ,..rL hantamwei.'.t title. ""ry I'I P'lrties at ether lub h, re ! n,'?,,, ,'snect a big field te take par: balk line amateur tltlel.elder of Ktimpe, ii-rii'iiiiii-i ii4 .n.i.n,- .-v ii ii i cided ut .the A,..,.. ,.;... " " r .... n-,--. i,;,,, 1. ... . ueneshni. I, vva mere of a cUH , '" V'" , ," ."' """ row of freckled- faced canary MnN.it u-.i'iM the Cap'n nt Pittsburgh. .! ,-0; ..-h High Cm. Hed.iun. "", " t-'" "'" nt ""-' '"'iiir. ..tira, ting the gunners te the M-eiie of ,.ame te America from Amsterdam ju-t I "While 11 leperf mine out of New Yerk 1(.,,i(. ; fifth - S"i v iter. Cm. k e' Dawn. Ilitll. The (Jung's All Hern the sheet and it trophy will go te high t(, n,.,,,,.,!, tmt u thing. Hi h te the ifT.-.-t that Villa had in lured his i,,.pnir: s,vi-(ii, High. .Naluial. During the meal theie were van,'.. umn in each 1 h.ss. sixteen, seienteen. ,, , ... ,. victe.vlifl H ,.f, f.,t in ti. lining th.- littl. Fil.pii... White Hav.-,. v Hie Mun.s. s,ugi,,K b he -.ddl " ,' , eightfen. nine. 1. .wen v . t wen , -one s in ...I d. and will, the " w.nt t'n-eUL-h with hi-, mat. h agaiiiM lat.rn.ev.es. li t; n , "'! Ti .vaid. lln- .d.oeter having played in h.s last .natch ns an anintcur. Tern Mart,., nf t! Snr.!en Ii.-r night Illx,nil! , lrM ,.,.,;,.,,,",. W., , "II the wa.v through, ami nobedv la ,e, ' 1""1",,U',-!,U "V'e 'i ZT 1 Z be,," ,,,,m ",,w "" '" is " ,"0' ,""1 "" and showed he was 1.1 geed ...ndiiier I.V'1 '' Vl .'. ,,.,, : .,,,;, -I'.nd ' ' ;,....... ,, ihis ,,uil , r,, , -"", ,r C"1"," ' i e "hu ,g d lI"i't : Plt.sbiirgl, II..tm ' Ma,,,' llnrrv M S.ephen. Anal. Jn -t home happy with gift , ' ; J ' , - ' h Z," 'tu It is deub.fi.l if a Schaefer. a liar,; a i.".-pw's - i;::.:,"!., .",-.,!"r,-e: ;,::;;:;:;: ,:.;-"-';:-'' , .. m.., .-; - " zrrAw;. p.i'K M-ihe.iev l a biiiitaniweiglii and , , j mill- .lap Muma. Sun ',;,,,-,!,,,,''' lll,"",,'1- '''!"" ' 'vi ,,',,,, lubs iillilialeil w ilh the l'lap- pulled off mass,, shots that lndtli- !, '"' ' M"!-' ,,";N,"S,.ili.l.,llh1 ,'nl l'""1' Ul" ''"" '1VU 1"'-Nl" fc ',, ' " .,:, '"'!'' Vl7''"l,r -i; i1 S Vli hllv.iallH'v -keyed. His short railff.f. il r.ilUt iii Philadelphia in VM 1mu. ,, ilhs,-,a. nml fi.iiV , d 1 ... I N ii.Vm i"fi,,',l'',V Se ass 1' U. It.. I'ac. C.e.er. Wet nursing, thr cushion or any old hr ,., v .... f.el that he is 11, shi.pi te ... mvis v li., i, . ' ' 'r' ".' """,' les er Caiu.b ii. 1 ..iiisdnle. Penn un.l I hat he 1 1 led te make w out ever with a tnL.-ni. the bet the,-,-nre his weight in Tia illM1il. ,.rsl ,.,.,. Hobe, t L. l1'.? ""lU"" ,ll"'"1' -f -f'T-cl 1 u';l;iu,;,n'."";l;.' ehgihh' te compel!:: whnng. '"' " Mul' v ,,nuH" r "'" a": -Dweii. Thin-even. Delaiicev; 1 id Slnut talks w.iv..Iv..m .1,1.1, 1 . Mais, such as (ieerge Ilaldvv In, present In the nflernenn he bent Applet ,. ,-, siiff -I W Ilai..r I-.1-...11I kl, Peer P.,; l.,.,',,,,,,, n," , "iVr p ,?.,' b. ' I...... dell "f Ut- big ciicuit; S. M. .'UMI te 1 7 1 VV it). 11 hh'h I llll of . Ih That was nil w r g ... .IT ,,,,,,;, . ,,,k., ,.,.,, ,..,.,-, . , . ". '. . 1 M-g ,se , , . ' ,.l,11,.luil,i!l State .....i.teur , lh enlin: he bumped the , hump ten i it P.. bbi Mel.eed dri.ppiig Maheuev ( . , 1(i t,,,i,n,, ,.r .,,..' ,!1'1 'I'.1 'j11':1'' ' 1, 1. i,.,i,i..r A '.I. M.ieDw..ll. IV...I ' !0(1 te 'tll with 11 hluh 11111 of Ml. ' Q i .111... -i. 1 . t ..... ei' - tiniii "i .ui' . iri'i'uu . iitniinii.ir 'i'i... iii-ii",.i.i.i ... --. , . . s . - . i it I -111' 'I'd IS II V III D " "' ' " '"ii- i i I , m-'liLBhr. i. Philnddphi,, b.,v . wl,..; ' J;,1 plevie.lsl.V WIIH III Ihe p- "-It ' .1. W,s ." j ' nlssll h" in been s'. i-i ill""" ' "II I Iin.tlliui.. The l'.elll-H put lip a la" -I llni ruble .vh.bnien w.th .....,- 1....1 d. in i. i. nMieuie lalenl.. and the petleis .suiii-d ,..i,i teen Held goal Ie fmr. IternH , .. tiiniii Ii.iiiHiil with seven. It x er. I he .!--.. t. . i... i d...... ..r .i,..i., . . . . "' l J It' 1 1 Ml 11 ' IIH I i ni 'Hi"M l ll t U ' I IH'I J I I i. I 1 ... ..!, r IH'HI KHitJi game ndvai.lage, nnd vnierv .a the I two gimes te be played next week will ' , hm V ' ?-"" '- 'gnid'e -t w'..- ( mien .os THE JAW AND SCORES A KNOCKOUT Varied Sports Events Te Usher in New Year Varied sports events will mark the advent or the jcir Wi.'.'! nest Monday. The outdoor cventi will eeiisit inainlv of i-nec'cr contests, but there ale will be n cross cress cross eountry run under the direction of the KnterpiiseC. Y. M. A. at 10::il In the morning. In the afternoon the t'nivcrsitv of l'eiinsjhnnia will stage its lirM international basket ball game, hav.ng n it opponent the Metiill I iilvei-sily quintet, of Canada. Time will be hosing nt the Arena, wlme five benis will take plioe, nnd at i!e Can. brin A. ('., vvhicli will ell.r a e.inl ut 1 bouts. Trnpl oeiing ill varum1 uun clubs will In ill.'llier f. aline of New Year's Dav. VILLA SCORES EASY ... ... V RTflKY IlWr-K MQK M Wins Every Round but One, Yet 0ec,n De Fans j N'ew ni!(. Iw. I'.e Hiving away It . ...1 .. 1...1T ,..v,m.l, In unii'lit ). iiiii i ,i nn ii i hi i i nun iu ill "' iheii ...at .... i ..: .. .!,. ,.w,...tnr.. In ... ' ."' "- . .,;:,. ,:l- iieignt nnu re.u-ii, rain no m.i lireun battler tteiii the Philippine. ,, ,, ,1 , in,,,.. ilfi,.,,i.i-oMiie iiLdil fielu -i. m i. i i...,i,i,.l.. "", '""'" v-. .............. .", i . .Iu.U-..it Sqiiuie fSniden l.il night, j. ,,,,, ,.,,,! ti,t Villa had wen all tin- vv,,x lt ,,(. ,i,.,.u,,n failed te please ., ' .- . ,. .... i. .. . I .1... I ..... I (n,, I,,.,,,)), inns wnn v nness,-., , ii. - 1,..,... Although Villa took fmn-i i of tlxO'heie in,. U t,',s(. who figure tliat'TLIRpC TRAPHfiflTING f sessi,,i,s. .Mm tin put up n wen- , the dub is feiiunate in its g,,lf status) I nntu I lti enw i imw Inevvevr. tn tin Filipine's fm mil and m,miiii ed assuulls. The Utile almond- ,u., h weight wassdleiu en the tie - lellsUC, llilll llltlllV I'l I III" IlllllHis ,e- ,;lMLr;,.l. !' ,'V ' , T (, i t ever up aid h-ii-. it. i"I It II I II' I I ' ' ' I'll. Allien. -a- H weight nil", held In the vui'l Beets and Saddle ' Xl!W Orll'tllS Her'i which m ,.,:r t .i.ii.is..,, p.. i k te.h.v me: Fn st N , s., i-lh--P.li,U.v, C1.1 bs , ., . hix, e,1(,.M), Vn, .Madge I sM..i..h-1-.ank Fe- uiVi ,,,,, u. . Mu.m,.,.j. v.ms co - 1, mn Mniiiieil 1. 1 the .".1,.. . ..;: :.,l!e;n.i. .,..', ,,.,,. no 1 ..nt 1.1 ::l,7 J..; M.iV.r'Vliu.nnd MM"....' ual, maiiiscr ,l the P.lue P.i.l.ueis 1, l,.l i ,,, M,.l..l.n.,lms. ,,i ,s.-,u.j(H. ,be i,s, ,,'.-. no. including ,,i , . .. ii, . ,.,.,, I, u ...rn , it Hi.. ,i Mn'is veni .-.., .i.,. ,i i . ,. ,v i .,he,,i i, e tax be led. ic. d, I i .,,., ,',,,,. ,, i,! ..id. com ''" '",, .:'. in I ,'uhicumi i IM(, ,,,. t I - lll'l - I i ri ,1 i'l IVJIJilli-. I ild the gehfcll egg. "'" 'Iniuiy M.-ible ha :i "-ti-'iig -'rB,,,i... rT;;,I";r.":,,r "' '' ,"' '-'i'11111 A1"":lk.,u "'" ;;;;,;;,,;: ';",.;;:!:;:;, '" , , l-"l""i nn niu...i "in J i "-ii.. i-iiiuT mi tin ii 1 1 nar, in P.. Mi. ...nil ,ui. with ' ''' nl" '" -14"1 '"' I llli'.IIJ. , nattft Qmnp .. II E7mM. ' -..... .e , iuei ,, . n.,l ( ,.llf , . - , ,. A.n..... , ;-- "- i, W;;,1,,; i J'.'.V,,,',, , , ' 'inn I Im c-ff l..,V a 1. J...!?l. ... I r .1. auHi.i... Lr !,..- . a,i- li.""; ..'. '." ".'"!. V' '.'. '"? ''"V.': " '4'" nl I e. l'i" trM.lt lliir UU AHKR) HI , yerit ih r.d te a vnr.v hf unnrr , ,, el i ,, VuU W.l wnn , e n-an tn. Ufl HWn-ia. s. all , h''' ,"''"i'ela'tlp",. niVJi S?V.r i-ear.u, itiU u u Ut"t -am. ( evvi-UiM. 13 1'. hy i'lbfc J eilucr Company WHITEMARSH CLUB HAS GOLF DEBATE Vnrinue Fi i,-,,irmc nf Pniintrv various mnciiens Ol eumry Club Discussed Turkey Dinner for Caddies CEDARBROOK ENTERTAINS Hy SANDY McNIHLICK THILSH are parlous thus" for the J- plaving of coif, but pari of the! game en the links i talking about it afterward. Whiteinarli gets the cake this trip. f..r out time it I iiei-essaiy te talk about it licfm-". net afterwards. Members of that club are engaged to te da in a rather fa-cinalliig debate. Whitemaish has i:ufe considerable l'n'grc- with its chili in the past lew .vear. it new liu one ei tin- best "dubheusi". in Philadelphia, u leal locker-house, un.l an ultra-tempting golf I'nur I ' lie clilli enjev i :i tne-t prosperous V'. ,"-:ll ' .' "li.ttees. elliilaU , end jui plain memlieis, all Have varie.1 ( thoughts which center en the problem !'' op,'iiiieji. "Whldi side "half ""'"": lueiiiesti,,ii. l lie social , , Mile or tlie gelfr" i The "ave" have It these dav , w hat-j ever that mean-. There Is a failieii w hn-h lnver the expansion of the clilb- liettsi. .i.i.l ,a...... ..e ..: 1 .. ,,i.. iM-tii,. ,,i i-iHrriainuieiii the shape et mi 'idded golf em-se. In ether voids, th me pi. nly out theie j who long t,r thlrl.v -si. jntend of ...in.eu null . ' 0"! te Knnr , "hiteinaish is net n!y one ,,f the!s,er in the new .vear ..n Monday wit.i i . , '. " ees, si,ai,.,i m, ai i-iuli. ami one ' '"", iiepiiiiij., tail aIe ii I'irt the kills sat dnvv n te eat In the new dining loom functioning il,,.,-,. ,,, .VCIir. I'll!' WIUllL'slei'.. 1....1 I K'.'"'"r ''her vvaitei-H and the wa.t- .;..,.,'';"'"" '"" ner, nmi ',.,.,. , ,,, , ' , ,;.,,',,; , Wall. K. lialvln. L. Marcus, C. II. was .,.!. cenlideiit. speedy and spfi- .,.,.., Ilf ,,',, ?"u '";.," J: . wcuub, Wolstencreft brothers, D. . tn.Milnr. He proved that he . 0110 el the com of , , . , ,, , Vlr. v " 1 ,,'' " '" Wllll.iiiis. Ce.-hian. the greatet ainnteur billiard plnjeU M,eispr.s,t " ln "" '"' ! .Ibi,nv Itigg. Senater (ieerge Crav. that ever fiddled u .-ne. He hopes lati'f ,s w ciail.c and hiiiidnds of etln-r .. te slim some of the pros what kin 1 lllinnnillini .- Mai-" illU'lis will lire liwu.v ill ipie.st of Weed 11. likes shingles. M'cermick te d rect .'i-,;ie'n;n-v;ii.reff,..d ' .-,-..; ,-n ..,!., n rssn-r- . In Avniidale sl.e.iteis. ,if Chester 'bin his home mid will serve us in- SPORTS AT BUCKtIELL!, """ ''I'"" ll,,t1,1' ",- "':' ,rr,,nSr. vMr."t..r ai the Hud-, rooms. ' WUIXHUUU, .1 ., ., ...1. v 1 , s has he I t. and W. s . . hermer Ulant8, Pin" Hitter te Be! come Gr.-iHu.it m.s-.. .. .. .. . iinre'.i im l.c..ii,,l,-k, form . I "I'"- pnidi-hiilir of me (i u'llts, wi, Line (nam inn in I at I'liieKllell in (he Hplilii,'. Icl in nib U h.s lieeu iiiiii.e gi uluaie ni'iiuiger el p iris nt the lew - ' im,,,.. insiit.,ti,.i, -'"-:"'-w.h.l,,.vve,, (iinnts for a number of wars and v. , !rrT,i.,,,,; Bn,n,rt '"""'''"' , , s,. bull, Lu-t jiar ,e wns muiiaui ii .im hn i im In i .. ..It . ,,i I. is. thrill i hn. In il,,., ,.li. .,.,. ..,. ,, ,,,.,. ;,nw.(1 , , 'foeth'lll nml baseball m Illli-kiieil. Drowns Leave for Seuth f-'eb, 25 .... . - M, Linus. I.. li, lie lUinii.u run. tie. HI I '"! i lir.nv i .n 1 .,1,1 will (I , 'v,'., u-("V,'!;i' a',rr,--irr,.'".0l , 1 !'" '"rM n i.ei., f. n.,r run, 'llrva.loi.len. J u. 1.1. ,1 Mill, ! - - INDOOR POLO TWO 0AME3 I EUY.N HAJ Jl T I SECOND i, ., utu. ji duv.n MAwn ruccANrrus BECOND CITY TU00r3' HESEHVES ' AKMY, 32J & IANOABTEH AVE ' 30TH. ADMISSION SUe Hew Dees It Hof Bletter's Death TUdcn'n Return Villa's Activity TI'ATH. took nn energetic worker, n radiant perwnmlll.v and nn nmbltie Y mttig num. when (loergn Hofstetter, .Tr., was claimed n victim of nniU1 menin In Louisville yesterday. " e"" Ilefstetfer was known te theiiFanih of nthletrs, A track runner id m than erdlnnry ability when he wan n student nt the Central High Helmel h became n nperts wiltcr nfter he had received his diploma nnd speclaliye'i scholastic nthlctlcs. " in During Hie years he devoted tn newspaper writlnc he built up a reputniu n the lending nutlierlty en schoolboy sports in this city. Although net I mainly for his work uIeiib this line, he wn1! well known also at a writer of tenni'i and jneliting. Hofstetter was among the early vdlunterrs of the wnr and he served wlfh the artillery for several months, but was later transferred te the ordnance corps. Upen hli (liHclinrge he entered the nilvertlslnc field and the name will in de nnd devotion te lily work which characterized his efforts In writing marked his steps toward success in his new enterprise. Hofstetter never really withdrew from newspaper work. He caplraliil his knewledRC of scholastic sports nnd organized n bureau which served I'liil. ndvlphla newspapers with scores of games nnd information en teams in thii city and vicinity. HOFSTETTER was a tireless worker, nnd the many hours. he devoted te Ills business probably drained his strength te n point where he was helpless te combat the disease. Return or Mil Tllden te Tennis BILL TILMCX practiced yesterday. A year age this fact would net hut carried nny significance, but tedny It has news value. Tennis fnns everywhere me nnxieus te learn if TUden's game has been affected by the operation in which he lest n joint of the middle finger m his racquet hand. Xet Pridny in Chicago. Tilden will piny his first match since his mis mis fertune, nnd he faces the handicap with a spirit typical of the sangfroid Im lias displayed in nil his years of competitive tennis. Thu champion is net sure if the less of part of his finger will materially nfi'm his stroking. Furthermore, it is net worrying him. He is facing thq situntien in n nintter of fact way, studying the problem ns he would a nevr ball or a new racquet. "I miij net be champion in 102.1," he said recently, "but what differ ence does that make? 1 mny net be ranked higher than fifth or sixth, perhap. net at nil, but I mn net worrying." "Wtiat better attitude could lie take toward his physical handicap? It would be n splendid tribute te his plnylng nullity if he could retain the crown, but he already has attained the highest rung in tennis fnme. lie could net go higher. I Law 11 tennis is n came, a sport, and i . ll ' Unl n "leans te nn enil pnysicai . ,,,, ...i.i,,,,,. ...a,.., el,,,,,,,,!,,,, f u,0 PENNSYLVANIA STATE never hesitates at taking en tough foot feet ball opponents. The Nlttany Liens are scheduled te meet Naj. West Virginia, Sjracuse, 1'arnegie Tech, Pennsylvania nnd Pittsburgh en censecutle playing days. Panrlui Villa A Fighting Champien PANCHO VILLA I one boxing champion who believes in defending Ida crown witli his fists. The wee brown boy lias had tit least a half-dozen bouts since he wen the title and he hn.) several mere lined up hefeiv lie returns te his native land. Villa has net ftnked lii'i title in decision bouts, but the fault is net Ids. There lire few flyweights In the country who could put even u dent In Ids crown. Untiling Murray, who opposes the champion ut the Arena Monday, i the second tl.v weight Villa has met since be knocked out Johnny Huff, l'atsy Wallace, 'another Philadelphia boy, was the tirt. Despite the scarcity of ll weights. Villa lias net remnined idle. He has gene out of his division repeatedly te take en bantntnw eights, and proved his class bv winning against heavier opponent. Shortly niter the liit of February Villa will sail for the Philippines te receive the" congratulations of his countrymen ns the first Filipine te win an American boxing championship. After the "Ilail'. Hail I" is nil ever. Villa will return te this country. Th cheers in the islands will be plentiful, but the natives are short en dollars anl the champion is looking te his bank account which is human uutiire. TTII.I. Impressed being fans here when he met Wallace. The niil.v' V way he could lese his title was nn a knockout, hut lie tlidn t rover up and play safe, ((uitu te the contrary, he was ecn mere aggressive than his adversary. EVENTS ON MONDAY ' - . . ,,-.,,- nrded nt P R. R.. Aven eiaicnes v-uiui-u QfllC UIIU ius".. Three gunning organizations w. Three tiapsiioeting event. A thousand nim- and three or four '" of trap will be in opeintiei. ie "".,...-.. i. .....B- se lint no long wuiix win aiise. i ne 1(10-target piegram will call for four event of tweiit.v -live clay hiriN. IMs- tat.ee haiiilicap riues win (nn ii me eik '". eirr ' niiiiiiKien. I 'e Dartmouth Retains Hard na Trenbv i.ii.e ri.nii. n. v. n, :i.. n ,r.m,i,i .. ,i- i- it .' i.nu- r- th f-r mi Hi- I "l"1 'Villi r -, us 111 ,. I.n , Mil .,n ' I, If . I. , J .. .1 I ' , r : i e Hi., hum ( mi i fS th,' il .it.iui'i '.', ", r!;'l,bpi '7 """ v' " " K? H! N A !A fc H3V - 1 O U 45'." -46U MAHKt HGW1N6 JOE QOLLETI vs. vs. vs. JOE TIPLITZ CARL TREMAIHE F-ANCHO milk vs. f; en. Ml.. M.mOince. Ce en ClTTr h ll.tm. ... Strike Yeu? By THE OBSERVER while It has nn important part In llf ,. ., . ,,,i .,,,. . peritenen, j ins aiiueii can gam ana world, or chnmnien of nnv nlnce. I with Victory Hellander Quits .,,,. fnr,.(,, , ,v,. (e Ldgar T. AppWiy ... ,. ,,,..,,,.,. .., . Manufaetiir. , ... ers ( lub. Appleby wen the werldi title. Yesterday nfleinoen and eve- i,,. ,rv Socked the champion fort College Basketball McGILL UNIVERSITY " ., I N VhKS Y III. MkKNsV VAN H Wpterltlmnn Hnll 11A & Snrnr Stl. Monday, January 1, 1923, 2 P. M. irr:JJ,.i.,,,.'.Sii,tiJ0t.!JJo1!,!iet,,Sm Wnlnut unci Olinbeli. New Year's AM., Jan. 1st 5 EIGHT-ROUND BOUTS 5 lit Deut Z: 15 P. M. Doeri open l CHARLIE RAY LEW McFARLANB RAY MITCHELL vs. JABEZ WHITt BflTTL INfi MURRAY te ', VU WS'gt - . " " w mwm w 8. E. Cor. 8th A M'fctf te Dar B.fore Shew OBIT. CHAMPION APPLEBY BOWS 0 ARY BOS I k