Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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    wgiW' " ''l'w'-a'ftiyffli'-
-7-,'T,?rifllUl.' ' i"Ww. H V"y
iri-islng -tlt--'s- IImIi1.v fill-
!"' 1-1... l"in.rtli--.
' ..Vi:iiiiui vr hmi limit
,'i hi II ia J -Aj ' L ?i
rs !' ,u " ;- . ..'
hs; ss :j!Lli-!i.
VOL. IX. NO. 02
i;ii'rie. n4 r c ciinl .
t lltle
M.I In n I r I'., n m. i I
ill" . I nf Mm ii ,", JsT;.
PuhlUOinl Dftil txrit ilnep i
''en- rlBlit llrjl! I
sulin i .i i-i Pr r,
I'ublli !. tar. i ' n un
A - e i i v . i
Killed in Crash
8 1. W. W. Freed by Harding; II C
En'gaged te Wed
uxuea forever from u. e.
Sentences of Violators of Wartime Law Com
muted en Condition That They Leave
Country Within Sixty Days
RpT7n.i Wii vn - - -.. PSBWKSSKV" .wsfwraTW1 ' -J5rw?w?wa-:
IP. ' " - '
v .. . i
i-"" 1
Br fHOiMls'
w- rffl
Fermer Penn Grid Star and
Lewis A. Brunner Lese Lives
When Train Hits Moter
Were en Way te Dance When
Accident Oecurred at
North Woodbury
,,. mm 'BALfly 10 ENFORCE
One Victim Was Brether of
'Bets' Brunner, Famous La
- fayette Football Player
Ti. fniiner rellr;: iiipii. mi Uieir
war te a country rlub ilnnrp. wero
Ui,, n.,.1 tlieir -me, rompanlen,
frc injiin'il nt 10:10 e clock la-t ,
night, uii-n im rMirii tmin rvn.hr.i ,
Intn ii mm. .rem- rtt n North Woo.l Weo.l Woe.l
tarr, N ' Srf"10 ,'10'-f'il":-TIip
C. Alcviniler W'ray. .Ir.. twniiy
four ii-nrs eM, -W Sniitli Twentj-
first siren, n fniiner football plnyrr - .
nt the I niwr.-it.v of Pciiiiylvnnla. nn-1 I oteriniiinHr,n t. enferee ,l,e r.lrr
hrether "f "I. ml' Wrnj, netuil rttl - ,,,, ... , , ,,
lul Ii" iviei reretitlj fur iiiani' in tlu
'.' " . .. ... .1 I rules of Ilelmrclniri; t'euntj rrt-en,
LmN A. Ilruimcr. twemy-tlnee ,
cms eM. 10W Sprue.- street. a I fo'Iev '"K revelntiens of romlltieiiH tlieie
brother of "Hots" llruiijnir. All-Ainer- In tliis tiettpnper. wns expre'eil teilny
icaa fuetbnll i-ini'. I by Stnte Welfare t'onuni-siener nabl.
The Injured Hr. Ilnltly deelareil that tlie .laik cells
Mi.s Ciilliarini' M. .Inliiistiiiie. twcii- at ,, ,.if.en M,i mvr, t p mi,
I) .four jc-ii- obi. -J'f T.wiM nvr-t, 0rj. eth(l. nripr hn .nf(1 w ,
lininuer'f linneec. Mic ns cut eeri ,.,.,,
.he left eve ami i -Miffi-riiig frulll '- I" ll'-i-l ' rlBullj.
.,0C1. i AltlieiiKb the llennl of Pni.n In-
Mis i:iiiibeth M. I'rice. ient - I 'P'nrs lias imi.lc no eemiiient repaid
three i en i i.bl. 1U l.:i Mett -Meet. ' '"f "1" "rlf 'neil bj Uir. i-em-Wiid,,',,"!,,,,.
It. ('.. l, :.s iImiiii- '"'--'"n or li-, us-e.l the siibjeci with
" T ? -
Mis Jyliiis-lyne hut tin- belidujs. Sin1
u.ia i ul iibeiil the face ami iinn.
The p.uty of four were (.elng te I '-'-'"" 'me no weuui in-peet tlie .n-..i
iieepiimi and dance iu the Woodbury I ll,,",--"i"illj ,',', that th- iliaiige-. ar
t ..iinlrj Club gleu by former .Midge i ''nferced promptly en .lanui.r.v 1, a,
Lew is. Si. ii r. They bad deteiir.-d into ! '"' ordered.
I'.ilk awnile before ereitif; the Wet-t
leisey and Seashore Kallreail tracks
.11 the IMith street .-lessing.
lUibeid eilicinls -aid that the sedan,
nith liriinner lning, lind swung
liarpl.. around a wirni-i where a view i
f the ira.U was cut off by n smtill '" ".'I be made. I bare iufornm iufernm
I'.utuig room. A norflibeiind epi.-s "'" that -nine of the changes hive
'nail Alhiuilc ( ity was approaching the P'""' 1"" cffeei. e-peciiillv these e,,n
'...viiigaiidawatchm.inswuiighisi.il ","IC the feed .ucMlnn. I hae
utirii te wain the moteri'-ts. talked with Or. Keiser. iliepri'en phy
(sir Mops iu Middle of Tracks
liriuiner j.inuued en the brakes while
iay rea.hed back and -wung the
.I.iii deer ..pen "i the women could
.'.il'. '1'he uir'.s meiueiiliini earned it
the middle of the double tra.k-.
..!.. , .-. .' I .1. . ..,...,.
.", "''"v, ii",,,"" '"','"'- ,
i riililll 1l' nil'ini ill lllllllliM' .NUUUi
' le.ref the auto, ripping the body '
, , . , .,, - ,
,"in il" (ha-:t-, ami Hinging tin
"iifii nut. The lierlv of the auto wan
.illinl .'ibenl tifli feet 1111 the trucks
illi N'r.t and Hrunuer trapped inhle.
Until men wen' unconscious when .
l.ey were extricated fiein tlie wte.k-
-e. .liilms Meier and Iticbard Daim.
'MVnedlnirx. helped canv the U inc
..en in a trniic cur nbeiit n imndred
" ::": JT'Z z.,;;,,,,. ,i
Mhert V. Iliinnett. the inndiictei,
eiepped the men up in -cati- and helped
M ,i" injured women tibeard. Tin He
' Mid te the rnderwoe.l lle-nital
Wfix - -k'uil in fiactured ml -ex ll!lu' -'"' '" " Tl'"r ls '"l'0- ' "'" -'-' Wl-I" -He... icriil.llitew II. wi- '
r.il ril'.-i weie ,1 ,, II. ileil'nt f."n I'im "luilly inspect that pii.-en te -ee run down In the automobile of Or. ,.. jnu'..u he. nine a.- mc liex. i u,.i
'''lerk tbi- inerning ri ii '- sV.'il "at mx orders in this rcMpcet arc ear- l-'iamisC lliriuiig. el r.'.Mis liie.i.. ,,, - ,,,.,n Max Hi. 101'.. ,,.,,
Ne mi- iiiicinreil lie .11... I m 1 ' III ' ' ',m1 "",- '''"' I'llc entuIlliiij! i la uses ' t reel . I i. . in.intexx n. at W l-lcr and Waltei i:. IMlc i.-li:iieil the Kei.n ,i -
r,.0l k' ' im e in 1. 1 inhibiting Huiekliig and talking under Wnkclield -lied- today . Her 1 -hip te go i.. lie Senate
Ml-sJoliu-teiic -Hid Mi'ss Pi ice xxcie "ir'"' "f PunWiment will al-e be cm. Mr. Kiiuyeii bnaii.e pi. -idem ei ie
niHieinni x nhx-icl'iii -tilched a ''imifeil and I expeel te see that i Mr- Hani- w.i- taken I.. Iier h,,uie, .w .lers. x Senate in lill'.l. H,-
"n.niil under Mi's '.lohi'istene's left exe ll""' f"r'''';i ",M'1' 1(n''11 ll'''"- ' d "' "'""',"- -un-endei. ,1 m tl.e ,1,.,'cated t..r (iexe, u,u- f New .1.,-". i
ni'l h'.Ui leiing women Inter weie taki'ii "'-, 'l""'t ".vering the leuniy lit i-iiiiiut.-.x ptilu lie will ci . im a liexcimu Iduaid I l.dwnids m .
'" 'I'l'Ige'Starr'.- home at l'eplar' and ' I""'""" '" HelmeshurK and ether in-tl- ' hcailtig t'.uieiiuw. , I ist eh" iu
I'nen.T -tieets Woodbury ' . tuti'in' In this county as well n
'eril el the tragedy had been Mt i throughout lb" State will l. irmly In r , 0 niTinnn A &TZ T7T TVk r I " O T
'' the.. ..ntry -liib. w feime,- .ludge '''" '' """ '' ' ""niik .'neugh IJ Vv (.(J(J ft 1 ASlibU IU LLUSli
Mrr wa- eiiteitiiining i.-,e guests h, te i-n.v thai in that repm t I call n spade j - V-Jt " v, -t j. m. w i .vxy j. .s sj-skji.s
"nor el Ids dniightcr. Cthnrine ami a spade. As State Commi-Mene,-of Wei- pin,! r ry A rrp ST. T?rp A Tf itPDf1
'J'- -mi M.betl. ii Princeton Ntudent. H"'''- ' i"'!" ",". !'' '" 'h' I3E,JIUA I 1 C JV L, il U UJ tltLKO
Hi" lei option was culled off iluiiie.li- 'be xaileui IliitltiltleiiK te Ulllke cer-
''1. ' i ret lellii and i linilges for the betteiineut
llrililiicr Kuciiceil I t-ball be can led mil le the xery letter," ..:.. ill 'i'l. . I : l l l i
I!,,,.,,,, mi , , " , I ..... (,(H)'iiiincn( UJinuls .lllvv I hat I.u nor .. .Siir Onvii y in
I'li.iiiier ami Miss .loluistene haxe Will htaiup tint Cruelt.x I .
."l'iMt.r.Vs,"Vl k"''' N'"v,,nl,,pr -" and ''ilt. liiauil dun Hint li.ii. been in- I'rninilH'iit (Uihdli'ts ami livsluuraills Tliroiiuheiit
.n II i'l' ",'"'.''- '!! ,h" VK"e- ,,,u,"i xeitigntitig inntlers has , s ,,.,, . r
'" 'n"-. at Ins fia.icc'H home w IUi , Jubmltlfl rfr.lir.ln made leieiuine,,. UtX- -Lltl III lie flit Oil W ) ('(If .s
""iiniii'il n I'iiek rear, ruliiim'i Hie diilielia which, if cairicl out he
'iiueltx nlliioet Imties-ilde m the jails
'' tl""MUUl
r r tr r p... BKBaaK
ur aau D HHWCU mAN
abellstud lit un '.niii'i .i.irt ill n
FMk Miller Says He Was Held-Up "I"'"'' i'f'"iii'd te-ierdat. AiHi-
en MannunnU- Aw.nll. ( iniliniiril un l'.ie I'giir 'iliiiun llnee
I'' ml- Miller, of ;,n:t Mena-tert
..,..... !. rvwilMV
while passing Shur lam- at
, "' .",,, ''".''. '"
"""x iitciiup cniiy.tiii- iiierniiig,
rt" ii Idciily faced lit a -.tramier with
? '! Pullnl ever Ids eyes, who ei . lered
.oil .i Sii...
111 III, nllll l.l ell 'elll
Mlller .eiuplled. while the
lle - ..iii '"", '"", i"""' , ""'""
e-M a,1'" """fr.'.'if"" ,,ll"',Y1U;
nh. .1 ., ,-" ""r "'"' ,U'";I"''1
' """l '
Mu:L-:,,,'W .!;;,,.
.-.Monday ,',., a,,,,' Mlle
ml'iti V....I ' I.. . r""B .',"' .1".l.,! "v.'"
P.'.'lli lllld Him 1, lei' 1.11111I1 lull Hen at
wghiuing and again about Thursday
" I I b II .v . Toinneriiliri-n nbeiit nor.
klVUl .
ntr in, 1 , , ""." "-, 'Illi,,. 1,101, win, hired a iinnui-.un
. ,,', " ' VMM """ lu""1 '" ''I' " "' h,., eLMiig te the Hunker t itt Cab Cem-
" IW.,"m"'1 ".""'" mIIJ:;',,, "I'l'1' ,l' ,, late last night lode te Ttt, nty
11, ' "'"''V '"i"1,.'.'!, "'"' , dehtb mid Wliarlnii street- and ainr
fi.i.l .1. ..'." ' "I'-i-'-'l Mill-- f. I.;t t ,, ,,, ,th Hn- dilte,- pushed
I' E ,.'"' 1 IV'K. ,J"" ,,""t ."""'him le one side ami st (In iniichnie.
null 'lugged .Miller reported the ",, iiiiniugten, HUT Hm-i Mey.i-
Fermer IVnn football criiler ulm
lit Ills life Uicn train hit niile.
Silence of Inspectors Won't
Make Any Difference
Iiini, Hr. Ilnhl.i mi i. lednyMhat iu -i.
lenee in the matter would make no illf.
Says (Iu uses Will l.e Made
Ol. Hnbly was .-ecu at bis nUh e in
the Stock Kchaiice I'.uildiiig. lie
-aid :
"The dinnji'' iu the rules which I or-
'lered iu the County I'rl.-en at Holmee-
Melnn. and saw the rearranged diet nnd
It meets the i erpiireinent- There w.isl
i-eine t.-ilL nlimit nut lieiiii. nl,l., ... .1. I
., , ,s.,rk nef ,rv ,.,.,, ,,,,.'
f0Ol) flm ,..,, tr, lU bl, , 11Mlr.Klj ;
p,nte. mil that theie weie Imndredsl
,,f men doing nothing win. umld be!
...-'.... , . ...
,I,' "' V';.K HI IMS ,.-pee,.
" '" Ml im ini-i ik'IIU'II iliniiji
I1'" t's,.,1r-1"Fl "" r"1","", '"'c,'"' fnr '
l,M,)" .l'' "here I Ftainl The i-etem-
mendatieiis made Ie the (irand Jury
are teiy nice, but I think 1 tee!, tli'e
W'illll "II, of their f.'l!U when I ei-ilpted
the-e rules clinngcl, A day or -e l.e-
fore 1 issued the orders one of the
AsMsta.it District Attorney t- fitigge-ted
'" nie it would lie well te wait until
'' (Sraiid .liny had tini-lied its jn-
'" - """"" "" ' """"'" 'inir i
,r.!v.Mi,tie; i,;;r .ihi,,'v v,;;;,,;' ,f.
nnUhlng. and. therefore, k'unl the i
,l,n'rv '" 'iiaiiRe tlie rule. !
Dark Cells .Must Im
Dink cell- la Ilelineshii'g I'n-.u
of the (eiinlx. Methods of pi, en man-
.... .I...... , . ,' ,,, I,., en i i ,. I .. ' , l.n
lUIOI.." ,,.,.,,,., ,,,,
dark ages nave , a i .ein,,.en,i,.,i
r-wrl Tftnl TAVI
--. --
. , .. r,,,, . -,.....
Passenger UDjccice te mil -e i .icy
Dreve Off With Machine
who hired a IHihui-hu
hig ate. 1110, drltcr el the ma' iiim.
"bl lielb"' b" M'.....l t in mid
a-ke,'f..i' hn, fare.
, The tbiee I il.ge.s. he -aid. Mop-
11 WlZlH . n." Un' it 'Wu ' " , n ,.;.;.:..
::;br;:T' ,:;:::;,;;;:: ,;:,;' ,hr;'HV!af::i';r,,,am,Jn;;;:i
atid disap, ...- "i"., ...,..;., n -'-r .J;;,,,; l -' In, "
N,,,!"" ' .nee of mi,. 11.1N1.11. n.e.l final lien
-t ,,. - i-ti-ii 01 i-si
n.l m'fV terx leiiulri-ineiu mat l (nund
qulcldi- te; .".."'.le.. "ie .Ma 1 tme.it e.ilii.im
in pap -(' ai.
Assistant War Secretary Dur
ing Wilsen's Administration
Charged With Conspiracy
Plot te Cheat Government in
Camp and Cantonment i
Contracts Charged
Friends and Clients Benefited
by Cost Plus Plan, Prob Preb
ers Assert
II J vifclntrr1 V .
Waliiiifften, I lee. lirt. I'enedlct
C'n.well. A'-itniit Secrei.ir of WnT
under the WiNen Adinini-tratien. and
viN -dollar. ... jear" iimi. a-.'lat.d
with ill" ('..un. !! of Natieniil I lefen-e
were milii-lcil here today In tlie F.pei'inl
drnnd Jury imetliKatinc war frainlf
en r barges of i nii-pirai'j t" defraud the
(ieverninent in .nntrnik?i.,n .f wartlni
iirmy camps and eanteiiinent-. ,
Tlje ethetf. indbted ate William . .
Starrett. .Morten C. Tuiile. Clennns
V. I.uiideft, Clair roster. Jehn II.
MHiibben- and .lames A. Menr-.
'i'he Indh tn.eiit chars
te iiialadmini-ler eliing laws and
regliliitiens ; te lenti-.d the giving, et
contracts te friends, a nclali". and cli-
i .i i. i ,,i., ," .,.1,,,,, -eir.'iee e , un crnn ei . iiiiie n .- '. , , , ., , .. . , r ft,-.. 1
..ins under the .,.-t pin jrt m. , 1.nl,1,Iip,- ,,,,,. ,,, .,.,, ,,.,, .Legislature an add,. ...mil M.m of .1eU.-
whi.h It Is clnitged rcMlllnl ill a Ie1-- , miltP sf, ship Allegbin;. with four J Ol H t te enable him te better imc.Mignte !
te th" (iowriiinent of million-of dollar'. I'uleral agent- abeanl. hn- bfl I'en-a- account of the State and make valua I
and reduced the morale .,f labor. mki. Tbi , te meet lb.- licriiinii -team- (i,in. m t,P hnhlings of taxable com- '
The iiidl'tment- aie the In-t big "-bin .1'iplier which, it i- niini.rcl. u p,,ni,, tl,ereb increasing the rnpitnl '
. . ... 1-...,t I ..., ..i...-t " bringing the wealth-. -Incl.ei- i tin-, se. k appnii-ement-. the reenue of the
-ahe in Atteruc t.enei.i I Mii-.lieity llllIlllr, , ; hl, lllrt ,.,,, mib-, Slate, out of the gu-eline and coal lii
atta.k en mini, wnr-iinie .enlr.ict. out ji r i-n ' iucic-ise-. i-eiihl he rai-ed from $.000.-
wbi.h the Depiniineiil of .lu-tice holds Cabb'giam- from lieimany h.ne I n , ntiii te .sii,ii0ii.0iin a y.-nr, mid tbu-
r. . . .1. ,,.!. ., i.iw.tiiil.iii te he ' i'c. ivi'd Vhicli -ay tlini ltergdi.ll I- -lid , b'-iiig into the 'I'l ea-ury under the pr."
ufte, exhnii-l.y i.nMi..tl..n " I" , , ,i,-, . h,,, n.il .hex are ,ulh m revenue law, JjlL'.I.OOO.ilOO e',.r,
irau'iiiiein. w.ii.w- ...- .
low, and I. . estimated that IU" ,
mneiii.ls i.neixeu xvue. ...e .xeu,c,
liencral- full pregiam i- under wax
will run into hundreds of million-' el
'le.b'x s indictment- fame a- the ic- ,
suit of e.iiHd. ration by ibe (Irniid
.lur of a miif of cidence wbi.-h the '
., , . , i.,.i,.
t. ...I .. 1...,. .1,., I. rtciinv
Aiieiney ...u.-i.i. .'..- .',-.. ....... ...,s
fir eigliie.il meiilh-. It was pre-ented
u leimer Jienreseiilatixe .M.Culleel,, of
' ' . . . .
' ' " '""iiM "-!M!"" A,,"n",j
in vain
n North snxtn
T Ii if ve?i Get Ne Loet i
Street Leather Stere
... , , ,. ,,,, ,., ,,
Ihievrs bieke inf. the lei, he. .mil
'I ee finding -hoi' "I Nathan Moh! .V
S.n-, . North Sixth street, last
;ijslit M)i, j,,.,,,,, ,, , ,,,. ,f
but gei ii" l.."t. A runnier et
win I - 1 1 nut. un he
in Hn
Alliinugn il
tieni- h.-iv
i...n of ill'
, ii. ill" tbiexi
1 nd been le n. in" hum..-, n,ner.iin.
el that tact, pptiareuiij weriM-u i.u m-
el ill benis in de-liming tlie bilk.
Tin' ster. '.- enl. t"d tbreu-li an
nflu c w indnw
woman hit by auto
astiiiinui. De. . -ill. it'.yA. I
Mrs. William Harris. Wlster s-tree.
Slightly Hurt
Mi-. Will .im I In it-, fertx ye.u-,,1 I.
A a- tiled ilu- afternoon m
.i i . .. . . I i. ..... , t - 1 ...
( i I, i,,i.-ii,,-, 'i-,ii,i,, ,,iii,i-i, i,,M
,,.,,,. .ii.iiiL- ,. -win.h
Im a I. 'i
ti niild . le
a . ul. ,11 ci
The ha
,.t ll th" i 'afe lleniix Ail-.
Iliead siieel and llnnid
' Th,, I..,.,- e the p. iiieii - u . .if.
...knit -.Mi i by
Ixte ill I, , IX I ..
meiiibeis ,,, Hie te.
iUi.d. cl.ai.
. ,,,,.
tlllll IIIII,,I1.I,,I
' i"..-
xi hiky a' '
lie.iiiX All-, pnxing Sill
1 , . 1- nine "-
Th p.... ". - 'i1" by A-.-isi.nit
, Ui , . i..net llehcil M. .Mid.T-
-,, .i 1' -.uu- time be suited in.
.,,,111 will n.n,. tluil similar p.n-
,(.. a,e n .,11 te be entered iigali.st
eiglu .ihu I'lilladelphla lie-eN. ls-
ter nine e
'lauiniits un. 1 "'"',- , ,
Hention v .11 furthr. bcl.led leek-
ing .0 ,h. l"Mn "f -is heel- in
. Iiil- una I'm ihcr order of the cenrl "
Acrerdlllg I" tlie llflidiivlt llhil by the
,,,,,,,,.,,, i ',eiim M. Illeug and
. .
W.m ixMix&' isash ... .
1 'Li"'-' ,MiPKiH
Of riileaee, lioe rtiKaRcment In
( lenient A. tiriscein. .".il. of bU
city and New erli, ban lieen an
,iiiIT ruinrnnnitlTO
n.tFFlnllni, nt M -, n Uelrl -it Till 3.
" - f'w.i . ....... ..-.- ... ......
hassee Tallies With Slacker's '
t .Iu-.ti.-c agent- Mti-
lieueu ,n I'lllliiueipiiin ate iiwm.iug in-
rl:il here today i of pliotegrapus and ,
linger print- et a man whom eiiieinis at .
n'n,t..l...,...n I. I. . ...I.n.,1 I.. I... I. ...-. ., .
',;,'',i:(,;;'- '"" ""
j lim'MIt .in.,sted tin re jctfi-
,.,v nuil a ib-rilplien of linn, tele-
phoned te M-crrt vnin' ageni- nere.
1.....1. i.t...i .I..., ..r ,1... . ..i.a.i ,i...i
."f ,',,' :,,'". "' ' "",l
M.atiwhlle, the natien-w.de -e.ueli
ler Itugdell I- being continued. wnb
all ships entering American pints being I
confirmed, "ie.. rnment aTcnt, will con- i
limie iheir -eanh
..,. ... tR;nirAm.e OTnOC
- i
Agents Hunt Owner of Establish.
-ment Near ,13cJ and Woodland
.. ,, , ,
1 "in- 1111. en xear-. ,1,1 i.y- pupn- 111
th.. I'mil ..e,,. I'ubllc Scheel Thirty - 'i,.-i,. due ,,, umu. .ippmpriatien- f.e
"n' '..'"1 '"'l'' -1",l",,s. ,"1',1 ', ,''1' r"' , th... S l.-..iill..il.Mi ., annum.
autherilie tin jy that lliev li.n pin-1 --if ,-, i,nM.(.s U .,k., , m, ..t ,:,,.
j-hii-'d.-xiusk, ?.,,, w, siem..,,,,,,,,;,,".,,;!, m,d ;.,. ebi,g.;,i:;: i;:::
i.eeper in xxoeuianu axeii'i. ne irx -
llnrd ul reel la-t eiln-'-i lav
;.: :: ,',,;,i,:j ,i, ',-:,: '.J-Jr'SniVKrsS''.';
, senr-h el the woman. ,., ,n , ,,a, ,, ,,u j,,,,.,;,. ,,.,
I lilted States District All. .nicy An i
i"'.- ""'' .ns'"xere,i in n n
lonelier wi they i-'lllllied te llicir
.his-,.- alter ihe atternoen i.,.-
WedneMjai. The prim ip.'i I of the - I
tui'iied the boys ever te Muni, ipal
nun Hill" i l-
The youths who -swore te nllid.n.l-
today a.'
l.eui- Sliepardseii, I.
Seuth MilUille -licet: A It red lin,
f, l-l (lb u'ueie -ti-iet ; I'rncst Ma. .i
I--' W.i.mII 'lid axeniie. and lliln e
I, .eman. T Mi.giilre'- Court, tlie I. i
((ll. (nn (, s,,.,,,,,.
Nominated by Harding for U. S
Bcnch . ncw jCr3ey District
William N I! ,m "i mi. m ninn.-i i ,.,
I'le-hh'tii 1 1 irdui" inil'iy I
.. be an n.li-
, i , i iti.i......
t ikii.i1 I'iiii. I r-t.ite- Di-lrli I .link" i.
Ibi N w .lei -ey disirn t .
l.d'x.ird f...wh , tin nln-l.x p,n,i
.ll I he 1 1, ., ii v Xit. ..... ..ul....!. . .
- ,'- -...niii, i,
'""' "".'.'. ami, x -i- .nm Piex, , t
fllll '!. pel . ,'llt al. el id.
iguineuls luesday
' m 'II ill'- I'l Ml III. I.,
MSUiu.'iit en tlie petition ,,i
)'..!. .-en i. .,!.. will l. he.iu'l .
.. .1.1,.- I 'I, , -I 1 Ill's, Ul
luilliedl-llelt nllei- th,, till
p'lllien, the 111 11,, ie, 1111 111 e il,,, ii,, v
,l. ,,,,. ,11 ... ...I... .1.
,...,1 it,- ,,111 1 lice- ...... .
' I 1 '1 ic ui 1- pieiiii.ii' were formal
ll, till,,,) Ill ,,,,,, ,,w.. I. , I- .,
, . ,-"',' .. 01 im 1 n.
Miite- M,,i-hnls ,,h,,.,
l'hiln.lelphia.is w ill Mifier in ,, n
tear ' nr mg.i xtiiheiii ,, ,.,
maix displat of 'wet goods"
....rtl 1 tin n, W.I, .am .1. MeCI,,,,. , ,',
, ,,htl,i t i,.n nMJit bete
" ' . .. ' ' " "I III, ll.l
e .beared tint -ixtt ii'-entu
,,, , r ,,, , , , j '
m,,,, ,,,l will be a.-lgmd t, ,0 ,
cpal hotels. . aba ret- ,,, ,.,,,,!! '
!' .-'-MH
Lr l::::
' 'n's' n.-J:::' .mL-.-.I w,I, ,u,
iirliiB T . morning before I ti
States Coiiinussiener Manley.
Mi MoClui'e would lint oeinmnn 111.
the Illicit le -e-e up Hie place.
. 1 . iitk.u
Abolition of Anthracite Levy
Urged in State Treasurer's
V III WkUlO ,i..iwi
Annual Repert
CAN GET $20,000,000 FROM
I $5,500,000,000 OF STOCKS , w
Points Out Public Utilities Are
Contributing te Support of
Plans for Putting Finances en ,
Solid Foundation Renem-
mended te Governer
.'. A f,etritril V '
llarri-luirg 1 -e .".ll. r.naetment of i
n S.a... tax upon' the W.r,fin,.iii0.0nO
iine-ted iu inHiiufa. iiirinc in lVniisjl-.
Minla I- urged by State Trrnsmer '
v: i .)... iii I.;. ..wi . ,.itihiiiii
'."' " "" "i"..
i-eii.iii. imp , .iiieii. .i.H.Miiii ... b ii
cali bn-is and i,helili the atithiaeile
.... i il i;i,;,, iinn-inv '
' ' " ,. ,. , , '" , ,
Hi' ri'iiiui hi i,,"' i rrn-iii '. . ..,,,,
. .... . .,,-.. r.,
, ,,,..
' llll' III U' IUII, '11' 'I -"" " III- . ,.-..
., ,., ,,., M
. . ,j, ,tllii,lir (jeti-
' I
ieral and State Treasurer viltunlly agree
up'ii the iiiiu.niil of moneys that may
he eelleet.d under pii.nnt law-. The
A, !,,. i j,.,,,.,..., ,n- e-liitniied Sir'.-
iiiiki.IMIii. with pe-ibly .i.tMHi.WO mere
from anthracite tav.
,M,.. Snyder says: "I hcliiwp if the
Alllller ";,.,, eral w. u- gieu b the
two ye-irs
Would T:i Maiiiifucliirinc
I hi- , imcndafiens Mr. Snyder
- ;" V"'hi . - "' li" nr.t two
7"- "" v", '"",:, " "l!i; """'"
'be rei.itesr of the ilifiei-nt d. part ment-.
calling t..,- SI'.iij.imki.iiiiii ter rn.fi. j pi, ted
impr..nients, iii.iiuti-n.in.-c. .te., f.u
"l0 '""1p"1'"' ' "'". J""'' di"''t- tni-
'"' turtliff. Tlie l.ei'islai ne, if 11 - . .
,,,.,,, i,,,,, lln Sl,tl, n , ur,n , ,v)
,,,, ;. , ,-rMtcd In th- bends of the .
p.irlmeiitH under the pie-, nt :'iinr..t.ri.i
.:,. ,ilf I.,,.!.!.,,,,,.,. ,., , ,,..,, ,.(,.,
,u tn, ,,,- t)l -;,,,, Ttea-n hm-i
I , , e,lllcr, rsi,enibl. - . I . nielit I' .
,. I in U,e proportion tin, the lull- ,
new being paid. I dare -ay tin. In-st ..
.Inii'. lfl'J.'!, will pr.-ent ,-i mi- fim-
("He , nil, pi-.ii.il el 111 1111(1,1'"- el Hi,
l'uhiic I lillti"- Are Tavei!
'In erdei i" m.-et the ,s iii.imO l in.
linessnrv te tril.i. .arc of the stai. ,..
a xirlnal .n-b b.'-i-. I we .1,1 -ugg. -'
that the .-".. "Ill l. mill. i'iiii, of . apiml -lei !
mnv iux'-ted in nianuf.icliiring I. taxed
ju-t the same i- water i-empatu, rail
v i.x umpMiiii -, tie. trie rail 'i. oin ein
panies, banks, .eal cempnni,'- and
i.niiit'p luring leiup.iiiie-.
' Tins would bring the State ,,i I,.,,-
Il-elll S.!!. 01111.111111 te S''.'i,IMMI,lO0 nt ,i-
diueiial nnenue i.i-i aniiuie. Il 'i. 'i.
.liliiitienul lexeuiie 'uii' 1. 1. night ,ii,"
i In. I e i-iii x . Hi il ta , ,ni. i i.
game and li-li ia loule b- almli-h. I
... t . i . . . i ..... . i . .,,, , .
,iu. in.
I uiiiiiieiixxi all
11 xeliue
nt ST.'.i'oe. ikhi
eai 1 1 r
plirP'.M -.
The ceiil in ma'.
I iilllll ie- III v 111. ll tin
atini, , 'i I tiein - h I
,,l-t IO III,
ll epei
, il
be. ni
Continue.) en Pice I'enr ( nliunn riiree
................... .'
from meter fumes
Trenten Drv Aeent snrl nmnnanlnn
Are i-euna in uarage
rellletl. He. . ..ii x ill i- Neeix,1. , ,,, ... .... , ,
of tills dly a I'.der.il preinht,,,,, ... ""S '" '" ' ' "" ' ' " ' '"' '".
f. ii.iuein agent, ami Mi- Annab-lle hm ' i fiungel " ".mi. us ..it
lile.l-.ill. died te.lax HI .Mop or I lespitlll. i nnd 1 1 I, i ic-xell 'e
,, -hr. tune afier the hid b,, found ,., .lr n. ml. -..''ne
i.ticeii-, ions tegeltiei- in an ,iuteiu..hil.. in
,i garag" 'II,." did net icgain ion- P'piiirg. 'u ,, w.,i I.'", n. w ',e- , nne-
-r .mi me-- . luxe ii'1' ' '" '.'ir"..!. xxcie n' i x ing a
'' V"V" VU'S n,"""IK :!1"1, " ,vm, nun- -he ti.vk when the New
presumed ibex wen ..von nine b funic.. '
S,-eh, a unloner. w.i- 'i xeiernn el '.k fl n.i.elie.l. r .nnilic .' ' ".-Ii
i l.e iicent war. in wlinh h -ereil
Mill, ili-tini I ion lie ...rriieiU vhe
, .. ll... ...MM,,',,. f.. I I,., 'I ,--.,, , , .,, I 'I. n ...
.j... in,,,,.1.. . -. ."- ,,,,,,,
bet- of Ceiuuiei'i e and wi. a resident
' f 'be ' 'x
Ml- lileilsen we Hie tn. u Dei if Hire
i-. i3'd el. 'ten. .ix, eon and nineteen.
's,ii hud I n sepaiaieil I. ...ii b"r hn--
.el im- In 1. ear.
I lie u.'iiui;!' 111 .villi 11 ine iinipii- were
lei.ml il.x.Uk xt.i- tluit of l.i w is t ' Cn.e
ll 11, th" e-li lll-lti XX os 1
1 Tliet w. r h-' .nil.
ni it. . .,1 1 he g,u agi
In un-
Ctmht Yeu Leve
.1 (iivl That Gambled?
Three Men Did!
con lillmil. ,f...if, .'it,,-
1,1,1 Ihi limn -ill 11 in lifr al ,; small
imi 11 In tin ei ill iiirlri nt nil.
i,iti iiny III. 11m'"' I11.1 . he, ,il;.
yenr-H im 11 rll im hti .iieiirj,
, in 1 n 1 i.u. h, .,.
i.ninri III U I'M' lil.Hli .) 1 ., , ,,
M Man of His Werd'
Medina Tuesday
;: i.s.. f'i )'")
uiii isimi. t :m, -'in. ,n'n,.r.
f . icm mm i, '.I- ' '! In-liivirl'i'
ll.il ... .. i. nl . ... I i ii l 'in
' i
lli,ju.i..i . I-.- ..I . .isi-iiiwi. mill iiuln-
.inn .ii iiitii'.' liivv w.'ii' . " nniiilrii i
''! vr " x! .r'Z' Vtu
III'. .
ii i.iinii
,Vl ill'
i, .ii lb.
I. I Mill.
lit r t ntl'lil
T'li- In II vl""' . Iil-ll. ! '..Hi-
:,,, ,, Al,., , M,-y.M A.mni.
. . ....
-. iit.'iH'cii te iM'iii. unrs1 . .i.jnnra.
Icm M'HIm; lVtn (in.ii. l.-n ji ill- ,
Cliiiiii-i I., r.iiiiil.-i-t. twi'iiij jfin-v;
lllllTV f.ll.Ml. f'lW' It'lltM! lilllt IHtnll.
F)ames Burn Hee in noer Around
l.:tncnstei, I'.i.. Ii. ., ::i.
her.nl wlinh mucl'l 'ii" w!nn be wi
fixing th. (ii- in the boiler von, ,s
blaiii"! ter the death el .leim pi. IJ. r.
.pciim -lie n old. nlcbl v ..ii hmiin
at the lliiekinnn W I lame y furniture
tyeteiy m I. Hit?, twnne miles hem
'11 ... ii i ill fe lll'l niiil tit
HilViining tb. li'.ll'T In, ii-, with .-letb-
" j'ltti
jMK I,,,,.,, , jimeM nit in. hen . and a
,i,. m ihr I .mi aieiinil' h,n,. ' ,
ti re bid bill tn-il lt-'lf out and l'i bed
',(l, .,t iiu-ieieti..! until tbi morn-
mp. , , , ., ,
ri, M.'l ' i'l.'i' ' i iti' ie lui' nexi
,,, ,,,,. ,, ,.,... , ,,,.,,.,, ,,..,.,.,,
i , .. -i, . i.i- - - -.., .
, hi- wai t. bad 'gm.ed Hrtri.dte
gl'1 "' " '"'' l '
-.- . w .
WASHINGTON. Vec. 30. a s,utplem;ntal appropriation cf
$G, 500,000 for niodernizntien of battleships wai requested of
Cengrrft-? today by President Ha:ding, who transmitted a. letter
from Secretary Denby declaring that, as a lesult of the aims con
ference decisions, the nation mutt adept a new policy regarding'
Its capital ships if they aie "te be inaintf.Tncd at a standard of
efficiency comparable te that e similar vessels of feieign
WiTSHINGTON, Uec. 30. Secretary Week today "mthoi "mthei
iscd the Central Railroad cf New .Jersey te ceustiuct a new
hiitlec acir.,s tnn Seutu Eu 1 of New.uk Bay, lcphuiiis 'lie ex
lliiii .tuietuu.
n un nitr l rc
" " " '"
Struck by Engine When They
Fling Tie F10111 Rails as
Train Rushes By
Twe tr.i.k
t...J.! ..u tin
l'i i 'i !!" k in
i , rk. '-- u i , 1 '
!! nling K.nlw.i,
h. i-e ,- un i
iti.- ui', '" '"' ''
i I. N, w ..k
Him f being vi.k
'I'h, n n
wen- Anten!'
I iib-ii,, fei t -txx.i onr - enr -
hi. "f 1..'.l'. North T n'b -'re. t, nnd '.n"Pn ' n'-"n 1 or. w L i. h -a I
Cai'tnm.. lirnnde. mm. nine ye,,,-, ,,'d ,'""11 1!"-"". '" Nrfelk If ,";.
. .. ..!... i .11. i
..t t:-.:-. 1 U in.,1- St !'0i I . i ll 1 e e Mill il
The men were k. Mc i ln'ie . , ,.,x ,ng
,,.i. in, i.i,..ii.,.f ti',.ti
'"".- ""iu - 'y " n-"iu ""
M.i' u-
1 . I, ,' , and ' . I, Hide '" ,
111, I I el- .,!
, 1 I ' W .1 1 k
.1 ll. T 1 repair S i'ii
i . I
, .. . , , , ,,, , , .
,1111 it' NiW l.lk I'l. .11' I " l
Ill" II .' I
ii i y 1 1
i l.e
t ,e :i : in n
pp.lteuth In -
te a felloe "nkniiin
,-.in-e fiigl t
I the sxx itt nppr. n Ii
of the tram.
id n, lull ini'-tx I,, g t
,e 1 e in tin P.1H1 ..' t'.
. Im' ,1 i, oil i,t-l 1 e
clear dt'.pl1
,,pi r.-
The expic
awiu (loot
W lnl'iel.
W. -t Nmier-i -tun Hi" enBiii.er.
aw the labor, - bn tb" t.e 1, 11 aim
,-pphed the emeii;eii. t PriiKe. Mruuiu
the lie mean, .l'ln.-t .e'ta 11 101.11-
ii"'"' , . 1
nielle and i.r.iiidi. "in '""
tinck. -aw te, -gmti. an 'le .ii.ei
tn and the mil u-hiug tin u I bet nm-w
it meant a wick " " -uii-.
11 n l."t sr,.iitl
with dentli and minrx p.-i-mips ,,- uU,
-, by one mituil-e the me xterkr.ten,
ant-hooks in liti ii' spuing in from
' 1 in- loeeni etre mil g"t n .pink
1 1 bl en the tile l'i- limn w - hm 11
tew tie, iixtnt ,- lie nie'i -tin, v it
desperate strength ! ngii It te In.
1 Ihe heaxx te and '" '' bnr ..f the
'"Tb: had lifted ,,l WI -he ,,".
I but hefore tliex could 10- t asie the
locomotive l.n.l ,.r.ul. then.
'en ir.ii'. "iiin S .nliit 1 vn 1 1 1 c.ii-
''! "i"r ""i"' ' ;"1"''
" " " ini'-i . -I. I-
Illllll. .HIM M "Hs H """ ''
, ilium r itii.n ii -it ii.i I'd ;i'tj i . -- i"
,i,; ,,,nl,n ,',,, , , .. Kr.inf".l cilil
Ii,. .iii. Ii .'ii- in.iii.'i -.un i'in. .in
In liplili'lii'll l"l ' Mil l-llll II' 'I '"
llWnllll I'l '"I ..''. ,ii '
nil Ill'
I. 1, lilluli , ,, ' i- "HUM'".
'I lie llll-.,in II will ll.li' siM ,- ill
vi.i.li n. mrm,':.- t'.r in.-ir .l.-i.ni .tii. .
....Itiilll... t i,ri..lt..(rilllliilill!l
""" " I..,....--. ... i
llM - ir rli-pjn i ii t . ti .in iii-hm tliiit Hi'.'
"ill iin'iir m -" uf ! liun- m,.l -m
H'llll.'l- till lll-l'h.- .. il'llil'tl1tHli
Thousaeris Vltness Elemental Feed
Maid Which Ends in Tragedy
, rli fn(., lint.ie um'.i tin r,,
of I it;. IImII 'i'ivih ted 'Imi-niid ..1
..'.ii.l I'll....! .I,.nt i Iti - ii ,il I, i il,. .Iilli
n , ,,. haw!; mil, a iwn.f.,,,.
- pioad - piead el "in?-
eared iiaeefnlly tre
the limn n- .mil -link it- .-law- In !
l, ' ri'Vir'"" "" " '
T,nn. as rrl, nttf... !in,i nap-
1'inc "f wing-, a t from t'i I'Mi.-
nir.i. nun in' 11 eh ,wi-.'i us n. ,1 i
... ..... .. .
.Hid -mil. it- l-.iu' .nn-1 '...aU inn, tli
thmat of tlie mm Hit innl.
And then f Im dull bio' n m ns- b.
ball I" linn. iikmii. in" Ii.i i ',
-km, iced off - ' 'ne ,nr holding
., ,,!..., ,,, ,t . , ., fc ,i,l ii,
'"' . l"S',n '" "- ',,,1. '", '""
,-e.iiiuz t.'i .. itt'ini" iuii-ij
,,.. ,. ... ,,,.,1.,.. ,,.,,
, ...
the'citv Hall ie.,t There th" 1 - hi",
ii-'Veur.i i. nnim
. -
Revenue Cutter Kickapoo Un-
-ihle te Get Lifeline en
, Beard Mini meter
II ix ' fi- and r. -tiff w,. r gale
I'l'" I e, tin l ,,..'ll tig ,,f li'VKe I. fr. 'i
1 ll.l
wtiter-b.ggf,! ltinii.t..f. Illi. mil,..
Ma tb - Hi,
" i K kn,
-, I
I -
1 1 ' ' " ", , , i, .., , .,,,, ,,,.
Ul- te -t.l I inn i .1 . , ... , , rt... w,l
' i
l''- Mum,,, ., -.Vr
,M'n' v '" -'-" i """!' "f--
u-.,,ha.;; ; ;;::l :;r::t : .;
eral I. im - ',. -Iiuet i - ,, t., , v.
tii'.M'd xe.-ei.
Wlien tie M ininet ., t -4 t 1, . ,, n
pliglit and 1 os, inn .he . , jW( ,,,,!,,,.
-" ,fl,en- 11, I' te-r,.i , , ,u,'n Wll,', 1
I Kl't'l'll' I'' les.e ,,ri,.,l t.tenM
miles ,'n, .,,. i ,. ,,,1,, i ;, lhi, ,1( ,t
aj.e. xtn- ".ir-i'ig ih-eugi ,,u, t-,. ,,!,.
ei .
l.itehMt Ux.iliiiued
Vf"' ' " ' '. '' ilt-M pt , , , , me
re Hie I nhioie,-'. , r, , ,, , ,.
1111 mp x ;ii..uiii' it ,,,01 1 , ,,,, , , ,,
ttiiikl.". 'I 1. . 'U'.re ihe nil. 1 ii.,,s
i'r'iti ni'i-ir c.ipe i,M ,, , , ., vi .,
1I0 I'l-osres-j-. e 1 . hup, 1,1 ..uii.
. y.itien .f t.ust..e.s mm, 1 npen j,,il..
b"'!-' '". ;'""... i-'ie,t C,i, , ( ,, ,
s pla'-ned in -heller "he , rr .' ' h,
M' mi "l"i '1 i Kn Km .. c .
tb.'tii a-hofe
I lie xi ,11 ii,,t ',ri- a s,,i t
nnd x-..i- , arrt m-j be inel te eth.
-el, ..1 Mie M 1,1.01 1 tlie He. 11
,1 gi
1 be naiti.e , 1 the , -it a,. 11 iw xl-ii.nii,
iiiip.'S-ib'e ,.. 1 Mi .,11 it an,; g,j ,,,
-,, ,j,.
' npiiiii,. . e-se ain Miiiu'-er ,,-
t h Spring nnd Tw Mib- 1! .-,. 1 1 ,,M,
i,i,ull Stations ne s-imdmL' I t.. n-
,,., ,, ;lltsr t,,uu, emtu s ,,, ,,
iM ing the crew into Cnpc Mn. Harber
, t 'nptam cr. -,-h,i it un- n - u 1 ,, ,.,.,,
along the.ent that the wind 1)1,,,,. ,(,.
, ram. (.loot ,n , I ad n -lie,, , ;,, ,.
nn. almost it. ipeibl. f,,r the pu, . ,,1 lll(. ,
te co along tbh bin.'i .ig-nnmi il , s'er, 1
I he 1110-t 111 perta, t x- 1 . . ', 1 rp,.r,',.,'
,",. l ,11 ,,f ,,,. ., , ,,,, , (, j
-.pin llei, ...it ,,f t ill ui.nt 1 s
' Inc h -ti'i' k n . r I'mt inceli.. 1, l.
j " '. - W 11,.
' "wa v. --- . 'iMnii J. )
' " " "u
Washington and Pans Will
Reach Comprem re n Eco
nomic Tansrle
Debt Cancellation Problem Will
Persist as Bugbear of
Beard of Experts M'ght Fail te
Achieve Internatiena!
n ( U.VitlX . i.lMlhKl
iHfl ( ri-v.,Mini'ni! I mmIiik I'lil.li. I.nlc
v .. ,.ji, ri: .. i , ; !,(, i r' , r,nj
"-"ii.ien. un. .,'!.- I Mi- oetin-
try is r-nfiTiin; a nprieil of nrunu'-nN
"'! 'innuor-irepo-iil- with rr-s-per
te tin Kuri)iean ccenniiiic itim'.ieti
-imil.'ir te that whnh pioi-'ded thf
-iirtnni4 of tin- armistice.
Ami a- it u.v. ,-un when Or-
maiiy niinieached Pi f.s.,l,.r,( . Wils.m
-iiicr rrlx .iesiriii"; ' , r-ntl the xxnr
that tin 1 n.l if the -var wa, in st-v-ht,
'e it ;-, -,-ic ne.v that imp cinn-pn,!in.-c
of th.. ..iterij, iu hv- of
tbi- ceuntiy and Fiaii.r will be
reachcfl liftVi-.j the pierin. iK'gotin-tien-
r.re ever aipj tnac mhih' c.-n-id-crablc
-top xill he made as a result
toward uriiitr thi iiniie.-sildi- cco cce cco
tieniic .nijutivin in '.xhii'li Kut ipe
findi, it-elf.
Twe s-taj,'f- itt th" negotiation.',
ar plainly indicated in the .Uitu
nienth from the White Heu yes yes
terday, and in tlie .-peeh of See.
Tt'tary Ihiches at Xcw li-jvc lr.-t
night. First. Kuiepe will try te
reach an agreement through the
nieetinj,' of the allied l'mineri en
January ''.
'Il,en, if lllCt falls, the I Hitel .,.'
Will enr.r the siiii'iti.ni I') the vient
.f being ,t illing te -e- , tin. I'H ,,il -1' rt.s
te act with the tiiian. I'll experls .f
allied I'etters in deteri.inii'ig ,'iit Mint
iu. an .mm of 11 parati"., , -iieu'd I19.
( .inference Mut lie biead
Tin- nix it iiieii in -in h 11 enfereiief
"i hate te an. t rum ."..in. e'lier
I "t'i i'im 1 e I'.ii'-il Mate., nnd f n
, nf-reiir ' t, ill hi',. 10 be lul, I abroad.
'I lie I Hind Ma and i.-n. I!,t 'in
i,bl Id..- te Im On nit itatp. 1 te
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, es- nf ih, n ,i,. l'leini. ' 1 i.ufi ri-nei-
.'1 .Illllll If' ''. X' ll -I ., e.e ll.. ,.
ministration m ..'nil1' il,"- for
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sh ,ild I,' 1 pe. I" ', l" ' I HI 0 1 ,
net her Way Out
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, I iie-e I- ' ' " . but in Illlblli ,, ,
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