JF ' w- 1 tf 1' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEiy-PHJLA DELPHI A, FRIDAY. DECEMBER' 20. 1922 j ul WEATHER Mostly Cleudy plays at "J. 11 and 4.45 tees unit Meledy ut Noen WANAMAKER'S store opens 9 a. m. W AN AMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes 5 P. M. Everybody Wants Something in a Hurry With a New Year Se Near and Wanamaker's Is the Surest Place te Find It Organ il ' Clll B Proverbs Are the Children of Daily Experience With many of us, the riddle of life is still te be solved. These who, traveled before us, along- the same reads, have left footprints as they struggled, fell down, hoped, despaired or per severed, which ought te be of value te us as we journey en in eur1 confidence of being able te reach the goal we have in view. The biographies, examples and cherished rules that .influenced the lives of our fathers are great helps for each ether. Signed Frem the Writings of the Founder Last Day oftheExhibitien of Southern Fashions IpASHIONS of the utmost ' simplicity a n '1 the utmost distinction. Speits drives for morn ing and aftcnie ; evening dre ses of the last word of airiness and g,-aec. Every one of them fiem the least pretentious lit 'hi (Mist Yeung Women Are Interested )M r-f-c TJnn n..r, lANi a young woman, n veumr woman. xijL cheesing a pie; cut fei herself, is selecting a er.t. And the Yeiiiik Women's Ktr.re N pre n.t in" all kinds of speits coats ird dress coals for her de limit. Speits coats Mart at ."--a for smart mixtures lined thiougheut with silk or Mieuldi-r lired. At .f.l2.."0. coats of double faced p'-id-h'ck materials. At $35, brown or gray checked ceat.s. ( sc-ii ml Women's New Special GOOD warm coals ( f all ' wool tweed, the kind that women like for every day, for geed weather or had and for metering. Yeu may take your choice of a pretty cocoa brown or gray hen ingbene. twee d (I irst Many Women Need an Extra Hat or Twe VXD such women wil! be in terested in a little cellee- r turn of stini'ls liats and dri'.Sf, ha's which have jut had their prices greatly rcdueid. .Most of them show slight Mgns of beiiK- handled, but nothing moie than one or two v. ca rings would de. (screiul Women's Slippers for New Year's Eve B LACK, and blown aie the favorite slippeis and there's , ., ,-. : .1..,.. ...i.. iiii'il' uilll'L) llimi wii- would think among "just black and biewn." Black satin with a umgue; black biocade; plain black s-itin; brown satin with a ten Ma; ( rift I Fresh Little Gingham Frecks for Kindergartners Pa ITALKTTE frocks, of com be, for Mether finds fi them the best! 'I'liej aie cunning, tee, with httle bands peeping below and, eh, the while petticoats they save! Materials are se pretty: such clear checks of luvendcr, green -"in unxna ui utvt'iuici , kh-wii T blue and such lovely shades (Tlilnt r&mfc. frock at S32.i'0 te the finest gown at $315 has line; every one its delightful in uoler; every one is cut from a lovely, often :'. I'i leh emlnei oral fabric. And the details of each dress are full cf novelty and interest. Vliier) At" S17.."0. nre ,U" ?1".."i0, prctt coats with raccoon cellars. I'inc sports coats of Kng lish materia's, cut en the line of a man's overcoat, arc priced SO."). Kui - trisvmed coat-' of sef'r, luxurious materials, beautifully adorned with squiriel. beaver, mole, car acul and wolf aie in brown, black, navy and kit fox ra . They are luxuriously lined and chaimingly fash ioned. 78 te 250. I teiirl Tweed Coats at $25 with a pbiid back or an other, and eci warmer mixed tweed, with contrast ing color back. There are as many as ten shades in the latter and two styles. All are well tailored and remarkable values'. luur) The sports bats aie of daik colored velour, felt or silk and can be worn until late in the Spring. There are also some black and dark shades in velvet hats trimmed with flowers or fancy feathers. I'liMir) brown satin with a strap; brown biecatle tliese aie out some ei Ilu.tii ........ .... , , All nuve caiciuiiy uirneu seies and most show low Leuis or low Spanish heels. One black one has a high French heel. Pricis, ?'' te $12.50. lour) of plain colors, yenew, ii blue, lavender and gicn. They all bear the little touches that recommend them te mothers. Seme show a crors crers stitch design. Otheis show feather stitching or a picot crochet edge, the things that gie them individua'ity. Sizes 2 te (5 yeurs, 3.25 te ?5. I'luer) Ml The Engagement Ring Should Be of Diamonds IT SHOULD be the handsomest that the purse can afford and the diamond or diamonds must be perfect. Fashion sanctions a platinum mounting. Diamond engagement rings with perfect dia monds of the highest quality procurable and mounted in beautiful platinum settings are priced $100 te $2800. With them wedding rings of platinum set with diamonds are used. They are priced $100 te $300. Or engraved platinum wedding rings without diamonds, $22 te S40. (Mitlti I Inerl New 1923 Foulard Silks Are Here "Printed silks" is the word for Spring and it is spoken in no uncertain terms by Paris. The new foulards are completely in sympathy with the new fashions. They have small conventional designs, some in color, en navy, brown or black grounds and also there are many tiny all-ever patterns. , In the best quality foulard silk, 36 inches wide, $2 a yard. (l'lrst rliier) All-Weel Canten Crepes .25 a A new shipment of a much-asked-for fabric a favorite because it is light in weight and drapes gracefully. A geed range of colors, some bright tones and some grays and tans; also plenty of the navy and brown which have been rather scarce in the market. $2.25 a yard. (Ilrt Ilner) Fresh Pretty Neckwear at $1 Cellars Cellar-and-cuff sets ' Berthas Cellar-and-vestee sets All delightfully soft and becom ing, mostly of net and lace. The beauty of ncckwt -ir is its frehness, und one cannot hae tee many pretty cellar or set. (Mnlii J loer Frem Paris : Handsome Buckles, but Net Expensive The prices are only i?G.75 te ?e" and the buckles are all distinctive and individual no two alike. Among them are some of cut steel, an interesting com bination of enamel in black-and-cobalt blue or black-and-green. Anether shows an antique geld finish. Anether is set with excellent imitations of rose and jade stones. Black is often combined with steel and one lovely carved red buckle litis a large mother-of-pearl center. (Muln New All-Weel Blankets, $13.50 a Pair Fine, warm, serviceaUe and geed looking. White with borders in n choice of pink, rose or blue. Size. T2.S1 inches, all-wool warp and filling and geed value at the price, ?K!.50 a pair. (SKUi Tlner) Women's Colored Handkerchiefs Te Match Each South ern Freck Celeis! Se many of the new I-'reuch dresses are in lovely colors that handkerchiefs must he in colors, tee. There ate new se many col ored handkerchiefs that are pretty enough te be taken south one scarcely knows where te begin cheesing. As low as 25c they are of pine linen in charming design!) and from there up te exquisita handkerchiefs at $3.50 there seems te be no limit te ."elec tion. (Mnln l'lner) Women's Felding Umbrellas in Bags ; Handy things because they can , he put se easily In a grip. .?," and d for cotton. $7.50 for silk-and-cotton. $10 te $18 fop all-silk. lllaek and the favorite dark colors. (MmIii Vtenrl New Arrival TreuserSuits,$12,$13.50and$15 Hy thin time many hey.s suits have lest their original freshness and the worst of Winter U still te come. All of which Rives a special timeliiusfi te the arrival of a Ked let of twe-tniiiMT suits priced at 512, fli'i.nt) anil $15, and in .sizes for boys of 8 te 18 years. Theie is- as much dill'erence be tween .suits with two pnir of treusrrH ns there li betwoen suits (Tlilrd Yard C. B. Corsets New $1 te $3.50 In some cases theie aie net all l sizes and in ethers there are cer tain models which will net be here again. Hut the prices mere than ' make up for it, for they are half t or almost se. The materials arc batiste, ceutil and breehe and the different ' styles are suitable for slender, I aerage and larger women. (Third Heur) Doer) Honfleur and Other Toilet Articles This is an event that many people leek forward te a sale of Honfleur, well known for its undeviating quality. Extract, in TEmpire, rose and violet, 30c. Toilet water, in violet. Bouquet Amour and I'Em pire, r()c and 83c. Vegetal, in lilac and wis taria, 73c. Cleansing cream, skin cream and Youth - si n d Beauty cream, 10c a jar. Lemen cleansing cream, ,13c and t3c. Talcum powder, in rose, violet and 1'Empire, 13c. Sachet, in violet, rose and 1'Empire, 33c. Face powder, in violet, 1'Empire and rose, 33c. Compact face powder, white, natural or brunette, and compact rouge, 73c each. Violet ammonia. 2flc and 30c. Bsiy rum, 30c, S3c and $1.03. Witch hael, 33c and 03c. Bath crystals in violet, rose and verbena, 30c and 83c a bottle. (Went AtMp) of Beys' Twe- with unci pair and that is snyuiK much. ThSH firii Kllitu nf minim- -mil reliability the kind that niestra i pair trousers make doubly worm wiuie. Geed choice of fabrics ami do de signs in gray, browns nud ether desirable mixed shitdus, .Norfolk-style coats, with voKes, with pleats or plain. Fine suits for school wear. flaw) New i Victer Records ter January 18972 A Kiss in the Dark Med ley Waltz and The Walt. Is Made ' for Leve, 7."c. 1S977 Sweetheart Lane and The I Yankee Princess, Medley Vex Trets, Paul Whiteman and His i Orchestra, 75c. i 18980 The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise und Tomorrow Morning, Fex Trets, lionsen Orchestra of Chicago. 7."c. 18983 Pack Up Your Sins and Crinoline Daj.s, Fex Trets, Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, 75c. 7178 Madame Huttcrlly (Un Hel Di Vedreme) (ialli-Curci, SI. 75. "(10111 Tesca (Vissi d'arte) Maria Jerita, $1.25. GlilOG March of the Caucasian Chief, Ippolitew Inanew, Phila delphia Orchestra, $1.25. (Sim-iiiiiI I'luer) "Men's Handkerchiefs Kight after Christmas a Werd en men's handkerchiefs might seem superfluous uere it net that "e many men did net get them! Geed linen initialed haudkei chiefs are Bec, 50c, 75c and $1. ' Main I Iniiri Levely Side Ornaments for Evening- Dresses especially for the nrw fashion able white evening gown-, show a great manv lovely imitation peails. of u n combined with tryst al. There arc wirioie deign? and long frineis ,.f beads are eflVcthi. A few .show vhine.stnnes. ti-.cil with great taste, and all have unu-ua.1 charm. ?5 te S25. Main 1 limr "What's a Stylish Hat," Asked a Man the Other Day "The kind that suits veu best, sir." Being stjlish doc -n't mean it iiiu.-t have a narrow brim and a big crown, nor a wide wild west biim and a low crown. Every well-dressed man picks out a hat that is shaped te leek well en him. Of course, there are style tendencies in hat? such as little rolls and dip-, and cunes here and there and the new "tone.-," that are different from color.". But when it come-, te mod els, a geed hat store ha one te suit each man. At Wanamaker's there is mere difference than usual and the prices aie only four, five or six dellar1-. (Mtiln 1 loer) Suit Cases Streng Enough te Ge 'Round the World Substantial, strenglv built cases ei the finest cowhide, designed te stand the hardest wear. They are in russet or black, some with ira, .eme with with out: bellows cases and divided cases with double handles are among them and all have double straps. Corners are strongly reinforced and catche- and lek- are the best. 2-1 te 32 inch sizes at !?2S..-)0 te $,w. (Mnln I lixiri Ivery Frem the Orient Necklaces of ribbed eal beads, $10, eO; of round polished beads, $12..ri0; of eal beads with three lare enned beads, and a pendant, 22.50. Sinjjlc pendants, tery large, ?la. Loek in the Oriental Stere 'or them. (Mnln lliinr Delicious Candies $1 a Pound They may be ehocelute or they may he these toothsome caramel., but the dollar candies have a suie quality and interest. The caramels are se creamy and delightful and their tlavers are just light. It h the centers of the choco lates that make them se interest ing such tasty'eoi'eanut, especial ly geed marslunallew, nut cieam-, nougats, caramel-, etc. Then, there are ihe mai. led favors and candies for New Year's Day. Hard candies are 70c ti pound. (DeiYu Mutr Slerr) Seme New Dining-Roem Fine Lines, but Priced en Moderate Lines Fashions in Jewelry Faver Black and Wh'ite After all it is one of the prettiest and most striking col or combinations. Leng necklaces of imitation crystal beads with jet rendells or imitation jet beads with crystal rendells and, of course, one may hae f'e ecklaee of all imitation cry-tal r 'el if preferred. Prices fiem .1.75 te SHJ. And theie are eariing-, bt ace lets and hat ornaments m black and white jewelry te help cany out the effect. Mliiln I I'inri Bayberry Candles Only 20c for a holly with two in it. m (I'mirtli 1 loer) As a Matter of Fact, Sir You're Net the Kind of a Man Who Would Carry That Old- Time Overcoat Inte a New Year Yeu wouldn't expect worn-out ideas te meet the nreklems that will come up in 1923. Neither would you expect clothing as old its (hose ideas te comfort you. Everybody knows that right along ou have intended getting a new overcoat. But you've been busy, or haven't realized hew time was getting en. New there's only one day left. When time is short it's a geed thing te knew that Wanamaker's Most Likely Have Just the Overcoat Yeu Want All kinds are I'ere you never suv se many, nor such different ones. ) There's a Difference Newest Neckties First te arrive since Christ- mas. and handsome ones they are. Regimental stripes, uvery one the new authentic regi mental stripes, unlike any that have come before. In a world of gay colors and made of a glossy, firm, beautiful silk. Price ;?2. ( Mi in 1 limn Wardrobe at Special (Jeed news for eery Seuth. Xe better wardrobe trunks are made and they present the latest and most lux urious touches for travel comfort. They are built en steel frames which will stand many' a hard knock. Kverx drawer is of bass-weed, steel bound and re inforced en till edire. Drawer-, can be locked with one turn of the lock bar. Hanger are enameled and there is a laundry bag of silk plush. Other conveniences include a place for an electric iron; a really geed shoe box; pretty Colonial handles en the drawers and a padded top which holds everything in place. Prices are seecial and there is a stning of almost one half en each trunk. Steamer sue, SS0. Tliii'i.ei!.irti'r sie. Ml.s. Hcgulnlien sjc, S100; extra One of the most natural call it ambition, if you like of ever se many families te have furniture that imparts an impressive dignity te the home. Bui then comes the problem of reconciling the desire with the available resources. Te help in solving it is the business of this furniture store, and the measure of helpfulness it can offer is best illus trated by certain groups of living-room, bedroom and dining room suits recently received. Notable amour them is a len-piece dining-room suit of a fine standard type, yet moderately priced, comparatively speaking, at $39e. It is built en the Inndseme, dignified lines of much higher priced suits, and can be had in either mahogany or walnut veneers. The walnut ih finished in a brown Antique tone and the ma ma hegan in a reddish brown, impart ing a dull, effective finish. The spirit of the design reveals several influences, especially that of Sheraton, in the fluted pests, turned legs and the pierced work in tlie back panels of the chairs. (slxtli 'Third I lner) Far-Seeing Motorists Are Buying Tires f or Later n Weather eyes are scanning the tire market and somehow ei ether experience say all isn t well, night new is a geed time e buy all the tires that are apt te be needed for some time te come. At least, some men think I hey will save seme money that way Shipments just in from the factory bring fully guaran teed cord tires at interesting prices. .'I0.T. SIO", ?'1M'j S27.30 il2x.1i, SI "J :?l1 S22 :; l'. S's v S20J50 :i,N., - S5?7- :t:i. i s-ji.oe a: .- s:i8.7.- i llie l.nllrrvl After Hunting the City Over Here's the Oxford Men Pick Out Made el graiiH'd calf, either black or tan, has thick white oak m1i's and priced !?0.-10. Nothing te equal it, even c-Iem' te the figure, is the story told ever and ever eery day. Winter oxfords through and through. Warm, dry and long wearing. Yet smart. In tvk- thev fellow the lines of the brogue, with a few perforations here and there, but mostly plain. Main I luer Trunks of the Frices traveler bound B.t-su und rein I arced. deep, .slO.'i. , , Iiu id !! , U'eurth l luur) Suits Built en feelings imaginable is the desire The general contour is harmeni- eus and in geed taste, and the con struction and detail, particularly in the vital parts, are much better than can usually he found in attits selling at the same price. Sideboard is fit inches wide, serv ing cabinet, 3i! inches wide; china cabinet, 42 inches wide; (lining table, J2(5Q inches. There arc five side chairs and one arm chair. rinnri Great, warm ulsters, as rugged and robust as fiction pictures the north. Or smart, swinging coats with belts and rag Ian shoulders that call te mind the debonair chaps along Piccadilly. And under it all is the assurance they are geed coats tailored as only expert workmen can; builf te wear and stay geed. The prices start at S33 and go te $100. Finest Type Special at 7tf lrar.ie., fiber ce.ered and strengl I lu- llMf. :ill lllu I iifrlll'ifl.i ,.t , , ",- '" . h..ii.n"ll LW,. bag, bar lock, shoe box, etc. I t i"L' V 1 i