n'rve''",' Eff1 ffiWA"!R ,a w. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGrERPHIL'kDELHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 WfxX. w r PLAN MORATORIUM VARE RESIGNS HIS no,,., for IInrrli.burB. He will lenvr CLERK HELD IN CONNECTION tlie I eilcrn! pnjreH en Metnlny ami ,,,.;,..,;.'. .,. ne tn be plure.l en Hip tVntilvnnl.i Htntc WITH KILLING OF GIRL OF 10 ji.i.meII en Tupiilny. It Is espritnl thai he 111 iMMij. n Btnteiiipiit in Harris- Bearder In Heme of Victim1! Mether lnirs or rhllmlelphia in n few ilnys. ..,,... ., n ...a el.iuliiK up hevernl points about his Said te Have Police Recerd e;U In the nntleiml Heiifc. Ncw Yerk, Hn U0.--(Hy A- l '"" t'luitul ttitner numilncntlv cnnnrptH . n.,,. .. i.i. ...i.. i ,.,,.tnlninv mother, Mis. I'millne McCarthy, Inte TumiIe.v. Hhe will be burled today. Iienjnmln I'rendcrvlllc, n clerk In the Hioeklyn poatefflrp. nml a boarder nt the MeCnrth.tr hemp, who admitted te police that he owned tlie revolver, Is held en n charRp of bemlelde. He was larger caliber. Police say I'rcndervlllc linn a police record. Police, working en the theory that Tbereaa found Prcndervllle's leaded revolver and killed herself accidentally, are unable te reconcile the fact tlint the body was found en the fleer In the dining room, while Prendervillc Insists Ne One Need Buy Cuficura Before He Tries Free Samples Merry XuuVfc LOR neNP TO HELP GERMANY SEAT IN CONGRESS I?j H Loud Speakers, Head Se'B Chas. Cery & Sen, Inc p ,i ?" Jjeuanny wneu tlie little Klrl h body was found nnd told police le-pph Trnltirr. Seuth PlillniliOphla , ", ". '"" , , ' t , lemlrr. m i t ti etliprs who will m-i-U te ! 1"I" f teifonr-elil Thercsn MC Session. aume thp Vnri ii'iiK. Ciirlliv, Meed today en the opet where he found tue pistol, wim one c-iiiiiiinrr he became frightened when he saw the ' discharged, still lying en his bed when girl's dead body nnd threw away that I he entered the house Tuesday after revolver and two ethers he owned of I uoeu. Allied Premiers te Tackle En tire Reparations Question at Paris Conference Quits Short-Term Leaving Plans for New ii i- ii-h'iiniiM i- T.uiiiM'iy iiiiii u her ChrlHtmns ttce had hceii. With ner I IVmmhntiinn will Iip rIvpii Mr nre N , , , , ,, ,. , , , , 1 nln.-p en Hip AtMironrintienV Commit- hwirt piercc.l by n bullet from n plhtel. HAPPY NEW YEAR, 1923 Fer Over Twe Year One in Mvsterv "'' " of "" '"" "10t irewriful loin- "'' " 0,' en Hie lour et mi? inn llllltpPM Of I'll' IIellP. Ihr room In the Uroehlyn hemp of her pfPF3T777?7 Ml llt V l S A u ,.!' ' ir?i H Hi Mi ft Wf. I f. . :Htn Iff Wl, WILL MEET NEXT TUESDAY IN HARRISBURG ON MONDAY ! Ue-i!r,t p.e I W.lthilictult. I),.,., 2!' Hi pie-eiita- ' Paris. Dpp. ''!), --a- n result of ex-'fup ';irp. of Phllndlphi.i, tietiinu chniiRpi nf i,.vs .inpp tlie Londen Si'iRtnnt -.i'-Ani. Keilsrr- i'Merdn le Hifi'tiiis of ilif Premli'i'v tli" Allie- Un' ictnnw li.s iiainp trem tin1 lleu-e re-ter rteriili'd 'ii en iipr thi' ontire quostieu en Meti.l.ij, of tpparatinnx in ili'inil at the Pan- Mr Vim' formal lettpr of tiwiirn'i rnnfrrrtnv tn bi'K'ui nc'V Tii".lm It tinn in- tint been ubmitt'il. but it i r ecrted new m ett.f..il I'tivlri ih.it pxpi-i r,l b'fnie Mend.i.x. Th"n he will It will roipiire nt Ipnt .1 wei-k nnd per- bec'ii hi-" d'ltles n n State Si-nater hnps two wpi'I, tn cimi plclp tin- iln- fi.n the Seuth Pluhnli'lphia distriet. fusion in wlili li liN liretlitT. the lute Sm.i'ei The ?eti"-:il t 'in mi in "lei mam . ( ; .m, . -,, ,.ne,' the pfn-ibllity of i..ttitiK lier ."i In r j, ,,,,. dei.Iine. t.. itnln-ate n pief feet threiiuli mi ititrriint.nii.il 'mn ati 1 , r,.n, ,. f,ir h, .nn,.er in the llrui a imiraieit'itn. and tiiiia'i- of the it n e;i..-t,-,l tli.it u -peeuil ileitieii ,.,., . . in inn." 1m Mn"eiv for tin1 re length of the ..iurnt..iuin " '- ,,, , , fclllir. , .,f Cen- her reeeipn will prelml'i h" the tiit Ci,.,ss, riwli'i: M.ir, Ii 1 wi'l be held Itpnn mi tli" elder of b :iiim I'he within a nmnth .in , ii . i i An air m tinterx .urtiuinU '., ti i- n"les lm """, " Lr'M ""il1 " ns cfth.. . U i-. -he next I".!.- data henrin; oil these ir'i'in .-n i. tn wii.eh Mr V'lre nisi m While the n.Iif.-renee will . i n,t ..et'il at the il!"e tiffl" lie w l i lei I'm the nneitn.n m n-li i: i'ih .t il . i S".i'f en.i' reparation due tmi.i in-i.i.n ' '''r " '" ' theiizlit in liei i ntii il II...H thit '".ns e."l-l little Will I"' !i . enilm-'ieil !i till- ei - ferenee fnMi-r t.un " ti.tii: i merntnn im r-nl f".i. j .i .!e. .n rpsarilms s ..iruti'i 'hat iuii ! i . be taken. lVencli Opinion s.ilni ItnliKVien Kremh publie np.-nmi. ir is tii.i n tallied, i still n- ii'ipr i e n J an riduitieii tn the reparation ti t.il as it i- te tiieept the nle;i ..f i linl.i tenum without jruiinititee. M. PnliH-ire's Mttlte.ile ,t tl,e ion ien ferenee wil' be tint nei'li'T the iire-eni nor the future inu-t he m. r.finil, tlia ' there irust Is. tiiken :i p'-des. re- ( Miiireps that '1 priliie si im-i'iiui: nn niediatelj en the rej ii-atmns jene.ni nnd that, if tlermatn i sien a hren'l lnc -pell. 1' W'll lie lllne n1i:h te ile- ( ide wlmt -he ,;h I'inviN rx wh.n' i her ri'i'enTi 'n- been e'lei'.il The Preni h i.ew point is that n morn terium without uii-antce wmiid 'ikel tuin out ti lie -iniph .im i ti. e irac -', liient ter tier', ii te .;. i i-i-l in i ' tcn!en when i' ex ; I I'imikp I'.iMir (enferenrp ' Pipsideiit llaiMitn!'- let-.r te Snr j Lfjiltce i- in'-"I'M t"' -etm tli ' i hei I as nhewiti',' the .eir t Pie-.d-nt te obtain -ulln ien 're'lmn t.. .nab" ' him te treiv the u-bt it.t .in with a little mere el.iivjcit I Ceil' ernln.- fl-e P- -. ii - -etiia-';s , rrcnrilil.',' tin- I 'nm"I w.nnl eennnt'i ' I'Ollteieliee, it .. i i M . ' "eii I W I ' " Frein h ilmi rnuietit ha- 'iin thin ' fawir -reli a mtuer-iiie t' n-i' I upon the I,. '.Jin : ' f ,i n t. .; in l'r i--J nels for fie i'i-i ii-.- n . '' rejeir i'i iti f nnd interallied d"lt- nhl.'. . i !. ! aidered w .ii lil mi mint in the -ame ' thine ns inipn-e.j , , iin-i r iter-i'i . j the I'niteil Mate- wer, 'iire-et I. i .SPAIN TO KEEP CHURCH ART1 He .p. M t tii I - efli nn i m i i u tr i 1. 1 in i . : tin a' ' An Unusual Diamond Ring '1 hrcc 1-ifRP I'crfcct lilue wlittc dtatiieiids, wciKliiiif! 7 5'i ct. in a Bracctul lat i'mtii innuntitii; paved with 1 1- small diamonds $7000 S. Kind & Sens me chestnut st. "i xM'i.vn Mi-rvti nt5 iiAvr:r.i:ns- sir.vi:nsMiTiis H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 1 9 2 3 WHY YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31st LORRAINE WINTER GARDEN Bread St. & Fairmount Ave. Most Hrautlfully Perorated Litraest nml HtFt Cabaret Shew In the City Seating C.ipaclt Over COP Kxccllent Koert Property Prcpareil and rretnpt Servlcs Wonderful Pance Music SUPPER DE LUXE SERVED FROM 10 I M. Until 12 Midnight At S6.."i0 Per Persen, Including Cever Charge CABARET AND DANCING FROM 12 Midnight Until Closing Seuvenirs: Paper Hats, Xeitc Makers, Favers mail en riieNi; feii taiim: rkshkvatien caiih nELi,, reri.An os:e V.tifT te Rrncli by Aute or Trelley. Unlimited rnrklnir rnrllltles HAPPY NEW YEAR, 1923 A I P P Y N E W Y E a : i R ' we have been paying en our Savings Accounts e Since January 1, 1922 Our Saving Fund Deposits Have Increased 76 gTEP SECjjrj? Life Insurance J'ST- and 4 COMP 605 CHESTNUT STREET lii ' - L1jJ : '. .ll s - -, itf HII I l D ; PurchinK Agents' Ordrn Accepted .C -9'-iE"H'lS I Mail Orders Filled I"!11! 1'W"i:iil Children's Fur Sets nnd Coats and Fur Trimmings At Moderate Prices 12iS Chestnut Street. .1 Ue-&m&xtf Bale a HIGH CHARACTER 1923 MODEL Sales of Treasures ts Foreigners Prohibited by Royal Decree Mailrld. Ie. J. - fli A I' T'v tale of i 1 1 l-r i. n iure irem 'li" -pai.-Ii.li rliurehe". i- inii'.ilutej .ti :i r.'jai j deerce . r.-i t ' ( 1 tie Mi'i,'.- ..' ,I'i f tire tfxla .ttr "!.-n.t.iti..ii uitl, '1,. chureli 'lufh'.n'ie ( nt 1... I .. llpi Ifleil t" r.ll'ne i,i i .i. I ...i - ' ' meaticir" p'ni'-linhle 'ith tin". :i i - plleiiliii- te I" 'h liiM'Ti aiel e!ler. ' AljitJti'.n for tli.- i-M.jii ..f mi 1 ii decree ha len in ; putre-i !' r mine time, attention luv.ii' Lec'i . n t . r i en the ipictiuii !'it J u . vi'i-n it icpertt 1 that -t.i'n te'.''ii c ent ir itiur.il paiti'irs ! '. 1 ,. "ii . . . from the i ',i. . j .i ti ( ,.,.,, ,r Herla f'i- ti.ii ter te N" Y"r'i lli vere p'.rei s..-. ;t w - n. i n (!,.' ei a pre. in' ei ,' i . in- . .. , kin. Mi.nr. reK tei, tncrTii r i i - ' i": In j nMi ar ,it. . r j rt'(, tirlci 'n .or a a n'.'. w . v of con ! . r i ' " . - x . Ii ir (I r - -. , ' Fwt '.n nt " , r '. . . H Ukbit J.J, 11 14 - Advance Xeticc FederalJen Jevish Chanties Campaign Te Secretaries of All Jewish Organizations Meeting in January PlO'lsp f'll n'lt ar, - .- i ,;- a' OnCC tblS ir.fr, Rl.V r,n li'j- . Name rif 0"Ka".i.'.a' Meets a' : Date January 102 Siyvcd Addrtsi . . Hv.r L JOSEPH L. KUN Cj rmri yrftuf t II iri i 1610 Vn' Iv,. Tr jt Ei'i! Ci i p.itirn C v.i r an 9 Tnr.lnrrif'nr. wnathnr r.ill.4 . for greater physical resist- ence. 2 Leiiella Buttof builds up! 2 V, ine I iiicst nutter in America; I X In nil our Stores Qk gm r AtSSh FimCemt IVfORE VALUE, MORE STYLE, MORE J'V1 QUALITY, MORE ECONOMY, MORE CUSTOMERS, THESE ARE THE AIMS - WHICH HAVE AGAIN INSPIRED US TO BETTER OUR LAST BEST EFFORTS IN MAKING THIS JANU ARY SALE THE MOST POPULAR . FUR MERCHANDISING PROPOSITION OF THIS OR ANY PREVIOUS SEASON. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall, Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer Formerly Reduced te Siberian Weif CeaK eal trimmed nt int) ) 100.00 French Seal Wraps self trimmed ffuu igth) 110.00 Russian Peny Coats, .-elf trimmed (j ,r; 110.00 Natural Mukral Coats, self trimmed .i, Unrjth) 115.00 French Seal Capes, self trimmed ffnll l-vgth) 120.00 French Peal Ceals, kunk trimmed (it legth) lSe.OO French Seal Coats, self trimmed no :rh) 135.00 Leepard Cat Coats. Sea' trimmed r U-nth) 140.00 Taupe Caracul Spert .Ture.ut'ttP'- r.'i rn-h 150.00 Hair Peal Coats, self trimmed ( ,n ,,,-b, 150.00 Marmet Coats, Raccoon trimmed r-, In'hj 165.00 French Seal Coats. Stiuirrcl Trimmed ,n ,,; 210.00 American Opossum Ceals self t-'immed .r whj 210.00 Muskrat Coats Raccoon trimmed rn vh) 210.00 Civet Cat Coats, stf trimmed r.e v ri ) 210.00 Rlack Caracul Capes self trimmed tf.'i length) 215.00 Scotch .Moleskin Ceat j. self trimmed ', !rvh) 215.00 Platinum or Tauee Car.icul Coats & Capes . ., -rt triwwrdj... 235.00 Moleskin Wraps, elf (rimmed . , length 265.00 Black Caracul CeaU, se'f trimmed me m-h) 2115.00 Moleskin Capes, self trimmed rfuii length) 205.00 'J3 inch) ' ;n iix!') , . I full e.7' i .... ' . jitWi ; 'i Iniql' ) ... . ( ,0 inrl.j (.,0 Wii) Hudsen Seal ( aps, self trimmed tf.n length)., Moleskin Spert Jacquettes, Fex trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats. Skunk trimmed.... Natural Raccoon Ceat, 'elf trimmed Black Caracul Coats, kunlk trimmed Natural Squirrel CenN. self trimmed. . Persian Lamb Ceat. kunk trimmed.. Hudsen Seal Capes and Wraps Jap Mink Coats, self trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats, self or Skunk trimmed. . .n ,e, i Australian Opossum Coats, self trimmed ae iwh) Alaska Seal Coats or Delmans fsri trimmed) HIack Meire Caracul Capes, advance models . .(full length).. Natural Squirrel Capes, self trimmed ruii leth). Alaska Keaver Coats, self trimmed ae l,rij Ermine Capes, self trimmed ,; terthj.'. natural .Mink (eats, self trimmed iwfll 975.00 Broadtail Wraps. Kelinsky trimmed ; length) 1050.00 Natural Mink Capes or Wraps (full un9th) . . . .1500.00 295.00 315.00 335.00 350.00 365.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 195.00 525.00 565.00 595.00 595.00 675.00 7-15.00 750.00 61.50 69.50 69.50 74.50 79.50 89.50 89.50 94.50 98.50 98.50 110.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 115.00 1 15.00 165.00 175.00 195.00 195.00 1 95.00 210.00 225.00 235.00 215.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 325.00 315.00 375.00 395.00 395.00 4 15.00 195.00 495.00 615.00 695.00 995.00 Natural Raccoon Coats Dark Silky Skins . Formerly $215.00 Hudsen Seal Coats Skunk, Beaver or 192M Squirrel Trimmed 1" r'e f 'urter I rtiRt' Formerly $295.00 mm I txrra Large aue tout, and Wrap up te 54 Bu.t. Hudsen Seal U Dyed Muskrat. French Seal is Dyed Ceney. - KKKWK9UCUC.HAIICE PURCHASES BILLED IN FEBRUARY HiWiHWium II ;.i 31 Closing Out at Cost Spert and Tailored Suits They were 539.50 te $193.00 320. $25 te $95 Mr Bk F B - v . L ii: i k ar- -bt uw ' i n iiiiiiMikiiajMmia Silk and Weel Sweaters 8Hp-en & Tuxedo Medels; all colors; all siies They were $2.95 te $32.50 $1.95, $3.45 te $16.50 Mid-Winter Clearance Our Entire Stocks of Coats, Suits and Dresses Drastically Reduced In Many Instances Prices Are Less Than Cost Afternoon Dresses Dresses That Were Up te $65 $Qr7.50 Reduced te ij Dresses That Were Up te $75 v f Reduced te tt) Dresses That Were Up te $95 Reduced te t)0 Dresses That Were Up te $125 Reduced te Dresses That Were Up te $155 t $65 kf F Reduced te tQ ft T h! iff JO "'J if I 1 I Evening Dresses " " " i ! i ., , -r Dance Frecks, Were Up te $65 $QIT Reduced te tjO Evening Dresses, Were Up te $75 iyipf Reduced te tO f55 Evening Robes, Were Up te $125 $" Reduced te OO Dinner Dresses, Were Up te $165 tff" Reduced te tsO Evening Dresses, Were Up te $95 Reduced te On Our Third FloerSilk and Cleth Dresses These dresses include practically every style, color and fabric of the season. They are smart, serviceable and at their original prices represented the utmost in value. Ine cheesing is complete and varied, including all sizes from 16 te 42. They were $25, $45 te $65 New Reduced te s15, '18, '25, 29M and '35 Coats, Wraps and Capes ii ' .ft. $1K .se Untrimmed Spert Ceals, were up $29.50 Are New Reduced te Plain & Fur Trimmed Spert Coats, were up te$45$OR Are. New Reduced te J Spert & Tep Coats, were up te $65.00 $Q Arc Nmv Reduced te JJ Fur Trimmed Coats, were up te $85.00 $J?t? Arc New Reduced te ) Fur Trimmed Coats, were up te $125 $rjr Are New Reduced te Coats, Wraps & Capes, were up te $175 $ 1 1(1 Arc New Reduced te " Coats & Wraps, fur trimmed, were up te $195 tJffZ Arc New Reduced te Coats & Wraps, fur trimmed, were up te $295 7 Arc New Reduced te All Purchases Billed February 1st H220-22-24 Walnut Street llKlliSSillSl I 3 ' I' i iniiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllsPil 0,