n?fvft('(1 n -yntfTrW": v "iirvyK r 'r ' rtxSpWI -'jrf1?! .- in i l ll I I i i IP III i n 1M1MM i. .! a r-r - - - ..t.'.r. w.'j'n. JTrwwwuBii.. ;.': :,v''jy.,gnwu.i'i; , i.Avi,t :, " TK ' ' f-Wfcr tiP ' ". - i v'Wjf,T&' " ww v '' ?"' ffr" 78 ? '. . W-. i Wtf ,. N V (5 W EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. DJEOJMBElt 21), 1022 ' 1 SALOONS BARRED FROM OREXEL HILL BERGDOLt M CITY CLU1I- SAUNDERS STRAWBRIDGE 6 CLOTHIER XJj I.1KK HOTEL IS heron tag Times Square (Southwest) INDIVIDUALITY If a T 1 victor itecerds AVi let Ne. 11070 Dinmend Itlnr On the Street Fleer $75 1 wenaerlui Large Steclc anil tnvltlnr Demonstration Parlnra I K Ulilt" itiM lilniunnil ll't'T w'f'i Jt pur nhltn n! nnilt Estab. 59 YM Judge Jehnsen, at Media, Re fuses Applications, One of Them Filed by Weman Department of Justice Agents Plan te Question Mether ' of Draft-Dedger IWlifn 7.1 ililca 3te?n&G 11 & 13 S. 8lh Si. 2710 Gin. Ave. A. Ba - I . riZ7l4Mflket5K v -.-.. rz"z.7r vzr Ct- WAS l.OIST NOWE miK ylcttlas IAS RUMOR yfrs TV V RESIDENTS WIN FIGHT WATCH OUTGOING VESSELS i IlclilenH of l'rrxeil 11111 win, nli Jfrtnl I" ii lit pii&pI lint'1' bur in llutt reiiii'iiiliH. "ml " inlll'i'l' Wetejj ln ln ifey, li, Tllilqp -InhUMim, "I .Meilln, rffiUPil tw (ilpHi'Hllen. I.tri,ll's wrtr refused te Mm. Aiitm n, ('uii.ilimi. li" N nrrimiins In Mmr from llie (innellfuul lintel In n ni prnprrlj iniulij. nml te Rnln-it Srlimli, n fninirr. wlm lroenllj Imulil I lip lielil for Si'i.llOli. "TIip Imtpl I" !iirrpllfenl nml l)ipr Hill lm nillllM'd 111 llspflllllPiM." ,iii Iii,1Kp .leliii-iiii. "1 li'ip iii'M-r Rinnlnl a Uppii'p "-Iikp 1 Iixi e lipcii en 1 In lii'iuli fllirrp n in.ijerllx of the ipmIiIpdIs luur nbjivtiil. "TIip I'emniiinlly Im" rnpiilly (hanppil nml iIip pnplp nf Hint ciininiiinit.v vreiipl miIppiI tlii'ir opposition tn n lmlrl iIitp. I mil lint Knllii; In (Iri'iile icnlnt llipir wNlii'''." 'Hip Uirvl Hill I'eiiiiiimiHj Chili m- il'llllv II '! ( CI t II If'Mllllllllll pllllllill'4 iu'ili'i-1 ii IIppiiipiI bur In llivxi'l Hill '"ip iPiiinitniiii'N llli'il with .IihIki-.Injiif-mi i niiliiiiii'il !!."." iiiiinc, Mi ('hiimIimu'm pi'lllinn ImrP 'j -plclit M.MiMimi nml SI I''N 'Il-IM'. 'Hip ili'i ikinli will lililKe Dli'M't Hill "lnlMP 'll.'" tlflil' till' Hi 'l of til'1 .M'l'l' rn fur !i- It't'ii-i'il ilriiil.inc plni nw PDiiprrnpil. Mi'. ('hiiiiImiii. n willow. Ii.nl uuiiliif li'il tin IimIpI for Merrill i.M- W'Iipm Slmili lieiiRlit tln pinp pii I tt Mtinli 'Ii'1 pmi'lin'-i'd n ni'inliv hinlilmc fi' SI7.0I1H. 'I lip CipiiiiiiuiiII.v Chili linil its lii'.nl fiinrtPii mi tin' M'i'eiiil lliiiir nf t lit sliuitiirp wlilili Mr. Cniinliiin licniulil. A ft pi' p.i'-aBi of tlu i'IiiIi'i iPMiliitimi reirnlh Mi-. Cniinlrni enli'ii'il i lit nirmliPlx te -pi'K ullipr ipim Iri's. (Iinilex A. Wiiriipi". pfi".ili'iil nf Hip dull, nml Mr-, riinnli' It i t . piri ilrllt nf tin- W. '. I'. I .. IpiI tin- hyhl flKTlllt tin1 pliipiiM'il lmlrl li.ll. .1. '. Puki', Mr-. Kilitli till, rni'l I mil. I. Tnlnr niilpil in tin- HbIu. fSnupf I!pis.1i)11 lin Iiphi In this eiiiidv .epiiiI p(l,. in tl-p nplnleii ! "f niiin Iti-paiimrnt nf .Itilipp i-lilpfn, I iiihI i)iii. ppii niiw ,p ntti'inplliiK ' ic- "Hi In Ills IiiUpii In ipniimi. H tlil In' ili i-jiM'. tlie ilnift-ilfiilKiT prelinlily J "I'Ptit Clnistiiiiis with Ms mnilipf In j I'liiliiilplpliln. IVilrml (ippinlivpH teil.n plmitiPiJ In I iiippI Slii. r.Pifilnll nt Iipp Ikiiiip mnl iiiiMlnii lii-r. NilKlilieri nln mi- In lm ' nl.pil irpmiinj. muiiiKri-. nbeiii Urn I Ilprmlell ln ipi'putlv, ' C'IiiiiIpm Sitilli'v. Iipml of Hip iniliuil 'ililinl nf Hip llpptirtnii'tit nf .tllitlrp in I NpV Yen Ic. Is .ill,, nf (liiisp wlm Imlil ' II. 'II llli'0l. In imi.pipiriiPP, hi' N iPiiu'liliii; nil niit-KiiliiK stPiiinrrs n: New Vnt le lin flniru nf ft... funl I... ll lu Iip1Ippi tliiM prnrlicp will lip PNtPlldi'il ' in mi puna in i nip un- tliiei, is iei-lci-l. A wnli'li li.ii Ipppii plnppil upon (Iip Ilprpilnll lien-p nt llinniiinll. In tln thought MpiciIiiII nuu lie IiIiIiIpii IIipip. In llin iiiimii Imp nil iiirmiiiiis -pmiii'ri I nip IppiiiK llminiiylilv ... iiclii'il lit all1 pmtv fm trifs nf l In' mil ii . ItcpeltH lll'M l'i'teilnll ii iiliii.iul tin' (iciiiian 'ii'.iiiHini . ) i 1 1 i I i . iIup In ar iip ""nil nt I'ciw.ii el.i, l'la.. a'P ilmililril h, tinM'ilini' lit nsenf -. 'I'licj hip en I in il tin' lppml it a Mini, in tciiilcil In fm hi lluir ntlPliliiili npnn Hip Sniitli'Tii pert wliil Iteiuilnll plllipr I'litevs ilu iniMiliy or IpnMs it lij i NnrlllPIII poll. Iliili'll, it is Miiil, hn- Iippii in iimi- mil nit nt imi with his innthpr (lit ouch t In- medium of n i Iip-p fiii'tul nt llm famili. ! All liis li'ttpis lmnip. It is .nii. nrc iu- rln-pil in Mil I'llMlnpp iidilrpsspil te tlmt ! i Irii'tul nml thi'ii me rIvimi .Mrs, ltcrn-dell. nruMANV ntr.i.iMi w.u rniseNKR'i Net priiiii(r of etliT riii " but feri of th'i" li' ,r', hciiiij lr'('l for war nrlm(,i. Ker limtHiH S. ll i einr" rlt(i from nillii Dial Hi" i ur 1 I us Mil 'V nt the rulv tpnn'i hhi (innK lli l.uilnnlu h-i 1,ti fr'rJ Ferdsn Nfim Dlpichf eccjpt RSI- ,1 IK Ml lh 1'LHIK' I.ELUkK. "Malt it n Hftlilt "Ah ...,..; ,! , Jttallifcw l 'iscrt &f i-mmt-w " WELCOME 1923 With the New JANUARY VICTOR RECORDS OUT TO-MORROW G. W. HUVER CO. 10.11-.-I3 CIIKSTNUT STHKKT .1ul HpIew 11th "Mtfl JiU " ' ' ------ I - j . i . .n. i Celebrate at i L'Aiglen Buffet and Grill at 15th and Chestnut i WILL NOT CLOSE i Open -rem 9 A.M. Until 8:30 P.M. Table d'Hets Dinner, $1 ! Frem 5:30 te 8:30 P. M. Luncheon a la Carte This Is the. Time te open n savings account with the Central Trust & Savings Company, if you haven't one, or te build it up if you have one; BECAUSE ZHrA ttthtCENTKAL IL all money deposited here en or before the 4th of January will draw interest from the first of January, and that interest will be paid at the rate of four per cent. Matce Your Mencij Make Mere Meney and Make J 923 Your Best Year CENTRAL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY Market and Fourth Streets PHILADELPHIA Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000.00 A 81! I a TT I 111! I - I ! W !' y NEW YEAR'S EVE SUPPER Including COVER CHARGE, $7.50 SPECIAL CONCERT. 10 TO 12 Biilic Shaw and Her Wendi-rful 192.1 llemi Arts Keic ill KXTKRTAIN Yeu "Ml'SIC by .Tep 'JVrmini's Orchestra I'liene Poplar 2515 for Kcsci'witien !Kau Arts in Atlantic City Will AImi j Celebrate Appropriately Yjj 7vt 7, i i SL nuuBaan m r :v&imx&m2&2L: i i i Philadelphia 's Leading Rug Heuse The world's largest store devoted exclusively te the sale of fleer coverings. A type, pattern, size, color and shape for every room in the home. A L nIVUWlCJlviLHUJLiVf. . 1220 .MARKET STREET b. .-j- 'wus.-"inj"iijui jij'ii. uvrvar eAAwv-r-,rrA TJVifcA-aT-y-mT-TfmTcm xyj J? T iii1 ,'' iia b MS"ia: n a a G'B h P S THE RADIO SHOP? " 1334 W. G1RARD AVE. i 3 I OPEN EVERY EVENING T "Heck up at Burger's and you'll Heek UP right." A FEW OF OUR WONDERFUL VALUES " STORAGE BATTERIES, 80 Amp., s9.75 j; All new, guaranteed. i?lK.nt) alue . BALDWIN HEAD SETS, TypeC, $10.95 4 i Ci'uaranteed genuine, rninplcte. Ken;, SUi.tlO, Speeial. I Variable Condensers Finest quality, liraw aliiiiiinuiii plates. Capacitj guafantpnl. j rj'-Plate. Reg. S:i.,-,n ().-,( Il-plale. Reg. SI-'iO ...S1.H) i Hrandcs Superior. Sr n , Del ores! MUD Trans- Se AC Heg. 58.00, at 0l O formers. Rpg. Sn'.Oii LUO r Di iriiw iinnli-rs. rrii.ininli'i'il. nelllld Mesteru Ivlectrir, Naj n Q with gieen Mil,. sn.Oii s- cr j ,'?Pe. Rpg. $l.r,.00.. OJ value lUtl VARIOIXIFTFRI ehd ni.ihegan. ; scaiened Se OF TrtMUlVItltKO wuid. 1)t..lutlfll tu.i-h. "00 dirept pigtail eentaet. Reg. $8.00. VARIOCOUPLERS ZJmJ s2.95 'lediMty, wound en lial.flite. Rpg- 's "0 , A Cnmplrtr Sleik nf Ri'li ililr Appai itim . . v 'ointceiii Sn-vlci, l.ip'H AiMi- M .Snliiic(eii diiprniliTil M.nl erdrrii lillrd preni)ll Out of the Conceited C.H. Burger & Ce. Open Every Evening Etra-Sizc Ceals up te 54 Bust in Slecl? Purchasing A genii Orders Accepted. Mail Orders I'iUed. 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (Opposite Keith's Theatre) Repairing and Re modeling Dene at Our On'ti Factory. JANUARY FUR CLEARANCE Opening Tomorrow, 9 A. M. Reductions of r -fl 3 TO "72 Special Hudsen Seal Coats 4 -tn. Hudsen ' Seal and Slrunli Coats, . 40-m. Hudien Seal and Skunk Coah, 19'i.OQ 105.00 Hudsen Seal Capes. 175.00 Vi Self Trimmed Capes . Skunk Tiimmerl Coats. Beaver Trimmed Coats Squirrel Trimmed Coats Self Trimmed Wraps Skunk Trimmed Capes 175.01) 185.00 195.00 225100 245.00 265.00 A Small Deposit Reserves Your Purchase Wis Variety f Special Value 1 Met Xatmal Rauaen Iwli, 16'hOO Th-il ikiv nnniWMrlnilfrl iivillllS Oil 11 1 1 desired furs in sports Ur.d dress models. An opportunity net likely te be duplicated Breun Marmet Coats 54.50 French Seal Coats 50.50 Hair Seal Coats 64.50 Russian Peny Coats . . . . . . G9.50 French Seal Capes 74.50 Trimmed French Seal Coats . 70.50 Natural Muskrat Coats .... 89.50 Trimmed Marmet Coats )S.5() BlnrU Caracul Coats 125.00 Civet Cat Ceals 145.00 Scotch Mele Vraps 165.00 1 1 I'd n S il s ' ( if huit. I'niuh Seal Is I - ;' C v 40-m .utural Afiiiii( CeciK ; ' ')() '! PU Mm' Wlm jtW1 v mi Men and Yeung Men Can Save by this Year-end Clearance of Wkfter Clethin This Year-end Clearance affords a wonderful opportunity for men and young men te secure a fine new suit or Overcoat, at a most substantial saving. Be here early te-morrow and make your choice while the excellent collection is at its best. Superb Londen-Made Overcoats ' QAi fif) Remarkably Lew in Price P lJVf Londen's leading Overcoat tailors. Thoxten & u'rihl. hac put all their .skill into the finishing el' these warm, -nnrt-loekinp models. Only the finest Knjdish Uver Uver eeatinjfs in the subdued colorings were u-ed. Wickham Overcoats Tailored Exclusively for This Stere ! $38.00 Truly a remarkablp opportunity is afforded bv this group el' Overcoats. Sold in this Stere only. Wickham Clothing is known te met Philadelphia!!." for its e.xclu siveiiess of stvle and supremaf of tunljtj. Thi.- cl uranc1 price S38.00 indicates a sharj) reduction and a a.st .sa1 ing. Xw belted nieiHs. bright colorings included. Overcoats of Imported and American Fabrics Reduced s $28.50 Seme of America's best tailoring houses produced these Overcoats, which should ordinarily bring considerably mere than $28. ."0. There are numerous dark mixtures and everplaids. in belted-bu.'K or belted-all-around Ulster models. All-Weel Overcoats Are Unusual Value indeed at ! $22.50 In fact, in thi lew-price group a man can new select rrern ;' quantity et light and dark colorings, a plaid- or pkin-back material sure te plca-e. Seught-aftc;' styles, tee. while the price h unusually lev. S22.."i. Many of Our Finest Suits I Reduced New for Clearance $44.00 Several lets of our I'm'- Siils. v whiih the r.v.ge m' v.c- incomplete, re-grouped and re-marked at a luusiik-raMy lower price 'n- 'n ilearaiu-e. Youthful md conservative stle.. end pratticallv ail si-r are inf Inch d. Save Many Dollars en These Fine Suits New $32.50 Men and young men, 'particularly the nung mm. will be attracted te this group, for the styles, tailoring, qualitv and ariety of fabric all contribute te make these Suits exceptional alue at SJVi.riO. Wickham Suits Jein in at Reductions of One-third I $28.50 The Wickham Siit au made espcc'lly aiul cc' -iwly fe ihi. Stere and j.rc the choice of thousand; of b iine- men ii Philadelphia, .'euthlu! j.i'd con .erative styles in light and davk 1 tbi k and th -aing i. one-third! Splendid Assortment of All-Weel Suits. New $22.50 Yer; atti.rri, model.-, ii.iludmg m m 'pen-.-i.K l.ei tles. practicall all size.- regular, -tout, tail and U-i I rin -!u!ed. The pi Ice g.-e.-tllv be'ev. usual for clearance. Suits With Twe Pairs of Trousers, i'nusual $28.50 Mei. who arc partial te the et.'a-nair-ct-tiniM'is (i(.,1 -,1 ut. particularlv pleased with tl'c.-e Suit-, with two pair- ' trousers. Tliere i a most comprehensive greii)ing of model aril colorings, with ixes for nien of all tvpe-. The price is far less than r wul.ir new S2S.."0. A Sale of Silk Negligees and Breakfast Coats Far Under Price A prominent manui'aeturerV clearjjiee of lieautiful Xeplijyecs. All fresh and new. ju unpacked. M'odels nf erejie de chine, taffeta, satin, hrecade, satin and eivpe Cieerjiette cenihincd, waterfall veleurs and hrecadetl ehitVen ant' eivp" Ci'MroeUr. Medel after model, in cx itii.iU' celni'injis, nmu' pastel-tiiu'd, utliM in vivid lines, wanner rich tene. I'sd; l"y-ti'ir..iiK.l. and iii l)lac"k. Many ne-'el styles from Hreak lasi Coats te Tea. (!m ns. All neinb'y les.s. hn ivjjular. In the French Salen Twchc model-, special SI). Oil Thirl -si model',. Mice'ial S Hi. 1)11 Hunt models, special SIS. (10 I ightccn models, special X20.0II Kiht models, special S22.."0 'ie metleks. Muuial $21.0(1 Ten models, s-iecial S2l!.(IO Four med-Is s:!'.()() and SHI.')') In the Negligee Stere T'cn(, models Hese i one-fourth under price: HnaKfa-l Ce.it. special ST.-lO N vliyces. lace-trim-ned S10.."i0 IJicikfasf Cnls, su(ial S10.!"i Satin f gl'et- SI 1 .7.1 Sli'Min Neuliuei's S12.7"i i mud U. sp cia' Sl.'i. 7.", " i i.. j ' Ji; Friflic Ditlritl 1334 W. Girard Ave, I'bila. .HIP ,: a' BB "" a ' a n I r irr ' . j