r. 'IMKH NMFM' UK n , :. it r.fiii i ifUlfit- ' 4 V' iu; M V i,f r i 'W PPJIjxjiYjj -i,v,e i"i' v. ,. n ., ATirr ' r . f'Vt'' Mjw-iJ!'$$s'.. " y "vy-i' 5f' ,r,' favfUretii v '".fH-'fp! EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 gu something tickici tiv ' &liilRwy v J M vm&&$ 'm WMMnW4&P.4mVl H-t.. i,dentlv. of a a.nu M- 'WJWV vSSS U 5- &.v sir? iilKaWiWi ' -r.KSfwav e a1'" i' unseemly ninth I . . I I n 1 A ZOOIOl.ICVL I U' fancv c' B.' Mp. in r,,s -ense e h inn H i i $$&,- w wnm&rtmTyxwB ' - VHH i Ml I I ' " - ' "" " " "S l TT... -'..IT .-M. jl.Mtu a.. vt.-v v wmwaj wwa W .cvmw j,,'tMvju.wi"iM. , , ,, . ii I ill I HUM i I IHIMMBMMHII I I I I I i i i I ill C',J F - " ;... . S ' . . V a 'J. ' . K "" ?iKBSSiffiiKi25yvg! '. " - s :"'Ji'; jfy-'tm mmmmmvm :. - ,& ma - 7 -h - " rtirtf-rf --i" " - "i - ' u m - ;f 5;vr.i T3ram" ' .VV.v, I ...iv,,? , -s '..:, Hil.' ., ' 5 JH " - v ': ' v ,v ' h - v3 i i u; :: - fWjHL. . j ,-.'. isaanr' -iiw - : ' ." i'4, ,. t , r vim ' B wes iHH iK.iAt ?...-:.: '.', jm ?-..v .. ii . - p1 . xmmmzm. - - i. mt Qn'nmw . .. 9. Vr. " i m m v v v a . rif,t. . . .r i-" .' .l. jd M'wvyaiiH x hscv" H . "-, ". 1. .v UPY iJHH iftw." i:.HI iwwmHHIIHBHHiHMn f,a x, SA ! ,'', " 5- ' v '- J-,; ,l s ,A-J , 'It ri'TTINV, THE LAST-MINUTE TOUCIir.S ON GORGEOUS TKArriNGS FOR NEW 'EAR PARADE. Raymond nn(T William Kelly, of 1839 Seuth Frent street, are j iuuivu i'ii i ui: ini, Huiniu uu i iiiu iui wiiu rvivm vmu. ULr. uiiuui ivt'iit ei umi amis. imam ivnf i . tiu ?w"ii n -vi.-. n.iw " -..... '.,, V i. ... .,, r 4V... :! i,.. rtV... ..r !.. r.n t...: i i.; ..i.i .. t- ... i- - n!.l .xt,1rtIA Tl nU f nil 4-hJn itmnirhf ntirl inlinr will tin Kinn nil .r Li'.-iuniv. ,u me i i hi., iiiu i-uuiia in wi'UiKU vrniuu- lire UXllliin JUS spilUT-w tu SCENE OF DERAILMENT AT PRINCETON JUNC TION, where the engine and eight cars of the P. R. R New Yerk-Chicago flier left the track, slightly injur ing one woman and Mrs. William Kelly, Jr., arc snewn in tnc center picture, suicning mraypn a pan. i ncing his spider-web costume te a rapid completion. Tlie result ei all tnis tneugnt ana laoer win ee seen en bread street a cw Years morning Ik ' ' I WP Aim 9mm if wfl 1 AIR TERPSICHORE NS TWIRL T MUINTE ML MCAL CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE, held Ian night in the balb-oem of the He evie-Sf. " r ' c jr. . ee.ls .' w ich i'i go e enccuragc interest of publie sch el pupil' in music. Miss gn s Hai tcr, M a- L A.tK t,s ai.d M -- Kar1 r Franz, pictured above, are the three dancers who hc.pv.'! niuM tnt .tFan a iccess t . k h. ,fcf. . j ut !f v JwiUfc - LM !j emit wmW9 Tfc MMKvE SP5PWiiW! THERE WFFE TOYS GA.LORF for the children at the P."i and Pencil Club REPORTED DYNG IN WANT. Christmas v .rt jesi'n'n vlI 1 dt the s'ub's headquarers, 1' '26 Walnut street. Beb Fuzsimmens' ex-wife spent Nm( i u . gi u us r.ctured abee er.jej.ng fhe.r toys thousands aiding down-and- outers JUDGE KA'iHRYN SET - IERS. of the Ju'rr e Court of Wn'h n,rt,i , D. C. c n'-or -ss rnef (Jeerg' V -- Me r, r'- ten, T. .- n rib -hairf an ul Gr,'ii ; I n t r i a !a Smyrna aw C r, n- m r e disaster ,1 INTERCOLLEGIATE ("HESS TOURW MFT. Dae Gladstone, w Yeik'i 15-year i pre'iigj-, played Fred Cao-c&te, U. of P., te a ''ra liOmn;, ( n ' ' - STORMFIELD. COUNTRY RETREAT OF MARK TWAIN, sold te Mrs. Margaret Given, of New Yerk, will be remodeled l t he new eum-r. Samuel Langhorne Clemenx, known te thi literary world as Marl; Twain, spent the la t sT hw ciua of his life there until his death in 1910, ami the property, consisting of 218 acres and an Italian villa, CRIPPLED CHILDREN HAD "SCRUMPTIOUS" TIME AS GUESTS OF SHRINERS at the Metropolitan Opera Heute. yestcrdav. G. M. Hurdinstine and "Bill" Fraser, of the Lu Lu Patrel, ure pictured en the left with two of their little charges. W. Frceland Kendrick was one of the hosts, and is shown en the right holding one of the happy youngsters. All in all, the party was voted a huge success THE SEN EN LEAGUE BOOTS have nothing en the skis of Switzerland's jumpers. The above Is an every day scene in snowy Daves, a pepuiar leseit ler winter sports L I I I I I ' J : lir -, REFUSED NEW YORK MAR RIAGE LICENSE. Dr. Albert Leien?, son of famous surgeon, and Bareness Stankevlcs THESE FAIR WINNERS OF NORTH PHILADELPHIA POPULARITY CON TEST received Mayer Moere's congratulations at City Hall yesterday. They are, standing, Anna Paskewits, Verena Erny, Louise Miller, Kathryne Bettau and Thelma Walsh. Sitting, Margaret McGeniglc, Kathryn Shingler and Marie Fischer MOTHER NATURE HERSELF er' odd potato -.en te ittle Richard Beitoletti and I'clix Battista, 1910 Sejth Tenth street, who found this uniquely formed vegetable FAMOUS FRENCH ICE SKATER RIVES. Miss E. Romoli is en route te Lake Placid for the winter sports W. J. Leve, vice CAPTAIN GEORGE KENT SHULER, recently president and elected treasurer of New Yerk State, pictured general m.in- with his wife and daughter Jean ager Emergency Fleet Cerp. CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? "i v,Vn 3s4Kt aa . e I I if ' I kf " . .ffflifiiirtwwi! &... AffTwarAai'jtv.iiTjr .awajj r. -'atfjce'Aie-.,i vl .' !flBBaBS3SSSeEKIHj I.WV4Si?"?r ?SSi8WWfflH . zbuasHcjRK-.' RTxT"5KmLsV',f'wJir'j.'Y'j'Ki ti ?-j aa.. w .i ."-. .f ;irrY ;.imizrrww BilfMpjplisI y ul has remained unoccupied ever since. YESTERDAY WAS BLANKETING DAY FOR HORSES, and mnny veteran nnimnh were protected against the rigors of winter at the S. P. C. A. headquar ters, 024 North Bread street 'I HIS CORNER PRESENTED QUI'l E RURAL ASPECT IV ikk. ti, v. .1. t i iv nx it appeared en the corner of Forty-feUrthnd Wallace ?eett 2 h make room for mere modern structures. Contributed by MibH Anna H. "welk Atlantic City? N. J pSbe aend ul your old Philadelphia photographs L ft p ullr J", i)nJe.