;- .svfpSTvT P,tU i,k-- IF'Tj-Frrfy'Mv - -H ;; "n? 'MjfHSJW'VW'" ' ' ' " 'Trr?jr7 i ' flft" 'J" f) CHILDREN FETED BY CUBS Cripp'es antl OrP111'15 Guests of Newspapermen at Thrce h Thoatres JOYOUS AS CURTAIN RISES Te (IhmimiiiiI "f III" (,;" cripple 1 ... i.rtiiml e!il!ili'n'i whn werp en. iml ("l'" ' , tfrtnlmil I l"v at ."",-:l lli"nti'i l."r H,rnmnccs ."rranged bv the Cub. ii j.fU1,,,iiprinen nrjiiiniz.il I' n. were fathered In KellliV Thpntr. by 1(1 e'rlni'k III'1' mrtr:il-"t waiting fop Hip' rerfirmnncp I" begin. llurnitie with cngcr "tcpt. the flu'. -tr(.n crew (li-'l 1at tlie doers, tlio' tlie' luijjlil " fi"Pii tm' '"'a!" i'M if tAr wn'nM leek Ivyeiiil and learn t It" secret of the fairyland which In) be- hin.l il f'i- "i;i- , ,. .... the rurtnln went lli 111" i-.iildreti sliiekcd wit'i ;e nnd tbe twis-titig mill turning sctthd te ii brcnlhlcM unlet u the picture show begun. After llntt the regular Keith's program was given, through the eeurtesv of K. K. Albpp, lfnrry T. Jerdan, who n rniihffr of rfreiiiiitilPH. nml t lie actors nml these who assisted, nil services being given free of clinrsc. lied, blue, orange nml giccn paper Mps ii ml tissue paper dills were ills tribiileil te 11" children, fn iiilditieii three ten of candy were given nv:ij. Disabled Snltllei-s Alse Dliiett ' Twenty-live disabled soldiers in ' rhntgp of Mrs. (Jpersr T. I.urlng, of the KmerBPiK'.v .Mil. mm inry erpmins were entertained nt l.ubiii'H Cnfe nfter I he perferata iipp. 1 A number of actors were taken by the Tubs te Knglesville, Ii.. le enter tain the orphans there. In addition te the entertainment fit j Keith's, children were also taken te the Colonial Tlicntte in Cermanlewn iml the Nixon in West I'liibidelplii.'i. , Harry T. .lerdnn. ItpiI ft. NUen Nirillinprr, A. Snb'.esky, .lebii McCunl Vmnl: W. Huliler nnd A. I.. Mlnsteln ' ..ffereil Hip three thpntres nt whleli the ilmiH will he given le the Cubs. i One of the largest delegations- of rhlldren who snared in iiii irp en tertiiinments was one from the Miewn F.ur.is, gathpi-ptl by Dr. .1. Mini, Spencer. Assislant Director of Public AVell'iire. Thry were brought te thi nly in busses. .Mr. Merris S. Hai-raii. the nnl MPiaan member of the Cubs nnd Hit first lice president, was chnlrinuii m' the entertainment given at Keith's llieatip. Assedateil with her en tin if.mmitlec weie Mr. .1. Willis Martin. Mrs. Arthur Joyce, Mrs. Mnuiice J. Sp.-lcer and ethers. Chil Service Coi.iniissieiier ('buries VT. i'"ld was chnirfmi cf the mm mm liilllec nt the Nixon Theatic iin.l Jiiilie .1. Wll'ls Martin at the Colonial. V.. J Cat tell, of tlie Chamber of Cni.uneicp. was the Santa Clans nt nil the theatres mid made Christians i (Idle ses le the jeuuusters. At (he Colonial. Colonel I.e.vii II. Ann D'immi. D . Cjiivln II. Altiniise. ei' tlie (Viiivnl High Scliet.l f.icilti. nml Clliiiiei Kegers WoedrulV. clinlrmnu of il.e Civil S"ric- Ceiiimisshin. weic H'ral.er-. Jeseph McLaughlin, formerly iliii'ilnr of the Bui c.'i ii of Supplies. "le lit the Niven. Vaudrllle AcN for .luicniles 'Ih" ciiterlninnicnls (nuslsted of v.i',ilei'p nets sp'-ilall.i Miltcil te 'the ..uviMiile lasle, fili.iti with such slui- as liiister Keafeu and Charlie Chaplin and oilier fialutes. The .Mtlingsters mk leieived bj (lie fnlliii.lug leininitlee: .b.-eph .sncllfi hug. .Iii"iib I). I.i-. Samuel D. Lit. iieiiige II. IleiTiuan. Cpiiigp Ii. .Mi-.id . I.is-ing .1. IJes.'uwahl. Cluirli-s J. Ki-"i iitnlif. Kiiwln M. Lewis. IIi"i Lew mil Siiiniicl (inlilsti-in. Judge Mcitiii is hnnerarj piesidiii. nf tin- Cubs, mid Jeseph II. (iiiinbiiinv., amusement diiei-tt.r. was in rhiirgc of the festivities tedn, Jeseph Melgiu v.is in clmige of (hi, dircc.len of n'i n'i n'i toiiiehiles. ilther eih'ieis nf the i lub are: Dliee l(i nf Public Safel.l Cnrleljiil. iici- drill : Mi j. Mm rait, tir-d vie' piesidcui : Asis:nnt Distiitt Altuinej SpeNi-i . sci enil ie president: linigc ,1, :i II mills, sec.-eiiiij, nnd Knl.erl l(. Hnf f n ill. in usurer. ACCUSED EX-U. S. AGENT ILL ASKS TRIAL DELAY Griffin. Charged With Whisky Watering Plot, te Be Examined Ciniimel f,,e Matthew V. lirl.iin I'lriiiled ledaj for a i intinu.ince of bis 'Mill en a ceiisiiiinci iliuiui-, srhediileil fnr Wuliiesiiay net. en the ground that Hnthi, is in Ik-,1 with a hem. .. .. 1. '.rilin was ngcni m charge of Hu i luted sinus sei-rrt Semi-,, heie i.- .'f.'irs. With fnur etlu-i-s he is in ued "f lenspirilig In defraud the linen- "'flit 1)1 subslitlltiliL' waler fn Intituled for i-pnit. "a iiiniiim if I'nilcd S.ni.s. Attern. Ci.Ji--', Juilue DicMusiin ri set oil ib-cisse i mi the motion until Mr. C i'i-' pii-niuil lli.sicinn cxainiu s Mr. iii-ih'i. "'litis ins(. of gnat iinpei i.nn ft nl Mr. Cele., 'and our ,li -t. imi'ini wail inn lung in irjln-: it la-aiisi- di msms mil) leaie th.-" jurisdictie'i. If ' i.'iitiniianie is grinned wc ill Iiiim I" Hi Hie ie-iefc'iiliintsi and in -n Ii.im- s.-patiiti. 11 la I for lirilliu Inter." Sen in j .i m. witm-sscs bin.' been si). I""ti!iid. INJURED CARETAKER DIES Camden Police Unable te Flrd As sailant of Clown Club Empleye Mvstery surrounds the Injun nnd Jiil.seijiii.iii death of Llliett I egan, lm i wars old. of l:.M7 Kaighii nvi ue. Caiuilen. (iiietal.vr of the I'ainden I low ii Club, a New Year n-soclatieii whiih h.is its hi'.idquuiters al Seieml mid Sjcninnrc slrects. lie died l.i-t 'tight in i In- Cooper Hospital. "u Chr, Mimas Km- Lugan was feui.d iiiicuiisciniis en the siiluwail. near the (In lib .'isc. His ...kaii uai, f.-a. turc.l 'iini ju' broken. Once wh-n the in Jui tl man regiuneil i'iiusciiiiisinss In ti'liiied in tin- alliiuiiitivc w h-ti a'-l.td II he hail been beaten. lie lapsed "tin coma before mi) details could 1'c lent ned. Mitiibei.s nf the club bclieic lh.it l.'ignii s injiilic.s wcie iliu n-v.ilt of -i fall. HAS PARTNER ARRESTED Pawrbreker Charges Him With Taking Christmas Sale Proceeds Alter SiUiiin in cash had disappcaicd "in the safe in Samuel Diiiim'j'n p.iwu Hlf' at lull Miiiket Ktrei'l, Dansc) 'iiiisril th). arrest of his parlner, luirlcs limeks. of I ifi). eighth and 1 lii'slinit sinus .en a idiiirge of Hi.' IllMHluleiil cenersi,M of piiitlli'ihlp '"sp,- Al ii liP.'irlllg befnic Mllgls- "Up lieiishiiw ill Central Station )cs- "nliii. MrnnkR was held in !?."ilM)0 hall "i" luilbei- hearing IihIim. Acceiilliig le Dnisi.., the itish was rit of the. pi,i,.(..ds of Christmas sales "nil was pnt.0( , ,!. strongbox by him "ti December ",.'1. The following dny II n mli-sliig. Helps Orphans Mrs. .Maurice !. Speiscr. who allied today in tlie bringing of Christmas ccer te net:.) children, wild were ciitertainril at sperlal lli.-afrh.il prrfennaiires !,iveu by (be Cubs, with one nf the clilldreii le whom she illstrlln'fil toys anil candy FUR THIEVES ESCAPE WITH $4000 LOOT Make Quick Getaway Frcm . A fTlere Avenue otere Baltl luis raid t.i I w, i-t!i nunc i;nr. MIKMI wire '.Up loot (nUf'ii nv burglars mi un.ni- iiiiw in.- Min-r in i inn, j.m- vin at nlHi M.iltimerc av"uc rnrlvlhls morning Th'- Mere, above wb'.-b I.eivin mid Ills who lived, win eipilitiipr!, vitli a liuralar alarm. li":i th buiglars jiinmleil open the fient deer Hi" alaim Mitinibil. I.eliln mil h.s , i.V leimed irein iii-it .it;i iiisiicl iiiiwustalru. It-it tin- buifflnis had alie.idy get be.- Imul mid were speeding tewarl I'if'j-I'nrt street in mi unto. WANT FERRY RATES CUT DOWN TO PRE-WAR FIGURES Cen-.pany's Camden Big Divlds-.ds Cause Freeholders' Msve Large dividends pp'. I by the Ca-.ubn and Plii'iul'dphia Terry Ceuipnn;. luive resulted in i mnv.-iiient te force Hie corporation te retluci- its rales ever the Dehi'vnie lltver te jirr-wti.- lieu 'is. A vp'olullen has Iippii adept d bj the Ca.-nde.i Ce'iuly Peard of I'ivc I'ivc liebleri seeking thf aid of Hi2 Inter btnle Commerce Coinmisi'ea toward that end. The I'P-rtlutieu. intrei1, ci by I'ipp I'ipp helder Prank Sheridiin. ius."u ts ilm Ceuutv Su'icite:- le p-iifiiui I he com cem lili'S'nn te -I'.iiliel lb- ce'ill.'l'lv In ie d'lie Hie pissenger r.ile te th e- cers. le cut the I rice of Hi.- t-ll-s lip ii 'i.ts in t .n't't. -tue ten's .i -nl te f.-ii' s i i' i niile'iiubi'H r.ile a' f nt. -b t i-nts a cur. TI"-.p llgures are the iir.'-wn- rates, which were increased n'e-i- wi '- etlt-r irnusrmiatiiii lig ires. At pr-, n- t li' lit si.-,,., r nit. H i i,i,- .! it , t -p i t t.W-'s are ih'.itr enn'- a'ltl 'hi- . ''to ''te ir.nb.l i.i e i iliirt) two ( ".its. SIX MONTHS IN JAIL FOR EX-JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Caither. of Mantua. N. J.. Assaulted Farmer He Sought te Arrest V. illii'iu P.. iiii"li-r. rn M fit., i. N .' . feiiiierly a c -me 'if the jiuici-. w ' -ill-lice i it si ; ie,ilh. in li'e 'cestri I niintv .ill all! also wii' lined SJ,"hI '! d.ii. Ill- wn- c,ii.-ct r-i-i'iltij ;' aguniiatcd n-sa,i't it.' In. -r. en i I'rigti :i P. Wa'ls. a i.i.ui , i I.ttit it.-i . who .Mil 'n l Srp'f 'i":- v.ln I Cither 'tin! n cel i. Ve If'-'l m s w ,t variant -i hi .1. i'"iiiu .Ii- i-iiiis-Wi,"- was shot i-i i ' - she-ild. . P . heik iis!n- i-'iiiiei'i fei liai'h-r n .t I a-iil s! te Jinlte I'm ii. hi- Pi-'i.i-c iter I.juinih'aii iislji-d f.c i-i-.i;i!:'i p'tiii iiicii.t. TiALJ'SLMtK J" tbj Seles, e! - .J-'frfl 'I l 'rSS! UVM . Sf&ClV VbtyAwP.init fft7i I'jf , , . ,T ". I ) and enable ?ileii te save - tlieiv tnnrwi'fii- f Yeung Just Received Anetiier Gt'ent I-'uverite Norwegian Grain Shoes & Oxfords fS- ?wTV? ''nu' nt : M Price i m him L V; ""m ( i f VKfe. X IIKATHKK SV- WOOL JSSSil1 SOX 65c QaMS:: .Crsx SIS 13 YMlNQ PtJBLIC BUS INESS CL Influential Organizations Pledge Themselves te Active Werk for 1926 Exposition j i DIRECTORS MEET TODAY j N'ine infltL'titial rlnbs itid bnlr.e:'i UBS 10 WORK FOR FAIR nrvicl.itlens wpre repreR?nd at thr')nnny thickly tluffed lentlipr armcliairs tliinl reunil-tnWe cenferencp centluetPd ity the Adviser" r.KP-utlve (Jonimlltep of Hip f5"sr':l-rentpnnial Asoflntlen. Tlir present net only rrpressed them snivel as favorably inclined toward (be fal- trejeet. but pledged themselves (0 wi .. for Its indi)rsntiieiit by their rc- live clubs. Th" nieeling was r.tlen()"d by Uewe Slcwm. ff the l'.,ei Itlchanl Club ' I P.ill'i A Ciiiibe!. . . . . .I... I of the Malket t,. 1 11. ...1. . 1 ,. -.!-.. . l.nM1n A .-lieei lillflltr'i ,i'ui'iuiiu,i , uimiii " Stln.en. i,( tlie I'.etarv Club: Iieb-rt j Nash, of the Kiuaiis Club: EIwoeil H. ! Cbnptnnn. tf Hip Chctnut h'tveet r.iti!- nefs Assorlntien: tie-trg" I. I.evatt. of I the riiilniHulii.1 Chapter American . Institiilc hi Architirts; Daniel I'rew- ford, Jr.. of tin- DiieraCng Mmlders Assorlalleii: W. V. .1 attics, ti the, l',ti.'ineer' Club e' I'hllndelphl.i. and .Iidm (!. Wlllinms a: 1 David 1 Hallam, of the Heal IMut" !! ar 1 Membrrs cf the 1'air Commit Ire nl , the luncheon were Krne'i T. Trie?. chairman: DIN A. Hlmbel. K. .1. I.affpity. David S. I.'.uuim a ml .H:!e.- i:. Matbai:ia. , ! Vhe cemmlllPP reuferrfd with inetlipr group ui nijen today and sub- , mil a report of its neti' itiea te dale te j the directors, who meet .11 -1 o'clock. 1 Meperfs "f continued Interest thieusbnut III" Ollelit in the Sesqili- ' Cpiite'niiint tireb-ct have been received firm Irn V. Striilten. lermer Mnyev f Ilending. rn.. who 1ms heen spreau- 1U2 Hie worn iiuiu.ui, nun .. nu t iii-) linn, rf wrltltr: was at .Manila. A lnrtev has bee'l iiddri-'Hi'if le the ceniniitiep by the Ner'b I'lilladelphla Mnnufactiirer.s' Assei iatien. mi anti- fnir b-ulv. suggestliig that If the Inir Ceinmltt'ee is desirous nf obtaining in-; formation ceiiceriling Hie attitude of the i i.itlreiH en tie lirejecl. tlie inan'llac- ' fliers would up very gum ie sun inif such data as they have gathered. Inc'.v.illng ii digest of tin- objections and it list of these opposed le the fair. "It i an be slated lenservrtively." Hip letter rends, in pail, "that net two bii'-liu-ss men In every "00 that we lime heard from have nuneiinee.l th"v favor the proposed exhibition. Mnsing our estimate en information v.t have ob tained, we venture te stale (hat should Ibe question be put te a popular Mite in Philadelphia Hip preje-i would be defeated by a ete of at least llfty te one." VTCIIIMi TIIK Ml IIMHRS' rAK.VDK The ctev of cthfr N'jv Vi.ir n pnrhi!-. r"ltarev t for lilt lienef.t uf lhie who ar plinir.uic up I-rltiB en Ufacl s'-et iwn'iAXt 1 A eo'.ei f ul ilffcitptlen of an e- -it tita Its iiiatle l'lillarilpliin f.i-nen for V y.-.if !liln la il.e Mniia.nr S-ei oil It II" .SlIllUliv I'IMLll, I.tUilbll. ' Jla'.i I. . H-.1." ' IJ . wspf' 1923 Greet the New Year in the Palm Roem of the St. James HOTEL i.rrii ww.n'.t stiikkts .Snpper ilr l.uap. 97.eO, Inrlatllne; f'euirrt i'liaritr Mu-te flnll P. M. Snerl-vt Canern 10 P. M. lu fleitnr rDcccnibcr 31, 1922 Vce.-rcfi'iunii Spntec f ')0 I 1 erf'Teefc en Men - r ddeil If Our Splendid the Popular New lij;i htylcs thut will prove most pupulnr for tludf pleas ing' appear r ,6 serv- .,,.,i.:ii.. s s-nuiii. and mnvlmum t'Olllfe' 1. SHOK PTOll SS TtM- I. . CM M IIHMIMIHHaHnHM wfeK 3fi Wtti N lzu4-ueU8 marKei &ireei 4 LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, RACQUET CLUB HEARS MORE RACKET THAN IS DESIRABLE Trucks Hitting Letv Spots en Sixteenth Street Make i vises That Would Put a Beiler lioem te Shame "Hnp(liet Club i rlslit." ay the tnetnbei'H. "The- fellewK who named tblx place rprtnliilv bad n bpiisc nf the litncss of tilings It's 1 lies "raekct" eltib all right. You'd think se. loe. If eti sat bprp for a while and NstPiied le thefp trucks nitd delivery wagons hit ting Hip low srnt9 In that group nf open graves tlipy cult n street, out there." In the ms intingilig room. Willi Its and Feias men hii ami hiik quiciiv un 11 few minutes after lunch. Then 11 heavy dray wealhern the rough sens en Sixteenth sticrt .'inn in cargo m iron piping and Iree strips make a bedhim thai would put a self-r'".pectliu boiler shop te shanip. Me.t automobiles aie net bu'i'l Ilk'' the decks en the (easts of MiiIiip they nre net pre)are.l for quick changes of level. I' tin- lil" of th" Mreet't sur face ilses loe ftbrupll.v or recedes tee ... ... .!..!. .. ... 1 iI.jiim r. I... ......illlii tll.lt fill. III ''t lllllili:il. HH-i'- Ml.- l.-JMll.T Hill. . ' ' .-..- nllllnm OTnnl SMOKE DAMAGES STOCK IN MACARONI FACTORY Less of $1003 Early Today by Fire (;,. en West Dakota Street caused by sparks from a 11100 In (he innruienl factory it A. II Minium .V Sen. 1011!-11 Wcl Dakota i.lipel itpsfinypil stec;; valued nt .!('(JO earlv this morning. Mrsl of thf. dnuiazp was caued bj smoke which seeped thieugh (up build lug. The Haines were ipilckl.N i tlnguNlietl by llreiuen summoned 1 : a wa'chuinii at I be pla-e. COUNCIL IS THANKED Redman Wanamalccr Writes Appre ciation of Sympathy Iteilnmn Wnnaniak'-r j i'trriln.v rnt a lrttrr te Council formally thanking that body for the resolutions nt con- ,tetii 0 adopted upon the ilea th e li.hu wnnninnker Mr. Wanamaker simkc of the e.i- gressi-1 resolutions of sympathy .is "(he mniii U.niif ll'nll v enirf.sseil rs. itnl inns hnvi ever se.'ii." and be ej n-ssL.,l ,s dpep apprei iat Ien of (he unu'ii.tl action f Council taken in n.eiiiiu.i nf his fallier. Mantell Presents "Othelle" ICeberl M. Mantell nnd his c iinjian;. 'ast nighi atliled "f)tbelle" te (he rip- erteiic of Shnkesper.ivan aid i Insslcal pirns he has bccli presetiting at lliei P.reiid Sticel Theatre. The star ant bis cliarmliu lending ladj. lieuevipve Ilanitii'i'. as well as the sii) porting players, did ell with liiis jiewirful (ragnly of (he Micir. The staging was also ailequaic. The Matchless Grand ( 1 I. .L- - ..... ... I V . . I inC D UDC1IY YUll V...I U S, v Vlllin. vmi !.. mitvimitr.l U "" iA'V i . ' i - . I en your investment; U tTlihrAw?i 9 Wouldn't a bigger return MSW5?m' U rdmc te you by putlin up IfftffSgwrjfl I an npartment house, or nn m eiuce nunuing : I I Wc can show you hew te H de this. HEYMANN & BRO. B Kcal hstate U " S Va E tlrtteinn Building H Kt,Gtf& JtSt I 13-215 S. Bread St., Phil., Pa Jl e , If you wish the pink of perfection in Music and Art Cases see our array of beautiful, g Matchless Cunningham Grand Pianos PAYMENTS AS YOU WISH ! g IT PAYS TO THINK! a 8 vr m jr wt v r,ir','i w myncm i 11 til and Chestnnf Sts r. r 0,ien KvptihiRi (Factery: 50th and I'arksidc Avenue) v. We ere the Only Piane Manuiusturers n 'enna Famous for St "-- 'fS5S5 jelling from factory often linevpec(-i, KUnetiir.c.s riiiiiv. i treusiy e. "" Why, acceidlng le the Cpi-I-piiii whei KPcp ii watchful eje iiunii ,i ciiht hip periiiis in iiu iiiistifiii ion. ill I was net pry luni: iiee i!.:ii n u.,,,,,.,, ' r"L,I,lh0,:J!l1,,,,I,r,,'l,,li,,''l.''t ESTATE NOT te INTERFERE tlaimigpv. ...i.i. .t. i..i -.. . .. i . iir-iui- injury III ller car. i.iin-ii ii.mi ii'i-i-ivrii i we n:e;pi Hprings. slip bail hern .pvprel, ihiil.cn up her- p;n. nun ii whs ifiiri'ii inr n time tlmi -!ip had itcpIvpiI an injury le her lir.nl. .-.up na.i iiei'ii iiuricit upwaril nguin-i the lop when b'cr r-nr struck thi none-leo-well hidden reef- of Hip roc!beiind lead before Hip Itnciiurt Club. Ai cording te the Init crnut, t leal twenty springs have gnnc ihc waj" if all bad strings dining ine ns men'li and. owing te the newpst sub cellar which has juM bcpii eppiicil f( Iralflc in the cry 1 enter of the c.ir tr.ickH, It U I'.'.-pected that that iiutitbi-r will Iip doubled d.triii Hip next ft clayr, TO HONOR H. 0. WILBUR AT DANCE IN BELLEVUE I Chocolate Manufacturer Is Eighty eight Years Old Today II. Ii. Wilbur, chocolate manufac turer, will be I be guPM of honor (enlglit nl a repetition and dnncp in Hip Helle-viie-Slratferd given in c.'lebrat.en of Ills, elghly-eiglilli birlhilaj. This birl'iilay nartv is ;vi nnnual affair for Mr. Wilbur, ami this yenr. Mr. will IIS usual. Will be Illlrilib-ll lV se.-enil ,(lfer,. ,,, .,,,,, ;, ,.,.,. ,,fl0 hundred ftlenilH Iren, miiieus seel km . ti,,, Cuind .lui of the country. ..;, hin'v ', , , r, , ,., ,, ,.,,.,. Despite bis advaiieed le.iis. Mr ,., l. ,.,!( ..Ve nie ..k- , Wilbur enjevs si.leiidi.l health mid will in ., 1 1 th. time ,n-,l the cusf- Ins mr be ntiieng Hi' most actne il, inters mi i tu .illv uilvnii'-ril," Hip llo(trteniglit. , :r1P ',nM ,;,.,,',! .,., ,,, Se.iif niKe "" j pjcpressi., In loiivi.tien n Knew tlie MARRIED FIFTY YEARS !''.';'l!,,"f 'i'" "'"an '" ,S7,,V I s.i nl te lui'.r heen ;it tin- scene of Hi" Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greenwesd. West Manayunk. Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Itieliaid (ireenwoeil telehr.ilcd the llflieth aiinlversurv et" their wedding bis( Snturdny nl IIP Aililiiml uvetiue. West .Mauayuiil.. Tin- couple Iimc liV'd all their lues In that section mil .Mr. linen inm! ha. been a w.iti-1't..nu mi ill" iiilcrceuiit.i biidgp for Hi" lust twenty-three years, Mr. ami Mrs. lie. enwoeil have fetii clliiiiren. Ilu'ee L'l.iudi-hlhltPii and two gn-a' irraiulchilili ( it. At tin- i lebro lebre lebro lien several T i n i - ups nul gifts ei geld were nii'ilc & ii m. Dancing At IJAiglen Surreundinii that nj-pcal danee floors that arc unusual nutiic of the sort that maket you dance in spite jf yourself. Charlie Kerr's Orchestra silts a new z.-st te life nnd fair ly bubbles ever with verve and fuicty. Dm, rr J)rii : : JO te 0 Se Cm ) Charge Suiicr Dmiccs 0:10 te 1 Uqlen Bread below Walnut Fameui for Its Feed Cunningham j Pianos I All MitU.t u TiiIUmc tmliitirs y Ilriliit'eil I'rli-M r te Heme Direct -s kJlKf "''iMwBf' tpk&MSr 7x1mwy4-vAW& DECEMBER 29, 1922' F, PLANS 10 SCATTER Mrs. Hall Will Spend Three w al i iaimi i e n. Years Abroad Willie te Seuth, Henry te Seuth America Mr. Trancea !teens Hull. whose) bifhatiil, the Itev. Kihvanl 'Wheeler Hall, rector of the Church of H,. .lehll Hip I'Timgelist. n" feuu I 111 ndcicl with .Mr. nie.mer Millien t1" I'liillms fnun. Ne Iiruniwiii. en Scpteni'iei I'l. will ntl fur Hub Juniiiiry 'JD. Iter brother. Willie K evens, w.ll go S-iu'b. nml her ether bretbir. Henn. will g() le Seuth Ainerii 1 fe 1111 indeflultr -lny. Willi Mi. Unit will .Misw s.illv Petpri. be,- It-, 1. ml and riintidiint il.ieiii!- I Hi period following (he murder of the 1 lector. Will Visit Ilal anil Orlrnt It is understood Mrs, Hull nlnnv te remain niiieau iiimiit (lire,, .icnrs will fit st go te Itnly. it i-i .nlil She and then will isit Hie Orient. I Special Atternij lietipinl Wilbur A Mell. In charge of tnc itnscciiien of tin- murder iin.r(.r,. l net inteift-re in .Mrs. Hall's i!ans. he aid ledaj. Mr. Mett iil-e niiiieiiiK e that he i'i i lendid te prt si nt ihe (..is" (l (he Smnei- set County (iratid Jurv aga.n ' nunc time," but would iini -ft ;i iletmiti- ' tt.ifi. It., kt.i i lir. .I.... . ...i f.. ...,,r. i i ui(i. S,Mliv.,. (,,, i .t.t,. piL. niliriler w li) tile le-ter n'lil I He I'nilf "il gi'l v e-.' l.illnl. lieu l(. turel's wile s,pi why the bad n .1 I i ii e'ed (Ills "Weinaii It IIi.m." i ii v explained i hey did net c.iic le de se. although s-ii.. nf i.- i.pntit. unill STEVENS AMLY pyBANKSsBtatvs. LUGGAGE FDR SOUTHERN TRAVEL Traveling Bacji Fitted Suit Cases Hand Bags Overnight Bags On Nev Year's our third year in 4 te our depositors First Penny Savings Bank Jchn Wanamaher, Founder 1343 Chestnut Street 21st & Bainbridgc Streets j; "CARLTON" I ( Tuxedo Cf A Tuxedo of irreproachable quality, making and finish the most grace ful and well-appearing model shown anywhere. Coats arc made with the new and thoroughly approved notch cellar. In all sizes. Cj "Carlten" is Ready for Sen ice. and is splendid value at its modest price of $60. Cj Separate Waistcoats, Black Silk or Mercerized, $8 te $20. i' m JAUOtt KEEI 1424-26 proof ns te her mnlr companion ceubl be1 found. Hull Srnniils In (in ease n llev (inilnl .Iniv l!(''l( in lii (iiirxtliin Mis. Mall It- Iniul- wil , 7 " ... , ti.il. in she will U" lheuaii.l- of .Abiuil I Mill iipw nipinbers v 111 Iip miles num. and centiuiiMil. m tin- added b.i the Artinns nt 1111 liiltlntleii move from place te ptnec. ' b", li"M in iIip t'.iaml Opera IIiiukp Sprvanl- nl tb Hill liuiiic have beru leulght. In wblcli ferli -two norjeinbllon iliMhnrgpil. le Hike i-ITei 1 .liumniv ,0 , In .the I'lillnilplphln district will pnr pnr Ainens them 11 r- l.eui-p iScliI and licipalp. Ilnibnrii 'I'eugb. ihp SPiim-trpvM. Mm- 'Hip Inllialieii piiiN Iip IMdeninir Im-.i has bpn wit.li ibe family main , round-up. in honor of Ictor I. Itlc p miiis IVtpr Tumiilt. Hip chii'iflVur. neur. Hip rellrini: 1110M PTrellent mnBtfr will be cnrctliKer of Hip Hull mai'Me'i during Mr-. Hull 1 nlwncp. SLAYER OF BROTHER-IN-LAW GETS TWO-YEAR SENTENCE Pelllorlne's Family of Seven Re- ' ported as Virtually Destitute Mnsin Pelllgrlne. of Pnschnll aie tiue near Seven t, lit- street. Hie father of seven (llildien. cenii"tetl December Hi of iiiaiislnugbler for kill- , inir Ills brether-ln-l'iw. Michael Muss., was scntin.'id nilny te two je.irs m tin- country prison. Judge Au'lenri'lil ru!c Hint IMIi- i grltie's term would begin with th" day t of his commitment. Hepieiuuer in. Counsel for Pelligrille spoke of hi client's seven iliililn'u and alil Hint an eighth wen fsprttel within n fev weeks. The family was vir'uull des liti'tp. he cNplaincil. and I lie en irt wits asi.c'l in Id i In- prisoner off with the lightest pessi. sentence. Pl'lllg'dlle's lli-felt-n Wlis t'lllt I," li' net liiiem, tn lull ll'ise nt all bm 's linikiii't f''i- fiiiethp- man V lm had wnuntleil bun r OUR Advertibinp, Mer chandising, Art, and Printing Departments afford you a most unu sual and efficient service. The Helmes Press, 'Printm IJ15.:9 Cherry Street I'nlhJclphU J Day we begin the payment of Per Cent CHESTNUT 1 P I 'jTh I ' . m III i - r ARTISANS TO INITIATE 1000 42 Assemblies of Order Will Meat ! n II T-ll. ' 01 uy eiiht. , icmiri 01 in iiuuiii j preilllliein c will liunir". uie riiiiiiiuiiirvi after which a vaudeville show will b staged. Many of Hip nsRPnibliei nr plnnning le entertain their candidate at dinner l.pfete the ineeung. Perry's SUPER VALUE PRICES On Suits and Overcoat of Fine Quality $28 $38 $43 Try and find in any ether geed store such heautiful Suits and Overcoats of such rich fabrics, se superbly tai lored, and in such vari eties. Net only that, but our Super-Value prices javc you $5 te $12 en every Suit or Overcoat and propor tionately mere in the higher ranges. j& Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES jfj Clethes for Men STREET ''if ''III rs sons ft i nri i , .' 4J '9 -I l . f; V V