Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 27, Image 27

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    ..w'Vif'frf&vi$'s ';"" ..-
r.")i ., i; W- ' i',-"'".'iljy '"
' "'kVij: ti-Lcia' iJ-X'XJ""'riV.irf3
1 , ivwi i' f.'i.' j. ;'. . .- '
-rrc r rrrrprr
' -r-r' ' ' 1 7raBir" w
J H1 r r
lH?ATiEShVrb given Hint thi certlfi-
""' .?ier enumerated. Issued under
tt il "r,?t between Kleelrle Iliillivay
S" "'.n,iirltlei Corporation, nnd Fl.
Ww"BBt renmnny. tniMee. tiaieti leu
jelllf Tr " 1022, creatin -Icctrle Kallwrty
... It 1'- -hi, r'nf-nnnillnn Knu ti.
rtf'7-l-i Securities Corporation
rue.s . Hoenrnii-s ,.. - ..... , -r
W?i"S; :. of Pcbruary
4 mini
hnvei In
rlileiii jit
f"i.';.. win
"nl. Iho tifOV i 0111 J)
me, nniii
.SerJinc. w.u. :
nilii --. - XitittMnn
for rei
ut. f Pebruary 1. 1028, nt par and
"S53 dividend te the eald
B&U date of re-
"ptl0i.BM.r of the aatd certificates ere, re.
' T" K-.enl them for payment and re-
m'.ra. '.. ,h nil unmatured usvuieim
j..eiien. " . .1..
?'.. itucheu,
the ofdee
of Ildcllty
L,m.'. r-mnnny.
1023, en
T'i Jut. the dividends upon the nald cer-.r.1,-11
B ..Vi'ileBtes "lied r redemption fire.
4011. 410. 411, 413,110,417.
' V... Mnv I.
11123, et'liiK all of me cr
JiB'itft Jut.landlns duji
tll"". "j 1 421. I'J.i, 42(1
J 433 431, 433.
eud .liny 1, ii'.i, iiiiu
127, 42", -i-V. 4;iU,
... , 111. 4 1.1. -I.VI. S.ll. -.n, '4.11,.
" TV,' iin 441 4t.. 44(1, 447, 44H, 410.
1 ill.
: is . 2.
I.-, I,
4.3.3. 4311
4,37. 4Ml,
4(1.3, 41)11,
1117, 4111,
470, 177.
IS3, 48(1,
4111. 411.3,
r,i3, r,nt,
-iw. 45 1!:;'
? J?
471. 47.1,
iff) 441 1
IS' 47P 4fin,
: 4: v?.
I Ml, 'IM,
102. 403.
.. is-
.Mil. r,02.
r.nq. nnn. due AumiHt 1. 10
"itni-i 1 rv i iiff-r (-"Mr
L ll.vil .v. i. irusieu.
325 Chentnut et.,
I'lillailclphla, l'a.
fwember 21, JPgR: .
-r-r7iiiTi)i:K or Tin? kiiist
I". K'..i. r. Prr 'cut Hlnkltiic Innil (lelil
il l?-u. ,,i.n.Pi I'titnliil
V. " -i-nritj th" l'ir.it MertcaK0f Per eel
l91,1! lriVnd I (Void Oendi of the eald Cen
fJrkir.'ni in"K lilt i ,un- n,l """I ""
."., .7 ,
ffiSWef th.r.lua th-rrnf
nhlh K.ild
bendn rh.ill
CruM ini'ir-J-j J," ., .lnniiarv 111. 1U2.1
SJ Sinelent n.imbr of,th- said, bendn te
..h.nit 1I10 Blad sum of $10.322 01. All
,bJ.iit. should be eraled and lndere.
t&ial. te the Hlnhlnit Tund of Centra
iWS (in M'l T.lecti c Company and
JVeutd deMgnite , the clenomlnitlena of ben.1.1
1 The rislu li reserved te reject an und
til rrepeH"'
j;iv .fViM.TiiiiA
Tr.VST C'33n,ANY.
"!'..' mnv ! w'Al.I.ACK. Trpaurer.
ptM Phlln.l'-lphla. Decemher 20 1'-2
finking ninil-P(ircliiie (envrrlllile Six I'm
tu""usCfnt ,nklne 1 11ml Held llendi
n.,innt te tha provmieni pr in t-euai-
e-a!iire 1 liereby ifUei notice that It new
fa's en hnnJ the mini of $148 872 02 In the
KinklnE Fund provided by eald Trut Asree.
mVnt. and that It Is Iti Intention te apply
it) eum undr the prevision of sild Trim
Jlrreement. te the purchaee of said bend
Offers of eaid bend- am InvItPd at a price
ret te exceed par accrue internet and live
rer cnt premium. Pealed tenders should
( sdlre"''d te the Philadelphia Trust Com Cem
riny. Tnntee MnklnB rund. Standard Oas
iril nieet'ie Cnnniiny, Ilreid ami Cheitnut
street. PM'idr'-ihla. delmtlnir the nmeunt
snd ilrnnmlnitlen of liendi tendered, and
will b" reiehP"l until 3 I'. JVT. Trlday, Jan
mry 12 1":i
Tlin "it." I.. DOI.MMiS c'empTwiki
Annemiee thp payment of Hie folleuliiE flirt-
nVnls pf ( iiiiip'iIiIph tlnaneed bv (hem:
Tfe It I . D 1 lm," Cemp.ni of nhle.. l1!",
Th. lmrt .fennl Nole & MertK.iije
Ce CDl'.nli'i". (Ti'n l'i pe
Th' i'la: Predu in I'limpnii), Ilr,i7il,
la) m-r
The In'enn -fe-inl N"te & Mnrtnnca
Ce In, I irapnlN, lr.il 1 "'i
Pi:.lI-.NS'l AI. I'AIII .1AM AltV 1, 1"23
The ft 1. Pilltni ('unipnny of lti-
(.lana .34
The Andersen Keiindrj & M.itbliie fle .
Anlermn. Ind .. .",'i 'I
The Inilev .Mfx Ce , lndlnnapelH,
lr.d 3S '
The r.ii"' Mf Ce. I.lberly. Ind . . S'j'e
The Se-en .Moter Trutk Ce . Wabash,
Ind .Ts e
Tlie Wnt'in Drep I'ntre Ce , Marlen,
Ind . H'jT.
The Hu-'i llfu. Ce . Warsaw, Ind.. 3'a ej
The M lb land M 11I1I1.9 Ce.. Indtan-
Bpe H. Ii '1 3'i -
The fit i 1'abri" nllne Cerp., Mlchl-
rn ( ti Ind "4
SEMI .'NM A', rilll JANT.MIY 1',, 1023
The U I. I h.i ui Cempi.iy of IVnn-
s'luin.a 3vi "",
Amen dii lirmue ("firper.itlun. llei-
inii l'a 3't, T.
Arier , an i -lie .t Pretz.d Ce., I'lilla..
l'a 31-j
'Th An-'i cm Meler Truck Ce., NiW-
arl, V le .V4 "t
Tre r S. i' Hhoe Company. Celum-
bu. i ihiu B"j
Tl I'uiiun & Vn'iithii Ce., Hamilton,
Ofcll S'ir
Th.i M.lraiiti Ce. CelumbiiH, Ohie.. B'-j T,
The Mutth"i'i l-nnlneerlns Ce , San- ,,
iluk. Ohie SH
IlcCainbrlJiti) Ce.. Phlla'lelphla. Pa.. 3'j',e
Th lleinrdlnt! Devices Ce. Daten,
Ohm 3'i
The I ler da 1'irrni A Industries Ce.
i',lum,.s Ohie 3'-j Vf
The Kuiten Tuwn&enil Ce.. Zaresvillc, .,
nti'n 8'4 -c
Cri.ne b,i Cri.iiu 'e , Philadelphia,
l'a Wi"
The ('rane-i)hle lce ri am le, Ce-
.uniliii, nole 3'i'"
The I'rinlilln Illicit A. 'I He. Ce. Ce.
lunil mi, Ohie 3ui 'i
Cemn.i'ii Ul Truck Ce., Philadelphia,
l'a 3'4
The North ''areKna Parins IV . Ce-
lumbun. Ohie 3'4 "
The i r,mp.en 1-nt.lneerlii'T Ce., Ken
ion UJu 314 1
PhoenK Iren Weiks Ce , MptUIIIs.
Pa ,. 3'j
Ceir.n,. r lal Truck Service C' ip . llill-
Kle'r Un. l'a . . . . 3'4
The II mux Pef.lund Cement Ce.,
Cnlui.''Ui Ohie 3l11
V. (J llalilni; Ce. Allentown, Pa ... 3'4 "
Cl.etln will be matted op dates lndl"'ated
Decembur IS, 1022
At the tegular tneeilnn of ih.t I'trecters
Qf 'he H iper tr Sfel t'orper'i1l,,ii a iuar
terly dl net,,l of 2 una ileil.iiel en (lie
hetenl l'i rcii.il yu It p.tni,!u 13 bru iri
10, lOi.H. te atiiPkhidderi of r mrd I'el.iiiuy
1. I'JJ
D. i.'LANPV. sciretary.
( hrstnut Mrert. )Vet of liruail
l'inliiii'liuiii, Hi itnlier -") 1022.
At the iti In i in tlltu- nf Hie Heard of
Directors tr this llnnk. held this dnv. a qnar- .
trlj ilh'ilentl of il pi i .out u,i "lei I ire. nv
IWeJini.n 1, K'2.1 tn n,.i kin biers nf record '
t the 1 1 of lii-lii, llci. nib, r .in. P.CJ i
Cheeks villi le nilllleil.
iAM IIAllItr l H I'nsMenf and rfitr ,
hi. (OND SIIONf. ItXNIi'llP
ut I'raiikferil
Phllidellilil.i. Dii'eniler 27 1022.
Th" Dl'i'itniN half this iav il'cninl a
len'ainu.il dlv I lend of Ten (101 per c cut.
free , ' , ,.U, .Iniiunrj I. I'JJI, te
tu,-i(ii j,.,, f,f ie, nrl nt the cl uu nf
eueinei-i ii, iilier 27 11122.
Ch" lu wl I be mailed.
IPVMv vli'.irD Csshler
311 M.iilh ,'iM -.liict
PhlllPle'plila, i. , J8 IIU2
At 111" i ,u' ir mietlnu' nf th- Hen, of
D're lr, , ,1, ,,,i l,l,J ,,w ,v ,).
rfru'.r e . . 'ninl din lend uf ,'l'c huh de
clan I , ,i u in .Iniiu ivy 2, III'), te tie
'" ii I '- et r, i' i,l t tl . , lee nf busi
ne I" . i, l,r 23. 1022
"tin , H I, I e i i h ,
- P I.WMi ND rilll'.T l e Pres
NMKINAI. hl.l I inn IIWIv
Pinl idi iphl i. D". I'inliei 2tl 1022.
Ins liu I of Dire, teri h.i .. thiv dav
f';ry- 1 a -.'ml iinual Divider, r I'lfieen
tli'fi, r''it'e J.inuirj ., Ipiili and iiavn
trmi, red I'vve hundred and lite ilinusand
(. fl nun) iinlinrn te s-un Iiih I'und in king
lit fund one million seven bundled und
"Ity tiieusand U1.7.MI eniu dollars
W 11 i.'1i:p cashier,
q.8.Mli Dlvltlind
Phllailelphln, D-ceinlcr 21. 1022.
Tre Din t rs Have ibis day declared a
Hurterly dividend or 4',. free of tux, pay
M .lanuary 2d, 105;(, te Htneklinlilvra of
e.Sc.eri3 "' "'" 'let.0 of business Dacsmbtr
-31. 1022. Cheil.b will Iw mailed
iz, s, KiieMrn.
, t'sshlsr
,. At meetliig of tl'e P. aid of Directors held
'"''lay a tiuartnrli dividend of tun und
one half per irnt was "kclnri'd, payable
li'inry 11 1023 te siorkheltlors nf recetil
UectrnUr 30. 1022. L'hecUj will be mailed.
.,, . . Tieesurer.
ThJlseienhla Depeniber10. 1022
at 'i in; iiK(iii.it miip.tine or
int Heard nf Dlitclers of Overluoek
Pank of PlitlmtHlplii i liehl December 2d.
'i1-.. ii divt Ii m nf II", was declared, piiy.
'' nn .iKiiime 13. III')'!, te steckhi.ldius of
in a I Dei ember .11, 1022
O A Wlll.s. Jr. Cashier
V', !''" "ii h i:.
. reaied r.reiiuiiiiln win n rm
mliiulen. Del.
led here until
'f'' ('"ill iieiiii. .Inn. 1.1, Itii.l, nnd then
vpeneill, fnr ceimtl llellni- mnl iliilivurlnil two
?0i.dufPt- ewi. Kurllier l-term-t.
cn application.
T, -
n .in 17 338, 33'l. .H.. ''' , "'
"Jit?3-,',! I 3M 3Sn 337, 33H. (10.3(li,3ll2.
H'-Ve-' inT VlOS ,300. 370. 371. 373. 371.
.: 3s .SSI. 382, 383. 384.387,801,
?:i W 8'P: n..-. nod ni7. 3iih. ami. 4112.
ilund"ef Centrul cw leru nun nu r.icc-
t1tl0,il'Jhrrebv Riven that Philadelphia
.."ftmeiry TJ-uflee under tire JlcirtKace
If"'' r.05VrriUt of the Central New Yerk
under inei""'. jiI)rtKnRn, n, t'.nt se.ilpil
WnJh, will Iw received at I'hll ..lelnliln
t'iffi' Wmtinny. Hnwil nnil ""e-lnut
"nl . I'M iilrlidil.i. iil te 12 o'rle'-k J1 . en
".""VtV1.: ' 023. for sale I,, eal.l Trm-
n. tir rnq. ne: pxceeuniK i' 1
nil Trunt Agreement executed December 1.
mi by the Standard Oas mid Klcctrle
Kem'mny te the underelBned. aa Trustee te
ftnwun Autherised le-ie et Thirty Millien
&iurs Convertible Hlnklnc. Fund, Geld
iirliLir uecemuer 1. li'.e. ine. un-
rtlved netli.0 Mm n-Jii i.. 5hR.1 " ha- re-
H.nKing r-mej. nrnvii 'V:.:; .l'-'?"' n ins
unai-r wnieh 1 1 ha
" "- ' 'F "HVKIIIPHI
IPT III AltrAen.l
tillArl .. iC.V :
"vui ni-ii inni it i
i cu'i j cu iinrit
Melted ten ieVs te SiirJtr " ) l"r ".
deltliin ,cS-iV,r.1 l1,ri "ddressetl te the Phlla,
nnd Chestnut
"""'", . ci. lerner.
until 3 ov"eet ,n ""!' .W1JL ." received
JOHN C. WAT.t?Arrn'r'
Philadelphia neeember 13. in2r2r.M!IUr"'-
T(V! 'iWa?-nr.!wiKiHrK
ir i-pvi. ;., . :".itt '"'"' "7p
' I'mi"" WIW lONIS. V II MISHH in!
X Il'lXPIu'.i. 'AN." M'Kt'n'' ST":
bns Meei.'i '"' . KlVf,n ,nnt ,hl mortBicer
has clecleil te redeem, rav off nnd retire nil
t.U nuJ:t?.n',ln,t '""' Mortgage 0 Hnhlng
I-und qeld Ilends. ilate.l Julv l 'int8 nnd
i, m, ,....u..R .,uiy j, iii.i. en jnnuirv
If" Ihe 'pe'm n'',,2r,",n''fwlL ll- ITOVlelOni
rni-i"2 ,, hnds nnd the mertwat-e se
5I!I'.n ,he ""me. daleil July l, mis nt
le?!4. ST fcnt. of ,h5 I""" v",ue therejf'ntid
nccrueji inierst te Jnnunr ;n. 1023,
All hntrlers of such liendn should preent
same for payment te the underslsned en ,lnn
tiary IB. 1023. Interest en the sabl bem",
Jlnll ami will cia"e from and after such
, JOHN II. MAfeON, Preldent. '
December 13, 1022.
NdTICK TO lltll.lirit.S 01' Tllli; WATKB
B"wiiONiM!!M,,A-NV "UST '"".?
Cniler the'HInklna; Tund previsions of the
mnrtgiiir senleil nrfnrs will be ropelvtil until
3 P. 31.. .Inniinry 2. 1023, nt the t.l pb ,f
The PennsvUanla Company for Inumiices
en Lives nnd arnntlti'f Annuities. Trustee,
for the eal te It at the lowest prke net
xce-dltv 103 ami arcrueil lntiest. of as
liinrv bends ns flCIH7H is. 1 1 1 purchase.
All rnerinnals should be inldresscl tn the
nndn-alrpi d
317 Chesttmt st . Hill, , p
"Proposals for Kinking I'und Tlde Water
Power Company."
lire. i. ii)2
NOTiriv te imi.iir.Ki (ip i
I'lill'ilrltilili inil Headliie Unllrniul f'ni...
pniiv Sinking rund field Lean Jp, llends
extendi il In 103).
Under the prm Islens of the Hupplenentnl
Mnrtgnge, senled propesnli will 1 received
until 12 n't link men en the ."HUh lnt nt
the ofllce of the Trutce. Rl" Chestnut
etrtet. for the sale te It of Ihlrtv (30) nf
said bends nt th lnuest rat" but In no '
ense prcei'Oinir par. with nccrii'd Interest ,
Annual Mrrtlngi
- (liestiiiit Street nt I'lfth
Philadelphia, Dec, T, 1022.
The Annual .irceinuj ec tne HiuirehniiierB of
this bank will be held at the bankliu house, i
fliestliut sueet at I Ifth. PhiladeltihW. nn
sueet at 1 Ifth
Iniiu in n. 1023
iiii'su.i,i, .iiiiiii irj iii iuie, ki ii iirient. rer
the election of Dire, ters lu mtv, ter th
nsuing year, 10 vete ter or a?amt it pro
posed Inctease In the capital stock of the
bank from One Millien Dollars (11 roc OHO)
It, One Millien Twe Hundred nnd I'ifiv Thne
mnd Dollars ($1 'J',0 000). tlm Irciehse te In I
inade by I he "hnrehelders being glien the-
in ll i.-i;t- ei piiii-r. i.iiik ,11 vnv ler iwenty-
(lie per cent of their preient bnldlnits, h..ng
one new share for each four shares se I'ld;
end for the transaction of sin h e'her busi
ness as may properly be brought before the
Vice President and Cashier.
,-3ir ClU'Stnut slriet west of rn.ul
Phllailelphln, Dec. 7. 1022.
The Annual Sleidlnu of the shareholders nf
this bank will be held nt the banking limns
1410 Chestnut street, Philadelphia en Tees.
dnj, ,1 initary 0, 1023, ut 12 oMerk neon, for
tne wecuen ni nireciers ie serve ler me
ensuing enr' nle te vote fnr or acilnst a
proposed Increase of the capital stork cf the
bnnk from one r.illlleu five hundred the'n-vnd
ejnllars (M.BOO.OOOi te two million dollars
(12,1100.0(10) thy mcr 'ne tn be made by a
stuck dividend from the undivided profits et
the bnnk, and upon such ether hustness ns
may be brought befere the meeting
Vice President and Csshte-
eS;i-Nn 1 1 si:t i kitv i in: insi n-k-t
ami: and iiirsT cemi'vny iir
(in. ( heslnut stnet. I'hll.vltUihl i. Pa.
The Annual Sleeting of the Mn.'tv''nl'ers
will le held at the nPlce nf the Cefnt nnv
Wetlnisili5. .luimnrv 10. 1023. nl l'J n'clntk
neon, for the purpose of electltur tlf'een
Dire, ters te retvn for the ensuing ear nn,l
ter the transaction of such ether business
as may come before the ineeitna-
W 11. JPNUKfllTH. .HI ,
" Plilbulfli.hln. Pu.
I) iemh. r 11th 1022 I
Th annual meetlnc fei the el rli'Mi uf
Dlreeinr of this 11 i n!c "111 be ll 1 Pt Hi '
P. inking Hnii&n, corner Slain nnd I-vem"i;
it-eeia Phlla. en 'liirwJuv, .Iiiinurv Utli,
I12.1, liOTlltteil III" ll"U, 1 l . .in, e, .,i, mill
lrUO P. M.. nnd fnr the transaction nf tiny
tiller business that may come befere the
niri'ting KTy.rc.N'E J SlertlUH, Cashier.
vvnviil'S IHUKA'iKS.
" The annual meeting of the contr'buters
will I" held nt thp ht."Pltal, N. W cer
17th and Hummer ts , en Alenday, .l.innnry
1 101.1, at 4:30 P. Al., te elect 3 SlanaKcrs
te eeive for 4 jears (
Sprretnry. I
fi-IJTllK l'1'.NMsil.VANIA COM PAN 1
637 i-iik iNslll iNC-. ON I.IVKS
AND dltWriMi ANNPUli:.-! I
The Annuil SI ' ling of the litet kheldcrs of
(tits Cempanv "111 ba hull at Us etllcn, fill
Chestnut (tieei. en Monday, January 13.
tn"3 nt 12 o'clock neon, et which time an
nVptlen will be li-M for thirteen directors
ie nerve for the ensuing ear.
0 C. a. NUWHALL,
Hep rotary
sssv.i, sikktimi or tiii: rev-
'-" tnliutnrs of tl Prestmi Ketreiit ml
le held Simula'. .Inntriri H. lO.'.l. at Pour
Villi k P. St., nt th" P.'ireat 'I ivctlt.e.h aid
Yliiiiillien Htreets. Phllti'l"lphla for tl,..
mn nose nf looting Alan u.ers Auditors and
a Treasurer, and for the tranHsctten nf su Ii
nihir limliipss es may come befere Die
OPOIlen D POinTll. Pecremry
aii:i:tin(i op tiii:
. eUhntiiei
Hip Nerlli I't'imsil.
nnla Knllreid ( uinpany will ) e he! I at the
SV cl the Company N'e Me .SeUti, ;id
Bii.et Plil'nde'i'b's mi Slnndav, January 8,
ill" I 'at 12 ii'ileik Al., for ths purpose of
el, nli.4 ii President and twelve Directors
te terve for lh ensuing irar
u bfr jeiin- ft. wisr:.
ei retnry
tSj Phllndelphll, Dee 7, 1022
The Annual Sleeting of the stockholder! of
ihis bank, for the ile-ctl ,n nf Directors, wilt
t . .- l...t.t.Ja l.AisA et7s-m Al4lsa
!) IlCiU l lH I iin I MR iiuu-"- wn t urru
jmi.iry 0. lUii. btwpn tun . neura
of 11
ovieck neon anil .1 " cenU ..P M.
1:. s unestnit.
j, nnr. ANNi i. mi:i:iimi ok tiii:
lefiV ret trlt'tltnis te ttie Ctlllllrell's llesnit'l
of Phil id. h.hbi IH l" ''('Id it th.' Hospital.
1Mb nrl IlilnbrilK" sts ou lilil.iv, Jan.
",ry -'",yl,s!,VA,iWM.PIII III..
s-r- Tin
. -e v.. a
isvni, sip.irriNii op tiii:
llli'lit vvilieiis Ullll rIIIKIt' iii.iiien
x.iplei of Plilliiilil'dilii "'11 b" hell at the
11s v I urn Hdla ch. smut nr" t en inursiluj
J.iim.trv II. lii'M. at II A. SI.
llv nrder of llle hoi. id
"iTTl I l.lMillMI IIOxI'l TAle
l.:i 11,,, Ant nil SI "inn.' nl ih" ' '.rperatlnn
,.r 'lie I llllkl'llllll lliispnai
will l.n held nt
,1,,. l,,.llil
.lunutiry 8, 11)23.
at 1 '
I III.I.IAVi:nt:. Pecretnry.
IiUFUS McGOOFUS Speaking of Operations
' e-n ni i-aw .4
UI x.b.b'1 . .
-Ti-vAT CEi-'-AR-
IU ,'i.i y;s.y ' i '" ' " ;- - - ' r i-irv vnl -wi-i ji iwv i-iiwe. yj 'i-w I vi-"---' c 1 ' i -. ' 'w. , -, . rJ'S' ' !? ; ?V, eLX VI - r dHMrjl
THAT CE-'-AR- Mf TVIE VAPDR. m, Se -flRED Y-fHlS I? A ) LIKE, 1 ?UvV AcuF.rirl TUS CE-r'iR V ( 'JAlO 'Dl-AT MV RCCCXERV M'i '' 'A (fTr) TSS
l TDNlSHTr" Jr?-V MOW) I GAM HAfeDLV KEEP, SURPRISE ' (, A GAME OF f-f AH' GT TO D k ) WA'e uJONOF-Rruu Ot Yirt H - ', , ttJS
?V ' (aav vn3 QPbN j- s" COME N J 1 VE: ) EAKlV. -fHAf J ( COURSE i M -TILL OH A f5W K- -, ( -1 -j --,. IIP
K.r' v " JC r HUHOCED (I MR5 CHATtT-R. V Di-T- IN THE MOCNiNS & REA.U.V. Y. ' -.-
j IS -y J WILL GAfttiLu ILL1 CNCV EAT TiUCKMH-AiT Y"". J '' -r 7 7-- JSj
X Ef??'llTinr SS A NISHT AN' F0Grr UN' SAOSAGE AM'-- yf-J v r, ' .' ' V S
Aleck the Barber
MT'VE been loeltlnp ever the Clirlxlinns
rnrrts (hpy've R0t llils jpnr." euld
Aleck tlin llnrbcr, "nml I rnn't help
but wonder why It nover errnrrcd tti
nnyhedy te K0t out n rnrd shewltiB n
nlce little lirephtre with n cnndle en
each side of It.
"It would he be Chrlstmnsy, f(.po f(.pe
cinlly If the flreplnce n painted red
nnd ninylie there amis n little Rrcen
wreath linnfflng ever It nnd iindenientli
it (.aid : i.
" 'IlrliiRlng eherr for nit the year
Te you out there from 'tis hack here."
"TAIDN'T I tee ,, rani Hemrthlnp; like
u that?" snjs the wife nf Aleck the
It's jtut possible- Hint you mlRlit I '
have, theiiRh I doubt It," said Aleck
the Harder, "lint I have another Idea
that is even mere original.
luke a nice rani with reiih ciIrcr
like it miw all iireund nml then make n I
(nee Heera), wife of llufus Alklns. Ilela
(Ives ind friends Invllcd te funeral servlips
Nittirday, 2 P. M . at her lain residence,
'. r.dj Memphlr et. Inti'munl priv.ite, I.aurel
Hill (.pmitery. l'rleml.i may call Priday
nlr 7 P. M.
AKIIllItOOK. Dee 27. J022, SIAIlY
HI,l,i:N llHIlIli:. wife t T.nul Ashhrnek
llelatlvps and frbti.li are Invltp I te nttpnd
fune-nl services, I'rl 2 P. M., resblener- of
her husband, 750 N I' Hi St. Int. private.
Allv'TV-. I le,- "Il t'lltllt'Vl'l.' ..if- f
Al.ll." uec. ). I I iilllj.Nl I-., vlfn or
Ml, Ins (nee n,,tui lielu'lves and I
(nee II
fllvil'i Invlleil te fun, i ,1 ervlrp. Hat
P M al late r Mden , 2.3(12 Memphis t
Int private, lnirel Hill Cem. 1'rliii'is mny
call I'rl . after 7 P. M
IIAKIlIt. Dec. I;;. 1022, JinNIlY II
DAKKlt, aved 77. Punenil services Sat , 2
P. M . rejaKnce. 1122 S. ifith st. Int. prl
vale HATTi:i.r,n. At Witerfird, N. J. Dee
2S, 1022. Jt'I.IA It. lUrTIMiI.U. aged 82
Punernl services. Sat . 1 P M., Waterford
N. .1 Int Hates Mil's C nl.
Ili:Vl.i:Y Der. 27, it Atlantic Cltv
N. .1 , 1. II. J)I:VI,(:y HpIhHvps and
friends Invited tn funet ,1 service at his
Inte resilience. 12011 pui'Y nve.. Prl. S P.
M Int 3SVst Laurel Hut (Vin., at . nt the
eni nlriup
or the rinni, pieahe emit
IIINNINCiP.n Dee. '27 Iti2. FJllimilt-!
IC Ii. I.ubat'il of the Im'e IlllznVth Hln-
I nlnner (nee Henneicrl lle'.ntlves nnd friends
Invited in nttrnd funeral nrj,,', Sun.. 12 'te
P M at the residence t,f )vr mn-ln-law,
Itlch-iid Tunuerthnl, 23S H 3d st . llleuctster I
Cltv. N. I Int. Kirnvioed iVm. I
Kf.Ai'K On Dec. 2. 1022, JAMKS, hus
band of the late I rancp. J llliu-k, llela-
' ll. n.. ,,.,.1 lrl,n,lj nrt lnlit..1 I., .l.n a.. !...
Mnndav nflnrnoen. vt 2in o'clock nt his
ite rcs'denci-. 2217 K. Ill, Its st. Interment
., n. it... ni, , '...netxrv
l".1' ,.,. .,, ,,m ....' w .,,.- rJ lr-T,
HOWKPIl aged 71. l:"tiilves and friends
nre lnvlt",l te nttend rune, ii services. Hap-'
tin Hume, 17th and Nerrls Ms., hat , 2
I'-.M I
J - . - v
I1U1L.I; liec. .e. 11... l.leV.N .M,. ll'JS- .
1 of 131)7 llivtll llever in, NeVlnirer). nfced
Itelatlvei and frlet ds, nip,. 2'ltli Watdl
II. utlhllcft'i Club, Ccnwav I''icllclal Assi..,
Inteit ntlniial Assn, of SI ic'iinlstM. Lecil N"
;r,0, Invltpil le funeral S'il'e. I'rl. 2 P.
SI., resWencp, 1328 Pdelln en st. Int. pri
vate, I'p'-iiwtHid Cem. V.ei.irir; Thurs eve.
widow of Jehn Iltsset, flebulvis ar.tl
fronds nre Invited le nttend f in oral, Hnt.,
2 P. SI . from her Inte res lend. P130 Lnroh Lnreh
wnm! nve Int. Laurel II. 11 (Jim. Prlinds
msy rail Prl. eve.
lU'f KHM.Ti:. Dee 21, 102'.'. I.KHOY.
son nf Charles nnd I'.mniii I: llurkhalter (ii'.e
i I.tinnsl u.'llllives HO'I ir.enis, nise pi -li'tiern
I nf Ptevld in u SI II. ' hwrc'i and Sundnv
I Hchoel. ate Invtted te funeril services Kit .
2 P SI . i' I ne reslilem .11 IS N 1'ruiu st
!,! ' ll'"'' 'de Cem
, pt'T'.P.tl Dee 27. 1022 HP-SAV St
lli'TI.I.Il l ne Atllliivviii) nlfe ei lnrtln )t.
' Hiitb'r llelatlves nnd frten.N Invlti 1 t i
e rvlies, I'n . 12 nnim. at h.-r liuilrm 1 j,
lesllenee ."ails llaildi',,1 M let prlia'e
I III ZIIV. At IlU'lliigtnn. N .1 . D . 27,
I P.I.I. M'l.'l'll II. widnw of Nitlu.iiM llu . i
P'liielal s'lvl H lit the I'resbitPt'.m I hurch
I itlirgte'i N J K'" - ''" P- Al let lull
Til , vvi- 1 'ti i ritpus in. iv can at nor la,'
i,.vl,leiR, 451 High st . Ilurllnuten. bat . 12
i 2 P Al
CALLAHAN' - On Dec. 27. ANN, wife
of Celum Callihnti nrd ilaughti r of the ) m.
Jntncs nr.d Cecil a Daddy. Puner.il s-itur-diy,
8 30 A AI . resldcnee. .'023 Westminster
nve HelMiin requiem macs uur Alnthei of
...,., nil" Church 10 A AI Int. Hely Cress
Cernier:,. Ililnllves nnd frl nds, alie Our
,M ,-i i,f (iotreWH It V SI H ilnl tv ne'-,,l
ISnlh Levi's
Knights of
a rt
Short, pructical Courses for Men and Women. Moderate
Tuition Fees. Free Schelurshipa te ex-Service Men and Women.
Accounting, Aclverlistng, Arithmetic, Blur? Print Reading,
Bookkeeping, Commercial Art, Commercial Law, Civil
Service, English, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing,
Structural Drawing, Real Etnte, Radie Teleg
raphy, Salesmanship, Shorthand,
Traffic Msiiarement, Typewriting.
Skilled Instruction in Essentials for Definite Results
of !
January 2nd March 23rd
Heurs: 6.30 te 9 P. M.
N. E. Cor. Bread & Vine Sts.
The National Scheel of Elocution & Orator
4010-4012 Cheituut Strpet
I'nlillc f'P ul.liiS - ltei'llali - llniiiiatlc Art,
1,1U" ' i). 1.. siiei:.M.ivi:ii
Preston "--j Prln Ipsl
Annual Pleclleim
Phllulcljibli. Pa.
ir unl el" Hen for Directors of this
'I he
iv ill be Ii Id at Hit) Unnkltuj HeiHe en
.'....a.i. .1 iiiitarv 1111. lujti. neiiveen 111a
teurb of 10:00 o'rlerk A. M. nnd 12 e'llnrl: 51.
1 1 ideli.hla Pi . Dee, n'bci 27 10J2
pi VI mill ri, '".Jtl f"' Dl'd-tir, ml he
,,,! , Mi.. tUnktmr II nise im Tucsd.i).
.Iiiiiii tv 0, PI'.''!. I'tive.'n Die hours nf u
A. M. and 1 r vi.
I.IN'liiltD C N'icr. r'us'ler
Aiiutliil P.leitlnns
lllll l'l.NN .MLILAL, 1.1KI3
Hilludfitl.la December Id, 1921.
The nnrual election for nine trusters ta
eerie three veam will be heal at th" bem
nines of the company In the Prtin ilu'.us.
liul, d iik Sixth 111 I Velnut Htieets Phlla.
it rhla Pa, en Slnniliy, January 1. llrti.
LtlvMn P.e hours cf 10 A. M. and S I". I.
HYD.NUY A. dSHTH. Becretary.
S-TSORE, &V.T LET ME RCr-NVjEU, WELL1. A WE iClWHr GOOD NlferiT, I 7g 'S--- AND AFT-tt. ty-7..W && ' ' & clS
little picture up In the corner of a
colenlnl hiiuee with it let of snow en
the reef, nnd n read Keltif? up le H(
with n llKlit Bhlnlng in the window,
end then print down belew:
'Ve elde time ClirlHtniiisse (Jrectlng
"That would knock f hem dead.
"And while I linve been nt It. 1've
I'lKiireil out n Reed New Year card, tee.
Make n picture of a little naked boy
up In the corner. lie l wenrlnif n
little piihIi around his i.heulder en which
is written 'U)'Si.' or 'New Year,' or
HemetliitiK like that. And then I've
figured out a cute Utile ver."e te re
Willi II. Would you like te hear II?"
"Ne," enld the wife of Aleck the
"Wr',Ji"" here It Is nnywny," said
V Aleck the Harher. "It's fe Reed,
I want te Rive It te the werld:
'Tenrc mid plenty te thee from me,
huinlred nnd
Oh roc! Oh cesh! Oh re-.1i!
Oh Reel
Wew! Celly! Znwie: Wliee'.'"
"Terrible." Paid the wile et aicci:
the Harher.
Altur u nil llusaiy
I Hparl and
!-OCPtlcJ, ln
Cl.AHK Dee. 18. HANNAH wife nf the
' Inte Juspph Clark (m-e I.Miih). ltelathrs
I anil tncnils Invited te ntteinl tuner il, Snt ,
Ss 3d A. M from funeral purlins of Prank
1 J. McKetini. 33H N (HI si HWh reuuliiu
mass at Our I.ady of the Itesary Chunh. In
A M. Int. Hely Cress rem llemalnn mm
tp vlL-vxed I'rl.. nfter 7 P SI.
( I.AIIK ftudd-nly. l)i'( 23. 1022, PirtTll
H bi'levnl IniHlniiil of .Murv A. Clark (i
I lllllsl. Itelatlves an'l frlendi, ). It. It. pi
tllle. am luvlteil te ntter.il runeral. Hut .
7 3n A .M.. fieni bis lain resMenep. tiltl
ou ei in', un in iiiiiii nt i nuii-ii ,, iI
m...... . ,,r,,i,,,i,. ,, i m i, it ,,
rY'i' ,- ;
('I.AWSII.N. Dec. :.'7. 111.'-'. i;iitm
CLAWS-UN. daughter of William n mil
Ju l.i C Mavei. m;ed ;j,t yurs. Iteiatiies
nnd friends Invited te funeral services, Sat
2 P. SI., residence, 3S2,", N. 10th si I it
private, Pcrnwiud Cem. Viewing this (Pi I. )
CLr.C.fl. Dee. 27, nt New Yerk Cltv.
fleoree C . husband et Cernelia Clegg (nen
Simen). ItelutlveH nml friends invite 1 te at
tend funeral, Prl. 2 30 P. St . from N' rtli
Philadelphia Station. Int. Adath Jchurun
( DllCY -Dec. 2d HHI.HN COHP.Y (pee
Keennrii wife of Owen (Jerev. aited 37,
He atlves and frle-ids nre Invited te runsr.il.
Snt . h 3d A M . frem her n -.i lence.
Sheaff's rea.i nnd Ski' luck nlke Ambl.a'. 1
I'll II till lllhaa t Vt TnDlllvVl i I till i-.i h
inuii 111 irn iii, -i. u(i.m 1 v 4j ui vn(
Amb.er Int .St. Antheny s.
h'lslmtld of Isle Slarv Clewtev hni SI1-
cum ) I'un-'ral. le which rolatlies and
friends nre Invttcd. P.M. N.30 A M. I ile
resilience, 232"l S l Tth et I'nlcmii m.iMS
of retiulem rniinh of Ht. Slentca H) A. SI.
tnl New Cathedral.
CVNNHPP On Dec. 23. CATItr.P.tN'n rl.
,r., !...!.... l..i...... ..., .. t...,..l. 1
,.,. - r. ..III. Ill lll'llfllll lll'll Ul I iiu.'n ...
Citnneff. ltelnttvp.s nnd friends nre Invltm
le attend funeral, en Prlday mtirnlng, at
e.30, from her late resldeni-C'. 11.1 cretry st.
heletun high rnns of rouulem it St. ,Vu
custlne's Church nt 10 A. AI Interment at
(j,tte,'-i Cerretery.
DAILCY. Dee. 28. DAVID II. husbnnd
of Id i St. nml ten of the Inte Dai id C. nnd
.Man I., and grands n nf th,, lite Rei
David i: Dallev It-iatlves nnd ft nil Is are
Iniltel te attern! funeral, Sal . J P AI pre
cisely freirn his Inte residence. 12!l Vlelll-
rlni st int. l'liltner Cem. PrlemN mav call
Pi I ei e. ,
DMll.IVOTON.-On Dec. 28 1022 ANNIH
TVITi:. wlfp of Prank P Dnllixinn llelii
tlves nnd frlmds inviled I' tie Hiriiips, ,
Hit 2 30 P Al . lit her resilience, I'1! H
Chute', st.. V, Kt Chester, Pa Int prli ate
Dl'N'NAKHH. Suddenly V- 2s LP-
CINDA. Wife Of .lellll DeniinKiT llel-vtlvs
nn I Mends Invitnl te attend funeral s"rvlcpq.
Hat . a 3d I'. St . ut late residence, A31 Wc-t
Yerk st Int. prlvnte.
DM KHIISDN en Dec, 2s 1022. CATH
Altl.VH IilCIxP.KSON (nee Listculai Hcrv ,
Ic. i en Saturday afternoon, at 2 e clock, nt
tr- O'lver II. Hnlr Hide. 1820 Cli"stnut ft. ,
Iii'ernient private '
wlfe of UnI ive Hffltuter Punernl serines
Sat.. 2 P SL from I'r late resld-nte l.ll'J
Sllieln- I m Hexburniish Int. West Laurel
Hill Prlends mny cnll I'rl. evinlug.
HI.I.IulT "n I'm 2-, P.i.'-J HP.PPHN i
S, liu'ih'tnl of Anne AI P.l'lett ims- Itr i
I slellsl. nped 71 ycllts IMattVes 'Uld fl ' lids
I nre Invtted te the sti iced, en t-a'mdiv
morning, at 10 e'i IlcK. ut hU Inte residence
i din N Tnvler st. Interment nt Sit .'en
iCt'ret iv. pnttsievin. l'a.
PI.SCIl Dec. 27. WILI.IAS! nt.SHR. Sr .
ncpl no jeai i. Itelatlves nn, I frlen Is tire.
'Invite! ie ittetil funeral services. Hal. 2
P SI resident , 32 Oak lane Prim, is, Dela
ware County Int prlvat Pernwoed.
rrients mny inn Itlilav, 8 te 10 1'. SI.
P.HCI'NI.ll. Dec. 27. 1022 AIMPSTA.
wife of Albert Pschner Punernl servlc, s
llerli excs
CTRAYFR'S 80T Chetrnnt Street
e 1 tt 1 c j m Bett Bu,lneu Seh9
Positions friiaranti'ed: enter new: day or nlaat.
Coekkpoplnc & iherthend, day & night dmM,
Phili lnu'Dem Cellevs. 1710 Market bt
liuuii.; Slcn and Iluva
al ,i L. ,nve holiietl h,i 1
f men te eurn lileher Min
an 1 euulpped them tn run m .
f 11 nii.tnssies i,f their own
?7 "EeinirAr. cewsTnr
ilON ....irs, iffrrH u nel ,
iur. iin.iy te thj HiiitiltluH 1
id 's uf ere 1
1 nor. ucniy lu
- . rtirit time P114.I' l.i
Hind for ile., rlptlva U'eV Wi
deir.bli.i.' all ceursei. UU
HO 511-19 N. Bread St.. Bell Pirn- glj
11 eppmita spring (lirden Inuii - H'J
I of 8
uu.y i iik a 1''aili'ki::hu
I'rl . H P, M., residence, nor, Celllngdale
nve., Celllngdnle, P. Int. Wilkes llarre.l'.i.
PAIUUILI,. Dec. 27. P.IINKST K , (.en
of Inte Washington und Harnh L, Pnrrell,
In his C2"l ve.ir Heintlves and friends nre
Inviled te ntlenil funprnl scivlpes, Sat., 2
I SI., nt bis Inte iPsld'nce, Ilustlelen ave ,
above lthnnii St., ilustlelen, Phlln Int, fit.
l.uue s ihiin h flrnund.
PLYNN Dee. 27, 1022. Sltf'tfAHr., litis
bnnd of HllziliPtli Plvnn llelntlies nml
friends nre luvlteil In ntlend funernl. Pnt..
H'30 A. At , from his lain residence. 2(117
Pedernl et High mass nf requiem HI. An An
tlieny'n Church, 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress
l"eVLi:fi . Dee in JCIHP.PH Y.. husband
of Hnnnnh I'ewlcr (nee Hteivart) llelatlves
nnd friends are Invite,! te attend funernl
services. Hat , 2 P. SI. residence, 317 N.
IVtin.. -1 int privnle
I'PltLY --Der 27. 1022, JAMP.H 1't'IlHY
Kelntlvpi nnd friends, se 1 eurt Chestnut
Hill. Ne 110. K. of A . ninl Dlv Ne 3S A.
O It lmltc.1 te nttend runernl, Hat,, H 30
A. SI from the reslden'e of his son. 111)1 II.
Che ten nve, Oerinanlewn Helemn reuulem
mass nl the Immitculiit" Conception Churth,
10 A SI Int New Cathedral Cem
OAI.IIIIATTH. On Dee. 2"), SI UY 1 ,
Widow of William Onllualth. Herikes Hat .
2 P SI , nt rpsldpurp of her daughter Air
M. .1 ijuirk, 10(10 N nnih st. Int. private.
IiPinnliis mav he vlevved I'rl., nfter h P. SI.
ClAI.llIlAITlr.--DM. 27. ALKAND1,K
(1AI IlltAlTII. ngnl "d. Punernl cervices
Hut., 2 P SI . nt Adam C. Mntuier's, 13 PI
Prinkferd nve Int Cedar Hill (em lie.
ltte'tN mnv he vleued I'rl eve
(IIIIPIH, Dec, 27. I'P.UDINANl), hus
band of C.fira (tiee Sillier! aged 82 ven rs
ItMatlve ti ii,l ft'rnds Invited 10 funeral serv-,
I'm Prl. 2 P. St. I.tii resume. !
Wwinewoed rd . Ovcrbroek Int private, 1
.t L-iutel Hill.
OllIHT. Dec 27, LVDI Mt'tlKKM..
widow of ,1' seph A (lelsl. Punernl ft , rn the
t residence of dauuhter. Sirs W K ( arrn-
ter II." (Irandvlcw 1 iihI. Ardtnnip, p,i , i'rl ,
I 7 30 P SI. Int. at Wpsteih. II I, Hun lay.
tllini:. Dec 2d, U'lLLIA.M. helived
1 usbind of Stari (Ibee P.el.ulvep ur,,l t
fr ends, also Dlv. Ml A. (1 H. 11 d ''mr'
Perseverenre. Ne. 1 r,7. P if A., are Invited
10 attend funernl. Sal , 8 30 A. M from his
Inte reildrnce. 2133 P.. Slotimeuth st Hel.mn
requiem ma3 nt Church of the Nativity 10
A SI. Int. Hely .Sepulchre Cem
OILLHN At Atlantic city. Dee. 24,
HAIIAII. widow of Patrbk Olllen. Ilelatlv s
'nnd friends Invlt"! In nttital funenl Prl,
I 7 A. SI., from her la'e residence 207 H
( ennecilcut ave.. Atlantic Cltv. H'.leinn re-
' 'lulem m ifH at Church of the Helv Hplr .
.I'll. Ill A SI. Hnt.. relcmn requb m 11m
Int Cathedral. Phlla . Pi.. 10 A. St. I't
Old Calhi'dral Cem Il'malns mav be vle ml '
Prl eve, nt I'i'.'l Arch st
OLAX.lnrt Dec. 27 1022 lOHN J . bus
I rnnd of Inte M.rrv I Olis'ler (nee Ki-ntiedvi
Itelitlves nnd friends Invited tn funrril
Hnt. 30 A St.. fietn his late reldn'
3SI.I N. Law rente nt Itequl'in mnss at the
Church rf the Ineirnatlen 1U A. SI. Int.
New I'nthidrnl Cem.
1 llllACP. I)",' 27 IH.P.APP. PIT. wlfe of
Prank J (Irate IKIatlve.s nnd friends "'e
Invited tn iiMind ftmer'il it . 7.30 A M.
from Inte resld 'tiee 3121 He'en st II h
mnss nt Hi. Jein of Arc church 0 A. SI.
' lilt II ll HePUlchre l'cry
1 flIli:i:N On Dee. 2S. suddenly. LOflS.
hustimd of t:il'ul,tli (lr,m. Il.-litlie. mil
fnen, Invited te funeral nervl. es en
. . 1 11
11 ,iv.
nt 1 P. SI., nt hln late residence, :)'ji,
i Herlts p.
I IIAHSON Hin'senly De". 20 at AllnnM'
(Cltv. N J .l.Mi:s W litis). iml "1 llllzi
'leth llaf-en (nre Wiirdi l! l.itli -11 and
frletid- l. vnl (lfd"r of Sbi'j'e N'.i .".l.liuSi
lii,ss Slen nt Hiutli !d M At irk' t, ,ir 'i -Ivlti'd
10 att'iid fmir il. (-nt . 7:30 A St.. lme
(residence. fialO Ote-niwiv ave. Seli mn mas
reepil'm "t Hle'ii., -i
1 In' llnly I rr.s,
Sacrament Chunli 0
' 27. 1122. HA1HIV
iri:cKiii:isti:ii, e-srd
31 Helntlv m nil
frlemls also (la.:i.-n I'll". N'ii. .. It
.Men. are Invited te iit.-nd f moral serilie.
! Pi I. 2 P SI. nt Aher A Hnn' llnu'l St.
I'h.ipel 13011 N' ll'iiil t lilt jirlv.lt"
HP.VVSTOy Dee 2T. IDA ItlN'HAIl wife
' ff WI'Matll P Hi ' nnn ape, 02 I uneral
I .ervlces a' tt" rest lento, of her tli'mliter.
Mrs J C. Hunk 31(1 V. Mt. Carmel -ive
(ileni'de, SInntk'em ry Lj'jnty, Pa . Ktit . 3
P. SI. Int prtva'e
Hi I.DPN" -Dec 27 t Ti: P. .v of
'fintl'S Il'lli'ell Itl.'O Cililt'erl "., 'StlV'S
Hid fr'en Is. Jnl.'i . t Cirt V il'.i c
,lf V of . lie IllVI'-ll lt it id "lli'T ,
'services. Hi 2 P SI nt the i i'.I net- I
ter lirnther-ln-l i" I'rmlc V. Du! 231
Illehmnntl ' J. ."'.r'hiv ied Cp i Prlet It
I ,.n en'! P-' . if'i r 7 P V
HY SI. D Punernl f-erv Ii t s nii'l Int. ut
re'ivenlence of tlie famllv. rrletitls muv view
remains Si... frnm 11 e. SI le 1 P. SI., at
( 1 nrles 11. WMi-mnr's. (1131 ltld.'e ave.,
, rinnbernuKh. Klndlv emit flowers
ileKlliu'KS De. 27 JIAUV wlf- n
, Tan es Herr'.i ks .ii;e, r.1 Punernl mrv-
' let Sat , 2 P. SI., nt l.ir tlauchtpr's rev.
il.nce Sirs i: p flrlni. ("142 I'uttii:" et
IssliiTiiInc lit Pa-it Cedar lllll din
P., iniiiTn rinv be vbv ,1 Prl eve,
HPIU.PY. T' f 27. StlCHAPI.. husband
,f Hiiunnli II (n-e Sb (IIiiIpj i. Ile.atlv 4 .itl
fllcndi' nnd nil mcli ties nr whteh tie was a
mimt" 1 Invltt'l te atteinl lutn r.il, Sat . h "M
A SI frnm Ills nt" reeinenre iiiiiii Meninii
me Sn, unii rieulem mass I'htireh nf St
PiniiPls nf Assist 10 A SI. Int. Ilnli Cr rs.
of SI rhnel and Ne'lle Jenti'nus (n,e Aidi
run), lined 27. P.Ll.itlves ind friends, also
four' WHMhlnitten. Ne. 00. of (llnucester.
Seuth Phlln .Itr'tiB Hand and empleyes of 1
P II It. machine shop, 'lnnten. .N J, are
Invited te nttend funeral. Dt 30. 8 A. SI .
from 233 S. 3d ft . (llnucester, N. J II ch
'retiulem mass at St. Man s Church 0 A. SI
Int st Miry's.
Ji:l"!T- At Won.lstevrn. N J, Dee. 27.
iiev ritP.Di:iacK 1. jum:tt uued :e
Sears It.latlvis nnd friends nre Ir.illel t,,
a'tn-l funeral seri.ies, lu Ahuiv ST. K.
1 'inch W , ditev 11. N .1 Snt D'C .' 'i
j i .m 11,, ! inni 1 v iietl In church I.e.
tue n hnu.H I aril 2 P M I11L tn lame
dale (' m.. Viie,lst,,vvi. N J
KAI'PSIAN Dec 2d 1022. jiuddenlv nt
Hell.', .jlrn Apis SA.MI'I-I. lulsbun 1 of
1 .11 11 ,1 Kaufman (nee Pniijh"tm"r 1 Ileli
tl 'c. nnd f len.li Invited tn attind futir il.
Prl 10 A M . fritn Ashir ft Sun's li'end
Kt Chapel laU'J N. Ilren.l t Int Sit. h.nal
lvi:itS'IIv1V fin Dee. 27. 1022. .TOI
KPltvll vV lillsti. illil nf Villi' A Kersh 1VV
(n.ii Itaiiievi Ileiiitlves ninl frl 'n, Is of the
faint 1 1' .1 A'llutiis Lndee, Ne ,1: , I 11.
tl I'. T,m Trll" Ne 3",s. I (' P. SI.
and nil n'her eriraiitratlnn nf w h h he
was n ti "tiiher. are ii.i1i.m1 1,1 f ineial t-eri-
ti .'S 1 1 l'U!ilH'. Ut 2 P SI Ht the IiSl-
ilein." of I, s sin-ln-law. William 11. Penne 1,
i2e N Hnr'nn st Prlends mav 1 ,1, .n Prl
.Ii . fr ,m s te in P SI Interment Ar.uiK
I ill 1 tint 't'l 1
KIN') -'in De.-. 21 PI22. PuPKHT
lltjw i: u ii i.f Kalbii'n Coeler Kllu an I
Un- lit- i.ueiit It li.ni; !t'.a'lvps aid
fi . 1 ,U ue levitril tu tne eIv.cs, en .i
url.iy nf'itr nn, at 2 oelmk, at bis n "1
il, 1 e .',"!"' Malt-Olnl st, Interiii'tit nt Ar-
I n'' 1 i.vin-iry. Prlends 1 an 1 ill Pilday
' l''Kll'iStAn Dee 23, CIPOP.flK KftAStAli.
nited il. Heintties nnd friends arn Invited
te futeial. from 039 N iota st I'rl , 1 p
SI lieinaln. viewed Thu-s. pv . Int. UU
KrWr:n Dee 27. HPN1UI:TTA. T. (roe
Nevman). wife nf the late t ir, .1 Kutr'T
lle'atives nnd friends, also pi. nibers of v , -1
II an It-Im in.l Chinch. 11' Hr lesburf. 1110
Invited t5 at lend funeral "e'vlies Sat 2 P.
SI , it her I tie rejtdenee ii!2,. r'alninn
bt , Pi I 1, si urtf. Int. Cernilll Itefeiili"d
Cm Pi "his r iv ca.l Prl., nf.r 7 HO P SI
1A inVNIl Dec 2 ll'22 HI.V V D
wife ,f 1 . ills Imn'ii I.a Ce.11 ! In h -r 31'h
t 11 It all os, AM 1 flletlds u'.' Imlte.l '0
1 1 1 .1 1 1 t.ii.rt. pe-l tees. Snt, 2 P M P"o P"e
cli 1 nt he lain residence, 4201 Parks. de
ai Int j.riiat
I. APi
M ..n Dee 27 1022. MYltTI.H
vi :
wf He" aid I.iffeitj P.." ts ' a
1 111 1, v'n,i.t, nt th" 1 "idet, ,
h, r Mrs K aleth VVa 1 ' I ' il
Iiitirmcnt at ParUfcsbur, P. 11
le r ti
11, e
I. -M:v (n K terrrer) Dec 27 1022
J"i.l HlNi: K wide w , f 'Iheedme VV l.i l.i
seu. imel 37 Iteiatiies uud frl, Is un
lnuii',1 1,1 ntt'til f in. r.i. Mrvl.es Sal
2 P M bit. -st'e'l. . :,30s Wnvi.e air
Oeimnitewri Ii ' trli.i'i Sbuint Wrn
tiin Prt. n Is mni i"i'l Prl eve
I.IIWIs -per 2S P'22. SPSVN H, w'
of (let.re P liwls t " Sni.th' H.dAli
ill 1 t m.'h ur-' Invl'el fi .ittend tune'
1 11. 1 . Mil 1 l' vi.. nti 1 s ion,-
Maple iw SI'rehnntil
it. I'll 1 1 11 -iv ill Pr.
I , , III. fK Ii c 2s D I.'
1 nu'iiai' 1 r si 11 trin
11, 1
11 . . t t Mineral, It
ifn., lidiikfi-rd
, 1 tn , I if II. n II '1 N dTni
1-1 1 a hr- 1 m , New.irl.
M. VI.L.I-4 1 I. It -Si.il.',',
l,i n bust in I f Hr '
It . 1 .4 1 r s) i , I f ither nf tt
V ils. 1 f A t ,.'.a Pa
fl e 1 Is ll'.S.i II V I s. I (
.- 1 -ti and all c'h-i s.. I.
ias 1 11 tin or ie ttii Itt '
1 , 1 il ..n "DAM f,
,' e, .' J 1 lu i 1 u s' .1
m ."4 it nil J adi y f II.,
in A. Jf. precisely. Int Hely Sepulchre
Mclin'inU. Dec 28. HAIIAH. daughter of
the Inte llernnrd and Stnry Stcllrlde. Punernl
Hat , K 30 A. Sf . from the funernl apart
ments of W. .1. Hevnelds, 1821 Hprlng Oar
den at Solemn requiem mass Churili of
Oesii 10 A. SI. Inl. Hely C'ress Cem.
..SIcfO.MII.--On Dee 27. 1022, AKTHtm
St , husband of Stary H, StcCt.tnb, agrd 70
years. Puneral servleen en Prldnv, nt 10
A. si,, nt his late residence. 123 Sleunl-i
well ave,, Ilndtlnnlleld, N. J. Interment
private. Laurel Hill Cemetery.
, AltOINNIbS Dec. 27, HOSM SIAIlY. In
fa nt ilnunhter nf Dr. SI. V. und Itese
Miarkey Sleitinrlss. Punernl Bat., a P. SI .
from parents' tPsldene, 721 W, Allegheny
nve int. Hely htpulclire Cem. 1 rienda miy
call Prl, eve
Mcfltlllt. Dee. 27. WILLTAAt J. .Mrfittllt.
llelatlves nnd frlnnds. nlse Slellln l.pire
Ne. 203, V and A. SI. are Invited le n'
lend runernl nervkps. Hnt., 2.30 P. M , vt
Ills Inte reslden'e, r.210 Pine st Int. privnle
SledLADj:.- l)n D f 2S. 1022 SIAItl I.
laughter of tin Inte Pntrlck nnd ltoe SIc
(llftile, formerly of 3011 Powrlten nv Pu
nernl en Hnturdav mnrnlng. nt 8 3n n clock
from the Oliver H Hair Illilg 1120 ' best
nut st. He'i rnn r'quem mass a -.t .isines
church, nt le e'tlnck. Interment pilvat
lewlnc Prld v evening.
vvldev" nf Murlei J. St'Ilvaln Punernl
servltes en Pnday, 20'h Inst , nt 2 II P ,M
at the r'udeme ;( nor son, Chir,-s J Me-
I Vlln. Jl . Mill I'r.clf r,1 1..1,.,.,.. I...
ilntertnuit private. Cnr.venn'-'S will meet
Jhe Irnln leaving Drenil St. I'titlun at 2 1."
J' SI at Anlmere ntnt Ien
, .rVrftl AID Dee :n. wir.t.lASI P M,
pi AID fei, of th.. l.vtP Henry II aid Anna
. p ATf Oil id. lrhiiii,, ,,., r,n.i ,K
. .,, , ... ......,.. - ,... .i,i-,,., , r-
ineii 10 Huenn tuners, Ha'
fre'n ht btether's rel,tii, .
;aal,l. 21121 1: Itussetl ul
at Ht. .lean or Are's Chuttli
N"W nth, drnl
. 8 :u a Al
llerii P M,
Ile'p.i, mas
10 A Al Int
AlllTtlP.Il Dec. 27 IvATHAltlN'P P
Ml.TZilHltg-d OS iiei.tivV, and frlenJ,
...-,. ,111 . inuii, .in 11. 1 11. ir j. h re it.
vlteil te ntiind funeral, n c Jm, 'je .
"fr'"".,.'"iV', 'I? hS.Z daugfier M-s Th'"rn t A
A Cnr.v, 111 V. 8th sf . ('imd.n N .1 Int.
.iilM-rl pip ' """ "'""""""' Prlends nay
MKVLtt -eT1 D"r 27, 1022 rop.eTlin
M , d.uchler of J He,,rv nnd the iv,. Agns
r'r;..:,yri nr: .' ' i"xr' ii-i'ti'es nnd
.... ..., ,r,., 11 irn et 11 V . .VI l '111! l'
I rnnsllcuratlnn Church nre. urn'. 1 1 , ...
tend fuiieriil. Hat
.10 A SI from her ii
i( is' s'. Hn'einn ruin , i
st ch'irrh nf Trui" iif.m
residence BM 7 I
ti ns at 10 A M
Hen Int. Helv i'n
0"s Coin J; m,,i,, , .,,
lie tew el J-rl f
P At
I'll NT - Ui If
Dee 2fl 1022
P.. husbun
I u no j ii.
d f cm .
of Lllubeth
Sleut '
yen Ices Hat
10 A At., ll
I crtilin.
At Cl'pe Jtiy, 1
IIAIIIIV l,,ri t -.
. D"
Am '..
s nr-1
1022. J
I'lll, M..i,7 --". .""""en'. 111
........ ..,,.,, ,,,-r IK"I in He'Ttll
friends n-e Invited In mii,,,l e
V, 1 II re'Menee 2D1
P. ri i
.... n . .. ,ni, : ,t
Alie , I at d iir
mil 1 ' iY' :l1 r n"' . -:' Pi:rpnici:. i,
I ' T lei ",,;',"L1',f..e'.""'"'"n Mlll.r Itiee
SJ''ln hl' '"d jeir Iteative, ri
frl nds, nl,,, m iiilieiH tf Pre 1 Tell n. 1
As.. and the Infrt I'.p.nil As-e,. ,,f v.'-, .
,Vi"' .'. Tn'',,,rI " ,tl""n'1 fun -nil s-rvie. . '
'1. . 1 . M'," h's .ate r. sldelee, "111 3
lu..,! I,.t k in let Hum Cedar Hill It
in. r. tnv le v .w.t) Prl .v..
, MI'IIIUV-Me,. 2T. Dr Ofep.i" '
I'lO.Vi: MI ItltAV si, ,, Is.belln at.l 'h,
" '. ',"'"; Murinv Iteln'lieM and friends
ni'eil te funeriil Sit. I 30 p si frnm h" i
I-sllenee nf 1,1;, ni th'- a'll'i TerriitP nt.
Ulssiiblcknn. Services at t Tlmeihy's P
i;,, rc ' '" "n'1 I'flnd4 may mil 1'rl-i
Nn,nv. -- Suddenly Dec 27. S Ml Ml I
w f" nf Jeseph N"ivry 'nee jiatr mi l',,,.-,i 1
tn which reiHtives H"d friend, ,,r iri .. , i"
i-Vr? ,? n'! A M f"m her lt ... I.
1..10 Shtinlt at. Snleinn mass of reejulein
huecli of St. Slnnlcn 10 A. SI. In' Hely ,
i rn'ii rem
NK'W.Y On Dc 27 1022. J.VN'r;. wldev" I
: rhe.inns Neeli. Helitlv.s nr.J frletid.i nre ,
mi...l ... .1.. ...... ... .... . '
........ ,., ,,i- ..ii,.., ,,n -aiuriiii nrter.
tn -j ii nie Ht hoe ,,. reldet.re
..' il ller.el iiv Int-rlient at Sit Slntlah
( erne rj V .nlnu l-'r,'-iy eie.,l.,K
. ",'l'V, '".""' "" M'i l"r HI'.N'HY N'PS-J
,.1.u?,'.d.i"1 " "M'1- ' N". at"'I "I veprs
ltelatlVeH nnd friend. ',., iMt )!erli' ent
.P. ."V." f--"l"' Invite 1 ie fun, ri en j-ii.iiv
. P St.. at ihapel or Andrew .1 Hair & .1 .n
1 A,eii'. -,'y!n ''., Inlermeiit private
I POWIH.L. Dee 2s 1022 AN'N'V ST
"Id ! l.f Al'".n Vr'v"' " '' " i 'd
frlenli Invited te attend fun, il s. -v Its
n"'i' -.,'i,.iM"v5-r1''" "f l.M ''" JI -'I'l-lnir-I'"
1. .null . .-usuuehanna ave lut
strl My private.
i-"v.v i.i.u -sud.len'v nt her re'd
Hn'a nve C'iimviI. Pi. nn ti,
MMtV IIMN-ACIv. w f.. ,,f ij..,i.., I)
(Pnvvi.l Iteliiflvs nn.l frPuide inv '"d te
, 'p-iif.M Hnttirdiy. 2 J' SI. ,t St. .I.,hn'.-
' l "iVr.1,1;, Cvnvvjd P., Int. nr.ent private
H'.I.D i in li. 2. I'UJ 'lllnsiv- ;
ltl.KD. cf Ilerwvii. Pi. n, un es ,,nd fi 'ends
'le 1 1 1 1 1 .-1 te 11. 'i n'riitei, Mifirdi" nftc.
roen. nl 1 eVk nt 'hj (ill or H It.i'r
,',,'li.' , 11'U Lhentnul st Inter'Tunt m'l-
l .'e
Itrms pr. it, pr. ni:ririiii: enp.c, 5
, Hu'-S Punernl son ee, r i, H resldenci.
1.21 .-r-uie ' . en Sat , 3uth Inst , nt 139
P. SI Tnt pi Iv no
I M'HKU.I.N'rir'. D.e 2R at noyersfen'
ii.. i. .vii.iii;ri-r fcf'iiri, . no :p.. .-..., ,i r.,
v irs Il'la'lves an I frl"nl4 lnvl'ed .ill
nt. MindHV, , ;m ii p si . nt his ftt ri.
denee, nth me und H'nievurd. Itnjersfnrd
Pi pt.iv.cts and Interment ut emu en. em
i of fa m 1 1 7
1 "''Hl-HCil. D 5n r- r.P.VIN' -Iv s.'n
of i i'n i.nl .(,i'Nti S.h-rer P.",.,tKes
rlt ends '.re irvl'e I t . ser ltes -it 2 P
SI. nt his parents ropiieneo p.i',1 -,.,i.
1 Int. niivatu. Jit Sl&iiah. Pi lends may
C I I I r 1 e 1 e
St'llMlDI --Dee 2 ANNA wlel,,,v f
I.e. r )l cehinMi ,k.,.,l nn llnne. atltl
fil'n'Is nivlled t" r.'t ! f.neral Sit,
V ". i.rj'.'.'. ,h." ' s'l""p cf her son-in-law.
Im-'Ph r W ,,1i nr I. 20s (.re'is ave. 1 h I
I'lihun Si-nit.-, meri Count. Int. lirwn
m,, uur 1 em.
SI'inVAI!. Dee
SVII.I.TVSI husband
of Ci" irlne Si hivab
ltif Slanl 11 rto'iitlves
I anl fr'.i Is are Invited le fun. nil
HT, It es.
cun . . 1- .11 HI Ills I lie p "1
ri ulitr... re l i
ll luui'll-i-nii l'i mt pillule
SIViil.KS D-c 27. PIlANIv P hus'.ir.d
rf Alien M-U'de Slnit'ei Ir,., Pee'vnn ll I i
tlven end fr'"n,'s, 1 'fe v ihlr,k-ten Cum.
Nn 4"l P e of A . HUP'" e, ,-; p j;
T 1 . und l'eis t n , are inv te te at'e-,i
funeral . rvlc, 'at , 2 P. SI U'e re.
den. e ltd l.'l eit ut t., lnlvn, Pu.
Pi lends -,iv out! Pr' nfter 7 p. ji jn.
SI Jin , s Kirns sstri:
svr.WAIir ' Dec 27. 1022 I
eiUiii:.N'i: i: , -v M..v.- of Horatio SI I
M.w.irt. It'dntlv's nn 1 frond, 1r invited'
. , rh serv.te. en Situiday i " neon, at 2
o'cleel,, at Per resl lerce, me verk read
It'., ineit i.rlvnt Prlends n,j cn': Prl-
till l. -I.IK
swenpn - De, 2 k,22 vmhi.i.v sv
wlfe uf 1! V It Sn mpe Pun- -a. s rv I es
Sun 2 P St II' lie le.l'er e f l,r nn
In-. an c, 11. 04 1; Hidd e 121s S .1:1 d st.
Int S estii i' s'er r'ein Prln ts call Sat.
eve . frmn e til' 1ft u clock
t.,'IMW!'-i :..'!. n'-- M" mi-man
. 11.1,4 1,111 "It n iUK'1'er n' the
line import VV., limn nnJ : Imbe'h A Idle
I Iinvvnil'C It" stives and f- en Is Irv le 1 te
ff'tld fun'', I l-ervee4 prl 2 P M lit
'r lite, re lnf 33 N I n. I. mi nr ,
,1 diiivr- pi. Irt prlvnte Train leaves
Lr " I St s.,,.,nn nt 1 P M. I
'I AVI. MI! D.e 2f,, If.j'j ISAIIKI.T.A
wife of fi- no Heniv c 'tai.er Iteinji
nrd f I le n a-e !l.llf"l tn itte-i-t "jnerft
sc vj'i 1 M roil'.T- ,4 Iri-.tv j,t!
- 'fin i 1 1 en, n us n the Lhureh of t, s
M si Hl-,.e! Siu'riuner.t. 10 A SI. Int
Ile 1 ' 'rem Cm
I-' i'TI.'P ': Dee 27 Mrs M's.w TKT
TKJIPit n ' T '.."' :e-r. xe-i ,., j-r)
P 1 . t " I urn- . f ' or d.uiei,t"r Mrs. 1
IP P -chile!.'.' '321 N IH1I1 jt let S,t 1
II P SI nt If e TiM'um. ermuiisvllie. 1
1 m -l,e f'niir'V I 1 ;
PVTPAP ' fiiva'i ri Pa'ls Ohie ,
D 20'h i.M'.MI P ',. f Mi. 're ,'"It'
Wl' l.n i: Pm.'ea! , Ki (., if., '
C.lfh vear I." 1 . ,p' 't.erd.i H-. 1 .
. I" I 'e ut'enl ttie f -e-e' s..-i 1 n. i-ri '
3 i P St ilvitl'.r r ' '"- e. 11,1, l'nul' .
1 st Int ;t' I I a I'-m '
il. I. Ml. II 1 .", WIT HIT MIN
Inv nf llen-j dime M'sMvea Vnii
'"1 !s Ini'ltt'd t. li" I 1 i". .,' r, I,'.,
i 2 r SI . t h. Ut,- - i . nee ic;
" -i Int r'bv iid . ' i -WAI
SH - De, '.7 J.lMril'.lm.i,,.,
i" -' c v , . , , , , '
ft ' i . "'It, ."ie,, i
" ' . R ' V " '' ,1 , .1" r.
li'.t N'
! ". .-.,,, .., i i ,!".., p,r,,A, ',,. .,.,, .,.. . .,,. ,,.,., .,,,,.,. 1, , li, ,., , .,
, I'r' 2 V SI . -.' h... Ut" - i . .,;, ,,7.7 v ' -,.- -, . . ,:.A v.. .....',. '.:, ..... ..... .
'.." sf Hit ' r'I'V iv ,',. '.", ...... . ... - ... .. i-i.f-M.i.v r i r
7 te 'i P l WAISH-De, '.7 JAMP-i P. 1,in, .' , ....,.. ,, ,-, ,. I!,, u. -r v- . . VV.i.'.pp
-re .' 'M" ": I f V" '' "11" I' , ".''.U. .":.'.."". ,..f"r ' " .''.' he'l'l PIltNlPP. - P.ilIMAI.lH
f.'Viteine r".!'. ",- ,'., ,:'','"""'. , , -. ;;,,,i..a ' ...-r "iv'-T'.r .. " '."
e , ,.,. . ,. a ell."le-l ,-e."B HI s.ttts , ,e V , '... i-,
ly ijm.p.i.mv..., ?::" 'vib,r.,,-,.:;c:'VA..,:,,,2i:,-a ---' "?"'
. .. . .... ,.-..- . i , i . ,if . .. .. .. . T, . ' ! :'N 'ri km
i-t Mi - . H jWi ., frt? T" s. ITU ' ' i-i 'la-" exp, .'i i ei.iry Jelri1 . . "i" ., " ,.
P" t, ii M EPA W Jff SJ H da, ?. JtlSTB ' ' '" ''' '.e"i.r nn ' I ' ' .' i' . i -u "
,,. ... ." ' . ViV strsiT g 1 W il IM LW'a.'B - - - - - - - - , e.ts . e e i 'It' '.pi.
vi'-T'K rnWLst'V - n,'s,!- ,,,,,,,1-ri"?r:
Ki i t. i ,'aiajT,u" !' . .. mtxiiai I ' ' ' ,rt v
Ht. Hllsabeth'a Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely
Hepulrhrn Cem.
WIP.HT Dec 27, HAt.MA TV wlfe of
Jeseph II. JVIest 'nee Ynlin), Itelatlves nnd
IrienJs nre Invited te attend funefil serv
ices. Hat., 2 P. SI , late residonie 423 V
Oxford sf, Int. prlvnte, Alt I'rn'e I'vm
llcmntns mny be viewed Prl p
WIT'IPH Dpe 27. lit her r-slden, e 1(117
Wnynn ave.. (lermnnte'vii, HLIZAHP, III
HllOOKH. wife nt William .1 Witter Ileln
lives and frlenda am Invited te attend fu
neral servleee, rrl. 11 A At . nl the chapel
nf Kirk & Nice, 11301 Clcrtnantewn nve. Int.
Prwt'NIli:n Dee. 27, AttCHAP.L lllTPn.
husband of Lydla I) Wonder, nged 70 Heln
tlies nnd friends, nlse Nlipteivn lidite, 0
8M, I O O, P nnd nil etVr .iriraiiirnilnnH
if which lie wns a Jremlwr Itultf.l te fu
neral services, Hal 2 P Al , Im nstdrpei.
I dge HI'l live ninl Wn. ut ave NemIi
diet side Aufs vvtil rid I 02 P M . .n
from llendlin T'rmi' 1 i,' l,dge Hill Hln j ,11.
Int. private Print's a m'l Prl cvp.
$50 up te $700
finest Uuiillt' I.ntest (Style,
Fur Scarfs and
In Sable. Marten, Minis Pox
and Wolf
Finest Qunlity T.atest Rty'.ei
TVirvc goetli m rrr Irt en our
nnnds by a reliable I'urrirr
Fridenberc', 37 N. 11th
Ph ladelphli
Ol... Lu
r Ht
1 r m
.O l J
r I t.r riH.
1612 Frankford
A ii
V,rle or phene
Tull Dress antt Tmei'e fimts
Ciinwsvi 1 ir Mernirir Wedrlim
T-- ' " ,,! V -
.' i.le . e fill ' . .
Pent ,r 9SSI
1010 GIRARD AVE. rv"
Pe i iu, i' I t.C -t r
Peel I "i.j ll.il. Is. , . k i
I't Iter i rV ll"il e Mj'j
ill I rel.util A , I, i-1 i'- -
P.as(ern (Ifllre
SI.OVN N()M".l.r MPfl.
pej n. utii st.
Pitnnee. Hell. Pntd ir '1721
! )' 111CH--1
Dec 21, V
ii'.-' I 1.
Ilru.i 1 all 1 t'l eviu,' sts
' . t re I at 1 If I !ur
'.Vl I 'l' Ht
Gewn -i.e4' beiwepn-,-, idi c. i.
!",-sstn 1 ,m f t' lit?.-' irM
P St
1 out iltilnv i'n i'n sul.etat.tla, leivarl
for th" r 1 - ,,- Inr.irtnst'nn c n
'HI". It-',"., f.. J II . 1120 Walcit 1
ff rd
:. Nn
.( I'.sl
I 0 Jt -ttnlis .in, el
' i - 12 Vt
fllN-'l I
ll 'Vlil I
VA I'll
nf 11 e ', '1
t-at'ird i
r -ii ard
'pe. J.'' i-tit '
. read I", ,
d amerd lm,j
irtntni 1 t,,
it rl 11
Pi H
T.t'-'. f , d ll.'e'i at, I UT . I. ff. I
ke'f" aid rene-i iittn'h'd. make
tlru-n. It A M encian I ht.er.il
net jrn t j i' , M.,r e. OH
Cr.17.1r II die
, litifiK'lvPPPPIt Yeuni.- lndv n'lh s. rneoi-je-imiM
for im s-t nf hi lis. rnus' be
1 In'ell join mid enp-Mii . Tele: ht.ne Walnut
'a., ler a;'i' iit.-ineni
The Public T.oei?er Ce detlreB th services of
11 viuni: wiinin in Its nrpriunt'nK depart
11 out eipp.y Oth unl Chcju ut sts ask
fnr Sir. Wlen',
CI.KItK? W.i hav poslt'er.s of Intereet te
I Intelligent. weil-d'jca".l . i -I ls tu 23
vears cf i with real llltlne nnd aptl-
tud.i for fliu.'cs, iperlcn'U unit ..'Ssatj.
c.!l at c-ice.
CPP.TIS I-Cniel.-HIN'.-, ul Wl Pin.eim ,t
eiitr.!- 1 -ej'
with blith Si .!
aptlture f. r !eii
Iny. tl ere nr" s.
' ri-Rtit Hen f 1
n' l"IU.
meet n fe.i Pr, 1
inn, who have nn
'I'll 111 1
n 'ehun cal dra.v-
je I ,,pp r'un'tles in
1 e.,"r"-r
1 fi, -..r .
-h nr
cur'ls Put.
.'11 arsem
;'e ti 'ti cur
per-vinent pel
'artmi-ii'; la pi
Pull Y'll
if jeu are . tu jit ear of aJ" till '.i 1
it, it ,t i, a .ri . 1 te s ir i r , ,lav week
."a'urdav I, i-lai . alti.mt'10 star"!..,- viai
- i' slat t .1 .n casi vi tli ixpi' cf.ee call at
cniTis ptni.i.iHiNu c.i . )ni sni.iem t
Bu Jee Cunningham
7p,Y j-el J
Mlii ! Win 'el I.' i." 4 ie..!, .Hit! an V',' r l' M umes
.. -im i .... e., '..t.. i' ....' .. ... I'.r. I ., in .1 r . '
--- . "
STKNOOHAPIIHll We can usa the services
of a vvell-Pducnted, thoroughly eiperl
enced stenographer, preferably one who tim
11 knnwlP'Ige of advertising department
routine, this pojltlen offers a splendid op
p ,rtunity te eiip who Is vvlillnf tti work for
ntlvane ment. A II Klrichhaimi Ce. H11
imiu of Hmpievrnent lliead f Cnrpeittir st
HTIlNOdliAPHPH Ileglnner "high" school
graduate, regular course, with subsequent
commercial preferred, Interesting business!
salnry Ma. with Hdvnneettvent. 112R Hpruee
HTKNOllIlAPIinil At least f fear's expert
tti'i Aprly iyeKanjinm st , 3d fleer, .
TYPtHT--Wanted, liplsi and clerki some
perlence necessary, high school or businesg
celleve I'radun'D preferred Apply te Mr.
Kraft f-eiiid floei, HO') Chestnut st.
WO.MRN S'pverni positions open te henent.
iinirntinus neinen wne nre willing te learn
biirlness Cull nfter 10
A. SI. 7Q
tmm llldg. 1001 .Market
St. Ask for
vwri:n Cashier and bundle Blrl for silk
dens rt ment. position permanent, all ftp
I II, iititms In strict eenlidence. Thresher
lli'ithers 1322 Chestnut st.
I We hnve p'rinnn' nt p'.sltlens for woman
I I ''ween in nnd In vears of nge. attrnctlvH
Mtiue t'j s'nit w.tli, siil.ptnntl.il Increase
1 ft 1 4 vve.'k-. ns Intrense for each fl
I , .lbs' ndt'd servlre expeilence net neceP-
en i Cn 1 nt um-c MIHH HIAION. 8 te B
il' iv Parks!, nve Wst Philadelphia.
I'd Ne mviv f KonilVdueHllf.n. appegr-
.111,0 nn 1 personality tn tall en largest
f.iiie ns m the nt. n renl selling position.
11 1 invaselnsr. commission basis, which
h mi d rt jeu frcm 30 a week up. Phene
i.et u-i :i;j."
, Wl i net eiTie pnd fee tpe this week? There,
nre openings for ambitious veunr women
who an. lGeklt.ii for pleasant work.
iTr'orhene ererettnsr Is permanent: there In
t ' Iny off after the first of the year: It'i
ve-vr-'reund work
TVre Is no letter
th s w pelt te enter
than rleht new
Vt u v
I receive 113
a week at the start an4
llfle' f, Weeks
1031 Areli ts.
.30 A SI te 7 P. M.
thi: ni:i.i. rr.i.KPHe.N'i: co. or pa.
pnnerlv 1 rnl-ie-l mu ttoe n weeit nnd tin.
Hi, Mm r lie th f'e the most vvldelv known
e.rrtner 'n' art nrranlratlen tn the field.
err ou h trat' lri under direct super
ilsi n , f their expert nrtlsts the elemanfl
i"r , timtni -t 'at artiTts N urenter everv vear.
e. f,
out III jstri.te, took or call at
. . 1:11 walnut t
. f.l.AHN' TVl'p'WFUTiNVr AT HOStK
AT, h ,'!' a ' fr )() ,!H,, e,.-,ine,l rUrl
Mtid ft.r pnrtl, 1 ars Coev-Wrlht te.. Slf
' ' . 1 rv st
'Jill! S vini ted Oevti rnsltlenT" 12S' me :
inn n .ii-niH ie, exs , 'rsttens Jim sml
writ, for pi. 'ip-n P 1121 J.,,! Off
C' ... NTVNI vi-M,,(t n.1N.T..,, fif
s..r,RM .."T.. rr'" "" A-Ol-N'TA.NT.O;
M' - n wi: im. 1 uNwiDKitAui.n
ItVIirt'.Mi ,,', fit N'TPM P.XPPHIKNCEt
'.""D "KRMANPN'T I-isITT'iN' Tn HIilH-
riAu1- MA, ",vn F','LI- AHTicriMrtfi
"1 PI .'Uf viAit.Vij ACi: WIIKTHBft
QfiitPD v .1 i.r.nc.Kn eFnrn
BEAMEIli ;'n.' twisters "nlitht woriBeoa
J'HVRplv P 1010 ledger Offles.
Il'iY for ef.Ve tier 1d"brlht and active:
1 nst" nee and salary expected C 1 1 7.
I.edl-er flfOre.
' iii.au.-n wanton ter routine work en i
si'lie t Apply the ltarrttt Cr. . sitih
nin i.rnvs Fer-v nve
-'r..-i',.'.n.s nnn iirartHmen fe,r eteetrie.i
I nt 'I
mechentciil work w 'Di
1 te-vl
I 1110
ii' nil lav Safirdav 3Hlti
at Iln.1111
VV ,tii rsii'i.'. !11. Junlr.er
and Vl'al.
1 1 U I F.K
L'N'H.N'KClt Iteeent tratluate electrical or
mechanical or i-lneerlni: preferred, for pers
manent work with n l tse company exceN
I-nt cppeirtunlty for the future; applicant
slv uld net be ever 23 veirs of ace. In re
plvln state nee eeluent'en expertenee an
mlnrv hspikiqiI P 1013 Ix-dger Ofrtce.
J.PAN'i:si: wiinterl fur eeneral housework
a.nd exp. runnlnu nutemnhlle by slncl
man living alnne c 1!', I.eeJter Office
I.AHOIli:itS is.',( .-metiui Hen work
winter 'eh 71i. Vf-e t
n nnp.MTtsinN'
rrr. p.aii.iieap heuk
PSIPI ei'mpvt
pi.p.NTY or nvnimsrn
rni:' i'eapd and TTiANspnuT.neH
123 N l.-.TH !T
piiii.Mip.i.pnrA. r
cp.n'tum. HAii.rtfiAn ets ni;w jkhsbt
OPKN' DMI.Y 7 . Sf TO f, V Jf.
M WA'P'lt '. mk" tl .irue it
I t OI l'''ll,r I ' a ej jrti 1 tow
Cl "' I'' .-Is e exrerlence
ence M 12 leed.-er nffi, ,
live Neil erU
f "ff' nf mill
el 'in nis ilmirei
enlnrv refer-
'. 3(1.1 Sladlsen
MKN teiera! rnis'tl -ns npen tn heneat.
ii mid leus men whi are vvtlllnif te learn
our buslre.j i.i', nf'er 10 A M 702 Van
Dnm 1 J-, . l'.ul Slaraet at. Ask for Mr.
a! 'e vppll today te
corpora tl .n Pier O,
of Al eirhenv ave , be-
. r. m!i n prejset.
tin. D c.
- tint fl veunr
inst 'lnillntm in prln'
"i esMmnte must ll
t f'-uren Preieftant
tti M"t't e ai d salary
" P " Ii-x SI43
't'e t It lllll
'ne H i , Star, I i
' i rs ih . isultlell
Ti n t v fnr ,,T1 whl
,"r s r la- 1 1. 1 re
" 'Mnc re e roil
en the. i utiidi' expert.
ly tl .' i'4."l.i 11 slut
i !,i.p exi i i ii ii, i pi,
4 re, ,. ll III ,.
101 l.elg.r lifflrei
.'e V r. I-t fill nniier
V" ii, I . CUs flelil fop
: - vi v s i.
( it lieu
. exicl ,er
eslR'e vl .th
i "small and trader of
f'rin tl at u.aiws liberal
't ni,- "h wnrth-vvhlls
).ni ei i r,n nor rent
O Fl.'l.'lll S Ul
e- . t ni; ,'sali- '
i i slnirii te I 44 n
' 1 ll.uris 1 .1 .
i. A tin 1
leHpiuidence cnnfl
i.tter ( e . 1201 Al
N .1
-A Pb.MAN -- i Xi eli. nl nprnrlunltv fnr
t,' u'li' '1111.' man vilth selllnii uhllily lu
ieii i tth larue rataern inanufaeiurini:
rtii.p men ' ard st enli tin s-i deetrtnir per.
fi '-tl I'.e linn, where n fcnnA fulure t as.
elliel, nir V stiitlnK uualieestliins enperl
si'.nr' deslre-1. P Kill Ledger Of.
-vll'ivw V'an'sl '.eunit man wllllntr
1 em. I "s 1 1 1 r- m Husten te travel
Nev Pni nt I fitHlsH se.i inttnn iioeda te da.
ri nent B'er, 14 hi I 1 ll'le state a co, experl'
ei nn uluiy exiivted p 1020, I4idtr
' I "4M N ih nn 'in of tewrn "paint manti.
f, 'ufr an .Xfrl I t.alni and vnrnl'li
e ,-inin vies 1 und 'n. urn! I v known te Ihel
It ile.rhti tride klie fu'l tartlculara, In
1 1 Una sal's milar ind ivferfiices SI 120,
1 eluT I Iff Ir
iai I MlS'-i it Tl 1 1 1 nn cnntrHctnr7 enal-
1101s and rthlt"ets m i-i-il n nalleniiTly
Vreiivn linn nf vault elnnrs 11 s P. side llmi
e'l l i'ulninlssl..i i-litf. fullv w h rl llfias you
nsejl 1 in.' 1, ,iipr (ifflis
ll l.-MKN , itm in- iipiiiird uf IBOOIJ pes
in 1 1111 11 1 He 1 tie' f'juuei pros
. ii.lii,t , r .im,. 11 di s'rnhle ennnec
.1 Mint le, .1 "1 . , f I , 1, lunklllif
,e 1 1 , ml . ii 1 , m. y .rl ami
I lib 1 III 1 ''..111 n ntle fun )Hr
. s . 1 I 4 .. " I ... I i.Ibh' tlf
'11 Perd esr and I ir Isen trarinrs In
aru'ind llunili Kilnii and Ml Unleni av
11 nd
prep, sinen rer Hie rlunt ineii. Apply
either 11
lesrntin r,r wrllinir it, Phu
- llre
Mt. Union. Pa.