WUSJW.J.wW-Wtt m . . ' ""';'"" Vjyv-V'AIW' rlfW'1 " 'V:)'.TwW"-;"vrj' "r """"V--" ; riaw-rpW- vmpiifffwfjipvjtfm'm-'T' i',tmnfJ"Vm"W" ' m--"-- -- WrrTAi nflM1)" ; " GOSSIP OF THE STREET EVENING fctTBLK) LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY.' DECEMBER 20, 1922 '25 DIXP LANTWORKERS frt.. mmnr mongers Judging from Uie Mllbrc e( anme -jtorlea circulated yd ttnl.iy. nl net en,y runnlns s,10l't et '(jrlal but nre inclined te linve little ,pect fur fncts nnd conilitleni. When Baldwin Locomotive miulc it inlmnted rebound n report was freely drculntcil Meling Clie fllrortera would ",,,. tliH nf let neon nnd declnre the Ieiir TrnmlMMl "t",l dlddend. Ah n matter JI Tit the l.enrd held the stated meet he a '' S.l,nJ no oil'" wrmIeii ! fliedidcd until some time In .Inmi "n When Annreiuln un driven down ever n point reports were in rlr rlr tuhtlen that the inciter with Chlle was rut liki'1 I'e nffecttd. r-irllu' In the day. these in n poi pei tbii te knew the real facts, Mated net anlv wem Hi" nmnlirnmutlen Midnp rinelied, but 1'"' W('11' practically reiniiletid fur tlminuiiiR the deal. Such nn the niuductlen of the rumor nien- jir l'iCMi. New Year Finn Cliniigri Pome verv Inlereitintr firm ehnnses, te tnl.e P'ae't' with the New Year, wcr hinted jeMenhiy, but nothing authentic wei te "be obtained. It Is Known n-veral of the mere ac tive leu-il liens p plan te t.iUe in sev frnl new partners and in one or two in'-liin-es special partners will retire. It s understood, one of the largest hnnkliiK houses Is Keeping nn ee open for what the Street calls u "Reed tinn." These I" position te Knew mid eter eter ilay'the in-ill bud nlruidy b"en t elect til but no nniieutu-emenl would be made until he wau able te lix ti bis prm-nt affaire. Last Day for LesvTnliing Fnles te establish lessea for income tnx purposes came in lurRcr elumc yes terday, as it wna the labt day utec-Ks ceulil be sold for such put poses "ecept for cash." Stocks fold lomei row would net he delher.ible until Monday, whkh of ceuim', would make it tee Kite te ie itir losses for the income tnx leturim for 111--. The volume of such helling w.T) a gre.it deal sm.ilkr than ut this time a iar m. That Steel Melen Netwithts.indiiiK .Itidgc Gary's- denial that an extra dhldeud of any seit Is beinu considered, there Is n certain (Icrient thnt peisdsts nnil insists some tiling in l C),'ni (I te distribution of part of t lie laige surplus will be done in the earl) p.ut of next jenr. It is pointed out 'bj these peep'c that Judge (jiirj's deni.il was puielj technical and dtclaic their argument is bucked up by the pronounced strength of the stock. JiuU'e (iarj's denial, they say. docs net iinplv an extra lii!eiid will be luii"iilrrtil, enlv that it has net been Hi fir It was luiiyjied ycslciday that in p -nation for the melon-cutting the ii),.,p,iny bad been selling its Liberty IlnntJ holdings. I'rein reliable quarter", however, it wis- stati d the holdings of Libeity ltiunK whidi constitute the greater part of the gliil.KilMi'.ll marketable feieurl tifs, ui-f btill intait. Year's Final limitc Call Ac-nnliug te Washington dispntcbrs, tlif liflli ami liual uill of the culendni yi.ir ut" the condition of the national buds ill fee issni'ii I v the ('onintrellii ef Current-) as et December 20. During the (ninsi of ln, ail nn ni" t i :it mi the Comptroller h.is ledm-eil the number of items that lutiKs lime te report fiein Hellt-llw te sixtj-ene, or fiilllli'en ks tli. in the number required umler bin preileci ser. 'I he I, n form of lepert, ncceiillng te .in i flicer et one of the large banks h-is ri'diiud the work of answering the e.ills Hill per cent. "The cashier." he siiil "can pt-artlcillj answer the e.lK liiui-i'lf ami finnish all iufoimu iufeimu t ion ri-iUlteil. whereas, under the old fm in it would take sceial days ami tin; wtrk of eight i r ten clerks-. H.une is i rue of all national banks," he added. As the resiilt of a simplification of the Ivinl; mils ma ' In the ores""! Coiiiptreller, u reduction in the clerical feru- et his elhce fiein le te liO pel cent has been made. liuliislrl.il Maturities Next Year liidiiitrbtl bends and notes falling line in 1',1'J.'! will furnish censiderame fldl fop new financing, although the fcrmtir pnit Im for small amniints which II' be p-iid without refunding. Total i- Sun7.7!ir.,210 au'.iinst Slil t.DIII.T K in 11)22 nnd S21 .".0:! 4.-::tl in " 111 iiiibistiial. public utilitv nnd railroad Vn1""1- "'"luring in H'2.'! aggregate (il.l,,"(lLMriO, whlle foreign goern geern nent lienns falling due amount te Kl)'J IKl.OiH). mnking a tetiil of nil ob eb ob IlBntlen i maturing in 1!i2.'!.'sMi.-,;Sl,1."0. Anion-; tl lnrpcst nnd most im P'r'ant !-, t , met (irp p'JO. OCOtiOi) liethlehem Steel seiies 12 7 Pr viit netei. ,ue full 1"' Sears il'ielmil. iV. Ce.. .-slV.OOO.OuO 7 per H-iit notes, dm Oeieber I: Vii-gliin- nndlna ( liemii-nl Ceinpanv, Sll.O(lt). (II if i .- )tei nut ImiiuIs, due Divemher 1 : "" ' e r icmpnii), M. (lIHI, ()()() 7 P"r lent ci ii' ei tilde bends .due "Mn 1 lulu) Wnn.imnker. SIO.OOO.OOO first rerlgTgi' ," mi- cent bend. due April J. and I.iicknwaiinn Steel Cotpenitloii. M) "sC.'.'.UOK .-, pu- cent bends, Jue April 1. While there Is nn tituibunl number if isdius mainline in .Inimurv nil et ept one. State Stieet rchnngi' -,(ViS,0()0 (i per lent notes, dun Jan tav ,'il, me for I.m than Sl.tllld lAHl Y"" 'f the is. ues In tu- interest at 'hu i.-iti of S per cent. 7 per cent and ' per cent. 'I he outlook for iiiuuej rutiH for 1(12.'! lndiuitis ihnt coriioia ceriioia coriieia ti"iii will be able te n Ilium e at lower "'. T1IIJ TIJADKU. BIO PARADE FOR GLOUCESTER Tlie Sour Kieut Ni w Viar Associa tion of (ilmicester Cit), whiih wen sev eral pn(b here Inst jear, will parade in itleue stei- this M-ur, instead of tmsbiiig the liver. At the request of jleucestir business men, the nssecia- i tlen dieidtil te teiu ever) hiieet In JileiuiuKr, beginning at :'.',.) nMeck ( in the meiniug. Man prizts will be awarded. Aftir the parade there Willi de an n -roast nt the ilvetfreut. 'J lie ssfociatien has 500 members. ELA ITDOVER GIFT WHIvills Manufacturer Turned Over $1,000,000 Business te Workers SAYS HE HAS GOT ENOUGH Ilenry A. Dlt has completed the turning ecr of his $1,000,000 business business le lils empleyes, and new the workers In the Mllhllle, N. ,T., plant of Henry A. l) & Sens Company, are nwnltlng his nrrhnl there. He bus given them htn business, nnd they personally want te tlmnk him. "Mr. Dk will he here in n few dr..s," said Geerge lteler, the piesl- dent of the tiee ivminnnr. nlm linu (stabllHhnd his etricfs In the plant nt Millvillc. "1 haie known about hi8 plans for thn transfer of the builness for some time, ns I hate been empleved In the elllcn of the company In New New Yerk. J'he workers had no ndvnnce In formation, and scniccly can rcall.e their geed fortune yet. "Mr. Dix- will cxpleln his plan for gllng the business te the weikers. The new lempany A.ih Incorporated last Tuesday morning nnd the plan was tinned eer te us then. The foulness Is nourishing, and the gift te the empleyes menus n big thing, let me tell wi. "Our capital Ih 52,"O.O00, leaned us by Mr. Dlx. The workers held the Meck certificates." There nre about 100 emple.ies in the Millvllle plant. There are e her fac tories of tlie company nt Semcrvlllc nnd Hrldgeten, N. ,1. During the war sal aries were increased ,'17'i per cent and Tinvn tinem. tin... -iilttrtml Tt, mlilllt..,. .....V ,.v.. Utl IVHIH-Vltl 111 MT4UI1IUI, emplejes get cash bonuses. Mr. Dix, who came here from llussln when forty-two ears old, hclleus the empleyes nre entitled te the business, iu flint. Iiftltwid t.l, it I.. .11.1 tt .... tf.. ..M.t .. .,. a.v.l.l. 11,1,, 17LIIIII II. , 1 ' AllJ 1IIIU bis son, he s-nn, have enough te live en. ins name) ei .(ki,uiai a year ne nns fclvcn up. The tecie.nry and gincrnl iiiiiiuiKvr ei me corperauon is j'rcucrieii IK l-'rank, nnd the treasurer Is Itnlph Waltman. All linve been with the company for jear. "The Idea of the silc- d-ites back many enrs." Mark IT. Dix. son of Mr. Dix, Slid, "te the subtle. Kindly influ ence of my mother eicr my father. Ten )cni age she persuaded lilm te estab lish at once, instead of after dinth. by bis will, it hospital In the town of Mllhllle, N. .1. The geed accomplished by this institution gue my father se much pleasure that In 102) he gave te the Yeung Women's Hebrew Associa tion his country home at Mount Klsce, N. Y., te be usnl ns a summer home for working girls of this cltv. At the same time he donated a fund of 3100, 000 for its upkeep and payti the asse ciatien rent for the one hoiibe en the property which Im eicuplcs." Mr. Dix came te this country thirty curs age from Itusslii. He was then forty-two jears old nnd unable te speak English. When n drygoeds business Im established In Millvllle. N. .7.. did net make the stilkes he hoped for he turned te the mnnufactuie of women's "wrap pers." In 1007 Mr. Dlx tinned the licnthiunrters te New Yerk. Since that time no salesmen htue been cmpleed. Mr. Dix, n large, rudilv man. does net show his age. "Mv Interests," he said, "are my work and nature. All tliu time that I peulbly can t spend outdoors." 4f u Killed by Automobile Archibald lllnlr, secntj-five years old. of IS-'O Arch stieet, died last night in the Medlce-Chlrurglenl Hospital of a finctured skull, suffered when he wis run down bv nn nutomebtlo early Tiieday morning en the . Parkway nt Seventeenth street. The automobile did net step uftcr the accident. L-w of rfJ An Announcement We are leaving our old home at Sixteenth and Arch streets, where our offices have been located for the past 20 years, in order that the Insurance Company of North America may secure the nec essary ground upon which te erect a building which will be a monu ment te the city and te itself. Upen its completion we expect te return te the site where we have been situated for se many years. We believe that the development of the Parkway is of much greater importance te this city than our personal wishes and we have acted accordingly. We have selected offices en the fifth and sixth floors of the Flint Building, 219 North Bread street, which was designed, con structed and equipped by Steele Architects, Engineers and Con Cen Con structers, where we will be located after today. We invite our friends te visit us in our new home. ymMxHUued snA& Vm Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Stocks and Bends Colonial Trust Bldg., Phila. Eend for Copy of Our Wcrklr Market Letter, "U'i nnd Downs" I Investments Baker, Yeung & Company JOsJtlll XV. Ml .U.N. Jr.. Mueaier Land Title Bldg. Uoiten Philadelphia trT Ter1! St" !( T. liaiinx Iieum et leiik' Ri'imllm, ilialrm te drop Inup iff ut Plillmlilphln .i li I v lie v.lt. te Ufcltlmuit (' iinniunK ,llini will 1.., trt.xtnl ullh hUUt iliiHiIcikh Het hu Hurrinun bii'I Cuini'. ni . 11 llrend ttrcit. '' oil . BkUl & CO. i. ruw Lcick (is, 19II1 Li'liiuh Tower Securities (is, 1027 St.uul.ml Gas & K.ectric Gs, 1J2G I'mpire KciiniiiR Gs, 1927 'mplrc Ga & Fuel Gs, 192G BAUER, STARR & CO. I-and Title Hulldln. rhlUdf Iphli New Yrrk Olfff & Hectir Stri"( Dlrrrt I'llxntn V'eViWienri brt (ifflrei If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks end bencta every Wednes day, charging S1.50 en. trnnce fce for each item. Our weekly catalogues and post card aervice reach every mar ket. We take plcaaure la furnlshintr quotations i Barnes & LefJand Mih-U Pr-lirr nrrt Anrtlenr 147 S. 4th St. ' 1421 CHESTNUT STRICT Mmbr Phtla. block Enehengt rENNA. TAX FREEBONDS WESNER,ROGKEV&CO Certified Public Accountants Drcxcl Building, Philadelphia Complete Investment O 'a n eecunues service Waimssssjsmtsas, . CtiCitdulUclcceuntants ft Income Tax Consultants -...., tujra1L.w. 4cruueu M 1T-U s i: n v i; '' YOl'R IXTER. EtiTS IX EVERY ACCOlWnS'G AND AUDITING CAl'AC 1T) A Consultation InrelT.t K Obllfttleu LI A TkfDi TrT-"LT T- i !H Rfa' Estatclrest Blk,Phik,Pa Established lSbS Commercial Irust Building v n i Ltu jc jui"ri u Baliimore NawYerlt Washington I Bends for Investors Reed A. Morgan & Ce. .Mr mt r or inn i'iii:i Ntn Drrh. Writ t.xd 7mv( Hug i'hila Bend Prbces FROM 1903 TO THE PRESENT TIME MUNICIPAL RAILROAD PUBLIC UTILITY INDUSTRIAL 1021 192.2 HALVES OUAlrTERS ,. I3T e 5r2re3ryiCLT 3 00 00 03 -04 '05 "00 "07 t8 "09 IO 'II "12 "15 '14 "13 '16 '17 '10 M9 "20 .I, i 1 i i twiBliSIIHI9vflMllSK9HBIwfll9HkjPQfBI K3 average pricc op dends as BJHBHMCTJgvBgpQB- BBl RECORDED BY PLOTTING MnlBWHMBMKBaMIMKJB HI MOODY'S "PRICES OP CAPITAL" 1w8BBSRDCIHBIHQHD1 Bl ON YlCLD SCALC. twHDMBSBHAuBQflRAB 00 6 00 7 00"J5 '05 '04 '03 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 l I '17 l3 '14 '15 'IG '17 '10 '19 "10 Hr 2" I" 2 3a halve quarters i92i 191a S.QO., Municipal Bends have fallen the least, from a 3.30 te a 4.19 yield an increase in return of 0.89 but, for the investor with substantial income or earning power, Municipals are, in all likelihood, the cheapest by far at this time. In 1903, when en a 3.30 basis, Municipals did net have the added value which new attaches te them through exemption from income taxes, but sold en a purely investment basis as did ether bends of the highest grade. Public Utility Bends show the greatest gnin in income yield as compared with war or pre-war levels, having fallen from a 4.43 basis in 1905 te a 6.38 return at the present time, an improvement in income return of 1.95 Railroad Bends have fallen from a 3.91 basis in 1905 te a 5.38 basis at this time, a gain in yield of 1.47 Industrial Bends have increased in yield from a 5.26 basis in 1916 te a 6.79 basis today, a gain of 1.53 The chart, we believe, illustrates which is the cheapest class of bends at this time and whether long-term bends should be purchased today by the investor for income. Harrison, Sivsbth & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5th STREET lomeard cioe PH I LADELPMI A r mr --. iibiiiiwmu , . imuii , I ill mi I ! i i ii i iii. wTaii ' . -rifnTiirgwrttii'ii ! i in ii iil.l 1 k.liuwwp'iiirii I ijMjjr'rgr,a.-wrfrmMnwTrMfciWiVft?insE Today's the Day te Cheese January Investments SSSSSSSSSSSKS WE suggest the immediate selection nnd reservation of January investments. We have recently purchased a number of especial ly attractive bend issues, and prompt investigation will enable you te select just the bends and serial maturities you most desire. As an investment for January funds, such as Bank Interest Interest Bend Interest Mortgage Intercst Intercst Bank Surpluses Maturing Bends Maturing Mortgages HAROLD TEEN : : : : ; As the Queen Orders s- r meic t'Aiae 6iAAve. a if Rwdy up,qole! y'ktsIeuj. i j n N . "N I f HOWJA UKE. IX A HAlTfAA Uka THAT 7 "5ME.K HKKCuTS' C S DO J V' "cJ& J''' ''"4 6VJG3?- th' vera a rrBCcuse. cu&y W eaiv I rtae Pcsmuai-y r vor V 5Lrv! T; s l V,-... u.x..-T-,-. V U;EPriT. i CZZZl mik Suit1 tfet - - P7 ''Jtt I X-' Z 7, 'euunii ei-i us. . vja -L-! sikJSCVi. AmVi. i'' K--''l ni"JJw Q i la2S!SSS IWlwif f u . II . gtJ Unvill 4 . H we recommend Straus Bends, in $1,000, $500 and $100 de nominations, yielding 6 and 6J2, in serial maturities from 2 te about 20 years. Literature describing these sound invest ra"ts will be scut en request. Please call or write today for BOOKLET 919-L 3, W. STRAUS & CO. WTABI4MKD lS8j OFTICES IN THIRTY CITIM WCOWOHATED 1(317 WALXl-T STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Tni.ri'HOMSIItlCi: fi387 40 YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO ANY INVESTOR I 1"2J s- w S- & Ce J Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart & Ce. Inc. I-aMThfeBM. rUpkemUaat 74 It MPCiiaufnvir. niewksun mwm ueln. i)fi & Mi mbtrs Sw Yerk and I'kthnhl'jhia Stock Uxehuiuien 1512 Walnut St. uImmSSmEI I " fl ' ' .1 StOckwell ' CERTIFIED PUBLIC WJln X, ACCOWTAHTS tUniTiUcBldt.,Philp. C. S. PATTON & COT" I i CIII1M T STrt. BA1NKLK5 SAII.I.K ft. S fr Wnns ' RWt i'i""lhK "", "'. I I'lilln, KteM Vmhnn. I enu.i.n i..'irl ""n. mill dIik k iiuiiil i.wi.i.r. Supervised Securities Yielding Seven Per Cent. The R. L. Dollings Ce. "Uuildera of Butlntu" Philid.lplii CelunVui UjUmmKi 1421 Woleut Street 1 1 it l A r ifl mn I . - - : MbWmm