Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22

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    TT - T- T" T""TrT7TT J". a. ! MiM I i lh i ilb I l I'l 1 1MMP WM !! i i I 'I P 'I 1 1 1 h ! ti1 I II II' I I I I i ' HIP"M
IWPWtig . IJBlfcl uW l1Wf,ff
jf ' U - n- v
ijl' - ".! "'HV?J t""Vi' W'fjPjVfVSiVal'r' M'f "'-TO,' ,TVV- '."" 'VPp?"rei.'9,T'w,"t "VI'WTO (',, " ' l-pr"" ' ' iT ' V H i''' WBI
" i i r .
.-ta -ni rte
'Geat-Getting' Tactics in College Baseball Unspertsmanlike, Decides National Collegiate Association
H.Vi t!K -nWv - i jZ!ZS
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F!n i
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"There'll Be a Man en the
"Big-League" Stuff Frowned On by These he Would Fleer Before End of the
Reform the Rah-Ruh Bull Tesscrs But Baseball
Is Different Frem Other Sports
rpHI'IUi will be no mere r.igKim; ' college baseball learn
Il' "!'.
,t tin- antiiml
New Yerk
1 loam.
ncsi(iii nl the Nulii iiiil t'olleai.ite Atlm.ie Association, held ' esterdny (it
tne Hetel Aster, it was tin' rip;uir ntlj unanimous n Iiilen of the dolei.ute t lint
the method . minium tn i,rufiiiiiiiil baseball, anil ri'pinli'il b si" man funs
lis pep n i ii 1 udiiKer, should In' liminnted tri'iu tin- hp!,i'!p diamond.
N'u Iiiiiri'i- nun a iidlepe plner iheut m ri" tln diamond from the ilncenl
In his cndi'iimr tn set tin1 mill pitcher' sent Tin1 nener.U ra.in inul
rnRRlllR se pcpi'iir with muiie !' tl.e funs who patmiil.e the preti ssinnnl pnrl
Is mit tn I nideiei 'pi'itiimiiniki'. iiur wnl It In- H".'.i tiled lij thr re.ii'lic
mill rellrB" initliiTitH' ii x "liic li'iimn" iiiii'. "
ImliTil, tlu mll(gi Imvclinll i!aiT in tin- futtii'i ii etppi-tt'il te Miew just
this sunn1 spirit anil ertinanlitp em t'li- iliumnml that he ilnri mi tin1 srlil
llin. Hi' is i'pi"'tnl te phij lux lnirili'it te win. et i-eure, but te ih it nit hunt
emuliitiiij; the Inwl iiumi of i in rlrli in.icniitr-
nllrpc blur ball m "the rstnhlnh-
Till,' ilt,tjau of Ihisf ' n(ou. of
mtnt of trniiitwiii of ieiiri;,"
Liileii te It
rIS rathir hieh-imnilitn: .tml It perhaps ha ti coeil point-, hut the mi'ii
who would introdueo i'eiirt"-N linve c0"'' -" fii" a- te (-'.ic;i"t a penulty in
the cveiit of the iim? of ceat-i'tt'ns t.. t e-. Tin- I'.'ii'iltv i- i.tthcr hnr-b.
"Should u player ei the ilofeu- t team tii.ilsi1 a ili-ronrtieu- ri'marl; te a
player of tin- oppesini; tai'i, the umpire : uv iail a hall en the pitcher. Slmulil
the penult ball mnkc the f.nnili h.t'.l. the batter will be ei. titled te ti r-t bne.
"Should a plaer in the eff'ii;i team taike a di-court "u- ffinnrk te a
plajer en the cppe.-ini; -,ile li utup're :na ca'l a -tnu" en the batter.
Should the pen ilty strike be Hie third tr ke, the batter will be de. iiire.1 nut."
Tile ue-ii who Would 1 1 form tin- t.ih-r.ili b.i'l tn".pr- dei 'are t tint the one
prat treiihl. with eellege 1 u-ehi!! i t1, it te. tuany if the i u-tem1- of the
profc-Meinl tenin- haie been nppl id te rel.isc baseball, where t hn no plaee.
It nun be tri"' 'I he -p..nnri "t tb."- r"ferri i.ia be eiitire usht I'ui
rnllece hi'.sebnll pln..r- are Iiums-h and n i- di.licult ti l,e. p i;i lip- -eah'd
In a ninth mnini: rail. Mi. .Hever, ii i- r.ither Ameri.-au te ras tin' oilier
team. I l- true that rapcini; i ti"t p.rt.i.tt.d In ether -pert. but baseball
is a jtatiie all unto n-c'f.
J7 IS jvat dilfrnm .)i aniithine c i'i- euin tin llend te tir
nnd I lit' Up' te min'ien etu i.n.i-m'eWi irin ' tinu . .'nil
the iiiri'kf't iti:n hi tun' i n ni in h;n. ihintiny " oel?, id i
hafrbnll pt if h
lOACll P.II.I.
Hill Reper in Earnest
Ki rni. "f I't n eii'i'. nride a ra'tl ! fine jieeeh nic'.i
J before la-i. and a.! d.; i ' .;
were ceinmeti' mi; upui. !.
"I'ill Koper wiix "ii rami " a
make all the mono in the wer'd "
Of i i II I'M' III pel" .ll- .11 ij'lie-
year beiii ,-e he i earne-t Hi- f.-pen..
,. d ci lbjri.H' 1
He would t:. '
He i- nn can.e-t mm',
' tiiiMsht, : i nil i'iu.
.1"H setii-rali
'.it win than
He wen tli, tli,
ef Princeton.
That M'i -pint, that ntt.f.d" i.iw.ird lr- iii.i.iei-, made him a -ic-ee ful c.i.'h.
There i- nn doubt licit he wa lien-' '... m hi- -p,.i,-ii He reallv ! ! !
liovesi that i e.iclie- i.ni!il nn be t'n'il ii"i'e ,,if three n until-' work than a
liard-wnrkiii prefe r . -in d f. : ! - ' ' f '1c i elliw -r..-"ii
AVe asrec wi'h bun. te.1 In.th 'i 'i and "'c jcn'i e ar" mi.Idei-- ..f
nien. in ddi I- of ihnrte'ir. at.e i ' d ,Ti r nee .. il.i' n-ie d..,;.e tl.
hrnin wh.'c the e'1"" de.i. - !i !, ii'.ndt1' i.i-'li- P. t weal-..
believe that I a he-
tlie hishh in d 1 leldc- "f
Take ILm I i, ' .
yenr. II" i . i tin i n 'i .' t!
te the rank- of the ti'inn 1,
flnancc. after h.- -ter of l.i-i n c'
- II
'Ii.' ,r'.' h- and 'hat t.iai. of
,le ill'li '1 tb I '!-
" ii., pie lb w J- tw.Ne i.iuiuii- in 'lie
I'm. 'm'i t aft at Mtehism. lie ha- risen
eil, he should be con- dered a captain of
TO SUtlW fhfii tei" ,,( ,r,iir 'ei Ific'iiinii, 1 .( gave AOiiie
i'li'iH till' ftl'tl fOTieri il'ii7 :hr il! ih'i- in 'tit 1 1 .nil 0 Irit'llMil
Jlr .iiil that ill tel'iti hi all it tur :'ii . lutMiit'ii '.. cquipinn.t
icrrr jircl for hw ti ru:thnl' p'-fi'l4-.
Schedule as Security
LAST M'ar Midi '.'.in w I'ltm! te p r i a I n'dr .- a- I. a- a football nld,
but 't I. :nl no mi".' Tie .':.;.'Mi .--o.datieii owned no pn,ir"
ether tair.'itile iis-c. si i' 1,-d imt'ii'i in . fir i- -..irn :. . ..-. With
only his f'.etl.i'l heiiul", he weiit te an Ann Aiber ba lk nml iiei.mh'kI a
lean of .'"ed.iiiiO It was "Hurry l'p" Yest'- famous football meihiHl-. no
doubt, that iau-ed the banker- te ncree with him that Miehiijafi'- foetha'l
schedule f"r 1('J1! was a menev-m il.er. Af any rate. beh the bun'iers an I
Test pie I'd enrreetly. for Mcd.;siin, profit" th'j rear rolled up tLe pinrmnih
mim of Simt ihmi
New surelv -ueli n man ns e-t . r.et s.mplr n enaeh. fjespife the fnet
that the cetienil , fhlie se re;ard- h.'i I ! - arted i' Ann Arber a- n reach
unci new Ii.-.- we, kd h ni-"lf alic.c until lie i,-n nreprl akf a en' nr en;
thr for.n.e-t h" Id, .f ! :!,; t. In- builr a -p'end ,) li'.n'c !i..f
wonderful bu Id ne- and :nn. n.en d .' n; h - i. iim enr. :r Mchigan
bill I IHS, lr i,n f,,,t,l h.ii-r' m r-i H . ,rr e' ,i',i!it; hi hi
net n',1'1 mutt te 1 'nyci thiiv c ;.ie"ir.' UV '.-.i c it te ..
Clllllll III
Deception Can lie Oicrdnne
p. i.
The !'r i eeieti ii.en -id!
derelepinc n 'earn bv hard. . - ".: .- v
te loekiiie fm star- Te n.!in;. n hi- audii t.
srepe and i.i"iii!ns Seme ivip. ini!".d .
hnlldhm of iint'i pins around en" in mi v , ,
OVPrdem It i- true inibi'i'. t'v ! ,r-i."s i . '.
one plnir. en,-, in i.nd ' -!- - t
of the te'a-"-in .1- in i"!.,. r !. p :: t " .-
' fi-1. r.
- :.i ..I 1
.. .1,,,.
- ut', lane
e !..! 1;
- it; ,! ,,
1 1 is-I'd w iMie
iH'ln'ei -1, im 1
b ,
SI) coached . t ' Hi'" Vis -eel . , -v n -I.I'i
With the "In,; tll-i:!t" Si.ni !.. ilevru I., I.,
te the bad ci. If'v a"d 'he Imli- 1 in' . 1- .!
derful feat ,r- of foeibaM i i'e-. :i-d il-x .
Is n fault. I'en mil' 'Mi .i ;i . .j..
that it 1- l.ef sir -,!
Yest ni'id. m vr
BRainst cellegis v bi.'li j.tnv tldr f ...! il'
ilvecatid mreiiglv the one i ,. . . ,. r
e( bald he eh d n.-i'Mud 1 . 1 v v
very w-si.ii ii .,, t ) . " c. c, . .
and net s. bd '. - . . - " Ii 1 - 1 1. , -. ;ir
The cel',gn t,nt -! gd :! team v h
hure, there an' ivervn'ierp i enh i.-. 1
he said, w'h .1 ceiil s,.i..i! ' '1 pup,
can en out n'n .ni; T ! j I'm Mini fiu'i pi. .
or player" tieided.
. ". : '.M'.i'l i1,e
lie propesp ,,i ,,f
ei . ,. pft.,i n
was u 'de ',u i'
.per b"' red the
1 - '..nd beeii
1 1 leu fin' 1 '!
1 "e t al an e
' e -Mr tl.e leni '
else v. . t
- n we'i-
t , bet'MV,
J' em 1 i 1 y ,. 1. ,r ,
M f I'll hi 'li'lr ir'd, I, ,11 lr,tr r.
irnrld (0, miteinif. m j h"i "ill te
tit smht inni'i it'"i '1 tiij,ii"n,iiit, , j
h,,,,l ; ith 1
"f, ,, it in f
r Ii-' h
,1 I. , ' 'e
1 f 01 ' ' 1- 1
','t t If I th h ' nr
Fourth" Bdt
tty i.eris 11. .iaki'i:
"QAY for :no," crinned linttllns
sJ Murray durins a minute's inter
mission v hlle shadow-belnc nt Ad'iin
K.miii's "that there'll be a man en tne
tlcer 'lefeve the bell sounds piiilliic the
fourth r-iiind. and if I'm the one stand
lt.c there'll be a new American fly -weight
Murra,x training for his inectini;
with P.iiiche Villa M nmln rfteruenn
Is under the personal supervision of
11 nn tit the hitter's K.imiiasiiim, where
Hat lin-i been werkinc out daily for!
nmre than a week, Adam -as the I
i Seuth Philadelphia Italian all n!, is !
under the 11 weight limit an.i m com- '
Ins in nt that weight M,irray i.' net.
be Wi likened I
One liutlilred and twehe n ui.- I
eisl't hour- before a bout. Is the etl'..'iiil i
-Cale In the little fellows' dill-ion.
an I Murra declare- hn is pi.tm te
play -afe by tiuikim; that r.elrditt e:-- at
ims-lle. "Thi re will be no iiuc-icui
about nif welaht," -a- the ISuttlim: ,
rersuti. 'an, I it II i happen- that 1,
1 dip the little brown man mi the chin i
'l.e crown ill mue in win." 1
Murrax ha- -ecu the Pan. he jh r-mi
'in action twice. "I watched him
.uui.ns- l',it- Wallace. an, 1,, -hnwed .
'lets nf form. I theiicht." -niled the'
I perp;rini: Puttier. "Pi-ex ieu-p 1 was'
j in the i-irner of nn brother-in-law.)
I Prnnkie Murru. against Villa ever mi .
I I.ens Island, se that I bine had a I
d.Ttce u flltll.uil l.N style.
' Mill Prlnilni: !
V bile for I.i'enard
T1 nt ten-round kitii' he it i letnr of
i "ha i Life as. .'ist Kidiie Miididl
' X' ' Yerk n fi"." weeks n;n evi-
len'h w,'i net surticlenily !ni, 're-sine '
- I'iO "1.1. il sr- left-hook )liOIlelll te '
', vlt Iilte the t.llc Witll the ill, I'll-
P. I e .M.trd 'liit. i- beiiiir
pr.M.ed for - nli a title tilt, b it lhe are
'III 1. ' i" tie I i.lte'l.
Had White wen in the (lr-t round.
w I., 'i he dropped Mitchell: in tl.e sue- i
i eer nc -oi-.en n even in i li e thir
YeuVE get e learm aqeOt "tN fightieK?"-- Sex
-niA-tS l.ffUiAP PeWCHEff PUVON fllfi EQUATOR
( MA99AGE rilg WAH GeARD PuMuS j giB9
T L iL rfit
S v-. v f ""- NV 'A. U
( Ae -s. r W Av Jm Alrl
2. sfh - www :JL Jwy
-, r HOLLERS in V (?hK BROKE
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu?
Professional Coaches
Professional Football
Copurielit, 193t, bi 1'iitKe l.tiatr Company
Alex Smith Explains Nota
ble Suceess of Youthful
Gelfer Who W en National
GLPNNA I'OI.I.PTT started te play
coif the years iire just about the
into. .1 Leenard set -te prebablv would time that America entered the World
War. She was a s)im, strem; eunc-'er
of feiiiteen, and te her ce'f was the
tliie-t can e in nil the world. I'ertuuaieK
f. r her -he bewail te pin it under tee
tuition i f .le Se Mh, tv ice open ciiam
pien et the I'n. -ed State-, and one
of the ln-t liistnu'im - in the count r.
vv .start at se earl an tee and the
advantage of learning under the keen
Iecl;y is eve e' a muster does net explain why
will 'tint she was able te win the championship
r" , hie late mueii. in his la-t contest ' or tui'Mie isinnu nun .)iat-saciiiisi'ii ,
Kansas wa- ludti te win by n slight .a- well ns the North mid Seuth title
Mat . n nsiiust . ernmi innHs. nt within a lew s,nri spineus', or way.
! f
ti 2&&&&k i
Ijiik been in oilier. Hut after the wav
Mltc'leil eutbicced and siinwed up
"' rlii until he irtunllr feuclit him
self nir the prmiiicers preb.'.bh plan t .
'.He the I lii. nsean win another itch
i . ! -nitiir the ub'.ic t'." White-
I.ei-IV I 1 b.ll'le.
, Atnw n. White i- inatclied te inee
l;eck Kan-is. oeii theilKh tin detinite
I .intiniii.i I'liient ha- bien made, at tin
flarden .Inliiiai' L'!. W'nil.
n riiCKnl ci. he proe.ii
jn tsji(BatManakA . Tr
- . !'- ...-.
X&: :easrsa3
V ,--
saaamcaxztasj.riijfX'S si
-v"Hii i
. . t Vrfa !
'! '
th s , it
.lie ie japer- have been slcued as
' i.t der-'ei 1 Kai -ns nml Win'.'
.i.-ree.l the but and date. .Inst
..V 'I nn'v ,v'ii is in wi'iuht. '"it this
.i-ti "'1111 i.e doubt wi'l be ironed out
,ta pttle or tm ditTiejlti,
tiiblinli- Would
, (Jaiiible illi Dernpspy
' Tei" (iihbmi-, the Pt. Paul heht
i lna vweitfl.t. w i lid be wilhiii: te take
.'I shot at ,l,1i k Iemp-.. ev let the
'..imple'i nek hn.i wi'he'it werr.iitiu
i.. w inu eli tnenry he would cot for the
' leriet i It i hard te benevc anv
hire- i .-1 force a he t the coin of tl.e
I'.l'll tl" 1 i'lfiln . Iji fijt ire e-peiuallv
as touch an nsicnmeiit ns any girl
eer faced en the links,
!!ut (ileiina didn't iiiinil. because she
has the heart, as well ns the power placed at the ten
Lecal Champien Made Best
Showing of Playing Tutors
Here Holds Twe Titles
rnillS i.s the rank era of the golf
season, n might ns well make our
contribution, which, this shot, Is nn
effort te rank the profeiionnl golfers of
the Philadelphia dlstrlet. This ought te
he n cinch, for one pre generally plays
about as well as nnetlier, and, ordi
narily, it's a case of collecting the data
and we which pre placed in the list of
events held.
The local P. (!. A, was formed nbeut
n year ngn. nnd tournaments for the
members I'reipiently were held, includ
ing n championship.
City Champions Ix-ad
When the amateurs were ranked.
J. Weed Piatt, city champion, was
In the yarn about
within tue jenrs, -he was , row nod th
- I't'lliC ipiien of the whole 1 lilted States
1,111 .ll' i-lllllll. 111!' I.II1I1J .-I oil. i , lllll tee ii.Imme .if 11 eliiiliilllnn Sin, mnv ill.. i.nm.,i, l. l,.l.l 11 Tn.l...
luiil'ii " net bold the title as lmu as Alea ! diy clmniplen, headed the list.
"Hie was born wi' the knack, said Stlrlinc di I, for i nmpi titimi , sterner I This trip the situation leeks nbeut
the p:..fesL,i, nal. "Klc'it fnte the start Hum it rur wnu, but no matter If 'the same. "Charlie" Heffner, Phllmnnt
-l.e had an unce' distance frae the tee. Pate deciees t In. t she b overthrown ! pre. is undeniabl due llrst place. He
a whipp iimi an" wonderful sense e ni..u eir, d'lcu in Collett ha-, ;.ieen 1- net only ilgurid for the Ne. 1 peat
teudi i n the green. Ky earnest eflert her-elf wed wnrthv e the Ii ; t-li Imneis because he is eltj open champion, but
an' lets i" practice a gewfer ma per- i that -he has already wen. .wen the Philadelphia P. (i. A. chain-
feet her game, but unless she Imrn - pienshlp, tee With Marcus Greer ns
Tennis Slew Movies
"lirilKN1 n football conch swings the rerhnl whip ft usually falls en the ,
" of his players. If the IekIi Is tee long the lerell mnv Multc the Ftrlt-
The college coaches held their nnntial meeting in New Yerk vi .
and n let of oratory tilled the nir. Alse consldernhle criticism of .! '"''
ether things. m 0I ru, nnd
.Seme swung the hammer en the try-for-pelnt rule, nnd Fotne W
liern for the present method of neerlng the extra point. ""
Nothing was done in the way of changing the laws of the gnme for two ,
One was thnt they agreed net te change them, nnd the second was thev li m"!'
change them if they wanted te. There Is no power vested in the cell lt,n l
regulate rules. -enciica te
The mentors were of r.ecerd en nnetlier point. A resolution ! .
Dr. .T. V. Wilce. Iiend conch nt Ohie State, and passed uimn neuir ?d by
direct slam nt proresslennl football. It contained this paragraph : u
"We believe that when a boy graduates from college he should enn t .
the work for which lie has been trained. AVe feel that it is n mistake ,tZ I"
te devote his time te professional football. We nre, therefore, linnllv Jm 1 1
te urge upon our men that they de net commercialize in tills wav their ti
name nnd training." C0"W
Perhaps it would be fitting for the conches te consider these question'
Is net a college football player trained for football, whether amnt,,l
professional? umnteur or,
Is net a eellege football player trained in the futlnnmcntnl.s, the tW,.
nnd prnrticc of the game well enough te tnkc n position ns conch? J
Wherein is the difference between the college nthlcte who litter boceMM
professional pluyer and the one who tnkes up professional cenehlng? n
Dees net the professional conch, as well ns the nrofesslenni m.i. -
mcrclnlize his college nnme and training? ' "
According te the nttltude of the coaches, the professional player mmt t
regarded ns nn eutlnw and n disgrace te his college. There is no slmin I
playing professional football if the same ideals of fair piny nnd sportsman', t
learned en cellegintc gridirons nre maintained. " '
THE coaches have tried e wwlng the whip ever something bejeml
llietn. The recoil is cutting.
Professional Coaches Who Play Professional Football
rpilH Conches' Association has gene en record as opposed te mentors plarin-
professional foetbnll, and this is wise. "
The coach 1h n representative of the institution with which he is affiliate.
nnd therefore should net be nsseclnted with professional athletics. Purthtr.
mere, he must leave his team and his duties te cngage in gnmes.
l.nbt heasen, however, there were several conches who played "pre" feet.
ball. Yet no action was taken by the association against these men.
There is n wide gulf between the "pre" gridiron sport nnd organize
baseball. The national gnme demands the full time of nn nthlete in the sunitner
but football even in the season allows ninny hours for continuance of busing
I'rofessiennl organizations, especially in this city, hnve placed the game
en art exceedingly high plane. The I'rnnkferd team was a credit te Philadelphia,
nnd there Is no need for the University of Pennsylvanln te he nshnmed of th
fact thnt Heine Miller, I.eu Little, laid Wrny nnd Hnwnrrt Ilcrry, fermcj
"greats" of the Ited and Ulue, were members of the team.
EVERY one of (lie four Pennsylvania men mentioned is following
pursuits ether than professional foetha'l. Each plays the game se
that he will be better equipped for battles te a finish with the butcher,
the baiter, the grocer and ethers.
Slew Mericsi te 'ivacli Tennis
SLOAY movies ns n means of teaching form in tennis te young players he
been discussed by the Executive Committee of the United States Lawn
Tennis Association nnd will be taken up nt the annual meeting of tfac
The suggestion is nn excellent one. .Slew movies nre ii"cd in ether perl.
Bill Heper bus pictures of big games shown te his athletes te point out the
mistakes and geed points in their play.
Wc would imagine thnt slew movies of Tilden in notion would he very
Instructive te the student of the game. Pictures of u famous styliRt like
Andre (jebcrt also would be a help in teaching juniors the various strokes.
It is pleasing te note thnt tennis officials nre planning for the development
of younger players, for te them Is intrusted the future of America in international
The Davis Cup is safe behind the racquets of Tilden. Johnsten nnd Uichardi,
but these players cannot go en feer, and there is quite n wide space betweu
them and players of lower rank.
THE juniors must be developed or America will suffer the same fate
as England. Johnny Hull's great veterans have passed their
playing age and no younger men of high caliber have rome up te take
their places.
wi' the knack she 11 never be ii cham
pion. Miss I'lillftt i- all e' that she's
another Alexa Stirling" i
nmnlntii. tiupltini. t Mm ,.1 In UnlTnAi.
.(,,.,....'.. 'i.....i., . ,,,,,,,.; 4JII11II.I
' also wen the first nmateiir-pre eient
ever held here this year. That makes
Lis high f funding nbeut as complete
'tr.tie n.'hr of the boa- weigh
. !; .. ,
l. im si, p. ,; ("Jilihe-i. i, qno'ed
. - - if lien i nn In i'nliie. '
.,: r 'e rlii w.th !'.. ll.r" will be
.. '!'.:' h.e out tern.' se ;,ir m
ni erned Anv unto suits n
age. anil a newier ni pans, n- ru
N'eaili i M'ry title holder ban hnd r.n
tl'letl, father, and Clenna 1' no ex
ception te the rule At four she imild
-wim and iim1 she emihl drive nn
I am automobile at ten. And, today she can
All threw a ball from eent-r held as well as
;s ( -s'irv is
ature nn 1 "' be
It i said tlm Te Hii-kiird has iride
:ip. a-i - ! 1 1 lib..' i"i r a bout w.M,
III j . '.'. th" ibnve W.ls Tell'.d-
ti t ' i Ter from the Harden
pre-. "
Scraps A bout Scrappers
i'tiil)ei-.1p.er's ,,ny 1,0 . Put (ilentin 1-n't masculine,
here." i'p i.li' these nthlet.e attributes. She
s h . '-
P- -?
I l'
. . (' !,.,,.
' II- I.
i nefia!'' knew
'v f .ei In l! H
... .der-.,... ,-..
., ' M . flee
T i I IM' p'n' "d
i" r - ;. ., r, l- ,'
' '' ,v l,iu
'I I
. I'dr.
I. IT I'.u' 'I . ".
i I J III .- .
.- ..! i r.- ii j..
t-v.. .1.1.. -!......
IFIllllJ .1, V......... , , ,
ileiina Collett's ihddy wa a world "Charlie'' Heffner'h came usuallv
, .. - ii.. . . Camden Renin .Insni-p nnrt Trnnr, ' . l"""". Minimi h h""" uniiiiii
iriiiip.'.i- aiMHin- i-.. u-i ii. .in. u ... ii -.,.,... .. h ))j(tl ,n (1 (() . but( n
Trims Atlantic City 'couple of low rounds In n tourney and
Camden and Trenten, bailers in the then te wabble some place. Hut this
'ii-t ImK of tin- ra.e nf ti,.. Eastern .''ar lit . game appiireiitly has improved.
Ka-ketball League, leth soeted ea-y d" ,llar ,n'r, c'in h, " ,!"ubl nbeut
m. teriei last mdii. '1 he ficuie!, ill each 1'1'' th-erving the premier rank here.
l:'-;"re were .'!s t- 21. ' Hwt of Klehl Pleaswl
I he Jskeetei-s stung the Jewels en . - , , , . ,
their hen eurt n- the It,.-e Cnrden. , Ihis olT-nnd-en status seems e apply
,,-lllln 'I'n.nten l,.wl .,. ti-1,.1 .,11 .1... -,,,. mere Or Il'Ss til fl0 H St of tllO Im'lll
te Atlantic ('in te treunie tip. shore
rhe came ' iliiu dt wa-t a sad
Hie a-' a -meie setback 'e
Ii tisitigien iimtcrr, w Im
-'una In spi. . Skeetei's
g. als with ridiculous i-a-e
l i.e htr.'iln of teiiiiitii'-iit play. I tilllte 'I he .lasp. i ,l,.r,.n-e ;1s weefull,"
t'-it ether fame w c..'fer. Mr-. P.ai'ew, weak. I! Met le arched In live baskets
the is tint fuiperstlfeus. p.ut in spue ,, .limmy l.r,.nu. wli-l.. ".--iiiip (amp-
I ell netlcil "'nn asa.'ist i i ic .Newman.
P.rewn sen I en. I- and Newman failed
te count.
Chid.de I
uptew I'l
Iovej music and dan. :n? and bridge.
and 1 an wield ns mean a powder puff as
all' fluff debutant'.
Temperament 1 usually just nn-ith'T affair and
name fm a bad disposition. Miss Collett the fni hf.i
'.vijs ber-i without tempeiament, and braved tl.e
i.e nei.- te get rasp :md imnpy under drop in lid
a little tbi
)IiUm tnr)n
l'"ll''l.H '
I .," 1 t f
I' ---rf' ' t -in .
l" . rliia i Ti.j-.'f
AMItns Ilrltt i
r nrr" "'
' . II.- i
" .rtnt 1
i. l.i n.r
- -i (.' At- ! J..
. ' ' r
-' Cm '
1 jii i -
It- r .!
t t. f
r T
r irl Tr in"
n letei -ei flniml
Starts Drive by Meeting
White In This City
Carl 'I ri i . no, ("I'M'hnd contend'"
for the kit ,i,.,ui.uln clown, l.tis
starteil a ' whnli he hepi v v, ,
carry him te i i ng. sought u..i'ih 'i,th
Jeb Llnll t l- il.e tltie. 'I n i. j ni.'.
first opponent of l.l- n-v, rninjiuun i
ferCO L 111 II .. leeugi-i,. 1 '"i 14 l,c
logical chnllenger will be Jahe White
of Albany. N A wlm Ins ba'tled in'1'
the clininpleii . n ii half dozen e. hi.1 h,s
Trwnnlni' and WI no will nine i .iteilier
tn the seilll-IIIKll of the five e.gl '-leund
betltN net Monday afternoon nt tl.e
Battling Mur.u. le.-nl flywdshi
contender, meets Pnnelm Villa, Anion
can (ly weight ihaii.plen in the tinal
contest of the helidnv tire?riim 'I'lil.
will be Miirnn's ih:id cniej; at the i tb'e.
tlylteiglit title, he bin In,- f.mclr .Iimniv
Wilde twice when tin) Ilritish title
holder iu.ulsl ihe-e shores -eeinl
years nge
Twe local luggers in 'he lightweight
division will lev le settle tin ipiisthm
of llu ll'I'slup in ihe hll'd bout, when
Tllilllr dashes wilh K.i Mil. hell
' Vi'iltlicrweic'it - wll' hive the call In
(he second ult. v In. h will bring to
gether llnney llri'jht and Lew Mel'ar
ltnd, ' 111 the opening set-te .loe Colletl. of
.J'erth Ambe. J , mecis Charle
Jtuy, of this cl,ty.
Jabej Lecal Seneel Qumtet Will Play
Intercity Game Tonight
II c'i S.
I '
Tin U
h.'iul-ntl. i -.' ,i ,. i .. r. 1
II. '1-! t'l - Il.i I ig 'I 1,1
ti ii r ., i ratt
U III f t'lf'l w
Hl.'h S, te.,! i,
finv teingl
'I ' e n w i
s.il lll S.l . ' I ,
Wink. r. M.ittlii'w -. potter
iHil-M . Slierrinu Wi e! s i
Warren Weiler . ..npesnj tl.
The local d igi'inn will
Uuidiiig 'his aft. lien.' und i I in-
(eeil te Ihe S' i i . of the hn'tle. wl.ieh
will le 111 the Ki ,,i in; CMiiiia-iiiui.
nere nn- win engage m ;i Hl.rr prac.
i ra-lss
i n it. 'In-
1 ' ui Inte
n Ht ts
jpli iiin'll
l"4 '"llll"
ii S '. I.
-i i i'p
' v . ufi
n ii'iih' j
i A ''
1 rn ' m
I' -I i'Kh'
,' rl-.'ii'l i n
is i hn-
i lep II' 1
1 nr',!.
t'e'u n ir
r H.i ',' g ,
" Keadl"g .
nter-e y
i i i. l
n fi k
I'e'p. M. - ,
II' d I O. , , '
I'"! I ,
n i rive In
inim. st-irn
VlflPMl-. .0lf7
'.'II .1 ,i" '
I . II,'.. I. I
V II"! I 15
It i'l"
iKhi 111
The loci's are .ii hup -'lip, f ,r ,ln
fun i 'ouch Wiibr kept thun ,n inm
te hn, k:ti; i. in. i- e.l . the til I II! Ill ami
f I Illi I'l -I Will
Thi- C'H'i 1- l' tint of n two. eon
test 'ern 'lli ntinr fr'H is sched
uled for ilc ,ii-l)iini Kink. Tluri v
ninih and Market -tnets, lati r in the
nexivi; vnvs
If ou i.ii't in ..-.I. i'ipii. ah le it., rin.
ippii r1 th .irn 'en Iv th iieif eiperti:
Stnnrv Met. Inn siul liui- II J.tlfe of ttia
Kii-vimi I'l III X LciiUEii. '.Mdka li a
J Uabtl." A4v. w4
s,nlt IliliiliillU '
, .1 Mil r s 1
I V .. '.! '4!t 1- 1 ''
'A' l'.r'p t ." - B i
.., . . I'- !'
i'ii nn"
1 I t ,
I , ' tl !,! I !
re t'H' ic- .'
- ' .- is - i
' r ii' l ! ii f
; 'lit"' n '
" ni I. Uv ii -f r
h- e'.er sufti - a
I .im irm i
. ti i..t 1 i ii -
'M fren- t r
PI III th '
t r m It,' ' I -
i . I,.,.. ,
H- T.I I . '
of her title- nnd .-' -In I- mtni
li iiiian. After 1.' ' i.ilin iihuIi". ex ex
llbi'len when 1i 'son the national
ehniipinn'.'i W I it" Sulphur Springs
si.e turned te ! iiiiiihi" 1
girl, nil blinded '"h i 'ars.
Her Keenest Kiial
Though s. e ,- i nly loce'con liht.ia
Collett lia piaied in fmir X-itnuril
I'MUits, four Ki istern. ihiee Nmih n
-r. ith tilts and one P,i rtbdiv n '.p -p
l.ieli I" c i '.'ii-.il' e' the women'- g. 1 '
ing wer'' In l.er tu-t test in the
Nniiei'iil 'I'entn v a- l!iri"ntil Ic t'-e
M't.mi i Lnglisl. woman, Mr (iav.n,
and ii was Mr- dm In whom -lie
riished In the 1 unl inu'id at W'i'le
Sulphur Springs l-.-t fall
Mis- Celleti. in " bur mil t" winning
the t'llili t.'iis t'lit giai" I er prettv
hiad his biaten I hi lest wenvn golfers
iii i titeti 1 Ini - linei i: tli ill Cei il
I.e fib whom I'titii- lnie irg.irdrd a
t III est lilikl-Viic i'l the world I i er
s ii Mi-s I., itch i- a tin ilc . lly letig
di .ei , l.i t ileniiii e' d'eie hi'i
. i .,1 1 In her tnatdi whnh is -ill
t',i' i i oil be im for leT piiM'i' fi i
tleti... In I ei : I'lii'm' iTinn-i i ii'
" Mill a -'U ,"i"d wallop, and nine
. ,. i'ree n 'ni ,,-in I i'l. ai.ee of n'lT
i .,,;. AH 'i' - ''. ' 'Id1 of a gir'
'i .gl tug l-" ! " '
The h iid'-i -i ' f .' ine i. Li
ii c the si ii rt inn ' i i 'ei I- - ' 'in' 'in-.
,i. l.lell I perfi II e ,i I It ' gull g tl,
Pi gbiiid in p'.ny ii i- :1. I'd'- ih'itn-
lensh'p li'1". It wnild I." e ii'ulei I'll
in pe It. te the home of i, ' i I nli the
1 ighest honors tlete, we'. bin t 1'V"
It is ii il in" fact ' h 1 1 in a I h en , i
. l.'inpi 'i '.a '"ie nii'niiii in who i-
, ,nisti nt!.) n it.' full a rumor p
din "ies mi' limn Iriiilile inaii an'
l.illl.l' li'illllll Cnllilt's .Nellil '. i.l
been 1 ".'lit 1) t "il Mil ii IC-. of Opll e.lUln.
t I iitui'i.liC - lili laagiliiiceni goner, i
,-i ti riitH .'1'i 'e'ur hiiter, tun
lield. Therefete the rest of the field Is
grouped something like till-:
''. T.ill" Leach; ::. "Jack" Cnmpell
t. "Ii'.b" Itarnett ; ,"i, Prank Cob
tart; ti. Jehn Hew: 7. Jehn Ldmtind Ldmtind
.sen; S, (ienrge (Jritrm; !, C.iorge
Peters; 10. "J.m" IMiuuiiiIfeii. "And"
Cnmpbi'll and a tlm k of ethers.
Time is plenti of iliiiiig profes prefes profes
ieiinl golf talent hereabouts, and the,
let ni P. i A. did n let te boost It. I
Tournaments were held every se often i
this jenr. with such success that id
a was the lifes-nTr f,,r -core of . was gc.il enough te win.
and be made tweh, ..f '"" "rl ui riv-s.,,,,,,. iei rney. ami n
New Year's Aft., Jan. 1st
lit Beut 2:15 P.'M. Deem open 1
II'KILTH $1.00. IW.00. M.00
Seata en aale, Ualn Offic. Colcher Clrar Bter. 33 S. 11th St. Wl. 7323: Cunnlnikim.
JO S. 8d Et.t Tendler'a Peel Purler. 730 Market St.; S'roen'a, S. . Cor. Ith & McRau
Stt.i McCulleuth, H12 Scuth St.; Arena. 45ih It Market kta. Twe Days Bufern Shen Onlr.
their twent -mie points, mi four lie i
and r.s ti.,-1- iiec tosses. "Inl.ie"
Iteg.ili ;il-e i'iIi.I well. In the pre
!'ijiiiinr tin II' uheiiiI (lit Ik wm ip-i
i:ide IllitHl "' ti. 11.
Trenten I.li wall.aw'n ngainsi .f.
It tn L' Citi .i i toel: tilings easy iu.
i nde no n't m inn up any !.,
i l ,i tn'n' 1 l.e Peitei , could lev
aide man n.eie pnini-. had the -e ,t..
ued. K'aii- anil Itailew weie -,.i
sfai. with 'en- pe.-i's m"h. while
Kiiheler lii'ied three of the -h
ti inn's live b im.i e,
Kayeul.i Club Elects Officers
trere of l."il llnisiied seventh in the lni.' I
Mid wasn't geed enough te get in the i
niene . I
West Phlla. Tomorrow and Flelsher
Ynrners en Monday
Dress Shoes
for Holiday
Irhn V l
liula i'T'i
i prK'li'e I
i. irnl ".ir
I lesMeni J ' '
'i, HntiUii' i
I- Sllllll' !'..'
.plrttiul .1.
I leu li-ni I
I 'in A 1 .
Thinnm I' It
J nn T 1
i.,- Itutii -
I ni; I' I'
Altletlc '
Im ier l.l. 1
. i m Ik. in l nrw tl e
' il. w h. h tliHt tp nn ii i-
" ' , thun .mi ii'ur I.f i..m
tf Uh I "i'ii name 1 l . ihn
iron u ei '.Hniz itlmi mi
. it i. r ..til, ' s fnr the
I" . 1 i e.ilH A Mei(,h r,
1 i 11 j J fw 1I i 're
I In Hi. i a l.i, -in 'i ry,
4 rti re r lln iefr,tir
.ir-fii, nullrw ser.-t in ,
e-tc i i H.,-iri tit i , i
WtUI'.ti'AS t-,.( i-t . t.KACfi:
r w n. t. pis
I'm Illi'r 11 7 2 a IC,
i Mtu let .... n a i s la
I'.nhUli'in fl ' 2 - 12
N. V. Ik .... . . it r. S 2 12 ,
1'niTnni tn 4 a a nl
Pin i'iliii.il.i Ill a 2 8 8
llp.elvit ... Ill 2 1 7 8 ,
llairlsen .11 2 1 8 6
js mHM
' - i.-i.t J. lin I Di.fi.Ji I' A
l i' in 1 I I i.iril .1 Mmiiie
" - itni i t i: m .'iii' , p
'1 I I fllll I, J. lllll ,1
iiii i u.liei a.
Basketball Stalislics
t i:
n'en I 1
Lnnl-n. I i
at 'J!e '
ll i'ii' i
i i'1'.v i i:
p . ,
s.'l Alt ' t
.III It'll ill B
l-filt T'iMi.II I
' I.
i l,
is as hlirhl
KnHrr :
Ti . ei n I
stij ut I'" '
,ll-l I
,,. I ' ii'iei.p'li'1
K1!' I'MIn ere
.1! I
i I-
' 'i li '
i. , 'nl
(. in ,, k
ei' n 3s J,ii
S l.'iel l-iifij -"iri,t
' l"i. W, aim.I is
. i "nn h I.MiKie I'tifi
l. Mi'"lii I.iii i ,i' n
.In W ai. .in, 1 1, 'i . .ii.
i llrii'eln,
i-.,.l.,il'. i i.
II. Is irnu 'rp .
.. .m s.-,fr i ' ,v.
I i-
I -iv
i -. fill'.-.! '.I e
V1 - . .'
i llfi-V'.uii '
it !
i; l'i n
' i I lies, ri !-
l.l-lll HO'K 11, l .1
Sues Pittsburgh A.
Pi. i
C. for $3C 000
IM -'It l
I i - ;-s n. 'il -r
II .., u . i 1
I .. f n l-H' Il
Till ti'Pt i' If ' li
n! J- il
a 8-1 i f- i s
SiiliU UslUltt k.
I'lll .'ill All
, .1 fnii.'i r i : i .. i
I.. I mils i 1" , i, ii,.
V Jul i ti 111 ' 'li i.m 1. .J
r. tint fare, i n i ,! v .
whose cempetitne
ait'iiicd i.- (II una
Met l'ie 'limes
Thi' mil fm1 liii's ll'i- ii -. Twice
H ('-."elf "lis i ..'tei .e'.pi in the
Seuth 'I hen -Ml-s C'IiiiiiiIi ! I'iIsIciii'
uilelies al liilll'ibi and .s'Jii'iieen-sel
Tb 1 1 i.ber inaii h nt the enr i . tn pi
Willie S'llplltll' Sni'll.js, v I ill, will'
l.hnni' i.i nn i. wii. i id turn, sh,
,111 e tl.H idl Willi II III lllilll I'lll C-
"n,ri,Me dmphm'"'-'.;, .v:;. , v. ..v ,. TO A vn,; -
. , . . He Is I i, uf Bpertw Maylm n. in can
lai-sic wa. ihe till' ft el or neon in II ,,(n 0M.S ipuin. Ymi wilt nt in raU lh
wiinun h national nne grapple. !n brt n
aerie' i.-Suberl-ap
Vt ttHM-lal ' 1
M.rll. I
I'lirlftlan. I'
lrif 1
ll(HIe I'
fl-iii-e .Mi. I
-it I'ur' s
'i'ln! 'I'l.
M II . '
23 lir'uc-ul iti
r 11 He.
The New Yerl; Pid.j flub, which
cenipiered Iiethlel'.ein P. ('. lnht Sun
day, will p!'i a couple of Important
fanes heie in the next few days.
Tnnioirew thei will spnlt up nRllinst
the t I'oricnnteil Held club of the Amcrl- i
inn LeiiRiie, en the Phillies erniimK I
Pifteentli ami Hiiiniiiddiin Htreetn. i
On Memlni afioriienn the tiuthnmltes
. will play i In- Plelher .Miriieri. In a re-
turn mnteh at F!eislier'n, Tenth nnd
Until r strce.s The bne til lied lw
Rtimes before In New YerU and f-plit
. Tlcre are innnv Beecer fans thnt con
a 'i nlder the ynrnerii the bet team here
1 '' , nbeut s and there hat- been some talk of
' nppl In,: ter a fianoliWe in ihe Amer!- '
cat,' T.eacue. If the ninke n oed phovv phevv
iiik tiKiiim-t tl." llethiiuiltes ! Is plnnned
... te brine the p It of the prefes.! en a I
siiccir teams; lir for inhibition Rnnies.
l ii
Aui.ils' i 1M
21 AM ' hi' ..I.'
I.m li ilirl- r
u nt nil thcr-i cetniielltlni.H. I
,1 line wii'i eneianilr f.erii
. I ri
I i , ,,, l s' -.1 eillfffU'O (. inn- nii'i M-nuiillir .,nrn
,,, i ,i , , ' ' '" '"' ' " ' ' . . uliviu l al II. ii PU'"'B I'lKfH nt lliu I'LLL, C
Te Play Benefit Soccer Game I
i i.i Nv. Yrir ufiirii, n nt I an.)
VtiLiiii. ' i.tri tin- . . , i. ,m, 0f tr)
lVnl-'i'r in 'I hayi..1 m.i i icne tosrolie tesrolie tosrelie
I, ii inMicllt fciiin.. fm le i Hauler, one .,f
il. V.iniifi.ra i n ,. , lm,j M, IO(ll.
1 nil" In V I" ' ' ' II .' li lii'lMfrn ih,..
i. iiik I i ''! ' kiiiiies I'ui.it thla "fini n
.ih i ut. en . I in .jiti i rnlfil In i,
' l. I it in,; em; i si;n
Ml S.-ii l I'lrtni Arllilli
10c s:,rr"A,".,.t: 50
(iiiiiriHU.'i d All llHTernnt
.-iuia., i'A.
Flcxibl sole dansing
oxfords patent lether
or dul black calfskin $7
The glimmer and glitter of evening finds
proper reflection in the galaxy or dress
shoes in. the Jehn Ward shops. Pumps and
soft-teed dansing oxfords, with flexibl sole;
hevier oxfords with stif tee caps; button hy
shoes with black cloth tops; patent lethers
and dul black calfskins in a wide variety of
censervativly correct patterns
Fer your easy selection, dress shoes
for the holiday seazen ar specially
greupt in our she windes this week
1-2-21 l-J21 CHI'STNL'T STRKKT
Just lido tilt- Adelpliin
Stoics in New erk and Brooklyn