tl -rrrirrwrTmrimMrWTWTrrTTrnrTTTm7'mmmm Ml'7,uiifw,V-v'',,'l," WVTv K'S'PHry ' ' , !. ' t MMP" . I1 , . f .-, . .ii.inir . nTWRM -W1WViArfmwvjmi " wWtt?!trr-xTrjri?rnmKV'- 77-"' ...-.. ,M- . '...... ... - - . ........... . . , ..-.-.,.-,Vrkl1l i HtUI HVJSNIflG PUBLIC LEDGEliPHILADELJlllA, FH1.1UY, jjuujjiiiusmi yi, j -V i;'HI" '' " "-- -"W7 -ri-n- ; ft5J"JHipVsJVW , "f7 - 1922 Athletic Championship of Catholic Schools Is Awarded te Catholic High by Single Point none HIGH IS ID IGUE CHAMPION Wins Title for 1922 by Margin , of One Point Over Villa i nova Prep SOCCER II TLE WAS EARNED BY LEHIGH CENTRE 1923 GRID GAMES Colonels 1DEN1U PLAY Bethlehem Team, Deserves Great Credit for Copping State League Crown CHICAGO m 1 c- WEST CATHOLIC IS THIRD WILL BOOST THE SPORT Standing of Schools In Catholic League S.Mueb 9- i W.-H.hAr.iii....:: 5 1 TAMl'liATleN nf lielnts reveals A Il'ie fm't Hint Catholic High Scheel n wen the right M he 'ulleil Hie Cflthellc League athletic champion for i.- w. fading M'lir nf 1022. ,.. .,... - . Tlii' rnriut' All-Stale League Soccer Selections J'air . .coil Kifiiyllft lOrelcim rirht fu llmrl; l.ehlh .Mie Iffi rullMi-k , SuHrttmmrf Unite . rluht hnlfimrk. .I.-liln 10-ovei. , ei-nt-r linlflmru IVtitiajIwinlA lUrtletl. . . irTt li.ilfliiiil,. H-wirtlitiiern Jtlehln . .. . nutMrlA right . ...Hfirrfnril 1 1 IcV . . lnMf tllit l.iifn,vitl. rrrnandrz. .i-'titi-r forward t.ehlkli lllclcl iKh. . . .Inniiln left. . , . I.HfuMMtn .Mi l..iUklillii.iiiilxl'ln I. 'ft. . IVnlifN Uniihi s'lilnlUiiies tieiil, Ilrower. tlikh: filllbnr-1;. I .is'. I.iifinrtte, liHlfl irk. lr. run. .nrnetii. fun mil. I.uii .. Swh Hi liicn-. May Be Idle en Thanks giving Day ' Danville. Ivy.. Hee. ".11.- Sin en nf Iho j tfMi pi mi's mi the Ifl2:i --(.-li f 1 1 lr for' till'. Celli Tf Cfilh'gp cloven llollllifel Itml been ili'tiTiiniii'il twin. I'niin tin' line iii of giuups nniiniitiiPil, il was hull uili'il I lii' Colonels pielmbl would In lillc en rriinti1i'4lv iiif. (lumen nrriniKi'il woie: Cleinmui ill iMnville. Oeinher lit; I'nivcrsdt nf IVnn-.v Ivniiln nt Philadelphia, Oelebpr lit; I'lilvrivIlN ut Kcntucl; nt ll.invllle. November : Nnuinee, nt .Memphis, V ,t,ttttl-t- III? AllleH'll III lttl-Ml(tlf-ll,ltl ..till,..,- IT? VV'tiuliliit.l .,. .iiifl f ..m ..I ' linnvlile, Nin 'inlii'i' 21: Cienrgin ill Allien. !n.. IWi'inlur 1. 1 Chicago. Dec. 2!l. Witlmiii T. Til- Ki'liMHl Celic;.'!', nf Oliin. wn.s con-, deli, iiiitliiinil letitiix I'liiiliipidti. ill n ililrri'il iiH 11 Mriiiic blililrr fur uiir of , M-rlrs nf miiti'Iii's Iiimv .Ininiiif.v ." uml iIip ilii'pn reiiniininR (,'iinipg. (J, ill innkc IiIm tlrf f imbllc iipj;mim'p 1 "Iiipp In' undcrwpnl nn tippriitlnn tlinl punI him purl of n I'mirit nil IiIm hph iiiK linn. I, t um iiiiliniiiippil tniliij. Tin' tilfiy i pyppplpil tn Imllrnli' wliPtllPr Hip iliiiinpinii i It iiiiilltiltp IiIm pllPllOhiPliiil Millie wlii'li lin- Ki'pt him lit Hip t"l in llliliiiiuil .Hi'l illlPi'Millinlliil I htiinpii n-liiin, , VliiiPiii Itli liiinl-. ji'lnt li'iMi'i' uiili 'I'llili'll nf flu' lilllliiM-il ilmilili'i 1 ill--; . -. . . .. Sinn 1 Iniflj . fenniT liiuip'iin. uml S. Te Be Champions First Public i nuwm-.i v..ii 11. 1 1 - r.m.,ii.ui IIIIIHII'r. "Ill inlihi' 1 1 1 I in' iiin. "iinii. Appearance Since Under going Operation OTHER STARS ARE ENTERED uilli 'I'ililPli, will PlilMP' in ImlniiL' pv lillilllnns. Tin- piiiilf-ls will I"' iilnliT Hip nu - up i nl t ip Ni'sii'iii i.awn ipiiiiih - I Hip Cliii'MKn Ti'iinii A-- ill'llltlnll Mill j-iipiill'mn Dundee In Milwaukee Beut CRACKING THE CLAYS Three Trapshoetlng Events Are Carded for Tomorrow Tl I'pp I nip hoot Imp, ihuIiIipn mi'p lihtrd liiliin.'l'iiw fur p'liiuip nf llilr ril Mini ii IlllM 'I'Iip Ti'1-CnMMpil Cliili n I'll; in vltntinn I'"-' hpIipiIiiIpi! m, IMillnt;lnii, uml iiinpi- i linn fwciilj -fiM' kiiiiiipim nrn I'Xpi'f'leil In lilllp 11 W II J Ml Hip IiUCpIs. AllllMP .1. .Mfli'Deuill will illpi-i-t Hip luiinii'.r, Aiinllipp kliiMii nun prmni'-pi in iip-nw n IiIr i'1-iiWiI nf IhpiiI iiuipiIhiiipii I' Hip Clpnrpv Hun CIiiIi'h niuiitlih n f m Srrnli'S('('nlii Iri'i't nl Hii'im ti imip. 'ft rliilnipJililii. I Iip pvpii! ii" liflj liiigct ppiifiriiiii nrrnnj."'il nii'l innm trnpliipH will In1 iiwiipiIpiI, iiirlmlliiK m prb.p In the hlclirst iiillii!f hinrif. NEW BERTH FOR McNAMARA Penn Scrub i. itrlcitinlly -"I Pip I "'pi'iiiIipp HI. liu .'in Hip TlltP'-linnli'l ' l.'ll'tllP -pi M'M I'pII mi Hull (Inlp. II:m I'l-li'-i' pii-ipiim.l lin . niilpt uiilil Iipppiiilipp ".(I TIip W p I J'lill.iiMpiiliiii' invp a Grid Tuter Will Coach Haverford Baseball Nine Tmn MrNnmiini, leni'li of Hip mi ill fnnlliiill Kplml nl Hip lliteKly nf l'iMinj l miiii. lin" liPi'll nppnliitnl !hmp linll ieih-Ii nt- llnvprfijiil ChIIpkp. Mi N-'iiminN tirpl. Im'lnll ixppri , imip wm-i nljtnlnpil nl Si. A ml row's t'lillep', nii'l '" ' ' I''' "Mi piieii II iliinllij tlii' Ci M'liiinl AiiiPi'ipiin l.iiiKiie (Mill H WMS (IPPHIPil m I'll in nun en: In I'rm i'Ipmpp fur f'n'lliip -i .iviiiuiii: lull Mi Nnniiirii pppfi neil I" ini'tni'i ii -Hull" , ' in' iniiiripiiiiiipii ,,i i mil 1,11 in uml Wll' IfPllihutPil stiliHinn ill 1!17. UPTOWN FIVES TO PLAY Nativity Team Arranges Series With Twe Neighborhood Rivals Milling'!' lluitlii". nf Hip Nitllvliy luivkelbi'll t-jiini. hris nrrniiKPil twnerlt" nf ilMpnllllllt .'llinPM wllll IIPlRlllllirllDIHl , VlMll- Tninnrpnw nifrlit nt Millpp slroel nml AIIpkIipii.v ini'iuip Nnlhlly will eppnui' liiiiiiiii'iilnlp C'liici'ptien, mill en NVw' Yi'lir'n tin- Unit NnillP ipiililet will nf--fnril Hip nppnsillnii. 'I'Iip riiiiie.m preill Ip te ilrnw Ilni lnrRp.-l prewili of til" -PM-.UI. A (illMPP Will Iip lli'lll ill r'l'l lippllnil with Hip linliilny rnnlrxl Phil IihikIii,i ii Niitivin plnjpp. Iii wluii Iip iiii-iiIit Hip Iii -it iiiIiIkpI trnin III l'llllll'l ,illlll. Ill- pfnll'JP- IlllM HIM riuh'pi ii IphirIi (.'i in- In iliiie nn-1 'in' ii.i ii i inn if 'i i tin ip i,c l:i tin- ciiy. i.y fVnn Gerier Condi DMrlit IHH'UIiAK STKWAHT nml I'ri'klilPiit i;nilrrii Assnrlutlnn jmrs of -lriinj; mid III t 'I till 1 fllllldl lllltj ..... i... i. ...!.. l... h' ' IIIIU liniu iiiMiuiiM.ii "i I.,..,!.,, ,., .., I,..,.,.,.,,!!--:,,, AFTIilt niiiiij . Clll'tlP-t Pill Wrst Cnthe- -.rcftrd the iiemin. n""" - ' "'; j phninpiuii-hip it ml Hip loam is otitilled Up High. hl.'h wen the tille In 10.1.' ,, tii, (,m.. in, lieniffl e w ((i The fnthellc r-oiigiie. due te the nc fliii-itien of Snlesiiitmin Iligli. wns n fi-r-tram ilreult durln the 1022 sen--en, us cempnrcd te a four-club lonRiie Tnr tliis renmn. mere points wen'i (riieit te tlie fohenl for pbiplnj: In the, tniiniis sport?. TIip Cntbelii- Lein-no I nhcilulp iiu'Iuilcs four mnjnp sperli. , These nre liaMietlmll, tmch, bnsebnll i nml football. I I'eur points nre nwnnlcd In Hie win tir f the nrtivity. Hirep t the nin t,pr.iip, two for third plnpp nndniie lur fnurth. The .phoel liniKhitiB lJtf t 10 10 cpIves no points'. Wins by One l'elnt On this bnsis Cnthnlif llisli Knr-n-rcil oleoii points', which Kivi'3 it Hip championship by Hip ninigiti of one rniiiiter ever the VilhinnMi I'rep Scheel illicit -opiired ten pnlntH. U'c-t Cathellp, wiiiiiers of Hie title fmt soa-eii. tinished third, with right iriiiits, whlle Jt. Jeseph's I'l-pp i-nrucil frxeti puiiitf. Kiilesiuiiiim Umli. the new entry f l ..iii Wllmlnglen. did net put n pp. ; his liKtire. i;ettlng only four points, j Cnti-lilerliiK. he'M'M'P that it w:t- it first li'iigue appearance, the showing was Mtlsfnctery. CiilliiiliP lligh wnn two of (Iip fmir rlmiiipien-lp-. ltn-hclh:'!! ami feel- ' hnll were tin' ipertH in which the l'urplp ' iiinl Held ppp11p'I. Trai'k honor- went In Wi'-t i in mm'' nun i in1 na'puim hup M:i- wen li VillnneMi I'rep. Caihnllij'ri ii'cnnl during Hip basl.el hnll -i-a-en was the he-t made bv any ji.'iin in mi of the league sports during tlip u.u 11111 Mnrkward's preteges louglisheil m or the ether iiii'iiibers of i he leagtie through a spIipiIiiIp of nht games 'without .suffering a sliigh" defeat . IMgan. CelTey. Mi-Null . Clifferd nnd Mitxnell luaifp up Hie Catholic High iiiintcl which ppiiPticall wen the ililllliplnllship of the city when II Inuiilili'il Sniilliprn High, winner of tli" IiiH'rscliela.-nc title. West Catholic Track Leader The track championship derided in the hittep part nf .lune was captured hv the West Catholic High runners, it was the second straight year that the Hnrrs finished fir-t In this sport. Cithelie High surpil-ed by copping lepeinl place from Si. .leseph's, which tiiuslii'il second in 1!I2(I. All through the league baseball selied nli' il was n tiglil lietween three dubs Vtlhineva l'rcp, Siilcianum High nnd Kt .Uispph I'rep. The Wilmington entry made iis be-t liewinc in this "pert. It bntiled down te th" tiual streteli lii'i'k and neck with illaneMi I'rep. Hip ulilinnle winner of tin- litle. In Hip di'i'idiii',' gamp, which wri- stageil nn the Main Liners' ground-. Mi i .pi linn's pietpgc stored a cieie vP tnr . In a pest -mm-iiii mmie fop the pit Inlp v 1 1 1 1 tin lii'Piiuiiiiiiu ii High nine illnnea 1'iip v i- ii'tiipiniis ami liiii'lnl Hip ('IimmIpm- ihpip lit-st defeat in iu rar. TIip limil ,-pnri uf thi wns T! te n. Ilnrn lirilliih- iwiilpil this nine for I"" I'li'pppiv it i ul held the Milcrsclml i--t lirniipiiiii- tn two hits. I"'? Olid lime "lh" fimihall -pa .mi piiileij in a lie, "ii'l I'lillinlip Hi','11 wnii the cliaiiipinn Inp in Hie phiy-nfl with VillnneMi I'rep St. .n-eiir- si'jftpd out willi mi 'men which cIpiiiipiI up pM'i'.Mlnng ill '' path. Then .1 i nini .MngmT. ipnip ' v.ih liichiKil inclisiblp fop 1 1Zii eiilimet It in'i l.nlei Prn-I.iritfh. tin' hiickliplil, n I en mi limit of the Icngi rived from il. l.ehlgh has been in m oetid plnep oftPiier than any ntlcr tenin in Hn league, IVnnsyhiiiiiii in th" call da nlways heiitlng her mil fur the cham pionship nnd later Swnrllimnrp doing Hip miiiip tiling. In Hip phi -nf la-t season between Swarilininie ami l.ehlgh the finrnet wen b, one goal. This season Swnriluimre lirat T.elngu 2 goals te 1. wlille l.ehlgh beat Ilnver- i fold by three goals, and llmerfnril de- ' I'eated Swartlininre It goals te 1, while , l.ehlgh trounced I.ufnyette by the snnie score that Lafayette beat Swnrlhmere. Swnrthinore wen from I'cnnslviinin b.i three goals. 'ennslanin heat Hnver Hnver ferd by four L'enls and Haverford hum bled Swarlhmere b .'1 goals te 1. La fa otte bent llnxerferd and Swnrth Swnrth Swnrth inoeo. and yet was defeated b Lehigh and Ipni.slvniiin. .Swarlhmere started in In win Ibis ehitiMpienshii again: the scores agaiii-t l'cnii-lania and Lehigh prove thnf. but by rensnii of injuries and ether dis abilities the tcnni weakened; nnd this is th key te the peculiar score-'. Le high wen iiinl lest her two liarde-t games by very narrow margin-, winning Hip ether two by n wider margin, and has been the most consistent team in the competition, Lnfn.eHe cnme lipxt in ceiisisli'iipy, but was shy mi scoring anility. ivunsvlvnnia, Swarrhmerc Kpiixeii ii iw. nf llliie. mils ran. ilen. mil Iniiiil Ipimis I'liiiiiniiini. in n p .uiilnr IIkmiw Islit i n hiiiii m !"- i. i I I I. ' I fi3THfFiPVJlSillUJtfUIJUUi"WU THIS WF-EK FR'pAY TILL 9.00 P. M.-SATURDAYJUL 10 p. WtWWWfiSESSSSBBS 19 . -jmu m m W ffOK M -OPPOP I were censidcrahl up and Haverford land down. I .Many Prawn (James Last japseii the league w." ill-tin- I gulshed by the large number nf drawn games pln.u'd by the team mure than I ! half the pentp-ls resulting in tics. The iilality of game pliied In the majerit.v j , of the teams this car was much higher j Milan last season, mere combination . among the plaers and illusions, al though there is -till roe.n fop er great imprevempiit. I TIip I'piinsjKaula and Haverford j 'loams are largel made up of freshmen i nnd sophomores en their wa, te the I , varsity sounds. At Lehigh and' Swarthmefe the teams plning in the J league arc Hie fust team-, ami should , have an advantage ever I'ciiiisjlviiuia and Ha orferd teams. The winning of the championship b. I Lehigh will give Hip spett a strong boost there and prebabl cnatc se nun b , mere interest that a larger number of I candidates will lepnrt. resulting in n I stronger team. Th" licthlehcmlles inn t reent thi- in xiew of the nariew map- i gin by which lien h'-t te l'rineetun, the Intercollegiate chamiilen- in the gnme plned at I'rlmeinii en Hie 2d of lie- ' ceniher. but the mn-l net fmgpt thai thi I'rlMcpten tenin Hip il:ied wn- without the -Pl'viip- nf il- center ha"'. mnrr , one of the b'-l lit Id generals in I that lillgue. The fu. t . however, thi'l they could held l'rinietnn in a low se, p,, is a fcatlipp in iIipip cap, lulcri'sl at lla('Pfeiil l.a-l -PM-iiii, affpp Sw.'i' ihnieic had I wen Ibis hmiipmnsliip fur Hip sppiumi or liiinl vpiip in 'in i "--ion, l here was a geed deal of fill, nbiinl SvvarlliniePi bi'lng .-Hene piiiiukIi te enter tin- Inier Inier Inier I'ollpginle l.i'.igup nml a sP'-end limn1 ilcvi'lnpeil Inp l In- Slain League. , The inlerest mi Hip game has a deeper , held nl 1 1 ,-i v rt'.in I than it has at . !vMipiliineie, where net se man,' ciinill. dates appear ler ihe loam. 1 lavr rfntd , Mialnlains three teams, but Svvnrth- j mere has nut at am tune hud ninrp than two, even wIipii winning Hip chanipieii- i ship- , ! Lafiivpllp Ihii 'Pii-en hut and wen iIip 'amp uniiib"P et giime a- IVitii- svlvanla ami Swiiriliniere. and tied "iie phiMd in i be ever the a si .li-eiib - wn- liiiccil te lerfi'it tin. I ,. if Ii lltpin toi-hfieml iiIiicp. I'Iip ih'fi ill S-iiiien wen f i inn i-i Ciiihnlii' Iligli i ,v ,'ti ili iin il mil "I the running lm 'p illaiieva I'rep. with l'pnslein h ! i ( iiaiiipieii-hip. TIip fuel, however, pn.ung. am Hii- -hut that Ipiiiii mil nf Hmi ii plaved Lelnsh for Hip I'li.iinpleii- "II i IlIUIOOi fin- tl.e Hlle. I .1.1,. Ii,,u- rtlierp ihp sltiiti" teams of ' the li'iigue in-" ami thai Hie ether leiinis 1 will have te .-linen up if the expect te ' HtheliP HiL'li ilesprvpil te win tl il" ami pla.veil brilliant football. 1 "ni'h Cefnll's nthletes went through tin tin eiitirn -piisei, without Mifferiiig a iIpIp.iI, nl'liniigh tour tie games wpi-p" pla.M'd. In ihe playoff with Mllaneva Hip UHin I, mers pi in (he hi-l period with 'il th,. minutes te (je b.v a ll-ll senrc. ''"in .i limit Mi'Kintip! Hip Caiheiip "igli iUiilterb,'ii'k, in I !l."i vai'il- ' "'ilCM Hip Piilne I., Mil lur llir en wen ine pliaiiipiei, 1 1 Among the Amateurs i-et nnviv U'lP. TIip fact Hint Lehigh has only six points le hop ipcdii. while IVnnsvl vanla, Sw.irlluiiepe ami l.afayelle eneh lias four and Uiivcpfenl has two, shows ll(,w I ii tin pi uiieii is and hew i enlv 1 1n' team- hip iii.HcIipiI. i i in .1 -i ! ! i il" i - .or.- it J- fl" lliiiiiiiiiiiiirn . vrni ilnnii iu f-- i .". "I"""''" 'ilk'" tn in- fIHiiK l.cfei ii. Ki !""" ' "v ,hn A ' -'" "'"" -'" .III,.., .-.'. III,. Ih,,.,. 1i.a ,. ..... ....... " n i it ilaxu t .-n i i h rhhv frinii Imme. I In i-ri a. t. nx.ii. .... . .' II. A .... .""" -'Ullllil Kir,'!! Hie S0 1111,1,, , ,,,, rt,lf ..'."" !"'' "Ul' small tc-inis iur r ' i. ii. 1'iMIIKl" ll.,el ": - ' imin hv.iiiia r.i-. T"flli I i-nlkli I'l-lin -lv ' ' i -''i i l.. i fu iin H.IVi'lf'T.l i.. n i .llr,-, . i.l A I t i; 1 10 P. G.'S BEAT IMMACULATE i r'i" lliilininiiil Irltli-. rr' " i! Iil-r- ,., ,,, '" '' Hi hi Hi i in shail.' ful I I W 'I II. ' II ' il he, hi I . Hi i mm I Hill. S I 1 l ir 1 r Ivifl'liilBlltli Hnril .'.i srtlm,,ii ii HIS I .llh- ll'.l'l H I Iimnu- i. nil , - i I ' -tn-4 I . v mi; iLiln.- i il sii it inn i fclHKjl 1 June '."Jil Surili iii- in, Downtown Cage Five Plays Cathe. ' dral Quintet Tonight The Pa-son. initlleb & Ulnck iinn Hi, if lh" I'liiliidi'lplii'i Mnnnfaelnii rs' j l.eagup, ib'fpi'iP'l li'imni ulntp Cniipep I l ten la-l night "' f'lnenih strci I ami Sn.vdcr avi'iiui . "7 l" l"i, Kli'i-hm-r ami I'ippiiinii eni'li wnli llnce goal i Hip Tlii- w iiinpi'- v ill i'"i 1 in Mie'liiiii' is' I'em'il". 'I liiHiPiilh 'iiul Spring iiiinlen slrii'ts. leiilghl t" nppev' I'hai lh-! White's I cliampi'Mis and which I will irm( the hiii'dcM gamp of Hip spm ( Mill for I lie I ii s, i atiieiirni nil- wen t i Hip I.. l i .1 - nml ' ' I h., is , Mil I. I Uili'il Slit,..- N......I II - I I I l-.l '- -..,,.,, IIIM IIP 1,11-11. V 1 ',,,,, lOf lilt' I -1 . - IIIIHII"" .1,-- -'--II, I Mil Ii, I. ,.m --,.S ..,, ., ,!,, I,..., '"'. ' , ,. .., , ...... 1 ' Hill- . It,, r l ,.,. mil ,,f tl-, iii. H'lgllleell "I iiiiii-i.-i-ii Bi n .-.. i,,,, u ' hs-ii ,iiii jfii.u ,i,i., linn ii ' iar. , , sn'ii! - 'ii!'""' s"""' """ ,l"11"' n niiiiieeiinii wiib last night s giuiic, I ' -leu'uri s',rM. iti.. , rnt , i ,,, ihe lir-t of I he pnnli'slaiil- in the Sphas' v"'"i ii i i in," k'lii, , iviiii f,,iii.-hoeiiug cniii-i iieil ihe mark '" i, 'i ',"",'; ?,'j' "- N'" ;:;;;,,!" ,!.', iwnb ti.e fiiwint: mmih- j .1 , ,, 'V l,r""' "l"1 M.. llmtl efli: I'a-call. 2eili i.fil; '"'""" , i' .in ""Hi'l l ' Li.ii Kniiii , L' u I '.' Weiss I out ,, - . - I ill. ivi ,iii I -nn 11- - I ' ' ' !. , , , i, I ..-I, !(-,., i. I "'I 'I i- - i ui... i i WiMi. I mil ni .' s i euii'i'ik. 1 . I'U'.l. I ,. il i,iiikl ,,i of !i: I.. Lm 1 1 " ''I' nl P. Abl'll- III- I . .,.':."V II I . II. IIIK I I 1 pt'll II, il I nffri ink Mii-Mlll I lm , luiliis, I lldllnma. ml of 1 mil ! : nl IL Iii n. oil) nf !l .," ,1 ' mi 1, 11 II.) i, slril'ln "'ir lliit.arln I'ri-liv In Inn Hi mi .u1 spceihI iii nl '". w"li"'ii S'iini"s lm rflur'l.ij eve m- ? ,' ""' ll1"1 elii slinr.'li lf-.iniii ulrh '- '' I'll- nt uiiinMu n hull run iln pn nv uu, i", " ,1""'1' w,l l'"MMi, ITU UVsl Marquette te Play Vermont, Wis.. J'" !' .W.iHiiltv I MlVS-Mlli f'i'"ill """ WU "J?Jl ',h8 ,' u i-rll "f Vrinnill inin in it. 132J. ai var .iniieinucil t Thunli-lvintf ' i. 15th Chestnut rm J& mt Ma m Four mere weeks and we close our Philadelphia Stere for geed. The building is com ing down and we must posi tively vacate. Ne ether loca tion being available for us, except at a prohibitive rental, we are forced te make heroic sacrifices en all of our merchandise! lUWff Of Nationally Famous m Brands of Men s and Yeung Men's fnn j w ww w tf" a iSFYPiifi ""JriFff JCC . w C New $$$ J0wlk O Their p$K$M mm fQ F KsxIa WKmmKM m l kmw UmJmm wt KLJiHiTjyyswffW FnRM$Mmm!wr &&&&$&)? EL jy Bl. AUKLW SLmSmmmmmW M, WO M llVO oreer ellins Originally Priced Originally Priced up te $30 up te $37.50 $1 M .50 $1 .!;;: Originally Priced up te $45 Originally Priced up te $60 Originally Priced up te $65 fjifcH IEVb i,5G $.50 J..50 m$M$l$mW kK'tp r p We will be amply prepared today and tomorrow te handle the crowds, for we have pressed into service a dozen extra salesmen from our New Yerk store. It is the greatest money-saving' event Philadelphia has known in JaiSI EMU B)M I I rf 15t ni iT i a i mwrw rw n w i i i m years. The clothes are the BETTER kind only all well known makes from prominent New Yerk, Baltimore, Rochester and Chicago makers. All sizes in all models, fabrics and patterns- regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. & a Ejk sry M'feaAa F.$n ;&,& Hilt OPEN THIS WEEK, FRIDAY TILL 9.00 P. M.-SATURDAY TILL 10 P. M. ffi mMf!Mmi?mmrim,l -J Ell 1 i i I A