Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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fc.T,- W
JJfrf .
1 ' V t " 'A ""i' "--y '
. vimwm;
J-- M
P ' ' "l
w I
Freo Fight May Have Killed El El
leott Legan, Clown Club Care
taker, Say Police
Tin ilt ith iu 'hn!inns IV nt VI-
llt 1 i ..l.i ........ t..L . n
Villi, lillKiUl, IMflv "I'iU" iil'l "liirm-'i
of the Ctinl.ti flown Club, a ,.w
Year a '-Mil 1 1' urn with 1 e nhpiiirni - at,
Second an I ..uiii"i -li.eti, tnuj ban I
hppti tint- te iniiifii's ii'iiMM'il during or i
f illewing a fn '
tlt''i tii'nr tin1
fer-ull Itgl.l that Meb !
ml. s mirtu a slum :
uiu ln'ti'iv l.eg.in m teutiil dung uu1
he sidew i'k. . 1
Detedius Painter .ind Kin.. ! tin
Cunuleti p.'Ii.e are um t g.i'iiu: the
cast n'mig tle Mtn- Mint l.eg.in ei'heri
un h.ne tnkiti i ut in tin- tight or I
fipi-ji lolleweil nfti-i it w.ix i-Mf nnil I
struck i'i''i tin' In tnl with a li'itikiek i
Tils .skull was trni turrit, hl inw luvkin
"... i
nil teeth were kimiki-il 1 -- Tl.iMi,,,. n
, ollre It in I u l.ir-l l" i n I''' 'lip-' in-
"irli's villi iIm- ii.ililit that In- v n
'lit In an an'. i.
IIewi'Mr. ir .. pni'iti-l ti'i' ia.it
T.eKan I ad in- li'tii.t.tMnii 'i ' '-
MTV itun t . . -. fir .. Hi Li-
carticil. had nn ii-iiih -. Il- '
f 'ik'n K
,. . i.
..I 'l ' i '
.,.! I).."
1 li ! iln !
. I i'i
. b
i i
full ' I I'
idtnl, w lii'i '
ll'lW wl it 1
I'Tilln? in t
i. I I
li ii'i '
$44,000,000 Seeded
for State Schools
Ceiitlnurtl from I1 u.f ilm
nprled. ln.t i'i i an i iith pi i ment'i"
pptied; and i ii i - will fiirtlir". iri ' .i
. etii'tt of -iire!m.iti'l) 'J i" "i1".
hlrh inn. i be pfimil'd ter in tl- w.i
r a ib'li' H'Iii i npprii'irlatl.'U I nl 1"
ero tlie s, i ,.l i. ;i i i. tn isi.
State i .in I ! nl no i. pn n i .ill
mi'lit of tin' I'i I'' . ir; V'U.'I. I'.nuiii.L.
Total of Mt.ll.!...::(!ll Vi'txlnl
"If tin -ill. 1 i'e :'. 1 i'" IMii. - .
i, t an n 'i ' ' '' '1 '.'' I'-''-" I '-'
hituri", tn .i .! tl !. ' 11" v'.i HtHI
i lievu reiprnil '" v i I I"1 ''"I" ''I t"
jiinki- :i ii . pi'i-i'i'ii.itii"i i.f .. tl.tki.'.IIiiii
ith Hit fi. .ill, i' ! !r" Pi it!' "s
.or ai'fh t t' ! I'i p.ir'i'i- ut 1 1- Itu
tcau of l.'iii' .it "ii
' liV tit. I ii I 'llli It '1 tin" '.!!
mat nl ten in.'" ' 'vll- """ """ tl" .'ii'-
ilOIillllti'ill l.ll.l.Hi. 't V.'.'. IIIHI.lMlll.
WO lllllP t' I .ll'llIU sjl (ll,l I , HI i
iitiliii'tlni; fi 'tn i In. liihin. ile .iineim:
rttt iiietiti m ! it i i 1 1 1 I : 'h-inn-
r i una t 'no "t i ii r 'iiii itinti i' .nid ' i '-
IPs i'l'tlli llli lit ..N'II 1 ll l .1 bal bal
uilie n iii. i. tun.' i.i .s.'.'.i linn I'i'ii
Tite l.iuitlatnr. .t' ltd t i i'l- t il
tpprepriiitii.ii. if .1 ls.neii.iinii. in
ds anion t n :'. IL'ii nun v . i it -
, riati'd fur i it i mi - 'i ti i i . . ' i !.'.
'Ill till- ti ell'l. l't '.'tl. OH' till 41.1' l.
This b'tt f.ii ilt. i tlie.' tl..- ut In r weik.
itnili.'t uu In ti. ; '.. .ii i ii. I'i.' M iti .
SSI.etMM wlit.li. Iin ".'. .it im-
ilPIUvd b.v tli.' I.i. t l' it tin I,- '. !
'I'lliliini; i'l ui.ii.t in I wi'l tun mi mi
May !ll. I'i-."'. .i 1 ir-' ai nuiiit of iip-
tirepi littl' li luiluliln .. .i. illtlli'iv ni-
.utlnli'iit t i .u It i'1'f .t'lditniu.il .i -tiviti';!.
Mali- r.uin-' 1 Sltr tlucti'iii
''i'lie inii'.iieii. tin'ii'ii'ii'. i. I low
Is It piw.ibiii t" i'imw "ii tin- nrk 'i
It). State, li.i liiilms; tli . miii it.n'i ii
ppesram 'iinl 'II eth. r I i i . nu I
.1 ,i. nil's in tin ' i' .I'M'- -Ti . 4
lllMH'p ill' .I'S'.' ' 'bk ll.lk Ii Ili.lfi"
iiew ilr.i.tii "ilh tlie i"1'imi "ii. l"i
tlie karii'ii. lUip.ni'iieiit-1 "tl r tlmi
c.uir.itii'li ii iik I i i.t ' 'i i nn -
. 'fpr. ii w:'i - utti i 'k 'i . '
te .trrlili . i. i'i i i. 'if t .i.iiim.niiii
us tut ;! . -.,' i i ..ki r -I . w..i .
f ! Willi il tt" ."ilHI kk it f" Jll'l .11-
It Is I. . t . i k.'. Il '.I ..I.
i 'llltlli'llt "I '"1 I' .nk sij.-i.'ii' ,. 'In l
of ii i en. trm Mk -iMti li.i'.i- r. -
yuriling t' P u !' ' -i'. -11 d I au.
i mil i 'I I. I ti" 1 i." ..u ili 'i -
tort in tl 'hi'iulit tb ii id l.i Hii-
lits I'll ill.' A' I IH I I l' '. i
.urn. i w. ! t-.i : .1 i ' . I'll
feniu'd tin i ri . k ' i i
pll'SI'tltill. I'll" si ' ' "'
.. 11 ill .1 I . l. I. ' -'ll ' 'tl II 0
II lit till" 1 1 . -I I'
JS.J. teachers elelt
livnliin. N .1
II. tiiiil, i:
pet ,1 I.- ' I
p..iii ..! I1 Nn k
ir. .-.
n'.r'd fi i i M
r . ii i i i w
n iir.'.j l ,
I lllll ii li, ti- l 1
'. Ida M li'
1 1 IT ' 1 ' II t I .
uirj M -
iHiln IM .it'
l.-i.i'k i
'elllllllt' '
llllH , I II
rf .,(.!. - nil
'ii im n a''
' .'l llMII. tl
ui i j. i i - i r
i ilm ,i'n ti il I
Mit .I i . I I' -
.l.'lsi'k i . .
mieilitr .i i
M -
I ,
All Will Probably at Tried Net
I HI . .
nut gu
.1 n'ge Id P
nnd l.i
iln in w 1
kelc In
I out Ih ' i
deaili ei l.i I'
ill ess , s, mi
Fifth stm i ,
death in I..
Philip t ,,, ,
()fnii in i i i
neaih nt V i
stanli'k Ills
ausiiu, ih in
a nl Hi i i"
( tit list i ii " ' i
n the di i' b i
The .1 i u ' i
I Hi einbi i inn
1 III k will I
i -, i'i : n . i .j
HI liiigle i I ik i .
d Hi the I '.ill'l fit
ei ii, n t"i ,' , i !n, i.
i" T f .1 ."!
I. .. I.' S,,S N,
1 .' 'I I I III 'III.
s. I ,,. ' i- .tj mi i.
iiie.si , 7s-J .s
lit. ed kk i i ( ini.lt U t
I! .1 . . Willis v , .
i ;:.-',i i
s I
1 1
r I.
i i.
I i
i; .in
- k .
h i'
i '
i i
i i in
111 I It k
I I ll
I In- Di.'.
Ill'lllg 1 1 I I '
f the il I. i i - i ii,n ,1k
Ptl.ell . I .1 i '
Asteria. (In . I ' -"' -Irm .in; i
tlOll l d' I i '-. u -'I t'i" Sl.ne liu
marshal' 'lb "M' ' - 's tin' tii"
Whlt'll.wili I I'll I hi bilM'ii -s I. -II et
Of AS'OI '-I De- . Illn I S, ,, e.il,, m
tlie llnding i h. in'' it ..
di i
origin, it w i- i.
ll was j I iiu - i
w.lkU will lead te airvrit
Jehnsen Assails
Berah s Proposal
fa nil nurd from Piiip One
nfii'r 10 jenrs n jiait if 1,10 Finn-
penn sypti.iu." He milled tliut .uch,
' a conference would "jrep.ndir.e our
i ltltiirr."
I rears lhititnglcincnl iif I'. S.
I "I am ngninst it," Mild Senater '
Jehnsen, "for precisely the reasons 1
was against taking tlu Fnltrd States
I 1 n (41 tin l.pngup nt Nations. I am
, an mist it because, in my epit i. n. it
will iln i-Mii'tly what thus fur wi !inc
1" l'"l t .1... (
"I .nu ng.iini it because, m ik.n
..rpat.T .lecue ami with let. snleuiianlt '
-r. - .-.--- .. .
tliiivi f li.i I iiiirrtiii .it' 7ntiiitnj n it t , iij '
" '
ir ,r"' nibriil us In Furepc.iu cuitre-
t-rsie- ami tinnllj make the I nited
Stati . after a hundred and fifty enrs, I
a rut", of thi' l'iirnn':iii system. ,
"I tint .icnhf-i the .'imriultncnt i,. it
N pn -1'Vtnl. and ju.t tn in t'le f.TimT
..'iti-t. of wiaai i. i. in tin j nUme-it.
iititinurttien, I am n?.'klus
1 I a
lir"ii utinlilc te reiR'ehv any
unirii liiient or ri .i rvatieii which. '" i -inu
tin' dpsiu. uiulil .nert ttip jihs
i, li' itiiuriiuis i i.iiiiiiiipniv
' I pivfur tin' Ii.n(Ui' e'-
Nat n.
wnh .nun inlet 1. 1 jipemiIuii. witu t'
mlei hi' pre' i dm
hip 1 1 1 1 - biuiiid l 'Oi'.n pn litiuu.tiy
,i-i.i 'ii t" tin. (p-uiT. 1 i n iiibu. i it
d. k..r whl !i tins in thi'P lim't.it.es -
II I I''' itlutlt.
Ui'pr -i unit. mi . i ! I i "I .t,ii'i
r .if II. pnr itim.. t'litntii.tsii ii. ih
.vnbin Ik Si tiuter Jolinseti a. the
i.nti ti'ivuKue ibuni.t of t) i'i
..i.i i'. Tri Htk ' W'Uild fiill'ikk ni'ii.sni.
ik from tlie lter.i'i ivtifiTPtn'e. he . mi
iiml'il. and would i.iu' tlie Iniml
.st.itis t i ' (tu'i.ttk tipni a tn'kk f.iriuijn
I...I.. .
.., i's ruture l(ui.inlii'il i
n.. i
i ik 1 e .iitd. li" i mil". .'!. ,
ki' i. in I'tike nn ii'iiniiin.i' n'li-
r .n i .
ipIi ibilitate l.iiriipn ami luiki
m .''..iu I" 'I" wnli '.ii' n parti! i- n- ..
Kip mill" it r.'iumis.ieit. What ,u
, ii. i, '.'.. -"tl.f.i 1 this'-
r..i!.'Winti te 's leu-ii'iil . otu'li.s.eti
j i. up piisal ( r tMs penfiitptiii'. wp
. i-- , i.i.,si. i I'ln r tle' alt'TiiatHe ut
an .ni l.ilsi- i epes anil de. UK iliciii
..il.i'di i ir-i . ir of uiikrin;; upi'ii a
i. .!.! 'n inr.ii.eil tinii what i. tin n 1;
tin.ii.i in! iiiid whli-'i iim jiiipnrdiii e".r
fiuiri-: .ml v. hnh. if .moo i ntfri'diipen.
i.ia link. i.. u itrt if Kurepi 'utnr-
piil'.ln "ll i 'tltreki'l..' -
I'll, .i'i iit il rni."ti ad ."iiai ui ter
Ins nii.fi tu ie. brnm ,k sfite.1, i- tli. ii
' we no net mliik'ti moil n .nlk .u
Kir 'pe m " wi'l 1 n M- te mti'iki tii iu
W if iluTi' I ib'llk ii If we itllel v. in in
ei noiiueaiik i kkliati''U" tliiH iiia
nn an i w i'l'. be. u tb- mi.i!-. of I'.U'pi-'s
t i.i iu. il . and i...y pi'.tibh de iiii'ii'ii
.11 r.lirnp. . W.lls
"It it te tllj Ml if Ul'i ' Ut 'In- i '"l-
.if ii. i. with .nl that tii.ik tlew timii
,t. we will b" it kelki 1 In si in. fut Mi".'
Kurepi in war i-. 1 think a bit '.-tr.un-iM
I' wi'l I..- a Ien.-. ! i -,
l.i I., t. !". Kiiiepi'.in troiilile wnl iii-
i,",: t.. kk.u a'nl I tliltik in' ti ik
, im .1-. tl.. thtent of ui" from till-
. 1.. i'...
I'V b.ii' Iii Id I 'i"!"P itr t.irtii"
..rs tl t t'l'k kkiil pii-i'ir if w vni!
I ut .-. -.'I r i ii I" '""' ' 's i-T'i. i .! .
, .1, . . H ... '!' I ll t 1 i'l M '" ' il.
, , . . ilil.. tl s.I'''.t''l llik..k..i
ii. 1..1 . m "ii'i ' . ' !'. "1 li-
i-.k.-i-ii. m 'I"' s.irmiT Nut i-i.
Aid ".! .IitiTii.it.i'Ii'd baiilii r Vis
And tin' f mii'-r wu' tm the iirn'e '
s, i i'..p I'.era.i idai . miikii ai
biT ad-'riss i.iibik. P'tilkinii ..tiiit-
.( k t l'fi. nbl IIardn.4 b'tt.f l ml
in i'l.. Se..it 'nr.l.ik. in v.h.i'h t'i
I'.v ut.ki trtiialik .knl tnr tin
iiiiiiii.l..n,.t . ib-fU. titln'it kkh" will
i.i-i.s e li. :i b prepi .nl .1" W.U
... .. Ind .in i. apper. Kaiisiis, ii tnl
i,,s'.s. .: New llui!.lur ti.iiii iln
i j, i,i ti H ..j . ! . ri I pretniMi Siei'i' ir
,.', , , I . , ' N.br s, . -,i I -In
1 . i ..
; , ! iti ui'" t .' i i'i. i "' k'--
.rdik ,'i tin n. it. tizti' i i : il.e i r.i-
t H ti !' I e. in !' H hu im it. tin
si ,, n .,1" t I'ri .. b-n''t ) "
.. ,. i.. . .,, l.i ,1j. . the Her ltd. in
i r. i it iitih
u -. i ui i tin;
i, i t pn ti ' t
I I iTs . f tl.l'
J " w.
w. te .Miniinis'iii'i 'ii
.t- ii. fi if t .d.ik , 'iu'
si i , i t tin' I, t 1 1
imi"idiii nt were i ''ti
ll ri'
. ,1 1 "kkl UT
. . ii - .d or
i In. Sh
" In
. iii,. lid' I
'. S. Must Face
Debt Problem Anew
( .ii.ilnueil frum 1'a.e IMif
I I I s l' s I .1 '
I f ll "lit
.lfc'iis Ol ( ll.llls'e
Celli J
in ' '
. inn r
Fun i
1 i h
ipver "
)'ii .
' . a pi-
:n '
... I
it i i k
i. t i i 'I-
. et i: . .
i f r 'I
. i-ft..
. ) i " n
l h r gi
: r.' - .'
. .1 the
11 I I g
. i 1
s k r
l.i !
, s i.
ih- i'd
ri pal i
I.n. -
"i tr ki rsk I'lini n
I 1 1 il.e Pre.. .lent
'e ,( i,- t...k i ,k"
s.d t i! i. lint Is,
t.. run
,s, i.ati. in
'i lure i I
& iln-
'U' ig
Pun I ' nn 1 1 i !nl si i -i I) ,-.
in I 1 I's I ,i.. s
ll. 1'ih i- pi.nsi.iii.' aa ne
.r I is dime a gu it s. in n-i ti
. t .. ,itti i tl.ni of h q i' I.
it, I lie i ei.nt.-k the mui .1. t '
i ..I I., t'ie iiat, out. et liirn i-
,i a! in 1" th Fi i t I Si iti f
-.mi flew I .me n ii
i iii 1 lit'.- no' m i at tl '
f h.s rc-duiien. iigardles. .f
ik twin1 k In ininii of it I i-
i -hnke the I'lllli d SlM'i- ut
nun ii.ibb position of .solution,
i hi- bi ui tn king te iiiiiintniii
.' i
e . I
111 '"1
I'l. I
i i-i ii t
.. 'In
Willi I
Kk.r .Hue the r.ilitii'tilien i'l thi 'I'teiitk
if Vitsillb's was ih featii 111 tb" en-
no mi
U IM' ill. l Hiunl ii i
. tl, I d'll if thi. " I'
1.1 1 r SH I
, i i L ,(! ' k'e Iu
" yfm
t Avv.iY.vr &3
Rain, Sleet and Snow
Hamper City's Traffic
I I'enllniinl fnini 1'iicp llnr
jr.,i tliroucliem tin' Mnldle Atlantic
Id' - tn.t. ntnl suburban tnltn "rrlvinic
! - T ! l.t j iii.Min nil ti rt en 1 tit It I
in tin' i'Iiv this inernlns wppp blitfhtly
belilnd mIhmIuIi'.
Meet rri'ppiU-. Snow
,V fpu're si..pt f-tenii nr.t hit the
rttv about i e plei'k Iat n tfli t . It
' 1... An . .,.1 In ...I. ...II.' 11 Tt r 1 1 S. ,.l, t.1,.1'
'III I I IIPOH I" ,n.' .-. .."Ill ' ' ' ...
lipti lu'r-eiw wero driM'ti from the
'stripts bj tin1 sdi'et ilriketi hy tin- ctretu;
TIipii fi'llewpil a l.i'.l for sckir.il hours
bpt.irp the wii'.t part of the hterm
1 Irike. Sliettlj bi'fore II u'ohiel: f.fiev.
bi'K.iti I iliiii.- ind the wind iiteri"itid,
nnikiii. ttrn' trnlhe dati'Tetis fur ...
hieli's and pi ib'.ti inns.
Phi' snow I'etil.nupil 'r fun tinn'
e.i rl tli. n iirutni!. Wltis wero oe
red' b i luikk leatiiu' of ioe urn.
'nnny ei tin in woie tueki u dnwn. eaut.
ititf 'miii n ti-' i ibli ler tin' i"b'pheiu! and
tibjr.iph leinpnniit
Twe Aniilpnts Iu tenn
Tin' snowfall was itein nil In tke Mid
dip Alhtntie and New llticliind fltp.
i'riiti siTlin in tnaii) phiivs was tprl tprl
e.islj irippii'd.
.lotto I.nwri'k. of II- r.ntt rtruich-irr-t
ttriet. ' n'li'i inlekkii, wnlked ncaitist an
autoniebii" m th
term ut iMTiniiiiruk' ii
UM-ntie nnd I'iMigii strut, w t Inn kml
tin piM'UH'ii! .iinl Lis int i.,ui kk.i.
brek'iti. U- was
toateil rt tl
of a p.ik.sn win.
The driMT nl tiie r iinl ii"' .top,
apparently uii.iwure i.f tlie a i.leiif.
lipnth from troe.ltu' in the sti rui
which pwip" the i lt w.n tp.lrt.
'I'lieiaus Thuinnn. uftj-fike jeurs old,
if "Oil) Alur.iil s'revt. b r.iln'etii.in
ii Haiti, if tlie Itilsruile mid Cbartii'.d
s'lini- st itmii, wliu di.i "kiTed tlie mini
sh t' k hi for.' tiiiiliiitsln ling it. iln iln
e :tti i mi Cb nrtiebl tirnn near Tren Tren
eon tiM'iiin t ni'etiti Ien. f reta i.potiire
i en (I'llarn pb keil I 1 1 ii n .in up, a
roll if ."'li r b 'N fell tretu tin' m ui'n
Alter li- hid bun rek .ken at the s'a
; ii he ,-h. '1 Inn .an . ml l.e I j. I -lipped
.i'ipiI must hnki .triii k Ins heal eh tin
i 'irh in lulling He was s. nt hene
ICIppii llr.'.iU I lirntigli
I'leketi of the feg-bniind traps an-
ljeri'l te- 'no and tin dn- bitweeu
he liid .w.iie lin akkkaier and Man us
Heek iiinie mt i pert je.terdik. Tin
uthiTs lietwtin Ilepiik i.s'iuuu ami the
Ur.akwutef are .till ! "Id b the
Ilium.- te.' blown in timn .ui ami
li'ing'.'ig m hia Iik sktppi rs find illnt
nii-iibrPil 1 unsii''e n .iin'i'.jt te make
tl.e imp ilinune1 Marmine r. en stid
the winl wiiiild eluir tin' f"g awn.
;r obi. ill and the ib't.uiieil m.siIs
mult bi iible te r ib into p'lt i.nly,
tednj unless haniperi'il turther s the
sh et' ainj .low storm vhuh foil l.i-l
i ..li:
I'he nth" i 'tern Miln- i 10 iiOO iiOO
ten llin .ii passenger urn tri ",'ht .ii.iia-
hip imiii Likerpii' '. wus nUlii tn tarn'
idviintiiSM e; tin" rift in th" fog mil
i inn in fri.i.i Muri :. Hunk n the aft-i-riin.
i cirrjiii s, ar it t'ie storm
Hi r "tit" r. .a. i "In: iiem.I tl retig'i
'in I ;.i wiki.tii. lid -ii'..' tnanj
ll 1 1 II of Il'ITItll' Merllls
Th- s'.ti "f tl. S .i.ihwi.t.p'i Mil-
l.'f kills ,l,l 11 the satue at II. a tnhl
'y the .KipjH -s .t tn- (Kiiii.tn. frmi
I. viriiiel i-i'he'i it i", fi' 1 1 .Man.'lips
ti , iiid tl." Nenn gn inm !in-fiTii'i.
Cnptui'i tiper.- illiainteu, of the
Si iitliwn-,rr. 1.1I'T pointed t j
sinii.lii'l l.lile.'it en ''ie p"rt rid.- ,Lnl
thr'i ki'iiiat'rs .if rul kvitl. hirik
w.ri 'i- ii uii okidetp. et the une the
sea lui kwishin het his big ship.
""We if " I' I'i d. ' U'l the skippf"
, I a ; i ere k nre no (l'.:i."ers
r i i' v . re i' nut' tte In In uu
e' '. k , ,ii . . ,' w i 'i tin big w iki s
'. . i !. ru. ui r .. I: took a I ig.
t '.c -i.i.i in wi iithn' it and 1 nn'l
iii). tli -K r.- w' it li is happetii ' tu
' 't." .!.!'. ki pns.eil li"' ire t i low
i,i Tl e dilef 1-rre will tell i nil
inlMe 1 ( u 'tun i i.li.ni son
ri. '. ' !..if i 'iinepr oitae
11, -
i li
lt! W.
jr:: ! .t pns ige I hn
'n i.iiiiii ilia's, -Hid )
i .i t'.rii nk . ' (.hr I
. it l'.pi i' k ' - i nd
.' I '.
t " '.liks
r i.s
a. :.et
' 1HC1"
i c ind i.s
. , r,..t s.e
i Hk. I. ut . li
i i ki pk Hung tl
i U preifk tltflit
b I' 1 g'H S. til".
: p t i I We
irr. i k
IV ' I
nr ' '
i f..'li
.' 'In
-nip ll
..il ;
k .I,l . ill ill t-isfl. it
n ' i I old ji .r own in
re.ii.msibilitk if aiding '
tri ubl". We w . i d I a! '
ii i .il1, le.wi :-r "
Mam 1'iusti rs ( aii;b(
t i i'. .v.s'lTll Mi .
mi s- nun i i . si,:. .
. i . ti . : I'.ir .1, si r i narki t
It l -el In in ripiirteil si i hid M-ien'.i
,, is... .'. t 'i lirl, lei' i liiil hut
i in fnci, nnd be win J lleaeh
,e , i s Ni w ei. n in sentn-
...i !. 'i .i..' fn "a 1. - I mi in Feg.
mid 'I'e nnkvi a ard llvpiitia. llnt-i-.
. 1'irrn ' fr t iipe Town
i . .-1 '. Migle n- "e , are
,i i, . . mi. ii i.p t .. iik i r a Mien.
-, l.i. ei- I" i i i
M. -i ' the ') l - tfm' slinpeil in
hi'..-, the fee s...,,l ,-l. Ilglllll ek.T
li.:ii,ri' It", w r.. ousters thnt caiiii'
ii, i,i S at nu i .en 'ai.es and siw
I 'hill.' it l st..r'i.
In 'ae forfbeiird tl'et s the Legi"
the "illy un icbiiiitiiiiin Ihlng the ting
., i 'yei'h.i-.t lei.ik. i. Sin- has hud i
hard i ti" riein e ui her maiden trip
these .lien.. Me li.tidid a cargo if
tr'nr frmu luui.i'i per's ur ,'i w rx
(Hid iiinie ai ii.nd '" I'lillftdi Iphi i for a
return nirge. Ane'hir purpe.i nf let
enii.ig tl eigli .ii i lent il wu. t r'
.",. the iiici, ort Unit tlie indi ) mil r 'p
..r ( Vi iie-Sluk ji.i.i was (lis Hired it.
PI ' .llelplllll .the ha. i.e home pert,
beiautc tin repub'le wheti (lug -he
Hit j, Iiiiiiiit j niitieiiii.i, I. imam!
. . m en. 1 1. li... . I '.I I it il I ll I'lil 'Ill W....W . J
.......... .. . - . " ...
wl e bus jinieil tn r since she was ti.rnwl
i it . t .liipainte shipMird. w .up h)i.
kk ,s h ult for the I'liiied Mates fje, .
en. unlit, but turtiid ever te (who-
i As a tinnstiert she curled bfirne from
."s.beria Hie (V -li"-Slovakia tre.i'H who
fought then wnj out of Kus-iii Since
i'ii- war si,. , us jiurchiisiMl bj the
National P.nnk "f 1'ragin , the repub
In s .tat .f !"k' nu "i lit, te put tin
ling en the sum, and the has ii,nde ti
rips tn ii i i .its and 'we te New
1 lido i '
fj -" "y NWW - - --r . -.j. ,?sA
- wT'y'C'T,V?W'JJ1 f
jkS ,HI1' i
Uwwmj wnm muriHii &mt, MKnvttLtr&fr.twvwx&,
Finds "Amazing"
Klan Evidence
Centtnuiil from l'mc lin
sistant At'enii'js (ipnei.il (ipm-je S.
iJuiti and T Si mi.ies Wnlmslej . Sin'i'i.il
Vst-ittant ttnnipj (iviicr.il I'.ml A.
Sompakrae mid M. Clair Adam., imtnl
New Clrlinns i riiiiiiml luwje", who tot
uierlj" was I. .till. Atterink. n id font
I'edernl l! im riitri'iit itni siie.it.ir.. A.
i:. Fnrlaml. .1 t. ltoenev. .1. 1' Hud Hud
dlfsten i.inl . M. Arknis.
Atteruej t.unril Cece ntineiin. i-d t..
dny that "the Mate will be pnp.it id
with an nui.iing lollntleu of eknleiiee
when the open l.i.iring begins in lias
trim in Jiiuituij
'All of our . .. iteronei s ki-ietdak
wile (leMite'l tn w. nking out the k.iri.d
angles of the i!iii.i-it!"U. The inn nit i
of u .tiiiiei.v we no stud.Miig is almost
itii'"in eikiibii ,'" Mr Cece sanl.
He nNe nnneuiii ed that Mi .-rs. Cum.
Wiiltuslei and Adam, wmilil go wnh
mm te Hastiep te handle the hearing
Adjutant lietieial I.. A. Teninlis,
wlie reeiiitlj made ,i tour of inestig.i
tinn in Morehouse Parish, t unfilled
with Attorney tjinetal Cem jestenhik.
Alter the mei'ttng with tlie Atterm
iunT.il, Toombs stated that no aildi
tiu'ial troops wen d be s,in te More Mere More
.ieiie I'.irl.h for the 1 IP. i tit in p wmiln
1'ik yt tliote , lrt.nl btatl"ii-i tint",
be w ithdr i u n.
The four Iiepartiiidit et .I u-i i.
igmts whn attended the ei nfi reni e
were eiiei ted te remain hei e seicral
das before returning te Merehiuise
l'urisli, it was b allied tedaj
It.itlrnp, I.i.. Dee. "O.-'Ine con-
fesMinit, llikelkillg l.illk-tlke (HII'IIS of
Morehcii.e I'liiish in tlie kidnapping
1 aiid imirdir b a Ku KIu Klan mob
i In-t Augii't et Watt 1 1.11111 Is and
Themas Kn hauls, whose bodies iii'ir
ri'e'.ered 1 r-itii I ike I.n Fourche,
hake bi'en i i.ele, it wis ."inieil lipfi
The -ignnl ii.life-stetis Wire t-ken te
Veil rirl.nf.u l- 1,...,,... ..." tl... tlnfiirf.
iiie .t of Ju-f . wl.i e'lt.Hiieil thi'in. It
was stutitl. en Ui" p -en, ibe of immunity.
Vir uallj eM rj man rained in t! e
...iifc-s!,,iw i, i.tidef. MirviiIInncc It in
te.'iirdel probable 'hat some or nil the
men nuii.ed will b' arrc.-teil before tl
eniti henntiC heirine.
. . ..'. . .
Dan.", ami UiclianH weie sut.j,,..,,!
t i iii'ie-irib'ible tortures .ln n the were
knlnappid from Mer Iteii.e la.t August.
in tl pinion "f I' S Mulnern, iis:,.
taut .iideiti.ker a" t. I'eters Fnder
taking Cinpin. et M' ir", who heltied
te prepare the lieilli . t D.llen ni,i
lib hnrds mr burial
Mr. Mulhi'Ni ''ii ''.' lie.lns hnl
been lib 'ititied. i'i'-i ' sfateta, m jn
the i mtinry.
"Tie hinds '.f ' '!i tueii kkere miss
lug "klicn I ilrigg' tin- bodies out of
lie lake Willi 11 s.. t i;t, , as a -eine,"
he tuid
Mr Mulhirn s.'l ,-i!n.. tt nil tin bones
in Uith bodies mip 1 rel, ti., hntnk aid
feet were ir.irtt.i a? il ,. hedii s up.
pan-ntly had Im'i l.aelc d J,. s.iht
th. re were c m id fr.H. Inn. of thi;
urn s, h g- i.' 1 i i
t N". Ur'.-H'- e'erdu liewriinr
1'arKiT. M-Tink i.etieril loco, hi.
.'ill et I'.-il .. ttniit- and the four 1
Depui'iiieii' 'i Ji .'ice men were map- ,
pmg out t' M'ture nurse In (he in.'
k.stlL'IU.eris '.I., no i...vn ,,f llfin e I
nnd Kn linr 1-
T' " N' ' Mi i ,r I t i ipank en nut v
nt Mer It' " itirdi whs in,xing
preparu'i . ter nil expedltbii 'i he
nnt ' ' ' t. kcnini' was net dis-
riji'.il .- .
. ..... f tie
If . t. 1 ll."
I'ii 2! P'.n.s ter a
-li n f Hi" i urpesi s nnd
K l KI 1 Klan 1 ,m breu
Mv iir, ,,,n;j cjarki . un.
I .ib '
tl . s
.. VI i
ii d wi.l ' '
; a iti i- I e.
"hmirteil te
I 'li" Klan
' 'aiki . p u'.s Hie
ex'ei -: ui of Klan i n 1 p.nip te
ill ....
Uipi-al '! thnt preMsi.ti wl idi dr.
ur. pirsens or i .I'helt leitli from
Innig lrttimi of r.i.n.iM- : i."aber.
ii i .i'n.nigr.s in i.unqiinii cenn-
Making whit, siipniuiiek tl,p prin-
i.il epjit i 1. 1 tlie eiiei. wtiicli will
h f(J ,,, ,,;,,. , (..J ,., .. ,,, k
Haltlniere, D.f 2.i F irther m'tieti
m the din' et Dr 11. M. Mi Keln, nr
rpsted here Tin tilaj for tlie in irdi't" of
Watt Diinb'W and Th'.nins KichiirdN
ntler tllPt were nlbged Ie luike bi'C li
idiinpiPil last Vugust hi a Ku K lux
Klan mob at Met Konge. I.n Is net
..,L..i.i.,.l ui.ri in vi '1 it, jt 1 1 ki ih...
till..', ll IS tiel'ekeil (,. MrilOl Al'iit'l'l1,,n ' ""'
Kit. hie, of um Mui" kk 11 ai i . i ii, i Kb'!'.
ieiuisitimi ter D M. K n. i r i ii rr e i ' Lnwriin n
u l. en. -I ii a .ii.tiHir.tii -
Dr Mi'Kein. a leri.n i Mnter of Mir
Keuge was ihnigi'd with tlie iiitirdi r of
, , , , i, , ... ,
",l,""" """. n i-nn -mn no uu
iilllduvli et the Shenfl it Moiehei
I Pit I'll. 'I be iiiiitl'iiti'd bmhes et the
'w" ui'n ikei" found m Luke I.'i Fourche
i after tin lake hml ls n ih minuted bj
i runeni nii-i perseiis.
, l'r- M K"iu stated iu nu niteniew
at tlie ( Ilk lllll leiinv tlllll lie ' Wiilllil
riillier (lie leriv tunes tnnii tie taKeli
baek te Mm' Keuge lie preilu led
there "would l.e inme bloodshed thuu
ickii if In ' (wt put his toot en Mi.
Keuge soil again.
Di MiK. '.. dc In red Iii I If,, tellhl
Out tit (icur-rs lllll tlte lildillr.s
leek hill nihtintaRO of the ilrcr.v
ll.ihrs teiluy te romp te tltdr
liraitt renlriit. The lower photo
fdiews .Minna Kmrly (In front) and
KatliarliH" l'ry rtijeliti; n s'lddlnf!
Jutint in Imlrpeiidcnre Siiarc
I tolerate nn airajltig et ilass ugnlnst j
no- be rafnpMe,...! ,i'V,,fih,rin.CPlu!nrlir.!Irre
ptpsence of trmii- Hi" j.ul iit Mer prejudice, ill II. Ila.is, illrci'ter gen-i
Konge, he said, w is a om-stery dilapi- eral of the motion-picture Industry, de- l
dated brick builuing situated outside ! dared nt a banquet of tli" I'M Delta
the town. The lawless element there, I Theta Fraternity convention here lat
he .aid, would net .top ut um thing.
.11 . .1.!....
lie had had p.i.eiinl dealings withj
Iln in mid knew tlire "would be iiiuui .
who would laj d'wn their likes just te
.. i 1...!- !!,... ..l . . f
kill tin'. " (iekerinip I'arkiT. Atteruej
(ii'iii't'iil t'ecn ami all the ellii iaN there,
li ' aihlul, "iMiiiini if tliek tell the
tl lllll RUar.HUtei III It Ipk
life Will I
sp ind in that i..w n."
tibgtaiii red SM'il fr in Attorney
tieti'f.ti Culm et I eiilsi.iiia last niuht
stain) that Special Deputj SherilT 1,.
I.. alheiili would b.ike l'.nl"ii
ter ii.iitiiiuire e.irik phIiij wrb the alh-
di kit . iinl iixtradr paiiii- i' i-!
nut i pected
te anik" until late te-1
lnoriekk .
It was st.ited In Kibeit U
in. in. i "tins, 1 fur if MoKeiii
l tn -
ili.it ,
shmild Cokernor Kit. Im- net iinl.ikep-
, . , , , ,, i
tewanl the doctor, an attempt will
be mmle ie obtain a Fudn.il writ of town, IM. Iiltterlau.
Inbe.is corpus in the Tinted Stales Cir- Mr. Hins asserted in an address te
e'lit Court i.f Appeals Dr MpKeiii I the Women's Cit lull that Iloseee
was i.'fu.ed relmisi en bail cstcrdiM "Fatty" i Arbuckle probably would
after In.irlng en tin writ .,1 habin's i net appear een In aiik motion picture,
et pus obtained in Citk Cuiri Wedin-s- but would be ghen an oppertunlt t"
.l.ij. ' dlreet liliu ireiluctlniif.
l'lmr ie ji sterdnj't. hearing. Cem m-' . , , , .
t l'ail.ei of I.eulslaiiii telegraplnd Mr.' New "Voile. D.-c. l'J illy A IM
lo'ieh. Mite's Atternek, el tnis dtv, "Fattj " Arbuckle will appear in pi i -iskmg
him Uf delay preceedings pond- mui nt a New Imk music hall when two
wvi l Iii airn ii et tlie Mint ilt. vlie "is
leak mi: ll inidiilelk ' wnh i -iinlltinn
ipnl in
I'hi (ieki nmi 's telegram was
nirl Af: r aritumenls wcip
he i:d ll mil i remanded Hr. Mi Keln
ie the police "without prijiidhv." It
is behrkul the in s.age intlui need the
Celli t'n llei isleii.
T'he tactics et th l.uiiisiaiii author
ticri wepe bitteilj iteiieuncpil In Mr.
Cnrimni last inght when he leard that
tlw pupils had n..t luen dispatcln d te
"A gie.s tiMid w i, praeliieil en tin
client,' he il.'ebiri'ki. 'The Louisiana
int" 'in i.t rui. t ,. - lurjiiui, r autli en- , .,,,. , ,,. ,ml)iaints teariimg
"es ii-l.'lst.iiii that the Slerlll was., . .... .
WO S Oil he kkl.k kkitll the I.f P ,..,.,.' tills Colllllllstlen .' llll' Ulllllllt P 111 .lllll-
'or i titi. thin. 1 hck knew thnt ibis
"' " t ' - . tmt th" larj hind etheials
! ""i'.d no I imw it The n en sentatiim
bad a in.it mil hciing, 1 um mnlnleiit
"' tin ilei-imi "1 tin nt rein. ind. ng
i Dr. IcKein tn tl i.tedk n' the t,u.
i .
Mr. it mm was ineiiiieu m innn. ""., ,!,,. .In -oslekin
MnTMFR Wll I UPn TnnftY
.w..,MI, nita h-v,h.fc ivLni
Mrs. McCormick Refuses te Con
firm or Deny Repert
Chicago. 1 1. 2' ' Mntlur will be
married inn tp w " Muriel McCm
mie't, grand ' g ter f Jehn D. Heckc -feller,
told. - 'i nils M'stirdny.
Mrs. Ah i ii i k, who kas diveiin'
from the (,ii , f (i,, Hnrvp.tpr Com
pany it ki u um kkiil marry IMwanl
Krerm, a si' n hlffi, thee repot ts
Mrs. .M.i'. n ', lefus.sl te cniirtn
or denv t' i i
.Net imw, . r .k.r," ,ii hllld when
ilsl.ed te n mn
marry is in. I
Kienn n,,
stjiti input, "whom I
's lillMlle-S but li, k
i-fu-eil fn li- lull r- . Aci enling in w limit en ilcnhis ,ni
'the nn, hewekir, ilm situatieu i
iii"i. law, Mis Mi 0 " net nearly n iej a. plctuicd bv Mi
' wed again. She was 1 elten Seli silk theie Is no um
lli'ii'M F. Mi Cei'inii I., ' ilium man Ik ii suit and ethers up
, ..,u-..,l.
I'nder 'In I
mick is fin
dikerceil fn
who has sit
Piiniid ri.nitin Walskii,
tlie Polish t.t
i in una. cmipiIj a year
t.idiik. lb r
the ground.
It is in i i
Ceilllii'k. In i
iilghtd , i
IIIIll Huge I iri
bltterlk I I i
It is saw M
kltited Ju !
Mi Cirmh i .
was lllisellttc en
i"d thnt Fowler M
i r Mm nd, In r i Id
I. ,.... .-Ill .,,.,, ,.
..... ..... .. 1 u..
. .'.in n-i mi" ei i e
i . . ... I.' i
in'' .VI l-llli J II l.l. II,
I -..l... ....,. I,
' lllg, ilttellllj fop All
urgifi him ie cii-t.icdc
her irnm 'I
Mathilib, ' . M.uiigur daughtei, n,
. , p,,,,,.,,,., , ,, , xpe. te,l she will
.i',inii the limb ..f Mu i ys.er a wli's
horseman, n tew mouths. ' '
iviseiit , i , ij. situation bcliep
Mr. y,
k nl i all a iiuiiisti r te
hei iniinsi"!
will he kiM
i thnt the ceremony
i and ih it there k ill
' rip
be no Weill
Delaware Pnseners Whipped and
Alse Put in Jail
Of HOVIIlt) "I M
the priwiin t
white mini wl
Del., Dpi 2H A total
irislies wus '"imposed en
fmir Negroes nnd one
pleaded gtllltk Iu court
lit teduy before Judge
.Si gie, who pb ml-
d guilty te I, nakuig .mil entering the
eini t nf i's brother niul father, was
iileih'eil te leity lashes nnd te b"
,.... .i . . . ., .
mpiiseneu n r tiuee nun eiie-iiiiu ji-urt
'h(. oilier i."inis tn be puiilslnd ill f
Martin Cettingliiim, hirrenj, live bislu
and Iiftct n lunntln; Chniles Palmer,
arceli), twenty lushes, two jenn,;
' .larksen .Montgomery, inrceiij. me
lashes, eight menths: Jehn I.ec, Jur
I ,,.J , like la-llcK, 1IM1 IllOlltlls,
m. - A .,.,, n i ti a urtt i iiniiiibrnr'a
lllfl !! r7""'l liei -. ....,..-..,..,
iiiiii dime te lira. ml IntereitlnK t-xceriiU
nrn Klken I ft Tl nriicin luieri iiii. iii hid
MUBni-lne Hn-llnn ef lti H'ln.lnv
t'rixi.ii "Main. Tt n tlaWt -.tdi.
Evangelist Accuses Paster3 of
Meddling In Motion-Pic-
ture World
Uu ,tMf(lfriI Vrti
a Anrrlrs. Ipp. 129. A nifl'i'
mectli.K tnllrd bv the T.eh AiirpIph Ce-
npcrnthe CViiiiieII for Hetter riltni 1"
discuss the icturn of Itnscoe A1hu'1(1p,
remptlhin, te flip wrccn, wnn thrown
into tijirear yestcrdny when Uvnnsellst
Cuddy, liend of n. mlHsleii, nttrniplnl te
i entpr Inte the tlcbnte in bchnlf of
I Arbticklc.
flilerruplcil hy creli of "ift down,"
j "threw him out" nnd "fnnntle," Cuddy
accused the ministers of T.es Angeles
I of meddling ir. uffnlrs outride their
province when thev remli'iiitipd Will II.
liny,, chief of the film Industry, for hi.
action In lemeUng thehnn etiAfbtickle.
He nppenled te the cliurrhmen te
I lestln- tlie ret It in i.f Arhliekln US "tend-
ing te lower the etnndnrd of right liv-
ling among the jettng of our .euntry."
Kansas tn, . mZ i. -' (IU A '
l I- The siilrlt nt Ami tnl must net I
"(luard against this ns ou would
n,,,ir.l .nviliwt tinsillenn ."' be adtuen-
. m .. i
islieil, llle COUIltr.k li is no greater
enemy than one who would thus divide
the t'euntr against lt-elf Here aglla
tien and mere motion nie net progress.
The vicious circle is net the triughtest
dlttnr.ve bitweeu honest iffeit and IiIeIi
est reward. Keiiiember that one man Is
better than another enlk when lie be-
Iliuves himself bPttiT
"shake themselves from the mire," l'eur of the jeunc wemeit nre ntu
am, when his hecklers grew mere dents nMhe M-;; S' J
b-,istereuS. asked them te l.rie. te , him ,1mWn? N,,xt ,, they will re
"as it reprpsp.iti tive of .Ipsuh ( hr st. ." , R.,r nnt,. ,ami iul take
,.'TK7tUm of. ,"!?, nt . Vlir?'1!.. lielr work ns experts in child wel wel
"Heb") Shuler, presldput .. ..' Miii- ,,,, , , from tll0 publk.
tsterial I i.ien., CiiiWj n!l "- ;"i,oeW lnelBIuni by the Cetiiminsiuti
grantPil three liunutes in which te pre- J "",,,,, i.J nirilln, TMiii-iitleniil
"pl.t his iewH, after whiel. Hip mwtlnR J?rJlll";'f11 ' f 'iel Herbert lioeM'
iipacefulls adopted n H'solulien ,,r.i-, elimh t en. of whhh HerlRrt Heom t
Kiiuee "Cle every we'l-bi I. ived man his large quantities of soft coal must ut t.eunces the deatli In Dublin Wediiei Wediiei
e alfi- enualitj, and 'rpipilre fimu him Ms full usi-il this winter if people are te keep i daj- night of Mrs. Max (Jrcen, dauch-
shine of aeeeuntnbillt;.
Charles Mneaulek. ..t I'etielt. was
elected pivs'ident of the fnifernlty.
inner Ollli its eli'i ion nn iinii-u . .innn .i
.... . .1 1. ..... l... I...1 ..I . I.,l... T
Tigert, ashingteil
D. C seeri'tarj
Themas A. Davis
(bitlieii. Ind.. le-
P'Tt'T. and Iteiiert 1.. ilaat, .inn-
of his new comedies are shown en New
Year's F.k p, it was nniinniiceil last
nlel.f The ininii- linll kkns the C.rtt
i night. 11:
pine'iu tliis city te riiew the re.u.iii
cemidiiiii's films Mine the ban was
Felten Finds Ceal
Situation Easier
j t enllumil rum Pnn. thie
as sum, iveuld piitureit, whi is it that
plainls latch ineike.1 is small. As ..r
siiffcruig well, there are .'Iw.iks M.n.e i
pmpu. win. si,.,, ,.,, ,.,. ei ...in. te.
lli.lltel hew idelillful the -i, ,,,1 . Iln
' tin
whole I think j,reat uedn . .lue
lieners H-r nie win inek mik.',f
. liindhd the sitiintleii
...... . . i. . i . . i . . .
l,::"',..1" .".'"" "r".',. ."".!?,., , J.':'.u . ",'
IlllK'kj '
tl,.'.i.I. l,.,. 1,,1 i.,.;.dl.... I.r.i itl.i., mi
qu.illt;- et
tl.eiiiti h
......- ,
Wauls (iiadcs Mixed
' V let i 1 fob . ate kiklinis of hull.
' e tin. . "Tin re nie anj nuiubi'p "t
piuplii who ought te ii.(i the mi i,"i i
-iii ami uu llu in kkitll then' iigulr
- ippu. It-it tli.-. won't de ih'- '
Mi. Felten t.inl that although i-n -
llOll lelillllllllllie.S ill ill" CeUlltl-k Win
di pendent mi the supply of nntlir n in
lui warmth, itulustiv ninl nie n-et
all thi'te i iiliiliiUllllles wiilllil g( I mi
umple supply, I
"As fill a. this r it is cencel'in ! 'I
lie slid, "tin (".il '- nrriklng ibiilk
and as f. si as it ariiM's, it is lui .
asteil mi te lb iitiinnT. Nobeilk .
.'eing tu fiicre te death thi-, winiir,
a- far a. I am able in judgi ."
Ceal D( .licit, Dissent i
i tin k an' 1" mg swaiuped with iippe.il'
.for fuel. ,
Tl. "nl, iq.llii.1elT.lili. r.iinili.ir niul
Ceal Cempatik, at 1 illii stnet ami I.i
euiim: avenue, has giiu up and is go
r.i,.,. Mil- ,,) ll,, ...nl liesim ss rtllirelk
. i i
.ok - . - -.
it. i 11 te its ItllJlblT lull!
, , , , . . t 1 11 , I
i M.l-k P.. Shiibi'i. el tin- Keliable e.ll
Ceiniiink ,
o-iieiid and Aslniab
streets, in
nrn thii.ist, said : "i
have nothing i ki jit a little biuken and
""'" buck wheat. '1 here is ery little
I e" of that in our .Mini, and it is my I
,,l,""" ""' situutieii i- Incoming uiei-i
jduiigireil enrj da. The sheilagc In
K'l" xu,h ""', "k"tl -ls bad as this."
Klein.- .V. Ce . at lin'.i West Diiunhlii
I htreet, told i similar sti.rj. "Ceal l
cure new and It is going in be source
nil wiiitei." the repntiiil i
At the jnrdt it H P. limner, pi
North Tweliiy-lirst sine, the outlook
was rc eited te be gloemj . "We iinl
; new trjlng te lake cure of orders like
'in- n wcls old," It kkns Kibl, "'i '
,iri ceiiipieti 1 nut of egg nnd nut ceul. I
'with nothing mere in sight."
Want Ixcuii) in Oiilcrs !
There Is some (enl in the jards nf
I the Fideinl Ceal Ceiupanj at Twcnlk- i
i iifih and Fideinl htmtsi nnd ilellu'iii- I
mm i
I nltl' ' n li'" . -T 1
u. .itm . nii'l tri in! , n
.. II MtllV Pi'lll
i I I i ur i ml s M
! AI. .. Iiih 1
wen nn Siiiuril.iv in l
n .1 ! ii"n
MI7 Itilur.tilii si liiti'niKIit i
v"iii:vt. -ins- '.s. siu'iiii: u, (tiee wi,
ret" I. k.'lnw i.t liurK,. lle. In hsr 71"
i-ur H.l.111. niul (ni.ii.lii ,im Iritlifil i,
Hi-rkl ', .sin ui I. '. . 1' M ut i.r.'jr0 .1
1'ie.lirkk M,iiii Jr I7t". N. 1'Jtli si P.
I. rim el hrlvul"
ii.M',11.1. Dip !!1. Ji:s-N-U'. A. li'.NT.IU.
i,i .',.'.-lli llKrru. r i . 'Iiu.ln.r of lli l.i
William Pint Awwliiile- -l' D'Nilll. It. I ,
tlsH nmi trli'ii'ln ui., United tn mli in I i,
n.riil. Ti.ii.t S .1" A M, leslili'in. .i
J. Ji llnl. Inn M'O Muk.t st S Innn
nuulini iihist iliunli if uur I..ely et
t,,r, I'l .1 M. Iiiteriii ii' hi In ni' im,.
0 " . . . .
I k.M 1 ll" " HI-- MAIIIil. IV 11
(li Junn i lan , no IP I trkli',s
inn n ii i in kv 1 ri ni
kl ilia I'i Hun I a "I'i I ,k, Intiim u
nre tnntle ns rnpldly at Btrccf contlltlena
i At the Ctrseent Cent Company.
Plfly-sccend Mrcet niul Weddltind nvc-
niii', no etdrrs will Im tnkpit for Ices
t linn three wepka nlicnd, with no guar-
nntre nt the time. .,
1 .Inieb Ncrf, nt Twcnty-lirat nnd
WcAtmerclnml fctrppt.i, took a mere
1 nptlmistic view. "We ere dividing urn)
up mh fitat ns It comes In," he paid.
"The fvttnrc, however, 1h ttneertnln."
Tlie Pltimtlen is nmi, nut peepie nuiii
nKO te get n little coal ns they re-
ipilre It." ... ... i
There is peme Imckwhent nt the yard
of the William 31. I,leytJ Cempnny, nt
Tweiitv-nlnth Htreet nnd Scitglcy nve
line. 'e ethrr cenl, it Is reported
there, Is In nlfiht.
Tlii-nltimtliiii in New Jersey Is virtu
ally the Mime. fUliisen Ac Dlckln
shi'piz. of tJleuicMer, are delivering ie.ii
in Imlf-tnn letH te I'tiKtnmers lit tlleii
1'i'sier only. refiitiiiR ilellrerieH te their
old customers In nearby towns nnd 11-
Sent te America te Study Health
and Sanitation Problems
KIght Helginn girls who nre stud
11(? rll,j nutrition, public health nnd
sanitation In America, nrn guests of
Mrm. ltuynrd Henry, chnlrinan of the
ff?"1 llX"
vIcp' i,,.,,, nf thnt organization.
j,ltlng the holiday senin
i l'ri siili'lll
i"iniic-irtirti rirDC
Camden Chamber Suggestions Point
0ut Advantages of Bituminous
In nn effort te nemnint housekeepers
with the adkanlages of using soft-coal
(i,.rinr ,i,(, sherlaee of nnthraelte. the
Camden Clmmber of Commerce has
printed for distribution through coal
ue.'iiern, L-iiuniien nun nui'-i um
tiens tl nst of instructions for hurtling
.1...!.-.. ..t.au.1.M.. ,1 ..iiiim riifnitln
In n letter that has just been split
out the Chamber a;.s that niter getng
cuefully ever the coal situation from ,,v
ill angles, a coinmlttee of the Cnrain-u i IVIHS. MAX GREEN
Chamber of Cmiimcri'e bellees that Londen. Dee. 20. The Time n.
Ex-Fuel Director 3elleves Country
Will Escape Distress
Washington. Dec ".'. (I'.y A. IM -'I
he siliintlnn as te the eiintij's sup
I U nf hitiiiniiieiw mill is new geed,
while tui i t-iit pioilui'tieii of antlii.n lie
is i vni ding ('pn'Iiilieiis. Tliis an
tiiiUlu i meiil was mule leihiv liv Coin ad
V. spi'iis, who tet ires as Federal tuel
distrihiiter en .1 iniiurj 1, In a jepert
te I'ri'siiieni 1 1. it inn
j "r. S " vt'"l nul-etiil lo-epei.-i'lon
' nu. nig u.e in iv.i.i.-. '' '""''"""",- Miti hell, died suddenly vesUTiInv ntlh.'
f.i.'tni illnl tlillt i olltlliueiislv b( ttep 1 1 - I , ' ,.,, ." ,.". '.."'. 'V
Mills , tb- ,i, ment of ml ,..,i: " u ...an uiiick.
obtain during mining months MVe m.aiii.-
line hepi ful. ' In-nddeil. "thnt tin situ- Jen" McAllister
iiilien in. ik be ir red ter without soileu. Funeral sen ices will be held at 10
illsiips,. iMitiui.t wiatlier ini'Mit je- i ii clnrk tiiinertnw merniiic for Jehn Mi.
suit quln' soiieuslk. . Allistei, who died Tuesday ut his home
The id, in. ir ler aniluiK ite is quite
utgiiit We li'ike lepditeilly ailkisul
the p'lldie With legnrd te this roi'iuiod rei'iuiod roi'iuied
ilj thai tick inight pimide tin itiselki s
te sni in iNteiit. With siibslitiites "
Little Entente Nations te Have Free
Zenes. Is Repert
S(,j, ,,,,,. ., ,,lfllIIlliltilin .j
,,..-.. ., i ,,.,, V'u
,,,, ",. , , , . . "
, iiH, -,., ,.,.. i. ,,., . ,
.... ..- ....... .. ... .... , .,..... um in ii
, ... . I... sil... .1 i. ...
. ."ill..- 'i.'i.iri I i-.i.-.j in licl'JkC 111".
i motorist sues trolley co. Mrs- Mary Bonsack Powell
West Chester. Dec 211 s,t t! Funeral services for Mrs. M,lrv Hen
,,, .1. ii ,. '
.kcsierdiik against the Plil'iiii.ihi and'!
West Chester Traction Cen pain- ,j
(ieeig" S. Williamson, of V(si Che--I '
ter. who nsl.s (lainages Iik.ies.. i,u '
1 autoliiebile was wi coked heiev.il luenihs
age ej a iar ei iiie irmnj company
mi K.is; (laj slieet Williamson as".
-eiN bis aillomebllo was caught Im.
twpen the car and two ether machliies
as he ntti iiipted t" puss, the nioterinau
failing te ebej bis signals, and that i
the accident was due te negligence.
Th- ll'il cliupieitj et ' In. M.rlnhliiK
Mi'll lll Pill' knu lillt seu nn t i t lm
o'e litn t f tii ulisnrl'li v r. n , t.
Ills' nil WiiMil.iiin tllui'l mill s 4 )u rpri,
r ." liMlitllliu lit et (Ills p rial, 'lift HfirtAil
III 1 - Jlkl-MV! PlIlIIU 1.KIKI-.I ' Muke It ..
lie i II " li'u.
Te These Without Experience
ruri en
Japanese Privy Council Attack
Government Methods
in Country
li Atneciulett J'rcsu
iinpiecedentetl lit the history of .Innn.
iiese politics. The resolution nRepted
hv the council was nddressed te Crown
Prince llirohite. prince regent, with
whom final decision rests.
Ordinarily, such n resolution weutd
inentt the immediate resignation of the
ministry, but tinder ptesent disturbed
conditions in China, and with the New
Year's holidays imminent, the Cabi
net, which meets Saturday, inuv decide
te present tn the prince n counter
resolution cplninlng Its polity nnd
nwnlt his decision before tiiklhc op.
lien. " l
l'remiei' Knte tmd Foreign Minister
T'chidn, In New Year messages, strong
suppeit the pe'lcv of pencil bv com'
piotiiise exemplified by the Washington
l'remier Knte declares that "If thP
fundamental spirit of the Washington
agreements Is duly respected by the pce.
pies ()f the future, they will' he frw,i
fiem warfare."
The Foreign Minister points out thnt
while tlie Wnshinsten pnets have net
been ratified fully, they nlrendy are
bearing fiult, ns is shown by tlu niptul
estimates for America, Great llrltnln
and Japan, (ind by Japiin's cvncuntleii
of Siberia and Shantung.
"Japnii's policy in the future," he
added, "will be basi'd upon the prlii.
ciple of pence and compromise,"
Minister of War Ynmniiiishl, In nn nn
etiier message, considers the evacuation
of Siberia nnd Shantung u step for fer
wnrd In the realization of peace in the
Fur Ihist. Keferrlng te reduction of
nnnaments, he asserts "it Is earnestly
te be desired that the nation should
fully understand the importance of tip
national defense, se that what Is In i
in qunnttty may be made up by iw.
pnncment in quality."
Deatli8 of a Day
ter of tlie mie .lean i.eumeiid. She
was the author of severel pln.s. Her
husband, who was the chairman of tl."
trisli I'rlfilea Tleikril. irnu sl.if n..f
Mrs. Annie T. Darlington
Wht C'licster, Dec. Iii). Attacked
bv nciite indigo.stien which cimvsl
heart trouble, Mrs. Annie Tnlte D.u
lingtuii, sity-five jearn old, wife it
Frank I. Iarlir,gteii, first Controller
nf Chester County, died yesterday.
Mrs. Harriet D. Mitchell
Washington, Dtc. 20. Mrs. liar
I). Mitchell, widow of former Sen.
Johr. I. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, i
met her of Itrigadlcr (Jenrrnl Wllha
2020 Iiellevtie street, after nn attnrk
of unite indigestion. Fer many cais
Mr. McAllister was in charge 'of tie
asspinbling plant of the Flectrle Stor Ster
at,!' Itatterk Cemnaiiv in this citv. A
high mass of requiem will be sung i.t
rim l.adk of llnlj Setllrt' Church, tin'
il.ek. Jehn .Ah Alllstcr. of Altoeim, sun
el the ilei eiised, te be the iflehrnnt.
'I he Ilt. Kek. Jehn J. McCeit, hMiei
of Altoeiin, will aticml the scrtirp.
llurial will be in IleU Sepulchre Cpmc
terj. .Mr. .McAllister is survived h
his wife, Ilrldget; three sons, Jarnct.
Hugh and Jehn, and one daughter,
Mis. IM trick U'Hng.'in.
Tehle, Dec. '-n. The privy ceunell
today passed n resolution condemn n
the policy of the Knte Cabinet h , itS
dealings with Chun. Snob mi" '?
of the I'nitlionetirv ""K ' ""l"' who in i.perge ji. I'nwi'll
iiii illl'U .irMVlilll.v III JUT Heme, eliH
liaht incline, CjiiwmI. will be hi Id tn.
morrow afternoon ut 2 o'clock in n.
Jehn's Church. C.wiwyd.
Mrs. Powell wni well known so se
i i. illy In Cjuwyd. She is sm-vikrd by
her lmrimiid and three sons fJeerge.
nine jenrs old; James, seven, nnd Ar
thur, three.
J. Harry Mulllniel
I .1. Ham Mulliniei. of West Chester
ilbd ji'tcid.iy at Cape May, X, J,
after uu illness of seicinl jears. Mi
Mulliniei founded the Three Aits Cluti
et Philadelphia nnd is its president.
Due te the death of her liusb.lili!,
ie tit tiles of tin' organization will stun
fel a Wtek
who see a number of pearls together,
apparently alike in color, it would
seem an easy matter te match any
desired number.
But nothing requires a sharper eye,
a mere delicate sense of color and
greater patience than the assem
blage of
A Finely Matched
Necklace of Pearls
Size, shape, color and perfection
must all correspond, and the collec
tion of such a string requires the
training of the expert and often
years te accomplish.
The pearl necklaces and the pearls
for necklaces offered in this estab
lishment meet these exacting specifications.
J KCaldwell & Ce.