ipftFP'A'Vww ' " Vr f Wl'A'TiW ' Yf'T?frtyy,'WWJy'W$'"r ? "'W"' 3 lTW' M " Pit " V I WILMINGTON BLAZE i LAID 10 FIREBUG EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PJEILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 furniture Stere and Caraga en French Street Destroyed, With $50,000 Less SEVERAL PERSONS RESCUED fnerfnl Ttitvateh In Kvcnlne Public J.ttatr WHmlnrfen. Del., Dee. 2 The ttrape n"1' fi"it,"'e sterine wnrclieusp e( Themas Joyce, nt 410-21 French itrcet. nnd nn nuroniebllc supply store ( -117 French street, were destroyed by (lie enrly this morning. The less l tftlmnleil nt nbeut $50,000. Police nrc working en the belief thnt the fire wns of Incentlinry origin, fine hour before It wns discovered n mnn whose name is withheld by Hip pollen Quarreled with Joyce. He wns seen te return te the Joyce building n few minutes before the fire, started. Feared finsellne Kxploslen Firemen were handlcnpped because large quantities of gasoline were stored In the basement of the garage building, which they feared would explode. The (lames titarted in the building owned by Joyce, nnd spread rapidly be fore nn alarm wan turned In by a pedeftrlan. A second alarm was turned In Immediately after the firemen nrrked which called out additional fire-tlghtlng equipment. The automobile supply nhep nt -117 French street was quickly reached by the flames nnd was destroyed. Onlv a imall amount of stock was mi veil. Thp itcrc nas owned by 'William Reese. feveral Persons Overcome On the ether side of the Joyce build ing, at Ne. 4U3, firemen made n des perate a tempt te prevent the flninen from spreading, nnd were successful. The house Is occupied by n Negro fam ily. It filled with smoke quickly, and several of the occupants were overcome when firemen rescued them. Mrs. Urncc A. Barrett, sixty-five jrrars old, who Is blind, was carried out of the building, nleng with her daughter-in-law and the latter's seven chil dren. Only a small quantity of furniture was s ered In the warehouse at the time of the fire, sccrnl wagnnloade hctlnc been moved out by owners only a short time ase. In the garage were three truck" and a touring far. Firemen ianl these, bnt net until they had been consider ably damaged bv hent and water. MARYMILES MINTER SETS UP OWN HOME ID ment of labor which in some localities was reported nearlng the scarcity mark, and n generally healthy tone In trade, according te the monthly survey made nubile today by the Federal Reserve Heard. tventrary te the usual situation Just a Slight "Family Quarrel," Film Actreaa Says Les Angeles. Dec. 29. Marv Miles Minter, motion-picture actress, hns left the home of her mother, Mrs. Char lotto Shelbv, nnd has set up her own establishment, according te a story printed in the Jas Angales Times jr terdaj. A report is current, nccerdlng tn the Time that "mother and daughter hne quarreled." Interviewed at her new home. Miss Minter aid her mother was "ideal,." but admitted : "It is true we have quarreled, but we had only motherly and daughterly Juarrels. such as happen In any family, wanted n home of my eui, and I jet me one." Miss Minter raid fche would be twenty-one years old next April. HEARINGS ON CHILdTaBOR Senate Committee Hopes te Obtain Legislation at Present Session Washington, Dec. 20. (Hy A. l) The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee will begin hearings January 10 en pro pre peed constitutional amendments te au thorize Congress te regulate child labor, it was announced today. The subcommittee, it was said, will hear representatives of organizations nnd ethers interested in the extension of Federal jurisdiction te prescribe the ages at which children tuny bp employed in industries and the sanitary and ether conditions under which they'may work. Members of the subcommittee, which Is composed of Senators Shertridge, Republican, California ; Celt, Repub lican, Khede Island, nnd Wnlsh, Dem ocrat, Mentana, said today that the hearings would be expedited ns much as possible In nn effort te ebtnin legis lation nt the present session of Con Cen rei for submitting a constitutional amendment te the StatCB. SHORE RESIDENCE BURNS III Weman In Flaming Building Carried te Street Atlantic City, Dec. 211. Fire of an unknown origin, which broke out at Q e clock this morning nt -12 Seuth M'..i-iuiKii lurnue, ier a nmu threatened , rleus consequences. The dwelling, ' which is a three-story frame structure, "as badly (famngff! and for a time it , loekeil ns If the flames would spread te i 'lielnliig buildings. ' Ibe hla.it bturtt-,1 in the basement , nd burned for an hour before dis "nered. William McAdnms the enner, wa awakened nnd carried his, IM sister. Mavme McAdams. te the Ktreet. I'lie damage 3 estimated at about $5000. BERNHARDT UP AGAIN j Aetress Was Able te Leave Her Bed for Luncheon Today Iarls, Dee. 2!. fliy A. P.) ladame Sninh Bernhardt wnn distinctly better today. She was able te leave her bed nnd nail luncheon with the members of her household. The ph)slcinns. it was announced teany, have found no cldenc of or ganic disease or chronic illness mid time come te the conclusion that the recent cellnpse of tint famous actress. ns due only te overexertion and 'tram. 6 SAVED BYJ3REECHES BUOY Schooner Believed Liquor-Laden' Gees Ashore en Cape Ced '"rialiifeiimn, Mass,, Dec. 2!). (Tl) ,. l-) The schooner Annie I, Spin- , " r of arineuth, N. S., was wrecked at Unce pein t0lnv T)ll vrPW ,)f men trusHcd te the tigging in ,i ' "'"mi of nluiimt huriicine strength for l"J''fs. wun nwued bv n breeches buoy. I it was repnrtnl that the vcsel was' ie.iileil N, ii,,,,,,,., mt cunt,,!,, Irving, J'lHjris, ., f ,10 (01)St Kr, crew I wine, i,sc,i,.( t, hcnnien. said lie hull "" ethclal knowledge of her cargo. BUSINESS GAINING Healthy Tene Reported In Federal Reserve Beard's Repert Washington, Dec. 20. (Hy A. P.) November business conditions repre sented a continuation oftlie upward "and In production, a greater employ- nt this i seaFen of the year, the beard found production In basic Industrie)! increas ing, n condition that has proceeded al most uninterruptedly since July. 1021, when product Ien was lower than at nny time In recent years. The condi tion, the heard believed, augured well. VJ Irri'lS' A. Chain of Modern Hotels from Coast te Coast .4l RH0tt.tt.LMDl i w ill i lxiTiTi r OF AMERICA AH Centers of Hospitality where Elegance and Comfert are obtained without extravagance Under direction of UNITED HOTELS COMPANY of AMERICA Whole luccenful and efficient standards of operation U the goal of hotel men everywhere, Famous among all who travel HOTEL UTICA ' . . . . . . . . . . tmcX n! y! THB ONONDAOA . . . '. . . . 8YRACUSB N Y wJnVSSSi'SSTJIL Rechester: n. v. 33!5 BpHERTTREAT NEWARK. N. J. TJIB STACY-TRENT . . TRENTON N Y. ?,iS?E,ffiyjA5SIS HARRISBURO, PX 11 rS ' ' ' ' ' " ' ete 9&Wk&&; : : meeWaa xlSx"GH"' ..TAMR.?58:8A?JAg 2St1iS,SSS5l.S.'vJy,AOARA VAIXS, CANADA ?SnNnJlKKA,RP0l?V, WINDSOR. CANADA ?BS J?RS?IX?LT ' V B.u!'dln . . NBW YORK CITY THB OLYMPIC . . Bui Mini . . 8EATTLE. WASH. TUB ALEXANDER HAMILTON DIJi. PATERSON, N. j! OtflCCTJl ES??-; Ill?,1'f?,iriPrf - FREDERICK W. ROCKWBU.,VlciJrl. HORACE L. WIOU1NS, Vie Vn: I. LE9LIB K1NCAID. VtcaPrtt. DBLOSM.JOHNSON, S.c OEOROElLO'K;BIL,&n.MftrcinBHVtJli Executive Oflicet 25 West 45th Street, New Yerk City WfNTEIl KKMIIIT ATLANTIC f'lTY, N. .1 VINTEBnKHOItTW . ATLANTIC CITY. N. A WINTER KKSORTH ATLANTK CITV, N. J. K " IKi Slx ' ' VSrs: WINTER nEIQRTH ATINTIC CITY. N. .1 WINTER KEPOBTB HT. rETEHHIIimO. TtA, issir: MMWVSJMH ZjmSr A WM t nn gaanv'W kmii-W i AND ONLY 1 HOUR FROM PHILADELPHIA Beard a train for a short comfortable ride te thr furnetn Atlantic City Boardwalk, free of snow and slush and the depressing aftereffects of a winter storm. It in quite probable, tee, that )ou will find a warm tun shining from cloud flecked skies of blue, and scores of the fascinating Heller Chairs gliding in endless Innes through throng of happy pretucnaders. SUN SHONE BRIGHT THIS MORNING, "FRIDAY" Horseback Riding, Indoor Sea Water Peels, Dnncing, Metering. Orchestra Concerts, Theatres, Basketball and numerous individual hotel entertainments. TIIK LKAIIINK IIOrNKN cc !wi)i epn nd cempriie tht fiimt in tht World. Phene, Witf or Write tny of the following ier imormiiien, doeicki, lore,, Krmutieni, tic. Ch.Ilonle-llndden Hull Rltz-Carllen Hetel Briahten Seaiide lleuie AE The Breakers E TheShelburne A Hetel Morten A Hetel Dethwell AE Hetel Trtymere AE Marlboreuih.Blenheim I A Hetel Uennli A Hetel Mrand A CUIen Hull A Hetel Chelte A TheWiluhire A The Helmhunt .4 American Plan. KEurcpian Plan. AElleih Plant, K.isl, eomfertablp trains slth Pullman .frvlep opeinto between I'hll.i ileliihlii and .Atlnntlc f'lty en fn qtieut "ehclulea nuiHt any hour of ilii! iliij via I'ennsylv.ml.i It. T! fieni Ilrenil St Stiitlen, West IMilln ilelpnla. North Phllnilelphln. or from Murkvt St. Kerrlrt, lieth Htt-nm hi il elerlrlc: la I'hltnilclphia nnd I'cii'lluu II It from r'hptnut St. IVrnr.s Tclpphene cltlier read for hcIip(1uI.i end fuitlvr information 7 c? rP-A JsrX STATION ir?"ri,) x Wi I u BROADCASTING A NEW YEARS GREETING V v. . .,;,ii A '". j i A. Station "S-W-J" Supplee- Wills-Jenes wishes you a happy and a prosperous New Year. We thank you for your increased pat ronage of our products, reflected in the largest volume of sales in the history of our business. We pledge our word that Sterling Quality which is the foundation of our growth will ever continue te be the distinguishing factor which identifies our output. GOLD MED AL MILK and SUPPLEE ICE CREAM are synonymous with Sterling Quality coupled with prompt, efficient, courteous service. mm SUPPLEE-WILLS -JONES Iks I i in " m u LnfUKS SiSSHSJiHHiBy Philadelphia & Suburbs Camden, Chester, Atlantic City, Ocean Citv SUWLCEi JlCE CREAHJi TTTTTTI' II IJIill 'I II Hi"J Hetel Brighten Atlantic City I iiT ! i i - i rni r r i fir i r i r ' Mim.A.4A.---- -k-.. JKa-U i i i iviwrv ia . 'i no rrVTv S)S bLS?'$Mnshine City A fltct .1 wonderful Irlenillnnt uA t lieuiinJ welcome. A dellf btfml drr IH ire aaa recreation. Cllrattt mile ana cnule. Flowen. tnha. Mull tad ivrei ocean brtete, all fear. Tee one alace where til recrratlsea u eerd et-of-aeonrcolf, fftrtflnt. racbtlnr. ewimratHf. kaatlni, reque. Qdelit. rwwllns. biball. oetoriof. Stleadld aovramedirton. In lull eterrena. Write far booklet, en tee Cite or ea Sparta aal Recreabent. Anr Intormatten en requeiu r.A.L.wrene., Chamher et CeramtrM St I'etaraburi. I'lerlda ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. lllrrnlly " Oncnn I'retil . Tb American Pln Hetel par-excellenc. 5 I of the Atlantic ('out. I I Brick flaraire or. WAI.inn J IIUZI1Y. ! b.t.l property Owner and Manager wiraiawaaiiwaieaieaiaa'Mitaiaaiaaiiinaiaansl 0LMHURST HOTEL Prnn-'?.TBf.fa Avp , rleft te Ruf-h ntj Btrl 1'lcr A y npen Cftracity TUO l'th? l-alrit runrlm; wtT in ullbul- .Arna Ui, 1 a tru hlarlu tf rfift1 Wr f a tr ff.fclil winter rote Hurt If I.arr II liATON'. . llt.Ai II . rU I I)AYTONA BI3ACH HOTEL Ilrenil teriinia fm-i nrirM'n. Iliieit t'jefc. Meilrrn. ( ul 111" iiiwtnlliil ltntes S3. BU t ft ier ilat Amirlrnn tiLiti , MIMI, I1.A. It a J U M r. In MIAMI " Infer. & ni-.lt Write Chimber of Oemmm lll.ltMl IIA ,T FURNESS-k " kXrSt.'Charlea PI. near UearJwalk n.fl l3uW V JL JaV meflelefl nun wmer rnv Bum rim FAn Rttf winter rate, New ILswn mt BchetntiiH:Wlrthiftcr 1 n Orrnn Frent, rireiirnef. An i i rin "i 1 I.urniiean 1' mis l.nir Cluli !' ' . ur , continental ; jju. or- mnu I 3i vr.su Il" M AN ' I A MARNF I' Mrlnnlk lit (I ill Amiim" ,i 'I rurinlni; ri e. r J Ml ult'i nrHatc lutl 'Hetel Boscobel )lln1V" Vrnrlia"'i. K eklr I . ).', 1 i 117 VI M MM"S Wxclmiilcr Ki'ntiuV Are nrar braeb. rvesimmsieri.i .n.ir t str.it rri tntln, rim. vutcr A V MHT nn A ited. New Clarien lti. .nt. Jul or! f r ) .( II 'l MARLYN if7ll -.', ' I'm I ir ,,"hti 1 mt.i.rl iV.' I" . UNE Itiitn (nn'tiiii tuii lit rmwtn Gevt).) SqiltnRs Twice Weekly I m Mi! I .ie. i,'ir Ul e lit Mammen It I. ii t. 1. 1 nvent. nee or y tjiiml en eilhe. rnf i i ' ln Piil.itlul, lln-rrw, nlMlurnlnc S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" I ..i ill tl.enn Tunc llpliicriiint. 1 rniu Vi-m l nek Will. & Mit. Bermuda Offers All Out-Doer Sperli Modern Hetcli Ne Pnatperts llenU MIW for U Inter 'nlllnnn 1 r Iluitiatel II 'iklm .rit te FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 'II Uhlteli ill -t . Ni' lull. I I KM.-M ITHV A .. Mil. Ilnille Kills . I'lill i. fpr i j . i r nit AKent i.i;i:t(i(ii, n. .1. HAMILTON HOTEL SfBS V M R A SSY i BERMUDA " J 10161 AmiXJLMJJtLJkJ JL 0n of ,,, lnre,.,t if reaert hotel., r iJiKKWUUIJ. .S. J. .New unl modern Uiroual.eut Kameua for excellent Hun nariMii iule!-e nun ixirler urlll bil liard), erri"tra itanclrc Uoeklet, Phen. Lakenoed 331 New 7erk nfT.ce. XUD Broadway. Prien. SchuHtr liiill. , lliv. t.l I , TUP. 'Jll.l.N sI'HIM.. U'ltklr-, t.len, S flit e,.,!, ., ff Ur O'.imi till t'lf leir RirilM(INI VA. nn nf flie lnrirrt if reaert hotel. rnnfriirt ed tlipmBli "it f "tone and cement: rnrr mml. erti r. nvi nlmri' tee nntld mcin 2in hntha. Vi'tri'ii' I'tin cimf'-'r In nn li'ent irlnter horn. Oiitn Jnn'inrv 1 T' re r if innri- IloeLl.t. The Hctel lie Luxe of BsrmtnU HAMILTON HOTEL CO.. Ltd. Mannscmmt nf .1 A hllKtlltlRD JJ y Oair. t.vur Travel Bureau. 421 nftk Aretiue Cable.-"Hetel Bermuda", all ced.a. Esminer. Hetel Prt-.ccn Be ich Bluff. Maa. TOI Il! .Jsew Must mucnlllirnt lintel In tilt-1 s"iitli. Kimiiiis mIiuIi or I II -iiltc ulth Hill ullllllllt lutlia. nuriii'r in nl tn. II '"tr ilril lioeMe, en re quest lnlf nrUTIeRpa 0. 1". Uf leu.l.lt. llcr. sKKel9 tar"e MKIiINU lll)l'.KIM.s. Illr. IIIIMl.-n l). Ir e.nTtics. r mlf tin' i Inter tlirniiKh ( miu:v. s. f.. OPEN NOW THE KIRKWOOD Camden Seuth Carolina T EDMUND KnCMDHOLZ A Ml K 11.1.1: ?l. c. RtefyparKHeM I1JIVS JTasheville.n.c. Mild, lialmy cllmat- rrivalu in winter ldi I hillten Io-tlen oieilenkl-n: the city and nur- I rn'indinff ne-jnti.iB Twe 'S-he! tjelf iumm I II U ihb Moter ni; llirebar 1'iding Wrtt'f r I nte rates All 111 Kill-VI Sin nr Virr I M1.1NMII l. PREMIER TOlMST HOT ft OF THESOUli OPEN Jan. 1 -May I. Shermia Dcnnis.it: 111 I I I till III 11.111.. I I.A THE BELLEVItW Belle ur'Hiirht Hern's. Gelfer s Southern Tirndliie Orn Jan 8th nn i:- CRUISE TO tsm 1G DAYS $ 1 50 and up "The Island of Enchant ment." Rates cover all necessary expenses te and around Perte Rice and return te New Yerk. Staamer is your hotel for entire voyage. PORTO RICO LINE 25 Dreadway New Yrk or anr nuthurlzfri Agent A String Tvcry Writ ftr !)?-TiptltaLittr- k'.urc, etc Si m i , CONDADO-VANDERBILT HOTEL -n ji.w - - roine itire T ii i .! Anii-rl. m i ti-l In the V t I 1 os , lui i. i,it fur n Imll ui' tr t i 1 t..i.n(f tfniils u ' I ' mc I nl' r M n a- mint ,f VANDEBBILT HOTEL, New Ycrk Wcit Indies, Central and heuth America GREAT WHITE FLEET United Truit Company Paserrtr TranV Dept 17 Battery Place. H, y. Te the Mediterranean Cruise of the S. S:Rotterdam" A70RL-- MADl IRA LISBON CAD! C1BRI.TR MAI. (,A CORSICA NAl'LLS- rHLNs. CONSTANTINOPLE HOLY LAND- I.UYPT MONIL CRLO Th-s' ddlii,httul 2 months' Winter trip te the piuuresque enJ iunny shores et the sparUlmA Mediterrunean suils en the fa fa meus Mellun J-America Liner Rotterdam". The ship tepresentativeef the best obtain able for such u Cruise, atlertls the utmost in s-omfert anil ideal surroundings throuj,h threuj,h throuj,h eJt the eyiiu P lymondAVhittemb's successful Mediter lai.ean Cruise ixp.Ticnce und expert etll tu'nt personnel enable the etlennft of this upretne r3-day Cruise ler the entire sjiistat. ion nnd complete eninvment of dis rimmatini, Amern.au. IMIW IssniL TiMI TO MAK! 'nll'R AcKANeLMlM"- IU 1 i Ul'R RI ,IHA riO.St. bltOLLU 111. MAi'E. AT ONU. r Heakltt, rales, plans and rrsrrvtittem, call, wttle, teltphvnf or Irlciraph Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. I.ISH it lltlit Mlei'l I i' sjiruce HHll.1 MMHII ; , Cruise of the I .1 A K I I j Frem New Yerk f Peb. 10 I i 1 ' K i I ) CilliKM.l K unreine r3-dav Cruisu ier tin. untini 11 1 ""lirTrrrririiifiifri r " nlrniMnni n 'irinuniiiniri nrirnff ' 'lfTnrTTTTtWa'TliMMlaamW if 5Kflg 7.WmZZiM iJe a j iM i 1 1 . i it enj ii Summer siirrwic urui the rare Orieruul t'i ;'iir't: i'i LH.IDAH anil LA CH1FFA in the heart of old ALChRIA? Only one i t the tiunv sen thrills eriered bv the American Lprcss Luury Cruiac en the Mauretania e tiw Mediterranean I-rem Ncu' Yere. I elnuary 7th M Puns of J;nchiintnient The M U RLT AM mir home all the way V.Mt nj A-ere,.1 , , , . , ,- seMlk.i V r ', T inprr AlBiers.Menie r?,'1"')1 lN T ,' J ' I "' A'lur,- ( .n,tl. .,, opt paleM,ne, Lcvpt U tskj, I ish ,-l , ,rr i I , n 1 .i S J ,.,s . I herh,urK. Send for illustrated .in'KiiiiKruiciii 1JK AMERICAN EXPRESS TIIUI I i V II J MI.N I Phi'rtlphl 170S f h ntllil' Ct Hprure, JfjOll ltlml 112 We t laeette bt Waihinr'"! 112? F Street II W uM"Wv it - --- - aeja . i WjattaaaaMSaarrMMMaaaaXaaaaaMBaat X li-CVaiaaaaJ l . I