$tv:w wMWW v-' w& ww,''':-Vy'', l v't'v-'"?, 4fS fv '-mrf1tSf(pfT,5'),Vtti' TTW7f3OT ? "f : 'lv? " 1W " L. ft v "Y V, 18 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1922 St iU. 4 h m D Kfip f HM Si Bi. i? 1 135 TO li R ROOFING mti:uiai.h 4 k. -- .Miiimf 'rtnrril hj i1 ."'.irP'" n ' N. H "THFTT lr i-r: "CSj Daily Mevie Magazine ! I FOR. J 1628 Cheslrtul: Street WMH33MXraCAJ'U'i-L!iaf!Jr1WHia;C6 'Anne a Mrs fA! KnnniSi f4,fw? mkv niuijvnni. fkmniff:!uieiUKBia:ranAUjaauMi OH' KS! Yeu Can Be Well ' 1 M--- '-, rMTj'hlnil nit r s I try r ni I cot ie ! i T 1 t !i ! ei'r ,t-' c V in 'I i . - 1 ii , a . ,)-, 1 til te v i i 1" M t'h-le ir 1 f loin ' n' p c v-ui .' r " v." r. i. it itlen ft i'i s c .i-c- fir It! - ' THE 31 ARCH AND ' COLLEGE OF i CII1ROPUACTIC i aze WALNUT ST. I Philadelphia THE MOVIE FAS'S LETTERBOX ! lll.Nltt .M. NKLIA K.itemt - ".Inst ntieut n hnlf hour' if,' 1 1 tt tin cmiT en the old tjpi ( uriter utiil tiuiu-d tln p.igps of tln IiMMNi I't I II I.1 1i lit tllt-ivl- ar rived i t.i eiii "li-tti v lm.' I'liiTt' til tin' -r top v.i the tlirill - t "lis llnllelph 111' 'itlllll's (ltll'Ptlt i I'liilmit Iphin. in iiuir- , 1 lmd itlnrnl -n nitii h i r. in - ir rviiimti'l riN ilnrinr tlic i.i- tintitli. nn 1 ilm - nod news iliil no' lni 1 ni' ui.pn imriil I '-fne' f.'i mv did, I extract) d i l rums" fii'tn him tli.it if It vlintilii ;r i tiii ti town I would lmu fl nV In titiu' tii'Cf")ir.v t" sre tin lulled 1 1 I ict. I "New, Mr. Nerli. what chance 1 'i 1 ii pnnr ciri-' 1 Ureail trwt Suuin.i ! 1 1 etil pi-no te i" lum'' Can't u per ' hli i ive f nrr.inw n tp-nnnl up ii iii.ihc' 11. vc pity en r eni' l'ani, t ! linn- ciitiiii" ,-idm.r.itiii'i fo il neli Ii Hi' i- civst ' "In i In inj I mint te t -II veu 1 em i ii I i ii j mi i '! ii i niiil tlie tun ttifi i-i .', it u! ich I uttPli m, I in mv sip imetitt, ixu-tlj.' .K i pltMM' II- 11 je'ir l'llltll'lli'i' T '1 .i.i i the ri'iU'1 i i i . 'i i ilrnf !i . ir i il m refilli !!ii.irt-Mt.i!.i ,M.,1 net Le .ii ratiie ' I i. l.m-t ri'i'n in I" leiitr.u'f i'I Imi "ENGLAND'S FAIREST DAUGHTER" MAN'S 12-S1ZE, HUNTiNT. CASE WATCH 20-YEAR ,RANTEE ti: JEWEI "S&ZZZT r5. CL wiXA Fill ED ysr V '-' " ml -' ' K MS yO real V. Z'y S20.00 -nil! t'mt .1 pT .KI net Le .iirmii' ' ! Ihllt Vllcl'tlll ' lum in nil irti of 'nil' i ml i personal .lpnennttii nilKlit irrr lum into iiimpliriit'etii Se . 'in i stir it best net te i.i II i a'lite e lw l n I tint i Knew it v i ulil In' ' rn! 'I.siiprnititnir it te then-situlu it .is Ii Hi il ihat'-'i-i his mini! ,i'f 0 ll In t1 .ill !!'.l ItllU Ce "1. but 1 I t till li 1 ! Wl.l Til OtlU !!1 I itn ii t ln ,ii l.unil v hi n 1 in m- i. uie I'p'.lpv e -Sint'inl i" 1 lii ), ' pi i s i tti" '" mi' .'u r . si it 'ii ,.t v ' . le 1, thiis i!'tuns i i K.in;it'.ini' nn . 1 se te ti." 1 I .lis .1 CO'ili lll'lll. 'lllll. tllOri't"tl'. Sis' i - i f the Re ni 'in", most!! etire a u ,K 'I'll sniiicti'iHs uieri'. These tans in i i ,' n 1 ke n iimes nvil.p me luueli ' 1 i I i tin go, te- flip merid will still I titi'ip whitlier t in' '. Ke them or t.et'" ' I ! i! s, n ij nte i fnv ihi-. lull 1 Ni l''e . - with 11 'h' n.nii'lb I 1 1' is is- -u ted te that lole. 1' I'll .l! 1 'ts t1"' t!lUtH"s. u".d nieJi.-i rVenniTTiriiHi JiTnir rifiMM -it s i. 'riif( v q!sWu . (1- "-'n'. JHVwhHv r v I j i t I . ' . " 1 (Trottble with eit is von jitat pimply Set lij ptiel Izcd by Mny MrAvey. Ven t ililnk I'm blamliiK en. I'm net. t'ei'I 1've bppn cliertlltic tibeul lipr ever since. Hut, if I wen nsked Wlie tlld tbe w-tt iictliiR In "Clarciuc." I'd si, "livery body except Agnes Ayres.") i:, A. P. writes: "I wnnt te offer you my congratulations anil thnnki. I have known for quite n while the tnie facts renrernlnj? Wallace Hcld'tt Illness, nnd linve Iwen wiiltltiR te we if ygu would give t-nld facts te the 'latiK. . "was were than pleaded te (,co tnnt jeu tlld net de se until the matter wbh hashed ever In the news columns of the tlnlly pnpets. "I nBree with jeu most heartily in hoping that Wully will ninke a winning tight and eoine back te the public n the clever eunic man I have always thought him. and he will hare no trtrenger booster anywhere than yours trub . "What I like most of all about your column U the fact jeu try te keep it free from muck-raking. Yeu surely must be one white man jonneU. "Hew the dear public baa been cat- 'I'll" is Margaiet T.p.-.liy, twrnty-jear-eld lielih plrl, who i the s. inner of a contest conducted In Londen te lird "Ihisland'i fairest d nichtrr " The prlp tntliideil a trip te Amrlca and a part in Ne-i'ii Tulm.ukp's pldtirp, 'Within the I.n- ' Miss Leah will pla Aggie in that production VALLE Art nvrnntmnilt J Iteautiful Hatch & nnd a most dc dc irndakte tmc- tilecc Handsome y cngnved nd fngine - turned 120-ytar cuir hi teed car Just a lev, of these frir watches left ever from our he (day stock. WE WILL FILL MAIL ORDERS 'Nanla r t'.PIV join m ri'i'd. "1 .-hiu ar" !' i.isin - I " nu I I f'mn'i , , the e ethers who ;i te the nwii' - .ml Ien i what tlni um thc.r ' l,f i t- ,,i 1..,.. iiil Ti.i' unto t hut gbtir - wh. eh ik p-s - J 1 i ioi'-ceo. Ce m it. I'.ile . I'u lith i.j'i in parts gnntiv .sh'ik-prie'. i -id l."u'ri'f Jej uml Te'i-i ' ' l i.i m 't 'Krene ? i ToellMi qtn w'l nifi 'icil 1 w.is'tien N'e 1"2010H In tlip vermnihr ntisl in 'Hloed anl'"t tn- 'nnpt r. mat picture wis tre hi ir.l it wis "nod. I "purti t eri trillion.' t'i Mi neil .115 uf 'ar.ie te act 11c. And remember that Wullv was altii"st doing the l-est work of his career, nlme"t, Uy the way. veiir stund en the Wallie ISeid ti iiie utiil en the It. X, topte is the faires 1 nnd Mluarpst thine I e .eon for a long. 1 ins tunc, (in le if; we're with Mil." Net tee late te join Many people get one, Christmas ever before, they think of the next. De you knew of n Christme3 Club that is open after Christ mas? Yeu can enter with us at any time before January lGth! Chelten Trust 5614 Germantown Avenue OPEtf EVERY BAY & NIOItT Legan: Yerk Read and Ruscemb OPEN EVEnY DAY . FRIDAY NIOHT Ing this story up, and I'm willing te bet that jeu have had hundreds of 'I told you f,e'p.' "Well, Mr. Accly, if jnu imsc as pleasant n time ever the holidays as .Miur column lias afforded 1110 these liibt few months,' I hope se." (Anil the same te you, and many of them. Hut honestly I baien't had any "I-toM-yeu-m" letters. Net n one, thank goodness. Ma be It's because I said in the, first plac" that I wouldn't print 'cm. Hut I don't think hit's it. I prefer te believe that Ww bns mncle sincere friends by the 'lean, wholcsemo tjpe of picture he has til wnjs done, and these friends nre stick ing te him new, Oesli! I hone I fiinl some of that friendship next time I go ilen and almost out!) Curious It was .Tehti Davidsen wlu did the shclklm: with 1'rlscllla Dean in "Under Twe Kings." i A. T. Well, then, why go te the movies at all? If I liml all these "knocks" In my h.vMcM I think I'd take some of 'em out en the cat. And why pld en Mary Miles Mlnter and Wanda llawley? I wouldn't knock them for anj tiling. There arc ethers who are worse. Who? Well tmiTTT" can't think of nnv JiiVt Affi.nl. TP1' I . ertalnly Weul.ljift J'knecf '' ft h t ulr j net me l"m' -Ne, Hareld Ne, I cnctncdw.i ... I'D WnllJ tlav and thnt"" rh' However, I de think it weu ,1 t. Cn?u1'' a I his friends wrote I. m nn, 'l"'1" ' him en itijiis light. Ge te Hj ' bpul 1 si isncsreics empij m,. -.c.?.'ni"L'!.l,'on..ef Jnduitry reh-"15 iiiimiu Hum in employment nV "new . rutin who wentu te l.cen nn.'i. ."" hum?. cetiilltlntis in rtencr.l miliSr i"en w! K;' rn.l the lliMlnus Smii 'h PrtrMi"!' Jv.,,co , Litbenn. Itak II a luuu? SHOOR-TREDS" INVIGORATE; 1 1 1 1. r up., (it s- K.t rr- 1-1 the piny, let i!, 1 it was erk i't art. I n!e .iw N 1 .11.- Uni.h ' nr, I T Hld'.l it i ! " le.tf. il'l 1.1:1 1 tlui.k Aqi ALA JEWELRY SHOP IW At?itTL.-i Open EvcrtttS? hMMi';jill'K .1 v A Drep of c a dez. I Z? J dez. f 's'&L I r r we i'il I1.11 ' In 1 1 h t. r iui"cd h -r: 'hti'i itu, 1 1 limit-; I i i 'I in) elf skK wlieil I siiv I 1 n: wish tin re were mere , r-s ... tint As ti-ual. Willi 1 t.x t t 1 tin' tr.p. 'I'tern.il I' 1.0 ' ii'i Nertni. ii.is f oil, Imt tee i .-id the 1 ml tig nit'ier weak. s. i'i Th' 1' wiu 1 or fitust -ir 1 two - - ' -i ' s Mr. in, .s-i-i- Cur- 1 1 '1 ti-ni s,hi Lell- ni n l.tes N 1 is t'. 1. in." of Willi's lett r ' 1-" Hab" I 'an els' When T -i ,- r r .11 t',.- Mm.itvt ii 1 N run, ri 'i-i-si-il-' 1 1 1, . : s : ! Wiiui I- 't-i I!e-l-ie m l st, a'- t 1 ih Iht r e w.i-1 ii-.it- iIifTe-pi: fiei.i 1.1 tlu r r ii r- s. In "Tin I'npns!.'b'.e Mr I.tllp'v" i ta 1 ill-- 11 st, -i ri-i'n wbi'!" nn- the -1 i-l , r ". taken It'" iTr-e-'.ble t hp yiii. art- i e-n ' Will. - ;ii, midi h'- 1 ir, n- stUII'lS Hi - llli-llv PllLMS- jlJSt JlOlV II r 1 lermi li . tie.iltii IJi 'it- Ii.m'il-i 01 11 iiki 1; if ' tili-n;!-' s e' t'e NI 'A tew : 'le r-.i-ht it- -he s ' s nn-eii ii, I'm ?ei te .iPt eentr-iri ' wis the s(,u. ,i;t 1 think M i' JI 'i . (Ii-- 1 r il i' e li-st l.'ri n .''nil'., v In '1 is t-l'iiig, 1'iMiii'i; s . in kul .r.i.ii with tlie sli-w when It After-Dinncr Trichs .? t f 1 1 tip iiiii s-11 ' i). kcHpiv hi'i ti IiPin.Mli,. wi.et, I,' 1 ins tin ! List f-iitni -. r 1 l'P,l 11 Pi "i.'tl.-U "is tali 'i in 1 V.u'urniU. I! -.H .r.d Gl ?fid $eag G iarter t '.vchp) "Thp P. 'hi VistV In all our tercs $ lst miictitj; rsTOHtsjje 11TJUI1VJ mm nimfti v ? '1 V V V 3 f V t-fJ-P-.'S. Ileiiiie wraps ti . di. i- . 1 'i ' i-tiii ; ' n V I of. 'If w 1 en l dirtv. Ne "eti Hip runiexcr 1i-i A 11'-'1, 1 t'le s!;f f j. , 1 .r. .s r 11 t 1 i.'-li '1 1 1 J inili 1 i tl 1 f hard isie 1 j irn 1 1 With a 'iri slight rr.i tien ct the hn-d th- perform r taiises it e r.Mi wjsteriej-lj ct t Igi 1 and turn ever Tin uim hub a pherp projection en its edge i','U-e m&Mm& wtm Real Gas Savers The new Semi-Indirect Gas Fix tures are equipped with specially designed burners which give a great volume of clear white light with no mere gas than is con sumed by the ordinary open-flame burner. The quality of Semi-Indirect Gas Light is recognized by illum inating engineers and oculists as easiest en the eyes. Sec the fixtures'-at our stores, or ash as te send a representative. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. "i The fitting of Grewing feet is a Geuting hobby Geuting's has gained n country-wide recognition for its feet-health serv ice. The "Shoer-Tred" shoe the most perfect expression of the flexi ble shank idea which, by the way, was first introduced te Philadelphia by Geuting's se marvelously com bines full protection, scientific cor rection and moccasin freedom that it has been copied and imitated under n hundred different names throughout the country. Every day scores of new "Sheer "Sheor "Shoer Tred" enthusiasts are made folks who for the first time find genuine feet ense. But it has always been the Geuting idea te prevent rather than cure te get the feet in the growing, formative years, the first steps of the baby, if possible, where wrongly shaped shoes arc most dangerous and, through the "Shoer-Tred" last, correctly poise the body weight se as te give nat ural, perfect development with every step. Thousands of Philadelphia's young men and women are walking gracefully and enjoying perfect feet-health today because of wearing Geuting's "SHOOR-TREDS" during their grow ing years. Just a few weeks age a grateful mother wrote us: "About eight years age I brought my boy te you with very badly weakened feet. Yeu fitted him in 'Shoer-Tred shoes and he improved at once. As he has worn nothing but 'Shoer-Tieds' since, I knew you will be interested in the results of a physical examination at his college. Only three boys of the entering class were marked as having perfect feet and he was one of them." We have many such letters nnd will be glad le tell parents about them, giving names. And yet "Shoer-Trcd3," which arc made in models for every type of service, cost no mere than ordinary shec3. The knowledge behind a "Shoer-s Trcd" costs you nothing. Let us make a fitting chart of the growing feet in your home. 1230 MARKET Shoes and Stocking for the family 19 Seuth 11th St. Quick Service Men's Shep (PRONOUNCED CVTINC) The Stores of Famous SKeeA nr- 1308 CHESTNUT Sierj and Stockings for the family .'i cry root Vrofesilennlly rt'teit Thrra Ccutlnrj llrethcra Unpen Islry ui I'llllTOI'I.AY't i'iinrmi.AH 1N1' f.'ii-e ti, which can op rti.nv. sientiv nnv in . eiiuIr ainte tnsii witn n hiiilr .et 'lhei ii u 1 hipppn ipri the dlc en tlip bami, with thi- prejee- till jbji.' t.ur'i -en.. t.nn'iip'i at point ilig.re 1'. I'-rs- the Ni 1 kr.i-ii , iti- Kuid ten nnnivin'? hook pjrpftil!" int f ib - ' h " . 'f I It 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1. .'i 1 ." n. - 1 1,, .e.' 1 I- i . . 1. i si t " . 1 1 - i t., 1 ,, 11. i r 1 t ti:e eft. ui-urh'i Th v 'ii- 11 1 yogi 's n r'u i'j tl Is plnoe, been u ) I" -h 1 s -n.- tliPV show teu ,1 uled ii ieii-.jr.il. j j- ' ."" fcnme t ti.i-n .ire We'l tl.s tisip the? Bhewed oer old "'' M 'in 1 Window Sillii, in ' I ip" fh.- l.Pit purt of the r hi rnimnie opinion wru ev. nPi-r 1 nreal for r. ir 'h'ld- I nn-P' di-' eti- ir'e tle 1- -1 ie- b . f tl.sh. I ,ti 1 I 1 " n,'- as a m-t f 1 1,-' nS'TJ are srre.ul 1 ;ht 1 I w . t. s i 1 t; ' in-s - -,11- 'imp 'n niT r-irent 1 -in I -new dollar h . ' da t piss the a- 1 retne dnndT , i if I leturi- whieh 'i, r - .ability. '1 r, b. ' n1 '"it p'lU'ttc si.rg .-'p'-h of ltr,nglnati(,a, ' '1 li mv lmajtln itien J ;; WlUard or Jess Turn Over a New Leaf Buy Where Your Dollars Buy Most with the Most Liberal Credit Terms in America I 1 $ l a week keeps you 1 loe kin g your best MEN S OVE .C ATb I.r-i' iu;i, n i fit cj Dresses Trli-"! 11 ' crip' rti s $29-75 5 $& $13-50 WOMl'N , Sl'OKT COATS 7 Seft I'U Inn bruiTQ Jtiil uatlicr I'UI, I turli $22-50 Alterations i?l A WEEK -'fs , h I! - -r-. "1 Free COO') PAYS. T1IF 11II.I Gately & Fitzgerald JSK.rf MARKET ST. CriHl.t fiifinir," mnnnti 01, r, ,,', Omb BilurJuT EYtnlnr'SSSSSl Little Benny's Nete Boek 1 fl Lea Pape Wi ll (13 -u I . and q ti C p-ipp r ue' ' b III 'iMlUtfrl Ct BO. M Villi- 11 bi ' e! i3). jei. i man, A-nt th I e e j, j vei men by tjiiii; nettfl in a 11 t .-s'- ' 1'-, 1 SP.' ' lm uitJ 1 ..-, pep bH nnd ma ni, C) these r j'f-i, I d,J thlt, Willyum. i . t1 'leyru I'i. ' 1, j tip mi, ar i ir -' ' i ; iu anew heiv ieutp 1. ' t'r,e" if liitiBs. well, Mrs H-ns 1 - tillnu nn a'jeut a vendcrfl' s.. i ' i.r. , j! h'lpiri,- 1,-r Lunbmcl u-iueri hj tinK ni -.n in his thlms i), the plot lulckpns, net te ns.y wil,. nj'S i,ei tmi Se this nmrninjc, 'n I i-ri. y 1. .- frmn my hand off ur.ty ii 111 bI.jips from fach ether, that his -ipti'in-ij te remind nut 0: ora era ibiirf. i is " "' p!,, 'i was t remind you net te ferRi t ta set )eurself some new joeUs, 11 HPlJ He s in'rist.nj, and In thp trellp.i a nlieii I tund a puhlie -jpe iele of 1 i etf In puliin; ou; n Imt' Ihpreh ff il it 1 liid as i- ,' hhs al' d iM .pd m in .1 the 1'iaii (s or semctt.ina, wat ib ' U that9 pep si-J t ji-s. that, that was te rcn.iad you of seni'thm eh", let mp we, I reelv feiHe wut that n a.i Bippeed te remind vmi it ma ced Mnrvpllis klsfm, poi eed. Well, wy tlident 1. mi prppne tae beforehand m wen 1 1 an in 1 ss j our t-ljnals Id knew what tltv wup ull abeut'' l,u sed Wc.l te t-d' j ! the truth I forget te -pi ak ti jeu ahnit It. ma ted PI' B" I", pep ! t d we ki-pii en iiitinif suppir. bene corn beef and cabbldse, - of my most unfavente thlnss but tne catinic mere than enjbedy elts rnywaj-i jest eit of habit. in i t i-ti 'le et f.Sire '' Wh ti and t'e t-nnd . lifted, the Ibsh 1 jI J the ! i-e t.iht out into thi p - t 111 fipiire ' If done cartfu' 1 none A tr-e si fa' rs mil V t e ' d-sieip- ve.r spcret hir.e Cep'.'iSh! Iff f-y "ul t- 7-e'tl'- TT-p.ins ioceuih f tgn&f GET your ret! JAYNBX will subdue that tor ter mtntinff cev gh ind toetho jour irtlttt irtlttt fdlhfOat.ItisBjrcte bcus JAYHEX ta tiie Tablet form Dr Jyr'a Ez ppeit.rnt Umeus for 02 yran itihe von Ctt iin'Wr'cintiihi ( nrtein nj n-cot -. ttahttt farm niin. S31NIEX r Children The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through th Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA1-"' r3 TOM MIX ' in "DO 1VD IiAHE I f.J "" MAUN-MKULINUtK 1 THEATRES . 'IIU'MI'SON f" ITIM K IJAII-Y l T T r ' r s ' APOLLO "SHATTERED IDOLS" Me.va AMBASSADOR.fS'M- bTAR CA3P n PETEH B KYWE'8 "PRIDE OF PALOMAR" , B 11 .1' rfHr I it MJ ! '; KSJfll ARDMORE ' ,AS,n,,eB.i WALLACE REID 'n T v 1 " BRrAKHV AS 1 OK m vriM'i: Aii. L0M c'"""" ""' r.ST la "SHADOWS" BLUEBIRD ' r ' : ""-?urtrrn VALLACE REID ! -vt 1 0 .T W' f n ' COLONIAL r.'l, $?'?,; NORMA TALMADGE . r - rrrn tt 'LAk'F' FAlRMOUiN I mnsn: UMI.Y own:: renr- 'n . "Leve Is an Awful Thing" nil. mil- I' -rni: im 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 r . T r IQT l 'WILDNESS OF YOUTH" Un n 1 ht t Krlt il BALTIMORE flbT "Awiiienc LJr1-'1 imwii i;l( 030 ,( M(lt Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven in ' MY I.ADY FKIEND" BELMONT own "Leve Is an Awful Thing" fSD ABOVn MAJ1KKT 1 m inii a 00. a .te ti 11 own;: moeiif. in CEDAR t t. CfiDAU avenui: 1 .10 and B 7 nnd 0 HOUSE PETERS In HUMAN HEAKTS" 56TH ST. .4tOKMr&3 I AcKtfj Vs Sv&bK$&nkJmW HDill K VAI.NL'T STt). Mi 5 11 rn 79 Yl-TT"' T --"-'- a -,-- 1 t ii,nTi ir-nvt LKhA 1 AUK 1 nci 1 - '. r NORMA TALMADGE IMPERIAL "PRIDE OF PALOMAR" LIBFRTY " '' ' "MI7,AV THOMAS MEIGHAN 1 iTrr ,ft O 411 'OTtQT" erTent"..''--.' ;,iLaY '5t BEBE DANIELS In 'TIHTC 0"DS" i COLISEUM :i-irM ',- "" "'h MAY MacAVOY '" "TOP 0: LEW Y0KK ' 1 UMBO ,lr',N ";caiu3ave" I Dorethy Dalten, "Siren Call" ADDED- MAJI VS I.EAeT" II FADER 41ST LANCASTBrf Aft - l-C'-'t-I. . 00 te 5 00. 00 te II V M OE0R0E ITti-etD"! 'P.ODUCTJOW "EBB TIDE" IOCUST M1, AN" I-Ol'HT fiTItr.CTH "MAN VS. BEAST" Alie MTierlc Dw in "Fr de of Pilenwr" NIXON 2ti AND MAKKET UT. ",AUn 2 IB. 7 tad 0 WILLIAM RUSSELL tn ' 1UZ CRUSADERS" RECORDS for your new phonograph! GREAT DEVELOPMENTS have taken place in the business of making geed records. During the past year OKeh records have done four remarkable things which have brought them se strongly te the front! R A IITrferl AT. M 'TIVF1 -roil" s- OVERBROOK Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt In ' OV THI limit 'run- R I VOI I t'-U A BANBOM fT.-S. ri v t-i , se ,v h a -i te 11 p. m. "MAN VS. BEAST" AU Johnny Ht.va in '-Sure Ilre nint" Q3ind Resinol ever Uiat cut and see Jww il heals SHERWOOD ISWv?" eV' EARLE WILLIAMS in "rOIlTUifE H MAHlfn DAI lI rnANKtXJIlD AVK AND . - - rALM Nnnnts muewr AQTH ST Ttvture epP. u- Turminti THOMAS H TVPT'S HF"'"OVAt PI.AT O" X O 1 . a ,i 7 . U I. M. "SKIN DEEP" BEBE DANIELS with iiniTOf "n r enrvrr vrnem in ' sineed wines nrrrMT mmiki-tt ht rvi-ur 'n 1 riolevr 17TU 11 p. a COLLEEN MOORE in ' AV"iVT r . tiKlllIANTOWN AVEra'n T V "''nriCEN ST. Little cuts and scratches are aggra vtinR and painful, and they car. even become dangerous il"iniected. Prevent inch a condition bv clearwrie the in- trmf trvit tt ami tnn Ti nriti?si rw Jvei nvVvrvT iL"! m -uwnrn tve nw ant'jept c balfams seethe wh p they SAVOY neai j pnysmar - preacripiicn ana recommetided widely, it is no longer RIALTO PRISCILLA DEAN CTR AMn 'itrrntnteirn Ave. it Vpnange j l rvrwLV '. -50 7 ml I) V. IL WALLACE REID I in 'CI.ARE.V0E" I Ull M.niCI.l hTItUKT 1 v 10 .Mlilnlfht AT 0 1 ULR I HEA IRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. an experiment te theutandi who have uaed It euccepsfully (or various skin affections. At all dntggutu JOHN GILBERT I. - T VPT C ' f trv'i GERMANTOWN bilLTu' IRENE CASTLE 1 cj 'M hHOULDUlb" 333 MARKET WtftfNtgft , GRANT w WWlti?:,. NORMA TALMADGE I VIVIAN MARTIN ta "TirE KTEXNAL FXAME" ' 'M0XHBE tTEnflAL A 0 I 1. DANCING OKeh brings out mera dancing records than uny ether company. Vim ent Lepez and lile Hetel Pennsylvania Orcln tru h ve been quick en the trlcgerwith the new --st and best of dr.tice milc. Yeu will want parti iilarly FiEUE THE VOLGA FLOWS -I'-e-c Tret RTLE DOVE-I ex Tret Vincent Lepez and His Hetel Pcnn-ylvanla Orchestra . HOMESICK Fex Tret M? J TOOT,TOOT,TOOTSIC-rex Tret 7Sc '1 Vincent Lep and His Hetel (. Pennuylvarun Orchestra' 3. VOCAL Hew much better OKeh records really are you will find out by comparing tne registration of vocal numbers. Yeu will certainly want ., (THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORN 72?' ) ING-Male Trio-CreBcent Trie 73c ') CAIX ME BACK, PAL O' MINE I Taner Sole Lewis Jamea M.23J 2. INSTRUMENTAL OKeh has imported the recording of the creat music-masters of Europe the home of Keed music. Many of the OKeh Instrumental pieces nre played by the foremost Hurepean nrtlsts, und for the first time the musical treasures of Hurepe are open te America. Yeu will want 20i7 I BLUE DANUBE WALTZ I i In. SOUTHERN ROSES WALTZ Marel: Weber and His Orchestra (Odeen Label) ,008 (BUMMEL PETRUS HlnJTHE WEDDING OF SLEEPING J 1.25 j BEAUTY Dajei Uela Orchestra v (Odeen Label) 4. LAUGHS The greatest novelty record ever made is the OKeh Lnughlnrj Recerd. It'a the jelllest stream tf laughs and cnlckera ever hiard, and a great record for any party. 4678 ( lOln.-'THE OKEH LAUGHING RECORD 75c (. l'.xclustrr ArtlltB Fer sale by your neighborhood dealer GENERAL RADIO CORPORATION Walter I.. Echhardt, President Distributors, 624-28 Market Street, Philadelphia GTTNEIIAL PHONOGRAPH CORPORATION, NEW YORK 777 Records eF Qua I itu PLAY ON ANY STANDARD PHONOGRAPH r