' IN 1RTB " e u- h swiRpy- EVENING " PUBLIC LEDGER--PHmAT)BLltaA. RIDAY, "''WTT -TFTW7r Tr 'rTWMJ"n'r''' -tV TTrrcri??? Annual Commerce Repert Re- veal9 Optimism en Buai- ness Growth 'GENERAL TRADE IS BOOMED nu Aseclattit PrM Wellington, Dec. 20. -Stock-taking of the Xntlen's domestic business for the Inst yenr gives "n feeling of satis faction" ns te the progress made, the Pepnrtment of Commerce declnrcd to te ,lnr, In nn pnd-of-the-yenr stntcnient, and' from tlil dny's position, It ndded, 'the.c nrc no serious ebstnclcs in blslit hlch Mmtild hinder further udvunces" jn the enrly new year. Optimism, born of the accomplish accemplish meits of the past months which many officials of the Government regard ns a rf mnrkable strengthening of the economic fnbric, Is evident throughout the state ment, which noted that the production of manufactured commodities averaged 6u per cent larger than In 1021. The farmer received approximately 17 per cent mere for bis products than in 1021, and the tetnl volume of agri cultural products was worth n much Cieater sum than was that of a year "?"Tlie unsettled conditions In foreign countries, particularly In Europe, how hew fn," the f-tatement continued, "tire Mill depressing our trade and, te some cvtunt, have no doubt kept the eilcct df agricultural products below the level of ether commodities. But within tne it two months, this latter condition has been relieved te some extent." "While dealing only briefly with for eign trade, the review said that Amer ican experts bnd dropped 10 pep cent, as compared with last year, but the comparison was en n basis of eleven menthi, and. In addition, represented a "long climb" from n peer start, ac cording te officials. Imports te September 22, when the jifw Tariff Law was effei-tlv:. were lightly above last year, and indica tions nrc. it was stated unofficially, that the year's total may exceed last cnr's imports by n small margin. The tetnl volume of building, ordl erdl jinrily a measure of the country's busi busi jievi henlth. was i2 per cent larger in the first eleven months of this year than in the samp noried last rear, nml the prediction wns made that the full I rftfir n rnnnni trill rrrDl 1mf r.f min . The 1022 contracts for eleven months ' nte represented n much greater ex- Tmnrllfurn nf innnrr tlinn few !... f..ti ' jenr of 1021, It wns said. There was n genuine swell in the volume of general trade, according te the summary, which mentioned a 0 per eCM?ttBriP.?t0r 8a,e "? ,nn erf houses I nnu a 13 pPr ccnt increase in business ..!.. "nn "ekh as Indicative of the i. i il 1',1,c ,,pclinfs nppcaring only in Isolated lines. Tim only declines of outstanding Im portance were 7 percent in bituminous coal ami 47 per cent in nntlirnclte. both of which were due te the strike, i!ii ',icrefel w et regurded ns inulcatlve of a fundainentnl fault In the economic structure. They were mere than offset, It -Wu added, by the generally higher -level of production in nil ether lines. The final estimates of the wheat crop showed it te have been about 41,000,000 bushels, or fi per cent, greater than last year. This was due, It was said, tu expansion In winter wheat growing. Trices rnnged generally higher. There uns n decline of 38 per ccnt In wheat experts, a condition linked with the foreign situation, but experts of wheat flour were almost tin. same as In 11121. Havings bank deposits increased uni form)' throughout the country, nc nc cerding te the survey, and Increases ever iiji nite were ronertori In 1022 life insurance business. the The Gift Yeu Wanted Most buy it new with your Christmas money What will you de with that Rift of money which you received for Christmas? Instead of frittering it nwny for trifles or or dinary expenses, why net buy with it a beau tiful Gruen Watch that will remind you for many years of the generosity and thought- fulness of the River l We have an nttractive selection of genuine Gruen Watches for men and women, including the famous Verithin ns well as strap watches and wrist watches of the rarest and most distinctive design. Priced $25.00 and up. Come in and see them. Kennedy & Bre., 102 S. 13th St. V Diamond Merchmtt & Jewelers Established 1818 The Most Complete Banking Facilities In Northeastern Philadelphia At the Allegheny Avenue Station Open Monday and Friday Evening; 6 te 9 o'Cleek EVERY manufacturing company and business house in this great industrial section of the city should investigate the many advantages te be secured in selecting this ideally located Bank as an active depository. Our chief aim as bankers is te help in every way possible the further develop ment of all business enterprises. One of our officers is always en duty te confer with you. Over $10,000,000 in Deposits Over 29,000 Depositors $0 I I L I J- ensingfen&AIlehenyAvex 1 J 4Hk b rcuiaaeipiua TMIIlilfllir ii!iiii'iPil''!'!i:ii;'ll'iliiillllia1. i HH'Wii IMiliiiilii.li!'1! W'iiituill'i " IJWiitili'iiiW , 'alilliili'i'ih'i ! The Bootlegger's Bad Ways and Big Profits The lazy and dreamy old Nassau that in ether days traded in sponges and tropical fruits, is te-day a busy commercial center. The sponge-baths are new used as the small craft of the smugglers te reach the Seuth Atlantic coast of the United States, while vessels of all sizes that range from sea-going tugs te a converted Spanish battle-cruiser, carry the cargoes of rum te New Yerk and the New England coast. In the bar-rooms, at the dining-tables, in the lobbies and en the perches of the hotels and bearding-houses at Nassau, the capital city of the Bahama Islands, the bootleggers and whisky smugglers "talk of their plans, tell of their profits and laugh at Uncle Sam." There, according te Frank K. Delan, who went te the Bahamas te study the -rum-runners' methods for the New Yerk Daily Xeivs, ''a man is cither 'right' or 'queer.' '' If a stranger is suspected of being "queer" thought te be a revenue officer, a detective or some one likely te interfere with the rum-smugglers' operations "he is curtly told te leave town, and in some instances blackjacked and beaten." ' In THE LITERARY DIGEST this week, December 30th, there is an informative and interesting account of the methods and operations of the whisky smugglers. 'Among many ether news-features of timely interest arc: American Geld te Save Europe Again? New Cemes a "People's Bloc" American Bleed and Oil England's Unemployment Plague Niagara Net Se Valuable Death's Revelation of a New Auther Baptists Enforcing the Gelden Rule Our Transportation Strangling .Snags in the Way of a Lean te Germany Austria's New Start in Life Hew Paper Barrels Are Made Radie Eliminating Sea Distances What New Replaces Opera and Ballet in Russia Tim Healy and His Ready Tongue Many Interesting Illustrations Including Humorous Cartoons "Laughter Is the Sweetest Music in the World" states the Detroit Free Press. Like the refrain of an enchanting melody it lingers in memerv, a recollection of happy moments. Mere pleasing than the most delicate sjmphenj is the spontaneous laughter of a crowd. It dulls care and create joy. It tones the system. The urge te join is irresistible. The Literary Digest gathers weekly from the world's pic-s the brightest of the current laugh-proekcis. The best of these are presented in the merry motion picture, "Fun from the Press." The funniest incidents, the most laughable jokes, and the pithiest patter en the serious questions of the hour arc all included. It's sparkling new every week. Watch for it at jour local theater. "Fun Frem the Press," produced by The Literary Digest. W. W. Hodkinson Corporation, Distributor. Get December 30th Number, en Sale Te-day At All News-dealers 10 Cents The Tlsa Mark of ' Distinction te i Raadar of ; , Th LIUrary t Dlgaat L Fathers and Mothers of America iterary Dfeest Why net make sure that your children have the eHvnntncc of usinc the Funk & Wugnnlls Cem prehensive and Concise Standard Dictionaries in school and at home? It means quicker progress. Ask Their Teachers : DECEMBER 29; 1922 SI'HIDAY, DKCKMIIKH JO. 1022. Htern Openi 0 A. M. Clout Bl30 f.Jt. M NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET II2!t012I!!STREETS J piiiiiiiiiraiiraiiiimiiMiM M Mfn! We've Just Repriced Our Entire Stock of Fine Tailoring Woolens Se That Yeu Can New Have A Regular $50 te $75 Suit Made Up te Your Order Fer Only $33.50 Your unrestricted choice from our whole tremendous stock of fine woelena, includ ing practically nil the season's smart patterns and colorings. THERE ARE ABSO LUTELY NO RESERVATIONS IN THIS GREAT SALE. Built ever a separate pattern cut te your individual measurcmentii. Pasted try-ens. The styles the newest authentic models. The fabrics include the choicest plain and unfinished worsteds, cassimcrcs, veleurs, cheviets, tuceds, hemespuns and blue serges in stripes, checks, herringbones, fancy mixtures and novelties. SNElir'.l --JflS Third Fleer rriiiiiiNtiriiiiiKiriiina'rTnjiiuniirTiriinniuiiirnnTriun-.nTnmiiiTniirinfTTuminrnnrriiRf nnrrrnmiiiiiniinitinH.u'iiimi m'niirJNriijm.i'ii'rni'iiniriTiiiiirniKmnnjiriiTi.iifii'iJtjjiniTpi $4.00 Silk-&-Weel Crepe, $2.98 Spiral spun weave woven like Canten crepe but heavier a fashionable dress silk comes in a geed range of street colors and black. $15.00 Brocade Velvets. . CQ Hf- Very beautiful quality of f)Zfm 9 O Georgette crcpe-j with raised velvet design. Cemes in a large assortment of both after neon and evening colors. Printed Kimene Silks, 85 inches wide. All silk. A ery large assortment of new designs and colors for kimonos, lamp shades, linings, muf flers, etc. $2.00 Black Taffeta Q - JTQ 35 inches wide. All silk. lPXet $1.50 Geed body and soft finish. bNCLLLNB I'xcpllent black. uS SecondFleor Beautiful, New, Dressy Silk and Satin Overbleuses Specially Featured Tomorrow at $5 ea. v Mi Charmingly fashioned of crepe de chine, satin prints, I'aisluj crepe de chine, combina tions of Paisley and crepe de chine and mate lasse and crepe de chine. Atti actively trimmed with beads in artis tic designs, prettily embroidered and many effectively trimmed "with contrasting material. Shown in llrnna, cocoa, bisque, navy, brown and black; Twe of the Muny Style Sketched. Splendid allies! Dainty Dimity and Batiste Blouses, Very Unusual (ftO AA Prettily tucked and embroidered styles also smart taileied nmde-I?. Hand-made ba tiste and dimity blouses, tee, hand drawn, hand tucked and hand embroidered. Tuxedo and Peter Pan cellars. bNFt- sS.RuS Second Fleer Women's Ansssr Silk Stockings Arbest Quality Never Disappoints Unsurpassed for Durability Cost Ne Mere Than Inferior Grades $1.75, $1.95, $2.25, $2.65 and $2.95 pir $2.65 Very Special Women's $4.50 te $5.50 Lace Clocked Silk Stockings, Pair Thefp avp Iho highest-grade Sill Stock ings made: they nie nil p ne silk fr m tin te tee. The choicest styles in opcnueik lace clocks. Black and ethci want d color- JS 1 irst Fleer Saturday Specials in Our Lace Department Beautiful 35-Inch $1.75 Metaline Cleths, 95c Yard In All Celers and Levely Two-Tenes Tremendously in ngue for blips te u-.ir under evening gewt.s, for l.urp shades and m boudoir ncce.-sei h s. 75c 1 (5-Inch Decorative Filet Art Laces, Yard Three styles of insertions for curtains, i miners, scnifs, bed spuads for nil household purposes. ISc Ileal Filet PiceU 12c Yard S ! iYv' S First Fleer 37c SaturdayAn Extraordinary One-Day Sale of $8 te $12 Fashionable, Fine Quality Sweaters Newest, Smartest Styles in Wonderful Assortments at Only $4.95 Each Rich effects, in finest quali ty IJ r u s h e d Weel, Silk-nnd-Woel and Alpaca, de veloped in the new bloused slip-en mod els, belted, stiaiglit - line and tuxedo styles, featur ing the latest in weave and coloring. 2 Smart $5 Camel's-Hair Hat-and-Scarf Sets, Q QK SET Special.... dUO f fine camel's hair -l'ght a a feather, warm and softly becoming. S Sec nd Fleer Saturday Specials in Veils and Veilings 69c $1.00 French Chenille Dotted Veilinjrs, Yard. . . . Black and all colors. Special Let of Veilings, Yard Black and nil cler combinations. Malines, Yard Black and all colors. 50c 29c Veil Lengths, Special, Each OK Black and colors iJX First Meer A Solid -Geld Watch Makes a Splendid Investment for Christmas Meney Cheese Frem These Twe Specials Tomorrow at Splendid Savings Men's $30.00 M-Karat Solid-Geld Elgin Watches $22 9 Highly Dependable and Goed-Lookng Timepieces Guaranteed Elgin movement, fitted in M kt. solid-geld epen-face cases. Geed hcavy weightvcahci. Plain pol pel iched. Shown. Women's Fine 14-Kt. White Geld Wrist Watches (11 A QK at With Guaran teed Movement Exquisite little watches, beautifully en graved wh.te geld cases fitted with 15-jewcl guaranteed me enc-nt. Choice of three shapes Tenneau, Octagon and Sfttaie in the fashionable very small size. One shown. SME'.LFNB "S First Fleer 5 yrnpf$5s. I Mm "w Ii ft ffn JV SM Men! Buy Your Socks at Snellenburg's and Save 4 te V$ of What Yeu Would Pay Else where. Only the Best Qualities and Always at Lewer Prices $1.50 Silk Socks, 75c Pair Full-fashioned thread silk socks with verti cal jacquard stupes in two-tone colors. Ale pure thiead s Ik socks in two-tone colors with M'k-embreidr red clocks in contrasting colors. Men's $1.25 English Weel Socks, 75c Pair Imported English ribbed pure wool socks in heather colon. $1.50 and $2.00 Imported English and Demestic Pure Weel and Silk-and-Weel Socks at $1.00 Pair Full-fashioned silk-and-wool, silk-and-Vfoel with cmbrri'ieed silk clocks, pure wool with .lacquard ilk stripes, English ribbed pure wool with embreideied silk clocks. B'-d-r), lii nc, green and heather colorings. Sizes 0' te 11 Vi. Men's 50c ARBEST Socks .",ec Pair 3 Pair for $1.00 Finest mercerized lisle, double soles and Ntra 'plied heels and tees. Black, cordovan, nvy and gray. bNEL'.r,e "S First Fleer Sale of Fine $8.50 French Indestructible Pearl Bead Necklaces at $5.95 each . "0-inch lci",h'?, in cream and flesh tints. Graduated efi -ets mounted with 14-kt. white geld afet v i l.-isp. $2 te $4 Novelty Metal Bead Necklaces, $1.50 te $2.95 Smart, atti active styles in all wanted color-, nc U' iig M'lc, coral, lapis rose, amber and red. '.;3 First Fleer Tomorrow Brand-Ncw Lets Jein the Wonderful Values in Our Sale of Women's $8te$I0 LaceOxferds, Sports Oxfords & Sports Pumps at $6.95 Pair I mm one of the linet an 1 irt ianvu- sine mm indue of wnmen' snnrt nml street -hoes. An enbr that was c.-uu-.-in 1 n n. count -,f It.. ,1 l. .,., v,,..,,. , i .. . -:- lsn -'ernl hundred pairs of 0fnvcU tnken fmm mir ..u tr1- .,.,,1 -,u'.i . .v,: V ...1.' able let. ' '' ,l-'"- The Smartest Styles the New Season Has te Offer I It k , - ' ' "M HIM VUin- HI, Kill lAl'V II hHUIl, UH.I I ', n dered l.-ather. gui m.'tn 1.1 f an 1 bln.w ., ,tpi, ,-,-., All h'ne wclte.l nnl -tit. h -d soles. n,l nil s'?ec an I udth STYLES I( I.l DF: ber- t-trPPt OvfenU vllnit nfi.-i nferds Mso due and t . button stem mm. -'i ,-...,. two-tone el"i. and ilu.h. Women's and Larire Girls' Se Tan Calf Lace Oxfords Al0"" $4.35 Pair In th new shade-, of b eum . ilf skip with mditaiw 1 I'hci bit's .in I tan Fnc h . r.'ed .a't'-kin, ti low, 'at nibbii1 lucis 15 t!i -tu- with el. .1 and -titchcd mj!c and all 1. hi te I) widths ut. lied s i( , Si.es S'2 i 1..10 and at Children's, Misses' & Large (iirls' High Shoes Te Sell at Tremendous Savings! at. nt ee't aid tan calf high-cut lace a! . i en .. .., i .... ., 1.. u l ' it. I e u uilted and 11. IJcjr. Si?os 1 1 ' 2 (e 2. Kvk. $2.95 S.und.S5"r,0S3.45 Sizes 2" i te 7, Rcr. Sfi and $7 OJJ ep: 1U Uit3 at Beys' Heavy Tan Seft Tee Blucher Shoes . . K.trn-hay sole and rubber heels, stand hiid we.-r, Si, s 1 te 5'j. 3.95 Pr. Thee arrt geed-looking shoes and nre built te ?' 1 ' ' ' S First Fleer U - MZ :N. SNE1.LENRURG & CO.: :N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: 0