Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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    r& "W.
--1 ' ? t
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,4i 'j; n r-(f MilTiKrci
br "T 16
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Stere Opens 9 A. M.
Closes 5:30 P. M.
Eighty Years of Faithful Service
Philadelphia, Friday, December 29, 1922
Gimbel Brethers ,'r SUBWAY STORE Gimbel Brethers
Girls' $10 te $13
" Broken-Size " Dresses
Te Clese . d P'A 6mL
Biggest Ceat Values
Net Only in
1922, But
Bought Maker's Entire Surplus Bought His Entire
Yardage, Toe; Had it Made Up by Our Best Medels
at ik m 9 -j
Uut "fc p,,uv
On Sale Tomorrow Subway Stere at
Skydrift tweeds ''pert.s" and wonderfully
soft and prt'ttj . Swettiet elptoens pmhreid- ',
embreid- ' l
iTcpps tint- ifj fy
, y "m.w- 'VI
ered -heitha cellai Stft wool c
' "" rtffii? vrtPitw" '-livTTy
in Years
16 te
Ficnch tc .ri-. tntTi'n-
models. Pknt fe. ia h n-i i) te 11 ia.
l.tf ' I"
" I !
, (
Clese-Oiat of
Girls' $12 te
$13.95 Coats
at $Q Q y
5-.c- .i c "bi'ikcn" '' .t tilcnt, tyip for eery
PiLni", ih. ie.', knotted hrrnnKbencs. Ye?,
most ha 0 fur cellars.
Included at $11.1)3 pecial purchase of perfectly
-t im.nc pert-. coati a oeW-lleckcd homespun
tw eed we e pu tutrd it'
Jsizes, 6 te ! I j ear'.
Infants' $6.95 Brushed Weel
and Knit Sweater Sets
at $4.95
Sweater, leeging-, tee . h.it ..n.l mittens. White and colors.
Sua, 1 te 4 iar-
Gli-trls, Sub'rav Stere
French Seal (Dyed Ceney)
at $69
$30 Belew Before
Christmas' Price!
Che.ce, well - worked skin1;.
Beautifully .-ilk-lmed -JO-mch
' 'a pared ?pett t;. !e Really
-r i il fir t'u price'
$25 Fex Scarfs
at $16.50
B g, fluffy fu'.l-ar.imal style
r. e -rri head natural tail.
L uck or taupe.
Olrbfls Sub-ray StfTe
i ir ' H
"l ' TL '' '' ' i ill i' I 1
Fur- AA Vv
Cellared f J T )
Velour, Sl." "2f n
Fur Fur
Cellared Belivia. Sl."
Forty style3 te cheese from and a perfect wealth of "samples" besides,
that aic simply wonders!
Mostly fur-trimmed belivias and fur-trlmmed seal plushes and imported
sports coatings some of the sports coats have fur cellars! Some of the
belivia coats have both fur cellars and fur cuffs.
And all are silk-lined, except a few of the extra sizes which are "tailor
lined" for extra strength!
Styles? Being "Overcuts" and "Made te Our Order"
Naturally There Is Every Geed Medel of the Season
Peuch-backs, jncqucttes. Straight lines. Wraps, capes, Bp"erts coats,
embroidered models. Tasselled models. Wrap-areunds. Blouses ever-buckle
hip styles. Chin cellar styles. Shawl cellar styles. Wraps with sleeves that
Btart at the very waist-line! Mannish-style slcoves. Raglans. Mandarins.
Misses' sizes 16 and 18 years.
Women's sizes 36 te 54.
Entire Subway Ready-te-Wear Aisles Given Over te the Sale
Quick package service arranged you can take your coat along te wear
Olmbcli. Philadelphia, Sutwiy Bter.
M) Uli JfirW
vie V-i- lHLSJ.n N 're i'n
1 1 1 1 I Isrffi if
II 1 1 1 ) mm Mi hi
il II iJ i! i.. j ". J' Mli'i' l r,,ilriilf
H I il ' il 111 bi'lTh a i' I'J
L4 g i J 1 Imported
Hi n i Sprts cat
lL V Bevia. irK $15
y Trimmed, I
Clearance: Entire Stock of $1 te $5
Petticoats arid Pantalettes
at 75c te $2.85
Regular and Extra-Sizes
0S,iWii1iiWV1Vt VmmiatP. -IS VaA &WKm litthiisl w
at 75c lustrous sateen pantalettes and attrac- , at $1.50 "lingettc" petticoats tailored or
tivel"-styled petticoats. Bluck and colors. flounced black and colors. Alse sllk-taffeta-
I flounced petticoats with sateen top. Regular sizes
at SI Regu'ar and extra-size black sateen petti- only.
coats exceptionally geed looking. Alse regular , at $25 really handsome embreidcred-and-
size "lingette" bloomers and pantalettes white, , scalloped petticoats heavy silk jersey, radiums,
navy, black. Silk jerseys with silk taffeta or messaline flounce.
Extra Sizes Included in Beth. Mail Orders Filled
Otmbls, Subway Stere.
$3 G. B. Corsets
at $1.85
New topless models, seme finished with elastic bands, some with
elastic sections en either side, of pink ceutil or silk striped fabric.
Sizes 21 te 30.
, Qlmbeli. Subway Stere.
Men's and Women's $4
Umbrellas, $2.95
Union taffeta, tape edged,
with very attractive handles.
Exceptional values.
Children's Fitted Sewing
Baskets, 35c
Contain two spools cotton,
needles, hooks, eyes and but
tons. Rcmarkable values.
Women's Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, 6 for 39c
Cotten. Have dainty colored
embroidery in one corner and
are packed In fancy box.
Women's Neckwear,
Special at 50c
Hemstitched and lace
trimmed linen cellar and cuff
sets. Eyelet cellar and cuff
sets and vestee and cuff sets.
Scotch Plaid Brushed Weel Tarn and Scarf Sets, $1.95
Value $3.95
Qlrabelf, Subway Stere.
2000 Tricelette
and Matelasse
at $1.95
Regular $2.95
(1 A
The "lacy
drop - stitch
t r i c e lotto
model pic
tured comes
in black,
navy, bisque,
brown and
C epenhagen,
sizes 86 te GO.
(Mail Orders Filled)
Alse matelasse blouse in
black, ntivy and brown; tinsel or
silk stitching. Sizes 36 te 44.
, Olmbela, Subway Stere.
Men's Union Suits at $1.45
Men's Merine Union Suits, $1.45
Gray mixed, pat w e hr Win''- we ghf
Sites 36 te 46
Heavy Gray Cotten Winter Weights
Women's Weel-Mixed Stockings, 68c
oft and warm: in heather colors; medium and
heav" v eight'
Men's Weel-Mixed Socks, 58c
Heather mixtuie with i c. Children's Vest and Pants, 58c each
Children's Waist Union Suits, 85c H(.axy wh,lP cotton, slightly fleeced Ages 2
Heay wt ' ;" r. r tVc-H cr 2 ,. je vea-
te 12 ears
-Otmbeli StibwtT B'efn
Women's $1.50 Imported
Kid Gloves at $1
Twe-clasp style, with self or
contracting, embroidered backs.
Black, white, tan, beaver, gray
all sizes. $1.50 values at $1.
Women's Strap-Wrist
Gloves at $1.65
These were $2.50 recently,
gray mocha with embroidered
backs, also capcskln in the let.
A truly remarkable value at
Olmbeli, Subway Stere.
W.Mll I I aH VrV jw
S3 Sa 'i , i J 1 ' ni., -t.i ty 6.
m aein :i , t
ii 'S. -WivHJ. Il ULJJ - - - Af li.iTM,.li
H--wy j , tTrTfTTL U.,LgJTcTf M
Sale of Men Woven and
Corded Striped
madras $-1 en
Shirts at 1-0U
Real bargains! The sturdy but smart kind
demanded by careful dressers.
Men's Fiber-Silk Mufflers, $1.95
Less Than Half Price
Slight misweaves make this price possible.
"Ide" Brand Starched Cellars, 2 for 25c
SFeur geed styles.
Olmbela, Subway Btere.
500 Pairs Cotten
Blankets at $1.88 a Pair
Iterularly S-'.iO
Deub'e et) , e iru ui h r t rlrk or h1 r -lOrdTS Net
enough for nun r p or uri.
Extra-Weight Comfertables at $3.95 ech
Cotten-fU.ed, screl'-stiMicd, w de Sdtf-en borde:1- Cotten filled
100 Pairs Extra-Size Woolen Blankets, $7.50 a pair
Regularly $9.75
Extra wpighf, t ibs te tie pair. Wee. a-d-"etter. rrixed
72x90 inchca Sno S.J 2r c n e-"- nair a " "
Just 85 Sturdy Waterproofed Suit
Cases at $2.95
Regularly Sell Frem $3.95 te $4.50
Leather rerners. All-around s-raps, inside shirt pocket with
stTapa, cloth lined; 24 nches long. Brown and black.
OL-nbelt, frabwey Stere.
Olmbili Subway Bter-
Indestructible Pearl Bead
Necklaces, $2.95
Value $630
24-inch graduated stiing of exceptionally finely fin
shed pearlp. Sel'd geld clasp.
Olralxli, SiVsniy Stere.
Sale of
482 Men's Raincoats
Te Be Cleared djO Werth $6.50
Out at p and $8.50
As a year-end special we're going te practically give
these choice raincoats away at the low price of $2.
Tans and grays.
Plaid linings. And all are shower-proof.
All sizes. $2. Come early for best "picking."
Otmbla, Subway Ster.
Just 38 Sewing Machines
At Less Than
Half Price
A Choice of Singer,
Demestic and Wheeler &
Wilsen Machines
This is one of theso rare oc
casions that bring practical mekes
of sewing machines at practically
1ms than original cost of pro
duction. All in perfect running
Terms $1 Weekly
K,f:i,"":;,v7,V'- ;J
taaaaaH ijK:ifaA'l17VJWanft
OlmbtU, Subway He'
$24 Seamless Tapestry
Brussels Rugs at
All-wool face Oriental patterns, for hard wear.
9 x 12 feet Weel-and-Fiber
Rugs at $11.75
Inexpcnhive and duinble, pretty patterns. A
special purchase from u Philadelphia manufac
turer at a full third saving. 9x12 ft. at $11.75.
Value $18. Other sizes in proportion.
Congeleum Squares
at less than half price, because they have no
9x12 ft., i 9x10 V2 ft., 9x9 ft.,
$6.50 $6 $5.50
7V2x9 ft., $5 6x9 ft., $3.50
Olmbtls, Subway Htore.
Marquisette and Voile Half -Sash
Curtains, 29c a pair
Remarkable Value
Ready te h made of excellent material, With 2-inch beaded
hem. Ne mail or phone orders.
Egyptian Lace Window Panels, $1 each
2J4 yards long; ecru only. Have 8-inch black thread trimmed
Opaque Oil Window Shades, 55c each
Manufactuiers' bamplcs of much higher-priced grades. Slight
secends. Plenty of the desirable green.
Olmbali, Subway Ster.
31 -Piece Dinner SetsCemplete for Six Persons, $3.95
Regularly $6.95
, t In flower-basket design and bluebird design. Consists of dinner
plates, 6 bread and butter plntep, 0 dessert .saucers, 6 tea cup'i
te ulcers nnq 1 meat dish. Open stock.
Thin-Blown Glass Table Tumblers, $1 a deen
Your Initial Engraved Free in Old English
Refreshment Glasses, as Pictured
25c and 35c each
Valued at 50c te 75c
Dainty light-cut design in several charming patterns. 3- and !
ounce sizes.
--Olmbli, Subway Stere.