Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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. ' ' . f ni,' tf -. .--; vaii ! iwji.'.u. Jv'j.t'.j'a .,. . , .i.um.:.1 ..ammi. , j -r ,v i-nr iwhewkt
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TheDaily Novelette
i - -
j7,c Return of the Thief
lly A. W. I'cnch,
rvident te Irpten
I Uw Hi.it. wl,,,,, l,p hml ,K,,," "''
. . unii rnltnf?n ttl U'llii'li
t from I" " '
. Li.l forth in f"'1 nl'n,v "s.n ,,(U'1'-
'fi.Miir Hit oil i'" '""' num. niium,
ftK ,1 with Hip nmi-lilnp.
nd (Id
iii, .I'll
of humor hnil often mwil
illMipncnicil iii tin
1 (ill S II tlllJH n u iiit-iiiiici
Hit M
ffit "Jtnl!n. Tli.il lipwrlrcr. nn
ftff"! l , ,...,, n lull' UtIL. Ill
fSbr-nii "t r.rn Willi. .
U?, 1,h liiinucil . riim 1iJ wr mm 11
i, te-s into his lltiiuii-W. IiIm wrath
Bl ,r Hi" fOttllRP WtIS tll'tlicll il
?OT, Ip'o'lier" lit tlinlnlii", he wl.l.t n
M. , mlili-rril hit iiPlKhhirn l.
'irtiblf iltli'rtiBlt '" Hnw "'" "f
f Ai '" ,f",,1 ,,et K'
;.nMv nh Mil nMuiiR nii'lil II lni-v
"". . i" i.
H 0 1)111 U OHO-I Illllllll.T
1" Inn nmcliine. TJii'H w is
.....- i.t Oil JUL m ihiii'i iiiiuiu.'r
?." ..iiir. nnil wnit precious dujs
S!ll It ..-ncl.e.1 him.
He vieti the "l'r. jumped into his
' .,,,,1 lolled illenc te the little t niter
X'r." 'ill"' iotetllee wan loci tell mid
,1," inrn.i- ktnrc where supplies weiu
l?,J,is I. He stepped in the pef-
te i"b. ever tiie bulletin Imtml
I'l'.i. jt nil') army of netieeM. unci mhI
,,' i, i,is Imiiip of humor ljumped him
.it.Mi. He wrote a notlee and piniKil
',he l.il- ''' net,w r,,?,,: ""
,hV ni-feti who stele my tMiewrltcr wdl
..il -i-Min. I "HI Give them or him or
k,r tiie i-timil that Rees with It.
KJvtuii Drew. !"' I'CdBc CettaKe. '
The tieit da found him with tin-e
hN h.inil-. He went llsliiiu in tie
neriiiiip. h''"K hlH leltnp. deer open.
Vhfii he ut'ivned the Hand was .-.till
thtre I" ll" "fteriioen he .tatt',l
liiilce'riin; with hit "'iee, whieli had
i.pruiii: a "iiner leak.
lie wnn busy he riiiiicgiI aero i
,1,5 ba and vaw n canoe reinliiR i.i.
i uliarper (rlnnee told him that it was
Lin- .inteii by a dark-haired jrirl
,Tjj0vp inoetli hhoiildeM were (.endiiii;
the liRlit eanee iiIeiir nt a Meady puce
a3 her araiM drove the paddln (loop.
Suililenlv (.he hw-uiiR iinvaid, and it
(iawncil upon him that tdie was cemiiiR
t0 ,i iln(k. "I'm net interested in
tlrls, hut this speeimen " he ad-
Ucl him-elf. and piemptlj liepaii le
remme some of the Rriine of his tell.
The ramie ( ame cIemt and he uu'v
lli fair tare of its owner lifted te
mark a hiiidiiiR.
She nailed in n hlightly iiiih.ii'raed
tiiv nnil said in voice that was iiiin-ic
t Iii- ejis .
"I wonder if I may nn (he typ.
writer tabic which I understand .e.i
Hi- .staitrd te nay i-emcthins, but
finly stuttered. The faint lniiRhter n
her brown c.es was the lat upsetting
factor. There was nothing te de, but
retreati He (.tumbled up the deck te
the entt.tce. yanked up the table and
tcturnid. He banded it le her 'erenelv
"It is or was a little dear te me,"
he replied. "I hope jeu will find it
She nodded. "1 knew I shall, and I
thank ,mi very lauih."
"The pleasure is all mine," he Miirtcil
(b sin but leversed his words and
mM, "Tin; plennure jeu will have wiih
it is weitli the trouble te come for it,
I hone.
She turned the canoe with a ri net
ful swill of the paddle, looked up at
him with brown eyes that were a bit
T)U27leil and setaethinR el-e, and de
juried. lie looked nfter her lean. ''(.'on ''(.'en ''(.'on
feiiml 11 there's a rmJ I could tun.ble
into kie with. She either had an
immensi aiaeiuit of call te MUpe. that
lypmniir mid then return for the
Inble, or well. h.iiiR it. there's home
rajsteiy in it." At the point, she
turned, looked li.uk. and waed. "l!y
.fo;e, Hint wave of fan-well niaj mean
anjtliini; but I lint. I must leek In r
At the edge of du.sk a big car .teppeil
At his deer, lie weal out and ran in i
Ins wiiiil Mierk of the daj . 'I'he irl
of the en nue wits at the wheel, as putty
Hin white rei in .some twilight Riinleu.
She spoke lapidly. "I weaderwli.it
Jeu de Hunk of nifV A man called ut
die Imiiisi . -. id In- was leniiiR the kike
mil did net want te take 1is machine.
I warned one, and I bought it. Then
he soil i I would call at jour leltage,
here ln hail been .pending a week wii'i
?ou, I Minld Kit the table. Ni 1 went.
HiMi father telil me about jour neth e
tin eieiung, ninl lie made me come en r
e.nd iipeln.'ie and lr. te explain. Neu
see, nii Keep se much by jeur-ilf. I -
if don't nnllj Knew jeu, and I didn't
knew Iii t u lint the ether man icall.v -On.
de ir" en s(.0, don't jeu':"
"1 understand full . I was a bit
'lijed this afternoon "
"I thought jeu acted fiiniij -but -'nit
we want jeu te come evei this
ivenii (,ii ,. ,,, ni'ike amend
Wen i lide ever Willi liieV
' I urtniuly will!" he aiihweied willi
iirvni Men he returned, jirepeilv
Kirheii ,,! ( linitt-il into the s,.at be
iih' 'ir ,e iiuiaiked, "I am Ineliiii I
'e be unii'l'iil te that .-alesman. lie
rnug,i mite, t tm ii 1. knew."
She tooled, nnil snid witli some he'i
'iitinn, .Well, te he honest. I'm wither
-nd I iieauht the iiinehini' and went
ifter tin. luldc
Trime Pipe Wrench, 3 sizes
IS yi
Trime Menkcjr Wrench, 7 sizes
Oar I
Ifimu Pipa Cutter, 3 tues
These Three Tttls Hare lis
T'i2 right material is in them. The
'est jv,ssihU' (k'biiju is ill them.
J.very TRIMO operating con cen
jcinence 13 in ihem anil every
fe.iture of economy.
1 KI I0 users buy for long service.
B"y ofeur dealer or write
lrlmenl Manufacturing Company
Rebury (Dojlen), M411.
Stere Open 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M.
We nre often naked why we tle net make our own
merchandise. Can't-tee much sameness. We have
scores of fashion folks j,-iviiiK uti their best.
Eighty Years of Faithful Service
Gimbel Brethers
Philadelphia, Friday, December 29, 1922
Ik-tter the fashion, the longer n Knrmcnt serves you.
Economy is mere than just the price though even in
prices, Gimhels lend in valuc-yiving.
Misses' Handsome Coats
That Were $150 and $175
Reduced te
AH the richest pile
fabrics veldynes, fash fash
enas, gerenas, belivias.
Fine9t fur cellars and
cuffs golden beaver,
natural squirrel kolinsky-dyed
squirrel, plati
num or black wolf, nat
ural caracal.
Venderful blues, soft
browns, becoming
taupes blacks with
Sizes, 14 te 20 years.
Olmtcli. Salenn of Dress.
Third fleer.
Clese-Out of Girls'
"Better" Coats
at $12.95
cre $16.75 te $22.50
Beautiful "best" eeuta of fine velour or
belivia with pretty fur cellars.
Fur-cellared sports coats or smart mod
els that need no fur. Heathers, tweeds,
double-faced coatings. Light and dnsk
shades. Sizes variously 0 te 10 and 12 te
10 years.
OnnbrU, Silens rf Drcsi. Thlnl deer.
Women's Finer Coats, Capes
and Wraps Reduced
Save a Third te Over Half!
New Prices:
$20 :
i .
fi ,!' 3 iX.7
i ir
W. I.
i T II! !---'. J , i. PS-
r I'liii'i '!,VK;JUl
r i'ii i . i' , tti i t
'.. 'hlWnW UVMil',
',.'' '-,ll...'i, W ',
, 1. m lit t, ! it an.. .it
!i f.'htYii'.., ' .
', irinU'J' Y
ivr. .A
'.: i'liJj
,'l, 'i'i
Wi'uWl '
!-'. ,.i
I "I, '
$45 : $55
AH (except the fur-cellared
coats new $20,
which are veleurs) are of
All even the coats
new $20 are silk-lined
throughout mostly crepe
dc chine lined.
Styles include the entire
range of 1922-1923 mod
els wrap-areunds, wrap
coats, bloused models,
Wolf fur-trimmed
models begin as low as
Fex - trimmed models
begin as low as $35.
Beaver-trimmed even
at $45.
Squirrel-trimmed begin
at $45. i
Regular bi.cs. extra
Qjmfcls, Silem ei Dress, Third fleer.
Men's gectetp Prattte and
Kuppenheimer Suits, Overcoats,
Ulsters and Great a a e!
Coats at
Reduced Frem $55 le $65
UsjLy's Jv- kvlii"' it Aw J HiiB
Here's the rare event te get
men's and young men's Society
Brand and Kuppenheimer clethe3
at a reduced price! $45 instead
of $55 te $65.
Frem ether suppliers
.en s
Overcoats at
Were $10 te $15
Raglan and regular shoulders;
half- and full-belted; novelty
plaid backs lefty woven fleeces.
1200 Men's Suits at $29
Were $10 and $15
Plenty of blues, grays, browns, plain and pencil stripes, tweeds and cassimeres.
Single- and double-breasted and sports models.
Extra Trousers le match, $6.
G.'i'jiis, Second fiicr, Ninth Strce.
Closing Out All Our
$1, $1.50 and $2 Fountain Pens
at 75c each
All have guaranteed 1 1-carat geld nib?. The styles vary
home arc large, some small, some plain, some have colored tops
or bands and se forth hut all arc excellent in ('uality, dependa
bility and appearance.
Net a larrje number se cheese curly!
-Glmbrls, In it iloer.
Women's Gleve Silk
Underwear Reduced
H (jC for Values
$L.UO te $55e
Step-ins and bloemer: broken facts. But juh qualities and
pietty lacy .-tylc some charming novelties!
Women's Merine Union Suits
Lew neck, no sleeve1!, or bodice-top Ftylc. All knee length.
The reliable Carter make.
Regular M'c- at f.de.
Ilxtrn size. at S2.'.).").
Values til $.'!.)(. Ulmbeli, Tint fleer.
Men's One-Clasp
Tan Capeskin Gloves, $2.50
Men's Warmly Lined Tan or (J?0 CA
Brown Capeskin Gloves ptJU
One cla-p.
Men's One-Clasp "Washrite" M
Mecha Gloves
Heaver and biscuit. OuUeani sewn
Gimbi'lr 1 i ' '".cer.
Beys' Junier Overcoats
$7 CA Values $12.50
P i eDJ and $15
All-wool blue, array and biewr worsteds; alie fancy mixture. ttftUUHiJli
Deuble-breasted, convertible cellar, all-around belt; coat is llunnel-liM.'. ll
S7.30. Ages :j te 10.
ceys Ulsters et Lnglish Uverceatmgg, ld.bO -y A
Impound dutlle cloth and tweed?, also fine tmncliilla-i and fam v
nuxture!,;r)-Ti'laii.Dr.rcy;uLnr,ilcces; natch, pet. kO-; full belted. $ll!.j(.i.
Age- 3 te 1L. - ,r ' S?"r " f f -U"
$11 7 Values $15 and $16.50 for Beys'
"'U,'J 2-Trousers Norfolk Suits
Fancy tweeds and easMmer.s; dilFerent up-te-date model. Age
8 te 18.
ISi..'.s' ?l'-. HVh ?h ! Suit at Sl.7.-i; -ics ''- te ; .'-nicli c.ie-t.
-Gtmbfls Thtrl Seei
ir r 3x
Sale of 27,000 Phonograph Records
Women's $9 te $11 Queen Quality Shoes at $4.65 Sale
linkup, walking and dress beets. Plenty of pmart tabasce tan calf. Plenty
of fine black glace kid-glove-soft.
Win tli turning miles te share!
1 M 2 iwmM
J . 7- -. -J Zmrn" w
1000 Pairs of Women's Queen Quality
Walking and Brogue Oxfords, $2.75
All sizes m the let but net in each style.
Women's Queen Quality and Bosten
ravente Beets, Regular $7 te PQ A r
8 Shoes at ....... M 0
-Olmbets, Secenil fleer,
Candy Specials
3-11,. rnnililnntleii I'eiiikI hes
('imhrN riirple I'mkiiKi' nf (liu- in-
nrtcil i Inn ciliilcn ; imiiimiI of Wiilnut.
HtiifTcil Dutes; pimml if llar.l mid
I'lllril (ilei CiiiiiIIphi the tf -J
"Wnnill.iiul" TrultH ninl Nut,
(lliirnlnt,. niverril nt t,il II, Im.
"l'lillnmist" Wmrlnl ( hnrnl ilci,
fruit... Miiti., Imril nnil i'Iipu t c'iit,.rs
nnil i'Hiit llt i1ii.k; attrai tlirlt
1'IIVOil lllli' Ih, lm.
rv-. ii ml" I i.nlnt, ( ii r il I 1
( Jt.-rs i r rtflr 1? le
1 " 'I'll' III let 1,1 Unit pnmilir
fnnillv M-lli Ciiliilillltitli.il nt Hi, fur
1MI ptir- I,m-,.JIi, li(,v ',
pr. f lini nlnfi : I -lit. Imv ,.
nril f iiiin.l, l-lli lie IVthui
-lt(.. 1 -lit. tin nrtnl llnril nml
Flllfil Cleus rnnillii tiie rlrrlit
linnnil lint ui In 14 reiiTcnlcnt IJQ
uirtnii, f.ir 44-
Olmbels Chpstnut Strtct Anit
ami Sub
10-in. Records Snappy : Popular
Fine 75c Kinds at
Sensational! worth-while and in holiday times'
Lets of titles among them these
Popular Vecal Popular Vecal Dance Numbers Dance Numbers
in'Th."- m'!.Ji!"hk x i ,-, . r: . x J' ceM-h-n, v y
Hliir I nm ( llnililnc . ,, "n!I,,n, Inn lunr Mi
If N'llywV."ll I..W MsV"lf Me,,,,,, In. l - ! k.l- W A.,urlle,.,t
V hi.. ..t naTC Lu, n. "- or n,..n..r H r.ci..a.n0Bdi,.ii. l ";;';"' J";;-1"
I ,'", ' 7 V l.iiiinu Tnmorreu ,
MltH nt 1 ih- V . llnmpklrk ,,, .,"
V i, ,ir It Jr v. M.incliiln M X J "v llinuli 1
trees Aniex I
by Store I
Recerd Carrying Cases arranged te held '5 records nickel-trimmed.
Regularly $6. These at
G.intU, Sp n j f r -s- r. ; Stera.
Subway Stere's Sale of Rubbers and Arctics
Thousands of pairs bought from a Bosten concern at-about 50c en the dollar. All
fresh and brand new.
Women's $1 and $1.25
Storm Rubbers
I lag-!, -'! i
Women's High-Heel
Rubbers, 25c
25c g5$g Lf
Men's $7
Hip Beets
at $2.25
Mostly lurKQ
Men's $8
Hip Beets
Misses' and
$1 Rubbers
Sizes up te L
Pairs of
I'll!1 :' nOrfiH
win, i i'ii inff
Women's $5
-CimleU, Bubujy Store.
Subway Stere Mens and Yeung
Men's Overcoats and Suits
$18.75 and $24.75
$25 Kinds Value $35
Buy your clothing for the New Year here where prices are lowest and the values
The Suits ; Overcoats
Worsteds finished and unniushcd, cheviets, j Warm ul.sterr. und ulsterettcs. Iho new
.isimcrcs tweeds and fancy inixture?. "kunonen," and ra,'lunb. Or dressy town coats.
Cnl, fi.lt,! i.liiMKllnr i,4 it miUil stn tnrvr, ... . .. .. .
Just the wanted mlers, stylus, rubric and u.,u ;,(, colere l'luid mid plain hacks
es. .SniKie- and deuble-breuhted models. hike ymu theiti ! Mb.75 and $U 1.73.
1200 Beys' Sturdy Wash Suits
Maker's Samples and Short Lets the Kind That's d1 C
Regularly $1.95 te $2.95 P I eDO
Clever little models Oliver Twist, middy nnd liu'Un and no cities in iieny clot hsmadrn
.-in and "mvimihle" buittii"-. Sizes for y lunttrs of .' te S jfir, S1.C5.
Beys' $7.50 Overcoats at $5.50 L?.rgc Beys' Overcoats at $7.50
ABua a te 8 yearn. Values $10 te $1 2.50
OlmVela SuliMty Btore
A .... Cl ,.-, 17 ...... ..j
1 1 .M . 1 I I, - . I .1 KL . --'-'' VUI.
I Fi jLWLLm MMmrA V3'
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,r 'mViftlm. Riihtra v Ui...
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