r !fr7 mww -7 "'VWX'- Wk-"W"l? iffi i m " J n y )t)d EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1922 je; n v V -ft W m 5. rli fhe'J Jetc Htr -Then piiqpptar m THE VANISHING MEN By RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD V. 8. Anthttssader te Italy Auther of Ttie Vtlvt Wen." i;tc. Lvmirtuhi, II, 1, ))uuit J, Ce. '.Ill'l What Hccetncs of Her Suitors? TOS WHO IS T1IK HTOIIY rV nWltOSfi. " bnitlul re tl nI.; livL in Knghnj.ef AMcrlcaa I Jzs finrV' bi"" ..?... :. i: an i a i VMWtZtkaU trill! Meid. An ,r.7.'.f.; wurteni timelen he i it Urn men icie' hnvt Invil htr 'J r the intertill ami nOmUaHen nf . Va nil lICIIIOMd'. ultfaclcd I - . M.l "v '...... iii-iflffir. wie en . ". ,1, ...Llllll. e M i;-f;,7 l!K'HA.U. e hanitemt. V UkUmmr. tmiicnl KnffUsh nil I, emv ....-. ....,...,, nlll'tllll ll hli.i III' 1IU.I1.II. brethrr avd u icarllme I'rln's. C010SKI' ,Vtri flit lid e' Willi 'il I ,.p!iPtl quleli. "Yeu lune net II, ,f) Willi fw ,,n-v l" n"d dn!' out" Ifar after yrar." Ve, t liav net ticul v'.'h fear at, V- ,'c wriit mi. loeUlns straight Inte , i,rfi. "I Iiave net lived with il Nj- cause it if a i"1""-'" wound"!. Iml I Uni,,l thnl llve...ghtli. nf tl rai" ,V3S '"""' ' k1" '";'," ap" jrthfinl"' el femr ,cnil)c "i'J nH tlii" fell1 was the major pfiit of tlie rtlimity. 'i"''-''- An' n.fti in tli" veild In inyrl'e'1 w,, f,'nl' ,,inl ,,,l'-v mn,v 1(,'c tWr'menw. Venr ) went ttinn pover. tr, llffM. 1'er neil's Mfcis Ifl'-i no! I dill net nv ttuil 1 luul t"y :.) "I nnl vsiil 1 Iml livul Tlir "lid i feel t!.eut fenr." Ptter liev "ii. "It niiiVi'!' cnwitrilK, knt it li also thr mntlicr " C( ihnt?" "Of iniird'Trig." lie hjili). llrfiirt v.as silent. Te IVter. as the tl.iy c-nnie te mi Mil, It lifMine nieic ami mere pliiin tlmt iV li.iil indffil ilfiileil te je from l.nn tin, She tmUc of it n if il "re fliylif from ?one hin I of ilnnSi-r. Once 'lie "aid, "Yeu are mwii ')') nii," te tnke any ilsl:s. IVter."' ! had nM Iit a-out (lit rli!;!". hut "he "nid. "Amenn ether vUk. that of wanting jreni: enrsle en temetliin whli'li lndi r.evlirre." When tiiej li.nl illii'd ai r. little cafe en .Tennyn ntveet. hhe said. "Cejne lmin with nn'. Nu one sii u1 u1 le in nml out. "It te lilf" a nenl hidden in nn old Hump. We i an tall: and then " "Wliat;" "Cnnd-hv. CoeiNlilght. (iiiDil-liy. ' All the way up Regent street Mie , kept her arm through hin as if nIic feared tlmt liiidOenly the mortal pan of him weuM melt mvny. ii if this con tort niihl l)e niarip e will that it would hvt en in memory. Mini .emetime the illusion of this stfcuiR forearm wnrin tlmmgli ils hleee mlffht H'tiini te li"". 'J'h'' npirlmciit. which she had r- ' tiineil wlihiiut eienpaiii-y fe wme nn uplaliied iai..'e. was en : Rtreel of (i)'(irli's hricV hmiee where three Mrept lainti'. epaced with irritating prp- elsiuii, jirertd their radinnc 0:1 the front walls in n t'nn-shuied insolence. It wes In a house at the far end of I this street mile tiia''ler.s for one nh') apeii)ril te have plenty of tnetiej at her. 1 emnia nd ; two tljahts of (rpe!e I ; stairs led mi te :i little landing and br fleer. Shr- ! i the lump in the corner while' reicr ion',, i he hey from the hole, mid t!i cxpniiding llxht showed nnin the trst and geld room villi it chintz, cur- tsine nml its old l.uglili malieauy iii'l ill caned desl: itli its leirl.i mple panels and the hangings woven In .Im-fi hi the MludewH. Itut Veter e.'esed the deer geil with hirt feet hfaiini le haw none of the room wheie i tlic liIit m,s dim. Once mere, as v.lrn he had mu lier tirM. Hhe Heed i lier,i:iili a llsht which poured down iin'jii hrr ils (ioed. emnhafliiiB her If iie, nf nl the universe, had 1 1 1 is , 'I'julit i nf radium c and life. She had ihtii'wi aside her cluah ; Hhe steed with an nuin of Hternnl .imitli ahent her. it i thl whn had come out of the a(,es nnd veill'l live en without end. the renter ' of fill thins. She gur.ed haelt at l'eter fiem her datU eyc. wnuderiug. wait.nj fur Inni le move. He w.ilKcd toward her i,iewl. hut tutlie'it lie.'ilatiiui. In hi f.ic there .i a "-ipiare len -the teuU of a tied "ill that has leme into its own at' ln.f 'Hrin.i. I m Ruing te lueal; my pmmj'.e " "Yes. dear, undethtniid. I :m rMft i-iui, I'ciiii. 1 1 wenld he hard, out 1 M.ui.l , ii. de want te de it. ' The pruin.'p was fur jour .-ake. Vetci. Net tur iniPM.a'e ii-." I've asU"d miii iiething no ipirs. tl'Jll hi. M.i. pi 1 1 jf lp his I'.ll'lll- Up" i , eicfi nf her heuhler mid lieldiiig her' it arm 3 length. "Ve l'elni-. none." fJei une I did net e.ire. ' iin he Ve inniter whut iitiiflit ceiniV Ve inniter what nilglit come." fie dre her tewnid him and Inn'.; 11 1 hifi Ii of the, impei fumed fragrance 1 ef Ilreiia Selress. And then with eager, ' "' nti' jrnt linn, epiehed only through ; Jli reirnlnu of ienitriie4H and pn- found irc 1. iik if indeed he had Mime jun'iMit deity in his ttrjiw, lie hlsid her1 hK. he prrpkr-fl his rliec!, into In i- ' hiui. he iiimhcil 1 hi- had. of liei nei-l, 1 "illl his tillgen, ' "I levr j " he -.,'n!. ' I '.111 ou li"ileisterii all I niean In i'iec pl.iln ""ids I le, ,miuV" ' I Iiim- miii, IVtcr." 1 1..11M neer ci . me new. ' Sc Npnuv h-n !:. icaiitu heielf fiem 'hj' ns if .e li.id ue.ii'ln uiiihly plunged lniii iriin lifr, ' ' Vm u, IVtcr. Net t li.tt I I , lieiigh. miii knew. I iheiiglu this S guild. h)." l.iUe 0110 in gieat pain whieli must ne home in hIIi'Iiie, 1h thiew hacli .'. ai"' fctoed tiuiveini'.' and tense. ,,"H I'ai.'t hiivi- inlsiiiidi'i'htr.eil !" ,(' "lid In , hr.al.ing vuicr. "Is this Mv put i-hnieiii tlmt ion hae mis Htiili'lMniidV "I wain j, in, r.iena feieier. I Wul'I hae swum never would v. 11 nt em 0.i. j!P tlii-.' '' 'e.e. i lainmt he." , till' si.pi 1 t liuiid an 1. hMiiing I'l', prc-eii her wii i,eclH upon hin 1M V. 1 ' It ai.iif.i he. '(..-. It hapl.ertd lien I was no mure iirlf-the one ;'"i liie than I am .Muriel Tteiilmui. '' l.iipi ei when I win les thuii tiliteeii M.,ni vcan nn, uiu miii1' ' rje I 'III 1 i'i'' ' I SS M Wi fl " If, "hll ISienn, 'twas there mid I'll upenk without iidilitig, met your fathe-. no 111 of I'." Ne. with nome of her dimmed. tl:t gave nil her rxprefhlen of loyalty te her hitshaiid : her Might upon gauzy, iinsithstniilinl whips wns always n cireie nueui nn iiemi. as i werii mother end the magiilllceiit shadow of her father, JJreim srew. ncnulrlng from j one n wltlinslenl humor and from tlvj ether n calm of high cliff.s nntl of n IMrthenen. According te IV-eni's own rhrnie, . ehe "had no childhood and till child heed." She had none hceiiune her father, nfter a month or two of cenreii- I tinted application of his mind upon, MudliNnf Hlmllnrltlrs in tiin architecture . Tdf tmeletit Mexico nnd prehistoric I . (Irenrtt i'filttit llltrl llm lilltrllnl' llliwltnliii nnd ciecer ut hin deer, nnd then v If , ,, iiwnlteiied he would take hin llttle fniuMvl Minrkllne feir.,;t wnr, the train fur dome miner 1 I unlverilty. where lie would tench hlni- , pelf out of debt nnd into n period efj imicriirsH 01 11y.u1 nreuene iivhih'i ni"i ruing nor his iinpeitnnt place in . 1..1 1...V.V..11 .1 ' 1 " " ""' learning nor His iinpeiinnt place .e i ...im hnylnZ V,"t ll1p.K'Plhfitery were given recognition. With of a grim mountain which nlwiyn nuive.'td, thienlt utiie volcanic diaster.. .Semclhiiig had died within her when they loe! her from the moors nnd the open places, and that which was left wns nn Irh.h beauty and 11 botfeirtleH.s well of uffeciieu for her man nnd her llr.' '.'?. .......... ..!imI lenis cueiiuh nn.vwheic for nunint it is irem uer mat 1 have n legacy. , ,vih children nnd for piny. Tutored "nm wivtiu. 1. ii rmirriiuenf. ui crcnt sigh from hm expansive ciiesi. lie would move en ngnin in pursuit of Keine inipilry, some reeerch. sems new npplleatlen of his heroic, impractical head. In eensenuence. the little girl. I red of clveeitf, with Hpindllng legs and gieiit wondering brown eycu. never stay "It liappcnul when I ns lcs than elBhteen ceu ears age, I am married." he s.i id. "V everjlliliiV" "Jen, J'eler before tell .Man every thing. It wny I am afraid -for lliena ';il tell me by her mother nnd bv the booming, ter rtiViny ve!cu of UcmetriiiH Heleos whenl lie. 11s he iiald. could fcpnre time for it, I nhe learned a laste for books and ion-! them, .ici'eriling te her own ntery. , es m the wNdem of 11 diet and ratine nil thai ' 'was within leuch." The boeKs crvei, I te clvn her 11 f:l!in letieir nf experience 1 and maturity, I J mm outer (eveung wiib fake license, rnn..i ... ..:.. .1... ....i. ii.,. i.iiiT-u i.f 1 riiii-?riiL t uu irimi liiiii unirent puh,ien nnd lemlerne8. Ami it Is still mine le de with n I plenn".'' Hhe did net se en te s-ny that these te whom it would be opened might enter i Mimei i(.,.""l..Yi ' . .. .. .1 , . ., . "lll:f hungry little pig vegnidl .jim f-uiiu ,,', ir-'lllt IIIV UIIH1I3 Ol her mother's ncreiiutn of the4 tmrt her fnther lind played in the dtnturbcd period of tJreeee. There were vague ImpresslenH of 11 secret ovgnnhatlen under tne "(.euneii or Twelvu" te which it ne nan awern urvoiie 1. or n prep eu( !(,,, i.nd ..nnehe,! -.Ixtcen. tvlili nlnsl of honor wlitrli lie lind decided by fel-C nttributcs which mnile men turn n.' luiviuE 11 ruincc ui eiiiiiei mar inni l(l nnm.eil. nit ivil innt nnv eiiK.dniis. . Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Stere A Thousand New Frecks at a Fourth, a Third and Nearly Half Less 1 pj. 1 will show you. will J Oil horn en II rent! Slfes had been American soil. One of her mett uMd memories was 1 ", .'u'1" ft''""'"! mi nuctere man, wlie all his Ht enB had carried about in the 2 rear and inninlni. I..l. ..-l.i. slew IllOVeineiitN nml ilu .m'..mI.,.. latent giant power n reitleM Miil. ever peeUlns te find its wny hither and thither like a strong giant and of un- ecaHtn-j activity looking for new work. brought down upon him the pennlty of iisiasslnntleii. A hhniply detiued per t.tMlt of this yniiiig patriot, n member of th Snlnmis IJepututlen of 1S012 In -forming King Otlie, the but of the HnvHi'tnn nlien iiieii.irt'h, tbnr tlie throne of Oreeep was fant. iemaiii"d in Mvciih'k miii'l. She loufcsKed te a thrill of pride that upon 1111 occasion, histeile and momentous, her father, then enlv twenty-eight, had been pveaent In a major role. This had been the top moment of his life; theuc whom he had aided, turned upon him. The strength of a pewarful hferet organiza tion, gradually fulling into unscrupulous hnlltln flftpr III. tlMlp flinrtlAlu n'm-A Aiah had been turned ngalnst him. His name 1 became a traditional center of oath of u'ligenncp; with knife wounds upon ins great nrmn iinu tuigns ind nn un eer , a ird. I un. M having aiinrenrhed woinnnheod Mtl1011t ceulacti) Willi I'lilMhoeiI. e en the me.'p. living in Imtel.j, In boa lug heuces. in ftuburbnn cet".ues. deiiendent upon one rickcly patched old truriK nun nci two tmrcnts. sue lind: ; ai'Tiited the habits of cliihltike depend- 1 jrnie. I. Ike a child she found that life, iwnv iihaped wltiieut lutervpiitien of hert own. Slie nllewed herself te he dragged 1 along with her mixed lead of coneep ceneep Itinns -irnwn from a hulter-nkelter icad- I lug. Among ether conceptions n j that eternal fiction of the, gallant and perfect faliy steiy prluce whee hi hie she would one day be. Te be 11 bride I nieiini little mere in terms of leal life' than te become nn angel. 1 I Te be (entinutd tomorrow eir.iriNO iskitai.vn vtr.tr Rlrtifrl pi!r rlati. ncnanrlntf nt ii.-vfti liv ll'rlw! : N. Cjsmn, l.nntlin fiistijln! nne eeiiui rememtier cllinlv that lirr 1 riiiec,i pniiet in ins Htieulder, in; came InnlltAH a. I. .. . 1. .. !..... I . . t . 1 . ..!.. ft .. .. - I I.. I .geld (Vltl,. Klry until she and herlllvci one life, end evp.-cted the world , fit'slV $ nrlTtnuul)i 0'niJ3."n?' Sr 'ft! r-iieiiii I'liiiu eieu teg'HIier when she ' '" i'iejii v..: mm h im uniieriani ncing. 'was forty-two. had referred with1'1 Maw ''lm "'V n silent, learned man, Iwhispeted nwe te tlie turbulent career I ln pitting 11 theui.'ind iiiubltiens and ueiii uifin iiioeKiux no uxen el lier husband. Demetrius. Theie .were vague recollect ions of tlie mother's pride in th fact th.it he had tished and lest his eirepr. begun se early In life and se brilliantly in chemical 'tiecirilt and in a professorship in Athens: that he bad tossed nlde all , ensideiatldii for himself te labor for a constitutional (iiecce ntul te lisk his tif in 11 cmripirjcv Cyr freedom. I .Vary Vanghl-. as her uiiine lind been hffer? her man Life, l.new semctiiinn of 'Insurrection heiRalf:' :he h.ul hud the ! ill fortune te be the daughter of the 'famous Tem Vaughn, who wns forced , te (lee Ireland with his fainilv nfter the uiiMiicfhSfiil and forgotten "Secession l'let" of the fill's. Mary, from the time site was. 11 child, sang like a bird. .tlic might haie become a famous con tralto, for her M'ice h.nl that Banie wnrm. rich quality iuheiiied by her bewitched daughter, but like u bird her true home was upon tin- open moor-i with their free -pace and the sh.-idews of the clouds tjfleMitg eer the grass: New Yerk, of ndaniant ami re l-in;is. was ni geed for the jev of her mice 11 It wniihl have been for that of a wil nl'.'liliu'iiile. She neve- s-poke lnvhly .of (lint 'turrible Itahyhiu," however. no lixed tiiirneiie. disiegn nllng money in a land where money, for the time, was the fetich: enrek'is of poverty but liiiuiillnted, pcriedhaliy by debt; disceuislng upon biological chemistry years before the scientific wuiid had tlie imagination te listen 11 giant, with dark haunting, ryca. long Homeric hair and beard, always brushed back an if il were eter-1 nally facing a hurricane, and n voice nnd presence ns myhtu.'Ieuslv ininies-. Five nn that of some Klljnll. Kven ' Hienn reniemhcied bis affection for lier, piofennd ns it was, as being like the nffoetien of neme god of mythology directed down upon a beautiful but mortal child. Ret ween iim trivoleus sunlight of her ttrnallenal flnirtif. var tutu nml it'i Im certnnt leali u. A'va-s rear) it mu i' nan c- U" rtsin: i.trnvr. "iuxs It Itnliit -Aih'. :; WEDDING IOO KNOIIAVED SI "I .50 xvv ANNOUNrKMRNTS x-- IMIirr Hljle Nat Knimtnl nt S3. (10 ner I0 V-I' or rfienn 'WtMil '.'.'.-'.'J for Inlfsl eimp'.ea nnd correct fiirinn. VKsjal K'niravlnr Shep, 814 Walnut St, Pearls Re-strung Hrlc ImrMt In (lie My. Ktrert wnrli. Alt kin1s of nciklaits r-trunr, KneitlnK 0 sDeilnltT. Quick m-iTtce. Werk nrn tfld. Clatpt turnlAlitd. Irlesl Pnrl Cn I'rrr rinlldlnv. laeai ran ve.MM (hMtnu) s",rfM Special Purchase Sale FINE FUR COATS Ruby M. Ay res Tlir fnrerile irrltr.' of favi nulirii Imr ,'e'et (j s written u r.cir re in unci nf taiitt'nl nffr fieiis rml true devotion. U'if(.'i (A Man of His Werd' lSEtilNS TIF.SDAY 1 if I 2 I I ii . tmMrrainmrmW Full Sample Line of New Yerk's Most Exclutive Wheletale Heuse Seme are slightly shopworn, hut all are of the finest pelts, expressing the smartest aspecta of the med. $50 te $800 KEHOES 1325 N. 15th St. 1WBM&WB53& ' U I cl ' ii 13 1 lit I H I ., 1 lilitl 11. . I ;il.pei upon In , II w I'V"! ban I "'lieie tl, 1l.1l he . de': ' '. )."' Inn'. i"V ?' '"'" ' loathed leni Ii.mI I,,, denial I'viht." , Nml wlieii. ,., n MllW ;" ,r ,,,' de m,t l,,,,,,,," '",;' sh.Khltml , .le r pilMillg his 'iecl Imi,; age nrpunrrns. DiisKrsrns: A.xn makiirs or wemix's Axn cinr,r)in::! ArrAniL or nn: iiiain'.&r i-uahac-ier run meiiv rifAv -nrjrvH'-srnrv yeaks ' Coats Suits Dresses Linyrr'r Js Cheatnut Carnar Twelfth Milliticry Juvenile Apparel Entire Stock Without Reserve at Emphatic Price Reductions Coats ! Dresses 19-50 25-00 38-00 65-00 95-00 formerly te 35.00 formerly le 45.00 formerly le 75.00 formerly te 110.00 formerly te 150.00 15-00 25-00 49.50 69-50 87-00 formerly te 39.50 formerly le 15.00 formerly le 89.50 formerly te 100.00 formerly te 175.00 Wc Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Wahian Fur Coats- Our Entire Stock te Be Closed Out at 14 off In This, "Different Kind of Juvenile Stere 9.95 . ) Clese-out of Silk Dresses Formerly te 25.00 3-95 Of colored iien;?fc taffeta . . .. .. i..... ( ever tMPS, irony ii"n- linu(l-nUB"l- Aft'rB 6 te ,C' nnd canton crepe. Mirny bcautif.iUy Coats of mannish tveed wecl coating; some fttr-trlmnii'il cellars. Aes -1 te 10. 1 9.95 ... i.. .. in n.. . . . . X mt 1'ClJiicny fc "" Clese-out of Wash Dresses Formerly te 10.00 An opportunity te buy for next needs, Of gingham, cliainliray, erjrandlc. Aces Ii te Hi. Speits and Dress Coats; bioadcleths, lielnltn' nnd mannish tweed; ninny fur dimmed with Miawl and chin cellars. summer's linen and 19.50 te 25.00 iitiiliMittm n k V " I W W W ?8.7.1 S23 !JJ3 sy.." sie si(i.")U In they come, fresh from tlie hands of their geed makers. Groups of late-Winter fashions with , their prices drastically clipped. Groups of charm ing sample frocks at fractions of their real value; . some actually half price. Groups of new Spring fashions secured 'way under price, offered new for the first time. Groups from our own stocks price- ' lowered te meet the extremely moderate levels of the new purchase?. Amazing New Spring Frecks, $25 A maker's newest metlels'. Styles for young wenu-n in pizes up te u6. Styles ter women in sizes up te 16. Street shades and new light shades: almond green, pearl gray. French blue, geranium red. Embroidered, beaded, lace trimmed. Afternoon and informal evening gowns. Ones and Twos of Levely Frecks $25, $27.50, $38.50 Samples and advance Spring models. Beautiful Can- i ten crepes in light and dark colors and Peiret twill street i frocks. i Unusual Dresses, $15, $16.50, $18.75 At SIS, lovelv lace frocks for occasions, also Canten crepes em- I lneiiletcd Poitet twills and twill-back velveteen?. ' At SIC.eO, new wee! evepe combinations wid fijruicil crepe bod bed ice: sample taffeta afternoon drest"? nnd Canten crepe drones in liffht and dark colors. Tvicelette dresses for larger women come in sizes 40 te 4G. Taffeta dance ftetks nt Mfi.."0 will delight young girls. At SIS. 75, .smart new 1'eivel twill street dresses with Mil; e'-blight-color braidimr: ones and twos of fine Canten 'repe models a third te half less; talteta dance trecks in hv;ht and brilliant colorings .!l.li in cot dun up ( Den ii Mulr Stnrr, Mnrketl $5 Hats Adorably Springlike Saucily small, most of them, but plenty of wider brimmed ones, tee, for these who prefer them. Many all-black ones. And that interesting new soft green called almond. And blue in the easy-te-wear shades which lighten up the eyes and freshen tlie color in one's cheeks. And browns. And the soft cocoas and tan which melt in most becomingly with certain types of colerinc. Silk hats; what most people are asking for at this sea son because they are always "geed." Novelty hair and straw cloth hats. Shirred, embroidered, gayly beaded and ornamented. Seme of them trimmed with row upon row of softly draped folds of lustrous silk crepe. A whole roomful of them, just waiting te hurrv off en happy New Year jaunts. All just Rr. (Den ii "inlr Stere. Mjrkni Trimly Smart Street Shoes for Women, $5 Women's Silk Umbrellas With Matching Cases, $3.85 Considerably lesi Iian the tegular ))tce fei -uch umbrejlu necanse 01 a Mieiiany advantageous purchase, .untier-ce owl or white bakclite tipi and fertu'ei and e:is -te-tan loop handles. ( een Black, na-. y, garnet, are c t ir, purtile nti.i (IIeimi vnln hmecth novo glC( tl. Mer. MurUfi ring or and tape leather edged. Trim:, te 12 iret ifi st i'i t.t fle'C' i ni t m ii taTt-ta m lei i .-. lm tin . .i bi.ii'i Sale of Children 's Fur Sets at Half, 85c te $10 Fluffy sets of matching muff and ,-carf marked down te half price because the assortments arc somewhat broken. Ilenii Mini ture Itnrt.iM Handbags, Third te Half Less, 25c te $3 little vacationers All are well made and trulv named, and will be delighted te shop ter them. Natural cenej Mt 6"e te ?',.2. Siler ceney sets ,s". Illue fnne. set .'J'. I embcil Thibet el- M.eO te iii..'.', Opossum yets ." te $S.l'." Siutinel le-k sets SO.L'.'i te Ss '' (ta. fe iete . . . ?ld Separate mutVi in ihce furs ,$ te se". -J", i Dim ii xtnlri "lurr M irl.n i Less Than Half for Elastic Garter Ribbon at 30c Yard I! ii.be 1 III 'Kldi'd and nonier.' nenier.' leather, t-ilk, .' inni ..ed rreni natnllrig i' tl.. ) : nie c'. 'ilrcr i,ag . f . r hairs in n v uie ar'ei vf c j c 1' n and du. i n iliimii siuir. sierc. enirnl il I'li'sh, si ajipv elasti, garter prut'! A innii turned exer te u. icsMi'U. nniMiig ni-; unuiiaiiy lomliiuatien toleiings nnd the iiliben ii' cs than half it usual all be had at a special puce ion- iguie pi.-i.nle. AH sort" of i.tat always wanted p'ain black. i Dim n str. Mere, (t'lilrnl. Women's Drep-Stitch Cotten Stockings, 50c tltl'll saine Mane of i.e'e'j ice-. en Hack mercerut 1 ...ttni u drop drep drop off en. 'I .'e. .'..me from a noted manufacturer ami firsts t.f the s.t. le sell for jiit twice ns much. Sizes H's te 111 (Dun n Mttlri. .store, rnlriil. Women's Silk-and-Cotten Stockings, 85c H'en heather nuuuif in unusual droji-etitch elicit. Seft ami cle.ie'y woven, se tl.".v ;'.-c ve-y eui' wln'e linvii.g t.t this bnv i ue Tiny laws make them seconds, bet the jiiue i lowered a full half accordingly. Sixes O'e te 10. iDin, i, Ma,!-!, Mer, teiitr!) We Are Taking the Measure of Philadelphia Business Men ter made-te-measure suits of fine finished and each suit w itli $43 unfinished worsteds, two pair trousers, for I'he lit of ecr suit i, guar anteed. Helier will he made within ten ilnjs or two weeks nfter placement of the orders nd no additional charge will he made for etra sizes. 'I he materials ate nil-wool The include a leinark.ible assort ment nf stripes, inKiurts, ,r plaids. neM-lties and plain wiawx lilt suits will be t.nlerid hi two or three button biisinfs stle, and $13 in ewT.il dollars for them. Men's Cheviot Husiiuss Suits, $20 IieimI siM-wiiel inser-w. ipht suit m ilesirahlc brownish .uiu mi,.is,i iniMiii,... ban .me inrec ii.ittin cnnser.il w tnetiel.s. (liil a mail let el them. Ihii m .,11 i'. in.m .. 1 .. 11 iiir- mi 'im mi llu- l.'ill.r.t. uurLr Ii lcs i han the stuudnrtl prtci I Dun ii si,r . Amazingly Lew-Priced Dresses 83.85, $8.75, 89.65 j.'J..'i, iv.eie tba". bt'tceii styles it. scree, si'.es Ifi te .'JG; in wool tj II. hmbi'eidiMcd or biaiu it -' l i ,e ng .s .-. , 8 t.'. silk and leail ei an. I shapes and in At cleur and trimmed. t .8.7e, combinatie, - rf wee! dour and novelty tricelettes, Peiret twiil.s and wool -pong" f.eiks in tailored and sports models. At ?0.fi3, new Sprn.g taffeta frocks, .sizes 11 te fi; street frocks t.f Poiiet twill end line wee! ii-epe dresca. Many Coats Get New Lew Prices Exceptional Coats at $10 A special purchase combined with identical coats from our own stocks that were just double this price. Good Geod Goed iooking veleurs with threw scarf cellars. Nice pole coats in brown and blue mixtures. All silk lined throughout. Amazing for only $10! Sports Ceals, $15 and $25 t Slli, geed plaid-back herringbone sports models m reindeer and Luwn. At $25, novelty tweed per's coats with cellars of badger, silk lined; nlse a few odds and ends of tan pole coat, some showing signs of handling. Coats With Furs, $29.50 and $38.50 At, S'JO.eO, belivias with intiia cellars and ornamental - dc t .esings. At .?:lS.eO. belivias in various draped and embroidered nv'.p.., with rellais of nutria, taupe wolf, skunk-dyed opossum, .Scotch mole and wolf. Si.e 10 te fj ii the group. The Fine Fur-Trimmed Ceals in the Salen 4.. 747 Off . en.-- sxiv nviv oeo te oize Shoes with style style with service ?er ice with com fort comfort with continued geed leeks. Shoes shaped te fit the feet in action and in repose. Well made. tee. of geed materials, se they will long retain their original shapeliness. One-strap pumps in patent leather, tan and black calf, with welted soles. Cuban heels and rubber top lifts; orna mental stitching. Oxfords in black or tan calf with Cuban or miliurv heels and welted soles. Women's Cleth-Topped Butten Beets. $6.30 Dressy shoe-, for Winter suect wear. Thev have , leth top., kid N.01IJ..S-, welted se'e ami cemfurtat U ivm;ai heel vi'h rubbet ten lifts attached. .Dunn s(r, store. hr t mil Girls9 Fur-Cellared Coats, $16.50 All were originally several dollars mere, but have been specially priced because sizes were broken. I5ig cellars of beaver-dyed ceney give them a luxurious leek and thev have effective sleeve and pocket treatments. Tan and brown heavy coatings with full length or sleeve and shoulder lining. Sixes le and 17 years. i Dim n sr S,,re M.irl.ei . Blue Taffeta Party Frecks, $6.75 re j I M J j I llll Vain- ilinlalied,' All Hats for Kiddies, One-Half Off h uas whlltt lieathin UrJ, A