pmw'w HEVT . i -. u.. . . . --. T ' . Vaa-vBB nn ;-v-vy . ,Mi .Y'f-,r,'c '7n593icit'J iV;AfW-'cA v 1UlA.JAw-'';iTr?T-7T?CTHif ftHH'1"!" (W'W-" v ' - '"' i''''J,7-"')jt."- 'V'J .IWWIB ' K-J.1 ,. '! i xv l tii 1 ' "' w , i JUST 5 L EVENING PUBLIC LEffftER-PfflBAPELPHIA, FRIDAY.' DECEMBER 29, 1922 if j GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Te tTcd Tomorrow jVnicy ff-ymie Spcafe e e Many Important Events Tonight and She Sees Seme Geed-Looking Fur Coats ntven It's Frlilnv of CliriKtmn!. wcek.i nlta t.lhme nt the DlncUsteiip. piiIoibe. ninnlcht will 1)P nlmest the gnyrpt of'?,111? 9lBa..'!llini0' n pr.ifliinte of Mini T ' . M'lai-n tvlll in nnrt lin fur nil lull t tits from linrc!-verkln lcl pnrenlw down If f'10 .ve,lnl? Rentlrmnn, who U iiwillnB 1i!m fii'Pl iluticitiR class. Te IierIh with, tliprc Is the rimrl tnn Ynninlls' bnll nt 1 he Hellenic Stratford for tlielr dphtitiintc lnuliter, Asiiph. "tid ,lie ,ist ,,f th",'p pntcrtnln InB nt flintier boferclinnd l nlmest end jf,i, Anions (hem nre Mr. nnil Mrs. Twlvnnl Hcckiclier, who will linvr Pelly Franklin Dunne nR Ihclr guest of honor, nml Mr. nnd Mrs. Htnnley Orlswelil Flngc Jr.. who will give dinner nt the Illtr. for Dr. nml Mrs. Telm MeckrlilKc'n ileb dntiditer, Ilea trlfe. s 5,n nm' 5Irs' Fln&R nre mdurniiiff. Ileatrlce's pnrcuts will rhnpprenc the pnrt.v. Otlipr debs who will lie etitrrtniiipd nre Anne II. Tewnseinl, f'elin Zlminer mniin and Hertlin Hmythi', for whom the MIp"' riiarlettp ntid Mnrj?nrclta SherplefS will have about fifteen KtieRtH. nt their linnip in Chestnut Mill, and Florence Crozer, for whom Mr. nnd Mre. Wllllnui Drayten (Srangc will give a pnrty at the KHz. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kins Wnin wriijlit, Mr. nnd Mrs. TivliiKten I,, lliddlp and Mr. nnd Mrs. William II. Denner will give dlnnerB, and be will Mr. nnd Mrs. Sydney Thayer, who will rntprtflin for the Sydney Thnyers. Jr. wl, I must net fercet te mention n hontre party which Miss Anna T,evli will clve for Mies I.orrnine Disston Ind her finnee. "Lew" LuIcpiih, who i be iniirried en April 7. Anna and ,.orrnine are great friends, you knew. ,'hpj' went West teRplher last summer ml spent a month en a ranch in Wye mnff. rHF. f'lirlstmas meeting of the Sat urday Evening Dancing Class will I held in the foyer of the Academy I inirjit at 0 o'clock and lets of heys hmic from bearding school nnd college will ke there first, ntid nfterwnrd te the Yarnalls. Mrs. fieerge McFiidden will receive, mvisted by the ether members of the leminitiee, who are Mrs. D. Mereaii Kirringei', Mrs. Hubert li. Montgem- Hchnel. Knrmltiirtnii. I'liiin V..R .en? or IHcnRe's most popular i ilebutnnlen u year ane. J!r Orlscem Is n sen of Mr. Hedman v.. Orlvceni, of thin city, nnd a. grand-. son of the Inte Mr. Clement A. (iris-1 com. former president of the Interna tiunal Mercantile Marine Company, and a. nephew of Colonel I.leyd C. OrlHcem, , ex-Anibaspader te Italy. Mr. Orlscem '.'"'"lu'itrd from Vole In the class of 1J... wbeie he was a member of the feenler Society qf Kcrell and Keys. ITc . wuii In the servk'c durliiB the war, liuvlns been commissioned a recend lieu-' tenant In the Weld Artillery Ileserve Mr. Sydney P. T. 'Ureclt, of 2031 Pe I.ancey place, has Issued Invitations for a dinner en Friday evening, February !'. In honor of Miss Helen Hepe Mont gomery, debutante daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Itebert Lnmlnt; Montgomery, be be be fere the Second Assembly, Mr. and Mrs. Ktncy II. Lloyd, of Wye Heuse, Ardmore, have Issued Invitations for a thentre party, te be followed by a supper at the Hltz-Carlten, en Tues day evening, January L'3. In honor of their daughter, Miss Ellen Douglas Lloyd. Mlsn Emma de L. Cushman, Miss Hdltb X. Cushman, Miss Ida Cushman and Mlsa Allce Cushman. of 91! Pine street, will entertain nt dinner en Fri day evening, February 2, In honor of Miss Sarah Fianklln Duane, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilusselt Dunne, befere the bull Mr. and Mm. Nathaniel Kncwlcs will give at the Hellevuc Hellevuc .Stratferd, In honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Nancy Knewlcs. 'lbe guests who- will attend the din-1 tier te be given this evening by MIh , Hannlng Orange, daughter of Mr. nnd ' Mrs. William Drnvtnn (IrniiL'e nt lli. ' AVelllngten, at the Hltz-Carlten, In honor of Miss Florence ("rejicr, debutant)! daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hdward Crcycr. of 20DS Locust street, will In clude Miss Augusta Harrison, Miss Ellen Harrison, Miss Jane Hepburn, Miss Anne Ashton, Miss Clntra Ellis, Miss Kntliarlue D. Verter. Miss Ellen Mc- Ji cnnel, Miss Oertrude A. If. araham, Miss Agnes Orea, of Rethlehem; Mlsa Ellen Douglas Lloyd, Mr. Harrison Mc Michael, Mr. Mahlen Hutchinson, Mr. noeeri I'cmiierten, Mr. Charles winu, jir. cooper amltli. Jlr. v:rmtmBKBk .HKmk. FtJrH of C410 Falrhlll Btreet, Oalt Lane Park, are receiving congratulations en the birth of u dxughttT, Anne Wllen Ilubl can, en December 2". West Philadelphia A reception and supper was bold en faturdnv evening last at Cressmau's ' Hall, Snventh street and (Jlrard n venue, i There were seventy-five guests. At the I reception the engagement of Miss Sylvlu 1 Lelhewtts, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Atiraham ieiiiewiu. or 40r. u.mimere avenue, was nnneunccd te Mr. Michael Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuls Williams, of 867 North Fortieth street. The wcddln? will tal;e place In May. Announcement has been made today of the engagement of MIs Dorethy Hentrlce Trier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FranclB Jehn I'ryer. Jr., of 447 Meuth Fifty-first street, and Mr. Clement Hasklll Darby, of Huffale, X. V. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Melnlcl:, ei 1231 West Cllrard avenue, are en a trip i te Haltlmore and Washington In cele bratien of their twenty-firth wedding anniversary. North Philadlphia The friends of the Northeastern Ho He brew Orphans' Heme held their regular meeting recently at the home. 1728 North Seventeenth street. Installation of officers took place. Dr. Jacob J. Seltman Installed the follewing: Dr. Harry Herman, president i Miss Sarah It. Tefman, vlcn president : Miss Mary Kosher, recording secretary ; Miss U Clarence Lenshead. Mr. Jehn W. Lntchuin, Mr. William U, McClcna chan, Jr., Mrs. Franklin Marshall, Mis. Itebert Mllllgun, Mrs. Jeddsen Myers, Mrs. Leyal I'alten, Mrs. William I'enc MMMttirr. mri nxiietidlitir mnilnrv ! Mls Mm. lierace OUluleV. Mrs. Daniel F. Geldberg, trea.'jrer; Mr. Abe Savrln, Helner, Mrs. Walter Snyder, Mih. ltenald financial secretary and Mr. ILxrry Hti-1 Bhilgley, Mm. Wilbur Trltel, Mr. Her- bln. sprtaant-at-arms. A knitting clrcle hert Wller, Mrs. Jehn Walther, Mrs of the frlpnds of the Northeastern He' brew Orphans' Heme has been organized by Miss Sarah It. Telman for the pur pur pur pone of knitting caps, sweaters and slippers for the orphans, who range from two te six yenra of nge. The meetings are held en Thursdp.y eve nings at 7:80 o'clock nt 1728 North Seventh street. Mrs. f.Uyten O. nice, of 3B22 North Twenty-seventh street, announces the engagementef her daughter, Miss Caro Care line Illce, and Mr. Jehn E. Twining, also of this city. Along the Main Line The guests who will attend the lunch eon and bridge party which Mrs. Hemer II. Uerry, of 16 North Sixty-third street, Overbroek. will give this after noon In honor of Mre. William Ward, 3d, of Chester, will be Mrs. Harry H. Adams, Mrs. Allen Barry, Mrs. Stewart Huck. Mrs, Paul Berry, Mrs. Edwin 13. Cullen. Jr., Mrs. Benjamin T. Conwell, Jr.. Mrs. Jeseph Cellins, Mrs. Oscar Cuenther, Mrs. Frederick Oelg, Mrs. II, nriM Whlfu.nll Afn Ujitirv WnnflritfY .W.n-' .tiit.Til.ll, ftt.,(,, , ... ... ..w . ... , Miss Mary Barrett, Mlse Ada Deerlng, Miss Anne Uasten, Mips enstancn de Mesa and Miss Amelia Wilkinson. Mrs. Werd was, before her marriage, a short time age, Miss Marjorle Black, daughter of Mrs. Cresby M. Black, of Chester. Frank ford Miss Florence Burns, of Sellers street, has left for the Seuth, whera she will spend seme lime with her aunt In Sa vannah. Mrs. Frank Wotter, of Wakellng street, will entertain a number of her frltnds at her home tomorrow evening Josephlno Underwood, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chtimplln L. ("nderwoed. whoiie engagement te Mi. Bradford Hit ter has recently been nnneunc d liyvrs Lcainy A quiet wedding tn-eK place en Wednesday nftcrneun at 4 o'clerk In the Nt.rtlimliinter I r""lijterl.'in Church. Thirty-fifth and Mat mi? streets, when Miss Iluth I J Le;un. ilntighler of Mrs Laura M. Leatm, of 21 a Nerh Thirty fifth street, Ijcunine the bllde of Mr. William Bartolett Byers, also et Wjt Philadelphia The Itev. Dr. Jesepli I), C Mackle elllclnted. The bride, win wuh given In marriage by her brothel. Mr Frank A Leamy. were tnuellnrf 1 gi wn if brown chiffon trimmed wltli I fur and geld lace and a onrsnge beiifjliet I of ueul rep Aft'r th" ceremony Mr and Mr.. !irrs left en nn extended ! weddiiiK jeurtiv Tin y will be at henin after I'Vbriii rv I in the Llod (SeefRO 1 Apart, iietiti, H.unllten. Unfarii, Can. NEW liREMODELcO MANAGEMENT HCCJUVEflATEO Gcrntantewn Mr and Mrs. Marcellus E. Mc Dowell, Jr., of 626 Westvlew street, have as their guest during the helldnya Mise Qean I'ulten, of Baltimore. Mrs. Ooerge Clarence Jehnsen, of 30 West Jehnsen street, entertained en Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mlsi MISS GERTRUDE & IIECKSCHER Daughter 'of Mrs. Maurice Hcchnchcr, of Bevmcud Farm, Ncwiewn Square, and Seven teenth and Walnut street, whose marriage te Mr. Alfred A. Diddle, son of Mrs. Arthur Diddle, of 1821 De Laneey place, ivill take place at neon to te morrow at St. Mark's uranee. jir. wiiiium . v,,,.iin m,. Frederick Bally, Mr. Jehn Ewlng, 3d! Knowles will glve for their debutante daughter, Miss Nancy Knewlcs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank (..ranger Ken nedy, of 2013 Snruen street, will entci- Hfr-1 tain nt dinner, followed by u theatre! iTcrmnn I'-'ity, tomorrow evening. Mr. Geerge McNeely, of Helt Hill, .ur. j eiin cerney nnd Mr. Ilnhert mierh. I """ '. ."'" .'". ':'";"-" ".'.'. '.v" ery, Mrs. (Jeorge Stuart Pnttrrsen, I ncr, of New Yerk: Mr. Jehn Ingerhell Var H ,,11KMt- .l: alree,y wlu 4"se Mrs. Jehn Ribbon. Mrs. Jehn S. New- I Mr Montgomery Deaver and MrVrJen. I g' V'ihS Bli'J 'c&tfZ?" n'dv mCMinSh. tlKTO Will IH no COttllntl. UUC htratftml. In lmnni nf ttiAlt ilelM,t.,trt i ,,.,. ... i. uAni-.A .7,-.. n...i ...... . n..l . , ... . ..! ii . ,.i.. ..!.. i mvuuiuihi. i t-uci, ni ii'ii iiu uiviiit" i it i iv umi puip Micro win de u ceininiuee ni ue.vs 10 i uauymcr. .iisa AKncs varnaii. I per which Bhe will km nt tlie Hit.- .A,. Ahni ....l4lllllM MAI... AlMAAlllltf lKltll I l1HHtft CnA1.mB T.--.-. . t Ilarrinw and .Hiiimle Hntflcld. who are ' T ,!'""!! Ij"; G- I?,r,ll,tc" Heberts, of honor of Miss Vemer Petersen, debu-; hnth home from Princeton for the hell- tf" ?'f- VvLCnlJCriMJ,,,,.,nt " U"!10 IauB1,t,f,r ?f MV- ,""1 M.s. Ocerge ,, ,,it i)0 !,, ,.iinrirn nssisted bv . ? .f ..Z . J . penl.n5' Jnnuarj -". I'etersen, will be chnpeinncil by Mr.' iJJ' . mi. ... i.i. .f. ' "f. it'-. ! '" .010,r of. their tilece. Miss Constance and Mrs. Petersen Insttad of Mis. ; rnuiuri i.iuuwu, luun "mi, .mi . ijuiuimi . ueiure 1110 (IBIICO ftlLnilUMfS DOWnlng Ilntfii-ld (Jinimic's jeunger brother), : Clarence '.. Zantzlngcr, of Orecnacre, ! ., ,. . . , .mil (icorse Packard. Chestnut Hill, will glve at the Phlla-1 , Mrs Hobart Hew aim. of Washing- There will be a great miinv dinners "J01"1'1'1 Cricket Club. In honor of tlielr i 9n;, eiitcrtnltiej at luiichoeii i yejtcrday i .i I . i- .11 "'""crJ daughters, MM Sarah C. Zantzlncei' nt t,,rt benw of her mother. Mis. Henry before the c ass. perlmps the largest et mlM M,' Mnrv Vau"-Buckley iant- '"uncle, of Lansdcwn-. In honor of Miss which will be given by Dr. and Mrs. zli.ger, uud their son, Mr. Alfted Z-int-1 Mar-a" Cassard Toegood. daughter of l'errv S. Allen nt the Kltz for their sslnger. ' Mr. and Jim. K.-uest T. Toegood, of daughter, Mary Virginia. There will ,, . , ,, , ,.. " Esmend. Twelfth and Spruce streets, he about scventv-llve cuests. I hear. .;! "-. , ' I,sanQ " -Teanes, of , whose marriage te Mr. T. Bremley Olhcr i who u Lilpi tprtnin r Vr nn -'018 De Laneey place, will shortly Is- Floed, of Ceiinantcwn. will take place Vlri r i nn 'f 1, ,,f J, ' I: ?, l,'vltutle"s, te " dintier-dance en , en Saturday evening. January 13. Mrs. Mrs. (.. , htunit I'attersen. who will Tliuediiy evening, February S. nt the ' Hewland. befere her recent marriage, jive a dinner nt their home for their Hellevue-Stratferd, In honor of Miss was Mlsj Hurrlll Luck, daughter Beatrice: Mr. nnd Mrs. Lllzabeth Morgan, debutante daughter i ,, . T - , t,. ,.. .. . fAaaxi. u'nniu.n., ...t in .,...,! f. of Mr. nnd M i a ii.,i i r " .. .i M ts. J. J-.arl Vagner. Miss Iluth (' their veunger daughter. Eliza INnncv :Mlss 'crner Petersen, debutante duugh- JY??",cr n,ml Mlss ,JIar' A.; "'""r, of j r'li" r" 'i"V.r.?::..' ViZ:.! ?."". iter of Mr. and Mrs C-cercB Pi,tr.n. r.113 He Lanccy place, will sail en the .wrai.,1 n ,i ii yuiimiii. ii ! ici , , . "- carenla rrem Kcw Yerk en Ftbruarv 10 Mr. and Mrs. Penn-tiaxkell Hull, feri Air. and Mrs. C Colket Wilsen of Mary Hare Hall; Mr. Philip Dunn, for ' Wilsen Farm. Paell, will be at home, his nit'iv, Suzanne Wister. Dr. nnd , lnf')""nl ': , -Nw Year's Day from 4 for a stay of several months In Europe. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Dunlap Glauser. f r.l.A...M r, ... n..l .l. - . ! (Irs Tumps Wisler dnnplitnr Air ' 1. " " '"-'"'' '" iii.'fi iuiune am Airs. . .1 V . "V""""xv, "'" ",n,,it'i'' .urs. .lumps uisers (inugnier, Air. , Heggs and Miss M. Ienise Beces of I of tl,elr daughter. Miss Kathryn Dun anil Mrs. Mnrshall Morgan, ill honor , wiisTilngten. D. r. Assisting Ir ? rccVl?. ' 'aP Glauser. te Jlr. Herbert B. Spack Spack ef their daiishler. (j race Price, nnd Mr. j Ing will be Mrs. Andersen Mrs Cor-' man' of 'eatesvllK son of Mr. and Mrs ! .ind Mrs. Sjdnev E. Hutchinson, for nellus I.ane Wells. Mr. r.inh cr.r, Herace B. Sii.icknian. at a dinner nartv I I Kiiincps. Bl'T this deea net complete the "doilies" n? Ilin evnnlnir. The Frl- Mrs. CelPn Colket Wilsen, Jr., nnd Mrs! I preceding the dance which they gave at William Lntta liave been sent out Jr. Ne cauls Dr. William W Keen and Miss Keen of 1320 Spruce street, have Issued ln- rations inr a itceptien nt their heni lay Kvpnlng Dancing Class, which was un.imi I,.... ti.:.. ...!.. ..H.t ...1.11. :.. for:. Mlelitlv riiiiiiBcr crowd than the I'J'J1!!!:.8,',1",5;.".?;!'!.-J.anUi""-v f'0! Sfiliirdny Kiening. will have its Christ- ' v '"'" "'-""-'" Mas meeting at the Eniprgency Aid from j Mrs. Frederick W. Schmidt, of P.nd- S until 10::t0 oMeek. The class I" !"!!,,,J ' '1"!?.rt'1li"'!.1, 1unclrn nmI ." inder the .if AIr Tnlin S n.ntlnce party tomorrow- afternoon In S n v i t i"! i i honor of her daughter. Mls,s Henrietta Npttbelcl. .Mrs. Inincis IL Packard. M. Schmidt. The guests will be members hi", iicnrgp i . x na.vei- anil Airs. ii. . or tlie scnoel sel. 1'riiiten U'lberts, who Is secretnry AirJ. llenry K. Bartow will give a dinner hcfeip tliis class for Margaret :'lid Ann Packard. Dr. nnd Mrs. Frank Pnek.'ird's daughters, and for Mnry Helen Warden, the daughter of Mr. .mil Mrs. Clarence Warden. TX SPITE of the popularity of earn y ciil, baby lamb and all the ether new fur, M'al, sipiirrel nnd beaer still IciM t Iir-t r own. I paw Miss Eleaner Hurt i she is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. William Heward Mart and rnnde li'r debut Inst winter) en Chestnut Hrt wearing n very pretty coat of lienver. Jt was quite long and straight end was most liecnmiiig. With it she ere ii small green felt hat. I 'iw nnnther attractive beaver coat "'ie din- lalelv. tee, Anna Ies was wenr ng it, nnd it was made short and ''en ring i'. and it was made short In 'he new- Nt.l "jacket" effect, and l(.(de.l pfV we.), .v small black velvet (.'it lunched en the brim at the right wil'i ii large poinpen of orange ribbon ""I'lpleteil her costume. Anna is one of our "college debs" 'Ms winter, ou knew. She hnd her "iniiiig-eut ten last spring and new Mies te college, but mines home for the MMiijv nnd n great ninny week-ends. Mip doesn't miss se verv much, nfter H. NANCY WYNNE. Miss Carel P. Smith, daughter of Mrs. L. Heward Weatherly, r,-f .111!) Chestnut street, will entertain at dinner en Friday evening, February 2, In honor of Miss Jey Drew-Bear, debutant, daughter of Mrs. Jesse Drew-Bear, nt 102 Seuth Eighteenth street, before tin dance, which Mr. nod Mrs. Nathaniel the Chester Club en Wednesday eve nlng in Miss Ulnuser's honor. The Buerls nt the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Spackman, Miss Mary Clark, of Pittsburgh: Miss I.ady Jane Tteby, of Annapelis: Miss Elizabeth Hull nnd Miss Anna Joyce, of Swarthmerti ; Mls Knthprlnn Beldlemiui, of Hnrrlsburg ; Miss Eleaner Haley, of Mentelalr; Miss Julia (ieerge, of Elisabeth, X. J.: Miss S'erlia Hughes, Mr. Herbert B. Spack man. Mr. Charles B. Humpton, of Ceatesvllle : Mr. It. Charles Turner, of Brooklyn : Mr. Earl Douglas and Mr. Bruce Douglas, of Terente, Can; Mr. Paul Dettercr, of Pettstcrwn, Pa.; Mr. Itebert P. Bedlnc, of Trenten j Mr Wayne Haley, of Mentelalr. and Mr Edward Hewltt, of Elizabeth. X. J. : Mr W Sproul Ijwls and Mr. James A. Cochrane. Mr. nnd Mrs. Itaymend E. Hublcan, KKSST r. I SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Tim engagement of Miss Olga Llhme I '' Mr ('liiiicnt A Orlscem, 3d, was I iiiin.imeeil yesterday by Mr. nnd Mrs. ', lial Llhme, uf Chicago nnd Watch I "ul. B I , ut a ball given for Miss I 1 I Popular Matren f "jrmrm f Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Established 1837 Becoming Velour Sports Hats Are New Only $1.85 The feimer values were $6.00 nnd $7 00 Among them are hats for women and for children as well. Thev all have smnrt bands of gresgraln ribbon and theso for children b.ue the streamers young sters leve. An attractive winter sports hat at an amazing low' price. PRE-INVENTORY SALES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Final Clearance of Harvard Mills Underwear 20 Off for Friday and Saturday Only Fer these two dnys broken sizes nnd broken styles in our Harvard Mills Vniensuits and 2-picce p;armcnt3 will be marked at 20r'e off the present price. 9 Weel Scarves Reduced, new $4.00 te $8.00 V.'e have reduced all our lovely wool pc.irvpa by .subtracting '.'C-. of the previous low prices. Hcarves of tan. brown, gray and color, which were formerly $5 00 te $10 00 nie new 04.00 te $8.00, Mussed Handkerchiefs at Lew Prices Tk... ,.,. iinnillverchlefH nt all sorts among them, for men. women and children, There nie inexpensive, handkerchiefs even mere i educed In price n number of odd Initialed ones at verv geed llgure-i and neme of our loveliest handkerchiefs at prices which will bring tbuin 1 - within the reach of all. 2 : ; t '?. ' MP' Splendid $1.00 Stationery at 75c a Bex 4 sheets of the bent quality pap.'r n' 1 4S envelopes te n-at -!i. In pink blue, white or gray It comes amac'lvely packed In a l.u-... lilngul box Colored Cotten Petticoats Reduced Colored cotton petticoats which were Jl 25 are new ?5e and these which were $.' On nre ?I.C5. Tlmie is also a collection of mussed nnd muslin uudmv.vir at M'i'J much lowered prices, , i Toilet Goods at Reduced Prices I'll .te liy "A"'. UliW'I.W .1. UOUKUYMl 11 1 nm Lt he .... ,.t ';,. - '' f fUMIIi HI 11 lrimh. I'l" f. ii, ,',...,.,.. i r ! . '.'..''''ii.iic i ciiu, .'ir ll-O M....I I.. Mhi il.itden Toilet nier rn 'Mi Ihnbiiuii'K Tab mil I'.iwdci . Cnty's Tulcuiu I'euiler, L'Orlf ill und 0 ether o.Ieih. Azure.i Kant I'nwder . Coty'.s Tails llxtrnfl In n tasellcd bejc Filer M" Toilet Water IVbece 'Inelh I'n'.te . Lltnya i learn n.-mlar I'llie 51 Ml . I'm! . .S(l . 4 f.n . 1 80 M C'l Our I'rii'K CJ.03 .05 .90 .7.i I.8S 1.50 .35 i4 1 BONWIT TELLERS CD. . OAe Specialty Shep .ofOfwinatiend CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET SATURDAY END-OF-THE-YEAR CLOSING-OUT SALE REGARDLESS OF COST WOMEN'S & MISSES1 HIGH-GRADE APPAREL WOMEN?S DAYTIME & EVENING DRESSES GROUP 118.00 te 27.00 Canten crepes, serpentine crepes, drepstitch Can ten, satin-faced Canten and Reshanara in smart models. Formerly 29.50 te 49.50 GROUP II 29.00 te 37.00 Malelaise, crepe de chine, Reshanara crepe, Canten crepe with lace, crepe Romaine and crepe Renec; fashionable colorings. Formerly 55.00 te 89.50 GROUP III 39.00 te 54.00 Metal cloth and lace combinations, Canten crepe, crepe Renee and satin Canten in daytime and evening models. Formerly 65.00 te 115.00 GROUP IV 56.00 te 159.00 Crepe Elizabeth, silk matelasse, metal lace, chiffon velvet brocades, satin Canten and chiffon in vivid, dark and pastel shades. Formerly 85.00 te 225.00 MISSES DAYTIME & EVENING DRESSES GROUP 125.00 te 35.00 Crepe Renee, matelasse, Peiret twill and satin Canten in charming versions of the mode; fash ionable colorings. Formerly 49.50 te 69.50 GROUP 1139.00 te 47.00 Satin matelasse, Peiret twill, Canten crepe, satin Canten and crepe Renee in a varied selection of chic modes. Formerly 55.00 te 79J50 GROUP III 55.00 te 89.50 Velvets, crepe dc chine, satin Alaska, taffeta, chiffon. Peiret 'twill and Canten crepe in day time and evening models. Formerly 85.00 te 150.00 GROUP IV 16.00 te 32.00 Crepe de chine, satin Canten and Peiret twill in several youthfully smart effects; various colorings in the group. Formerly 29.50 te 49.50 One-of-a-Kind WOMEN'S DRESSES 79.50 te 150.00 Formerly 129.50 te 215.00 Satin crepe, crepe Renee, Scotch tweed, Peiret twill, Juina, chiffon elvet, crepe Romaine, crepe Elizabeth and Remer, beaded chiffon voile. One-of-a-Kind MISSES' DRESSES 75.00 te 150.00 Formerly 129.50 te 210.00 Canten crepe, satin Canten, chiffon velvet, metallic brocade, in styles fascinatingly youthful; the season's leading colors. WOMEN'S 2 & 3 PC. SUITS GROUP 139.00 te 135.00 Twe-Piece Suits trimmed with fine furs. Formerly 75.00 te 225.00 GROUP II '12.00 te 165.00 Three-Piece Suits, with or without fur. Formerly 125.00 te 235.00 GROUP III 37.00 te 79.00 Twe-Piece Tailored Suits without fur. Formerly 65.00 te 125.00 GROUP IV 25.00 te 37.00 Twe-Piece Tailored Suits without fur. Formerly 49.50 te 79.50 GROUP V 1S.00 te 35.00 Twe-Piece Suits, some with fur trimming. Formerly 49.50 te 125.00 Women's Dcpt. : Second Fleer MISSES' 2 & 3 PC. SUITS GROUP 125.00 te 79.50 Twe-Piece Suits, with or without fur. Formerly 39.50 te 135.00 GROUP 11-9.50 te 195.00 Twe- or Three-Piece Suits, fur trimmed. Formerly 85.00 te 295M0 Mines' Dcpl. : Fourth Fleer BLOUSES-REDUCED Costume Over-Blouses Formerly 12.50 te 27.50 -, Handsome Over-Blouses many of them reproductions of imports satin Canten, Georgette, brocades, crepe de chine in fascinating shades ; hand-embroidery, beading and lace effects. First Fleer 8.75 10.00 12.50 15.00 FUR ANIMAL SCARFS Stene Marten Scarfs . . . 39.50 Regularly 53.00 Baum Marten Scarfs . . . 49.50 Regularly (9.S0 Hudsen Bay Sable Scarfs . 69.50 Regularly 95.00 Pointed Fex Scarfs .... 75.00 Regularly 110.00 Fex A nimal Scarfs .... 95.00 Ileige, lllue and Platinum. Px. Seal is Dyed Ceney Fur Dcpl. : FINE FUR COATS 40" French Seal Coats . . 175.00 Skunk cellar and cuj)j, Reg, ','G5,oe 40" Hudsen Seal Coats . . 210.00 Skunk cellar and cuffs. Reg. 295.00 45" bludsen Seal Coats . . 245.00 Skunk cellar and cuffs. Reg. 350.00 Hudsen Seal Medel Ceals 495.00 and 50", contrastingly trimmed. Reg. 750.00 Fifth Fleer Hud, Seal is Dyed Muscat I MORNING- EglORCHESTRA AfTERNOON B$ POPULAR EVENING-BB PRICES Thi Week Sessions Daily EVENIN03 S:30 TO 11 . 75e 10 TO 13 AND 230 TO J GOi CHILDREN UNDER 11 . 2te 4J.M. M Ifcf fj M Kg KIT TMIWKOTBKT 2E.WSkLE t3fyMi&3! CH M VA'e DAILY M.TS 2 15 EVE"? AT 8:15 WATSON SISTERS III t ,10 l 1(1 IIIUhIi n U "STOIXN MS lil T" STEPPE nnd O'NEAL ami r. i.Awr.eit JeriwY 1'i:iiki:s in: kei ii tiiie FIVE KINGS OF SYNCOPATION finil a Illir tli'inn tt Iinlnti is n itli NEXT WEEK "THE MID'JIOHT REVELS" tnd Othfr PTAn ACTS SAM pimnrnT Nihiit c IB Miirn S. SHUBERT MAT. TOMOR. SEATS NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S MAT, NIOHTS AT B 30 ADELPHI MatTomer.t. $1.50 04 PAULINE J ti Cs&VlS ?? (IN PERSON) I V CrVf " GRIPPING 03AMWTIC OlAV 'UAZIAXrf irnl V W Ji ha LYRIC NI0HT3 AT 8 15 SHARP POP. MAT. TODAY ceram VMK Jtwwysioec S.TEMB2 WITH ORiClNfl V CA5T oepcnwxTW ML'UKE SlHI lU'lll'S OWN Ml SIC ITOHV St HI l'1-l'l -. iV v "O'fWfg fflFORREST&M, POPULAR MAT TODAY BEST srATSS? Paul WMttm,in's Cafe dc Paris Orchestra Rn-! Cellerltnn of New Becutiet GARRICK -nFTrb':j-0A-T Mat. Monday. Best Seats $5: Br Authers of "Merer. of the" WITH HELEN EUAYES "Banquet ccns lnir?nplr funny " r Lil RTJOAF) MATINEE SATURDAY LJLKJfL NlOIir" AT 3 15 neERT MANTELI. and GENEVJEVE HAMPER "",,'E?rrA"FN-rLASsir plays TONIGHT IVIACBTK ST. M1T R05.EO A'D J?L'ET SAl .MUtti. JULIU3 CAEAP. .'.aru.t '. VAUDEVILLE S ar.l-T enl 3SK Wm. r.UJicll THE CR'.SADi-RS cS WA1 iVl'IT LAST MATINEE Y? rtljl U I TOMORROW LAST 2 NIGHTS A? 3 CO PAULINE LORD in Euncne O'Ne 1' i Wefnrilay ANNA CHRISTIE W!th OEOROE HARION FT.ANK b.IANNON Ncit Week, Mat New Year's Diy, Sects New THE MONsSTER By Crane Wilbur Most Mystcr. u Thr 1'ip.u T.jr tine Liih- Pin Tr 'V fT , Mil v-J I .m &3teSi 8V$&mz r '.V'vVW., i fcf . .rr' .fJii i Tiesimir Slle !i-'cry! Tlu1 now new noss iin;l liiiL'ijSe that thar actciT'PR W i ii k e 1 r. a n footwear i- an ei" lan i inK fi'JfiU' in nar hn-i i-y. In ported Diamond Meck and Plaid Kffccts $fM W 5 Our Hosiery Depart ment Is Just Inside the Doer Winkelman Style in QteWy Fet urur 1130 Chestnut Street at Twelfth JHr-Minn imhui . i pij'n. t Anifflr) ymr7ZmL mm SJKSSP bjiSiR!'--;' NINETEENTH & MATIKETi 11 A. M. te 11 r. M. s IN riRST NATIOHAL ATTRAOTIO "OLIVER TWSST" J1Y CHAREES DIOKENS . NEXT i NEW YEAR'S! WEEK THOMAS METOHAN IN ' BACK HOME AND BROKE" Extra Miclnifflit Performance NEW YEAR'S EVE &jw smMWNi I0TH AND MARKET 11:30. 1'30. 3i30. 5:30, 7:30. 0:St mmm amm C'mMlltn tHWWhl Paxameuat Production WWEM Plctur. scusmmD was m FLOvreii NntAJ Ynll',r Fvp Mldntclit Shew new i car e lvc R0jrV9d sta ALDiE 10TH AND CHESTNUT 11 TO 11 fcOe TIFUNS WUMbll EXCITEMENT ! THRILLS ! ADVENTURE ! DESPERATE LOVE! NEW YEAR'S EVE $gwI0HT a ' fi- nl'J'.N 0: ?fSTf'l A. M. TO HIIOAIi AND (HEHTNT'T CONSTANCE TALMADGE "EAST IS WEST" ?-.Swr. Buster Keaten ffJSJ.,te NEXT WEEK A Picture of Rare Merit DANGEROUS DRAMA OF SUPERIOR QUALITY New Year's Eve Midnight Performance 12TH tc IIARKET 10 A. M. te 11 16 P. M. PALACE GLORIA SWANSON "The Impossible Mra. Bcllcw" Nt. Wk Wallace RUrt "THIRTY DAYS" New Year's Eve Midnight Performance ARCADIA lClh and Cheitnut 10 A, M. te 11 U P M. Katherise MacDonald S.. Nt. Wk V.-ilUce Held. "THIRTY DAYS" New Year's Eve Midnight Performance VICTORIA OTH & MARKET t) A M te 11 15 P. II. LONCKANEY JtiKn NEXT WEE' 'SrCIETS C PARIS" Nfw Year'j Ev; Midnight Performance 8TH & MARKET 10 A, K. TO 11 le P M. CAPITOL P.ODOLPH VALENTINO "??,?.. NEXT V.Tr"-MO"VA T'MADOE i-. I'ER 0LY WAY New Year'i Eve Midnight Performance ji sii-rit avd MARKET 11 TO U GLOBE Brinfc the Whole Fnmily te Sae Our Yuletid- Vaudeville Bill NEW YEAR'S EVE PTgfOTf&E rE'TRvm prAT new en ale sOABYA " ' 8 30-3 r m. , 'iV.nJTtfiJ .AUDEVILLE ,irM?AI" WORTD (-; PION UJJ-L. W0?!AN SWIMMER VAE MURRAY 3r,'?(??r":AY ALLEGKFNYlyj?Jrfc Dorethy Dalten, Jack Helt "ON Till: IIKJH SKAti" V rOi"l ' W T-r -ei fTT T y CROSS KEYS "STOLEN SWEETS" IWTH T.'mjrET V- .' 7 ' 11 T&0 LR0AD ST. THEATRE Hrlidair Event ' ' i i'il i r'ntiiiiii KcilTnl r.i- ftr C. l-rr ' v Ch '.'ren 7HIS AFTERNOON AT 2.15 "'.) r 'rim J ivenil Extr-vninjA Ce. IN I l.l .Ml. i I i I IAl!t TI.AY "SLEEPING BEAUTY" epp Th" Dan" t Di.-i DiIU. T'.d Parada JLC' f T n S HI.m Hai.carian Billet Th! i i 1 V 1 C JIB T'-1,"H ftO ;l!0 New nt Thentrs Alt i ROi'OLiTAiN "? NOW .rtAT. DAILY FOR LADIt'a ONLY r.tmK.I. few LI HI'S THEATRE AUNT JEMIMA Jee R.vT, , vtAt;. C,,b Reheat TOM SMITH Mr i " Diir ml Ac Ce j Jen. m. nr.d MISS LEIT2F.L In An An Ml Frna" S'fw V .t , T 'v 1 JO 4 -je a p, w DUMONT'S "T t-sV'- EMMET WELCH Minstrclt MATINEE E' ERY DAY THIS WEEK T0Y3 FOP. THE OHir DRPN aa Sat. mmm ym P?Vr; ' THAT GIRL PAfsV A i ' s ' ' ' " I A I ' 4 nie f'h... PHILADELPHIA! '.".Tomer . UKLalUlKA,,,",";'' ..ii-rnw CASINO l"l I'lanht 8lb ,,i v- T4a JEAN BEDINI'S F Chuckles of 1923 J1 i A. l i'l J m i It HIUMIIC1-U lit ;.. ,l,t it, L Chelsea 'iirrg" -'-sfN - SX&X..W ,1.Ai!Sai3 ,. K rtiivSSi.rt iv lTROCADEROV.Su'Ti:?i.M n wr