Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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cvnuH ii. k. cruris, i-rcbibcit
Jehn 0. ilJrtln. Vice ITesMettt nn.1 Treasurer.
Chtrle A. Tiler Keeretne rhnrle H. I.uillns
$?nV.,iVl'p..P -'lllf". .'elm It William, tleergis
r. Oelilntnltii. UnMil B. Hmlicy. lreetrs,
ruvin b HMit.rv. ." .T, ".ntnr
JOHN' C. MAUTIN'.., Oenernl Hulna M.inascr
l'ubltahei! dnUy nt PciiMe LirxiKti llulUln2
Inilcr'nilonce Htiu.ue. I'Mlii.telphlA.
Ati.antw Cut Presn-rttOi WUMlrc
J.v 011K :i(U MmllMin Av,
niTuniT Tin I'erl Dm. life
hT. l.et'l 01.1 Ulobe-Drmec'i't U'jl.'lu g
Cutcoe mej Trllv .. llallJItis
snvi jj"ni:fs:
ritiitr,T s Utitr.i' ,
.. j' '''! I'l-tui"!'. .nila Ai nn.l 111..
J.MV IIIHK IH nilU- TtlO ' llUI. Ic f
LeM"N nt i.ii mru'iBur nuiiiitii
ffuscninieN tuums
Tin n rsiNO I'ttttre ici.np;' n nrviM V uli
mrtreri In I'lillmleli'hla n.1 surieun.ll'ii; tvi'i
t the ta of t.n (la) cents tfr "i-ck. eiyu' ,n
te th., I'.irrier.
Ily ms.ll te peltiti nv.tljj of PMlnIrlrhl i In
thn In tn.I states, 1'itiAila. or I nil-I Sin', i i. i. i.
rosnlenn. iiostnge free, njty (.10) itnta per month.
hx (til) lillur rr jmi, tMVAtlc In a.ivnr
Te all fereisrn reuntrlt re (t dnlljr n nu.m"
NuTli r Sutlrl ulflng aiUrp cl tngcJ
must s M n wi..' ai rev ail Iren,
BELL. 3i0l Vt't.N( T
K:YTnr. mmn iei
Zrrjdlm r, ! cvinM'n.(.-ni.v . r '
1,'ilW'' ' I'l' J" "ll-MT V).'rr I'll HI. O1' t.
Mr 111 her of the Assncintiil Prexs
7;r .i.sAi'i-Mr;.n vri.sx - .; i
titled f' ''" I" .'O' lilrfb.lllfi I)' ." (rii
iHi!ifrlir? cp'iI !'.l M v "f efir-. ii rM-itiiirf
(ri 1)1(1 jiij r. (i ii( ..hi thf ,'eivi i. 1, , '.(i, !;,(
ftOKirt X'J e)i(J "' pu ) : it'dnt vf MiccdiJ
1lva rlic" ).i'in err n.'vm .t trvJ
rhiUddpini, 1'iJj.', Dftcmiir :, 1?::
TXDICATIOXS of the Ls of iw -wv-
Ice fet'tna'.l trnir.i' he.-" for l'js e
net I'Oir.i' u .1 ai'pit'.'.
Til' 1 I'm.'.1 1,.' I'Siti.tI' J .li- .!. ' .C"
In n t.t-i ,-i :. .'ciTu- .'Vfl'.nin "i" -.ii .'
spectiiru'as'v stajjffi n:ir i. v'n'.i'.v.-.'..
Per many reason.--, ;;,:ie;i!'' : " .lvnv
With alliV'i'.-r. the X.'AV i'..W uWeU'l
Franklin 1'itKl for nu.i.t-rei !. r.-., tlm
most oliMeui of whuli '- it aci'csaih.lity
te A:ina)eli'. Equn!';. i-esjent at' Wes.
Point arfrunients ta 'n-.ialf if New Yerk,
reasoning which bi '' n.vs itTectr. 0 this
year under the tern.- tin- atr.oemcr.t
'whereby the Army :'.- ir.titli'd te miki
the choice, subject, .'.' 1 vj:.r., j the ap
proval of thn -upioiuitfi'.iJe--J cf b th
Sturic of t-Me tiu: ar.u viefitet'i'ii.u
practiced hure dur.!. t.u- Anny-Xavy-(jnmc
week '.a.t niri.tr :.. I r.e be taken
tee erieu?!y as fiiiii'ii'.k :he cftoiei an
nounced by Colonel Ke"nbi, head ; the
West Point Athleti 1 ..nr.ii.tt'.e. With
out doubt .1 fe'v rrievi. etfeii'se.- ag.ili.st
civic hospitality wt-ve ceninutten. bit
that Xcv Yerk or nry he metmp..
tan community cni ' .y .-"t-jliy ciam f f
eneraticn en this i-eure iin hard'. '
conceded by impartia". critic. S'mpliti S'mpliti
catien cr the transports. or. prv.b'.eir. .'ii
assuredly r. prime facto.- cjr.tvl'mc tr.y
West Point decision.
The bid of ether . -n-'. 11. .ties- .'01 t .i
pame introduces a n-w element ir".' con cen con
pideratier.. Within the 'ast few years
there has been an est -r.er ilnaiy increase
of preat athletic tuenns t'.-.riv.Kiieut i.ie
United States. Baltiirtre new bua-t of
a fine stadium, for which r. trer.'.r plea
for recocrnitien i: entered. Claims by
ether citi"- with few fac.htie? for ac ac ac
commedat':! major Kriuirer, contest-, are
certain te be registered.
A new obligation thus ret? -re!;
Philadelphiur.s a-i potential hust. The
treejrranhieal anvantaee "f thi.- city ii.
lternate years 13 tte.it: b-it, evt.-n a.-:de
from moral and e'hical amnitie, tb.e e
ere signal practical rpae:.- ".-hy t! .- ".--cidentai
favor should ret tie ;e'ir.v . ..
MAX HEERBOHM ha- .i.dei .t.i
character.stic irei: : ' 'he .- iii.e.
but evanescent pass.er. f -udirji R..3
sJan which swept thr".:eh Great Br tai"
at the epenir.gr of the Wjrld War. Th.
craze subsided and Ergli'h nui .v
women reiumed the old, h'ir. ' ::
practice of relyiii; Lper. the S'a'. I. re re
seurcefulneis m for ip;r. teruc aD 11
prep in a brar.-'h e: ir.teinnt.rr.a! ..oir ..eir ..oir
inunicatiens. In reluctance te trUK;: w.ti. the
apeech of ether people", avcraifr Anier
lcans are even m ru cit-sely v'nt. d t"
Britons than b;. tie of bloe". IVr'-.e :s
sought, b'lt by no .v.edr.' -uv- ."-'!'. .n
The Xatiur."- iia'i.i.r a-t. .:.. .
modern lanjruaes and .itera'Ju- ii ". .".
session .t Philadelphia ::i- V"e'r..
Ceuraceiius attempt tu . T" " "" -least
te modify, tl.f interna... :.a. i... '.
are 1111 'er di.-.'Js.-! n. American" w.ti
a scintilla of "erld '.i'-cn v.-. "-i-i; '.'. .--e
valiant exptn- 'til. The r ae : ! !
inenumeiual, but th-1 Ijp1".' : ;trr :.n
it are c en m re fo.,,..'lae.' .
It was the "...' 'ie' Xat ns
which a cevn.a' t of " n.ut.i. '"ill -! l-,-htandini
was devi-t.. u: I't" :: it'll
Xobedy seems t kr.e- why th.i wa :..t
literally anatel ,S'-...i'tv et' the X-i-t
ions." Hut t'.e term ' leacrie" a : -stituted,
with th rr.ir'.y aiiiu-ir.t.- eor.i eer.i
(juenie that ',seci. t;." "as suppose te
imply al t-.e ".Irt'ie vi." . the r'r.g'i'
title faiit 1 te -jts'is.
Tht sm'.i- of p-a' .lakr l' .1.' ' '
puistic a '...t.' ii-eper'.." i.v vilujieM. I' ) he
earri t si ,!a - r.'iv. n ef.1.7 !" -c la'.!.
fhe jti". .'.- ' .'. lig .tt-nr.z ' i';" ''''
tien ci-e.ly ii'iii'licart C'l by a vifV..
of tongue .
pROSE'Tl"!! W(i.VERTU."S -.--
cm')!;- ,e 'i -.w i .. .' '-
ellice of .-'.ati I'"' i.'t. F. C n '
Direct :'. X. v .1.- ..; ;'.
hmil.J- ' 1..' . . n. ;'. nr : ,,.
. rent 1 I.'.jji t '.t t l'; i.,i , ,;
lit'jitra, .: aeat'"' .1 Wii-1. :..' ..; rr.w.
th'1 niesi n.ir fir en'"'.i me; t 1 .oral
'.unsii't' 'a be n i'-'.., Ki ! b, a r--viveti
11 ii"reiinrn! iute. ' ''iteir'i
tienal'.iii, and that tne "dry" prublen i
about win ! it wai bf-fei'.
Mi. Wuvi'i'nii a k-n1-'. ;n :.u. M
huieil. Il' i an b'e man, with a j." -at
deal of ipii'u.'p in the iiilV i't bu.-i-nesj
of law etiforeenieiu. Sonater Edye
and Seii'iter I'p'Iliijvhuysci had urjjed
him te lu'cejit the job. lie declined te
accept, with the bruad intimation that
enforcement, with the limited facilities
provided by Congre and the open an
tagenism of the police and local efl'.chtls
in many parts of the State, in next te
If ether men were as candid ns Mr.
Wolverton the Velstead law might ulti
mately become a real enforceable statute.
It is largely because some conRpicueut
representatives of the enforcement divi
sion delude themselves and the public
that violation of the "dry" laws is easy
and relatively safe. When Congress i
ready te admit that n handful of agents
ear net enforce the statute it may thiJ 11
"a; te make enforcement possible.
Menry Set Aside for Hiffh-Rpecd Lines
Under the Old Program Must He
Freed for Ie L'nder the Xcw
Tl" SEEM;: te be aieed that the hijrh
- sj eed traiiii". plan- nppieved by the
etii.-' be-: ti'i.y iuthe:''ed the 5-ue of
oeiin-. te 1 ait, tnem out tii'.i-; be
1.. liiiu'i.
If tr.t:- are UHi.UlU"1, it will be neces
sary te t(.si:t''i the vote aiitherir.inp th
lean, beca-e that lean was made f.'
specific transit liiu-p. and the money can
be sptiit for no ether line..
The demand et live lepreruiitatiw
bu-inp-.. ri;ani7iiti(in3 that the Mayer
avd tre Ptvi'er vi City Transit nv! I'll
)!aj ' ' Tt !:' 1 yinpary aurce i-t .. n'W
-i 'ar i' ea-t d or. a ,:ii'.':ii','. '
l "li't.' x "1 i t'Ol'ti.
T' 1 .. . 1-- i' 1 .ii-.- l :,ir.' c '"'.
or tin ..r- ii i . li. were app' e'
le the j .( .p-.y'i or c,i;ht ea:v ap
I:, the : i... ".t"a,.i the L'ciu.vare Kivev
HrldfsV ha- ' t v started, thn deve'e; men1,
:' the intirfi'i.nt has disclosed the ne.'d
( better t.T -!t facilities and the iiper.-iiiL'-
A luv. c.-.idence di-t'letr lias put
them i". eoir'.-e'ltieii vith thi- elder dir-trit-
for fa.-' car e-v:ce.
What .' .-:' till pveatev i'npertaixe. '.'.
is new admitted that the whole transit
yte:n must be 1 pointed as a unit it' .'t is
te eerve ti'e yt-yplj ucr.uniieally.
This met.'5 that t'.e r.ew plan- .v.a.t
In made in ceii'iiltatiun with tin man
ui'T"" e th'- Rapid Trar-'.' Company. ;.
the h.isitv.-- i.rtranizat'.ni:- r.re suttgest
'nj'. The l.iii--",epd lire- t. 1st w built
a'.uifT r iUf: '.i re thiy can b3 i"ii by
'e -biWi i virt'ae tines ai.d 'hera popu
lation 1- ircri.aiiijr with u:h ipeea i
" .'.'-tify '.. 'mltisiei: tliat i. w"!
ithin a i'tv year. '.varrr.r.t th' evpe: .ii
tui" of 'Hm'.i'j te jrive it udeq-i.ttt
::ai.ci: i':.."!it:.-.
B'l. if e i'ay 'udjiP i'r j t . c
per.ei .e e; me vast, ke plans .ur. ee
mad" t! r.'. "v i' net ee faulty btfen they
car e a: ie-'. "u: 111 their entirety. I
seem-. i'."n. t' he tr.e j av; of wi-dem te
make pian- 'ibject m rwisii'V. as cr- ,
vunist.iivis ay dictati. Tlie existing I
p'an- were treupht t 'a j d "-h-n
t y wet iirr'. te . Ne new plan- car. be
who..y ex, v.'.ea vit'.un .- 0 " tei. yea..,
a;. it 1.0 ei.t "e".' " t'.i anv ier c ;
certainty .v'.'.at cone-.tio-.-- wi"; be the".
Thereto e. u-h"n lepi.-lative authetit
i.- obtained f. r lveci'.uiit.i: the v it" by
' hith ti.e trartit leans ''eje autherircd,
ai rur.cemer.t eupht 'e ii nia'te
wnich the ift-.d- of tit T.p.nsit I).pat.-nier.-
should br 'eft frue t" apter:i r.
" tiansr. f..!i: f.'O.n rinii te tirr.e r."
c : -a.-tan may leu'iav. if tnis :
: .e-ardc: a- expedie:. th-". it wui'i
'.e : ii-.i.:" nuthonxafen 1"' "."ai
fiem tnn t time ac ea'h ext. -:n :'
the bih--peeil iins is projeitvu.
If tne pteparatUin m' r.ew eliu - s es
nlenft while b-pr'slative authc . ty te rrte
the trat.- :'';... from th reftrictitiis
:. v ".ti..jr or then: 1- cired the city
.'. 1!'. be if. a ui'litiin t" make i(r.!act
f, : e' "eik a.- Junii a- uct.ement 1 an
c "la.'' - . 1 i '.' fir"' i.'c:h-:'.itf ! 'i"
t. ifi-.It.
rIMMOXV ar ' the utlier ergai.irer.' of
iu K!u' Kiun have never mai.
an, "'cre' ' their eifeits te ei.ti-t er.
r-ir.-- th" v.-mbri! ,.f fraterra. eniti
already in pxi.-ter.c-. Klar.iiner. hn'-c
v.rked ecrtnne in futile t'Yert- t. en-iu-
:.f pre '..scp e' -ei.ie of th" km ttst
,"ier 1 r 'e :eal '.'. Xe "i'tp :i.i' e tr.'-y
ha'J an j siiice--.
A. M. Btitle.', cfiaiul n.a--.- . :' :iie
Peiin?;. ."ai. a i.-rand Len- 1 Mn-e'ih,
has tiutl" bar.ne'i thi- Kt-ix ai.d, in do de
ia"'nt; tha " r;id Ma-e" -nil havi
mi m i r-..' i". or be uiiil.atcd wire !.
oeileii eJt.a'V"," he ha set ai a.i.'.ilrabip
ixa.Tp I'-arle'S of f-i.tr-vnal erdfrs
t,"-: fa'1."
Th" KIux ' 11 have tht eui i-na that v
,,...prve-. It na? b"en -r.unni i by a.,
'a r-rnir.dcd and se'-f-rpappetini; 'dterr.i-t..--.
And fe it -H,jlf. r, .
'"UHE Bearl of Trustees of tr.e L'niver
- -i.y tf Pu '.svl'.ar.a ha- utsj ed the
'. .(r .f a v'a:. r. wli.. .1 v siM-n
I ulpalT.' as-urai. .; '..' ti," li'tr-t- of
Jes ' H. T-rr.i".i!- ic r i e.'' n-t of
; 1 iiVii".
Dr. ' l r. ..en hi? aV.i. 'a..tt.y .'unit-1
t. : ami: 'ab'r rtpp.iir.tmei'.. F'tir.n the
'ry.i.u' ?' u-(-n of ' atehf'il and, as it
proved, ".r..i-. a.lir waiting for Gen-i-al
Woetl, J). Pcnr.'rrar.'- eeui..pf .lness,
iiis m..utei." of n.ar.y i.irHculf 'i-fb'eni.
.i'i his ai'.i'niitrar vi- cHpa. ::. 1. thf
iir..thPi.i 'tli' hv )Pn teste., ir. a
11'. s 1 ,,," -t-.-.m mat ! d 1" ,T.e r. ' rd f
Ameri . : . !- .
Ti ' .irrnnati'-n '' tce prc.'.x "u t.r.jr"
fiem h.s t.tle mean rather an
iicvL'ssier of Ihi.re's tnun an inereahp of
new dutie-. The obligations of an ex
1 ,utive Mie 1 empetentl;, a spurred by
1. .111 during the interregnum.
The tlivisien of autl erity ufJW'i J by
the trust-os hi their c catien m ":e efflct
of jiieS'iU'.' in adoitien te that " prov
ost retireieiit' a neparture ir . aniza
ti u net unlikely te exeit a stin. ilntir.,
effect upon university direction through
out the country.
Qualities smacking of the superhuman
are suggested by the conception of an
executive trained te cope with the exact
ing demnnds of tlnancial issues tit a mod
ern university and nt the same time en-y
dewed with hiplUy speeinlized vision in
scholastic matter. The trustees are new
engaged in meeting a practical problem
in a realistic and soberly constructive
It is earnestly te be hoped that their
search for n president or chief executive
officer te head the business mnnnKement
of the institution will be as obviously
auspicious ns their selection of Dr. Per.
niman for academic Kadeiship.
There is, Invever, one conspicuous iv
tue in this app influent which it may in i
be easy te parallel. Dr. Pennimnn is
distinctively n Pennsylvania product; a
graduate who returned te his alma muter
for a career of service, exemplified both
by his achievements ns n teacher of Enp
li.sh literature and by his response te
executive obligations in a career e
s.imh ni!vnnrnliv;it..
His e'.evatien te the hier'tc-t academi.' '
pi -j 'ten !: the gift of the trustees is !
yt'at'fnn' indication of the forces et
nredti ' p "ohilien m the University
and e idmce of its capacity for deriving
its inspiration from within. It is. vitality
of this l.i'v! which bears the stamp cf
authentic preere?s in treat institutions
of higher learning.
S'tudents of Pennsylvania, its faculty,
.criadaatts anil fi lends aie warranted in
ha'lr'tr w'tli satisfaction the action of
t tiu-tt.es a- tl'.i- Memise t :' a new tr;:
1 :' tic e'.ipi.ip"' .
TilL" principle of the bill approved b
the State T.-acners" Associate n
regulating the tenti'-e of teachers is
The bill, which the Legislatute will l.
asked te pass this winttr, provides in
brief ti.iu a teacher who ha.- sewed three
years ir one school shall theieafter
servi. du'int." gfed behavior.
f". '.vr the iie-cnt practice in a large
part of tv Slate, if net in .'. eiy Coiu Ceiu
munit , th tea.' In-:- ,-erve i.tercly from
yj.ii ta year and may be drepr- 1 with
out ar'Mr.c. Ir the country district?
they .'ir.- fri'i.if .tly eiiipleyeti from term
te tern ar ' thf'.v t.nuvc is subject te
the p'er.-'u'i of th-. local '.choel ee.'imi'.-
That thi re ; ;' law te protect th
teachei ? 'vaa p'-evd a .'. inr or two age ,
v'tt n th" I.iinenstT Sclinel Beanl 1
divppp'' sr.Mial leach'-rs at the end 1 ' 1
the scl.e"! year be-niise tie tLachers hmi 1
beii .uilty f'- ui'n.i.k' a tcnciier' unier.
The t3che"- ''n.-istee, that they co:.!
nr.c tit iieppn. .". any mk.i ay, 1 ,t
theii .ei'tt;.;i ins .core . pjeeien by th.
.Statt Mire inteiuient of Pub ,c Instruc- ;
f'en. !. 'it they apiJialed. Dr. Fine- j
sran ..i'r. that under 'he law they were '
h:re 1 'rei.. ; ta: te year, and that if at
t:.- '. ' '1' a year they weie net re- ,
t::gag"i '.: '.-n' r.e claim aga'iiit the
Scheel Beaid
The 'v.ie'.le sche-'. ti.Jcheis are askinir
for the -anie kind of 1 "otejtien given te
the jreu-s . - '.; nil t tf the coilegee. i
A rev jinfessjr i- '.sjp.1!" hired for a
vea1' et two ri'. p.obatien. Then if lie 1
make-- get"! he rt"-' se 'eng n he con- j
tir.u.' te .' his w ": etfic.e.'itly, and doc-' 1
t.i t have te live in certit.ua! fear that j
'. ".'ill net V K-trnaged at 1" clee of
-he scl'.oe yt a: .
'I he diadv,uitcgts if !.e public school '
practice are ti i-tvatnd right here in j
Philadelphia. . b;ie the .Superintendent J
of S.'hoels is a-suied of a tenure of eflice 1
for only a year. His independence and j
his initiative suffer, whereas if he were ,
lertair. (f ''''.dine office for. ay. five
-eiiT" at b.-at. he coule make plans ir.
.or.iie.etce that f weu.d be ab'- te carry .
tnem out. j
The bill which tne Tea. hers' Associa
tion ha dratted may net be perfect in j
all i's detaiis, but it is aimed 11 1 the cor
rection of n leny-stftiic.ir.g abuie which '
,',,..:(.;' '.he atte"tien of the I.tgisla- I
Tin. ( i'.iI ("ii ntiy t" (
I'.vMiirf x-p ti' 1 b 11 r 1 i 11 a
no:.:' t'nl hiji-!) k-t '
...at .fe' .tieni" ) 1 pi -t 'ii 11 iHi(iiiii'il
...aiint-r At ,-ua a ; ' ntiili-i.tl.. ,
j.it'l.r' 1 tan 1 te- iH;uta friic "inni:- 1
.11 a brav fui' f.' lit " Wl. -UeO'l
iiij it, ii.i'iii"..' .. .-i-ii i.n xi .t.-.
j ru. -' 11.." likr 1 , vi!..' '.'.Iiv':
It Ii . ill "M'il ' f fil
'Vail llcaiim; . 1. . .it one. t!,:tt
;) ,i. m.iritln." 1 .
ter '.it- t'ec'is- 1 1 I.i v tee. waicli 1.1 1'
'11 N"'.'- V'irk 1 1' erh.T .ir . breii (bipl'diu-'!.
A 1 ..' e., .. :.ld l.er 1uu1.se 5 .1.1. f te
h etiihntr. W! rr - , i!d f.'cji'ni. Mif-ij-iir
,r Mj. It. ' t.u'h done fc wh
an !r.fi'l"i.t
Disijuti'i ire. Pert
inpath Kitliur, ' 1 r. f . "ili ,f
t xe Ir.1li.1t1s 'Vveurwl
!.y i",u...nl.p.l 'v .'.fin This i.nd f..t fni t thnt
i-arnh nenil.iti'tlt i" fl'iriiis in tliu n.-ws
icrvt; te jUfctlf;- rtfrer.ce te dr. 0.1J sterr. ;
.sotr.fbei1" once told lif-r t an Piifm .' 1
d(uriHj by wolves in SilnTii ; nnd Snrnh
halt!. "Peer tli.nssl WLf a Valf',l tl.i'ef '
J"'Jtl(t' ' . lh' In- !"
l'.nst'.ii flit I its. ji r
I p tic Date .iiferv i.!, hiiiek- ;iip''
l.nitrummniBS hi. 1 .trr' them, tvliPi. 1
no' !i. ' ir: th-t bitr.ils
of tit.r hnn for nil te m-h StrniiKf, is it (
i.d' Vhn Kraiidmr.ii. ma was jeung litr 1
KrArinr.ieti.i'r Fmel.cd u pljie New jtrnnti- j
muRiina still plays nt bptni: young nntl it 1
.s hi- ftrAmMiumritfr who firieVt-s n plpf. j
(irnn linmnrr..i if n' ifrp, n (Ireiiei J
l, ,-r. . '-te 1 Ipes.
Ai-vvii. - ''i.dii.eftni. '
I reuble tiwi lies ,1. Mt"-iiiiit,i- j
in Milni 1. 111 "l(ur.. 1' '",'is there j
Ai.i.'.i mil' Eie wp-i- j
Ii.ji 1. ill tr.C" ill' "s 1. ronten w !.y the'. 1
ii(mli' bt permitted te live In pence. We I
mn tlniik of ninny t'''f"l ihbens why pMij I,. 1
sii.i'il I be penult tr-d in live in peuee. hut !
tltif. does net upptni te be one of tneir j
Ad1111 nnd Vac, ns m reoellt-rt it, wer
urde'ed t" i'f e"' 'Hi. I loe-tle, ,'
1 '. ' upon ,1 t.i,,,, it '
I'antblt .11. sv.erl nnutl.er f, r
l) Whilf the -nv '
, iiftuiiii. ti ' ,t..r fcn.tl te tn it fliTur. I
"Vt .1: "i ""ie P.r t'tf, " ffn -v! I Mm
liny il.c rift:'" AViX, I den t just i.n.,.t ,
t,Ut " "N 't'lllIK 'lelliS I'd J'lNl 11- 1-11110
net rjet the eigl.t ,1- net uet the lifty "
Vi'li ncrliiips explains whv Kmnre is ui.r
entl.usinr.tle ever nin suifgeHteil iiirer'niimi nl
lommlsslen te metr,nt In the matter t
fierniaa reparations
New Thnt Hadgets Hetc Iteenme the
Thing, Plcadern Must Present the
Duty of Civing us .Interestingly
as Old-Timprs Prrsented the
Sentiment of (living
TEN years into eveiy one weip by the
wok' "evpeif." inf n mtw tliev meat
by tlie word "lillilser," Mini twiltl re.ll
M re tlli'.v lniitln t! " wie'il "sii'rinlil" tin
duty for ti sikiiiie! for nil rei ) te .iieei'si.
Wlie'i "lmi(pt" I 1- iti"feil ten. one won wen
tiers .-linl will be In word that ie-tb'd il
inle olilhfen.
A let of people ulm are vrl:!ns n'nl over
working ilitj wertl 'iiiducl tndnv are litnlini.
flint milking a bnileet. for all the argument
in Its fnver nntl there me none worth con cen
sidcrine net in ifi fnver for nil tlmt rati
be said for It as n sv-tetn fur flie llnnnee end
of erKniil7iitiinis, tines nut de inure tliun
.'Uilieiuiie liew niticli nei'il" te lie spent. It
ci'iinif eelleet niniiey. nr make money nor
' erv Mieit's-fullj b,ij. Iiiiii'nv, or -tenl nietie. .
In i't t.i liudji't as a ineiii'j gitter itiMilvi'.
.nisi ni. miti'li fffett nc tin old win of qirnil
Itig tli -1 inn) alliij fm the itietii , -if't"
nrtt. All . 'lniitliieple- i-i'd te I e 11111 en
the ilebt-paMig pin in til d 1110-1 rellKletis
"tie-' Inn a text for Ihnt tnrtlied :
"The Lord will provide. " tiitl tlic. And
vtitlniilt t'llite ailinlttitiK' it tltey rnllier fu
rore 1 the rnveni as 11 svinlml of their
"lii'iile in:-tliiciie.s," tK-i'im-e the rateiis
hntl fid Elijah, wiie. whntfM'r It' did or did
net de in tliN vale of tear-, certainly dM
net fiii.'inee hitn-elf en flie budget Mrtein.
VtH.Mnv nntl men wim n-eul I Imve -feineil
' t ' 1 'ii in 11 1 ::i for M't-t'i-f'' .- wiib "e
i.'iie.. in st'li' tn t,,i it i-ji-i t,i tii., , ". niiij
i'iili .up th.'ir lins' Itnii ti-fi 'I .(' t nntl
,!-.!,. -is ;i. .ifiMird- in" il-i. ,n!il . Mi't! tlii
ami' I'.icl; tn tl.e nubile te I' ' 'lie deb's
Se tlin institutions net enlv i.miI en the
I.- 'ir.e of the coming vear, b'll way bevend
tl'c -inn of the incenie of the prrredlng ve;:r.
And twe-tlilrd of 'lie dlsetis-iet". of Ivvrt!
lni'i'titiKs weie 'einernlnc tlie in irrr due
alii! overdue en hilln for feed, lone sinee
I'tniMitned, and nlient snlaries leiiit e-enhi".
In fii-t. evrdue alnries were rnfl 1 : rlie
epi'eteil eoiditlen tot vverliers emt Ic-ed in
I'iiibf ihiejiii' and relK-inns itistitntin-,-. in-t
n- sii-ill -nl.itii.. wine tlie nile. It tm nskeil
tl.e iii.iiitet prep fur vitir work nnd tii.etnl
i- I'lMininiv. Mm tvi'ie sitiiiisril ti-' 1 . 'iiiim
-;i-t I'll- vi'lf.ut of the iiistit'.:'
jnii -erpi!.
Till, iniai'tg of -.(lerf- into ; 'e .t 'ropy
v 11- 1111 nil-round e!'i'.2c f-r tee ' .;rii :
iiie'.t'ir liiiri-rt.!. retie and lfim'tt t.:i 'lit
iitt'iii,;el t,i Tim I..- tl'- iittnn-ti!..'.- ! lie
l;'ild lliei't'Pi!- Iiv iisiiri-iuc nl! l!.' e ler
liltir teelmli'.il repe-t- Aieeny tlie-e ( I -it --f-r
1 lie li.'fli.f the tl-e "f r'n- budgcf ,i i .-
I thin'., -e fnr fli '.e-t.
'1'ln , -ft :i tliil.niit -taini.iiil in !' !'-
pint- . 1 r -a. .'.-it,, iiml nin nt IV ! . ;.
i.aike np ( l! et'; i- fi't .it u he-p', ! 1
icli'.'leii- et pii.i'.''ihi ,il in-titiifie'i. '.n-t
wlicn t!'e I'li'iietl 1 ii ii nli'.i of .nt.i.j r-
aterpn-e r - 'ni-un. ' h.'i-!-." ttlini tliv
nii'itiit tt.i- i.-nltis the in.il.e' price Hi :.'
ii'.'iii:-: v j inr wl.it vtnj tifnniid el m nr
!'i-!..is- phi p. And liny iirtw-I tins; t l-.-v
. ii'tld te e'-t ;i- iiiteri-teil in r In i r we:: i
l;it;, v. pr- ".peetlril. te I pilie n't t!ie no :i
'..i.'.h il e.v initltlv let it lie -ipriii-nl Kin
,t diil ., ,; f jitter tilifji thev were ijiitl.
01" Ciil'KSIl. wild rld clrniLV :n polite
there hnl e be .01 n thins p-isli--tnni Jul for
In' lirst ! i';ii'i 11. ei'h m the lunik, .trtl
here laid t" Ie ;i lei I, iilie:n nt 'it pri-t unlf
e ,m ir te risjr- tl linry at'.l etin p i-nd
nl' tile iii-t.t'i'ie". fe that tlntsp p.u'uitfi
ni'lld I.- 11- it ill inntie 11- the liim.ii'lil- of
brinks i , their ullife fore-'.
Tins -I itself entailed nn elli. - hidae',
rei.jii'tl by t!:e twii-iner or ihe titciine
I I .iniii.itt" in fKlvniiiv. And gnid 'nPv tin
id"ii if :i u'-'.ei.'il liiiUpt revrrinR a. I i'ptii-tlitur-s
of the r.e'ir li:rtli m . hetter -1.;, nil
tlie iienr-fuiuie p)i('iiiliiiiies -e'.r'ii Lv a
irtp.n n tu-il iiietinu., .e pit nt.- the
tep: tir't inr a few plnlnntlirdpies. 'fpn for
eit.c li'irehes. then for me.- phlltin
t'.ri p.. -, ,ind new for the people , .iiietiS
-- '...- Mati .
IMiTICK ini.t Dr. R.i.j, it. -pi.ii,,!, ,
tlie IiikIkcIs nuii) -enie .' the nepiirt
lili'lils ,,f tlie Mat- have si:t;i.-ip, ;i i,. ( 1,;,,,
their rt'ipiii. men's fur the eeinirv "iir. litis
i nllei! them "wild tiishe.s" of tne depart-11.er.t-
llc'm; 1111 expert, tttnl :t m mi.st nt
tl nt, I e 1. -it .ml! lias short -hriit fu'' an J
i.'.nd th.T deei net tit into ;l.e p..tt'i, 1
Krmii" of .lh i"in v. Hit ne v.. mi I 01 vt,.! '
te ret eli-rt that these l.ien win i.pi-ae te
b" willini; te 1 tin thi' State en "u 1! ) u .-lip--"
weie liei'li-temeil, tithlll it i'ev. te;.r-',
te i niii.iig their e!:nri''tbb lnstiti"in!iR nntl
tl.ii- 1 hnri'h"s en "wild withes," mtniy of
v 1'ie't Mi-he- came true, thanks tu n bid bid
en' 1" public who hntl grown act .n temed in I
1! ' nr.me of 1 'llgiiui ami chnriu t- imy up .
limrlifuBi's that setlle "Hliuply ti'isfirig"
1 ier or deiii en or trustee had r.ia op ler 1
t'.' (,'Oi'd of the enil-i'. ,
In -hi rt, rhe'.icli we are rjuii Lly arniriB
tut et? 'he pre'jrraiu of the "wild vishps"
'.ti we !.nc lieeii ted up Wl.l, liii.-l or'
1 ji philinthiepic lives, it Is Mil! hard for
si.iui- m. 11 ' te dii-sei i'lte 1110111 1 .nil h
1: jte-eral p ib'.e. whether !r th t. rri of
'.lies or of 1 nlli'i't.ens or of tin-- e- if jn w
Mat-, fr.e.i ti e (.'en-nil eaU'Ker . f ' " jt n . ,"
it "ra ill's fend " a sort of 1 il brent!
thill It W. 'lid be impious te lliui' ,'iv cvpcPt-
,:i(; ie-s than "u can use.
PPAUKNTIA'. tee, the wen! Midget"
'Pins te ii.iinv eheerfjl spin., rt te ten-
vet a w.it -I' cetting money w well n- a
plu'i fir -(.eiidiiu i.ieney.
I think that m vlnie the pipnpie. that
.ire unl'.iiitlv tryli g e ineiler'ilze their
ri.nntcs nnd l.e up the l.ist lei-n,i.sK
i.ith -. of the prespii' are "up iigntnst it"
with '.' - riiii't' nr.il f.le of the.r ineniheru.'
Tl.e (Aper's 1 iilculate whnt the In dget sl.eiili
be. biHf-d in l!i"t jeni'S llice'iie and thi.s
m'iii's needs nisi, bn-i'd en an nennse of
interest in t.ie.H" nfeds bj the . "nuregntien,
liased en an t tpcctntlen that the inlnlstpr
will Ic 11. ere interesting about thd.i Then
riitci - m parinur down nnd tome nilditn; en
tl'- detni's 01 tne budget are ns'ieii um
and tlie budget i nnneunced and i acreptet
It the i oiigregatleii, te the ey'in', thut is,
of te one .le.j mere tlinn talliiiiK ngnuiht
it a- ei.e tt ei'd talk ngnint ' wenrher,
tilth i. n . '. f '' cignig IL '
VT 11 1 cptinc a budget does r- m.-,. the
tienef . tin !"! the eiltinj ',nt tu
ani'i'ipntpii. .Infct "s much money I .-.h te be
rn.sed as In lb" "Id dajs. Only new -i has
1 be raise. I before It Is spent, which is
hone-ter b .' no -e urgent In its itipei.l te
men and wittier habituated te think batk
ward and id forward in their idlgieiis
gift- In fn-t. the ' hui-ch Is going through
.. inlel.H ditlieillf font- or five tc-t ,,f lt,
iii.d ile-erf- t'n observant sympath-. of etpn
11, ere onlookers
SleW'.J b'.t R'irelj Uie npe.' U.npppltl
nrftt. 1. nskii g for something pic nesi,iii. ns
n-i exira. nn.l C'ttlrig it benir-f 1." tnlk
well, is being tllsce irnged from l.i- ., i.e. time
fnr fern'.s at 'he expeiifx' of the tegular
budget it-mK
Slewlv bi.t hur.'lv the geneienit giver te
extrm is being disciplined into being n
steadv gier te neipwltles.
I5ut it is n hard discipline for thuie who
njejed liniing their feelings well stirred
before their generous Impulse ren.'ted f js
hard en t! e knowing ones wim ih harrow
i.iiint 0,11 of folks' peel.ets a. rasy ns
fliitling ler a jiet plnn tint lh. ir .'are of
tltc l.ndRi't iii ti e siiiiill te ii,.!i.. other
wise. ,...
Thru be.'da is p'is-iiig. J ! mm nova neva
dhVh who mil help the chill'' ii l. -t in the
new reg me are I lie men who it, put the
duty of giving with as much ferier mid in
terest ns the ether -ort used 'te put the sen
flnieti' ' '
... ,' JBSW-T.
- 1 . .v c- ... - ,
Dail Talks With Thinking Pliiladvlphians en Subject They
kneiv Best
On riaing .Meney ter the Housewife
TI' THI! leiisewivpi et Pliilnili iplun netild
Cp' the t'-ill iiltlP for the uiene.T tliev
spend in pil!cllll-e at st iu-. e-pi't'i.lllv In
feed, tin v -'lenld iilwnjs piirtiin-i l. 11
luieun iiuintit. nnd Iiml out trim the
dealer ixnctl liev much in weight or me.'i--lire
il.-.v me tfpttint; and the pine per
petirnl, ipinii 01 eth'-r unit, "us .J.i.epli
.T. Iiil . chief of the Iiiiienil of Weights
and .Menspri'.- of 'lie ('.unity (''iiiiii.is-i.i'i.r-'
"We .".. triina ...ir In T t. 1 lilf.'ite the
p'lblie te de tins, thlilK
"bit i- i- -..il i.lw ay
it di'.ib'i -nvs "i'lint w
cinmp'e ' 1 cuHtemer
Mr. Kel'..
ellt. Will 11
I', i-esi M.i.'.i.' ter
sliinilil lellise
l.eeept til
linler ie!
-;tti meat r.nd insi-t thnt
mip'Iv hew Intnl. the -
llllW Ill'lfll the pliee i
' 1 r
ipcert.s ant
neurid or oilier unit. We lollew up .ill
eon. plaints .'.hen thev are made te us,
bill if th" eenipl.tiiiiiiit cannot tell ih Imw
miiei. wi.s purchased and hew 'nneh per
unit ..'ii' paid, we are helpless If v
kiie,- these i",e thing', then wt . m t.ine
rid 'ei in ca-e if eveichnrg. or nnil-i -weight.
KmiiiiIiiIii'. Scales anil Alea-utrs
"Our bun .111 was erentnl .11 Pall nnd 1'
is our tint t. make pel null.' 1 111111nntiens
of nil scale-. .' ights, inta-'i't- .iinl ether
'.inpli'iiieiils ..'. in sel'tii'v t in' publi '.
Af'er I'Miiiiinnl..'" the npp.iim 1- 1- -lanip-d
with our seal shot-, in' t'nni n '- 1 . t . We
have slt in-tui'ter- wmhing t!1 the time
at 'Ills' jeh, Mii'li includes n il scales,
weights and measures, but gii-nli'i- pumps,
of which ill.'.- 111.' betwieti sunn .,u, ji),.
nnd in the (in. and Miiieiis .ii'n' appara
tus Used Hi -il'inj,.
"If we v.! 'hat n sra!e, n-r .r .. .ir.ee, i,,
tilt of iiii'-i but can 1" "ep.iii il, we tie
it up until - leli lepair me mail'. A pel -
mlt lllll't 1. SePllletl 1 I'i '111 I.- befnie ti
Kpnin 1 .i'i 1 done and ihm ihe si ale is
re-examined te -en t'm.t it , 1. cnraie. If
it is found '0 be iiupiMHlbl" te put the
scale in working condition we oninvme
it. The -ml. s arc then bi'ehm iji w:lh
a linuuner and s-id for old 1 i.'tul. Ihe .1,1. -euinte
nunsii's , an binned. All tli- nr!;
is done under the siipervisi .n ..) an elhc-r
of our buieail, se t lint the publ 1 is pro
tected against the further um- ,.f iriic
euiate appnrnltin.
"The purpose of the buitn'i is te protect
(lie huyni against Iiitentiena) or nnintpn nnintpn
tietuil everehrnge or nhertnge -f im iu. We
Issue a pnmplilet of Hiigge-tien- n- 1.. Inly
ing, which also contains 11 cop of the law
relating te these things and whkh any
housewife enn get from us.
'1 lie Purrliaslng Sipud
"Our liuienit also has what we mil a
'puri'linsiiig "rniiid.' which visits -teres
which we have rensen te mspct are net
denllng fnirlj with tneir is'eii.i ru. A
wuaiiin will go in find make purchase, ,.
ting the slip showing the weight nnd amount
per pound charged. Then one 01 em m,pci -ten
enters iiie store with tin p'nd.is,,
t hleh Is immediately rcweibet( ,,n ,,. ..,,,!
iienle. If there Iiiih been 11 ti eiciehm
a fliertnge of weight, we take miien agnimi
the denier or, If It is Hriiitiiuh ii'unti. ii'unti.
liennl, wn have the s'liles Hxed.
"If the ease is sufllciently ilagumt ..t
warrant prosepiitien we de th's through
Hie Ontrnl Magistrate's fmnt nn.! nuih- it
nt public ,as we. can. Th.s is n nunc .ftec.
live plnn 01 procedure than Hln.ph te hnv.
a line linpesitl. as thelnw mi iles mattir
is net M'tj drtislie. Ver this lm-en it 1.
impermril ler us te knew just tm itineut l
ptirclmsid itrnl p price per unit ihaige.l.
(Itlierwisi'. we cannot de much when ( ,,,,.
plaints are brought te our ntieiiiinn
It.iiiiI In (looting Prlus
"The iiitentleiiall) dishonest dealer today
has the best nnd most accurate scales tlmt
ineiiev can buy. He knows that ihey will he
examined often nntl thnt inn sin uu,. jM
weiglit 01 inaepuriiP..' in the r.ppiuiHiH n
1, liiirueidaleh detected I rami p,,,n
pi nit bed in the ti!etlng of ih- pu..IM of t he
coiiiineditj and net in the -ii,.i i,,K,. ,,f , ,!,,
"There lire new pet marl s., many short
weights as there were leriuer!, nmi .
elder methods have pieitj much gene IMn ,,f
prnctbe. Among thfi-e were Ihe imtilng
t,f n-oeden dlshi's soaked Iu writer in the
c;le ostensibly tn held tle rommedltj,
1922 , ' If
- 4
V' J.
- M 1-
sV ,v . I W
b.o'ei.. 1 lie article was weilnd. There were
il-.. hi 'e- nliicli cuiitaincil en r le'iiteen
eiiiiie- w Ii 1, wen sold f.u m pnun I
"Put there is little et this new. The
P'Hin I tie tndnv lull-t held sixteen full
ounce, iniisidc of the weiglit of 1 lit eon een
t iiiiei it-elt, and it tistinlly does this. The
old piuctice of w inpping meats 111 four 01
live wuippingi of paper and selling the
paper nt incut piices i.s new 1 eiierally
oltseletp. nmi we helicM" that the werl; of our
biiic.iu lia- had ,1 gieat ileal 10 de with thi thi
icfei III.
Keeping Cnii-it.'iutly at It
"I!ur w-e liaic re !,. ej nstnnth en the
job. Then. I- nothing -),., menhir nbeut
'la- Wiiil;. i,u ',. dl-iinnest dealer is cel ' In;;
-low! bin -iiielj te knew rbni - ener
of lalir lie will !,. delei ted mid til" illten
1101111I -Inn 1 v.-i nrlit i- geiuir out of eNlMcnee.
A- 1 -aid. I he fraud in imw pi.tctleeil bv th"
ile.iler giimg the total cost f the piircha-e,
nntl th" hi,, scblein linews ead!y hew
iinieh per p.uiiiil sin- 1- paIng for wlint she
gets or whether ,,r nni there hu- been a
nn kt 1 or a dime adileil in t ht total price.
"'I lie hnii-ekccp-rs can de much te pre-
rut 1 nen s,.w - against tins if iliev w"'l fnl.
w the plan I hate iirjcd of l.i'mu in.- tl...
pr'. per pound and the c,iet amount which
the e.'ili. -hews, for the scale i n-unllv
iiiriu '.
"e nl.,, test ha .-rales nnd. for thnt
luaii-r, eiy iiiiumedity which is sold b
weigir, inea-iiT, or nunnrical (emit. The
'aw -I ihe State prtsiribm that thi- is the
lii.i'itiu ri wim h iM'itiiuK shlil be sold,
I'llll III- filmier ll,l thuds of bllvlm. .....
half I
'I apple-, hu. mnv net enlv
MlCe, but 1- iliecnl MS well
" mit
Dealers Willing (e Ce-operate
"1 1 " is nor n gnat denl of Ititm inttttl
ilisii.'. it. The l.eui-i dealer Is willing te
co-op. . at,, will, us in ccuijni; the lights of
Mis iiis' iii-is, he, nils,. 11 ji t i,;,. uliimate
il(,,il""'- le se, and tli di-liene-t one
Knew 1 hm he will be (.right sediipi- or latt r.
' "'''iu al-e te-ts milk lieitbs. nod
I ther
- 'l hi.' a inn win a 11 m considered tlmt
He nlieit! ''ji i.iin (nut ,.r m. 1....
n,i, 10 , t. 1 .. -
... - ..-..' ... !, -hi ii,iiiiiii-
i"im i'M'i-1 tciif. enr. i.e. vrn
leim n 1. .,f '...tiles which were -heii nnd
we s(i . ,, i.,,,.1; )n ,,, ...,, l(.,i. j,, this
dire ai..,, , f.,,,,,,1 ,llt (hl, nmnnf,,,.,,,,,
wire win n.' in in-,. ,1t,, nnd immedintth
supplied 1 1 m.., f t, n,4,lt s(,
"We ;,., . sfiiiilnrdi.e tlie methods of
selling ..11 cummin,, .,, ,. hoiispkeeper
'!" ::.a.'"';,m ..' '''l ' demnrtdl.u:
"". . "i inis wn ir.imls will
be ileleit.it -., ,1 punMicd.
Measuring Ceal
"The p
t'er nt ii'e.i-iiriiig
('.',11 is
ler nftct tn
weight enn
tlie lift i
nnd side..
., , , . j
lli'llM'l 1
U'CKPII 011I ieiik1.1v. If
""laiigular witii l,.t,. !,(,
11- r.uieitiit nr ,..,. it 1 t.
,.,.,.. , , ,, . , '" ' I'llll I h
maj be 1. ut'IU .lsc,.,.:,.lll bj ineiisuriii
'beexa.t !,,,,, , ,, wMt,, , ,.? , f
liens,,. .,, Tll1 ,(.u,, a , ,,,',,,
Uiei.MII.' Its .'.p,l, . . M1J0 lmil" "
,,, 'TJri::::;"::.:.:'!,''''''" !'''. "idtbnf
l. 1, ,',""'"" e "t tne depth ,, I
ie cea
in ii "' "- HI" II II lliel ,,f 1 ul,e f,
t of 1 i;i
III Ml- '.'HI t Utiplj ,,
weight ..I ih, 1, , r ,,!,;
result mi 1 p.. mm,!,,,. f
K'NIlIt by tlie
' feet nnd the
pounds of renl
111 ii"' ii u. in
eiL'lltu .11 . .e .. , .
ppre.il.ie f.et ferl-.,.Uh..,,. !i IH f, . ""
. et I
... d
e ,,
I- In
, nis-i nut as the
"""Ph'int If cenl shertngel
' ,l'" l,,"'' mm be , 1
a re
t O II
of I In
. -I '
11. M
1 1, 11. 1 ., .... 1 11 1 1 i '
. ,""i ' IH 'l Hie
, ,. " 'i 'lie weig ,r
web' il. .,":""""! wl'"" "'i 1-
welght licit,, i,,,,,!,, ,(, fI
te in 1 ill A
nlslieil te ,
weight ,,f til(i
ilellMUfd "
1 I lllltslll" .ill... ..
',", , -'""iiik tlie net
,'""1 'l.'Uia.l in h.'lie he,,,,
'- Me'n.sehie, t ,,.
'"" '""', ''"ltd licit
he.i.efnr.l, -M.rt ,,,.,,
Will be p ..',,.r,,,i , ,
"lllllel, Ii,,,.,. ,, , ,(
l'ies.ii., n,, , ,, ,.. ,,
.1 llllse
Ins ,1
1. .I.. 1
of I"
II l.'e
hut ,'
'I I Her b,
. i'i 1 il.
' , II . " " l"'""- ,'1"""
",l11;" ' "na. in,, I,,,,
I' '""l snr a aiiul ,ni,.,,k,'
ee mole 1 If, , ., ,,- ,1... .
r 1. he
"III t it
weie incilinir nlet '" '"!'
"H'eet, M n t'elghborHeodt' ,,,','" " "" "'"
v''V tf'
Perlinps Hergdel) is returning te Jein
.i. 1.-.. ft... r.-i.... ' 1
(Or 1U IMtiA I'Vlilll
Hats will be off te (invernnr Parker II
he miilies the Klatismen tnlte their musks el.
The eldest cat In the country nan iml
died in Hillings, M.mt. MuM hove litti I
rill nine.
The "lurp of Ureiulwii " u titer-
begotten, "tnge-nurstiii nnd. ne "asptct,
Sometimes the suspicion ferret itw'il
upon us ttial Hnrnli Is le-s a prophet lit
piempier ttian nn anticinutnr.
There lt no very strong expoctntiei
thnt any great number of nutotueblle bandit! I
will make geed .New ur resolutions.
Preach astronomer say there are k'i
and female stiiis. A clever attempt, per
l.ap1', te make a trentisp en astrennmy I
real competitor ler popularity with the 6(1
iiem 1,
Xe, Murium. We de net believe till
ei cars 11 woman gives her hushniitl nt Clir'itb
ma- help te make him swenr off snvklrM
nt Xew Vim'-. He cnu alwas give Ibeal
Aleiiiit Vet 11011, X. Y., lieis have b'd
sentented by a local court te stnv nwjt
from the mevim ler a enrV Doesn't th.i
come under the head of cruel nnd unti''i!
The Irish Vree Stnle is ic Jein tbl
League of .Nations. Kvidenlh ilie r.e'
j slime the fear of seine in the ( ni'ei! Stnte'l
that l'liglimd with her bix uites i.eml
new: 1 will iletninate.
, If detectives Investigating the Hal!'
1 Mills intsterv nfn! the ileteetit es itivpstiiat-
ing the Wall Stieet explosion mysttry xy' I
te swap clues the, might neliie.. an entire.?
! new variety et iieii-tmcci s
Dr. f'enwell .n , thnt of the 101
lnemy kings Auienca has produce., !"
Minn 1 percent ncpureil wealth dislinneiitlj:
nut It is, of cniirse, under-toei! thnt bw
leggern tire excluded from the lis'
Whnt De Yeu Knew?
Tn vi lift t imp 0f (,'ern -11 v
t'. Wh., was the fourth Ihiipeiur f Jter.e'
,1 What ocean Is known .is th Wvstert
1. cca 11 .
1 Wlltit W.ts tlie llrst iiint,, it I'.'iatftir?
.'1 Wil.tt iil)-h tb. sierenlli An.f tnlmfnt U I
ilit? Constitution of tan t'nlt-il Staid I
IUOM.lt '
.. T.',.. ..... ... .
- .,11. is- i3 tue .ueiuinri iwver
7. Who s the prem-iit Gov er nor of Pcr'.l
ItlLO .
C ll,,v t .l..u v- , .... TIT
n. , 11, nuri oil- nieiiier Cl .il,'UI-li ' I
. Who lepiesents Ainerlcan Interests l
the llepitr itlens t'onimissien1'
m. nni King or i.riciiiiui was murjcrcu
th- Tower of Londen"
Answer's te Yesterday's Quiz
1 Te" first reeiciiit en tn tlie Cnbintt f'
It 1 .rlt-nt Ilnnl mr was tint of wn
ttf, .... f.., ,t,.. ,.ttne. i.t l.ntm.t.fl
'lenrrrl. lie wan succeedet by HUM
Werl. ,.
'. T . T.innra Itivir In one it the V)
iiinnebcs of tliu Yuken 1 Centra
Alaska. ThttJew n of I'nlrbanKs, ner:
ern terminus or tne tieMTnineni 1
w.tv, ih en in.' i.innna j
f HerodetUH is tamed its tlie 'Fatlitr f
IliHterv ' (kl
4 I.'idwlp If. King- of Haiarm. ) "
pstten or lllrh.inl Wagner
... I .111 . . ..,. ... -I. ...I All
,1 oettrow iifeu ih nuty-p- 'r"i,- :.
r, f'J.uidu Mem t was a Ii udei 1 f 'he Fre.
mpr csieiiisui' scli'iel of n.i'ntlr.C ,'.
wlep'il In tbe Mklb BP..ni anil III
.1 . f .1.. i- .. etitrt Hi
llTilULTI 111 llll' IMSsl H"
i Iiik and has uUfiitiru l ' a'e
.. ..!... 1.. .....
7. Apin, in l.evtr AuhtHa, v.ib l'18,",
of n vii Uir BftJntMl bv th" MCm
1 .,..f.l..a .., . .1,,. l-,..,ifli urtil.T etr.
leeii llelillpltlle en Jlnv 21 nnil '.'1
Ikihi 'Pie oen'Mtt I.s .line known
tne it. u ue or I'.ssung . 1,
s 'it. IllFeiLimi'iiiii is. the itnine S"'?..
tl- Itallnn uprlsInK for itwlerpeija"
.ml nnt'etiul unit in t'' nlnetw1
-lllttll , .,,
.: iiiii i, .. 1" ...iin en r T Ol ..
, Tl ...III. ,, , , ,-. ,,",, .... , ,,..-,
1 f th. II .01 nt I ' '' "S,
l.li II . Mil. 11 Is PS a'e'l.''1".
.. Hen 11, senli r b -inisi 1 ' ,,1
11 wi. fennctlv l.li'M'u "'IJ'ijr
'en at, ,. old Pr e ' 'i. 0 " '"
I IOIe It S till !(,. Ol I I fe-1'''' it!
1" I'.lSKIIl." IS .1 t . lit I ..lH'llg l"ll
,1,. r. 1. ..nl ...u i.nsM.iireri w .cl. M
if JRni
m m atB jl "
3?BuJfc1tr"-""," "
1 i-rej tu tin recurrence, or -'"
.111 art Ida
. - - . ..itiur.1.