Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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    Hm-HJJHH - -r-rv i
'wf . i. ... , vf'1' -wwnw vdxiw ttMffiwa
- , .,. yrj isyrywggtgsr
.jUi Imim iilili' iia.i ViUx
jfi&PK1 Tnr. ncMircn
Mostly cloudy foment unci Saturday
with slowly rising temperature. Lew
Ml (enlgnt aueui ;iu iir .- uegrers
tkmi'KKAtuhk at r.A( u net
krTefli2iTT27 i as mil mn I
i i I
VOL. IX. NO. 91
Entered ns Second-Lin..! Mattel nt the retnmr -it ruilaclelehU! P.
Under tb Act of March 8. 18T0
I-ubll.hed Dully Exetpt Bun-lay Pb',7lp,1'X.rrrnm!,in """ b' ""
Cepyrlsht, 1022. by Public Kdctr Company.
Recommends Humane Treatment for Convicts With Mere Attention te Health and Welfare
ii j"i h i - w .; & . --j- i ' i '.i i r-y n- i' hi & a
"ll . l I , 'y
Kp I !! ' 1 lit -.-, I V 1
l-J OT .. MlAaiMIMA I I . 1.
t1 i
iii mr cases Iir lit M; . : a.1
Ask Anether Physician Be Em
ployed te Give Mere Time
te Health of Men
Would Abolish Dark Cells if
They Are Believed "Cruel
and Unusual"
Helme8burg Exposure
Brings Quick Results
Quirk notion followed exposure by
this newspnper of conditions nt the
Helmcsburg County Prison, ns
shown by the following chronology :
DECEMBER 2 rirst nrticle
outlines abuses nt tlie prison.
DECEMBER 4 Dark-cell sys
tem described.
DECEMBER R Exposure of
methods by whlcli welfare workers
were deceived, including description
of sumptuous meals served te keep
ers. DECEMBER C Proof produced
thnt Judges mid probation officers,
were acquainted with brutal treat
ment of prisoners.
DECEMBEB 7 Ceuncllmim Ro Re
per demnndn in Council investiga
tion by Benrd of Judges. Uc-olu-tlen
calling for Inquiry adopted.
DECEMBEU 8 Judge Audenrled
orders Grand Jury te Investigate.
DECEMBEB 0 Other Common
Plens Court Judges urge changes te
make rules mere humane.
DECEMBEU 11 Grand Jury
begins questioning of witnesses.
Baldv, State Commissioner of Pub
lic Welfare, instructs prison officials
te correct nbuses by January 1 and
orders cle.m-up in all county ails in
DECEMBER 20 Grand Jury
files presentment, making recom
mendations for improvements nt
Helniesburg and Mejnmcnsing.
Mere humane treutment for in
tiates 'of the Philadelphia County
prisons was recommended today by
the Grand Jury. It reported, how
ever, that it found no actual cruelty
cither at Moyamensing or Holmcs Helmcs
burg prison.
More palatable feed, employment,
excrcise nnd the privilege of smek
ing nnd chewing tobacco were urged
bv the Grand Jury net only as n
means of adding te the contentment
of the inmates, but for reducing un
ruliness which requires punishment.
The investigation of the two
county prisons was ordered as a
result of disclosures in this news
paper, the Grand Jury report bear
ing out accounts of unsatisfactory
trentment accorded convicts.
The Grand Jury found that "net suf suf
ielent cam is given te the welfare of
lie prisoners." It suggested that two
Physicians Instead of one he employed
'e leek after the health of the jailed
Mn nnd women,
More Workshops Needed
Only half the inmates at Ilelmcsburg
te emulejed, the Grand Jury btated,
iltheugh there Is enough space, te pro pre
ide mere workshops, thereby prevent
ing Idle prisoners from breeding ever
heir plight.
During 1021, the report continued,
even convicts were kept In dark cells
lur periods net exceeding twenty-four
hours, whlle this year five inmates wen
e punished, principally for lighting oi ei
ler breaking prison equipment.
The Grand Jury noted thnt some
persons may regard the uee of daik
'Ula ns uniibual nnd cruel. If that be
'rue, the report added, then the dark
ella should be abolished.
The report referred te the act of 1017
OJtherlillL tirisnn fnrlnn titul vvnfv
"hops, and said thnt the carrying out of
tbatp lece of legislation might uupieie
P'idiic Institutions, we beg te submit
"j" louewing ns our report, it.:
'In I'lirtheiance of their special
w."..""! -ran.l Jury .met en eigui
us ijtuntlen. . .....-. . . . rs amount te .ni,iMti.utni a month, ftie ,"" '"i" i i,".. ,Vi , " , ,. ,, ",, '. ',,! ' , ""ll"1"1 "" '"""., """'""s"1 i mininus mere uian the i.egis'nture m ueieriiune new- miicu c.ertnany could
, Acceiapanjlng the report were about FIRE DAMAGES CELLAR Ameri, - JX'S- M J u ! ZZ 'M ; rT ' POr "" ' l ,h "M r "'"' nt ' '""1 " ' ' "Pn..len.. or sem.
IS&Wtf"" lte Threaten,ng"B.axe oNerth Fra.er " ' " " ' ''" lf'
., ' rT , , Stre6t Hxt.nau.shed by F.rcmen STORM MOVES NORTHEAST JXXZ ,Afe,Wn WX ' X .rlV't:,,. an',' tea'chs' :;,;:, . si "-'; t ance of an expert unem-
'In accordance with the d root charge ,-,,. wns ,1 seovered in the cellar of , stM Dspayed Aen ,dj was en the premises. The struct 11, r... initie is des,' i!,,., ns sen. us ' iM "'V "'" '"" coal m their wirds. m the has) . at ,,,,.-,.,,1 ,.,j..ted, he cil commission with a broader scept,
f Judge Charles . Audeuried. he . ,I0I1U. f Hum Ural, l'-'li! North , Warnlnps s im uispiayea Along (ru . purin tl r ikbIi tl Be m the "n,,t "" -l""l'l''t be atn .eal in 'said. we,,;. ,..tnl ?"0 iiitci.tien , . ..
having Bummeued the Grand .lurj ,, KinIl.r treet, early this morning. Atlantic Coast limns who were passing were wmn led latter l" wi ti 1 u broken r an Mr """ " ,h" ',rw'" '"" . "As l'-eeusl, stated," mh.I the'1"" n,t rtMllt "euhl bp ,0 ,aakc tb
nlSeWbe? )8, i102?' t0 'IT'T , T. Before 11. emen from L.ig lne I enipatn ( Bj,,nB((1, Dec. 20,-(B5 A. P I The windows of trau.cars mse wme and kicked her about the head and hedv !'" " ' " fcS" l'" n et, ll Auditor (leneral. "I hau- censerM.tUe- people of this count rj see "hat Presl-
1 m , nnd he having explained te the Ne- ,i arried and 1 nt " el" lt The storm that has been sweeping broken, but no passenger was hurt. before she finalh succeeded in heal in: heiv ,,llM ,n 'he people of the citv. It y estunated the revcim-, of th.. Cem- ,,,.. nr,ni ,,,,,, , . ,
"embers of the Grand Jury their dutj threatened te destroy the house. Middle and North Atlantic coast . ... T " limeff m"unK,ls their busin.-s 'e g, t the coal te the menwealth for the appropriation period ,lcnt n"r,IIB l'"eticlly told them In
r,,i""""i; TV-" T, , (iowrner-edoot t.oerge S. Sller has Several stations tie hurenit said, i "A ' .".'" .7 "', rM ", '' ' '""' " bv a posse, di.rlne which he was shot I '" tl" te th" fact that coal nrtiwiu in ' continuation M-hoels and eth t nubile "l""' "'"" i-"-i view Uit
'or taking testimony and hea.,1 lu all ;' ',, r.de,i.'k M. P. Pcarse, of repe.te.l a wind velocity of .sixty mile, v f, "J ly ,,pi" IV!"1.! "."'V1" ; " ,h, '"R ''' sl",rlfr """ ' "", u'""'l" ''"lcr.sl te (ensumes s, lie! agencies Mixhhiimhi This I "the question of L'urepean debts te the
fenthuifU en I'll.. riTr, (JhiimiTuu Motiiehoii. fe.iner Assistant I tilted an hour Ileavv snowfall in : pmtlens k "!' " "8UI' ",eK "N" Peeling Is high here and fanners ' within a few hours. That is as it , amount, as it new develops, in s0 far1 , , . ----
Suies IMstrlcl Alliuiiej, as his private of N,.w l.iiglund and New erk also ' fietn all parts of the ceuntrv swarmed "'wld '' s It refers te the provi-lens of the I emnium en I use rue.. Column Twu
WM M UMIKIMJ IOU 111:1.17 I'KR- wcrclarj. He is new engagtd in tjiellvas icperlul ."" ' UJci'? "' i 'lifn an Think of Wriilnr """ ""' ,nw" rm for iiiinndiate "If the Htuitieu woie renllv as bad IMmunds Act. was net fei .1 two vcar I TF ,n wir akp ieniiv.i ... .,.
-Jaf'W'iriJK.SS r pJlSlpracticef law In Newark. Uaevv having fallen at Portland, Me. i , t ViiUHn.. I funislunent of the Negro. teu(lmitU v, Tttu t,uuTn-bU' Cemlnuttl en Vm tu,uwu - ' W!?ad.Wi
! "LJZ?L 'SIT 001!' SHOUTS
r v
Clirlstmas sleds were christened today when this bunch of resy-cheehed boys gathered at Geerge's Hill, Fair
mount Park
Munmoter, Storm-Tossed Off
Cape May Coast, Wirelesses
She Is Safe
The first real snowstorm of the win-
-rt.T !. T1KIT..1.1..1.I.. ?--
ii i vim til in l ui UK i vi iii iu uii it iDiij'
mile gale thnt swept out te sen and!
buffeted vessels ever a wide radius. "
At 0 o'clock this morning the Ship-
'ping Beard steamer Munmoter, from
Xfw Yerk te Neifnlk, Hashed distress'
signals by radio, saying she was water-
legged and listing te starboard eighty
'miles southeast of Cape May and asked
for help.
The const cuard cutter Khkapoe
started from the inlet nt Cape May at
,.., n l.nitln Itu miiv tii tin, ilistrpssed
vessel, which it reached about 1 o'clock. ,
Sheitlv before the Kiekapoe reaelii-il
liier side the Muninoter righted herself
t. t i I. I
seveial degrees and the skipper limum
'd the ship'.N operators by wireless that
hu honed te- he able te bring her
through the storm. It was a fust
thought she would haiu te be aban
doned. The Kiekapoe will tow the ship te
the Delawaie Breakwater.
The Munmoter's position was given
a sixty miles southwest of Five
Pnthnm Hank Light.
The Munmoter is a steel meter ship
owned by the I'nlteil Stn es Shipping
Beard. She was formerly called the
Courtels and wns built in Bcerse.
Mich. She is of US" tens displace
ment, nnd has been in the coastwise
freighting trade.
Shipping Tied Up
"The worst, practically. In the hls hls
terv of the pert." is the way maritime
men sum up the congestion of shippliw
tmlny at the pert of Philadelphia, due
te storm conditions In the North At
lantic, fog nnd today's sleet and snow.
Ne fewer than thirty-four steamships
are today inched In the congestion at
this pert.
Of that number about n dozen ves ves
sels, several of them huse freighters of
from 0000 te 10.000 tens, are in their
doeks waiting te lie unleaded. me
shipping companies are said te be hard
put te it te find enough longshoremen
te unlend then.
Of the lemaiiilng vessels, another
do.en are just new ready te leave the
lcinlty of the Ddawnie Breakwater
for their various destinations all of
them having been fogbound in or near
De aware Bav for poiieds ranging from
twenty-four hours te fie dnn.
.n ni.. .Liu n.nrnliiL' ucee still held '
The ether ships are m-seis nun up
iit Marcus Heek or Keedv Island by'iiiih they were riding, shot nt the ,
storm conditions some inbound, some
outbound, but all adding their quota te
the wetk and anxiety et tae uiariume ,
nutherltles and shipping companies of
the pert.
Inured In Gale
In outlying pnrts of the city and In
suburban sections the snow and sleet
wns driven into deep driftb, obstructing
traffic. . . . . ,
Seeial persons were in lured during
inn iiiiiiuiim n. .. - ....-..,...,. ,
piiU en the icy sidewalk struck his
head or; the pavement and was picked
up unconscious, whlle another walked
tin blinding storm. im mini, sup
Ugalnst a moving nuiuiiiuunu uu.i ""
knocked down. .,,.,,,.,
, I'Tft B,!'V s nite, l!
HCM'IUUIh Ul mi' '"J -
silzer Names Pearse Secretary
,,.,.. ip... !. (Hy A. P.)
ing out the cl j 8 snow '" j' Tieasury te pay American pre'- -
iwratus, Jehn II. J?p,1 ',!,'" 0I y,, du-eis of feedstuffs for commodities Dublin Startled by Explosion In
leckmen" wVre Instructed te 'see thai "t "U Shep-Three Pedestrians Hurt
the street 'resslngs w ere c eared b t a n.l i(M ... rut. n isii . IMi,(Ij ( p (
.1., uiiirniis woie used in hauling the r," , ,. ...,.. .. ... ,,.,, ,,..in..l nnUi m. vi.i , .,
- i pirn c as striiriiv mums mtuiiii nj- in ,.,,,' ,. """" '
snow nwn. nlilnlnf tn .... ., isti i.il i.bligwlinih and repaj the lean t',;:;,"",1."l K1,K,'nn ,llls ,' "'" ,
The attU00? wbhl.i ten jears and in the meantime The whole iil was st.utled l,,.t
live inches in some sections, was gen- .'"., , ... -, ., ., .,1..,. n ,lent exnles en. far .x-
f...i..i n I'm. The. t'eliiinii Three ... ..iit ... i, .,., .1.1 .i..t.. , cecums me miniiiiir ueioniiuen it a nltemiii te ij neil .lames lieaii, a M'jrn, 1 nu.11 sum .n hi hi. 1 rni.si IT Uif ,m imnrenri.itinn of thr..,. ni.i a oiiartei
' - inu rt'iiui uti iuihu 'i mi- f rut in-1 .. -- .-Mii nunr Tin i i nrnn(.niniie nm t i " .---...... . -- -. . .. s ,,v ! n hmi imhu i '( m nut ui. ii.u, im itLLt-r id .iir. .t iiiizt --1 nn r n
Snow and Ice Fellow
First Storm of Winter
The first real snow storm of th
winter covered the ground today
with a thick mantle of white, nfter
deluging the city with sleet that
turned te ice Inches deep in sub
uibnn sections.
Shipping is tied up along the en
tire Atlantic coast, t."n vessels being
In the lower Delaware Bay.
Wires were heavily hung with ice,
and the possibility of danger was in
creased by strong winds. In many
parts of the city signs were blown
down during the sleet storm.
Ceal yards are bring besieged by
householders pleading for an Imme
diate bupply.
, ten! yards are being besieged by
., . -
UlatC bupi)ly-
WILLIAM J. LtlYlr', dl. LUUI5
Third Member of Famous Family te .
. ,., , ,,
Take His Own Life
St. Leuis. Dec. 20. (By A. P.)
J. I.cmp, fiftv-feiir vears old, i te Morehouse of Fedeial iinestigalers.
tf !, wintnm T TemiJ1 l"1' " warrants as ,et, but these
of the William J. I.emp , ,ln e )jp ilal-,(1 ,n my lmllN wllll)1
Company, committed suicide . ti,e next (eyf ,inJS t mvu no relmbl
today by sheeting himself twice through '
the heart in the office of the brewery,
It was the ihird suicide In the family
of the famous brewers, ins fattier ami
.- .
a sister liming taken their own lives, in the plot, he did net bellcie that many with the P. K. T. for operation before
Lemp appeared nt his office nt I) A. ' were actual partici; .ints in the kid- , the completion of the 'inc.
M. today ns usual, it was stated, anil napping and deaths of Walt Daniels The Miner had already declared him
shortly thereafter floury Vehlkamp. and Themas Uichards. I self for a subway terminating at Hunt-
lce president, arrived and greeted "I have talked with the survMng yaTi avenue
I-f'uP; "Wclli ll,ew ,l0 you feel today?" i members of the Mer Hull go part whei "it a after 'this that Ceuneilmnii
"Oh, I'm feeling worse, A ehlknmp were kidnapped," he said, "and all I Ven Tn-en told the Miner the "titliei -t,a!!LKc,1,.?,,''plipi',r
r, n lM,i(1 tht're l'"',no meJ' than eighteen! inR i,WU be informed' just wliat the
'ihe Mllllam J. Lemp Brewing Cem- or twenty in the masked band." I phm were an.l it was then that the
pany just before the achent of preln- Special Deputy Shenft Calhoun, of (j,.ht be-en
LItien was considered one of the lnrg- Morciieuse, was te leave llateu Konge I "Mr ".Miner don't von think before
est brewing companies in the world, this afternoon for Baltimore with tlie ,. j',,,, discussion iii fuither chtall.
It oevoied a feurteen-ncre triangular ' requisition papers for the return of , Tint" either ou or the Director of
tract in the southern sectieii i of the citv j Dr. H. M. McKein, charged with mur- i Transit sheulc'l let us knew just what is
Mini uis Miiiii-ii in ,s.,n,w,inm. n nnywc ill i uiiui'l'lliJII llll llie .UOrCllOIIse
sold nt auction last June te five dlf-
feient inteiesis for a total of MS". 000.
Lemp had been downcast since, it was
said, as he had hoped te get a much
larger price for the pioperty.
Cousin Fires Upen Weman and
Then Kills Himself
Chicago, Dec. 2!). (By A. P.) A
mysterious tnxleab sheeting, In which
Mrs. Pried. i Merrill was wounded bj
her second cousin, Jeseph Lang, who ,
then snot iiimseii iniiuiy, conirenteii
the police tedaj. Lang died in n bes-
,ri J.!TJ' I M"' ! ,V,
t i i . ii . i
m " ;. ,1 e k tta
Lnng, he said, had known Mrs. Merrill
i : ...... -. -. ::. '
before her marriage.
Police said Lang fired utien Mrs.
tnprill ns she tied from the tnvie.'ih in
..imufleur and missed and then shot him- i
- -- -
rCDII)l A M PDrrnlT DDnDnem
cniiMi unuun i uurueuu
Senater Bursum Would Have U. S.
l mti S1 000 000 000 te Buv Feed I
Lend 1,000,000,000 te Buy Feed i
Washington. Dec. !). (By A. P.)
i:teiibien of creel is tci C, ermaiiy up
te a m.nlinum of .1. 000,000.000 for use i
jn ,iiug loeustiins in wie ii
,,,. is pr0pesed in a bill lntred
0inv ,). Senater Bursum, of
M(xjre nmi refened te the Pin
lining loeustiias hi wie inuei
riie bill, which. Senater Bursum
'said, was framed ."en sound business
Bureau t' be centered enst of Cape
' J ll" I'llllllll
Ced and moving east-northeastward,
s:.n. u urn ni:s renin n el Nn hived from
I Int terns te Bastpert, Me.
H.. . .......1.1 nut ,nt.Iln t , .,. tit .
- - ' !" II il. . f., ...III.. .. .1,.. . , .. i ti I..l. Il.tttlll.. -Ill I t. i -.
a '" . J.7. ; ! .K. Iinmll. The OMlIOsen lieliri-...! In 11 I .ill.-,...., 1 ,., hn n ..inf.issiMl lin nll,,M-,,iln,l ...! . ,1 .1 1.11 ..:.. lull. ,,i ..... . , ... . i .
Further Warrants Are Soen te
Be in Hands of Louisi
ana Sheriff
M(llireCt Kl., .. an.-SliPilff Pred
r.1,w,,,f,1 - f f..in1inii nrUl inillV
.niMnm, wi ..I-II..-H.. ......
deflated there will be mere arrests in
the Morehouse Man munler anil Kiu-i
napping Investigations upon wie r -
inrii iir mi! i t'liriiii vninaiuf "i
were in New Orleans jesterd.iy attend-
'"S cenfeicnce w-ith State eUuials.
1 1 nave no eiuci.ii nuru u n, ui-
nien," said the Sheilff, "but I knew
there are te be wrests en the return
information lelntive te the alleged con-
i.essii. is or iwe peivms ineiving ieuj.
lie citizens.'
rdierlff Carpenter .said that while
"Ml 1.. 1 .111
forty-live clti-ccns might be itueUed
kidnappings ,' c ahead en March 1?" asked Council-
luends et Dr McKelu continued , Ven Tagen.
tnda te offer their nssKtame te tl WIumi en came in here the ether
former Mcr JJeuge Majer. It wa,(I.M." Mlid the Majer sharplv. "and
SVe,w,n!!lu."s ",;,',V"tler wny "' ,"1"''acd for this hearing, I told you di-.
islflO.enn te aid him Itinetlj jem .etild have a lie-iring and I
Inen.ls of the physician expressed t1(I jeU distinctly we Would net dis-
.'' T i, '"""Jl '. "iW t lie- matter w th wm se far as the
Marjland. will net honor requisition I ,.m.lm,Prj nmn1 W(,re (.nn. erned."
pa.iers Meanwniie, ellerts ate glng ..t ,,, wm llNtin, th Mr, Maver."
forward in live or six jiniMie. t thN ,epIie,i Tagen, "that we were com
end et the State tc mi-u a grcit fund , ilis ,,nvn i1Pre for ,llnt ,,llrppn. We
te defend net only Mckoin but I-s.ibly ,nnlp (Ie Iirrp n, ,.i?011s "
ether defendants ..VeIl nr Pir0me te he here," said
New Orleans. Dec. 20. Governer !!ic tM-?"1' tti,h ce,':1'l"r;lbu ""Bj
pnrK,r Ativn,,. r!i p i .i. but if veii a re coming hole te find
llli ''"li 1 ...! i. I .t
.' "". ' .' "s-.n -.i... ,iiii nil-
.;, - ,,, ." . .. , ' , "" , i .. V
" ' r V'1 ',? 7 f J " ' 7"
'fe V-.'ll -
iiilii'i .- jii".i a ill "i. Mini iiiviivi ii''iiiirs ni
!k ;u,:;: : :,,,,B ,m M ,;m
- i-i-."
The (lovetnor was in the confuenoo
sex oral hours during the mernn2 lb
went te Baten Rouge In the nftcnenn,
but late hist night he nnd Mr Cece
held an i xtended telephone ceiners.j.
"'1 lne ""Ilp ei wuicn wns nor made
"'ftr' ,,.,., , ,
, i ,, , """J""" "' """ ",nl
lume m-iuuu uu- .-iii uuuri wi in.ir
it was an intensive study of th
ii.i t
mnaa nf ilniMimenlJirv nvl.lnn ..,!
ever te the Attorney' General'. ..'1 e.
'rM" reeetd. it was asserted . icidv
0X()(,(,(ls , volllme tlt ns.mll,,, ,
nnv criminal case in the history . r the
United States.
These who conferred with rh clnr. i
crll0riin Attorney General ,.r. As.
continued en m Twe. cti. mn tour
. , . --,7 .
, ""Ul ","' ""nngoment, which pre
eiu.iis vie.ciii.cuui permits pi, Keting
was in nii-i-i usmj in ine insii Ien
ate heie, besieged bj Irlsli Uepubli
Moere Adjourns Meeting, but
Reopens It as Order Is
Four-Track Subway en Bread
Street Wanted by Olney
. Residents
Mi.yer Moere and Councilman Ven '
Tnscn, who headed n delegation ef10l)aJ whcn jlis motertrucl; and a pas
citizens from the Ixzan-Oak T.ane ' spnRf,r frnjn rr,m,( llt a grade cre"s
section engaged In a heated lotate in
the Mayer's reception room today dur- I
ing a meeting te discuss plans for Bread
street subway and te receive suggestion
for changes n the original Tayler plan!
of transit development.
Tour times the Majer told Council- I
man Ven Tagen te sit down. Four
times the Councilman refused te de se j
, ., ,, .. ,,.
and finally the Maer. censidernblj
nettled, declared the meeting adjourned
Order was restored a minute later.
however, and the meetinc continued
nfter Ven Tagen said he would Intro- i
nice repealing enuiiiiii'es which weuiu.
f carried, defeat all plans for the de-
mnnmnnt r.f tin Ttriifl ulrnf mhtt-li'. I
..r...v ..v .-i niv- ' v.,.-. -i. -1, f
Mayer Arcllses Ven Tllf,fn ,
pllrin(. t0 proceedings the Mayer
Mrengiy sRgrsted that Ceuncllmim Ven
T,.n ,.-na cn..H., lnfr,r,,,t in., whirl, 1
rr..A nn c...ii.t nfoKien en niitfii
, ,, ' " . .. , ., , ..
he could turn eer te the Philadelphia
Uapid Transit Compan quietlj.
The iew was heard by the members of
' the Joint Transit Committee of
i Iluslness Association of Phi adelnliia. !
The discussion between Ven Tagen
and the Majer tame after Ba.wnend A.
White, Jr., representing the Oak Lane
Improvement Association, finished a
sneech in which he made a reuuest that.
all things being equal, a four-track
subway he . enstructed te Olney incline.
and that the city enter into a contract
,,,!,. ..nnlnmn nlnn , nil sn nn enn
, . , M,,, .,.,., ... ... .
'ilk mi ...i. i'iiii' ii i iriiii 1'iiirn ,i,'
teiesteil what is te be dem "
"1 ic"'it that remark." said Ven'
l An-f SSuS-'-lf veu
" it P.,,..h fer.jurs,.if n
i,. ,. .,, ,, :
hate te wait
"1 will tell J en the purpose ih.it
brought us here," Ven Tagen inisweiul
"We are tapaers who fuini-h the
mono whlcli miii are te spend en this
"There me a geed many ether tax
paers," said tile Majer with fume
feci Ing.
Ven Tagen answered "We hne a
IIKht te UlleW llOW tills money Ih te lie
"pent and if the plans for the Mibwaj
iv te be hidden and the citizens aie
net te knew what these p'.uis are geinc
te be and hew this thing is going te
be handled."
. ....
.u.nei ,iuiii,. ... . ,-, t
O'hn M.n.n- Iti.nned from his chair
,, tunilIlg te Ven TnRP ask,,!. "Did
jeu come here te lecture the Majer.' ,
"We came heie te tell the Miner."
COHtlmie.1 en 1'ace I'mir (hmm l'mir
Weman Attacked en Maryland
Farm Said te Have Arms Broken
I.-i Plata. Md . Dec ."!. ( Bv A
P.I- Keating that angry i.ewds would
u, ...ei i,. ...... i..,f- ti. ,.,..
mn di-miui ii.iiun iii H'lr (.11. ..IIP UUI.T
t ..He th,. ntnrin
Bean, n twenty-three. year-old la-
i I I1 ' . .. ... . .. . ..Anl 1,. I , ... .1... I ....1. 1.. Sl.n. .w...,r1 . ,.l I I !....
iiiiiit. ,ns I'm i uri'ii iiiii'r n i,i,i p i. se i e.h it ie inn ie im- i.'iiiui' -. .inns-, ir ..inn- iii.iiiu.i si ii-i s. .iiriinu n sin eis t ... .
Cigarettes in Moscow
J ,000,000 Rubles Apiece
Merrow, Dec. 20.- i B A. P.) -Ameiican-made
rignrel'is new nre
en sale In the strnts of Mos Mes Mos
(ew for about one million soviet
rubles each. The Bolshevik ruble
lml bf'ii fluctuating te such an ex
tent lately that !e.ilers beuM nnii
articles! billions of rubles overnight.
Tliee were principally luxuries
sought by speculators, the "qua "qua
drilllenalrcs." One day the ruble dropped te
.'iri.000,000 t. the dollar, and two
dnys Inter Mopped bn'k ngrin te
27,000.(100 in the dollar Tin'
street car fare was increased from
fiOO.OOO rubles te 1.0(1(1,000 for a
single ride.
Thigh Broken When His Car and
Train Crash at Woodbury
Pred Cook. North Heward street.
this city, driver for the American Stere
.enipnnv ns inJure,i nt stfe o'clock !
ing I1(,lir 7edbur.. N. J. !
(.enU's ,.ft tIlg, nM frnetured audi
,f ,H ,)el(,v,,(, ,, Wlll iMj,irr,i Ilfc.riinllJ '
,W1V ja,mi,i ) k f tl. steering,
vhp(iIi ti- iin , ,.,.,,,, 1P (re J
of the irml. and iilme.t dn.illiu,' th"
The tiain was the Salem liraneh
"t the IMiiisjhiiniii HiiIIiuimI and was
bound for Camden tumi Swcdesbore.
Vf)nk , hp hft, no, ft,(l)) thp ,,., lu I
js j,, a Woodbury hospital. i
0ne 8 Mether of Three children,
.. ..
Beth Are Grocery Keepers
women one the mother
of tlnee childieu, the ntlier attired in
neli turs nm wearing a turban teppul
"" WVlllg p.ll.Kllse plllllle. W
held lertiinl t"da b .Magisiiate I.mi
mWj rhlIBP,, ,, .,., Int,.:(.llt
I1(. liquor.
.Mis. Anna inlth. who keeps n cre
j.ery story ami nei.catessVnau.i.N,,rt,enp. , . . forensic battle with a
. , .. . ."
i reni slrt.,.t, nH heki in ,-,.,uu nail
nfter Dpteellie PmiiII. tpstlripil In, liml
heugh, half a piw of gi w her store.
December 1!7. Mrs. Smith uns the
miiiii no;i i.iis'ii prisenei.
Mrs. L.iuia iimneiiiiaii. .iccenni.iniiU
by her three ehildieii. appeared te
nfj.da -. 1 iVt
ansv !! a .hnr.:e of llnu halt .i pint
cti, Iliiekiiis, at tier
(jrecen el sij we,, i stii.cr lec mlier,
20. She was held in Midi) bail.
HOLLIS, OKLA.. Dec. 2D. Franlt Day, thTrly-cignl, a ten
ant farmer living six miles neithwcst of here, was tnken from
hib bed late last night by nine marked men, severely whipped
and eulered te leave the community ,vbefere another sunset," ac
cording te the steiy he told county authorities, today. The farmer
bald the men accused" him of manufacturing liquor nnd ether acts.
SCIIANTON, Dec. 120. County detectives today wcie tiyiug
te hall the epidemic of burglaucb in Dickien City, uear here.
Sine Sunday night nine homes have Ticen cuteicd and jewelry
valued at .20U0 and cas.li tetalling $&0J ateleu. Tlic liuiglnrs
paid a bciuml vtfait te one house.
Chairman of Fair-Price Cem-
,: nn.l-, r- 1 f.n
""''cd wuv.io.ice w.ljt i uci
fn MerQ Than Allotment
Tiie .-oil situation lias se far im- Bethlehem, Pa., Dec 2'i --Auditor
prove I that th"te is tm further eaise tieneral Samuel S. Lewis told the
for al mn insists I'dar t' Pelton, PennsjU-mia State lMucai ,ti Assoiia Asseiia
chnii'i'i'i of th,. Pair-price Cotu'iutteo tien, in aliiui.il oenentio. inlnj. that
of the IVnusvhat in l'uel t'oiiinusslen i unless the inws were chanced the neTt
Distiissin,' the situuien mdin , Mr. ' Legislature would be cnnim lied t make
-, v. it .
t'eal Being Dellwred
i '" n mnlertf f cases, where no
Irreconcilable Senater Calls
Economic Conference "Worse
Than League"
Twe-Fisted Breads'de Fired at ' Harding Suggested That Attl
Proposal Called "Bait" tude of U. S. Has Barred
for Farmers Restoration Meve3
,.,.. ... ,!..
ueteat et uomrevercea Amena-
ment te Naval Bill Ap- '
pears Certain I
- I
tJ'j A "i-le(-rI rrii I
Wa'ltiliRlen, Dee 20 A vote before '
night en the Berah piopesnl for n
world economic conference, which is
opposed by the Administration, was
sought by Senate leaders today while
the third day's debate en the project
proceeded with increasing fury.
As "Irreconcilable" colleagues of
Senater Berah hurled broadsides at his '
. ,. . !.-,!-, ,. ... , ..
l ' J
IHf .NRVUl .IPPrnnriUlHUl U1U. IIIO It-
Publican managers negotiated quietly
for a rellcall bef. re adjournment nnd a
N Y . n.
Senater Hiram Jehnsen, who fought
shoulder te shoulder with Senater
Berah against the League of Nations,
---.. .0 JV7 Ut.UiOi
" uu" ium u we
tr,'n. fictml iitfjieU tin the rnnferenee
j ue proposal, ne said, was worse
... , ,., ,
'"an tne league nnu mere naciy ie
embroil us in i-mepcnn contrever
. les and rtnallv make the United urates
.. t ' . T Z
fnn hiimI nn I'acp Twe. t nliimii Tun
$44,000,000 NEEDED
Financial Condition of Depart
ment Revealed te Teachers
I bv Auditor General Lewis
nt appioxlmatelv $11 'J, 000. (.00
I i ne i.i'Kisiuuire en iiiji apprepri-
..'I... i I...... ... ...... .....
arcu ter ini) support of c nien si
Drift Toward Change
America's Foreign Policy
Strongly Indicated
rreDiem et Allied Borrowings
May Yet Be Linked With
,, Reparations
By (MVrnv w. GIMtEKT
s;tntr Ctrrr."enrtr!it Kri-nlnir Puhllp Idrrt Idrrt
fenwiyht, 10 J J. by Public Ledger Cempanii
Washington. Lee. 20. With the de
feat of the Berah proposal for an eco
nomic conference, which new seems as
sured, this country will enter once mere
en a period of drift during which a re re re
lonsideratien of its attitude en the
allied debt will take place.
i imi iiiuen emerges irnm ihn riAnntM
Tl... I. j. .. ...
in the Senate n,l .be triw .. n- ,.
, " - .....rt , M.,-
n i i c
linS s letter te Senater Ledge of
""' extent te which the Administration's
hands hae been tied by the Debt Fund
Ing Act.
Though no one Is willing te go en
iccerd in fat or of cancelling th ,ti..
en e.erv sl,Ie u )e .,..., .,
...r. r,.-r .l i. .
i "" "' Ur WU ,nter,:sts t-
' tempt economic aid te Europe we must
fnc .
question once mere: What
shall we de about the d'bts? That far
we have gene toward a new orientation
f 0llr interests and rospenslbllltleii In
' u" luiuncs 111
j The fir't step may be the censlder-
ntlen bj nn International commission
t of experts of the Burepean economic
Suggest Reparations Inquiry
It can he said en the highest authori
ty that the Administration has made
approaches te seeral Hurepean Gov
ernments te learn whether nn exact and
scientific inquiry Inte the amount of
reparations Germany can pay would be
acceptable. Thii commission would
probably be unofficial and the United
States has signified Its willingness te
be represented en it.
It Is understood that Great Britain,
Italr. Beleium and Germany hnve sig
nified their approval of the plan. But
Prance has refused Its consent.
The poiMen of M. Polnenro's Got Get
eminent is that the nbilitv of Cormany
te pav reparations cannot be consid
ered apart from the ability of Prance,
,ind ether allied Ceernments te pay
their war borrowings.
Time for the moment the situation
rest, li.,t the way is left open for
Prance te call for u broader economic
et fercnee, such as Mr. Berah pro
posed in his resolution.
If such a conference were unofficial,
if its determinations were net binding
in anj way upon the Governments rep
resented, lt would be Impossible new
for the t'n'.ted States te refuse te hn
topresentcl even though the conference
might b.) expected te report that the
problem of repartitiens could net be
-.epaiated from the problem of rhc allied
Whichever plnn werej ndepted,
whether the Aduiuilat ration's propecul
if an ex pi it unofficial coinmlswlen te
te)s can be nude toward reatering
Burepe in'onemlcally while the) United