T- mnytVu'iSf"1"' ''Vt'.'-.AU'.ig'.U- - -'JeV 7aWffMllW '.' S ... IUM AWW, vt.iTBWV, , " ts;.t-rrv-p ' v ? - T ,.---- - "-y"-r t '" ijp,i"w?j ..'tt:"- : ;:'.':'; .'. ..- rt -,ii j ".ttiTV .j -jjxwjtw rwt.'Tj . ' ' ''' 4'.;M.Vv ''T w -s '. i" EVENING' .PUBLIC LEDGER-PHTDABELPHI A, 'TUTTED VY, DI'lIBER 2S. 1922 5sy jte'W , 'kxMlMM - vtr :.ireni: OP1S.VS DAII.T AT 1 , M, Ct.OflE9 0!8O P. M.i All These Goods en Sale Tomerrow: See Page 8 Special Offer Tomorrow ! YELLOW S: TRADING STAMPS FREE All goods pur- f t ri m a 1 tAmnwAiir J -J C-a 1 .-J11 jui eaiuray wui charged en Jan uary bill, payable February, 1923. Alse See Page 8 d .ijanma HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE iwehfim UmOtUmWWki Mall and rhene Orden TiUtt Bell, Watnnt MOO Kerslene, Main 4101 50c Asserted) QKc Chocolates lb.) $1 Wllber Budi, lb., 70a 40a Chocolate Straw, lb. tin SrlSTI OAT7 YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH gJfMfc EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert 8tnth fcvw 20c $1 Imported Filled Candles, lb., SOc NeUe-Makers for c & 1 Ac New Year'.. .. . J D llf nattles, horns, clappers, belln. etc. Lit Brether MAIN ARCADE Clearance of 1$A Trimmed Hats m Sale 10 A. M. Closing out severnl hundred recently designed, mid-winter hnta of velvet, satin and rleth every becoming shape nnd with nil the newest trimmings. All colors nnd plenty of hlnrk. Fermer Prices. $4.98 te $15 fMt nreihfru Jlllllnery Hulen, Third Fleer ITn Vtrafv Vitrnhncn nS (nalnilne VnlU - M.n UJLYWiJ i Mivuujwi uiunwuuuai STTUIilim 1UUIC ry H.T A -t A series nes. 141 ec 14Z Geed in any Yellow Trading Stamp Boek, no matter hew many ether "extra" stamps you may already have. wwV - EndoftheMenth and PreInventery Savings! ' Tomorrow many of the prices specially lowered before Inventory go down even mere te make End-of-the-Menth BargainsYeu save doubly! An event that ends the old year fittingly and as becomes the store that always maintains the lowest prices in town ! The values in this sale make a worthy climax, indeed, te our annual cycle 01 matchless savings ! IM1 &m0Wttt0v "'V Ml New groups added for the End-of-the-Menth Sale Women's Lew Shoes That Were $5 te $6 New 3i .95 I falaK. onefT0io Combined lets the very least of them values ever twice our price! All welted or turned soles and a choice of smart styles J thnt will delight the most discriminating. Plain, tipped or perforated vamps. And the size range in each type is excellent. Oxfords offer wide choice. Tan calf, brown Pumpa in black satin, black kid, kid, black calf, black kid and patent colt, patent colt. Full Leuis, Baby Cuban and walking heels. I Leuis or box heels. llaH(llllltll"-'H ii 1 11 1 m MIocec' Jt, riiilrlwn'Q ! Men's High and 4.85 Boyi' $4 1 $0.95 A AO - . . I Lew Shoes .... TT i Shoes m $; ac qo.eu onees, $2.29 I aM Ml !- M mMa $1.95 1 Peny cut lace shoes in new shade of nut brown calf; brpad tee, perforated vamps and tips. Sizes ki te 2'. I.lt nreUirra First Fleer, Xerth Tan or blnck Itusfla cnlf en brogue, Spml-breRUe and l'higllnh lust. Solid lciit'iier throtiKlieut. All slzesi. Tni T)iiam I arm nn1 kliinhitHt bread nnd English tees; welted oak soles; rubber heels. Sizes 10 te big boys' 5V4. II Mil II ! 11 M i l II M t Big Girls' $4 and Various leathers : lace ami button : , oneei bread tees, oak leather soles. Slzvs I Tan leather : lace: bread tee and 4 te 8. I Uigllsh last. Sizes 4 te 7. Children's $3 Shoes $1.75 Genuine Inlaid Linoleum, Sq. Yd. 1000 square yards in the let; short remnant len Pleaae Dring sizes. m gths; some shopworn. GENUINE CORK LINOLEUM RUGS Ne mail or phone orders filled. $7.50 value size 6x9 ft. . . $15 values JJ QA size 7.6x10.6 hJXl.OU I $4.89 $40 Seamless Velvet Rngi, $28.50 Limited let. Rich Oriental de signs; linen fringe. Size 9x12. Slight seconds. rt II II nt $75 Axmiruter Rugs, $49.50 Extra large size 10.0x13.6 feet. Limited let. Rich tan Oriental de- I signs. Slight seconds. $2 Woelcraft Rugs, $1 Many pretty stenciled effects. Size 24x48 inches. Fourth Fleer $2-95 $1.65 te $3.50 Hand Bags, 98c te $2.45 Vnrlety of styles; best materials ; nicely lined; lnslde frajjies. Shew handling. 50c te $5 Leather Goods Novelties, 19c te $2.45 Wonderful i-helee, IncludlnK tie rliiBS, teurlat oai-es, brtnlies In leather cases, cellar baps, etc. FIRST FLOOR. STH ST. IW7T71 $18 SECTION MIRRORS $9.65 Attractive polychrome frames. Fer the mantel, buffet or serv ing table. I.lt llrellicni- THIRD FLOOR $3 Card Table, $1.95 w Full size, flat folding; leatherette top. $2.50 Felding Ironing Beard and Stand, $1.98 Medicine Cabinets, $1.95 Wlntp enamel; large mirror in deer. 75c Gray Enamel Dinner Beiler, 49c $2 Step $1.49 1 Slenl. x Six-quart size. Stoel: I II VA I-' e lllinK plMi steel "i ,v s(.iihei 45c Table Oil Cleth, yard 19c Fancy pntlcrns; !!) inches widn. N"'i in.ul or phene orders filled. 75c Oil Cleth ?CC Deily Sets f UO I It Brether TIIIUH I'MJHt 1 odorless. $4.50 National Oil Heater $3.88 Smokeless and Infants' and Tots' $1.50 te $7 Garments 69c te $3 Included are boys' suits, tub or lingerie frocks, infants' long and short dresses, princess slips. Every size, but net in every style up te 6 years. Slightly rumpled. Infants' $3 te $10 Coats, $1.79 te $5 Corduroy, chinchilla, crep le chine, cessimere; warmly lined: hand smocked and embroidered. SIlKhtly soiled. SUes up te 3 years. Infants' 50c te $2 Caps, 25c te $1 Tots' $1.50 te $2 Creepers and Rompers, 85c Broken sires up te 8 years. Tots' $2 te $4 Frecks, 95c te $1.65 ChftrmlnR models, one or two of a kind. Fashioned from fine Kins hams, erpandlKi or voiles. Prettily trimmed with contrasting mate rials : embroidered, smocked, sashed Pome models show bloemeri. SIr.es 2 te 6. J.lt Brethers SECOTD FLOOR Sale of Lamps, Stands and Shades Used for Display Clearance! These nre the fleer lamps, brldi?p lamps nnd table lamps with their respective shades that we considered the smartest and most beautiful for window and store decorations. All here tomorrow at far lesa than their values. Ne two alike If you have some one model In mind, come early I JO-95 te $.95 $J.9S Is 5Q.95 50c,e98c "1 JO.95 le $4.95 $8 ie $15 TtbU Saadai. . . $12 le $20 Fleer Sktdti. .. $1.50 te $3 Boudoir Satdei. $6 te $10 TsbU Ssidei... $9 te $18 1 $.95 le $1 0.98 Fleer Stand.... J & I.lt mother. THIRD FLOOR $10 Cottage Sets, $7.95 B0 pieces service for fl people. At tractive blue and geld border. $22.50 Dinner $ -l A .95 Sets.. lt 100 pieces. niueblrd decoration with blue line en edge and handles. $1.50 Cut Glass Sandwich Trays Alse cheecse and cracker dishes Light floral cutting. 79c $6 Cut Glass Ice Cream Trays. . . 14-lnch sire, combination cutting. $3- 19 rttis $6 Cut Glass Salad Bowls. . 12-Inch sire, combination cutting. 2- 95 $4 Cut Glass $ i .79 Bowls 1 O-lnch ?Up. combination cutting. Sensational End-of-the-Menth Offer of Ninety HandsemelS-l J (T Raccoon Coats JLtv Actual $250 Values! Special for tomorrow ' f- u .rrc i 15 S The most fashionable fur coats of the hour especially for sports ard metering. Fine selected pelts; richly shaded, nicely lined and in three quarter length with large cellars and deep cuffs. Fur coats whose regular wholesale cost is even mere than this End-of-the-Menth Sale price save ever n hundred dollars and cheese tomor row se that you will enjoy your fur coat for the New Year. $250 French $1 OJ-98 $150 Natural Seal Coats 1 Lf Muskrat Coats Bcautifully trimmed with natural Selected skins; 40 inches long, SKunK u incnes juijk- $95 Mt 1MB $139 .75 $275 French Seal Coats. . Large cellar and cuffs of skunk or silver squirrel. 45 inches long. $225 Marmink Coats, $134.98 Smart big cellar and cuffs 4" ' inches long. 1.50 j $250 Natural $ j Muskrat Coats I Raccoon cellar and 162 98 $225 American $1 AO Opossum Coats X "O Leeks and wears like raccoon. 40 inches long. inches long. '- Brethers SfX'ON'D FLOOR cuffs ..urn Speeiul : L. :i."e 1 1 1(111 i uiiii ( OtttM. . 1 1 .-. Superior Cord Tires Guaranteed 8000 miles. 34 x 4 $18.98 33 x 4 "a $19.98 35 x 4vi $22.98 33 x r, $26.98 iltltaMMv ft i ill. 67 $1.50 Cut Glass Nappies Asserted "ha pes and cuttings. "" "" .11 II H. $1.50 Cut Glass Handled Olive Dishes Cfc Combination cutting. J " i THIRD FLOOR MAIN ARCADE 1 30c te 6tfc Curtain Materials, yard Short ends of scrim, marquisettes, swiss and ether Unc te live yaru lengths. LEW wirulewfnbric. 4)a.H 35c te 80c Cretonne Remnants, yard 29c Cretonnes, poplins, madras, sateen, etc. Useful lengths. - is it. $3 te $5 Window Drape Sets, , $1.39 te $2.69 Peplin and art Milk. mil II ' H t i i $5 Velour Drapery Set Rese, blue mulberry and green $3 .39 Geed Sturdy Chair Seats Fiber and uphol stered styles. Net all sizes in each style. 12'ac values 5c m miMi J9m mL J '1 nfJ"jti $1.50 Velour Sefa Cmhiens, 69c Seme mehnlr tops fretenne en ie erni" slili' I.lt Hretliers THIRD FL"OR 'loc values 17c oer & BPc allies 27c Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Cord Tires nuarnnteed 6000 miles. Size 35 x 5 Q. I). C SI 9.98 Victer White Tread Fabric Nen-Skid Tires i ? ,i-t ranlAed fiOltft tit line 32x 4Vs $1fi.98l 35 x R S18.98 37 x 5 -S19.98 $3 Step Signals, $1.69 Bee Ie lriifcfn I'riMipletf "ttli vltch $2.50 Parking Signals, $1.69 All nlckle tin ah. $7.50 Combination Step Signal and 1 $.98 Parking Light. . ; fempletn with wire nnd switch $5 Mirror-Lites, $1.85 Combination fendet mirror nnd pnrKIng llgt ' $3.50 Hand Herns, $1.85 Kull. jrunnnteed . I, w- $2 Preste Vulcanizers, 79c Vulcanize? ttrci rs Hell as tube Complete ith ii 'imii Champien X Spark Plugs, 45c Standard 1'erd plug Dne.hlf Inch $2.50 Running-Beard Tire Carriers, 98c Will enrrv one nr two tlr-s flrmly; complte ltli strai 1. ... ..... ..., $1 Nen-Glare Lenses, pair. . . . Comply wlrh the i St, .Inch sle Lit Ilrntlirrs- h." "M' IL-inlt 29l Waist CIearance,sl Odd leta worth Very much mere! Voiles n I c e 1 v t- r trimmed ft.th (i iiS .vitii' I'-tniT a "i j . t -. -7j fc. . s llit'L in' .- iii.il . va with prcttv estv nr A . r y T euthful I'. r Tan 1 - : cellars. j. i Tricelette Overbleuses $2 erv Ne ml I '11. a dren-stltch ftV t JJ with fringe ny..! and black SV. Extra-Size Waists, $1.98 Mzc 45 te fit N it t qu'i iv M.nf I In -st pffi'ci trin Mied v.Hn pritt Win i' iiitt m i v I.lt llretlirm SLCOVM I .KiR ij-asril rTt, 'IT $1 te $2.50 Boudoir Caps, 59c M' preit siinden lit ltr(lier- M IV MU'M)!'. Girls' $12.50 Skate and Shee Outfit $8.48 L L-i S A ' a n c n r e e leather huf H , t i' ltd - plated -kutm Witji tempered . 1 1 rs I .1 r n v . !l.i r M Itretlier -M Beys' $7.50 Weel Sweaters, $5.98 .-' ,tici kn'i with M) r'LtJOR ! $100Chifforebes,$65 Mahogany, golden quartered oak and wain it. I artrc ilithrs compart ments and geed drawer space. $35 Breakfast Roem Suite, $24.95 deldrti oak in t nl'itiial design. '-V.' top cxten--."M t ub 1 e; ': ,i y li a s e. I ii v thairs m i l n li r ii v n - aiu.-h leather- tt cats. f 1 Tlt : UN (j $75 te $100 Living-Roem Chairs, $45.75 High-hack fiiPMdr clinir-, n1?n clu'i -lurr- wa -p ,i ,: ,-.u and p.Ipp. Loese spring cushion seat cv-i- ....... f erp'l in tapp.try or velour in rich c'llerinee. Limited let due of a 5 kind. Ne mail or phone orders 'I'd. This $30 Eed 6ulfit7"$T8l85' lied in hnry finili; two hicli pe.1- ', 1" fillcr in lieail and feet -panel dpign. Htjrh risp link fabi i sprint a' I "-fiiiirnl icli etige unit - tre- '-) . p. i ih tit-." grade Mei ii ticking. I it limtlirr- F 'T!t I'M IT.' ' H , ('y- j .,; rtl iMW'iKMuVMP'WiVi.i "SMMWMSWHI ttal 1TT1"I11- lniist Ui 0f llm,imi IH sfVlrtMMtlMMt)),M,lttv ( ' Wed Trimmed Fme of Charge 3 & 4 Ready J. -! .98 ferWearHats i m trriuindeusly linpurtunt reup f k.itln mill lirnc.ide comhiuatienH '1 iuetill trliniiifd JtlueU, brown, , linn ft n.l . i i . (,...... r,l.l HnAll ,98 Women's $1 and Women's $1.25 Union Suits Cotten ribbed T.illnred tops. Iajw nci-its nnd plecelhs, 75c te $1 Underwear, 29c Wein n' and children's. Vests nnd pan i i inilnn suit and nli pplnR par hi. in 39c Underwear, 12 Vac Wemdi" and clilldii n'H esti and pantH. I Ne Mail or Phene Orders On ! I Knit tnieriwar Children's $1 Pole Hats, 59c Men's $2 Cleth Hats, $1.19 Chili-Iren's $1 Gauntlets, 59c te iv gte feg) te MadttBdjse NVV V M 9- 59' Men's $15 te $18 Suits & Overcoats . . ' J $1.50 Stockings Frem rrKi-'.ir stoic ran. ih.ii'f Cirls .$5 Middies, $2.98 'tid eiiHslmei.x j, ,j , ,. i,., Hunncl Kph 8 te 14 Men's $5.50 Trousers, $3.49 ' w....i i- i M'hj jhade.- irrcMruiais. 'nnlurey; full lined ' UUJ iuvimiijje, Beys' $7.50 Overcoats, $4.79 J28c nnd 15c ;'iiy cheviets and eassliner.' KIz.h, ui.' chh..ii iimn-u '" " 9'V Pm. lp Beys' $7.50 Suits, $4.49 -. .. u .',,," ,i,...i( a i mumi ijf ulillex Nei ,11 s .-,. I i ' tltfimi t' Beys' $3.50 Reefers, $4.49 59c Ticking, yard 2Dc " '' .'Mill. Iill'il Sues . t. Ill s $1.75 Sheets, $1.19 M.lllllfs.s IIIIIHlHl, MS'.II) HI, 111 H $3 Bed Snreads. S1.98 lilln crochet f h Ii l in HI ' M. n "II'IJICS. $5 Blankets, pair $3.29 (,i,i w.i.ii' ip. colored ln.rdem 18c Kitchen Towels, 12 Vac Limn tlnlii r.vIU Inches. U. S. GOVERNMENT SPECIALS (ftk mm iLA" w i 1 Pm1 U rl M5 tl SI iM !! t9 U. S. Army ' Weel Over- i coats, $3.38 Smart Style Shown Olive drab, niade ' from jtrletly nil- , wool materlalB. , Medium, a li 6 r t and leni; leiiRthi ' All elzes. Ne mall or phene or- ' ueru niiea. i. m m tt w ii Dinner Plates, each. 12c 5000 In ' V a r I e ii hhapes. sup plied te the Marine fi rpf Hellwl cdRe -ii ii I... ..I. Serving Trays, 28c MJt mm Sfi.eD Vnlues S3 S3 Values &3.95 SS.75 Value S5 Sl'J.eO Value? T.-'tO MOO .tnpant ed blocked tin. 1 n ll.ll-IIM.II-' 92 Transport Dept. Steel Field Axe . Medical Department Operating Smocks, 58c Of h a v y un bleached a n d w I I t e muslin Make excellent heufc held gnt in ' $1.50 Forged Steel Carving Ferks ,4. vi-yV I .- i n 68c White Weel Navy Under- garments, 76 Weel each 79c Supplied te navy and mm lue cerpf Mad by 1 e a d I n K mills. Never nut of t h e I r original kilos All slit's i .i i. ii i i. i i Made by Fayette II, Plumb te (o (e ! cinin"iit rtnndard. I U. S. Roasting Pans, 29c aafcgfe "L Lxcll-nt for tefriBerater drip pans uxi-ivi irii'iit'S. 50c Cans Grape Fruit Jam or Marmalade, 18c Five Hundred 24-euncc Can Tacked by the West One-plee fchaft and prenirs, II TRUlf $5 Aute Strep Safety Razors. V u i. 'inn 1 In t ..nr i r. Mia. i i . in ' t'ntrp. It Will. i i r i. t iit" il.'tliv tnetiil mtr n.r nml tiwi eti li 1 a ii e h N'pAtlr ibi-Ii.I In Vl.nkl LIT IIKOTIIUH, - - - r i . . ,, '. r est li JAM 1 . " t ii m t' e .i yv I 1 Coast rreservltiR Tem- I VAM . "I'mperti ef iv s vtsl ruy of Flerida, Mull I J J" M n I 1 ,jii1 Ay snd phone orders tilled Va elF iuX'lnt n.N '' -& s tZSEWW 98 frrFl) ., t. -Mi IBML..nitn. ,f.LfeL, !. M.t I Women's & Misses' Dresses , M,eS$4te,$f ?hfs,$1-?5, !. K l.,-i ,11 1 b'i., iii r - .' Beys' $3 te $4 Shoes, $1.95 Tii ii and kui n c'nl Si7ps 'i m " . Misses' and Children's $3 Women's and Misses' Coats , te ,54 Tnn Shoes- 1-95 SH VtIips .'.' '..'." " ' ".V8.7.! Women's $4 te $7 Shoes, $1 St.'i Wi.ps . S10 1' I- i ' .. 'I i .dsUin Ml m... -.... . .. Misses' & Children's $ Stout Women's Coati $4 nnd S4.50 Shoes. . ' la.el) .iluua . . . ?22..')0 Wilu.'.-. .... Women's and Miises' $0.75 Women's $3 te $5 Shoes, 50c $7.50 te $12 Suits. . . 930 A. M. SALE Let of se.' ' e i Mils and i ii ifi 'i" 'r LTlfw'liJl ny-LiLirt . .. . . . .X i. J. . I'.' 1 .SlJ.ie S" K-. .lei 1'. 1! .iiea sh. . . .SI." m '" ' u' ' "lnir m I,. un- eh I vin ami tan ilm .1 Women's and Misses' IJlO, $18 te $22.50 Suits J i0 Velour nnd 'rlcefne $8 Raincoats, $5 $5 Plnid Skirt., $2.98 $8.50 Prunella Skirts, $5 Sl J H I -si I mid' r p in i. i . s ,,..,,, III I . .1 I ' .rid un un ' K I . i.i in $1 and $1.50 Heuse Dresses i i p i i i n i . i i r 1 t's' . 69' Hik'Ii i i ' . ' .1 Stout Women's Serge Skirts fi Value S3.P.8 $8 Values. . . . . . S." Waist bands 31 t I" p- in .enth I'loer of Onr.Nr Itntlilliir. 7th nail Market SI.. rit t r i 75 Women's $1.10 Rubbers, 15c ir.min ntles All s.l7Ch I $1 te $2 Footwear, 25c , , . W.."OI s ,,"! V .f . ,(,., ZP, I Ne Mull or Plume orders On siilmn iiuteiir '""' Infants' 50c te $1.50 Garments, 29c te 69c 1 I ' ' ! rs . rcei ers tub ' '" " ' ' '' 't- hni t dres,e llp I l I miiiil CI... .... . 1 Tots' $1.25 Creepers, 59c Girls' $1.50 Dresses, 78c inUl'ef'S'lM"- n'ruT Kel'Ve 6W',U , IV""" '"" ',"l'"U' "' V U, Men's $1 Caps, 39c Girls' $7.50 Dresses, $3.95 Men's $2.50 Felt Hats, $1 ft'00' nf,w,,, '"J' " l'l"'u'' HUcH H ' V.1' VJW "?V mmimtr SfSf ;.' 30c te $1.50 Undermuslins, 33c te 77c iKaiid'H ."-"- v i Vl.ll Otir HMlaurantIlMt f Kverrthlne at Lewnvt I'rle.i t T lit nueTiicus vutte 'I