Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    " r
Oriran plays at 9, 11 and 4.45
ChlmM a"'1 Meledy at Noen
Stere Opens 9 A. M.
Stere Closes 5 P. M.
There's a Finny tf Ptoparatien for Gay Tines te Come, and It All Centers at Wanamaker's
BiWBffBltiTmy t ''ijjZ r n!T?twf!WWWBBBBIBBBBBWBWWWB
Frem the Writings of the Founder
It Is Net the Leap at the Start
but the steady going en that gets there.
The most conscientious economist of time finds
the days tee short for what he wants te de.
Te the thoroughgoing man almost every week
has mere than seven days in itby dint of extra
Whatever our work may be we must shoulder it
and net waste an hour.
It is of no use te dream of nothingness, or knock
at this deer and then at that, or hunt a bell rope te call
some one te help us; each must lift his own burden and
preserve every minute te finish his own part and net
set a bad example of idleness or shirking te the ether
There is a point te step at, but it is net until your
fair duty is done.
Wc cannot wait upon our geed customers by
gossiping or looking out of the windows.
Our business is limited te the measure of
watchfulness, celerity and agreeability of our
representatives in each section.
,jf ''.--'' ' jxap""'" -! '
'T'he Exhibit of New
Fashions te Be JVern
at Southern Resorts
is full of charm se clear and bright are the colors, se
interesting the new imported fabrics; se practical and
becoming the styles, all set against a Southern back
ground. The exhibition includes morning and afternoon
dresses, many of the sports type, and evening frocks.
Among them are such fashion features as
I'al white wool dots
embroidered te form
borders en a coat and
dress r.uit of while ('un
ion crepe.
Fringe, rcry deep, en
skirts and sashes.
Small box pleats
compos i n y entire
dresses and coats, even
te sleeves.
Chain-stitch embroid
ery. Seutache braid form ferm
ina simple lattice deco
ration. nccl printed and
embroidered fabrics.
Handkerchief draper
ies with borders.
The lovely new jewel
work en colored and
all-white evening
Paisley printings in
rat her light, delicate
Black and white and
silver effects of great
Eyelet work in color
en batiste.
Suede jackets in vivid
colors te he worn with
printed silk dresses.
Prices are $32.5(1 te
(I'lrt I'lenr)
Vic Weman Going Seuth
Cheeses Her Sports Hat Carefully
She well knows that she is likely te
wear it mere than any ether hat and, if
she is wise, she will have a number of
geed-looking sports hats in her Southern
Fer tennis and golf there is nothing
nwer than the new light colored or white
felt hats with ribbon or perhaps a gay
bandana twisted around the brim.
Seft, woellv Anireras are worn
yachting, metering, and they are just the things te go
with sweaters.
Besides, there are all kinds of straw hats as plainly
tailored or as fancy as one cheeses, the smartest being
the new Bankek straws with draped silk bands. They
are se light one scarcely feels them en the head, and the
colors and trimmings are beautifully harmonized.
There is such a variety that most women will want
a different hat for every sports ceatume.
Ctrrend Vloer)
"omen r Fine Sports Coats
Made of English trtezc
New nrrivnla nnd the best women a sports
cents of the kind thnt nre made. The label tells
the story te every wemnn who knows this well
known maker of men's overcoats und women's
spertH cents,
Seveinl different models, seme with set-in nnd
ethers with radian sleeves nnd there are many
beautiful coloring in indistinct plaids, mixtures
and herringbone weaves.
Frem $57.50 te $70. Wanamaker's, how
ever, is the only placu you will find them.
(Klrtt Fleer)
Fer Tiny
Pictures of
Loved Ones
there have just arrived some
beautiful little sterling silver
lockets te be worn en black rib
bon sauteirs around the neck.
Prettily engraved or with
engine turned stripes. They
each held two pictures.
Separate lockets, $2.50 te
$4.25. Lockets and sauteirs,
$3.50 te $5.25.
(Mnln Fleer)
Face Powder
Frem Paris
Oree' is a delightful fra
grance of Claire's sold only
by Wanamaker's.
The powder is in a square
beige box and comes in natural,
white and Rachel, $1.50 the
(.Mnln Fleer)
Remnant Sale of
Winter Dress
A little of everything that
has been selling during the past
busy weeks may be had for a
third less serges, wool crepes,
poplins, Peirct twills, trlco trlce
tines, plaids, coatings, wool
checks, broadcloths.
Lengths run from one yard
te enough for entire dresses.
Corduroy and velveteen rem
nants arc reduced te half.
All thrifty women espe
cially these with children te
plan for will find it a worth
while opportunity.
Flrt Fleer)
Remnants of
White Goods
AH sorts of plain and fancy
white goods in the desirable
lengths for shirtwaists, aprons
and children's dresses.
Prices average a third less
a few remnants are a half.
(t'lrt Fleer)
In ether words, certain med.
els of which there are only per
haps three or four left, maybe
only one or two.
But they are some of the
most beautiful Parisienne cor
sets nnd comparatively new
styles. Pink and white broche
and batiste, a few satin girdles
and ribbon step-ins.
New priced $8 te $20.
(Third Fleer)
Little Clearaway
of Small Tub
They arc for little girls of 2
te 6 about two hundred in
dozens of styles, but net mere
than two or three of each
Pretty white-dotted Swisses,
lawns or voiles, colored chnm
bryrs, ginghams, etc., but all
in need of a tubbing. Priced
$1.25 te $10.
(Third Fleer)
A Game Table
for Winter
Evenings, v3
Collapsible tables, measuring
29 inches square, are covered
with felt or leatherette.
They can be folded up in a
little space when net in use.
(Fourth Fleer)
A Silver Tea Service May Grew
Piece by Piece
Or it may be bought all at one time. Apparently many tea
services are being either started or completed this year, from the
matching up of patterns that is going en.
There is a great advantage in having a large number of
beautiful period designs te cheese from, especially the kind you
will find in the Wanamaker Jewelry Stere.
Five-piece tea services, $245 te $1050. Kettles, $145 te $460.
Waiters, $150 te $725.
(Mnln fleer)
The Fan-Tongue Slipper Is
Fashion's Latest Favorite
It Is known immediately by the fan
shaped tongue with inset panels of
dull or shiny leather. The tongue
Is large and tends te make the feet
leek smaller.
(Flrnt Fleer)
The slipper Is intended for street
wear and has a low Spanish heel
with short vamp and medium round
In black .satin or patent leather,
$10. In brown or black suede, $11.
Men Who Like Evening Attire a Little
Different Often Find It in
the Londen Shep
A dinner jacket and a dress coat hae been created
by the Londen Shep tailors. And men who dress well
have nodded their approval.
Rather conservative coats, but smart coats, embody
ing some of the details of modeling that is liked se heart
ily along the Piccadilly.
They are all ready te put en. made of the finest
materials, in splendid taste, yet buoyant and diff'Tvnt.
Dress coat and trousers, S70.
Dinner jacket and trousers, $65.
(The finllcr.)
A New All-Weel Full-Fashioned
Stocking for $3
Women who fellow sport outdoors
need just as many wool hose as they
de silk and they are just as particu
lar about them.
The new style has met instant
approval. In just the shades of
brown heather colors that are most
demanded. And embroidered
clocks add a dainty touch.
Other sports hose are in wonder
ful selection, starting at $1.25 the
pair for a woeUand-colton mix
ture and going up te the splendid
silk-and-wool ones at $22.50.
Snow's Deep in the Northland and
Winter Sports Have Started
Travel the whole world ever, but there's no fun like the ski
or the bobsled and the icy toboggan.
Every north-bound train carries scores of happy folk, eager
for the tang of the frosty air.
And every day finds them at Wanamaker's picking out the
things that Winter sports depend upon.
Skis, snowshoes, toboggans aplenty are in the Sporting Goods
Skis in pine, maple, ash or hickory are priced $1.25 te $12.
Toboggans in all sizes, $6 te $19.
Snowshoes, many specially priced $5 the pair.
(The C.nllfry)
Any Man Likes a Geed
Walrus Traveling Bag
and here's er.e for $13.75 which i
mighty fine.
It is of durable, reugh-frain wal
rus leather, which will give long
and faithful service. Substantially
made with locks and trimmings of
the newest type.
Dark brown or black in the 18
inch siZC.
(Mln Fleer)
Seme Better Than
I'sual Knit
Neckties for Men
at $1 Each
I'lain colors mostly, heavy and
durable ns well as mighty geed look
ing. With them air some heathers and
stripes, including bread colorful
ones and the thinner kind. Nearly
all colors' are In the group.
(Mnln Flmir)
It's Like Walking en Air With
Crepe Rubber Seles
Sportsmen agree they are the best things ever cushions of
comfort under the feet.
Yet they will net slip, even en wet pavements or wet grass.
And they will net track dirt. And they de wear long and well.
Crepe rubber is the newest sole for the sports oxford. Every
body who wears them speaks loud in approval. There are many
kinds of crepe rubber soles and many prices, but only at Wana
maker's can the geed ones be had for $7 the pair.
And the oxfords are in two styles both of tan calfskin.
One has dark brown tips, saddle and heel foxing; the ether has
the soft, tipless tee, but dark brown saddle and heel foxing.
(Main Fleer)
Dish Drainers Built
Like a Cake Pan, $1
The cylinder in the center
holds the cutlery and the dishes
are stacked around the edge.
Anether practical drainer is
oblong in shape, with a rack
down the center for plates and
a wire basket for cutlery.
When placed en the drain
beard the het water runs di
rectly into the sink. $1.75.
(Fourth Fleer)
A Great Inrush of New Down-Filled Quilts
$13.50 and $16
All in plain colored sateen coverings
and all made in our own workrooms.
Every desirable plain shade in the as
sortment, rose, various shades of blue, also
gray, green, lavender, geld and yellow.
Full of warmth and service and unsur-
(Slith Fleer)
passed in materials and making at the
prices SI 3.50 for one H ft. square, and $16
for extra-large ones, 6x7 ft.
Quilts of the same type, but covered in
plain colored silk are priced $20 in size 6 ft.
Umbrellas Are Down te $:
Goed-lookinj? ones for men and
Covets are union taffeta (silk
warp with cotton fillinjr) evor Para
gon frames. Handles are full bake-
lite or hardwoods, with lings or
leather straps. Heek handles en all
the men's styles.
$3 for just three hundred of them.
(Mnln Fleer)
Window Ventilators,
Inexpensive and Effective
Geed ventilation is the best picventive against Winter colds and these
ventilators arc especially (reed for city dwellings.
An adjustable hard-weed frame is covered with specially treated buff
colored cotton cloth which lets the fresh air into the room, yet keeps out
dust, soot, rain anil snow, in six sizes:
O Im.Ii.. IiIIi I ft. J!t Infill.. Inn
D Inrhri Mill, 23 te :I7 Inchen long
0 Inrhrt hlrb. te te 49 Inrlie limit
15 lnrlit tilth, 23 le :U lnrli ' ik
16 inrliee lilfh, It te 4 Inrli ,ij .
(Fourth Fleer)
Mesul Rugs, $39 te $47
Heavy, serviceable and goed-lookinp weaves in combinations
of dark red. blue and ecru.
Sizes are approximately 3x6 te 3.6x7 ft., and at 39' te $47
the values are exceptionally geed.
Fer wear and furnishing effect they are probably the most
desirable small Oriental rugs obtainable at the prices.
HTnlh fleiiri
New Marquisette Curtains Remarkable
at $1.50 a Pair
Made with a hemstitched edge and fringed bottom, about
the newest style en the market.
Yet at $1.50 a pair thev are as low-priced as the plain
unf ringed kind, nnd thev are as geed as any curtains of this tvne
that we have seen in a long while at twice the price.
In white, 21'4 yards long, $1.50 a pair, but net mere than
500 pair in the let.
'Fifth Tlneri
Bathroom Mirrors, $5
Itvend one or oblent nhnpe with
rounded rorner, heth with whit
mantel frareea nml beTel-r(lf mirror
12x18 Inehci.
(Fourth Meer)
Every Sportsman Wears
a Town and Country
Great, snug coats that turn the
weather ns well as the wind yet
they are entirely free of that
bundled-up feeling
They havt leather-lined bodies,
leather sleevcs, knit necks and wool
wristlets. The body surface may be
of corduroy, fancy tweed, wool suit
ings, cheviets, cassimere or over ever
plaids. Priced 112.50 te $22.50.
(The Unllerjr)
New Decorated Bedroom Suits
of Distinction
The work being done in our own dec
orating rooms is strikingly illustrated by
some bedroom suits that have just come en
the fleer.
One suit, done in Chinese lacquer, is
chiefly in old yellow, with effective touches
of blue, the entire suit being decorated all
ever with Chinese foliage in relief in geld
and contrasting colors.
Fer six pieces the price is S1575, the
suit comprising full-size bed, bureau, chif chif
fenette, vanity dressing table, bench and
Anether distinctive bedroom suit
shows a geed deal of French influence. This
is in shaded pink enamel in an antique effect,
with ivory panels showing painted floral
decorations, an exceptionally graceful and
pleasing motif.
Fer twin beds, bureau, chill'enette, van
ity dressing table, night table, chair and
bench the price is $1175.
These are individual suits in the strict
est sense, there being only one of each kind
ana mere will be no duplicates.
(Slat fleer)