Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
m put" - t S ft y" H. w ,, -j. jf ' 'VtS - VWTOtTO'T,M '''VWV Jrt -r..,f,T f- . . ' "'' i .: x"jl . mm 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA1, THURSDAY,1 DECEMBER 28. 1922 V I 1 ru u Mfr ! at. ,' HOPETO REPRODUCE CAVEMAN'S VI E Scientists Told Recent inven tion Makes Reconstruction of Types of Resonance Possible Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 23. A pos sible lnqight Inte thp qualities of primi tive speech, through the npplicntlen of a recent invention ir. nceu'tics te the remaln of prehistoric -kulln. was ilggested by Prof. Mark II. Uddell, f Purdue University, In an nddre?9 prepared for deliver before the Amer ican Anthropological Avcliit1en tedny. Recent investigations, he enld, hnd mnde it pestble te learn the funda mental qualities of pwch pound which conditioned nil InnRunge. Urging n careful measurement of the remains of the human resonance organs s they appear in the pulntal arches end nei lavities of I'lelilsterle skulls, he aid : ''The time nnv come when the phjt cist, with such data hi hand, can "re construct the tvpes et resonance that uch remains would give out when the kull of the anatomist has been invoked te supply the mining putts." Profe-ser ,f. Presbv Chapman, of Tale University, in n paper uTltten for the American Psychological Associa tion, another of the organisatiens mett lng with the American As-ei latien for the Advancement of S'Ipn-m. riticiwj tee great dependence en intelligence tests. He warned pnrtii i,nr' against a tendenev te c-uinat'' l tin differ ence between the .ttm iiug i an lm' -vidiial in intelligent e mid in school tests, the extent te wlu h he vn taking ndvantage of h s .oheol oppertjnit. make huckleberry plot the best yen ever nte nnd her npple dumplings were n dream. The art of coeltlni? nnd the science of housewifery fnsclnnted her; but for nil ether arts nnd sciences she hnd little aptitude nnd lea liking. Her father having made much money and there being; many servants in the house, the exercise of her domestic talents was greatly restricted. Mrs. Wilcox, being bent en society. had dragged llclln in with her, nnd Bella had been a social success from the hour et her debut. Se Arabella get along very well until phe met Hex Hamilton. Hamilton was the cntch of the season. Hut, nlas! he was "literary," had written u book nnd talked literature, nnd nil the girls hnd a terrible time studying up in order te be able te talk with him en anything like passable terms. Atabella had met Hamilton several times, nnd, had she net been se afraid of his literary at tainments nnd his habit of showing them would have greatly enjoyed his society. As is was, she was constantly en guard te foil his nt tempt te talk books with her nnd only saved herself en several occasions but tutting short conservatiens which were otherwise exceedingly ngreeable te her. Mr. Hamilton, she thought, was delight ful, but between him and her she realized was a great gulf fixed her absolute ignorance of literature. She was sure te make srme awful break If she talked with him for any length of time j she was sure te expose her Ignorance nnd then what would he think of her? "Why did I cut literature ke nt school?" she asked herself remorse fully. Se It wns with very mixed feel ing that she heard her mother say ene day, "Bella dear, Mr. Hamilton is go Ine te dren In te ten this afternoon. He sure and show him thnt your father and I did net waste our money en your education. It cost enough, goodness knows! Hamilton is n great catch and very literary. He's written a book they tay. Your father and I never had the early advantages you hnve had. But we want te show Mr. Hamilton thnt. ttinnph we msv net be literary I ourselves, perhaps, we have n daughter who Is." "But, mother," cried Bella aghast, "I nm awfully nistv ou literature. I never was any geed at It, anyway. Yeu knew I wasn't. Oh, dear, I nm sure te make seme horrid blunder If I nm force,! te talk about books with Mr. I Hamilton. Don't ask me for I cnu't, II can't." I "Can't?" cried Mrs. Wilcox. ''M& you a graduate mf the Melten Slew- i brav Sclioel for Yeung ladles? I nm ' ashamed of you. Yeu must. Hamilton is always wanting te talk nbeut you ' cverv time 1 meet him. What de you mean, ungrateful child? De jeu want te die an old mnul, with such n chnnce as Hamilton before you? There, go nletll? wttti vnirf ntirl Vtt. eniwt r,i .1a --c '' fr .. m. own. j,fi, uu as I tell you." Her mother's harangue only added te the trepidation with which Belln met Mr. Hex Hamilton at the ten table tint afternoon. And her trepidation grew into nbsolute horror when, in Hl)itt of tlelln'e nlfatmite I...,. (I. conversation in channels lending as ... i'ul,3lu'n away irera the rocks of literature. Mrs. Wilcox obstinately ;imii reieiuiciy sent me current run inlng bnck te the subject Bella wns 'trjing te nveid. And, net content with mm. me iena metuer openly bensted ... umiimuii ui hit aaugnters greitt proficiency in mntters literary until Delia, seefne egennn fmnrtfUiM i.i.ii. Plunged In nnd struck out lcoklesHlj in the perilous waves nf linntriuV. ..- versutleu. Rlie ilM fnlfl.. .11 ..- nwhile, but becoming mere and moie be- wnuereu ey me torrent or belles letters with which Hamilton overwhelmed her she ventured tee far nnd was lest oeme woman sitting near by was recounting n fnln tt n II, n. i , " V. 1 ."" journey she nnd some of her fr ml 1...1 -.," cently mnde. Hnmlltnn inni , Bella, with a smile and said: HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1923 The Daily Novelette The Mixi'd-l'p Pilgrims By H. HIVING KINO TO TEM the truth, Arabelln W'.-et was n verv prettv g.rl. and a vejv Dire girl in everj wiv. b-.t she was nt hat is ailed 'irtelVctun' " he was bnght enough, ns far as that went, but her brightness, lav n ether direc tions than "book learning ' he oeulj H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 1 9 2 3 WHY YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31st LORRAINE WINTER GARDEN Bread St. & Fairmount Ave. Mes' pn itlfu.lv Decorated-Largest and Best Cabaret Shew 1n ij. i- fj -eating Capacity Over 6ffi Excellent Kexl Proper r-.pare! tmd Prompt Service Wonderful Dance Music SUPPER DE LUXE SERVED FROM 10 P. M. Until 12 Midnight At J6.50 Per Persen, Including: Cever Charge CABARET AND DANCING FROM 12 MidniRht Until Closing Seuvenirs: Paper Hats, Xelxc Makers, Faier.t MUI. OK rttONK rOR TVHLK RKSEKVATIOV r.MII) HELL, POl'LAU 0310 E.t te Renrh by aie or Trelley, Unlimited rarMnic Kncllltle H A P P Y N E W Y E A R "Quite like the Canterbury Pilgrims were they net?" "Yes, Indeed," replied Bella, anil idieuld hove let it go nt thnt, but she must needs add, "I have net read Chaucer's 'Pilgrim's Progress for years." The sudden pause nnd quick leek of Hamilton told her at once that phe hnd made n "brenk" and, In her con fusion, she blurted eut: "Oh, I mean his Chllde Hareld's pilgrimage, of ceurhe." ( Hamilton, well bred as he was, could net repress a smile. Bella, blush ing te the roots of her hair, rose hnsttly nnd said. "Yeu renlly must excuse me, Mr. Hamilten: I must go and speak with Mrs. Wlthorspeon " nnd wnlked ever te one of the women guests. Fer n whole week Bella refused te go nny vvhere that hIic was likely te meet Ham ilton nnd declined te see him when he called as he did severnl times. Fin nib she received the following note from him: "My Dear Miss Wilcox Why should some mixed up, no account, pilgrims stand between me nnd a eung lady I sincerely admire? if jeu nre net thoroughly cenvcrsnnt with literature it is becnusc you have never hnd n competent instructor. Will jeu let me lie thnt instructor" tiie next time Hnmllten called Bella leeched him. And de you think they entered there nnd then upon n course of Htcrnry study? They did net they found ether things te talk nbeut. And before they were married, which wns the following June, Belln gave Hnmllten clenrly te understand thnt having mixed these pilgrims up, they could stnviT? nil of her. Mr. Hnmllten X?'.V '' wriuiis hooks vviilei tjen't ii '"I nddlng te his fortune by "pcCnii,,,, tPfcl en. no win ent no nnnle . ,QnH but these of his wife's lCi.('ulItlis "lunii ir. i HAPPY NEW YEAR, 1923 hni ii I. mi1 ii LL...JL- ..iii.niiriiiiiiir7 IIIHIIIHII llll il , ILr ,m Coats, Suits, and Dresses Sweaiers and Skirts ill1!!!!1'.. . " I i i, l,i. i ... .,ii iil.l Mid-Winter Clearance Smart Street Dresses Drastically Reduced . i. I M .1. Mill. .. M.IW Prices in Many Cases are Cost and Less X " V r- T "- . w . - EI3 fe.1 m m i 4f r, jrJy rfW ' iVs . U i'r i (riis&.J m ' V' k ri- - -.r- s. -, . s . I I --. K y . ' i y w: ifefa - ' v U i v V .'WA A ' i ii isiii.1 wa.'s? m 'ii i m 5v i ,"-, ' rl ' i El Every style, color and fabric of the season in smart, serviceable mode?. The rhoesing is complete and varied, including all sizes from 16 te 42. They were $25, $15 te $65, New Reduced te s15, s18, s25, s29d and f35 THIRD FLOOR c Dinner & Evening Dresses Dance Frecks A splendidly complete and attractive collection, including a number of j original Puns models. They were $59.50 le $165, Reduced te ! '37.50, 45 te s95 j SECOND fLOOR i All Purchases Billed February 1st m. III " "" -rflMjJMIWW(NiQlBBMwBttltefc Bracelet of Unusual Beauty Flexible platinum bracelet with large diamond weigh ins 2.22 cts . gracefully paved with 152 small dia monds. $3300 S. Kind & Sens 1110 chestnut st. DIAMOND MraciIANTS-JEWELEnS-SirA-rCRSMtTHS Hupmebile t The absence of a drip pan en the Hup Hup eobile meter prevents accumulation of grease, oil. and dirt, and consequent fire v hazard. It further allows any meter fumes te scatter in air, and net enter the driving compartment. In addition, it per mits the meter te cool mere readily, and te remain at proper tempera ture te secure maximum efficiency. Open Evenings n&rpec & ftif Poplar S26i New Locations Sales: 720 North Bread, Cerner Brown Parts & Service: 625-635 N. Watts St. L Heppes Offer and really deliver a Francesca Piane for $370-or a Francesca Player-Piane for $495 or a Heppe Baby Grand for $650 Term f $1 A Monthly and Upwards or Open Charg 1 v We Take Other Pianos in Excha e Account ange C. J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street. Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. i s M-iBIB HSflHIfll 1 I Victrela Ne. 210 11 I f $100 ft H Mahogany m Jf LI Jl r HPI Victrela VI $35 Mahogany or oak Victrela Ne. 50 $50 Mahogany or Oak Felda up like a ,,. in u Lase Popular types of Victrelas ljfclta 'HHpjflfli Victrela IX 575 Mahogany or oak iSSSi!-- n 300, electric S290 Mahogany, oak or walnut $ I I A 'AfLflMHKV Q0 M BH n ! SmTB ! M ,--' rTTriT MP IWIJy I i3 r MW v. Victrela Ne. 100 $150 Mahogany, oak or walnut Heppe Victer Victrela Service is only Natural in a Strictly Musical Heuse like Heppe's one that Sells the Victer only. n TERMS: "If it is net a Victer Victrela it is a disappointment." Weekly and Upwards or Open Charge Account Ne interest Charged for Time C J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere 1 117-11 19 Chestnut Street. Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Th ' -.iHg.,js,Mj-1 ompsen Sts. M 1220-22-24 Walnut Str6et3gi'iiliilii,ll'l,lli,iili,t "" II 4 .i v. .rvL 'A J