Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
LLLLLMRpPlSMYSffiP !35Sw . Sat? s . ' . . i l rnTCU TRR TF PA II W IHR I1FP.I INM s.www - iiiuiiiiirn nun uiaiiip. -.A. Lflrd-WWe Sunday bcnoei Calls Its Leaaer News a Prince of Ced' 0 HEAD OF ORGANIZATION t.i. Wnnumakcr Is spoken of nn VU - jm lu ILa WnJ.l.n ZJZ x In the World-wide ...Utr Rehael rsCWB, nmcmi urKiin 01 World's Sunday Scheel Association, Heb was received "y cmircn icnncrs .Mr. the i ..-i tr WnnnmaKer wan ureal- rtsterea,. ;'"".-.. . , of the WOriU H Dummy etnuui e- allen. Five memuers or tnc asso asse asso ,en'g Executive Committee died foil tj.c yr 1022. Tb cws els """ "" "" ,u Was elected cnairman or ine Eiecutlve Committee in rsevcmlier, .'.. ..e,1lnr TT. J. Heinz. He war .Voted president of tlie World's Asse- i, TnVle. Jnpnn, October 14, 1020. leMldns of llIm nB "w"ld-wlde Sun ' ... I..MJ-. II .lis Van's ..... 'Te attempt n cuIerv of such n man . T.I.II Wnnnmnker would be likft nlac- Id a single fewcr at tlie base of a nit pyramid. IIe builded nn few men did, for lie was indeed a wise master btlUdCr. HIS l'11 3 '"" "" iircuiu- lil, Fer mere than n generation tne tirratlve of his early strujrgle and Ids mnti nvpp difficulties Iirh been held Before countless young Americans ns an ibjCCt lessen niiu un iiiLeiiiitu m me Wticc of the virtues no appraised cost highly application, cencentre- nn. enterprise, originality, ambition, honesty, self-confidence and depend depend "Jehn Wannmnker laid the feunda- i 1.1a vi.n.lnl llfl.llAII niA tn ,10118 lUr UIO mi;iv,t. in.-!:!... mm uu fccre lasting rock than were eullt the nwire pllei which are the markers of li commercial genius. lie was n be- IifTfr in iriiKiuii ui um lirucucui isert ud in its everyday application, lie Lire KenrreiiHi.v ul u nine unu nis re F0Urce9 in uuuuiiiK (UKumzmiuiiM mnt TOulOiCu iirugruiiis "i uuuntuivr-uuiiu- TJ..I It M(I.t U- ..,.1,1 1. .! knetnaea no n tnnhanf trna Innl. Intnl. for be devoted was he te his L.....U nnrl Klinilae enlinAl ntittui UU1LU unu .ruuwnj dvuvi iiiktMdlD bat te these who knew him well these wcied te lie of first importance. .ilr. numuiinucr nns inuecd a nercliant prince, but he was mere than rat. iic imin u i nun' ui una. anu, ,VI1. I.i'e Innrlnrahln nf !.. 1V.I.I. IlUUr Iltfl ..ww... v 14JTJ iiuilil D iunday Scheel forces ns president was imuu umauvii, iv mil inn; iniuKU i" apart the spirit and vision of attempt ing big things for the Kingdom's cuke." EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 28. 1922 WULVtKlUN 'Whoever Is Director,' Says Prosecutor, 'Faces Man- Sized Task' WAS INDORSED BY SENATORS Charles A. Wolvorten, prosecutor of Camden County, will net be the new State Prohibition Director of New Jersey. Prosecutor Wolvcrten virtually ad mitted yesterday he had declined an offer of the position. Mr. Wolvcrten visited Federal Director Hayncs In Washington recently and the proposi preposi tion wni discussed. Mr. Wolvcrten would net state defi nitely that he was offered the position, but it U understood that he was ten dered the job, but declined It. Mr. Wolvcrten had the unanimous indorse inderse ment of Senators Frellnghuyeen and Bdge and Representative F. F. Pat terson, Jr. On the ether hand, clese friends urged him net te take the posi tion. "The man who takes the job faces a monumental task," said Mr. Welvcr- I TliA Ttnnrffa f ti..l.ll- ---t... ... . 1 LnS-f-.j1, ,re Commissioners, recently appointed, met their first setbacks at TJH.e,!i,,ie D,,,t'n8 '"St night. The hitch In the Heard of Public .. uu,,rrcu w"fn tne Jllghwny De-W.-Ilm' vtwW WHS for $44,007. The bills were Indorsed by the Itepub- rnMT"' b,ut W,lllnm Schmlcf and Calvin Sherwood, the Democrat mem bers, refused te sign, asaertlnir they knew nothing about the bi Is. The question wesleft unsettled. i Tht,inem,nat,0.n 'V Oeergd Bender. llPRI!nCna m'mb ' theB Beard ei wluL 2rn1i "..Commlejleners, of iyfiltcrKe"? t0.fln a wcancy In the police department was opposed by the &E?ti0 .,"TmbJr? eiuse Maye?! elect King had net been consulted. It WMk11 t0 BCtt,e th0 mnUcr ncxt Cuticura Talcum Is Se Refreshing A few eralna nt thla nnliM. ccnud powder dotted en Um tUe oetnes ana cools, and otucesim heary perspiration. It I an Ideal face, skin, baby and chatting powder and takea the place of ether perfume ler the akin. aaanUlMhrrnfc M.pM lkMh aitr .l.l mJl- a. -Ki-K"-'fl:-s:i'STSL alCaflettra 3m iUih wUheut U&M lAkM. .WtaM ia4err55i."s3di bTtla :& Membership IN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB Assures Yeu of Meney for Next Christmas Interest Allowed We paid members half a million dollars in 1922. Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Ce 310-18-20 Chestnut Street 1415 Chestnut Street 9 S. 52d Street WALK-OVER High Shoes? CertainluWhen They Are as Smart as These ANY one can see they are new style at a glance. Rich teny brown calfskin with colored stitch ing, or sturdy brown Scotch grain with one-inch heels far skating and Winter service. $ 1 0. BROWN and black kid with medium heels and new tee shapes with wide tread and extra narrow heel fitting. Ne woman ever expected that shoes se smart and geed looking could be se comfortable. $9.50 te $12. Half Price and Less- Several hundred pairs of broken sizes in High Sheea with Walking Heels in all wanted leathers, for quick clearawav. $3.90 and $5.90. T SI imTT" Harpers unrjr"iuuer 1022 CHESTNUT 1228 MARKET Sheps NAPOLEON'S ATTTOMOORArHY life?"..' aieissr bSMmU".-,1 nssfc has cpme te life, and In Sreitlnr excenta iSBESnnS'ESVS .fr.i? Air tft-nrie' -.w - i.aum AOUl !near r- V i larl P "Hi" .i dtKt&lmm DOES YOUR LEAK? ROOF 111 Then Call Tiega 8700 Our service man will call and give you an catlmate, without cost, and tell you of a new, smooth surfaced reef we are laying at less than cost of repeated repairs. Write for "Your Reef" .fin&ucan lAtitatum RebarU At, and St ok lay St. NW1T TELLERS GQ OJw Specialty Shep Origination CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET FRIDAY END-OF-THE-YEAR CLOSING-OUT SALE REGARDLESS OF COST WOMEWSa MSSES, HIGH-GRADE APPAREL WOMEN'S DAYTIME & EVENING DRESSES GROUP 118.00 te 27.00 Canten crepes, serpentine crepes, drepstitch Can Can eon, satin-faced Canten and Reshanara in smart models. Formerly 29.50 te 49.50 29.00 te 37.00 chine. Keshanara crene. GROUP II Matelasse. crene ce Canten crepe with lace, crepe Romaine and crepe renee: rasnienabie colorings. Formerly 55.00 te 89.50 GROUP HI 39.00 te 54.00 Metal cloth and lace combinations, Canten crepe, crepe Renee and satin Canten in daytime and evening models. Formerly 65.00 te 115.00 GROUP IV 56.00 te 159.00 Crepe Elizabeth, silk matelasse. metal lace, chiffon velvet brocades, satin Canten and chiffon in vivid, dark and pastel shades. Formerly 85.00 te 225.00 MISSES' DAYTIME & EVENING DRESSES GROUP 125.00 te 35.00 Crepe Renee, matelasse, Peiret twill and satin Canten in charming versions of the mode; fash ionable colorings. Formerly 49.50 te 69.50 GROUP 1139.00 te 47.00 Satin matelasse, Peiret twill. Canten crepe, satin Canten and crepe Renee in a varied selection of chic modes. Formerly 55.00 te TOM GROUP III 55.00 te 89.50 Velvets, crepe de chine, satin Alaska, taffeta, chiffon. Peiret twill and Canten crepe in day time and evening models. Formerly 85.00 te 150.00 . GROUP IV 16.00 te 32.00 Crepe de chine, satin Canten and Peiret twill in several youthfully smart effects; various colorings in the group. Formerly 29.50 te 49.50 One-of-a-Kind WOMEN'S DRESSES 79.50 te 150.00 Formerly 129.50 te 215.00 Salin crepe, crepe Renee, Scotch tweed, Peiret twill, Juina, chiffon velvet, crepe Romaine, crepe Elizabeth and Remer, beaded chiffon voile. One-of-a-Kind MISSES' DRESSES 75.00 te 150.00 Formerly 129.50 te 210.00 Canten crepe, satin Canten, chiffon velvet, metallic brocade, in styles fascinatingly youthful; the season's leading colors. WOMEN'S 2 & 3 PC. SUITS GROUP 139.00 te 135.00 Twe-Piece Suits trimmed with fine furs. Formerly 75.00 te 225.00 GROUP II 12.00 te 165.00 Three-Piece Suits, with or without fur. Formerly 125.00 te 235.00 GROUP III 37.00 te 79.00 Twe-Piece Tailored Suits without fur. Formerly 65.00 te 125.00 GROUP IV 25.00 te 37.00 Twe-Piece Tailored Suits without fur. Formerly 49.50 te 79.50 GROUP V 18.00 te 35.00 Twe-Piece Suits, some with fur trimming. Formerly 49.50 te 125.00 Women's Depl. : Second Fleer MISSES' 2 & 3 PC. SUITS GROUP 125.00 te 79.50 Twe-Piece Suits, vvith or without fur. Formerly 39.50 te 135.00 GROUP H-49.50 te 195.00 Twe- or Three-Piece Suits, fur trimmed. Formerly 85.00 te 295M0 Misses' Dept, : Fourth Fleer BLOUSES-REDUCED Costume Over-Blouses Formerly 12.50 te 27.50 Handsome Over-Blouses many of them reproductions of imports satin Canten, Georgette, brocades, I crepe de chine in fascinating shades ; , hand-embroidery, beading and lace ! effects. First Fleer 8.75 10.00 12.50 15.00 J FUR ANIMAL SCARFS 5efic Marten Scarfs . . . 39.50 Regularly SS.00 Baum Marten Scarfs . . . 49.50 Regularly 00.50 Hudsen Bay Sable Scarfs . 69.50 Regularly 05.00 Pointed Fex Scarfs .... 75.00 Regularly 110.00 Fex Animal Scarfs .... 95.00 Ilcige, Dlue and Platimun. Ft. Seal is Dyed Cene) hur Depl. ; FINE FUR COATS 40'' French Seal Coats . . 175.00 Skunk cellar and cuffs, Reg. S65.00 40" Hudsen Seal Coats . . 210.00 Skunk cellar and cuffs. Reg. 295.00 45" Hudsen Seal Coats . . 245.00 Skunk cellar and cuffs. Reg, 350.00 Hudsen Seal Medel Ceals 495.00 W" and 50", contrastingly trimmed. Heg, 750.00 Fifth Fleer Hud. Seal is Dyed Musical STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER PHE holiday recess affords parents a long awaited opportunity te bring';,' the children te the Stere and leisurely select the apparel needed for th ; season ahead. Therefore, for te-morrow, the children's wear sections have., arranged many attractions that will make an early visit well-worth your .' while. A I 55,5 C59.50 Q $55.00 $25.00 S29.50 Jeys', Girls' and Misses' Apparel Being a brief mention of many lets at year-end clearance prices and many new fashions just recently arrived. L Interesting News from the Misses' Wear Stere These are great days in the Misses' Wear Stere great reductions en the finest winter garments. Alse beautiful new things arriving, as, for instance, the Deauville Scarf Dress shown in the sketch, the Scarf and sash of a lavishly lined Paisley. We cannot begin te picture nor pen half the interesting news from this great store for Girls, but we have made all arrangements te serve well all the school and college girls who always use some of these Holidays for shopping. $59.50 Mis8es' Fine ) Suits new Marleen, vcldyne and vcleur de lnine you can tell the quality of these Suits by the materials. Suits with fur-trimmed short box coats, Balkan blouse and fancy belted coats, and Costume Suits with novelty silk waist. Sizc3 14 te 18 years. The model sketched is one of our finest Costume Suits reduced nearly one-third. New Dresses Special $29.50 and $35.00 Navy blue, black, brown, cocoa and Lanvin Kreen Canten crepe. Lew-waisted Dresses with braided motif iii sleeves and wnist, ethers with Paisley handkerchief draped cellar and side nash. Sizes 14 te 18 years. Misses Smart j Fairfield Coats Our exclusive Fairfield model developed in im ported cloaking in the smartest striped and plaid effects; large cellar of raccoon. (See sketch.) Sizes 14 te 18 years. Intermediate I Dress Coats Intermediate Girls' Fairfield Coats, in belted double-breasted, raglan-sleeve style, of fine brown and tan tweed. You'll knew these are special as seen as you see the quality of the cloth. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years. Girls' Jersey Cleth Dresses I $5.50 $55 Girls' Jcrsev Cleth Dresses in two styles one sketched. Lew-waisted and tie-bclted Dresses, in navy blue, brown, deer and henna, appliqued in velvet stitched in color. Sizes G te 14 years. a-- -VStrutttildgc i. Clethlr Second Fleer, Jlarku Street New Raccoon Coats Youthful models in SO-inch and 38-inch lengths, ?e- j1111".301710 rolling cellar and turn-back cuffs; f2e0.00. In 40-inch te 45-inch lengths, $286.00 te 5360.00. Other models, various lengths, seme trimmed with natural skunk, 3385.00 te $535 00 StrawbrMc k C'ethlit -Wend Vlcnr. Filbert Beys' Winter Suits and Overcoats Save One-third and One-half! Holiday time is the right time te get that new Suit and warm Overcoat the boy needs at a substantial saving. Beys' Suits Half Price New $6.75 te $15.00 Of sturdy suitings in smart shades, all care fully tailored. Seme with two pairs of Knicker bockers. Sizes T te 17 years. All-Weel Twe-Trousers Winter Overcoats $8.75 All-wool Overcoats, wool-lined, bizes for boys of 3 te 8 years. Werth one-half mere. Weel Junier Suits New $3.75 te $5.00 Warm Woolen Suits for boys from 3 te 6 year. All worth double these Sale prices. Junier stv1e, well-cut and well-tailored. " Suits, 7 te 17 Years$9.75 -. Winter Overcoats $10.50 Styles for boys from 0 te 13 vears. SPECIAr All-wool, wool-lined and h convertible celfi, ' Clearance of Little Tots' " Winter Coats at $5.00 te $40.00 Our entire remaining sleck of winter Coats for pirls of 2 te 5 years and bev nf 2 te -l is new reduced mere than one-fourth. Medels of broadcloth, tweeds chinrMll cloth, and warm sett .cloaking, both plain and in novelty effects. Among them our finpS imported Coats. Only a few of a model, no duplicates of mnnv style including til smartly tailored, belted Coats and Coats dressy in effect, some trimmed with fur S5 On te $40.00. ?e.v) All Our Winter Hats and Bennets for little folks ,wu reduced mere than fourth. " un0m 51 fitrrllr & u We, We are Authorities en Children's Footwear and Correct Fitting e We have studied children's feet and Children's Shoes and we knew just the Footwear growing feet need se that they may develop as nature intended nwiwn THE CHILDREN TO BE FITTED te the correct Shees: ' Fer Children and Girls Children's tnn calf Blucher Shoes with flexible welted soles and soft tees. Sizes 4 te 8 S4.50: of white buckskin $5.00. Sizes 24 te 7 Grewing Girls' tan calf patent colt and gun-mitnl calf Lace Shoes various te fahnpes, $fc.00 Tnn calf Lnce Oxfords, shield tips, rubber heels, $0.50. Dark tnn calf lace "Fairfield'' Oxfords, soft box, low rubber heels, splendid Ox fords for every outdoor wear $7.50. Size.-, 84 te 11 Gun-metal calf Lace- Shoes dressy and serviceable, $5.00; Tan cnlf and patent colt Lace Shoes, $5.50; Patent colt Butten Shoes with cloth or kid tops $5.00 and $5.50. ' T n,SPluCIALT.?hildrt'Ts an1 Mi' t" calf Lnce Shoes with bread teos and long wine tlm sizes 8 V, te 11 at $3.45; 11 V, te 2 at $3.95? fX one-third less than regular prices. mrawDHflM runnier nihth , rilbert Mret STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET $25 t ? FILBERT STREET T tkm