"-A" , .. EVJ5XIX0 PUULIC LtiDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 i t I . 4 ' J. i f Ht-ju M I w w iik I K I' ' YU fj'lfi i KW ' P BP n ! fi ' ; t ft .' u fl ra l B An introduction ts t small matter but some times leads te ast benefits. Trial tin, 10c. v CHOCOLATE Made b Mjerj 0 VC h m Cileuics aKS-sc ljLQum "Mutual iv M a t c a i e s s THEenv.c-.natk.hicss Orient .1 Pearl i-no longer m tchics, !or the Tcv'..i Ptarl ha matched it intthles ly! X here once r!ie Orient.il um match less alone theOnental and the Te ia .lie new match Ie teserher TV. .. read S'ecklMi uii'l Cjsnuin'. fiiiimend Ciajpi $IOO te SSO V ff "cem 39SJiftAs?u sua hu ajjrfa OR -' 1 ! -. 1.- s "CWlViii; S ,T:tU"Aii Charles T. Maxwell &. Ce. NX alnut c' ,,t :6tS m Net tee late te join Man )0ni,f .,; me I h' -ina. ever bel'eif tnc;. nk 'i tr.e ni-.xt. De ynj 'vnu '. ' 1 1 I, ,ii..i Club tha - " ': ..h --- Yeu ran en' u r ,1 my time befnip J.ir...ar l'"i 4 Chelten Trust 5614 Germantown Avenue or-F.:; fVERY day t ::hht Legan: erk Read and Rtiscnmb OPEK EVFRY T.VY & 1 HID V :.' I0K". Let the HOSKINSMAN Help Yeu Selve Your Office Problems New i the tinn .f tne ea. when the quitnni of tiliii? and transfer of ntV.oe record i uppermost in the iiiitiiis of the mnjemy of buttns men. Wc !hall be lad te offer ue ue Kestietis which will asi-' jeu in the selcetiet of the pieptr Mippiiex tinl e(Uipnient ler the expedient hanillmi; ! ' rre spendtT.ce ni'd Immi'., Ledger, hillmjr .unl Uookkeep Ueokkeep Uoekkeep lnR S.vstems. Ttatifir fi!iTi fi!iTi ef nil kinds e" Oili and '"a -lery merds cost s.-stem., . "MEMINDEX" DISPLAY in Our Window Ii 904-906 Chestnut Street Mtnt.w It 4t.t. f'l,A,fl,... Hmss ? j l- X j 111 j 1 N. Y. CONSULATE Free State and Republican En- ....- !.. .. n !-. ! vuys 111 JOII1I rOSSeSSlOn RIVAL IRISH LAI MRS. MacSWINEY THERE,MAN IDENTIFIED BY CHILD' Hi -I n. r atfd V" mw i mi,, ii,,. s .Mt,-r nn nu nlsln m.l. mpt.n'umi's of 111- Irl-h 1'i-r Stiiie iin.l ,.f Kiiiiin,, ,.- Vnlrrn'-, I-,.,, ,.,, . '",,, ,,,,!! ir.ii K.pni.i... m no,.n (.., in .tin Vw " tt-. lit f 'Js After mi nil "M, in Imnt iiwv,sM(.n if tlie .eV Ni'tk elfiee of I''" lri-1. ("etiMll. I'lie lieii lie i ..t liit night M"e sient 1,1 p in ,.f nl lhnt( ninl spokesmen fi'i both .ili null, uted that the lljl.t I'm leeiil piiw,.inn of the i eiisiilnte. I'lninliiinsl ,ierii:i h Piniel.t M Si I'll, letirbn: I'eli-iil liemrnl for the luh I'ive Stii'e would In- t.iken te M.t. nih i lined ..tei ti.e eih.-e e I.nitl-n i'ihwCiiI i"iee Smier. x- 'Md.n iii .rniiB nml niuiet linuiedi.iteh Lauren liintu'1. meiiihei uf the l'e .ileru i ".lienet, iippein'eil ntid de- mnniied ieni,.. Me il.si,iive,l papers i. the . 1e Mmr le Mils the i. 111. il i-m . f ihe 1 1 i-li ltepiih'' ' t 'raw lern e ml in illnlr.iw find I. title" i l - .ni nine I seven nllu-i' U-l ablienn ' .Ubr. inc udiiirf Mr- T.rei,,. M , s,P(, ,U(i f ,. I-.--I Miinpii r.-k. tn.ik possMssien .. i portion . f the enVe Craw foul. w 'h i s.nc'e .i-sistflnt. was entiinm. In i i ml had i. In- nr.ten: with nmv nn, n, n Mills ,'t.llle'l !i. ween th leuei l.ri is nt in ii.-ii'in,, ii- that 'neie slien.d i tn iileii, , , n 1 n i he viKgcs mil '" l - M.ii Mirn'i tin i. p," misms. stn'l il the l.-I.i ,. n . i t i I." the I we .lltn- -ii n w.i- ind , w.i . DllMill. lie "Js i V - I he Ii - i I'u ii nn tinl w ' i is h . ,...ini nt 't I "illmi'l ," V.ilern tetiix.nj In the if iiit iii i-iii e 1 is a4;.ti.de b I'rei- i i ( -.r.iii' 1 ' iler'i -ns- j,,, us, n der. i nn it ..f the lepiilih.' i a. r.ng ns th.. l n r.i .v .I'm t' Is pictured M iv- n I. i- i, i Imri'i the moment i',e ii r in eiii hi the n.i nn y, 'In- si..-.. , Ii;ul is n'lewe,! 1.1 ii ' at i "l" Si.piuiie IVni it "I e "C- i s ,i l,iu,i te determine iii. 'e:nl 1 I 1 -'.' I1 . til! l tTeret.i'es vrleh ' i iieu ii i h 'iin e -e ip bv I lie :i s ! b - f..r I . II. I. ll Ml, 1 t.l ..A. ,H mi.. fiM.ii f....L ..!... fnJnv . ! n i in s ii wns 'liteun nt n nn! ; in .i i wiinli etli-ers were rnline I . . tli !- inn ' i.f whom was in I Mull I 'I ,"ll s. in, line ii"iirliT. "le tlie'ltll '1 h. i while lie was I, 'V "t e til K r wdis 13 i U WOMEN OF NEW JERSEY URGEDJO BANARBUCKLE 25 C 3 e Parent-Teacher Association Requested te Wire Has New.tih. I '.s 1'. ,.- ' i . ii-iii 'i, ii In s . -h. e-l ,l.-.i I'i'. 'i '1 1 a. i is Assoc i i I! Ail k'c '- ' i ii'iih ,-! in s w , .. i j j,. V ' II llni- i--ter.lav W 1 i . v I mif , Move, a 'I r '..ii, in; e i nisi mil, J, I- i ia" "nil., is make t '. I ' '1 in .d . I i ,li, I'.i., I e. '-'s Tne Wi man s ( t , ' t r. ' . i- stiei, op,e-.' ' . e Xlliiin'e Mil.l- Should fhe pi i . i n li I I'-ld r 11 .ipl'e i! W 1 e ii a i '" fi- iiint " I, .-in. i st , ,L, l'ie aim e , .-in.ijt - n s, ii ' ,'i , n -k i - I i . lie n' !' 1.. '!"' . .est ,, aii- tiier.i i.h'v t.fd Tl ' iinien ,!" iiii'd 'hat e '. t Ar.r.i i. e wits ae u.""i i m 'no .i,ir- ..i iru-r n a ee ,n i" lfl let !'e.irtel nt ". si). p'c inn it nu '..' an it. mmn' ,!f. a'., that 'U"i rt it should bi irnde '-I kip tl.- si.m in v. n whieh he was , iimei teil from . eIlUI.S nei n I ef"i. ' . p ih' Worcester. Mass , I '.'s r, M i. 1' H zf.u- 1 -r efli i.il en t 1 v ' ' .'tin' .sljetli ii' ttr I , i s. I ti. . !i! I'uri't,' 1 n "-. -- i' 'l I 1- ;,.n ! I i, ,- i, i-' i . " t ,i - i , c n , l: -e .. . . . - lee'.l'.l.ed I i H i' I p ' i 'it I n.sii te'e. ' p) ni j n ii ni t f " State . i i' is le lave tl.e niMirbers put . j -,,'('1 ,li 'en---, 'e tt.e motion 1 ' -e neil Is CHINESE "BRIDE" WINS RIGHT TO PICK HUSBAND Cai Mj,. Anytn.ng ' She W M Re turn. Fatner Says , W isliiiieten I '-. -" m.ii '.n ' i i'i- . i m -i ereil ti "riiia.pr j - - i i-i i "l.i'.es - ,i,i ' , -. r - ' ' i' ' 1 i?' - i n dine a''. le-, ' ., : - '-ledum in I p in - dine a'' . t l.i i toil. Mi.die.i Wen n I b nese Allier'i MM I I w horn -tie w u. H-" fn'i.. Wn s l ' n 'hi t ll.tlS. lit. I ' eu''h' ' ll.ties. tei; i i eijes i,.ff.,i ,, v w . "-. iirn itllll ii" v ii - , ijll.llij ' 'Y -life ret - ' - pi-, 'iv ei , . i n tn, mole 111., r. ubi Ts, Ins ,r 'in m .nt un hen,; en ' i" nnd the if. ne.' id e . ., e i i,.i, pi r,-.' s an ' cetiera lend t. n .irtistn I' s of h.ft I . sen I.-- ,t, !,.. d - n. 1 1 i mil e f.t. i . ii , si ,. ).' . I nn- ' i lis i.i...'i e i,e.e N ,i Neil k eee - if n' i.-i in li e r - r',i;.( , v , M iree is ,.t 'e v If Vj , () rn New W i iti ,ivi , I ,s 1,.11.,,1-hl, ' , er I i ,.i j P, ,. , ,t the CI ,e. Mere-MT-'s ,ik, I r',iin , t vi , . i, i , n ni d s, ,i . . rum 1 i. k ' I i'i hi i -. he r j- r ti sn 1 - iu !',.r. i... i., e I , ,f "'..''".m;;.;:,rl. . ,. ! I' iin-ii i te It' I- A 1 re, . ii hi. Anclei-ep ft- r t M.e I uh in l'.itpMs' Ch tr i wl.M. I'ris.denr Ham- lie i til 'Is se-i hs 1 1 , itn'tnl in nml fi' the I'm' h m r.:;l ti reif') t t1, li in 'K' ' eriiieti ti.it mi ji ii, r- was , , n in,., i mi in iiiiiv- mi, , ft He 'K i- ' li i I ii? ie1 ,r i, e in bf, n in nun ii ' t ' ie rn i.t,r iui.ui ed I ii.' BUYS MARK TWAIN HOME n.. v,.l. ,, n j . New Yerk woman te Remodel Stermfleld" in Connecticut It'iltllne. ("iniil ! 'Js -,'i I' . St.. -iiiln i i,. home .f ., .i ' I.nnehe-ne i 'mens M i-k Tf iln . ii Ueililnc ltiU" 1-1 whim le spent; i'i n" few lenis if li, l.fe unti' ,,, ! deiith in 1 11 i t will piihs hit,, the liiuitl. j of Mrs Maien'ei linen of e( or Kedilnc Itidfte In whi, n Ie ini-iir ' I'ti as Ce i s i,i of nrr.ineemen's . inn . 'ed iln ii' i mis Ms et the ni- in ti-t -i re , n, ,hiii, in,, t..r I'I I I ' -II I III ', I ',1.1s , IS ii r, s ftti, ,in I ',i I in it i In nn i,'iin,n Iii Mark Hi in us a cemii'm re'rent p Iiiih been iiiieei'iipJQd since hiit death nn (I will he 'inedffiI hy its up eh tier. L FOUND IN CLOSE! First-Degree Murder Charged a:..,i. tr--.-,-.. tr. ..!., I ngiimsi runnel E.ui.iuyu ui I Orange, N. ,, Fan,, i Hk 4inuf-if fir OiMiice. N. .1.. Dee 'Js - William untrltWi ..,,. ,.K,. was fiinall , , Imree.l In- ,h,. poll,,, te.ln.n nh il.. , mimlrr of Mis Clinil.w 1'. ISiikIiiiiii I . '' '"' i-iiiiri. -. HHKl.ni... .. N,-' ils11(.,s ,,, , Mr. Itplelmn, u l,.l .is illsenwieil Mi n presen e eleM't in llie eellnr of her home lieie lute l:it iiirIii. She hiul been xIi.iubIeiI te ilentli It.ittles will be iitinifsncd in court en the iliince tedin, The Neute nfter ins nneat denied he h'i,l kilbd tlie nniiniu Untiles v;is .1 teiuiei eniplej,. ()f tlie I nsliiilii fntn 'm-s nncliiim h.-id heei. mi-sine -p - ' end hmirs w hen .Mi Mng-ium leturned ' iieine l.ii niirht. When mii h " mi ieM,nlt'i. dtterlnes wet,- tiilled who tm. lid the bed. The Hi icli.iins clime here List (Vteber fiem Ciliferni.i Ir. Hrm'luim beine is in tins utN They lime tlir ihil ill en. Viitfimii. Murgnret and s,,n, lteberl, till- e enrs old. .MiiiRiiret. who is sex en ems ,,,. i told the peli.e that Unities was ,n )' Ienise xesierdav nfteriioeii and tu.t iien siK. a.ki ,1 ler ner nmtiier. ne e her she had Rene te 1 he crecer s ii r biejnl A formal enare of lirsl-di gree linn !: w.is preffneil against lt.i tie- t the Jinlle Centiti I'insKiiiti Warren repniie.l 'li.il Mis Iti iniili.ini died of straiijsni i ii hi -i in I ill i a wn mil en the Inn k ' I im-hI w,is , .in-. , 1 lieiny threw III . tie ' ..set SEVEN FAMILIES DRIVEN OUT BY BIG FIRE AT ERIE Theatre and Business Bleck In Pennsylvania Town Destroyed I'tle li tine .- iltv 1' i ,",, 'iaimi!..s weim dr.wn fieni the r r..ii. In .1 tire win, h teiliiv lestnui i liie Vns Tlnatie lii.llditifT Me,ntli nn I I'enih streets nml the '. eie-stirv .'.el. lln.ldll.C ntljeltlilip l!erj ma liable pieie of lite (I-mu'i mint piii!piaini . battl'ii:; the tl.ia.ts n thi. in dsl i t" one of the w. ' sin i -'"nW ll .It . l)tfl llJ I ' l ... n -s ...i .. i, :, i. . .., . t i ' l I itllf M'l I U I lJI il II 1 1 H II 1' 11 l' i i il"" ahum , n. nits ,,i.i ,.t or 1". -t.ir'e.l at ii i.'i'mk. i e Kvpliuiine nhns in the Ati- Mum ie l-e belle, eil te lte filmed I lie tl lines In tins hn. 1 line a dntii'inc a ad' nn -"la ci ill and barbel shop weie li.e -e.' Te the se ;th the one-ster. In. inline .. i.p e.j b Mi- Helen lie..rer i .jnn le.iVt. was liadli d.iinaRe I. t.re Willi 111 the tlleatle riV.'lUfl 'li -p-..i. nt t lit tile fu a -tr.iii; it ti nn. hu.ld i ; in t' e MIII'll ("lie w.i i 1- II Ilia tilled. !l Ulii'l the Ii e -tjt'ed but centl te I he IHM'tll. i"i lie the t.re nle tin' tliri'---lni i . j',. k uriM'.s -'-veil film. In-, t- -l situ-' ami . m-ii e a limn -s -e K'.'k rum t ire .' t.ipiin nun "In Ce "in i mini Cem; -in., .ie.se t t'li-h-ne- "n ill, hi si tl""i I'i. ' no ii -i unl Mi- T. I'li.iin I 'n III 111,' -1. iki -Ii ' ,i b udin.' ' Ml -1 e went r. i K te ei i ifi lit - MUSSOLINI IS UNLIKELY TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Expresses Hepe tfat Repa-aticns Settlement May Be Started Pari I" .s j!v . j., j.,,, , ,, ,. lK, n . ,r r .. i . I-. r ,e I !, , e , ' . i siii.ei- ii iii ' .in,, t .i esi, r, , 1',.,. -. , -, v ',,., t i ri t . . -- uf ine t, ,., , ptiniiei i n- be ii-etnd h ,piestier.s e' it len i ,K1 ltI from rt"i,. hs nev j.-,1t - eentelinie e' l'leitilel's m 1'iir Ii w is inid"d thai ieiiei M ii,ih, nt tl" sime i, m, pmii-.-seiI ,m .ani".-' de-lie 'i te ,,-. I "1 ih'i' lie IV'-Cellfe-i Itee WOll'i' l efnp -' -uni'lin.' le'l.ir,. te i' set' . . ii ,,f M" ., i t0!l- i " CHORAL SOCIETY PRESENTS "MESSIAH" FOR 26TH TIME Impressive Performance Under Di rectien of Henry Gorden Thunder I ClTnl Set hit uf I'h.inef ph , H-t .if line iinve i s wtiitMHi , n u pi rfm-maree of Hnndui ..-iteri "l'e .Mes-inh ' the i tie w,nk n thi- f' w-h ' a stil his he pnw.r "mi- l;, Piiee fl .HI''!. i i 'I I j' te 'lie i's "f 'i' eic.'ininti. n i H'p of 'le 'Ml si, eisls 111 I'lllllde i. ,111- '.- t"lne Kliabeth Heed I.a'ta . m t.i ' Heyii I" Mail.ellan te" - -mi Ue'K' S-ett ba-s ' he snprn in M ,-s Hn ie IIe'm'1 e- Ne- S ' s lie Messia'i i aheir , .-) i 'r ni i ie I n mi'c'k bew,cn tnr . nim bi i s find t'.i iniissiip ,ieiif ,1 ,.f ' ' """ '-,""--",- "" - in ,hr " 01!"'N a,i ue-'; Ml ," " PM' ins uisi.r C'l.Miine nimse.r -u I i. w j III- Hll 1 1 tra' Is et e .- !,, t, w A tien Anicrinn lae- 1 .rn'eim A we H.s "eolera'iui i h m 'he n -h a film Whi I'u in, N I'mm'' M l.fltta 1 el a ne.Mt r ' 1 1 lOiee. i U w u show n te ; i be-' ndi. intake '" '"" ''ir-i'e H- ii . i I'i ed His I'm 1 I'd tlie sullibi ' ' C W.IS Ile- sp.-"'t nnd Itejfctel M ' M'-eU(,n WH- effei teinali li r. .nibers nelabl in ' lb In. 1 nml Sec-. tl.e , ne. f wliii h II b'li i fnl plani- 5IU.e 'is r i.neil b. i JieislsteM 'nil.'r ill tne (unl in iniil i!i brlli.ni Tl, i SbT' lii.-al: Tle'i W.i li M'M e! lien i wh.i li leih- in h '' '" itnl t".n 1'iiilinl h-i i. M'lN Ms- H...,l al-e mh, ;:.::,"c.-:,t' "i,,,:"',, ::f"' Ki'iU 'inat j Iteileeiner l.inth. ins' lein one of ilje gicntest iiri- ! ndieieus eompesi'iun I be hnl Us liu ' been iiell tr.ii'ic-e ) M 'I luimler ilrheieh then -ins wlifiethiv se. 'in I In iffei tr ..in fenlidtnie n thinkine tbej k ti,,. work ten "i,i beim tlutie in I., ,.i i.iusii -ni. I luee'd belt i i i,ii,imiiiniiiieiii 'I he orn'eii'i - ' ,.f eretit ehnial iffe.-s iiimb k' "1U '"''" r c..ir-. n. n li I Ijali , horns was ihe ,ieh s . me iierfi rmiini i although it urn i . ',p.t Mllli, f th(. ,lfir..s ., Fer I ni , 1 s ,i Cluln Is II,.- I. tit I i Your Heads M V, i,,.., b"iie K.nn wrh mere suiii 3 'ffeet t :l 6 " h" organization should in m org.iniianen siieuki in . , j eeili'lnl HUppert of the en yens ,,f f, Ph Indflpliia. ns it Is new am. -' t . y ""' 'bfunl beih tl the M ' n V l'H' - 'ne b , I'uligui i, wen. of t'i' stent fu ins.it ,ninprs. it ii- ' iiiiIiiIkmI in bj modern . I' I ' l' I 1 .1 t I I' ,1-' Vll 'ill III III ,l,,ll 1 'i p. I - 'I n "lfil knowledge ,,' i In'uri'iii nml mnl nnrt-4 aiwl Ltu.i n- Tm f-.t i.ni.. uillfftVilt" UllliillldI in.. . . . ZA 4 IF I 141-," niiiiHiii- duiiuuv'I (,u I '(Ult C ment of thp xek'en. wlipther pole or choral. STRANG ED WOMAN NEW POSTMASTERS NAMED Wmlilnefen. Dec. .-Nomination i.f Finnic II. Keth le he I'estiiitmtei' of s!,,,,,,,.,.SII.i I ,l !.,,.. II Summi'tWIli', la., 1111(1 Ueerge II. , Tlllex te lie reMuinstw if Hed Hunk, . .1. "lit i.j the Senate ycr-ter- I dav liv President 1 In t rl i ii c W.L.DOUGLAS A sett t A.SWSW 4 sh.. ? & W.L.Deilglas Shoes are yvuv ulivv .vwir uy mere people T-iiaii any ether sbee in the world itillllinilinittv Dpf-AI TCP XV. T,. Dntlirlas lin; Ijppii Pfc AUDfc W ' ""''''f "nS. ) 0P" ; "mKlIHr SUrpnsSlIiplJ Keed shoes for forty-six yenrs. This exper ence of iipnrly iiuif a crnturv In making shoes suitable for 31en ami Women in nil walks of life should menu senu'thlna: te you when you npetl shoes and are looking for best shoe values for your money. WL.DOUGLAS -es " style.qual : lty, material werlcniaiislilp arc bpttcr than ever before; only ly e.anilnin? tliem can you appreciate their superior qualities. .... --,-. T-n a C ol.nne ei , !... W.L.UIHHjLAe Silees are put HUP all Of our HO N(,irs at factory COSt. We tle net Ilial.O OI10 PPIltef profit Ulltil tllO HilnPa nrr siilil'ln vnn If, In irnrth NIlle,es nc SOMl , " it S WOrtll Hollars for you te knew that when juu uny miincs ai (itir stares YOU PAY ONLY ONE PROFIT, W.LDOUGLAS PEGGING- SHOES AT Q Q H H m ' li-tilT t" 7 YEARS OF ACE. ' WCvT!Ts. W. L. DOUGLAS STORES 117 North Eighth Street 40SO Lanciiter Are. (near Priten St.) 1117 Market Street (Rt.dmi Ttr.) 2254 North Fren Street Stores maked w 'h a enrrv enrrpte 'lues OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS - "THE RIGHT WAY" Danger Signals That headache after reading, watching a "movie" or doing close work of any kind. Sometimes instead of the headache, perhaps, a feeling of nausea, irritability, light headedness, general nervousness. All of these are danger signals, symptoms of eye-strain new that may result in impaired isien or broken health later. When danger signals such as these are set, it is net necessary te urge you te consult the only person quali fied te diagnose ye ir trouble and prescribe for you a medical doctor, t en may need treatment, or glasses, or both, but in either and every case your welfare demands the services of an oculist (eye physician) "your family physician's adviic is safest" PHILADELPHIA GUILD OPTICIANS l rr i pi enw c 'h (I h'l He mecArvt' pf ifft nn ', f. ',' ) f..rn;,' v. . ienr nj ' t ,i a ) embe, ' 'hit CiHibi1 Tnformr.lien Human 705-700 Bailei Hide . 1218 I e; ' ,VVXVXXNXVvV I T? M A . V nemalchless ' ' -. B y yv - - Grand Ji you wish the pink of and Art Cases see our Matchless Cunningham PAYMENTS AS 7 FAYS fO I -fJAu"JfC IPI J?IVJl'I. 1 -. VlATSO CO 11th and Chestnut Sts. '- "n Evenitu: (Tactei' : COth and Pnrksitle cnue) I We art the Only Ptane Manufacturers in I'enna. Famous for Setting from Factbry te Heme Direct I SXXslsXJt tickkt kxc it neb ren TiirATitr.-t "Zl '!'f1?'r'rBl !"?" "T, Blvl!""' ""V "'j! ? ' ' "u"l" "" ' """' uC prc-talcnt thcntre , tickets til in merer,!.-. HMmenJ a. fnrrell In hi Sen Ymk Ictfr outlines n ohm, whldi inlsrht well etncirre I SlT 'lale n 'a' ,Ttt.t.-'.-!.l!..'. uir Hui'iiimii in mrm immrps in llie i'i Bl III -v SHOES aJSwSSSn actually demanded the nntl Tstrs rVVrmttel Mltinrn Vai. T tirs shop i,.nivrM-un supply you win W.I..l)eui;Ias shops. If net con- vcnlpiit te call tit one of our stores ask yeurilcnlcr forAV.L.Douqr ferAV.L.Douqr forAV.L.Deuqr las shoes. Protection against nureaseiuililc profits is fruarau tcecl by tin uamu and price Ntainpcd en the sole of pvcr pale before the shoes leave the fac tory. IJpfuse substitutes. Thi prices are the same everywhere. IF NOT FOR 8LE IN YOUR VICINITY, WRITE FOn CATALOG. mJLGL .W.L.DouV,She.Co. r2&teCaLa4 210 Sp.rk Str.t. Brockton, Mat. TO MFKPHANTR If n fiat, mr tr, tinnrtati n hnnetU - L.Douslanhcii, - L.Deuslanhcii, urlteteiwj or exctusht rights handle thlt qulc'i lelllnj, quick turn-ever line. IN PHILADELPHIA : 33 S. 60th St., below Ludlow St. 132 Seuth S2d Street Wi!miDlen 701 Matkel St., ter. 7il TRENTON, N. J 20 Em Slat St. rf W t, Emuci s shot's for Women. Cliestnut St, Philadelphia 1 flL'J jf- f I r ' Pi 'C I I tfJ f Cunningham j , . ....IV?,, jpv f, fr'irttn.rx.i v . Pianos f I 1 perfection in Music arrav of beautiful, G-iw Pianos. YOU WISH THINK! All MnUta el TulUInt Maflilnn at Itr-tucfiJ I'rlr fl WW' '' h mt4'-,AvU Ujx'''W, ' HI Mr WW BOYS jj W&ll S1!0ES V$$i&' $4.00 & $4.50 SAUNDERS Sel 111 platinum h WeililltiK JiiiiBB Set. with tS illn m mentlH, na Win t r a t e 1 . Setnti with latKer dia monds, 100 cmd $126. Ettabltthed S9 Ytart ! 1113 Se. 8th St. 2710 Germantown Avt. DulJGMngTabkorTeor Lamps 20th Century Period style jfjjTj JLJ. Big Reduction in Fleer and Table LAMPS Thi tur., Fri. & Sat. Tills Is nlinlilti'1, ii hiiitI lire S VI. I-, nml ,i remnrl, iililr (iinrtiin!t, le ne, tire erf nllrarlltv nml rrdaril LAMP AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES 202 Se. 42d St. Oiru livening Hill Purchasing Agent.' Children's Fur Sets $85 PH mnm j 'niwii i A, HVsi l'hila. i iriiifflM 1 1 1215 Chestnut Street. 1 HIGH AtSm INSPIRED BY THE SUCCESS OF OUR PAST JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES, WE HAVE STRIVEN FOR AN EVEN GREATER SUCCESS. n MORE VOLUME MORE CUSTOMERS MORE FRIENDS! THESE ARE OUR AIMS AND WE MEAN TO ACHIEVE ALL THESE BY OFFERING GREATER VALUES THAN IN ANY PREVIOUS EVENT. COSTS, PROFITS AND FORMER PRICES HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY DISREGARDED TO EFFECT IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall. Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer Formerly Reduced te Siberian Wolf Coats, seal trimmed fa; length).. 100.00 French Seal Wraps, self trimmed (full length). 110.00 Ttussian Peny Coats, self trimmed (40 inch) 110.00 Natural Muskrat Coats, self trimmed ( length). . 115.00 French Seal Capes, self trimmed (full length). 120.00 French Seal Ceata, self trimmed (1,0 inch) 135.00 Leepard Cat Coats, seal trimmed ( length).. 140.00 French Seal Coats, skunk trimmed ( length).. 150.00 Taupe Caracul Spert .Tacquettc, self trimmed. (3s inch) 150.00 Hair Seal Coats, self trimmed ae inch) 150.00 Marmet Coats, Raccoon trimmed f4 length).. 165.00 French Seal Coats, Squirrel trimmed (40 inch) 210.00 American Opossum Coats, self trimmed (40 inch).... 210.00 Muskrat Coats, Raccoon trimmed (40 inch) 210.00 Civet Cat Coats, self trimmed (40 inch) 210.00 Ulack Caracul Capes, self trimmed (full length). 215.00 Scotch Moleskin Coats, self trimmed Hi length).. 215.00 Natural Raccoon Coats, self trimmed (fi length)... 2:10.00 Platinum or Taupe Caracul Coats (40 inch) 235.00 Platinum or Taupe Caracul Capes (fuu length). 235.00 RIack Caracul Coats, self trimmed (40 inch). . . 295.00 Moleskin Capes, self trimmed r; length). 295.00 Hudsen Seal Capes, self trimmed (full length). Moleskin Spert Jacquettes, Fex trimmed (24 inch).... Natural Raccoon Coats, self trimmed rt length). Black Caracul Coats, Skunk trimmed (40 inch).... Natural Squirrel Coats, self trimmed ( length j.. Persian Lamb Coats, Skunk trimmed (,;e ich) Hudsen Seal Capes, variety of models (ft,n length). Jap Mink Coats, self trimmed (,i0 ,c(; Hudsen Seal Coats, self or Skunk trimmed (fS inch).... Australian Opossum Coats, belt trimmed (j,u inch)'...'. Alaska Seal Delmans and Coats rn length')'. Black Meire Caracul Capes, self trimmed (un length). Natural Squirrel Capes, self trimmed ,full icngth). Alaska Beaver Coats, self trimmed (i0 inch) Ermine Capes, self trimmed (full lfng)'h) Natural Mink Coats, self trimmed (,a ,,,', Pvnnilbiil U '....., I,', .I!..,. I... .....,....,. .,., .....uirmv inmmcu (fllU lfvlh) l,()-0.00 Natural Mink Capes, self trimmed (full , llu 1 -.,,, Natural Mink Wraps, self trimmed ; (full , ,.-0.0n Broadtail Coats, Chinchilla trimmed (uU ,ngllllm ,f7t-l000 Hudsen Seal Skunk, Hcuer or Squirrel Tiimmed brici le 1' Fermcrli $29.1 00 192-50 Et Large Sire Ce.t, .nd Wrap. p le IXVlHUKUj CHARGE HORN&HSRDART BamSG 25 AUTOMATS CAFETERIAS RESTAURANTS Yeu Can New Enjoy at Heme fresh from our own central kitchens and bakeries Hern & Hardart's PIES CAKES MUFFINS ROLLS BREAD BISCUITS and KITCHEN SPECIALS THOUSANDS of persons who enjoyed Hern & Ilnrdait products en their dinner tnble at Christmas will be pleased te knew that they can obtain any of our products nt time, in any of our 25 Automats, Cafeterias or Restaurants bi simply placing: the order with the Cashier. All orders carefully packed in Neat Bexes or in Special Airtight Containers TAKE HOME A HORN & HARDART PACKAGE TONIGHT rH' fel Orders Accepted VirilllilllWinin Mail Orders Filled Ml and Coats and Fur Trimmings at Moderate Prices Ue-mvMtf Sale f CHARACTER 1923 MODEL mis i FIEUEMT 1! . Coats Formerly $205.00 54 Bu.t. Hud.en Seal i, Dyed Nbukr.1. French Seal h Dyed Ce. PURCMAiPa ..ii.r. ... ...... ALL CENTRALLY LOCATED fe n't HK'eiinKiiniJi 61.50 69.50 69.50 74.50 79.50 89.50 94.50 98.50 98.50 98.50 110.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 145.00 145.00 155.00 165.00 165.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 225.00 235.00 245.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 325.00 315.00 375.00 395.00 395.00 445.00 495.00 495.00 645.00 695.00 995.00 1,095.00 2,450.00 295.00 335.00 350.00 3G5.00 150.00 150.00 -150.00 495.00 525.00 505.00 595.00 595.00 75.00 715.00 750.00 975.00 Moleskin Capes Newest Medels' . '..ii lentil. Jyy.w f .-- w.,,fcrtnjC'.llVAA I