JafrrftiV-' "yvW W "v WvTTsp; 1 1 k'JpT1!'?4'?-'1''" At" .vst upv Trrpri a'ffJPJPT- f;WVM.M,'.v" r v wm m EVENING PUBLIC MDGER-PHILADELPHIA? THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1923 BICE OF MITTEN ELY APPROVED GOLD BARPIN HER PRIZE1 Mlsi Miriam Wldmaler Wins It for Perfect Sunday Scheel Attendance Indicative of Creater Public Interest in Schools, Declares ! Superintendent Finegan WOMAN MEMBER PLEASED I PhIjIi" 'l""l "ni"lnN ninl iiiciiihcis ffllic 1S""''I "f IMili'fllliill Jnlncil Inilil. n flfli-eminv Th-'iiiif V,. Mitten, tu-rsi. i,t nf tti" riiilinli'lpliln Unpin Trim. .it fenipniiv. le mcmlierslilp ,,.irl. i "''i'''1 ll0 trnby In '!'' ' ''' Mlllrn stn.'ces Ilic ir.flkcr. Th,. iiliv!tnii of I'm Hnpnl rrnnsit (etiip.i"v' l,,n'' ,m'' '',,,'',l,i,',',.'l "I'" rreval. I'r Thmniiv 1'.. riiiccan. Hlnte Lnenieml in "f I'nhllc Inslrnciieii, nil" .1,0 li iiiti-nil'tii! nn (he im (Iccti'il :'ta- nf .IiiiIrp". Mr. liiin .liilm Whim- teachers' enliven- . I .1 . I. in nl. tien nt Iletliiciiein. lim'.ni mr him""""--mtnt ititlm-lai'ilPHlh. j 'It nun nf I In creates! nppoliit nppeliit munis tr..:.. in rp phi enr." said Dr. rinrpnu ' TIip npim'titinetit "f n mini i:i Mr MittPii In I'lillanVlphla. anil the incut npr jMHSHHrV-v mm HBI-c KiJK jf kfljH JM aaIMHHHf0!llMIMlSl SAYS MSMEN E AV 01 RB F PHIL A. WOMEN LAWMAKERS NOT WORRYING ABOUT HOMES Mrs. Speiser Says Maids Will Run Her Heuse as Well as She Can; "Children Can Take Care of Themselves' U. OF P. ALUMNI HAIL received no official word nf rhli up- ilenl mid ns a nmllcr of fnr.t wm pelntnicnt and therefore nuiint ny ti'iifnr nreMilrnf of the I'nlverslt.r, en letut tiifiit of llninpr 1). Milium i rm.un.Mi. ' '"'- nti,,r ,r,.Pl ,, ion f lln! BK'at piiuiic interest, in uic mns festival. , i I have ... ',.. r l!,,mP. Knncrin- rI,fm. S? J;r. i..,.. ... - - - ' jinr, .Mirs- of I'lililif ni'linmi lieu", m i ,.,lp "()f tentlcjii MISS MIICIAM Win.MMIiR 5 Mi.k Mirimn Wulmaipr, Illicit N'erlli Kipv slrppt. Iiiii net Lcpii uhspiit from Sunday ncIioeI in Iph jnrf. Cliritinns nlclit 1ip I'pcpivrd a sold liarpln In rppeKiilliiiii nf liPt- fnlilifnl aitpmlaiicp wlii-n tin- Si. Paul's KvimircIIi'iiI Sun dn .school, (iciinnnlduii avpiiup nml lis minimi Christ- ,-!(;d nppriival of net niisM'il (in Sunday sinrp 1111'J t hut in tPit idliiiliiT Mild with peurip. if lias net Iippu very tlsthlelie '- ''xl"'(' the iiplinlnlniPiil. The admirable -eki'timi of a man urli ns Mr. Mitten, who stand be lljh in the publie r'leeni. mid is e eminent n- a Ipailer in business and fi-uiiip and a man who already lin.s VeWii ' lux lntereM in the public .fhe"l".' I" -"i'1- ""(,Rnl " 1""" llclih '.'Hi fin lery te these Interested i.i iiuMk pilueatieii in our elt Willinm Kown. president of the beard. a..l- "'m perfectly entlsfiud ith the fhoiee of tlie Heard of Judges. If Mr. MiHen K'V"1 'I"' fcmne attention te ilii'iln'i'" "f ''"' "eard of Kducatien thit Iip Kiu" le "tl'T thitiRS he is in-tfri'-ted in. he "ill he a valuable addi- ten " .. i . ii i Mr Wil'iam 1.. l.ingelbiuli, amrin- ler of the lienrd. said f "I'll l.i'lelphia it te be ceiiRrnlulnled upon MMMiritii !1 eapnble business mnn r.f the tpe wliiili Mr. Mitten repre- Vi. of the thirteen niPinberi of thp Jie'.n.i ..I .1 I'Irps Mited for Mr. Milieu. 'Ihc .itncr i ur juiIrps flint tlielr ballets fur Mi- liinlav II. Warbiirten. vice ili.un.i.iii "I the Hepubllcan Slate Cem-Jiiil-'i- 'i'lni-e etiiiR for Mr. Mitten were. .li.l.s M'.nnRhaii. MeDevitt. Hartlett. llei e '. St.iaKe. Slieeinnker. I'liiletter, M,I"V' .i mil Stem. The ballets for Mr- .11 Inn ten were enst by .ImlRes Ji(MiiIiipI, Audenried, Miirtln and Fersn1 a. .In. I. It.trraU was prevented from (ten .' ' the ineetinR by illness nn.1 Juilc 1 i- was nut of the city. Mi M .Hull issued the following state rnil "I ful nun li honeied at beinc np np jielni il in fill the vacant y en the Heard of I' 'i . ntiiiii lecently causpil by the ikith 'f Mr. Jehn Wnnnnmker, as it ill Ihipr hip In ideser contact with rdiie iip'iial inatlers. in which 1 have al-yn- In "ii deeply interested." ONE LICENSE GRANTED easy mid I ban- had te Rive up a let or noun iiiiich le Mm thin pin. "Sunday school is in the afternoon in winter and in t he niernini; in the .summer, se I missed some fun. "I was the he.nl of the list for record nltendaiiee, and liesidets the Rold bar I have a pin with the tenth bar en it a I bar for each rnr-bnt the geld bar i.s wim t t am proudest of." Kleagle Here Asserts Officials of Order Are Investigating Louisiana Murders DENIES K. K. K. GUILT An InrPAtizntien Irto the kidnapping mid murder of two turn lu Mer Keuge. r.n . bv mneked men, for which Dr. S. X. MeKnln. former Miiver of Mer Rouge, has been arrested In Ilaltlinere. I is being conducted by Hie Kit Klux Klan. iieeerding te Jeseph It. Shoe maker, Philadelphia kleagle of the order 1 "I don't think we had anything te de with these murders," Slieeinnker said today. "We are investigating tliPie new, and we will knew who did 'it and why before the investigation i completed. I "The Klan Is ahvnjs placed In an awkward position b occurrences of this kind. Anybody can put en a while sheet and commit a ciime and the pub lie thinks it is Kiiiimltti'd by the Ku Klux Klnu. "Dr. Mi'Keln, wim was arrested in Hnltimere. sayn lie I net a Klaiismnn and I believe him t read hit state ment carefully and fiem it 1 urn con vinced I hut he iti telling the truth about net being a member A KIanman would have pluascd his statement dif ferently." The Pennsylvania (Irand Ledge of Tree in a sons bus erdeied Its memberH net te held membership in the Kn Klux Klnn, which Is iprmed mi outlaw or- gaiiiatleu by the Masens. The homes of the lliree women Hepre spiilntlvps pIpcIpiI from Philadelphia will net suffer when the mistresses tuc In Hiii'rlsburu mnklnc State laws. Mth. Mnrtlm (!. Spelser, Mth. Llllic I'ift.s nnd he Is heie during the weel and .Mrs. nose ee lining veiceu ine same. opinion en this meet nuestinii, ami demolish encn for all tiie main plank of the "Antls" that women In politic would neccKsnrib neglecl their domes. "My house will be run ns perfectly ns when I am home; at that 1 will be away only two ijaju n weeK, saui .Mrs. Spelser. filll Tasker street, elected from the First District. "I have very de- nwny. mi home will run se smonlhly smenlhly smonlhly vell see. I hae no childien and mv bus hand Is used te being ieft alone. All summer we have n cottage nt the shore with out me, se lie is well Irnlnrd. I have nn old servant that will eetne in and cook for him. He won't Ijp neglected. If ther was any ilnubl en that point, of ceuise, politics would have te go, because die care of n home I of para mount ImiKirtance, and the old ii.iliig about serving two masters is still trm Will Mks Knllting I shall miss my knitting and hand iinvthine about It It wan Riigaesteil t tint a bnuipiei mlslii uccempan.v the efliclal net I Ilea lien. "Flowers? Ne," he rppli"'l Willi a lirend nmile. "Prebnlily nil en. mi lu (iiilniis there Is strenglh." The election of Dr. I'einiim.iii and creation of the effiee of president nf thei 1 1 Diversity were tlm most inijiei (ant i ihc dutie of 'hese respective efllcerM Will Homme l-tnarl nf Ftiuc.n- i nctlens taken ycsterilai at the meeting and the nnuues In the tvlsting stntiltcd Will Become r-teact OT tuuca I, ,f the trustees. A tension of the I in- ; mad tif.easm-v. were irfcrrcd te a 4.:nr.l eiirl Axnrlamlr Atiui. 'versltv stntlllCH was ilecldM iipen and ' cniiiinlitce of lie Irustees. as fellows i.w,.. ..s. it is p PEHAN CHOICE special leave of nbsence. when he r- siriimI lcienlly. 'J lie rcolutlen adopted by tlie (rus ipes makes prevision for the president who Mini II lie tlie chief i-Jieoullve officer. i and ihc provost, In cciarge of educa tienal and academic matters. Th manner and method of deflnln NEW ties of University POSITION (iiiilificalimi was expressed mdfti 'V men nf nretiiitieiK In educational mid PRISON REFORM GETS NEW IMPETUS Judges Name Committee Study Farm Plan as Cor rective Means te peiidiible miilds nnd the children nrn worn." rcmarKca .Mrs, ruin, i.usy ever old eneiiRh te lake intelligent enre of n Piece of tatting, "and my ciul.s and themselves: If they can't new. they nodal life, but one must be willing te never will," she said with n laugh. "I 8'v? "P wjni thing, have one son nt Harvard, se It Is net j "As for the manners of the men in as though I had any bnbles te earn for. "If 1 had, of course, politics would lie out of the question, for It Is my home that Is of the most importance; nnd If I tlieuelit for one moment that It would suffer because of politics, I would c've them up in an Instant." Is Old-Fashioned "I'm very eld-fnshlnned In some wars." Mrs. Speiser said witli her i vivacious smile. "I love housekeeping I darning and mending and all that sort I of thing, but In ethers I nm unite modern. "Fer inhlnnec. people nsk me what r think nbeut the men smoking in the Heuse why en earth shouldn't they smoke? It couldn't possibly be mere obiectienable thnn the smoke from tin cigarettes and clgarn at n dinner puitj, nnd no one sees anything wrong with that. Why should I be prudish about It? "And another thing my 'friends say In me is this. 'Hew en earth will ion treat the men' and nil I can say is. 'Hew no enrlli will the men treat nn'' I i Ret frightened every time I think about ! I professional circles at the election of Dr. Jesjah II. Pennlrnnti ns provost of . th Fnlversity of Pennsylvania. Members of Dr. Pennlman s office fcrce congratulated him when he leach ed his tick this morning. He smilingly u'livui nsiiin the felteltntiens. exnlaining men In . . . . . .. -.,... the legislature. 1 hnve heard they nicl '" "' I""1 no ?iciai D,,,lr,, or "PC atrocious, but can't say until 1 see 'tien them for myself. Hut nbeut smoking "It would lie out of place for me at what right would we women have te this tune te discuss anj idea I inav step In ntid request them te slop? He- have In mind," he snid lex-r I have sides, i nave wen oreugni up nn timtmcittl In elect no ffctlti?i mill flmiln-t 1. Itnrln .! .Intm f. ftfll. ' tidminlstratlvc head. ti'nrles Day. feerge W. Wickershntn, Hene was exnresed bv alumni nfi.uui r Madeira, chairman, and j IVnn today tbni cailv hMw i nf u i Hnii'lnl Morgan, i-x -officio cncATCn ,cen.petent man for the pe-i of prcsj- UribA I tU IiImiI would be made nnd t li-i tini" I' eiinniRw m A7P put nllT ilHtlng ceremonies for ll.e induciii.n of KUBQIeH BLAZE PUT OUT the provost and president into ifli". 1'iie ni -l m n .ile nf nillbish In Majer fjeiietnl Leenard oeil linv- the ieii.ir nf in- 1'hiinileiiiiilii rwiety ernnr General of tlie I'liiliptdnes. ia te for ranniing i Hiiriiies t0i.i, but was have iilled the proposed nfliee nf prci- eMingui-ln'd iunkli. 'Ir IJOI smoking. My husband and all his friends smoke, no tney win net be able te smoke me out of Harrlsburg " And Mrs. de Yeung, who represents tlie Seventeenth District, says with a Miinn nf her hllle eves : "I have n daughter, Elizabeth, who I that is elgliicpii yearn nm. ami can Keep i house splendidly. She will mniinge and take chnrge of things while T nm gene "I heun they will net treat ur n superior beings, with .slightly feeble ftfir ftm TTTsll IT '"l If. f minds. We would like te be considered '"fi Vll Cy'TN Ul 4 I HCC I their equal there te work and de best, ami tiintn all. We want te trented no different from (he in at least l Knew unit J den t Kntrnnc en t lth Si. When you turn ; ever a new leaf i for 1923, see' it is well illustrated; with the better kind of cn-! gravings we make dered wiifc-r-iiiwi 'IKl.6J :,en E.COR.ILHeCHLqrNUT: "Ne geed' Masen will hereafter liehl J it. but the men from the Heuse that I i Court Reserves Apphc.Ttien A frai . ' Am .l.il. i plu iii Tie T-lln . Mm'.' 1,0-1 I thn 1 ll.ii, M li.i. 'II.. in lll ,M Ch ii i Decision en Saleen at Drexel Hill miller's Incuse was leilm le r.iseualc lui step. 'Ill 111 Iii Judge Isaac ihice ethers np- The report nf ihe (Irand Juty In con nection with ils study of condition at Ilelmcsbiirg and Me.iamensing prisons has been completed, and the jury's rrc rrc rrc onimendntiens are expected te be pie scnted le Judge Audenried tomorrow Meantime a cemmi'lee nf Judges to day began deilsing plans for prison fnnns as provided In the m t of 1!M0. At the same time 1'. J. Laffertj. who hns resigned as chief of the Huieau of Restoration of the State Welfare De partment te devote his entile lime te a legHaltve cnmp.iicu favoring prison reforms, leek up a study of the actual details of die prejriiui lie ha decided upon. The committee appointed at a meet ing of the Heard of Judges ic enhi.v includes Judges Shoemaker. Bill rait. Audenried and Martin. They will con fer with the courts of Montgomery, Chester, Delaware and Rucks Coun ties. The ml of 11110 divides the State into districts for prison farm purposes. Philadelphia and the four adjacent counties form a dlsltiel. I'nder n prison-farm arrangement, the county prisons here would merply serve te con tine these convicted of offenses of a uteie heinous nature. Mr I.afferly. despite Lit resignation, will continue as president of the Heard of Inspectors at the IJastein Penitentiary. memeersuip in or dp nuiiinicd witn me heeded outlaws." snid (Jrand Miiste A. M. Reltler, former judge of Common Pleas Court. The Grand Ledge met heie yester day te Install officers elecied December 7. Representatives of filO ledges were present. The action of Ihe (irand LimIrc i taken as a refutation nf ihe reports, throughout the country that members of the Masonic order were encourag ing the organization of I lie "invisible empire." CAMDEN MAN INJURED j Struck by Aute Driven by Phlla-, I delphla Physician I ' T ritilc ffnsn 7. 1 1I tCfltplui ni'minn . 4 .,- .-.... ..- .....n . Camden, was hit by an automobile which was driven by Dr. (Srerge King, (till North Thirteenth street, Phila delphia, in Camden last nklii. lleu was taken te a Camden hos pital, where several Mitchcg were taken in his head. have met se far have been line. I think they will sort of father us, hut lliej Mill watch us tee. Honestly. I am mere scared than thrilled, nnd I wish I knew the attitude of the men te us. If tliev ever made sport of us, or treated us ' lightly, T would die; that Is what makes' nn1 nervous, ' " Mis. Speiser explained. her dark e.ies sparkling mernlv ' "The boys and my husband nre as ' much Interested in my progress as I am. I in fact, when my Mjn in Ilarvmd heard i of my election, be wrote heme: '.Nn mere thrills like that, mother; m, he.irt can't stand thein.' Ne fenr of my fam- ' lly eiei- being neglisicd by me, I should say net," she added laughing Tlie second lady Solen, Mr. LilHe If. I'HIH, of Si-MIt leciist street, is as emphatic ns Mrs. Speiser. "e one will ever knew that I am THE MDST BRILLIANT AND ' BEAUTIFUL DFALL DIAMONDS Comparison proves the value of the POLISHED GIRDLE DIAMOND 1 mT Perry's SUPER -VALUE PRICES '& ,m $r for Suits and Overcoats of Fine Quality Are $ AVAILABLE ii t"ii-i-il wen- , , lines n.llllllll. I .i held hceii-e at Third nnd 1 1 ets ( 'he-it' i ; Adam Hen- in wanted a hotel license fu i Hi Ward. Chisier. and Wil- r. who iinnlieil for u bottler's i.t:rTIMi IIKITMN'S xir.tr ll.e i:iiiiMiili Wnrd. Chester. I RIcniM r.lltni I '. npriearlr.K nt irval 11 .t . nv llprifll . . L rsu ii i.imiiiii i it n tins. in i decision nil tlu' ",,''". int..rn.,tleiHil staiMIng Rlir. tha ii" - nl .Mr.. Annie P. ( minium ' nt (Ircnt lliiiain en inuiiirn or in. I id; sad I!. .In 1 1 Schei h. nf Drexel H Itc-i 1. i.s of t li.it cmiiuriiiiti ubjcci a I "i h.ilel b.ii iheie. i iAFi.ail.inal lin mra unr lem an. 'Ithfr Ini- ren int Inplci Al'wn i ri'ini lli editorial te, r.H'if of the I'ibii-' I.KiiOta. .UUe II a H.ihn ldi til" ' An, it I i Ann. Irni An. Art Scheel Faculty te Dine ' il. x of the I'lilladelphia Tex- i I of the Si henl of Indiislria ml nnd Pine stteels, will bold ' hi - eieinns at the City Club. . "iiesls will be HiiRcr Kill. tl. I of tlie S hivnl nf ImliMi in E5H525 LOOK nt our ADDING MACHINES before you buy All Makes, Lewest Prices fniir.. ,.. ()i .jtt i:ns. a r.ni i INS Hi RhRstniit St. len-i.f r, feet wci'-hi i tn """ "" WMW " " ...... ....... ... ., J . e, 'ilil inmnlexinn ll ear- ui i imnr: mi "no . mid iiiuiiu oier.eiH. i5asi52S25HSla5Zc3E5aSia5a552S nm lit J ' i" ' 'I'M , in . i . .iinl l hlll'es ll. , lusleiv. Reported Missing ROB C0LLINGSW0QD HOME Thieves Take $118 and Loet Valued at $400 in Family's Absence During the absence of members of ihe fiiuily of Fred Zlmmer. (!.' Lhli idge stieet, Colllngsweod. X. J,. Ihieies broke in through n rear deer and ran sacked the house. Thej cot SI IS and clothing and jewelry i allies m S )()(). The return of Ximuier uiipi them off. They ran out the bncl, deer and escaped, leaving behind several bundle of plunder they had pai Led ready in carry away. JANUARY 1ST, 1923 I .1 preitiu'ltiix knlpsmnn ulth sxernl rars mcpxrlviiri. nn.1 nn inMiilile inenl nf m'm'ti ulUlitnrnt ns il..Hinnn nml niini.iucr In nail nil . weik I open for n mnil iiusinltlnii from I resienllili arm ieiulrln 1 1 1 1 1 nr no trrl- Ins. Aji' 31, inirrli.il, irui nililrcs ellc-irc , (irn.limtM. C 111. LEDOEIt OFFICE. KSTAMMEKERSr, !B(rln the New Year br a eoune li aneach correction. Acquire mere eM eM flency ami a freedom of emreitlen. Jein the Khmley Club, the Torum of tea ttammeipr, 6'eiiff or Uaeklrt IVeImif lOOi THE KINGSLEY PLAN Ifere TAan a Scheel" i in 1215 Walnut fit. mmmm li i il --- - 1 28 '33 Spillane ""en knew him through Inn Public Ledger Up surt. this month, a new department called "AlenB the Slric lleatln of Industry, In 7ic AViffen't fltnlnej' (On paR 16 of the miiKn r.'iie ) Alse leek for the JiMiiie.is rereen.it for J31M with .Wep, and many ettisi articles. ,i principal news-Htands.) C i- ''li li'. lleiclit .i leel III , "4hl I.I.I llilllls. I l- SsCll 111 i i 'iil. blue shirt and light islll siu -in... of :;:te.". pmi ' Height ." feet Ti im lies, cell wenriiiR rimv nveicuif i i .il Hi.' Helinenl tilteriug I .iiii.i Hush 1!"., . ,,, JSll l Ire . . !-- .Iiihiis lu ' In !, s 11 i , . enn liilin I f'te , , AV., r.inl .1 r'un llnw ml Mum. ihiriv-nue ' ' ' in meiiiie. HcirIiI I"'1 - Weight. I Til Was v '' - Rieen nieicii.il and v. . Willi., i bonus. NiRi-e, id pj:i.-. Rain- ' ''-' Height ." feel 1(1 inches. "' - I'.'iit l.'l) piuiiiiN. Jlrewn nvet r"' .ll t ap and l.in shoes. Diirnih) eller, iwenli -inn, f 'Jej p I. It. u'.ih sireel Height fi r.-i. V ' W. irIh I .-, Wearing gr-n f" ' ' "id blue dies iiiir.iiiig small r & V Jw I k i M ali , fBLHf i a There ii an expert at the head of each of our many departments. He it at your diapesal for advice, itatUtica, and data of nil kinds bearing en Real Estate. br of service? HEYMANN & BR0. Reef Estate Heymann Building , 13-213 J. Bread St., Phila., Pa. liberal inferest rate- plus service te depositors has Ions been the pelicv jfHjBjaavsHDiiiB CAPITAL AND l SURPLUS f4,OOO,000 Of Ul West End Trust Company BROAD- STREET -AT- SOUTH PENN SQUARE of 7!UtI ' feel s Inst seen n brew n ftxvfl rer I ! -- 2&Q2& V e I uISrESrlSHSZlSHSHSrJSES JVN'-,.: r I i.S I frM kl &d& I May we I ITJ KVfaT .. V In m - atV m Vt i ig at our .-i5ft. ! I 'IB ADDING MACHINES g " ' S before you buy S 8. M.il. n. Vra U, 17.50 i rjj All Makes, Lewest Prices Gj pubii.hed hy ' w S x " - .. .. . A. ui 11 V Ck.H.h.p At I nmmir-i .. H w V, J Vi'JdlUUVI VI WVIIII.11 .(. ij . ivj nl Mills Bldg., Washington ( lOcw iiiniiaiiaiiBi aTJ rS - i 3 1 15 1 ! Pr!m .-rfc. .. im -. ,-mi rx.. nr... v l Is Dread Street rsc"v Walnut Strnt : ft, RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL , '38 and up $ 43 You've never seen anything te compare with the beautiful patterns of our wonderful assortment of Suits and Over coats. Net an unworthy garment in our whole stock. And every single article in this big, progressive store is marked at a Super-Value Price whether a pair of pure worsted Trousers at $5.25, a Silk Evening Vest at $8.75 or the finest quality Hockanum Worsted Suits at $63 ($10 te $15 less than prices charged for same quality in ether geed stores). 11 .l.'JfS'JIIV? .s r Have you ever inspected a printing plant? We would gladly show you through ours. mJtei Tllli HOLMLS PRESS, 1'rinttn 1315.20 Chtrrv Street Philadelphia C J 11"' -mniM.M.1 I -J' ' I On New Year's Day we begin our third year in the payment of Per Cent 1 4 te our depositors First Penny Savings Bank Jehn Wanamaker, Founder 1343 Chestnut Street 21st & BainbridRe Streets A PRIZE MENU! THE LORRAINE HOTEL Announce, thr purcha.e. through M. J Kelly, terminal Market, of blue rib bon prlie beef from the International Mir SteeU Shew at Chicago Hreteed In Philadelphia hy Wll- en-Martln Ce. we .hull errve this beef garnlariad with blue ribbon (mera, te the palrena of the Lot Let ralne en Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday nf this wee!i. It has bran pronounced the finest prire beef ever Hrejicd In Philadelphia and a toelh- eme treat la In aterr ler thete of our patrent e-uirlng- It The Lerraine BROAD STREET AT FAIRMOUNT AVE. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men 'Dscn.t en the Seles nf ttnir STwi v Extraordinary Sale of Dresses A Special Event Arranged for These Last Few Days of the Year Afternoon and Evening Gowns of Canten Crepe, Chiffen, Georgette Taffeta, Lace and Xet $75 Dresses AW $125 Dresses Hew $135 Dresses Hew $185 Dresses ew $195 Dresses Hen $35 $45 $65 $75 $95 r ( rfvsw ' ' EZl w r HI 1 1 si l O U K ' UlinrATfitau. . 1 1 thr-ArrR,irhtT" rtt ' la9"! Ne. 5160 a beauty n eaic or mahogany J Desks you're proud te sit at Yeu have a right te expect the same perfection in the desks, chairs and tables, as you find in all ether L.B. equipment. And you'll net be dis appointed. Prove this. Visit 910 Chestnut St., and inspect our complete lines of desks, chairs i and tablet? for everyone from Pete, the office boy, ' te the Big Bess. Come in today! i Library Bureau 910 Chestnut St. M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager Phenes : Main 7394 and Walnut 3394 Jsr 1 1 1 1 ' - i' .j. 1. 1' , ii Brocades Fer Evening BIKH'ADKU Km i, wi SlippciN ai'f 1 1 i lireiVpMiei? (if l!u nmv tiiliiniiabli- women. 'he sihf-r t.l(ith linu-ad. -i fellow the metallic liv: 1 :n fni'Mial apparel, are 'he .sjiuii hrei ailc - a part of the pupnlanti nf eltiq.v and inatelass-. ueaes. en will enie ompleniontniK v e n c ''venniK gown with Hro Hre eadecl Slippers in one of the newer designs ihey harmonize se bean-'i-fuMy and add te the aUnulhenes's (if i u eiiM-mble. Sill'rr Bieiade fjiid unrl Silfi lireiatle Celd HrecaJt Bienit liiecadf Plack Salm tltetiidr t flfi In $n r,U t?t" UA " 1 1 Vi hltOE S'lYiOw 1204-06-08 Market Street i i s.