Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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-1-' "w.yi pim-v '.'rt'ii'yWW1
""'7?'' Vff
r-riTTO'; i .' ' -J - w.! i '.reViWjgK
New Attendance Records During 1922 Season Shew Lawn Tennis Is Still Grewing in Popularity
1. !J,.-(,"X.
Gained Universal Recogni
tion as Champien of
World Despite Absence
Frem Wimbledon
TIIKRI2 wn three outstanding fea
tures of the 1022 lnwn tennis season
which will make (In year n vivid one in
the mc"i"'.v et tll(' '1cvef,'rs et tll( spoil.
The most imiiertnnt wns the third
.irnight winning of the natiennl singles
,,n br Bill Tilden nnd the universal
cognition of the tnll lMiilndelphlnn ns
champion of the world, despite Ills nh
.cnee from tTie Wimbledon teurnnment.
nethcr whs the nmnzing comeback
nf'Mlle. Suzanne Lenglcn. if, indeed,
he" ever strayed from the form tlmt
made' her famous. Her sweeping tri
umph ever Mrs. Franklin I. Mnllery
nits le Americans the most startling
mirprisc of the sensen.
The third wen the rapid rise of six-lium-vcnr-eld
Helen Wills te the feve.
most rnnk of women players in this
reuntrv. Mies Wills continually wen
h.r way through big tournaments te
stand i" the ,n,e fcwen nB finalist
ugainst Mis. Mnllery for the Amerienn
Aide fiem the playing angle, the
tome enjnvcd a popularity nmenp sport -Inring
citizens of the lnnd nnd of this
rltv in pmtlciilnr that far surpassed in
durst shown in previous .venrs.
Attendnnee rccerdB made nt Mnnheim
In 1021 were broken nnd enpneity crowds
pre n'cnmtnedaicii nr imsien. wiu-ie
national double, uerc.held. and nt
l-ercn Hill, where Amer.cn ngam re-
mined ll.e Davis Cup in the Interim-
!..l lanin innriima
linnal team matches.
FI!0(;ni:$S for the betterment nf
ihe anne ice. nHe sren in the
irprcnilntien nf the. Vnilnl Sfnej
at the annual mcrtiiifi nf the Interna
tional l.atm Tenni letleratlen ami
m thr an neli need )ilmi of the Writ
fiidc Tenni Clul. nf Xfw Yerk, te
hiiUI a rniiciett- stadium te he uvd
rirluilvely for tenni matehrt.
KAMZING the enormous
i inmle nnnn his physical nnd nervous
energy bv participation In numerous big
oiirnamentsnbreatj nnd in tins country.
Hill Ti'.dcn confined himself te n com cem
laratlvcly few during 1022, but never
theless he achieved as much prestige us
In previous seasons and quit, piny In the
full with these conquests te his credit:
Wen two singles in challenge round
nf Davis Cup tournament, nnd thus
nideil materially In retaining the
eveted trophy for America.
Established hhnself as world's
rhnmplen by winning the natiennl
singles championship from n field of
he best plnycrs of the United States
and foreign countries, including
(Jerald L. Patterson, Australia, the
champion of Wimbledon.
Paired with Vincent Rlchnrds and
wen the notional doubles champion
ship. Switched te clay courts early In
Inly and wen the national clay-court
Paired with Mrs. Mallery nnd wen
both the national indoor nnd outdoor
miied doubles championships.
Wen Knstern Pennsylvania State
Angles crown, nnd, tenme with
Sandy Welncr. the fourteen-year-old
prodigy, captured the Eastern Pcun
Tlvnnla State doubles title.
Wen singles chnmpienshlp of
rthode Islnnd, nnd, paired with Vin
ent Richnrds. lifted the doubles
irnwn of thnt State.
Triumphed in final round of sln
:lrs for I.ongweod Hewl, nnd teamed
with Wallace I". Jehnsen for victor
n the final of the doubles.
Runner-up te Dill Johnsten In
Pacific Const singles championship.
Runner-up te Vincent Richards in
'ennecticut State singles champion
'hip. Tf.S' is record te admire. The
ciamjifeit of ihe iceild competed
in fourteen important tournament!
"id icon, or hud a part in tcinnlnu.
in (he of them.
National Singles Tourney
rpil.DEN was defeated in singles four! r)FSI'ITn tll(' truslli,,s' ''efi-.u
limes during the sensen. He wns'j fcred by Mella .Mnllery. at Win
'"aten twice early in the campaign bv
Little Rill Johnsten out en the Pacific
'nasi, nnd upon his return te the East
''as defeated lv Richards for the Cen
"etieut State title. In lete Septemher
"e ni;.'l 11 lnuri t, the ninutepv ,f .lelin.
"ion in the i;nst-West plnv, but thce
"veries weie mcerded eitli'er before or
fier the Oermantewn plnver bar
lehrd his height in physical cemll-
Vnr the ... ,: i ii... .i executed and of a laiger nrieh, but
-IhLI'' JL V.mn ,n ,'"Sl"'iV ,C " net h.ie the terrific driv, and
iiiiinn?lSalniim I ? B,,,nPlc,yr'1 '", ,,i0 fiiilnrnnre which Ihe champion enjeU
bSSh n tlnh""1 'i0 'm'1i,s "'"!' V"- Ri'hanls paW out of the
In 1 ,i 1 ,Z Ub'e n"''?InK, th"lp, "r'l ln ' unka of juniors, but nevertheless it was
ne Iste rounds. Richards and Jehn-i c00li TPflr for VMini: (i.,nt rnni,i
,VL Hf ' nnd T11(len nnd l'nt- ir.tnnl junior title nnd with his
nf" reachr'1 ,h( nmc position In thelfnt,pr J. D. E. Jenes, he gained nn-
In his match nealnet Pnltnrt.ni, Til
','.".n sounded the hollow niecknrv of the'
"imlilcden tourney bv defeating the
;ldcr of the world's title, -l-ll, (l-l.
,'," ': '',, Johnsten's victory ever
Ichards wns in strnlght sets, and In
'"" tinal the two veterans of the courts
'he two greatest player in the world
mieil their struggle for supremacy
Olden wen, nnd what n struggle it
""s. All the exacting strokes and1
rntegy of the game were centered in
's inntf h, hut neither nn unerring eve,
' Mcady hand nor a cunning, active
'.nn feiild biiiig viitnry. The Ksue
"s decide, en eiiilurance, and the huge
r'.ime of KK Kin Benernted the neces-
"ry energy te (enquer ihe little buiulle
"' nrnes ,-,.em tl( -n. West.
lohnsteu mat. hid Tilden in stroke
'''J stniiegj. but he did net lime the
V n ,,,n '" ,nn-v llim through. Little
".is eui in cm ,ewii Tllden
,, ; ' " -,
lriiLV?r,,V 1'lnj,,rs wl, l"n( !
'' championships n previous yenrs
WHAT of new year! Tildin n
" nlpplril. fl is middle finger Aas
nni icverctl nt the tap joint and he
,,,,"',""""' "'" "'itfcr. lie man
ii i'e the Mime mailer hi lm htai
' lure yrnii, b'lt he inn illii u
'"I' ilistnme hifnie A, dm,,, t
in ii lit of na t,i l inn, p s77i ,
lll'l'i"!! Plnveiu III I' V
'"..M H, Aiiati'iilitiu and Siinnif.li
Hn.!ii"?.erH '"vadnil this i-nnnlrj for the j
j;11," ' up piny, mid llie.v added celisld- I
'" "i i en The ."line
SCIS. Hill llll- It 11 tn tirnlnlll- ' ,1... . I ....,.., nl l,n V.. ...,,, ... ...-.
in ,.,,.,,,.. i V I IIIC II,M-, fwiinp' , ,,,' t,,-n., li, v.v-
""einem 'l'""e" l'"'"- "' ''"'"he Villn.
V t v 11,1 r n i ,d ?,' ' r,V'riM-"!'( lAiiM'il'-ni llvweight champion. Mu.rii)
'n Hi- le f ,1, ,1 r ' 'l'!1'.1? r,sht "' V'11'' w ,,,fch '" "1, "l,nl nf ,lve
I,,,,,,, 11 I ' Uini Htn.ight, .vear. I, ,,t.,emi,, ,10lIlH ,mt ,llk1 ,, ,
"'. I- .i. "',l1f,":,I,":i""HM"l11 New ear's D i, fistic iuegn.ni.
stnn niiil ,,
World and National
Tennis Titleheldera
World' Wlmldfdnn Champien
Men' j nlnslrs Gerald I.. J'attrraen,
.M'n'n doublce I. e. Andcroen. Au
(rnUa, nnd llandelph Lvcrtt, Knalanil.
Wemcn'H elnnlea Huznnnq l.cnElen.
t rnnre.
Women's dmitrie nuxnnnc I.i-neli-n,
' "n-, d llllr.nheth Hynn, America.
Mixed deubli - Su7niin Lenglcn,
J-ranee, end I'Ht O'llnrrn Weed, Aim.
Team Champien
lleldrr et Davl Cup Ameilrft- Til
ncn, Jorumen, Klchardn nnd Wllllnmr.
National Champien.
Nntumnl amnies. William T Tildi-n,
National tIeubl--Tllun nnd Itk-h-ard.,
Clav court slnstn - William T. Til
u?n 2t
,'lnv ceur deiililrr Haitian nnd lltir-
Veteran sli-Rlrs lir V II Ilnwli.
X'lrran deublesWant end Davlii. '
Inlorce Imlnte nlniile. U K. Williams.
IntorcellrKlnto doubles Neer and
.tunlnr .Ingles Arneld W. .tone.
Jjeya' Hns-I" 1. O'l.aiuchlln.
Hnyj' double Mill nnd .lohnaen
tuther nnd en J. u. ):. nnd A W.
Women's nlnnle Mrr M. 11 Mallerj-.
JIIm'ti'Mi"1 t,eubl"'i Mr" J""'"!' nnd
filrln; Iii'rIi,miSi, 1(,.m Will.
IloekV.'' ,leub1''' Sll" Will, and
National Jinnies Krancla
T. llitnlnp.
i;iiuipii j' r
Andeiieii nnil H, it.
Women a finale. lira M
I r.llA..
., hiih-ii n tioueie
Mr I". If. Clndfirv
Mi . .le.jup nnii
."?.?''. double. Mr M
and William T, Tllden. 2.J
.nil or alnnlca Kdirer I'
li. .Mallery
1.3 inr ,leu''1" '- I". Uansen nnd J,
Hcya' flnKlra (Irevllle Acknr
nnd splenditl effort of the Australians
, w"i BU"W. nrV ,d Spain In'thS
semi-final nnd final without I ! services
0f .Tames O. Andersen, who vasJerl-
I .inl.. Ill . . '
uei in ier several weeus. was Iiighlv
commendable. '
J he Australians defeated France,
four inniihes te one, mid theu earned
the right te meet America in Ihe rlinl.
i lenge round by eliminating Spnin bv
I the Mime score. It was peculiar that
: the victory of the Fnited Stutes was
nise dv lour matches te one. Patter
son nnd O'llnru Weed scoring the only
foreign triumph in the deublts ever
lilden nnd Richard.
'n""""" drove further toward the
..,,,,,. i , limn ma,, nnv M t1(, vimt.
inK iniiyei-s, tne Austrailnn captain
reaching the semi-final. However, it
remained for Mnnuel Alonse. the dash
ing young Spaniard, te furnish the most
spectnculnr piny. Alonse plnvs n verv
interesting, colorful and all-around
gnme. II is future Is probably brighter
than nny the foreign players face.
Alonse went te the round before the
semi-final, there te bow te the Wizard
of the Aest. Little Rill Johnsten.
'THF, foreign playm irctc rlated
ever the tirntmenl accorded them
in thi country and if theu had their
iray there would be an "Ameiicnn
Wimbledon" here in JOSS.
Suzanne's Success
AMKRICA did net send its usual
number of high -class players te
Wimbledon In the early pnrt of the
summer, but Mrs. .Mnllery did make the
trip nnd tenniR officials nnd players
here were certain she would return with
the crown.
Intense interest was shown In the
mutch between Mrs. Mnllerv nnil Mile.
Siminnc Lcngleti. whose cellnpse en
the courts of the West Side Club
started rumors that her coiirnere waa
, net the equal of n lawn tennis queen,
i However, Mile. Lenglen dispelled nil
I such fenr when she swept en te three
l world's titles.
! The case with which the flower of
I France snuffed out Mrs. Mnllery In the
1 linnl round Miutled the tennis public.
Shu permit led the former Molln Uur
i stedt only le games in the first set and
' wen the second nt love.
In addition te her singles vlcterv,
I Mile l.eiiglen paired with Fllnbeih
Rjiiii, the California miss, for n tri.
iimpli In the doubles nnd then teamed
with Put U'JInrn Weed for a win In
the mixed doubles.
Wimbledon crevn ler Mile, t.ena.
lew, and in the four yeuri ihe htn
net lest one ict.
.Miss Wills' Sensation
' 'm- 6'"' was supreme en American
n'eurts. nnd Miss Helen Wills was the
",n,y tdiner capable of winning a Het
from her.
Dining (be se.it.,n ihe California
girl made it nppaienl te all that the
'""" 'v '"" " uisuuir wueii ncr ilium
'" ,," 'inileiml clininpieiihip will be
awniiicii. .uiss ti in,, in .spiie ei iicr
Aeuth. is n mine Mulshed plujei than
.Mrs. Ainlleri. Hit strel.es aie hotter
itlennl honors In fnther-nnd-sen doubles'
J OX Efi li one nf the pretegci of
Hill Tilden, and there leeie n
number nf ether young players en
the inuiti duuiiij the season trim
fihnirrd results of careful tcachmu.
OffieUili arc niie in caring for the
junieii. 'Ihe Inline nf the game tn
thm inuiiliy icils trlth them.
Bat Will Come in at Flyweight
Limit Against Villa
Hiperlilhtiy l "In ! i lug tit!. will
kliiii k fn'1 the ih, id nine in the fis'S of
Hattliug Murrav. of ibis clt, next
Mmi(lii. nfleriliieii wlien lie steps Inte
ever a puiicn nun iuieck ineiienu irein
Villa's head. Murrav is busy training
down te the II) weight limit, lie plans
ie go into ihe iiattic at ii- pounds
I eight hours before the limit . In the
'event thai Millia) should linnl a sleep
'producing punch nflep nml.ing ihe ie.
ipliicil weight linnl. he would bei nine
ll,. new I'nil-'d Sfiiti-s lni if the lly.
I wcigll's.
t'a.l Tiiiiiaiii". of ileveiai,.. ami
'J.ihe Wli...". "' AlhiiiM. w 'I meet in
'lb,, setul-lliuil .
lightweiglil beill el he nl iliHieq
will bilnvt tegeilier two tugged sluggeis,
i.. Ill . .......Iiiin Hilt Mil. 'mil
lliivc.v lliigl
Mel 'mlnnd will
h ilcrf
( IIIIIA IIM'I 'Ill's) U 1 .'. llll
mii-in, ei iiHhtKiyjt mm i.ev
tuiire nrr m xiw mveiui
Have Held Opponents Scoreless
Frem Field in All Games
Played This Season
i Basketball Statistics
rastkrn r.EAann
' xv. J., r.r. w i..
I linlnn. 1.1 .1 .sta Oeatea'lla TO .
i'arndn 1.1 4 .70.'. tartar. . 5 11 .
All. VH. 7 H HIT ll.adlnr 3 13 .
at Atlantic City. Camdn
. Timten
AV. I,. V r
Keydera. f I ,S3.1 Wilbur. .
J. Cl. ft 4 a .7 riveibr'U.
M. - It., S 2 ,ni)0 Metal P...
Colenlnl . 3 2 .000 Steel II .
W. I., r.c.
a 4 am
l 4 ,20n
1 .1 .107
w. J., re iv. i.. r.r
far Perv 4 n i ene Sleellt., l a .400
noeKwonii a e 1 une Kevatem-. n 4 .0(10
Am. ii. i:. :i i .7.10 i.eii. v.ii e t .oeo
, Maniifacturera' Letixun Kryatenn Tele.,
nllOnn r.l U,ua1 tTnrl,ltB lr.. Il,..nh flAlltlal.
A lilac!; nil. Oorbreok' Carpet Ul.
(Ilrla' I.ague Car HerUca 34. Lehlih
Vaiiej s. atcel HeiMla 7. Keyatnna Telo Tele Telo
Vlien 4.
Palmer A. ('.. 43 Northern J.lberty. SB.
ItpoUweod, 32, Doylestenn Amerleaji
I-eKlen. in.
Mcr-all Pest. 26 flearv Pest.
All Junlore, 45, "lielim A.
l,n.. 1. !, iii.:i..i..ii.:. ;t.1
r .i - t-.ii ij.j I
mr ijti-ii in i mr i. iiiiiiiiri uiiiu in 3 '
"vunui, illltl laVJIIBa.! 1 UIIC'tV rtr UUUCU
te the list last evening at Yennh Hall,
.14 te 2. At half time the totals were
21 te O.
One of the regular guards, Eleaner
Eyre, who pnlrs off in the backfield
with Hetty Schenckel, was missing.;
Qrtt, avwiItaI In mb n.nRni.nl t . It. I.. ..
uiiciuati ,-, H4 iiviiciciii ill tiiin i.u- ,
pnclty as the most experienced fellow i
playing basketball. '
Scores Seven Baskets
Last night Betty mndc seven baskets, '
nesiues ecing tne nig netse in tne dock deck
field, by keeping the Lehigh Valley girls
from scoring. She was net the only
nlnyer te hit the cords for two-pointers,
however. Edith Rright made four,
Kitty Lentz two, Charlette Walten one
and Isabel Isinger one. The lone tallies
of the losers were en fouls by Miss
Guerrir and Miss Barlew.
Florence Eakiu's Steel Ilea'dle pass
ers wen their second game in succession,
downing Keystone Telephone girls, 7
te 4. At half time Steel-Heddle wns
trailing one te nothing, but the win
ners repented their performance of the
previous week when they rallied in the
second hnlf and wen out.
Three field goals were made durine
CK .---ipbu carne.a. 3, Ci.er r.tbelic , centrntiug en defensive football in prnc .far will T.h e' s.u , bed Van y," ,'l'MW Tm' W,f '""" 'l"" , '-culiar and K" erv? ' t Z
v. nrT7t,,, rl I, nrVL' ir1'''111' "llllf,N ","1 h 'l"''ly '" r. JJL0 B!vcn without nnr poMlblltref
NI5y KILL DALUVS i!' ''t.l rfl Hi' te Z rZurl, . ?J" b,' hi Ilis t all ' M'"8 "" Denees. Oui (ue. Knchnntmcnt. Gos- nny receupment. This club led !n tetnl
OT n goal scored against them Inl "f-0,?rnnmnt of ! I es X '. , the. F,f,nn '"""y hp 1''".V"1 end hawk. Mirtingale nnd Zev encb wyrn dis ; tri but ion , ng ,.rilpha,ica"ly i,
eight games plnved this sensen. I '""? '0,,lnnmpnt "f li"h- N,'v'" position nnd was rated ns one of the nbeve S2O.O0O. While im particular daily nvernge distribution.
NoverbtJatenlntiHeevearsefconi-l inwe en- of .hi, division -- I aslne,, K
Snt !, tnSrrrti " " '" ftMfi ft ffS'S
Car Service quin.et of the P. R. R 'S.ft' ghTlK'.te tim -&' -rt "i"' '" hM Sec Year Division tumnlX, M" "
reup of the eight ventests In which if necessary, before New Yenr's Dav. rl i -n Ti.n tin-oe-venr-nM u e 1ms changed ""'.
-he fair railroaders have participated le decide .which eleven men were besi LlViSir""?,' i " nt1 m eT & rl L s'tal" content. . Radian w ifntifin, llit.
l.-.j t. -i i. i I rnfflli. tiaa-ilinll r1ilK hna ficnnn-.I l. I.... 1" ' I .1 .1 ... .1.1 .11 .( . i.iH 1K.
u,ii iu iii-i inni-c uuiuui) ituiiuii unu .yhlT,,. 7. ,t,-- .,,,. ,.'...-, i v,,., n-iii i,e,. '.,. n .,.i,.i.i.... ...,"" ' '" i"iv.--.... ."-.;-, '."..."'"' -innsii camns of thp Ph in.
Isabel Isinger. et the second team, in i,e Heuthweat for the ,?a.niW trip ihia his ass slants ivmmvM N'! ,!'?' :Mk,"",s nrt H10 "e'C ,' e,p"ln Intwlub compefter, yes.ei- !
divided .he play nnd seccedcl In up- ; SS. ndW??tcbnerUn .."chie'Sle fit " Junlw Vn"X : R'lWI I s'TOe'wTiskawrv- wel, 1 1 ' ,& nIn"fl.'Slr"'t ' triple ,I,S wh,.h .
holding the laurels of their team. ' ?hrf.5?nln,;,1. ,. Cnrle.cn "sink'; 2ut KetucVv S,.e-' se'tback. a"d agln'
The Car Service girls nre .eusid- ! '1nJd,"" Bn1 u"ie"' " ii tlir.c .....IJ,''T'?11 in. L,rir",WN,.,,,nf. ?.h ra. mi.t',:,fi. Munich took down i The !ermrintewn CrirU -U,h .,,
crnbly lighter than many of the femi- ' IFi el.l is nS t " s , n 1 , ne ', K7'lT , li'"" ' '. ' lfi"l nc Mx mtrh tra ,M f e
nine teams new playing basketball, but y y p , PennHrlvnnln'a history that all games , '.,,.0 "'lIlR 'ni -'"' in the 'Special ;t thJi '.J",, 'league "fermTnte 'n
their speed mere than offsets any dis- iV , .7. , , , have been plnjal nt home. equnled the world's recetd. He wa ! IJ. by losing two lurches te r'vSnv.l
ndvantnge In this respect. Thev handle 1923 Gi'iairOIl Schedule T',1S ,v,'" ,',tn', "'"t l'me t hn I Centie net hlghlv rcsardH as n two-year-old. ' bccetncH ecr-nd In Hie line, and RacmVer
the ball mere araccfullr. and Bettv l C'1n,. "H?. '''VJl .".".. ''innsylvania's , n, . . . ,.... dub A uneTpectr-dlv divided honors
-" " -ni , Ni'imri n i r i hi 'rnrtnc i iiikiam" i ni m nvnn r (. ii.
the gnme all by Steel-Heddle. Eleaner
Atherholt wns credited with two nndi .ji, ", r' -" . ii:.j
Mnry O'Sullivan with one. Miss Agnesli't'CWt Uriier I'llSt Mitt'
Allien nnil I-.Icaner Atherholt also made,
geed en foul tosses. The fleer work of '
Eleaner Calvin featured.
The four points of the Keystone'
passers were frm fouls. Miss Welk,el
made one ami the ether three were
caged by Miss Margaret Blglcy. She
made a record for the season in delnz
se, as she hed but three tries from the ! .....,
black mark. This feat has seldom teaDLl ELOPED WILLIAMS
accomplished by n female baiketeer. j uu,uw
Keystone Near Geal
Kevstene Telenbene meeil no
trifle" nearer the fiist hnlf pennant
in the Philadelphia Manufacturers' i
League race bj defeating Steel Heddle '
.i4 te 35. The telephone lads only have I
in ilefent Mel.'il Edee next week anrl hn
first half ting is thcliv
. - . .-- . .
All the Keysmners took n hand in
the scoring and piny was of a loose na- ,
tine, rue winners ureppeu in twentj twentj
twe field goals te fifteen for the losers.
Coifelle. with seven, was high.
The Pasi-en. Gottlieb & Black five
took second place by trouncing Over
brook Carpet .12 te 21. The P. G.'s
caged gnnis trnm every angle msny
being ei the long-range variety and
sensntinnn' Galley, nt center, was the
stni. with six two-pointers.
Ne games will be phued in the league
tonight, as scheduled, but three nights
will be utilized fej playing of the final t
(,nmnD nf the first half next went
Camden at Jasper
Thi Camden Bkeetcrs will oppose
Jnsper tonight nt the Rese Garden. The
Jcrseymen must win te keep m the i
running for the first half flag. ,
'IM,. Tmwilu hrivi, .nmi. I j ,V,a .,
,., 1. .0 ....:.i 1 ... .,..,!
' " : V". '" ""- '""" i
Willi H rusii nn 1111a i-viiirni.-eu 111 nifir'
.,,.1, I'inl,,,-!!! n.l 1. ..!!..
Clinic-. ,i,,t . 'iiin,iiir ftiii) Ii-UUII1K.
tMi ... nieive iiciii iron a
On Camden's Inst visit In the uptown'
hull they wen out in the closing nun- .
ntes nfur .lasiier nau leu all the wtij
Walter Swope. of Cleveland, Second
te Champien of 1921
I'ineliursl. N. C. Lec. 2S.--A held
of f-eiit) -two .veuiigslere, ranging in
age finm eight te fourteen venr, leek
pari in ihe iiialil')ing round of Pine
Im i ni s iliinl ininiinl lunier (hnmplon (hnmplen
sliln in irnament en the illrririili 'n .'.
i nurse here and qunlilled in five divi-I
mops ei mm- run vera enen nnil with
smrcs Hinging from 40 te 101 for the I
nine holes ei pisy
Gieige T. Dunlnp. Jr., et Suinmll.
X. J., aged thirteen, winner et quail
fjing iiiund nnd the tournament last
.vein- and the scar befete, led the field
h.v a iiinisin of two studies nnd annexed
the inediil vvilh a card of -It! for the
nine hole-.
Walter hwepp. of ( eilarbroek. I'n.
ng.d fniiii i, followed with -IS. Ferbes
Wilsen, ihe twelve-v-sir-old son of
AVillie Wilsen, Hie Yerk llmhm- and
Piuebur i I'l-ofcsiennl, iiiMllHed with
."ill C.iile I'l'ierne. of New Yerk, nged
i iieen. it.is ei in , nun coin peted """i'" ". " "" ".. . i kei ine w,.,
,.1,,-s . vision. (pilik nnd grabbed Baineit in, he .i.
- - swinging through the gyr.-. deer.
Snooks te Celehratr "GheD-il) that Jeb, rieir," Mli:.
Spooks te celebrate ges,ed. sort of pleadingly. H . n U1,I
S; f '"?'ifi!f'.a;s?,riisa'v sr"j ?; -h
. ,i.iU Tim . M "v nn lien,. ,m ,Mm,. nbes tli!' ceniplele c,f nl, of
lllleeii. Ui.iMieil ill ,iti mill completed
1 Penn Coach 1 1
i wmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm, L
1 lB:MFmm
444 ivimillllHianillHr
Captain of the Rnl nnd Uluc JOl.t
eleven, uhe will probably Miccerri
lehn W, Ilelsmnu ns head cearli
At Franklin Field.
coach Bezdek, of State, Prepare te I upon Voiiek. but there linn been no nfll
Offset California Attack rlnI. nnneuiiremrnt ns ye.
PAKHilenn Pullf Tiv "? M.r, ((UllK rnnehed the freshman lentil
'I t, Benlek. conch of Penn JtJn.e '; , " nru. "". 0IV1 ? "n of Heis- p.eM
. ,... . ....i. .. .,i,
.nueii ie Man.
- .
. : HMenK, guara. wlie was in-
t. .1. Uedenk, guard, who was 'n-
... ,.,. -.... u.. r.MH. (. ...I, I,,,, ilV,
te cet in the "reiich ainff Thn
jans'aise held ng ilv work' '
. R
niitu '
in P.hihitun p.. ,,. r, u
30 Exhibition Games for c uh.s
n.trn.e. n,P. usThe ch.e,er. .,
J nail., llnail.K 1 rl,lU Wn .n .1.1... 1
The comntete Ifte;? Venn fnnthnll
schedule, all the games te be played
en Frnnklin Field, follews:
Sept. 29 Franklin nnd Marshall.
Oct, 6 University of Mnrylnnd.
Oct. 13 Swnrthmere College.
Oct. 20 Celumbin Unlversitj.
Oct. 27 Centre College.
Nev. 3 University of Pittsburgh.
Nev. 10 Lafayette College.
Nev. 17 Penn State College.
Nev. 20 Cernell University.
I ri - .n b-. m . . ..--.... . .. v. . nih viuiirn i ' ' ' I I ' w i I i'r
Hew I Made My Start
in the Boxing Game
7cri Handled by Sum
Harris, Who Began as
Manager 20 Years Age
name of an athletic club of winch i
J wa member about twentv ien
. '.. , .
. "r0 in New erk
.wmmmm .. 'i,,, 11'.. 1. . I
"nil, ,, I- (i.l'l
swell grin and
many of the le.i her
pushers who weie.
nrettnd In these1
days used te cornel
te the "Points"!
and get in simp
for bouts.
Itnxitlg iiiU"li ed !
Hie from 'je
time I Iii-ii i..i:i.'ii
Hie club nnd I ir- ,
cideil te bpieiiii ii -lerestesl
in t i, e
s p e r t n. live 1 .
Being n better
talker than a
boxer, there was only one position in
flstiruff for me that was te become
a manager.
Se I kept my ejes peeled for a iH.vrr
who 1 could take under my wing, nf
,,v ,lw,, ( 8liy.
11 ,lf T tn. ,..1,. l..,tl, ,.
1 ,.
"Ill fc.V
.J.., ,11,., . ',, ,, 4UIH,' JIM".,,'.
MUingstei' sKipping mound,
slinti. rv -tiexing anil piliu liing 1 1( lag
jiuncher, Ie my mind.
1 k(,pt close te thin boy, 1
Il1' -'nt '",0 1,,s .i,tVrl'.f. ''e.he
mid wlien
H. in m
aiirnrUn 1 recnunlrcil him na nn nihcirr
diiver who I had seen juggle bnrre's n"d
.-. ' .., :"". :
biues ns IF ihc.v were le.vs
lemiiiy Daly v,ns the eiitb'.
name, and it didn't take me long te
find out that lie was n "fi'M'
ugent." open for n manager. Wc
decided we could understand r.iili
ether, ami Uini I started out te
seek scraps for Dal).
Willie I .en is and n number ei
lights used te banc mound the cub
the - kidded me about Temmy, but the
lad win) drove nn iisncatt ler a i.v ng
had (truck my fancy.
Substitute Jeb
Flerry Burnett, of Jeiscy Cnv, had
n lad named Alex Dunai'lil.! win, was
highly touted in thine diijs. Dunn, hi"
was matched te meet Jee Tipuuin in
Baltimore, just after the latter b.nl
scored u kuoikeut ever Terrv M'
Govern. Naturally, Harnett was am
ions te have his uiun whip the Haiti-
A few days In-fore the lentest Dun-
a'hle became ill and Flerrv rusltd
uiuund tu the Keynl Seven Points In
seanu ei ,i mn mi.ii.i. i get till' W
i i,..m
Wat aamjl
I ILija iS
Grid Captain in 1913 te Be
Named Football Menter
Next Week
I'm A.eun enntnin of the Wl.'il
niiMlvaniafoe.bnll tenni. will be !
id reneh ., f the Red nnd Hlue eleven!
neTi inn unies mere is n
ehniue in the preenl plan"
of the I
football eemmlftee.
The femniittee Enverninjj the gridiron
spoil met late yesterday and ratified
i 'I'hediile nf nine ciimes. ineludiiiK
contests with Centre College, I.nfnyette
and Celumbin, nil new opponents, end
nt the same time discussed the
lern of herd coach te succeed Jeb
Heisninn, who has reigned.
The ennehinK position wai hoi
F.en .Teurdet nnd Leu yeuiiK. Dr. Jehn
KcmkIi, freKhnien mentor, having with
drnwn nt n provieii' mcttnp. It ia
tniil llinf tins rimtiit Mnnimiii An.stl.l.,
,.,,i U naLllit ntir te Ifitl unninn llrt
jn''rx,s xvherc he has cone te snenrl
next year s captain
from bis home
tnerl l,0PIn' mf1" pvit connected with
nn sports and he was strongly backed
by the assistant coaches and members
. i" iis.-iDuiui iii.ii'iirn mm niHiuiiirs
'r ..... r- .l.-li .- ! !.. .
i i lit" rueiunii uiiiiiuiiei- ill srcuring
'thp npnenlment. according te what has
i... ... , t " . , ,
'".,'"";' ""'" " wurt' t"ns"'rcu
'' ....-.- ,
,vxiecicu ie ne a sumcient nurnctlen te
i All the new Htadium. The game with
Columbia will be the first since 11120.
I Lnfnyette tnkes the plnce of the Nnvv.
Negotiations were under wny with the
Midshipmen for a game in Washington
en that date, but permission could net
be obtained from th Nuv.v Ilejinrf-
ment for another gnme nwnyi'tem home,
and Pennsylvania could net see its w:y
clear te pla.v the game at Annapolis.
I.afn.vette is one of Pennsylvania's
eldest opponents and has met the K-,1
and Blue eftencr than nny ether team
en the list.
....i .. , ....,." ..
Lip Readers Werk en
Siki-Carpenticr Case
Paris, Dec : In i,e hope that
tlie might be able through the
siicine of Hn reading ie mteiprei
the words spoken by rlie managers
of Geerges Cnrpentler nnd "B,v .
.ling" Slki, when the motion pit -tines
of the fight caught Descninps,
acting for Curpenticr, conversing
animatedly in SiM's coiner with the
manager of the Senegnlee nt a frit
bill phase of the battle, tin. uini uini
missien which is investigating the
light showed the picture-. Ie two
dci.f mutes yestcida.v.
Tin (omuils-ien hns de -lined te
give the result of it,s experiment,
but is was incited that v was sue sue
cedsful. I)alv s a'h nunc before I fiualiv caught
. --..ii iiuiiiiiy nun ins ral
"I've get a bei.t for veu. Teinmr "
I iiifnrmed the juggler f ,, iries
inn was proud 1 hn 1 I was s(Mll, . 1,',
mn lie geed as iu.-11'.n.ei --H,.', J,j, ,.
'e igh gut in Unit mere. I, in ,,, 1 , ,
llll -Ile."
inininv wanted -,, ,,u, 1H
light avvny Hut 1 previiiled 01
a-l. .ii-
aim te
ie.iii-ii 11s i.rse -nni can t ,, H ,,,,.
"iiggt sting fhai he miKb, wnnt , :,
u'i'k when he returned l0 New Veri-
We .trrtved In Baltimore and Hiere
v a a parked house out te ,.,, Dn)v
and Tlpinnii g0 te It.
The bnv stepped into Ihe ring t.
hell rang, and the,, Uww I was ,,' f, .i,r
m.inngei- was s VM(,, , In 1 old
" ni'iimn a- L'lvinc i,K
territic slash. ng. linn mei n;.- M -, b,,v
ever tin- ring in the hrst i.,nn.
Slnp,s Tlpniau
In the seiend D.ilv,
i,, r.,.,, ,.i ..,' ' .'.'"! '' n'" en
- iTi, ti.ua u nr el-.ni,
iv e .
UI1K liv Willi a Wild ns it
...i,. ..t ii. .,.. ''I"" ""
kli,.,..l ,u..
". "' '"'"I'oe.-e s uee street en the
chin hwI Jee went te sleep The house
was in an uproar. I was besieged with
compliments and suggestions were made
for me t,. r..inin n Halt inn.i with
"tiie nexl world's . Im.,.,. '
Dnlv and 1 icumlneil , ,i. x. !
nn.Mlnl CI,.. .....I ..,T... -"" ...". ..l-
.. i r . " .i "',' , """ ','11"' SO geed
JIII1I IMHI I llll I rtllTiklit I I... i w .--
......,,- , hiicw i i.mi ,
become a native. I ,,.. bee,, ,..'.'
i.e.. . ill in. ii.ii , I
..... e , i. .,'..1 ii rest.
" . s,,( ... ,
, . ;
in my wenty je.irs ni th,. ffllll, r
have handled
many bnrrn. Ineln Imp !
Kid Willlnms
. .1 I
. rt- . i ''-,'. ,r , ne" S. ,
w no I i ri,.i. n.
i,ev en tne sneets ami develop,!, I iht0
a Imntnimveight chainiu'en of the weild
All of whlrli leads up (l Mm
jHiliit that lit) experience in ,v
lug has been In handle mlttinci.
from an iwlicnrl driver t
world's cli.'inipinu,
i ' twi 'Wieu i ii wi' iVi' !Sr'wT'Vv'1,'',M:'i'ii,,,'nl s"un i" if mim piedu.-t f,.i
V'hUW&'tJl1, rW'rfiiaW"u' "''""V.'V !,"",I,'! ,,"""r'I f ."Hiihiik
mil 1 1 nny if, horses. Ihe iliuuv se m-d te I ,. iil, u
ifnri r ( aiji-nth, crt ,
nay rays A. a. U m ,,
c i,,ac7 ,,, V , U,,FI,,e
, ! .""'m-,!. ,. r $ ul .; lry'ZLl ' "
f th;; Linen Aihi.n,. ,-,. , ,.,, ," ,"',',
,Zm l?ffAn,Zl ,ni',:. YT '"-'J"- ".d
S" - - V'; - -
Kntl',Mi 'h"n ' ' "' "" ''"tnu-
Records Made in Distribution of Stakes and Purses,
Belter Competition and
Turf Pastime
! TRACING in Amotien hn. taken en an ,
, IV i
itnpertniifp never before reached,
jThnt i, true the amount of menev
'ii."iriiiiiu'ii in miikph nun Mn-rr, hi ii.v
"iimlici- of lierscs in raeitiff. in thesit-
tendnnee nt rnr. In ;" ""V'W
"'Med H. Hi- MrtH and in the Inrgq j
jniimuer 01 in-rai hhiimiii, hk
records for -.peed nnd money winnings
.There wui no Mini ) War devetepeil.
It may be yeais before there N nn' Mnrylnnd dislributed te horsemen in
te cemirre with the jerless tacer, ,'he your .$1.3-tt),r50. In 1022 the
but the Renenil nveinge li raised te it.s Maelnnd field of reeing produced for
lili.i. Ilin I Ivl nr.
... ..
em-eM. tritA trlnniti04 nfSihii':
''"'" .. . .
hen Mervieh early in Jlie spring iu -
". " - ' .' . . . .. . .i
! lowed up his sensational tso-etir-elil
h! -inning the rlcl, Kentucky
Derbv ns n three-yenr-eld. though net i
in renmrkable time, he was hailed as i
the coming chumpier., but his laureN i
i . iV i:.l l,
tnn fnilml. He v.lls eellDSCll UV
...... ,. V , . i ,y.. t..
hliknwny. Reikmln.ster and ethers In
, fnuv fmlnmi
I iV weuM ,, ,,, , ,lame n d.atn-
me iuu nere ei tne jmr was eiu
r.Merniinnter. in iuciiit te-en years. I
winning S71.07." in 11)22. bringing his
total winnings for his brilliant career l
uu te S241.2H!. placing him second te'
Mnn (V Wnr in winnings. This re-
marknble gelded seu of Mclree has
srrnt stamina, nnd his winning daya
are nor evr The greatest icceptien
I gien inn horse was extended te Ex-
teriiiinaler at 'Tiicii. where lie went
' n ereiy te encourage the .pii that bad
,.,. i,im srt jn n (.,ty where racing
j was being revived.
j i.( uatrcr. n six-vear-eld, wen
mm. ...... i f .i . ... -l
several races, ins (etal being : :!,s,i(i.
Firehrand. n fnur-venr-tdd. after n
llind beginning, wen S'il.iriO. Captain
Alcei-k showed n nmarkithie come-
bill k. get ting aw a j with ?'!'-'. .'S.W. C.rey
I.ng pulled down mure than S23.UO0.
The eHI '.inp.iigner Benifnre wint
above ihe S'Jii.OiiO-mark.
V he upsetter of the year im,
flfiniiu. tinned hn S. I) Kiddle, of
Philadelphia. Jfi should his te
lainhiihlc rlii'i h;, drftatinn the ef.r
ie the Washington Ili'uditnp at
Invril for $2.1 J7' nnd iwninij linht
l.m'n nt linn -i . Ifikii"! Ihe Heirie
IFnndiiiip. lie u en ,li C,2h. In ('
m ut net l.i lei.tnni'd te pay lnih
1 Lucki He.' neservc cspu-i.i! nien nien
tien. With d'l hi- bail luck and illne-n
I he battled re-eluielv for the top of the
1 threo-yenr-el I division, and succeeded
in winning .2.".(i."0 Bunting and
Tiystei, ,,f ihe Whitney barn, shewisl
geed perferinaiiK's
Recerd Prices for Horses
Prices 1 iiil f r iin.rn ighbteiis
1 ein bed new I..I1 1. vide, A the S.irfc.
toga snbf 4.MI iTend of vearli ivs, larueh
from Ketitn, l;v fdrtii-. were knocked
Mown for n guild t-jtal of il.1.7e0.
,nn average of 2377 ench.
1 Horses in training also brought roe.
jenl prices Harry I'njne Wlntnev sold
, Wliisknwii.v 10 II. 1 . Cln'X for $12.".
(iflO and Goshawk 'n U A. C.iehrim for
, s'n.noe .1 S (.uden p-lld ,S.",O(10
ler Snob II -nd S,".7 IIUO for Dunlin.
v'n'li wen 1 be Hepelul S'akes. The
Kan is St1 ' 1 ii'. STliIHiI fe- li'ii!
I.ernci . I'l , 1 1 1 1 hr I ','n.ilid
hiile-. w 1- g "Mtei t liii 1 11' a v pti ' I-
mis lime in Mi s ei mr
K,i. the susin.l ""isiui hi ;,iii., rs.
sinii tile powerful Batn eca-, Mnbie,
1 owned by llarrv P. Smc'mi nnd Sam
Hildreth, leil in r.innev winn-tigs, with
a tetnl of .s2.0.."ll).,,. Hnrrv Pajti"
'Whltnev was n 1'l.n.i' si,-.mi. vsjtb
! 22,.IMI7: W S Kilmer. Sm,-,.7.ia:
I J K. I Ress. V.'.'IV n T Wll-
-1.11. Sl.".'i,21.". -I "s C.iHlen. Si:.";. I is.;
1 I.1t1ffert Jeiu-.. .SI.'il 101 ; Greentref
t.lldn 1 Mis, Pivin Wlvii'-vi, Sl,;.'.-
1.,;, 1 11"' t t;i- Miiu.i'titi t-iariv aif
(.'Hi '
ll.b -
it p.-
i .
Killing In
111 I lie .
d'M! lulled
i.VVI.its "!
New V.ik
ineii in )'
in "I' I'-n-
iuie et t i e.'i .Ncn S ,n
in sink, it .ii:d puiees te hersv
"l.'-'si; s n nt ins He.
lid nut mnkc nine! unpmw
output .f nninev this Vci,
-ii wli.'i 1SI21 In in. :. il,..
gain im I e jear .v.i- ..iij 'l... n-..dest
sum of S 1 7 .'tin The lv i major r.i".,
Belmont l'.nk eui S.n'iiug.i. el.in,. . m
ii -reus m s7 ;;j (
''i ebsi-r' ; ',ai in u. " a
. I
ticarbv ci- as 11117 N." Yerk's 'eisl
J,1.-.1,1 X .
te ..vn'i. was tin. t.jt.,1 ,,f
i i,ii ll '.II ii iieulileil bv tl'.ir
.-il i ..ll t .1 :, ' ".11 d'.llt.l
In live w-m hm-I ) Krmilv iu:e u..m
,,l , l,i , . ., II, h.,ik!i i,i.l .. . .
tin nwn.-r- .1 -i m nltli.myti w wmiM
................... 1. . .11 .
.-ins.. n,i - . n i-i- . .inie.is.1.".-. ....
'i'.i iMiurniA inf iirti tii innrn up nt
Ihirtv twe-venr-iil-ln of 1022 te KHOW , i " "S-tf0?.1. ?UP- "' ' w" ." Cnjll
preb- R,,efler speed te Mervieh. the champion "'(i" 'T'V.-J nl r"lS-.3"?"A..rftch'," ,ls
W. twb-year-pld of 11.21. Of the let. -ft" ,,; X ,,.
Sa v h Alley wis tne lenuer. fjne weni0 ,i. m),i:,V , ' , ' ''',' ",
er.i'.iir si,.. nD ,.1.. e,rnniMl hv . UKP '.'nterprlslnir libernlity of the
n'pme,; n 9 the blgt-t winner of the! : )lalVLi'?y rh which, following
'.. . ... ... . ..-, . ,...,. i DU1KCH 111 inifi. r) ,1 net l,..,!tin r,k...
i se iv n Aiie wen lie ncinium ri i ' .nii,n i,. ... .. --.-... ..,".., ,
Futurity and the mceriI division of tl. ' ,,ivUienH v.'th , 8VnnnIf""ir i yi .'" 'T0
Fimllce Futurity, which bad se mnnv B imn v ?e ni ,m9i,0 nMr" ,0 "'T1''
entries tlmt it had be run in two race ' t0 ? r of stnrtin?
nn,l Ihe stnhe denblwl a"i ff tleltl ever n nnrrew trnck.
nnil nil! smut, (milium. -J r(,,,OP,i . .,, i,,,.,! , . ,.
fixaiiiii mnk .teenna im ncu
I w itlieut n p. i'e l ..t iliiu-.uiu.liess en
i tlie p.ni ..t il -ir t.-njeiin. In tin- fn
'"-l... t... . III! ,1.. V W...I. .
r i . i v. , ,,-,,.
1 ' , IIUI.Ill 'II U-s llll
.il'llir si,., e , ,i, uj, .v. i en; riHlni.'
I ileld has si','. I" lien the I'lieruui ,s
total of s,,ss, , :; ,s. and that is nni.
thing te I e i tell. I of
Keutuc'..j li l.s In l'.i'.".1 disti-Ibiitid
I le horsemen .' imitl .f Sl"iS!l.tJ7.", '
1 It Ir new ii 1,'iiu t me ince the Km-
i.jue iiic,,, i, iii i;.i en ie siiitw an
. . , . ,, . ,,'''
-1'ini of pr gi.-s n w,i u,., ln K,,.
,,"'1, UU"K '" """' '"!'""'-
i:r'eiits the uu eriaut gain f mi
.'"'" l?iriii,(i(Ki. in . eiupariv,.,, ,,
-?if ''" :" -m.
J' , , " '''- ' "
teae nil in r'.i. i. it i:i'j sh..ws tl ,
Bigger Crowds Feature
This Year
heatlhu pain in the matter upticrnteii
in the mind of etenrrt.
, f(R(( n Kcntcly ,n , eibpf
renter lieliK et rnelnff. it mny well hi-
doubted whether tee mtieli money Is no'
Hctly ceinmerdHf nipwt Is SlnJ mn'
iiuieij in tne etwrurement of the nobler
nppenl of n great sport
Tn M.irjland
" iiiinia, u t iiui n Miiriii iv innra riinn . .it -
rn , --..,.......,,,,..,,.,.,..,
(100 In excess of its tetnl in 11)21. This
1 rini. t.. .i." ". "" . """.''.""I
.!., ':' ",p vwe rrninncniiin cases is
xv iinnnr tiiA..i..i . t ..
I iX ... ''clV" ,nr- anS tllp 'almost ch
i:i,. ,4-.i ... ., ' - . " :" "
"""-- i rnc jerr .y.7.9,WJ.
Racquet Team "A" Dropped te Third
Place in Club Race
rl'l, r .
-...; i.nunes et cnni.ee were very
. , , . -.. ii u.iii, ii.-teruinci.v.
'rtr, T mm.T ....Ji 1 ..
nreppen te third rilnre which creates n
big surprise, as thnt team has mm the
championship for trn veirs s.rees.
sivelr. ' ""
The Merlen A team lnndln- fourth
en tlm list. nNe gave n jolt te 'the fn
lewei- of nllHV, ns rtuckman I ee its
tar plnver. went down te defeat nt
the hands of D. A Newhall Ra'ce-iet
D.'s first plaver. ' ' 'M
Overbroek . took fire games from
Priii'cteu P,. and se pushes into itth
place en the nrd. Merlen B drennlm:
out wiih one point less. Rncnuei Club
B, wen nn additienn! point lat
" eiuiesenj. wlien if. jj. Dena von de-
, featec W. IT. Rnttles. of the Prine-
' ten Club, and with that extra nnlnt
, nuuni te vcterflny s total 'f stands
tied with Pnntetnn B.
havipg fiirteen victories
ea.-h tmm
! Captures Qualifying Round With 77.
Maxwell Kas 83 Card
I'ineliursl. N. C. Dei. ' --"'br
qualifving round of the twentieth u-i-nun!
niidvvinter teutnameti was i.hv.ei
)n the W.uinpien-h.p (ejre nt Pine.
In. :s ,rr. and vve-i bv Meil, i I
Fearer, of Garden City, nhe le.i lb
lie .1 d mere than We cnr.testan's br -l
mnigin of one stroke nnd who wen the
medal with a reun i of TlS-rtii 77.
Neri.inn Maxwell. (,f Phl'ndelpl 'n.
who del en ted W. ('. I'ewnes in tin
final of ihe North and Seuth teurna- '
ment some jear- a;m -irid wh w.iv en
of the leading favorites, lyinlihed in s;n,
v in ten mi -i nhe.-nl cf him.
Beets and Saddle
,.,, , ,, ," ,
' lf,.1-'1 '"V ,,"r'"', ''"' f'"i'"re if.ee
"' 1",r'"i l nil, t..ila . b-iii''-. -nni
Reed nuddeis together. M'nMnn. A .
'"'.ch improved of late, might last the
liiile and s-ventv vnrdt. Amerie.iu
I!, v and Bbn-neysteiH inn sn Iho ri;t.
lletsi". w hi. '1 -eein bc-t nr" '
1 ,ist 111. '.;,.k. I'ii sl BliiM.. I..,.
Tili s. . nti.l I.ticlv I.'iiur'. .
Ki'U. ' Tli".' Itish C,,K-. s. ,' ,
Cen l . M l.i -i'i ' r, ,' a--.iV, ,
A. A.'if'.''i" Pi". I', in evsteni T'
Tulnn. , B11I mi t':u Kviici'"!-
AI1.M0. V..! C.ib.i I'ii 1, tc Miijcc
Havana r.tt r.ice - Winnipeg.
mndee. lllu-.i.n-.s- S.cni.l t; .tl
Wehle, Medusa, Barrettn. Third Mm,
Rlegcl. Feul Weather, Edgewo.,,'
Fourth Puff Ball. Den Pepe, Spuds
Fifth Fair Virginia. Jup Mmnn, l'nre',
Sixth Corcoran. Th Pirate, ijunker
Tla .Fiuna First ia
Pes We'ch, Pekev P,
I) 'ible Fie, Exi'lv-n It"
Tev.n. Hi Tub'.
J .. k I ,-.,
or, -I'api-,'
igifi Ti.ud
K.'irtl Knighibeiin, I ir'e. I'-in
Vim Patrick, Fu'th I. .,-! J'li- ,
dp. 1 i.el.i Butten-, s ti,. winpi
Picdri. Le lis. Sivi-irL -I'.iler,,;! ,J
Itegrcsse, Jehn, Jr.
Ihe iHinkmnlwcrs nenm '. ne h.n-g.
Ilavnrs That t- lis fur :., ;.i., cu.in't .
i i nil. etneil. Mutuels m" sir j) 1
vngue nt the Hack, but ii'm- stiit .. '
will be of ih haril-Uiued kind md
fro. i ,.ev mi it is prehabli- Hint Hm-ann
Will tlS'll-e v.'l ' ghth III ,..- srri."
Till Hill t U. sill 111,. Ml, ui.i ', ,, .,,., .'
,lr,IH ,l,
'it an 'in
tiiiiniiiiiii iru-ri n;i. -ii '.l.i lii'ii
.., .,i.fli:uM Mii.Pr.uf. .H.n. '. .
.. :..!.. I ,....., . , . . .
r.m- iSv.mitmI! trap!: Th.. n.,.. ;...''
. . . ' " '" "I' u 1
1. ..w 1.1 1 rt, I ......... .1
I'l'UI a l '"l 'M Mil IIIN tJU'Hj l.lf
fllLi.lk til I NO nil Ifil-L I ..
niseis ai me eui irirs. (.) nnnn j,.,M,
and ie. thiire'U'bly i.-iuiilinr with t! ' ,,.i .
tive soil, (ill-pet s first net On hns !., .
te niii.'ve sevirnl inches of recentl) ,,,,!
soil which reinije.1 the drjing of tb.
trui k last week.
IKIMMl m:u
If v ii want tn v.,, v ,,,,,1 .,,, , , ,
s.e.icv MfI.ir-1 and U.uia II 1 , it- ,'t ".
Et.' "I r'nl'i I.Kl-OBn Mikr 1-1
1. I
College Basketball
Wcightman Hall, 33d & Spruce Sti.
Monday, January 1, 1923, 2 P. M.
" "":rin:iil It set III tne t'reaknegs
Rirved ketn 1 60
1 (II)
N. C. A. A. MEETS T0D..Y
College Athletes Will Get Wide Dlf
cuselen at Getham Gathering
New Yerk, Dec. 2.S. The atlilctlfi
flttinlli'ti In colleges wil ctitne in for
wide (INruiKien tedav nt the nniiual
meeting of the National Collegiate Ath
letic .seclntrjn nt the Hetel Anter.
Conches, prnduiite managers, student
malingers, representatives nnd. In sem
case, rireldenlH will gather te discuss
spertH in geneml nnd make BUggestlen
for bettering condltleus.
Although football will undoubtedly
come in for dlwiiMinn iignln, In spite1,
nf the lengthy dln-ertntien en the sport
nt the conches' meeting lirst night, It H
prebnlile that etlirr xperts will form
the innln topic for debate.
I Medina Open for Games
Tbe Medina ( lib. e Ccrinnntnwn, haw
I plajed pnmre wrh tein tit the leading;
le.mi- nf J"rmi,'iwn and ae rr tula wen
, all Medinn would I 'Km te nrrnnce (tamea
nth b.iFk..tiiii te m unit,, fl'iera. Wll-
nni I, ,i..ii-a i 1-, V I.evan street, Qr-
inniiir.nii rn,m A j-ire nt; '."1 M
I ,
Everything in Radie
Ectry Article Gaatantttd
Expert Radie Advice Fret
Reg. $45.00 Special ... JfMJU
SPAGHETTI, 3-feet length..
Res. 30c OC
Reg. 35c
TORS, glau enclosed. Rer. 65c. LeQ.
Reg. 50c
Reg. $1.00
Reg $1.25
Rcr. SI 00
STATS Rc. l rs
Reg. $1.50
$1 1C
A. Ill
large site. Rer. $3.00. .
Reg. 55.50
Wc have all the part for th
new Flew dims Circuit
502 MARKET ST., Phila., Pa.
Mull Orders Promptly rilled I'ostef e lit)
Open Cvenlnz
-ri a TiFn
e.ve or eun specials tili, dec 30
3000 Ohmn)
The Radie Shep of Distinction
0039 Gcrmnntewn Ave.
Pennsylvania Radie Ce.
sO"" ". Exceptional Quilitr
Head Selp, Loud Speakers
Chan. Cery & Sen, Inc.
Philadelphia Branch, Thr Hours
s-TI-WlsllII' netk r
Opcraiin;; U. S. Gov, Ships
L'SSC S S"Simia-w" Jan. 9
S, S "City ef St. Jeseph" ...Feb. 10
USSB S S "Lnxpalile" . Jan. 24
USSB S S'Tilv of Evreka" Feb. 24
GEYELIN & CO.. Incw-t Ag
10S S. Feu.-th St , Phila.
Lembard 51-14 Main 7791 .m
Regular Service
l SSIl-fs S "Clinpcaqun"..Dec. 28
10S S tth St., Phiia.
I emburd 5144 Main 7791
P' 1. n. XcT. f r
rATT'""1" ir-i'!i. re
Operating; U. S Gov. Shipa
rEJH iiBGBr D srcreN
J u-c iu-i-v .'ih. B-D J Tj bc.
Regular Service
htLAiiELPHiA ta
USiB i S 'Win Uini" Dec. 29
OLYELIN .s, CO., In:.
'05 S. dtn St , Pliile.
Lembaid 5144 Mam 7701
- ', Aitn t ( r
W A P'.'Kl" .'. CO . In.
,0pt et.rg ' . .S (7ei. Snpi
Te Mr.
CO, Mnhia Hanca.
r-eiarn, .inu Uurnei Airea
NOR -ss 'SONr.vANU,"
Sail n- vbeui JAN, 10.
B. H. SOBEtHAW 5 CO., Aacnt,
lleurn, Lids; , PluLxJ lpl,u
'emburd 0181 Mam 7628
i , . -..,,
Jij P1'"""'H' noulenn.-Hur.Mar
Jan SO ll. a S.
" l, 10 Mmm. IT
m. ii
KB' ?? ' . .
Y- -,.- :n.
.' ?
iV '. I IC'I I