faaVHW1.1 wwx .-'v"w,".MWif !v-!s - -iV .VfV!V??55 t)" -tlry-(-Y "'Mrl , ',- " EVENING PUI3LTC LEDGER PHTLADIiJLPHI A, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 r ,r- .. '" i r, IM t i1 iBWit Hi l 1 fcr ' Kh: ii I I MM U i J. V ts M Then Let tier TAci Disappear II T VANISHING MEN By RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD l'. S. Ambassador te Italy --hir 0 The Vc.'iTt Find. 7 . i erviii", F V. Dutten .( ( . Fl H'An llccamca of llcr Suitors? WHO'S WHO IN TIIK .M'OIIV MREXA RKLCOSS. a hrnuliftil -r-chltr, living in Enplnml, nf Amcrutvi hirth, hit Greek aivl IrUh hlnml. 1 undisclosed mpnterp envelop he', for ttee ftrn trhn hair levrtt hr erotic hrnnty tun! faiciititting prr'n , nitty have ihungelu ranntlml. erate the interett nrf nauiitatiin ' CAPTMS Ph'TFI! UK WOI.i K, Atneriran art'aipi, trlie im tirmni intian rfr'ej nowr-peti.i; te ' nut the eninr.'i. , : u the miriju'ir ttrhng mi.' if ir. I, rt.l!)l. a ' : mm G i . "' nib. '.,. G'07,0 Yf.7, PI rtf.t .V) It II ' ItirirJ's 'of Acr Amy .. f cft-7 f. I'rlrrt. iehohernr. tyment Eng'nt. trend's jrtrnd. hut noir n Y 01" havr heen m ti'.e r.rn'Mii 110! l.ke Ivinn e leulil. "Yeu She snii'eil rather x.vlN 1 ' Londen. TCttt I ilinn in (-'in i. little retrm' inn mic the !i! '. trees, I have in'1 inmr til i sincp !i: n'iitvte "Ami yi lime im , pln.r in l.'iinlnri ' t"iirse' II" !-. for a il.i.v? ' li nl,e(l i f new von ni 'itp "I rie iini knev nny n i . I.nii' nerr." sh soul. ' liave n-i rr:i leent Ii'tp fnr n-lnh I hiv' v h-;i I first nn; t" Kntinnl "f'nmn t'i Kncland'" IU "j.i". tiltMi. v-;tlii r ny.ni: thr- v. --!. "Yen. ilirre .rwii. njn. 1 i :,;. must hnv Iwn tlirep ccn.tirip"- Sb set for a lone ntn linnkms. ml tlie coming find coins of t!i u : TfS with eLwk B'i'i I'liJinc" riui no' infirriipt h'?r thought. IVtrv Ixlirvcl tit she Tvn drbiitine nirthinc : therefore he sa1 i. "I. if - -i' littl" Kff the p!miirf the !'pih jW-ti - -urB wi'll. thfr yucht i" be ir.el. "Yeu h.ive a -(!nti"nt mind ' s!" Mid. awr.kenrd rcpnul bj liinrtnu Irem h'r li'" a di rniir-e uf.i tin1 ccincell. of l .11 ll :ll? wlin-h hIu'.ij llnttei-M ltilf iiiie i hi hi'lii-f tc.it .It i Iho werhi". a-i . Tln'.v I sn u pni; iH'.'hl nl nil lie'.'i's. ihi'v ni'i I wIumi huise. n,,l WiTc lis .vt,i!lfull "I'cut vliM tin- mood ciiiiii' ,i llii'yi urn- UlllHllU,elll rhiilli-ins wlun ll'nr inin.u 'Itim-i'i; tegi'thi'i. It i' aftir two I .iu .inil I Tl cold li'iiicn i:in i. i' a ;' ..-: a: -v ' f N nf cv .!' - t v, . , ' ,,- i. Tui fin. I inn .rr. I we.iul i.K'' ' -t i:i ln.ivi if I lmu t'.'1'"'' I i,,,,i I 'vi'l.,1 i,r (rush! fVO'Vthun; m I.i -I".? h "t" i" in:. I? ii ''i:' iniint p i"'il be hi i-1. ;se 1 in ii"i ,i f.irtner frnpji'r or Immk V.iii'Ui - "ti: n r Yerk idler. I'.piiucs Ti.ife'cit u mf' has no se!! for ti.rmti. ; bii'ek t :' 'Then de ii. whatorer it he no tihiMiwuit- Mid. In t'ne thi- plus ne peiiitivf folk I am Thorp f tve kitid nf perner. world the minii" persons and er?ns : np7.1t ir feiks md ou netne I ay folk ; from AraeHrn ferring '. t.ie I did t .1 v s.riiic 'T jei . ' Kveu .ir.iiniiiw think l! tin Pipi', i-nmlni; .'ind entnu it hntel tu which he hud in-n" nn ..no might nttaeh ihonis-elv nrnii'teil tli utti'iiti'"'i "f ; ntth tlie worn hver . lii!'- 1' ; chrenn nIH)plr.,c. "A wery ipnili.i- n .'i ii " h'" had .lld te the iertrr A v .v '' d 'nirpi" 'i-'s l!1 '' ' ''" ; '' ' ' i:" " I mink 'e's cumins." I'erhaps he wns. T!int mis'.i lat" bon hew ln bi;:i"i. 11'.' tl.e iU i i:1 if a oenccntrntod nothins-ii-de -on'e 1 ei.-r the two find IMcr'" tti'.inii'- n' liibt lefr the deck at I.lverpi.! w.th Amrncan seldiers bl.ifphemlnc bi'tvoen i.uTeiinKi 1l5 ,n (1(jr .p (ln, n ,,,.rw.r si-rateh- Inc li.'i liend n.-r the i:n-:'" of ' ' I'" W.ilft", m1ii wni- i r n i "-i "he !:)- : Ci-r 1 ft. but rial net rlulm his telrcrir ; I Poier lind ler lumi-elf. iit'd hke n ni'.- (nav i mid i.e miis ".i'l ; r. li.o'e j wn- n'..v i!v, iirtYer"tii fif I'et'r im I ene hut L:i lawjeri wmild ir.al:- a ' son rel'. ; K Oil'- delos "A 1 . " 1 1 . M. 1 r.' f.lV i i . break i'R i!ir f iiMili'!.ir lia . i" ' . ii .- only nei'i'Ksatv tu i.t m.t .",'i eni' ofr,iien "hf'" ii l:i""l'in; S"id" crowd had nihored ni'"..' .' '.i''n- f.at. pri-arhins reviduth n I'r .fi a -'op!: pi in llvdn 7'ark. I 'of or had ki' nmi'. 'Se eni I." ibc rsh "Well, de it!" mid IVter. " Ut th'1 iindisrlpiipd prohlem. "Perhnp!" I hne stiu u.v-e'f much." .)e 'md reflect i-ly. net knew hew much I lore 1 human hin&. juif mi- thorn here and thr walkins ,'i' ihe .ieftliiiK earb r:h" m inr.i .. n k " "t'nsnlved riddlej She liioked into hi- fa-e i-n; m.i a If oeuduciii.p a "carta "I wan' te staj" in I.onuen f,1 n few iiaji." she nid at lasr. niakine hr s'otei- if te cxprc. "h" firiH It would pive her "Whv net'-" asked rVer If stn.rinR )n T.onden : the rtMijinets which jeu iieeni ;: l. no one will knew ." lie waited. "Hicept me," he aid. Hit eyelids nnrrowed alme"t impe.-- eptlbly e.-i sh mswercd. "Rut deiht- (k irreiis of persons el.iir.j ye:r tinii" ere. It U. te u" your expression. known that you are In Londen. " "Ne. no, no." protested DiiWo'.'e unpulftlTtlv. ".Vel n e'il. She drew en her glove" "I think I will tUny in Iindnn.' 'he tlA. and I'eler thought he hearu her urmnr under her breath. "(Joil for. . 're me." 1I ws reckoned a snrewd jiiayer of re. .vien who unew l'eter loweltc ' -si .say tls.it if he left his i a en the funewn R en riff, arenu hile h" did hf.i sheppins within some ire. it wb only bocHuse he hud eti. ' ated caiTially the phyclielugy nf auy lei nnd i.-encluded that ene ceild de ?nd upon human nufire te hr'.iwc ' it lursage Bittlnc alone en the piive- lent was plared there as a trap. I'eter Ivays fe'ind V bag who-e he hr.'! eft i. Thle h !id be'jfliiie, n.is nn.r -nnf pl reatening; and cnl'"ulotien nf th" utme kind can be applied in hii con 'net. it is necessary te say l.e ent lind Inte love of woman "A few a rery few men ami .'ewer women." Peter vaul en e .t a etter, "knew jut hew near ti-e tefi f the verld con be reai hed l-v th" adventure of fro daiv tnseiher whe: 'here nre no hour, nni titne sprii.i: ,n magif jumps from neon i i rev day light perhaps, and the world is n pliiv pliiv greund and a ity in ye-:r toy uti'i i.ian Wnd Id tike ultimate friend "r both of you. L'nfertunatelv." he addff!. 'Iv men who have the qualltv of grentn te nee that such n omyianieti'.Vip orer ? ?pntJ of hour? is a creater if in plish ent than a life in a law oaVe ur the preiidency of fome b'oemiiu bank ar fnr. These who erpr tlnd the sir' Te fewer. And thews who can prove em eswntial qanlltv of n gentleman JDd whole roan needed te walk that ellrieua tight -rope up nb'V- tl.e moon. without taking a vulgar step rrn i-paie b te the etnl ai it nil the rrev with a nifty crash en landing, are buiued away li" m-cbpihr tl.e fewest of ill" a litt;- s'rnv mr. .t;i a fit'f He. mar havi heen dement' rating t.oedln: soap nod 'later, had gr thesfl word". Bu apnarenilv he hud floep ur Ii-- fect wli n I i.v i .bnaied his inquiry into the wystery pn'-, whm.Mg i.ver n dn-s'i f pit and futnre. He had abandoned pieeef nea' nh !eh n-h b . ilt)lclen of her or curnst'v about t.er f.iter than he Iff, though ever and again he feund1 Te them ..lc had iMX-r.mi n 0r glancing aruuid ui'U '. iine- i! thnie i.tinetidd wilii. i s vltined fer In he' dBrk eyes. in f bv 'ie cointni-erab'e b'.nd I- . Ste eiperted te meet the eye of roce',i. nui a.enj -lie run ..r an or find some fiend walking sef'v , exigence with their h.inils j t ileng behind. Outwardly hi" had gnin enrse t of sou,e rr,r,-1 ..t, ,, er all but one Inquiry, and th:r 'ia ivin,Je. Together tiie tne ripioriuen ei m n'lir bum m.-m iiec- ii nixlif nnu ; er . i i I.e cillirs .... r , , .-. t iniiu liens ieng. we'--- ii tj i.t t r '"(.. i low smeklnir vei,"ir'.. ,i.. Mnje, ana wnen no wipeu rrem :nn mii'i ' yt rouge croon. ng, i'ibbeiit , tie memory of hU one moment of dread : wmgi of the Kar K' 'i -.."- tt, f this girl, which of ,-eure might b IlamMtend and !a nr!,i .'"'n ivcTFOuir iu iii'jriri n rirnuruiuur neil tragic warning, perhnpi IVter h:rnelf cwnid net have told. It m:ghr 1 nvn hetn at the moment when after t .iir 4rt evening of tre'lmg aimVssly through the myslerv of 'no cynibe' ' fej with their aelveg re.i'lnng toward one another, they had nerrii.wi hke two ravtnt en the pediment of Trafalgar Monument, eupperletn, centen mid Witching the blurred lights of one me-nr mn!tms after nnether me -e liki liimi liimi veni fish in rleudr water. "Whit time ts if'" refer ind nfned. litninij m vain for the great bell tf St. Paul'M Breni Helee. witting: en her own eeat, drew bnik the loose i.eee of hoi white ellk waist from he- rnumied creAtn-i-olered wrist, and aftei n glanre at her witch, bad said. i k nf'ci tw, I em hungry and I am cold Piter bid said quickly. "Perhaps i i bu fault. Hut you wouldn't go te tip ibttitre or the cafes. Hew could X dMl with any one who stubbornly JMMta upon exploring nlleyi) and nr didii ind the banking district and Hyde nn nntil an old campaigner's legs are tmift worn out?" "Ten couldn't " "J shall find a place new and I shall like te see you eat " he had naiil ji,uin Ini up. "Theie are ierne ireisen. Hfie II. who rive us delight when they rat Did jcu etrer are an old French pcauan; n Wbe WIS Iflllv fend of anlinnU Hf them? Why, her brown wrinkled with Iho cirl te liteii. Tlie n-tii.g! r was i in.fertal le. til-' Ne.'O ei" 'he e".i ter arose and broke ilt:i tlie reg i!u ity f v.avt-s upon a lung vjriu b'.c and I'elr-:- drepp.'ig hack it'i I !- In ' en ti.e gr.i--. v ut :i-i i no" :'. piano up from Hende' v i.e, 1 ' ' 'ik- M g"lj Id'le nl'n e 'l.illl I ijei.di" n-ie t light, '.tit 1 In- .VI aVep. When hi." a wok" he , geueia.i'g npoiegiiu H lnietii.iil tu vy tn.T. Hretia ar.i. !. Ii'.e fairy fe'.lr, ha : acuj.red tl.i a'.'J i vt.it tin-, fr..',. fcleep b'u that, of imir, m in-.' lal'i -- N'o'ie of hii cmKirrn- ..i ' i'-' get ,ible; he ten v ,". ;i- ifii, hi" I ii . l''i i'-i -eij-bruv ', i iioiiieni i.! . i 'il'".l"l i".1". "'as al,i vlt'i tbe i ,i'i-i '' ihe sjn'.gli". ii" aein as miiei- forelead. T ra 1 1 .an h hip companionship Just when be had porpee, awakened bv r.enhau.' coal shelved h first yellow smoking wl-li "I ' t e.r little heiiFOM )in"flbe in it tlie .Na'.enfii (.ii iti i r'i ii of 1 1, i" i, i is V if ad e' nfee'i !! tl.e nn.' run down then- ivjf,,, j ' 'ln Mown '.- ii ji i strange i,oe'sr 'm vorneu of the unsriu"i i- r :,n- i.i the barrier. Th-v m-:ei i,t,h wefl.. a'i le dine u-ith t-.em irni were r M' ) "tei - ."I tl' Oi M T I-, I.i'l ll - I r iun. II. .'EWx W J ma ilff 'IjEw I " -- wruiq fj?j ' xrh bother with Tmu!iliem, OM-Tub' inpii Splieu. that lltti" chltflren mnnnt men t iinJ r Iw,ti lklnr. nl up an uin mi I'tirnlrig jour f!ngr, irbm i irnius elT ii lr. ilitn you rtp hit m'ei. i i, nlT Ii' . .1 t' ii ' ' "inn . i i mint The Savill Srvan.Neek Faucet MM A lTK lni'..1rr vri Tlie Hmr'u m for itrKwIng niter if iii.m.' III. Itllr I'll Ktl ,. iPf "' III u- it . ,. ... : aa kbcs abb a amiie nice a nvnrtiniia i ; r iii 1 can imagine ivenrlnj that smlU THOMAS SAVILL'S SONS WtlUe St., Eait f BrMd St., PhlUJtlphl ".lsfc vetir plwmtf for the fievlll" r I t Mie uinl liwifceil up ni'li f" 'f sm.l" "Whi" i- p'":'-.'.1 ii ii"i i. , eiif '"' " ..leiiy, i e ii !i i .' ' 1 nn e-plian Then" is nn old in:'" the ' i'.b. I forget luiv. H. . hntvis when 1 im li'ingrv. 1 i.i ter . ' 1 knew it is because the palms ii !.. Ii' wn'.ti'. en try father the bunk h leeks I ke a stiffen Mophi-tepho'o Thai s all 1 mn P3ii!iil".'' "Ve i ma;- i ei.i" . ii me 1 1 amlwr." kI'e had s.;p! "We . . itt mi the way itne'".:n's knw whi e -but somewhere and gel cgs nn ' b .- er and cheec nn I milk. V. '! e mere "fan fi'i i oek ' l. ! I .ii', e i.i . ' ' Oh. no Ner ut ai' I'e.'s ihnt c .. " anv iliffore'n '" "W'ny slic.t.id r '" rotor h. d .ii'.; . ',, uith sinicritv. He linil I'l.ine ti" point of depart ii" from l.i h'; :.l".is of h.. deri-'ii-d relut.eu.ibip wh lircni "IfI (IIS. i In ihe dais which had liew ( n. no that te him 'iiruinn tu and mU i ,t I'M' ." uld l.'.il. b.tii" .no i lit- s.ml in . nl u 1 i HI .'I'll I'l 1 h.ii' gueM'd, I. ii !c ll'iMtl i'l Wliat rt.sis fnrjrettcn he-. hew roine niti tin' .-Id le, ' ! den' I llki" ii nen j en leek a ' he Mti'i. II..M '" Vfriii i ' I i ii en 1. 1 iKit'iinjr which imiUes the erdlliaf.v fear In eidlitiiiy heitrlx, IVter. Yeu will sec some time Hint 1 inn net nfinld." She had laughed nt hla perplexed ltii'.tlen, but. without jev. "Pen'l you bet'tier nbnut me." .she told him. "You've premised that jeu wouldn't, you Knew. ' He neild-d. "I've kept iny verl " "IVflllips " WhntV" "l'crlinH I'd heller a" hack tomor row hack te llcceiishlrc." 1 1 wni the llrsl word suggesting the etui of I lint" holiday. Iteth knew Hint this word must filially h" spoken, but IV it hud net pvpected tu sre quite the eulili pallor which ciimi" Inte Itrctin f laic as -H, inn'rd out I hi" sentence. "Vc ngrcpil, Peter, didn't vc"' And the linn" hn come, 1 think." licWelfc felt as one Mho hinl been te'ichul uttililcnly nnd tniex.pi"! teilly ; fi tiMiii ih" elbow by the dank. bet,y i fingers of i corpse. ' j j "'I'lieri" l one eil pnssiini wli'ch I ' t think iloes mere liaini tliiin nil tin. j "ihi'ti." he Mild, clasping IiIm stienir i li.l 'ids em r nil!" Idlce "It's font'. U 1 lit te be mndc n i rim " 'I'n be nutiniieil tomorrow wm Size, 9-'2xll Wm fiLTTUEOgES L i-yrAJlOflERS- AfflreiHTWStSUKSBOOKMriUL tN.J3SU PHtLADELPHiA. 719.rV2mt St j m.ttitrttntrttii .,, trim, ui,,,, ,!,.,.,,,,,. ...,j,... t iyiey.Jw1"" A Toilette Siiestiem Use Mifflin Alkohel Massage aejerc me laicuni m This comforts and cleanses the skin thoroughly, leaving a smoetn. firm the talcum. Try it all ever your body after bathing. Prevents the irritation of tight clothes. Prevents perspiratery odors. Relieves itching. Unlike ordinary alcohol rubs Mifflin Alkohel Massage leaves no stickiness or lasting orler. Get the genuine. At a'l Diugztti Ktirri": i iii'kai I'e.awan r . rh..usU r.a. mwwi MM m m KJf er"u isa a & y I A i ' i. . ' ' i - wr a MSSg 95Hcehcl LVE te Buy Your Meats for the Year 1923 at the EAT BEEF THIS WEEK ELt? fib fa Baa Vla SIRLOIN RUMP ROUND epa m m f raj ISi n ill !b SIRLOIN RUMP BOLAR PIN BONE FRYING ROASTING STEWING of B&Si 111 lb Leagti Picnic SheiiEders, 1 2c4 8b. Fresh Country Sausage, links or straight 15c lb. Finest Bacen, by the piece or sliced 20c lb. Finest selected Eggs in cartons 35c dozen WE'LL HAVE PLENTY OF irkeys sucks and iesse I5LY YOUR MF.ATS FRIDAY AND bATURDAY OPEN EACH EVENING UNTIL 10t30 P. M. CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Is the Sincere Wish of the Market Street Beef Ce. Iffnrbnf BWftifa U 1 n V fc.aEli!lI $V) n a a H B mM BR 1 BpaR3BlfH"S f I I 1 i5 jn. . i-jrrjiTrriri' I i ir i ihmumu i... ' A." rLl. M E.I llli i ' HnT""'""""'1"M'"ln linlTITT Vu 1 --" I aslBBiSBirinSBMk.- f ti I'llrel and Columnar Beeks W mm Our Spedafledger Outfit 1 1 ililS Binder, Index, 200 Ledger Sheets i? I llillli A.n, i- :.! w s s! nm&i yy un .z z UKM Vli. MT P,i jt t 'V jrHK 1 I U mv mix S& vL vc f y II I .x; RK Wi- JU ns xwwm sjvtjF-' " f''i '.'j J" i s jfjbjga j. y &Q&V z z - z 1- ' $ 1? . . v S 7 . n a ' " surface for . ! t 2 . ' it v ' ! A ! ' j S t BPi-SATtCN PVW.5,J' "a.'y'Ji--" , c UiMA miMm lis a MiyytCB I 'i .VS', r- . ' vl h U I m miii 4 vi llnirlLlvlvjriiil 'MIMMim. WP&jPw&P&J&&P&&Mi&&w&Ww&M&&i$ & '"" "T. sb!i Let tbe joyful Bells Ring Out! Just a few hours and the Year 1922 will be history. It is our earnest wish that whatever successes or failures; cresses or losses; hopes or disappointments; sorrowing or rejoicing, the old year hath wrought that the joyful bells announcing the dawn of the New may brine te all our Patrons, Business Friends and Faithful Employees the fullest measure of happiness, and that degree of success which is the reward of con sistent, persistent, intelligent effort. OUR STORES WILL BE CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY Open until 10 o'clock Saturday night, te better serve you. Last Call for New Year's Dinner Big Gelden Dates ph' 15e Fancy Calif. Figs t""t 13c California Walnuts Ib 35 Selected Brazil Nuts lb 17 California Almonds lb 35" Big Filberts '"17 California Seedless Raisins, ph 12 r California Seeded Raisins "" 16 Orange or Lemen Peel . . ., Ib 25 Fancy Glace Citren it ni 30' DELICIOUS Plum Pudding 30c cn Jlendy te licet and serre. A little Mnce added and jeu hiT the Idea) flelsutnf touch te your rspttt. FANCY Mixed Nuts c lb 25 Mast ererr ens tikes te lt nreund the "store" or "I.ek" crack a few outs nnd talk about the past. Asce Tomatoes m"","n "n 12 Asce Tomate Catsup b" bet 15 Pure Vanilla Extract bet 12- 22 Baker's Grated Coconut tm 15" Pure Apple Sauce "" 15 Fancy Queen Olives "et 10"- 20" Stutfed Olives rMl2'- 22" Cooking Herbs b" '"" 5; Asce Ground Spices enn Ke Asserted Jellies tumbler 10 Gelden Pumpkin l 1256c Cooked nnd rendy for your Feaseninar and te be tucked kwny in that delightful pastry you knew hew te make. " V OSC0 Mince Meat 20cS The purest of every ingredient; made the old-fashioned- way with the-eld-tlme flavor. y- Prove it at Our Expense Buy a pound of Asce Coffee today. Take it home and try it once, twice or h often as necessary te make a thorough test. Have the whole fam ily try it and if you de net find Ace te b the Best Cup of Coffee you ever drank bring back the unused portion and we will vefund the full price paid. fill OSCO A Qc 1S Coffee t?ib vAss5sm Yeb'U Tutt the Diltatnct! One Price One Brand One Qual ity the Best Cup you ever drank. Uneeda Biscuit pkg Yes, five cents is the correct price. Rich Cheese has the snap and quality you'll like lb Made from pure whele milk, and aged under ideal sanitary surroundings. It N. B. C. Seda Crackers 1 2 Fresh from the N. B. C. evens for this sale. Crackers and Milk the child's diet! Best White Potatoes 7C i Peck (7' lbs) 14c : ! Bus. (30 lbs) 50c Red Ripe Cranberries 14c ib Yeu will want a little sauce for that roust Duck or Chicken. QetdSeae FLOUR 12-lb b.iK 49 3 lb bag 21c. The best family fiuur milled. Big Meaty Selected EGGS 40 60' EgRs you can be sure of! gptdSsaS EGGS The Pick of the Nests! carton of twelve J Big Juicy Flerida Oranges dez 38' Thin skin and full of juice lightful fruit. 50c Very de- Extra Large oreea wun an me nourishment, all the feed value nature put into the kernels of wheat plus the finest of every ether ingredientii the answer for the Victer leaf's sunremnrv. V, Victer Bread "Quality and Quantity" 6 Bread Supreme 5?h.f 9C Our Master Bakers' Masterpiece! Victer Raisin Bread, leaf 10c , Victer Whole Wheal Bread, leaf 10r r J Grape Fruit 3 for 25c Great big fellows they put the light edge en your stomach for an enjoyable breakfast. V A Big Quarter's Werth Any three Items mentioned here for twenty-five ccnt.-i! 12'$c can Lima Beans 10c can Choice Tomatoes Asce Perk and Beans 9c can Crushed Cern Asce Gelden Syrup Geld Seal Macaroni Geld Seal Oats Asce Buckwheat Asce Pancake PI our Quality Canned Fruits P.vked in a heavy sugar syrup, big 'Tic nLO for - " i r Fancy Calif. Peaches .car Asce Calif. Peaches Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple. . Hawaiian Crushed Pineapple .'i,:,29c snil iqc can I J nird Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, .can I alif. Ox-Heart" l herries C'ailfl Jlnrtletl Pears S2ZS3 Feed Value Par Excellence! 1 Every pound of I.eueJla contains the pure Pasteurized cream from ten quarts of rich milk the reason why it is known as The Fine?t Butter in America! Jfe 9z lb All Butter Taife it! K Richland Butter "57 Pure creamery prints of exceptional value, second te our famous Leuella. Asce Sifted Peas 19" 25c 35" 1 39' big OfiJC can OO Our Meat Markets Are Well Stocked With- frW,,ww,ww High GradeVegetablei With that garden" flavor Asce Crushed" " Cern can Looked big sugar Heels ca Choice "' Tender Peas Asce Peas "fresh from the 12'" ". W .can ,'C Fancy Cooked Sweet Potatoes Fancy Tender Lima Beans, .ran can IV big ,.'C 18c' 25" Chickens, Ducks and Geese Fer the New Year's Holiday Our Usual Quality and Standard ffc-aflg8i Milk-Fed Roasting Chickens lb 40 Seft Meated Yeung ih Ducks Our Poultry 32 C, rancy ratted Yeung ,b Geese all Fresh-Killed and soft meated 28 Milk-Fed Stewing Chickens Little Pig Roasting Hams 20c SSS Skinned Hams 20 liutt Fruls Ham lb 20c, Slices of Hams 40 String Ends Ham lb WbB Wfilsfc MHHM. ti w m ww & Mww e wim 5221 -23-25 Market St. 5937-39 Market St. The Largest Retail Meat Stere in Penna. ssss j I j City Dressed Perk Chops or Roasts lb v Selected Cuts " 30c vr.frI'ricW enecliv, i Mr Philadelphia ad Cmden ,irer(,ry S()rph i()() 444 '44Mlf444C4git444ig4ig44444 itt444444t44f4(4Hf4044f44l( t H" '" I .iViTi'ii Ihie'h.