-VK s$$wwfii $f? 4fV ifJ"1rW'? , V,y ,,(. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA"; THURSDAY; DECEMBER 28. 1922 13 -i ., yifS. Wilsen Gives SeW i ear s menus u ryicc of Twe Delicious Re- pasts wun )Mt iv mj,w tain Guests Who Come te Greet 1923 Cnrl'M- Alt the ny MBS. M. A. WILSON "' ' .. ... .. t l tt.il..... lilt, "1 AJT. !.. .......... ' riaMt rturved rufANY famtlic) gather around the M..iic beard en New Year's Day. nillike this Reed. oitwesnioneo men 01 "tertalnln with, dinner. The New Tear's dlnnrr he"A be Just " e,ab" orte ns you run afford. This is a ,ed time te pay off theae. social obli ebli obli veons thnt come at this season of the rtir. e,IfKitlre .Menu for New Year's nay pUH Dinner vM Anllcd Lebster with Tomate Butter CM HOiicin-" stitffefl Olive- rherklils Tickled Midget Onions rilets of Halibut, Hellnndaise Sauce " Potnte Uallf Harheciie of Turkey or Geee Filling SurtTnt Jd,y Ornnee Sherbet rindled Sweet Potatoes Asparngus Plum Pudding, Angel Snure . jtoeuefort Cllcc",reff(,eTO"StC" LracKers Itamn noneons Nut Menu 2 Shrimp Cocktail (Vlciv l;'PL v" 'Sweet Mixed Pickles . Trolled Live l.eb-ter. Mutter Dressing JTOIIHI I. Ul,t llrntvn firJIVV '" APPje Cborlett. Cn.lle.1 .Mvoet - -. . Mince Pie. Turban Style ClW,. and Crackers Clie Nuts Haisins Bonbons Tomate H utter riace in saucepan 0n cup of chitc sauce, One-half cup of butter, Juke of tue lemon. One green pepper, ohepptd fine, Thrce-iurtcs cup of boiling icntcr. fk slnnlv for ten minutes and serve wrmulth the lobster. fUt IICCtl milium iii " i . Vl ,f ,., fingers, .enwi. """ : -' " ' ... - it-- lirenil rrnmbs. r TV a S brown. Serve four potato ball ... .. i.ii.. ..! n unnnnfill nr 1101- tll II1U llllf nun "i - ltndnl'c atice. Uarbrcue Sauce rime in saucepan: 'Ihrce-niiarteis pound of Hilt petfc, flopped fine. line run or untju.. Due-hall cup of ouleno. rhepptd fine. One-half cup of mrllett butter. One fciMpoeii of peulhu seawning. One teaspoon of thyme. I ice tablespoons of salt, Ttce trnipoens of Hack pepper, 7 no teaspoons of paprthn, Tne quart of cold voter. Simmer slnwlv and use a liirise biml- Inz nieiin of this saure te pour eier the turk'. l)re( co t ie tiiikev Mlll Heur ea n time jii't licfer. bastliiB witli the bar- I k(.ue h.iiii c. An nv.tfr filllnc may Ue placed m I tLe Hi' key. if desired. Mn imp Cetlitull Allew fie inediuin-xlrn .shrimp fei fkh n'lMu'. Te piepare the r-nuce flac In umlng howl One-half cup of Ficnch dicssing, One cup of chile sauce, Oiic-wt'iitcr cup of grntcd hetse rmUili, Julie til one lemon. Ihitr liiblnpeQiil of iliici)ai. One iprrn pepper, liuncid tini , One mitiin, (Dated, One-half tup of cut'up. 'Ilui will make twche ampb lier- Itlmi'. The siakllni pig may be stuffed with Ifceir Kreut. mashed potatoes or the liwial turUt-j filling. Have the hutrhcr piepaie tile pie and then wash In plenty of water, wipe dry Mil nib the insiilp with ilei of garlic. r'nn in t he filling, sieie $ In sUlu l'sntly, malln5 dieeKi-r hleehs. rub well null plentj of lard and iluct with) four, jilaie t. bake in het even until t the f-Kin comment es te blown, then ie- di(e heat te slew even and baste every fifteen Milliliter with n sauce prcpated for the Imibei'iie of turkey, or just plain hulling water. Heast the pig lhrce and ei.e.half heuts for fourteen te vitteen pound-. If veu ile net knew hew te f"oie thf I pip, hac the butcher show jeii. Angel Sauce riaif ,ri mixing bowl "in niii( one half cups of peudctcd VI Wl, ) oil j of ttce cgy Cream well and then add lour tablcipaeni of hnthng natei , I we tahlmpneni of lanllla, "lie teaspoon of tesv crttact, and ' portion nf dilidenUin ritam, made III the irhttri fit tun r-nn n,nl nr. I nit rlmi apple itltii. Things You'll Leve te Make A Screen Can Be Made te Sene Twe Purposes Yeu can make your screen serve two purposes. Fasten a pole te each of the end sections. Te the middle section fasten a flat strip of weed. Inte this strip hammer some long nails, far enough apatt te allow spools of cotlen te be passed our them. Fit a triangular shelf at the bottom between ths first two sections. Yeu can use the shelf for sewing materials nnd the hangers for unfinished garments. This sewing tereen will be found very useful In homes where tbcre is net a 'special sewing room. . FLOItA. EfsMMdaysaaBSpccial Purchase Sales FINE FUR COATS Full Sample Line of New Yerk's Me$i Exclutive Wholesale Heuse Seme me slightly shopworn, but all are ef the finest pelta, expresslnr the amarteat aspects of the meds. $50 te $800 KEHOES 1325 N. 15th St. tSJB HELEN Year's Adventures With a Purse has been invited te a New s party which is te be formal. nnd thnt means an evening dress. Se few things these days nre strictly for mal that she has net had an evening dtes for some, time. The party being se close onto the heels of Christmas nnd the depleted poeketbeok thereof, she asked me if I had seen any nice looking ones which were net tee expenslve. Se 1 began adventuring nnd found one which I think is ery dainty. It Is fashioned of a deep pink, almost coral, of heavy georgette. The skirl Is wide nnd falls in soft, ginccfiil folds. About the waist Is a reial pink elet gitdlc which fnsteiii en the side with a lesette bow. A in' geed-looking little frock and only $25, And speaking of dresses, have you seen any of the new spnng reshnnnva crepes? They are simply stunning, and J any number of new designs nnd patterns which falily dn7zle one. One of the shops lu town lias nn awfully smart1 fleck made of a reshunnra crepe, the Persian coleiings of n new design t mending wmi navy nine crepe in a band perhaps ten inches about the bot tom of the skirt. Levely, heavy silk, rich (oleilngs, made with wide sleeves coming te the wrist. Where the de sign joins the blue there is n nairew fluting of the blue crepe. The veiy i thing for almost liny occasion, ember enough for nn office and yet the very, thing for the afternoon biidge or thel theattp nnd the piice, S3!). 50, is really remarkable. Fer nimr nf linn mMrfni VTem.in'n Tt Suiter, or ubenn Wuliiut SOUO or Main lAOt btlwMn tlM hour of 9 and S. rfc.ni "" ' W Philadelphia's Leading Rug Heuse The world's largest store devoted exclusively te the sale of fleer coverings. A type, pattern, size, color and shape for every room in the home. HARDWICKcMAGEECO. 1220 MARKET STREET P Ulta CITY CLERK HIT BY MOTOR I Jeseph A. McNamee In Serious Cen- dltlen at Atlantic City Hospital Atlantic fit. Dec. L'S.Clty Clerk. .Teseph A. McNamee is in it seiieus' condition nt the l'tt Hospital ns the i result of injuties received when he was J struck by an automobile at New Yetkj and Atlantic uw'tmes Inst night. McNamee, who is moie than sixty I jenis, was crossing Atlantic avenue1 and stepped aside te permit a car te' pass. In the heavy fog he did net seel a machine immediately behind it. nor did Geerge Shewulter. the driver, see MeNniiice in time te inert striking him. The Injured man was nished te the Citv Hospital, where he is fciifleiing fiem n possible fiattitie of the skull and nuliieieiH ether injuries McNamee wan the victim of a p.nul.vtic stroke sevetal yeais age. f m Strictly Hand Madi $12 EVENING SLIPPERS In Handsome Silver or Geld Brocades The infinite cate and fine skill with which these correct formal .slippers havc been made, together with the supeib quality material.-, disltinjruish them as exceptional values. j Winkelman Style in Quality Foetuear 1130 Chestnut St. 'it t U Twelf'h ?'" ninl.tuiil yFlfoek ifli I. . ' 'Tin. till nn ill - e -" fcvi&H Silver Fex Nat'l Blue Fex Platinum Fex Eastern' Mink Russian Ermine Persian Lamb tllPiJ Baby Lamb Baby Caracul Baby Fisher Russian Sable Hudsen Bay Sable' Chinchillas Whip until wnliigue niiuuie tonus thiikl MRS. U LSOA'.S ANSWERS' M drai Mi, Wil-en PltMse give ns leupr ler m.iUing peitnil cake, ' nver ninl n.ir i..l. .. I .,.., ., ...,,.. i i .I... , .1... ,, iiiiiii '"Kci nt bieiul and pics, but ian ian net tut it i - -; i r mil, ,:, ...Loe iiu.v eltlur arc tee s!,mt or they fall m the middle. Please let ni4 knew what ti,c tumble is. I de net knew 'i n s me or tin even. MHS M. II urn, n H lie twelve " Mi- Wilsen-Will veu Mndlv "i" tin hew te ninke lobster i-alnd, 'i"s Hie canned lebstei, ,uul whin ' SUM With It fill' II lilllT. t Inn. I,. ' hew liiaiiv cans of lelistci i'1'ilied nr serving iibeu' persons? .1. 'I', J. I-ebster Salad (Vn Six latce (iiDR nf Intmlei- nn I III ,1,1 tin I i.i. j r.i.. III. ! . ... .1 . . ' "v" 'it uie loester jnc half rup of mayonnaise diesstwj, ine iiuatle) tun nt u,., ,,. ;i,.. ' ."" j"- "in inaifci s , '"-a the I'leiid and chill i..u!pa,n J' s,nlks "f ,"ip whit" Mi'" nillJ rl,t '" hnll-lnch pieces. .. sh:r "".'.. ',s..". ".i ",SI ' ' " me vM'ii-cicanstu out- green caves of lettuce, and put tern tt i '"""""i ii'imc" in die. oei l.ti ! Pfcpareu nisp nests, of I' Mil' e, Vnu. n.i.i ,i, ,' , .,... -- ... hi liiii ii i-iui i'ii i nni Rieen peP,r tln ,,,,,., eli. ""I '"ss '.llifiilh te hlilid il l' ,.,,, , ' ' '"'Iv ."lll Iiinsl, Willi hart;,:,,'!!.1, B"."'!" "" r ." hk I I i.l Ml H Is V lllli fl , . . ..- ,..., ,-, .. 'in at once into hinu dish, stand '" I, in i, i i r ,,, v cup of .iipeit. lobster in tins dressing place at ome en no I Sills this Muni "'i Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut Street Compare Price Then Compare Quality T-R Geed Will the Excellent Name of this "Heuse" has, with perhaps geed intent, nevertheless inadvcrtentl)), created the impression that me weie as exclusive in price as ne are in quality. Mr. Wenger desucs it understood that nowhere in town can you purchase furs of equal quality at the medciate prices in effect hete compare. rflari ew iutKr.4 eervffl tin,, i i , .... . Wleli.i ii ,"Li"i aim miner huilil-. Li.. !..? JLlv" and erlsn celer.v with the f ADVANCE INKLINGS OF PALM BEACH Slinerp By B. Chertttk Wengar Where .unlit hour nftrr .unlit hour Is filled with carefree moment and north wind, nnd grey ikten ra forgotten, there', where the happy .ojeurner take, herielf. With her KO hat trunk, filled with Cherl.lt model fitted te every mood, manner nnd need Palm Reach nnd ether levelv land, ceuln, inspire Our ri'llRhtful new rellettmiM nr imth em v '.ir ntr en dl.pl v slss: t jml"" ' ' -"ii7T" VM . BaBBIl-JJiHBi'B ClaH I ' 'liaV tn Tjl7HE"neusa eVwtNCFii' j. Brjf -2 THE NEW HOUSE OF WENGER Announcement of the Formal Opening Will Be Made in the Near I'uture Wanamaker s Down Stairs Stere Sale of Fashions Fourth te Third Less An annual holiday fashion and saving event offering surprising cloth and silk frocks in the best late-Winter styles at a fourth te third less. Spring fashions advantageously purchased are also offered at considerable savings. Ones, twos and threes of sample frocks are astonishingly low priced. And sports coats and coats with furs are marked down from our regular geed stocks. T-".- s f ' TO sJLll ;'6"'' W .f $27.50 k Exceptional Frecks, $7.50, $8.75 and $9.65 Weel epenge and Peiret twill dresses in tailored, street and sports styles. At $9.65, Springtime taffetas with gay bouffant trimmings and street frocks of Peiret twill, the latter in both regular and extra sizes. Cleth and Silk Dresses, $12.75 and $15 Included at one or the ether very moderate price are well-designed silk crepes, Peiret twills and twill-back vel veteens. Street, afternoon and sports models. New Spring Taffeta Dresses, $16.50 Straight-line and bouffant styles, adorably ruffled and frilled. One model has a low waistline, be-ruffled sleeves and embroidered girdle, as shown in the picture. Brown, blue and black. Sample Spring Frecks, $18.75, $21.50 and $25 Mostly "occasion" frocks. Lace dinner and afternoon gowns. Chiffen taffeta evening dresses. Matelasse gowns for afternoon wear and a few chiffon velvets and silk crepes. Exceptional choice at one or another price; few duplicates of any of the models. New Canten Crepe Dresses, $23.50 and $27.50 An elaborately beaded gown at $23.50 has very new, very full sleeves and a gracefully side-draped skirt. The picture shows another style at $27.50 with draped wrap around skirt and girdle ornaments, the short sleeves faced with colored Georgette. Is black, blue or cocoa. Coats Marked Down Frem Our Own Stocks Price-lowered because size or style assortments are broken, or because they show slight marks of handlimr. Sports Coats Lowered te $7.25 te $35 $7.25 for tweed coats in mannish style, yoke and sleeve lined. $10 for tweed coats in gray diagonal mixtures, lined throughout with suede cloth. $25 for mixed tweed coats with shawl cellars of badger, and $35 for coats with shawl cellars of raccoon, like the one shown in the picture. Coats With Furs Lowered te $25 te $38.50 $25 for belhia coats, silk lined and with caracul cellars. $28.50 for belivia coats with fur cellars; a few without fuis are embroidered. $29.50 for belivia coats with nutria cellars. $38.50 for odd belivia coats with caracul, nutria or Manchurian wolf-deg cellars. The Finer Fur-Trimmed Coats New $85 te $175 A small group of very fine coats, only one or two of a kind, all of which were higher priced earlier in the season. Handsome coats and wraps itli trimmings of beaver, squirrel, fox, caracul and nutria. (Ilevrn taJr Mere. Murl.rt) hwkm Cleara Sales, P Stairs wiftra Aisle Jacquard Woven Rag Rugs Half Price New $1.25 te $2.50 Net often does one find hitch nicely woven and ptetttly patterned tag mga at this low price! Size and color assortments are bemewhat broken se thev are all marked just half of their original price. All the rugs ate leverslble. They will make delightful fleer coverings for hnlls or bedrooms. 24x48 inch sizes at $1.25 and ethers vaiying in size up te 672 inches at $2.50. Blue, lese, green and brown, but net in all sizes of ceutse. (Down tnlrH Mern, lirttnuM Women's Gray Mecha Gloves Specially Priced $1.15 Second selection skins they are, but the occasional flecks of lighter coloring and the tiny imperfections affect neither the warmth nor the wearing qualities that one is alvvavs sure of getting in mocha gloves. All nie the favorite medium gray. euUeam mswii, with plain e spear-point backs and in one-clap style. Third te HalfLess for Handbags New 25c te $3 Exceptional opportunity te get extremely worth-while handbags at materially lowered prices because they are a bit 1 ubbed from han dling, though in most cases the imperfections will be hard te find. 25c for children's bags of velvet, silk and leather. 50c for children's bags and for women's flat pockctbeol.s with strap backs. SI for wemcn'H leather bags. S1.50 and S3 for women's velvet, duvet n and leather b.iK in blown, blue, gray and black, some fitted. Half Price for Imitation Tortoise Shell and Ivery Toilet Articles, 25c te $1.50 Broken assortments, or rubbed fiem handling, or "-.ecemis," en all aie just half their former price. Imitation toiteise-shell articles include jewel bui. p.n ui-hiens pufl' boxes, nail butfeis, salve boxes, hat briiihes, nail file, button hooks, tiays and hair bundles at price, fiem 25c te 75c. Imitation ivory articles include tias, nuneis and -eap bev a; 50c te S1.50. Het Water Bettles Half the Price of "Firsts," 50c and 65c "Seconds" because theie are occasional imperfections m tneir melding. These in no way interfere with t'teir being watertight, m fact each bottle is guaranteed te possess iu that utiu Twe and thiee-quatt sues at both 50c and Ii5c, the pine tuvuig with the qualitv of the tubber. Women's Silk Stockings, $1 Pair Full-fashioned silk stockings with meiccmcd tops and -.eles m-t the seu that many women likn for geneial weat These aie second of a grade .yIucJi sells for twice as much, nnd consequently the weight and woave are much better than one ordinarily finds at this prli e. Black and cordovan. Sizes 8 hi te 10. Average Half Price for Toilet Accessories, 15c te 50c Peitume, tevlet water, compactly put up Imv, . water or powder, ribbon powder puffs, sachets at I articles are included. Seme are a bit soiled but most nre markul down te this :ew price because there nre only a few of a kind. Half Price for Bandeaux, Brassieres and Cerselettes 50c te $2 Underclothes Oddments at 50c te $2 All Are a Third Less, Many Half Price Fews of a kind grouped for hurrying out. Price-lowered because of irregular size assortments or because the gar ments are mussed and soiled from handling. 50c I'tcuv. nainoen clu-mi-e-. tailoied lace u mimed or embroidered. Al-e colored batiste vests in pink or blue, bound with plaid gingham. 75c J Daint llesli color nainoek vests, tiimmed with lace edgings and medallion.-, some with -calleped lace-edged hems $1 Tailoied and lace-ti mimed envelope chemise of white nainsoek. I. ace-edged atin camisoles in light blue and honeydew. N'evelty ilk-stnped voile est and step-in that may be matched in sets; pink, light blue 01 lese eolei. Utra-si7e atin canue!es with bunt-up shoulders, in flesh or v i 't- White sateen petticoats with tucked ami luffled l'aileied ph-. i epe v t in rle-ii color. $2 Oililm"! t. or i entiena' i k ihniie in tai 1 1 limned tyle.. flounce and lace- Soiled and Mussed Table Linens Mostly Fourth Less Heueuit'N de-.inng te replenish their linen cup boards will appreciate Mich an oppertunitv te gel geed Irish linens at Miih .-.mail price. A laundering will make the linens once mere shining and lovely. Pin f lnli linen table cietn-, i-.ft. inchc, ai ? ! 5u te $5 50 Pure In-h 1 ncn napkin, 2222 inilu-, ate . ?.75 te $5.50 dozen. Puie bnen c.u f with white ei blue scalloped edge, aie 75c t3 SI. 85 ucceiding te stk and -ie Puie linen v.ui'tv and butVi t ''nce-puu -et- with white or blue scalloped edge, .it s :,n aid si Tit u-pti'ivth Pure Urn ' 1 1-pit . lutuli'im it wi'l white eege, aie si s", ,,n i ,sj j", , iiiue scallepti Half Price for Remnants of Towe lings and Table Linens l sable length nf meiteiized lu'imi ttweling. and muMm luttmg .ill a' uit Mulin sheeting U te On niche wide I men-crashes, are 10c te j:ie j.ml Merceiied totteti -able dumask, st ui I'uie linen table iln-nck. v i i "n vim uri te teui ai il mli ii in and linen table liners, la If their tegular pncv Sc hi )Hc ard t'Si V,V! tl'UI t liiri nn a' of Mussed and Soiled Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c te 25c i ' lit cause tjoeu time te replei u i r andk it hi h bit nius-cd or oiled fn.ii Inin.llmg, tiie-t have bem lcweted ion d miih .Men handucichuf . . ' ., w. te J it th e te neti handkci chiefs han Ikercluefs, 10c eap ami teiU 'her inteiestinu Curtain and Upholstery Remnants Halt Price, 10c te $1 Yard une te live atd Imgth nf imtain and uplieNteiv materials at 10c te $1 j aid ltulu.le.l a i lengths 0' .Hi-, sum, and niuniuisette, ns well as bright cietenms poplins, tcriycleth and artificial sirk. Almest every housewife will find some very useful bit 0f matciial at Iuhs thnn she could have hoped. Women's Black Silk Stockings specially rricea oec DM, two ei m ei a kind 01 mm ei stj Ie, new nuki I hal enginai puce te clem tlicm out in a huri.v. ( eielcUcs ,iini bin ere ac ncstlj fm icut te 10, but sizes m the let run fiem 32 te 48. (Itunn stuiri. Slerr, I'entrnl AUIrl inir tlicit fiem J- i cat wi.-im and tii'n i.tp i g niaKP ilux sinrkngs vetv d liable puichae at sum a mi ii pi m e 1 m thiws Inch make them stolid!, have been taieful'v mei tied and aie -canclv distmguishablt lhe cenu iiinn a noted iiiiinutactaiur and peifctl stockings of the same quuhty would sell for almost double. Sizes Big te 10. (Ilewn Htnlra Hterf, t'antrnl AUI) I v.. 5 . h. tW-as,.""1 "" w,"i V t