Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    ;Vi -j.
n'k' k
M .
f !l
Living With Mother - Mether -
Hj WI.NNirKKl)
J- thnt
hnrd prelilcii. We oenfci
ie almost ,innlvnlV "'
One ranj flgiue m the weight f the
'fir or in isli r the
Uttl'teill threrv of
re anv i' or i'e -m
encv-i lepeih, .i rt .
en oempitp-if iv - 'i
'igleiis. with tue
but who can nv
what n cirl !" .Ul
de w hose hus
bind" income ne
cessitates her livin;
with br IPO! hern-law"'
one's ti r -" 'm-
i,'i." h t i v ,i r n,
lien r flu it " Km
If a j"Utis tn'in ha-
te s i p jie r t li i
mother, nt'd i nntiet n:
ifTVirl e m ft.'
In two l.lures, what
m . ! ilnt.
Keeping up nve e.talm'.ume' t r .ml-.
for the pi. li. titiil even then '"" are
HATTIK (.- . I'tietti ' Ki'i i""
writes u Mm' -lie - 'n it itrin l.'rv
She Is te mirn i n.oe v. .K ' ' " "'"
supports hi-- mothei N.ev h. '1.1
Ideas and ideals about t 'inning a house
iind antiripates tin f ,n of borne i.
jicwlywed anrl imimsmc n i '' h"''1'
ter her hririceroem
Hut meiluM'-in-lnw 'in I "I ' I'"'!"
n great many ffir. a.,d ha- h. i '
fixtd ldae an te tlm tunning 'it' i rusi rusi
lielil. Ih 1i te pit kirk d!v nn I kit
mine nne 1 pu'inirs h" In nv
Imps ninkltic ihit it, .
Op. ari tun n.lul. wein"'i '
flic few itr.p!i- tii-k i.' .i -Hi .'in
homestrad, lfftins eiii ' ''
:erk fpvcri'lilv t'- ea-n ti f iiiMnf.
It. etind lil'' i '' '
foeliih lit 1 1 1'if-tien. 'i
lhp liatiniitek i t In'-" ; i rf.
i no
,m e
Vard nut te rai'K
TliPnP,,ti' i! ' ili'P" i- n " . t
enough for i'i-!.t-! I'r" ! . ."
nRfls Tk-- iri- -uaMil l lirnii. '""1
lugs and nr-MU'iiff". I"ii'."iisv . fiii
Irritation nt -efitii; mupsit fe'.k- ina"
Inc mlMnk. ami i"in'i niufnt.il i'
ci'tlnns ap'!!:!" ivln'iv" "ied "r '"
the samp fiiTill uuai'tvi. ni bem. i '
ile'trey ilif hr.rni'm' I' '- ' i''i
remanfp fop a bridal 'impe ' i-n v '-i
jte into n ni'thfr'x h'-rie. .i '.''v.
no jej- of rxf-ri'i'-ms nn ' r cr.Mtv . of
inetliic nu-t-ik"' :itri ftitMiis i:i"'
By Ralph Walde Trine
Anther of "In Tntif- tTlth thf tnnnll
p Happy Man
Tt i we' tllH' we "' ' 1 "'l
Ms own ml Mt'ual C""'1 v' ' '
howeet w he i -'Kre v i
he can 1. "' i-1'' ' - ' ' "'
vidual coei'. m'e ! . ie- a
Interest and net mm ly n -en'.mi 'i
but an ai e ntcre-t n "
Hnd in the v 'J" the. i'-e
"Help the .hr ' "ithei- '.., .
tml. Ie' '! -e '" it " ' ",i '
shore." a'c t n- Hit :u it-wr-.
There iJi'i' be the S'l.-ni
as the fndiv.d'inl p.".d. nun '
vrlie i aidins ir " i j thii'S "'
for lumelf. ' 1 have n..'i.ei
Uncle Eben "d it 'i" ti in w''
se fih 'la- i " can t ti.mK
body 'cepr h.-e t, eine"i i
he war th.uk'n' of sum,)"
One of ue sreat iv -piving.
"' ' ' ' ' '
for ether i jus .1 iwi
eal hanpiiif en 1 - '
'are, as i" !h fat" trv
our own iiidividuai w nn
Xe man livea te liii-ie't
man can live t 'or ei-
urder nf the unive-s,. is
from time lmnier er'u, uzr
There i nt man
bappiness by -"iin; ' -It
never haii nt d . re -that
way h'' S !.' v
very laws, of l.e ur.i w
Tt was Charles K tu-.
te truly:
"Friends In this w. 1 i . '
And work an I .11. ! 1
f t
.. , . r
.1 a .
If a thought uine ia
A Kindiiers e a
De it tv t
f- . '
Don't p . ' "tt i.e
What's the '.- ' ' ' etns
If you de it a d.ij -i
1 eptrrtslit. Mi. '-. rut r I
What liar
The red iijr p.t
tider which .s u, ! !
from cletlie ! re 1
ays the Si heul H h
it is the c'.ee i e'l-'i
whicli kvps tl. 1 1 '
. .r j i
..-p :.
ii i
of I' I'-'
A GOOD r K7-,
Ull 7 IF -i ' 'I '" ' M
I he I'l.n' ' f h I'
mispliii i il
i .in
vv Wether ii
grand. Ir i :
the pin no tiief v
le lie pun eij mu1
best P i - n ii e
cense, te be - in i i' i
that. "It i n i " -'
nite pillpe-e tin, i .. .
Ilklt the 'i.lpe . i '
t'enslder li" p.aii"
meats firt .in I 'le n
llient of the nt In i l ii i
First 111 .ill. tie p.. i .
instrument ninl lnnil.i n n
(O extremes ei heir or i ill ' i r
ness. Therefore n migt ' i
placed either tee nein .1 i i u.it
close te il w In Imv v Im li
admits both oehl nn.l da n
eU I 1
V. !'
Olltfli: It fe be pi iei',1 up ii i.t in i ir-
wall, which i apt ' be up Inn
second plan). .1 punm yin i 1
se that n geed IikIh '. 1 1- en 'le , -.,
'J'he idiine In tlie fut 1 in hi wei
posslble piiKitiuli. li m i'ie niivle 1.
outside wnllH, injht luiwe, n mu nn
dews, and the licht 'Imei in the fn.
of the plujep, it'M mi 1 i.e i.iusi' P 1
comparatively 1 i-v u phi.e n nin'
grand In 11 pn-pei poeiuii In" ni up
right Mjmetunes ditli ult Ile vi mm
it U1H.V4 I'tV t-tlitul 1 I li 'li I'H'I I. v.i'
the back (It up. ) .im,; n ,i Imm 1
nucleus fur 11 plruiing fi.iu.iiire yiti p
rrew Dlihes m Decuratlw
I JatW
HHHfiifi K '
iff! 'It?1 v
All ; , fa.; V
Ift N ' t" WlNNIFT.Bp
i . . 'Sa. ?T li
.1 KFmir
in - Law in - Law
Is a Difficult Problem te Selve
if i viireiiins fine'i e'aii taMe nnd ln-
linliiiilit.i, even in furnishing;.
1 -clfNh. i
folks linve a tlclit te
r i in the hrt .venr f
in the firt .venr
l ui-pi-ige Intr. it i lippi'd that tii"
i it.jil.. rill iofeir their eciulllhnu
. il i'eip i'1-.imj . ,inl ninvc hehiK an
rj.-e.'.m if .leu. or vnnlt.i nf .iut-t two n
t.' l're'ii li av. Some wedded pairs
iieii'i pet Iwend hustlins for earh '
other't lnteivti, which i- purely self
Nh. for it means hoestlns their eun
intiet Others hrnnden and inolude
if'n'nes and fnen.N and he peep in I
iniortuna'e. ,' tl.eir femptehf ndtnc
01 e
If thir. wote i.iotiey eieu?h no eer-
t.nnlv we-t'ii eih e. ,-r.ive alene, t
'nt t'le frM ye.ir Hut what i u poe
ni.in " vv '
mut he s'ret
.lid I r.i ! ' t
has iu tiny Income thuf
'ted -e fee-I and ilotlie
r ih ree1
'j i" id loe de ti i uoed
... "'
v r t
Tbi r !.!
i ! i,-orire t few mniiie-
. " 1 ! ; i hh elvivl. m fuf i
w- M.ixhe nei no of the",
. i'ii'
will li
! "I
lp Wif t't - h the niai '
n f i 1 '
01! S iiarneii a s r who in-
eaniltic ."0 a week. He wi
mpnrtins li me:i)..p and thev all di
i oe.l thai i wen. I roquire a terrlb'e'
v r.enn f..r 'he Uitve te lne en h.
i.'ipi llii -lethep wa an crpert
b niseKfrpi-r. h'.i S'ella knew ltttj
Tbeut mnnaiitie. find was net err
d mostie in hr tasvs e the methe'
i .-;. the hemt; ird the two onere'i
Mtiij felki wtnt te work daily The!1"
i Mhit'pfl itioerre -nn ' pnssihle a pree'
n nice little l'lVirii. and It un
i rv i I. i,iii' e i iiii home nt T e'i lei .
aid find a warm. fi''irfil place and n
i' ! . diiin'r ,'(i'int thftn. Sev-
irn' j 'its later, when the bnhv arned.
Pn tu'er-,n-!iv sti'l ni! 'r' h -tie wep.i
a! d h'''prtl w ih the rare if t''e little
oil It happened that all wera quite
c tufniai iind enl,l'e
Aiietlnr tri i deoii'ied te eo-eporat
The iildep woman vi'.untar.lv interrcted
'v isef rt .''no outbid; werl; tha'
lii e'lEhf n an ad'lerl tneome and le!f
the liiirden of 'he lrusckrs-pinc en the
I. wife -i 'hat s.ie would hae the i
'tuiii ). iin.l dii tplinc of runmnir hit
own l,"T
'! .i i 'l.e" mo'l'er took a rcKtn
n n i i . .e near, nnd yet nt in'er-
Cray Broadcloth Suit
IT ith Vmisual Ceat
' .1
-e t I
t e WO
. 'V 1
I dee J. t'. i
. .-w. J.,
; t
i!!l.t (
t 1
fan Yeu
r. : ' -.,4 t
XV Jiedntr
i't 't'li- Itiberlt.uire of I'hv
1 -.1 ' li.irii ti'Pistirs
ti k
ll'i !
' " - '..'.',. -1 . n- thenj'i ' ' i' 1 " i
' '"., t mtI v' I .in'- niiitfiifii-tiifinnii"-- ftii'"'i'''
ie .ii-- . ,, ,.i. p. 1 KT" ' ' - f .' .- 2 1 - - q
. , .,,'.. :.::e ... li..'.. a ; I
- - . , g .m .'i !"i ' ''.e nn- J' yS. S
'"" -' - ., ' 'in 'i . " r it 1' r. - 11. J, flfl&Nv M
I r.'-. ,, J tS. 3
II ., M IV.-1 -" V 1 ' s.lli'1 4 jSS. '
' ' ' 1 1 '- '"""' " "" ' ' ' v' '' vri' yrsSMel'jitalaBV. ft
1 r r "'iu -k 'iu P' j M8K!atBlHBfiS. ' '-
.- '' 1' 1 1 fi- 1 luvii 1 2 SiEwKJikBBaRftv
s tiring T ak F-d (or '.ou hy MOTylfSKt. SzO.SfrmimSBBSr 3'
4 stt vrfif i ir'irrffiv iTfr r.ipiffriSauTSiBiai4fTfnitfiTi"aiaaaaaaaaaaaarr b
in.i-fr h.iker .11 veur town. 4 ii&iS&xSSBKWBKsSSSStBn 'if '
,V "j Aiic gr,jCcr" or ne'Ker- j rFj fM 81 m tB-Ji-SiH8By ' ' 2
' "' f "' "- ion- heed hake shops te deliver J ys&hSOSKBSSaBxSSnlK ! 2
" """ ' ' ' ' ' ''' n ixive di- 1' KSiimrSaSmaStSsSBBSj M -
f . 1 , e ,f t'e iiiw.Tv. r one te try. 1 WKKTlKBBnmfFwwF' M
''!" "j tie ii'.rbnni Why bake at home? Ji KtmUKSlaS9x '
'1 1 'J 1 III 1 1 - 1 w iii luiiii'e 01 ,1, .1 . k 58tMH8Hwtw3BBBBMBlFTBBHBK' 3-
ii'-.i.i .I..IH- i.t - ut u.ii Thu- eul1 aSrc that 'ou dent TTFMirfl lliB- ! 3
" ""' "I" ' """' ' f' ' '"'' " '' nerd te when you tate the V VMSHalsSraPr ri
i.t . nnd 1 I it' in. 1 - ' lP EBMBMBgfX I S-
pic they're making with de- J yffiwWMMEBmSSMr'
loiiiiinew Hliv I lu Men Walk nn ,. iWffiM'aKiiy '
the Otiiside Winn I.Mxiriiiik' S omen.' IICIOU , XvMBMfflHrv '
ihi.ss Save Water Ti flf 1 Vw'
I'.'u.t of .lie Me... and lerr-t .. 1 1 1 ai I V3 55 1 H 9uY -'
1 nt.M.ph vi i'i r r.'ilfit the late 'it IkViJll if 1A.JLMA. , E
-i,.,.v::,'.,,.:;,..:u,;,;.,i:.;,V: O:,, I1 Th Brlaht Diamond in the ! 1
...1 ei,., , ., 11 for ..,1 .I,.. ,..r .11 HaiSinS l Coffee World ;i i
,1 .irlll II I'M! .''Il III' ' .MS IF.' I I L
1110ri1 i'i 'I' e V..i,imli n C.ii'efil J ttfttm4i, Cinfmtv' E m
.u.rsuiemeius Imv .,.,f.,iested ic.'.-.n , II.J y,, I,n fed.v? I JUaillV 3UPrCirie I jH .
will discharge rain water at li-itct ivvioel I jJ mjSBuS WuliillillllipilillllllitlllliTlnlllilffl'llllliilll
s fust ns vv II futesll nisiriiis 1 . fimiiiiiiiiiniiinimnmi iniiiiwtww! J iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiin
wnn Siii"' m " Or lam iEPi w i
The Reckless Age
I' if Fettc I a r'iifcf mrinf.rr
(' tl iiO'ingcr " t vlie until 'Hi'
nrern .li.'i'i ' I eiui thinks men trrre
niffe j or In i timutrmtnt. 'hurley
i'iwi hr'iik' An fiiqmirtitriit trltlt
lifif hrntwr nt h(r irMtien ina
I enn. hut vjtcnmrd ie (Impiimh
if?t ile it d'-(wiiy In leif. nnd her
I rule .iifTerv a trrrihh' blew le'int
e iflifjierj thnt 1 or i t tvrrr';'
'(im; Aer for mntciinl hi a neiff lie
i ifri.'irji; oe 'n ;'-. f7i;e, Win
i.r.'friiiiiii iiO riti'fiijrd if rnr
!' f.'Tf'f ii,' i,ppei tunltv. I.atrr,
t'tif hi f I'limr hn iiijjtini ie.
nii'i, . "ee mi fjc tnie. Mat
ih, i. It' ' h i. i fi piedii'' . fjl'ft
f.i 'i . Atjii" i mi (i , n Arr 1 A reii ; 'i :
I, , , , , .re ,,' I .111111' (e ' 1 m 7 of
m'i e of A. i i ie. .ir ihiiAt fi0if m
i 'f .' ;,(. ,'. r 'il e(rr hi 'him ''
' ' i ' Vljl t I'l II I'Un.
I ' 1 OF f If If.FMil fll'FFifO lO
' f rfriTsf if tier M .i i fiUFli'i
;e' in), tn rlc llt'l fi tflO Oirll.
i ; lijf'iil I. enn i in f'if" ninfif IH'O,
i . hrr'niif nf the ehainje thnt en
; iven finer in li'ii" 'if i'Ki ief tec
i";i I or.
I'nce te
1 n-itl.
r th
i f n
1. t
.i.i. '..i '. :
hi l i.e la-t .
: tl"ir poi
W . .. . e if. i-C. h 't
fniie.i 1 1 i. ii n n't
a; pen nun
row's ih- 'if'i lepen
f r- .i tfi I i.e I ie lie.i're.
s r.n"j
n ade i .s wiv
.i.ivmtn'i h I iifftrl
ret ep.thii.iit e niu -
1- There wa v i
11 Tl lu'lTiP a MlCCf'.
.,'!' .'. i ' 'A ' n
i .
iht :iv
111 I,
nr I"
' .rt r
i .., . .
-t 'a
" i'ie c
. i i
t . II it.
.'ape O'i-
m en the
i make m
,T.d Mi.
e. I.
I sup;
..t i' iiF.'is. 'i
th.n P' e'l '
Lire 'n.'i'i
i, "i
- . w' 'ei
! im la
tl.e sfeperv . l. -ii-ex
,c , Ktl,' -of Wit1
' t'p '.iit act, nn
I'ly.iii! ri e'i f a'
- tp
i . ' r
,j ., r '
: fc'ur
. gei-di
' ,' te t:.'
ul a v; '
re , i w fin,'
Siii'". ':i 'keil nml a lii.mieir
ti .. i r wn i.i.ei i i v ilutrhiu-
,f The t ) nieti s-iifif! aside
!i a j i. at. 1 Nin'r". .reduied
, -j,.. gii.i r. nn Thi v steed
'I'tr e
I fc w
OM-.t 1
1 - 'l.
..' H i"
. . i-
.VMiir iibm.f tni' 1 '"' .
:.i 1 ll'i'i 'i'ii with i i
II.. wn won'.enng a
i,l ' . tr t Wn .
i m te' e'i:,.ns fell In
, .; ' 1 . Il'l P l
i , ' e . f : is i ei -' im .t 'i
T ! a ' bee. i n.d '
4 .. . n th. re we-..
' f'.if kit.' r '
II r
i '
.rd i f it
i .ii II
... i' '
ri '!ti5 r
i ieiipi. 'nr
la '
Sfif i fmmaMT a r-i? mm-m
WMM? ia'HF 1 B
,-.h ji i n isz ,MMii,i . a
'"-"J .? '. jt
si jBt" ifssP
i 1 r
"' ' '' ' "- ' k-1 1 lie 2 fOTFKjJJBRv jh
? t i tfnmfiiBlKoeFjaa4 I .-"!
r . r I ' XjlK'WM(BBllBBaK'ahKSvX 3. S r ' S U. M.'jr
- Kaiem rip s AmfArMimwmssmssssmamm . et
- i jmst'i.tvf&mmrPW'wiv'imiMumm h latteui ue
Direct from Paris they leme. tliese
lioad-ilresrs that loud dignity,
charm, prae or jniintlnes te th
coiffure for eieninp. They nre worn
mere this year than they have In en
for a number of eaenn. nnd miladv
does well tu take advantage of the
fashion te en!. .1111:1' her beauty
i tonne and filled new with flower. Thej
overtlnwod pve'vthi-ie. Ar umhrella
t n 1 1 1 1 luiil heee te,ik.Hn,t Inte mn ni, ninl
L iiii.i ,.;!, v.,,-.v.,., Ti..,,,... -..,
'lnr ti,l inn'ipened were',, , en
.I .11 nnd vase- were ev-rv where.
Altiir..' hefete 1 .. hail had il el'iinn'1
'nnd. 'In- I'finr epetied nnd
"ie.1 wrapped in a long white
, Aim-
Ml'. II
! "I n. . 'iiid jei !: li.ue Id rome in
lliete, Mr S.intry." ln said laughingly
'"We haven't hail a chum te dispose
y of the fjievers a vet."
I.enp wn lifluru Santrj. e ibat
AHne dill net ' him until Smitri
s'oepeil j,- iile. in.; tdeii for an inlini-le-miiil
frin ilnn of nn iiitant. In p heiirt
-toeil t;!l nnd In r poi.e falter. d. P.m
it vias only for a.i iiit!int. fop Aline
wn an aetre. nml tliete darted Inte
h'-r mind the meiiini v of that ilay t-ln
bin! me- Chnrl'y Tvne nn the nrentii
and he hadn't of esniml her. Thetc
wn- fe reamii hv I.n-ig hen!ii roeoir
zi 1 fi f 'n pi mil ,!. gntni'. ami i
the hand lit it he ' .ill e'it te l.et un.,
-eah 01 I I epm i . ,e ;il te-l flee'
of ri.i icniiin pi ! . i'ii. a tl i v i, or
his I!ut Im I.- it wn- !i,i)iing maul) i
in her lue-i-t -I !ie lienl at him
Why luiuti " lf rrinenihi toil heu dni'
no wn. .'Itlll tin' httle tr'i k nl stllilv - '
1'ip In p I'rein under nnrrnweii HiK, hi
V 1 dnltij .f lliiW '
'I'lie 1'ii-t v i .t ever AI no. nnd ever'
it-ve -n her I.e ! i Ii 1 1 1 ;-i te her im'ine-
1 i nf 1 im And i If '1 i, lulu th hJif2l'
'ersilf iiiwitinlv w.ih i "i tempt for ber
.venkrii'-., ln riiiiin' thnt he still
ll'e 1 I in, hi M 11 ' ,. t le I ower til
'ir . i r t i a r.t i f i i i -I
Toinen-iiw (hime for Itevenpe
I bin;
That CI an Old llaid
TI. bai.l i. .no
i. Ml si e tllOllflil
'I '. "hnj " im!
i tried te o'e
tlie i l i I feini.
! wail', ii in ii ,iny.
e I Hie K"Tlee l)e
-v Hfcu jf
. r '
, '
'i'l e tnmil ' ' -i'' ' 'i i l ' lii i he.
'eigiii,; te th . ri In" m ii.-r w.inted
I.ep te in.irrv
'i'lie b i .r : ii i- if 'I,. 'Veulij.
01 poet W Ile I t,,lui,r lu r;
Tlie fki t ... r lT en thi
e'ne irrei' ' ' I'" fi Hi '1,1 n
The f'elli.- I ll,i! ' -t' eiii'i -in ii I IO'1
I t preSK' 1 ' ' . r i i r , i i r ' 'v1
Cniv-Jfi .' 7' i I'.' ''.is" i r,m
j -ljTT- T ITIFI H"IB-IMI1TTH"T- k ii s iv's!4- S tf jJ
4 1 I lii i II i li I I II' I III I lhi1 . ?
i - '-..;.. .? x v
V - v
tt3swsr'vs w,.fwiww.W'-'iw-' .r.rwii
The Weman's Exchange
Send Stamped. Addrened Envelope
Te tht Editor of Weman't Paet'
Dar Madam I would be very grate
ful te you If you would Inform me some
games te plnr at an Informal party.
The couples range from the eg-ser six
teen te clKhteen . w.
The sanies am tee Ions te be pub
lished In Mm column, hut If you will
semi a self-ndilressed. Ftempcd envelope
I shall be verv clad te send you a list
which is already made tip for Just such
A Nese That Shlnee
Te the Editor of IVoman'e Page'
Dear Madam Can you tell ma of
anything 1 can use en my nose te keep
the oil Frem coming eut: I notice that
about a half hour after I pewder my
nose Is shiny. A (.tlKk.
After you have used b geed facial
soap each cvenlns. applied with warm
wnier. flntnh with cold, nnd then rub a
I plece of loe ever your face Alse use
I . .... . .1.1.. In lnA f. ... eb II
an astringent, nt nun " en"'
which has n tendency te shine.
Fur Is Tangled
Te the Editor of Weman's rage:
Dear Madam Please give, me a tem-
edy for taking mats from the lurer a
eurly white pecxlle. Hew often should
veu wash a im oer 01 nun ;i"j
and In what? Can the hair be cut fiein
around the eyes, as you rnnnei ecu
them at all hardly" Advice lias Been
net te cut. What are the bert thlnps
I ;e feed these species at a year old
. at"1 en '
I Won't you please ted me all you can
1 abcuf my deg anil wnni 10 ae ier 11
If M)ii cannot brush the matted parts,
of 01r poodle's fur until they become
. ' smooth upaln you will have te clip
these nnd let mem grew in ncsiin. muik
ith them slowly nnd patiently, because
the.' should come out In brushing them.
YV.ish him nlieut iiice a we(K, ami
nnu nl.itn. erdlnnrj leg soap when you
j Jfle,,? 'ande'!? ySu
',K J",. ,,et U) R(t ,n e.ely cut
no chmilrl rntnv nm of the th.ncs tint
mu uiirself eat, and they 11 be geed
for linn although potfltetm should be
tltnilnattd fr im his menu
Rll tttlcn Decii
llul d.iv viitei who i tewd trains nnli
h eul nt tn s sefi'eti are sometimes uti
eena n vh.it te de In the ninlter of
ttjii TI e-e win object en principle!
te the whole svtcm of finplng never '
p.i . extra l"T oil cud v-ji, ild ".ft vice M ,
tlie'tgh tniv .no ijuMe witnin tlie r
r.Kfit. the friginal tlgnKUaiiee of th!
:i)i it ii 'w inuie in einjmit'sz, itiuj i
Ovi'.'il"ii the ii fome discomfort I
i ithers tip tee exti.ivngaiitly fiem
the v.iln dis re te pe.se ns '-i mlllloii mlllleii mlllloii
alre for r. 1 w " or frcm sheep Ignorance
1'eople uoeuton.til te traveling have a
rert.vln si nl of tips net less than
Id nor cent ni'l net morn than 20 nor
cent or tin- ; ''ai mil in a lestnurnnt or'
'lining e.ir, for instance The Pullman '
porter runvi" tut less thai twenty-five
cents fteni each passenger, and the
sanie Is ttii" of the "ted cap" the stn-I
Hen porn i h' carries the hand b.ig-'
gage r.'rv tips nre given for extr.v
service, but iven nt the lower rate i
nniiie'l, tlieie r'inilj' usually mnn mnn
age te gif n. i li Tii $10 te $15 a dav
ftelii til" ti v public
fi I k v
re I i-iir" 0 ' r
pUinnln "i. '
1 A in ' 'u
h i'i in" ' '
V.'iir fc-t vi
of trie .u
u Hi'. It '
nn; mx MMiniH' r.n.tf,
' '.r N v Ynr pennies
I neO.i of ihein Kim in
' ei ii-end F'tfCt Ja.iiiiiry
rliH in i f an i vein tlm
1 1 r i n ffitneiiFi for N'
I i Lie MudzIiip fsei-nen
1 ji i' I.i:h,i:k ".Mule.) I
I " :iW rl.l
Please Tell Me
What te De
Xatltr le Cinll'la'n retumn mut ')
U'Mltfjn en one d et tdfj raprr ewii.
OHil tiiujt be l0nfcl trllh fhfj uTltfr
eii end erfdrfn. Thf) nam irlll nut
ptiMUflfd 1 (k Icrttfr ttec. net lull'!
f. .lnnlffnrfl ffrr and letlrrs luilllfii
en both ld of (A pnper will net be
antwtrtd. t'H(f;r uihe with pcroiel
nimefr. that can h etvtn tn the relnm
ti III rlrase leek tlirre, a preinl llt"
ere enlu written when abselultW mccci
taru. What It a Nen-Qentlemn7
Dear Cynthia I am a steady reader
of your column, and nfter reading
"Zara's" letter I feel that I simply must
wrlte nnd tell her what I think of ber
opinion of this kissing game and Mr.
Stiairew. Se nlease. Cvtithia. will you
lirlnt thie for me te 'Zara"V
1 was terrieiy peeved wnen 1 rcu
your letter, "Zara.'' I don't think you
have the right Idea when you say that
no girl Is decent who lets a man make
leve te her. Although I don't believe
In every Tem, Dick and Harry malting
love te me, I certainly de net think
It Is going te hurm any girl's character
If she permits a man te kiss her good
night, or, In ether words, te make leve
te her. Neither de 1 think that he has
te be a non-gentleman te de It. Left
hear from ethers who are with me In
my opinion. fADlK
It la Awful
Dear Cynthia Seeing everybody
wrltca le you, I thought I would be
like these who have written te you their
Well, dear Cynthia, my husband and
I parted six months age. and I went te
my home te live and think, te the best
of my knowledge, he did the name.
Since we have been parted he has con
tributed te my children's support. They
are two boys, seven and eight caps
old, 1 met his sister lut week, und
Bhe said her brother was going te u
te law for one of his bes New, dear
Cynthia, de you think he ran take enn
of them? Docs law give one tn father
and one te the mother. The thcughta
nre awful. I de knew It Is wrong te
be selfish, but hew can a mother cheese
which boy she could spare I knew
his father and sister and mother leve
my boys and he Is their father, but It
Is awful te be a mother te cheese. Dear
Cynthia, please, through your column,
enlighten me If you can. lv. n.
Yeu are quite right. It Is awful
this separation of parents nnd children.
Cynthia cannot answer questions of law,
but can you net, for your children's
sake, bear with your husband and be
willing te go back te him If he nsks
you' Think well before you finally
"Trebla" Writes Again
Dear Cynthia Klndlv pilnt this
answer te "Delicious Little Devil" Yeu
ask me whether I exonerated when 1
said that I have kissed .'JO girls. Well.
It was net 250, hut exactly 26i. Out
of thlH number I have, the names rf
101 of them. Then about taking the
girls out automeblllng te "pet" them
When a girl Is asked te go out uuto uute uuto
meblle riding, don't i-he knew what te
expect? Den t she knew thnt she will
be petted and kissed' and net te talk-,
ubcut the weather. They go out with:
me Knewing what will happen before
hand, nnd If they felt as though thei '
didn't tare te go. would refuse. i
Yeu ask further whether a tfirl's I
company is enough for me without giv
ing the well-known kiss As I urn still
young and go out for the geed times
(is I atn net of the marrying age aF
yet. anil Kissing and hugging is what I
call a geed time) and de net get It. I
1 feel as though the whole evening weie
w lifted. The girl's company is net
enough. '
Yeu claim that the girls who l.lf-s
every Temmle or Johnnie are net re-1
fined, but I strongly dls.igri.e with you. j
There are many refined girls who kiss I
every fellcw who takes them nut. ns i
there nie these who don't allow klis-i
I Ing. Kissing Is a personal taste. Many
. people of both sexes don't feel any
I enjoyment In It (I de net see th light)
while ethers think It wendirful. se
naturally they Indulge deriving the
(pleasure therefrem, which thev ir. n .
I hope that this answeri your letter and
iiellevcs ycui mind nt !!' fame thin
l S Where de yrni get the "Dell- '
cleus l.tttle Devil ' stun" nnyw.w I enlv i
knew that n "delicious little devil" Is a '
wild baby, and you claim tu be the.
opposite. '
I ma Mil j ii 1 1 Hi
A TfflKXrmMmm
1 mm
In the Hands of the Right Persen
Meney Can Be Made te De Se Much Geed
A JFeman Who Started in Peer Circumstances and Bccatne
Wealthy Later Is Se Generous That It Makes Her Happy
WHKX they were first married they
didn't have very much money.
Tlicy were iihle le gel nlnnp nil right,
but It wns sometimes a strupgle te pny
for the children's eehoeling nnd get
their clothes nnd nil thnt.
There were three children, and ex
penses mounted up pretty high ns the
jtnrs went en.
Hut komchew or ether thev pulled
.through.' the brave little mother of the , had n dinner, perhaps, hut net half th
family skimping, denying herself thlnqs
she wanted, while they lived in n small
house that was net nil thnt she might
hnve wished for In the way of conveni
ence nnd decoration.
Then, when the children were nil
grown up nnd two of them married, the
ether one earning his own living in
business, nn mint died and left her nn'ef t-eelng n ttlmmed 'roe en Chrlstm'it
egmte. because of her thought for them.
It was net a fortune, but it wns n I,,TIIV,,n7
real deal mere than she had ever ex- V M J.mnem wn gi rl(tl qi(1(k
ticcted te have n this world. ""'"" "" '" ""' """ money that
Iimiu iu linn deesn t seem te have niu- ntinMni i
need of it than she hnd had before.
What would you have done under the
MANY women would have started
recklessly in te spend, just for the
joy of doing what they had never been
able te de before.
They would have bought automo
biles, fur coats, costly gowns, beautiful
new curtains for the house, everything
thev had wanted nnd hadn t been able
le hnve.
This woman did thnt, tee. in n mod
erate way. .... , ,.,
But she did practical things, like re
placing shabby furniture with really
geed pieces, getting just wliet she
needed nnd no mere in the wny of
clothes, find giving things she knew
thev wanted te her three children.'
And then she begen tn satisfy a long
felt desire In another direction; she be
gan te give le people who wetc les
fortunate than she.
She remembered, no doubt, tare times
when wenl hlcr friends had helped her
out with niie llttie unexpected giiif.
She wanted te de the same thing for
sumo one else, new that sue was nine te.
and kept in condition all by a patented construction.
They knew the feel of smart looking, ultra-comfortable
shoes. Wear them and you, tee, will have a
Happier New Year
Shee Company
1314 Chestnut St.
If you can conceive a herd of this size you
will get a mental view of our tremendous
butter sales
it takes th? milk produced by mere than One
Hundred Thousand Cows, milked twice daily,
te furnish the rich cream te keep our stores
supplied with butter.
'?L'W&&.VS 1
otter lb
Ihore is 1p.1l feed value locked up in these pure, sweet,
golden prints every pound of Leuella contains the Pasteurized
cream trem ten quarts of pure, rich milk.
Little wonder Leuella ia known everywhere aa
The Finest Butter in America
Richland Butter S7C
Pure creamery prints, better than semn se-called "bests."
Everywhere in Phila. and Throughout Penna.
New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
ml! FOX nfter wliljp she bought n cur
J- It is her car. new. hut it is nlm0t
ereiy day at the tlkpoenl 0f some en
who ha no car nnd would just I0T
te go out In one,
Pome one else was presented, in
way nt which slie could net peslbl
take offense, with n turkey for Christ,
mas dinner.
If she hadn't been, she would liar
pleasure ,that she did have.
Even n geed dinner isn't enjoyable If
veu knew thnt its hill is K0nR t9
come in nfter nwhlle nnd just emnt
,1 mil nnr.t'i ruuii ,
mil, nn..linl,A.tl, '
ion theie are homes and hospital,
h linve heneliled by thP poed for.
of 1I1N woman, (en.
llldreil who linve linnn-n .1.-
Children who have known the
nd by that time she hail mucn iesa , ell n)rp -tfIp' ,,,,;''"''
d of It than she hnd had before. people like this, there would be J
much mere hnnnlnes in the wni.i
There would be se much less criticism
by unfortunate persons who have te tell
and work for every cent thev make
of ethers who just sit still and Ut t,
money pour into their laps.
And there would he less dleoentent
among these who si', tee. Yeu can't l
very iinhnptiv yourself when jeu see r,
much happiness nil about you and knew
thai you have given it niir.clf.
The beautiful idle Indies who InvMt
their affections nn their lap de; nnd
their wealth en themselves could kill n
great deal of emp'y time nnd lese senn,
of the bitter, hard leek In their eye
If they would share some of their pin
money with some one who hasn't anv.
Monev can de te much poed and brine
te much hnppiness for both giver nnd
receiver If it Is just used right.
WM. COWDERY, Caterer
Dinner, tens, wedding rcccptieni,
Delicious heme-mnde pics.
Teliohenn Epnice 7414
A happier year
Te mnkc every day a happy one
is the goal set ler the A. tu.
LITTLE Shoe. Men and women
who havp worn them, seeing hew
quickly tired, aching feet are re
lieved, knew from exporience
hew' attainable that goal really
They knew that their feet stb
net only made well they're
made te stay well. They're put
Mere Than
OneHundred Thousand
1 -V.