tyfc rsqy3 ' "mM'''"ilir nnn," i "WW' .UK ' wvil ii EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 28, 1922 Kwl-' a- vjtii $W4 mwWW-'r'1 "wvT 'SBr ST GOSSIP A'azcy W'yHwe 2'A-s e fi Dinner-Duncc Given Last Evening for Miss Evelyn Martin She Hears of Affair for Smith College mlttW' ",H "" ,,n" ,l,v "'k'11 Ih'" i J1'"" riln l,e t,tl will be Umperr neil , cnilf the AIU'I'I'I"' Mil II II' MUM DI'PIl I ll-.l ,.ff llll iiivniiil of Mrs. ISnvi'ii muni ",-. i. i..i ..,..1. Mr-. Hnieti Allnrluirt's r..I,n win i:iiniiciii cr.inilnintlifr. "'," lnev, mill Midi :i Mii. A'Iim iimi uns V.,rl MImi Arinliilii Ito-eimaiti'ii. a Kr of Mih. I.pI- ViINeii 111..I ,.li, le'cnifniti'ii. C'ew. Ailelnli r.tul 1 nl jlVeiipirteii me Hip Hirci' ni.ii i if ) I. oil Vr. .tllOTM Tlii're "wn i tlhmiT fltinn- nl the till- I . in-, ,-....-- ----- -.... , . ... , (.ultnii for i:v.-IMi .Mm mi. kuhi ny ni" Hulnev UiiiiiRlen Miirliiis, Ihm; un ! , miil mini Kr1vn Ih tin' iiiiiiKliti'i' ii! Mr. nml Mrs. Curl rspiillmril Martin, the illnner ilnijrp last niulit wi i- in ilie wnv of n ildint. as licv i.nd really r(M"'.. ll.l ,I,aIi- tin llnllmiu fv mrenis ni- ii"'i "a mid imrtv f-r lier li.Tnns.. of tlm t'willi of Mis. Miirlln s mother In O- "feclui 1lil "nl K" (" nllv "' ,,,f' ',,,,N , ,rtpq" iIipii. Inn fl h N'eM'inlipr -hi' 'is bi-Pii Keine aheiit. Tin- .leliii WIiiIm J,fnrs jtnve a labhit lart for Iaip l.i-l r,.; nhlelt wns srent fun. t lite pnrtv la-t iiikIiI I.vpImi weie mi ntlrarllxe frock of mauve i hiffnn i..,nfi,ln n rn nun i- "ii. mi" ni(ini"' ";-, . ..i.- :.i mine n penn ernniiirui linn Mir rannu pre ilils TIip tlimcp was held in (up ,unl0r ballroom nt the Kit., nml llieie ipre nbnnt 1."0 supsls. Mnttliew Bnlnl. .lr., I ., vnii Itriew. rhnnprenps Hip C'ln .i,.iin ,innrpi nt the Mprlen (VIiKpI Club Ins asked tPVPrnl of next p.ii iiebnlJintPs te n'sist lier in recelvliic a . . it.i., .... Iiniiinpi .! 'I In Th tlir ImlHia.v niieiiun ,, ...... ....... nrls nrp keIiir te wf-nr tin' led i ihhnit ..... I.. .!.... rt.wl fir,, fit litillt till. iiinmniPi' iiihi'- "' " b.ldi mill tin' Lt a kCf that PVC1V one mis n kikiii III11P AniOIIK tliese wim win neii mi I'lhel Ilprksrlipr. I.eiiIIp Tlintnsnii. lida Ki-Piibii'v. Mnrli' I.euIbp l'nird. Miibel Mi-Ilvniiip. Innnrp rurvinmc, fntlieriitp Mather, fally Henry and Vnney Norten. . rimbrns en 1 ip rnnimint'p, iipiimpu in Matthew lt'iird, .lr.. tire Aillnii' Iiiiik1i, Ilenn Hnin. '"I'11 I'WlHR. ll'-iny Jcines, Alsten Jenkins. Nunc ( lntliii'r. William Ashteti. Kreilerlck I'utiiii nnd Henry Drnten. TTAV1 you lieu (1 that the Mulliu ei- II i Clk i. .l . hnvn benelit neiformnni'e of tlm Teny SnrK Mnrieti " ' "' ' ' ------ - , cites in tlie Femt nf llu- Aindem en .Innunrv -? There is te be nn nfti rnemi and pveiiiiiR perfAnnunce. tee, and tbe iiiepppiIs will ke le tlm Smith t'ellcgi rlndnwmeut Pund. Tlm liltle piippelc ure te plav 'Uen Quietp." and I hear Hint tlic Rteatps' number of children (ir coins te we them. MiM.lulia Chde MacAllKtPr is ilmir man nf In' cemniittie in (har'.'i1 et the nrriiiiKPiin'iits. nnd ether members in clude .Mis. llcuiy llll.li'. Mm (Nwald Chew. Mis. Aubrpy McCunh. Mm. Huss ('(iinish, Miss Kliner I'litwen. Mls Acnes MncAllMpr. MIsh Canilllii' htmle. Hi. Allie Weld Tnlliiiu, Mm. liupert S. Helland and Or. Maude Ki'llj. Aiiieiik the patronesses jie Mrs. William Arimtt, .Miss Kmily Hell. Mrs. rtluir Hiddle. Mrs. Jasper Hriiiten, Mrs Jehn II. lliintnn. Mm. T. Wlslar lirewn. Mrs. llewunl Ilutcher. Mm. 'Iliein.is llnbins. .Miss Mary Ceinprse. Mr. JeM'pli I.eidy, Mr. Jehn Fred ul(k Lewis, Mm. Ift'i ttmn I.Ippincett. Mi. Stnr.i I.levd. Mrs. Thornten nttkiey, Mm. I'll K. Prim nnd Mrs. .hmis Hlarr. THIS evening tlmrp will Iip il dinner ilnncp nt tlm Hellcvim-Slratferd for CppiIIii iininprinnnn. who is tlm do de luitnntp daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jehn rdnniil inimerni.inn. The Zimmer inannsi. like tlie Uehert Meiilgnmprs. lave ciPii si'ci,il sinnll ilnin'ps nnd illiiner-dani ps tliieuch ihp miisuji in--if ml of one Inrgc affair. Ciellin's lea was called off en m count of ln dentil n Mm ('h.iiles CtMls Harrison, an .unit of Mrs. .iininerniaun, whose ile.it Ii Ofctureil just tin week befeiK the tea uns te lime taken place. There haw heen .eer.il ether paities gicu for lnr vlnce then. Lnn.ir. had iiietlii r nml il been te (dun cli Willi ; t I id tell in u hlxlih ii.il state. M.elher sugiii sie.) upon tlieli ...... leturn t lint I.eulie go net deer te ilsit .i new II tie lil who bid meied iule the neighborhood. "Mether wants win 'a ke our nnd plaj with Miu, deal She Is a sweet little gill, nnd I told her mother I would send ,nu ever with jour dells and loaeh te iiIhj with her.-' N'ew l.enlln had seen Mniv pliuing in ihe gnrdeii the day befeie, nnd further further tuere f-lie bad seen t lint Mnrj's dell us twice as law as ber's, and mi was Mary's rnneli, nnd somehow she did net mre for lint. "Oh, nun." said sln, "M don't wntlt te go." "I'.llt. (leiuest, mother imde nn engngeinent for jnu; jnii will lme te go." "Oh. nil light, If I haie te," said I.enlle, "but re member 1 wnnted te stay home by mi -k"lf and Keep nn soul jmiip." x.wrv wyvni:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Tlie guests who will attend tbr dlnnei 'vlueli Mi and Mrs Staples (iiwwnld ri.tKK .Ir of fileiibroelc, Hun Mini, "lit give tomiirew eicnlng, ai the Itlt Itlt 'ar'ten In honor of Miss lleatilre Mei k Idge, debiitiiUe daughlei ut the lli Dr and Mrn Jehn Meikildge of 1 J south Tnenty-sioeml mmt, In fei. tlie lia'l te be gien by Mr and Mis t'hiil t'hiil en Yurnall, for their debut.inti) duugb r Miss Agnes y.iin.ill will ii. lude Mls ...irah Iv. Hudsen. Miss Hep tin II l.e. Miss Hli7.abet)i K Hewl Hid Ml-s uU IIepplu llrraliind Mis IMui Lni(?ht. Miss Noun i llin, Ml"s Cui Cui 'inee Snow Mr Daniel Km he Mr lamia r hesten, Ith, Mr Itndni rook reek nan. Mr II. Osberiiii Walten Mr II.n ai Knight, Mr Henri I lm t-lim n Mi Paul A. f'asrj and Mi Hueld Mook Meok Moek "Iflgn. As Mr nnd Mrs 1'ingg me In Popular Matren WiS. LOW li) Ol IS A' "' '".' I'hd-Ull, iiti .-,!,, i-t. Get- vmntwiii, u-h; )h a nthuctue tefwi'iri (j (,. yimnfjer married set. Srt IBOtT PEOPLE "' "' "" '!" JI.H'I.I l(IJ?c. Men f!f.)-;,. Mel-i itden 'isj1pir.il Iv tlic etlvr iiit'inlictM of tlie (VMilliilt'ei-., will ri'iiv lit llu- ciulHlninH Meitini? Ill IMP 'ifilfllt. Pi till,.,- hi(ulni. Pl.uu which will In. helil lumoirew cwiiltii; nt I 'i e'clml, in d,. Poci' (if tlm Acndcim of .Millie .Mr Jehn I'.nil HnrrltiKer ami , Mr .tnmes S llntilrlil will head the rnininlttei , assisted hv Mr. Samuel V i million. Mr William 1'oHer Wear, Mi., lllllll'H , XIIIKll I' llll'llPKI 'I'm.' Itamtnliili I'.iikuul, .lr. i imi lex a I xiinilir llti'tlr Id nml Ml jr nml Mi- Tlumi.ini: Ward, of P.ltnhtnst, I, I , him HrclWnpr lanKintu- Intlens nil tlie lilrlh of diiUKhUir Ann X'Vlll Vnnl xrateiilnv inemltiK l Mm Ward was Mlsn IMIth Smvthe . il.niKlttci nt Mr. nml Mrs , Ncvlll , KtiiMlie, of Chestnut Hill. Mr. and Mm I-'iedprkk II Mehl. of, Vnlle innd, idmeie, will untcrtiiln ill dliimr en Wp(ltieda i'ptilrij' ncl In hiinei nf Ihvli diitiitlitfi'. Ml l.uelle Will Held MpIiI licfeit. Ili, .lunlni ('In deiclli liaiup Mm M till and her (leliiiliiiite ditlRlitPi Mm". Iioiethta Si(h(kmI MpIiI ulll leae fei B.illl- Miolo tin did of thlH week, wIipip Mlsi Mehl will nttend tin- ttnrhelniV Cotillon en Mendnv enlnu nct Mrs Hpi.i-v 1' Mlellell of M? Chcsinut Htieet ImH lnued Invltnlletis fur t.we nfteinoen mulcnlcs nt her home durliiK .l.inuarj Mr. Ilchert Fester Whltnicr. of 70T KltiKscsflnir avenue, hnw luftund InvU latlens for n dinner nt IiIh home en Kilday penln:. Jnnunry 19. In honor of his dauKhtpr, MIfh ltachpl Parker Whll mer. Iiefere the first nieetliiR of Mrs .IMw.ird Troth's Danclncr t'lnss at the ilcrm.iiitewn Crlrket Club Mis. IMuaid Hall. nf lljverfniri . Cnttrf Utl tfl.A n 1.l.l Mn.. n Iiiesiln afternoon. .lanuarv 16. In honor , ei ner ueiiutaute ilauijliti iihter Mlfa Man viriiinla Hull Miss Catlnrlne t.lpiitneett Toegood will nttend as mild of honor nt the weddiiic of her sister. MIsh Mnrsah Cnsaid Toegood, iluuphter of Mr. nnd Mm Ilrnest T Toegood. of the lmend, Twelfth nnd Spruie streets, nnd Mr 'I Tlrnmlev Floed en "f Mr and Mr l.dward T I'loed, of Vniip nvenuti nnd Hnrltui street, Ocrnnniewn. width will take iiIhcp at 7 rolerk mi Patui dn eenliiK, Jnnu.ii v l.t. In St. I'Pttr M Pielestnnt Kulhoepal Church, Wnvne nenuc nnd Ifnrvey strnit. (iermantnwu I Iip Kev. .Stewart KenllnK, leiter of the V. ' '.r .'. .') " " . or.'" .tn ceieiiumy. The iMiuiiriius win inciuut Mlu rtnr. (..iniiii .-uipiej. .hiss liuitiui flood a sMer of the l)rlileKroeni ; MltH i:il7jbeth Srett Mlfs Margaret Watsen, Mrs I'TtiUrkk Lenjinld nnd Miss ilertrude I ,a,r"nv'' nf Xpw Verls Mr Hebert I IJrlRli.iin will mt nH best mnM, nnd tbp iisheis will IncludP Mr Frederlek jl.lklns. Mr Cra Ik Ifeberteu Mr Kd- waid Meer. Mr Utanvllle Toeuood. a brother of the bride, Mr. .Tennlncs Ha- I1'",',1, n.ml -Mr Alexander Winj TIhtp , will be no ie,,.ptlnn A dlnnei will i fellow at the Cetmnnlewn Crlrket flnli ret tlie brldnl parly On their leturn I fiem n wedding ti ip the brlrti. nnd ibrldecroem will lle at tlm Queen Lane Apartment'". (!ermnnt wn Mr ami Mrs Hariv.M llarr who nr spending a few weeks at the Rltr-Carl- ieii win san en .satunlaj. January 6. for I.'RViit where they expect te remain for the winter Miss HnnninK Orange, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Pravten OranKe, of the Wellington, who hna been spend Inc a tew days In New Yerk will re turn home tedav Mr William Hrarklay Ilephuin. son of Mr nnd Mrs William W. Hepburn, or nt chard I.ee. VUnnea nnd the LonR LenR nerp. who Is a student ut the St. QperKC'B school. N'owpert. II. I.. s spending the holidays with his parents. Mrs. i: Pnren Carpentfr. of the Kennuir, will be nt home Informally en Thursdnj afternoons In January. Ne cards bne been sent out Mt and Mis Terej- Ilartsheine Wilsen and tbelt soup, Mi Jenenh W. W Wilsen nnd Mr. Percy II Wilsen, .lr and thrir d, butante daughter, Misn Marian KII.ihMli Wilsen, are net oeeupilng tiirlr apartment at 1114 Spruee street but are Hpendlng the winter ai their plnee nt Deen. Mr and Mis Ttli bird Hinns Norten I rxf TT..I. .... TTM, 11. ........ - ... i 1 t.ilnliig.is (Vir guestH ever'thc lielidnsi rs Noitens parents, Mr and Mis Spilding i:nns, of I.eckpnrt, N. Y Ml- Paul Little field, of Olerbroek entei la'md a' luncheon at the Kellniun Si i. -it fold followed lij tb- matinee en Wediirsd.i ifti'iuoen. in honor of hri daiightir MIsm Mndnllne Ltttlefleld, who is spending th, belldais with her patents and Is a wtudent of Miss Wright's srhoel, Kr.in Mnwr. The guests Included Miss Mnn Kejd, Miss Llialietli Ceniersi. Miss Allee Ie Miss Pinnies Putsi Miss Utnli Hi lnnd, Miss Kntlutini' Meigs Misa Kntlierlne M.-i'iilinugh. Miss Melly Heull nnd Mls Pi .inns Wilsen. Mlssi Helen Page Hums dauglitn of Mi and Mrs Piatnis Kruus, ,Ii , of this oil whs the guest of honor nl a dinner and theatie pnrli glien en Tuesday eienlng In hei mule and aunt Mr and Mih On id Mi,r.s, of HOI Seuth Tw out -second streel Miss Hums, who Ih a student at U'ellehlei College l.s spending the bellduis with bei parents Mrs Jehn .1 Uielier of Lis Paik an line l elll'lgswuiid N .1 will (litel l ilii the in, ml" is el tlie Tail Phi Sigma Suierlt at her 'mini lomertow attei- neon Tlie mrinlieis are Miss Ldltli M nfinriigle Miss Margaret Maiei, Miss Marie Mii'line Miss Lenoie Mri'iilleiigb. Miss Praiues MiCulleugh, .Miss Mnigaiil Mii'ausland Miss Kath nn MoPeWill Ml-s II.Miiii-tla Nelman Miss Ireiii ICnisir Mis nMnend 'Iheni.ts and .Mis I'mnl Iliandi , Mr and Mi- lehn M Mes.'i. of 7101 j Itldge iKMiiie l(iibi iniigli uiineiimui tli s.agnh nt of their daughter. Mls.s. Druls Khz iln ih eei, and Mr. Piunk llu Lul Wisliett seu of Mr and Mih William II Wi-sirett, nKe et Itex-' biiliiugh , , Mr and Mi William (' Keene, et i i Lansdowne, aiineunre the engagement of i their daughter. Mis.s IMiLll Lleaner I Keene nnd .Ml V H.urld Koche, of, ' Detroit Mrs Lliz.iiictli Diajteu Sharpless, e l.an-dewne niiiiounees tlie engageineni of In r granddaughter, Mis Lthel Pliuke ' Paisens, te Mi Neiiiinii Pletsen Sniltli I of Washington 1) C Mr and Mis llenij tt Hear, of Sum mitt nii'tiue, pett Washington, nnneume ili engagement of their daughter. Miss Derr tin Mni dear In Ml Jehn Fishei Ir of iiibbi Ml and Mis ( b.iilis Leltt Vlguers Sr will enteitaln Internialli during the1 lietld.ii witk at tlielr luuiie, 114 Weml- s(b II It line Valhi'ltll II est Philadelphia hi t ml Mi -'Ik ir son Mi I'liigliamlen . I'lulip 1 ("leim.iii and , Pbllli iieriiuin Jr., r f I i , aie siieiidliig th,i i li'ilidai i w all Mr anil Mts VdilNuu stieei .Mis Hermnu's Ldwaid Hum". pn rents, et ."ibiy Mi mni Mis Themas Wuelsci (lil h,it of '," sinntii j.'(, tj-feuitb stii'i't. I illinium llu ellgllgi llli'llt of then I night i Miss Deiis Mellm lillluMi li ' Mi la I mil James (Inidiiu Ol' tills i in sin el Mi and Mis J ieils Milten Cm-' I, n el Vi iilillild, Minn I Chi inaiiiage of Mli-s l.tliel Mual ll.iUu ii.iughiii of Mis livi tha I li-tkei I .' Si uiIi Plft -SI l Olid shot nnd 111 I iii! Ilelllligei nf West IMlll.i- i di ipluii iniik pl.iie en Piidai In (em li J Mni tlie 1 1 leiinini a H'ceptieu i llnwel at tlie .Vdelpliia Hetel when, i mi llu- nn mlu is nl llu- liiimcillnle I iiiiiillis wen. piisiiit Mi and Mt lli'lllligi 1 li 11 en tin It i Hiding Jein in) and upon liieii lliilllt ai 1 i, s I, , 1 i 1111 n will b ,u 1 111 liflll StIM'l 1 Mis I) l in liner niiiiniinci tlie 111111 ilnga 1 I liei daiigliler, .Vllsd i'aulilie liciM'liuei 1.1 Mr Abiabain L'snli k of ibis Lit), en 1'uuidii, Dci.embt'i -tf, ut ATTRACTIVE miss de het in ; Daiithler of Mr ami Mi. ),; N of honor at a dunce which her mnq at tlie I'liilndclplna nckcl Club. Mr. nml Mrs. Vatciitim irilicntcrtaiii at diuncr en Sunday cveninp in honor of Miss Ellen Harriien, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mm. Charles Cash's Harrison, Jr., of Chuckswoed, Villanova. Hi nml Ifnll, 410 Whaiten street. Uablil A. Hlicrr eHlclntcd Mli-s Ann.i Kersrh ner. sister et the biide wiih tlie maid of . honor, and (he blldesmaliK were Mi-n Hese Pollock, .Miss Hephle Jeseph nnd MIsh Maltha Keryc liner Mr Martin I.esnlck, In ether of the. bi Idenienni, was I best mini, and the ushers Included Mi llarrv Kerschner, Mr. IMwanl N.uller and Mr. H.unuel Ziihlm fm.. an P. tended wedding trip Mi awl Mil- l.i nlck will live at .":MJ Hesten stieet Mr. and Mrs. Jehn J lliimbaiger. of IU4 Xerth Stxtv-feurth street, nnneunee the eiiKaBement of their daughter Mts Dorethv rtumlinrKcr, and Mt .1 IU1 ward Mack, of thlH cltj jrr T W. .Scnttprgend. of I.ans I.ans dewne, announces the enBagement of his, daughter. Miss Mai Ian lieim S'attir S'attir S'attir goed. and Mr. Jehn K Puicinus, of Stenehursl Mr and Mrs S. Jehn 1'. ge, of Mei pluinUllle. X. J. iinreuntH tlie cng.iKe cng.iKe ment of their daughter. Miss Doretln I'ngp. and Mr. Hareld C Parks, son et Mr and Mis A. Wciodbtne avenue. M Parks, of Ct.10 I JSerth Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B.iwik and their family, of 2J19 Xerth Bread Htieet nre spending a short time ut Atlantic City. Mrs AVnlter McKleskev, of Fifteenth and Xerrls stieet s. who lias been visit ing hnr p.iKtit.s. Mi and Mt Kugeue Hnneldi In Wheeling, W. Va , will leave thW week for Asheivllle . c, where she will remain until the end of Januaty. m.. en. I 1t Unru It. lCprn nf r!R14 Ne'rth Xlneleenth street, anneunre the'J1' .Mfk i'nw, en raaement et ineir (inugiuei. .miss Helen rteland Kern, le Mr. Hareld Hee- bee, also of Tb ga Mr. and Mis Alfred I.eev of Legan base as their guest Miss Sadie ItredvU of New Yeik Mr Manlev l.ee en tertained at thentln and dlmifr last evening In honor et Miss liiedsb and Miss Pearl I.erner will gie a dame nle In her lionei en Satuidav eienlng CgS!SSygTOltmii3S Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Established 1837 The Loveliest Handmade Hats in Philadelphia Are New $8.00 Hats that were previously $1..0(, S18.00 and $20.00 haw been repriced at $8.00. They are hats that any woman would be proud te own and you will fir.,1 tlieiii unusually bpcenunjr Every one was made in our own woikmems and shows tlie Allei. quality you knew se well. ' Pre-Inventory Sales In All Departments A Clearance of Beaded Bandings and Fleuncings Tbei ate bnautiful things, worth ai.' III coiei s, out inete i mesiii niari. ii, 11 priced at 81.7C te 96,00 for the buildings and S3. 00 fleunclngfl Lace Centerpieces and Scarves Reduced 1 te 3 Thsie aie ill i.es n which are Inipened 'I h i leduied, new SOc te S3.00. these au Clearance of Hersman Talking Dells at $2.50 some of tbe'e de Is chauictei bends and an i ieiih tolei s ai e ie il ' i bin inn di Hand Colored Calendars, 2 for 25c Prettlli hand-colored calendars ,eu at icnieiiibt jiici Reductions in Hosiery llieie aie mam 'plendid i.ilues In en lm 1, 1 1 ilepin tinent I ( I icl.ed wool linse and $.' L.i Cu.ii ulla iest. ,n 81,15 ait d lurgalns and tluu aie etbi" s I gi" Mussed Handkerchiefs, ' te i3 off llandkichlefa for men, women and children at sin prlslnglv low pi ires Reductions in Toilet Articles I idi i IJvtinit tn 5 odors, li or 1 die's set of i:tiact and I'n it I ex feimerlv J5 00. new 112.00. Pliei'n Axiirra and Plernmyi concentrated Lxtiact In nurs Mr ,,. dm ed fiem JliiO 10 tl.OO. purse llK Plier'H Mlstnells Kit met, 1300 size, new 91.90. 8 SSnw"v'vsi,'ww,!' DEBUTANTE hote M J Mltrhell Rlllei VALKXTINE Valentim , who mis the one! !nrcitn pare hist Snturdiiy eie- Northeast Philadelphia Miss riessl,. Smith, dnimli- i if Mt find Mis i n.irel.n Smlil ,' I ifth ! stieet and the Itoe.sevelt be il, .ir,l will i uterlaln a number of In i f i mis nt I her benii rin S.lturlln ce ilng it Imiiei of MIsk Marlen Skes, of Smmciim,.. , wlm Is hpendlng nnn wteks In this ct Mr. M.ixwdl H.ueilt or l'lflli street, Is spending a nt Atlantic City. ":i .Verth hhuit tlmu Mrs e M Barten, of I'-w i umber lind streei, will enteit.iln ,u luldi?u followed bv tpa at her hemt en Tues. dav afternoon , kii irect Seuth Philadelphia Miss Marie Mehan .mil Miss Mehan, of '.'531 Seuth I.'lglitr i-nili Clr.ird Pnnns. hae i tinned neni" fiem (lieHt'i, Pa. when the nenf the Chilslmns helldas as tlie guests of relatives The rrinbined diapltis of Hit Pl.l Tbeta Sigma will etitirialn at .i i iv Year's dan-e en New Yen's night, Juiiii.tn 1, In the Xnith iJanlen of the Hellevue-Ptrntfeiil. Mrs Hucenv Cailln Is vnemllnu tlie bellrlas with her dallghtei. Mis Ken. I tp'tli Warren Ueinrluh, of .Wwnik N. .f Mls Ignore White, of liirnrrl Farms will entertain itfniiiiiill hi In 1 Iieiim this eenlng llu guests .w.l lm mde I Miss Kieaiier Cri'cn. Mls-s I'atlKrlne I.en.ird, MIsh Itegina Blown MIsm CsUieri Meliane. Miss Madeline I'lrlch. Mr j ueueri siuiiiian .Mr i;ugenc U.Nell, Mr Prank Teweis, Mr and Mr Hugh Han. J .'i."in ii'"n Gvrmantewn Mts I'letebei s1.iiuni, of lli,.uaiii nwiiue. ClieFMiut Hill, will ttiritain nt Inldge tomeiiow In honor of .Miss Horelliv Teelie, dntigliter of Mr. I lam II Coeke, of 113 Maplewood nienui whose engagement te Mr Stuart Per- (. i tune iImi I i I'-nu in ii es hen.i new espeelali te 36.00 fei the 1 2. pi it.i iKl t' lac ( ed; m mil 1 se si n ves, all of they hav bwn On i a lies 'i nei ha v i i!i,s.,.d in lumpers iiuhreakabie and ftecks of in different erfects usful On 1 be'h bottle, feimeilv 13 00 new 8100 Powder In a chin mini; lentbri- n! v "-swsss-s. p New Yerk. wnH recently an Mls firnc" lltihbM, dnilRliler of Mr. and Mm .lehn It IIiiIiIim, of 020 Went i I'p'vtl hIipM cntertalneil the niemhem of tlm jeiincer "H at In Idee yestciday nfteriicen .MIfjh Ptanecc ll.uper, and MIks Doretliv llarjier, (taughtem of Mr, and Mm. Wllllnm 11ds Hariiit of CJ8 West llerttcr stieet, will entertain at a btldne iart en Wnlni-Hdnj .taniiniy 3 Mm .InmrH H Franks. .Ii , of cre land, O is i-lietidliiK the holidays With lift- paitnts, Mi , ind .Mm Jehn A lid e ii. of 68" I KiiiIph slii'el Mm Howind Ii (!sp,uf 1.12 WMt Wnlniil him, mt 'rnlinil at liiidRc1 c-teidfiy In hiinin el Mls llllcii Knlpe, dniiBhtd of Mr and Mrs Walttr Knlpp, of 2.'0 WphI Ctmllen npnue, wIiebp maiiliiKP te Mr PimiIitIvK (3. Iiiiy will take pl.u en Meiidii next Miss ICnlpp will alu) Iip the nuenl of honor -u u liildim en Thuisd.iv next te be Rhen b Mi-c Ilehind riralinui of 128 Wist eiiwdui iivpiiile I .Mr and Mr TIkoiIeip M lis.ei, of I --'J Kant I i.Jiii street, are helm; eon een j nr.itulated upon the blith of .i daiiKbter , "ii iJertmbpr 21 Dvlnuarv County Mr n, ii i'ell.in'. nml in. dniiKh'Pi .' hi ruin Hi I'm ,,,l nf .-.wMrlliiiiMie 1 ih u i I,, , fi,, ,, vim ,, v.t n lf '(,! ii Mi I ii i it. i; li. , lis Ktin no, I fn , i i.iiii Ik-i ijViileac ll.iliiiiinrr t., p,.,d ibc I I si, l," I,U,,. U,, ), ,,,01,M V ,."".'' Ml WiIII.iiii Miuwell Kills. ' t Melnn A orristewn cy',..""11 ',rH- Walter A Knerr of M. et Ally sttect, celebrated their i fourth wedding aunlemaiv en Christ mas dn. ' Tlie lleci'inlier nieellnK nf tlm Norils Nerils , town I.e.iRiie of Women Vetrs will be neld thlN nfteinoen nt .'. oMei k in IHliiU Hall, Clin and Swede str, ets , Miss UPttuidc i; rritrviiMawr thin i inn of I he inuriu leuuui will b, in p'nker Mru Wllliniu Stninluii nf I., ,town. !'." '? J '"I. ""'"" "' '"' parent!., Mr and Mis . KaFten. of Haws aieniie MvCemas Johnstone I in tin wedding took place nt 7 j n i ler k jst evening In .lie rhun-li l "f (he Hedeemer when jtfr, Ksthei ' in'Ken .lolmstene daiwhter of Mr ."V, lr" Allll"'w .lehiismnc, beaune the '.','' of Mt ' 'eniilrl nmery McCemn" ,"" "'"neuy was peifetnied b the itev nenr. K WIIIcIp. pastor et the uiiiren. .Mrs Hareld l; Stere, slstei of the lulde wm the matron of honor I nml another slstei. MIsm Isabel .lehn-1 stone was the uutlil of lionei Tin-b-ldesmnlds w.re Miss I.oulse Hewell .inu mih Paul ciesr Mr Wi.iuin A I.Ippincett, .Id. ait'd as best man for Ml .Mct'emas .n,d the iisheia inc'uderi Mi. Hniebl P. Siere Mr Paul ('lese i Mr. Paul St.uishur and Mr. (.nwrenci IM e htnlth The bilde weie a gown of 'vblle satin and old family lac Her "ille veil was c.iuglit wltli erangi bleM-niii". and lie rail led lilte loses .fid lilies of lie alle.i T'ih m-ifrjn of 'innei weie crei ii wlher i leth mad,' , simple lines ,u i,and of hiHc i iter liatr TI . maid of lien.it . ml bridesmaids or,. old-fiii-hieiied , ns tuines of pine gteen tnflct.i and sihei l.Hf Tin ill cii I ml wh'ii Mew us alike lenibnud with pelnettias A mall fivp inn r0, i,, i. !-mil , , i'ltlmat.' filn-iK ,t tin. beni et the bride's pnrfiiis, ;jv) Magnelia avpnnr.. fellow, il the irinnen Mi and Mrs .Mil onus will lie at lieine alt,-! th, t'lai el Mm oil at (n Mil ,,wi Will I en I' iii:iiv -h m:x The m.iitiage ill Mis .U ill msbter el "M- and Mr- le'i f fiir, (icurg,. tret. nnd Mt l!.J ftlt el bam- drlnn Hiewn of Seuth Iiai.et.i t e P'ace en Vednesrlti In t'l rr"l: terian riiuub, Xerrluuwu The euue wi gin In iiiiuiaj: u n lather Tlie u-lurs worn Mr Paul Patten, brmbei of ibr Inlde at 1 Mr I'l.iretee Prr wn llie 111 idr croein IIKHIK.! Mr and .Mr Urew n wll iieiilif ne li nti'enrrni. ni sitj.r ni, 1 in: men us 1 ( 11 Coats Suits Di esses Lingerie Itlnc, of neunced. Clearance Reductiei Entire Stock Without Reserve At Emphatic Price Reductions Coats Coats Formerly te iluOO Of Nernuuidiu ("leth. Coats Fermer lg te 'I'). Oil Oi Meiisi pi ,.1 il Ueli a. trimmed Coats Formerly te 7e.00 Belivia; lellars of Kutn'n and ( ml ... . Coats Formerly te J10M Belivia. I'anielniiie, Ormemiti Mnivellm Cellins of Wolf, 1 . Mule, S(tiirii 1 aim lb aim Ceals Formerly te l.iOJH) (itrena, Manella .it d Miiteiia, Wolf, CttiU'iil, Squni el a Bearer Our Entire Stock of High-g rade Furs at lA JUVENILE APPAREL Coats of mannish twt'ed w ml sonie fur-trimm d cellars Aes 1 te 10. reimeiU te lO.U.'i Sports and l"ies ,a s, Immili'leths, In ias and mannish tweed; many fur-tun' mt'd with shawl and ihin cellaiV. 19.50 "25.00 Children's Hals All Very Greatly Reduced n aiuiy of smart styles We Specialize in DAILY MATS.. S 11 FVFH AT 8 15 WATSON SISTERS irN M) MIHl III lllf Mllllllf tillli, lr MIC 810I.I..V HWP.mS STEPPE ana O'NEAL l.tl K I.AWI.OII jeiivkV ithitM's ni: Kent trio FIVE KINGS OF SYNCOPATION NEXT WEEK ' THE MIDMIOHT REVELS" ml OtW STAR ACTS. . lhli it S'lft Bhurn ' Pep. Mat. Saturday BEATS NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S MAT. TimilTR AT 8 Rest 30 $1.50 ADELPHI Mat. Today Seati r a .fl FAUUlib , FREDERICK s , (IN PERSON) in A OP'PPlNC OP AMMIC PLV, GUirTY OME LYRIC IIIOHT1? AT 8 1) SKARJ' POP. MAT. TOMORROW BLOSSOM MtCTAOMA TWKCUNAT aMMMSSAOtfl MMB2 I WfTH OSjOIMAI I Y CAST m pcneiirTint HrOtlE- HCIII IlKltVS OWN Mt.HIC BIOUY St'HI HBUI i S RliMN(l WEDDING lvu tWIIIMIMI'Ms AA llllin sli Nnl t-n-rixnl it iCi.ihi nrr inn i- . in U k r u J3 ', L i ,. rn , i 1 ir i r ,n,. VltnMil l.ncrmliic 'liun. MM Walnut sty Oil Paintings Old and Modern Mailers Dtceratwc and Flower Palnlinm RICHARD'S GALLERIES 20 Seuth 18th Street , NEURITIS, LUMBAGO, 1 STIFF MUSCLES, ETC. S'lircMfull treat's! with ,, rtrle LaUnit ftuil misllinl unviici' br crndMntr, of I'lillinl. U.lilii l'i,lrlliiii p W AnAMc Phene Spruce 12-tO r.n.ftUAIBS ri..A ni.nr... ir.n-, arch t - S, T Pearls Re-strung PrlrM Inn-pfit n fni ir I'xptrt wnrk Ml kind nf nckla p r ntr j p Knotting n T In It 'J U k T Werk k iiran tril ( liHpst fnrnlnh! Ideal Pearl Cn... '".". "!'''."r --'1,1 .11 l lieinill -.trr.t ya'igjnuw immmummsf Pre-Inventory SALE Corsets and Brassieres er ireatl reduced prier In stock taking. wn u ii i, - m iiii i.-.if 7;.' ter we, i 1 t r 11: 7 n r Chestnut Cerner Twelfth T SHUBER1 waAaxtmClnttt i S33 Chestnut St. Jgj Dres 19-50 25.00 38-00 Driest, Formerly te :',') 'u t 11 1)1 l Ml .s 1 i.t li "1 .11, il or in x. 1 ly I Uii'; I Dresscs- nil I Mill .'jrissa- 1 . :' -Formerly le sl,le- 1 01 ei ei v 1 it ie'ia 65-00 DresseFeimerly te T.'.llt) iimitul iiunitit of w.in.li 1 ml I ' HI.' I III ss( 1 1 muni ii ml 95.00 -THK OUK.IN M .sKI I.IM, 'I(Iv ceatmu'- 12-95 Si'ls t ' 1 1 , 'lar ami lia' riinipi'i te i" Pin t Dress, , nens, i-i'oneli 11 U1K stvles fnr dus". Ai;cs 11 I 111 l eats brown I'onev and nun 1.1 , Apparel That Slenderizes the BEMODEUD OEJUVENATEO Hi r . MmtWm LJLTU MORNINCr- ORCHESTRA ArTERNOON EVENINGr POPULAR PRICES Thit Week Settiens Daily r.VFNtNOS 8 30 TO 11 " 10 TO la AND 2 30 TO 6 6 CHILDREN UNDER 14 S FORREST SiY ts MAT TOMORROW DFST SEATS. Wll.rimEKMSPAlAG ECYAlORCnESTIW MM lOliiaiO'A efVVtl BEAUTIES GARRKK Urjrular Ma n S i vir m" Mat. Today. Best Seats $2 TOTHE LADIES By Autheri of "Mprtnn of the M07 n WITH HELEN HAYES BROAD MATIV" "SATi'Piiy i.IGHTS AT 3 !- ROCKT B MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER SHAKESPEARtAN-CLAS'SIC PIAY TONIGHTOTHELLO Frl Macbeth Kit Mn' Roii"e am! J'd.e' Sat Nluht. J'Jliti Caesar Mnt NIshti 2 15 7 & 9 Ttwt 5' n et Crlen Marltet w VAurjEvti.i.r ; nr.sT .id ts Wlllum Rimeli Tiie Cn -!" BROAD ST. THEATRE Holiday Event I hi hiidi - V n tm 1 1-111 - r.r ti Plflvn ter Children b Children THIS AFTERNOON AT 2.15 he Prvrl Jii tulp ExtrivfjnrjZ8 CempT, l i Ml Ml if j;i M r I 1 IMM T I'l , SNOW WHITE aj;d T?J5,IVE-V TOMORROW AFT. AT 2.15 THE SrrfTACULAR J AIRY PLAY "SLEEPING BEAUTY" ctTC Tne Uenc f Di . Del . Th Pf, , 'inl r ii H T . --- ,t T in i 0 I r n T V ' '(; 1 j0 - T -e ML1ROPCLITAN 1 NOW MAT. UAILY FOR LADlEb ONLY 2', !c 5C V0 CHILDPl ADMiJiM rVERv 0.V 'TTEITH'S THEATRE AUNT JEMIMA ntA::u vaj; itevr.?; re:i smith Miuri" Din-t 4 Ce. TenM Jjri In vi. iJvtten A Ce t'c and MISS LEITZCL Tl A A nl Tm! , l,.T Y,.irs Tj JO .. . p r s l" 11 1 I'll I s' l", 1 1 . emit I, Ajipu us ses 15-00 1 te i:.u 1 : 1 M. 'ill UtlllSln 49-50 NEW MANAGEMENT liuii 1 R r.tw n (S i ' i I I T , GL.1 ' II . ti i. i re si nn in- 1 ' -1 II r rl I I 1 T ru m r i . . - -Formerly te I Oh Ot) 1 1 11 1 I'i "U( 1 1 t I'm 1,, GQ c:n Jl-'-ou 87-00 I 1 and h t 1 1 it 00 ,St ' 11 1 1. it inn 1 i b 27-50 IiiiI'i ll 1 I 1. 11. . 1 lb ,W,N the t 1 1(1 a luiilth nf 1 harm Mlltl'.V, KM I'd iHlt 16.50 '25.00 Leck siimrii'l Kra. .11 d tiM't mt, mubkiat, nittoen 42.50 ' 125.00 Larger Weman Direction Blunley ('emjannr nf Amflc JSSSBifr NINETrENTK ft MAIIKET ' 11 A. m, te II F. H, JACKIE COOGAN IN riHST NATIONAL ATTRA0TI0K "OLIVER TWIST" DY CHAHLF.3 DICKENS NEXT -NEW YEAn S) WEEK THOMAS MEIOKAN IN "DA0K HOKI AND BROKE" Extra Midnight Performance NEW YEAR'S EVE ?$ 1CT1I AND MAIUCET II 30. 1 .10 3 30 & 30 7 30. 9:30 WHEN Pre'liif Pletur M(5H B liiiw WAS &j BnWER NEW YEAR'S EVE ?';.;; & AT THE ALDINE 111 Prlcn SOf Tne jTMrKC'Us, ecautiftil "ti nif 1 1 pic c il a' 'i' i ii' I 1! Ne nrlt .'1 " llll li l nl i '1 lillO of .m .11 1 1 1 1111 pi s of tin M(i d'ii iiifr its onjiHtft' enjiHtft' mi'i ' it tin- We' Thcn 11 r u 'l prices! RIFLING tr BY THC MAN WHO MADE "THE TOUR HORSEitlEN" AND "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" BEXN8BAM,S TKtUrVJPH ' l'arl ,ci,lli M 11 srcHt 3arbr.ra Le fvlarr Ranion Navarre Lewis 5. Slone Edw. Connelly and Many Ofnei Noted PJnyers "0 ADV1VCT I" TP.ICE3 Mev Yea'-'s Eve. -r,;8.I(J'T 1? n OPEN 0:45 l&aFgti&W : ", TO P M. xy DKOAD 1 CHESTNUT CONSTANCE TALMAGE 1: ri-;raizATie:. or piay "EAST IS WEST" .,;. Buster Kentcn ' iVXT WLFK 1 "' Turr of ''The Dangerous 4ge 'c Vcar' rc M dnigM Pe'f"rnar.ce PALACE 12TH ft KAKi:rT 10 A M tell 15 P M GLORIA SVANS0N The I-nuef;')lc Mrs. Bellew" v.- v 1:IRTY DAYS' cv Yei Lr M ''-ir;ht Prrft mance ARCADIA :Ytfs?e TNUT Katherinr- MacDonald r.ELATieM" ;, v ' . K 1 THIP.TY DAYS" lr. l"is Ec Midi'glit Perfcmanct lIfTIDIA rv f' MARKET Vltl's.'lUA ', A M 11 l.T M LOW CHANEY nArZ' - :T Tl'l- FCRPTS 01 PARIS ' Ii.k Years Fit M duignt Performance CAPITOL STH Z. MARKET 10 A M TO 11 15 P. M .fOr.OLPH VALENTINO jfflSii'i I : r T 1 !- Rl'A TALMADGF 'I ' O'i) "A1 l M Juijnt I'crfcrmance r-ir .-TT :T: ULU-O r r 0 11 Ti-inr ' il While Familv le See Oil' -1 ';sl' Vntid. ville Bill j.lll"'"i Nll'V ON s.M,E RRCIViVAY H.IOA') ' sNYDEr. . I', t 0 T P M til1 11 MiO A', . "'trn ! 'IDrAl." VA!' .;U17.A7 "p;iw "LlfceU 'y AM1-Illr'n Dcveli-iy Dalten, Jack Helt e I 111 UK. II s w STOLSK SWEET?" i-lL.l"0. U LIU) AY PAULINE LORD ANf.!A CHRISTIE ' ' '' pA' '1AVU0N M , ii ,,,, 0B HE MONSTER T LlJ s. I A IP V'. ii ur V.!' M Mi T f. " l'Uk " I D'JMON I'S ' & -'.. j.jj EM!ult WELCH Minstrels i'.mim ' 1 1 , mis wrnt toys rnr ihf (""nnuj " DESIGNS " I - 1 hura u.. m, rT'; ,' ' THAT GIRL PATSY smmm r$ mmi WOMEN PHILADELPHIA s.at '" "W ORCHESTRA ,-,; $$S CASINO B " niw' Chuckles of 1923 TROCADERO ",', V.-JBift'.ri1." V I '3