u trflVSMW - - , r j i ,- , ' , t Jfll EVENING PUBLIC "LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1922 !4J 1 STOIli; OPKNM DAII.V AT 0 A. M.-CI.OSKS 5i30 P. M. -All These Goods en Sale Tomerrow: Alse See Page 8" :Iell nnd Pliene Orders Filled Ilell, Walnut 6300 Keystone, Main 4101 T hese Lew Pre-Inventory Prices en Bed Muslins Are Most Unusual! ReadyMadeSheetsi 29 Regular $1.75 quality. "" Made of medium-weight bleached seamless sheeting strong and durable exceptionally fine quality. Sizes 81x90. Pre-Inventory ' Clearances Even Include Timely Items Like Warm Bed Coverings! MtiiorteiNM HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE ieiitOHFni. $5 Plaid Blankets: par Heavy quality china cotton in pink, blue, tan and gray ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Mark Eighth Filbfi Seventh Tomorrow broken plaids. Deuble-bed size. j l ! -tl ltllllM tf (l(aBtaiM., iiiiiii M...HI,1 .., At mmm'm $13 Lambswoel )$ft.QEj Blankets, pair. . White wool with cotton mix ture: nink or blue berders: silk $8 Satin-Finish $g AQ I J 50c Pillow Cases, ca., 35c Ont'idn hli'uchccl muslin1; heavy $1.35 Bolsters, 98c PreInventery Savings en Everything Yeu Need Made of n well-known hrnmlj White with heavy raised Mar of blcachrtl muslin. Hem stitched. Size 42x72. seilles patterns cut corners and scalloped edge. 80x90 I weight; -15x36 inches, f V MiiMnSHnsHIMnMUaHML mohair binding. 76x81 inches. J inches. 29c Domestics, yard, 19c Every department makes ready te count its stock by first reducing! The magic of these lowered prices is tile method you can save surprisingly new en WHATEVER you need. Alse See Our Other Page! nitiMi- ll M Mm ii) ! m,i IIMMMHI Mushn and Nainsoek 30-inch ShecliiiK 10-Inch; extra line tcrnde bleached; fine, sheer quality. U.su- unblcachejl; useful lengths. Splcn fdl lengths. did for aprons, scarf?, sham.", etc. first Kleer, N'ertli $13 Bed Sets, $9.98 Satin finish. Pretty Marseilles patterns with cut corners and scal loped edge. Size 81x90. Bolster threw te match. I.lt ltmtlier rntST FLOOR NOHTH fWl 'pswpjw jum i mm i i BBBT..K'V ' " $Q.79 One of the biggest Linoleum and Rug Sales we have ever held! Genuine Inlaid Lineleums Werth $1.75 a Sq. Yd. te Ge en Sale Tomorrow Only! 2000 yards. Twe yards wide. A famous trade mark brand ; full rolls; wonderful choice of patterns. Please bring sizes. Ne mail or phone orders filled. 98 c HANDSOME THROW RUGS A combined group of GOO with colors, patterns and prices te suit every possible requirement $13.75 Weel Smyrna Rugs $8.75 , .10 x 2 inches $12.00 Weel Chenille Rugs. . . .$8.75 30 x 72 inches $5.00 Japanese Jute Rugs $2.98 HO x 72 inches $10.00 Weel Smyrna Rugs. . . .$4.98 30 x GO inches $7.50 Imported Bath Rugs $3.98 20 x -10 inches $3.50 Reversible Weel Rugs, $1.75 311 X fil) llU'llCB $3.00 Reversible Weel Rugs, $1.50 27 x ill liifhun $3.00 Rich 1$10C Rag Rugs.... l,,D ISO x C(p laches $2.00 Weel Rag Rugs . 27 X 34 Inrhi'H FeniTII FLOOR 98c ev.av seamiest 9x12 feet Velvet Rugs $25 Limited letl et these all - wool face velvet riiRa In nn excellent variety of patterns. Ilnve BllRlit defects) but nothing te affect their wear. Nene sold te dealers net mere than two te a customer. Victer "Black Beauty" Tires Absolutely first grade and guaranteed accordingly only the markings are far less te clear stocks for inventory! Victer Cord Tires ilff ffftps i Special for Ferd Owners Victer Springfield iuru aires, Size 30x31. I $9.98 oeon mil of I iruarantced. f Victer Fabric Tires Guaranteed 6,000 MileM I.fet Price $12.35 $14.75 $22.05 $25.45 $26.80 $27.36 Hire 30x3 30x31.! 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 Sale Price $8.35 $9.29 $14.29 $16.29 $17.49 $17.98 Guaranted Mat Prjce $21.25 $26.85 $30.95 $34.10 $35.15 $36.05 $41.90 $42.85 $43.90 $45.20 $46.15 $53.75 $54.75 $57.60 10,000 Miles SUe 30x312 32x312 31x4 32x4 33x4 84x4 32x41. 33x41. 34x41, 35x41, 36x41. 33x5 35x5 37x5 Male Price $11.98 $15.98 $19.10 $20.69 $21.75 $22.19 $25.49 $26.10 $26.69 $27.19 $28.19 $32.75 $33.29 $35.10 Lit llretlirm Second frloer Unequalled Upholstery Values arc a Notable Feature of the Pre-Inventory Sale! f1 " 50c te 75c Fancy Scarfs $3 Ruffled Grenadine Curtains, ( $0.48 curmlns with pair . . . Beautiful soft pretty dot"). fluffy I $1.98 " $2.75 Filet Scotch Lace curtains, pai: Splendid designs in neat patterns 75c Odd Window OQc Shades, each ) OU Mmlted let; many u anted colors. Slight Imperfection. Twenty - four hundred in widest assort ment of pat terns, With ) 33 white or colored embroidery. NO MAIt. OK l'llONi; OHDKItS 1'IMXIl 1 "53te3.50 I r . I uia.)Kziy vciulus :en vard3 le,inti. fill .ha'JH of blue, re. cold, brew n and inulberr. ') In. wide. ' Ne mail or phone orders filled. J I.lt Ilrnlher- THIIID I l.OOll '.$ 1 .89 Yard Twe fine lets of house hold linens that wilt hurry out before stock taking! $1 Mercerized Table Damask yard, 59c Fine heavy quality, ii. beautiful floral an I stripe elusions. Full tsw yards wide. 50c Aii Linen Crash yard, 29C Pure Irih linen in BarnMey weave: ab sorbent and lintless. V r t I- lu,ir. North Pre4 inventory Lessens the Cost of Steves and Ranges i.98 J2jrgsj Gas ) $( Radiator( Four-tube jew el front; alum inum finish; will h e at a jfc -VTr1 UkA jter-Q large room. $5 Gas " " $Q.75 Reflecting Steve ( O Has square cop- per reflecting sur- face; "Was wen- deiful heat r.tdi'i- tien and will i... vtmm i.i' ,i- juuiii. Li is - lit llmtlirrs TIIIRO Kl.OCiri $45 Victory Gas Rangel Down te $32.98 r- ,'i"-L--i - 'WhSShmS 0yWr,. ! ii'u.'Tii nil .0) sold en !;'f:,", -;'": v"hL -.. i n. uliitc silali hark. Club Plan SI elrn Five-burner ranfre with Ili-inch risht or left-hiinil'even; I'nmie en tirely of east Lien, blued steel body, heavily enameled pans and deer panels. We connect free within city limits and in Camden where fuel line extends te kitchen. Perfection Oil Steve ( Sg.75 Smokeless and odorless. :IPPlh iB,r-i '-AX fall "Corce" Oil Heater 13.49 Jl 'il -iliirSM Oil c e n t a i ner made of galvan ized steel, capa city 1J4 gallons, fitted with 3 Ne. 3 brass Duplex burners. $1.50 Half Silk Peplin 1QQC An unusual J J J pre-inventory item. Handsome, lustrous silk-and-cotton weave in old rose, tan, prune, lavender, brown, green, light blue, mais, navy and black. 3G inch. .- 65c Silk-Stripe Madras Shirting, 37c Fibre silk stripes of white mingled with colored stripes of blue, mais and green en plain or crepe madras ground. 32 inch. 50c Printed Corded . Voiles, 25c Dark grounds of navy or Cadet blue; woven with self eolered cords forming checks and printed in little white floral buds. 3G inch. I.lt nrethrm Klrst Fleer. Xerth wtfflisran' MB Tomorrow! The I'rlce It for the One Iay $16 Fleer Lamp & Shade Complete f,B V $11.Z5' 11 Hand polished mahogany fin ished stan d, wired for elec tricity or with fixtures for gas. Complete with !.'; - inch sill: shade sill: lined; trimmed with silk fringe and geld tas sels. Beautiful colors. Ml Ilrnthem (J!l,Si 'imrnmmmmm 'iii'-'i.l'KWlpiliiiiii ijl -Third Fleer Beds & Beddings Underpriced Every item here at an unusual saving--they're real pre-inventory specials! - This 20 !$ Enamel Bed! Ivery finish. 2 - inch con tinuous pests. 10 fillers in head and feet ; p a n e 1 effect. A 1 1 regular sizes. 7.95 Rrrnl M 1 l II II HHiH-H Brass Bedf JLrEw Twe-inch c e n t i nueus pests, eight heavy fillers in head and feet with heavy cross bar. Ribbon finish. $12 All-Felt Mattress, $7.55 Fine quality cotton with pretty floral ticking; ."0 lbs.; roll edge. $20 Mattresses, $11.55 Fine qualit. felt throughout; high-grade floral tick ing; imperial edge. $8 Simmons Spring, $3.95 Link fabric construction heaw tubular frame. $15 All-Felt Mattress, $9.55 Excellent quality felt with floral ticking and built-up roll edgr. I.lt Tlrntlirr )' P.TIt KI Ofti: THURSDAY SinSi : SDecia TKxndgvi B9 te S&fe The YELLOW TRADING STAMPS that we give are an inducement for shopping at this store these stamps are as geed as money they secure up-te-date personal and household merchandise FREE OF CHARGE. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE 3 SI. 50 Spert Hats rlni nualitv liriiFlicil wool. Hnnd rene . brown and ('open-' nacen I'epnlar roll brim st.Me. ( .....! 98c & Yi'l 1 1 1 1 rr- ill n 'If , i ., T L f sr. - i it HnV 'ni - rial S lv ' ' ft mfemw? xu .Mv.-fl ' rtr:-A - ?ri$ZK r iVj- ty 4 lCl' L,8 V J -V V t-im. iM VA t j rr.!.$1 89c MJ Fleece lined duplex; also mitts with fur tops. M 11-11 IT 3f Men's $3 Shirts, $1.98 Silk stripe madras. Men's $2 Union Suits, $1.49 nnndnm nilxeil Men's $2 Pajamas, $1.49 Plalrt rolern 50c Ties, 35c Silk knitted. New patterns. Beys' $6.50 Suits, $4.49 C e v d u rey Norfelks. Sizes a te ie. Beys' $7.50 Overcoats, $5.50 Fancy cheviot and CHBblmereH. Hier s tn 17 Beys' $6 Reefers. . Fancy choviets and cHssimeres. fVi te 7 years. Beys' $1.50 Knee Pants S1sfl w w m m m ill!'' ' ff' Jll Hfrp! m : I'll ill I ft El fx W A I ' 5& $3.98 $1 Chnvletn and easslmeres, te it. y rrr7T'vj i Ri !' ' I! J v i ! Vil i i r ill i i a ri . t i '. t . ( JNfc jM rPtt?:w;& U. S. Army Goods Underpriced! 0. D. Weel BlailketS, Special, Each $e.88 &t T3xtra havv! lenr n.nd wft.rm ivlirhf .1 in i m.i.ii u BH Bxtta heavy; lengr and warm welehf. 3 te i pounds each Headquarters Comfertables, Special at $2.48 Kxtra heavy O D. or flowered corer inns; white felt lining. 1") $1 Chemises, 79c Built-up sheuldrrs. prettljj" trimmed. Sketched. Kxtrn nlze. 80c Chemises, 49c Flexli ,ind white; lace and embroidery trlmmed. 80c te 90c Bolero Jackets Dlnnket oleth; pretty colern; contrastingly hound Sizes 38 te 41 49c I . . 0?5k. nT Men's $7 Army Shoes, '3.98 Tan bluchern; Munnen army last. double aele Men's $5 and $6 $0.95 Shoes L Tan and nun-metal; weltcd Heles. Women's $4 te $6 Footwear, $1.95 Potent celt.ikln. Vkldskln and tan strap pump a. oxfords and shoes; mili tary and rub ber heels All sizes in let but net In every ittyle. $2.19 tan oak Misses' $4 Shoes. . . . Alse children's hifrh-eiU lace shoes; bread tees; soles. Sites 8V.1 te 2 Beys' $4 Shoes. . . Tan lace shoes; English and bread tees also boys' army Vs. $2.95 Extraordinary Purchase of Government Underwear I Ten Thousand m Grav Woolen )? Shirts & Drawers )fC Supplied te the Government by the underwear mills In the country. They are extra heavy warm and serviceable, sties cut amply full and extremely wide. Never out of their original bales. U. S. Nary Butchers' Steel, 68c $2.50 Dietz Vesta ) Lanterns ) Fer farm, horns or auto trucK. k 1 J&y 5V2x6V2 Ft. Heavy Rubber Waterproof Blankets Brass Gemmets, Bed Size, $2.88 $5 Aute Strep Safety Razors. . PI 98 $1.35 Washington Soluble Coffee, 4- and 6-oz. Tina, Bill IHDHfll1 Pi 48 1 ''Jv VBafc n 'fit m nBt ' II H JiJdmilLdf 98c Five thousand, out net mere than two te a customer. Complete with trop, stropping de vice, metal mirror and two blades. Neatly packed In khaki case, stamped "Property of U. S. Jk." Mall and nhenn erners nnea wnue let lasts. .... The coffee supplied t Cantonments en battle ships and te head quarters mesa. in .iiiiiiiiiiit...iii.ltt,,,( Sale of $3 & $3.50 Hand Sawsk-l no .aaaaaaaaa. Four famous ? I t70 i 1 1 'in "Psfc. makes, shipped I aJL litm.V' JfTTBKsWi te us from the; SirnenaV Ne. 13 Skew Back Hand Saws ........ .i bluchers. Sizes 1 te 5 LIT nnOTIIKBS Je JQaVWii.PnU WKssT U. S. Marine O. D. Service Sweaters, $3.66 nirh neck. Clew nttlnc wind-proof wrists. All sixes. Officers' 0. D. Flannel Shirts, $2.69 Cut amply full; double peclretN nd elbow. Lined ttreaet. "$ ln0rt NBT.ar? Su,Tlue Property Jf" Pats. AJ1 fully cnaranteed. Hand Saws. HUe 26-Inch. Atkins Silver Steel Hand Saws Efcch saw bears the Atkins sig nature. Full 26-lneh. 50c Cans Grape Fruit Jam or Marma- "1 Oc lade IO Pits Hundred 34-tunn Cmns Packed by the West Coast Preserving1 Com pany of Flerida, Mall and phone orders filled. . ........... . $100 Raccoon Coats, $56 Pieced skins; 30 inches long Serving Trays, 28c 2000. Japanned blocked tin. inch. IB. Ill Jt W ' (, TOw 7 SM " w JA mHmt-v!-Kt'l'' mmt ..'....ii $1 White Enameled Caddies, 28c 3000 Used for sucar, tea, nptees, 1 141 rVRellVlll B ' f "(ft J t W r tmwfttA ttT' II "KFl .... U. S .......... Army Weel Orerceatt, $3.38 mart Style Bhewm Olive drab, mad ' from strictly all neel materials. Med lum short and leng lengths AH sites. ,e mall ar phone orders Oiled. v 0mt $5 Gat Mask Raincoats, $2.65 Heavy rubber-lined: guaranteed water proof; cut radian style with belt All G? "1 l fl Ak3 il U v il i i WlilH'1! : il : yug, ;:i 1 ' - fr J sT-a ec $2 te $4 Corsets, $1 te $2 . .!. I.lt Brether Pplrlte nnd P N Spectsl C B als ce'itll and broche Tots' $1.25 Frecks, 79c Checked gingham; cent rast ingly trim med. 2 te 6 years. Infants' 85c Dresses, 59c Girls' $1.50 Frecks Chambray; novelty cellar, ruffs and sashcR. Size 7 te 14. Girls' $2.80 Bleemer Dresses, $1.25 Qtncham, white pique cellar and cuffs Slsei ( te Girls' $1.50 Bleemers, 59c Blaek sateen. Hires ft te 14 Girls' $3.50 Raincapes, $1.98 Blue rubber ired rainproof sateen: silk lin ed heed. Sizes 4 te 14. Girls' $2 Middies Lonsdale Jean; all white or navy braid trimmed cellar and cuffs. Sizes 8 te 11. Children's 75c Underwear, 49c & 59c Heavy, fleece lined vests ami pants. 98c Union 1 Hilt HV sleeveless; taller- 50c te $1.50 Bandeaux, 29c te 75c Alse hrasslere var'etv e.f styles Plres 34 te Beys' $1.25 Union Suits, Fleece lined, natural color Women's $1 Suits . . . . Lew neck and ed top Women's $1.50 Stockings, 59c Weel; heather mixtures and plain. Imper fect. Women's 40c Stockings, 25c S a m 1 en. black. whlt. iHrv and I brown JsffHsW twills,-' UjVrl'JsBHrVV') ' fsr L sW I i I: 3i tig i - 'I W yT&k t 1 B V lti ml $1 Children's Stockings, 25c, 30 & 35c Black, white ard cordovan cot-. T?J CTCVJ; Av Chl"e: PtC-i turinu: embteidery, brnidiny, bright pipings nnd fancy t ornaments. ten. Women's $1 Stockings, 39c Silk; black and colors. Imperfect ... Men's $4 Trousers Cheviots and cas.i- 1 meres. $15 Suits & Overcoats $9-98 Fer nirn C h p viets nnd casFi-merer.. sVUIl our HI, K.eUDrant H,.t of KT.ryll.ln at I.nw.et rrl...-P.T.niti flour of Our A rJulidlug, lib aud M.rk.t Sts. dsa t ' BsaH saEsaW vm I WssWssK ' ' TMslwMTsfM ' BBM BVM Women's and Misses' $6 te $15 Dresses, $3 te s7.se Pelret twill, trieetine. veleur, 39c Ginghams , 82-inch. Dainty colored cheeks. $2.25 Bed Spreads. . . Whltn crechtit; Marseilles patterns. 75c Bath Towels White Turkish. 35c Warm Flannels . . . V h It . I'anien 59c Ticking, yard Krmnant'. ,TJ tnues. $1.69 49c .. 25 29c inch Stapln ii 4.1 t miimiiats. K' i'm MimffMimmmm MM