!5-rtT ri vTJilKfWTT t fr V mi i ' .j 1 . ! mi If: il 6 MS M'COIICK BACK FROM ABROAD EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIEADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1922 Europe "Depressing" Returns Frem Rest Refreshed; Refuses te Talk "Shep" en Vacation FOUND EUROPE DEPRESSING Washington. re. '-'T - It i " Try much refreshed Mr. Merilll Me Me Cermlck ulin returned from Kurepc jut In time te in ('hntma. n.ir lth her three chililrcn In Vnhinctn JulpinR from tin' iiuMatlpnble nrtiv Mw of Mrs. McCermlik. wife f the flenater from Illinois nml member of the Iteiitiblie.nn National Iecutiv Committee, net te mention Iter driving power (is recent founder of the Chicago Bepubllenn Wemen1 ("luM. the 1M line T.Eneni correspondent t'M'oeled te find her brimming .r th impres sions of women' -uffntji' anil political nctlvlues in Kurepe. It "ii a Mirprle. therefore, te have her .n she bad p'iu te Europe te get nwa from polities and that her miad wn a perfect bUtiK en the whole subject. "We were gene enh ix week" two weeks in l'.in, four daj in Berlin two in Vienna and ten in Londen," she eTplnlned. "Bur wnen 1 m. t promi nent men and women I warned them beforehand 1 diJn t want te talk nor hear polities. "I'e brought back n dozen orntere letters te prominent women I didn't de liver. Ne. 1 didn't run into Mrs Catt, and it wasn't 1 who mended the French suffrage meeting, but Mrs Stanley MeCermiek. "I didn't de a thing the whole time I was gene I didn't want te d' and, no, I didn't een get am clothe- in I'nris. liecnu-e ordering them and getting fitted would Ime meant work, ind unhew I like 'em better in New Yerk "But, of course," !if added, "ae one even with a determination everj morning te de nothing bur laze around and ret one's nirid can p.is n "imnth In Tnrene without annexing some im pressiens But tlii ie I c in impress in a , nutshell, and that i. condition ew-r tliere are tee ileprf-ine for words." U. S. JUDGES TO CONFER i I Taft Calls First Meeting te Dissuss Dockets in Districts Washington. Dec 27 The tirr n fcrence of the nine -enier Circuit Judges under the recent act of ('etiri--, in tended te expedite Ft deral judi nl busmes, h.i- been culled l Chief Jus tice Taft. te be held in Washington en Thursday , In addition te authorizing appoint ment of twent-feur mei. 1) -trie: Judges and their assignment t i I'l-tncts In which the docket were p.irtii ularl congested, the new law also prevtdl for annual conference of sininr Circuit Judge te di us the need of their ! circuits and the improvement of the ! administration of justice In rVliral Courts. j TI . jjiLJ.inr LVMllifUm r WkWITTTe mmmiJu.mu'UAL - --'- ---.-j.. .. ..-, YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY (RING the m-ne. IB Bl' il'tUiVCU HI U1V f A lerm or cnnstn'as presents or nry spending m e r p y vr x have left ever, here ard it will earn 4 Interest Capital and Surplus $1,600,000.00 Cereals Regular Prices Geld Seal Oats 3pks. 25 Mether's & Quaker Oats 10c Pkg Quaker Puffed Rice 1 5C Pkg. Quaker Puffed Wheat 12CPkg- In all our Stores IHSESl'i Pfck (- BBBBB j" - . eww? .kssssmm. bP? jssssssssssssssm BERNHARD WE MKS. MKIHM, MrCOKMICK .Member of Republican National Kxeetitlve ( emmlltec, who lias re turned te Washington from Kit rope, which slie found "loe do de prcssliij; for words" T DUEJBTIGOE Actress' Friends Are Depressed Over Her Condition, but Pa tient Is Cheerful DOCTORS FORBID CALLERS J Paris. Pec. 27. Madame Sarah nernhnrdt's condition took another turn for the were today. Physicians 'ascribed it te the fatigue following her 'activity jeterda when he nresp from her bed, partook of solid feed nnd re ceived many caller. The nctre' household H ngnin de pressed, although madame herself is just as confident a ever that she will recover. Twe mere doctors were cnlled in thi morning, beside Professors Obissier nnd Mnret. and nfter n long conultntien tliej is-ue.l the following instructions te members of the house heuse house eold: "The undersigned plOMeinni insist upon the nbselutc necessity of letting no one enter the bick room. At Midnight, December Slst THE DAWN OF 1923 will be celebrated in The Hetel Adelphia ?Wf7i an elaborate supper, original favors, superb diroratiens, dancing and marvelous music. Tabks should be reserved immediately. "TV Abbe, Desnes, Obissicr, Maret." "These orders are clear," snld Mndame Normand, governess of the household, nfter roundly scolding the butler for permitting the correspond ent te enter the house, "but madame insists upon seeing whomsoever she pleases." The elderly nurse who is attending ihp actress said: "Madame. Is n very headstrong patient." The physicians have ordered that the doorbell be disconnected, and that the telephone receiver be left off the hook. All calls must originate within the house, as the constantly ringing bell might nnney the patient. The doctors de net conceal their admiration for Madame Uernhardt's courage, declaring that she Is "the most wonderful woman." INVALID SAVES BURNING GIRL Bedridden Mether Wrapt Blanket Around Daughter In Fire Newark, N. J Dec. 27. Her cloth ing nfire, the twelve-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. Harnct Wclner, of Newark, rushed into the room of her mother, a bed -ridden invalid, yesterday. The al most helpless woman managed te wrap a blanket about the child, Neighbors, I Hospital, where she la in a acrleus con attracted by the child's screams, ex- dltlen. "Save my mother," the child tingulshed the blnce. moaned as neighbors gave her first The girl was taken te St. James' aid. ? Saddler's Belt Alte with 8nmp ewnnVui." &&ns A GENTLEMAN'S BELT " ThC Saddlers Belt Fashioned from a solid piece et s best quality English bridle i - leather. Better leather cannot W pS be had. Ne stitching. Gives no n T fan nerend of ucar. Keeps its shape. 1 4m """- 17U CHESTNUT, PH1LA., PA. Martin Maktin Inc. SADDLERS (Rt 1113ft CheMnut Hi. nttrr Jiniiry 1, 1023) Btrwhrld Ben SOLD BY H WBnatnaker, Wm, Henldna Ce , ter a. llpflcer. Gee. Marhall. a. n. NDnUKnff A rtrn. Ak for "THE SADDLER'S BELT" A Saddle (trtde mark) atarapcil en avary ena. ALSO s ft Clothier. vm nci ck x.w.vne.i . 1 A Wonderful Bar Pin Fifteen large, perfectly matched diamonds, weigh ing 6.52 cts., and 40 small diamonds, weighing 1.16 cts., artistically set in platinum. $4300 S. Kind & Sens we chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELEHS SILVERSMITHS ii ' - ' ii I " S3 gl'TWffmh. Stewart "Utility Wagen" (500 te 2500 lbs. cap.) A Speed Truck built te "take it" B'nlt entirely of truck parts. Ne patMcnger car parti There you'll find the big difference. It means speed truck that can stand Uf, i ...c i.a.a Knocks and long, steady going of fast delivery service. Electric starter, elec tric lights, powerful modern mo me eor. AJemite lubrication, bumper. 34x4" cord nres. Chassis Prices "Utility Wagen" . . $1245 l'i te 1'S ten U45 l'i te 2 . . . 1790 2'j te 3 . . . 2390 32 te 4 . . . 3190 . e. b. Buffalo Gemeiy Schwartz Moter Car Ce. Sales Roem, 128-110 North Bread Service Station, 2100-11 Market St. Steiaert; Closing Out at Cost Spert and Tailored Suits They wer $39.50 te $195.00 $20, $25 te $95 First Fleer (Qlae6et Silk and Weel Sweaters Slip-en ft Tuxedo Medels; all colors; all sixes They .were $2.95 te $32,50 $1.95, $3.45 te $16.50 First Fleer MOTOR TRUCKS QJjeuUe Mil qieut of i iiiaerxm When you once dial a call en the Keystone you'll realize the immense advantages of the Automatic System, Te the busy man it means a very real saving in time and money, as well as complete freedom from errors and an noyances that are necessarily part of the old-time method. Ask any man you see using one. Main Office, 135 S. 2nd Strict it QOL MrBlaie Race 06 fivmantt Pay1 Station. Without Charge mm mmrBT' AUTOMATIC TSSL dLz?f mm "" l!l"'" ''"'"i1'''' Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiinmiiinii Our Mid-Winter Clearance Embracing Our Entire Stocks : A Representative Collection of Authoritative and Distinctive "Stecker" Medes in Coats, Wraps and Dresses Drastic Reductions That Bring Prices Clese Te Cost and Even Less Than Cost Afternoon Dresses Dresses That Were Up te $65 tqrr.se Reduced te t Dresses That Were Up te $75 $AK Reduced te Dresses That Were Up te $95 $ZZ Reduced te Dresses That Were Up te $125 fftZ Reduced te "O Dresses That Were Up te $155 $QfT Reduced te & Medel Dresses One of a kind, including our original imports, have all been similarly reduced. Second Fleer mi FntY null VA Ilk l' J lV. Ok ml IT Kflv fli 1 IRS IPra .1 isiiii 111 II ill 01 Jill eXmk Evening Dresses Dance Frecks, Were Up te $65 tqtj.se Reduced te & Evening Dresses, Were Up te $75 AK ' Reduced te Evening Dresses, Were Up te $95 $?? Reduced te Evening Robes, Were Up te $125 $K Reduced te OeJ Dinner Dresses, Were Up te $165 $qk Reduced te tO A Limited Number of Individual Medel Gowns Are Included at Simitarly Reduced Prices Second Fleer On Our Third Fleer Fashionable Street Dresses These dresses include practically every style, color and fabric of the season. They are smart, serviceable, and at their original prices represented the utmost in value. The cheesing is complete and varied, including all sizes from 16 te 42. They were $25, $45 ie $65 15, New Reduced te '18, 25, 29dSand '35 The Remainder of This Season's Spert Skirts f Te Be Closed Out They were $7.50 te $24.50, Reduced te $3.75 $7.50 te $14.50 First Fleer Plain Tailored and Fur-Trimmed Spert and Tep Coats i v! ft l) iifH Spert Coats, Urrtrimmed TFere up te $Z0.50, new Spert Coats, yj, tmmed Were up te US, new Spert Costs Untrimreed Wsre up te $59.60, new Spert Coats, ' VMS" Tep Cesh Wen up te fes, new TruSmCeat and Capes Wen up te $78, new Tep Coats. tHKS&JZ&x Wert tip te $15, new 25 35 45 f55 Tep Coats plain and fur trlmm.4 Were vp te tllO, rnie Tep Coats & Wrapt Fur Trlmm.4 Were up te $lss, new Coats, Wraps & Capes Tut Trltnmtd Were vp te fits, nev Coats and Wraps Fur Cellara and Cuff. Were up te $176, new Coats and Wraps Fur Callara and Cuff lvere up te $193, new Coats, Wraps & Capss Handaamaly trimm.d with fin.it . 'ur, Here up te $tSS, new Individual Medels One of a Kind me WM '125 fp 139d sUJ y That Were $245 te $395, are new '155 te '225 All Purchases Billed February 1st First Fleer ilniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHliiiHi' 1220-22-24 Walnut Street ii!llilli.J'iiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiainniir m 1 ri &A